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own life, you are not using the powers that reside within you. The Rosicrucians can show you, in simple language, and in simple methods, how you can change the course of your life, without interfering with your present social, business, or religious practíces. Each is his own creator of the future, once the secret, simple methods are known. Thousands, for hundreds of years,  have found this to be truc. Let us show YO U the way. A beautiful book telling the whole story, revealing the simple system and how you may adopt it, will be gladly sent to you mthou t obli gation. Just fill in the coupon on another page and mail it. (Remember— The Rosicrucian Order is N OT a religious organization.) á C Kc í  tA í á necu  &UX& fo y o u HOUA You will find this Free book fascinftting and in- strurtive. More than ton editions have been given to hundreds of thousands of persons who are grateful. indeed. as it started them on a new understandlng of life and its mastership. ¿IHCÍ ¿H  j 4ct cUt¿ 6*t We will send you a free copy of the interesting magazine. the Kosicrucian Dige st, if you si ve below the ñames and addresses of five persons who you think would like to receive the free book. The Mas- tery of Life. Your ñame will not be mentioned. Even if you do not send these ñames in to us, at least fill out the coupon and receive your copy of the book. 1 2 . 3 . 4 5 .. ROSICRUCIAN ORDER  A M $ R C SAN JOSE CALIFO RNIA LITHO IN U S. A. I AMOWUbSry. GIFT BOOK COUPON Rosicrucian I'ark, < San José, California. ! Sir—Please send me wi thout obligation a gift ! eopy oí The Mastery of Life as 1 am interested ! in learning of these truths. * M AM E............................................... ................................................ í ADD RESS ....................................................................................... Give zone number if pavt oí your address

You and the Universe (leaflet, 1949).pdf

Apr 14, 2018



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Page 1: You and the Universe (leaflet, 1949).pdf

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own life, you are not using the powers thatreside within you.

The Rosicrucians can show you, in simplelanguage, and in simple methods, how youcan change the course of your life, withoutinterfering with your present social, business,or religious practíces. Each is his own creator

of the future, once the secret, simple methodsare known. Thousands, for hundreds o f years , have found this to be truc.

Let us show YO U the way. A beautifulbook telling the whole story, revealing thesimple system and how you may adopt it, willbe gladly sent to you mthou t obl igat ion. Justfill in the coupon on another page and mail it.

(Remember— The Rosicrucian Order is N OT

a religious organization.)

á C K c í  tA íá n e c u  

& UX& fo y o u HOUA

You will find this Free book fascinftting and in-strurtive. More than ton editions have been given tohundreds of thousands of persons who are grateful .indeed. as it started them on a new understandlngof life and its mastership.

¿IHCÍ ¿H   j4ctcUt¿6*t 

We will send you a free copy of the interestingmagazine. the Kosicrucian Dige st, if you si ve belowthe ñames and addresses of five persons who youthink would like to receive the free book. The Mas-tery of Life. Your ñame will not be mentioned. Evenif you do not send these ñames in to us, at leastfill out the coupon and receive your copy of the book.


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R O S I C R U C I A N O R D E R  A M $ R C



I AMOWUbSry. G I F T B O O K C O U P O N• Rosicrucian I 'ark,< San José, Cali fornia.

! Sir—Please send me without obl igation a gif t! eopy oí The Mastery of Life as 1 am interested! in learning of these truths.

* M AM E...............................................................................................

í A DD RE SS .......................................................................................

Give zone number if pavt oí your address

Page 2: You and the Universe (leaflet, 1949).pdf

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E N T E R —L I F E

How infinitesimal man seems in contrast tothe magnitude of the universe. The entireCosmic scheme appears not to take him intoconsideraron. In the dim ages of the past thestage was set for a vast and intense drama.The earth was chosen as the proper setting.Whether it alone was so selected stilí remainsan intriguing mystery. At a time when theDivine Director saw that the drama had pro-gressed to a certain point there entered uponthe scene—Life! It was yet early in the earth’sdrama— life was crude, coarse. It took manyweird forms, but as it evolved into more com-plex creations it seemed to domínate thedrama. It vied with itself in creating mon-strosities, strange creatures, who stalked aboutunappreciative of the part they played. Timewent on. The scene changed as refinementtook place in forms engaged in the earth’sdrama, and finally life alone held center stage—man reigned supreme.Was he chosen to playthe principal role inlife? Was he to be pre-pared to rule in thisuniverse or was manIimited to acting onlyin the drama on earth—one little drop in thesea of infinity?

M A S T E R Y  


Centuries ago man awoke. He carne to re-

alize that he possessed a faculty greater thanthe crude muscles he feared in the other animal life about him. Man could think, imagine,visualize. He could recall at will the events of

his daily life. He could control those thoughts.He could shape them into images—dreams,plans. Slowly man learned how to use thismighty faculty of thought. Gradually he di-

rected; he created a new world for himself.Under the mastery of his mind great struc-tures aróse. Stupendous developments carneabout— the pyramids, wondrous temples, art,

language, literature. Man’sintellectual power devel-

oped. He grew only as helearned—but life is short.Generat ions gave their

brief span here to producecivilization.


With all of the advance of man intellectu-

ally he was Iimited— held back. He seemed tohave to make tremendous sacrifices for ma

terial progress. He was confronted on all sidesby appalling obstacles, disease, poverty, pain,fear, hatred. The universe from which life hadcome seemed not to care. In a mighty rhythmicwave it took away that which it gave— life.


Are you perfectly satisfied with tion in life? Are you enjoying fullest cxtcnt— truly abundantly?

If obstacles seem to prevent yotaining the heights, the freedom frand strife and the enjoyment of per

and happiness, you are not mast

A cry rang from man, uO! why andThe heart of man had spoken. Maunderstand that if there was more tcal there was also more tha/i mcrellectual. Some intelligence, some powthan his own, governed life. This pgave and freely took of life must bhim. This great consciousness, whichim from the recesses of

his inner self, gave himinspiration. It was consol-ing. No longer would manbe Iimited to the earth—the forcé of the universewas in his inner being. Ifhe could only direct thereins, what great wonderscould be accomplished.He could control his en-vironment, master his des-tiny, and no longer needhe be a slave to circum-stances. It was the PO W ER W ITH IN— the bondthat binds man not aloneto the earth but to theuniverse.

C OPYRIG HT. 1949. S U PREME GR AN O LODGE OF A . M. O. R . C . , IN C .