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YU _Annual Report

Apr 14, 2018



NaVendu Garg
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  • 7/30/2019 YU _Annual Report


    YU WEEK -I (2012)


    thAugust, 2012)

    The new session of 2012-2013 started with a 3-day long YU WEEK organized by Youth United.

    The main purpose of Youth United Week was to give a brief introduction regarding working ofYouth United .The event also aimed at fostering the talent in new comers so that they can

    excel in both academic and extracurricular activities.


    August,2012: It started with Treasure Hunt organized in Campus where 25 teams

    participated. It was organized with aim of helping first year students in knowing their campus

    better in an entertaining way. Teams really enjoyed looking for places whose names were

    given to them as jumbled clues. Winners were given away prizes on final day of the event

    during prize distribution Ceremony.

    At the same time informals like LUCKY 7, Card Game and also Lemon Race were conducted

    outside Cafeteria near K- Lawns and at COS Complex. The money collected through informals

    will be used for catering daily stationary needs of students of Government Multipurpose

    School who are given free coaching under Lakshya - Another Flagship project of Youth United

    by students of Thapar University on daily basis.


    August,2012: The most awaited THAPARS GOT TALENT was organized on this day in C-Hall

    at 5pm which witnessed more than 300 students of Thapar. Also, around 40 students took parenthusiastically and displayed their talent in fields of dance, singing and dramatics. The event

    was judged by Mr Akshay Singla who is a renowned choreographer and dance teacher of


    On the same day, the new comers were briefed about various projects and working of Youth

    United through a presentation. Also, a short quiz was conducted to develop interest of

    students in YU and chocolates were given away to the winners. The recruitment forms for

    Youth United were also made available so that students who wish to be part of Youth Unitedand contribute towards the society could join. The response was good and about 35 students

    filled the form.


    August,2012: The event concluded on third day with the performances of about 10

    students and prize distribution ceremony in which Youth United President (Mrs Shweta Goyal

    along with Mr. Akshay Singla gave away the prizes to treasure hunt and talent hunt show


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    A visit was organized by the Youth United team to Pingalwara (Apahaj Asharam), Patiala on 9th

    September 2012.Pingalwara is a home for the people whose families cant support them due

    to their ailments. The Asharam accepts them as one of their own and provides them with the

    basic needs. The team went on Sunday to spread smiles on the faces of the residents of the

    Pingalwara. We first of all interacted with the residents and sat among them to help them to

    get friendly with us. After the initial interaction we encouraged the senior citizens to sing some

    Bhajans with us. We were flabbergasted to see the amount of dormant energies all of them

    had possessed which exuded when they met us. The fun part which included playing music,

    dancing with tiny tots and the young residents, made us realize this thing. We shared some

    light moments when we talked to them. Seeing smiles on their faces when we distributed

    refreshments among them was a satisfying feeling. The female members of the team,thereafter, went to the side of Pingalwara where women resided and spent time with them. In

    the end we all, together, prayed for the success of the endeavour we have initiated.

    This one particular day was like a gift to each one of us. Excitedly unveiling the wrapper, little

    did we know what priceless gift lay ahead of us. The fact that the few hours with the special

    ones would create an unspeakable bond of affection with them still amazes us. The residents

    of Pingalwara might not be the epitome of beauty but they definitely have loads of love to


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    October ,2012)

    During this week,we collected articles from throughout the campus of Thapar

    University.Donations were collected in the form of cash,clothes,footwears etc from all hostels

    and later on these donations were distributed among the underprivileged people like

    construction site workers.Students and teachers contributed whole heartedly. Everyone thus

    came together to experience the joy of Giving.



    October 2012)

    A public health mission camp was organised for the workers and students of slum areas at the

    Health center ,Thapar University. Doctors from Columbia Asia examined around 150 people

    for free.Also free medicines were also distributed to the workers and students.

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    Samwaad is name of personal counseling sessions which are organised on regular intervals in Thapar

    University in order to relieve the students of day to day stress and worries. Acharya Mitra Paroksh Sujay ( a

    well renowned counselor ) interact personally with students during the session. Each session comprises of

    about 4-5 students


    The second Pingalwada Visit was organized on 26 Jan 2013 on occasion of Republic Day. We first of all

    interacted with the residents and sat among them to help them to get friendly with us. After

    the initial interaction we encouraged the senior citizens to sing some Bhajans with us. We

    were flabbergasted to see the amount of dormant energies all of them had possessed which

    exuded when they met us. The fun part which included playing music, dancing with tiny tots

    and the young residents, made us realize this thing. We shared some light moments when we

    talked to them.

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    Smiling Future Week ( 12 -14 Feb 2013 )

    Smiling Future is an endeavor of Youth United to create an OPPORTUNITY for the underprivileged and

    specially-abled children, so that they can share the prestigious stage to unfold and showcase their various

    talents to the common folks as popular professional dance groups and music bands from various schools and

    colleges and the world can behold as to how talented these kids are.

    This Year Smiling Future started with informal events on 12th

    feb, 2013. A stall was set outside the cafeteria to

    sell the craft work done by students of Vani School and the money collected was sent to Vani school.


    Feb was the painting and craft day in this year`s Smiling Future. Various schools from within the Patiala

    participated in it namely Patiala School of deaf and Blind, Vani School and B.E. Asha School. The students of

    these schools made some fabulous drawings and paintings which were exhibited in auditorium. The paintings

    were not only general but some were conveying messages about social issues like Female Feticide, child

    abuse, etc.

    The main day of the Smiling Future Week was 14th

    feb i.e. Valentine`s day which was celebrated with the

    theme of Divine Love. The event started with the lamp lightning oby the chief guest and guest of honor. It

    was accompanied by performances from specially abled children. Some performances were so good that the

    audience was moved emotionally. Mr Rajeev Sharda and Miss Henna Singal distributed goodies which were

    sponsored by Thapar Alumni Association to these specially abled children. Ms Henna Singal, General Secretary

    of Thapar Alumni Association shared few words with the audience. Patiala School Of Deaf and Blind performed

    a fashion show which left everybody amazed. There was a performance by Vani School in which students

    performed some really amazing stunts and once More was what the audience wants. Dr Shweta Goyal,

    president of Youth United Distributed goodies to students of Multipurpose school. Dr Sanjeev Kumar Garg,

    Chief guest of the evening handed over the drafts to all schools which were made from the donations

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    collected from Thapar Univeristy Students and they motivated students to learn from these students and draw

    inspiration from them. Refreshments were distributed to all the students which were sponsored by Aahaar.

    Goodies distributed were worth more than Rs 10,000 and were sponsored by Thapar alumni Association and

    included a bag, notebooks, geometry box, lunch box, stationary items and towel. The event ended with a

    special tribute to those children by students of Thapar University.

    The 3 hours of event were the best moments for everyone present in the auditorium which not only made

    them feel special about who they are but also it inspired everyone to a great extent. Everyone seemed to be

    mesmerized by the performances. At last, the effort to bring smile on those special faces of differently abled

    students was accomplished. The event was impeccable according to the audience.

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    YU PHM ( April 2013)

    Youth United (Patiala Chapter) took a leap forward with its event YU PHM 2013. Expanding the horizon

    outside Thapar University was a great start and great experience for YU members. The 3-day event was a huge


    DAY 1:

    A nautanki performance was held on the 30th

    of March in sanour village to aware people about health

    diseases and the upcoming health camp. The 8 minutes performance by nautanki team was loved by the

    residents of the village and inspired them towards taking hygienic measures.

    DAY 2:

    On May 1, a health camp was held at sanour village in association with the respective panchayat of the village

    and Mata Gujri Hospital. The check-up team included a team of 5 doctors which included physician, eye

    specialist, dentist, paediatrician and gynaecologist. The camp attracted around 350 people from nearby

    villages and slum areas. The camp also included free medicines and free lab tests. An awareness campaign was

    also held by the YU members which made people aware on topics like nutrition, women education and

    education schemes, vaccination schedule, protection during rainy season and symptoms of various diseases.

    DAY 3:

    The last day of the event included a health camp for mess workers and labourers of Thapar University.

    The camp was organised at Thapars Dispensary and included a team of 3 specialized doctors. All the patients

    were properly checked up the doctors and were provided with free medicines.

    The 3 day event brought outshining results. Not only it took Youth United to a new level but also inspired its

    members to take up new projects on big scale and make Youth United an ultimate name of support to others.

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    Survey Regarding Cleanliness April 2013


    The hub of Thapar lies outside the gates of the University where students, faculty and outsiders alike throng

    from morning 10 to evening 8 for a quick bite of snacks. The stretch of 50m is full of vendors selling all kinds of

    snacks, cycle and shoe repair kiosks, and a small stretch of land where people park cars. What looks clean on

    the exterior, has a different story to say when looked a little beyond what meets the eye.

    The area behind these stalls has turned into a dump yard for all the waste that is accumulated from these


    Pictures taken on 9th

    April 2013.

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    1. This is India, nobody cares!2. No disposal facility.3. Vendors cannot afford to have a disposal facility of their own.4. No municipality van goes through this lane that can clean the place, only the van meant for the

    University garbage is available that too just for the University.


    The effects of poor hygiene are not unknown.

    1. These conditions are a breeding ground for various diseases like food poisoning, stomach infection,gastritis, etc.

    2. The small stretch of water has turned colour to green due to pollution and is a breeding ground formosquitoes and other parasites. They further the list of diseases with malaria, dengue to name a few.

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    3. Foul smell causes air pollution.4. (I have even witnessed a fight start over this issue of garbage.)


    1. Needless to say, the garbage has to be removed.2. Permanent dustbins have to be placed in various locations of the area.3.

    We should talk to the municipality of Patiala and request them to clear the dustbins at regularintervals.


    1. Urge people to use the dustbins provided.2. Put up sign boards and personally talk to the vendors to maintain clear surroundings by using the

    dustbins provided.

    3. If budget permits, or with the help of college authorities we can convert the dump into a small lawn/garden (by removing weeds and other carcases, growing grass in that area to beautify it.)

    (Steps have to be takenSurvey has been done / Action

    needs to be discussed)