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VOLUME 52 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2016 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Riverside, New Jersey

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Riverside, New Jersey ...

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Page 1: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Riverside, New Jersey ...

VOLUME 52 NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2016Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Riverside, New Jersey

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Remember in your prayers:

The men and women serving in ourarmed forces.

GaynellAlbardo, Carol Babuscak, Betty Berger,George Bozarth, Megan Cannistraci,Russell Cannistraci, Ruth Carpenter, Elsie& John Cook, Norm Davenport, PeteFalcon, Ron Garrett, Bob & Dawn Gaven,Eleanor Harper, Mike Huml, EmersonLucas, Karen Malecki, Leann Mason,Kehsa Moore, Pat Murphy, BettyO'Connor, Cornelia Pate, Joyce Pate,Angela Rehmus, Ronnie Rickards, HarryShaw, Catherine Taylor, Carole Vernon,John Volkman & family, Nancy Willard,Corrine, Jude and the Ubinas family.

Eric Garst.Bridge of Peace Lutheran Church Camden,Santa Isabel Ministry to Immigrants inDetention and Okankolo Parish LutheranChurch, Okankolo, Namibia.This list includes names received as of July 15th.

In we will be going to:

We will meet at the restaurant at


6:00 p.m. on Friday August 26th.ADO

Joan Giandonato (609) 247-1575Wednesday, August 24th

Please call contact person:at

byto make your reservation.


President ...................

Secretary ......

Evangelism ......... ..... Carolyn Elliott: (609) 871-5752

Property .......................................................................

Social Ministry ........... Joy Steinbach: 760-0381

Stewardship ......................WELCA .................

Carlie Leusner: (609) 410-0735Vice-President .................. Brian Workman: 461-0123

................... Michelle Jacoby: 461-1824Treasurer ....................... Jim Leusner: (609) 410-0735Pastor ......................... Rev. Nancy Truscott: 745-0080

Education ......................... Michelle Jacoby: 461-1824.

Music & Worship .......... Jean Wenner: (609) 744-7888

(609)Special Events/Fellowship .... Linda Marter: 461-8983

Brian Workman: 461-0123Joan Giandonato: (609) 247-1575

Youth ......................... Kim Ekelburg: (609) 386-8562Council Member ...... Karen Rickards: (609) 471-8127Council Member ....................Tom Roemer: 461-5896Council Member .. Mary Kate Winkelspecht: 461-1988Church Historian ................ Denice Becker: 461-7925

Committee Chairperson/Liaison


Vacation Bible SchoolVacation Bible School

First Moravian ChurchFirst Moravian Church

st thAugust 1 - 5August 1 - 5


OR use forms available in the Welcome Room

Town & Country DinerTown & Country Diner177 Route 130 & Rte. 206

Bordentown, NJ 08505177 Route 130 & Rte. 206

Bordentown, NJ 08505

Alleluia! Through Water and the Word, walk in the faith ofChrist crucified and risen. Shine with the light of Christ.

Jovanna Nicole Davenport ~ July 17, 2016

Funeral Service

Elva Rambo ~ July 13, 2016

May light perpetual shine upon her.

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Pastor Truscott

“Real Power and Hope”

Words of Prayer!

Words of Grace!

Words of Scripture!

God's Word made flesh!

God's word of Love is real Power and Hope!!

Are you feeling small lately?

With all that's happening in the world, maybe you feel it's allbeyond your control. Big political conventions try to talk to everyone, butsomeone always feels left out. Maybe you?

Many feel concerned about senseless violence because innocentlives are shattered. This is affecting communities here in the U.S. andaround the globe. This is affecting all people! All lives matter! Includingyours!

You may feel you have no words worth saying or hearing when itcomes to these big concerns. Actually, you do!

You have Offer all your joys, concerns, andcelebrations to God in prayer.

You have God promised to be our God nomatter what! “For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, 'I willlive in them and walk among them, and I will be their God and they shallbe my people.'” 2nd Corinthians 6:16.

You have Romans 8 proclaims that nothingwill be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.1st Corinthians assures us “Love bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”

You have Jesus Christ is the Prince ofPeace! Jesus is God's own beloved Son! Through God's grace, Jesuslives and reigns in your heart and in our world. Jesus promised, “I will bewith you always.”

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August 1 – Romans 15:1-22August 2 – Romans 15:23–16:7August 3 – Romans 16:7-27August 4 – 1 Corinthians 1:1-17August 5 – 1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5August 6 – 1 Corinthians 2:6–3:4August 7 – 1 Corinthians 3:5-23August 8 – 1 Corinthians 4:1-21August 9 – 1 Corinthians 5:1-13August 10 – 1 Corinthians 6:1-20August 11 – 1 Corinthians 7:1-24

August 12 – 1 Corinthians 7:25-40August 13 – 1 Corinthians 8:1-13August 14 – 1 Corinthians 9:1-18August 15 – 1 Corinthians 9:19–10:13August 16 – 1 Corinthians 10:14–11:2August 17 – 1 Corinthians 11:3-16August 18 – 1 Corinthians 11:17-34August 19 – 1 Corinthians 12:1-26August 20 – 1 Corinthians 12:2713:13August 21 – 1 Corinthians 14:1-17

August 22 – 1 Corinthians 14:18-40August 23 – 1 Corinthians 15:1-28August 24 – 1 Corinthians 15:29-58August 25 – 1 Corinthians 16:1-24August 26 – 2 Corinthians 1:1-11August 27 – 2 Corinthians 1:12–2:11August 28 – 2 Corinthians 2:12-17August 29 – 2 Corinthians 3:1-18August 30 – 2 Corinthians 4:1-12August 31 – 2 Corinthians 4:13–5:10

Read the New Testament in a Year -- AugustThis month you will finish the books of and 1CorinthiansRomansThis month you will finish the books of and 1CorinthiansRomans

In an effort to keep our members up-to-date on the current financial information we willbe providing a monthly update. Please be aware that the information comes from thefinancial report given to Council at its latest meeting. This means the information will befrom June because Council met in July. usually comes out the month afterCouncil meets. This means the financial update in will be two months behind.This August issue of has the June statistics.

We will be reporting on 4 categories: Total Current and Benevolence Income, ActualTotal Expenditures, Budget for Total Expenditures and Average Weekly Attendance for theMonth.

Total Current and Benevolence Income — $8,016.76Actual Total Expenditures — $8,915.66Budget for Total Expenditures — $11,466Average Weekly Attendance for June — 42

The BeaconThe Beacon

The Beacon

FOR JUNE 2016:

Great news! We are doing very well in paying off the cost for the heatingand air conditioning system needed in our Parish Hall!! The new total is$1,308.00 toward our goal of $14,203.00.



The page remains steady at $505.00 in donations. After servicefees are deducted the actual giving is $458.00. (This was already accounted forlast month.)

For your convenience, if you would like to donate online throughthe link is:

Our wonderful fundraising efforts and other donations in June totaled $395.00.

Thank you so very much!

Financial Update

Bell Tower Challenge Update

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John and ElsieCook will celebrate 70 years of marriage onAugust 3rd. Congratulations John & Elsie!

Seven collegestudents from Zion each received $550.00 offinancial support toward their academicexpenses.

This came from the New Jersey Synodthrough The Karl, John, Elizabeth WurffelCollege Loan/Grant Fund. Congratulationsto all!

DID YOU KNOW… That LutheranCrossings in Moorestown is always on thelookout for unused greeting cards to provide toits residents? If you have any new specialoccasion cards (birthdays, get well, sympathy,Christmas, etc.) that you would like to donate,a special box is available in the WelcomeRoom to drop them off. Janice Thompson andCarlie Leusner will deliver the cards when theyattend the next Crossings monthly meeting.This will be an ongoing project so, in thefuture, if you receive promotional cards in themail from various charities and are not goingto use them personally, please considerdonating them.

“DID YOU KNOW…”In the August issue of Stewardship are

the following words: “God asks only that welove him. We love him by giving ofourselves totally. Giving of ourselves is theway we have of demonstrating our love foranother human being. It is also the onlyway we can demonstrate our love for God.Words alone mean very little.” Olderworshipers here may remember a lovesong that has the words: “All of me, why nottake all of me? Can't you see, I'm no goodwithout you.”

Well, those are words we should say toGod. Good stewards will certainly offer theirlives totally for God to use as God wishes touse them. We often pray the Lord's Prayerand say, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will bedone on earth as it is in Heaven.” How doyou think that will ever become a reality?Surely it will be when God's servants takeseriously what we pray for. When we are allsincere Christians and offer to God our livesin totality; willing people striving for God'sKingdom to be a reality on earth; workingservants of God, saying to the Lord, “Lord,use me. Use my brain, use my energy, usemy talents, use my resources, and use myconsent to be a Kingdom of God person.”

It would help the cause of the Kingdom ofGod if we each answered as the prophetIsaiah did when he heard the voice of theLord ask, “Whom shall I send, and who willgo for us?” Isaiah answered: “Here am I;send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) And he was used.Used mightily, wonderfully, completely, onemight say. He was a true servant, a trueservant of the Lord.

Dear Lord, we comehumbly into your presence. We seek toknow your will for each of us. We need toknow what you desire for us to do as yourservants. We then need to have the will andthe power to fulfill the mission you have foreach of us. We ask this in the name ofJesus our Lord and Savior.

Let us pray:


Stewardship Minute



Do you have some good

news that you would like to

share with others . . .

well j


ust contact me by

the 10 of each month and

see your news in print.Call Denice Becker: (856) 461-7925

or mail: [email protected]


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Many thanks to the Special Events – FellowshipCommittee for their tremendous efforts inorganizing and decorating the Welcome Room andsanctuary! Instead of battling blizzard conditions,they had to contend with a heat wave!

We also had the added honor of worshipingtogether with Plain Truth Full Gospel Church, acongregation that meets in our Parish Hall onSundays. Pastor Ishmael Walters gave energeticsermons on Saturday night and Sunday morning.We also welcomed about 25 children on Saturday.

Your generous response to the collection forNew Visions Homeless Day Shelter of LutheranSocial Ministries was inspiring. You provided muchneeded personal care products so that NewVisions could continue offering showers andopportunities for personal hygiene.

Thank you so very much!!!

CHRISTMAS IN JULY A Fantastic Success!–

Personal care products for New Visionsunder the Christmas tree

The Holy Land – Special*

*Ad flyer posted in the

Welcome Room

MARCH 6 – 15, 2017

$2,499.00 Per Person

Depart New York (JFK) Airport

Promoter: Fr. Gerald Johnson

(Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish)

For Further

Information Call:

Ms. Janet Ruehmling at

(856) 461-3748

OR EMAIL: [email protected]

The Holy Land – Special*

*Ad flyer posted in the

Welcome Room

MARCH 6 – 15, 2017An interesting legend is associated with

the painting “The Last Supper.” Some sayLeonardo da Vinci used a rival's face forJudas. Then when the painter tried tocreate Jesus' face, all he could see wasthat of his enemy. Supposedly, da Vinci wasable to complete Jesus' face — and theentire masterpiece — only after makingpeace with his enemy and repainting Judas.

This tale shows the necessity offorgiving other people so we can acceptJesus' forgiveness for ourselves. As Jesussays in Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV), “For if youforgive other people when they sin againstyou, your heavenly Father will also forgiveyou. But if you do not forgive others theirsins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

—adapted fromby Wayne Rice

Hot Illustrations for YouthTalks

The 'Art' of Forgiveness

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Zion Church DirectoryIt's hard to believe it's been 6 years since our last church directory was issued! Please fillout and return the form below with info you would like to share with your church family.We will not be including photos in this new directory. Note: Birthday info, if provided, willbe used for recognition in , but will not be printed in the directory.The Beacon

For additional family member at the same address, please provide any relevant info below

First Name Last Name

Phone: Home __________________ Cell ____________________ Email __________________________

Month – DayAddress: ___________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________


Birthday: _____________________

Adult member of Zion(includes confirmed youth)

Friend of Zion (non-member)

Use reverse side for additional entries

First Name Last Name

Phone: Cell _______________________________

Email: ___________________________________


Month – Day

Birthday: _________________________________

Adult member of Zion(includes confirmed youth)

Non-member spouse

Child not yet confirmed

Friend of Zion (non-member)

First Name Last Name

Phone: Cell _______________________________

Email: ___________________________________


Month – Day

Birthday: _________________________________

Adult member of Zion(includes confirmed youth)

Non-member spouse

Child not yet confirmed

Friend of Zion (non-member)

Page 8: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Riverside, New Jersey ...

First Name Last Name

Phone: Cell _______________________________

Email: ___________________________________


Month – Day

Birthday: _________________________________

Adult member of Zion(includes confirmed youth)

Non-member spouse

Child not yet confirmed

Friend of Zion (non-member)

For additional family member at the same address, please provide any relevant info below

First Name Last Name

Phone: Cell _______________________________

Email: ___________________________________


Month – Day

Birthday: _________________________________

Adult member of Zion(includes confirmed youth)

Non-member spouse

Child not yet confirmed

Friend of Zion (non-member)

First Name Last Name

Phone: Cell _______________________________

Email: ___________________________________


Month – Day

Birthday: _________________________________

Adult member of Zion(includes confirmed youth)

Non-member spouse

Child not yet confirmed

Friend of Zion (non-member)

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21 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11


12 13

15 16 17 18 2019

21 22 23 24 25

28 29 30 31

26 27

Zion Lutheran Church 2016Zion Lutheran Church 2016

Pizza FellowshipAfter Worship

Pizza FellowshipAfter Worship

9:00amFitness Class

5:00pm HC

9:00amFitness Class

5:00pm HC

9:00amFitness Class

5:00pm HC

9:00amFitness Class

5:00pm HC

9:00amFitness Class

5:00pm HC

9:00amFitness Class

5:00pm HC

9:00amFitness Class

10:00amMusic &Worship

5:00pm HCHymn Sing

9:00amFitness Class

10:00amMusic &Worship

5:00pm HCHymn Sing

6:00pm ADO/Town &Country DinerBordentown

6:00pm ADO/Town &Country DinerBordentown

10:30am HC10:30am HC

10:30am HC10:30am HC

10:30am HC10:30am HC

10:30am HCHymn Sing

10:30am HCHymn Sing

7:30pmHealingServicewith HC

7:30pmHealingServicewith HC

7:30pmHealingServicewith HC

7:30pmHealingServicewith HC

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:30pmFitness Class

6:00pmExecutiveCommittee Mtg.

6:30pmFitness Class

7:00pmCouncil Mtg.

8:00pm AA

6:00pmExecutiveCommittee Mtg.

6:30pmFitness Class

7:00pmCouncil Mtg.

8:00pm AA

6:30pmFitness Class

8:00pm AA

6:30pmFitness Class

8:00pm AA

6:30pmFitness Class

8:00pm AA

6:30pmFitness Class

8:00pm AA

6:30pmFitness Class

8:00pm AA

6:30pmFitness Class

8:00pm AA

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

HC – Holy Communion

AA – Alcoholics Anonymous

ADO – Adults Dining Out


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Note: If your name is not listed and you would like it to on the Birthday List, please let us know! Hand itin on a blue card from the pew or call the Church Office: (856) 461-5100. Leave the name and the date.

Happy Birthday

August 6 5:00 pm Communion Assistant: John BeckerLector: Denice Becker

7 10:30 am Communion Assistant: Phil SeltnerLector: Jean WennerAcolyte: Damian Ward

August 13 5:00 pm Communion Assistant: Barbara EdgeLector: Barbara Edge

14 10:30pm Communion Assistant: Jean WennerLector: Brian WorkmanAcolyte: Scarlett Hammell

August 20 5:00 pm Pastor Truscott21 10:30pm Communion Assistant: Brian Workman

Lector: Joan GiandonatoAcolyte: Rachel Mattson

August 27 5:00 pm Pastor TruscottAcolyte: Zach Zuckerman

28 10:30 am Communion Assistant: Joan GiandonatoLector: John OpalAcolyte: Steven Morrell

Altar Guild: Karen RichardsUsher Saturday: Karen RickardsUsher Sunday: Dean GrobAssistant Usher: Sean Mullen

August 1 = Mary ThurmanAugust 4 = Pat MurphyAugust 24 = Rudy Giandonato

August 28 = Sandy BiehnAugust 31 = Chris Ward

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Church Office: 218 S. Fairview StreetTelephone: (856) 461-5100Website: being redesigned)Pastor Nancy Truscott: [email protected]

Fairview Street and Pavilion AvenueRiverside, NJ 08075

Zion Weekly Worship ScheduleWednesday Evening ~ 7:30 p.m.

Saturday Evening ~ 5:00 p.m.Sunday Morning ~ 10:30 a.m.

Isaiah 53:5 NIVIsaiah 53:5 NIV
