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zhou 1991 0008

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  • 8/14/2019 zhou 1991 0008


    Ion Clearing by Cyclotron Resonance ShakingP. Zhou and J.B. Rosenzweig*

    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory!P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510

    AbstractWe discuss a new concept in ion clearing for storagerings, that of resonant removal of ions in dipoles by shak-ing the beam horizontally near the ion cyclotron frequency.This method of beam shaking is similar to the variationson ion bounce shaking developed by Orlov, Alves-Pires

    and coworkers at CERN, but has advantages in requiringa narrower bandwidth of shaking frequencies and in muchhigher achievable ion kinetic energies. The results of ana-lytical theory, and computer simulations are discussed.

    IntroductionAccumulation of ions has been a limiting factor in theperformance of antiproton accumulators. Besides the di-rect method using clearing electrodes, beam shaking hasbeen proven very effective in further clearing ions[l] andreducing the neutralization level in storage rings. In theso called resonant shaking[2] a driving voltage with fre-quency c lose to that of the ion oscillatory motion in thebeams electric field (bounce frequency) is applied to thebeam, which responds by shaking, generating an oscillat-ing transverse electric field which in turn drives transverseion motion. Ions traversing different beam sizes, and thusbounce frequencies, through slow longitudinal motion willbe locked-on to larger amplitudes; in this way the neu-lralization effects can be reduced[3]. The same or bet-ter results should be achievable through modulation of thedriving frequency[4], h hic is called frequency modulationshaking. This way the process is controllable and does

    not rely on the ions longitudinal motion. To distinguishfrom what we are going to describe here we call this kindof shaking bounce shaking because it is the ion bouncemotion that is being driven.An interesting and important experimental fact is thatthe bounce shaking described above doesnt work well inhorizontal plane. This can be explained by noting thatwhile ions in straight sections are easily removed by the*Present address: UCLA Dept. of Physics, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los

    Angeles, CA 90024t Operated by the Universities Research Association under con-

    tract with the U. S. Department of Energy

    clearing electrodes, ions inside dipole magnets cannot beeasily cleared, since there a re are often no clearing elec-trodes inside magnets due to tight space constraints, andthus the only clearing mechanisms are Coulomb heatingand E x B longitudinal drift. The former is insignificantwhile the latter can be greatly reduced by the neutral-ization itself. As a result the neutralization level insidethe magnets is much higher than the rest of the machineand deleterious ion effects are most likely caused mainlyby the ions in dipoles. The strong magnetic field insidemagnets leads to cyclotron motion of ions in the horizon-tal plane, which has, in general, a much higher oscilla-tion frequency than that of the bounce motion, and there-fore bounce shaking is not effective in the horizontal plane.This explanation leads us consider the possibility of hori-zontal shaking close to ion cyclotron frequency, which wecall cyclotron shaking.

    Theory of Cyclotron ShakingThe theoretical analysis for cy$otron shaking is parallelto that of bounce shak ing[4], which uses the averaging tech-nique originally developed by Krylov and Bogoliubov[5][6].For completeness we reproduce analysis here.Let x be the transverse coordinate of ion in the horizon-tal plane and r the longitudinal coordinate, then, ignoringthe space charge of the ions themselves, the equations ofmotion for the ion are,

    d=xz= -w$ + -$!&(x - bcoswl)d=t dxz= -WC-&-

    where q and m are the charge and mass of ion respectively,w, is the cyclotron frequency of the ion, and b is the ampli-tude of the beam center oscillation driven by the appliedvoltage. For a round Gaussian beam with rms beam sizeu the form of radial electric field isE,(r)= V(l - e-5)

    where X is the beam line charge density.0-7803-0135-8/91$01.00 @IEEE 1776

    1991 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material

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    PAC 1991

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    The displacement of the ion from the beam center nor-malized by the beam rms size u, i = $[z - bcos(wt)], isthen described by2 = A(w2 -WC) cos(w2) - w$ - x0) - w:f(Z)

    where wb = dv hX mu is t e maximum ion bounce fre-quency, A = b/c and xeu is the horizontal position ofthe ions guiding center. Unlike in the case of bounceshaking where the corresponding quantity is always zero,ze here is in general not. For simplification we takef(Z) = $ [l - exp (- i$,] which implies that we are onlyconsidering ions close to the vertical center of the beam.We look for the equilibrium solution of the form

    Liz = a(t) cos(wt + e(t)) + x0di?z= -wa(t) sin(wt + e(t))

    in which a(t) and 0(t) are slow varying functions relativeto the oscillation period. Averaging over a period yields:

    daz= (4 - W2jAsin02wdOdl= (wz2;w2) [l - ; cos e] + 2G(a, x0)

    where G(a, x0) = & s, f(zo +a cos 4) cos q5dq5.The max-imum amplitude satisfies da/dt = dfl/dt = 0, thereforewe have an implicit relation between the driving frequencyand equilibrium ion amplitude:w2 - w,2 _ G(a, x0)---

    w: l&f(1)

    Eq. 1 represents hysteresis which is well known fornon-linear oscillators. For x0 = 0, G(a,O) = $[l -e(-c)1e($)] and Eq. 1 is plotted in Fig. 1. The motioncorresponding to the upper half of the left curve is unsta-ble. The beam oscillation amplitude undergoes a jump at aparticular driving frequency and it can reach much larger


    .6 - A=a.a04----- -. A-0.02l-3 .4


    .9 .95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2

    Figure 1: Equilibrium Ion Oscillation Amplitude vs. Shak-ing Frequency

    values if the driving frequency is modulated from abovethat frequency downward, which is the concept frequencymodulation shaking based upon.In general function G(a, zs) cannot be expressed inclosed form. Results by numerical methods are shown inFig. 2. As x0 increases G not only drops in magnitud le but

    Figure 2: Function G(a, x0).

    . 0

    also reverses its trend as a function of a. This means notonly the resonant frequency decreases, the direction of fre-quency modulation that increases the ion oscillation ampli-tude reverses also. Therefore the effect of cyclotron shak-ing with frequency modulation eventually vanishes. Withthis discussion in mind, it is clear that cyclotron shakingwill only be effective to ions close to beam center. For-tunately, these ions are precisely the ones which pose thegreatest threat to beam stability, because they slow theions E x B drift inside dipoles by neutralizing the elec-tric field. The drift speed is N 103m/s for ions that arela from the center of an unneutralized 100 mA beam inthe Fermilab accumulator. This corresponds to a less than0.2% equilibrium neutralization level inside dipoles, whichis much better than the current operation conditions. Ifthe cyclotron shaking can excite the ions created close tobeam center to large amplitudes, the drifting motion of theother ions will provide sufficient clearing.

    DiscussionUsing the Fermilab antiproton accumulator parameters

    with 200mA beam current, we compared the theoreticalpredictions on the equilibrium amplitudes with the sim-ulation results of both bounce and cyclotron shaking forprotons. As shown in Fig. 1 the data points, which corre-sponds to u = 0.22cm,Aa = O.Olmm and no initial hori-zontal displacement agree remarkably well with the analyt-ical theory. The modulation of frequency, in both shakingschemes, is also shown by simulation to be very effective,as predicted by theory.As seen above cyclotron shaking and bounce shaking arevery similar in many aspects. The equilibrium amplitudescan be described by the same plot and hence both have

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    the same hysteresis lock on effect which is crucial in re-ducing neutralization efFects [3]. However because of thevery different frequencies of the cyclotron and bounce mo-tion, the two ways of shaking do have different properties.The cyclotron frequency w,, at least in our case, is muchhigher than the bounce frequency wb. The correspond-ing frequency spread in cyclotron shaking is a factor ofW,/wb = 15 smaller than that in bounce shaking. This dif-ference affects the frequency modulation process becausethe beam response to the driving voltage depends stronglyon the frequency and that has a big impact on the ion re-sponse (see Fig. 1). Ob viously the beam response to thedriving voltage varies rapidly around betatron sidebands.If in the process of frequency modulation the beam re-sponse changes too fast, that could cause ions to loose thelock-on and limit the effectiveness of modulated frequencybounce shaking. The small frequency range of cyclotronshaking helps in stabilizing the beam response in the wholeprocess of frequency change. The factor of 15 in the caseof Fermilab accumulator reduces the range to only a smallfraction of revolution frequency. Note that if the cyclotronfrequency falls very near a betatron side band, a beam-ioninstability may be excited. This subject is analyzed in aseparate paper[7].

    The theory p resented earlier only deals with equilib-rium responses while frequency modulation inevitably in-troduces time varying effects. The simulation shows thatcyclotron shaking with frequency modulation has a longerlasting transient ion motion which requires a longer mod-ulation period. The long transient in the ion motionin the case of driving cyclotron resonant motion is eas-ily understood by noting that there is a lot more kineticenergy in a cyclotron orbit than in a bounce orbit ofthe same horizontal amplitude. For the cases where cy-clotron shaking are effective, the cyclotron kinetic energyis Ek = (x,w,)2m/2 N 500 eV, and the bounce kineticenergy is smaller by a factor of (wb/w,), or 2.2 eV. Whena bounce-shaken ion has exited the end of the magnetsthrough its E x B drift motion, its removal is still predi-cated on adequate clearing voltages, which may not alwaysbe provided. If the ion is cyclotron-shaken, however, it canby virtue of its large energy easily escape the beam poten-tial well and clear completely. This is indeed verified bysimulation. Shown in Fig. 3 are the normalized magneticfield and a sample of ion motion driven by frequency mod-ulated cyclotron shaking. Notice that the tracks shown areactually the alias of ions oscillation motion. The longitu-dinal positions that locked-on ions escape the beam andhit the vacuum wall are concentrated in a small range.This fact provides a potential diagnostic to directly mea-sure the effect of the cyclotron shaking, by collecting theseenergetic ions, and measuring their energy spectra. In ad-dition, inside the magnet, if the cyclotron-shaken ion hasan elastic collision with an ion, a neutral, or a beam parti-cle which redirects even 5% of its energy into the verticalplane, it will escape the beam entirely. Preliminary calcu-lations indicate that this beneficial phenomenon may occur

    l I 1 LJ_l-1-1-1-1-1-L'-' -~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ 4--.e 3f i.6 - 1 -2; -1

    lL-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0Distance (cm)

    Figure 3: Dipole Field and Ion Motionat a non-negligible rate in the Fermilab antiproton accu-mulator .In short we conclude that the cyclotron shaking is lesssusceptible to the change of beam response to externaldriving voltage and therefore may be more effective in re-ducing ion neutralization effects. In addition, the largeenergy associated with exciting cyclotron orbits of radii onthe order of the beam size may aid significantly in finalremoval of the ions from the beam. Experimental studyis needed, and is presently being pursued on the Fermilabantiproton accumulator.The authors would like to thank R. Alves Pires and A.Poncet for their valuable help.





    J. Marriner and A. Poncet, Neutralization Experi-ments with Proton and Antiproton Stacks - Ion Shak-ing, Pbar-note 481, Fermilab Internal Note, March1989.R. Alves Pires, Beam Shaking for the Fermilab An-tiproton Accumulator, Proceeding of the Fermilab IIIInstability Workshop, 1990Yuri Orlov, The Suppression of Transverse Instabili-ties in the CERN AA by Shaking the j Beam, CERNPS/89-Ol(AR), 1989.R. Alves Pires and R. DilZio, On the Theory of Shak-ing, to be publishedN. Krylov and N. Bogoliubov, Introduction to Nonlin-ear Mechanics (Princeton University Press, Princeton,N.J., 1943)Ronald E. Mickens, Introduction to Nonlinear Oscil-lations (Cambridge University Press, 1981) (1989) p.800J.B. Rosenzweig, Beam-Ion Cyclotron ResonanceInstability, Proceedings of Fermilab III InstabilityWorkshop, July 1990


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