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YFC CampusBased Manual

Aug 07, 2018



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  • 8/20/2019 YFC CampusBased Manual


     CFC Youth for Christ


    (2011 Edition)

  • 8/20/2019 YFC CampusBased Manual



    YFC CAMPUS BASED MANUALTable of Content I.  YFC Campus Based Prayer 3

    II.  YFC Campus Based

    a.  Rationale

    b.  Campus Based Dream

    c.  YFC Campus Based Anchor Verse

    d.  YFC Campus Based Vision

    e.  Vision Statement

    f.  YFC Campus Based Mission

    g.  Mission Statement

    h.  YFC Campus Based Culture


    III. Starting up YFC Campus Based

    a.  Steps in starting up YFC Campusb.  Sustenance strategy for YFC Campus Based Program

    c.  Levels of growth with structure

    1. Household Level

    2. Chapter Level

    3. Cluster Level

    d. YFC Campus Based Structure

    e Roles and Responsibilities

    f. Implementation of 3year PFO


    IV. List of Campus Based Activities 24-25

    V. Frequently Asked Questions 26


    Part I. Campus Activities ManualAppendix 1 – FRESH Care Program and FRESH Party

    Appendix 2 – Campus Tour

    Appendix 3 – Campus Yearend Party

    Appendix 4 – Prayer Meeting

    Part II. Campus Training Manual

    Appendix 5 - Campus Program Volunteers Training

    Appendix 6 - Campus VIP Summit

    Appendix 7- EXECOM Readiness Training

    Part II. Others

    Appendix 8 - Electoral Procedure

    Appendix 9 - Constitution and By LawsAppendix 10 - Other documents

  • 8/20/2019 YFC CampusBased Manual




    Lord Jesus / we realize that / empowered by Your Spirit / You have called us to

    fight / and conquer this land with You /

    We realize that/ You have given us not a spirit of timidity / but that of boldness /

    And so / by the power of the name of Jesus / we pray over this land / we claim

    this land / and everyone on it for Jesus /

    That all those who are broken be made whole / all those wounded be healed / all

    those discouraged find hope /

    We claim our friends / our schoolmates / and our schools / for You Jesus. / We

    claim all those who step on this land, / have stepped / and will step on this land /

    for Jesus/

    We claim all youth for Christ. /We claim this land for God. /

    May the blood of Jesus soak this soil / Lord, send Your Spirit / to heal and renew

    this land / use us in our weakness / empower us to speak Your word / spread Your

    hope and love /

    We lift up to You our lives / and claim this land /

    In Jesus name / AMEN.

    Note: It is suggested that the Campus Prayer be said every Campus Based meetings and/or other Campus Based activities as we

    live out our vision and mission in Campus Based.

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    True to the commission of Christ, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21), CFC Youth for

    Christ (YFC) truly empowers the youth not only to be good Christian men and women, but also, to

    spread the good news and “renew the face of the earth.” 

    Sadly, many factors in this world result in the diminishing support of a Christian environment at home.

    This offers little help to the youth, who are already in need of much support and guidance. More and

    more young people today are being pressured into entering immoral relationships, learning to cheat and

    steal, joining gangs and literally “dying” in the very place where they are meant to learn a nd live, simply

    because there is no real exciting alternative to choose from.

    Moreover, there is an ongoing battle for the hearts and minds of young people today. The values of the

    youth are now being wrongly influenced by different elements in society (e.g. the promotion and

    toleration of abortion, premarital sex, rebellion to family and parents, corruption among student

    leaders, to name a few).

    In order to counter these threats, there has to be a massive evangelization and re-evangelization of the

    youth today especially in the captured market within the campuses/schools. Every young person today

    should know the joy of receiving the gift of salvation and of living a dynamic personal relationship with

    Jesus Christ. However, this is not easy because of the many distractions, pressures and diversions that

    are pulling young people away from the plan of God.

    Hence, there poses a greater challenged and an urgent response to provide a healthy and exciting

    environment in college campuses, where faith among students can flourish, and bonds of friendship,

    brotherhood and sisterhood with other young men and women can be formed.

    YFC Campus Based is CFC Youth for Christ’s official evangelization program based within College or

    University level campuses. It is affiliated with the Couples for Christ Global Mission Foundation and the

    network of its family ministries within the Philippines and abroad. It caters to students in their tertiary

    level of education  –  those through with their secondary or highschool level, and is pursuing further

    education in these campuses.

    In order to be effective in its evangelization efforts, YFC Campus Based seeks to provide (a) a point of

    conversion / re-conversion where a young person can grow as man or woman of God and be

    encouraged to take responsibility and gain leadership as they lead others to God as well; and (b)  a

    program that accepts the vibrancy, energy, dynamism and free-spirit of the youth, and strives to re-

    channel this youthful spirit for use in the mission of building God’s kingdom in their homes and



    We dream of a society very different from what it is today. People believe that this is impossible and yetwe continue to pray hard and reach for this dream. We dream of a day when husbands will be faithful

    to their wives and children. Fathers will protect instead of abuse their children. Doctors will preserve

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    life, instead of abort it. Governments will serve its people, instead of exploit it. There will be less crime

    because businessmen will not push their employees into the kind of poverty that breeds crime.

    We believe this dream can be realized through our work in the campuses. We firmly hold on to the

    hope that if we Christianize the values of the future lawyers, doctors, businessmen and professionals,

    government leaders today, while they are still students in the campuses, where their values are being

    formed, this vision can turn into reality.


    The Mission and Vision of YFC Campus is based on the words of Scripture, to "Unite all things in Christ"

    (Ephesians. 1:10). It is a response to the call of our Church leadership and our Universities and colleges

    to proclaim Christ to all men, believing that change can truly happen with a united effort and consistent



    A Renewed and Society in Christ through the Campuses


    Driven by the Holy Spirit, transformed by the love of Christ, and one with the Catholic Church,

    YFC Campus Based is a youth ministry of Couples for Christ that renews the society by raising

    servant leaders grounded on Christian values, witnessing God through the campuses.


    Empowering God’s Witnesses in the Campuses that will transform the Society 


    We are YFC Campus Based. We are committed to live in God’s righteousness and holiness, evangelizing

    university students through a life of love and service; we shall work for the renewal of the youth that

    will embrace God and His commission, build generations of Christian leaders, in the pursuit of making

    our studies relevant to our commitment to the society and to God.


    YFC Campus Based aims to teach its members how to live a secure and Christian life. This is done

    through reinforcing the YFC seven (7) identities that are being reflected through different teachings

    within the ministry. The YFC seven (7) identities are:

    a)  Being a Missionary

    This is our distinct desire to deepen the living out of our Christian faith for the love and

    service for others. It is an expression of our great appreciation to the work of evangelization,

    formation and mission of our community, taking it as our duty, our call and our privilege. We

    want our youth members to be missionaries by heart, allowing them to be true evangelizers,

    introduce His love as their top priority in life.


    Source of Unity to the FamilyThis is our deep aspiration to uphold unity a nd God’s plan for the family and for His

    domestic church. We want all our YFCs to be a source of love and healing in whatever

    brokenness their families might be experiencing. We want them to be a source of peace and an

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    advocate of love and in promoting better relationships. We believe that all our YFCs should be

    active in their homes doing their responsibilities and acting out their roles as members in theirown respective families.

    c)  Model of Excellence

    This is our yearning for personal holiness in our work with Christ. Our focus is to develop

    and hone our own talents and skills for God’s glory and mission. Our goal is to be excellent in all

    our endeavors, encouraging them to be excellent in every aspect of their lives, especially in their

    studies, work, mission fields and in being good sons and daughters to their family.

    d)  Single-minded for God

    Our desire is to form men and women who will whole-heartedly minister and serve God.

    Our goal is to uphold and appreciate the importance of loving and following the teachings of

    Jesus in becoming His true followers and disciples. Through this we aim to understand our call

    and vocation, following only the plan and purpose of God to our lives.

    e)  100% Free

    This is rooted in our desire to protect life for the continuance o f God’s work. Our goal is to instill

    the Christian lifestyle among the youth by emphasizing on the sacredness of life and defend the

    culture of life vs. the culture of death.

    f)  Champion of the Poor

    This is our desire to protect the value and dignity of the poor by putting out faith into

    complete action. Our goal is to bring out our heroism as ordinary men and women imbibing the

    value of unity and team work in order to exude love for the poor. Through this we are

    establishing caring relationships and upholding the value of selfless giving and sharing.

    g)  Patriotic

    This is our desire to cradle our love for God in active love for our country. Our goal is to

    strengthen the value of excellence, dedication and total commitment in making a difference in

    the lives of others and contribute greatly in making this world a better place for the future.

    The YFC seven (7) identities are incorporated through the culture of the program. YFC Campus Based has

    aims to teach and instill these three cultures: Culture of Passion, Integrity and Excellence into the life

    and growth of the youth in the campuses.

      Culture of Passion.

    A culture of Passion for the Lord: A cliché but a true meaning of the identity of YFC campus

    based. It means the willingness to bear the zeal of focusing on the Lord and what the Lord is asking

    for us to do. To have a culture of passion also means being champions of the poor and being

    patriotic not only towards their campuses but also towards the country. To be in a culture of passion

    means expressing our love for the Lord by having a missionary heart at all times.

      Culture of Integrity. 

    A culture of Integrity is a culture where every student should uphold, understand, and live

    out. These days it is a shaken issue of every student, where from time to time many have been

    tested on it. It is a test of character and valued. YFC aims to create a culture where their Christ-like

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    values are not compromised for worldly wants. In YFC Campus Based, we are formed to be firm in

    our faith and in the things that we believe in, living it out in the different aspects of our lives.

    The struggle of being pure and chaste also defines the battle in the different campuses. The

    transformation of many people who are now freed from the bondage of vices and sins serves as the

    living example of Christ love through brotherhood and sisterhood. A campus based member should

    be proud to share his/her conviction of being 100% Free.

    It is in this culture that we set our minds that the Lord deserves nothing more but the best

    of us. Thus, exemplifying to be single minded for God at all times.

      Culture of Excellence.

    A culture of Excellence is our way showing how we do our mission and live our life for the

    Lord. Both excellences in studies and in service is one way of showing other people how great God is

    in our lives. Each campus based member is called to be a model of excellence in their campuses  – 

    striving to be the best that they can be.

    However, embodying the culture of excellence not only in our studies and service but it also

    means bringing it in our families. As we become the best sons/daughters we can be at home will

    make us an instrument of being a source of unity in our family.




      Look and gather for possible existing YFC members in the Campus. Coordinate

    with the other YFC Programs in the area and look for their members list for a

    possible contact person to start the YFC Campus Program. These YFC members

    may be potential and can be appointed as leaders for the initial start  – up   Identify Key people in the campus that can help in opening the campus  

      Alumni members of the campus 

      Members of the community who are part of the campus. 


    a.  Prepare all necessary materials for presentation

      YFC primer

      Proposal Letter

      Endorsement letter (from alumni / community members that are part of the

    school) if needed

    b.  Set an appointment with the Campus Administration for the presentation – this may be

    done by the Campus Program Volunteer, Campus Program Head, Couple CoordinatorNOTE: The presentation should be done at the very start of the academic year so that the administration will

    have enough time to go over the materials.c.  After meeting with the administration, ALWAYS TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING

    DETAILS for future follow ups:

      Names of direct contact Person within the Campus

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      Telephone numbers and e-mail address (if any) of the campus


    a.  Appoint initial leaders in the Campus (President, Senior Sister Etc.) and establish initial

    structure in the campus both pastoral and functional.

    b.  Coordinate with the Campus Moderator and conduct the following:

      Expectation Setting

      Orientation on the basics of YFC and Campus Based Program

    c.  Integrate the appointed leaders to the existing campus household in the area headed by

    the Campus Program Volunteer / Campus Sector/Provincial/Country Youth Head /

    Couple Coordinator

    d.  The Campus Core then plan the program of activities for the year with the guidance of

    the Campus Program Volunteer assigned to them and with proper coordination and

    involvement of the assign Campus Moderator.NOTE: The Campus Calendar of Activities and YFC National Calendar of Activities should be considered in

     plotting the activities inside the campus.e.  Gather all existing YFC members (strategize membership campaign through room to

    rooms, setting up registration table, flyers etc…) Divide the present membership into

    Households. Establishing households are crucial to the work in the campus.

    f.  Conduct initial Prayer Meetings (refer to the Prayer Meeting Guide and Checklist)

    g.  Once the regularity of households and prayer meetings becomes stable. The Campus

    may plan on conducting a Youth camp (refer to the Youth Camp Manual)


    To ensure the attendance and participation of YFC Campus Based members, strategies may be

    created in order to sustain them in the program. This sustenance can be ensured through:

    1.  Building a relationship and identifying a hang-out place (if available) where YFC can be found


    2.  Setting a regular household meeting for it to be a primary point of gathering of the YFC

    Campus Based members. Be guided by the YFC Household Manual for choice of topics.

    3.  Regularity of Prayer Meeting. You may find topics in the YFC Chapter Assembly Manual.

    4.  Seeking for Campus Recognition and Accreditation so as to conduct university wide activities.

    5.  Working with other organizations for possible partnerships and tie ups.

    6.  Implementation of all YFC formation and training tracks.

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    YFC Campus groups vary in different levels depending on their growth as a group in their

    campus. This is done for the following reasons:

    a.  To give the group goals to work for. This will give them a sense of achievement and growth.

    (In essence, this can serve as a motivation for the group to reach greater heights).

    b.  To ensure that the basic culture of YFC Campus is observed.

    c.  To provide easy reference as to the size and general capability of each YFC-Campus group

    Below is a diagram of each structure and the conditions of how a campus will be categorized as

    such. Campuses should make sure that they are following the guidelines and principles in terms

    of expanding their structural growth.



    Household level is defined as the first level in the growth of a campus. There are no solid

    base members yet. The president is being established as required by the school ADMIN in

    acquiring recognition of the program. The president, together with the senior sister, conducts

    households with the members. YFC is in process as an organization within the campus. The

    gathered members may be seen as potential officers for YFC Campus Based

    In this level, there is a president and a senior sister. Both are attending their upper

    households with the campus program volunteer. Officers in the campus based structure may be

    installed, especially if this is required in order to gain recognition by the school administration.

    As of this point, installed officers will initially have evangelistic responsibilities (e.g. inviting

    people and setting up a youth camp) and will fully carry on further responsibilities at a later





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    In the chapter level, the campus is able to conduct their first youth camp. At this point, the

    campus conducts regular assemblies, prayer meetings, and households. The Vice-Presidents who

    comprise the entire Executive Committee (EXECOM) can now fully operate on all their

    responsibilities and are now household heads to the new members of the campus. As the YFC

    Campus Based organization grows in its members, Assistant Vice Presidents (AVP) may be

    appointed as household heads.

    In this level, there should be four (4) to seven (7) members present in one household (whether

    brother or sister). A chapter is then composed of three (3) to five (5) solid households. VPs can be

    installed as chapter heads when the organization reaches at least six (6) households, thus having

    at least three (3) households each chapter. This level may reach up to ten (10) solid households.

    The president and the senior sister are attending its upper households with the campus program

    volunteer. The president, together with the senior sister, is able to conduct households with the








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    A campus is considered on a cluster when it has reached at least eleven (11) solid households, or

    three (3) chapters. VPs now have pastoral roles as “chapter heads”, having three (3) to five (5)

    solid households each. This implies that there can be a maximum of five (5) chapters since there

    are five (5) pairs of EXECOM.

    The president and the senior sister are attending its upper households with the campus program

    volunteer. The president, together with the senior sister, is able to conduct households with the


    NOTE: Campuses with college divisions can have college presidents and senior sisters as heads of chapter and each

    college acting as one chapter. If some numbers of households within college department are not big enough to act as

    chapter, two colleges can be joined to act as one chapter having one college president and senior sister (e.g. college of

    education having one household and college of science having two households can be combined to have one chapter). In

    this setting, a campus on a cluster level may have more than five (5) chapters.









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    Campus Based Program structure is designed to manage and provide the best possible

    organizational flow of campuses in the area in terms of its growth and sustenance. Hence, each

    campuses handled is assigned with a consideration of availability and proximity of the ass by each

    person to ensure its growth and sustenance.

    i.  BASIC STRUCTURE (Pastoral and Service)

    The basic structure in the Campus Based Program is composed of the Campus Based Couple

    Coordinator and Campus Program Youth Head as the top leadership of the program in the area.

    Under them are the program volunteers who handle at least two (2) to three (3) campuses at most.

    A program volunteer is needed to fully carry out the formation and sustain the program in each of

    the campuses assigned to them. Program Volunteers (PV) are picked and assigned with the following


    a.  Availability of the Volunteer’s schedule 

    The sector/province/country must consider whether or not the volunteer can be present in all

    activities of the campuses assigned to them.

    b.  Area of Proximity

    The sector/province/country must also consider if the volunteer is located (whether residence,

    school, or work location) near the school assigned.








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    NOTE: in order to consider faster and easier building of relationships, the area can have special considerations in

    assigning the PV based on how well they can fit in the crowd of the school assigned to them.

    The PV will conduct lower households to the presidents and senior sisters in the area. This

    means that a household will consist of:

    o  Two PVs (of the same gender) who will take turns in leading the households. This

    implies that the Campus Based Couple Coordinator and Campus Program Youth Head

    should choose one (1) PV as the head, and another as the assistant. The PV assigned to

    a specific set of schools still maintains their pastoral accountability to the schools


    o  Given all PVs are preferably brothers in order to fully uphold male empowerment and

    leadership. PV sisters are only assigned to exclusive girl schools.

    o  The sisters household which is composed of senior sisters and female presidents (for

    exclusive girl schools) in the area will be handled by female campus program youth


    o  In cases that the senior sisters/female presidents are more than five (5), a female PV

    (whether as provision or not) can be assigned to take care of the remaining senior


    o  All PVs will be having their upper household with the Campus Program Couple

    Coordinator and Youth Head of the sector/province/country or the Area Program

    Couple Coordinator (APCC) and Area Program Youth Head (APYH), if applicable.

    PV PV PV (sister)









    HH (bro.) 2



    *will act as provision, if the senior

    sisters increase in number, thus

    cannot be accommodate by the

    household under the campus SYH.

    HH (sis.) 1



    HH (sis.) 2*

    BROTHER (campus YH) SISTER (campus YH)

    PV PV









    HH (bro.) 1

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    As evangelization continues to thrive in the area, the area might go through certain difficulties in

    order to handle its growth. Issues like lack of manpower in leading the schools, and geographical

    location of schools may arise as a province/sector/country begins to increase in its number of

    schools. As this happens, the sector/province/country may consider handling the program

    through the following:

      As the number of schools continues to increase, the area (province/sector) may add a Campus

    Area Couple Coordinators (CACC) and Campus Area Youth Head (CAYH)  to accommodate the

    additional schools and provide better handling of these schools in an area.

      The province/sector/country may now appoint a Campus Area Couple Coordinator and Youth

    Head within its structure to handle at least four (4) program volunteers. This implies that one

    area handles eight (8) schools.




















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    Assigning of Campus Area Couple Coordinators and Youth Heads may arise due to the following

    needs:  A Sector/Province/Country reaches more than 10 schools, thus, being too much for the

    A Sector/Province/Country Campus Couple Coordinator and its Youth Head to handle.

      A Sector/Province/Country has schools that are difficult to reach in terms of its

    geographical location thus needing to appoint a person that is closer to that area.

    The Campus Base Area Couple Coordinator and Youth Head will have the following roles and


    a)  Conduct lower households with the program volunteers in their area

    b)  Collect and consolidate all reports and updates with regard to its status in the schools,

    from the program volunteers

    c)  Reports to the Campus Youth head and Campus Couple Coordinator


    Acts as a resource person to the schools in their respective areas



    In order to further our mission on evangelization, fulltime workers and mission

    volunteer are assigned specific roles and responsibilities in order to assist us in our growth. In

    this structure, there is specific link between the fulltime worker and mission volunteers to the

    area that they are serving in.

    Note: This structure is applicable if there is a fulltime pastoral worker’s presence in the A Sector/Province/Country

    In this setting, Campus Fulltime workers are to be divided in order to target two specific goals of

    the campus program:


      Handles all strategic schools in the area throughout their term in the program

















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    NOTE: Strategic schools are defined as schools that are considered prominent, can have a

    great influence through its students in an area, and has a great potential for growth.  The goal is to sustain the growth of the strategic schools though consistent households,

    constant implementation of pastoral formation tracks, thorough application of program

    directions, and innovation of strategies for the mission.

      The FTW is assigned at least three (3) to five (5) campuses.


      Handles the opening of all campuses

      The goal is for them to initiate and start-up schools, work on it until it reaches the CHAPTER


      Once it reaches the Chapter level, the school handled is to be handed over to the

    sector/provincial/area program youth head to assume responsibility over it.NOTE: The Chapter level is defined s schools where in the YFC organization has a complete set of officers, has

    been able to conduct a youth camp, and ahs regular households and prayer meetings.

    There are instances that an area may only have one (1) FTW and one (1) MV. In these cases, both

    major responsibility may be divided among the two, handling only one (1) to two (2) campuses


    In some cases, an area may have either one of the two. In these cases, the one present in the

    area should take up both major responsibilities, and have one target school for each

    responsibility. (e.g. one flagship school and one school for expansion)





    Couple Coordinator

      Reports directly to the YFC



    Couple Coordinator


    Reports directly to the YFC



    Couple Coordinator

      Oversees the implementation

    of the program through

    constant coordination with

    the Campus Program Youth

    Heads, Program Volunteers

    and Program Couple


     Conduct monthly

    Coordination meetings with

    Program Volunteers/Area

    Youth Heads.

      Conduct monthly

    Coordination meetings with

    Program Volunteers/Area

      Is the pastoral head of the

    Campus Program

    Volunteers/Area Youth Heads

      Ensures proper and smooth

    transition of leadership of the

    campuses in the area.

      As members of Couples for

    Christ can also organize CLPs

    for members of the School

    Administration or Faculty, as

    means of backdoor


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    Youth Heads.


    Conduct monthlyCoordination meetings with

    Program Volunteers/Area

    Youth Heads.

      Constantly visits and meets

    the Campus moderators for

    YFC and Campus updates.

     Constantly coordinates and

    rallies the support of the

    entire Campus Support

    Group (CSG) as the need

    arises in terms of resource

    speakers, fundraisers and



    Program Youth Head


    Disseminates informationand directions of programs

    / activities together with

    the Campus Couple


      Disseminates information

    and directions of programs

    / activities together with

    the Campus Couple


      Constantly visits and meets

    the Campus moderators

    for YFC and Campus

    updates together with theCampus


    Couple Coordinator.

      Ensures proper

    implementation of the

    program and its activities


    Co-pastors to the CampusCouple Coordinator towards

    the Program Volunteers/Area

    Youth Heads.

      Ensures proper and smooth

    transition of leadership of the

    campuses in the area.

    Campus Program Volunteer  Assists the presidents and

    senior sisters as they create

    plans for the campuses

      Tailor fits YFC program

    directions for the local school



    Monitors all activities withinthe school and reports this to

    the sector/provincial/country

    youth heads

     Constantly conduct pastoral

    visits to their Campus


     Ensures proper and smooth

    transition of leadership of the

    campuses assigned to them


    Attends upper householdsunder the


    couple coordinators and

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      Creates ways and activities

    geared towards expansion ofthe campuses to its level of


    conducts regular lower

    households to thepresidents/senior sister in the


    Campus Moderator   Is an employee or a member

    of the faculty of the

    Institution in compliance with

    the requirement proposed by

    the school administration.

     The Moderator and the

    Adviser is the same, labels

    will depend on how the

    campus/university refer to


     Guides the leadership of the

    Youth for Christ Campusespecially with regards to

    College policies and activities.

     Fully understands the culture

    and champions way of life of

    Couples for Christ and CFC

    Youth for Christ (e.g. type of

    worship, terms, and


    YFC Full Time Pastoral

    Worker / Mission Volunteer

      Handles Expansion and

    Flagship Campuses 

      Initiates planning and

    implementation of area wide

    activities in the area


    Monitors and tracks theprogress of the campuses in

    the area

      Cascades YFC directions to

    the program couple

    coordinators and youth heads 

     Ensures proper

    implementation of the

    programs, formation tracks

    and activities in the area

     Constantly conduct pastoral

    visits to their Campus


     Guides and stress on the

    process of smooth leadership

    transitions in the campuseswithin the area

     Conducts regular lower

    households to the

    presidents/senior sister in the


    Campus Support Group   A group composed of Campus

    Alumni, Former YFC Campus

    Leaders and members in the



    Serves as the support of theCampuses within the area

      Helps the campuses in terms

    of resource speakers, fund

      Helps in transitions of YFC to

    SFC ministry

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    raisings and activity support


    Helps the campuses in termsof resource speakers, fund

    raisings and activity support

     Helps the campuses in terms

    of resource speakers, fund

    raisings and activity supportNote: Having a Campus Support Group is beneficial but not a requirement in establishing Campus Based in an Area.

    The Movers in Campus

    Every year, (depending on the size and growth of each YFC campus group)* a President,

    Executive Vice President and Senior Sister (referred to as the Campus Core) as well as ten brothers and

    sisters to take the position of:

    Vice President-Evangelization  Assistant Vice President for Evangelization 

    Vice President – Finance and Marketing  Assistant Vice President for Finance and Marketing 

    Vice President – Special Projects  Assistant Vice President for Special Projects 

    Vice President – Documentation  Assistant Vice President for Documentation 

    Vice President for Socio Political  Assistant Vice President for Socio-Political 

    Vice- Presidents have the prerogative to create sub-committees, depending on their needs. (e.g.

    Documentation Committee can create a Newsletter Committee, or Member’s Care Committee   just to

    make sure everyone’s birthday is celebrated, or that special theme days –  like a “letter day” or

    “graduates’ honoring nights” are institutionalized.) However, these committees will be headed by non-

    elected officers and will be placed directly under the authority of the VP who initiated the creation of

    this committee.

    The Campus Core



    (The President of the group

    must always be a brother.

    Except In cases where the

    campus is an exclusive all-girls


      Directions of the campus come

    from him as he consults with

    his/her overseer/household

    head or Couple Coordinator

    (e.g. in terms of camps and

    final schedules). He discusses

    this direction with the

    Executive Vice President (EVP)

    and allows the EVP to carry

    out / implement these plans.

      The president calls and

    presides the service meeting

    with the EXECCOM but canalso delegate the EVP to

    preside the meeting.

      With respect to decision

      The President is the household

    head of the campus EXECOM;

    it is his responsibility to

    ensure that the whole group

    functions properly in terms of

    their ministerial role as well

    as relationships or pastoral


      Makes sure that the whole

    group functions properly in

    terms of activities (functional

    role) as well as relationships

    (pastoral role).  The president acts as the

    visionary leader of the YFC

    campus group and mentor

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    making, in terms of planning

    and in solving problems thegroup may encounter, the

    president is called on to settle

    the matter.

      The president also takes care

    of “external” affairs, taking the

    role of coordinating with other

    organizations or with a local

    campus parish or campus

    ministry/ chaplaincy; he is also

    the direct link and

    communication to the

    parishes. He is automatically

    the church liaison of his

    campus. The president sees to it that

    his campus remains

    connected, coordinated and

    follows the same thrusts of the

    other campuses / chapters

    within the YFC Campus


    of the EVP.


    The president trains, andensures that the EVP is ready

    to take on the responsibility

    for the next year.

      Monitors the implementation

    of the YFC 3 Yr. Pastoral

    Formation Track

    Executive Vice President

    (The EVP must always be a

    brother, except in cases where

    the campus is an exclusive all-

    girls school)

     “President in training.” His 

    term as president will begin

    after the school year in which

    he was elected EVP.

     Runs the campus under the

    direction of the president.

    Sees to it that the directionand plans discussed with and

    given by the President for the

    campus are carried out and


     Is in charge of implementing

    the 3 year pastoral formation


     Takes care of the details and

    organize the Prayer meeting

    together with the VP for


    Senior Sister   Acts as the partner of the

    President for the year

      Supports and helps the

    President in the execution

    of activities

     Is the household head of the

    sisters in the EXECOM

     Attends the Senior Sisters

    Household headed by their

    sister campus youth head /

    program volunteer

    The EXECOM

    POSITION ADMINISTRATIVE ROLE PASTORAL ROLEVice President – Evangelization   Assists household head

    assigned to lead a camp in

    conducting the Household

     Serves as a household head /

    chapter head in the campus 

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    Leaders Training with regards

    to the venue, speakers, ralliessupport from other household

    heads to visit this overnight


      Assists household head

    assigned in leading a camp, in

    promoting the said activity,

    looking for a venue, speakers,

    youth camp workshop leaders,

    registration systems and

    materials, etc.

     Creates various evangelization

    strategies (e.g. creative

    evangelization), together with

    the Campus President Assists the EVP in conducting

    prayer meetings.

     The VP for Evangelization

    oversees the preparation for

    all entry camps. 

     Makes sure that pastoral

    formation and training

    manuals are being used

    throughout households,

    chapters and campus


    Vice President – Special Projects  Conceive, conceptualize, and

    executes activities for CreativeEvangelization such as special

    forums, workshops, and other

    Campus Activities.

      Handles the creative

    component of the organization.

     Scouts for creative talents and

    handles the talent pool within

    the campus (e.g. Dance, band,

    modeling, acting, and other

    related talents).

     Organizes and manages

    creative components within

    campus activities (e.g. Campus



    Links to the YCOM Program by

    attending YCOM Academy

     Will be the point person of

    YCOM in the Campus in cases

      Serves as a household head /

    chapter head in the campus 

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    of area wide events/activities

    and conferences.Vice President – Finance and


     Is responsible for the

    collection, allocation,

    disbursement and safekeeping

    of all funds of the local-campus

    based group in terms of

    budget, cash flow and petty

    cash funds.

     Deals primarily with strategies

    to market and finance the

    activities of the campus.

     Handles the resource-

    generating committee of the



    Submits regular financialreports every after activity and

    at the end of the term to the


      Serves as a household head /

    chapter head in the campus 

    Vice President – Documentation  Ensures every activity is

    documented in pictures, write

    ups and activity reports, and

    ensures that they are properly

    filed for future reference. A

    copy of the articles and reports

    shall be given to the immediate

    heads assigned for that

    particular campus for analysis

    and reporting. Keeps a directory of all the

    members and what

    households they are in, and

    provides members with

    concise directories for

    personal use.

     Act as alumni relation officers,

    and should keep a directory of

    the alumni for future


     Keeps all basic talk outlines

    needed (3 Year Formation

    Tracks, Household Manual

    etc.) and provide these

    outlines when needed.

     Makes sure all announcements

    get to the members through

    the bulletin boards, log books,

      Serves as a household head /

    chapter head in the campus 

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    and other forms of media

    available. May suggest other ways to

    document and inform

    members such as newsletters.

     Attends and links to YCOM

    workshops and trainings.

    Vice President – Socio Political  Creates campus activities that

    showcases and strengthens the

    advocacies of Youth for Christ

    (Greeneration, and ANCOP-

    Answering the Cry of the Poor)

     Ensures that the campus takes

    part in the social dimensions of

    the community Directs the campus’

    participation in ANCOP

    together with the help of the

    YFC President, the Officers and


     Point person of the whole

    school with regards to any

    Greeneration or ANCOP related


      Serves as a household head /

    chapter head in the campus 

    The following five officers act as the primary assistants/consultants and implementers of the VP. They

    are partners of the VP’s, and their authority comes from their VP:  Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Evangelization

      Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Special Projects

      Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Finance and Marketing

      Assistant Vice President (AVP – Socio-Political

      Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Documentation


    The EXECOM of each school gets pastoral nourishment and guidance from the President and the Senior

    Sister, who are appointed as their Household head. Household and Service meetings for the EXECOM

    should be held regularly.

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    1.  Regular Campus Wide Activities

    Campus Program Volunteers Training

    The Campus Program Volunteer Training (CPV Training) is an overnight training, conducted to all

    newly assigned campus program volunteers. This is conducted by the Program Couple

    Coordinator/Youth Head or Fulltime Workers and Mission Volunteers of the area, and is usually

    executed before the school year starts. 

    Campus Summit

    The Campus Summit  is an overnight training, conducted to all newly assigned Campus Core,

    which is composed of the Campus President, Campus Senior Sister, and Campus EVP. This is

    conducted by the Program Couple Coordinator/Youth Head or Fulltime Workers and Mission

    Volunteers of the area, and is usually executed during vacation or before school year starts.

    EXECOM Readiness Training (EXERT)

    The EXERT, or the Executive Committee Readiness Training, is an overnight activity given to all

    YFC Campus Based officers or “EXECOMs” within a Sectoral/Provincial/Country level. This is part

    of the basic training program given to YFC Campus leaders

    Fresh Party

    The Campus Fresh Party is a year starter celebration of YFC Campus Based at the beginning of

    the campus year. It is a party created for Non-YYFC and YFC freshmen, with the presence of the

    entire YFC Campus Based program of the area.

    Campus Tour

    The Campus Tour is basically a celebration of Christ’s love in each campus. This is YFC’ s version

    of Marketing week, Business week, Organization week wherein a series of activities areconducted to promote an organization or a particular cause. It is an evangelization tool to

    creatively introduce Christ in the campuses through a series of activities done within the

    campuses where YFC is present.

    Campus Year End Party

    The Campus Year End Party is an annual celebration for all existing YFC Campus Based in the

    area. It is gatherings made to honor every one especially those who stood up to lead and serve

    in their respective campuses at the end of the academic year. After a year of introducing Christ

    through various activities there is no other way but to end the year honoring every campus who

    managed to withstand the challenges for the year. This activity also creates opportunities for

    campuses to showcase their talents, build friendships and be fueled with excitement for next

    coming school year.

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    2.  Per Campus Activity

    Household Meetings

    A meeting designed to give the support group time to experience nourishment, friendship and

    love through sharing the word of God.

    Prayer Meetings

    A meeting of YFC members in the campuses held at least twice a month in the premises of their

    college or university. It is a time to come together to worship the Lord, hear His words and share

    the goodness and blessings He has given the group. It is an affirmation to everyone that truly

    God works not only in their individual lives but also to other members of their campus as well.

    Fresh Care Program

    The Campus Fresh Care Program is implemented as a support program for both incoming YFC

    and Non-YFC Freshmen in the Campus during the start of the academic year.

    3 Year Pastoral Formation Track

    The 3‐Year Pastoral Formation (PFO) Track is the new‐compiled pastoral module of YFC  given to

    all members of YFC regardless of area or program of service. It is composed of twelve (12)

    modules, which will start with a Youth Camp, the entry activity of those who want to join YFC.

    3.  Special Activities / Conferences

    Sector / Regional / National / International Conferences

    These conferences are given once a year. It is designed to gather the general

    membership of Youth for Christ to worship the Lord, listen to His words and give thanks for all

    the blessings each one has received.

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    V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS  Who will I look for if I plan to start up YFC in my campus?

    The YFC Campus Based Program Team or Any YFC Mission worker  c/o the Couples for Christ. Look for

    your Campus Program Head and/or Couple Coordinator; or the Fulltime Mission worker in charge of

    your area. 

      Do we need a Fulltime Pastoral Worker assigned to us before we can start to establish the

    YFC Campus Program in our school?

    NO! All that is needed is a YFC student, professor or employee within the campus who feels the calling

    to bring Christ to his/her campus. The YFC Fulltime Mission worker will be your resource and will justassist you in establishing YFC in your school. The initiative must come from within the campus.

      Who will oversee and guide us as we set up YFC Campus?

    Once a person initiates establishing YFC in his/her campus, and has contacted the local Campus Based

    Program Team for the necessary information and guidelines, he/she is inserted into a Campus

    Household. The household head of this group takes on the role of overseeing the set up of YFC in that

    Campus. The household head may be a Campus Program Volunteer, Campus Program Head, Mission

    Volunteer or a Fulltime Pastoral Worker.

      We are having problems gaining official recognition from our school administration. Can

    we still set up a YFC Campus group?

    Yes! YFC Campus Based may be established with or without official recognition from the campus

    administration as long as they are connected and guided by the Campus Program Team of the area.

    However, YFC Campuses without official recognition may experience limited access to school facilities

    and support from their school administration.

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  • 8/20/2019 YFC CampusBased Manual






    Every year there are YFC members who graduate from High School and move on to universities or

    colleges to pursue their studies. During this transition, many of the youths lose contact with their

    former area of service, thus sometimes lose pastoral care. This is especially true to those who are

    moving to study in another area or city. In support of the belief of CFC, YFC also believes that the

    community is a womb to tomb ministry. This means that pastoral care is different and needed in every

    stage in life.

    With the youth entering into a new world in college, it is necessary for them to have a stable and

    reliable support group, and strong relationship with God as they venture further into their academic life.

    Thus, the YFC Freshmen Care Program is designed to create a support environment for our brothers and

    sisters who are moving on to a different level both in the area of service and in their education,

    specifically in the campuses where there is YFC.


    1.  To let the freshmen experience the YFC Fundamentals of Fun, Friendship, Faith and Freedom in

    the campus setting

    2.  To provide pastoral care and continuous spiritual growth as they move up to a higher level of


    3.  To create a support environment for the freshman through establishing strong and trusted

    friendships through YFC as they start their campus life


    1.  The Campus Fresh Care Program is implemented as a support program for both incoming YFC

    and Non-YFC Freshmen in the Campus with the following elements:


    Spiritual and Peer Support. The households in the campuses will play a very important rolein the whole program. Each household will adopt an appropriate number of incoming

    freshmen to pastor. The household head is accountable for the nourishment of these


    b.  Physical support. The household should also look after the physical needs of freshmen

    assigned to them. (e.g. Familiarization of the area, showing them the affordable places to

    eat, how to take public transportation, where to buy groceries, etc.) It is the responsibility of

    the household to orient the freshmen on the peculiarities of their school culture.

    c.  Academic Support. The household should help the freshmen on the academic aspect, such

    as giving tips on how to get better grades, assisting them in their enrollment or school

    transactions, looking for people who can lend them textbooks and other references etc.

    2.  This program operates even before the school year starts. There are two things to consider in

    implementing the program:

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    For YFC Freshmen:


    Coordination with the other YFC programs by the campus programsector/provincial/country coordinators and youth heads (e.g. Community Based, HS Based

    etc.) is essential before the school year starts.

    b.  The Campus program sector/provincial/country coordinators and youth heads may

    coordinate to the other YFC Programs to gather list of incoming freshmen from their areas.

    Information sheets should be filled out and submitted to the Campus program

    sector/provincial/country coordinators and youth heads. (see attached sample Information


    c.  Once the names of the incoming freshmen are submitted, the Campus program

    sector/provincial/country coordinators and youth heads may now endorse the names to the

    respective campus leaders to communicate with them.

    d.  The YFC Campus Core /EXECOM will now take charge in assigning the freshmen to a

    respective household. The household assigned will be in charge of helping and assisting the

    freshmen until they are fully transitioned in a permanent household.

    For Non-YFC Freshmen:

    The YFC Fresh Care Program can also be a tool in evangelizing freshmen who are not yet

    members of the community. Before the end of the program the campus should see to it that

    Non-YFC registrants are informed and encourage attending the nearest possible schedule of

    youth camp in the campus.

    a.  YFC’s in the campuses can set up a YFC Fresh Care Booth on the first week of classes and

    prepare signup sheets with proper coordination and permission with the school

    administration. e.g. letter to administration 

    b.  The YFC Fresh Care Booth should create attraction especially to the freshmen. YFC’s c an

    make simple giveaway’ freebies or giveaways to those who will sign up. (E.g. Campus Map,

    List of suggested Food Shops, Campus Tips etc)

    c.  At the end of the sign up, the NON-YFC freshmen will also be distributed to the households,

    allowing them to experience the culture that we have in YFC.

    d.  Non-YFC freshmen are encouraged and followed up to join the Youth Camp at the end of

    the Fresh Care Program.

    3.  The Fresh Care Program will be implemented on the first month of the opening of classes on a

    per campus level and should be monitored by the campus program sector/provincial/country

    coordinators and youth head / Campus Program Volunteer.

    4.  The Fresh Care Program will end with the Campus FRESH Party.

    5.  Suggested Line up of Activities for the Month


    1st  Fresh Care General

    Assembly /

    OrientationNOTE: The Schedule for this

    activity may be patterned to the

    schedule of prayer meetings,

    additional dynamics maybe added

     To welcome all freshmen

    who sign up

     To conduct basic Campus

    orientation and tour

    around the campus


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    such the tour around the campus,

    endorsement of freshmen to theirassigned households etc.

     To formally endorse the

    freshmen to theirrespective household



     and 3rd

      Households / Prayer

    Meetings To let the freshmen

    experience pastoral

    nourishment in the

    campus setting

     To introduce the

    elements of fun,

    friendship, freedom and

    faith especially to non-yfc


    4th  Fellowship / Campus Fresh


     To develop relationships

    and bonding between the

    freshmen and seniorYFC’s 

     To create opportunities

    for members to enjoy the

    company of one another

    through their hobbies,

    similarities and interests.

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    F a m i l i e s i n t h e H o l S i r i t R e n e w i n t h e F a c e o f t h e E a r t h  


    Name: ______________________________________________Birthday: ____/_____/____

    Contact Numbers:

    Mobile Number: ___________________________, Home: ___________________________

    E- Mail Address: ___________________________

    Blood Type: _____ Gender: ________ Age: ______ Citizenship: ____________________

    Date of Youth Camp (if already a YFC): _________________________


    Name (Father): _______________________________________Birthday: ____/____/____

    Contact Numbers:

    Mobile number: ______________________________, Home:


    Office Number: ____________________ E- Mail Address: _________________________

    Blood Type: _____ Age: ______ Citizenship: ____________________

    Name (Mother): _______________________________________Birthday: ____/____/____

    Contact Numbers:

    Mobile Number:_______________________________, Home:_________________________

    Office Number: ____________________ E- Mail Address_______________________

    Blood Type: _____ Age: ______ Citizenship: ____________________

    Home Number: ________________ Anniversary: _____/______/____

    Home Address: _____________________________________________________________


    CFC member(Y/N): ________ If Yes, Service: ___________


    Immediate Guardian: __________________________ Mobile number: _________________

    Home Address:_____________________________________________________________

    E- Mail Address: _________________________ Relation:____________________________

  • 8/20/2019 YFC CampusBased Manual





    The Campus Fresh Party is a year starter celebration of YFC Campus Based at the beginning of

    the campus year. It is a gathering created for non-yfc and yfc freshmen, with the presence of the entire

    YFC Campus Based program of the area. It is a 4-hour activity conducted on a Sectoral / Provincial /

    Country level by the YFC Campus Couple Coordinator / Youth Head and Program Volunteers of the Area.  

    This activity will be a strategic event to showcase the fun, freedom and life of YFC Campus

    Based. It will feature the freshest talents from the different campuses of YFC with different dance,

    music, and ramp presentations. The Campus Fresh Party is also a creative evangelization activity that

    allows non-YFC members to experience the YFC culture of fun, friendship, freedom and faith; eventually

    attracting them to join the entry youth camp. It is usually conducted on the 1st  or 2

    nd  month of the

    Academic Year as the converging activity of the Fresh Care Program.

    OBJECTIVES1.  To creatively evangelize non-YFC freshmen members, through experiencing Christ in the YFC

    fundamentals of fun, freedom, friendship and faith.

    2.  To gather all YFC Campus Based in the area and celebrate the start of a new school year.

    3.  To showcase the talents of the different campuses in the area.


    1.  The Campus Fresh Party is conducted as an area wide activity. It is the culminating event after

    the Campus Fresh Care program.

    2.  Roles and Description of the Service Team – The roster of service team primarily are the Campus

    Sector Youth Heads, Coordinators and Program Volunteers but additional manpower may be

    utilizing coming from the campuses in the area.


    Couple Coordinator In-charge  Oversees the preparation of the activity; coordinates with the Event Head especially the

    logistical needs like the venue, sound system.

      Guides the team especially in decision making and transactions.

    b.  Event Head (brother)

      Leads the whole team throughout the preparation.

      Initiates all team meetings.

      Makes sure that everything is done on time and sees to it that the preparation runs


      Constantly coordinates with the Couple Coordinator in charge.

    c.  Admin (sister)

      Works side by side with the Event Head


    Prepares the over-all budget of the event  In-charge of the timeline, food for the service team and other administrative works for

    the event.

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    d.  Logistics Committee (brother and sister pair)


    Looking and finalizing a venue  Physical set-up (Design, sound system, LCD wall and projector, etc.)

    e.  Secretariat Committee (brother and sister pair)

      In-charge of the registration

      Implements registration schemes

    f.  Program Committee (brother and sister pair)

      In-charge of the over-all program of the activity.

      Coordinates with the logistics committee about the look of the venue. Makes sure that

    it is in line with the theme of the party.

      Makes sure that the creative components of the party are present such as videos,

    dance, praise and fashion, etc.

      Closely coordinates with the YCOM team in the area.

    Note: If the YCOM program is strongly operating in the area, it is highly suggested that they will execute the program.

    g.  Marketing and Promotions Committee (brother and sister pair)

      Focuses on getting sponsors, concessionaires and generate income to subsidize the

    expenses of the event. They need to get all the basic details of the event such as the

    venue, date and time, theme and the expected number of participants as early as

    possible so they can have enough time to communicate with the target sponsors.

      They are also in-charge of promoting the event to the schools through giving out flyers,

    utilizing social networking sites and using any other means necessary to disseminate the

    information to the general membership and further promote the event.

      Create packages to encourage people to attend.

    h.  PFO Committee

      The central theme and all pastoral components of the activity such as the title, carrying

    verse and theme for year will be cascaded by the YFC International Campus team.

      The team can also brainstorm to add and tailor fit the needed components depending

    on the areas need, status and capability.

    3.  Sample Program Schedule:

    00:00 – 01:00 Registration

    01:00 – 01:30 Opening Prayer /Opening Performances/Emcee Spiels

    01:30 – 02:30 Ice Breakers / Games

    02:30 – 03:30 Party Proper

      Dance Performance

      Band Performance

    03:30 – 04:00 Closing Worship / Prayer

    4.  Some considerations for the Campus Fresh Program:

    a.  Party Mode


    The activity is in a party setting.

      Party music is essential to set the mood of the party provided that the lyrics of the

    songs must be checked beforehand.

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    b.  Creative Execution of 4F’s 


    Pastoral components must be incorporated with the execution of 4Fs in the party.  Pastoral session may depend on the Campus FRESH PFO of the year.

    c.  Games/ Gimmicks

      To add up to the enjoyment of the party, it is encouraged to insert games and

    some gimmicks as point of interaction within the campuses.

    d.  Prayer/Worship

      Though the event is in the party setting, the activity must still start with a simple


      Worship will be at the last part of the program in order for non-yfc members to

    also witness and experience how we worship in the community.

    e.  Sign-up Booth


    To help the team in communicating the non-community members who attendedthe party, Sign-up booth must be put up within the venue. (e.g. Signup sheet for

    Youth Camp, Social Network sites etc.)

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    F a m i l i e s i n t h e H o l S i r i t R e n e w i n t h e F a c e o f t h e E a r t h  

    Sample Invitation Letter to the Campus





    Dear Sir/Madam:


    The CFC Youth for Christ Campus Based (YFC- Campus Based)  will conduct its annual Campus Fresh 

    Party on (Date of Event) at (Name of Venue) from (Time of Event). This is a gathering of college

    students, YFC and non-YFC members alike, in seventy six (76) universities and campuses. There are over

    (# of expected attendees) expected to attend the event.

    The party will be a strategic event to showcase the fun, freedom and life of YFC Campus Based.

    It will feature the freshest talents from the different campuses of YFC with different dance, music, and

    ramp presentations.

    YFC Campus Based is inviting your campus to join us in this event. We look forward to your

    participation in this worthwhile activity. Should you have any concern, please feel free to us at (Names

    and Contact details).

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration and please accept our best wishes to the success

    of all your endeavors!

    In Christ,


    Campus Program Volunteer

    Noted by:


    Campus FRESH Party

    Event Head

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    The traditional means of attracting people, especially the young, to a Christian way of living no longer

    appears to be effective. The changing times and trends also require change and added dynamism to the

    way we craft our communications and activities that we use for evangelization.

    The Campus Tour is basically a celebration of Christ’s love in each campus. This is YFC’s version of  

    College week, Business week, Organization week wherein a series of activities are conducted to promote

    an organization or a particular cause. YFC’s, however, promote only Christ in the Campus Tour, nothing

    more, and nothing less. It is an evangelization tool to creatively introduce Christ in the campuses

    through a series of activities done within the campuses where YFC is present.

    Activities created for Campus Tour target to bring awareness to, involve, and evangelize other student

    organizations, student body leaders, niche groups, varsity players and other students. The primary

    purpose of this activity is to market Jesus to everybody in the Campus, most particularly to those not yet

    members of YFC. Thus, the activities included in the Campus Tour should be made appealing even to the

    non-YFC members. 

    The Campus Tour should also serve as a tool that will motivate and help YFC members to live by

    God’s direction not only in action and words, but most importantly, in character. 



    To introduce Jesus to Non-YFC members through a series of activities conducted in the


    To provide a starting point for non-YFC members to deepen their faith


    To create a venue for YFC members to express and share the God’s love that is celebrated

    during campus tour



    The Campus Tour happens every last quarter of the academic year.

    2.  Activities during the duration of the Campus Tour can happen:

      Within each Campus involving their own set of officers and Campus tour teams.

      Within the vicinity of other campus within the area. It can, then, be an area wide activity

    spearheaded by the Campus program sector/provincial/country coordinators and youth

    heads / Campus Program Volunteers with the involvement of all YFC campuses.


    The theme will be different each year. The theme will come from the direction of the

    international campus based team, also coming from the yearly direction of the biggercommunity in Couples for Christ. However, in certain agreed upon areas and up to extent, the

    YFC campuses can tailor fit their themes to their respective setting.

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    Roles & Responsibilities of the Service Team:

    These are the key people needed to execute the Campus Tour. It is the campus’ discretion toadd or modify positions, to create teams and sub-committees as needed.

    a.  Campus Tour Head

      overseer of the entire tour

      makes sure that every campus complies with the requirements of the tour

      schedules meeting/s with campuses having their respective tours

     b.  Marketing and Finance Head

      gives out proposal letter to companies for possible sponsorship

      provides measures to raise funds through solicitation letters, merchandise, saving up

    techniques, etc.

      keeps track of the inflow and outflow of money the entire tour

    c.  Promotions Head

      provides promotional materials (posters, teasers, streamers, etc.) for the entire tour

    and for the sub events

      thinks of gimmicks to promote the tour

      makes sure that sponsors are included in the promotional materials

    d.  Documentation Head


    takes pictures and video of the whole tour


    keeps records of minutes of meetings for future reference

    ●  In charge of all documents that needs to be processed to enable the entire tour and

    the events to happen (e.g. permission to the use of facilities, permission of entry of

    outsiders, etc.)


    Event Heads

      in –charge of each event

      coordinates with the Logistics Head for the venue

      follow-up speaker/s and participants for the event

      attends coordination meetings with the campus team specifically for the campus tour


    f.  Logistics Head

     reserves venues for the different events of the Tour

     Coordinates with the event heads for the logistical and technical requirements of each

    event (e.g. sound system, tables, chairs etc.)

    6.  Sample Timeline

    Month 1-3 Initial Planning and Preparations

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    Month 4 Campus Team Road Tour, Campus Tour Download, Preparations

    The Campus Team relays the Campus tour direction first to Execoms of theCampuses through the Campus Tour Download, then to the members

    through the Campus Team Road Tour.

    Month 5-6 Preparations

    Month 7 – 9 Implementation of Campus Tours in the Area - Campuses may strategically

    choose which week/ month will they best implement the set of activities for

    the campus tour.

    Month 9 Campus Tour and Youth Camp

    Month 10 Campus Year End Party



    The activities to be conducted during the week of the Campus Tour should be crafted to be bold

    and engaging in nature, creative and appealing in presentation, and, substantial and massive in


    Through the years that the Campus Tour is being conducted, many tour activities have been

    made to suit particular campuses. This activity has become the benchmark or the signature

    activities during Campus Tour. The team may opt to add more activities depending on their

    resources, capability and needs.

    Sample Campus Tour Week Schedule;


    1 Campus Tour Exhibit

    2 100 % Free Forum

    3 Campus Green Campaign

    4 Career Orientation

    5 Campus Tour Party

    ●  YFC Campus-Based Exhibit

    This activity will serve as a venue to promote the theme of the tour and the YFC in

    campus. It can be an exhibit of YFC photos, merchandise and done with other gimmicks as

    long as it showcases the sharing of God’s love through YFC. Other creative and appealing

    means of expressing God’s love is also encouraged. 


    Tour Party

    It is an activity to literally celebrate God’s   love through a program creatively

    conceptualized to be appealing to the youth. This can be, but not limited to, a Concert, a

    Band or Dance Competition, a dance party.

    ●  Youth Camp

    It is a two‐day, two‐night live‐in camp conducted as the entry point of YFC.

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    Other than the two activities mentioned above, it is encouraged that the campuses also

    choose activities which categorizes as YFC Campus based’s, 1) Environmental Stake, 2) 100%

    Free, 3) Societal Stake

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    The Campus Year End Party is an annual celebration for all existing YFC Campus Based in the

    area. It is gatherings made to honor every one especially those who stood up to lead and serve in their

    respective campuses at the end of the academic year. After a year of introducing Christ through various

    activities there is no other way but to end the year honoring every campus who managed to withstand

    the challenges for the year. This activity also creates opportunities for campuses to showcase their

    talents, build friendships and be fueled with excitement for next coming school year.


    1.  To gather all YFC Campus Based members in celebration for the victories of the year.


    To honor and affirm the Campus Leaders for their commitment and inspiration for the whole


    3.  To recognize and honor the different groups and individuals who made it possible to have a

    victorious year.


    1.  This activity needs at least two months preparation to conceptualize the creative handle,

    organize sessions, promote to the campuses, prepare logistical requirements, and finalize

    everything to be done prior the activity.Note: It is important to consider the fixed schedule of exams of the campuses in the area to avoid a conflict on the


    2.  In the two-month preparation, it is highly encouraged to have a meeting on a regular basis. In

    the meeting, include this.




      Meeting: The Campus Team meets, discerns, and finalizes the Event Head,Committee Heads and their partner coordinators.

    ii.  2nd Meeting: The Campus Team of the area brainstorms the Pastoral formation

    direction of the activity.

    iii.  3rd

      Meeting: The whole service team meets for the mobilization of the

    committees, and the Event Head cascades the output of the PFO meetings.

    iv.  The rest of the meeting for the Program and PFO and the deliverables of the

    committees are to be scheduled by the Event Head and their Coordinator


    3.  Creative handle for YFC Campus Based Year End Party will follow the theme of the Campus Tour.NOTE: Areas that did not conduct Campus Tour may take on the same theme for the Year end Party.

    4.  This 3 hour activity is divided into two three segments, an Awards Ceremony, sharing of the

    victories for the entire school year, and a party. The pastoral content and creative handle of

    sessions may vary depending on the concept of the said activity.Note: Outlines of pastoral session and creative activities should be collated for future references.

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    Dynamics and Suggested Program Flowa. The activity will start with an opening worship.

    b. After the opening worship a short AVP would follow, showing the victories for that school


    c. There could be a showcase of talents from different campuses.

    d. There would be an awarding in between the performances.

    e. There will be sharing about the victories for that school year.

    f. After the sharing there could be a short pep talk to be followed by a praisefest.

    g. After the praisefest there will be a party that would serve as the fellowship activity of the


    h. Suggested Schedule

    0:00-0:15 Gathering

    0:15-0:30 Opening Worship

    0:30-0:35 AVP

    0:35-1:05 1st

     Segment1:05-1:35 2nd Segment

    1:35-1:50 Pep talk

    1:50-2:20 Praisefest

    2:20-3:00 Party

    6.  In the awarding ceremony, awardees must meet the criteria agreed upon by the service team

    like holistic growth and maturity of a student in different aspects of his life. This segment

    acknowledges and affirms individuals, groups, and campuses that have exemplified passion,

    excellence, and integrity to the areas they serve. This segment aims to inspire everyone with the

    young YFC missionaries we have in our campuses and to show faith in action through the

    excellence shown by our members on the holistic level. (E.g. Awards to given are plaques or

    certificates of recognition given to Top 10 Most Outstanding and Inspiring Youth)

    a.  The service team may opt to categorize the awarding on an individual, group and

    campus level. Also, the team may include moderators on the roster of awardees to

    recognize the inspiring service they do for our YFCs in their campuses. Also,

    b.  It is encouraged that the nominations will reach down to the membership-level. This is

    to make the awards ceremony more personal to our members.

    c.  In choosing the nominees and awardees, the service team must consider the following:

    i.  Pastorally mature

    ii.  Embodies the 7 YFC Identities

    iii.  Recommended by their immediate heads and coordinators

    iv.  Exhibits passion, excellence, and integrity in serving

    7.  The service team should include an activity which will pave way for an opportunity for the

    campuses to interact with each other so as to establish camaraderie amongst its members.

    8.  In Metro Manila, YFC Campus Based Year End Party will be conducted by the Campus Based

    Team specifically the Campus Full Time Pastoral Workers, Campus Based Program MissionVolunteers, Campus Based Program Youth Heads and Coordinators.

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    9.  For provinces and international areas, the activity will be conducted by the Campus Based

    Program Heads. If there is a Full Time Pastoral Worker or Mission Volunteer they may lead theteam. However, for areas with no Full Time Pastoral Workers or Mission Volunteers, the

    Campus Based Program Youth Heads and Coordinator will conceptualize and execute the said


    10. Elements of the Campus Year End:

    a. The Four Fs of Youth for Christ (Fun, Freedom, Friendship, and Faith)

    This should be integrated in the program of the Campus Based Year End Party. For Freedom

    showcasing of talents from different campuses will serve as intermission numbers,

    Friendship will manifest because of the students from different campuses will meet there,

    Faith because of the worship, sharing and session will be having, and Fun for the fellowship

    party towards the end.

    b. Sharing

    The Campus Based Year End Party is the celebration of the school year that was, there

    should be a sharing of the victories we had all year long from the different campuses. This

    party is for the celebration of the collective victories the Lord allowed us to experience

    individually and as a community.

    c. Pep talk and Praisefest

    A pep talk would be given which will serve as the wrap up of all the victories we had for that

    school year. The points in the pep talk would also serve as the exhortation for the praisefest.

    d. Awarding Ceremony

    This segment aims to inspire everyone with the young YFC missionaries we have in our

    campuses and to show faith in action through the excellence shown by our members on the

    holistic level. This is one way of affirming God’s servants in the campuses. 

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    Prayer meetings are part of the culture of Youth for Christ, the youth arm of the Couples for

    Christ community. YFC Campus Based in particular, had realized the need for the prayer meeting as a

    culture to be a lifestyle among its members.

    This guide aims to orient the campuses about the basics of prayer meetings. It also intends to give the

    campuses the adequate materials and documents for a paralleled spiritual growth through the pastoral

    tracks, and basic teachings that is specially designed for YFC Campus-Based.


    A meeting of YFC members in the campuses held at least twice a month in the premises of their

    college or university. It is a time to come together to worship the Lord, hear His words and share the

    goodness and blessings He has given the group. It is an affirmation to everyone that truly God works not

    only in their individual lives but also to other members of their campus as well.

    Prayer meetings are also used as a venue to respond to the spiritual needs or address the

    different concerns of the members. Therefore, each campus should strategically select the time and day

    they will conduct the prayer meeting to ensure that the members are able to attend and participate in



    1.  To establish a culture of freedom and faith through prayer meeting.


    To ensure pastoral nourishment and through prayer and worship.


    1.  Nourishing. It should leave the members encouraged and refreshed of God’s love for them.  

    2.  Christ-centered. It should be for Christ, about Christ and be all because of Christ. It should

    inspire members in truly experiencing Christ.

    3.  Exciting. It should be fun and be a place where people can enjoy and build friendships. Topics

    should showcase the 4Fs Principle of YFC: Fun, Friendship, Faith and Freedom.

    Guidelines in conducting Prayer Meetings:

    1.  Prayer meetings should be held consistently at least twice a month so as to promote a culture of

    prayer and sharing among YFC Campus-Based members. The Prayer meeting leader should be

    chosen and assigned at least (1) week before the scheduled prayer meeting for ample time topray and prepare.

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    2.  The planning for a prayer meeting will always be done by the entire EXECOM. But the

    implementation will always be the responsibility of the EVP with the assistance of the VP and

    AVP for Evangelization.

    3.  Prayer Meeting Topics may be based on the Chapter Assembly Manual Pastoral Track. There are

    suggested topic guides for selecting and discerning topics to use in conducting the Campus

    Prayer Meeting.

    4.  Creative Components like ID’s, registration and physical arrangement, food and drinks, Honoring

    (most complete household, early bird, birthdays, graduation, other awards, etc.) Présentations

    such as skits, gags, games, dance, Song can be injected to enhances the theme.Note: Creative elements included in prayer meetings such as presentations, gimmicks and the like should be

    coordinated with the Prayer Meeting Leader.


    Text brigade and phone brigade , creative flyers, posters, memos and all campaigns to promote

    the prayer meeting should be coordinated with the VP and AVP for Documentation

    6.  Suggested Schedule of Prayer Meetings:


    15 minutes Registration/ Gathering

    10 minutes Teaching of Songs

    15 minutes Prayer Meeting Leader acknowledges those attending the prayer

    meeting for the first time. (They may be asked to introduce


    15 minutes Worship – A time to sing songs, pray and listen to the word of the Lord.

    (After the worship, once people are seated, the prayer meeting leader

    could first summarize the prophecies, and what he heard from theLord during the worship to help set the tone for the meeting.)

    20 minutes Sharing - People share about the blessings they have received, victories

    in their lives and lessons they