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You Are Not Your Own - Ernest Angley (Dec 2010)

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  • 8/8/2019 You Are Not Your Own - Ernest Angley (Dec 2010)


    Read Testimonies from this


    December 2010

    by Ernest An gley

    When you become a born-new child of God, you become a

    completely new creature in Christ Jesus. Therefore if any man

    be in Christ, he is a new creature : old things are passed

    away; behold, all things are become n ew(II Corinthians

    5:17). When youre cleansed by the blood, all sin anddisobedience are washed away; and the soil of your soul is

    prepared to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This holy

    baptism is promised to all. For the promise [the gift of the Holy

    Ghost] is unto you, an d to your children, and to all that

    are afar off, even as many as the Lord ou r God shall call

    (Acts 2:39).

    Anyone can receive the Holy Ghost, but they must be obedient.

    And w e are his witnesses of these things; and so is alsothe Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obe y

    him (Acts 5:32). People who seek for the Holy Ghost when

    theyre not obeying God in everything will not receive.

    When you do receive the Holy Ghost, your body becomes His temple; and you are no longer your

    own. W hat? know ye not that you r bod y is the tem ple of the Holy Ghost which is in

    you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your ow n (I Corinthians 6:19)? Youve given your

    life over to God, and you are His. For we are me mbe rs of his body, of his flesh, and of his

    bones (Ephesians 5:30).

    As members of His body, you must become just like Jesus and follow after Him. And h e

    [Jesus]said to them all, If any man will come after me , let him den y himself, and take

    up his cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23). Jesus paid a high price for you; and if you dont

    follow Him, then you dont belong to Him. For ye are b ought w ith a price: therefore glorify

    God in your b ody, and in your spirit, which are Gods (I Corinthians 6:20). You cant glorify

    God and commit willful sin at the same time. The Holy Ghost will leave you, and youll miss


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    Consider the price Jesus paid for us. God told me that His Son left His home in Glory where He

    had lived for trillions of years to become a member of the human race; He took on all the

    weaknesses and temptations that we have. For we have n ot an high priest which cannot be

    touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but w as in all points tempted like as we

    are, yet w ithout sin (Hebrews 4:15). He came as a baby, grew up among men and suffered thesame pain and hardships of living outside of Eden that we do.

    For Jesus to become our redeemer, He had to experience everything that we do so He could show

    us the way. Only divinity could have brought divine blood for our souls, died for us and given us

    life. Jesus said, I am com e that they might have life, and that they might have it more

    abundantly(John 10:10). He also said,And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall

    make you free (John 8:32).

    While Jesus was here on earth, He worked hard; and He had helping, serving hands. He labored in

    the carpenter shop with Joseph, His earthly dad, and then later endured much sorrow and pain.

    Audacious men sought to kill Him while others lied and said all manner of evil against Him.

    People fought against Him and tried to destroy Him in every wayand He went through it all for

    us. Bu t he was wou nded for ou r transgressions, he was bru ised for our iniqu ities: the

    chastisemen t of our peace w as upon him; and w ith his stripes we are he aled (Isaiah

    53:5). Jesus went to the whipping post for our physical healingwhat a price He paid for us to

    have divine miracles.

    No deadly disease would ever be greater than His touch, and He gave us that same touch to use.

    And these signs shall follow them that b elieve; In my n ame shall they cast outdevils they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17,18). Jesus

    said, If thou can st believe, all things are possible to him that be lieveth (Mark 9:23). He

    came to earth with healing in His wings and power in His hands. But u nto you that fear my

    name shall the Su n of righteousness arise with healing in his wings (Malachi 4:2).

    We were all conceived in sin and iniquities. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did

    my mother conceive me (Psalm 51:5). We were born without the image of God; but once youreborn new, the Bible says,Ye p ut on the n ew m an, which after God is created in

    righteou sness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:24). After youve been re-created into His

    righteousness, God sees His reflection in you just like you see your reflection when you look into a


    You can know whether or not you have the image of God by looking into His Word; think of it as

    Gods looking glass. Dont do as those who look and then turn away and forget what kind of person

    they are. For if any be a heare r of the word, and not a doer, he is like u nto a man

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    beholding his natu ral face in a glass: For he b eholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and

    straightway forgetteth what mann er of man he w as (James 1:23,24).

    A real blood experience washes away all sin in your heart; but if you commit willful sin after you

    find the Lord, the Holy Spirit departs. Then you become just another sinner headed for hell. Fo r

    if we sin wilfully after that we have rece ived the know ledge of the truth, there

    remaineth n o more sacrifice for sins (Hebrews 10:26).

    We have to take our old selves to Calvary once and for all, and the Lord has given each of us a

    measure of faith so we can do just that. God hath dealt to every man the measu re of faith

    (Romans 12:3). Calvary is no longer a physical place but a spiritual place, so only with this measure

    of faith and through the Spirit of God can you find the reality of Calvary in all of its power and


    After Adam and Eve were forced out of the Garden of Eden, no one saw the face of God until theshepherds looked into the humble manger. There they saw the face of God with all of its divine

    love, divine peace, divine hope and divine faith; they saw His gentleness, goodness and patience.

    No eyes had ever beheld all of that, but the shepherds saw it in the face of Jesus. They saw

    self-control, longsuffering and the great, divine compassion that every child of God must have in

    this last hour to win the lost at any cost. They saw the very face of God, and it changed their lives


    Angels sang at Jesus birth and announced His arrival to the lowly shepherds. Behold, I bring

    you good tidin gs of great joy, which shall be to all peo ple. For un to you is born this dayin the city of David a Saviou r, wh ich is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10,11). True children of God

    should still be rejoicing over this miraculous event. Theyre supposed to be the happiest people in

    the world; yet so many allow the devil to defeat them and take them into despair, defeat,

    oppression and depression. These things are not what Jesus paid for us to have.

    God had tried everything to redeem man before giving His only Son. He had tried dealing with the

    heads of families; He had tried the Law, and the Lord hated the stench of the animal sacrifices.Sacrifice and offering and bu rnt offerings and offering for sin thou w ou ldest not,

    neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered b y the law(Hebrews 10:8). But the Son

    of God came saying, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy

    will, O God (Hebrews 10:7).

    Jesus came to do the will of God; and when He was in such agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, He

    prayed, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: n evertheless not as I

    will, but as thou wilt (Matthew 26:39). He suffered so much that God sent an angel from

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    Heaven to give Him strength. And there appeared an an gel unto him from heaven ,

    strengthening him. And being in an agon y he prayed more earn estly: and his sweat

    was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the grou nd (Luke 22:43,44).

    Oh, how Ive wept when I have thought about Jesus in that Garden, and God reminded me of His

    Sons sufferings when I was preparing this message for you. He wanted me to tell you about the

    pain He bore and to let you know that He did it through divine love. If you could have only heard

    the love in His voice as He told me about His Sons suffering for all of us, you would realize that we

    cant afford to ever fail Him.

    When Christ died, the veil of the temple w as rent in twain from the top to the b ottom

    (Mark 15:38). This signified that the wall separating man from his God had come tumbling down;

    and the invitation went out, Whosoever will, let him come! And w hosoever w ill, let him take

    the w ater of life freely(Revelation 22:17).

    Never forget the price Jesus paid to bring us divinity. He brought all the divinity well ever need to

    live free from sin and to have the image of God, to be born new and to be filled with the Holy

    Ghostpower from On High. He brought the nine fruits of the Spirit, the nine gifts of the Spirit

    and divine love; and the Bible says were nothing without divine love. Though I speak w ith the

    tongue s of men and of angels, and have n ot charity[love], I am become as sounding

    brass, or a tinkling cymb al. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and un derstand all

    mysteries, and all know ledge; and thou gh I have all faith, so that I could remo ve

    mou ntains, and have not charity[love], I am nothing (I Corinthians 13:1,2).

    Without Jesus, we would have nothing; but with Him, we have everything. Paul wrote to one of the

    churches,Ye are comp lete in him [Christ Jesus] (Colossians 2:10). When something is

    complete, nothing needs to be added to it; and it satisfies. W ith honey out of the rock shou ld I

    have satisfied thee (Psalm 81:16). That honey is so sweet, and the Bible tells us that Jesus is like

    honey. O taste and see that the LORD is good (Psalm 34:8). Through Christ, we havejoy

    un speakable and full of glory(I Peter 1:8). Praise God forevermore! There are not enough

    words in any language to describe the joy we can have in the Lord and in the Holy Ghost.

    Those who hated Jesus while He was on earth could have had His help; but they rejected Him, and

    theyre in hell. Today, all those who hate Jesus will find themselves in hell, too, unless they become

    born new; thats their only hope. Unfortunately, many in the world have been raised in witchcraft,

    voodoo, Satanism and other darknesses of the devil; and they have never heard about Jesus. But

    the Lord is delivering them by the thousands wherever we go as I take them the whole Jesus, the

    Deliverer for soul, mind and body.

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    Jesus went to the whipping post so He could be our Deliverer. The soldiers beat Him until the

    blood ran down His back, but He went through it so we could be well and healthy and work for

    Him. The Bible says its the will of the Lord for us to be in good health. Beloved, I wish above

    all things that thou m ayest prosper and b e in health, even as thy soul prospereth (III

    John 1:2). He also wills for our souls to be in the perfection of His will and power.

    Under the Law, the Lord promised the Israelites that if they would keep His commandments and

    do His will, He would keep sickness away from their door. W here fore it shall come to pass, if

    ye hearken to these judgmen ts, and kee p, and do them the LORD will take aw ay

    from thee all sickness, and w ill put n one of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou

    knowest, upon thee (Deuteronomy 7:12,15). Throughout their 40 years in the wilderness, their

    clothes and their shoes never wore out. And I have led you forty years in the wilderness:

    your clothes are not waxe n old up on you, an d thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot

    (Deuteronomy 29:5). If only the people had obeyed and followed the Lord, they would have been

    in Canaan in just 11 days.

    They had watched the pillar of fire hold back the enemy and felt its warmth in the cold, desertnights. They had seen the cloud of His presence going before them to lead them and give them

    shelter. He spread a cloud for a cove ring; and fire to give light in the n ight(Psalm

    105:39). What protection, love and grace the Lord provided for them.

    God brought the Israelites out of bondage on eagles wings. I bare you on eagles wings, and

    brou ght you un to myself(Exodus 19:4). They had been in slavery for hundreds of years and

    had been forced to serve under the rule of the most powerful army in that day, but the Lord

    brought them out by the power of His might. He showed the people that He could drown every

    one of those soldiers and that they could go on their way into Canaan in peace.

    If you want to live in Gods peace, you must go His way and travel with Him on the high road. He

    tells you that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. For as the heavens are higher than

    the earth, so are my ways higher than your w ays, and m y thoughts than your thou ghts

    (Isaiah 55:9). Many so-called Christians today are traveling on the low roaddead preachers,

    priests and church members alike. Theyre deceived, and they think it leads to Heaven; but it

    doesnt. Jesus said, Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, an d bro ad is theway, that leadeth to destruction [hell], and man y there be w hich go inthereat:

    Becau se strait is the gate, and n arrow is the way, which leadeth un to life [Heaven], and

    few there be that find it (Matthew 7:13,14).

    There are over six billion people on earth today, but how many of them will make it to Heaven?

    The Lords cry to all is,Ye mu st be born again (John 3:7). Then you must work for the Lord

    until He comes. Behold, I come qu ickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man

    according as his work shall be (Revelation 22:12). God will reward us for all of our works,

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    whether theyre good or bad; but its sad to think about the people who are failing God because they

    have never received the whole Jesus or given themselves completely to Him.

    Jesus dictated letters to John the Revelator for each of the seven churches. He told the first church

    that they had some wonderful works, but He went on to give them a sobering warning:

    Nevertheless I have some what against thee, b ecau se thou hast left thy first love.

    Reme mbe r therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repe nt, and do the first works;

    or else I will come un to thee q uickly, and w ill remove thy candlestick out of his place,

    except thou repen t (Revelation 2:4,5). The candlestick represents the spiritual Church, and

    Jesus warned these people that He would move it away from them. In other words, He said, Ill

    forget about you and let you wander in the darkness outside of Eden because you have left your

    first love.

    Jesus came with loving hands to teach and preach, change lives, deliver bodies and save souls.

    Friends of a man with palsy brought him on a bed to Jesus so he could be made whole because

    there was no healing through medical science for palsy in that day. But Jesus said,Son , thy sins

    be forgiven thee (Mark 2:5). This statement made the scribes and Pharisees murmur into their

    beards, but Jesus knew exactly what they were thinking.Why doth this man thu s speak

    blasphemies? who can forgive sins bu t God only(Mark 2:7)? Jesus answered, That ye may

    know that the Son of man hath pow er on e arth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of

    the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy w ay into thine

    house. And imm ediately he arose, took up the bed, and w ent forth before them all;

    insomuch that they were all amazed, an d glorified God, saying, W e ne ver saw it on

    this fashion (Mark 2:1012). The man stood up and was made whole all over.

    You cant make room for doubt; and if you have any, pray, Lord, I believe; help thou m ine

    unbelief(Mark 9:24). The Lord works through faith, not doubt. He is our God of faith, and you

    cant please Him without it. Bu t w ithout faith it is impossible to p lease him: for he that

    cometh to God mu st believe that he is, and that he is a rew arder of them that

    diligen tly seek him (Hebrews 11:6).

    Jesus hands have all the healing power that anybody will ever need, but so few people use it and

    accept His great miracles. Many are so far away from God that they will let a loved one die beforetheyll bring them before the Lord for prayer. Some people attend church every Sunday morning

    but dont live for God throughout the week; and that isnt really serving God. Their hands are not

    holy, serving hands. The Lord said, I will therefore that me n pray eve rywhere, lifting up

    holy hands, without wrath and d oub ting (I Timothy 2:8). Holy hands can only come from a

    heart that is made holy through divine blood.

    Jesus passed His holy, healing hands on to every child of God to use for themselves and for others.

    Are you a servant of the Lord? Do you really serve others? I never forget that Im a servant. When

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    Jesus called the first disciples from their fishing nets of the world, He said,Follow me, an d I w ill

    make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Years ago, God carried me away in the Spirit and

    showed me the multitudes of people on the earth; and He said, Tell my people that if they fail,

    these will die and go to hell. We must not fail!

    When Jesus came to earth, He walked and talked with man; but it took Him years to prepare 12

    men to be His disciples, and still there was a Judas among them who failed completely. At first,

    Judas yielded to the Lord; but he soon fell by the wayside just like many preachers have done in

    the past and are still doing today. Peter cut an ear off of one of the soldiers who came for Jesus in

    the Garden of Gethsemane, but Jesus rebuked him and restored that mans ear. Peter was so

    insulted by this that he backslid and even cursed to make people think that he had not been with

    Jesus. But just think how Peter must have felt later when Jesus looked at him with tortured eyes as

    He was paying the price for him and all mankind. And the Lord turned , and looked u pon

    Peter. And Peter rem emb ered the wor d of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Beforethe cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter wen t out, and w ept bitterly(Luke


    The disciples fell asleep and didnt stand by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane; but if they had

    been alive in the Spirit as they should have been, they would have stayed awake. And h e [Jesus]

    cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Pe ter, Simon, sleepest thou?

    couldest not thou w atch one hou r? Watch ye and pray, lest ye ente r into temptation.

    The spirit truly is ready, bu t the flesh is weak. And again he we nt aw ay, and prayed,

    and spake the same w ords. And when he returned, he found them asleep again, (for

    their eyes were he avy,) neither wist they what to answ er him. And he com eth the third

    time, and saith unto them, Sleep on n ow, and take your rest: it is enou gh, the hour is

    come; be hold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinne rs (Mark 14:37-41). Oh,

    if they had only stayed awakeJesus needed them so much that night.

    The Lord teaches us to be wide-awake and watching in this last hour. Watch therefore, for ye

    know neither the day nor the hour w herein the Son of man cometh (Matthew 25:13). Its

    almost midnight and time to go home. Jesus is about to come for His Bride.

    Jesus gave His all for you, so you are not your own. You have no right to stay out of church when

    you could be there. You have no right to refuse to do Gods work or to sacrifice your time for Him.

    The Lord shed all of His blood and gave His whole life to serve and help you. He did nothing for

    Himself, yet people still fail God again and again. Even some of those who really become born

    again will only run well for a short while and then fall by the wayside.

    When people let up on praying, fasting and studying the Bible, they become selfish with their time.

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    They have time for pleasure, disobedience and even sin; but they dont have time for Jesus. Theyll

    want Him after its too late, but then Hell no longer be there for them. If people have no time for

    Jesus now, Hell soon have no time for them.

    The Bible tells us that one day, an angel will stand with one foot on land and one on the sea and

    declare time to be no more. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and up on the

    earth lifted up his hand to heave n, And sw are by him that liveth for ever an d ever,

    who cre ated heaven , and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things

    that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be

    time no longer (Revelation 10:5,6). Heavens clock will soon stop; and if youre not on Gods

    time, youll be left out. Most people today are not on Gods time or they wouldnt do or say the

    things they do.

    Most of the apostles were not on Gods time during Jesus trials, His hours of great persecution or

    even at His Crucifixion. Only John was at the foot of the Cross; he was the only apostle who

    realized that he was bought with a price and that he wasnt his own. Now there stood by the

    cross of Jesus his mother, and his mothers sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, andMary Magdalene. W hen Jesu s therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by,

    whom he loved, he saith un to his mother, Wo man, b ehold thy son! Then saith he to

    the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hou r that disciple took her un to his

    own home (John 19:25-27). One of the three women there with John was Mary Magdalene. She

    had been a degraded woman of the streets; but Jesus had cast seven devils out of her with His

    loving hands, and she had become a beautiful vessel for the Lord.

    With those same loving hands, Jesus had stood before Lazarus sepulcher weeping; but this was not

    the first time. He had been rejected by so many that the Bible tells us He wasa man of sorrows,

    and acqu ainted with grief(Isaiah 53:3). As He shed tears before Lazarus tomb, He didnt dry

    them; instead, He reached out with loving hands to dry Lazarus sisters tears. He was all they had

    at that time, and they had loved their brother so much. The Lord dearly loved this family, and He

    would always stay with them when He was in Jerusalem.

    When Jesus arrived four days after Lazarus had died, Martha ran to Him saying,Lord, if thou

    hadst been her e, my brother had not died (John 11:21). But Jesus answered, I am theresurre ction, and the life: he that believeth in me , though he we re de ad, yet shall he

    live (John 11:25). Jesus dried their tears while His own cheeks remained wet with tears of

    compassion, grace and love. He later shed those same tears on Calvary for you and me.

    Then Jesus said,Take ye away the stone . Martha, the sister of him that was d ead, saith

    un to him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath bee n dead fou r days (John 11:39).

    Jesus reminded Martha,Said I not un to thee, that, if thou wou ldest believe, thou

    shouldest see the glory of God (John 11:40)?

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    Then they took away the stone from the place whe re the dead was laid. And Jesu s

    lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou h ast heard me . And I kne w

    that thou heare st me always: but b ecau se of the people w hich stand by I said it, that

    they may believe that thou hast sent me . And when he thus had spoken, he cried w ith

    a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that w as dead came forth (John 11:41-44). The

    people who were there only had to roll away the stone, and Jesus brought Lazarus out of the tomb.

    Jesus never tells us to do anything that we cant do. Do you have the stones in your life pushed out

    of the way today? If so, then victory, deliverance, good health and anything else you may need are

    all on the other side of that stone.

    Are you or is a loved one dying with AIDS or with some other deadly disease? If youll get the

    stones out of the way, you can have life for you or your loved one. God promised us miracles, but

    every promise is conditional. You must live holy; and then Jesus serving, miracle hands will work

    for you. They touched blind eyes and gave them sight; they touched deaf ears, and the people

    could hear and speak. His hands touched cripples, and they were made whole. Jesus said,Wilt

    thou be made whole (John 5:6)? He also said, Come u nto me, all ye that labour and are

    heavy laden, and I w ill give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

    Sin brought death to man and woman outside of Eden, but Jesus brought us the blessed hopethe

    hope that lets us know that we will one day see loved ones who have gone on to Heaven before us.

    Well meet them in the land prepared by God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; and well live

    in mansions built only by divinity.

    When we have Jesus inside, we have the same hands that He hadloving hands, healing hands,

    hands of divinity and grace. Theyre His hands, and we use them in His name. When Jesus

    touches someone, its the same as if the Father has touched them; and when the Father touches

    someone, its all done.

    I want to serve just like Jesus every day; but to do that, I have to be humble and not put myself

    above others. I have to meet with people down in the valley of human needs so I can help thosewho cant help themselves.

    It doesnt matter what color people are or what nation theyre from; I see them as God sees them.

    Were all made out of the same dust of the earth, and that dust can be purified and made holy just

    like Jesus was. And the W ord was made flesh, and dwe lt among u s, (and we b eheld his

    glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace an d tru th (John

    1:14). Jesus earthly body was made of clay just as ours are, but that body became a glorified body.

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    Are you putting the work of the Lord above yourself? Are you using all that the Lord has given to

    you? In Matthew, Jesus told the parable of the talents. A master who was leaving on a journey

    gave each of his servants a different number of talents. And u nto on e he gave five talents, to

    another tw o, and to an other one ; to every man according to his several ability; and

    straightway took his journ ey. Then he that had rece ived the five talents w ent an d

    traded w ith the same, and made the m other five talents. And likewise he that had

    received two, he also gained other tw o. But he that had received one w ent and digged

    in the earth, and hid his lords mone y(Matthew 25:1518). The servant who received only

    one talent wasnt happy because he didnt think it was valuable, so he didnt use that talent and let

    it multiply. Child of God, you must always remember that anything God gives you has great value.

    God has the power to give you all the help that you will ever need.

    Job was a servant of God who gave his all to the Lord. God loved and trusted him so much that He

    set Job up before the devil saying, Hast thou considered m y servant Job, that there is nonelike him in the earth, a perfect and an u pright man, one that feareth God, and

    eschew eth evil (Job 1:8)? Just imagine having such a good report from the God of all creation.

    Job had such a mind for God that he would present his children daily before the Lord just in case

    they might have done something wrong. And it was so, w hen the days of their feasting w ere

    gone abou t, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose u p early in the m orning, and

    offered bu rnt offerings according to the n um ber of them all: for Job said, It may be

    that my sons have sinned, an d cu rsed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continu ally

    (Job 1:5).

    One tragic day, everything changed for Job. His children were all killed, and he lost all his

    livestock and servants; and later, he was afflicted with boils all over his body. But through it all,

    Job sinned not and cried, Thou gh he slay me, yet w ill I trust in him (Job 13:15). He also said,

    Whe n he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10); and Job did exactly that

    because he had given himself totally to God.

    Noah knew that he was not his own, and he and his family separated from the world and spent 120

    years building the ark. During that time, not one soul got saved; but Noah and his family didnt let

    that hinder them. Noah continued to present himself daily before God saying, Here I am, Lord. I

    love you, and I love everything about you. God on His great throne of love heard that voice and

    spared Noah and his family from the flood. Bu t Noah foun d grace in the eyes of the

    LORDNoah was a just man and pe rfect in his generations, and Noah walked with

    Go d (Genesis 6:8,9).

    Abraham was full of faith and put God first in everything. He started on his way to sacrifice his son

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    knowing that God had promised him nations would come from his son. He had such great faith

    that he knew if he sacrificed Isaac on the altar, God would raise him up. By faith Abraham ,

    whe n he w as tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered u p

    his only begotten son, Of w hom it w as said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

    Accoun ting that God was able to raise him u p, even from the dead; from w hence also

    he received him in a figure (Hebrews 11:17-19).

    Joseph was a humble servant of God who was not his own. He didnt become bitter when his

    brothers sold him into slavery or when the devil persecuted him and tried to destroy him in many

    ways. Joseph never lost his faith in God and never compromised; he kept himself pure and clean.

    God was preparing him to become the savior of his people, and He eventually raised him up to be

    second in command over all the land of Egypt. Joseph had such great love for his Lord, and he was

    a type and shadow of Jesus who was raised up to save His people from their sins.

    Moses gave up his life in Pharaohs house to become the deliverer of Gods people. It took God 40

    years to make Moses into the man He needed him to be, but He made him; and Moses stood the

    test. He knew he was not his own. When Moses was born, it was decreed that all baby boys had to

    be killed; but his parents hid him away. When they felt they couldnt hide him any longer, they

    made a little basket and sent him on his journey down the Nile River and into the arms of God.

    Moses never turned his back on God. By faith Moses, when he w as come to years, refused

    to be called the son of Pharaohs dau ghter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with

    the people of God, than to e njoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:24,25).

    Moses wanted to be all that God wanted him to be.

    If you havent yet presented yourself to God, do it today; but you have to give yourself completely,

    the whole you. I beseech you therefore, brethren , by the mercies of God, that ye

    present your b odies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable un to God, which is your

    reasonable service (Romans 12:1). Notice that it says a living sacrifice, not a dead one. After all

    that Jesus paid for us, this is just our reasonable service.

    When youre not your own, youre no longer of the world. And be n ot conformed to this

    world: bu t be ye transformed b y the renew ing of your mind, that ye may prove what is

    that good, and acce ptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). You can only do Gods

    perfect will if you have the mind of Christ, and that mind is willed to each of us. Let this mind be

    in you, w hich was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5).

    You have to leave the world behind. Whe refore come ou t from amon g them, and be ye

    separate, saith the Lord, and tou ch not the un clean thing; and I w ill receive you (II

    Corinthians 6:17). Jesus plainly told us that He was not of the world when He was here. They are

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    not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them throu gh thy truth: thy

    word is truth (John 17:16,17). The blood that stained the Old Rugged Cross sanctifies each child

    of God.

    When Jesus was here, He prayed for the disciples who were with Him and for all His future

    disciples; and that includes us. Neither pray I for these alone, bu t for them also which

    shall believe on m e throu gh their word; That they all may be on e; as thou, Father, art

    in me, and I in thee , that they also may be on e in u s: that the world may believe that

    thou hast sent me (John 17:20,21).

    When youre not your own, you wont listen to the world or self; youll listen to the Holy Spirit.

    Seven different times in the book of Revelation it says,He that hath an ear, let him hear w hat

    the Spirit saith unto the chu rches (Revelation 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22). When you listen only to

    the things of God, then your speech will be like that of Heaven. Your tongue will be sanctified so

    the Lord can use it. Jesus said that if you are perfect in speech, then you are perfect in Him and in

    His love. For in many things we offend all. If any man offend n ot in wor d, the same is a

    perfect man , and able also to bridle the whole body(James 3:2).

    We must speak the same language that is spoken in Heaventhe love language. For our

    conversation is in heave n; from w hence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesu s

    Christ (Philippians 3:20). We can speak no gossip and have no grudges, bitterness or resentment.

    We have to live a holy life.

    When you give yourself to the Lord, you can trample devils underfoot with the Bible truth.

    Behold, I give u nto you pow er to tread on serpents and scorpions, and ov er all the

    powe r of the enem y: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). Resist the

    devil with the truth. Su bmit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will

    flee from you (James 4:7).

    Dont bow down to the devil in any form or fashion; hate him with all thats within you. God

    despised the devil so much that He cast him out of Heaven along with all the angels who had falleninto sin and disobedience with him. Jesus watched it being done; and He said,I beheld Satan as

    lightnin g fall from he aven (Luke 10:18). If the Lord cast Lucifer and the fallen angels out of

    Heaven, then why would He let any sin back in? There will be no sin in His Heaven.

    I cant emphasize enough that youre not your own; and from the time God saved me, Ive always

    remembered that. I knew I was bought with a price. Jesus said, If ye love me, ke ep my

    commandments (John 14:15). Jesus paid for you, and you belong to Him; but some people

    resent that. I love for the Lord to let me know that I belong to Him, and I present myself before

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    Him daily. How often do you do that? Here I am, Lord should be the start of each day. Say, I

    present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you, God, for this new day. Get up

    with Heaven on your mind and start praising the Lord. The Psalmist said,I will praise thee, O

    LORD, with my w hole heart; I w ill shew forth all thy marvellous w orks.I will be glad

    and r ejoice in thee: I w ill sing praise to thy nam e, O thou most High (Psalm 9:1,2)

    Do you want to become Gods servant and live in divinity outside of Eden? Do you want to serve

    Him, be ready for the soon return of the man called Jesus and live with Him forevermore in

    Heaven? Jesus brought all the divinity you need to make the Rapture and to be changed in a

    twinkling of an eye, so lets get rid of all your sins and come to Jesus. The Bible says,The sou l

    that sinn eth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4); but Jesus paid for your soul to be cleansed and to be

    given eternal life on Calvary.

    If you need salvation, lift your hands and pray this prayer with me right now. Oh, God, save my

    soul! I believe your messenger today. I know you paid for my soul, my body and my salvation;

    and Im giving my heart to you today. You said that if I would confess my sins, you would forgive

    me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I believe your divine blood wa shes away all of my

    sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in, Jesus! Come on in!

    If you meant that prayer, He has come; and He is yours. Prayer, fasting and living in the Word will

    keep you on the strait and narrow road, the only road that leads to Heaven.

    You who are sick and afflicted, the Bible says,And the prayer o f faith shall save the sick, and

    the Lord shall raise him u p (James 5:15). Im the Lords believer, and I always give Him all the

    glory. All the wonderful works are His, and I am just His servant.

    Lord, here are the people. It doesnt matter what diseases they have; you paid for all diseases and

    deformities to go from the bodies of mankind. HIV/AIDS, heart trouble, diabetes, lung disease,

    cancer, deformities in little childrenyou paid for it all at the whipping post. I curse all

    weaknesses, all diseases and a ll deformities in the peoples bodies; and in the name of Jesus, I

    command them to be made whole! In the blood-name of Jesus, heal!

    The healing power of the Lord is now flowing, and you can be made whole. You gave your heart to

    God, so lift up holy hands and be made well. Give the Lord the glory for all you have received, and

    well give Him the glory for your testimony. God bless, and I will see you in the Rapture.

    December, 2010, ERNEST ANGLEY, founder & editor in chief, Vol. 55, No. 6, The Power of the Holy Ghost USPS 516-050) is published

    bimonthly by Grace Cathedral, 1055 Canton Road, Akron, Ohio, 44312. Periodicals postage paid at Akron, Ohio, and additional offices.

    POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Power of the Holy Ghost, P.O. Box 1790, Akron, Ohio, 44309.

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