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Yoshi the Wiseman by Abbotts

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Yoshi the Wiseman by Abbotts



    by The Abbotts

    Chapter One

    The ancient, wise man sat cross- legged, in a tiny, barren cave at the

    very, top peak of a distant chain of dark, blue mountains. He was a

    small, thin, brown man with a flowing, white beard and snowy, waist

    length hair. Yoshi was bare chested, wearing only a cream loincloth.

    The only colour on his person, was a dab of violet coloured paint

    over his third eye region, between his snowy brows.

    His age was unknown, although it was rumoured that he was over a

    hundred years old. Many generations of village folk had visited himin his isolated cave, pleading for personal guidance and spiritual

    wisdom. His racial origins were also indeterminate. His wrinkled,

    brown face and dark, brown eyes, could have belonged to the Asian,

    African or European races, or perhaps, more likely a mixture of all.

    He refused to answer questions about himself.

    "My name is now Yoshi," He said with a wide, toothless grin. "Who I

    have been, is not important. I have forgotten my past, which I cannot

    change. I do not dwell on the future, which I cannot make happen. Ilive in the eternal Now, which presents me with all I need!"

    Yoshi was known to communicate with many angelic beings. Often,

    a villager walking towards his cave, would hear him talking and

    laughing with unseen guests. When asked who he was talking to,

    Yoshi would grin slyly and ask the astonished villager, "Did you not

    see my angels leaving? Beautiful golden beings, with glittering

    wings? Did you not hear their bell like voices? Open your inner eyes

    and ears, Dear friend and you will see and hear them too!"

    Yoshi himself, radiated a soft, golden light that filled his small

    cavern. He had no need of candles or lanterns. His extended, glowing

    aura, provided him and his visitors with enough light to see each

    other and to read by. He would accept no financial payment from the

    kind villagers.

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    "What need have I, of money?" He would say with a laugh. But, he

    humbly received gifts of food and books. "To keep the mind and

    body alive!"

    One bright, spring afternoon, three young villagers, two men and one

    woman, sat cross legged in front of him. Dressed in clean,embroidered, colourful clothes and with shining faces and freshly

    combed hair, they had earlier, offered him gifts of fresh fruit and

    bread. He had thanked them and placed the food to one side. He

    glanced smilingly at their curious faces.

    "I am sure, that like many others before you, you have many

    questions that you would like answered."

    The three young people nodded seriously, but seemed reluctant to

    speak. Yoshi inclined his head towards the beautiful, young, ravenhaired woman.

    "Maya, what would you ask of me?"

    "Oh, wise Master," Maya addressed him reverently, " Tell us how

    humankind came to be on Earth!"

    Yoshi closed his large, dark eyes and began to speak in a deep,

    melodious voice that echoed strangely in the small cavern.

    "You ask, where we came from. We came from the stars. As all life

    has come. All intelligent life began long ago in a constellation, as the

    astronomers would call it, named Lyra. Also known as The Harp, by

    the ancient ones. Those beings there, were made of fiery substance,

    but were very like us humans. They sent out their own people to

    colonise other constellations. Often, they would have to change form.

    Become more solid to accommodate the planet that they were now

    living on. They travelled billions of light years over countless

    millenniums, seeding the many distant constellations, such as Orion,

    Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius and many more. Finally, they visited ourown Milky Way Galaxy and seeded many solar systems and planets,

    including our own planet Earth.

    They found the building blocks of life here and many primitive

    animals. They were able from these, to create intelligent men and

    women. These people believed that the Lyrans were Gods and

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    worshipped them as such. Many ancient myths have evolved around

    these and later Lyran visits. The Lyrans realised however, that they

    must leave the inhabitants to their own future development, without

    their interference. And so, they left the planet finally, many hundreds

    of thousands of years ago. Humankind was now on his own!

    "What did these early humans look like?" asked Maya eagerly. "Were

    they like cavemen?"

    "No." replied Yoshi with a smile. "They were very special, ethereal

    beings, who were able to be in both solid human form and a semi

    angelic body. They had human and superhuman abilities. They could

    manifest the things they most needed, food, shelter and amusements.

    They could also transport themselves at will, around their territories.

    With their combined psychic abilities, they could move large,building blocks and construct mighty temples and cities. The Great

    Pyramid at Giza and the Easter Island statues, were built in such a

    fashion. These early humans could easily converse with other

    spiritual beings and could access higher spiritual dimensions. Under

    the Lyrans guidance, they had the opportunity to raise the entire

    population and planet to great spiritual heights."

    "What happened, when the Lyrans left Earth?" Joel, a dark haired,

    impatient, young man with bright, green eyes, enquired avidly.

    "Ah, what happens today, when the police constable is gone away?"

    Yoshi shook his head sadly. " Do not the criminals begin to


    "It was not long, before the early humans began to fight amongst

    themselves and commit many terrible crimes. Murder and violence!

    Their egos came to the fore and in each further generation, they

    began to become more earthy and less ethereal, less angelic! Till here

    we are today, very solidly human. Very egotistical. We have

    forgotten our angelic origins!"

    Maya began to cry and silver tears flowed down her round cheeks.

    "How then can we regain our angelic nature and inheritance?"

    Yoshi patted her gently on the shoulder.

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    "You have begun the journey, dear child. You have enquired, asked

    the right questions and begun to understand. Now, you must become

    aware of why you are here on Earth and begin to change your life, so

    that you strive to become angelic once more and not stay as an earthy


    "Tell me why I am here!" demanded Joel, rocking forward onto his

    knees, aggressively.

    "You have the answer within you, as you have all answers." The

    Master answered mildly.

    " I do not know the answer!" replied Joel sullenly.

    "Do you expect to have the answer to something so important, within

    seconds?" laughed Yoshi. "Like all important answers, it must bestudied upon, examined and scrutinised."

    "I do not have the time for that." complained Joel. "I have studies and

    work to do!"

    "Then you will have wasted another lifetime, with trivialities!"

    replied Yoshi sadly. "The sun will set in under an hour. It is time that

    you three began your journey home. The mountain paths can be

    treacherous at night."

    The three young people stood before him. Raoul who had been silent

    throughout the conversation, bowed to the dark, little man.

    "I wish to learn more of this. May we visit you tomorrow?"

    Yoshi bowed humbly to them all.

    "You are all welcome to return. The choice is yours. But, be aware

    that the knowledge you gain, may change your life, forever.

    Knowledge transforms and cannot always be forgotten!"

    "I shall return with Raoul." Said Maya firmly, with a bright smile.

    But, Joel remained unusually silent, as they left the small cavern and

    wended their way carefully down the mountain track, as the orange

    ball of the sun disappeared behind the snow capped, mountain peaks.

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    Chapter Two

    The next day Maya and Raoul eagerly climbed the narrow, winding

    path to Yoshis cave. The cave was empty and so they followed a

    small path which led to a tiny waterfall and stream, that served as

    Yoshis bathroom and water supply. They found the old man, sittingon a large rock in the middle of the fast flowing stream, dipping his

    ancient, wrinkled, brown feet into the cool, blue waters. He waved

    happily to them as they approached and both greeted him with bows

    and then sat on the bank of the stream, facing him.

    "We have come for more instruction, Holy One." Raoul raised his

    dark head with a wide smile. He was a slim, handsome young man

    with a perpetual curiosity about life. Sitting patiently beside Maya,

    Yoshi noted that they made a strikingly, attractive couple in their

    colourful clothes and vibrant youthfulness.

    "We have brought you sweet, honey cakes," exclaimed Maya, with a

    laugh. "They were made by my mother and they are very good!"

    "A gift given with love, is always acceptable." murmured Yoshi with

    a grin. "Where is your friend Joel, today?"

    Maya looked a little sheepish. "I think that he had studies today and

    was unable to come."

    Yoshi nodded his white maned head.

    "Each must decide what is the most important, the studies of man or

    the studies of God. Joel will have many lifetimes to come to this

    decision and one day, inevitably he will choose the study of God."

    "Is it true then, Yoshi, that we all have many lifetimes on Earth?"

    Raoul enquired eagerly.

    "Yes, the doctrine of reincarnation, birth and rebirth is true. We allhave many lifetimes to perfect ourselves and grow spiritually. We

    cannot expect to learn all lessons in one lifetime. There is too much

    to explore and learn in just 100 years. And so we reincarnate, time

    after time in order to experience as much of Earth life, as we can.

    Each time hopefully, becoming a little wiser and more loving!

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    "Is it true that I would have had lifetimes as a man and Raoul as a

    woman? asked Maya with a cheeky grin.

    Yoshi nodded.

    "Yes, we must all learn what it is like to be man and woman, rich andpoor, powerful and slave. You have both been many races, in many

    different countries. You have experienced pain and suffering, as well

    as joy and good health. Each life different! Each life special and

    unique! Each life providing you with specialised knowledge for your

    souls development."

    "What happens to all the knowledge that we gather?" asked Raoul

    thoughtfully, leaning forward precariously, on the river bank. Maya

    pulled him gently back towards safety.

    "Be careful that you do not fall in!" warned Yoshi. "Ah, the

    knowledge. Yes. It is sent back to the Godhead and back to your

    Higher Self being. From the knowledge you collect, you are expected

    to grow in wisdom and compassion. To understand more fully the

    human condition."

    "Why then, do many people seem so angry and bitter? Have they not

    had many lives?" asked Maya, softly, gazing into the cool, blue water

    before her.

    "They have forgotten all that they have learnt, from earlier lives."

    explained Yoshi with a sad expression on his wise face. We all

    agree to have an amnesiac veil placed over us, when we are born, to

    help us forget our earlier lives and life in the heavenly dimensions.

    This helps us all, to begin each life with a clean slate, anew, afresh.

    Along our lifes path, we are prompted to remember our earlier lives,

    when we have reached a certain point of spiritual discovery. When, in

    other words, we are ready to accept and work with this information.

    Unfortunately, some people never reach that point in their lives and

    therefore never have the opportunity to remember their muchstruggled for and hard- gained, earlier knowledge!"

    "Yes." nodded Raoul thoughtfully. "But, why have we reached that

    point and others never reach it?"

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    "Ah, the others get so caught up in the play of life, that they forget

    that they are angelic beings, sent to gather new information and

    believe instead, that they are just humans with limited powers. With a

    little bit of effort, they could wake up to their true identity, but many

    never do. Spirits, their angelic guides, in particular, try to nudge them

    into remembering, all their lifetime through. But, they stubbornlyresist the nudges and cling onto their earthly beliefs! Fortunately,

    they are granted many incarnations, until one day, the miracle

    happens and they begin to explore their spiritual nature, instead of

    following their earthly passions!

    You two have followed a spiritual path, in many past lives and

    therefore have been more inclined to seek it out, while you are young,

    in this lifetime. I hope that you will continue to do so, for without a

    truly spiritual component to your life, you will only live a half life!"

    "Is it necessary for us to live in a cave, like you and give up a normal,

    earthly life, dear Yoshi?" asked Maya with a worried frown.

    "Do not look so worried!" laughed Yoshi. "I have chosen this life, to

    express my love of God and humanity. I do not ask you to copy me!

    You may choose any lifestyle you wish, to express your spirituality.

    You may be single or married, career minded or housewife, famous

    or humble, the choice is yours. But, it is the intent in your life that is

    important, not so much what you do! By intent, I mean, do you work

    for your own and others spiritual betterment, in close connection

    with God and his messengers, or do you work selfishly for your own

    desire for power and success?"

    "I would like to work as a teacher, to help young children learn,"

    remarked Maya. "But, I also would like to marry one day and have a

    family. If I do this with loving intent, is this what I can achieve?"

    "Yes, this is what I mean." nodded Yoshi. "You do not have to be

    away from the world, like me. You can be part of the world, yet not

    consumed by its negativity and earthiness!"

    "I am training to be a Healer," commented Raoul, gazing at the blue

    coolness of the water. "I would like to heal people, not only

    physically, but heal their spirit as well!"

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    "That is a noble aim and indeed the highest intent!" agreed the old

    master with a nod of his white head. "I pray that you will attain this

    goal and not be distracted by the earthly desires of personal power

    and financial gain!"

    Yoshi gestured to the water that lay between himself and the youngcouple.

    "Gaze into the water and see the image of yourself that you would

    like to become, in ten years time." He instructed in a melodious


    The two young people gazed for several minutes, into the gently

    moving, crystal, clear stream.

    Maya saw herself as a teacher, older and confident, talking to aclassroom of eager, young faces. She was sympathetic to their

    personal problems and spiritual needs. At the end of the day, she

    would return home to her own husband and children, to live a busy,

    but contented family life. She smiled and was well satisfied with

    what the future held for her.

    Raoul saw glimpses, in the clear water, of himself as a great healer,

    who drew many thousands of suffering people to his clinic, for

    healing of both the soul and the body. He was famous, yet did not

    allow his fame to overwhelm him and make him arrogant and selfish.He knew that his spiritual powers were sent by God to him and did

    not originate within him. He was the vesselnot the source. The

    images of the future, made him feel a little afraid. What if he could

    not live up to this high expectation?

    "Is what we have seen, reality? Must it happen?" He asked Yoshi,

    with doubt in his voice.

    "It is one path, that you can take. One reality." explained the wise

    man. "You always have freewill in this life. You can make it happenor dismiss it and go on another direction. It will be interesting to see

    what you decide!

    Yoshi laughed at their solemn faces. "Now it is time to end this

    lesson. I must dry my feet and begin my meditations! Time for you to

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    go home and think about what we have discussed, today. Goodbye

    my young friends!"

    Chapter Three

    A few days later, Yoshi sat quietly meditating in his dimly lit, browncave, when he heard heavy footsteps outside the caves entrance and

    a loud voice called out, "Old Man, are you home?" He recognised the

    brash voice immediately.

    "Come in Joel. I have been expecting you!"

    The dark haired young man entered the cave slowly, with a deep

    scowl on his face.

    "How could you have been expecting me?" He declared in an angryvoice. "I have just this hour decided to walk up the mountain and

    visit you!"

    Yoshi smiled tolerantly and indicated to Joel to sit beside him on a

    small faded mat.

    "My angelic visitors told me that your curiosity would overcome

    your stubbornness and that you would come to see me, once again!"

    The old man answered with a sigh.

    The young man squirmed uncomfortably on the thin mat.

    "I am not stubborn. I just do not believe all that you tell the villagers.

    I have my own ideas and theories."

    "That is good. I encourage all to investigate and follow their own

    heart and mind. I have never wanted followers or blind devotees. If

    the kind villagers come to see me and ask for my advice and that of

    my angelic friends, then I am happy to give it. If they dismiss my

    advice - that is also good."

    Yoshis kind dark eyes looked deeply into the glittering, green eyes

    of the angry, young man.

    "But, do you not say that your path is the only path and only you are

    right?" Joel declared forcefully.

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    "All paths are right. All paths have merit. Some paths are easier to

    follow and lead to contentment, while others are difficult and cause

    pain. I try to show the villagers the contented path, but if they choose

    to follow a harder path which causes them suffering, then that is their

    own freewill decision." Yoshi stated gently.

    "These are only ignorant peasants. They have little schooling. The

    people in the city, where I go to university, would not believe in you

    and your ideas!" Joel retorted sullenly.

    "All people are equal in value - peasant or professor, they are the

    same to me. All want to know the meaning of life and how to

    overcome daily problems. You would be surprised, Joel, just how

    many university professors have come and sat before me, over the

    years and said the same things as you!" Yoshi said with a humble

    smile. "Some have accepted my words and used them wisely. Othershave disregarded them and gone their own way."

    "Does it not annoy you that they ignore your advice?" asked Joel.

    "Would I be annoyed at a small child that did not listen to my advice,

    to not touch a prickly bush?" commented Yoshi. "No! Many

    seemingly adult people are just like defiant children, in their minds.

    They need to feel the sting of the nettle, to learn. Perhaps next time,

    they will remember the pain and not only ask for my angels advice,

    but also take it!"

    He took Joels right hand in his and upturned the palm. "Would you

    like me to tell your future?"

    Joel thought for a moment and then nodded his dark head slowly in


    "I see first of all, that you have a long and clear life line." Yoshi

    pointed to a long crease that ran from between Joels forefinger and


    "You will have a long life and a healthy one." he continued. "Here

    below the thumb is a fleshy raised area. This means that you are a

    sensual person. You will like your wine, women and food!"

    Joel laughed aloud.

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    "You are a critical thinker. See this almost straight line across your

    palm. You will always question things. This is good. You will not

    often be duped by others and you can do quite well, in business. But,

    be careful that you do not become over critical and suspicious of

    people, or you will lose many friendships and become lonely."

    Joel sighed at his words. "This has already happened to me at

    university. Because I question everything, many people avoid me as a

    trouble maker!"

    "Here is your love line." commented Yoshi. "All young people are

    interested in this! I see that it is strong, but broken in several areas.

    You will have several, deep, love affairs. Karmic relationships, no

    doubt. They will teach you much about women and what to look forin a potential wife. Here you marry someone and have a lifelong

    relationship. I feel that if you marry for the right reasons, it will be a

    loving and fulfilling relationship, but if you marry for merely lust and

    financial gain, it will be a long, unhappy marriage!"

    Joel was surprised at the ancient mans palm reading and advice.

    "What are the right reasons, for marrying someone?" He asked with a


    "All people search for the perfect partner. Their own special Twin

    Flame or Soul Mate. This is natural. But, most people are obsessed

    with how their partner will look, rather than how they will act. It is

    said that, "Men see better, than they hear!" which is often very

    correct!" Yoshi laughed aloud. "But remember, all beauty fades.

    Sensuality dies. Money and power can be easily lost. Then you must

    spend fifty years with your wife! How sad if she has no intelligence,

    no compassion, no helpful and encouraging traits!

    Your Twin Flame is there to encourage you to your full potential, as ahuman being. To also encourage the angelic being within you, to

    break free. She loves the real you, not the outside macho image that

    you project to the world. In the same way, you should encourage her

    physical and spiritual growth. Help her achieve her aims in life and

    love and respect her for the person she truly is!"

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    "I see." said Joel, deep in thought," Yes, they are good guidelines for

    choosing a true partner in life. You have helped me Yoshi. I am

    ashamed that I spoke so harshly to you. May I come and see you

    again? Joel looked appealingly at the wise old man.

    "Of course!"Yoshi cried with a big smile. "I will always welcomeyour company and questions. All I ask is, that before you dismiss my

    answers out of hand, that you ponder them for a while. Who knows, I

    may be able to teach you something and perhaps you will also teach

    me something, as well!"

    Yoshi watched the young man wend his way slowly down the

    mountain pass. It had been an interesting exchange of words between

    them. Yoshi felt that he would be seeing a lot more of Joel over the

    next few months. He chuckled to himself as he returned to his small,

    warm cave. "He reminds me very much of myself, at his age! Ithought I knew everything too! Little did I know, how much I had yet

    to learn!"

    Chapter Four

    Maya slowly walked up the mountain path, in the warm summers

    heat. She carried a basket of cakes and fruit for Yoshi, that her

    mother had lovingly prepared. She stopped and turned and looked

    down at the small village below in the green valley. How distant it

    looked, like a childs collection of toy houses with white paintedwalls and red roofs. She could identify her own small house, set in a

    square of jade coloured grass and Raoul and Joels homes, as well.

    The thought of Joel made her feel cross. "How dare he speak of

    Yoshi, so nastily behind his back. Making out that he is an ignorant

    fraud and then have the hypocrisy to go and see him alone and have

    his fortune told!" Maya spoke aloud with an indignant sigh.

    She called out to Yoshi and entered his cave respectfully, laying the

    basket of goodies at his dark tanned feet. Yoshi smiled at her and

    asked her to thank her mother, for her kindness.

    "You look angry today, Maya. What is on your mind?" Yoshi asked

    with a kind look.

    "I am angry with Joel." She replied with a toss of her dark hair. "He

    says one thing and then does the opposite!"

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    The old man laughed tolerantly. "Do not most people do exactly


    Maya looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

    "There is an old saying," said Yoshi " Look at what I do, not at what Isay! Many people spout instructions and wisdom, but, do they

    actually live them? That is the question!"

    "Do you mean, like people who go to church on Sundays, yet are

    selfish, the rest of the week?" asked Maya.

    "Exactly! Or politicians who speak of honour and truth and yet live a

    life of deceit. Look at peoples actions. Do they live what they


    "Do you think, Master, that any one religion is greater than another?"

    asked Maya pensively.

    "No all religions are valid. If each person - Christian, Jew, Hindu,

    Buddhist, Muslim or any other, really lived the doctrine that their

    prophets spoke about, we would have a wonderful world of peace,

    harmony and plenty. But unfortunately, humans pick and choose

    what they want from their respective religions and leave out what

    they find uncomfortable to follow. The man -made elements of the

    religion, become greater than the original words and ideas of theprophet!"

    "I have often wondered, how religions can condone war, especially

    holy wars?" asked the young woman with a frown on her pretty face.

    "Yes, killing and war is an abomination! No true, loving Master has

    ever preached war. God is a God of Love, not anger and spite. God

    does not hate others of different religions or races. This is mankinds

    work, not Gods!"

    "I know of course, about karma. What we reap we sow. Tell me

    Master Yoshi, if a man kills another in war, does he have to repay

    that karma?"

    "Circumstances do not matter. Whether you kill someone in war,

    anger or coldly premeditated - they must all be repaid karmically. It

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    is the "intent" however, that can create no negative karma." Yoshi

    replied seriously. "For instance, if someone you loved was elderly

    and dying of a terrible illness and they begged you to end their

    suffering. And you did so with compassion and the highest intent,

    then perhaps, you would not have to karmically repay that death, in a

    future incarnation. However, it is possible that you would have to paysocietys penalty for killing another and so spend many years in

    prison. Your karma would be immediately paid!"

    "Hmm," murmured Maya thoughtfully, "I often find, when I do

    something bad that very soon life seems to punish me for it. The

    other day I broke a confidence that someone had entrusted me with

    and soon after, I accidentally cut my finger, while peeling fruit. Yet

    one day recently, in the city, I gave a beggar the last of the money in

    my purse and felt great compassion for him. Incredibly, a few

    hundred yards down the street, I found a banknote, for almost the

    same amount, on the footpath! Was I rewarded, almost instantly, for

    my good action, my good karma?"

    "Yes, karma is returned very quickly these days." nodded Yoshi.

    "However, if you had expected a return for your kindness, it probably

    would not have eventuated. The good action must be done with the

    highest intent, not for reward!"

    "When people speak of unconditional love, just what exactly do they

    mean?" Maya asked, her dark eyes sparkling.

    "Ordinarily, people love only those who will return their love. Their

    family or friends. This is conditional love. You are nice to those who

    are nice to you. You expect love back! Unconditional love on the

    other hand, is when you give out love and good action to people who

    you possibly do not even know, and expect no reward of love,

    acknowledgment or appreciation back. You do it out of true


    "Is that like, if you help a bird that is injured, feed it and look after itand yet when you are about to release it into the wild, it bites your

    finger, and you still dont get mad!" asked Maya.

    "Exactly!" laughed Yoshi. "You dont expect gratitude or reward

    from a bird! Why should you expect it from all people!"

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    "Ah," said Maya with a wise smile, "then that is why, you dont get

    angry or hurt, when people like Joel say you are a fake or take

    advantage of you. You work from unconditional love!"

    "Yes!" cried Yoshi with a shout of glee. "You have it! And more

    importantly, you can start to live it too! Give out unconditional love.Have no expectations of reward. Be good, because you want to be


    Maya thanked the old man for his wise words and taking up her

    empty basket, began to walk slowly down the steep, mountain path to

    the small village below.

    "From now on, I will try to do every action with unconditional love."

    she thought to herself with determination. " I will live it, not just talk

    about it!"

    Chapter Five

    Joel sat cross legged in front of Master Yoshi. His green eyes

    glittered in the dimness of the cavern. "Tell me Yoshi is it possible to

    be both wealthy and spiritual?"

    "All things are possible!" laughed Yoshi. "But, how many spiritual

    millionaires do you know?"

    "None." admitted Joel dolefully. "But, why is that?"

    "Everyone must decide their path," explained Yoshi soberly, "some

    choose lives of wealth and power, but usually to get that power and

    wealth, they have to exploit others. They create bad karma for

    themselves, which will have to be repaid if not in this lifetime,

    certainly in the next!

    A spiritual person, on the other hand, lives his life in balance. He

    lives it with unconditional love for others. He does good with his lifeand therefore creates only good karma for himself."

    "But, I would like to do well in life and have a large mansion and lots

    of money for my family!" exclaimed Joel with a frown.

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    "Why do you need a large home, on Earth?" laughed Yoshi. "Earth is

    not your true home. You are just visiting it! Why would you want a

    lowly pig pen, when in Heaven, you have a beautiful palace waiting

    for you! Trying to reproduce what you have on a higher level,

    physically down here on Earth, can not be done. It is a waste of time!

    Better that you build a spiritual life for yourself, work on your soulsdevelopment, than to worry unnecessarily about fortune and fame!

    Believe me Joel, you did not ask to come to Earth to live in luxury,

    you asked to come for a much higher purpose, one that would benefit

    yourself and others spiritually!"

    "But, I dont remember it!" cried Joel angrily.

    "Of course, you must discover it yourself. No one can tell you it. But

    while searching for your reason for incarnating, you must try to do no

    harm to any living thing!"

    "I know that you are a vegetarian." mused the young man aloud," Is

    that because you do not wish to do harm, to any living thing?"

    "Yes, yes! You have it dear friend. How can I harm, let alone eat, my

    friends the birds, who sing so beautifully for me each morning or the

    cow who gives me her blessed milk or butter, or the baby lamb who

    plays so happily in the meadow. These are my friends. I could no

    more eat them, than have broiled Joel for tea!" Yoshi laughed aloud.

    "But, I like my meat.." complained Joel. "I dont want to give it up!"

    "As you become more spiritually enlightened, you will feel a natural

    revulsion to eating meat." explained Yoshi. "It will come along at its

    own pace. One day you will find that you have gradually become a

    vegetarian and that it is no discomfort to you!"

    Joel looked around Yoshis barren cave and at his few belongings.

    "Do you not wish for a comfortable bed and better clothes?"

    Yoshi smiled. "My bed is comfortable and soft. It has molded itself to

    my old bones. My clothes are clean and cover me modestly. I am

    warm in winter and cool in summer, in my little cave. I have a few

    books to read and the kind villagers, give me gifts of food. I have

    good health and a clear mind and conscience. My soul rises to great

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    heights when I meditate and I converse with my angelic friends. I am

    indeed a rich man!"

    "I have never seen an angel. I would like to see one. Can you make

    one appear, Old Man?" asked Joel insolently.

    "If one came now, I would see it because I have trained myself to

    observe higher beings, through meditation and spiritual exercises.

    You would not see it, because you are still too earthy. You still value

    the things of life over the things of the spirit, Joel. Meditate regularly

    for one year and perform the exercises that I give you and you will

    see angels at the end of it!"

    "A year, is too long to practise." sighed Joel, rising to his feet, ready

    to depart. "I have too many other things to do!"

    "Then you will not talk to angels!" Yoshi said with a sad smile. "As

    in all things in life, you get out of it, exactly what you put in!"

    Chapter Six

    Raoul entered Yoshis cave, carrying a box of books and magazines.

    "I hope that you will find these interesting to read, Master." Hebowed respectfully to the ancient, white haired man.

    "It is always interesting to read the thoughts of others and to

    understand just what is going into the Planetary Consciousness."

    Yoshi replied with a smile.

    "What is the Planetary Consciousness?" asked Raoul with wide, dark


    "There is an esoteric,spiritual layer which surrounds the Earth. It islike a repository of all Earth thinking. This is the Planetary

    Consciousness. Have you heard of the Hundredth Monkey principle,


    "Yes, we studied that theory, briefly, in Psychology at University."

    answered Raoul, with a serious look on his attractive, round face. "If

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    I remember rightly, it occurs when One monkey does something new,

    even if it is on an isolated island, soon all monkeys do the same

    action, world-wide!"

    Yoshi nodded in agreement.

    "Yes, this occurs because all monkeys are linked at some level. A

    clan mind, you might call it. Because, they dont allow mental

    restrictions to interfere, as men do, they tap into what we would call

    the monkeys planetary consciousness, learn the new action and

    implement it!"

    "Do humans do the same?" asked Raoul eagerly.

    "We used to, long ago," explained the ancient man, " but, we have

    forgotten how to do it, consciously. Our rational minds get in theway. Now we only access the Planetary Consciousness, in dreams

    and meditations. Yet, it has the effect of gradually changing all

    peoples thinking, over time. That is why peoples thinking of today,

    on certain issues, such as the slaughter of whales, is different to the

    thinking of fifty years ago. A few good people, think of something

    radical and inspiring and over a period of time, others also join in and

    begin believing and acting on the information. But, we are still

    slower at picking up new information, than monkeys!"

    "Is that why many great inventors have discovered a new idea, aftersleeping?" Raoul asked.

    "Yes, or meditating. When the mind is still, the Planetary

    Consciousness has more effect. Albert Einstein discovered his theory

    of Relativity, after a daydream. You can learn to use it yourself

    Raoul, with success." The old man smiled at Raouls eager face.

    "Before you go to sleep at night, ask for a solution to a problem that

    is frustrating you. Ask the Planetary Consciousness to send you the

    answer, in your dreams and for you to remember it, when you wakeup in the morning!"

    "And this works?" asked Raoul excitedly.

    "Oh, yes, it works well!" laughed Yoshi.

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    "I shall try it tonight!" said Raoul determinedly. "Goodbye Yoshi. I

    am off to have a wonderfully revealing dream!"

    He waved farewell to the old man and left the cave quickly.

    "If I am any type of clairvoyant," thought Yoshi amusedly to himself,"I predict that Raoul, will be so eager to dream tonight and so

    overexcited, that he will have trouble falling asleep, if at all!"

    Chapter Seven

    The three young adults laughed and talked together, as they wound

    their way up the steep mountain path towards Yoshis cave. Maya

    noticed that Joel seemed much more relaxed and happier than he had

    previously been. She wondered if the talks he had with Yoshi, the

    wise man had helped to make this change in attitude.

    They found Yoshi walking very slowly, outside his cave, with an

    open eyed but incredibly, peaceful look on his ancient face.

    "What is he doing?" whispered Maya,"Is he sleepwalking?"

    Joel and Raoul shook their heads perplexed.

    "I am doing walking Zen meditation!" Yoshis voice boomed out in

    the silence of the mountain air. He stopped walking and his facebecame animated as usual.

    "How can you be meditating with your eyes open and walking?"

    asked Joel.

    "It is easy!" explained the old man with a grin. "It just takes practise

    and detachment!"

    He took Mayas arm and encouraged her to stand still and erect.

    " Now feel yourself relaxing internally, Maya. Look at one object in

    front of you. Perhaps that white dog-rose on that bush, several yards

    away. Become entirely entranced with that rose. Block everything

    else from your mind. Become the rose! Now begin to very, very

    slowly move towards that rose - only inches per minute. Become

    aware of your bodys slow movements.

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    The rise of your feet, the movement of your arms and legs. Your

    breathing will become slower and slower. As if in slow motion,

    merge towards the rose."

    Very slowly, the other two young men began to copy Yoshi and

    Mayas deliberate movements, concentrating on the rose in front ofthem. It took them over ten minutes, to cover the short distance of a

    few yards, to reach the rose bush.

    "Now, how did that feel?" asked Yoshi with a knowing smile.

    "It was amazing!"

    "Wow, that was really strange!"

    "I felt as though my body was moving in a different dimension!"

    The three young people laughingly described the unique sensation.

    "Now try to do it, without concentrating on anything. Just go within,

    as you walk. Slow down and be super aware. And of course, be

    careful that you dont fall off the cliff!" advised Yoshi.

    He watched them carefully, as they began to walk slowly past his

    cave. After fifteen minutes, he tapped each one gently on their


    "Let us all sit down in the energising sunshine and you can tell me

    what you experienced." He instructed them gently.

    They sat cross legged in front of him.

    Maya began first. "It was so strange. I felt very aware, almost super

    aware, but at the same time, I felt very detached from everything

    around me."

    "I didnt know that you could meditate, but also be so aware," Raoul

    told them with a puzzled look. "But, it felt wonderful! Everything

    seemed so bright, so noisy. I could hear the blood flowing in my

    body and my muscles creak as I moved. Time seemed to slow down!

    Yet, I felt so much at peace within myself!"

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    Joel nodded. "Yes, I felt the same. It was very odd. I seemed to go

    within, yet, everything outside me was magnified, if I wanted to

    observe it. The colours on your skirt pattern, Maya, were very vivid.

    The birds singing, seemed very loud and still, I felt quite detached

    from it all. I felt as if my real being was deep inside me, looking out!"

    "Did you feel a Oneness with everything?" asked Yoshi with a glint

    in his dark eyes.

    "Yes!" cried Joel.

    "Oh, I did!" exclaimed Maya, clapping her hands in delight.

    "So that is what Oneness means!" remarked Raoul with a knowing

    smile. "I was the rose, the birds, the sky and all of you!"

    "You have it!" laughed Yoshi, his shrill laugh echoing over the

    mountain top. "Now all you have to do, is practise it often."

    "You mean that the more often you experience Oneness - the more

    you are One!" joked Maya with a wide smile.

    She gave Yoshi a warm hug and the two young men solemnly bowed

    to him and thanked him respectfully. He watched them file slowly

    down the steep mountain path, unusually silent and all lost in


    "Now that they have finally gone and all is peaceful," Yoshi said with

    a grin, I shall return to my walking meditation!"

    Chapter Eight

    "I would like to learn to astral travel." said Raoul in a timid voice,

    "But I have heard that it can be dangerous. Is this correct?"

    Yoshi smiled serenely back at him.

    Is it not dangerous to walk across a crowded highway? Can a bus not

    run you down? You do not let a small child cross the highway alone,

    but you do let a man walk across it. What is the difference?

    Experience and practise! You learn also to protect yourself. Not to

    walk in front of a fast moving car, in dark clothes, on a foggy night!

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    Astral travelling is the same. If you are taught correctly how to do it

    and how to protect yourself, as you do it, nothing bad will happen to

    you. However, if you do it blindly with no protection, perhaps you

    will experience something scary and negative!"

    "How do these negative things occur? And how can I learn to protectmyself?" asked Raoul with a frown of concentration on his broad,

    attractive face.

    "To travel to higher dimension and to escape the limitations of your

    body, you must travel from the third dimension, through the fourth

    dimension of illusion to higher levels of awareness. On the very

    lowest levels of the fourth dimension, negative astral beings created

    through fear, may attempt to impede your journey. This is why you

    must learn to protect yourself, so that you journey to and from the

    higher levels without their interference." Yoshi smiled reassuringly atthe worried young man.

    "It is easy to learn, only takes a few minutes and will fully protect

    you on your astral trips. Think of the money you will save on airfares

    if you can travel anywhere on the Earth at whim, in your astral


    Raoul smiled at the thought. "I could visit my aunt in Hawaii! Will

    she be able to see me?"

    "Possibly, if she is very psychic. More likely she will think of you,

    when you are around her in astral form. You can influence her

    thoughts a little. Why not ask her to telephone you tonight, for a

    chat!" Yoshi grinned mischievously. "But, do remember, this must

    always be used for good, never use it for greed, lust or malice. If so,

    Spirit may stop your astral travelling privileges and you may open

    yourself to astral attack. Do it with the right motives and protect

    yourself thoroughly and all will be well and very interesting!"

    "I think that I may have astral travelled at night. Ive often felt myselfthud back into my body, just as I wake up in the morning!"

    "Yes, many people feel that." explained the Old man. "You are right,

    you have been astral travelling. Mostly you forget your experiences,

    or remember them vaguely, as dreams. But, you can learn to do this

    consciously, safely and remember what has occurred. Now lie down

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    Raoul. Close your eyes and relax. Ask your Guides to come around

    you and help and protect you. Imagine yourself bathed in a golden

    white auric egg of light. Place a protective symbol within that egg

    with you. Perhaps, a cross, six pointed star or ankh.

    Ask that you travel safely and from the highest intent. Ask that youreflect all negativity and allow only positive experiences and energies

    to come through to you."

    Raoul followed carefully the old mans instructions.

    "Now allow the inner astral body within yourself, to slowly rise up

    from your solid human form. You will feel and see that it is attached

    to you, by an etheric silver chord which can stretch to eternity. Feel

    the astral body gently pop out from your human body. Let it gently

    hover above your human frame. Now, let it slowly rise to the caveceiling above you. Slowly open your eyes and see the cave roof and

    look over and see your solid body lying asleep on the mat on the


    See the golden white aura of protection around you and your angelic

    Guides. Now, think of your aunts home in Hawaii and feel yourself

    swiftly flying to her house. Visit for a while. Try to make contact

    with her."

    Yoshi allowed Raoul ten minutes to experience the astral visit.

    "Now, it is time to come home. Think of my little cave and your solid

    human body and allow yourself to flow gently back into it."

    Raoul lay very still for a minute or two and then opened his eyes


    "That was amazing!" he said with a broad smile. "I actually felt

    myself leave my body and travel to Hawaii. I saw my aunt in her

    house. She couldnt see me, but I saw everything very clearly. I didas you suggested and asked her to ring me tonight. I wonder if she


    Yoshi laughed. "You have done very well for a beginner. Did you see

    any lower astrals?"

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    "I thought I saw an ugly face floating in front of me. I told it to go

    away and asked my Guides to shoo it away and it fled instantly!"

    "Very good!" encouraged Yoshi. "Remember if you are working in

    the Light for the right reasons, your power is always stronger than


    "Can I go anywhere with this? Out of space for instance?" asked


    "Oh yes, anywhere. When you are more spiritually aware, you will

    also be able to travel to higher dimensions of spiritual awareness. Try

    going up to the fifth dimension. You will find it very illuminating!"

    "Thank you for your help and guidance, Yoshi."

    Raoul thanked him with a respectful handshake.

    "You have been a wonderful teacher to me. In a few days, I am off to

    the university in the city, to study. Perhaps, I can astral travel to you

    when I feel like a visit, in the future!"

    Yoshi nodded his white head and smiled his toothless grin. "Ah, yes

    that would be fine! Maybe I will visit you at the university too! We

    could go astral travelling together. Think of the fun we shall have!"

    Chapter Nine

    Maya entered Yoshis cave carrying a bunch of fragrant, mountain

    flowers that she had picked on the way.

    "I hope that you like their beautiful colours, Master." she said with a

    shy smile. "Perhaps, I could make you a lei with them, to hang

    around your neck."

    Yoshi laughed, "Oh, you would make me prettier than I am, wouldyou, Maya! I am an old man now, weathered and lined. I once had a

    strong handsome body, like your own. But, I would not change my

    old body for a young one. I have learned much in my many years and

    I will soon leave this world for a better one. I will then have a lovely,

    angelic body to move around in!"

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    "Are you not afraid of death then, Yoshi?" she asked gently, as she

    began to plait the flowers into a garland.

    "No! My angelic friends remind me constantly that this old Earth is

    just a temporary place to live and a very uncomfortable one at that. I

    do not fear returning to my true home above. I have had manyglimpses of it in my meditations. No pain, no suffering, no wars or

    famine, no fear- just lots of unconditional love!"

    "Do you think then, that suicide is wrong?" asked Maya, her fingers

    busy with the colourful flowers.

    "It is foolish, rather than wrong!" sighed Yoshi. "It is a waste of a

    special opportunity to experience life on Earth. I feel sadness for

    those who choose to end their lives prematurely. Perhaps, they

    reincarnated to do something very special to help the Earth andhumanity, but by ending their life so soon, they miss the chance to

    make a positive difference! I am sure that many of them regret their

    actions sorely, when they pass over into a higher realm. After a time

    of rest and reflection, I am sure that most of them reincarnate again,

    to try to fulfil their original aim, to make a uplifting change to

    humanitys way of living!"

    "You mean that they will have to go through the process of birth and

    childhood, once again and then find themselves, back where they


    "Yes, the Universe will give them endless opportunities to fulfil their


    Maya stopped plaiting the fresh flowers, for a moment.

    "My grandmother died last year, as you know Yoshi. I loved her

    dearly. One day when I was walking past her old house, I saw her,

    very clearly, in the garden. She was wearing her favourite dress, a

    deep blue one and she smiled and waved to me. For a moment, Iforgot that she was dead and I smiled and waved back, as I always

    did, when I saw her in the past. Then she just faded away. Was that

    her ghost, that I saw?"

    "I would prefer to use the term spirit, rather than ghost. But, yes she

    appeared to you, to show you that she is still alive, just in a different

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    dimension. As you become more spiritual, you may often see her

    around you. Youre not afraid of her, are you?"

    "Oh no. I could never be afraid of Grandmother. Maya said with a

    smile. "I felt her love flow towards me, when she appeared in the

    garden. I hope that she will be a special guide to me, throughout mylife."

    She rose and lifted the colourful garland over his white, shaggy hair

    and it lay softly over his dark, thin shoulders.

    Yoshi smiled lovingly at the pretty, young girls dreamy expression.

    "I am sure that your Grandmother will guide you through a long and

    happy life, Maya. You are filled with compassion, unconditional love

    and spiritual purpose. I am proud of you. You are truly making thislife count!"

    Chapter Ten

    Joel walked briskly up the steep mountain track, with a strange light

    heartedness, that he had not felt for many years. Last night, he had

    come to a major decision concerning his life plans, which he wanted

    to share with Yoshi.

    He entered the ancient mans small cave, with a quiet step. One quickglance in the dimly lit cavern and he came to an incredulous stop. He

    saw Master Yoshi sitting cross- legged, talking to two immense,

    golden beings. They shone with a strange, ethereal light and their

    voices tinkled like the sound of harmonious bells.

    They turned towards him as he entered and one spoke softly and

    beckoned warmly to him, "Welcome Joel!" As if in mutual assent,

    they both swiftly faded away and Joel was left staring at Yoshi with

    an incredulous expression on his young, brown face.

    " Who..who.. were they.." he stammered.

    "They are the angelic friends that I have been telling you about, for

    so long. Are they not beautiful? Did you think that I was imagining it

    all, Joel?" Yoshi asked with a sly grin.

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    "They knew my name. How did they know my name?" He asked

    Yoshi in amazement.

    "Oh, they have watched you visiting me, many times." said Yoshi

    with a laugh. "You could have seen them, at any time. But, this time

    you chose to see them. There must be some change in you, that hassparked your third eye sight into operation!"

    "Yes, there is!" exclaimed Joel, his green eyes blazing. "Last night I

    had a very strange dream. I saw myself in the future, with two

    separate lives. I was a wealthy, indulgent millionaire in one. Lonely

    and Godless. In the other I saw myself poorer, but, very contented

    with life. I had a happy family and good friends. I was working to

    help the poor and suffering. I was teaching others about spiritual

    matters. How to find enlightenment and live an unconditionally

    loving life. When I woke up, I came to the realisation that the choiceis mine. I can make the future, any way that I want!"

    Joel looked shamefacedly at the ancient man, watching him so


    "I guess, I also realised just what an egotistical moron, Ive been!

    Ive wanted instant enlightenment and psychic gifts, as if they were

    playthings. Ive looked down upon you and thought myself superior

    to you. Im very sorry and ashamed, Yoshi!"

    Yoshi smiled. "Weve all been young and arrogant, Joel, even I! You

    show great wisdom in realising this fault. It is the start of spiritual

    maturity and self responsibility. Of course, I forgive you! And it is

    because of this, that the angelic ones have shown themselves to you!"

    I have also decided to defer my college course for a year and to

    travel abroad." said Joel with a smile. "I feel that I need to see the

    world and expand my outlook!"

    Yoshi nodded in assent. "Yes, travel is a great mind opener for manyyoung people. It is too easy, to stay in a comfort zone, like your home

    town and never experience other cultures and religions!"

    "I will practise all that you have taught me, on my travels." declared

    Joel vehemently.

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    "I will ask my angelic friends to look after you, on your journey!"

    agreed Yoshi solemnly. "You remind me very much of myself, Joel,

    at your age. Perhaps one day, many years from now, you will take my

    place on top of this mountain and help to spiritually guide the


    "If not me, maybe Raoul or Maya!" Joel declared with a happy laugh.

    Yoshi stepped forward and embraced him, for the first and last time.

    "I send you on your journey with my love and light. Always work

    from the Highest in all your thoughts, words and actions, Joel, and

    life will give you much fulfillment and great joy!"

    Yoshi watched the tall, young man stride off happily down the

    mountain. Joels aura glowed with a strong, blue light of purpose. Hesmiled as he thought of Maya and Raoul, both busy with their

    separate lives, but committed also, to finding spiritual purpose in

    their careers and social lives.

    As the mountain mists began to gently envelope him with their hazy,

    white trails of vapour, Yoshi the ancient wise man, happily surveyed

    his humble domain. With a contented sigh, he entered the warmth of

    his small, brown cave, surrounded in his own pulsing aura of golden

    light. Perhaps, if he sat quietly for a time, in meditation, his golden

    angel friends would return and help him while the hours away..............

    The End