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ZOOM FESTIVAL 30.08. - 3.09.2011. RIJEKA


Mar 10, 2016



Ana i Marino

Zoom Festival in Rijeka came out of aspiration to create a unique festival in this region, which will meet the needs of local audience for a diverse, quality art programme.
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ZOOM FESTIVAL30.08. - 3.09.2011.RIJEKA

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ZOOM FESTIVAL30.08. - 3.09.2011.RIJEKA

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While We WeRe hOlding iT TOgeTheRivana müller hkd na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

OdijelO...čOvjekaSivagalerija Siz, molekula, delta 5/1




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Udruga za izvedbene umjetnosti Prostor + osnovana je 2002. godine s ciljem edukacije u suvremenom plesu i fizičkom kazalištu u Rijeci. Organizirane radionice i produkcije na specifičnim lokacijama rezultirale su generacijama talentiranih umjetnika. Produkcije su prikazane na raznim festivalima u hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Prostor + djeluje unutar Saveza udruga molekula kao jedna od rijetkih edukativnih platformi suvremenog plesa i fizičkog kazališta u hrvatskoj.

WARP3 meeting OOUr zamišljen je kao theatre team building suradnja korisnika edukacijske platforme, koordinatora i voditelja programa Prostora+ te koautorske inicijative OOUr.

WARP pogon Rijeka večeri, projekt preuzet od ekscene iz Zagreba: “čini pogon za prezentiranje autorskih radova, koji autorima želi pružiti uvjete za kontinuirani rad i afirmiaciju gotovih ili radova u nastajnju, performasa ili video plesnih radova.”

OOUR / Sandra Banić Naumovski, Ana Banić Göttlicher, Selma Banich i adam Semijalac

Koautorska inicijativa OOUR je zagrebačka izvedbena grupa koju je pokrenula grupa prijatelja želeći istraživati vlastite autorske pozicije i opozicijska trenja unutar zadanih izvedbenih koncepata. OOUr-ove produkcije su copyleft.

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PROSTOR+ is an association for performing arts that was established in 2002 with a goal of providing education in contemporary dance and physical theatre in rijeka. Their organization of workshops and site specific productions has seeded a generation of talented performing artists. Prostor + has produced many productions at specific locations in rijeka, and has been presented by various festivals throughout Croatia and abroad. Prostor + is a member of the alliance Savez Udruga molekula, and is one of the rare educational platforms for contemporary dance and physical theater in Croatia.

WARP3 meeting OOUr is conceived of as a team building theatre collaboration for users of the Prostor + educational platform, its coordinators and coaches, and of the co-authorship initiative OOUr.

WARP engine Rijeka evenings are a project taken from the zagreb based platfrom ekscena: “made as an engine for presentation of authors' work, to attain the continious conditions for finished work or work in progress, performances and dance videos.“

OOUR / Sandra Banić Naumovski, Ana Banić Göttlicher, Selma Banich and adam Semijalac

The co-authorship initiative OOUr is a zagreb based collaborative performance group established by a group of friends who were willing to explore their own authorial positions and oppositional friction within the given performative concepts. OOUr's producti-ons are copyleft.

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Siva is a small, merry group of artists (Simon macuh, ivut aivai and Andreja Džakušić). it was founded in 2009 but its name, which is an acronym formed from the initial components in their names, was taken later on. Their works have recuring two elements: clothes and food. The group supports the logic of collective action in which individual differences form a story. This logic dominates their work, a well as physical (objects) and social (people) environment. They mostly communicate through interventions in public spaces and performances.

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Maaike Bleeker je profesorica na Studiju teatra na Sveučilištu u Utrechtu. Od 1991. godine spaja svoj akademski rad s praktičnim dramatur-škim te surađuje s brojnim kazališnim redateljima, koreografima i vizualnim umjetnicima. Od 2006. do 2007. godine bila je rezidencijalna umjetnica na amsterdam School of the arts, a od 2007. do 2008. godine član žirija festivala nizozemskog nacionalnog kazališta “Tf”. Predsjednica je najveće svjetske mreže organizacija na području izvedbenih umjetnosti - PSi, kao i organizatorica konferencije PSi 2001. godine pod nazivom Camillo 2.0: Technology, memory, experience (Utrecht, 25.-29. svibanj 2011.). Objavljivala je u me-đunarodnim časopisima, a također je i uredila nekoliko časopisa uključujući i

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nekoliko članaka o radu Ivane Müller. Uredila je i nekoliko knjiga uključujući i anatomy live: Performance and the Operating Theatre, amsterdam Uni-versity Press 2008. Objavila je vlastitu knjigu visuality in the Theatre u izda-nju Palgrave, 2008. Trenutno priprema knjigu o i u suradnji s Ivanom Müller, radnog naziva Thinking through Theatre.

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Maaike Bleeker is a professor and chair of Theatre Studies at Utrecht University. Since 1991, she has com-bined her academic work with a prac-tice as dramaturge, collaborating with various theatre directors, choreogra-phers and visual artists. in 2006-2007, she was an artist in residence at the amsterdam School for the arts and in 2007-2008 member of the jury of the dutch national Theatre Festival Tf. She is President of Perfor-mance Studies international, the largest worldwide network organiza-tion in the field of performance stud-ies, as well as organizer of the 2011 world conference of Performance Studies international, titled Camillo 2.0: Technology, memory, experience (Utrecht, May 25-29, 2011). She has

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razgovor s ivanom müller

published extensively in international journals and edited volumes, includ-ing several articles on the work of ivana muller. She has edited several books including anatomy live: Performance and the Operating Theatre (amsterdam University Press 2008). Palgrave published her book visuality in the Theatre in 2008. She is currently preparing a book on and with ivana muller, provisionally titled Thinking Through Theatre.

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maaike Bleeker razgovor s ivanom müller

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dOnaTOri/ dOnOrS


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