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Young Choristers

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  • 7/27/2019 Young Choristers


  • 7/27/2019 Young Choristers


  • 7/27/2019 Young Choristers


  • 7/27/2019 Young Choristers


  • 7/27/2019 Young Choristers




    F R M MOzOS DE COO WARDS SEISESos In te sIC Ie o seVIe Cte

    In te Iteent n sIXteent CentIes

    Juan Rui Jimne

    Te vlvm f a rp f by daly ral f cadralf Svll bac rra f dc, w cadral waddcad 11 Marc 1252. My am ay yz

    var way wc mpra ad dpabl rp frmd par f daly lf f cadral ad crpra a w prpcv bad rcd f arcval rc. T a prmlad 29 May 1261 byArcbp Rmd ad capr alrady prvd vdc fr xcf c a rp da alumni cori, w al w clerici cori wr

    dr jrdc f car ad prv f vcar r ccr,w ad m d. T acal ppr fr maac f crby drvd frm cm wlld cadral by k Frad III,

    All studes on the role o boys n the lturgcal le o the Church o Sevlle are, lke thsone, ndebted to Smn de la Rosa y Lpez, Los siss d la catdral d Svilla : nsayo d in-vstigacin histrica (Sevlle, 1904, rep. Sevlle, 1982). Hermno Gonzlez arronuevo, Lossiss d Svilla (Sevlle, 1992), s not o central mportance or the perod that s the ocuso the present essay. Te most recent publcaton pertanng drectly to the siss n ths pe-rod ocuses on a specfc aspect o ther partcpaton n the east o Corpus Chrst n thecontext o recent studes on the early modern body ; see odd M. orgerdng, Imagnng

    the Sacred ody : Chorboys, Ter Voces, and Corpus Chrst n Early Modern Sevlle, nMusical Childhoods and th Culturs o Youth, ed. Susan oynton and Roe-Mn Kok (Md-dletown, Ct., 2006), 2548.

    o avod conuson, reerences here to the acts o the cathedral chapter o Sevlle wllnot be taken rom those publshed n Robert Murrell Stevenson, La msica n la catdrald Svilla (14781606) : Documntos para su studio (Madrd, 1985), because they are ncom-plete, sometmes contan errors, and do not correspond to the present numberng o thevolumes n the cathedral archve.

    Tese Consttutons ollow n the wake o others emanatng rom varous Castlan-Leonese chapters, the model beng the Consttutons o the cathedral o Len, gven byHonorus iii on 25 May 1223. See Enrque Costa y elda, Las consttucones de DonRamundo de Losaa para el cabldo de Sevlla (1261), Historia, institucions, documntos 5

    (1978), 169235 at 195, 2012, 223.

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    o oos e Coo tos seIs es 87

    cqrr f cy, ad by Alf X, w lf cm prcd frm f almojariago (1252).

    i a b pbl drm r f p f magisterpuerorum cadral f Svll. T c xd a a alard p by a la

    b f f cry ad dcmd a b ld 1419 byAlf Scz, cadral r w crmar. T dv mpfr abl a mar f crby wld cm frm Pp IV cr f rfrm prmd dr 1430. i yar, d-c f Svll bad prmla f bll Ad exequendum f IV (1439) ad Votis illis f cla V (1454).

    ar ccl may b draw frm bll f IV. T dcmwa rad a rq f da f cadral capr ad d appar abl ay w rard fc carrd by crby rr mar. T pr w rcvd prbd ad b lld rammar

    ad ca ( ramaca ca pr) ad wld b lcd by capr. Tpd wld b pad prpy ; rar, mar cld b rlvd f c ad rplacd by m l a dcr f capr. T mbrf by wa xd a x (c da seises). T mar wa ppd drc ad ac m ad l afr r al ad rm (drr,rr, rcr rr) ; y wr lw b lcd by capr.T x mpaz rqrm fr mar acadmc prpara, bavr, ad parcpa plad daly lrcal bla, all fwc wld crb pldr f crmal cadral. T racinwld b Prbd 20, cm frm wc wld b dvdd alf bw

    alary f mar ad maac ad dca f by.T dcly f d a pr cmp b rammar ad ca

    bld capr a pp f cld c a mar w wa accm-pld ca b rammar, l f prr ad d f cadral ad fac a rc laa wa alrady cvrd by m- l (a w all ). T rq wa rad by abvmd bll fcla V (1454).

    T bll f IV ma clar a ac f crbydpdd magister puerorum. A la c ablm f bc, pr w ld wa rpbl fr by dca ad car

    ad wa al ppd ld ad fd m w m. W mr a ldr f prbd mprarly car f crbyfr m ra, amacally rcvd cm frm prbd adwa b calld magister puerorum. i cr f f cry,

    Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 3031. Te almojariazgo was the tax pad or goods or mer-chandse exported rom the kngdom, or tems mported nto the kngdom, or or goodstraded rom one port to another wthn Span.

    Tese bulls are translated by Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 6570. Te orgnals, along wththat o Julus iii (cted below) are ound n the Archvo de la catedral de Sevlla (hereaterA.C.S.), seccn i, leg. 125, pezas 1517.

    I beleve that occasonal ambguous expressons confrm ths act. In 1464, the

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    88 n I I ne

    m bcar f racin ld ly mprarly, c rv cadral f Svll r alard r bcd p c y ad dprfrm fc f c.

    i r alf f f cry, mbr f crby r frm v

    1414 ( arl da a wc r prc mbr wa xd) v 1430 ad 1440, a cra a prbably rc radal pcal-za dcd blw. Tr mbr racd a xcpal maxmm f wlv r yar f x cry, al ally rmad bw ad .

    A mmbr f cadral cr mlpld ad bcam pcalzd, ral cl f crby pl w rp. cd f d-ad frm d f f cry by m vara dmvf cantor (cantorcito r cantorcillo) ; y wr dr crmar jrdc-. T r rp, prvd by by mar f placa, cd

    b calld moos de coro. B 1570, r f rp wadd by caracrc ala rm seise, wc clarly alld mbr f crby md bll f IV. i r qarrf x cry, rmly rmad q amb, w xpr moo de coro d rcally fr b rp, wl rm maestrode los moos ad maestro de capilla appar ccaally a yym. Al

    statement that Mateo Xmnez took charge o the chorboys could ndcate that theyalready lved wth hm. Te ollowng statement rom 1499 s clearer : Te Lord School-master called Francsco de la orre was n charge o the chorboys, as your worshp knew,

    or whch they gave hm a stpend n ths Church (El seor Maestrescuela djo Francscode la orre cmo tena los mozos, como saban sus mercedes, de lo cual le daban una racnen esta Iglesa) [n the margn :] Magster puerorum ; A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 5, ol. 65v(1499) ; seccn ii, lbro 249 (1464).

    Ts was the case or Alonso Snchez (141941), Esteban Alonso (144458), Ncolaracho de Ferro (146481), and Mateo Xmnez (144479), who were cantors and mas-ters o the chorboys ; and o Pedro Martnez de la Cardad (142058), Pedro Snchez deSanto Domngo (14741502), and Francsco de la orre (14641507), who receved bothPrebend 20 (correspondng to the magistr purorum) and another racin unrelated to thsposton throughout the tme they served the cathedral ; see Ruz Jmnez, Los sondos dela montaa hueca : Innovacn y tradcn en las capllas muscales eclesstcas de la coronade Castlla durante los albores del Renacmento ; el paradgma sevllano, n La msica n

    timpos d sabl la Catlica, ed. Soterraa Agurre Rncn (Valladold, orthcomng). In 1414, each receved a weekly salary o 12 maravds; A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1075 ;

    seccn i, lbros 20 (1505), 21 (1506), 22 (1507), 30 (1513), 33 (1514), 35 (1516). Te evdence suggests that ths process was already defned by 1467. In ths year, one

    o the votve endowments receved by the chapter (on whch see more below) reers to thesuccentor wth the boys, whom he shows, and the teacher o the boys wth hs sngng stu-dents (el sochantre con los mozos que el muestra, e el maestro de los mozos con sus ds-cpulos cantores). In 1474, orders o payment (libramintos) or Ncola racho de Ferroreerred to hm as the master o the sngng boys. In the captular agreement o 5 January1478, n whch Pedro Snchez de Santo Domngo was named as a replacement or Ncolaracho de Ferro as master o the chorboys, the word coro was altered to read canto dergano (polyphony). Tese are all clear ndcatons o the exstence o a possble specalza-

    ton o the chld sngers already by ths tme. A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 1, ol. 2. Alonso Prez

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    o oos e Coo tos seIs es 89

    alrady cldad may yar bfr, prc f para clmad 1532 w crby ( seises) rd rlvd l dl ard-al, fdd a fw yar arlr by ardal Al Marq yprpar fr a cclacal carr. i rla a a crby

    ld warprpl cl, rd, bca y ld b dd frm r x, ad ry, bca y ld al b dd frm d, ad a wy by ld b calld cr clla,ad a y d dpla car r ccr, w rq a [cal] am ad by ad frm rcr, ad a ma-r cm r ac m ad v l ll, ad a crc p ad crrc w bl ll vrypra dv rvc.

    Ar d lm wa fac a seises dd r l dl ardal ; ad, y cd lv w crmar rwvr wa rpbl fr r rc, l 1 Jaary 1636, w yjd l d Sa idr (fdd caplar rdc f -d d Sa Ml), wr y lvd w moos de coro.

    ACeIC InIn


    oCenttIon frm a arly a fr cry d l

    l r d d gramca d Sa Ml, wc wa alld cl cadral. A rammar acr (a clrc r pr w alary wa draw frm bd f b cadral capr ad cy ccl) ad a aaw a baclr dr wr rd w ac rammar rd f

    de Alba, throughout hs trajectory as magistr purorum n the cathedral o Sevlle, was des-gnated nterchangeably, albet wth a clear development, as master o the chorboys (1492),master o the sngng boys (1496), and fnally chormaster (1503) : A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 1,ol. 2 (1478), lbro 4, ol. 172v (1492), lbro 6, ol. 5v (1503) ; seccn ii, lbro 682 (1496), lbro719 (1503) ; lbro 1077, ols. 168, 175v.

    [r]opas moradas e no sean coloradas, porque haya derenca de los otros ses, e no

    sean pardllas, porque tambn haya derenca de los otros colegales, e que estos ventemozos se llamen los colegales del coro, e porque no hagan agravo al chantre n a su so-chantre, queremos que ellos nombren los dchos mochachos e lo hagan saber al rector ; y elmaestro que suelen tener que los venga all a ensear e dar lcones al Colego e que a quenpertenesce los castgue e corrja en la Iglesa en todo lo que convene al culto dvno. Rosay Lpez, Los siss, 43.

    An account o the legslaton and changes that took place n the government andteachng o the siss upon enterng ths nsttuton les outsde the chronologcal lmtso the present study. Te most mportant archval source or ths subject s the Libro d laFundacin dl Colgio d San sidro d la Sancta glsia d Svilla y d la ntrada y salida d loscolgials y siss. Dispusto por l Doctor Pdro dl Bosqu, su primr rctor (A.C.S., seccn, lbro 362). See also Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 14548 ; Gonzlez arronuevo, Los siss d

    Svilla, 16, 7894.

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    90 n I I ne

    cy. Am d w add wr crby,w wr a rad ad rammar ll al cmprad prca f x y ad rad ad . rm cl,calld la gala, wa rad by capr by a y cld ay

    r dy.T mcal dca f by dvlpd ad bcam mr pcalzd

    cr f f ad x cr, paralll dvlpm f ral rp f crby. A r, r f cry, ma-gister puerorum r ccr (b ally al r f plypy ca-dral cr) wr rpbl fr ac by, al pcc dal fwa y a ar w. i rma dcl drm wr w cr a crby a am m, frm . All dca a y wr ac paraly by 1460. T crby lw ccr crd placa, dr frm cantorcicos l

    w magister puerorum (a p ld yar by cla Brac dFrr ad Pdr Scz d Sa Dm). i x cry, prlfra f arcval rc ma pbl crm a. Tcal rpbl fr ac crby ca calld maestro de canto llano,a p a wld bcm ctedra de meloda v cantorcicos wa rpbly f maestro de capilla, a l abcam abld a a da fr cal, r fr aa, w waal calld maestro de acistol, ad w wld ccpy p w a ctedra de canto de rgano ward d f x cry.

    Al r ar ccr rfrc yp f mcal rc

    crby rcvd frm r acr f cry, r rp-bl ad prfrmac cadral a r mcal dcawa caly dr r alf f x cry.

    Alrady 1408 r a all fac a by wr a a capl f cadral, pbly a f Sa lm wr cbary walcad, prbably c l wr ba crc f w

    Jos Snchez Herrero, Centros de enseanza y estudantes de Sevlla durante lossglos iii al , En la Espaa mdival 5 (1984), 87598 at 87882.

    A.C.S. Seccn i, lbro 4, ol. 139v (1488) ; seccn i, lbro 18, ol. 22v (1499), lbro 29,

    ol. 4 (1512). etween at least 1408 and 1459, the succentor, magistr purorum, a cantor, or some

    undesgnated person who teaches the boys o the cathedral chor (ensea a los mozosde la caplla) receved an annual salary o 900 maravds. In the 1470s, the succentorssalary or hs teachng had ncreased to 3,000 maravds. A.C.S., seccn ii, lbros 1074,1075, 1079.

    Hermno Gonzlez arronuevo, Francisco Gurrro (15281599) : ida y obra ; Lamsica n la catdral d Svilla a fnals dl siglo XVI (Sevlle, 2000), 133, 170, 17577.

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1075, ols. 2, 199. Te Lbrera Captular was stuated nths space at the begnnng o the fteenth century, when one o ts sacrstans (at leastbetween 1401 and 1410) was Fernando Estevan, teacher o planchant, counterpont, andpolyphony (maestro de canto plano, e de contrapunto e de canto de rgano), whose

    muscal treatse wrtten n Castlan n 1410 may represent hs teachng n ths perod. See

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    o oos e Coo tos seIs es 91

    gc crc, w crby ad r acr m av mvd a pac w lca f cbary (abracl), wc ad b mvd frm cr f Mdjar cadral capl ad bac f avdl Laar Pa d l araj. B 1533, mcal rc

    (l r ad ministriles raral w crmar) plac aplla d la graada, ad av d l aballr, f wf Pa d l araj, mdr-day lca f ila dl Sarar.T crmar a m, Pdr Frdz d allja, ad ac w l- fcanto de rgano (plypy). A fw yar lar, 1540, wa pcd a wr b l fcanto llano (placa), canto de rgano (plypy),ad contrapunto (crp).

    i 1551, cadral f Svll rd Fracc grrr a aa PdrFrdz d allja. A m aa d wr frmlad d-al, cld rlad by r. Fr, wld av ac m

    rad, wr, ad rp, vr, ap, l, ad maryrl-y ; rmadr f aa d prad rvc cadralcr. Scd, wld av ac m placa, plypy, c-rp, am fr placa a wll a fr plypy (a br ca llacm br ca d ra), ad cmp, y wld bcm capablmca ad cmpr. Trd, wld av r ld, mal, adcl l y wr dmd r r vc cad. T capr pcda y wld b d fr prfrmac xcp fr cadral,r fr ay prfrmac a wr rcly mcal. T aa al ad ma r r wr by c mbr fr d f lry. T

    capr ccd ac m r rc brvac f rdr. T cm-pa rd grrr maad alary ad rcvd a a cralr ad av m alf cm f crmar racin, ara m p a da f Pdr Frdz d allja. All , a rqf da, capr, ad grrr mlf, wa rad by bll Pastoralisofcii, d by Jl III 1 J 1554. 6 Fbrary 1555, capr radgrrr alary by 20,000 maraveds ad rad m a lar lv w seises, al w xpr prm maa a cl rad v prva l fr a l a dd rcv fll alary f crmar.

    A d f crlcal prd a ccr r, capr cm-pld w dald a f 1597 ad 1598 l all arm a rad-ally ad b draw p rard crby ad seises al w rrpcv acr. T r a dcrb r ra placa ad l

    Juan Ruz Jmnez, La Librra d Canto d rgano : Cracin y prvivncia dl rprtorio dlRnaciminto n la actividad musical d la catdral d Svilla (Granada, 2007), 8.

    Troughout the hstory o the cathedral, despte changng tmes and locatons, thesetwo spaces contnued as the stes or nstructon and the chor rehearsals.

    A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 13, ols. 272, 279 ; lbro 17, ol. 19v. For the text o the agreements and a translaton o the bull, see Rosa y Lpez, Los

    siss, 8196.

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    92 n I I ne

    r var fc, b mcal ad lrcal. T rla fr seisesdcrb car f r cl, r rm, ad r ld, ad acal rrc a mar ad ddca m. h ad ad ly r mcal dca (wc plac cadral fr r

    mr ad ar afr), b al r bavr, crllr rp d. T seises wd m abl rpc ad bdc, b f ayf m fl arvd, cld r da w, afr l, wld a jc wa d.

    T bac f by rc placa ca b ddcd frmra by w crmar f Svll adral : Arte de canto llano f JaMarz (Alcal d har, 1532) ad Breve instruccin de canto llano paraaprender brevemente el articio del canto f L d llafraca (Svll, 1565). Fr mcal dca f seises acr dd, am r maral,b f plypy ad placa a wr dplca r a cld b d

    cr fr m ra, a wll a m vlm frm rc cllcf mc ry ra ad prd b a cam cadral frm Bblca lmba.

    PoessIon ACtIVItIes

    Te parcpa f crby a prva crmy dcmd fr r m 1311, dca a y wr vlvd arly var

    ral rl frm dvdal da. i parclar ca y ad par-

    cpa al w clr f veintena (clerici cori r clerici vicenarii) prfrmac f cacl f Ma ad lay a rav f dcadwma w mad da. A w wll , vv dwm c-d a mpra rc f xral rv fr maac ad acadmcra f crby, bd v a ca b cadralmcal acv b d ad d cr. Ta prlfra fc da, capr dcdd 1363 a m f 300 maraveds fr w wd abl prpy a lm clbra f r avrary cadral, w a vl a mb ad a Rqm Ma fllw day.T my wa b dvdd am parcpa w rmad l

    crby ad equiescat in pace.T egla Antigua de Coro, cmpld cr f fr ad f- cr ad prrvd a parcm cpy cmpld 1551, dcrb frq parcpa f crby, calldpueri, lrcal acv

    For the transcrpton o these Statutes, see Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 5657 ; Gonzlezarronuevo, Los siss d Svilla, 29396.

    Ruz Jmnez, La Librra d Canto d rgano, 13, 17, 220, 3067. A.C.S., seccn i, leg. 58, peza 34. Te clerks o the vintna, or vintnros, specal-

    zed n lturgcal chant and, at least snce the begnnng o the fteenth century, appearrequently as sngers o both planchant and polyphony.

    A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 370, ol. 10v.

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    o oos e Coo tos seIs es 93

    f Svll cadral. T dcm r prc dal rard pccca, mbr f by w ad m (ra frm x), adwr y wr . T prcrp vary cdrably accrd ra f fa b clbrad, l x ad parclar -

    cac f r parcpa lrcal ac f b c ad Ma.T egla Antigua al dcrb parcpa f crby mr- prc d ad d crc wc y carrd cadl, c-r, cr, ad r lrcal bjc. T cd acvy ma a yp m f r m cadral. T capr ad a rm w bd prm a by appd Ma cld r. T by rdaryd, drmd by ccr, fllwd a wly ra fr wc pr-pard cr l da w by car, w w cadl wa rpr ad vr f cr, ad a f w ad vral d :rad daly maryrly ry, r a all b wr rrd

    r cpbard, ad p lcr cr f cr l.Frm crby rl lry mrd a rprry a wa cca-

    ally cpd b dd pccally fr m. T arl vdc fr cb a rfrc frm 1434 a bd bard ad lvr rp f a bfr crby a ly a fw m lar wld b l frm plac cr. i 1454, r ar rfrc bd f a b f vr (incostodias) frm wc by rad capl ( q ll mz la caplla), prbably d fr ac. i 1485, prbdarygzal Scz ad prvd crby w a palr ad a vlm c-a v r. T Bblca aplar prrv m f b

    dd fr crby, am m a vlm cpd f cryld Versiculos puerorum, wc cld vral mld fr vrcl, a-p, ym (Gloria laus ad Vexilla regis), ad r ca ( Fr 5.1).i 1555, Fracc grrr wa pad fr bd f a b f rp advr fr cantorcicos.

    T parcpa f crby w adl r prfrmac f

    A.C.S., seccn iii, lbro 1. A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 1, ol. 14 (1478) ; lbro 3, ol. 54v (1481), lbro 6, ol. 51v (1503). Tese unctons appear together n the chapter headng or the oce o cantor n the

    Libro Blanco o the cathedral, coped n 1411, whch reects the tradtonal unctons o the

    boys throughout the ourteenth century. A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, ol. 69. Ts term, whch s repeated to reer to varous volumes produced wthn the cathe-

    dral precnct and outsde t, alludes to a Commun sanctorum. Te prologue o CardnalFrancsco Jmnez de Csneros to the Commun sanctorum (Alcal de Henares, ca. 1516)states : We have admnstered the publcaton o the Commune sanctorum, whch otherscall the fve hstores (curavmus mprmendum Commune sanctorum quod al qunquehstoras appellant) ; quoted n Juln Martn Abad, Post-incunabls ibricos (Madrd, 2001),202. Ts s also confrmed by Juan ermudo n hs Dclaracin d instrumntos musicals(Osuna, 1555) ol. 124v: Los communes, que otros dzen cnco hstoras.

    A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 3, ol. 29v (1485) ; seccn i, lbro 2, ols. 9, 46v (1434), lbro7, ol. 16 (1454).

    bloteca Captular y Colombna (hereater .C.C.), MS 59-4-15.

    A.C.S., seccn i, leg. 11354.

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    94 n I I ne

    Fgure 5.1 : Sevlle, insttucn Colombna, MS 59-4-15, s.f.

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    o oos e Coo tos seIs es 95

    plypy dcmd a a abld pracc frm b f f cry. i m av a r prv cry, b abcf cra yp f dcm bfr da prcld frr pccy fr mm.

    i 1419, mar f crby, Alf Scz, w v r ad v crby, a chanonetas (vllacc) f rma Ma, fr wcac rcvd xra rmra. A fw yar lar, 1440, crby parc-pa rp r prc al dcmd. Br by rr Scz, y acanto de rgano fr f plafrm wc mrac wa carrd, prap al w r v r w wrpad fr am ra.

    Frm mddl f f cry, prva da a cldd crby dval r lrcal prfrmac (wr a a dpdrp r al w r r) crad b mbr ad z. W

    crc f w gc crc, w ral pac mrd accm-mda dvrca f mcal pracc, wc r acd rwf mbl cary fr prfrmac ad d fr w mcal rprry,b lcal ad mprd.

    i 1450, a ca f Svll adral, Ry gzlz Bla, fdd capl f S. Frac, f r gc pac b bl, fr bral cadral. Am r , dwd fr Ma b ad mr-, a rfr w lry f r. Tr f Ma wr b clbrad capl f S. Frac ; fr wld a plac a alar f Saa Mara d la Aa, wc a m wa ad capl

    f S. lm. f capla frm capl f S. lm wld c-a a Ma, ad mar f crby wld w x byad w r r frm cadral cr. ac Ma wa dwd w 120maraveds, wc wld b dvdd am parcpa.

    A r wl lar, 1456, Pdr Marz d la ardad, w wa rdad fr prbd f magister puerorum, abld a fda axprly rqrd prc f crby. h wd b brd frf alar f r d la Aa, ad plac abld a ral b clbrad vry Sarday, w ccr, accmpad by crby,wld ap Salve regina lmly (lmm). Afrward,

    w f by wld Ergo pro nobis ora dei genitrix pia, fllwd by a prayr,ad all wld a rp lmly ad prc apprpraprayr vr mb f Pdr Marz. i dcl drm wr b ap ad rp wld b plypcally. i lly a ywr, bca crby wld pr ad al par, wl ccr, w a m f fda wa Ml Rdrz (ad w waally al a r cadral cr), wld prfrm lwr par, cra

    Ruz Jmnez, Los sondos de la montaa hueca. A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacn n 79.

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacn n 92.

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    a cly vral mbl fr rprry alrady wll abld Svll adral ard mddl f x cry ( blw).

    Parclarly ca fr r wld f rprry fr dad da f gzal Scz d rdba, arcdac f Jrz ad ca f

    Svll adral. 25 Spmbr 1467, capr ard mar wc avrary f mpra ca wld b clbrad. Scz drdba wa rrd capl f S. Jam. T l wld b clbrad cr w a vary ad w -ra clrc war cp. TRqm Ma fllw day, 17 Jly, wld a plac capl wr ca wa brd ad wld b add by capr ad all bcdclry. T fda ma pcal rfrc parcpa f clr f veintena rp f b l ad f Ma :

    T ccr, w by ac ad mar f by w

    ppl, ar a par rp f l ad Ma f avrary, ad ccr ad mar f by, fllw day, m ay Rqm Ma, ad r f m may cl-bra, ad by ca, ad fr y ar b pad 100 maraveds.

    vry m dca plypc prfrmac f rprf dad, Libera me domine ad Ne recorderis, wc pd ad cld crm, prbably al w m lm f Rqm Ma all aab m a l Rqm f Dfay ( arl w xampl f r) av b cmpd. i cx, da f ca hr gmz d Sl (rcrdd wll dad 29 A 1526) lav

    rm fr db. T fda pla a pr f Dad ldb a mb : plypc rp ad x day a plypcma w rp ( rp d ca d ra y r da a ma dca d ra c rp). A Ma, ccr wld ca ad crmar wld w crby ad r r f cadrallcd by m rcv paym plad by fda.

    Ard 1480, cadral ca Pdr Daz d ld ba fd Salve rvc a wa prfrmd vry Sarday afr capl f Aa. ara ca, 1499, w wa alrady bp fMlaa, abld a pcal fda a xplcly dcad paym f

    fr maraveds ac f x by pra (tiples) w wld a par prfrmac f var plypc pc crmy. T dwm

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacn n 202 : el sochantre con los mozos que elmuestra, e el maestro de los mozos con sus dscpulos cantores han de estar a los responsosde la vgla e msa del dcho anversaro, e despus el dcho sochantre e el maestro de losmozos, otro da sguente, han de decr su msa de rquem e celebrar cualquera de ellose los mozos ofcarn, e estos han de haber cento maraveds luego pagados.

    On the composton o the chor n these years and the lturgy and repertory o theseannversares, see Ruz Jmnez, La Librra d Canto d rgano, 27884.

    A.C.S., seccn i, leg. 70, peza 1.

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacn n 392.

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    bcam mdl fr r a wld b fdd lar am placad cadral r ral pac. A la r b f plypy cab ld dval fda prd dr cdra r.w f m (w l) cad m, f Salve regina, ma, ad

    r ( ra ca) ad wr alrady capl 1517 ; rd,cpd 1553, ll xa ad ca a rprry b av ad frfr clbra f crmy. Salve regina by grrr (Fr 5.2)ad m Virgo prudentissima fr fr vc ar crd fr SSSA. T ammacrp ca ar Salve regina by grrr ad a cdrabl mbrf m by var cmpr, crd fr SSA.

    i 1498, Pdr Mja, arcdac f cja ad ca f Svll, dwd f ap Sanctissimae trinitatis by crby. T dawa pplmd 1549 by ca D zqz Aldr. T pracccd cr f Svll adral, afr Prm ad bfr pr, l

    cl f l d Sa idr 1960. T mldy appar a df Arte de canto llano f Ja Marz, wm capr amd mar fplaca fr crby 1525. mparabl da, alb w llydr ral prcrp, cld frary rp dwd 1503 by ca D Alf d Svlla ad 1505 by cadral ra Bral dca b ca ap Gaude Dei genitrix, wc wa b by crby w r mar : r fr f alar f r Lady f Pmraa ad cd fr f alar f r Lady f Rmd,ad bd cr (trascoro).

    i 1502, cadral car Ja d rara dwd Ma rvc f

    ar ad, afr c, a prc capl f r d la Aaw mrac vr a calc. T fal Ma ald parcpaf r, crby, ad ra. A b f prc, cadral cr a ap Crucixus surrexit a mortuis; p rac dr f capl, y ba ap egina celi letare. A ccl f ap, by a vr Surrexit Dominus de sepulcro.i capl, pr ad prayr Mater Dei rogamus te, afr wc yrrd cr, accmpad by f egina celi. Afr wa placd alar, w ppl, ad dpd mrac, pr wld ay prayr Concede nos amulos tuos,ad by wld

    Ruz Jmnez, La Librra d Canto d rgano, 3840. See bd., 111. Ts donaton was renorced at the begnnng o the sxteenth century when another

    one was establshed by the agent o the lonja Pedro Ortz, who let 1,000 maravds a yearor the chorboys to sng ths antphon ater Prme and None. A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1517.

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacn n 453. Te melody s recorded by Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 4042 ; Gonzlez arronuevo,

    Los siss d Svilla, 45 ; A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 8, ol. 6.

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacones n 355 and n 384.

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    crmy by Benedicamus Domino w a rpr f Allla. Tcrby wr pad 50 maraveds frm al da f 5250 maraveds.

    T la da i wll m r rc parcpa f crby plypc prfrmac f vv Ma, wc crm dvrca-

    f rprry y a a wll a prc by wc y bcam d-vdd w rp dcrbd arlr. Ard 1514, ca L rdzba fd a Ma f Sacram clbrad cbary f cadral r Trday f ac m a am m ad a mar cmparabl plypcally capl f r d la Aa Sardayafr. i 1518, rdz dwd da prpy, mlalyfd w mly Ma, al ddcad Sacram ad clbrad cbary, wc wld b ad Frday by mar f crby, ac-cmpad by crby. T capr rdrd a crmar ad mar f crby, ac w by, ld clbra c, ad

    accrd fda, y wld b pad am plad fr rvc.

    i add wr prfrmd by by r cr ad rcrmal pac f cadral, y acqrd a prm rl dvrdramac prfrmac a plac vr cr f lrcal yar. i av b abl dcm cclvly parcpa f a cmd crby f Sbyl dr Ma fa f avy. c-rary, a alrady ad, b arly f cry crby a chanonetas dr rma rvc, ad frm d f cry clar a y playd a vry acv rl ad dac prfrmac

    f Ofcium pastorum. By mddl f x cry, prfrm-ac ad radally b rafrmd arcal prdc a wr vrypplar w czry.

    Tr al db ab rl playd by crby, drd a Mary, dr rpra f Visitatio sepulchri, r qc f Ma, Victimae paschali laudes, ar Sday. T r rfrc da frm1434, w carpr Barlm Scz wa pad bld r f mb ad cald fr ma f Mary, wr ad b lcad a b mr aly . Paym fr lv, rbb, rw f Tr, ada pr pcally ld ma p ad dr crby fr parcpa-

    prfrmac, all appar pradcally capr rcrd. i 1504ad 1505, w w a r f J, r Mary, Mary Madal,ad x apl appard rpra ; 1506, c wa cmpld

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1477, dotacn n 409. A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 10, ol. 196 (1518) : al maestro de caplla e al maestro de los

    mozos de coro que cada uno de ellos, con sus mozos, hagan estos dchos ofcos. Jean Sentaurens, Svill t l thtr : D la fn du Moyn g la fn du XVIIe sicl

    (Llle, 1984), 2123. A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 2B, ols. 3v, 4 (1434) ; lbro 8, ol. 14 (1458), lbro 10, ol. 23

    (1464) ; lbro 18, ol. 27v (1498) ; lbro 19, ol. 52 (1504) ; lbro 20, ol. 58v (1505) ; lbro 21, ol.

    57 (1506).

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    w r Mary. T fmal caracr m av b playd by crby,a wa cm.

    A arcal prfrmac f parclar mprac Svll adral wa awc plac fa f Pc b fr cry.v ab a aaly f all cmp, clar a bcam vr mrcmplx a x cry appracd. May f lm ar cmm rpra acad w vral cclacal rwf Ara. T m famlar lm clar cld mprary rc-r calld a cal (castillo) a wa placd cacl, a wl rprav wc rap ad r ramal lm wr aacd,ad mcacal dv, all accmpad by rwr, rla f a w dv,drd f rldv, wafr, bam, c. i m labra frm f pcacl, caracr wr gd Far, wlv apl, ad rMary. Sr, ministriles, rmp, drm, ad ambr parcpad

    prfrmac ; 1506 ad 1508, a paym pcd fr x ll r ww p wl ( carcll q advr la rda, arrba).

    i dcl drm b f By Bp crmy S-vll adral. i ld alrady egla Vieja ad dcmd by rrc b 1414 ld vlm f paym rr prrvd cadral. W w dal f crmy ad w wa razd byArcbp D d Dza 1512, av fr fac a dm f cadral armd w cllapd 28 Dcmbr 1511 fa f hly ic w ac vlv By Bp ad raradally plac. Accrd rz d Za, crmy cd

    b prfrmd l 1563. Dvlpd, rafrmd, ad xmp frm var- cadal, rvvd Colegio de Maese odrigo (uvry f Svll) aa d fval l 1654 ad cadral l wll c-

    In the Rgla ija d Coro o Sevlle Cathedral, the wrtng o whch (as stated above)must have begun n the ourteenth century, the Mass o erce on the east o Pentecostreers to what could have been the orgn o the perormances assocated wth ths east.Te celebrant begns the frst verse o the sequence ni sanct spiritus acng the chor,and throws a whte dove rom hs hands, and ater these verses are played on the organ,

    that frst verse should be repeated by the chor, and aterwards by the organ, and fnallythe entre sequence s sung n alternaton wth the organ. Whle t s sung, turtledoves andfre and water and hosts are thrown (uersa ace ad chorum, et procat de manbus suscolumbam albam et post stmet versus pulsatur n organs ste prmus versus repetatur nchoro et post n organs et post modum dcatur tota prosa n organs alternatm. Intermautem dum cantatur proncantur turtures et gns et aqua et oblee) ; A.C.S., seccn iii,ol. 144v.

    Francesc Massp onet, Cermna ltrgca artfc teatral en el jorn de Pentecosta(segles iiii), n Acts dl Congrs d la Su lla d Llida (Lleda, 1991), 25763.

    A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 7, ol. 34 (1508) ; seccn i, lbro 2B, ol. 5v (1434) ; lbro 18, ols.27v28v (1498) ; lbro 19 ol. 52v (1504) ; lbro 20, ol. 59v (1505) ; lbro 21, ols. 57v58(1506).

    A.C.S., seccn ii, lbro 1075, ol. 10 ; seccn iii, lbro 1, ol. 275.

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    ry, w vlvd a seise w acd a crmar ad r clr wacd a mar f crm ad ccr fa f ic.

    A parclar mm ad fr ccaal crm clbrad ca-dral, crby appard cmd, ally a al. T, a fral

    1545 f Mara Mala f Pral, r cr f k Plp II, byr, l al (cm l) w w ad arlad r ad,ad ard mb, a rp f cd l Qui Laarumad equiescat in pace. T va rmpal dd fr wdd 1526f mprr arl V ad Mara f Pral rmad a mac arcacd by cadral capr ad pd abv cadral Pra dlPrd. A cr f arc wa a av frm wc by r, mdrd a al ad r rpr r, a w lld ad warmy (c dra y av arma).

    i av rrvd fr d f ay my dc f parcpa

    f crby prc f rp r (wc Svll amdxcpal lmy ad pldr) bca b w apc f rry. i cmplx cvc-rl pcacl f prcal parad, crby playd var rl a cad ad v cca wr prm-pd r f ad x cr. Tr prc am mcal prl parcpa prc alrady rcrdd cadral arl prrvd acc b, wc da frm 1434, w crby wr pad fr prc al w -r f cadral. T mbr f crby ad adl r vard aallyfr praccally r prd cdrd dy. i add r rl

    w cadral cr, y appar frm mddl f f cry rca, a d f dcrad a carrd prc ldrf a dz m. rca crby wr cmd a Mary, S. Dmc,ad S. Frac, r a al. Al w cal rcr, prc- cldd r castillos mlar rca b prd by m f cy ld. i r al ccaally appard by r w rar pcd.

    Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 4559. .C.C., MS 59-1-3, ol. 151.

    Sentaurens, Svill t l thtr, 32. In addton to the bblography cted on the siss, varous scholars, some o them art

    hstorans, have addressed ths theme ; see especally Jos Gestoso y Prez, CuriosidadsAntiguas Svillanas : Sri II (Sevlle, 1910 ; repr. Sevlle, 1993) ; John rande rend, TeDance o the Seses at Sevlle, Music & Lttrs 2 (1921), 1028 ; Vcente Lle Caal, Art yspctculo : La fsta dl Corpus Christi n la Svilla d los siglos XVI y XVII (Sevlle, 1975) ;Lynn Matluck rooks, Los Seses n the Golden Age o Sevlle, Danc Chronicl 5 (1982),12155 ; Sentaurens, Svill t l thtr, 3577, 15568 ; Mara Jess Serrano Sanz, El Cor-pus en Sevlla a medados del sglo i : Castllos y danzas, Laboratorio d Art 10 (1997),12338.

    A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 2B, ol. 6v. In 1514, n the entourage that accompaned them to the castillo subsdzed by the guld

    o the talors, kntters, and bodce-makers, there were two boy sngers who were supposed

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    i x cry rcr f rca wa rafrmd rm-pa car mv a a allwd fr dplay f a rar mbrf caracr w mr cmplx a. rfac, vrabl dramacwr c a autos sacramentales cld b prfrmd, allw seises

    mprarly bcm acr. T la lm f seises parcpa rp r prc, dac, al w r ad c-ra r x cry m crvral. T r xplcall ccr 1508 cadral fabrc acc b, wc rcrd paym f 136 maraveds by r w wr ad dac prc. T r dca a r wr r, c ac allyrcvd 17 maraveds (alf a real). T rdcd mbr ( cmpar wlv r 1507) ca b xplad by rrbl pdmc f plaa dvaad cy a yar ad dcmad cadral cr a mc a r f czry. rfrc vly xcp

    pcca f dac, wc rpad 1509, 1510, ad 1512, w r wrlv crby. T rcrd pcfy a y dacd fr f da,b rpad ly vry pradcally l pracc bcam abld v cry. vry dca a 1508 wa r yar wc crby dacd ad a, a b, y dd av dac vry yar, r dd all w parcpad prc a par dac. T dac m av ad a prarrad crrapy, wc ald prc (md ccaally) f a pr card w ac seises.T p f rad cdca ad rdcf seises dac cadral dr clbra f cav f rp

    r ( fr f alar), immacla cp, ad r dayf Srvd cam ab r prva da f 1613, 1654, ad 1679 al d crlcal lm f dy.

    Wa appd crby afr r vc cad ? Wa wr rprpc fr prfal advacm ? Fr f cry, vry ll w ; acadmc ra y ad rcvd abld m c c-clacal carr ad r rlar r clar clry a r cr fSvll adral r f r cclacal f cmparabl

    to sng the Magnfcat. In the castillo o the carpenters guld n 1530, our sngers were sup-

    posed to represent the oce o the Natvty : Joseph, Mary, an angel, and a shepherd (plusa small chld). Te contract stpulates that the sngers had to be the youngest avalable andthat they had to rehearse ther perormance n advance. Sentaurens, Svill t l thtr,52, 54.

    In the perormance o the auto sacramntalEl triuno d la glsia (1560), there weresx cantorcicos on stage, but ther precse role n the dramatc acton cannot be determned ;Sentaurens, Svill t l thtr, 16567 ; Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 23132 ; Jos Snchez-Arjona, Noticias rrnts a los Anals dl Tatro n Svilla dsd Lop d Ruda hasta fnsdl siglo XVII (Sevlle, 1898 ; repr. Sevlle, 1994), 23.

    A.C.S., seccn i, lbro 23, ol. 17 ; lbro 24, ol. 20v; lbro 25, ol. 26 ; lbro 28,ol. 27.

    Rosa y Lpez, Los siss, 234, 236, 24044.

    Ibd., 24852, 25659.

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    r frr ra. T a bcam rlarzd ad alzd a w dvdal fda abld by w bcd mmbr f ca-dral clry w wr frmr seises. T r f wa abld by prary ad ca D d Rbra wll f 10 Dcmbr 1551. f

    cla crad w clarp f x ad maraveds a yar fr byr w vc ad cad ad w ad rvd fr yar cadral.T y ad c r d l d Sa Ml ad rrdc cr. i rdr rcv clarp, y wr xamd acrmr cc r prfrmac. if r prr wa adqa, ywld b pad r alar ad dmd. T clarp wld la fr fryar. ly w yar lar, 1553, ar frmr seise, da D d ar-ma, crad a Rbra da by fr ad maraveds fr acf w x clarp ad abld w mr f qal z, lwr r prr yar f rvc a seise a wr rqrd fr clarp.

    T da prplld ad acd pr f rp, ad abv all,favrd frma, prm, ad mplym m fam xampl prd dr dy r b cmpr Al Lb d Brja. Tl d Sa idr ad r fda abld vcry mprvd r adard f lv, ad capr fcd ll mr a- rp f cldr al mcal dvlpm f Svlladral.

    [ralad by Sa By]

    For the detals o these donatons, see bd., 12031.