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View this email in your browser 13 April 2020 If you do not see images in this email, it is likely due to your email client blocking them. There is usually a little button or bar requesting your permission to download pictures. Please choose the option to allow pictures to be visible. We are still in the very early stages of the Coronavirus crisis and we're all in the beginning stages of adjusting. With this newsletter, included will be more resources, information and even some humor. NORTH DODGE PRINTED NEWSLETTER Neighborhoods get but one, single printed mailing per year and the North Dodge printed newsletter was submitted for review and approved. Because there is no urgency to the newsletter, it will probably be another couple of weeks before it is printed and mailed. It will be mailed to all addresses in the North Dodge Neighborhood. We hope you'll find it of interest and we'll get many new subscribers on board! Be on the lookout for it in your mailbox soon! New Relief Fund Announced MAYOR ROMERO ANNOUNCES NEW RELIEF FUND DUE TO CORONAVIRUS - Tucson Mayor Regina Romero is creating a new fund to help small businesses and the community get relief from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus. In a guest opinion in yesterday's Arizona Daily Star (link below), the mayor announced she's creating the We Are One/Somos Uno Resiliency Fund, in partnership with the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona, that will support nonprofits, workers, families, and small businesses that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Romero is also forming the Mayor’s Economic Development Advisory Council that will represent a diverse set of stakeholders to identify the steps needed to reignite our local economy while empowering each of us with economic opportunity. Meanwhile, the Mayor and Tucson City Council tomorrow, April 14, will discuss the federal CARES Act and how it will assist in recovery efforts. The council also will begin laying out a local economic recovery plan that will include activating small business navigators who will connect small businesses with their needs. From the Arizona Daily Star: CLICK HERE Community Foundation of Southern Arizona: CLICK HERE 2-1-1 Pima County Lastest Updates Click the image below to be taken directly to the Pima County Health Dept's latest updates: Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code in Arizona Click on the image to the left to be taken to an interactive map showing COVID-19 cases by zip code. We can zoom right in on the 85716 zip code of most of North Dodge. A very small minority of us in North Dodge have the 85712 zip code and that's easy to zoom in on too. Cox and Data Overages Cox pausing data overage charges until May 15. "We’ve got you covered. Beginning March 16, 2020 through May 15, 2020 data overage charges will be paused. Customers with Unlimited or 500GB data add- on plans will receive credits for their add-on plan for two bills. During this time we have suspended sales of our data plans. We want to help make sure you have the resources you need to remain productive during the coronavirus work and school closures." from this page: -->CLICK HERE<-- Tucson Shops Tucson If you've been wondering if there's a great central digital shop to support your favorite local makers, Startup Tucson has you covered with the just-launched Tucson Shops Tucson! Click that button.. Tucson Eats In As we all know our restaurants are struggling to survive and they are doing their utmost to still provide us with wonderful food and very often with no delivery charges. These restaurant lists can change very quickly so it's always best to make sure they're open and what hours they are keeping. Very often they'll work with you even if they don't have "curbside" pickup available. Call and talk to them if you don't want to enter the establishment and they might be able to help you. Here's a different list of restaurants from our last issue that are providing pickup or delivery. This includes regions so if you're looking for someplace nearby, it's easier to spot. Senior Shopping Hours at Local Groceries Are you Hungry or Know Someone Who Is Hungry? Can you Donate or Volunteer? The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is an important resource should you be hungry or know someone who might be. There's a lot of information, facts and figures regarding huner in general as well as in our community. There's also a easy-to-use interactive map to find food nearby. Please click on the Community Food Bank logo above to find information at your fingertips. Please, if you can, donations and volunteering would be welcomed. Grow Your Own Vegetables Founded in 1990, Community Gardens of Tucson today supports 21 gardens in diverse communities in neighborhoods across Tucson. These islands of inspiration and hope provide more than 500 individuals of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, and economic standing the opportunity to enrich their lives – and those of others – through sustainable gardening practices that bring healthy and nutritious food from garden to table. Garden plot fees are $18 per month per garden plot. This fee covers the irrigation system, all water costs and a shed full of tools for your use at the garden. Reduced fee garden plots are available for as many low-income gardeners as we can raise funds to support. CGT encourages plot sharing as well and will help you find a gardening buddy if you are interested in this option. There is LARGE garden just off of Palo Verde and Presidio and plots are available for plenty of summer vegetables! You could be growing baskets of tomatoes, melons, squashes, and much more. Oh My! Tucson Botanical Gardens - "People's Garden" Invitation Please click on the invitation on the left to bring it up to full size. The Botanical Gardens of Tucson is trying to create a "People's Garden" and North Dodge residents have been included in their invitation. Any gardener's out there? Here's an opportunity for you! Red Cross of Southern Arizona The Red Cross is always helping wherever they are needed and though we're concentrating so much on COVID-19 there are still tragic events going on that the Red Cross will be helping with. You may not be able to help with a monetary donation but most os us can give blood. Please consider doing so. Blood drives and how to go about this are on their website. “We’re asking the American people to help keep the blood supply stable during this challenging time. As communities across the country prepare for this public health emergency, it’s critical that plans include a readily available blood supply for hospital patients . . . ” "Donating blood is a safe process and people should not hesitate to give or receive blood. There are no data or evidence that this coronavirus can be transmitted by blood transfusion, and there have been no reported cases of transfusion transmission for any respiratory virus including this coronavirus worldwide." "Red Cross employees follow thorough safety protocols including wearing gloves, routinely wiping down donor-touched areas, using sterile collection sets for every donation, and preparing the arm for donation with an aseptic scrub". FACE COVERINGS Protect Yourself, Protect Others Wearing a cloth face cover may prevent people who have COVID-19 and don’t know it from spreading the virus to others when they cough, breathe, or talk. Adopt the motto: "Act Like You Got It" – behave as if you have the virus and want to protect your friends, family and neighbors. While not a reliable means of preventing infection, using cloth coverings frees up Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) resources for healthcare workers in hospitals, clinics and other facilities. People do not need to wear face covers when alone, at home, or when outside away from other people. It may be good to wear a cloth face cover in places, such as a grocery store, workplace, or doctor's office, where it is difficult to keep physical distance (at least six feet) from others. DO IT YOURSELF FACE COVERING PATTERNS Click on image to bring up full-size instructions Sewn Cloth No Sew Cut T-Shirt No-Sew Bandana Regardless of the pattern, cloth face coverings should... fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face. be secured with ties or ear loops. include multiple layers of fabric. allow for breathing without restriction. be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape. People do not need to wear face covers when alone, at home, or when outside away from other people. It may be good to wear a cloth face cover in places, such as a grocery store, workplace, or doctor's office, where it is difficult to keep physical distance (at least six feet) from others. Step-by-Step Advice Wearing cloth face coverings: 1. Be sure to wash your hands very well BEFORE putting on a face covering. 2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth while donning the cover. 3. Place the loop or ties around your ears snugly, ensuring the cover fits completely over your nose and under your mouth. 4. Check that the cover does not move around BEFORE entering a public space. 5. Do not touch your face or the cover while in public. 6. Avoid getting your cover wet; they become much less effective when damp and should be replaced. 7. If you must be in public spaces for an extended period, consider having multiple covers you can switch out. Removing cloth face coverings: 1. Carefully unfasten the loops or ties, being sure not to touch your face. 2. Hold the cover from the loop or tie and place it either directly into the laundry or into a bag or other container that can go in the washer without touching it. 3. Wash your face cover in the clothes washer before using it again. DIY Disinfecting Wipes and Baby Wipes Animals and COVID-19 Thankfully, there's a lot of good news when it comes to our furry buddies but there are some things we should be thinking about especially should we come down with this virus or something else during this time. -->CLICK HERE<-- For a comprehensive FAQ of assorted questions regarding our pets and this virus from PACC. Dog Walkers -- North Dodge Needs You! The increase in folks walking their dogs has been tremendous! How about not simply walking the dog but also helping your community too? Not too many years ago it was realized that dog walkers often know their neighborhoods better than most of the residents because they're out there in it every day and often two or more times a day. Communities have started "Paws on Patrol" and "Dog Walker Watch" and the programs probably have many other names too but they basically do is the local police teach the dog walkers what are suspicious things to notice and when to report them. It's a great way to keep eyes all over the neighborhood all day, every day! One of our very own Lead Police Officers, Joe Gradias, is working with this program in Tucson. You can find his contact info in the Quick Links section of the bottom of this newsletter. Even if you're not a dog walker, if you know someone that is, please pass this on to them. We'd need at least a few volunteers to get this rolling. Talk about a great way to help contribute to your community's well-being and safety by doing something you're already doing! Poop Bags - FREE, EASY and QUICK! A lot of the new dog walkers aren't in the habit of remembering to bring "poop bags" along with them. To help them (and the rest of us too!), making a poop bag dispenser is so quick and easy PLUS it's a great way to get rid of all those grocery bags we're accumulating. Talk about a Win, Win situation! Win! Win! Win! actually when you think about it! Take a milk jug or some other plastic container with a handle. Turn it upside down and cut a hole from the front near the bottom. Fill with grocery bags. Hang from sign post using string, lightweight rope, zip ties, old shoelaces by wrapping around the handle of the jug and sticking through the holes on the post. Viola! An instant and FREE poop bag dispenser! Click on image to enlarge Please make sure the following info reaches your friends, family and neighbors whether they're in North Dodge or not. Your friends, family or neighbor may not have children but they may know someone who does. Children in our community are often reliant on school food programs as their primary source of food. TUSD Grab-And-Go Mobilized Meals ALL CHILDREN 18 AND UNDER ELIGIBLE FOR FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH AT GRAB AND GO FREE MEALS TO ALL CHILDREN 18 AND UNDER! NO ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS! Starting March 23, 2020, we are offering free Grab-and-Go Mobilized Meals across TUSD via 12 bus routes making stops at 113 locations between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Monday through Friday. Each bus route will include stops at school bus bays and existing bus stops where free Grab-and-Go meals will be provided. Each bus route will stop at the designated school bus bay or bus stop for 10 minutes to provide the Grab-and-Go meals. One breakfast and one lunch will be provided to each child present. These meals are free to all children 18 and under. There are no eligibility requirements--all children 18 and under can receive these free meals. Please note that per Federal Meal Program requirements, children must be present to receive meals. Meals cannot be provided for additional children that are not present. More Info: Grab-and-Go webpage NORTH DODGE IS ON ROUTE 7 OF THE GRAB AND GO SCHEDULE. I've highlighted the three stops closest to us. Complete map of Route 7. Click on map to be taken to TUSD webpage for enlarged map: For friends and family outside of North Dodge, map of all Grab-n-Go routes. Click on map to be taken to webpage with larger map: PLEASE PASS ON LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD E-NEWSLETTER LINKS Remember neighborhood newsletters can be the primary source for information specific to that neighborhood and be extremely useful and valuable tools for knowledge and events. Please forward this and get your neighbors to sign up or even sign up for them. Many of us have friends or family in close by neighborhoods. Here are links to subscribe to those newsletters: Dodge Flower - Grant, Glenn, Alvernon, Palo Verde Oak Flower - Grant, Monte Vista, Alvernon, Columbus Garden District - Grant, Speedway, Alvernon, Swan Palo Verde - Grant, Speedway, Alvernon, Country Club Some Humor These are extremely trying and stressful times for all of us but we must try and relieve stress and anxiety if we can. "Humor is clinically validated to reduce stress long-term by improving the immune system through the release of neuropeptides, relieving pain, increasing personal satisfaction, and lessening depression and anxiety (source: Mayo Clinic, April 21, 2016). The simple act of smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which in turn makes us feel happy. " I'm going to begin including a few memes in each Newsletter for a while and hope they bring you a smile, a giggle or even an out and out laugh. Please feel free to send something you find funny on to be included in our newsletter! Upcoming North Dodge Recycling Dates Monday, April 27 Monday, May 11 Tuesday, May 26 Newsletter Subscribe Please share the newsletter with friends and neighbors even if they are outside of North Dodge and ask them to subscribe. Lets not let some arbitrary boundaries stop us from receiving information pertinent to our neighborhoods. Being a better informed community helps all of us. North Dodge Newsletters do not have a set schedule but are approximately two - three weeks between them. Important announcements are few but made as necessary. WEBSITE: North Dodge Website. Your one- stop shop for your NDNA info: CODE ENFORCEMENT: Neighbor leave a stained mattress or maybe a ratty old sofa out for your viewing pleasure? Seeing weeds as high as an elephant's eye? Use the NDNA CE button to go to our website for more complete info about Code Enforcement Use the online CE form button to go directly to the online complaint form GRAFFITI: Don't we love the smell of spray paint in the morning? Report Graffiti - Variety of easy ways. ROAD REPAIR & STREET MAINTENANCE: Got a pothole that's ready to swallow your car? Get help with assorted road issues here: TRASH & RECYCLING BINS: Does the 24-hour ordinance to pull trash and recycling bins back seem not to apply to your neighbors? SHOPPING CARTS: Ever notice you can't find a cart without a wobbly wheel? That's 'cause all the good carts seem to end up in North Dodge! Please report abandoned shopping carts. You can email or phone: 791-3171 USPS MAIL THEFT Calling is quick and easy and our recommended way to report - 1- 877-876-2455 (option 3) or do it online: MAILBOX VANDALISM: What did your poor mailbox do to deserve getting beat up? :-( NON-EMERGENCY CRIME: We all need to report the small stuff so TPD knows it's happening! Please take a few moments to report those small criminal acts utilizing the TPD online police report. NON-EMERGENCY POLICE: General info, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 520-791-4444 NORTH DODGE LEAD POLICE OFFICERS: Ofc. Joseph Gradias, On Duty: Weekends, Evenings, Phone: 520-484-3488 Ofc. Leticia Parris, On Duty: Weekdays, Evenings, Phone: 520-589-8611 Copyright © 2020 North Dodge Neighborhood Association, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. Shop Tucson Restaurant List Click Here To Sign Up For The North Dodge Newsletter Dodge Flower Newsletter Subscribe Oak Flower Newsletter Subscribe Garden District - Newsletter Subscribe Palo Verde - Newsletter Subscribe Subscribe Past Issues RSS Translate

You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. · 2020. 4. 13. · Can you Donate or Volunteer? The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is an important resource

Sep 11, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. · 2020. 4. 13. · Can you Donate or Volunteer? The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is an important resource

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13 April 2020

If you do not see images in this email it is likely due to your emailclient blocking them There is usually a little button or barrequesting your permission to download pictures Please choosethe option to allow pictures to be visible

We are still in the very early stages of the Coronavirus crisisand were all in the beginning stages of adjusting

With this newsletter included will be more resourcesinformation and even some humor


Neighborhoods get but one single printedmailing per year and the North Dodge printednewsletter was submitted for review andapproved Because there is no urgency to thenewsletter it will probably be another couple ofweeks before it is printed and mailed It will bemailed to all addresses in the North DodgeNeighborhood We hope youll find it of interestand well get many new subscribers on board

Be on the lookout for it in your mailboxsoon

New Relief Fund Announced

MAYOR ROMERO ANNOUNCES NEWRELIEF FUND DUE TO CORONAVIRUS -Tucson Mayor Regina Romero is creating anew fund to help small businesses and thecommunity get relief from the economicimpacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus In aguest opinion in yesterdays Arizona DailyStar (link below) the mayor announcedshes creating the We Are OneSomos UnoResiliency Fund in partnership with theCommunity Foundation of SouthernArizona that will support nonprofits

workers families and small businesses that have been negativelyimpacted by the pandemic Romero is also forming the MayorrsquosEconomic Development Advisory Council that will represent a diverseset of stakeholders to identify the steps needed to reignite our localeconomy while empowering each of us with economic opportunityMeanwhile the Mayor and Tucson City Council tomorrow April 14 willdiscuss the federal CARES Act and how it will assist in recoveryefforts The council also will begin laying out a local economic recoveryplan that will include activating small business navigators who willconnect small businesses with their needs

From the Arizona Daily Star CLICK HERECommunity Foundation of Southern Arizona CLICK HERE


Pima County Lastest Updates

Click the image below to be taken directly to the Pima County Health Deptslatest updates

Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code inArizona

Click on the image to the left to betaken to an interactive map showingCOVID-19 cases by zip code Wecan zoom right in on the 85716 zipcode of most of North Dodge A verysmall minority of us in North Dodgehave the 85712 zip code and thatseasy to zoom in on too

Cox and Data Overages

Cox pausing data overagecharges until May 15

Wersquove got you covered Beginning March 16 2020 through May 15 2020 dataoverage charges will be paused Customers with Unlimited or 500GB data add-on plans will receive credits for their add-on plan for two bills During this timewe have suspended sales of our data plans We want to help make sure youhave the resources you need to remain productive during the coronavirus work

and school closures from this page --gtCLICK HERElt--

Tucson Shops Tucson

If youve been wondering if theres a great central digital shop to support yourfavorite local makers Startup Tucson has you covered with the just-launchedTucson Shops TucsonClick that button

Tucson Eats In

As we all know our restaurants are struggling to survive and they are doingtheir utmost to still provide us with wonderful food and very often with nodelivery charges

These restaurant lists can change very quickly so its always best to make suretheyre open and what hours they are keeping

Very often theyll work with you even if they dont have curbside pickupavailable Call and talk to them if you dont want to enter the establishment andthey might be able to help you

Heres a different list of restaurants from our last issue that are providing pickupor delivery This includes regions so if youre looking for someplace nearby itseasier to spot

Senior Shopping Hours at Local Groceries

Are you Hungry or Know Someone Who IsHungry

Can you Donate or Volunteer

The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is an importantresource should you be hungry or know someone who might be

Theres a lot of information facts and figures regarding huner ingeneral as well as in our community Theres also a easy-to-useinteractive map to find food nearby Please click on the CommunityFood Bank logo above to find information at your fingertips

Please if you can donations and volunteering would be welcomed

Grow Your Own Vegetables

Founded in 1990 CommunityGardens of Tucson todaysupports 21 gardens in diversecommunities in neighborhoodsacross Tucson These islands ofinspiration and hope providemore than 500 individuals of allages ethnic backgrounds andeconomic standing theopportunity to enrich their lives ndashand those of others ndash throughsustainable gardening practicesthat bring healthy and nutritiousfood from garden to table

Garden plot fees are $18 per month per garden plot This fee coversthe irrigation system all water costs and a shed full of tools for youruse at the garden Reduced fee garden plots are available for as manylow-income gardeners as we can raise funds to support CGTencourages plot sharing as well and will help you find a gardeningbuddy if you are interested in this option

There is LARGE garden just off of Palo Verde and Presidioand plots are available for plenty of summer vegetables You could be growing baskets of tomatoes melonssquashes and much more Oh My

Tucson Botanical Gardens - PeoplesGarden Invitation

Please click on the invitationon the left to bring it up to fullsize

The Botanical Gardens ofTucson is trying to create aPeoples Garden and NorthDodge residents have beenincluded in their invitation

Any gardeners out there Heres an opportunity for you

Red Cross of Southern Arizona

The Red Cross is always helpingwherever they are needed andthough were concentrating somuch on COVID-19 there arestill tragic events going on thatthe Red Cross will be helpingwith

You may not be able to help witha monetary donation but most osus can give blood Pleaseconsider doing so Blood drivesand how to go about this are ontheir website

ldquoWersquore asking the American people to help keep the blood supplystable during this challenging time As communities across the countryprepare for this public health emergency itrsquos critical that plans includea readily available blood supply for hospital patients rdquo

Donating blood is a safe process and people should not hesitate togive or receive blood There are no data or evidence that thiscoronavirus can be transmitted by blood transfusion and there havebeen no reported cases of transfusion transmission for any respiratoryvirus including this coronavirus worldwide

Red Cross employees follow thorough safety protocols includingwearing gloves routinely wiping down donor-touched areas usingsterile collection sets for every donation and preparing the arm fordonation with an aseptic scrub


Protect Yourself Protect OthersWearing a cloth face cover may prevent people who have COVID-19and donrsquot know it from spreading the virus to others when they coughbreathe or talk Adopt the motto Act Like You Got It ndash behave as ifyou have the virus and want to protect your friends family andneighbors

While not a reliable means of preventing infection using clothcoverings frees up Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) resources forhealthcare workers in hospitals clinics and other facilities

People do not need to wear face covers when alone at home or whenoutside away from other people It may be good to wear a cloth facecover in places such as a grocery store workplace or doctors officewhere it is difficult to keep physical distance (at least six feet) fromothers


Click on image to bring up full-size instructions

Sewn Cloth

No Sew Cut T-Shirt

No-Sew Bandana

Regardless of the pattern cloth face coverings should

fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the facebe secured with ties or ear loopsinclude multiple layers of fabricallow for breathing without restrictionbe able to be laundered and machine dried without damage orchange to shape

People do not need to wear face covers when alone at home or whenoutside away from other people It may be good to wear a cloth facecover in places such as a grocery store workplace or doctors officewhere it is difficult to keep physical distance (at least six feet) fromothers Step-by-Step AdviceWearing cloth face coverings

1 Be sure to wash your hands very well BEFORE putting on a facecovering

2 Avoid touching your eyes nose or mouth while donning thecover

3 Place the loop or ties around your ears snugly ensuring the coverfits completely over your nose and under your mouth

4 Check that the cover does not move around BEFORE entering apublic space

5 Do not touch your face or the cover while in public6 Avoid getting your cover wet they become much less effective

when damp and should be replaced7 If you must be in public spaces for an extended period consider

having multiple covers you can switch out

Removing cloth face coverings

1 Carefully unfasten the loops or ties being sure not to touch yourface

2 Hold the cover from the loop or tie and place it either directly intothe laundry or into a bag or other container that can go in thewasher without touching it

3 Wash your face cover in the clothes washer before using it again

DIY Disinfecting Wipes and Baby Wipes

Animals and COVID-19

Thankfully theres a lot of goodnews when it comes to our furrybuddies but there are somethings we should be thinkingabout especially should wecome down with this virus orsomething else during this time

--gtCLICK HERElt-- For acomprehensive FAQ of assortedquestions regarding our pets andthis virus from PACC

Dog Walkers -- North Dodge Needs You

The increase in folks walking their dogs has beentremendous

How about not simply walking the dog but alsohelping your community too

Not too many years ago it was realized that dogwalkers often know their neighborhoods betterthan most of the residents because theyre outthere in it every day and often two or more timesa day

Communities have started Paws on Patrol andDog Walker Watch and the programs probablyhave many other names too but they basically dois the local police teach the dog walkers what aresuspicious things to notice and when to reportthem Its a great way to keep eyes all over theneighborhood all day every day

One of our very own Lead Police Officers JoeGradias is working with this program in Tucson You can find his contact info in the Quick Linkssection of the bottom of this newsletter

Even if youre not a dog walker if you knowsomeone that is please pass this on to them Wed need at least a few volunteers to get thisrolling Talk about a great way to help contributeto your communitys well-being and safety bydoing something youre already doing

Poop Bags - FREE EASY and QUICK

A lot of the new dog walkers arent in the habit of remembering to bring poopbags along with them

To help them (and the rest of us too) making a poop bag dispenser is so quickand easy PLUS its a great way to get rid of all those grocery bags wereaccumulating Talk about a Win Win situation Win Win Win actually whenyou think about it

Take a milk jug or some other plastic container with a handle Turn it upside down and cut a hole from the front near the bottomFill with grocery bagsHang from sign post using string lightweight rope zip ties old shoelacesby wrapping around the handle of the jug and sticking through the holeson the post

Viola An instant and FREE poop bag dispenser

Click on image to enlarge

Please make sure the following info reaches yourfriends family and neighbors whether theyre in NorthDodge or not Your friends family or neighbor may nothave children but they may know someone who does

Children in our community are often reliant on schoolfood programs as their primary source of food



FREE MEALS TO ALL CHILDREN 18 AND UNDER NOELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Starting March 23 2020 we are offering free Grab-and-Go Mobilized Mealsacross TUSD via 12 bus routes making stops at 113 locations between 10 amand 1 pm Monday through Friday Each bus route will include stops at schoolbus bays and existing bus stops where free Grab-and-Go meals will beprovided Each bus route will stop at the designated school bus bay or bus stopfor 10 minutes to provide the Grab-and-Go meals One breakfast and one lunch will be provided to each child presentThese meals are free to all children 18 and under There are no eligibility requirements--all children 18 and under canreceive these free meals Please note that per Federal Meal Program requirements children mustbe present to receive meals Meals cannot be provided for additionalchildren that are not present

More Info Grab-and-Go webpage

NORTH DODGE IS ON ROUTE 7 OF THE GRAB AND GO SCHEDULE Ive highlighted the three stops closest to us

Complete map of Route 7 Click on map to be taken to TUSD webpage forenlarged map

For friends and family outside of North Dodge map of all Grab-n-Go routes Click on map to be taken to webpage with larger map


Remember neighborhood newsletters can be the primary sourcefor information specific to that neighborhood and be extremelyuseful and valuable tools for knowledge and events

Please forward this and get your neighbors to sign upor even sign up for them

Many of us have friends or family in close by neighborhoods Here are links to subscribe to those newsletters

Dodge Flower - Grant Glenn Alvernon Palo Verde

Oak Flower - Grant Monte Vista Alvernon Columbus

Garden District - Grant Speedway Alvernon Swan

Palo Verde - Grant Speedway Alvernon Country Club

Some Humor

These are extremely trying andstressful times for all of us butwe must try and relieve stressand anxiety if we can

Humor is clinically validated toreduce stress long-term byimproving the immune systemthrough the release ofneuropeptides relieving painincreasing personal satisfactionand lessening depression andanxiety (source Mayo ClinicApril 21 2016) The simple actof smiling causes the brain torelease dopamine which in turnmakes us feel happy

Im going to begin including a few memes in each Newsletter for awhile and hope they bring you a smile a giggle or even an out and outlaugh

Please feel free to send something you find funny on to beincluded in our newsletter

Upcoming North Dodge RecyclingDates

Monday April 27Monday May 11Tuesday May 26

Newsletter Subscribe

Please share the newsletter with friends and neighbors even if they are outsideof North Dodge and ask them to subscribe Lets not let some arbitraryboundaries stop us from receiving information pertinent to our neighborhoods Being a better informed community helps all of us

North Dodge Newsletters do not have a set schedule but are approximately two- three weeks between them Important announcements are few but made asnecessary

WEBSITE North Dodge Website Your one-stop shop for your NDNA info

CODE ENFORCEMENTNeighbor leave a stained mattress or maybe aratty old sofa out for your viewing pleasure Seeing weeds as high as an elephants eye Usethe NDNA CE button to go to our website formore complete info about Code Enforcement

Use the online CE form button to go directly tothe online complaint form

GRAFFITI Dont we love the smell of spraypaint in the morning Report Graffiti - Variety ofeasy ways

ROAD REPAIR amp STREETMAINTENANCE Got a pothole thatsready to swallow your car Get help withassorted road issues here

TRASH amp RECYCLING BINS Doesthe 24-hour ordinance to pull trash andrecycling bins back seem not to apply to yourneighbors

SHOPPING CARTS Ever notice you cantfind a cart without a wobbly wheel Thats causeall the good carts seem to end up in NorthDodge Please report abandoned shoppingcarts You can email or phone 791-3171

USPS MAIL THEFT Calling is quick andeasy and our recommended way to report - 1-877-876-2455 (option 3) or do it online

MAILBOX VANDALISM What did yourpoor mailbox do to deserve getting beat up -(

NON-EMERGENCY CRIME We all needto report the small stuff so TPD knows itshappening Please take a few moments to reportthose small criminal acts utilizing the TPD onlinepolice report

NON-EMERGENCY POLICE Generalinfo 8 am - 6 pm



Ofc Joseph Gradias On Duty WeekendsEvenings Phone 520-484-3488

Ofc Leticia Parris On Duty WeekdaysEvenings Phone 520-589-8611

Copyright copy 2020 North Dodge Neighborhood Association All rights reserved

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Page 2: You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. · 2020. 4. 13. · Can you Donate or Volunteer? The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is an important resource