Documents tagged
Art & Photos LensCulture Earth Awards 2015 - Selected Entries (3)

PowerPoint 簡報 LensCulture Earth Awards 2015 — Selected Entries (3) 1 Sitting on a powder keg. © Ivan Tykhy, Ukraine 2 © Ivan Tykhy, Ukraine 3 Lake Ypawu © Ricardo…

Education Water

Fresh Water resources Global Overview While 67% of Earthâs surface is covered by water, only less than 2.7% of global water is freshwater. Most of the freshwater (2.05%)…

Education How is the Greenland ice sheet behaving under global warming and what are the potential impacts of.....

1. How is the Greenland ice sheet behaving under global warming and what are the potential impacts of ice mass loss? Meg Stewart June 5, 2015 2. Outline o Background on the…

Education Earth game

1. Click Here to Begin Game #1 2. 100100 100100 200200 200200 400400 400400 300300 400400 EXTREME EARTH WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE THE RED PLANET ROCKS & MINERALS 300300…

Documents climate change

© Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Altitude Projections of sea level rise Jonathan Gregory Lead author, Chapter 13, Sea level change Causes of global mean sea level rise (GMSLR)…

Documents Introduction to the Atmosphere Weather is always in the news. It is the extreme weather events such....

Slide 1Introduction to the Atmosphere Weather is always in the news. It is the extreme weather events such as storms, floods, droughts, heat waves and cold snaps that rivet…

Documents Using CReSIS airborne RADAR to constrain ice-volume influx across the lateral margins of the...

Slide 1 Using CReSIS airborne RADAR to constrain ice-volume influx across the lateral margins of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Slide 2 Michael Chamberlain University…

Documents Ice Sheets and Climate Change William H. Lipscomb Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Slide 1 Ice Sheets and Climate Change William H. Lipscomb Los Alamos National Laboratory Slide 2 What is an expert? “An expert is somebody who is more than 50 miles from…

Documents Question: These two photos were taken from the same place 63 years apart. How are they alike? How...

Slide 1 Question: These two photos were taken from the same place 63 years apart. How are they alike? How are they different? 1941 2004 Slide 2 Opening : Streambed Demonstration…