Business Analyzing Financial Report:Detecting Accounting Fraud

1. Analyzing Financial Report: Detecting Accounting Fraud Arthik Davianti 2. Analisis laporan keuangan, kinerja, dan kepatuhan atas entitas komersial, nirlaba, dan ETAP dengan…

Documents Katalog 2010-2011-Salemba Empat_01

A K U N TA N S I SALEMBA ADAPTASI PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING (Indonesia Adaptation)—2009 Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan E. Duchac, Ersa Tri Wahyuni, Gatot Soepriyanto,…

Documents Review a Comparative Analysis of the Financial Ratios of Listed Firms Belonging to The

Nama : Garnis Irawanti Nim : (146020206011008) Kelas : AA Tugas : Review Jurnal sebagai tugas manajemen keuangan A Comparative Analysis of the Financial Ratios of Listed…