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. Beavers of Alaska are felling telephone poles where the poles stand near the waterways. Several poles have been destroyed in this manner and the linemen protect the remaining, poles by wrapping them with wire to a height of several feet. AT THE CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST Rev. D. L. Hid, Pastor. Sunday Worship.Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:30. Jr. B. Y. P. U5:00 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. E. E. Gillespie. D. D., Pastor. Sunday Services.Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Even- ins: service at 7:30 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST Rev. R. L. Holroyd, Pastor. Sunday Services.Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Rev. T. T. Walsh, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN (Pulpit vacant). Sabbath Services.Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:30. Both services will be conducted by Rev. R. C. Grier, D. D. CHARLOTTE STREET BAPTIST. (Pulpit yacant). Sunday Services.Sunday school at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6:00 p. m. Special polices. At New Zion. Preaching at Jlew Zion Sunday 11:00 a. m." F. G. Whltlock, Pastor. At Ramah. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. Dulin. Union and Clover. Clover.Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Union.Sunday school at 3:00 p. rh. Preaching at 3:30 p. m. X. A. Hemrick, Pastor. Clover Circuit. King's Mountain Chapel.Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. St. Paul.Preachipg at 3:00 p. m. Clover .Preaching ait 7:30 p. m. S. H. Booth, Pastor. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses shown us during the illness and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Sue Hambright. We especially appreciate the kind attentions of our faithful pastor and doctor. It The Children. ANOTHER YORK CASE. It Proves That There's a Way Out for v Many Suffering York Folks. Just another report of a case In York. A typical case. Kidney ailments relieved in York with Doan's Kidney Pills. J. Y. Lucas, carpenter, Mam St., says: "The effects of a cold settling on my kidneys and also occasionally straining my back at carpentering, caused my kidney trouble. The worst complaint was a constant ache across my back and the pains were more severe when I sat dflhvn for a while. I didn't rest well at night and got up mornings tired out and stiff. Sometimes when I stooped, sharp catches caught me in the center of my back and took my strength. My kidneys acted irregularly, and I had to get up several times at night on that account. I got two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills from Shieder's Drug Store and they cured me." GONE FOR GOOD. Four years later, Mr. Lucas said: "It gives me pleasure to again recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's cured me and I confirm my former statement." GOe. at all druggists. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. HYMENEAL MARRIED.At Bethel church, Sunday afternoon, December 24, Rev. G. W. Nickell officiating. Miss LONIA HAWKINS of Gastonia, and Mr. JOSEPH STAN WOOD HOKE of Bethel. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hawkins of Gastonia, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoke of Bethel. At the Methodist parsonage, Yorkville, Wednesday evening. December 27, Miss RUTH DICKSON and Mr. JACK '"t'tiaTT 1J I Unlrnvri nflctnr of Trinity Methodist church, officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dickson of Yorkville, while the grooin is tlie son of Mr. A. J. Parrott of Yorkville. Tuesday afternoon, December 19, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Fewell, in the BethShiloh section, Mr. S. CHAMBERS and Miss MARY FEWELL, Rev. J. C. Bailey officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers are making their home with the groom's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. D. W. Chambers. Tuesday afternoon, December 26, at the lioine of the bride's parents in Bethel township, Mr. F. M. DAVIS and Miss MARY GLKNNVRev. G. W. Nickell officiating. At the home of the bride's father. Mr. W. A. Carroll, in me coiion jsen section, Monday afternoon, December 25. Miss MARY CARROLL and Mr. T. E. MILLER, of Clark's Hill. Edgefield county, Rev. Carl McCully officiating. Sunday afternoon, December 24, at the Baptist parsonage in Yorkville, Rev. D. L. Hill officiating, Miss ANNIE RAY and Mr. EDISON WALLACE. T7h> groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wallace of Yorkville. Ilis bride has for some time past been manager for the Western Union Telegraph company in Yorkville. December 26. at the Baptist parsonage in Rock Hill, Rev. Dr. Alexander officiating:, Mr. J. L. BRANCH and Mrs. JOHN'SIE GARDNER of Rock Hill. The groom is of the East View section, while his bride is the daughter of Mr. G. J. Allen of Roek Hill No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Branch will make their home in Ruck Hill. Thursday. December 21, In Danville, Va.. Miss EDNA GERTRUDE HENRY and Mr. HUBERT P. DUNLAP. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. J Henry of the Bowling Green seclion, while the groom is a well known young farmer of the Philadelphia section. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap returned from Danville on Saturday. They are making: their home with the groom's ^ mother on York No. 3. J At the home of the bride's brother, ! Mr. J. Q. Wray, in Yorkvtlle, yesterday « afternoon, Miss SALL1E WRAY and *j Mr. JOHN WELLS, Rev E. E. Gillespie, D. D. officiating. The groom is a .] former resident of Shelby, N. C., but for some time past has been a resident *j of Columbia. The bride has for some *J time past been a sales lady in the em- J ploy of the Kirkpatrick-Belk company in Yorkville. As soon as their resi- « dcnce is completed, Mr. and Mrs. Wells *j will make their home in Shelby. *l At the A. R. P. parsonage at Sharon, ! yesterday afternoon, Rev. E. B. Hun- * ter officiating, Miss NEVA HEMP- *: HILL of Medina, Tenn., and Mr. A. J. «1 SMITH of Hickory Grove. The cere- «jj niony was witnessed by a few close relatives and friends of the contracting *j parties. The bride has been teaching ) in the public schools of York county for several years and at present is a mem- «j ber of the faculty of the Hickory Grove ! school. The groom is a well known *j young business man of Hickory Grove. ,j OBITUARY. | DIED.In Gastonia, on Wednesday ! morning of injuries received near "j Yorkville two weeks ago, Mr. SQUIRE *j TATLOCK, aged 60 years. Hones of *1 the neck were broken and internal in- J Juries were suffered by Mr. Tatlock ! when the automobile driven by his son, Mr. Robert Tatlock, went over an embankment while the two were coming .3 to Yorkville from Rock Hill. The interment was in the cemetery in Gas- ] tonia, yesterday, following funeral ser- *5 vices conducted at St. Mark's Episco- *i pal church in Gastonia. Mr. Tatlock .1 was born in Manchester, England, July J 12, 1862. For twenty-seven years he *, served as a sergeant-major in the Brit- \ ish army with the Royal Garrison Ar- 1 tillery. He was decorated, with Queen Victoria's medal by the late Field Mar- . shal Lord Roberts for distinguished service. Leaving the army th'- deceased headed a spindle and flyer manufacturing firm in England. He moved to America with his family in 1910, first living in Greenville. In 1913 they mov- ed to Gastonia. Mr. Tatlock had supervised repair work in numerous cotton mills over the south. He is survived by his widow and two children, Mr. Robert Tatlock of Gastonia, and Mrs. William W. New of Raleigh, N. C. Wednesday, at his home on York No. 5, following a long period of ill health, Mr. WILLIAM NEWTON NEIL, In the 72nd year of his age. Interment was in Beersheba cemetery yesterday after- noon, follnwinir funeral services con- ducted by Rev. Carl McCuily. The de- , ceased was born March 27, 1850. He i is survived by his widow, Mrs. Laura Stephenson Neil, to whom he had been married about fifty-two. years. The following children also survive: Messrs. W. J., J. R. and S. P. Neil, Yorkville; Mrs. E. B. Price, Clover; Mrs. G. G. Price, Spartanburg; Mrs. W. P. Brown, Misses Corrie and Annie Neil, Yorkville. December 26, at her homo at Smyrna, of pneumonia, Mrs. SUE HAMBR1GHT, widow of the late Dr. John P. Ham- bright. Interment was in the cemetery at Smyrna on December 27, the annl- versary of her 72nd birthday, funeral services being conducted by her pastor, Rev. B. G. Pressly. The deceased is survived by three sons and one daughter, as follows: Messrs. R. M., T. B., and W. H. Hambright and Mrs. W. W. , Whitesides. Three brothers, Messrs. W. H., C. M. and D. A. Whisonant and " two sisters, Mesdames J. H. Whiso- i nant and Agnes Rhames, also survive. At his home in Blacksburg on De- cember 23, JOHN S. MINTZ, in the 81st year of his age. The interment j was at Buffalo church last Sunday, aft- er funeral services by Rev. J. B. Bozeman. The deceased leaves a widow, who was his second wife, and the following children: A. G. Mintz and Mrs. Grace Lavender Porter, and an adoptee daughter. He is also survived by two brothers, Joseph and Edv/ard Mintz and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Gaston and Mrs. D. I). Gaston. At his home in Muldrow, Okla., De- cemner is, Mr. jam tits TMUMrswH, a native of York county, aged 87 years. When quite a young man the deceased left York county, going to Oklahoma, where he lived until his death. He is survived by several children. A brother, Mr. T. Jason Thompson of York- ville, also survives. . COTTON MARKKT Friday, December 29, 1922. Cotton Seed Sharon 26 75 Clover 26 70 ] York ville 26J 75 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS* For Sale.Thirty-two shoats. Good for pork. Priced at from $5 to $10. I. H. and J. ii. McGill, Hickory Grove, No. 2. , 102 3t Strayed or Stolen.Small white dog, with few black spots; part .beagle, carries curly tail. Last seen Dec. 17. c>. v. jau;uiim, V/iuvcr, it i Strayed.Jersey bull. Weighs about 350. Last seen on old Feemster ] place about six weeks ago. lnforma- < tion appreciated. B. B. Ferguson, i Sharon. 103 3t 1 Farm for Rent.To farmer with stock, i Brown place, 150 acres, adjoining £ Willis' place near Newport. Fine I bottoms. Address Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson, Castonia, N. C. 103 3t 1 : ] For Sale.25 high grade Poland-China s pigs at $5 each, and 50 shoats at 10c i pound gross. At my Buy Flat Stock ( Farm, at any time after January 1. K. C. Guy, R. F. D. 4, Chester, S. C. 104 4t* For Sale.Nice home on Church street, Clover. Good lot, good seven-room house, good garage and woodshed, in a good neighborhood. A bargain. : See me at once. Jas. A. Barrett, Clover, S. C. 103 tf ' I Wanted.Man to sneered J. H. Clark. Retailing Rawleigh Good Health Food Products: Spices, Flavors, Medicines, Toilet preparations, etc. 150 everyday necessities used by millions. Largest company; established t 34 years. Favorably Known au over America. No experience, practically . no capital needed. We teach you to manage your own permanent big paying business. $2,000-$5,000 year- 1 ly. Write for application. Give age, 1 occupation, references. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. 1074, Memphis, Tenn. » 102 2t For Rent.Two offices up-stairs in the * Wilson Iluilding. Apply to Thos. F. x McDow, Attorney. 9S tf ? For Sale.Pure-bred Guernsey heifer,]1 21 months old, to come fresh in Feb- j1 ruary. Will sell for cash or will ex- change for good milk cow. P. D. x Hopper, Clover, S. C. 99 4t t For Sale.Pure bred Poland China shoats. John Q. Hall, York No. 1. tit* 97 ! WE PAUSE AT THE I TO MAKE OUR BEST ] ciation for the liberal pa tabliskinent during the y< the pathway of history, ery one of our customers or little, with which the; also to extend our best wi ; the young JS ew i ear wh ; the pages of history at 12 ! We hope that your hie ' pressed down and runnii ' year. » We are confidently lo | perous year and a year c ; trons. If you arc not aire store we hope that our 19 to make you a patron an which is being conducte( its patrons in a most acc \ particular. May your vi: I* itable and pleasant to yoi I "IRKPATRI ror Sale.One 1 1-2-ton truck and one of the best runs in the county. Will offer a bargain to any one interested. Apply lo ' Truck," care of Yorkvllle Enquirer. 99 4t Agents.Make $10.00 daily selling our line of Food Products to homes, sub-agents and stores. Opportunity to establish a permanent repeat order business. Life-time opportunity. Address P. O. Box 212, Great Falls, S. C. 98 4t TRESPASS NOTICE. A LL persons, without regard to color, are hereby warned not to hunt, fish, cut timber or otherwise trespass an lands owned or controlled by the undersigned, under the full penalties of the law as provided in such cases. G. W. KNOX. J. CLYDE BOYD, Clover, S. C., Dec. 8, 1922. 98 2t TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. A LL persons indebted to the estate of " A. J. QUINN, deceased, are herd- Dy nounea to mane paymeni iu me undersigned at once, and persons having claims against said, estate are hereby advised to present the same to me, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. F. E. QUINN, Administrator, Estate A. J. Quinn, Deceased. 102 f 2t FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. I^OTICE is hereby ijiven that on Tuesday, January 30, at 10 o'clock a m., I will make a Final Settlement with the Probate Court of York county as Administrator of the estate of W. A. BARRETT, deceased, and that I will then and there ask for try discharge from any further liability in connection with said estate. JAMES A. BARRETT, Admr. Estate W. A. Barrett, Deceased. 10. f 5t THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of York. IN THE PROBATE COURT. By J. L. Houston, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. UfHEREAS S. C. CLINTON has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights arid, credits of ROBERT L. CLINTON, late of the County aforesaid, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said County, to be holden at York Court House on the 12th day of January, 1923, to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should net be granted. 3iven under my Hand and Heal, thi22nd day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two and in the 147th year of American Independence. J. L. HOUSTON, Probate Judge of York County. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of York. IN THE PROBATE COURT By J. L. Houston, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. Uf HEREAS WESLEY D. HUFFSTETLER has applied, to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights md credits of II. D. HUFFSTETLER, ate of the County aforesaid, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ind creditors of the said deceased, to je and appear Derore me at our next Probate Court for the said County, to :>e holclen at York Court House on the I ITU DAY OF JANUARY. 1923, to ?hew cause, if any, why the said Adninistration should not be granted, liven under my Hand and Seal, this 19th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two and in the 147th year of the American Independence. i J. L. HOUSTON, Probate Judge of York County. FHESTAR THEATRE TODAY HARRY T. MOREY. In "The Flaming Clue." A Vitatraph Special. SATURDADY SHARLES HUTCHISON. In "THE SPEED." Episode No. 5. \lso a good Comedy and a Western Drama. MONDAY 'BEYOND THE RAINBOW". With an All Star Cast. A young ralid brother. Fate takes her to a rereption of notables of a bi^ city. She s attracted to a man who is accused >f shooting a guest during the festiviies. The mystery is finally cleared up rhen one of the other guests confesses. TUESDAY \ GOOD UNIVERSAL FEATURE. Come. You will enjoy it. J. Q. WRAY, Manager > 4 JACK DOOR OF 1922 30 W of thanks in appretrcnage given to this esiar that is shuffling down We thank each and ev; for any business, much y favored this store and shes to you and yours for ich will be heralded into ! o'clock Sunday night. sssings will be heaped up, lg over during all of the oking forward to a pros>f real service to our paq iint rnn nf this P"nod 'UVi^r M. v** va. Q"" 23 service will be such as d a booster of this store, 1 with a view to serving eptable manner in every sits to this store be.profi at all times is our wish. CK-BELK CO. 7EWYEAK-S GREETING TO THOSE CUSTOMERS and Frien who during the year have accorded most liberal patronage, we Extend t Greetings of the Season. WE WISH ONE AND ALL A MO! PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. DURING 1923 We hope to be in better position thi ever before to give you the BEST Heavy and Fancy Groceries at pric that are most reasonable. CASH & CARRY STOR WYCH ELDER, Proprietor YORK, - - 3. CI WE CERTAINLY D( THANK OUR PATRONS for the ni business given us during 1922, and e tend our best wishes and most cord greetings for the New Year that is Ji around the corner. EVERY DAY during the New Ye we expect to be right on the job reai to serve you in every way that a Fit Class Drug Store can serve you. We will continue to keep up with t procession at all times and when y have a want that you would natural expect to find at a Drug Store you w find it at this Drug Store.just as y have been doing in the past. We thank you one and all and wi you everything that is good in 1923. CLOVER DRUG STOR THE OLD RELIABLE DRUG STOI R. L. Wylie, Prop. Phone No CLOVER, - - 8. C. MAKE UP YOUR MIN To Trade at PARROTT'S During the Year 1923. You'll Save Money on CLOTHING SHIRTS SOCKS HATS / And Other MercKandis D. M. PARROH Clover's Leading Dry Goo( Store CLOVER, S. C. MIRACULOUS. Dr. J. R. HENDERSON, Charlotte, C., Says: "The PINKSULES' cured my cold more like a miracle than a medicine. 1 had tried a dozen remedies to no avail, before 1 got the PINKSULES.' Just six doses cured me. "You have discovered a wonderf remedy." AT YOUR DRUGGISTS, OR AN1 WHERE.25 CTS. a Box. YORK DRUG STORE WEDDING GIFTS NEW YEAR GIH , At the Store of SPECK, THE JEWELEI THOS. W. SPECK i I . feviW 1 I ' | £ i * rv i inc YEAR WITH OUR j PAINT.And keep the building in- 3 y side and out fresh-looking with our 2 £ Paint all through the year. It pays to 5 X do that. Our Paint costs little to buy 2 in the first place and little to apply. It S y saves its cost many times over* W. L. WALLACE X Office In 8h«rer Building, Opposite 2 X Sherer & Quinn's 8tore. 2 I WE THANK VOU { Y wp a dp vnrrvn vpt »nh nerhans 2 haven't the right to expect a tremend- E Y ous business during the few short £ X months that this Drug Store has been 2 A open te the public. BUT.we are tre- E X mendously proud of the encourage- 2 { ment meted out to us and appreciative E Y of our growing business. To be sure Z X we thank YOU one and all. BESIDES extending our best wishes 2 Y to you and yours for a New Year of S X Prosperity and Happiness, we extend 2 X an invitation to one and all to give us E X a part of your Drug Store patronage. "J > Besidei being prepared to supply all ^ your needs in Drugs and Medicines and . Pres:ription work, we are also ready Sto supply you with Cigars, Cigarettes, . Tobaccos, Toilet Articles, Candies, Fine ^ Stationery, Soft Drinks, etc., and we WANT YOUR BUSINESS. i3 MACKORELL DRUG CO. 1 u8 H. R. MACKORELL, Proprietor J j,e Near the Court House 1922-1923 AS WE REACH THE END OF 1922 we extend our thanks to customers and ^ in friends for the fine patronage given to in our store during 1922, and assure you es of our appreciation, and as we stand on the threshold of a New Year.1923 .we assuro you that every day will find is doing our levelest best to give the kind of satisfactory service that has been characteristic of SHERER & QUINN'S in the past. TO ALL we extend our best wishes ^ 1 for a New Year of Happiness, Prosper- I Ity and Good, Health, and solicit a portion of your business during the New ce Year. 1923. . iai SHERER & QUINN ISt s YORK CANDY KITCHEN; IS ABOUT TO START THE NEW , lly YEAR BETTER PREPARED ou THAN EVER TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS IN FINE sh CANDIES AND FRUITS. 17 £ Our Restaurant Service IE . 2 GETS BETTER EVERY DAY. QUALITY FOODS AT THE MOST ' REASONABLE PRICES. DY0itK CANDY KITCHEN, Peter Colgin, Prop. i Pencil Carbon in large sheets at Ths ] Enquirer Office. 10 Cents. 1 RESOLVE i >e TO TRADE AT FORD'S. Is THE QUALITY FURNITURE STORE, \ DURING 1923. | s N. M. L. FORD & SONS i FINE FURNITURE. LICENSED UNDERTAKERS AND u EMBALMERS CLOVER, - - - S. C. I I HISTORY NOW j IS WRITING "FINIS" to the year ] 11 1922. Ft will not be so bad. It could |< easily have been worse to all of us. It luis been very good to us, and we hope J / it has been good to you and yours. J WE THANK YOU one and all for the j patronage given us during 1922, and , with a promise to do our best to give | 1 you better service, if possible, than we ( have in the past, we solicit a continu- anee of your business during the New Year.1923. J IF YOU EXPECT to Paint this next J year, come and let us do some figuring with you before you buy your Paints, i Oils, Turpentine, Etc. < WE THANK YOU. ( C PFOPI FQ FURNITURE j ujiLUrLLttJ COMPANY jj NOTICE fMiE regular annual meeting of the ( Stockholders of the Peoples Bank < & Trust Co., of York. S. C., for the j election of Directors and for the trans- J action of any other business which ( > may properly oome before said meet- | v ing will be.held on January 16th, 1923 ' at 11 o'clock, in the Directors Room of the Peoples Hank & Trust Co. I C. W. McGEE. , » 100 Jan 12 Cashier. < Pencil Carbon in large sheets at The J Enquirer Office. 10 Cents. t d Illllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllitllllllllllllllllll A Better St< IF IT WERE POSSE to personally thank every ed, who has been a patrol Goods Company during tl impossible we here and no -and all our most sincere age, whether that patrona tie. We appreciate the trj we appreciate the busine* it is your good will that purchases. Without your it better to close up. To b for the coming year we v j tilings that you could po: | iness, good crops, good he , A STRICTLY 01 j And just here we want t< j this is a Strictly Cash Sto ! Credit business. We cam I fair to YOU and to Our j that when you buy here f j full 100 cents in value foi i at this store. We thank y | McC0NNELL DRY iiiiiiimiiiiiiimiimmiiiifimiimmiiiimi You Make Mo Mistake BY BUYING JEWELRY AT THIS UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY STORE DURING THE COMING YEAR. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. JOYE JEWELRY CO THE HALLMARK JEWELRS ROCK HILL, - 3. C. You Couldn't Do\ BETTER THING AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW YEAR THAN TO RESOLVE TO TRADE AT BRIAN'S. WE KEEP THE BEST N GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOV3LTIES, CANDIES, FRUITS, ETC. We Thank the Good People of York County for Their Liberal Christmas Patronage. J. M. BRIAN COMPANY YORK, .. - S. C. On East Liberty Street. GOOD-BYE AND HOWDY DO? TO THE YEAR 1922 we say good>ye. We haven't any complaint to of'er for its treatment of us and but few egrets at its going. We are looking 'orward to better things and say to the tfew Year, soon a-coming, "Howdy Do?" We are glad to welcome you and lope that during its 365 days we will near more optimism and less of pessimism. But last year was a good rear.It could have been much worse. L*t us all try to make 1923 the BEST :ver. Let's go. To Customers and Friends, Competiors and everybody we extend our best vishes for a Happy and Prosperous s'ew Year, and solicit a continuance of rour patronage. I'll continue to serve 'ou to the best of my ability. W. E. FERGUSON NOTICE TO TRESPAbbERb A LL persons, without regard to color, are hereby warned not to hunt, Ish, cut timber, cut holly trees, ride >r drive on lands owned or controlled >y the undersigned, under the full >enalties of the law as provided in uch cuses. J. W. BANKHEAD, 0 2t Lowryville, S. C. We Have Nc 1922 lias been a good) sibly have given us more 1 have given us much less ' a* ±1 | been quite sausiaciory, u ! customers and friends sea | county of York. To cad ! very appreciative for yoi will and we trust that you | and our goods so satisfa* ! dently expect a continual ! WE ARE LOOK] | To a busier and better y( ! pecting the New Year to 1 part of the world and tlia ! prosperity. That is certai lief. So mote it be. Incidentally, we want will be our pleasure to coi of the many ways that we York Furnitu % IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIlfl >re In 1923 I BLE, \vc should be glad person, white and colorn of the McConnell Diy le year 1922. As this, is w want to express to one thanks fpr your patron:ge has been much or lit- m ide of the small buyer as 9 ss of the bigger buyer. H counts as much as your 21 good will we would find >e sure we thank yoiband 9 *ish for you all the good ssibly desire.good bus- I jalth, peace and pleifty. 1 \SH BUSINESS z emphasize again,'That M re. We do not watft any 9 lot take care of it and be 9 selves. But be assured I or CASH you will get a J 9 r every dollar you spend v I nil GOODS COMPANY I Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiniiiiiiiiliiiiiliiina IN 1923 I NIVEN8 BROTHERS WILL EE INI BETTER POSITION THAN EVER I TO GIVE THEIR CUSTOM- ERS PROMPT SERVICE AND THE BEST 4N J1EAVY AND® FANCY GROCERIES ANDXOUN-1 TRY PRODUCE AT THEIR TWO STORES. , NIVENS BROS I Near Hawthorn Mill B. R. NIVEN8, Manager CLOVER, S. 0. I YORK, S. 0. On Charlotte Street B. M. NIVENS, Manager ;P a n* ir n A 1 1 A Big I ear ror tolas A SEASON JUST STARTED. J PROMPT ACTION against Colds | means fullest prevention methods against the return of influenza I falling a victim to the grippe. ,i2| OUR COLD REMEDY TAKEN at the first sneezo wlfl I break up a cold in a very shor^ time. Try it. ; IDE CITY PHARMACY The Rexall Store, CLOVER, - S. C. AFTER THIS DATE. ltfY shop will closed Tuesdays^' ^ A Thursdays and Saturdays. ' W. R. BELL, 101 2t McConnellsville. rM^ir>s<»fM<if>s>r»rKS'Or IJSgggl ^ BATTERY PRICE* ? All Battery manufacturers have Y h advanced prices, but we protect- 7 « ed you by buying on the old £ I 7 price. We have them in stock, 0 * and a> long as they are here, Y A these are the prices: Ford size 118.00 C , y Buick size ..._. $20.00 Z Dodge size ~ .$24.00 V A All are full size, -.u 1... . mnri A 2 "Ajyp" canaries sum uj mw.. y we stand behind anything X sell. V i W.W.BARRON i V ' YORK, 8. C. ) Complaints ear to us. It might pos- .; k ' surely could . But our business has,. ' lanks to our hundreds of ttered all over this great li of our patrons we are (i lr favors and Vv ar good J J i have found our dealings ctory that we can confi- ice oi your favors. [NG FORWARD jar in 1923. We are ex- j! )e especially kind to this t we will all enjoy a fine j! inly our hope and our be- i vou to remember that it J; ltinue to serve you in all j can. Call on us. re Company j;j <

Yorkville enquirer (Yorkville, S.C.).(Yorkville, S.C ...Beavers of Alaska are felling telephone poles where the poles stand near the waterways. Several poles have been destroyed in

Mar 22, 2020



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Page 1: Yorkville enquirer (Yorkville, S.C.).(Yorkville, S.C ...Beavers of Alaska are felling telephone poles where the poles stand near the waterways. Several poles have been destroyed in

. Beavers of Alaska are felling telephonepoles where the poles standnear the waterways. Several poleshave been destroyed in this manner

and the linemen protect the remaining,poles by wrapping them with wire to

a height of several feet.


Rev. D. L. Hid, Pastor.Sunday Worship.Sunday school at

10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Eveningservice at 7:30. Jr. B. Y. P. U5:00p. m.

FIRST PRESBYTERIANRev. E. E. Gillespie. D. D., Pastor.Sunday Services.Sunday school at

10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Even-ins: service at 7:30 o'clock.

TRINITY METHODISTRev. R. L. Holroyd, Pastor.

Sunday Services.Sunday school at10 o'clock. Morning service at 11o'clock. Evening service at 7:30.


Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morningservice at 11 o'clock.


Sabbath Services.Sabbath school at10:00 a. m. Morning service at 11.Evening service at 7:30. Both serviceswill be conducted by Rev. R. C. Grier,D. D.


Sunday Services.Sunday school at10 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6:00 p. m.

Special polices.At New Zion.

Preaching at Jlew Zion Sunday 11:00a. m." F. G. Whltlock, Pastor.

At Ramah.Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching

at 3 o'clock p. m.E. H. Dulin.

Union and Clover.Clover.Sunday school at 10 a. m.

Preaching at 11. Union.Sundayschool at 3:00 p. rh. Preaching at3:30 p. m. X. A. Hemrick, Pastor.

Clover Circuit.King's Mountain Chapel.Sunday

school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. St.Paul.Preachipg at 3:00 p. m. Clover.Preaching ait 7:30 p. m.

S. H. Booth, Pastor.

Card of Thanks.We wish to express our sincere

thanks to our neighbors and friends fortheir many kindnesses shown us duringthe illness and death of our belovedmother, Mrs. Sue Hambright. We especiallyappreciate the kind attentionsof our faithful pastor and doctor.

It The Children.


It Proves That There's a Way Out for

v Many Suffering York Folks.Just another report of a case In

York. A typical case. Kidney ailmentsrelieved in York with Doan'sKidney Pills.

J. Y. Lucas, carpenter, Mam St.,says: "The effects of a cold settlingon my kidneys and also occasionallystraining my back at carpentering,caused my kidney trouble. The worstcomplaint was a constant ache acrossmy back and the pains were more severewhen I sat dflhvn for a while. Ididn't rest well at night and got upmornings tired out and stiff. Sometimeswhen I stooped, sharp catchescaught me in the center of my backand took my strength. My kidneysacted irregularly, and I had to get upseveral times at night on that account.I got two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pillsfrom Shieder's Drug Store and theycured me."

GONE FOR GOOD.Four years later, Mr. Lucas said: "It

gives me pleasure to again recommendDoan's Kidney Pills. Doan's cured me

and I confirm my former statement."GOe. at all druggists. Foster-Milburn

Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.

HYMENEALMARRIED.At Bethel church, Sundayafternoon, December 24, Rev. G. W.

Nickell officiating. Miss LONIA HAWKINSof Gastonia, and Mr. JOSEPHSTANWOOD HOKE of Bethel. Thebride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs.Frank Hawkins of Gastonia, while thegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. HenryHoke of Bethel.At the Methodist parsonage, Yorkville,Wednesday evening. December 27,

Miss RUTH DICKSON and Mr. JACK'"t'tiaTT 1J I Unlrnvri nflctnr

of Trinity Methodist church, officiating.The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Charlie Dickson of Yorkville,while the grooin is tlie son of Mr. A. J.Parrott of Yorkville.Tuesday afternoon, December 19, at

the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs. J. Ed Fewell, in the BethShilohsection, Mr. S. CHAMBERS andMiss MARY FEWELL, Rev. J. C. Baileyofficiating. Mr. and Mrs. Chambersare making their home with thegroom's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. D. W.Chambers.Tuesday afternoon, December 26, at

the lioine of the bride's parents inBethel township, Mr. F. M. DAVIS andMiss MARY GLKNNVRev. G. W. Nickellofficiating.At the home of the bride's father.

Mr. W. A. Carroll, in me coiion jsen

section, Monday afternoon, December25. Miss MARY CARROLL and Mr. T.E. MILLER, of Clark's Hill. Edgefieldcounty, Rev. Carl McCully officiating.Sunday afternoon, December 24, at

the Baptist parsonage in Yorkville,Rev. D. L. Hill officiating, Miss ANNIERAY and Mr. EDISON WALLACE.T7h> groom is the eldest son of Mr. andMrs. J. C. Wallace of Yorkville. Ilisbride has for some time past beenmanager for the Western Union Telegraphcompany in Yorkville.December 26. at the Baptist parsonagein Rock Hill, Rev. Dr. Alexander

officiating:, Mr. J. L. BRANCH andMrs. JOHN'SIE GARDNER of RockHill. The groom is of the East Viewsection, while his bride is the daughterof Mr. G. J. Allen of Roek Hill No.1. Mr. and Mrs. Branch will maketheir home in Ruck Hill.

Thursday. December 21, In Danville,Va.. Miss EDNA GERTRUDE HENRYand Mr. HUBERT P. DUNLAP. Thebride is the daughter of Mr. and MrsJ. J Henry of the Bowling Green seclion,while the groom is a well knownyoung farmer of the Philadelphia section.Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap returnedfrom Danville on Saturday. They are

making: their home with the groom's ^mother on York No. 3. JAt the home of the bride's brother, !

Mr. J. Q. Wray, in Yorkvtlle, yesterday «

afternoon, Miss SALL1E WRAY and *jMr. JOHN WELLS, Rev E. E. Gillespie,D. D. officiating. The groom is a .]former resident of Shelby, N. C., butfor some time past has been a resident *jof Columbia. The bride has for some *Jtime past been a sales lady in the em- Jploy of the Kirkpatrick-Belk companyin Yorkville. As soon as their resi- «

dcnce is completed, Mr. and Mrs. Wells *jwill make their home in Shelby. *lAt the A. R. P. parsonage at Sharon, !

yesterday afternoon, Rev. E. B. Hun- *

ter officiating, Miss NEVA HEMP- *:HILL of Medina, Tenn., and Mr. A. J. «1SMITH of Hickory Grove. The cere- «jjniony was witnessed by a few closerelatives and friends of the contracting *jparties. The bride has been teaching )in the public schools of York county forseveral years and at present is a mem- «jber of the faculty of the Hickory Grove !school. The groom is a well known *jyoung business man of Hickory Grove. ,j

OBITUARY. |DIED.In Gastonia, on Wednesday !

morning of injuries received near "jYorkville two weeks ago, Mr. SQUIRE *jTATLOCK, aged 60 years. Hones of *1the neck were broken and internal in- JJuries were suffered by Mr. Tatlock !when the automobile driven by his son,Mr. Robert Tatlock, went over an embankmentwhile the two were coming .3to Yorkville from Rock Hill. The intermentwas in the cemetery in Gas- ]tonia, yesterday, following funeral ser- *5vices conducted at St. Mark's Episco- *ipal church in Gastonia. Mr. Tatlock .1was born in Manchester, England, July J12, 1862. For twenty-seven years he *,served as a sergeant-major in the Brit- \ish army with the Royal Garrison Ar- 1tillery. He was decorated, with QueenVictoria's medal by the late Field Mar- .

shal Lord Roberts for distinguishedservice. Leaving the army th'- deceasedheaded a spindle and flyer manufacturingfirm in England. He moved toAmerica with his family in 1910, firstliving in Greenville. In 1913 they mov-ed to Gastonia. Mr. Tatlock had supervisedrepair work in numerous cottonmills over the south. He is survivedby his widow and two children,Mr. Robert Tatlock of Gastonia, andMrs. William W. New of Raleigh, N. C.Wednesday, at his home on York No.

5, following a long period of ill health,Mr. WILLIAM NEWTON NEIL, In the72nd year of his age. Interment was inBeersheba cemetery yesterday after-

noon,follnwinir funeral services con-

ducted by Rev. Carl McCuily. The de- ,ceased was born March 27, 1850. He iis survived by his widow, Mrs. LauraStephenson Neil, to whom he had beenmarried about fifty-two. years. Thefollowing children also survive: Messrs.W. J., J. R. and S. P. Neil, Yorkville;Mrs. E. B. Price, Clover; Mrs. G.G. Price, Spartanburg; Mrs. W. P.Brown, Misses Corrie and Annie Neil,Yorkville.December 26, at her homo at Smyrna,

of pneumonia, Mrs. SUE HAMBR1GHT,widow of the late Dr. John P. Ham-bright. Interment was in the cemeteryat Smyrna on December 27, the annl-versary of her 72nd birthday, funeralservices being conducted by her pastor,Rev. B. G. Pressly. The deceased issurvived by three sons and one daughter,as follows: Messrs. R. M., T. B.,and W. H. Hambright and Mrs. W. W. ,

Whitesides. Three brothers, Messrs.W. H., C. M. and D. A. Whisonant and "

two sisters, Mesdames J. H. Whiso- inant and Agnes Rhames, also survive.At his home in Blacksburg on De-

cember 23, JOHN S. MINTZ, in the81st year of his age. The interment jwas at Buffalo church last Sunday, aft-er funeral services by Rev. J. B. Bozeman.The deceased leaves a widow,who was his second wife, and the followingchildren: A. G. Mintz and Mrs.Grace Lavender Porter, and an adopteedaughter. He is also survived by twobrothers, Joseph and Edv/ard Mintzand two sisters, Mrs. Mary Gaston andMrs. D. I). Gaston.At his home in Muldrow, Okla., De-

cemner is, Mr. jamtits TMUMrswH,a native of York county, aged 87 years.When quite a young man the deceasedleft York county, going to Oklahoma,where he lived until his death. He issurvived by several children. A brother,Mr. T. Jason Thompson of York-ville, also survives.



Friday, December 29, 1922.Cotton Seed

Sharon 26 75Clover 26 70 ]Yorkville 26J 75

MISCELLANEOUS WANTS*For Sale.Thirty-two shoats. Good

for pork. Priced at from $5 to $10.I. H. and J. ii. McGill, Hickory Grove,No.2. , 102 3t

Strayed or Stolen.Small white dog,with few black spots; part .beagle,carries curly tail. Last seen Dec. 17.c>. v. jau;uiim, V/iuvcr, it


Strayed.Jersey bull. Weighs about350. Last seen on old Feemster ]place about six weeks ago. lnforma- <

tion appreciated. B. B. Ferguson, iSharon. 103 3t 1

Farm for Rent.To farmer with stock, i

Brown place, 150 acres, adjoining £Willis' place near Newport. Fine Ibottoms. Address Mrs. J. W. C.Johnson, Castonia, N. C. 103 3t 1

: ]For Sale.25 high grade Poland-China s

pigs at $5 each, and 50 shoats at 10c ipound gross. At my Buy Flat Stock (Farm, at any time after January 1.K. C. Guy, R. F. D. 4, Chester, S. C.104 4t*

For Sale.Nice home on Church street,Clover. Good lot, good seven-roomhouse, good garage and woodshed, ina good neighborhood. A bargain. :See me at once. Jas. A. Barrett,Clover, S. C. 103 tf '

I Wanted.Man to sneered J. H. Clark.Retailing Rawleigh Good HealthFood Products: Spices, Flavors, Medicines,Toilet preparations, etc. 150everyday necessities used by millions.Largest company; established t34 years. Favorably Known au overAmerica. No experience, practically .

no capital needed. We teach you tomanage your own permanent bigpaying business. $2,000-$5,000 year- 1

ly. Write for application. Give age, 1

occupation, references. W. T. RawleighCo., Dept. 1074, Memphis, Tenn. »

102 2t

For Rent.Two offices up-stairs in the *

Wilson Iluilding. Apply to Thos. F. x

McDow, Attorney. 9S tf ?For Sale.Pure-bred Guernsey heifer,]1

21 months old, to come fresh in Feb- j1ruary. Will sell for cash or will ex-change for good milk cow. P. D. x

Hopper, Clover, S. C. 99 4tt

For Sale.Pure bred Poland Chinashoats. John Q. Hall, York No. 1.tit* 97

! WE PAUSE AT THE ITO MAKE OUR BEST ]ciation for the liberal patabliskinent during the y<the pathway of history,ery one of our customersor little, with which the;also to extend our best wi

; the young JS ew i ear wh; the pages of history at 12

! We hope that your hie' pressed down and runnii'

year.» We are confidently lo| perous year and a year c

; trons. If you arc not airestore we hope that our 19to make you a patron anwhich is being conducte(its patrons in a most acc

\ particular. May your vi:I* itable and pleasant to yoi

I "IRKPATRIror Sale.One 1 1-2-ton truck and oneof the best runs in the county. Willoffer a bargain to any one interested.Apply lo ' Truck," care of YorkvllleEnquirer. 99 4t

Agents.Make $10.00 daily selling ourline of Food Products to homes,sub-agents and stores. Opportunityto establish a permanent repeat orderbusiness. Life-time opportunity.Address P. O. Box 212, Great Falls,S. C. 98 4t

TRESPASS NOTICE.A LL persons, without regard to color,

are hereby warned not to hunt,fish, cut timber or otherwise trespassan lands owned or controlled by theundersigned, under the full penalties ofthe law as provided in such cases.


Clover, S. C., Dec. 8, 1922. 98 2t

TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.A LL persons indebted to the estate of" A. J. QUINN, deceased, are herd-Dy nounea to mane paymeni iu me undersignedat once, and persons havingclaims against said, estate are herebyadvised to present the same to me,duly authenticated, within the timeprescribed by law.

F. E. QUINN, Administrator,Estate A. J. Quinn, Deceased.

102 f2t

FOR FINAL DISCHARGE.I^OTICE is hereby ijiven that on

Tuesday, January 30, at 10 o'clocka m., I will make a Final Settlementwith the Probate Court of York countyas Administrator of the estate of W. A.BARRETT, deceased, and that I willthen and there ask for try dischargefrom any further liability in connectionwith said estate.

JAMES A. BARRETT,Admr. Estate W. A. Barrett, Deceased.

10. f5t



By J. L. Houston, Esquire, ProbateJudge of York County.

UfHEREAS S. C. CLINTON has appliedto me for Letters of Administration,on all and singular, the goodsand chattels, rights arid, credits ofROBERT L. CLINTON, late of theCounty aforesaid, deceased.These are, therefore, to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred

and creditors of the said deceased, tobe and appear before me at our nextProbate Court for the said County, tobe holden at York Court House on the12th day of January, 1923, to shewcause, if any, why the said Administrationshould net be granted.3iven under my Hand and Heal, thi22ndday of December, in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundredand twenty-two and in the 147th yearof American Independence.

J. L. HOUSTON,Probate Judge of York County.


IN THE PROBATE COURTBy J. L. Houston, Esquire, Probate

Judge of York County.UfHEREAS WESLEY D. HUFFSTETLERhas applied, to me forLetters of Administration, on all andsingular, the goods and chattels, rightsmd credits of II. D. HUFFSTETLER,ate of the County aforesaid, deceased.These are, therefore, to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred

ind creditors of the said deceased, toje and appear Derore me at our nextProbate Court for the said County, to:>e holclen at York Court House on theI ITU DAY OF JANUARY. 1923, to?hew cause, if any, why the said Adninistrationshould not be granted,liven under my Hand and Seal, this19th day of December, in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundredand twenty-two and in the147th year of the American Independence.i

J. L. HOUSTON,Probate Judge of York County.


HARRY T. MOREY.In "The Flaming Clue." A VitatraphSpecial.


\lso a good Comedy and a WesternDrama.

MONDAY'BEYOND THE RAINBOW".With an All Star Cast. A young

ralid brother. Fate takes her to a rereptionof notables of a bi^ city. Shes attracted to a man who is accused>f shooting a guest during the festiviies.The mystery is finally cleared uprhen one of the other guests confesses.


J. Q. WRAY, Manager


JACK DOOR OF 192230W of thanks in appretrcnagegiven to this esiarthat is shuffling downWe thank each and ev;for any business, much

y favored this store andshes to you and yours forich will be heralded into! o'clock Sunday night.sssings will be heaped up,lg over during all of the

oking forward to a pros>freal service to our paqiint rnn nf this P"nod'UVi^r M. v** va. Q""

23 service will be such as

d a booster of this store,1 with a view to servingeptable manner in everysits to this store be.profiat all times is our wish.


7EWYEAK-S GREETINGTO THOSE CUSTOMERS and Frienwho during the year have accordedmost liberal patronage, we Extend tGreetings of the Season.


DURING 1923We hope to be in better position thiever before to give you the BESTHeavy and Fancy Groceries at pricthat are most reasonable.


YORK, - - 3. CI

WE CERTAINLY D(THANK OUR PATRONS for the nibusiness given us during 1922, and e

tend our best wishes and most cordgreetings for the New Year that is Jiaround the corner.EVERY DAY during the New Ye

we expect to be right on the job reaito serve you in every way that a FitClass Drug Store can serve you.We will continue to keep up with t

procession at all times and when yhave a want that you would naturalexpect to find at a Drug Store you w

find it at this Drug Store.just as yhave been doing in the past.We thank you one and all and wi

you everything that is good in 1923.


CLOVER, - - 8. C.

MAKE UP YOUR MINTo Trade at PARROTT'SDuring the Year 1923.

You'll Save Money on


/ And Other MercKandis

D. M. PARROHClover's Leading Dry Goo(

StoreCLOVER, S. C.


C., Says:"The PINKSULES' cured mycold more like a miracle than a


1 had tried a dozen remedies tono avail, before 1 got the

PINKSULES.' Just six dosescured me.

"You have discovered a wonderfremedy."





,At the Store of



feviW 1I '


£ 5» i * rv i inc YEAR WITH OUR j|» PAINT.And keep the building in- 3y side and out fresh-looking with our 2

£ Paint all through the year. It pays to 5X do that. Our Paint costs little to buy 2

in the first place and little to apply. It S

y saves its cost many times over*

W. L. WALLACEX Office In 8h«rer Building, Opposite 2X Sherer & Quinn's 8tore. 2

I WE THANK VOU {Y wp a dp vnrrvn vpt »nh nerhans 2

|» haven't the right to expect a tremend- EY ous business during the few short £X months that this Drug Store has been 2A open te the public. BUT.we are tre- EX mendously proud of the encourage- 2

{ ment meted out to us and appreciative EY of our growing business. To be sure Z

X we thank YOU one and all.

|« BESIDES extending our best wishes 2

Y to you and yours for a New Year of S

X Prosperity and Happiness, we extend 2

X an invitation to one and all to give us EX a part of your Drug Store patronage. "J> Besidei being prepared to supply all^ your needs in Drugs and Medicines and. Pres:ription work, we are also readySto supply you with Cigars, Cigarettes, .

Tobaccos, Toilet Articles, Candies, Fine ^

Stationery, Soft Drinks, etc., and we


i3 MACKORELL DRUG CO. 1u8 H. R. MACKORELL, Proprietor Jj,e Near the Court House

1922-1923AS WE REACH THE END OF 1922

we extend our thanks to customers and ^in friends for the fine patronage given to

in our store during 1922, and assure youes of our appreciation, and as we stand

on the threshold of a New Year.1923.we assuro you that every day willfind is doing our levelest best to givethe kind of satisfactory service thathas been characteristic of SHERER &

QUINN'S in the past.TO ALL we extend our best wishes ^

1 for a New Year of Happiness, Prosper-I Ity and Good, Health, and solicit a portionof your business during the New

ce Year. 1923. .






17£ Our Restaurant ServiceIE. 2 GETS BETTER EVERY DAY.



DY0itKCANDY KITCHEN,Peter Colgin, Prop.

iPencil Carbon in large sheets at Ths ]

Enquirer Office. 10 Cents. 1





N. M. L. FORD & SONS i





11 1922. Ft will not be so bad. It could |<easily have been worse to all of us. Itluis been very good to us, and we hope J

/ it has been good to you and yours. JWE THANK YOU one and all for the j

patronage given us during 1922, and ,with a promise to do our best to give |

1 you better service, if possible, than we (have in the past, we solicit a continu-anee of your business during the NewYear.1923. JIF YOU EXPECT to Paint this next J

year, come and let us do some figuringwith you before you buy your Paints, i

Oils, Turpentine, Etc. <




fMiE regular annual meeting of the (Stockholders of the Peoples Bank <

& Trust Co., of York. S. C., for the jelection of Directors and for the trans- Jaction of any other business which (

> may properly oome before said meet- |v ing will be.held on January 16th, 1923 '

at 11 o'clock, in the Directors Roomof the Peoples Hank & Trust Co. I

C. W. McGEE. , »

100 Jan 12 Cashier. <

Pencil Carbon in large sheets at The JEnquirer Office. 10 Cents. t




to personally thank everyed, who has been a patrolGoods Company during tlimpossible we here and no-and all our most sincereage, whether that patronatie. We appreciate the trjwe appreciate the busine*it is your good will thatpurchases. Without yourit better to close up. To bfor the coming year we v

j tilings that you could po:| iness, good crops, good he

, A STRICTLY 01j And just here we want t<j this is a Strictly Cash Sto! Credit business. We camI fair to YOU and to Ourj that when you buy here fj full 100 cents in value foii at this store. We thank y

| McC0NNELL DRYiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiimmiiiifimiimmiiiimi





ROCK HILL, - 3. C.




We Thank the Good People of YorkCounty for Their Liberal ChristmasPatronage.


On East Liberty Street.


TO THE YEAR 1922 we say good>ye.We haven't any complaint to of'erfor its treatment of us and but fewegrets at its going. We are looking'orward to better things and say to thetfew Year, soon a-coming, "HowdyDo?" We are glad to welcome you andlope that during its 365 days we willnear more optimism and less of pessimism.But last year was a goodrear.It could have been much worse.

L*t us all try to make 1923 the BEST:ver. Let's go.To Customers and Friends, Competiorsand everybody we extend our best

vishes for a Happy and Prosperouss'ew Year, and solicit a continuance ofrour patronage. I'll continue to serve

'ou to the best of my ability.W. E. FERGUSONNOTICE TO TRESPAbbERb

A LL persons, without regard to color,are hereby warned not to hunt,

Ish, cut timber, cut holly trees, ride>r drive on lands owned or controlled>y the undersigned, under the full>enalties of the law as provided inuch cuses.

J. W. BANKHEAD,0 2t Lowryville, S. C.

We Have Nc1922 lias been a good)

sibly have given us more 1have given us much less

' a* ±1| been quite sausiaciory, u

! customers and friends sea

| county of York. To cad! very appreciative for yoi

will and we trust that you| and our goods so satisfa*! dently expect a continual! WE ARE LOOK]| To a busier and better y(! pecting the New Year to 1

part of the world and tlia! prosperity. That is certai

lief. So mote it be.Incidentally, we want

will be our pleasure to coi

of the many ways that we

York Furnitu


IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIlfl>re In 1923 IBLE, \vc should be gladperson, white and colornof the McConnell Diyle year 1922. As this, isw want to express to onethanks fpr your patron:gehas been much or lit- mide of the small buyer as 9ss of the bigger buyer. Hcounts as much as your 21good will we would find

>e sure we thank yoiband 9*ish for you all the goodssibly desire.good bus- Ijalth, peace and pleifty. 1\SH BUSINESSz emphasize again,'That Mre. We do not watft any 9lot take care of it and be 9selves. But be assured Ior CASH you will get a J9r every dollar you spend v Inil

GOODS COMPANY IIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiniiiiiiiiliiiiiliiina




NIVENS BROS INear Hawthorn Mill

B. R. NIVEN8, ManagerCLOVER, S. 0. IYORK, S. 0.On Charlotte Street

B. M. NIVENS, Manager ;Pa n* ir n A 1 1A Big I ear ror tolas

A SEASON JUST STARTED. JPROMPT ACTION against Colds |means fullest prevention methods

against the return of influenza Ifalling a victim to the grippe. ,i2|


TAKEN at the first sneezo wlfl Ibreak up a cold in a very shor^time. Try it. ;



ltfY shop will b© closed Tuesdays^'^ A Thursdays and Saturdays.

' W. R. BELL,101 2t McConnellsville.


IJSgggl^ BATTERY PRICE*? All Battery manufacturers have Yh advanced prices, but we protect- 7« ed you by buying on the old £ I7 price. We have them in stock, 0* and a> long as they are here, YA these are the prices:

Ford size 118.00 C ,

y Buick size ..._. $20.00 ZDodge size ~ .$24.00 V

A All are full size, 1... . mnri A

2 "Ajyp" canaries sum uj mw..

y we stand behind anything w« Xsell. V


YORK, 8. C.

) Complaintsear to us. It might pos- .; k ' surely could. But our business has,. '

lanks to our hundreds ofttered all over this greatli of our patrons we are (i

lr favors and Vv ar good J Ji have found our dealingsctory that we can confi-ice oi your favors.[NG FORWARDjar in 1923. We are ex- j!)e especially kind to thist we will all enjoy a fine j!inly our hope and our be-

ivou to remember that it J;ltinue to serve you in all jcan. Call on us.

re Company j;j<