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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred Space Instructions, How to Use This Course creating an Altar opening to the Directions Calling in Guides + Helpers Setting Intentions Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

May 02, 2018



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred Space • Instructions, How to Use This Course • creating an Altar • opening to the Directions • Calling in Guides + Helpers • Setting Intentions Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 2: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Dear Heart You,

Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course! I am so thrilled and honored you’ve chosen to take this journey with me and every other soul who is here. Manifestation is a multi-faceted journey that takes us to the center of who we are, into our truth, our most sacred center. In doing so, we are able to return out into the world again with more divinity, more truth, more beauty to feed a hungry world. I truly believe the world is a better place, the more of us there are using these tools.

Daily Emails + How to Work with the Material: You’ll be receiving daily emails from me each morning of that day’s Kundalini meditation and ebook. The ebook will contain essays/writings on a manifestation topic for you to read through, contemplate, etc. There will be questions and practices for you to do as well. Do as little or as much as you like. This is your journey. You can take what feels good, and let the rest go. Every piece might not be for you. Or maybe everything feels spot on! Great! Do it all! It also might be too much information for some of you, or too much to do. Honor your integration pace. Everyone is different. You may be ravenous and can eat all of it up at once. Or you may need more time to allow these practices to integrate. Trust your own rhythm. There is no rush and no right way, except YOUR way. Manifestation is a delicate balance of doing and being. I see way too many people (myself included) getting too caught up in the DOING. Allow yourself time to BE with the material as well.

You may wish to repeat this material multiple times. You may decide to spend a week on each topic, allowing the material to truly sink in slowly on a deep level. You may hook on to one particular topic that feels most relevant to you at this time and decide to dive deeply into that. You may revisit these topics again and again and find that something new speaks to you each time. You get the picture, there is no “one size fits all” here! Do you.

A Word on Committing to a Longer-Term Practice: You could commit to a 40 day practice of any of the meditations to allow yourself to master that particular realm of manifestation. According to Kundalini

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 3: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Yoga (and many other traditions), it takes 40 days to break a habit, and 90 days to create a new one. If a particular practice really speaks to you, try out a 40 or 90 day practice of it. If you miss a day, you start again at day one! This is a POWERFUL way to build dedication and stability for yourself.

Energetic Space Holding: I will be holding energetic space for you all week long (starting NOW). This means that you are held by the unseen realm, by my hefty team of helpers. You’ll be clearing energetic blockages at a faster pace, as you have this added support of the unseen realm. This is big. Space holding is what I do best. It works because in this unseen realm, there is no time or space. So energetically, I’m able to support you, even if we are miles apart and I’ve never even met you.

Know that even if you are doing this course at a different pace, that this energy will still be working with you, even after the actual course date has ended. We are working in a different realm. So the space holding, this vessel that has been created for you, will be there as long as is needed.

Friday Group Call: Date: Saturday, June 18th Time: 6 pm CST Dial In Number: (641) 715-3580 Access Code: 984689#

I’ll be tuning into the group energy to pick up on what major blocks need clearing. Depending on the energy of the group, we may do a short ceremony to help clear any blocks that have risen during this work. I’ll be recording the call and sending it out to everyone afterwards. So if you cannot make the live call, don’t worry. You can listen to it as many times as you’d like!

Facebook Group + Questions The Facebook group is your place to ask questions. If you have questions about course material, your experience of the material, or anything else, please ask them there. In order to keep my personal

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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energy up to hold space for all of you, I won’t be answering personal emails about the course material. If you’re needing extra support on your journey, have questions that are bigger than what is offered on the Facebook forum, you may set up a private one-to-one session with me to get those answered.

Manifestation as Connecting Heaven + Earth First, a few words on manifestation. As I see it, this is the secret: Recognizing that you are God or Goddess on earth. You are the star dust of countless galaxies dazzling the soil here, on this planet. Life is a constant dance between earth and heaven, between the seen and the unseen, between the finite and infinite, between the ego “I” and the greater “I”. We are not here to surpass the finite or to go beyond it, leaving it behind. We have chosen to be born into this world to learn this dance, the dance between these two worlds. When we feel connected to both sources, life is a joy, manifesting is a joy, and it brings health, happiness, and holiness to all of existence. We are in flow with all that is. We are in tune with our deepest selves. Doors open where we had thought there was a wall. All of life sings with us and for us and we are singing back, joining our voice to the universal song. THIS is the manifestation you are learning. This is not to satiate the small “I”, the destructive, jealous, entitled self. That self is never satisfied. This is a manifestation that reaches all levels of your being so that you are full, happy, and connected. So, are you in?

Say YES now.

Each of us has a basic creativity, a very pure joy. We all have something, or a number of things that bring us into bliss. It can be gardening or painting, or managing people. It can be cleaning houses or making spreadsheets or writing or teaching. There is something that hooks us up to the universal life flow energy, creativity. THIS is the secret to manifestation - Hooking up to this flow. That’s what this entire course is about. The more we accept, yield, and participate in this flow, the more we will be able to dance with the universe. The more we will be able to create from this space in a way

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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that gives back to all of humanity. And that is the idea, that when you are living, acting, dreaming, being from this creative flow, that is your purpose. Then whatever you do is giving back. When you go to the grocery store, you are returning this light to earth. Your smile at a stranger becomes a way for heaven to touch earth. The way you walk down the sidewalk and admire flowers brings more joy into the world. And life supports this kind of participation. Life wants to facilitate more of this joy. This flow does not necessarily need to line up with you work or career in the world, although it may. When we are in this flow, everything is sacred. Everything is divine.

So our first job is to set this sacred space. This allows us to make room for sacredness to flow in. All action, all dreaming, all propelling forward is best done from this sacred space, this space of deep connection to the heart. This way, any action we take is deeply supported by the Universe. It’s not us against the world. Is our dreams, with the Universe at our backs, all the time.

I see many people working way too hard to make stuff happen. The most supported and aligned way of creating things and birthing things into the world involves a certain yielding to the divine flow, this creative current. Of course, there is much work to be done there. But it is a different kind of work. It is deeply inspired and feels like river of joy moving through the body. This is the way to work. This does not mean there will not be fear or doubt. But it means you will have the Universe to lean on during these times.

Second, is setting intentions. This is perhaps a little backwards from what we’re taught sometimes in yoga and other traditions. But it’s the way that I have found to be the most fruitful and fulfilling on every level. If we set intentions first, then connect to the sacred later, we are not in partnership with the divine. We are too willfull and controlling. We have blinders on. We get to the mountain where we thought we wanted to be, and we still feel empty. We see another mountain, then another that we have to climb. When we connect to the divine first, we bring our sacred mountain to us. There is climbing, but also a carrying that we let ourselves sink into. And here, we will always know we are on our right mountain. That is not to say there will not be ambition and

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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desire. But our desires of the ego will be more deeply connected to our Soul. So I’ll say this again: Connect first. Feel the flow of the divine in your body. Open to sacredness. Open to the possibility that you do not know what you need. And THEN, only then, ask for the whispered wishes written on your heart. Act from that place.

Creating Your Manifestation Altar The Attitude Behind The Altar: If we are working to manifest here on earth, we must create space on this plane wherein to work consciously. One incredibly powerful and practical tool to use, is an altar. This can be a space where the two worlds meet. It can be a space of manifestation, or intention setting, and also of connection and reverence.

There is a law of the Universe that says when you take an action here on the earth plane, there is an equal effect in the spiritual realm. The two worlds are not separate. They are linked. The are mirrors of each other. The same is true in the opposite. When you create something in the spiritual world, there is an effect here in the spiritual world. We need not be over focused in one realm or another. Both are equally powerful and have their place. Using an altar is one way to ground your spirituality, to give it roots in your daily life. I don’t believe in airy fairy spirituality as a form of escapism. I believe in spirituality as a way to bring more heaven to earth, and more earth into heaven. Each needs the other. We are weavers.

Your altar is a space to interact and play in and with the spirit world. I recommend a consistently reverent, but light attitude towards your altar. This can be powerful medicine when used properly. Daily touches and brushes with your altar, daily attention build the energy here. It becomes more alive, more buzzing with sacredness. The spirit world begins to keep watch. They are interested. They know you are consistent and intentional and honest with your work. And so they want to help.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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Your most valuable asset to a powerful altar is an open and authentic heart. Be real about what your intentions are. You can’t fool the spirit world. If your desires are greedy or manipulative or short sighted, you will be in a lot of hurt. The more deeply you can approach your altar not from a place of needing, but from a place of genuine desire to connect, to do the Infinite’s work, to weave heaven and earth, to sing your heart’s song, the more beauty you’ll create. So approach the process of creating your altar with a pure heart. Get down on your knees.

Sometimes we think we need something special to make an altar. We think we need a certain type of wood blessed by a monk who once fished in the Ganges River under a full moon in Scorpio. Who cares? Things have meaning and power because we give it to them. You could have some special sacred item like that, but you could still have the wrong attitude towards it, and then it would be worthless spiritually. So please, begin with the ordinary. Begin with things that are simple and have meaning for you. This is the best way to create ordinary, grounded, simple, and profound magic. If we do not start with what is already in our lives, the most ordinary things, then manifestation doesn’t reach those areas. We may be building spiritual energy, but it never reaches into the every of our lives, because we haven’t started there! So begin with the most ordinary, the most mundane.

If you already have an altar, you may start with what you have already in place. You may decide to clean it up, remove things that have lost their vibrance, or add things to it. You decide. Regular altar cleaning is a good idea to keep the energy fresh and alive.

Your altar can be made of anything. It can be a table, a turned over box. I’ve used bricks and crates and cardboard boxes. I’ve since graduated to a nice, sturdy wooden table for my main altar. It really doesn’t matter. Use what works for you, what brings you joy. Do what feels authentic. It can always shift. It should shift. Put it in a place that is peaceful, away from heavy traffic in your house. Ideally, it is in the space that you are meditating in, or will meditate in. It’s ideal to have room near your altar to spend some time. You’ll want to once the

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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energy starts to gather! I’ve fallen into beautiful, healing naps in front of mine because the energy is so good!

You could also create a bundle. Many cultures use this instead of an altar. You’ll find a piece of cloth that you love and wrap your altar items in that - rocks, feathers, wood, bowls, crystals, bones, etc. This makes putting things like water in your bundle difficult. But you may use a tiny bottle instead of an open cup. It requires a bit of extra creativity. Bundles are nice as they’re portable. You can choose small items that travel well. I have a travel bundle that comes with me nearly everywhere I go. I use it in healing work with clients. It contains all my most powerful healing stones. You can also leave it open sometimes. You’ll unwrap it and allow the stones to rest on a table or the floor. This allows the energy out into the open to work on the seen world. Whereas if it is wrapped up, the work continues, but on a more unseen, underground level. Play with this.

One of the most important things about creating your altar is allowing it to speak to you. You and your altar or bundle will form a connection. You honor yourself and you honor your sacredness when you listen to the guidance that’s given. We’ll be practicing meditation to tune intuition to help with this.

The Four Elements These elements are what our seen world is built on. Four is a grounded, earthy number that connects us to this world. So having an object on your altar to represent these elements is a very basic form of magic. It’s a very plain magic in that you’re not making something out of nothing. You’re simply recognizing the pure magic in all things. That is the beginning of gathering your own inner power, recognizing the basic purity of all things. So begin by placing an object for each of the four directions on your altar. You can use more than one item if more than one speaks to you. Don’t worry about having the “right” thing. Loosen up and know that whatever you have around your home is perfect. There is no need to run out and retrieve something that isn’t here already. Unless, of course, that’s what feels life-giving. There is something special about seeking out some specific thing for your altar. But let’s start with the basics.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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Gather these items. Then sit in front of your altar. Sit with each item before placing it on your altar. Be with the energy of that thing. Feel what it represents. Connect to the object. Then gracefully and reverently place each item on your altar or in your bundle. The more mindfully you can do this, the more power there will be.

Earth: You may us a stone (my personal favorite), a piece of bark, dried herbs, sand, etc. It’s best if the item has meaning for you, it came from a special place, etc. You want this piece to feel joy-bringing or grounding or like it brings you home. I have many special stones that I rotate through my altar to represent the earth element.

Water: Fill up a cup or bowl or some vessel with water. Say a prayer over the water, infuse it with your intention. Water holds vibration, so be aware of your thoughts, emotions, vibration as you fill the water and place it on the altar. Hold the dish in your hand, and allow your intention to flow into this water. The water will then hold your intention for you. Keep the water fresh. Don’t let it evaporate. Keep it full, just like your deep well.

Fire: A candle. You could light this at various times if you are doing a practice or connecting near your altar. If you cannot have open flames, you could use an electric light of some kind. You just want that sense of brightness, of fire.

Air: I use feathers. Feathers represent air, flight, freedom, expansion. Some people use crystals, clear ones. Also, the empty space on your altar may represent air. So always be sure to leave some space for what wants to enter :)

It’s a lovely idea to feed your altar all the time on a daily basis. This keeps the energy fresh and moving. Whatever you pay attention to, grows. So drawing attention to your altar in some way, whether it’s refreshing the water, dusting, tidying up, or shifting stones and feathers around, keeping the energy open and moving is necessary.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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Especially in times where I am struggling, I often tend my altar multiple times per day. We will talk more in other classes about how to do this.

There is also something to be said for knowing when a painting is complete. Meaning, when to leave your altar alone for a while. Sometimes we have to let it stew like soup and gather flavor. Trust your instincts.

Opening to the Directions Opening to the four directions is another way to set sacred space. It’s a way to bring energy in to your altar space, into your home, into your personal space while we work on manifestation. It brings in divine guidance from all four corners of the Universe and the earth and sky.

You’ll be opening to these forces and inviting them to be with you all week, or even beyond if you choose. This will create a sort of force field around you, a vibrancy and aliveness. This is like a circle of divinity around you. You get to live in this place of connection all week.

We will open to the directions in this video, but know that this energy will stay with you all week as you work. Set the intention that that be done. Watch Video 1 to open to the directions. Below is a transcript of the words used to invoke each direction. You can use these whenever you like to call on these forces:

South I open to the winds of the South. To the child, the innocent warrior, my passion, my joy, my fire. I shed my skin in order to heal and return to Soul’s essence.

West I open to the winds of the West. I open to my femaleness, to the woman, to my most sacred dreams.I turn to face my fears, and in

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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doing so, they evaporate and I deeply release. I fiercely protect all that is most sacred in me.

North I open to the winds of the North. To the elders, to all my ancestors, to the wise ones who hold me. I trust their guidance and wisdom, and spread my wings wide into the winds of trust and silent knowing.

East I open to the winds of the East. To my maleness, to vision, to man, to the place of the rising sun. I know where I came from, and I who I am becoming. I open to new beginnings, insight, and clarity. A new life dawns.

Earth I open to the Earth. To all my brothers and sisters, animals, rocks, trees. I am held by the Great Mother. Sustained, nourished, held, and blessed.

Sky I open to the sky. To the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies. I open to the light of the stars. I receive this radiance in each and every cell. I open to Light.

My Heart I open to the core of my own heart, the center point of my existence, my connection to all things. May I live, breathe, move, speak, and act from this place. May I always know my home as right here.

Calling In Guides + Helpers I call in any guides, helpers, or forces of the seen and unseen realms that are interested in my highest good. I call in these forces from every direction into my sacred circle to nurture and nourish my intentions. And so it is.

(Bow in gratitude to all these forces. Let yourself soak in it.)

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 12: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Setting Your Intentions After setting up your altar, setting sacred space, opening to the directions, you have prepared the vessel. You have created a vacuum for the divine to flow in. I recommend staying here as long as is necessary. Sleep here. Dream here. Allow this space to open up for you. I have spent days, weeks, months, even years here. Take as long as you need. Sometimes coming home takes a while. And sometimes “a while” means the blink of an eye or a good night’s rest. Again, no time or space here.

At the end of the setting space video is a moment of quiet to rest in your heart, and hear what intentions are whispering forth. Listen. They may be clear and precise, specific things you are wishing to birth forth into the world. Let them be. Don’t judge. Hear them. Write your intentions down on paper and place them on your altar. Get as clear as possible. And remember your intentions are going to evolve. That’s the nature of life, ever-changing. Allow what is speaking the loudest to come forth. Here are some guiding questions to get you super clear on what you desire:

What do you deeply desire? Free write on this subject. Keep writing. Write through the resistance and keep writing. Start with what’s on the surface (material things, relationship longings, etc.) and keep going. Every time to reach one layer and write it out, ask yourself again. Keep writing. Even if you feel like there is nothing left under there, keep writing. See what happens.

How do you want to FEEL? Not what do you want, but how would it FEEL to be/have those things? If you were to have the perfect career, what emotions would that elicit for you? If you were in the right partnerships, how would you feel upon waking? Go into the feeling. Forget the details. The Universe deals in feeling. Electric, alive feeling. Come up with a few words that elicit a feeling of how you want to feel. Like joy, freedom, communion, electricity, peace, or reverence.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 13: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day One ~ Sending Intentions Out to the Universe

• Send out Intentions + Loosening Your Grip • Being Open to Receiving • Empty Bowl on Altar • Beggar’s Meditation

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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Sending Intentions Out + Being Open to Receive Once you have gathered up the intentions and desires residing in your heart, you’ll place them reverently on your altar. This is akin to an offering. You are offering your participation in the circle of life. It is not an asking. It is a claiming of your place in this circle. It is a remembering of who you came here to be. You honor yourself and you honor the rest of creation when you acknowledge the desires deep in your heart. When you begin moving towards them, you are bowing to Creation.

The deep cravings of you heart are messages. When we move towards the things that bring us true joy, we become more whole. The Universe becomes more whole. It is not only good, but necessary. The world needs more humans who have come into joy. This is not the ego-joy of temporary fixes or cravings. This is a deeper joy of doing one’s work in the world, of being in alignment with truth. THIS is the joy we so deeply crave. This is the joy that keeps us hungry until we find it. And when we allow it in, the vibration of the entire Universe gets bumped up a notch. The vibration of joy is HIGH. When we enter into it, when we claim it, when we decide that YES, this is for us, we are serving to elevate ourselves, and the whole Universe.

I want this to land, loves: Do not deny yourself of joy or pleasure or satiation. We’re shifting out of an old way, a way that tells us we cannot have. This old way says that if you have, then someone else lacks. If you are satiated, it means someone else is hungry. If you have love, it means less for someone else. No. Do us all a favor and shift out of that low gear. We are opening to higher knowing, higher ideals, and world where there is always enough for everyone.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 15: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Receiving: The next step is allowing the Universe to come in. Be open to receive. This is at least half of the equation - this allowing the Universe to do the lifting. We must have strong connection to our desires, yes. But we also must allow our obsessions with the details of it to soften. We certainly do not know everything. Many, many times I have been surprised by what the Universe has brought to my life. Things I would have never thought to ask for arrive without me asking. We limit what is possible for us. As a result of past conditioning we decide what is realistic and probable. We forget that the universe is magic. We forget that beauty beyond our wildest dreams is more than possible.

There is a saying I add at the end of each and every intention I set. “This or something better”. This means, may I allow this intention in, or something better for my highest good, something more aligned with my soul. I realize that I do not know everything. I have to leave room for magic.

There is a sense of holding the intention very gently. Not too loosely or it will drop, not ignoring it or denying it either. This is a constant dance. We have to constantly check in with ourselves to be sure we are not simply striving out of habit, but that our intention is still deeply written on our heart.

Altar Addition ~ Empty Bowl In order to make space in this physical realm for these wishes to flow in, you’ll place an empty bowl on your altar. This can be any vessel that could hold something. Let it be a dish or glass or vase or something you really love, something that brings you joy. As you set this item on your altar, infuse it with that sense of emptying out, of releasing your grasp, of allowing. Feeling the body soften, the breath soften. Sense into the part of you that knows this life is a great mystery. Allow yourself to swim in that. Let this empty bowl symbolize your emptying out so that you can be filled with the things your Soul craves.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 16: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Questions + Reflections Take time to journal or write on any of the topics mentioned in today's guide. If any topic feels particularly charged or juicy for you, take 10 mins (or more) to free write on it. Other options:

What is underneath my grasping? Why do I hold what I hold? What do I hope to gain in holding? Keep asking. Why do I hold what I hold? Be open to the information that arrives without judgement. Don’t make your grasping or your holding bad or wrong. Simply allow it to speak to you.

Am I holding certain things because I am afraid to empty? What is the real fear there? Is it the unknown? Is it a sense of “who will I be without this desire?” “Who will I be if not this striving?” Be curious. When you release your grip on what you want, what arises? Again, do not make your reaction good or bad. Just be with it.

What do I trust? When I think of the things I trust deeply, what comes? Start basic. Make a small (or big) list of the things that you have unshakeable trust in. It could be as simple and straightforward as knowing that there is gravity and earth below you. Or that the ocean is wet and holds your body. Take moment to feel into your body when you think of these things. Allow your muscles to soak in the knowing that you are supported and can trust these simple and ordinary things in your life. This is directly related to your ability to receive.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 17: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Beggar’s MeditationPosture: Sit in easy pose or in a chair with a straight spine with a light neck lock (Jalandhar Bandh).

Focus: The eyes are looking into the cup that you’ve made with your hands.

Breath: Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale completely in a long, dry, spitting motion through puckered lips. Spit the desire into the cup!

Mantra: Meditate on a single, strong desire.

Mudra: Make a cup of the hands with the right hand on top of the left and the fingers crossing each other. Relax the upper arms by the sides and place this mudra at the level of your heart.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes.

End: Inhale, hold briefly, exhale and relax.

Comments: This particular meditation is designed for those times when you want something so badly you are making it impossible to manifest. It can be any kind of desire from the sublime to the ridiculous. Practicing this meditation calms the desire so it can manifest. Note that this meditation is similar to the “Meditation to Eliminate Negative Thoughts.” This meditation is best as an occasional practice, not as a long term one.

(The following notes are taken from Kundalini Meditation Manual for Intermediate Students, p. 28) There is a whole technology and science of self-hypnosis that can change the pattern of thought flow in a person. A desire is an energy pattern. Some desires stay with us a long time and are not just physiological needs. We may have a desire for money or red sweaters or sitting on flag poles or for enlightenment. Whatever the desire is, it needs to manifest or transform on some level of your being. Until it does, it is maintained by a self-hypnosis pattern.

This meditation works on the pranic energy in the aura and changes a particular area of the brain. The brain area is called the “conflict personality area.” It is located at the 1/3, 2/3 point — one third of the way up from the base of the skull and two thirds of the way back from the hairline. At this place, there is a place under the solar centers that can work out and manifest the desires. Yogi Bhajan said that there are blocks of desire in the personality which are “itchy” and persistent and “they sit in the heart of the person. But if you put the hand in the heart, you will never find them. They are in the 1/3, 2/3 area of the brain.”

This posture is called “Beggar’s Posture.” The meditation is the technology to deal with desire. It is a trance-like meditation once you master it. It removes the block of too much desire so you can manifest yourself.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day Two ~ Clearing the Subconscious • Clearing the Subconscious Burden + Karma • Fire Ceremony • Sodarshan Chakra Kriya • Questions + Reflections

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 19: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Clearing the Subconscious Burden When we begin to rise up towards the path of our soul, when we begin to set out on our dharma, our karma rises up to meet us. It’s a good sign when you are meeting your neuroses, when you feel your fear, your shame, your doubt all at once. It’s a sign you are moving in the right direction.

This new path you have set yourself out on is threatening to the status quo. It is threatening to what the ego has known for so long. You expanding into your radiance and your bliss means death for so many old patterns that also exist in you. No wonder there is fear!

Often times, people turn away when they see these things rise up on the path. And with good reason, they are no fun to deal with. I spent many, many, many years battling old, imbedded patterns of fear, shame, low self-esteem, addiction, and self-doubt until I finally found Kundalini Yoga. This is one area where Kundalini Yoga works awesomely well. This practice clears out these old patterns and old karmas like nothing else.

Many of these patterns live in what the yogis call the “lower triangle”. It contains the lower three chakras. These energy centers are the lowest to the earth. The are the most dense. They collect clutter and ash and gunk. Karma. Patterns that we find ourselves repeating again and again. Lines we tell ourselves. Truths we have decided about how the world works. Here are some of my favorites: “That kind of happiness, abundance, love isn’t for me. Someone else, yes, but maybe not me.” “I need to heal my ________ (attachments, jealousy, greed, anxiety, etc) before I can have what I want, before I can be whole.” “Am I crazy? What makes me think I’m so special that I deserve ______.” Seriously, stop it. These thoughts aren’t serving anything good.

But how many times have we attempted to shift our thoughts, simply to continue to be barraged by their constant stream of negativity? That’s karma baby. It’s very difficult to simply switch your way of thinking from just the mental level.

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We need to sink deeper, into the energy. We are going straight to the roots to weed out what holds you back.

Before You Begin: There is a prerequisite here however. None of this will work if you aren’t able to fulfill this first task. Don’t even attempt it. You must believe it’s possible to be free. You must believe, somewhere in you, that you are meant for freedom. This part of you doesn’t need to be a giant! It doesn’t need to be king! It can be a lowly servant for all I care right now. But it needs to be present. Somewhere in your heart of hearts. Somewhere down on your knees, head to earth, you absolutely must believe that you are meant for freedom. Because you are. There is no heart that beats that doesn’t contain in it the song that moves you into freedom.

So gather up this part of you that knows, this small (or grand!) sliver of love. Kiss it. Tell it you see it. You must choose this way of living over everything else. The old way hasn’t worked so far. It’s time to choose a new path. It’s time to write a new story, with new rules.

A Word About Energetic Karmas: When I see karma residing in someone’s system, it can look like all kinds of things. Often I see these as little corkscrews imbedded in the body. They might be in a chakra or to the side. Often the person is experiencing a physical ailment in the area it’s imbedded. Oftentimes the person doesn’t know what they would feel like without this little curl of energy stuck in their body. They’ve grown accustomed to it. It might not be pleasant, but it’s a part of them. When we go in to remove it, there is usually a sense of anxiousness or unfamiliarity. They aren’t sure how to respond. There is also an accompanying sense of lightness, of expansion, of freedom. This is good. And they get used to this new way of existing. Their own energy, their own power quickly returns to fill the void where the tendril used to be.

Kundalini Yoga to Clear Karmas: Kundalini Yoga is so powerful for clearing these kinds of subconscious blocks because it uses the element of fire. Kundalini makes use of the navel center, the fire center. Many traditions say there is a fire in the belly. This is the seat

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of transformation. We throw our neuroses, our burdens, whatever we need to burn up, on this internal fire. We offer these things up as a blessing to our fire. It’s not just us dumping our shit (though it’s that, too). This is actually feeding the fire. This navel center, when activated properly and intentionally, can allow us to transform at will. We are quick, decisive, and clear.

The meditation for today’s practice calls up all the gunk residing in the navel. We will be pumping the navel powerfully. This stirs up karma, subconscious blocks, etc. So you may begin to relive old patterns while you sit in meditation. Thoughts, emotions, ideas may arise that feel really gross. Just watch them. They are arising in order to be cleared. The mantra used - WAHE GURU - is one of the most powerful in Kundalini Yoga. It clears karma and connects the soul to its destiny. No burdens will arise that you are not equipped to clear. Trust yourself and your process.

Fire Ceremony You should have a candle or some fire-making device on your altar already. This not only symbolizes the force of fire in the world, but your inner fire, too. Your ability to transform. You’re going to create a mini fire ceremony.

1) Set sacred space by opening to the directions, chanting Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo, or simply by sitting in silence. Sit near your altar.

2) Light your candle. Acknowledge that this fire represents your own inner fire. Lighting it symbolizes an awakening of your own fire, an uncovering of your own brightness.

3) Write out your thoughts, situations, patterns, karmas, and anything else that you are ready to be DONE with. Pour yourself into this. You could free write, just allowing what needs to come through to come through. The more energy, emotion, intensity you can pour into this, the better.

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4) (optional) Crumple up the paper. Breath into it. Breath out into the paper all the energy that can’t be put into words. Breath out the sensations of old stuck energy in the body. Breath out what is no longer serving where you’re headed. Go beyond words and keep breathing. Air fuels fire. This will make the ceremony even stronger.

5) BURN IT!!! Watch it burn. Every last bit. Acknowledging as it does that these patterns, and the invisible threads that keep you hooked to them, are disappearing. Make sure every last bit is burned. Afterwards, you may want to take the ash outside and give it back to the earth and wind.

Questions + Reflections Today's writing is the fire ceremony. Let yourself free write with it. Before we can release, we have to go fully in to what we’re releasing. So if you haven’t ever allowed yourself to go into the pain, anger, doubt, fear of what you want to release. Do it now.

You may also take time to journal or write on any of the topics mentioned in today's guide. If any topic feels particularly charged or juicy for you, take 10 mins (or more) to free write on it.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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Sodarshan Chakra KriyaPosture: Sit in easy pose or in a chair with a straight spine with a light neck lock (Jalandhar Bandh).

Focus: The eyes are fixed at the tip of the nose. (This meditation is not to be done with the eyes closed).

Breath: Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale completely in a long, dry, spitting motion through puckered lips. Spit the desire into the cup!


Mudra & Breath:a) Block the right nostril with the right thumb.

Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Suspend the breath. Mentally chant the mantra WHA-HAY GU-ROO 16 times. Pump the Navel Point 3 times with each repetition, once on WHA; once on HAY; and once on GUROO, for a total of 48 unbroken pumps.

b) After the 16 repetitions, unblock the right nostril. Place the right index finger (pinkie finger can also be used) to block off the left nostril, and exhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril.

c) Continue repeating a & b

Time: for 11-31 minutes. Master practitioners may extend this practice to 62 minutes, then to 2-1/2 hours a day.

End: Inhale, hold the breath 5-10 seconds, thenexhale. Stretch the arms up and shake every part of yourbody for 1 minute, so the energy can spread.

Comments: This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. It has considerable transformational powers. The personal identity is rebuilt, giving the individual a new perspective on the Self. It retrains the mind. According to the tantra shastras, it can purify your past karma and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling you. It balances all the 27 facets of life and mental projection, and gives you the pranic power of health and healing It establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in life. This meditation balances theTeacher aspect of the mind. It acts on all the other aspects like a mirror to reveal their true nature and adds corrections. You act as a human being not just a human doing. If the Teacher aspect is too strong, you risk a spiritual ego, which becomes too attached to the ability to detach and to be “above” normal struggles. When the Teacher aspect is too weak, you can misuse your spiritual and teaching position for personal advantage. When balanced, the Teacher aspect is impersonally personal. It starts with absolute awareness and a neutral assessment

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from that awareness. The Teacher uses intuition to know directly what is real and what is a diversion. You respond from the Neutral Mind beyond the positives and negatives. You are clear about the purpose and the laws of each action. A complete Teacher is not an instructor. TheTeacher is the expression of Infinity for the benefit of all. You master non-attachment so that you are simultaneously in all your activities and not of them. Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth, dimensions, caliber, and happiness. It gives you a new start against all odds. “Of all the 20 types of yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, this is the highest Kriya. This meditation cuts through all darkness. It will give you a new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time the hardest. It cuts through all barriers of the neurotic or psychotic inside-nature. When a person in a very bad state, techniques imposed from the outside will not work.The pressure has to be stimulated from within. The tragedy of life is when the subconscious releases garbage into the conscious mind. This kriya invokes the Kundalinito give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. There is no time, no place, no space, and no condition attached to thismantra. Each garbage point has its own time to clear. If you are going to clean your own garbage, you must estimate and clean it as fast as you can, or as slow as you want. Start practicing slowly— the slower the better. Start with five minutes a day, and gradually build the time to either 31 or 62 minutes. Maximum time is 2-1/2 hours for practice of this meditation.”- YOGI BHAJAN

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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day Three ~ Connecting to Power • Connecting to the Infinite Power of the Universe • Money + Spirit • Seed Offering for Altar • Questions + Reflections • Meditation for Prosperity II Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 26: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Connecting to the Infinite Power of the Universe Once we have cleared our systems and taken the garbage out, our original self has somewhere to reside once again. When we scale the depths and unhook harmful energies, we return to our power. Parts of us that have gone underground begin to resurface, old talents and gifts, a new brightness, a vitality. This is your soul self coming home.

Power might be a charged word for some people. But think of power as your personal medicine. It is a standing fully in your soul. When someone is deeply and fully in themselves on a soul level, they radiate power. It’s not a personal power of the ego or personality, although it may be that as well. It’s that the Universe is now flowing through them. They have linked up to the Infinite Flow. This light of the Universe moves into them and animates everything, like light hitting a crystal. The light scatters and highlights the uniqueness of it.

Every human is a gem. Linking up with this power allows your unique gifts as human being to be amplified, expressed, and seen. It brings your brightness into the world.

Today we’ll be linking up with this flow of power and light, and allowing it to feed our intentions. We want to allow the current of energy that is our intentions to join with this greater current of power of the Universe. So you have already begun a river, your river, the river of your intentions. It’s time to stop doing it alone and link up with something bigger, wiser, more powerful than you.

This has been one of the biggest gems for me, recognizing how to link up to this flow. When we can hook up with this great current of energy, of power, THAT is when we’re cooking with gas. This is what launches businesses and books and careers. And you can hook up with it, too. It makes work easier, more joyful, more inspired. We don’t feel like it’s work. We feel invigorated and enlivened when we work if we can link to this current.

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The secret is in the navel, of course. This is where we are connected to our mothers in utero. Michelangelo began his marble carvings from the navel, not the feet or the head, but the navel. He knew this was our birthplace, our connection to all of life.

A Word About Money + Financial Abundance According to Kundalini Yoga and many other spiritual traditions, the desire for money, financial abundance and stability, is good. It is spiritual. There is an incredibly harmful belief amongst many spiritual communities that money is innately bad and that the desire for it is mislead or wrong. Nope.

Money is simply energy. Sure, we have misused it, abused it, hoarded it as a culture and society. But that does not mean that money itself is bad. What we have done with it is not respectful or helpful to the world at large.

I suggest thinking of money as an energy. It is a grounding energy. It roots us down and allows us power in the material world. It is not in your best interest and karma to misuse this power. But my sense is if you are enrolled in this course, we do not need to worry about that. Rather, our worry is getting you to realize that you deserve money, and that your desire for abundance is human and healthy.

Allowing ourselves to manifest financial abundance with these spiritual tools is a way of bringing heaven down to earth. We begin to value spirit. It is not that spirit has a price. But we are recognizing that it IS valuable. Since the physical world is a reflection of the spirit world and vice versa, how we treat and interact with money is a reflection of how we allow and work with earth energy in general.

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Seed Offering for Altar Another way to think of this power is as pure potential (like kundalini energy). It is the seed. A seed is very small, very tiny. But no one would underestimate it’s potential and capacity. Looks are deceiving. Current situations are deceiving. We have no idea what is lurking beneath the surface, even of ourselves! You have a deep, untapped reserve of power in your navel that must be awakened. It’s your birthright and your responsibility to bring this brightness out into the world.

When watered well, given sunlight, and all the right conditions, this itty bitty seed can become a giant redwood. Beautiful flowers are born from seeds. The great rainforests of the world were all once only small seeds. We all begin as a promise of growth.

Today, you will place a seed on your altar. It can be anything you like (apple seed, acorn, quinoa, whatever). It must represent that laden potential in you to expand into power.

Before you place it on your altar, speak with it. Let it know your intentions. Maybe whisper first. Then plant the seed on your altar. With great intentionality, place the seed with all your other items to bask in sacredness, in all the right conditions. Knowing that with time, it will blossom into a mighty tree, a beautiful flower, or a gentle fern.

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Questions + Reflections Take time to journal or write on any of the topics mentioned in today's guide. If any topic feels particularly charged or juicy for you, take 10 mins (or more) to free write on it. Other options:

Or again, you may choose to answer one or two of these, or begin free writing on one of these topics. Let the writing take you. See what comes up when you start out on the path.

What power wants to come back home in me? What radiance of my soul has gone underground and wants to resurface? What light needs reflecting?

What gifts am I hiding away? What gifts want to be expressed? What gifts do I want to be SEEN for? Is it hard for me to be seen for these gifts? Why or why not?

What potential is laying dormant in me? What does this power want me to know?

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

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Meditation for Prosperity II

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.

Eyes: Focus at the tip of the nose, eyes are 9/10th closed.

Mudra: Elbows are by the sides, forearms are at a 45° angle, with the hands at the level of the throat. The exercise begins with the palms facing down. Alternately strike the sides of the hands together: When the palms are face down, the sides of the Jupiter (index) fingers touch, and the thumbs cross below the hands, with the right thumb under the left. When the palms are face up, the Mercury (pinky) fingers and the Moon Mounds (located at the base of the palms) touch. Yogi Bhajan said that the thumbs crossing in this way (right under left) is the key to the meditation.

Mantra: HarChant continuously from the navel, using the tip of thetongue. (pronounced “hu-duh”) Tantric Har is recommendedfor this meditation.

Time: Continue for 3-11 Minutes

Comments: “This meditation can be done for up to 11minutes. It is so powerful in bringing prosperity that morethan 11 minutes would be greedy. This meditation stimulatesthe mind, the moon center and Jupiter. When Jupiter and themoon come together, there is no way in the world you willnot create wealth.” –Yogi Bhajan

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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day Four ~ Connecting the Heart • Heart: Where Heaven Meets Earth • Adjusting the Magnetic Field, Strengthening the Aura • Adorning Your Altar • Meditation for Projection + Protection of the Heart

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Page 32: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Heart: Where Heaven Meets Earth Lower Meets Upper: The heart is where it all comes together. Think of the navel, and all the other chakras as the base on which you stand. No reaching or expansion or building is possible unless you have a firm base. You can work and work and work and it can all be shaky if you don’t have your lower energy centers balanced and aligned. We’ve done that work. We’ve cleared the subconscious. We’ve connected to the eternal flow of power. It’s time now to move into the heart.

There are three chakras below, and three chakras above the heart (major chakras). This is arguably the most important area to work with. It is the center of all. When the heart is balanced and aligned and supported, we are well. The majority of my work in teaching, healing, and writing centers around this area. I’ve found this area is a ripe area for tremendous growth, connection, and beauty. There is often much healing to be done here so that we can live full lives.

Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars. ~Serbian Proverb

This is where heaven meets earth. Our human selves, our earthy selves, the parts of us connected to the ground reside here. The parts of us that are made of stars, our light, our infinity resides here. It’s a space of holding polarity. Of experiencing the profound vulnerability of being human.

Core of Vulnerability: This being human is pure vulnerability. It is almost like walking around as an open wound all the time. When we are really in touch, really present with our experience, this is often what we reach. Let me explain…

Yes, we are made of heaven and earth. This is beautiful, but it is also confusing. The mind wants to decide which one we are. We want to

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disown one or the other. We want to transcend the body or disown our spirituality. This is out of a need to protect. The truth is bewildering. Feeling in to the sense that you are really part of everything is often completely overwhelming. And so we attempt to control our lives. We press against. We make rules and decide what roles we will play and what we will believe about the world. We have to do this to be able to operate in the world. We need reference points. But all of this fencing and building cages is in an attempt to protect us from the vast, bewildering ocean of love we are floating in. No sails, no rudder, just you and the the wind and the ocean current. As a human, this is terrifying.

And so this is our open wound, this wise part in us that knows we are infinite and finite at once. And that we cannot change that. We cannot deny one or the other. Instead we must remain somewhere in between this knowledge.

“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows.” ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

We must hold these two polarities. We have to allow our life to flow between them. We cannot set up camp on one shore or the other if we wish to be happy and free. We have to float into the middle where the current is strong and knowing, and let it take us.

Trust: This requires a vast, deep sense of trust. The actual physical space from the 3rd chakra (navel) to the 4th (heart) is BIG. Look down. I call that the leap of faith - that move from living in the navel to living in the heart. It takes a great deal of foundation building and willingness to be caught by the arms of the universe. You cannot simply fall back and expect the Universe to catch you if you have not yet done the work to build a foundation. But if true freedom is what you are wanting, if you are called to manifesting in an authentic way, as some point, YOU MUST LEAP. This happens in the heart. It is blind. It terrifying. There is no right time. But you will know when it is time. That is all I can say about that. Nobody knows but you when it is time to allow the Universe to catch you. It is a pull you’ll feel that feels like a yearning that guts you head to toe. It’s like a silent rumble

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shaking through your insides in a way that clears your mind and propels you forth. If you feel this rumble, you must answer. The road it’s taking you down might be scary and unknown and overgrown. But this is one of the most important things you will ever do. Many of us are being called down this path. If you are called, please, please listen. The world needs what is in your heart to be birthed.

Magnetic Field/Aura: We have many layers of what is usually called the “aura”. These are energy field of varying levels of subtlety that surround our bodies. These are incredibly powerful energies to work with. The heart has its own magnetic field around it, as does the brain and navel. The heart is the biggest. Energetically, I see many people with auras that are sort of fighting each other in a way. The brain’s field is not aligned with the heart or the navel is not aligned with the heart, etc. This creates discord in body, mind, and spirit. If we’re not aligned, we can’t send our river of intention out into the Universe at full force. We have conflicting rivers. Another, bigger problem to have is not being aligned with the magnetic field of the earth. The earth has an energy system just like we do. The earth has a heartbeat just like we do. If our aura is fighting the earth’s or not sinking into it, this creates BIG problems. Maybe not right away, but over time, yes. We must align with this great support and field. I could write pages and pages and teach a hundred workshops on this topic, but I’ll leave it at that for now. You want to synch up with this rhythm. Trust me. Luckily, I think you already know this :)

Some other way to synch up are by being in nature. Simply surrounding yourself with green things does this. Sing to plants. This helps us find the rhythm. Lay down on green earth, spread your body out against the grass. Put your feet in mud. Better yet, get naked and COVER yourself in mud. Lay in the sun to let it dry. Let the earth take you back. It’s a coming home to the Great Mother. You don’t realize how deeply you’ve been missing her until you come home. Don’t wait.

One big reason why we are wanting to strengthen the aura here is because it is a MAGNET. When the aura is clear and strong and radiant, it acts as magnet drawing in what we need. Instead of going out to make things happen and chase prosperity or relationships or

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abundance, it finds us. We just need to be clear and bright and all we needs flows to us. It’s like a beacon, a lighthouse to the Universe, calling in all the things we need, even if we don’t know what they are. That’s the beauty of strengthening the aura, we don’t even need to know exactly what we are needing. When the aura is strong and the overall intention is clear, what we need flows to us.

This field around the heart is golden. I see it as golden light that radiates out to uplift everyone around us. It reaches into every direction to call in the unseen forces as aid when needed. It keeps us safe, protected, and clear. This happens when the heart is open. True safety and protection in and of the heart happens when it is wide open and shining. When we attempt to defend our heart, we dim our light and turn off the magnet that draws in love, abundance, and joy.

Adorning Your Altar There are a couple different options here. My recommendation is to place something gold on your altar to represent the heart. This is to symbolize the radiant power of the heart when it is open. It also represents riches in every form - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. The element of gold is high vibration. If you do not have something that is made of actual gold, something gold colored will do fine.

Alternatively, you may place a heart shaped something on your altar. Maybe a heart shaped rock, or something of that shape.

Before placing it on the altar, sit quietly before your altar. Connect to its energy. Feel the earth below you, connecting to your roots. Feel the cosmos above you, the starlight, the sun, the moon. Allow these two energies to mix at the heart. Breath that energy of the two into your heart object. Infuse it with your own heart energy. Place the item on your altar.

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Questions + Reflections Take time to journal or write on any of the topics mentioned in today's guide. If any topic feels particularly charged or juicy for you, take 10 mins (or more) to free write on it.

You may also read these questions and answer the ones you have had the strongest reaction to. The ones that you really don’t like, and the ones that make you want to sing. Answer them directly or free write and allow the question and answers to take you on a journey. There are no rules here.

Which shore do you most often find yourself clinging to? The finite or the infinite? The material world or the spiritual world? Ask what lessons are there for you? No judgement. Remember this is a very human and natural thing. Just get curious. Why do you gravitate towards one or the other, maybe at different times?

What experience are you denying in your heart? What vulnerability resides there that you find yourself pressing against. Be kind. Be friendly when asking this. Imagine your heart as small child you. Little you. Ask what she missed. What she wants you to remember. Ask what she needs. Sit with her and sit with her longing.

Where can you fall backwards? Where can you let the Universe catch you? Where can you feel it is time to take a leap? Where are your feet frozen on the edge of cliff? And how can you choose to leap anyhow?

“The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is there’s no ground.” ~Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Meditation for Projection+ Protection from the Heart

Posture: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh (neck lock).

Mudra: Place the palms together at the Heart Center inPrayer Pose. The thumbs are crossed.

Mantra: Chant the Mangala Charn Mantra:

Chant:AAD GURAY NAMEHAs you extend your arms as shown in picture. The armsreturn to the Heart Center as you chant:JUGAAD GURAY NAMEHand again extend the arms up, as you chant:SAT GURAY NAMEHReturning the hands again to Prayer Pose at the HeartCenter, chant:SIREE GUROO DAYVAY NAMEHProject the mind out as you chant. The full extension ofthe arms is timed to the chant.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes, adding 5 minutes per dayup to 31 minutes, until you perfect it.

Comments:This meditation gives you an enchanting, magneticpersonality, with many unexpected friends. The MangalaCharn Mantra surrounds the magnetic field withprotective light. It means:AAD GURAY NAMEHI bow to the Primal WisdomJUGAAD GURAY NAMEHI bow to the wisdom through the AgesSAT GURAY NAMEHI bow to the True WisdomSIREE GUROO DAYVAY NAMEHI bow to the great, unseen Wisdom.

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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day Five ~ Awakening Intuition • Real Intuition • Looking for Guidance + Clues in the Everyday, Life as Myth • Altar Offering • Reflections + Questions • Indra Nittri Meditation Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 39: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Real Intuition As we begin to move out into the more subtle layers, intuition becomes more and more important. The inner compass that guides us must be consulted as often as possible. Sometimes the path doesn’t make sense to our rational mind. Sometimes we need to take what seems like a step backwards to move forwards. If we only rely on our analytical mind, we bear so much of the weight alone. The Divine works in mysterious ways. We can’t always see the forest from the trees, and we may not understand a move we’re drawn to make until long after. Listening for intuitive clues is a way to allow in that sacred support from the other realms.

There are many ways to be intuitive - sight, sound, knowing, etc. In my experience, it isn’t helpful to focus to heavily on a particular part of intuition (for example the ability to see auras) or trying to gain special powers. This is misleading and can cause many, many other problems down the road. Instead, we’ll be opening ourselves to the vastness of Universal Consciousness. We’ll be clearing our ego that grips to what we think is true, allowing the ego to relax. This makes space for a deeper knowing and trusting to step forward.

This is the kind of intuition you want. It’s a fuller, more real intuition. In building this, extras may come along. You may be able to see energy. Your knowing may grow stronger. You may begin to “hear” truth. It depends on which innate gifts you have. Everyone has them. They simply need to be awakened. But to focus on these alone isn’t good. It will cause confusion and simply strokes the ego.

Many spiritual traditions talk about human as a channel for the Divine. Our bodies, our minds, our emotions and energy are all a temple wherein we can experience Universal Knowledge and Bliss. This makes every pore of the body an all seeing eye. We begin to sense truth with every cell of the body. Because we are so in tune with our own bodies and our own souls, we can decide in an instant what is right and what is wrong for us.

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The secret to this kind of intuition is not just in opening the third eye, but involving (no surprise here) the navel, the third chakra. This more etheric, more subtle energy must be tapped as well. But in my experience, most people are already tuned in to that realm. They just don’t know it because the messages coming forth are too jumbled by the gunk hanging out in the lower chakras. Work there first, and then usually a gentle plugging in to these higher realms is all it takes to open intuition full throttle.

The third chakra (and really, first and second as well) is the seat of instinct intuition. That’s why we begin by clearing and empowering these areas. If we don’t, our third eye visions will never be quite clear. They’ll remain distorted or little snippets of information, never fully formed, fleeting, and unreliable. Maybe we have a grand vision now and then that comes out of the blue. But then when we go back to look closer into an issue, we can’t find the information again. This is not helpful and is maddening! What we want is intuition that is there when called upon. Stable, trustworthy, and undeniable. We want a connection with our own Soul, with Universal Consciousness that is always open, always just on the surface. So that in the instant we need it, when we need it most, there it is, loud and clear. And I’m sorry if this is bad news for you, but this takes practice. There is no quick fix here. You will need to work honestly at it. However, the rewards are endless and bountiful. It’s worth it. You’re worth it. Your dreams are worth it. That does not mean this will necessarily take a long time. Your intuitive, instinctual self is present just beneath the surface. She just needs real listening to leap forward.

Opening to the Unseen, Higher Realms: Yes, this is the fun part. These higher centers tend to open on their own once this base is set right and sturdily. That is why we are spending so much time there. Once the base is set, we must open up.

In today’s meditation, we’ll open up using mantra. Mantra is one of the most powerful ways to awaken intuition. Mantra is the yoga of sound. It is a way to link up to the Universal Song, the Universal Sound current. This gives us access to this deeper knowing. It opens all chakras and allows our Soul to surge upward and expand out in every

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direction. Again, making every pore of our body a receptive, all seeing eye.

For eons, yogis have been studying, meditating on, and tuning in to sound currents. Modern science has yet to fully grasp the effect of vibration, light, and sound. But the yogis know what science hasn’t quite caught up to yet. The mantras we use in yoga are vibrationally charged. Meaning, when you chant a mantra, you become it. You adopt the vibrational qualities of what you are chanting. So when we chant, we are shifting our vibrational structure on an atomic level. We are becoming new. The mantra we chant in today’s meditation is one to awaken you to intuitive knowing. It literally reminds your system, from the inside out, that you are an intuitive being.

Trusting What You Receive: The next important piece of intuition is trust. We can receive knowledge and clues and guidance, but if we do not take it in and act on it, it gets lost. Would you continue to give advice, dispense knowledge to someone who ignores you more often than not? Nope. The same is true here. If intuition speaks and is quieted, doubted, or stuffed, the voice grows smaller. It lowers to a whisper. It becomes shy and muffled. But it never disappears. That is impossible. Retrieval is always possible if you believe it is.

Here is another leap of faith. You must trust what you hear. You must trust your own knowing. Sure, you will take wrong turns, but they won’t really be wrong turns. They will be learnings. They will be gathered knowledge of what not to do.

The best way to build intuition is to leap. It’s to trust your own instinct and it’s often crazy advice. One of the best ways to cut off your own intuition is to hear it, and do the opposite of what it’s suggesting. This cuts off your access to your heart. It dishonors your soul. And it strangles the life force flowing through you. If there is a strong pull in you to take action, move in a direction, cut off a relationship, move, quit, begin - DO IT. The Universe rewards bold actions taken from the seat of intuition.

“Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.” ~Goethe

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Looking for Guidance + Clues in the Everyday, Life as Myth “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~Einstein

I believe in looking at the world as magic. This opens doors. It is childlike. It is wondrous. It allows our analytical vision to soften. It allows intuition and our perceptive capabilities to step forward. It’s also just way more fun.

When we allow ourselves to look at our lives as myth, we are more open to magic. We’re more likely to see the clues, to read the signs with an open heart and mind.

Myth is a powerful tool for humanity. It allows us to broaden our vision for our lives. It allows us to see patterns and connections where we hadn't before. On a physiological level, it surpasses the fear brain, the limbic system. It goes straight through to some deeper part. This is also why ceremony works. When we bring things to the mythological level, we go right into something deeper in us, and in our brains.

I suggest looking for clues this way. There are many, many forces at play in your life. Making myth is not simply creating a story where there was none. It is finally seeing your life as a multilayered flow with deeper and deeper meanings.

Again, there are pages and pages I could write on this. For now I’ll leave it at that.

(Optional extra reading to dive in to myth: Joseph Campbell, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Maureen Murdock, Angeles Arrien, and Marion Woodman are some of my favorites).

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 43: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Altar Offering For today, be with your altar. Sit quietly, connect to its energy. It is likely a living, breathing being all by itself by now. So allow yourself to open to its energy. Ask yourself what is needed. What wants to be added. What item(s) need a home there? What energy needs acknowledging. Allow yourself to be guided. Trust what answer is given. And act on it. Do not doubt the answer. If an answer does not immediately come, ask to be shown throughout the course of your day what item or energy needs to be invited in to your sacred circle. Watch for signs today. See what comes. Trust.

Reflection + Questions Free write on any of the topics mentioned in today’s guide. Or read questions below and answer the ones you have had the strongest reaction to. The ones that you really don’t like, and the ones that make you want to sing. Answer them directly or free write and allow the question and answers to take you on a journey.

Where in your life have you stopped believing in magic? Where have you chosen to shut down possibility? Why? Again, get curious. No judgement. You are not alone in this. When did you shut out magic, myth, play? What age? What was the reason?

What would it take to begin believing again in magic? What small opening is there to receive the blessings of the unseen realm? How can this widen, deepen, and become more joyful?

What do you know? Ask this again and again. What do you know in your bones. What is such old, ancient knowledge in you that it feels like stone? What do you know? What is so true and solid in you that you have forgotten to name it? What do you know? What do your teeth know? What does your blood know? What does secrets does the rhythm of your heart hold? What do you know? What do you know before even having the words? What is true at the moment you awake and right before you sleep? My dear, tell me what you know.

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Indra Nittri Meditation

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh (neck lock).

Eyes: The eyes are closed or 1/10th open.

Mudra: Grasp the knees firmly with the hands. Keep thechest and spine lightly lifted.

Mantra: Meditate through the Brow Point on themovements of the tongue as you chant the Siri Mantra in a steady rhythm:


Pull the Navel Point in on EK. Release the Navel Point on KAAR. Lift the Diaphragm Lock with SAT and GUR. Release the lock on the sound of PARSAAD. This will create a wave-like motion of tension and relaxation in the torso. It will release great heat in the body.

Time: Continue for 11-62 minutes.

To End: Inhale, hold the breath comfortably, and relax.

Comments:This meditation was taught by Guru Nanak to his second son, Baba Siri Chand. His son became a great baal yogi. That is a yogi who does not age, who still looks like a young boy, even in his old age. It is said Baba Siri Chand lived over 160 years. He was acknowledged by all the schools of Siddhi Yoga to be a great yogi. Under his guidance all the heads of the schools of yoga came and bowed to Guru Ram Das to seal for the future the lineage of the royal throne of Raj Yoga to his guidance and to his Radiant Body. The yogis who practiced with him were called udasis. This mantra—the Siri Mantra—contains the essence of the wisdom of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. It brings great intuition to the practitioner. The title above means the eyes of Indra. It connotes the feeling that every pore of the body becomes an all-seeing eye. It represents knowledge that comes through the soul and intuition. The body is a temple through which you can experience the consciousness of the Infinite. As that happens all knowledge and bliss flow through you. After you chant this mantra do not say anything negative for some time. It is a very creative chant. Anything you say will be amplified and created with great force. When you are in this state give your prayers and most positive projections for health, happiness, and holiness.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day Six ~ Integrating + Receiving • Group Call Details • Receiving + Worthiness, Tips for Integrating • Altar Offering • Reflections + Questions • Magic Mantra Meditation Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 46: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Group Call Details Details:

Date: Saturday, June 18th Time: 6pm CST Dial In Number: (641) 715-3580 Access Code: 984689#

Simply dial the Dial In Number, you’ll be prompted to enter the Access Code, followed by the # key. You’ll immediately enter into the conference call.

I’ll be tuning into the group energy to pick up on what major blocks need clearing. We’ll do a group energy clearing on the call. It’s good to be near your altar during this. If you can’t be, just imagine it near.

I’ll be recording the call and sending it out at an mp3 afterwards. So if you cannot make the live call, don’t worry!

Receiving + Worthiness One the greatest (and most difficult) pieces of manifestation is the receiving. At the root of receiving well is a strong belief and knowing that you are worthy. Yeah, take a breath. Let that in.

What is true that you do not need to do anything to receive. What is true is that you are already worthy. It is true that you, at your core, are a perfect, whole being. Your very existence makes you worthy of receiving every desire in your heart. We are not birthed into this Universe as anything less than whole, than perfect. The Universe does not make mistakes. You are not a walking mistake. You are the Divine in disguise. Everything that you are, everything that has happened to you is right, and good, and real. Sweetness, gather up your story in your arms, gather up all the things you’ve called good

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and bad, and lay it down. You are right. You are real. And in your embracing of the whole truth of you, you are free.

This wholeness, this worthiness is part of your story. So many times I see clients and students privately that cannot see this worthiness. It is heartbreaking for me. But at the same time, I completely understand. When I meet with someone who is struggling with this worthiness piece, I can feel this deep sense of sadness. There is a longing and helplessness that they feel deeply. And then with equal power, with equal strength, I see this invisible world knocking down their door. The spirit realm is all around them. Helpers are ever present, trying to get them to see that they are not alone.

Lovelies, the truth is that the Universe wants you to know you are worthy. There are small deaths, little tears in the fabric of the Universe each time you deny your basic worthiness. There are losses and effects in this other realm. For the good of the world, for the good of us all, claim your basic worthiness.

Easier said than done, right? Yes, I know. And all the work we have done so far works on this worthiness piece. It is being touched. It is a process. And the last thing I want you to do is add another thing to your list of things you’re “not good at”. Sort of defeats the purpose.

Instead, think of this as a sinking in to what is already here. Think of it as a resting. As a silencing the voices in your head. This is not something to work towards. It is a dropping into. It is a quieting of everything else on your to do list.

The meditation we will practice today helps to do just that. It is truly a magical mantra that does things I have no words for. I’d like to just let you experience it and see for yourself.

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Tips for Integrating We are near the end of our time together. We have covered a lot of ground. We have raised many topics and worked on many of our different parts. Now it is time to let it simmer. Leave it all alone.

What is conscious is only half of reality. You can only do so much “work” until it is time to let go and let life. This is similar to loosening our grip on the outcome, remaining unattached to the outcome. It allows the subconscious to work things out. Here are some tips for integration:

Dream Sleep is the best way to work things out. There is so much that happens in sleep that is beyond comprehension. Allow yourself a good night’s rest. Pay attention to your dreams.

Do House Work Allowing yourself to loose yourself in house work lets you check out. It brings you back down to the ground. It roots us in normal life. Do the dishes, the laundry. Clean the bathroom. Take out the trash. Tend your home.

Make Things With Your Hands Art work or making things with tools that use your hands is another way to ground. It is earthy and stable and allows the brain to again, check out a little. Loose yourself in the task.

Loose Yourself In Nature The best healer around. Lay in the sun. Go for a swim. Go for a walk surrounded by green. Let Her heal you, awaken you, soothe you. Rest.

Make Art for Art’s Sake Don’t make art in the interest of it being beautiful to someone else or even yourself. Don't think about the outcome. Just make. Create. Play. Let whatever is in you rise up and out.

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Page 49: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Altar Offering I always keep fresh flowers on my altar. It feels very important to keep something living in my sacred space. It keeps energy flowing. It also keeps my attention there. Fresh flowers don’t last long. So I am constantly looking to make sure that they are not wilted or dead or sad looking. I think about them while I’m at the grocery store or farmer’s market, or out on a walk. I like thinking of my sacred space as often as possible.

Find some fresh flowers to put on your altar. Keep them fresh. When they start to get old, throw them out and get new ones to replace. If you don’t want to use fresh flowers, you could use a piece of fruit or some other, living food. Be careful of ants and fruit flies!

This is to honor the unseen realm. Honor the Universe. The flower are not only a way for me keep constantly aware of the sacred, but a way to give. The flowers, at their essence are an offering. There must be an equal flow between you and the unseen. Give offerings regularly to your altar.

Questions + Reflections Free write on any of the topics mentioned in today’s guide. Or read questions below and answer the ones you have had the strongest reaction to. The ones that you really don’t like, and the ones that make you want to sing. Answer them directly or free write and allow the question and answers to take you on a journey.

Try some left hand / right hand writing. You’ll use your dominant hand (usually right) to write out the questions. Then switch your pen to the non-dominant hand (usually left) and answer. Let the answers flow. This allows us access to the deeper parts, more subconscious self.

How can you receive more deeply? How can you allow? Tell me how I am worthy.

Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation E-Course © Nicole Nardone LLC 2016

Page 50: ~Yogi Bhajan Welcome Letter + Setting Sacred · Dear Heart You, Welcome to the Kundalini Yoga for Manifestation

Magic Mantra MeditationPosture: Sit in a comfortable meditative posture. Lift your hands to the level of your heart, palms up, elbows relaxed by your sides. Form a shallow cup of your hands by placing the sides of your hands together from the base of the palms to the tips of the Mercury fingers (pinkies). All the fingers are together but not rigid. Open the thumbs out away from the hands. The cup is not deep, the edges of the cup are about thirty degrees up from the parallel plane.Mudra: It is important to keep the "line of Mercury" connected; the outsides of the hands touch from the Mercury fingers to the base of the palms. Normally there will be no opening whatever, but some people will have a gap between their little fingers. Keep this gap to a minimum.Eyes: Close your eyes and look into your hands through your closed eyelids.Mantra: Chant Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasaad in a monotone, letting the breach find its own pace. One repetition of the mantra takes between four to five seconds.Time: Continue for 31 minutes. Begin with three minutes and work slowly up to the full time. Thirty-one minutes of this meditation can keep you in a very elevated state. Practicing this over time can give you a certain stimulation which is beyond explanation. Remember to practice this mantra with reverence in reverent environments at all times.Comments:Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasaad is most powerful of all mantras. There is not anything equal to it, nor can anything explain it. Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasaad is a pritam mantra—the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib is nothing but an explanation of this mantra. It is so strong that it elevates the self beyond duality and establishes the flow of the spirit. This mantra will make the mind so powerful that it will remove all obstacles.We call it the ‘magic mantra’ because its powerful effect happens quickly and lasts a long time. But it has to be chanted with reverence, in a place of reverence. When you meditate on this mantra, be sure that your surroundings are marked by serenity and reverence and that you practice it with reverence.You can mock any mantra you like except this one, because this mantra is known to have a backlash. Normally mantras have no backlash. When you chant them well, they give you the benefit, but if you chant them wrong, they don't have any ill effect. If they don't do any good, at least they won't hurt you. But, if you chant Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasaad wrong, it can finish you. I must give you this basic warning. This mantra is not secret, but it is very sacred. So chant it with reverence, write it with reverence, and use it with reverence.Normally we chant to God before practicing this mantra. Either chant the Mul Mantra Ek Ong Kaar, Sat Naam, Kartaa Purkh, Nirbho, Nirvair, Akaal Moort, Ajoonee, Saibhang, Gur_Prasaad, Jap: Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Haibhee Such, Nanak Hosee Bhee Such) or the Mangala Charan Mantra (Aad Gureh Nameh, Jugaad Gureh Nameh, Sat Gureh Nameh, Siree Guroo Deveh Nameh) before meditating to prepare yourself.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Day Seven ~ Gratitude + Celebration • Gratitude + Celebration • Altar Offering - Wish List / To Do List • Questions + Reflections • Divine To Do / Wish List

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Gratitude + Celebration Reverence and gratitude are a way of life. It is a constant state of awe induced by the awareness that you are ever-soaked in blessing. You are never not flooded with sacredness, with love, with abundance. Even when outer appearances seem to differ to some eyes, you hold a knowing in your own heart that what’s true is you are beyond blessed. You are holy and you are held.

Gratitude is the completion of the cycle. It is, in some ways, the most important piece. We can do all the work. We can connect to creativity and power. We can strengthen our aura and heart. We can connect to the unseen. But if when the blessings come, we are not grateful, we turn them away. We do not allow them in. The Universe wants us to rejoice. This is the currency of the Universe - joy. We are meant to be alive and bask in the beauty of our lives. If we never feel grateful for what we have, we have not rounded the whole circle. We stay stuck and in a constant state of pain and disconnect.

To complete this cycle, all we have to do is be grateful. We have to enjoy what we have. What a lovely task!

Keep a gratitude jar. Gratitude is not hard to build. It comes naturally. It only requires some persistence. Get a jar. At the end of every day, write down three things you are grateful for. Some days, it might be just food, water, shelter. Some days it might be more expansive. Allow yourself to keep writing if it is flowing. Place the paper in the jar. Before you know it, it’ll be overflowing! I like to keep mine on my altar.

Let yourself celebrate. When something happens, even if it is small, that moves you towards your goals, ALWAYS CELEBRATE! When you are given a gift from the Universe, acknowledge it. I will literally speak out loud to the Universe. I’ll say thank you thank you thank you over and over again until I’m hoarse. I’ve found myself in a puddle of gratitude many, many times over small and big gifts. Anything can be cause for celebration. Be humble. Honor this unseen realm.

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Altar Offering ~ Divine Wish List / To Do List One way to practice gratitude is to be grateful even before there is a reason, even before what you are asking for has arrived.

Today we will make a Divine Wish List. This is a revisiting of your initial intentions. Write out exactly what you desire, how you desire it to happen, your most perfect scenario. You will use this in today’s meditation. Use a beautiful piece of paper, something you’ll love to look at. Place your Divine Wish List on your altar.

The most powerful way to make these items manifest is to acknowledge the seed potential that is already present to make these things happen. Be grateful even as you send the desire out. Pretend as if they are already here.

I recommend writing out your intentions in the present tense. Write them as if they are already here. Example: I am engaged in work that is fulfilling on every level. NOT: I want to be or I will be engaged on work that is fulfilling on every level.

In the realm that you are working, time and space do not exist. So truthfully, you already have and are these things. Writing them and speaking them as they are here present allows that seed potential to awaken and allows you to embody the vibrational quality of them here and now. This will help your desires find you because you are vibrating at their frequency.

This does not mean you need to lie to yourself. Blind optimism is avoidant and a form of escapism. Instead, this is an acknowledging what is present in the reality that you see, and also awakening to what’s real in other realms, too. You are naming and seeing and awakening the potential that your dreams can manifest.

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Questions + Reflections Take time to journal or write on any of the topics mentioned in today's guide. If any topic feels particularly charged or juicy for you, take 10 mins (or more) to free write on it. Other options:

What are you grateful for? Fill up three full pages. Just keep writing. Even if you have to write the same three things over and over again. Keep writing. Move through the resistance and into the flow of gratitude.

After doing the work this week, revisit your intentions. What do you really want? When you are connected, when you are quiet, what is your soul truly asking for? Free write or do right hand/left hand writing. From this place, rewrite your intentions / wish list.

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Divine To Do List Meditation

Preparation: Make the most perfect scenario that you see for your life, your hope’s and dream’s. How you want it to happen for you perfectly. Write it down, put it in a sacred place. Meditate on it.

Mudra: With your hands in gyan mudra, kiss the thumbs and index fingers together. Remaining 3 fingers of the right hand rest on the remaining 3 fingers of the left hand.

Mantra: Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari Hari Har

Time: 3, 7, or 11 minutes

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan