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Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb uzatvorená § 269 ods.2 zákona 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov u u Zmluvné strany štatutárny orgán: bankové spojenie· len „zmluva") ZM L-3-4/2019-800 Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky 3 824 67 Bratislava 26 Ing. Alexander Ballek, predseda úradu 00166197/2020830218 Štátna pokladnica IBAN: SK468180000000700007244 aj ako .objednávate!"' alebo ,,zmluvná strana") štatutárny orgán. DPH: bankové spojenie: zapísaný v: a Kontax, s.r.o. Nevädzová 5, 821 01 Bratislava Ing. Václav Bárta, MBA 31375715/2020885592 TATRA BANKA, a.s. IBAN: SK63 1100 0000 0026 2802 1631 Okresny súd Bratislava 1 , Oddiel Sro Vlož 7282/B aj ako alebo „zmluvná strana") Preambula Zmluva je výsledkom verejného obstarávania - zákazky s názvom dostupnosti predaja, reprezentatívnosti a cien strojov a zariadení metodiky Eurostatu pre rok 2019 pre paritu kúpnej sily" vyhlásenej zákona 343/2015 Z. 1

Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

Jan 22, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb uzatvorená podľa § 269 ods.2 zákona č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v znení

neskorších predpisov

číslo u objednávateľa: číslo u poskytovateľa:

Zmluvné strany


štatutárny orgán:


bankové spojenie·

(ďalej len „zmluva")

ZM L-3-4/2019-800

Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky Miletičova 3 824 67 Bratislava 26

Ing. Alexander Ballek, predseda úradu


Štátna pokladnica IBAN: SK468180000000700007244

(ďalej aj ako .objednávate!"' alebo ,,zmluvná strana")


štatutárny orgán.


bankové spojenie:

zapísaný v:


Kontax, s.r.o. Nevädzová 5, 821 01 Bratislava

Ing. Václav Bárta, MBA


TATRA BANKA, a.s. IBAN: SK63 1100 0000 0026 2802 1631

Okresny súd Bratislava 1, Oddiel Sro Vlož Č. 7282/B

(ďaleJ aj ako „poskytovateľ" alebo „zmluvná strana")


Zmluva je výsledkom verejného obstarávania - zákazky s názvom „Zisťovanie dostupnosti predaja, reprezentatívnosti a cien investičných strojov a zariadení podľa metodiky Eurostatu pre rok 2019 pre paritu kúpnej sily" vyhlásenej objednávateľom podľa zákona č. 343/2015 Z.


Page 2: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

z. o verejnom obstarávaní a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov a uzatvára sa s poskytovateľom ako s úspešným uchádzačom vo verejnom obstarávaní.

Článok 1. Predmet zmluvy

1. Predmetom zmluvy je zisťovanie dostupnosti predaja, reprezentatívnosti a cien investičných strojov a zariadení podľa metodiky Eurostatu pre rok 2019 pre paritu kúpnej sily v rozsahu:

A 1. Zistenie dostupnosti strojov a zariadení zadaných Eurostatom na slovenskom trhu A2. Posúdenie reprezentatívnosti položiek A3. Navrhnutíe ekvivalentných výrobkov

81 . Zistenie cien investičných strojov a zariadení podľa metodiky Eurostatu v rozsahu zadaným Eurostatom pre rok 2019 82. Zapísanie cien a požadovaných údajov do databázy Eurostatu DET. 83. Podieľanie sa na validácii dát 84. Vypracovania správy zo zisťovania (ďalej len „služby").

2. Podrobná špecifikácia položiek, ktoré sú predmetom služieb podľa tejto zmluvy, tvorí neoddeliteľnú súčasť zmluvy ako príloha č. 1.

3. Poskytovate! vyhlasuje, že sa pred podpisom zmluvy oboznámil s dokumentáciou týkajúcou sa zákazky (zoznam a popis položiek, metodická príručka na zisťovanie) a zaväzuje sa poskytovať služby v súlade s touto dokumentáciou (ďalej len ,,dokumentácia").

Článok 2. Termín a miesto plnenia predmetu zmluvy

1. Poskytovateľ sa zaväzuje poskytnúť služby nasledovne:

Prvá časť (článok 1 ods. 1 body A1 -A3) do 15. 2.2019,

Druhá časť (článok 1 ods. 1 body 81 - 83) do 28.6. 2019,

Tretia časť (článok 1 ods. 1 bod 84) do 29. 5. 2020.

2. Miestom realizácie plnenia predmetu zmluvy je sídlo objednávateľa uvedené v záhlaví zmluvy.

Článok 3. Odovzdanie a prevzatie plnenia predmetu zmluvy

1. Poskytnutie služieb sa uskutoční v ucelených častiach (prvá časť podľa článku 1 body A 1, A2, A3 tejto zmluvy, druhá časť podľa článku 1 body 81, 82, 83 tejto zmluvy, tretia časť podľa článku 1 bod 84 tejto zmluvy) spôsobom uvedeným v dokumentácii. O riadnom poskytnutí služieb oprávnení zamestnanci oboch zmluvných strán podpíšu odovzdávací a preberací protokol, a to za každú ucelenú časť osobitne.

2. Oprávnenými zamestnancami: 2.1 za objednávateľa je: Mgr. Martin Jankovič; [email protected]. 2.2 za poskytovateľa je: Ing. Václav Bárta, MBA


Page 3: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

3. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že odovzdávací a preberací protokol musí obsahovať okrem základných údajov aj:

a) konštatovanie objednávateľa, že služby preberá bez vád, resp. nepreberá vôbec z dôvodu vád služieb,

b) posúdenie splnenia špecifikácie služieb podľa článku 1 zmluvy.

Článok 4. Cena a platobné podmienky

1. Cena za predmet zmluvy podľa článku 1 tejto zmluvy je v zmysle zákona č. 18/1996 Z. z. o cenách v znení neskorších predpisov stanovená vo výške

....... 13 100,00 ....... eur bez DPH

....... 13 100,00 .. ..... eur vrátane DPH

Slovom: trinásťtisicsto eur bez DPH, trinásťtisícsto eur vrátane DPH. Poskytovateľ nie je platiteľom DPH

V cene sú zahrnuté všetky náklady poskytovateľa spojené s realizáciou predmetu zmluvy.

2. Fakturácia za predmet zmluvy podľa bodu 1. tohto článku bude prebiehať na základe podpísaného odovzdávacieho a preberacieho protokolu oprávnenými zamestnancami oboch zmluvných strán v zmysle článku 3 bod 3. tejto zmluvy, ktorý bude tvoriť neoddeliteľnú súčasť faktúry. Poskytovateľ je oprávnený vystaviť faktúru najskôr dňom podpísania odovzdávacieho a preberacieho protokolu za príslušnú ucelenú časť, obsahujúceho konštatovanie objednávateľa, že služby preberá bez vád.

3. Faktúra musí obsahovať okrem náležitostí uvedených v príslušných ustanoveniach zákona č. 222/2004 Z. z. o dani z pridanej hodnoty v znení neskorších predpisov, zákona č. 431/2002 o účtovníctve v znení neskorších predpisov a podľa Obchodného zákonníka taktiež číslo zmluvy, číslo faktúry a označenie diela.

4. V prípade, že faktúra neobsahuje potrebné náležitosti, určené príslušnými právnymi predpismi alebo touto zmluvou, objednávateľ je oprávnený vrátiť faktúru do desiatich pracovných dní od jej doručenia na doplnenie poskytovateľovi, čim sa preruší splatnosť faktúry a nová splatnosť začina plynúť od doručenia novej faktúry.

5. Objednávateľ je povinný uhradiť faktúru do 30 (tridsať) dni od jej doručenia

poskytovateľom na číslo účtu uvedeného v záhlaví zmluvy.

6. Pri oneskorenej úhrade faktúry je poskytovateľ oprávnený fakturovať objednávateľovi zákonný úrok z omeškania.

7. Poskytovateľ neuplatní úrok z omeškania v prípade, ak toto omeškanie bude spôsobené z dôvodu vyššej moci (napr. na strane Štátnej pokladnice).

8. Faktúra sa považuje za uhradenú v termíne splatnosti odpísaním predmetneJ fakturovanej čiastky z účtu objednávateľa na účet poskytovateľa .

Článok 5. Sankcie a zánik zmluvy

1. Ak je poskytovateľ v omeškani s plnením predmetu zmluvy, zaplatí objednávateľovi za každý deň omeškania zmluvnú pokutu vo výške 0,05 % z ceny predmetu zmluvy určenej podľa kalkulácie ceny.


Page 4: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

2. Pri oneskorenej úhrade faktúry je poskytovateľ oprávnený fakturoval objednávateľovi úrok z omeškania vo výške 0,05 % z fakturovanej ceny za každý deň omeškania.

3. Zmluva zaniká: a) písomnou dohodou zmluvných strán, b) odstúpením od zmluvy.

4. Ktorákoľvek zo zmluvných strán môže odstúpiť od tejto zmluvy v prípade podstatného porušenia zmluvy druhou zmluvnou stranou.

5. Za podstatné porušenie zmluvy zo strany poskytovateľa sa považuje: a) konštatovanie objednávateľa v odovzdávacom a preberacom protokole, že služby

nepreberá vôbec z dôvodu vád služieb, b) neposkytnutie služieb v termíne uvedenom v článku 2 bod 1. zmluvy.

6. Pri odstúpení od zmluvy objednávateľom podľa bodu 5. tohto článku nevznikne poskytovateľovi nárok na zaplatenie ceny za predmet zmluvy.

7. Odstúpenie od zmluvy musí mať písomnú formu a nadobúda účinnosť dňom doručenia písomného odstúpenia na poštovú adresu druhej zmluvnej strany uvedenú v záhlaví tejto zmluvy.

Článok 6. Záverečné ustanovenia

1. Prípadne vzniknuté spory zmluvných strán, ktoré by sa týkali tejto zmluvy, budú prednostne riešené dohodou.

2. Jednotlivé ustanovenia tejto zmluvy možno zmeniť alebo doplniť len formou písomných dodatkov k predmetnej zmluve podpísaných oprávnenými zástupcami oboch zmluvných strán.

3. Zmluva je vyhotovená v 4 (štyroch) vyhotoveniach, z ktorých objednávateľ dostane 2 (dve) a poskytovateľ 2 (dve).

4. Zmluva nadobúda platnosť dňom jej podpisu oprávnenými zástupcami obidvoch zmluvných strán a účinnosť dňom nasledujúcim po dni jej zverejnenia v Centrálnom registri zmlúv.

5. Ostatné právne vzťahy neupravené touto zmluvou sa riadia príslušnými ustanoveniami Obchodného zäkonníka a iných právnych predpisov vo vzťahu na predmet a obsah.

6. Zmluvné strany vyhlasujú, že v zmluve vyjadrujú svoju slobodnú a vážnu vôlu, zmluvu si pred podpisom prečítali, jej obsahu plne porozumeli, súhlasia s nim a na znak toho ju podpisujú.

V Bratislave, dňa ..................... ..

Za obJednávatel a: .,,.. -

Ing. Alexander Ballek

predseda šú SR (..,,~- rn..\

\\ 'CJ

V f.e4 h~t-\vF.. v - 8 -02- 2019 . .................. , dna ..................... .

Za poskytovateľa ·

U g.-Väclav Bárta, MBA konateľ

ľ ~


Page 5: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

Príloha č. 1 ZML-3-4/2019-800

Podrobná špecifikácia položiek

Page 6: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

Príloha č. ZML-3-4/2019-800

Kalkulácia ceny

Pol. Názov Cena v eurách Cena v eurách s bez DPH DPH

A1 Zistenie dostupnosti strojov a zariadení zadaných Eurostatom 2 790,00 2 790,00 na slovenskom trhu

A2 Posúdenie reprezentatívnosti položiek 2 020,00 2 020,00

A3 Navrhnutie ekvivalentných výrobkov 1 040,00 1 040,00

B1 Zistenie cien investičných strojov a zariadení podľa metodiky 3 100.00 3 100,00 Eurostatu v rozsahu zadaným Eurostatom pre rok 2019

B2 Zapísanie cien a požadovaných údajov do databázy Eurostatu DET 1 050,00 1 050,00

83 Podieľanie sa na validácii dát 2 100,00 2 100,00

B4 Vypracovanie správy zo zisťovania 1 000,00 1 000,00

Cena spolu: 13 100,00 13 100,00

Page 7: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

EQUIPMENT GOODS SURVEY 2019: PRE-SURVEY LIST AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Aclion~ lor thc item in thc currcnll~ sclcctc<l row:

UII/ l'rrHlncl/ltcm \\ch•

Item no. l>cscri111i1111 mul ,nal,c ~l111lcl lnmitc ľlll· (.)ucst. '\nie .,itc !'>htlns Codc / hrnnd / model in 1-.<;s 21117

1· .O l.1.1.1 - F11hriľ;1h:d mcl;1J 1mul11cts, c:\cc11t machincry and c11ni11111c11t (Cľ,\ 25, cxcc11t 25..t)

E. ľuľkuecd slc:1111/hul w;1h:r ln•ilcl"li 1 E. 1 Jnsncdficd . X \ . X . 1111 dmnl!c o, u: l 11sncc11ict.l / -

2 E.O l. Vicssmmm Viloma:\ 200 I IS. nmt.lcl fvl 73A X >.. \ >.. spccs 111ot.l1licd O., h \'1c,sm:m11 / \11to111ax 2110 11S. model - M7~,\

3 E.01.1.1. I 03.d \lic,smann Vilnpb 200 SX2A 1')511 kW X X . X X 1111 ch:mg.c 113.d: ViĽss111m111 / Vitoplcx 200 SX2A l<J50 k\\'

-l EOI 1.1 1 03 r \' ic,s111a1111 Vi1ocrnss;1l 200 l)pc CM21l X :,.. - X X 1111 d1a11gc lľl.ľ \icwnanu ' Vi1m.m, 200 t~pc Dl2B

l· .. 01.1.l.1.US l>uuhlc sl.innctl 1mtlcl"l!r1111nd huri,.unt:11 c~·lindricul sluraec 11111k, 5 1 01 1 1 1.115 a l Jns11cc11icd 100 cu. 111 :,.. X . X - 1111 chanl!c 05.a: l.ln.,11Ccilkd / 1110 cu. m 6 I· .01. 1. 1.1.05.h llns11Ccitic,t 50 t:ll. III X X - X - no ch:ml!c 05.h: l lusnccilicd / :'iO cu. 111.

E.01.<, T:mk.\ for winc, M1mll 7 E.O IJnSllCCÍ lict.l - X X 1 - :,.. . llll dHllll!C Oh.u: l lns1,edfo:d / •

E. {')'li11drirat couline tank\ ľnr ruilk II E. Unsoccilic<l . X X . X . 1111 dtalll!C OK.a: 1111sncc1fo:d / • 'J E. CiEA/Wcsllhliu Surnc 'lľool :'i21JO \ X - X X no change UILh: C il·.A/\V.:sllhlia Surgd TC11ol :i200

E.'J l{:uliaturs ľur ccn1t11l hc:1tini: 11p11lic:1tiu11~ IO ľ 01 1 1 1 OlJ.a l ns1lCc1tictl - X X . X - 1111 chanj!c ()') .11: 11 IISllCC i lit:tl / • 11 1· O 1 1.1. 1.lllJ h tlcnrml Cnnmacl ,\11111 (l\llC 111 \ X - X X 111.:wmotld O•J.h: 1 lcnrml / C.\111111,tcl Clvnc I II

l· •• O l. ~hu1111ine lrollcys 11 1 .Ot 1 1.1.1 l.a Caddie C:ulerl!o !-.ccunl, 21 II 1. X \ \ \ \ nodt,ml!c 11 a. Caddie ' ľadcrl!n Sceurtl\ :? IO 1. n 1..01.1.1. 1. l l.h Caddie Cmlcrgu Sccurit, 1115 1 X X . X X 110 d1:lll1!C 11.h: Cadtlic / Cut.lerno Securi1,· 1115 1. 1-l E. .c Caddie IIXl\1 Stand:ml 11101. X X - X X no ch:1t11!C 1 l.c: ľa,ltli.: / IIXl\·I S1a11tlan.l 18111. 15 E III 1 1 1 11.d l l11s111:cifo:J :?IO t X X - X . no chan)!e 1 t .d: l,lns1lCciti.:1I / 21 O 1

E. S111inlc\s slccl hccrkcl!,

16 E.U 2.c 1 lnspccilict.l 50 l Slant.lartl Eumnnrm \ X X \ . no d1ang.c 12 . .:: 1 t11s11Ccilicd .1 511 l Stam!,ml Eum11onn

E. Tou! sch

17ľ01111l5u ľ,1u1111 Toul ~l t.1\1.,\I \\llhnul hox :\ X . X X 11cw model 1 :'i.a: Facum / Tnol set 2143.M/hm. IIT.11 A

IH 1 . !-.tahlmllc S1ahtw1llc t/2" :,.. X - X X 1111 dl:tlll!C 15.h: Siahlwillc / St:1hlwillc l /2" I') ľ.111 1 1 1 15 c 'i1,111!c,· 'im.1-ct scl I/.J" .. , 11!" • 112" >. X \ \: X no change 1:'i .c· 'it,111lcv 'i111.l-c1 ~, l i-l"+, /l!" t II:?." 20 1 01 1 1 1 15.d l ,1cm11 21:lll.l.l 33 (set t M.1133111 c,1sc IIV,21'-:-..l \ \ - .\ :,.. 110 dmnl!c l~tl ľawm • 2DK.l l.,3

E.<, 1 h1ck.\aws 21 1 III 1 1 l.t<u: tlah~n 325 X X ' '\ X 1 no chan~c H,.c: tlahco / 325 22 F .01.1 1.1 t<ul Slanlc,· ľ11rhnc111 ( 1-211-110) X X - X X nn dm1111e Ih.ti: Slanlc,· / 'I 11rhuc111 ( l-:!0-110)

E.111.1.1. 1 .17 Elcclric rulline-1111 door~ 21 1:.0 t . .a llocrmann 1 lcrnlhenn S X X . X X ne,, model 17 .a: 1 locrm:um / l lcco&hcrm ,\

Page 8: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

EQUIPMENT GOODS SURVEY 2019: PRE-SURVEY LIST AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Actions lor thc item in 1111! currcntly sclcctcd row:

1111/ ťrotluct/llcm n ch-Item no. llc,criplion :11111 muke i\ludcl lmai:c l'l>F (.)ucst. :\otc ,itc Malus <'mh:/ hr:ind / mutlcl in u;~ 21117

E.Ol. ,\111111i11i11111 lmldcrs

2-1 Ull.l.1.1.IH.c 11 nspcc i lic,1 15+1 slcps. l:Nl3I. for pmfoss1011al u~c 1

X 1

X 1

X 1

X 1

. 1

no dmngc l~~-c: Llnspcci lic<l / 5+ 1 ~lep~. EN ľ, 1. liir mli:~~111m1l usc

i-:.o ,, Uult cr111111crs 25 E.O l.1.1.1. l'J.a l lnsncdlicd 1- 1 X 1 X 1 ' 1 ' 1 . 1 IIC\\' i1c11\li,rn<luc1 1

E. \'iľcs

26 l· •. Ol . l lnspccifo:d 1· 1 X 1 X 1 - 1 \ 1 . l 11e" 11c111•prntl11cl 1 E. ,\luminium cascs

!1 1:. 1 1 nsnci:i licd 1 armro..__ 160 1 1 X 1 ' r - 1 \ 1 . l 111!11 ilcm/i,rmlucl 1

Page 9: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

EQUIPMENT GOODS SURVEY 2019: PRE-SURVEY LIST AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Actions for thc item in thc currcntly sclcctcd row:

Utll ľr111111cl/l lc111 \ľCII-

11cm 1111, Ucs.-ri11tio11 :111d mulu: ~l111lcl (Ul:ll!C ľl>F QucM. '"'" sile !'il:llus < '01lc / hnrnd / mndcl in I· G!-i 21117

l· .. - lnfor111:1lio11 and conm11111iľ11tio11 c1111i11111cnl (C'I' \ 26.1, 2(1.2 mul 26.3) l• .. O Uc.,lilnp ľfllll(Hllcrs

211 I· III 1. 1 2.07.11 III' 1-litctlc~k 1100 l,4 lowcr PC X X - X 'X IIC\\ 111111lcl 07 a. 111' ' 1 lttc<lcsk 1111<1 (i2 ·1 m,cr l'L

29 l-..lll. Dell Oplil'lcs 70511 Micm Form Factor X X - X i\ ne\\ model 07 h; l>cU / Opl11'lc, 70-10 M1cm I urm 1·:11:lm

311 EJll . ,\pph: Mac Pm X 'X - ' 'X llC\\ mmkl 07 c ,\r,nlc , \lac l'm E.Ul.1.1.2.ll'J l ,apl1111 ľOIIIIIIIICľS

:,1 E. l>cll l.alill11lc l'.5590 X \. - X \. IIC\\ lllllllcl 11'1.a. l>cll 1 ,llllullc 1 5570 ~, _,_ E. 1 Bl\·111.cnnrn 'ľhinkl'atl E5110 ' X . :\ :\ ne,, 111ndcl 111),h· 1111\111.cnmo / Thmkl'ad 1 5(,0 :,3 1111.1 l 201Jc IBi\·111 Cllll\ o ľ11111kl 1a<l 1 51111 :\ X - \. \. ne\\ model OIJ ..- 11 IMll.cnorn , ľhmkl'ml l 5MI

14 1 111 I , 1 2 01) ,1 ,\pplc: Mucllnuk l'ru ,,iah lh:1111a Di~pla) :\ X - :\ X ne,, nmdcl 111),d ,\pplc , i\l,u:B1111I.. l'rn ,,11h ltcuna Di~nl.1,

35 1 01 1 1 2 ()•) .c Annlc Macllool.. Air ' ' . :\ 'X ne,, mutlcl O'> c. \p11lc Madlool.. \1r 36 Ul'J.ľ i\'licmsoli Surfocc l'rn 6 for husim:ss X \ - X ;\ ne,, mndcl OIJ L Milrnsotl 1 !',urli1cc l'rn -1

E. 1 1 L:i,cr 11ri111cr,

_;7 E.01.1.1..:? .1 1.u l lc\\'lcu l'aclrnrtl l.ascrJct l'm MSO I dn X X :\ 'X \: no d1,111ge 11 a. l le1, leu l'ud.,ml 1 ascrJcl l'ro M~Oltln

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EQUIPMENT GOODS SURVEY 2019: PRE~SURVEY LIST AND ADDITIONAL lNFORMATION Acliom, for thc ih:111 in thc currcnll~ sclcctcd row:

S111 ľrou11ct111c111 "~h-111:111 1111. 1>1:srri11tio11 :11111 nml,c \lmlcl lm:1J!c l'l>F Qncst. '\utc ,itc !'llalus ( 1111c / hrmul I 11111dcl in E(;!', 2017

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E. Tablet l'C,

53 E.lll. S:11ns1111g <,alaxy Ti\11 ,\ 111.5 (21118. \ViFi) X :,. :,. X X 11c\\ model IX.a. ",a111s1111g l t,al:1x~ l:\ll,\ IO.I (201'1. \Vi Fil

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


Eurostat Capital Goods Surveys

2019 Equipment Goods Survey

Preview Evaluation

November 2018


The “Brainstorm” phase first implemented for the 2015 EG survey produced

information deemed to be valuable for the preparation of the pre-survey. Thus the

exercise was repeated for the 2017 survey and – upon request of several countries –

it was decided to include it under the new name “Preview” in the work plan for future

EG surveys. For the 2019 EG survey, Planco thus prepared a list of ideas for new

products, comments on items/products etc. extracted from country reports, obtained

during country missions in the 2017 survey, submitted by countries via email and/or

resulting from Planco’s initial analysis. In addition, early ideas for deletion candidates

(products/items) were included in the document, which was disseminated to the

countries on 24 August 2018. On a voluntary basis, countries could comment on the

“Preview” document. Twenty-three countries provided their feedback until 3 October

2018. Eighteen of them had already participated in the “Brainstorm” for the 2015

and/or 2017 survey:

� Austria

� Bulgaria

� Switzerland

� Estonia

� Greece

� Finland

� France

� Croatia

� Hungary

� Iceland

� Lithuania

� Luxembourg

� Latvia

� FYR of Macedonia

� Poland

� Sweden

� Slovenia

� United Kingdom.

In addition, five countries that had not participated in the “Brainstorm” before,

provided their feedback for the 2019 “Preview”: Belgium, Ireland, Malta, Montenegro

and Portugal.

The feedback is a valuable contribution to the pre-survey preparation work. Though

this additional step required extra work, it is deemed to be well worth the effort.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


The map shown below illustrates the good regional distribution of “Preview”

participants across Europe:

On average, the participants provided feedback on 82% of the items for which

questions had been asked in the “Preview” document. This is more than the

“feedback rate” of 67% for the 2015 survey and 74% for the 2017 survey.

The feedback provided in the “Basic Headings” section of the “Preview” replies was

used for decisions on the following issues:

� Which of the “new product” suggestions made in the “Preview” document should

be included in the pre-survey and which brands/models should be chosen?

� Are there further “new product” suggestions by the countries which should be

added to the pre-survey list?

� Are there specific brands which could be chosen as alternatives for the ones

already included in the list?

� Which of the “candidates for item deletion” should be deleted from the list?

The information given in the “Items” section of the “Preview” replies was used to find

appropriate replacement models for outdated items and to modify item specifications

(included options etc.) where appropriate.

Specific results are discussed in the following chapters.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018



2.1 Introduction

The results are provided by Basic Heading. For each Basic Heading, information on

new products added to the list is provided, and brands/models chosen for these

products are discussed. If there are other Basic Heading related findings, these will

be detailed. This will be completed by information on the items for which questions in

the “Preview” document had been asked and those which are otherwise affected by

the evaluation of the “Preview” replies.

Please note: The item codes, brands and models given in an “item” entry are those

for the 2017 survey; the “BH” part of item codes is omitted.

For some items, it was deemed necessary to repeat a “Preview” question in the pre-

survey. As it is not feasible to enter input questions in the ILMT for selected countries

only, countries who have already answered the question in their feedback on the

“Preview” document will get the question again in the pre-survey.

2.2 Results at Basic Heading / item level BH E. Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

Hungary mentioned other manufacturers for spray booths (Metron, Blowtherm), but

as the addition of the product was rejected by many respondents, neither these nor

the ASI model suggested by Bulgaria were added to the list.

Knipex, Stanley, Record and Bahco were mentioned as alternative brands for bolt

croppers. Atlas, KS Tools, Record and Screwfix were mentioned as alternatives for

vices. Both bolt croppers and vices were added to the pre-survey list as generic


The “Preview” reply by Norway led to the addition of another suggestion to the list:

Aluminium cases (used as transport boxes). A generic item based on a Zarges

Eurobox was chosen.

According to the “Preview” replies, Teng and Rolson could be alternative brands for

hand riveters, but as both the bolt croppers and the vices were more popular than

the riveters, hand riveters were not added to the list.

09.b: Radiator for central heating applications / Henrad / Compact (type 11)

The majority of the “Preview” respondents agreed to replace the “Compact” (type 11) by a

“Compact All In”. The Henrad product code for this model is 0113061105.

12.c: Stainless steel beer keg / Unspecified / 50 l Standard Euronorm

There was no clear vote if a 30 l unspecified keg should be added, thus we ask the full board

of countries in the pre-survey.

15.a: Automotive tool set / Facom / Tool set 2143.M/box BT.11A

Most of the “Preview” participants liked the idea of replacing the outdated 2143.M with the 42

CM.A1 set. The item was changed accordingly.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


15.c: Engineering tool set / Stanley / Socket set 1/4"+3/8"+1/2"

In the Preview, there was no clear vote whether or not to replace the 75-piece socket set

(product code 1-87-193) with the 96-piece Fatmax set (product code FMHT0-73925). Thus the

Preview question is repeated in the pre-survey.

17.a: Electric rolling-up door / Hoermann / Decotherm A

The suggested replacement of the Decotherm A with the Decotherm S was liked by the vast

mahority of Preview respondents, and there was only one vote against changing to manual

operation. Thus the item was changed accordingly.

BH E. Information and communication equipment

The addition of Bluetooth headsets (proposed by Spain) was popular with the

“Preview” respondents. Two models suggested in the “Preview” document – a Jabra

and a Sennheiser headset – were added to the pre-survey list.

The suggested deletion of the professional digital colour cameras was widely

accepted by the “Preview” respondents. Thus this product was deleted from the list.

For the (indoor) security cameras, five respondents wanted to keep the product.

Thus a possible SPD deletion will be checked in the pre-survey; only the least

popular item (Bosch Dinion AN4000, item .22.g) is deleted beforehand.

The “Preview” respondents also agreed to the suggested combination of the SPDs

“Horizontal mini-slot scanners” and “Hand-held scanners”.

02.a: Horizontal mini-slot bar code scanner / Zebra/Motorola / Symbol LS7808

In the preview, most of the respondents preferred the Zebra MP 7000 as replacement for the

outdated LS7808. The MP7000 was thus added to the list at item position .35.a (because of

the scanner SPD combination mentioned above).

13.a: Server / HP/Compaq / ProLiant DL 560 G9 Entry

The “Preview” suggestion to keep one Gen9 server (DL 160 G9) and switch to Gen10 for the

other two HP servers (HP DL 560 Gen10 and HP ML 350 Gen10) was widely accepted.

22.g: Security camera (indoor) / Bosch / Dinion AN4000

The possible replacement model Dinion AN5000 VBN-5085-C11 suggested in the “Preview”

was found in some countries, but the vast majority of respondents agreed to delete the whole


25.a: Video conference unit / Cisco / Telepresence MX200 G2

Though some countries mentioned that the price for the MX200 G2 and the MX300 G2 could

still be found, the majority of respondents agreed to replace the two items (.25.a and .25.b) by

the suggested Cisco Webex Board (CS-ROOM55-K9). There was no clear vote for one of the

options (with wall mount, with floor stand or with wheel base), but in order to maintain

consistency with the previous survey, the floor stand version was chosen.

25.f: Video conference units / Cisco / Telepresence SX20 Quick Set

The Preview respondents agreed to replace the outdated SX20 Quick Set by the set

consisting of SX80 codec, Precision 60 camera and Touch 10 control unit suggested by

Ireland (order code CTS-SX80-IP60-K9).

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


26.d: LCD display / NEC / MultiSync V423 TM-2

Though some Preview respondents still found the MultiSync V423 or V423 TM-2, both are

shown as “discontinued products” on the NEC website, as mentioned by France. France

mentioned Samsung SMART Signage as possible replacement, but we already have a

Samsung display in this SPD. A possible replacement from the NEC brand would be the NEC

Multisync C431. Thus this was chosen as suggested replacement.

31.a: Fingerprint scanner/access control / Safescan / TA-8035

The model TM-828 with up to 2000 users, RFID + fingerprint sensor was liked better by the

“Preview” respondents than the TM-838 with face recognition. Thus the TM-828 is used as

replacement for the outdated TA-8035.

31.b: Fingerprint scanner/access control / Bioconnect/Suprema / Bioentry Plus

In the 2017 survey, EE mentioned that related to small modifications of the electronics there is

a significant price difference. We asked a question on this in the Preview. The only

modification resulting from the feedback received is a clarification in the "Max. number of

users". The manufacturer information is that there can be up to 10000 templates for a

maximum of 5000 users.

32.b: Signature pad / Wacom / STU-530 & Sign Pro PDF set

In the "Preview" there was no clear vote whether to replace the STU-530 by a different

brand/model. Thus we prefer to check in the pre-survey what countries would prefer to price:

1. the STU-530-SP-SET (used in EGS 2017)

2. the STU-530-CH (seems to be somewhat easier to find)

3. a model by Signotec (Germany) ; the 5" model we would propose is the Signotec

Gamma with USB connector and 2 years warranty, product no. ST-GERT-3-U100, it

can be found on

33.a: HSDPA/4G-LTE modems/mobile Wi-Fi hotspots / Huawei / E3372 LTE surfstick

The suggestion to replace the Huawei E3372 with the Netgear Aircard 810 was widely

accepted by the “Preview” participants. Malta mentioned a different model, the Aircard 785.

This will be checked in a pre-survey question on the item.

33.b: HSDPA/4G-LTE modems/mobile Wi-Fi hotspots / Huawei / E5786 mobile hotspot

The “Preview” suggestion was reported to be widely available, and the vast majority of

respondents liked the idea of replacing the E5786 by this item, which can also be used as a

power bank. Some countries mentioned an alternative, the E5577CS-321. This will be

checked in a pre-survey question on the item.

BH E. Other electronic and optical products

Elcometer was mentioned as alternative brand for coating thickness meters, but as

the product was not popular enough with the “Preview” respondents, it was not

added. The gas leak detectors and the multiple gas detectors were not popular

enough with the “Preview” respondents and were thus not added either.

Olympus SZ51 was mentioned as alternative microscope model, but in general the

suggestion of adding the microscopes was not as popular as adding the centrifuges.

Two centrifuges were added to the list. In order not to increase the list size too much,

an additional centrifuge (Cobas from Roche Diagnostics) mentioned in the “Preview”

replies was not added.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


The idea of adding professional weighing scales to the list was popular with the

“Preview” respondents. Ireland mentioned an alternative professional weighing scale,

the Marsden M-110 Column Scale, but for the pre-survey, we added only the model

mentioned in the “Preview” document.

Of the deletion candidates mentioned in the “Preview” document (solar panels,

electrocardiographs, theodolites, thermal imaging cameras), the thermal imaging

cameras were the SPD for which most respondents agreed to the suggested

deletion. Thus this SPD was deleted from the pre-survey list without further question.

For the other candidates, deletion will be proposed in the pre-survey again, as the

“Preview” feedback did not provide a clear vote.

13.a: Blood pressure monitor / Omron / HEM-907

Most of the “Preview” participants agreed to replace the outdated Omron HEM-907 by the

Omron HBP-1300. Thus this model was chosen as replacement model in the pre-survey.

13.b: Blood pressure monitor / Omron / i-Q142 SpotArm (HEM-1040-E)

The replacement model proposed in the “Preview” was only accepted by half of the

respondents. In addition, the suggested replacement model (i-Q 132) is no longer found on

the Omron website. Thus a proposal made by BE in the “Preview” was chosen as replacement

for the pre-survey.

15.b: Portable electrocardiograph / Schiller / Cardiovit AT-102

Most countries want to price the AT-102 plus instead of the AT-102. Both items can be found

on the website. There had been a split in the last survey. In the preview, FI mentioned the AT-

102 G2 as being the newest model. Thus we think we could perhaps switch to this model and

asked a corresponding question in the pre-survey. Please note: This product was proposed for

deletion in the “Preview”, but there was a only 50:50 vote for deletion.

19.b: Electronic digital theodolite / Topcon / DT – 209

In the “Preview” replies, a lot of different brands/products were mentioned as possible

alternatives. As there is no obvious replacement candidate and as we have to delete products

in this BH, we propose (among other products) the theodolites as deletion candidates and will

make the decision on whether to keep or to delete the product and – if it is kept – whether we

should replace the items in this SPD until we have the pre-survey results.

19.c: Electronic digital theodolite / Leica / Builder 109 Set

In the “Preview” replies, the Leica Nova MS60 Multistation was mentioned as possible

alternative. As we have to delete products in this BH, we propose (among other products) the

theodolites as deletion candidates and will make the decision on whether to keep or to delete

the product until we have the pre-survey results.

23.b: Professional digital camera / Canon / EOS 700 D

The vast majority of “Preview” respondents agreed to replace the EOS 700 D by the bundle

Canon EOS 800D + EF-S 18-55 IS STM Lens.

25.a: Gas flue analyser / Testo / 330-2 LL

The “Preview” answers lead to replacing the testo 330-2LL by the testo 330-2 LL - Flue Gas

Analyser (Pro set with Bluetooth, without printer).

26.a: Defibrillator / Philips / HeartStart FRx

Malta had problems to price the HeartSTart FRx and proposed the Cardiac Science (USA)

Powerheart AED G5 as an alternative. In the “Preview” replies, there was no clear preference

for adding the suggested model to the list, thus we repeat the question in the pre-survey.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


BH E. Electrical equipment

Iceland suggested updating the welding equipment by switching over to the ESAB

Origo Mig 400i and 500i. This was suggested as possible replacement for the Origo

Mig 4004i in a pre-survey question.

The idea of adding a solar energy inverter (proposed by Hingary) to the list was liked,

thus this suggestion was added to the list.

Switzerland mentioned a different DeWalt lamp, the DCL510N. A pre-survey

question was asked for this item.

The vast majority of the “Preview” participants agreed to the suggested deletion of

the SPDs “Low tension circuit breakers” (18:3) and “AC variable speed drives” (19:4).

As agreed in the 2018 Working Group meeting, the SPDs were deleted without

asking an additional pre-survey question.

06.a: Diesel generating set / Caterpillar / C9 ACERT (for prime use)

The “Preview” respondents agreed to keep two prime use generators (.06.a C9 ACERT and

.06.d C18 ACERT) and two stand-by use generators (.06.l C13 ACERT and .06.m QAS20).

The other four items in this SPD were deleted without additional pre-survey question.

08.a: Three phase squirrel cage electric motor (cast iron frame) / ABB / M3BP 160MLB 4

The “Preview” participants widely accepted the change to “premium efficiency” IE3 motor

(because of Regulations EC 640/2009 and (EU) No. 4/2014 Europe)

08.b: Three phase squirrel cage electric motor (aluminium frame) / ABB / M3AA 160 MLB4

The “Preview” participants widely accepted the change to “premium efficiency” IE3 motor

(because of Regulations EC 640/2009 and (EU) No. 4/2014 Europe)

12.a: A C Starter / Asea Brown Boveri / PST 210-600-70

The vast majority of the “Preview” respondents accepted the proposed change to models for

this item and item .12.b. The items were changed accordingly.

12.c: A C Starter / Siemens / Sirius 3 RA 1445 8XC 21 1 AC2

The vast majority of the “Preview” respondents accepted the proposed change to the

3RA2445-8XF32-1AC2 model. The item was changed accordingly. In addition, a pre-survey

question concerning the alternative mentioned by Lithuania (3RW4055-6BB45) was asked.

13.a: Softstart / ABB / PSR25-600-70

The respondents liked the idea of adding a Siemens item at this SPD, but there was no clear

vote which of the two suggested models (3RW4026-1BB14 or 3RW4026-1BB04) should be

added. Thus a corresponding pre-survey question was entered.

15.a: Portable generator / Honda / EC 3600

The majority of preview respondents wanted to keep the Honda items. For the next survey,

other brands mentioned (Champion, Hyundai, Clarke Int.) could be checked in the preview.

For the Honda generators, the 2018/2019 catalog does not show the EC series anymore.

Thus deletion or replacement are suggested for the EC series items.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


BH E. General purpose machinery

Slovenia proposed a gas actuated fastening tool, the Hilti GX 3. As we already have

a lot of other suggestions for this Basic Heading, the fastening tool was not added to

the list.

The “Preview” feedback and further analysis led to the rejection of adding freight/dish

lifts, industrial elevators, the iZettle card reader, machines for washing of details, and

console cranes to the list.

Stairlifts for straight stairways and refrigerators for laboratories were quite popular

with the “Preview” respondents, thus these were added to the list.

In order to include more “modern” pieces of equipment in the list, a 3D printer

proposed by France was added to the pre-survey list.

As a result of the answers to the questions on “deletion candidates”, the following

items were deleted from the pre-survey list without additional question in the pre-


• 05.b - Industrial petrol engine / Honda / GX 390 UT2 SHQ 5

• 12.c - Hand pallet truck / Jungheinrich / AM I20p

• 13.c - Dry powder fire extinguisher / Gloria / F2GM

• 16.i - Pedestrian sweeper / Kärcher / KM 100/100 R G

• 28.a - Plunging router / DeWalt / DW624

• 42.d - Banknote counter / Magner / 35-3

01.c: Rotary screw compressor / Grasso / GEA Series SH Type G

Apart from a few exceptions all preview participants voted for the deletion of this item.

04.a: Water pump / Grundfos / NK-50-160/167

As there was no clear preference for the deletion of one of the NK pumps (positions 04.a /

04.e), both items will remain in the sample.

16.a: Pedestrian sweeper / Nilfisk / Nilfisk SR 1101 B

The majority of countries voted to price the Nilfisk sweepers (items .16.a and .16.b) with acid

batteries in EGS 2019.

16.d: Pedestrian sweeper / Hako-Jonas / Sweepmaster B 1200 RH

In the preview, the majority voted for the deletion of the Hako-Jonas Sweepmaster P 980 RH

(pos. 5.16.e) and keep the B 1200 RH.

19.a: Self-propelled scissor lift / Genie / GS 2646

The preview does not give a clear proposal for a more representative brand/model.

33.b: Power saw / Husqvarna / 372 XP – XTORQ

The majority of preview participants voted for the 450 e-series power saw as replacement.

33.f: Power saw / Husqvarna / 560 XP

As there is no majority for the integration of a power saw with heated handle we will keep the

power saw Husqvarna 560 XP without heated handle.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


44.a: Electronic cash register / Unspecified / -

The majority of preview participants agreed to switch to a larger and more advanced cash

register. For the pre-survey, we decided to the keep a small cash register but propose more

advanced specs for this generic position.

44.c: Electronic cash register / Sam4S / SPS-530

After evaluation of the preview feedback, we think the Sam4S ER-925 is a suitable

replacement model.

54.a: Credit card reader / Ingenico / iCT 220

The majority voted for the introduction of the more advanced Ingenico iPP350. It replaces the

iCT 220.

BH E. Special purpose machinery

The “Preview” feedback and further analysis led to the rejection of the following

suggestions for new or re-introduced products made in the “Preview” document:

• Commercial wheel balancers

• Tyre changers

• Plate rolling machines

• Atmospheric plasma processors

• Car wash machines

• Hydraulic presses

• Combine harvesters for berries

The SPD deletion candidates mentioned in the “Preview” document were high speed

seamers, spiral dough mixers, and bread ovens. For the high speed seamers, the

vast majority of respondents agreed with the suggested deletion. Thus this SPD was

deleted from the pre-survey list without further question. For the other candidates

(spiral dough mixers and bread ovens), deletion will be proposed in the pre-survey

again, as the “Preview” feedback did not provide a clear vote.

Iceland suggested adding a new DeLaval milking equipment item:

As this item is deemed more difficult to price than the models already present in the

list, this suggestion was not added.

Wella was mentioned as alternative brand for the hair dryers, a new product proposal

in the “Preview”. Several countries favoured a “generic” for this new SPD. We thus

added a generic item, based on the specifications for a Ceriotti Equator 3000

Automatico (Italy).

The suggested addition of a Dyson Airblade was widely accepted.

05.a: Milking unit / DeLaval / Duovac 300/MU210D

In the “Preview” replies, there was only a slight majority that favoured switching to the

200/MU210D. Thus we repeat the question in the pre-survey.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


05.b: Milking equipment / DeLaval / MC31

According to the “Preview” feedback, most countries are not able to create a standard farm

with a standard milking system (proposed by CH). Thus we do not change the specs for this


07.a: Diesel tractor: large / Massey Ferguson / 7715 Dyna-6

The MF 7715 cannot be found on the website anymore. The majority of the “Preview”

respondents agreed to replace it by the MF 7715 S.

07.b: Diesel tractor: large / Massey Ferguson / 6613 Dyna-4

The “Preview” respondents agreed to replace the 6613 Dyna-4 by the 6713 S Dyna-4 (split

item in the 2017 survey) as replacement.

07.c: Diesel tractor: large / Massey Ferguson / 8732

The majority of the “Preview” respondents agreed to replace the MF 8732 by the MF 8732 S.

10.c: Backpack leaf blower / Stihl / BR 430

In the “Preview“ we asked whether the BR 430 or the BR 450 C-EF should be priced. There

had been no clear vote. Thus we repeat the “Preview” question in the pre-survey.

38.c: Ice making machine / Castel MAC / Icematic F80c

In some countries, there is a price difference between the “air” and the “water” model, thus we

think we should decide which one should be priced. In the “Preview” replies, there was no

clear preference for one of them, thus we repeat the “Preview” question in the pre-survey.

BH E. Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

There were several suggestions for electric cars in the “Preview”: BMW i3, Nissan

Leaf, Renault Zoe, Smart. The Smart was less popular with the respondents than the

BMW i3, the Nissan Leaf and the Renault Zoe. For the hybrid cars, several

alternatives were mentioned. Further analysis resulted in adding a combined

“Hybrid/electric cars” SPD to the pre-survey list. In this SPD, the BMW i3, the Nissan

Leaf and the Renault Zoe were added as well as the Toyota Auris and the Toyota


The only alternative electric van model mentioned is the Renault Kangoo Z.E.

Anyhow, almost all respondents agreed not to include electric vans in the survey.

As the vast majority of “Preview” participants agreed to the suggested deletion of the

Iveco van SPD, this SPD was deleted without asking an additional pre-survey


42.a: Tractor unit / MAN / TGS 18.460 LX 4x2

Of the “Preview” participants, three preferred to keep the 18.460 and three preferred replacing

it by the 18.440. Thus the “Preview” question is repeated in the pre-survey. If the number of

countries favouring either of the models does not increase significantly, we propose to delete

this item/product.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


BH E. Furniture and other manufactured goods

Several countries mentioned that either local producers for mobile walls exist in their

country or that they could perhaps find other brands than Kinnarps. Other countries

mentioned a specific Kinnarps model, the Rezon mobile wall. As local brands

account for a large share in this widely used office equipment, a generic item was

added to the list. The specifications are based on the Kinnarps Rezon Freestanding

Screen model (


The idea of re-introducing the plastic kick-steps as generic product was liked by the

“Preview” respondents, thus they were added to the list.

The third “Preview” suggestion for a new product – heavy duty shelves – was less

popular and thus not included in the pre-survey list.

02.b: Storage cabinet: steel / Lista Office / Selection 75

The preview did neither provide a good alternative nor a clear preference for keeping this item.

Thus we address this issue again in the pre-survey.

04.d: Swivel chair (leather) / Ikea / Volmar

In the preview, by far the majority of countries agreed with the deletion of this item. As agreed

in the 2018 WG meeting, the item is deleted without asking an additional pre-survey question.

09.a: Electronic keyboard / Yamaha / Tyros 5-61

In the preview, the clear majority of countries preferred the Yamaha PSR-S975 model as


11.a: Cross trainer / Technogym / Excite Synchro LED Crosstrainer

By far the majority of countries in the preview prefer to replace the Technogym cross trainer

Excite Synchro by the cheaper Synchro Forma model.

11.b: Cross trainer / Kettler / Skylon S

The majority of preview participants prefer the Kettler Skylon 10 which is recommended for

private use as replacement for the discontinued Skylon S. A pre-survey question concerning a

model for commercial use is asked nevertheless.

11.c: Cross trainer / Tunturi / Pure Cross R 10.1

There was no clear majority in the preview for a replacement model or the deletion of this item

position. Therefore, we propose the Tunturi Platinum PRO as possible replacement.

16.a: TRX equipment / Fitness Anywhere / TRX 20' S-Frame with 12 suspensions

Countries in the preview have a preference for the suggestion by CH to only price the S-frame.

However, in terms of comparability with EGS 2017 it would be better to keep the combination

including TRX 20’ S-Frame and 12 suspensions. Therefore, we propose to keep the

combination in the sample and will address this issue again in the pre-survey.

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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019: Preview Evaluation

Planco Consulting November 2018


BH E. Computer software

France proposed a new software product, Samsung Knox EMM Premium, which can

be used for managing mobile devices. Further analysis resulted in not adding this to

the pre-survey list for the 2019 survey. Such a product could perhaps be included in

the “Preview” for the next survey.

As the iZettle reader was not added to the list, the iZettle software was not added,

either. The other possible addition mentioned in the “Preview” document –

accounting and invoicing software – was not popular and thus not added.

25.a: Hard disk manager software / Paragon / Hard Disk Manager 15 Business

There was no clear vote whether to replace the version by Paragon Hard Disk Manager

Advanced. As v16 of the Business Edition is available, the availability of this version will be

checked in the pre-survey.

34.a: Speech recognition software / Nuance / Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium

The vast majority of Preview participants agreed to switch to the version “Dragon Professional

Individual, v15”.

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017


1 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 03.a: Unspecified / -

2 E. Viessmann Vitomax 200 HS, model M73A X X - X X specs modified 03.b: Viessmann / Vitomax 200 HS, model M73A

3 E. Viessmann Vitoplex 200 SX2A 1950 kW X X - X X no change 03.d: Viessmann / Vitoplex 200 SX2A 1950 kW

4 E. Viessmann Vitocrossal 200 type CM2B X X - X X no change 03.f: Viessmann / Vitocrossal 200 type CM2B


5 E. Unspecified 100 cu. m X X - X - no change 05.a: Unspecified / 100 cu. m6 E. Unspecified 50 cu. m X X - X - no change 05.b: Unspecified / 50 cu. m.


7 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 06.a: Unspecified / -E.

8 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 08.a: Unspecified / -9 E. GEA/Westfalia Surge TCool 5200 X X - X X no change 08.b: GEA/Westfalia Surge / TCool 5200


10 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 09.a: Unspecified / -11 E. Henrad Compact All In (type 11) X X - X X new model 09.b: Henrad / Compact (type 11)


12 E. Caddie Cadergo Security 210 L X X X X X no change 11.a: Caddie / Cadergo Security 210 L13 E. Caddie Cadergo Security 105 L X X - X X no change 11.b: Caddie / Cadergo Security 105 L14 E. Caddie BXM Standard 180L X X - X X no change 11.c: Caddie / BXM Standard 180L15 E. Unspecified 210 l X X - X - no change 11.d: Unspecified / 210 l


16 E. Unspecified 50 l Standard Euronorm X X X X - no change 12.c: Unspecified / 50 l Standard Euronorm


17 E. Facom Tool set CM.A1 without box X X - X X new model 15.a: Facom / Tool set 2143.M/box BT.11A

18 E. Stahlwille Stahlwille 1/2" X X - X X no change 15.b: Stahlwille / Stahlwille 1/2"19 E. Stanley Socket set 1/4"+3/8"+1/2" X X X X X no change 15.c: Stanley / Socket set 1/4"+3/8"+1/2"20 E. Facom 2138.EL33 (set CM.EL33 in case BV.21SX) X X - X X no change 15.d: Facom / 2138.EL33


21 E. Bahco 325 X X X X X no change 16.c: Bahco / 32522 E. Stanley Turbocut (1-20-110) X X - X X no change 16.d: Stanley / Turbocut (1-20-110)


23 E. Hoermann Decotherm S X X - X X new model 17.a: Hoermann / Decotherm AElectric rolling-up doors

Packaged steam/hot water boilers

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)

Tool sets

Cylindrical cooling tanks for milk

Double skinned underground horizontal cylindrical storage tanks

Tanks for wine, small

Radiators for central heating applications

Shopping trolleys

Stainless steel beerkegs


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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

24 E. Unspecified 5+1 steps, EN131, for professional use X X X X - no change 18.c: Unspecified / 5+1 steps, EN131, for professional use


25 E. Unspecified - X X X X - new item/productE.

26 E. Unspecified - X X - X - new item/productE.

27 E. Unspecified approx. 160 l X X - X - new item/product

Bolt croppers

Aluminium ladders


Aluminium cases

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


28 E. HP Elitedesk 800 G4 Tower PC X X - X X new model 07.a: HP / Elitedesk 800 G2 Tower PC

29 E. Dell OptiPlex 7050 Micro Form Factor X X - X X new model 07.b: Dell / OptiPlex 7040 Micro Form Factor

30 E. Apple Mac Pro X X - X X new model 07.c: Apple / Mac ProE.

31 E. Dell Latitude E5590 X X - X X new model 09.a: Dell / Latitude E557032 E. IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad E580 X X - X X new model 09.b: IBM/Lenovo / ThinkPad E56033 E. IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T580 X X - X X new model 09.c: IBM/Lenovo / ThinkPad T560

34 E. Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display X X - X X new model 09.d: Apple / MacBook Pro with Retina Display

35 E. Apple MacBook Air X X - X X new model 09.e: Apple / MacBook Air36 E. Microsoft Surface Pro 6 for business X X - X X new model 09.f: Microsoft / Surface Pro 4


37 E. Hewlett Packard LaserJet Pro M501dn X X X X X no change 11.a: Hewlett Packard / LaserJet Pro M501dn

38 E. Hewlett Packard LaserJet MFP M227fdw X X - X X no change 11.b: Hewlett Packard / LaserJet MFP M227fdw

39 E. Canon i-SENSYS LBP710Cx X X - X X new model 11.c: Canon / i-SENSYS LBP7660Cdn

40 E. Hewlett Packard LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw X X - X X no change 11.d: Hewlett Packard / LaserJet Pro MFP M477fdw


41 E. Epson Perfection V550 Photo X X - X - no change 12.a: Epson / Perfection V550 Photo42 E. Canon CanoScan 9000F Mark II X X - X X no change 12.b: Canon / CanoScan 9000F Mark II43 E. HP Scanjet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3 X X - X X no change 12.c: HP / Scanjet Enterprise Flow 7000 s3


44 E. HP/Compaq ProLiant DL 560 G10 Entry X X - X X new model 13.a: HP/Compaq / ProLiant DL 560 G9 Entry

45 E. HP/Compaq Proliant ML 350 G10 Base X X - X X new model 13.b: HP/Compaq / Proliant ML 350 G9 Base

46 E. HP/Compaq ProLiant DL160 G9 Base X X - X X no change 13.c: HP/Compaq / ProLiant DL160 G9 Base

47 E. Dell PowerEdge T130 X X - X X new model 13.d: Dell / PowerEdge T130-5799E.

48 E. LaCie Rugged Hard Disk 1 TB X X - X X no change 14.b: LaCie / Rugged Hard Disk 1 TB

49 E. Western Digital WD My Book 2016 6TB, USB 3.0 X X - X X no change 14.c: Western Digital / WD My Book 2016 6TB, USB 3.0

Desktop computers

E. - Information and communication equipment (CPA 26.1, 26.2 and 26.3)

Laptop computers

Laser printers



Mobile hard drives

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

50 E. Dell E2016H Flat panel monitor X X X X X no change 16.a: Dell / E2016H Flat panel monitor51 E. HP ProDisplay P232 X X - X X new model 16.b: HP / ProDisplay P222va52 E. Eizo Flexscan EV2456-BK X X X X X new model 16.c: Eizo / Flexscan EV2455-BK


53 E. Samsung Galaxy TAB A 10.5 (2018, WiFi) X X X X X new model 18.a: Samsung / Galaxy TAB A 10.1 (2016, WiFi)

54 E. Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Pro (WiFi) X X - X X no change 18.c: Lenovo / Yoga Tab 3 Pro (WiFi)55 E. Apple iPad Pro 10.5 (WiFi, 256 GB) X X - X X new model 18.d: Apple / iPad Pro 9.7 (WiFi, 128 GB)


56 E. Sandisk Extreme Pro USB 3.1 Flash Drive X X - X X new model 19.a: Sandisk / (Cruzer) Extreme 64GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive

57 E. Kingston Data Traveler Vault Privacy Ed. USB 3.0 64GB X X - X X no change 19.b: Kingston / Data Traveler Vault Privacy Ed. USB 3.0 64GB


58 E. NETGEAR ReadyNAS 3138, diskless X X - X X new model 20.a: NETGEAR / ReadyNAS 2120v2, diskless

59 E. Buffalo TeraStation 5410 X X - X X new model 20.b: Buffalo / TeraStation 540060 E. QNAP TVS-EC1280U-SAS-RP R2 X X - X X no change 20.c: QNAP / TVS-EC1280U-SAS-RP R2


61 E. Sony SNC-EB600 X X X X X delete product? 22.d: Sony / SNC-EB600

62 E. Bosch FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HD X X - X X delete product? 22.e: Bosch / FLEXIDOME IP indoor 4000 HD

63 E. Samsung XNB-8000 X X - X X delete product? 22.f: Samsung / SNB-7004E.

64 E. Cisco Webex Room 55 X X - X X new model 25.b: Cisco / Telepresence MX300 G265 E. Sony PCS-XC1 X X - X X no change 25.c: Sony / PCS-XC166 E. Microsoft Surface Hub 55" X X X X X delete item? 25.e: Microsoft / Surface Hub 55"67 E. Cisco SX80 codec, P60 camera, touch 10 (CTS-SX80-IP60-K9) X X - X X new model 25.f: Cisco / Telepresence SX20 Quick Set


68 E. Samsung S22E450BW X X - X X new model 26.a: Samsung / S22E450F (Full HD)69 E. Philips BDL 4270EL/00 X X X X X delete item? 26.b: Philips / BDL 4270EL/0070 E. Philips 32BDL4050D/00 X X - X X no change 26.c: Philips / 32BDL4050D/0071 E. NEC MultiSync C431 X X - X X new model 26.d: NEC / MultiSync V423 TM-2


72 E. Brother QL-820NWB X X - X X new model 28.a: Brother / P-touch QL-720NW73 E. Dymo Labelwriter 450 Duo X X - X X no change 28.b: Dymo / Labelwriter 450 Duo74 E. Zebra GK420t (GK42-102520-000) X X X X X no change 28.c: Zebra / GK420t (GK42-102520-000)

Desktop monitors

Tablet PCs

Encrypted high-capacity USB flash drive

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

LCD displays

Label printers

Security cameras (indoor)

Video conference units

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

75 E. Netgear WAC505-10000S X X - X X new model 29.a: Netgear / WAC120E.

76 E. Safescan TM-828 X X - X X new model 31.a: Safescan / TA-803577 E. Bioconnect/Suprema Bioentry Plus X X - X X no change 31.b: Bioconnect/Suprema / Bioentry Plus


78 E. Evolis Sig100 X X - X X no change 32.a: Evolis / Sig100

79 E. Wacom STU-530 & Sign Pro PDF set X X X X X no change 32.b: Wacom / STU-530 & Sign Pro PDF set


80 E. Netgear Aircard 810 mobile hotspot X X X X X new model 33.a: Huawei / E3372 LTE surfstick81 E. Huawei E5787W-33A mobile hotspot X X X X X new model 33.b: Huawei / E5786 mobile hotspot


82 E. Sennheiser MB pro 1 X X - X X new item/product83 E. Jabra BIZ 2400 II Duo USB MS BT X X X X X new item/product


84 E. Zebra MP7000 X X - X X new model 02.a: Zebra/Motorola / Symbol LS7808

85 E. Honeywell/Metrologic Orbit MK7120 X X - X X no change 02.b: Honeywell/Metrologic / Orbit MK7120

86 E. Datalogic Magellan 3200VSi kit X X - X X no change 02.c: Datalogic / Magellan 3200VSi Kit

87 E. DataLogic QuickScan QD2131-BKK1 X X - X X no change 05.a: DataLogic / QuickScan QD2131-BKK1

Mini-Slot/Bar code scanner

Wireless Access Points

Fingerprint scanners / access control

Signature pads

Bluetooth headsets

HSDPA/4G-LTE modems / mobile Wi-Fi hotspots

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


88 E. Unspecified - X X X X - delete product? 01.a: Unspecified / -

89 E. Viessmann Vitosol 200-T Type SP2A X X - X X delete product? 01.b: Viessmann / Vitosol 200-T Type SP2A

90 E. Viessmann Vitosol 100-FM Type SH1F X X - X X delete product? 01.c: Viessmann / Vitosol 100-FM Type SH1F

91 E. Viessmann Vitosol 200-FM Type SH2F X X - X X delete product? 01.d: Viessmann / Vitosol 200-FM Type SH2F


92 E. Motorola DP2400e X X - X X no change 03.a: Motorola / DP2400e93 E. Kenwood TK-3302 E X X - X X no change 03.b: Kenwood / TK-3302 E94 E. Midland G9Plus PMR X X - X X no change 03.c: Midland / G9Plus PMR95 E. TEAM Electronics TeCom-IP3 X X - X X no change 03.d: TEAM Electronics / TeCom-IP3


96 E. Pioneer BDP-LX58-K X X - X X no change 05.a: Pioneer / BDP-LX58-KE.

97 E. Pioneer DJM-900NXS2 X X - X X no change 06.a: Pioneer / DJM-900NXS2E.

98 E. Garmin dezl 770LMT-D X X - X X no change 08.a: Garmin / dezl 770LMT-D99 E. Tom Tom GO Essential X X - X X new model 08.b: Tom Tom / GO 510


100 E. Hameg HMO-1524 X X - X X no change 11.a: Hameg / HMO-1524101 E. Tektronix TDS 2002 C X X - X X no change 11.c: Tektronix / TDS 2002 C102 E. Tektronix TDS 3034 C X X - X X no change 11.d: Tektronix / TDS 3034 C103 E. Tektronix MDO 3034 X X - X X no change 11.e: Tektronix / MDO 3034104 E. Voltcraft DSO-1062D X X - X X no change 11.f: Voltcraft / DSO-1062D105 E. Hameg HMO-1024 X X - X X no change 11.k: Hameg / HMO-1024


106 E. Fluke 190-102 X X - X X no change 12.a: Fluke / 190-102107 E. Fluke 190-202 X X - X X no change 12.b: Fluke / 190-202


108 E. Omron HBP-1300 X X - X X new model 13.a: Omron / HEM-907

109 E. Omron HEM-7322 X X - X X new model 13.b: Omron / i-Q142 SpotArm (HEM-1040-E)


110 E. Schiller Cardiovit AT-10 Plus X X X X X delete product? 15.a: Schiller / Cardiovit AT-10 Plus111 E. Schiller Cardiovit AT-102 X X - X X delete product? 15.b: Schiller / Cardiovit AT-102

E. - Other electronic and optical products (CPA 26.4 to 26.8)

Solar panels

Portable walky - talky radios

Professional DVD/Blu-ray players

Professional mixers

Satelite Navigation System

Blood pressure monitors



Scope meters, handheld, colour

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

112 E. Topcon DT - 209 X X X X X delete product? 19.b: Topcon / DT - 209113 E. Leica Builder 109 Set X X X X X delete product? 19.c: Leica / Builder 109 Set114 E. Leica Builder 209 Set X X - X X delete product? 19.d: Leica / Builder 209 Set


115 E. Canon EOS 80 D X X - X X no change 23.a: Canon / EOS 80 D116 E. Canon EOS 800D + EF-S 18-55 IS STM X X - X X new model 23.b: Canon / EOS 700 D


117 E. Epson EB-2040 X X - X X no change 24.a: Epson / EB-2040118 E. NEC V332X X X - X X no change 24.b: NEC / V332X119 E. Epson EB-W39 X X - X X new model 24.c: Epson / EB-W32120 E. Epson EB-S41 X X - X X new model 24.d: Epson / EB-S04


121 E. Testo testo 330-2 LL - Flue Gas Analyser X X - X X new model 25.a: Testo / 330-2 LLE.

122 E. Philips HeartStart FRx X X X X X no change 26.a: Philips / HeartStart FRx123 E. Schiller FRED easy automatic X X - X X no change 26.b: Schiller / FRED easy automatic


124 E. Eppendorf (Germany) 5910 R X X - X X new item/product125 E. Beckman Coulter (USA) Allegra X-30R X X - X X new item/product


126 E. SECA (Germany) 704 X X - X X new item/product


Professional digital cameras

Digital projectors

Gas flue analysers

Electronic digital theodolites

Laboratory centrifuges

Professional weighing scales

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


127 E. Nilfisk IVB 961-0L X X X X X no change 02.a: Nilfisk / IVB 961-0L128 E. Nilfisk VL500 75 Basic X X X X X no change 02.b: Nilfisk / VL500 75 Basic


129 E. Esab Origo Arc 410c X X - X X no change 03.a: Esab / Origo Arc 410c130 E. Esab Origo Arc 650c X X - X X no change 03.b: Esab / Origo Arc 650c131 E. ESAB Caddy Arc 251i, A32/A34 X X - X X no change 03.c: ESAB / Caddy Arc 251i, A32/A34132 E. ESAB Origo Mig 4004i X X X X X no change 03.d: ESAB / Origo Mig 4004i


133 E. Caterpillar C9 ACERT (for prime use) X X - X X no change 06.a: Caterpillar / C9 ACERT (for prime use)

134 E. Caterpillar C18 ACERT (for prime use) X X - X X no change 06.d: Caterpillar / C18 ACERT (for prime use)

135 E. Caterpillar C13 ACERT (for stand-by use) X X - X X no change 06.l: Caterpillar / C13 ACERT (for stand-by use)

136 E. Atlas Copco QAS 20 (for stand-by use) X X - X X no change 06.m: Atlas Copco / QAS 20 (for stand-by use)


137 E. Asea Brown Boveri M3BP 160MLB 4 X X - X X new model 08.a: Asea Brown Boveri / M3BP 160MLB 4

138 E. ABB M3AA 160 MLB4 X X - X X new model 08.b: ABB / M3AA 160 MLB4E.

139 E. Bosch BAT 430 X X X X X no change 10.a: Bosch / BAT 430E.

140 E. Asea Brown Boveri PSTX 210-600-70 X X - X X new model 12.a: Asea Brown Boveri / PST 210-600-70141 E. Asea Brown Boveri PSTX-250-600-70 X X - X X new model 12.b: Asea Brown Boveri / PST-250-600-70

142 E. Siemens Sirius 3 RA 2445 8XF 32 1 AC2 X X X X X new model 12.c: Siemens / Sirius 3 RA 1445 8XC 21 1 AC2


143 E. ABB PSR25-600-70 X X X X X no change 13.a: ABB / PSR25-600-70E.

144 E. Martin Rush MH 1 Profile Plus X X - X X no change 14.a: Martin / Rush MH 1 Profile PlusE.

145 E. Honda EC 3600 X X X X X delete item? 15.a: Honda / EC 3600146 E. Honda EC 5000 X X X X X no change 15.b: Honda / EC 5000147 E. Honda EG 3600 X X - X X no change 15.c: Honda / EG 3600148 E. Honda EM 5500CXS X X X X X no change 15.d: Honda / EM 5500CXS

DC welding equipment

E. - Electrical equipment (CPA 27)

Vacuum cleaner: wet and dry

Diesel generating sets for continuous or stand-by use

Three phase squirrel cage electric motors

A C starters


Moving head lights

Battery charger and engine starters

Portable generators

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

149 E. Facom Heavy duty model 947A X X - X X no change 16.a: Facom / Heavy duty model 947A150 E. Weller HAP 1 set X X - X X no change 16.b: Weller / HAP 1 set


151 E. DeWalt DCL050 X X X X X no change 18.a: DeWalt / DCL050152 E. Bosch GLI VariLED Professional X X - X X no change 18.b: Bosch / GLI VariLED Professional


153 E. Elinchrom BRX 250/250 umbrella to go X X - X X no change 19.a: Elinchrom / BRX 250/250 umbrella to go


154 E. Viessmann Vitocal 350-A X X - X X no change 20.a: Viessmann / Vitocal 350-AE.

155 E. Fronius Eco 25.0-3-S WLAN X X - X X new item/productSolar energy inverters

Soldering irons

(Air) heat pumps

Portable electrical lamps

Studio lighting

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


156 E. Atlas Copco XAS 68 Kd 8 Series X X - X X no change 01.a: Atlas Copco / XAS 68 Kd 8 Series157 E. Atlas Copco XAS 78 Kd 8 Series X X - X X no change 01.b: Atlas Copco / XAS 78 Kd 8 Series


158 E. Grundfos SP 30 - 4 X X - X X no change 03.a: Grundfos / SP 30 - 4159 E. Grundfos SP 30 - 5 X X - X X no change 03.b: Grundfos / SP 30 - 5


160 E. Grundfos NK-50-160/167 A2-F-A-E-BAQE X X - X X new version 04.a: Grundfos / NK-50-160/167161 E. Grundfos TP 32-320/2 A-F-A-BAQE X X - X X no change 04.b: Grundfos / TP 32-320/2162 E. Grundfos TP 32-380/2 A-F-A-BAQE X X - X X no change 04.c: Grundfos / TP 32-380/2163 E. Grundfos Alpha2 25-60 N 180 X X - X X no change 04.d: Grundfos / Alpha2 25-60 N 180164 E. Grundfos NK 50-160/177 A1-F-A-E-BAQE X X - X X no change 04.e: Grundfos / NK 50-160/177


165 E. Honda GX 270 UT2 SWC 4 X X - X X no change 05.a: Honda / GX 270 UT2 SWC 4166 E. Honda GX 160 UT2 SX 4 X X - X X no change 05.c: Honda / GX 160 UT2 SX 4


167 E. Evinrude Inline 3 -Cylinder - 90 HP - E-Tec X X - X X no change 06.a: Evinrude / Inline 3 -Cylinder - 90 HP - E-Tec

168 E. Yamaha F 150 DETL X X - X X no change 06.b: Yamaha / F 150 DETL169 E. Yamaha F50 HETL X X X X X no change 06.c: Yamaha / F50 HETL


170 E. Honda WB 30 XT X X - X X no change 08.a: Honda / WB 30 XTE.

171 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 10.a: Unspecified / -172 E. Cyklop International M-PAC 4 X X - X X no change 10.c: Cyklop International / M-PAC 4


173 E. Jungheinrich DFG 425s X X - X X no change 11.a: Jungheinrich / DFG 425 s174 E. Doosan Pro5 series: D25S-5 X X - X X no change 11.b: Doosan / Pro5 series: D25S-5175 E. Toyota Tonero 52-8FDF25 X X - X X no change 11.c: Toyota / Tonero 52-8FDF25176 E. Balkancar Record 2E - DV 1786.30.2MC Е X X - X X new model 11.e: Balkancar / Record 2S - DV1786


177 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 12.a: Unspecified / -178 E. Jungheinrich AM 22 X X - X X no change 12.d: Jungheinrich / AM 22


179 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 13.a: Unspecified / -180 E. Gloria PD 6 GA with PG X X - X X specs modified 13.b: Gloria / PD 6 GA with PG

E. - General purpose machinery (CPA 28.1 and 28.2)

Hand pallet trucks

Diesel fork lift trucks

Portable rotary screw compressors

Submersible water pumps

Water pumps

Industrial petrol engines

Portable Pumps

Semi automatic strapping machines

Marine outboard engines

Dry powder fire extuinguishers

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

181 E. Berkel FX50 X X - X X no change 15.b: Berkel / FX50182 E. Bizerba SC II 100 X X - X X new model 15.c: Bizerba / BC II 100 E


183 E. Nilfisk Nilfisk SR 1101 B X X - X X specs modified 16.a: Nilfisk / Nilfisk SR 1101 B184 E. Nilfisk Nilfisk SW 4000 B X X - X X specs modified 16.b: Nilfisk / Nilfisk SW 4000 B185 E. Kärcher KM 90/60 R G X X - X X no change 16.c: Kärcher / KM 90/60 R G

186 E. Hako-Jonas Sweepmaster B 1200 RH X X - X X no change 16.d: Hako-Jonas / Sweepmaster B 1200 RH

187 E. Hako Jonas Sweepmaster B 650 X X - X X no change 16.f: Hako Jonas / Sweepmaster B 650188 E. Kärcher KM 70/20 C X X X X X no change 16.j: Kärcher / KM 70/20 C


189 E. Yale CPV 10-8 X X - X X no change 17.a: Yale / CPV 10-8E.

190 E. Panasonic PACi Elite KIT-125PU2E5A4 X X X X X new model 18.a: Panasonic / KIT-125PU1E5A

191 E. Fujitsu AUYG18LVLB + AOYG18LBCB X X - X X new model 18.b: Fujitsu / AUYG18LVLB + AOYG18LALL


192 E. Genie GS 2646 X X - X X no change 19.a: Genie / GS 2646E.

193 E. Jungheinrich EFG 425k X X - X X specs modified 21.a: Jungheinrich / EFG 425 kE.

194 E. Nilfisk MC 5M-180/840 (Poseidon 5-41) X X - X X no change 26.a: Nilfisk / MC 5M-180/840 (Poseidon 5-41)


195 E. DeWalt D 26420 Sander X X - X X no change 27.a: DeWalt / D 26420 Sander196 E. DeWalt DWE6411 Palm sander X X - X X new model 27.b: DeWalt / D 26441 Palm sander


197 E. DeWalt DW 615 X X - X X no change 28.b: DeWalt / DW 615198 E. Festool OF 1400 EBQ-Plus X X - X X no change 28.c: Festool / OF 1400 EBQ-Plus199 E. Festool OF 1010 EBQ-Plus X X - X X no change 28.d: Festool / OF 1010 EBQ-Plus


200 E. Hilti Set TE 60-ATC/AVR + TE-YP 3 X X X X X new model 29.a: Hilti / Set TE 60-ATC + TE-YP 3201 E. Hilti Set TE 70-AVR + TE-YP 3 X X X X X no change 29.b: Hilti / Set TE 70-AVR + TE-YP 3

Electric hoists

Electric fork lift trucks

Medium mobile cold water pressure washers

Digital computing scales

Pedestrian sweepers

Air-conditioning equipment

Self-propelled scissor lifts

Plunging routers

Orbital sanders

Electric combi-hammers

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

202 E. Bosch GBH 36 V-LI Plus Professional X X - X X no change 31.a: Bosch / GBH 36 V-LI Plus Professional

203 E. Bosch GBH 36 VF-LI Plus Professional X X X X X no change 31.b: Bosch / GBH 36 VF-LI Plus Professional

204 E. Metabo 18V Cordless Drill/Screwdriver BS 18 LT X X - X X new model 31.c: Metabo / 18V Cordless Drill/Screwdriver BS 18 LI

205 E. Bosch GBH 18 V-EC Professional X X - X X no change 31.d: Bosch / GBH 18 V-EC ProfessionalE.

206 E. Bosch GSB 18 V-LI Professional X X X X X no change 32.a: Bosch / GSB 18 V-LI Professional207 E. Bosch GSB 36 VE-2-LI Professional X X - X X new model 32.b: Bosch / GSB 18 VE-2LI Professional


208 E. Husqvarna 550 XP X X - X X no change 33.a: Husqvarna / 550 XP209 E. Husqvarna 450 e-series X X - X X new model 33.b: Husqvarna / 372 XP - XTORQ210 E. Stihl MS 261 C-M X X - X X no change 33.e: Stihl / MS 261 C-M211 E. Husqvarna 560 XP X X - X X no change 33.f: Husqvarna / 560 XP


212 E. Bosch GSH 11 VC Professional X X - X X no change 34.a: Bosch / GSH 11 VC ProfessionalE.

213 E. Potain Hup 32-27 X X - X X new model 35.a: Potain / IGO 36214 E. Potain IGO T 85 A X X - X X no change 35.b: Potain / IGO T 85 A215 E. Liebherr 200 EC-H 10 Litronic X X - X X no change 35.c: Liebherr / 200 EC-H 10 Litronic216 E. Liebherr 34 K X X - X X new model 35.d: Liebherr / 32 H217 E. Potain Hup 40-30 X X - X X new model 35.e: Potain / IGO 42218 E. Liebherr 81 K.1 X X - X X new model 35.f: Liebherr / 81 K


219 E. Hobart PROFI FX 10B X X - X X new model 36.a: Hobart / FX 10A220 E. Winterhalter GS 630 X X - X X no change 36.b: Winterhalter / GS 630221 E. Fagor CO-500 X X - X X specs modified 36.c: Fagor / CO-500


222 E. Konica/Minolta Bizhub 227 X X - X X no change 40.a: Konica/Minolta / Bizhub 227223 E. Xerox Versalink B7025 X X - X X new model 40.b: Xerox / WorkCentre 5325V/SC224 E. Konica/Minolta Bizhub 284e X X - X X specs modified 40.c: Konica/Minolta / Bizhub 284e


225 E. Xerox WorkCentre 7220i X X X X X new version 41.a: Xerox / WorkCentre 7220V_S226 E. Canon iR Advance C5550i II X X - X X new model 41.b: Canon / iR Advance C5250i227 E. Canon iR Advance C3530i II X X - X X new model 41.c: Canon / iR Advance C3330i

Tower cranes

Cordless drills and hammers

Heavy duty cordless combis

Power saws

Demolition hammers

Dish washing machines

Digital photocopiers b/w

Digital photo copiers colour

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

228 E. Glory GFB - 800 X X - X X no change 42.a: Glory / GFB - 800229 E. Safescan Safescan 2250 X X - X X no change 42.b: Safescan / Safescan 2250


230 E. Unspecified - X X - X - specs modified 44.a: Unspecified / -231 E. Sam4S ER-925 X X - X X new model 44.c: Sam4S / SPS-530232 E. Olympia CM 942F X X - X X no change 44.d: Olympia / CM 942F233 E. Sharp XE-A217B X X - X X no change 44.e: Sharp / XE-A217B


234 E. Rexel RDS2250 X X - X X no change 46.a: Rexel / RDS2250235 E. Fellowes Fortishred 4250S X X - X X no change 46.b: Fellowes / Fortishred 4250S236 E. Fellowes Powershred 425i X X - X X no change 46.c: Fellowes / Powershred 425i


237 E. Acco Rexel ClassicCut CL200 X X - X X no change 47.a: Acco / Rexel ClassicCut CL200238 E. Acco Rexel ClassicCut CL410 X X - X X no change 47.b: Acco / Rexel ClassicCut CL410


239 E. Sony ICD-PX 470 X X - X X new model 50.b: Sony / ICD-PX333DE.

240 E. Fellowes Proteus A3 Laminator X X - X X no change 52.a: Fellowes / Proteus A3 LaminatorE.

241 E. Viper/Nilfisk AS430B X X - X X no change 53.a: Viper/Nilfisk / AS430BE.

242 E. Ingenico iPP 350 X X - X X new model 54.a: Ingenico / iCT 220243 E. Ingenico iCT 250 X X - X X specs modified 54.b: Ingenico / iCT 250


244 E. Acorn Stairlifts Acorn 130 stairlift X X - X X new item/productE.

245 E. Liebherr LCexv 4010 X X - X X new item/productE.

246 E. Raise3D Pro 2 3D Printer (Dual head) X X - X X new item/product

Refrigerators for laboratories


Guillotines for cutting paper

Banknote counters

Electronic cash registers

Paper shredders

Professional dictation machines


Credit card readers

Laminating machines

Walk-behind scrubber dryers

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


247 E. New Holland TC 5.80 X X - X X no change 04.a: New Holland / TC 5.80248 E. New Holland TC5.70 X X - X X no change 04.b: New Holland / TC5.70249 E. New Holland CX 8.70 X X - X X no change 04.c: New Holland / CX 8.70250 E. John Deere W650 X X - X X no change 04.d: John Deere / W650251 E. John Deere W540 X X - X X no change 04.e: John Deere / W540252 E. Claas Lexion 670 X X - X X no change 04.f: Claas / Lexion 670253 E. New Holland CX 8.90 X X - X X no change 04.g: New Holland / CX 8.90


254 E. DeLaval Duovac 300/MU210D X X X X X no change 05.a: DeLaval / Duovac 300/MU210D255 E. DeLaval MC31 X X - X X no change 05.b: DeLaval / MC31256 E. DeLaval MC53 X X - X X no change 05.c: DeLaval / MC53


257 E. Massey Ferguson 1740 (A) X X - X X no change 06.a: Massey Ferguson / 1740 (A)258 E. New Holland TD 5.95 Tier 4A X X - X X no change 06.b: New Holland / TD 5.95 Tier 4A259 E. John Deere 5050E X X - X X new model 06.c: John Deere / 5080G


260 E. Massey Ferguson 7715 S X X - X X new model 07.a: Massey Ferguson / 7715 Dyna-6261 E. Massey Ferguson 6713 S Dyna-4 X X - X X new model 07.b: Massey Ferguson / 6613 Dyna-4262 E. Massey Ferguson 8732 S X X - X X new model 07.c: Massey Ferguson / 8732263 E. Zetor Proxima CL 100 X X - X X new model 07.e: Zetor / Proxima 80 CL264 E. New Holland T7.210 X X - X X no change 07.f: New Holland / T7.210265 E. John Deere T 7230 R X X - X X no change 07.g: John Deere / T 7230 R


266 E. Agria 5300 X X - X X no change 08.a: Agria / 5300267 E. McCulloch MPF 72B X X - X X no change 08.b: McCulloch / MPF 72B268 E. John Deere R 47 KB X X - X X no change 08.c: John Deere / R 47 KB269 E. John Deere R 47 S X X - X X no change 08.d: John Deere / R 47 S270 E. EFCO MR55 TBI X X X X X no change 08.e: EFCO / MR55 TBI271 E. BCS 630 MAX GX270 X X - X X no change 08.f: BCS / 630 MAX GX270


272 E. Husqvarna 525 LK X X - X X no change 09.b: Husqvarna / 525 LK273 E. Husqvarna 327HE3x X X - X X no change 09.c: Husqvarna / 327HE3x274 E. EFCO TG2800 XP X X - X X no change 09.d: EFCO / TG2800 XP


275 E. Husqvarna 356 BT X X - X X new model 10.a: Husqvarna / 356 BTx276 E. Husqvarna 570BTS X X - X X no change 10.b: Husqvarna / 570BTS277 E. Stihl BR 430 X X X X X no change 10.c: Stihl / BR 430



Self propelled combine harvesters

Backpack leaf blowers

E. - Special purpose machinery (CPA 28.3 to 28.9)

Diesel tractors: small

Diesel tractors: large

Milking units/equipment

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

278 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 11.a: Unspecified / -279 E. Colchester Mastiff VS 1800 X X - X X no change 11.b: Colchester / Mastiff VS 1800280 E. Trens SN 50 C 1000 X X - X X no change 11.c: Trens / SN 50 C 1000


281 E. Alzmetall AB 40 HST X X - X X no change 12.b: Alzmetall / AB 40 HST282 E. Einhell BT-BD 801 E X X - X X no change 12.c: Einhell / BT-BD 801 E283 E. Erlo TCA 40 X X - X X new model 12.d: Erlo / Tsar 40


284 E. JCB 3CX ECO Sitemaster X X - X X no change 17.a: JCB / 3CX ECO Sitemaster285 E. JCB 3CX Eco Contractor X X - X X no change 17.b: JCB / 3CX Eco Contractor286 E. Caterpillar 432F X X - X X no change 17.d: Caterpillar / 432F287 E. Komatsu WB97S-5 X X - X X no change 17.e: Komatsu / WB97S-5


288 E. Caterpillar D6T Standard LGP X X - X X no change 18.a: Caterpillar / D6T Standard LGP289 E. Caterpillar D6T XL X X - X X no change 18.b: Caterpillar / D6T XL290 E. Caterpillar D6N XL X X - X X no change 18.c: Caterpillar / D6N XL291 E. Komatsu D51EXi-22 X X - X X no change 18.d: Komatsu / D51EXi-22


292 E. Bobcat IR S 630 X X - X X no change 19.a: Bobcat IR / S 630293 E. Bobcat IR S 530 X X - X X no change 19.b: Bobcat IR / S 530294 E. Komatsu SK 820-5 SF X X - X X no change 19.c: Komatsu / SK 820-5 SF


295 E. Bomag BW 80 AD-5 X X - X X no change 20.a: Bomag / BW 80 AD-5296 E. Bomag BW 120 AD-5 X X - X X no change 20.b: Bomag / BW 120 AD-5


297 E. Ammann APF 1240 X X - X X no change 21.a: Ammann / APF 1240E.

298 E. Bobcat T590 X X - X X no change 23.a: Bobcat / T590E.

299 E. Caterpillar 303.5E CR X X - X X no change 24.b: Caterpillar / 303.5E CRE.

300 E. Tetrapak Tetra Centri H40 X X - X X no change 25.a: Tetrapak / Tetra Centri H40301 E. Tetrapak Tetra Centri H10 X X - X X no change 25.b: Tetrapak / Tetra Centri H10302 E. GEA Westfalia Separator Ecocream X X - X X no change 25.c: Westfalia Separator / Ecocream

Single spindle lathes

Skid steer loaders

Tracked tractors

Tandem vibrating rollers

Pillar drills

Wheeled loaders and excavators

Vibrating plates

Compact track loaders

Mini excavators

Warm whole milk separators

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

303 E. Unspecified - X X X X - delete product? 26.a: Unspecified / -304 E. Effedue M 130 Supreme X X X X X delete product? 26.b: Effedue / M 130 Supreme305 E. Diosna SPV 240 A X X - X X delete product? 26.f: Diosna / SPV 240 A306 E. VMI MAG 120 X X - X X delete product? 26.g: VMI / MAG 120


307 E. Unspecified - X X X X - delete product? 27.a: Unspecified / -308 E. Werner Pfleiderer Matador MD121 X X - X X delete product? 27.b: Werner Pfleiderer / Matador MD121309 E. Mondial Forni Ecomondial 33C X X - X X delete product? 27.c: Mondial Forni / Ecomondial 33C

310 E. Mondial Forni DekoMondial 2.0 Active X X - X X delete product? 27.e: Mondial Forni / DekoMondial 2.0 Active

311 E. Sveba-Dahlen DC 43 X X - X X delete product? 27.f: Sveba-Dahlen / DC 43312 E. Miwe Roll-in E+ X X - X X delete product? 27.g: Miwe / Roll-in E+


313 E. Rational SCC WE 101E X X - X X no change 30.a: Rational / SCC WE 101E314 E. Angelo Po FX101E3 X X - X X new model 30.b: Angelo Po / FX101E


315 E. Küppersbusch Premium Line 850 FEF 224 X X - X X no change 33.a: Küppersbusch / Premium Line 850 FEF 224

316 E. Henny Penny OEA-321 X X - X X no change 33.b: Henny Penny / OEA-321E.

317 E. Gaggia Accademia X X - X X no change 36.b: Gaggia / Accademia318 E. Jura GIGA X9C Professional X X - X X no change 36.c: Jura / GIGA X9C Professional319 E. Saeco Exprelia HD 8854 X X - X X no change 36.d: Saeco / Exprelia HD 8854


320 E. Castel MAC Icematic E75 X X X X X no change 38.a: Castel MAC / Icematic E75321 E. Castel MAC Icematic F80c X X X X X no change 38.c: Castel MAC / Icematic F80c322 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 38.e: Unspecified / -


323 E. Juki MB-1373 X X - X X no change 39.a: Juki / MB-1373324 E. Juki MB-1377 X X - X X no change 39.b: Juki / MB-1377


325 E. Juki MB 1800 B X X - X X no change 41.a: Juki / MB 1800 B326 E. Brother BE - 338 HX X X - X X new model 41.b: Brother / BE - 438 FX

Ice making machines

Single thread chainstitch button sewing machines

Electronic/computer controlled sewing machines

Coffee makers

Open fryers

Spiral dough mixers

Bread ovens

Cooking ovens

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

327 E. Electrolux W 5240 H X X - X X no change 47.a: Electrolux / W 5240 H328 E. Lavamac LH 400 X X - X X no change 47.c: Lavamac / LH 400


329 E. Electrolux C260 X X - X X no change 51.a: Electrolux / C260E.

330 E. Sumitomo Demag Systec SP 160/520 - 600 X X - X X no change 54.b: Sumitomo Demag / Systec SP 160/520 - 600

331 E. Negri Bossi CanBio sT 180 X X X X X new model 54.c: Negri Bossi / CanBio V90-400332 E. Negri Bossi CanBio sT 500 X X X X X new model 54.d: Negri Bossi / CanBio V 180 - 670 h333 E. Ferromatic Milacron Elektron 400 A X X - X X no change 54.e: Ferromatic Milacron / Elektron 400 A


334 E. Casadei Xenia 60 X X X X X no change 56.a: Casadei / Xenia 60335 E. Robland Z 500 X X - X X new model 56.b: Robland / NZ 3200336 E. Rojek PK 320A X X - X X no change 56.d: Rojek / PK 320A


337 E. Heidelberg Suprasetter A 52 X X - X X no change 57.a: Heidelberg / Suprasetter A 52338 E. Heidelberg Suprasetter A75 X X - X X no change 57.b: Heidelberg / Suprasetter A75


339 E. Heidelberg Speedmaster SX 52-2 X X - X X new model 58.b: Heidelberg / Speedmaster SM 52-2E.

340 E. IPSO DR 55 S X X - X X no change 60.a: IPSO / DR 55 S341 E. IPSO DR 50 X X - X X no change 60.b: IPSO / DR 50


342 E. Silca Bravo (II) Professional X X - X X no change 61.a: Silca / Bravo (II) Professional343 E. JMA Ecco combi X X - X X new model 61.b: JMA / Ecco Plus344 E. Silca Bravo Evolution X X - X X no change 61.d: Silca / Bravo Evolution


345 E. Morgana DigiFold Pro X X - X X no change 62.a: Morgana / DigiFold ProE.

346 E. Metabo 505 Precision WNB X X - X X no change 63.a: Metabo / 505 Precision WNBE.

347 E. Ponsse Ergo 8W X X - X X no change 64.a: Ponsse / Ergo 8W348 E. John Deere 1270G X X - X X no change 64.b: John Deere / 1270G


349 E. Amazone UX3200 Special X X - X X no change 65.a: Amazone / UX3200 Special

Centrifugal washers/extractors: small

Hydro extractors

Panel saws

Compact platesetters

Offset litho presses

Injection moulding machines

Tree harvesters

Key cutting machines

Paper folding machines

Tumble dryers

Band saws

Crop protection sprayers

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

350 E. Trumpf TruLaser Cell 8030 L60 X X X X X no change 66.a: Trumpf / TruLaser Cell 8030 L60351 E. LVD Phoenix FL 3015 X X - X X new model 66.b: LVD / Orion 3015 Plus


352 E. Amazone AD-P 3000 Special Pack Top X X - X X no change 69.a: Amazone / AD-P 3000 Special Pack Top


353 E. Unspecified - X X - X - new item/productE.

354 E. Dyson airblade dB X X - X X new item/productHand dryers

Commercial hair dryers

Laser cutting machines

Seed pneumatic drills

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


355 E. Mercedes Benz Sprinter 311 X X - X X no change 01.a: Mercedes Benz / Sprinter 311356 E. Mercedes Benz Sprinter 314 CDI X X - X X no change 01.b: Mercedes Benz / Sprinter 314 CDI357 E. Mercedes Benz Sprinter 316 CDI X X - X X no change 01.c: Mercedes Benz / Sprinter 316 CDI


358 E. Ford Transit 290 L2H2 X X - X X no change 02.a: Ford / Transit 290 L2H2359 E. Ford Transit 350 L4H3 X X - X X no change 02.b: Ford / Transit 350 L4H3360 E. Ford Transit 310 L3H2 X X - X X no change 02.d: Ford / Transit 310 L3H2


361 E. V W Transporter Delivery Van (T30/SWB) X X - X X no change 04.a: V W / Transporter Delivery Van (T30/SWB)

362 E. V W Transporter Delivery Van (T26/SWB) X X - X X specs modified 04.b: V W / Transporter Delivery Van (T26/SWB)

363 E. V W Transporter Delivery Van (T28/LWB) X X - X X no change 04.c: V W / Transporter Delivery Van (T28/LWB)

364 E. V W Transporter Kombi (SWB) X X - X X no change 04.d: V W / Transporter Kombi (SWB)E.

365 E. Renault Kangoo Van X X - X X no change 06.a: Renault / Kangoo Van366 E. Renault Kangoo Maxi Van X X - X X no change 06.c: Renault / Kangoo Maxi Van


367 E. Citroen Berlingo Blue HDi 130 X X - X X specs modified 07.a: Citroen / Berlingo Blue HDi 120368 E. Citroen Berlingo Blue HDi 100 X X - X X no change 07.b: Citroen / Berlingo Blue HDi 100


369 E. Isuzu DMAX 4x2 X X - X X no change 08.a: Isuzu / DMAX 4x2370 E. Isuzu DMAX 4x4 X X - X X no change 08.b: Isuzu / DMAX 4x4


371 E. Toyota Hilux Double Cab Active 4WD X X - X X no change 09.a: Toyota / Hilux Double Cab Active 4WD


372 E. Mercedes Benz Sprinter 314 BlueTEC X X - X X no change 10.a: Mercedes Benz / Sprinter 314 BlueTEC

373 E. Mercedes Benz Sprinter 519 BlueTEC X X - X X no change 10.b: Mercedes Benz / Sprinter 519 BlueTEC


374 E. Ford Transit 350 L3 X X X X X no change 12.a: Ford / Transit 350 L3375 E. Ford Transit 350 L3 125 kW X X - X X no change 12.b: Ford / Transit 350 L3 125 kW

E. - Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (CPA 29)

Vans - Mercedes Benz

Vans - Ford

Vans - VW

Vans - Renault

Vans - Citroen

Single cab pick-ups

Double cab pick-ups

Lorry chassis cabs - Mercedes Benz

Lorry chassis cabs - Ford

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

376 E. Mercedes Benz Actros 1835 LS 4x2 X X - X X no change 15.a: Mercedes Benz / Actros 1835 LS 4x2

377 E. Mercedes Benz Actros 1843 LS 4x2 F11 X X - X X no change 15.b: Mercedes Benz / Actros 1843 LS 4x2 F11


378 E. Volvo FM 420 4X2 Rear air suspension X X - X X no change 16.a: Volvo / FM 420 4X2 Rear air suspension

379 E. Volvo FH 420HP 4X2 Rear air suspension X X - X X no change 16.b: Volvo / FH 420HP 4X2 Rear air suspension

380 E. Volvo FH 460HP 4x2 Rear air suspension X X - X X no change 16.c: Volvo / FH 460HP 4x2 Rear air suspension


381 E. Scania R 410 LA 4x2 MNA X X - X X no change 17.a: Scania / R 410 LA 4x2 MNA382 E. Scania R 520 LA 4x2 MNA X X - X X no change 17.b: Scania / R 520 LA 4x2 MNA383 E. Scania P 370 LA 4 x 2 MNA X X - X X no change 17.c: Scania / P 370 LA 4 x 2 MNA


384 E. Mercedes Benz Vito Tourer 109 BlueTEC X X - X X no change 18.a: Mercedes Benz / Vito Tourer 109 BlueTEC

385 E. Mercedes Benz Sprinter Kombi 314 CDI X X - X X no change 18.b: Mercedes Benz / Sprinter Kombi 314 CDI


386 E. V W Transporter Caravelle 9 seats X X X X X no change 19.a: V W / Transporter Caravelle 9 seats387 E. V W Transporter Caravelle 7 seats X X - X X no change 19.b: V W / Transporter Caravelle 7 seats


388 E. Audi A6 X X - X X no change 21.b: Audi / A6389 E. Audi Q7 3.0TDI X X - X X specs modified 21.c: Audi / Q7 3.0TDI


390 E. BMW 5 series X X - X X no change 22.a: BMW / 5 seriesE.

391 E. Mercedes E-class X X - X X specs modified 24.a: Mercedes / E-classE.

392 E. Volvo S90 X X - X X no change 25.a: Volvo / S90393 E. Volvo V60 T Business Edition X X - X X no change 25.b: Volvo / V60 T Business Edition


394 E. Audi A4 Avant X X - X X new model 26.a: Audi / A4 AvantE.

395 E. Ford Mondeo X X - X X no change 27.a: Ford / Mondeo396 E. Mazda CX3 X X - X X no change 27.b: Mazda / CX3

Executive car - Mercedes

Salespersons / service car - Audi

Executive car - Audi

Executive car - BMW

Executive car - Volvo

Salespersons / service car - Ford/Mazda

Tractor units - Mercedes Benz

Tractor units - Volvo

Tractor units - Scania

Diesel minibus - VW

Diesel minibus - Mercedes Benz

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

397 E. Peugeot 508 X X - X X no change 29.a: Peugeot / 508E.

398 E. Skoda Octavia (Combi) X X - X X no change 30.a: Skoda / Octavia (Combi)E.

399 E. VW Passat X X - X X new model 31.a: VW / PassatE.

400 E. Fiat 500 X X - X X no change 32.a: Fiat / 500E.

401 E. VW up! X X - X X no change 35.a: VW / up!E.

402 E. DAF XF 460 FT4x2 X X - X X no change 36.a: DAF / XF 460 FT4x2403 E. DAF CF 400 FT4x2 X X - X X no change 36.b: DAF / CF 400 FT4x2


404 E. Opel Corsa X X - X X no change 37.a: Opel / CorsaE.

405 E. BMW 3 Series X X - X X no change 38.a: BMW / 3 SeriesE.

406 E. Mercedes C-Class X X - X X no change 39.a: Mercedes / C-ClassE.

407 E. MAN TGS 18.460 LX 4x2 X X X X X no change 42.a: MAN / TGS 18.460 LX 4x2E.

408 E. Toyota Auris X X - X X new item/product409 E. Toyota Prius X X - X X new item/product410 E. BMW i3 X X - X X new item/product411 E. Nissan Leaf X X - X X new item/product412 E. Renault Zoe X X - X X new item/product

Salespersons / service car - VW

Service car / city use - VW

Salespersons / service car - BMW

Tractor units - MAN

Hybrid/ electric cars

Salespersons / service car - Peugeot

Salespersons / service car - Skoda

Service car / city use - Fiat

Tractor units - DAF

Service car / city use - Opel

Salespersons / service car - Mercedes

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


413 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 01.a: Unspecified / -414 E. Ikea Bekant X X - X X new version 01.b: Ikea / Bekant415 E. Ikea Bekant X X - X X new version 01.c: Ikea / Bekant416 E. Kinnarps Series [P] X X - X X no change 01.d: Kinnarps / Series [P]


417 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 02.a: Unspecified / -418 E. Lista Office Drawer cabinet 75 X X X X X no change 02.b: Lista Office / Selection 75


419 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 03.a: Unspecified / -420 E. Ikea Galant three drawer unit X X - X X new version 03.b: Ikea / Galant three drawer unit421 E. IKEA Galant X X - X X new version 03.c: IKEA / Galant


422 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 04.a: Unspecified / -423 E. Ikea Flintan (Vissle black) X X - X X no change 04.b: Ikea / Flintan (Vissle black)424 E. Ikea Markus X X - X X no change 04.c: Ikea / Markus


425 E. Kettler ERGO C10 X X - X X new model 06.a: Kettler / ERGO SE.

426 E. Concept 2 Model D X X - X X no change 08.a: Concept 2 / Model D427 E. Kettler Coach H20 X X - X X new model 08.b: Kettler / Coach M


428 E. Yamaha PSR-S975 X X - X X new model 09.a: Yamaha / Tyros 5-61429 E. Roland RD 2000 X X - X X new model 09.b: Roland / RD 800


430 E. Casio CDP230R X X - X X no change 10.a: Casio / CDP230RE.

431 E. Technogym Synchro Forma Crosstrainer X X - X X new model 11.a: Technogym / Excite Synchro LED Crosstrainer

432 E. Kettler Skylon 10 X X X X X new model 11.b: Kettler / Skylon S433 E. Tunturi Platinum Pro Crosstrainer Front Driven X X - X X new model 11.c: Tunturi / Pure Cross R 10.1


434 E. Unspecified - X X - X - new item/productE.

435 E. IKEA Fjällberget X X - X X new model 13.a: IKEA / StoljanE.

436 E. IKEA Bekant X X - X X new version 14.a: IKEA / Bekant

Desks wood/metal

Conference chair

Conference table

Swivel chairs

Storage cabinets/combinations: particle board

E. - Furniture and other manufactured goods (CPA 31 and 32)

Storage cabinets: steel

Exercise equipment: bicycles

Exercise equipment: rowing machines

Cross trainers

Kick steps (plastic)

Electronic keyboards

Digital pianos

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

437 E. Fitness Anywhere TRX 20' S-Frame with 12 suspensions X X X X X no change 16.a: Fitness Anywhere / TRX 20' S-Frame with 12 suspensions


438 E. Unspecified - X X - X - new item/product

TRX equipment

Mobile walls

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)


439 E. Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (FQC-09131) X X - X X no change 01.a: Microsoft / Windows 10 Professional

440 E. Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Upgrade MOLP X X - X X no change 01.b: Microsoft / Windows 10 Pro Upgrade MOLP


441 E. Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium (1 year) X X - X X no change 03.c: Microsoft / Office 365 Business Premium (1 year)

442 E. Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus (MOLP) X X - X X new version 03.d: Microsoft / Office 2016 Professional Plus (MOLP)

443 E. Microsoft Office 365 Business (1 year) X X X X X delete item? 03.e: Microsoft / Office 365 Business (1 year)


444 E. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC X X - X X no change 04.b: Adobe / Acrobat Pro DCE.

445 E. Veritas Backup Exec 20 Capacity Edition (1 TB) X X - X X new version 05.a: Veritas / Backup Exec 16 Capacity Edition


446 E. Autodesk AutoCAD Full Version (1yr) X X - X X no change 09.a: Autodesk / AutoCAD Full Version (1yr)

447 E. Autodesk AutoCAD LT (1yr) X X - X X no change 09.b: Autodesk / AutoCAD LT (1yr)E.

448 E. Symantec Norton Security Deluxe X X - X X no change 10.b: Symantec / Norton Security Deluxe449 E. Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 (3 dev., 1yr) X X - X X new version 10.c: Kaspersky / Internet Security 2017450 E. Avira Antivirus for Small Business X X - X X no change 10.d: Avira / Antivirus for Small Business


451 E. Microsoft Visual Studio Pro 2017 (C5E-01307) X X - X X new version 11.a: Microsoft / Visual Studio Pro 2015E.

452 E. Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard Core (9EM-00653) X X - X X new version 12.a: Microsoft / Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

453 E. Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Essentials (G3S-01259) X X - X X new version 12.b: Microsoft / Windows Server 2016 Essentials


454 E. Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Core Ed X X - X X new version 13.b: Microsoft / SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Core Ed.


455 E. VMware VMware vSphere 6 Essentials Kit X X - X X no change 14.b: VMware / VMware vSphere 6 Essentials Kit

Computer software - Symantec/Veritas Backup

Computer software - Autodesk Autocad

E. - Computer software (CPA 58.2 and 62.01)

Computer software - Adobe Acrobat/Photoshop

Anti virus software

Computer software - Microsoft Visual Pro

Computer software - Windows Server

Computer operating system - Microsoft Windows

Computer software - Microsoft Office

Computer software - SQL Server Enterprise

Virtualisation Software

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no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)E.

456 E. ESRI ArcGIS 10.6 for Desktop Basic X X - X X new version 15.a: ESRI / ArcGIS 10.5 for Desktop Basic

457 E. Pitney Bowes Mapinfo Professional v17 X X - X X new version 15.b: Pitney Bowes / Mapinfo Professional v16


458 E. Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition X X X X X no change 16.a: Oracle / Database 12c Enterprise Edition


459 E. IBM SPSS Statistics Base 25 X X - X X new version 17.a: IBM / SPSS Statistics Base 24E.

460 E. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Standard X X X X X no change 20.a: Microsoft / Exchange Server 2016 Standard


461 E. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Go X X X X X new version 21.a: Microsoft / Dynamics NAVE.

462 E. Adobe Creative Cloud for teams X X - X X new version 22.a: Adobe / Creative Cloud for teamsE.

463 E. Acronis True Image 2019 X X - X X new version 24.a: Acronis / True Image 2017E.

464 E. Paragon Hard Disk Manager 16 Business Edition X X - X X new version 25.a: Paragon / Hard Disk Manager 15 Business


465 E. Atomix Virtual DJ 2018 Pro "Infinity" X X - X X new version 27.a: Atomix / Virtual DJ 8 Pro "Infinity"466 E. Native Instruments Traktor 3 Pro X X - X X new version 27.b: Native Instruments / Traktor 2 Pro


467 E. Steinberg Cubase 10 Pro X X - X X new version 28.a: Steinberg / Cubase 9 Pro468 E. Apple Logic Pro X X X - X X no change 28.b: Apple / Logic Pro X


469 E. Microsoft Visio Pro 2019 Box Pack X X - X X new version 29.a: Microsoft / Visio Pro 2016 MOLP Open Business


470 E. Tableau Tableau Creator (12 months) X X - X X new version 30.a: Tableau / Desktop Professional Edition 10.2


471 E. Nuance Dragon Professional Individual v15 X X - X X new version 34.a: Nuance / Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium

Statistical Analysis Software

Database Software

GIS Desktop Software

Computer software - MS Exchange Server

Diagramming software

DJ software

Music mixing and mastering software

Data visualisation software

Speech recognition software

Computer software - MS Dynamics NAV

Computer software - Adobe Creative Cloud

Endpoint backup software

Hard disk manager software

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Item code Item Question(s)

E. Shopping trolley / Caddie / Cadergo Security 210 L

In the Preview, Norway proposed to add a platform trolley (perhaps a “generic” item) for moving goods. As long as the platform is made of metal, it would belong to this Basic Heading. Would you support this suggestion? If yes, would you prefer a steel model or an aluminium model?

E. Stainless steel beer keg / Unspecified / 50 l Standard Euronorm

In the Preview feedback, there was no clear vote if a 30 l unspecified keg should be added lor not, thus we ask the full board of countries in the pre-survey. What do you prefer: adding a 30 l “generic” keg, replacing the 50 l keg by a 30 l keg or leaving this SPD unchanged?

E. Engineering tool set / Stanley / Socket set 1/4"+3/8"+1/2"

In the Preview, there was no clear vote whether or not to replace the 75-piece socket set (product code 1-87-193) with the 96-piece Fatmax set (product code FMHT0-73925). We thus want to ask the full board again: Which set would you prefer to price?

E. Hacksaw / Bahco / 325 Norway suggested adding another saw type, a compass saw used for making curved cuts, particularly in confined spaces. Would you support this suggestion (perhaps as "generic" item)?

E. Aluminium stepladder / Unspecified / 5+1 steps, EN131, for professional use

Norway suggested to price a generic stepladder of the "rise" type with specs like those of the Zarges Z600. This could perhaps also reduce the chance to price a DIY/household ladder rather than a ladder for professional use. What is your opinion on this?

E. Bolt cropper / Unspecified / - If you can't find a 600 mm bolt cropper: Would you prefer a 900 mm bolt cropper instead? The Facom PDF document also contains the specs for the corresponding model (990.B3).

E. Laser printer: black and white / Hewlett Packard / LaserJet Pro M501dn

All three HP printers in this SPD are still available. They were introduced in the 2017 survey. Perhaps we should update one of them with a newer model. Which one would you prefer to be replaced, if any?

E. Desktop monitor / Dell / E2016H Flat panel monitor

We could choose the full-HD monitor P2016H as replacement. Which one would you prefer, the E2016H or the P2016H?

E. Desktop monitor / Eizo / Flexscan EV2456-BK

We received two suggestions for monitors of size 24” and more from Norway: Dell 24" LED UltraSharp U2412M and SAMSUNG S24E650PL 23,6. Would you prefer to price one of these instead of the Eizo monitor? If yes, which one?

E. Tablet PC/Android / Samsung / Galaxy TAB A 10.5 (2018, WiFi)

Norway proposed to add smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy A3, S7, S8, S9+, the HTC U11 or iphones to the list. Though these are bought by commercial buyers, too, we think that pricing these items could be difficult, as sales are dominated by the consumer market and mostly for "sponsored" smartphones (including a contract). Thus we think we should better not add smartphones to the list. What is your opinion on this?

E. Security camera (indoor) / Sony / SNC-EB600

This SPD is proposed for deletion. The majority (15:5) of the “Preview” respondents agreed to delete this SPD, but we would like to have the opinion of the full board. Do you agree to the deletion?

E. Video conference unit / Microsoft / Surface Hub 55"

This item was priced by only 11 countries in the 2017 survey. Thus we propose to delete this item. Is this ok with you?

E. LCD display (monitor) / Philips / BDL 4270EL/00

As we now have already have a "simple" 43" monitor (Samsung, item position .26.d) in the list as well as a smaller Philips monitor at item position .26.c, we propose to delete this item. Do you agree?

E. Label printer / Zebra / GK420t (GK42-102520-000)

Though the GK420t seems to be still available, Zenra markets the newer ZD420t. Would you prefer to price the ZD420t?


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Item code Item Question(s)


E. Signature pad / Wacom / STU-530 & Sign Pro PDF set

In the "Preview" there was no clear vote whether to replace the STU-530 by a different brand/model. Thus we prefer to check this with all countries in the pre-survey. What would you prefer to price: 1) the STU-530-SP-SET (used in EGS 2017) 2) the STU-530-CH (seems to be somewhat easier to find) 3) a model by Signotec (Germany) which can be found on - the 5" model we would propose is the Signotec Gamma with USB connector and 2 years warranty, product no. ST-GERT-3-U100.

E. HSDPA/4G-LTE modem/mobile Wi-Fi hotspot / Netgear / Aircard 810 mobile hotspot

Malta mentioned a different Aircard model, the Aircard 785. Would be able to/prefer to price the Aircard 785?

E. HSDPA/4G-LTE modem/mobile Wi-Fi hotspot / Huawei / E5787W-33A mobile hotspot

Some countries could not find the suggested E5787 model, but mentioned the (cheaper) E5577CS-321 as being available. Would you be able to price this, too?

E. Bluetooth headset / Jabra / BIZ 2400 II Duo USB MS BT

If we want to include a wireless BlueTooth headset, the Jabra Engage 75 (BT 5.0) might be a better choice. What do you think?

E. Solar panel (collector) / Unspecified / -

This product was among the products proposed for deletion in the “Preview”, but there no clear vote. Thus we need to ask the preview question again: We have to delete at least two products in this BH, and even more if some of the suggested new products are to be included. Deletion candidates are E. Solar panels, E. Electrocardiographs, E. Electronic digital theodolites. Do you agree to the deletion of all these? If you don't: Which of these SPDs is the most important one for you?

E. Electrocardiograph for hospitals / Schiller / Cardiovit AT-10 Plus

This product was among the products proposed for deletion in the “Preview”, but there no clear vote. Thus we need to ask the preview question again: We have to delete at least two products in this BH, and even more if some of the suggested new products are to be included. Deletion candidates are E. Solar panels, E. Electrocardiographs, E. Electronic digital theodolites. Do you agree to the deletion of all these? If you don't: Which of these SPDs is the most important one for you? (Please note: The question is repeated here as we want the countries to note it wherever they start their pre-survey work. You may just refer to your answer at the "Solar panels" item.

E. Electronic digital theodolite / Topcon / DT - 209

This product was among the products proposed for deletion in the “Preview”, but there no clear vote. Thus we need to ask the preview question again: We have to delete at least two products in this BH, and even more if some of the suggested new products are to be included. Deletion candidates are E. Solar panels, E. Electrocardiographs, E. Electronic digital theodolites. Do you agree to the deletion of all these? If you don't: Which of these SPDs is the most important one for you? (Please note: The question is repeated here as we want the countries to note it wherever they start their pre-survey work. You may just refer to your answer at the "Solar panels" item.

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Item code Item Question(s)


E. Electronic digital theodolite / Leica / Builder 109 Set

In the “Preview” replies, the Leica Nova MS60 Multistation was mentioned as possible alternative. As we have to delete products in this BH, we propose (among other products) the theodolites as deletion candidates and will make the decision on whether to keep or to delete the product until we have the pre-survey results. Shall the product “Electronic digital theodolite” be deleted?

E. Defibrillator / Philips / HeartStart FRx

MT had problems to price the HeartSTart FRx and proposed the Cardiac Science (USA) Powerheart AED G5 as an alternative. In the “Preview” replies, there was no clear preference for adding the suggested model to the list, thus we repeat the question in the pre-survey. Which item would you prefer to price?

E. Vacuum cleaner: wet and dry / Nilfisk / IVB 961-0L

In the 2017 survey, two alternatives were mentioned: Nilfisk IVB 965-0L (product code 302002916) and Nilfisk ATTIX 961-01 (product code 302002900). Would you prefer to price one of these items (if yes, which one)?

E. Vacuum cleaner: wet and dry / Nilfisk / VL500 75 Basic

In the preview, Norway mentioned two smaller models, Aero 26-21 PC (107406606) and ATTIX 30-21 (107407544). Would you prefer to price one of these items (if yes, which one)?

E. DC welding equipment / ESAB / Origo Mig 4004i

Iceland suggested updating the welding equipment by switching over to the ESAB Origo Mig 400i and 500i. We found this as Warrior 400i/500i CC/CV. Would you like to replace the 4004i by one of these? If yes: Which one would you prefer?

E. Battery charger / Bosch / BAT 430

Norway suggested Mascot as an additional brand for battery chargers. The models suggested include the 2640 and 2641 lead-acid battery chargers. Would you be able to/like to price one of them (which one?) instead of the Bosch 430 or in addition to it?

E. A C Starter / Siemens / Sirius 3 RA 2445 8XF 32 1 AC2

Lithuania mentioned a different alternative, model 3RW4055-6BB45. Would you prefer to price this alternative?

E. Softstart / ABB / PSR25-600-70 In the "Preview", we suggested adding a Siemens item at this SPD, too. Many respondents liked the idea, but there was no clear vote which of the two suggested models shoud be added. Thus we ask the full board of countries again: Which model would you prefer, 3RW4026-1BB14 or 3RW4026-1BB04?

E. Portable generator / Honda / EC 3600

Though this item can still be found, the EC series is not shown any more in the 2018/2019 catalog. As we have other Honda models in the list, we propose deletion of this item. Do you agree?

E. Portable generator / Honda / EC 5000

Though this item can still be found, the EC series is not shown any more in the 2018/2019 catalog. Thus we propose to replace it by the EG5500CL. Do you agree?

E. Portable generator / Honda / EM 5500CXS

Though this model can still be found on the Honda website, it is not listed in the 2018/2019 Honda catalog any more. Should we switch to the EM6500CX?

E. Portable electrical lamp / DeWalt / DCL050

Switzerland mentioned a different DeWalt lamp, the DCL510N, a flashlight. Should we add this to the list?

E. Marine outboard engine / Yamaha / F50 HETL

Considering the wide availability of selected marine outboard engines we propose the deletion of the small Yamaha engine model F50 HETL. In the preview, the majority of countries agreed with the deletion. What is your opinion?

E. Pedestrian sweeper / Kärcher / KM 70/20 C

In the preview, NO proposed to introduce a fuel powered walk-behind sweeper Kärcher BM 75/40 W G. Would you prefer to price this model?

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Item code Item Question(s)


E. Air-conditioning system / Panasonic / PACi Elite KIT-125PU2E5A4

We think that the package better reflect how the market buys, however, in the 2017 survey, we had to create a split (internal unit only) because not all countries priced the KIT including both internal and external unit. Therefore, we want to ask again, if you prefer to price the KIT (as in EGS 2017) or the INDOOR UNIT ONLY?

E. Electric combi-hammer / Hilti / Set TE 60-ATC/AVR + TE-YP 3

In the 2017 survey, we had to create a split because not all countries priced the item including the chisel set. Which of the two versions (chisel set included or not included) would you prefer for the 2019 survey?

E. Electric combi-hammer / Hilti / Set TE 70-AVR + TE-YP 3

In the 2017 survey, we had to create a split because not all countries priced the item including the chisel set. Which of the two versions (chisel set included or not included) would you prefer for the 2019 survey?

E. Cordless rotary drill (hammer) / Bosch / GBH 36 VF-LI Plus Professional

We propose to delete this item as it seems to be outdated and there are two other Bosch items including one similar hammer at pos. 31.a are in the sample. As the majority for deletion was not so clear in the preview, we ask again in the pre-survey. Do you agree with the deletion?

E. Heavy duty cordless combi / Bosch / GSB 18 V-LI Professional

This item seems to be no longer available on some markets. Do you prefer to keep this item or update this item position with a replacement model? Do you have any suggestions?

E. Colour photo copier / Xerox / WorkCentre 7220i

NO proposed to introduce a colour photo copier of the RICOH brand (e.g. MP C2004exSP and MP 6503SP) and a colour photo copier of the Konica Minolta brand (e.g. Bizhub C258 and Bizhub C458). Would you prefer to price a colour photo copier of these brands? Please note that we have two Konica Minolta Bizhub photo copier among black and white photo copiers at pos. 5.40.a. and 5.40.c.

E. Milking unit / DeLaval / Duovac 300/MU210D

The Duovac 300/MU210D seems to be difficult to find. Should we price the Duovac 200/MU210D instead?

E. Rotary mower / EFCO / MR55 TBI

NO suggested the Husqvarna LC 247. This could be a replacement for the EFCO MR55 TBI. Should the EFCO MR 55 TBI be replaced by the Husqvarna LC 247?

E. Backpack leaf blower / Stihl / BR 430

In the preview we asked whether the BR 430 or the BR 450 C-EF should be priced. There had been no clear decision. So we would like to ask the question again.

E. Spiral dough mixer / Unspecified / -

In the “Preview”, the spiral dough mixers as well as the bread ovens had a 18:4 vote for deletion. As we are proposing two new products in the pre-survey and as both new suggestions were quite popular with the “Preview” participants, we think we will have to delete two products. One deletion is the “high speed seamers” SPD (20:1 vote for deletion in the “Preview”), so we will most probably have to decide which other SPD we should delete, the dough mixers or the bread ovens. Which one of these would you prefer to delete?

E. Spiral dough mixer / Effedue / M 130 Supreme

In the “Preview”, the spiral dough mixers as well as the bread ovens had a 18:4 vote for deletion. As we are proposing two new products in the pre-survey and as both new suggestions were quite popular with the “Preview” participants, we think we will have to delete two products. One deletion is the “high speed seamers” SPD (20:1 vote for deletion in the “Preview”), so we will most probably have to decide which other SPD we should delete, the dough mixers or the bread ovens. Which one of these would you prefer to delete?

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Item code Item Question(s)


E. Bread Oven / Unspecified / - In the “Preview”, the spiral dough mixers as well as the bread ovens had a 18:4 vote for deletion. As we are proposing two new products in the pre-survey and as both new suggestions were quite popular with the “Preview” participants, we think we will have to delete two products. One deletion is the “high speed seamers” SPD (20:1 vote for deletion in the “Preview”), so we will most probably have to decide which other SPD we should delete, the dough mixers or the bread ovens. Which one of these would you prefer to delete? Please note: This question is repeated at an "Spiral dough mixers" item; you may just refer to your answer at that item position.

E. Ice making machine / Castel MAC / Icematic E75

In some countries, there is a price difference between the “air” and the “water” model, thus we think we should decide which one should be priced. Which one would you prefer, the “air” or the “water” model?

E. Ice making machine / Castel MAC / Icematic F80c

In some countries, there is a price difference between the “air” and the “water” model, thus we think we should decide which one should be priced. In the “Preview” replies, there was no clear preference for one of them, thus we repeat the question in the pre-survey. Which one would you prefer, the “air” or the “water” model?

E. Injection moulding machine / Negri Bossi / CanBio sT 180

The CanBio V90-400 and the CanBio V 180 - 670 h cannot be found on the Negri Bossi website anymore. Do you have proposals for replacement models?

E. Injection moulding machine / Negri Bossi / CanBio sT 500

The CanBio V90-400 and the CanBio V 180 - 670 h cannot be found on the Negri Bossi website anymore. Do you have proposals for replacement models?

E. Panel saw / Casadei / Xenia 60 NO suggested new saws. Should the Casadei Xenia 60 be replaced by one of the following Byggsag saws: Bygsag 805, Byggsag 1603 or the Byggsag 1500 (

E. Laser cutting machine / Trumpf / TruLaser Cell 8030 L60

For the 2019 survey, the accessories should be analysed again and described in more detail (TR). Perhaps BE, PT and RO (the only other countries which priced the TruLaser Cell 8030 L60) could tell what is included in their price.

E. Lorry chassis cab / Ford / Transit 350 L3

In some countries the engine capacity 2.0 might be more relevant. What do you prefer, 2.0 or 2.2l engine capacity ?

E. Diesel minibus / V W / Transporter Caravelle 9 seats

The 75 kW version might be more representative than the 62 kW version. Which version do you prefer?

E. Tractor unit / MAN / TGS 18.460 LX 4x2

In the 2017 survey, only ten countries priced this item. BE suggested to consider the 18.440 model as an alternative. Of the "Preview" participants, three preferred to keep the 18.460 and three preferred replacing it by the 18.440. Thus we repeat the "Preview" question: Which version would you prefer to price?

E. Storage cabinet: steel / Lista Office / Drawer cabinet 75

Despite the limited popularity in EGS 2017 and no clear preference to keep this Lista item in the preview, we propose to keep the item. Do you agree or would you prefer to price another brand such as Bisley mentioned in the preview?

E. Cross trainer / Kettler / Skylon 10 Majority of countries in the preview prefer the Kettler Skylon 10 (recommended for private use only) as replacement. Therefore, we propose this item as replacement. However, an alternative better suited for commercial use and preferred by some countries in the preview would be the new brand Matrix (USA) with the E1x Suspension Crosstrainer. Which one do you prefer?

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Item code Item Question(s)


E. TRX equipment / Fitness Anywhere / TRX 20' S-Frame with 12 suspensions

In the preview a majority of countries agreed with the suggestion by CH to price only the S-frame. However, in terms of comparability with EGS 2017 we propose to keep the combination. What is your opinion?

E. Computer software / Microsoft / Office 365 Business (1 year)

We have two "Office 365" versions in this SPD. Would you agree to delete one of them? If yes, which one, "Business Premium" or "Business"?

E. Database Software / Oracle / Database 12c Enterprise Edition

Since spring 2018, Oracle Database 18c is available. Would you prefer to swich to this version?

E. Computer software / Microsoft / Exchange Server 2016 Standard

Microsoft Exchange Server Standard 2019 is already available. On the product ID given when selecting "Microsoft Open License", "Corporate", "No level", "Exchange Server 2019 Standard", "License only", "1" is 312-04405. Would you prefer to switch to the 2019 version?

E. Computer software / Microsoft / Dynamics NAV 2018 Go

Dynamics NAV is now marketed as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with monthly license payments. Would you like to switch to this version?

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Item code Item

E. PC/Windows / Asus / Transformer Book T101HA-GR030RE. camera (indoor) / Bosch / Dinion AN4000E. digital color camera / Sony / HSC-100RFE. digital color camera / Sony / HXC-FB75KC setE. conference unit / Cisco / Telepresence MX200 G2E. scanner/access control / ZKTeco / BIOPAD-100E. imaging camera / TROTEC / EC060VE. generating set / Caterpillar / C13 ACERT (for prime use)E. generating set / Atlas Copco / QAS 20 (for prime use)E. generating set / Caterpillar / C9 ACERT (for stand-by use)E. generating set / Caterpillar / C18 ACERT (for stand-by use)E. tension circuit breaker / Siemens / Sentron 3WL 1220 3CB 321 AA2E. tension circuit breaker (three pole) / Asea Brown Boveri/Sace / T8L 2000 PR331/PE. Variable speed drive / ABB / ACS800-1-0005-2E. screw compressor / Grasso / GEA Series SH Type GE. petrol engine / Honda / GX 390 UT2 SHQ 5E. pallet truck / Jungheinrich / AM I20pE. powder fire extinguisher / Gloria / F2GME. sweeper / Hako Jonas / Sweepmaster P 980 RHE. sweeper / Kärcher / KM 100/100 R GE. router / DeWalt / DW 624E. counter / Magner / 35-3E. speed seamer with drop feed / Pfaff / 1183 - D - 8/31 - 900/24E. high speed seamer for light and medium materials / Juki / MF 7923 U11-B56E. / Iveco / DailyE. chair (leather) / Ikea / Volmar


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Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019 Pre-survey: Briefing Notes

Planco Consulting November 2018


Eurostat Capital Goods Surveys:

2019 Equipment Goods Pre-Survey:

Briefing Notes

November 2018


Dear Everybody,

Welcome to the 2019 Equipment Goods Pre-survey!

These Briefing Notes are intended to help you in the work and provide some

background on the approach. In addition, there is an associated “Pre-survey Info

Tool” (see chapter 11), which contains a summary product list. This list shows the

status and implemented changes for all items. Hopefully, this will also give you the

overall picture for the full sample. The tool also contains a list of the pre-survey


Subsequent to the Working Group Meeting in Luxembourg in November, we have

completed the task of preparing the pre-survey product list and making the

appropriate changes in the ILMT.

We are sure that you will be familiar with the procedures for doing the work but if you

have any problems, please ask for assistance.

Countries can ask Eurostat ([email protected]) to give access to any experts

carrying out the (pre-)survey work. These experts (internal or external) will be given

access to the Equipment Goods survey only.

In the ILMT (, you can find the Equipment

goods pre-survey as follows:

• After logging in with your ECAS username and password and selecting your

role in the survey, click on "Quick link to ILMT (build 20181003)”.

• Select survey "Equipment Goods 2019"

• Set working list to your country's Pre-Survey List (if this is not possible,

please "tick" your list among the lists shown below the set Working List, click

on the "Filter Lists" button and try again).

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Planco Consulting November 2018



As before we are requesting that you check the availability of ALL the items on the

list. We consider it important to have a clear idea of the overall availability of items in

all countries. If you agree with the suggested deletions of items/products, you may

just indicate “not available/important” for these items.

We emphasise this point as there were some misunderstandings about the approach

last time.


The provisional product list for 2019 is based on the 2017 final list. The following

operations have been carried out:

� Planco prepared a “Preview” document with questions on BH level as well as on

specific items. On a voluntary basis, twenty-three countries provided their

feedback on this document. The evaluation of the feedback led to the selection

of brands/models for new products and also provided useful information on

items for which replacement was needed. A detailed description can be found in

the “Preview evaluation” document, which is also available on CIRCABC. We

hope you find the additional information useful. Once again, we would like to

thank all "Preview" participants for their valuable contribution to the pre-survey


� Due to the change of the target numbers of products in the Basic Headings

discussed in the WG meeting, suggestions for deletions of products have been

made. In cases for which the “Preview” feedback and additional analysis led to

clear decisions for deletions, they were already made in the ILMT, reducing the

overall list size. Please refer to the sheet “Deleted items” in the “Pre-survey Info

Tool” for a list of items already deleted from the item list.

� Some of the items that were not still in production - or otherwise had been

substituted - were suggested to be deleted (Inter alia, we want to reduce the

list.); for others, we selected a new item replacing the old one.

� Following this, as far as possible, the availability of all remaining items was

checked and the list was updated, based on contributions from countries in EGS

2017 and the preview as well as information available from sources in the UK

and Germany and from the Internet. For each item the ILMT indicates the


• Where the same make and model are still available

(maybe with minor modifications/corrections of the specifications)

• Where the situation is otherwise unchanged, i.e. for generic items for

which no specific make or model is specified

• Where the make is the same but the model has been updated. (We

have made changes where we have been told that the item has been

substituted by a newer model.)

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Planco Consulting November 2018


� There are some proposals for new (additional) items. As discussed in the WG

meeting, the following proposals for new products and re-introduced products

(already used in previous surveys) have already been entered in the ILMT:

Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment E.

Bolt cropper new

Vice new

Information and communication equipment E.

Bluetooth headsets new

Other electronic and optical products E.

Laboratory centrifuges new

Professional weighing scales new

Electrical equipment E.

Solar energy inverter new

General purpose machinery E.

Stairlift for straight stairways re-intro.

Refrigerator for laboratories new

Special purpose machinery E.

Commercial hair dryer new

Hand dryer new

Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers E.

Hybrid/electric cars new

Furniture and other manufactured goods E.

Mobile walls new

Kick step re-intro.

Other points are as follows:

� Various comments (notes) about the items, among them article/product numbers

or manufacturers’ IDs will appear in the appropriate section of the screen. For

some items there are questions that everybody is kindly requested to answer.

� For easier reference, the notes and questions are also available in the “Pre-

survey information tool”. The questions can also be found in a separate sheet

(“Questions”) in the tool.

In total, the resulting provisional pre-survey list has 471 items. For 26 of them, we

suggest deletion or ask which SPD(s) in a group of SPD(s) would be preferred to be

deleted. Thus, the list size net of the deletion suggestions is perhaps about 450

items considering that some of the suggestions for deletion are choices among

different alternatives. This is less than the corresponding numbers for the 2017 and

2015 surveys (2017: 465, 2015: 463).

For all items in the pre-survey list we have provided item images in the ILMT. You

are encouraged to provide better images for items where the images uploaded by us

leave room for improvement. If you do so, please enter a comment in the ILMT which

contains the source of the image.

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For each item, please record the results in the following way:

� Indicate the availability. (If it was not possible to check an item please mark this

as not available and make a note.) This is compulsory.

� Indicate whether it is important for your country to have this item included in the

final item list. Please consider that there should - for each country and for each

basic heading - be a sufficient number of representative items on the final item

list. This is very useful information for the preparation of the final survey list, but

it is not compulsory at this stage.

� Answer to questions posed on items. This is compulsory.

These three actions are performed by clicking on the "Answer and A/I" button on the

"View Item" screen.

� For certain items – the unspecified/generic items – you are also requested to

propose a specific make and model (and in few cases some characteristics too).

These can be identified by the "S" symbol for make and model in the item

descriptions. You can make your proposals by editing the item on your list (in

other words, by creating an item version). As announced, we want to foster

pricing these items.

� If you wish to indicate that a certain item is available in your country, but with

slightly different specifications, you can do so by editing the item on your list and

thus creating an item version. You mark this item as available. Creating an item

version implies that you consider this version to be equivalent to the originally

proposed version. If you think your item is not equivalent, you should create a

new item (see section 5).

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Planco Consulting November 2018



If you have proposals for any new/additional items within the existing products

(SPDs) they can be entered into the ILMT directly by creating a new item. For this,

click on the name of the product in the tree and click on the "New item" button on the

right-hand side of the screen. All new ITEM proposals should be entered in the ILMT

until January 31st 2019.


Please note the following:

� We would like to deal separately with new PRODUCTS suggested by you, and

not as part of the Provisional List in the ILMT.

� By those new products we mean articles of equipment or machinery that are not

currently covered by an SPD in the Provisional List.

� If you have proposals for any specific products, please submit them to us by

email in a separate file, using a blank specification sheet (this is available on

CIRCABC). And as with the additional items, we would be grateful if all

proposals are submitted as comprehensively as possible. In case you have

received or found technical specification sheets (preferably as PDF documents

in English) or item images for additional items/new products, please send them

to us by email, too. In addition, a reference to the source of the information (e.g.

website address, manufacturer contact) would be appreciated. If you know

article numbers or manufacturers’ IDs for such items, please include them in

your email.

� As agreed in the Working Group meeting in November 2018, any new

PRODUCT proposals should be submitted to Eurostat/Planco by January 17th

2019 so that they can be properly evaluated prior to creating new SPDs and the

new items belonging to them in the ILMT.

We carefully selected the items which we replaced by new models in the list in order

to meet the targeted number of products per Basic Heading. However, there may be

some cases in which we selected items for deletion that some of you need in order to

be able to price enough products in that Basic Heading. In this case, you may want

to select an item from the “Initial list” which you can see in the ILMT, too, and use the

“Copy to item” feature to suggest the item as an “additional item”. Please keep in

mind that this addition of an (old) item from an SPD will increase the number of items

and/or products in that Basic Heading compared with the expected number

assuming that all our suggestions for deletion will be approved.

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Planco Consulting November 2018



In chapter 3.2 of the “Launch” paper, results of the “Preview” on Basic Heading level

and resulting actions were discussed. During the final phase of our pre-survey

preparation work (after compilation of the “Launch” paper), some of the intended

actions were changed:

� In BH E. “Fabricated metal products”, we added a new SPD “Aluminium

cases”, a suggestion received from Norway. One generic item based on a

Zarges Eurobox was added in this SPD.

� In BH E. “Information and communication equipment”, the deletion of

the SPD “Professional digital colour cameras” was already made, but for the

SPD “Security cameras (indoor)”, a pre-survey question was entered to obtain

the feedback from the full board of countries.

� In BH E. “General purpose machinery”, a 3D printer (“Preview”

suggestion from France) with one branded item was added.

� In BH E. “Motor vehicles”, the Renault Zoe (electric car) and the “Toyota

Auris” (hybrid car) were added to the new SPD “Hybrid/electric cars” as well as

the originally suggested BMW i3, Nissan Leaf and Toyota Prius.


Again we would like to encourage communication between countries at the pre-

survey stage, to discuss problems and ideas. This might be particularly beneficial

amongst neighbours, where market situations may be similar and thus there may be

correlations with respect to the availability of representative makes, models, etc.

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Planco Consulting November 2018



9.1 Finalising the pre-survey

When you consider your work on the pre-survey to be completed, you should finalise

your pre-survey list. You do this by selecting in the menu "List"/"Finalise". The ILMT

will first check if you have indicated availability on all items and will provide you with a

list of those items that have not yet been checked, if any.

In addition, please make sure to answer all the pre-survey questions on items prior to

finalising the pre-survey work.

Finalising your list is regarded as the submission of the pre-survey results. If you

nevertheless for some reason would like to change some information after

finalisation of your list, you can simply use "List"/"Revert finalisation".

9.2 Exporting the pre-survey list

It is possible to export the whole pre-survey list, including all questions and notes, to

Excel. You can use this to analyse the list off-line. You should proceed as follows:

- Select "Reports" from the menu

- Select “Pre-survey results” from “Workarea” and click “Next”

- Select your countries' Pre-survey list and click “Next”

- Click “Next” (Groups do not need to be filtered)

- Click “Export”

If you export your Pre-survey list in the middle or at the end of the pre-survey, the

export will include all your answers entered so far and new items proposed.


In the Basic Headings “Information and communication equipment” and “Computer

software”, we will follow the same procedure as in the 2017 survey. This means we

will analyse your pre-survey replies and the availability of the suggested items in

February/March 2019 and probably make some “last minute” changes of models and

software versions.

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Planco Consulting November 2018



As announced in the Working Group, we have created the “Pre-survey Info Tool”. It

consists of an Excel file (pre_survey_info_tool.xls) as well as a collection of item

images (JPG files) and PDF-documents we used/created during our pre-survey

preparation work. The tool contains:

� a summary product list showing the status and changes for all items

� backward references to item codes, brands and models used in the 2017 survey

� links to manufacturer websites

� links to item images and item-related PDF documents

� comment boxes containing notes and questions

� a complete list of the pre-survey questions (sheet “Questions”).

For easier offline access to item specifications, we also added the provisional “spec

sheets” in the Pre-survey Info Tool, as we think this might further facilitate your work.

We hope you will find the tool useful during your pre-survey work.

Please note: Do not use the tool to send information back to us. All

information should be entered in the ILMT.


As the item images and especially the PDF documents are rather big (in total, about

one gigabyte), we cannot disseminate them via email. Thus we uploaded them on

CIRCABC. You may retrieve the files from CIRCABC using the following link:

If this link does not work, please login in CIRCABC (via ECAS) and select

PPP > Library > ESTAT > 2019 > Equipment Goods Survey 2019 > Pre-survey material

There you can find the following files, which you should download to your computer:

File name Description

Pre_survey_info_tool.xls Pre-survey Info Tool Item images (picture archive from the ILMT) PDF documents for BH E. PDF documents for BH E. PDF documents for BH E. PDF documents for BH E. PDF documents for BH E. - part 1 of 4

… … PDF documents for BH E. - part 4 of 4 PDF documents for BH E. - part 1 of 6

… … PDF documents for BH E. - part 6 of 6 PDF documents for BH E. - part 1 of 6

… … PDF documents for BH E. - part 6 of 6 PDF documents for BH E. PDF documents for BH E.

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Planco Consulting November 2018


Please copy the file pre_survey_info_tool.xls to a separate subdirectory on your

computer. In this subdirectory, please create the directories JPG and PDF. The

content of the ZIP-archive should be copied to the JPG

subdirectory, whereas the content of the pdf_*.zip archives should be copied to the

PDF subdirectory. If you do not store the files in the appropriate subdirectories, the

tool will not be able to find them.


After opening pre_survey_info_tool.xls, you will see the list of BHs/products/items.

The top part of the list will look like this:




no. Description and make Model Image PDF Quest. Note


site Status Code / brand / model in EGS 2017


1 E. Unspecified - X X - X - no change 03.a: Unspecified / -

2 E. Viessmann Vitomax 200 HS, model M73A X X - X X specs modified03.b: Viessmann / Vitomax 200 HS, model


3 E. Viessmann Vitoplex 200 SX2A 1950 kW X X - X X no change03.d: Viessmann / Vitoplex 200 SX2A

1950 kW

4 E. Viessmann Vitocrossal 200 type CM2B X X - X X no change03.f: Viessmann / Vitocrossal 200 type


Packaged steam/hot water boilers

Actions for the item in the currently selected row:

E. - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (CPA 25, except 25.4)

Go to websiteDisplay PDFDisplay image Show specs

The Basic Headings and SPDs will each start on a new line, as will every item. In

item lines, an “X” in the columns labelled “Image”, “PDF”, “Quest.”, “Note”, “Website”

will indicate if item image, item-related PDF document, item-specific question or note

and/or information on a manufacturers’ website are available.

Clicking on the button “Display image” will result in display of the item image (if it is

found) associated with the item in the currently selected row. Similarly, clicking on

the “Display PDF” button will load the item-related PDF document for the item in the

currently selected row. In case item image or PDF are not available or cannot be

found, an error message will be displayed. By clicking on “Go to website”, a new

browser session will be opened, and you will be taken to the appropriate website.

Another feature in the Pre-survey Info Tool version for the 2019 survey is the display

of the specification sheet for the item in the currently selected row. This can be

obtained by clicking on the button “Show specs”.

In case a pre-survey question or note on the item exists, this will be stored in a cell

comment in column G (questions) or in column H (notes). The notes might be quite

useful, as many of them contain information on article/product numbers for the items.

To access the contents of a comment box (for example for copying purposes),

please right-click in the associated cell.

The entry in the “Status” column will give the status of the item, and the code, brand

and model used in the 2017 survey are given in the last column.

Please note: The columns A thru K are locked against modification, you cannot

change their content. In case you want to enter notes (for your own use), please use

column L.


Page 64: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv

Eurostat Equipment Goods Surveys: 2019 Pre-survey: Briefing Notes

Planco Consulting November 2018


As mentioned at the Working Group meeting the pre-survey work should be

completed by 15th February 2019. But of course if you finish before then please

submit the results as soon as they are ready. We would be grateful if this deadline is


Finally, if you have ANY problems or queries in carrying out the work, please do not

hesitate to contact us. We are ready, willing and – hopefully – able to help.

Good luck and thank you for your assistance.

PPP-Team at Planco Essen

Planco Consulting GmbH

Am Waldthausenpark 11

D-45127 Essen


Tel.: 0049 201 43 77 1-0

e-mail: [email protected]

Members of the

PPP-Team at

Planco Essen:

Henrik Armbrecht

Gunnar Platz

Peter Tabor

Dr. Frank Trosky

Richard Dibley

Planco Consulting (UK) Limited

28A Harrington Gardens

London SW7 4LT


Tel.: 0044 20 7370 2568

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 65: Zmluva o poskytnutí služieb - Centrálny register zmlúv


Product Proposed Priced

Make (and nationality): -

Model: -

Specifications Metric Imperial National


















18 Company website

19 Type of price information (1-4) (1-4)

20 Price from the Internet yes/no yes/no

Terms and conditions

a Order quantity one one

b Currency specify specify

c Unit price one one

d Installation costs no no

e Delivery costs yes yes

f Discount yes (%) yes (%)

g Non-deductible taxes yes yes

Total unit price net of deductible taxes and discount

Representativity and comparability

Is the product/item priced representative (yes) or unrepresentative (no)?

Are the product/item priced and the product/item specified identical (1) or equivalent (2)?


Notes (from Planco; the content of this area is not transferred into the Validation Tool)

EQUIPMENT GOODS SURVEY 2019 Suggestion for new product