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Travelers Guide for Concur Preparing travel Requests, cash advances, and travel Expense Reports Youngstown State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, age, religion or veteran/military status in its programs or activities. Please visit YSU's Commitment to Accessibility webpage for contact information for persons designated to handle questions about this policy.

YSU Travelers Guide for · 2015. 12. 10. · Travelers Guide for Concur Preparing travel Requests, cash advances,

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  • Travelers Guide for


    Preparing travel Requests, cash advances, and

    travel Expense Reports

    Youngstown State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,

    sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, age, religion or veteran/military

    status in its programs or activities. Please visit YSU's Commitment to Accessibility webpage for

    contact information for persons designated to handle questions about this policy.

  • Page 1 of 36 Revised 08/31/2015

    All Travel must be in compliance with Travel Guidelines – see Travel Services

    Travel Guidelines require that all travel is pre-approved. A Request must first be completed and

    approved in Concur. To complete the Request you need to estimate expenses for your travel and

    enter into the fields in the online form. Reservations can then be booked either through the Concur

    booking tool or agent direct with Traveline. The use of Traveline in most instances is mandatory.

    After the trip has occurred, an Expense Report must be completed in order to reimburse the traveler

    for any expenses or reconcile any Cash Advances or TravelCard charges.

    Authorization forms for Concur access for students and staff (not already in Concur) are located on

    the Travel Services website.

    There are many Concur guides and videos that are excellent tools for learning how to use the CT&E

    system and are available once you login to the application. This document summarizes and clarifies

    some procedures which may be unique to YSU. Concur videos can be viewed by clicking the “Help”

    button at the top right-hand corner of the Concur screen. There is also a list of videos following the

    Table of Contents. CT&E Travel Tips are short snippets to address common issues and are posted on

    the Travel Services website.

    Click commands are in bold and “quotes”

    Table of Contents 1. Creating a new Travel Request ............................................................................................................... 3

    2. Completing the Request Header ............................................................................................................ 4

    3. Completing the Expenses tab ................................................................................................................. 4

    4. Allocating the Request to different FOAPs (if needed) .......................................................................... 5

    5. Submitting the Request for approval ..................................................................................................... 7

    6. Booking travel reservations .................................................................................................................... 8

    7. Completing the Expense Report/Report Header ................................................................................. 10

    8. Completing the itinerary information .................................................................................................. 12

    9. Entering a hotel bill .............................................................................................................................. 16

    10. Itemizing the hotel bill .......................................................................................................................... 16

    11. Registering a car in order to claim personal car mileage ..................................................................... 19

    12. Entering Personal Car Mileage ............................................................................................................. 20

    13. Copying Personal Car Mileage to other days ....................................................................................... 22

    14. Entering other types of expenses ......................................................................................................... 23

    15. Business Meals – Do not use for personal per diem meal reimbursement ......................................... 24

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    16. Allocating Expenses to different FOAPs ............................................................................................... 25

    17. Attach Receipts ..................................................................................................................................... 28

    18. Reducing the amount of the Expense Report ...................................................................................... 30

    19. Print/Email/Save Report ....................................................................................................................... 31

    20. Submitting an Expense Report ............................................................................................................. 32

    21. Recalling an Expense Report ................................................................................................................ 32

    22. Adding another Expense Report to a Request ..................................................................................... 33

    23. Finding old Requests and Expense Reports .......................................................................................... 33

    24. Administering Travel on behalf of another .......................................................................................... 34

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    1. Creating a new Travel Request

    Keep in mind that the Request is your permission to travel, documentation of your

    destination, business purpose, dates of your travel, and your estimated expenses.

    These are not your actual expenses and a reimbursement will not be generated from a

    Request and no budget is encumbered or charged. If you request and receive a cash

    advance, this is the same as taking a loan from YSU which you must account for or

    repay. When you file your Expense Report, you will account for the actual expenses that

    the cash advance was used for and the loan will be zeroed out. If you need to return

    any excess cash advance, please use the deposit slip on the Travel Services website.

    Logon to the YSU Portal. Click on the “Concur” link on the left-hand side of the page

    under eServices for Faculty and Staff. You will be on the My Concur home page.

    Click on “+ Start a Request” button to begin a new Request or click on “Requests” at the

    top of the screen and click on the “Create New” and choose “New Request”.

    Screen shot of the My Concur home page

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    2. Completing the Request Header

    The Request header screen opens up. Complete the Request Name by entering the

    location and date of trip. This information will carry to your Expense Report and the

    first 27 characters will appear on your check stub or direct deposit notice.

    Enter the start date and end date of your trip.

    Enter the business purpose. This will carry throughout your report.

    Choose the account code for your travel from the drop-down. On the allocation screen

    – different FOAPs may be chosen on the same report (See section 3).

    If you have a conference registration fee over $100 to prepay or are traveling with a

    student group, you may complete the cash advance amount. Add a cash advance

    comment of what the cash advance will be used for.

    Click “Save”.

    Screen shot of Request Header

    3. Completing the Expenses tab

    Once you Save the Request, you will be taken to the Expenses tab. If you exited the

    report after saving and are going back in, click on the Expenses tab.

    Choose the expense type such as hotel, airfare, fixed meals etc. to enter your estimated

    expenses. Enter the information required as indicated by the red bar.

    Use the first day of travel for the transaction date and enter the total amount for that

    expense type – especially fixed meals. Do not put an estimate for each day. Only enter

    amounts that YSU will reimburse – i.e. if you have a limit of $1,100 – only enter

    estimated expenses up to $1,100.

    If you request a cash advance for a conference fee, you must enter an estimated

    expense for the conference fee under the Expenses tab and attach a copy of the

    Registration form under the Attachments drop-down menu.

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    Screen shot of Request Expenses estimate tab

    4. Allocating the Request to different FOAPs (if needed)

    Requests do not encumber any monies or charge any budget but you may need to show

    the different FOAPs on your Request. On the Request, expenses have to be allocated as

    a group. (On the Expense Report, they can be allocated individually).

    Click on any one of the estimated expenses to move it to the right pane.

    Click on the “Allocate button” in the bottom right corner.

    This will take you to the allocations screen and all expenses will be checked. On a

    Request you can allocate by percentage or amount but the allocation will apply across

    all estimated expenses.

    Click on the “Allocate by” and choose either percentage or amount.

    Enter the dollar amount or the percentage amount in the first box.

    You can change the FOAP by slowly typing over the fund, organization, or program code.

    When the new code appears, click on it to choose it.

    If the amount in the amount box is not for the full amount, a new allocation box should

    appear, if it does not click on the “Add New Allocation” button.

    Once the allocations are completed. Click “Save” to return to Expenses screen.

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    Screen shot of Allocations screen

    Screen shot after Allocations have been added

    When expenses are allocated, they show with a colored pie chart next to each expense.

    If you hover over the pie chart, the allocated FOAPs will show.

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    Screen shot of Expenses screen after allocations have been added

    5. Submitting the Request for approval

    Once the Request estimates are entered. You have a couple of options – add

    Attachments by clicking on the Attachments drop-down, Print/Email to view a Report

    copy of your Request, Delete Request, or Submit Request.

    You must press the Submit Request button in order to put your Request in the approval

    queue for your approver.

    Requests only require your assigned approver’s approval. They do not route to Travel

    Services for review and approval.

    Screen shot of completed Request

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    6. Booking travel reservations

    You must have an approved travel Request prior to booking any reservations for your

    trip. Make sure you know your Request ID prior to beginning the booking process of

    your reservation. You can find this ID on your printed report or beside the Request

    Name in your Active Requests.

    Screen shot of Request ID

    Once you are logged into Concur, the booking tool is down the left-hand side of the

    screen or you can choose the Travel at the top of the screen.

    Screen shot of Trip Search

    You will need to choose if the travel is grant or non-grant funded from the orange drop-

    down menu at the top.

    Click on the flight, car, hotel, or taxi tabs. You can start with flight and once you search

    and choose your flight, it will ask you if you need a hotel, car, taxi, etc.

    Search and choose your flights, hotel, car, taxi, etc.

    On the reservation screen you will enter your Request ID# - in the example above it

    would be 36HN and the FOAP.

    Make sure you complete all screens to the end of the reservation process and actually

    book the reservations.

    Airline tickets can be paid either by the Travel Card or the YSU campus ghost card.

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    Hotels can be paid either by the Travel Card or the traveler’s personal credit card which

    then will be reimbursed.

    Enterprise car rentals booked through the booking tool are paid for on the YSU ghost

    card. If the traveler has a YSU TravelCard, reservations can still be made through the

    Enterprise portal.

    Once your trip is booked – you will be able to see your reservations at the bottom of the

    booking tool under My Trips. If you click on the trip, it will take you to the Trip Library

    screen to review the details.

    Screen shot of My Trips

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    7. Completing the Expense Report/Report Header

    Remember, within 30 days of your return from travel, you must complete the Expense

    Report if you have reimbursable expenses, TravelCard expenses or received a cash

    advance for this travel. If you use a TravelCard, wait until all charges related to the trip

    appear in Concur. This may take 3 to 5 days after the expense is placed on the card due

    to merchant processing. You will need to apply the TravelCard charges to the Expense

    Report to reconcile back to your budget.

    Logon to Concur.

    Click on “Requests”. Since the Request is approved, you will see the word “Expense”

    under the Action column on the right.

    If the Request does not appear, click on the View drop-down menu and change option

    to “All Requests”.

    Click on “Expense”.

    You can also open the Request and click on the blue “Create Expense Report” in the

    upper right.

    Either method will start the Expense Report and open up the Report Header screen.

    Screen shot of Approved Request to begin an Expense Report

    The Expense Report will open on the Report Header screen. The Report Name and

    Business Purpose will carry forward from the Request.

    Choose an account from the drop-down list. (You will be able to charge multiple FOAPs

    including the account from the allocations screen – See below)

    The FOP automatically populates with your default FOP. This is the FOP the entire

    Expense Report will be charged to. You can change the FOP by slowly typing over the

    fund, organization, or program code. When the new code appears, click on it to choose


    The Request that the Expense Report is tied to will appear at the bottom of the screen.

    If for some reason there are 2 Requests that need tied to the Expense Report, click the

    Blue “Add” button above the Request block, choose the additional Request, and click


    Click “Next” when all information is correct and you are ready to proceed.

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    If a cash advance is associated with the Request, it will automatically come into the

    Expense Report.

    However, if you have a different cash advance associated with a different Request, the

    cash advance screen will appear. If the cash advance in the cash advance box applies to

    this Expense Report also, click the box next to it and click on the “Assign Cash Advance

    to Report”. If it does not, click the blue “Next”.

    Screen shot of Expense Report Header

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    8. Completing the itinerary information



    Screen shot of itinerary screen

    Complete the itinerary with your departure/arrival information to your destination and


    Screen shot of departure itinerary

    Complete the itinerary with your departure/arrival return from destination and “Save”.

    The departure city should automatically calculate on the return.

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    Screen shot of departure/return screen

    You can also add in multiple dates and destinations by saving each time you enter a leg

    of the journey.

    Screen shot of completed itinerary

    When all legs of your journey are entered, click “Next” to go to the summary of your

    itineraries. The itinerary you just completed will be in the Assigned Itineraries box. Previous Itineraries will be in the available box.

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    Screen shot of Available Itineraries

    Click “Next” to go to the Expenses and Adjustments screen.

    Screen shot of Fixed Meal per diem rates

    All meals for your dates of travel by day will appear. The per diem rate for these meals

    is based on the date of travel and destination. According to YSU guidelines per diem

    reimbursements are allowed at 75% first and last day, 100% any days in-between. Click

    in the “Exclude” box (left-hand side) to turn any days off or “All” at the top to turn off all

    day’s meals. Click on any of the individual boxes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner to turn off

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    any individual meals that you will not be reimbursed for or that were included as part of

    a conference.

    Click “Create Expenses”. This will add the expense – Fixed Meals to your Expense

    Report. You will now be on the Expense Report screen.

    Screen shot of Expense Report screen with Fixed Meals (per diem meals)

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    9. Entering a hotel bill

    Click on the “Hotel” expense type from the expense menu or click “New Expense”.

    Enter the check-out date as the transaction date.

    Enter the vendor and City of Purchase. You can type any vendor in this field, it does not

    have to appear in the drop-down list.

    Enter the total amount of the hotel bill – you can deduct any personal expenses in the

    itemization process.

    If you have e-receipts activated and the vendor participates the receipt will come in


    You can also attach the hotel bill receipt by clicking on the “Attach Receipt” button at

    the bottom of the screen.

    Screen shot of hotel expense – front page

    10. Itemizing the hotel bill

    Click on “Itemize” at the bottom of the screen – the itemizations (breakdown) must

    match the total of the hotel bill.

    Enter Check-in Date and Check-out Date. The number of nights will automatically


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    Enter the room amount, tax amount, and any other daily expense by clicking on the

    drop-down menu, choosing the type, say parking, and entering the daily amount. Click

    “Save Itemizations”.

    Screen shot of itemizing hotel bill

    If itemization is not complete, it will take you to a New Itemization screen in order for

    the itemizations to equal the total of your bill. See upper right corner for “Total

    Amount” “Itemized” and “Remaining”.

    Choose the additional expense type or “Non Reimbursable/Personal Expense” from the

    drop-down menu.

    Enter the amount and any necessary comments.

    Click “Save”.

    Screen shot of additional itemization

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    Once the itemization is complete, the hotel expense will move over to the left-side of

    the report and be added to the expenses.

    A receipt box will appear under the date of the hotel bill indicating that you will need to

    upload a hotel receipt before submitting the report for approval.

    Any warnings related to the items you have entered will appear in the middle of the

    screen under exceptions.

    Screen shot of expense pane after hotel bill is itemized

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    11. Registering a car in order to claim personal car mileage

    Click on the “personal car mileage” expense.

    If this is the first time that you entered personal car mileage in the system and have not

    previously registered a car on your profile, you will receive the message that you must

    register a personal car in your profile. You must do this to choose the proper rate that

    you will be reimbursed.

    Click “OK” to close the message.

    Screen shot of Profile page

    Click “Profile” at the top right and choose “Personal Car”.

    Click “New” to add a new car or “Remove” to remove a car.

    Under Vehicle ID – enter Personal, Courtesy Car, or State Grant car.

    In the drop-down list under Vehicle Type – choose either: Courtesy Car (mostly athletics)

    reimbursed at $.29 a mile; Personal Car (most everyone else) reimbursed at $.48 a mile

    or State Grants (if traveling on a state grant) reimbursed at $.45 a mile. You can enter

    more than 1 car if for example you travel under regular University business and state

    grant business.

    When you enter mileage, all of your registered vehicles will appear and be available to

    designate as the vehicle and type of mileage you are claiming.

    Click “Save”.

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    Screen shot of Personal Car Registration

    Click on “My Concur” to go back to the main screen.

    Click on either Request or Expense at the top of the screen and then the “Report Name”

    to continue working on your report.

    12. Entering Personal Car Mileage

    In the “New Expense” pane – Click on “Personal Car Mileage”. This will bring up a

    mileage calculator.

    If your home address is set-up on your profile, it will automatically populate point A –

    you may need to change to YSU address.

    Enter the address of your destination.

    Click – “Calculate Route” – if driving there and returning on the same day – Click –

    “Make Round Trip”. If returning on a different day, you will create a separate entry.

    You can click – “Deduct Commute” at bottom of screen if you are leaving from home

    and it is a further distance than YSU.

    You can also add multiple destinations by continuing to add waypoints and clicking on

    the “Calculate Route”.

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    Screen shot of Mileage Calculator

    Click “Add Mileage to Expense”. This will take you back to the Expense screen.

    You must enter the Transaction Date.

    You can choose a different Vehicle from the drop-down “Vehicle ID” or use the one

    shown. Click “Save”.

    YSU limits mileage reimbursement to the cost of a rental car. If your mileage exceeds

    the set rate for 1 day, then you will receive a yellow error message that you may need to

    limit your mileage. Currently you must complete the mileage limited worksheet on the

    Travel Services webpage if you will travel more than 120 miles in 1 day. If you have

    multiple days in your trip, divide the mileage by the number of days to determine if it

    exceeds the 120 mile limit.

    Screen shot of personal car mileage added to Expense Report

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    13. Copying Personal Car Mileage to other days

    If you travel to the same destinations several days in a row or throughout a semester,

    you can copy the exact same trip and change the days.

    Click the Check box beside the Personal Car Mileage. At the top of Expenses pane,

    choose “Copy”.

    This adds the same trip to the Expenses pane with the next day’s date. If this is correct

    you don’t need to change.

    If this isn’t correct, click on the Personal Car Mileage description to open it in the

    Expense pane, change the transaction date and click “Save”.

    Screen shot of copying personal car mileage expense

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    Screen shot of changing date on expense screen

    14. Entering other types of expenses

    Entering other types of expenses is relatively straight forward.

    Click on the type of expense in the new expense pane.

    Enter the information required indicated by the red bar on the left side of the box.

    Click “Save” to add the expense to the report.

    If you received a cash advance to pay a conference fee, you must add the conference

    fee expense to the Expense Report and leave the payment type as “Out of Pocket” in

    order to reconcile the cash advance. You must attach a receipt for the conference fee.

    If you are entering Airfare or Enterprise car rentals that are prepaid by the University,

    make sure to change the payment type to YSU prepaid. The system will include the

    expense in the total Requested amount but knows not to reimburse you for the


    All claimed expenses show up on the left side of the report under Expenses.

    You will also see the Total Amount and the Total Requested (this excludes any non-

    reimbursable personal amounts).

    To see the Totals that will be disbursed – click on the Details drop-down “Totals”. You

    will be able to see YSU prepaid amounts, cash advances applied, YSU Travel Card

    expenses, and the amount to be reimbursed.

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    Screen shot of Report Totals screen

    15. Business Meals – Do not use for personal per diem meal reimbursement

    Business Meals can only be claimed for travelers who are meeting with other

    constituents or are part of a group travel. The meal must be in compliance with YSU

    Business Related Expense Guidelines.

    Click on the “Business Meals Expense”.

    Enter the transaction date.

    You must choose BRE Purpose.

    Enter the vendor name.

    Choose category – breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

    Enter city of purchase.

    Enter the amount.

    At the bottom of the screen, enter the attendees.

    If part of a large group of travelers, attach list by going to the Receipts drop-down, click

    on “Attach Receipt Images”, browse and find.

    Business meal will be allocated to the same account as the travel.

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    16. Allocating Expenses to different FOAPs

    All expenses will automatically be allocated to the FOAP that is on the header of your

    report. If this is where all of the expenses will be charged, then you do not need to

    allocate your expenses. Split FOAP information should pull in automatically from your

    Request (but always double-check to make sure it is correct).

    Any receipt or group of receipts can be allocated to different FOAPs by dollar amount or


    You can click on the “Allocate” button on any expense to go to the allocation screen.

    You can also use the Details drop-down menu and choose “Allocations” (middle of the


    Screen shot of Allocations menu

    The Expense list appears on the left-hand side .

    You can choose all or some of the expenses.

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    Screen shot of expenses on Allocations screen

    Click on the “Allocate Selected Expenses”. This opens up the allocation screen on the


    You can choose “Allocate By” Percentage or Dollar and “Add New Allocation” in order

    to add as many as desired.

    When complete, choose “Save”.

    Screen shots for Allocations Pane

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    On the Success menu – click “OK”. You will return to the Expense screen. Allocations

    will show up beside the expense with a blue scarab shell. Hover over the shell to see

    the allocations. The allocated FOAPS will also appear on the YSU Detail Report.

    Screen shot of allocated expenses

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    17. Attach Receipts

    You can add receipts by clicking on the “Attach Receipts” button on any individual


    You can also attach receipts by using the drop-down Receipts menu at the top of the


    You will also be prompted to attach receipts when you click the Submit Report button.

    You can take a picture of receipt with your mobile device and save to your Availabel

    Receipts – must register mobile device on profile.

    You can upload a receipt to your computer, browse, and attach.

    You may receive E-Receipts from a vendor – must sign up for E-Receipt capability.

    You can fax receipts to Available Receipts.

    Click on “Available Receipts” in the upper right corner to retrieve any receipts uploaded.

    Click on the green arrow by the receipt to attach it to an expense or at the Report

    Header level.

    Screen shot of Receipt menu

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    Screen shot of Available Receipts

    Screen shot of adding receipt to an individual expense

    Screen shot of review the Receipt Image

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    18. Reducing the amount of the Expense Report

    Click on any of the expenses to open up the expense in the Expense pane. Click on the

    “Personal Expense (do not reimburse)”.

    To reduce by taking some meals off, click on the meal to open it up in the Expense pane

    then click on “Show fixed allowances for 01/04/2014”. Click on “Exclude” to exclude

    the meals.

    To reduce the amount by reducing the hotel bill. Click on the carrot beside the date of

    the hotel bill to open up the itemization list. Click on the itemized amounts such as

    01/02/2014 – hotel tax to open it in the Expense pane.

    Click on the “Personal Expense (do not reimburse)”. Click “Save”. This will remove that

    amount from the Total Requested amount.

    Itemize other receipts the same way by entering the total amount of the receipt then

    click – itemize. Chose the category of receipt such as parking enter the amount that will

    be reimbursed. For the remaining amount click on “non/reimbursable personal” to

    remove a portion of the receipt from the amount that will be paid.

    Continue to do this until the amount is reduced to the budgeted approved amount.

    Screen shot of Personal Expense checkbox

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    19. Print/Email/Save Report

    Select the Print/Email button at the top of the report.

    Click on “YSU Detailed Report”.

    Click on the “Show Itemizations” in the top left-hand corner.

    The report will open up and show a list of all expenses and the FOAP allocation for each


    You can save to pdf, Email, or Print the report.

    Screen shot of Print/Email YSU Detailed Report

    Screen shot of – show itemizations

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    20. Submitting an Expense Report

    Make sure all expenses are correct and receipts are attached.

    You must clear any red warnings that show as red exclamation marks before you can

    submit your report.

    Yellow warnings are cautions. The report can be submitted with yellow warnings.

    However, if yellow warnings are something that must be corrected (such as limited

    mileage or attaching receipts) before the report can be processed, the report will be

    returned to the traveler for correction which will delay the reimbursement.

    The warning symbol shows beside the expense report and the reason is listed under the

    exceptions in the middle of the screen.

    Correct any red warnings or yellow warnings that require attention.

    Once the report is free from red warnings, click the “Submit Report” button in the

    upper right-hand corner.

    Screen shot of Submit Report

    21. Recalling an Expense Report

    If you realize that you made a mistake after you submit your report, you can click on

    that report to open it back up, click on the “Recall” button in the top right-hand corner.

    You will be able to recall your report until it is submitted for payment.

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    22. Adding another Expense Report to a Request

    Maybe you forgot to add a receipt or need to reconcile prepayments on your travel card

    and have another report for out-of-pocket expenses after the travel.

    Click on the Request tab. Locate the Request and open it up.

    Click on “Create Expense Report”.

    Proceed as with any other expense report.

    23. Finding old Requests and Expense Reports

    All reports can be found by clicking on the Request or Expense tabs at the top of the

    page. Click “View Request” or “View Reports”.

    There will be a view drop-down box left-hand side of screen. Drop this box down.

    Choose options of reports to view. You will automatically go to that view.

    You can also search by the drop-down menu underneath the View drop-down.

    Screen shot of manage Requests screen

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    24. Administering Travel on behalf of another

    Click on the Profile drop-down in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

    Screen shot of Profile screen

    Select a name from the “Adminster for another user…” drop-down menu

    Click the “Apply” button.

    The person’s name you are administering travel for will appear in the upper right-hand

    corner of the screen.

    Screen shot of home screen when administering for another user

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    Once you are done administering - click on the Administer for drop-down and choose

    “End admin session”.

    Screen shot of ending Administering for another

    1. Creating a new Travel Request2. Completing the Request Header3. Completing the Expenses tab4. Allocating the Request to different FOAPs (if needed)5. Submitting the Request for approval6. Booking travel reservations7. Completing the Expense Report/Report Header8. Completing the itinerary information9. Entering a hotel bill10. Itemizing the hotel bill11. Registering a car in order to claim personal car mileage12. Entering Personal Car Mileage13. Copying Personal Car Mileage to other days14. Entering other types of expenses15. Business Meals – Do not use for personal per diem meal reimbursement16. Allocating Expenses to different FOAPs17. Attach Receipts18. Reducing the amount of the Expense Report19. Print/Email/Save Report20. Submitting an Expense Report21. Recalling an Expense Report22. Adding another Expense Report to a Request23. Finding old Requests and Expense Reports24. Administering Travel on behalf of another