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,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦£¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ., ' ¦'mmw $$®^^ Tko Amriri Wan lorofllita cwt m ?* *^ nd an !^ a ^^ , : ^bl»h«m Ayp r? g«ucro»».,, ; , : and liberally circulate is;kindl y invi ted mth^hoi ;Baia6 ^rb wuioe;;.Bnd ' : iaaul- ' tefe;<^- an a; dwt ri ^:in ^ur .n^iB' <hm* f- 'lK '&^ r ;^ *%&''&% <$$?¦ GodJ %n^he^tiiuing! ^r^aca ; ^ ^£MXW : >%r &^ Vp 0t ^K ; Office: N. Wl'Cor ; "' Fifth and VinVSti. to ' subsorib e 'for .^i»/thifty4eT enth: : Vol- ^h^;, ' a^ :hOTC»toibr ^;and\ wi^ttie! Sel iv *o^yBlen#i#; al{^ ^ \^K^-^l^t^ii^i^^^^^ ft&al^ich^se^ ' ¦— . . - , . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ , . : - ^—--. ume, arid ' circulate it freely ' among hb oraod we hope -fc^ fP^^?«^v?ur -;rtil ^iouB - totjr hsv ^i^^ M^ , ^jt ,m;::. :- . .^ f™daandneighbo rs. . ,: * ¦ ¦ /' tioh , any S^^ SSn^ SS ^S^^#^^^^^ of ^S^su ^ ; V. -Cincirih ^ ¦ ffl mSSSS? * ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : i* M " Je ?^ n?W? er for -our I.eople. dar l3th -(Sunday X aV^;^ >^iti^e^lty>f tiie past ifhl*^^ h^r ^ihto ^K BSSSSSShKti avSS? ^ ^^ ^ .^^ e ^^^^^ ^t<r^i; l y1I^bms |S^fe | ¦BP 1 HIW, MW .. . . . tran spir eaamon gcongre gation B . BOciet ^ uta ^<& &<iiti^&&l& S^^ ^tS*^^^ ^ ^«S^°^#:^« i^^S&iS0SS^&M ^1 8 ^|^^P^»^ rat es OP ADVEKTftlRO. fcd gea, fainilieB; indiv duals , all that li of Kabbihical-Union a aucoes s be Present $«# ^^^^ V^^^ 1 ^ ^^^«^^^>f^ii^^ «T , ana v^bp e^^ th ^PialS^Th e ' T^ife ^fe ^^'^^ CompllmenUry RcioluUoinuud Olj t unre a a& oo . .- ' .. . ' , , ' ¦ ¦ ,, iwnmnwai ynion a BucoeaB ; oe pre ^eni -j^' -t^^ i - mi" ftfo Siiefc»-y * v ^*^ ular ly , ;tlie, patroii 8 Of the Institu tion s;, r t^u& Hi^ W ^mA *. " > tbeb ^of the day iB rf deep ot the ^nferen ce ,;to ^WU« ^^S^SS^^ ot .fe ^^^eS^^pS ®l?o ^ntSS d^id S W^^^^»™^Wei AdM rt l..^u :SrS=iim.U!e»oth»- «^t not oy.tothe opoBity h^ter , tioa for thiB , ; neyr ; Btnioture ^ieh^e tb>^A*e^n;.J ^ iB^ ¦^**#o>/^ - S&' dr two f^ wWwS^ «S CU W P ^ but alao to ,thB "tident TTho feelB the hope wm in course of .time , become a knbwn ^That pbnoil i^ pbra-tibn ^ m puko W S&& S Kt&^S SXS>Vdw. necessity of knowing what is done and r pck of salvation to^ftrican JudaiBm : Mt Bpirit ^hioh heJilrnbBt without :- . «*; to^ bra ^m ne^y^ ayd^Sa^nB^Sr¥S^h : ^^^ SP^^ ^ fe^^^ fit ^ ; itf M'^ 'S &SM .aid in this living present/ how we ^tS SS ^ S ' ^f ^' S^ ¦ **«&$** whp^ mMLMIfl ^^ i^^ SmSS^S^^&m ^^^Snd^nSfe^^P^ oBem oJ coogrSaUOT. (hi nq ^iA to bear ««,„„«. „. ' «^„«Z ' -iJ' A- ' -;.-i« ¦ «. ' u . n ¦ »na t none of = «Ao ninety cally differ , with -huri iin inattew of doa- J narkB . i n ^theAteam ^fi.Btt baequent hiB - ; and * interiof tr riMure fc^ ^M^^^ TPR ^^ -^arfo nnv^ toi^^ U^g^nAh^rfert , if the y progress or retrograde , -how wisely or membera of thia youn g body, the most - itf &ttf r&ff iMia - ' til^^TbU toryV ;C; ^eie;mBr ^ :d«nbnBtrate ^aiit S^S^ ^SS tS^ Siikr ^ e^^^n*°^ePe»d^^ e^IJ K^ ^fflS^W^S^^^^ fooliBh^ we act and Bpeak, h6W earnest ^m^^^^^i^ i^ . ^^^^^&m&^^^ ^^m^m^ t^m^g^ ^a^a^td^^u^n^n^^^^^^»^^^ ^e^ ft^-W. -J to PubU ^ca giTinK their or playful we,are ( ^w much ^uth or ¦{&' cWen> ^n.tiiutionai;c pn^ehce. , > i^^jfe fi ^^ ^|M8tf ^^ flffiSSi^SB^W' *^ ~^™ : ^ ,v;r-r-r--r ; , . . - > hypc«riBy ;there iB afloat in Boclety. <All .;; ^; ;:- :l_^__ ^^ ^iL. ' ¦/¦ :/ v ^HetW ' ifl^ a^ eaMrMBB^^ : «S^ .^^^ ^^^^i^ji * - - ^^SSFS^Saff i^ eS£:p?S& g ^ot^; 0 SiS^h^;# ^^^ :Vl » Bering ^oftaV^^^^^ : pipir ^wr«Jir.wii ri«ifer »tt T^ Dpon ;botbih» book 5 f4ife. ;i ThiB : departnient is wor th . The. event ^was crowned by-the icoinV ^S^^^f ^^^ '^^^^^ i . ohemiered % rtunes;- ^hd in ^order ' td do ^'^^ ¥>#^^^^ mi!mM ^&&^^ 1i^mii ^^ m :: •dTirtltt r. irt thV pBMUkeri br it*tlBB.ttit rtey , il ysuppU ^ ¦^^a^M^^fS^ WB and ^orreB pondent Bf in ali pa ^ Str ^et l^le^^Ui p^ ^BeautK .^^S^^B?^^ #S^^«ii««^^. e^^ i^^^iSeM l»?^f«l«W£fe . : : #»S«^SsffilSi *^*®^^' ^^ *^^^*y*^^ 6fl^la?^MSi^' £ffi®?SS^^^^ . ' - ' .aSSOT th S^ ¦ W^^ V" any^pur nal of , tlm : . kjnd at ^c^ii. : 'At^he : top; of the; ^rk and .tf &af t-f ^^ :elo m ent8 in it hfemak mi gh^at firs ^Bi ght ^aveibee ^oght Sfe n S n Sd^^ Cr2Soti ^ pw^flt '&keS^OiO^^ p^a^^ :;:¦ ,. ¦; ¦ . - . ;. .,, : " ¦- ¦¦ ¦ - : - ' - ¦ ¦- ¦ . . ,.¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ , home or abroad ,. , In the Amerioa v Is-; with : Bmaa ^'gar tond ^ itrailirig in. graceV up; bE:Mia^^oung ' "hati onV-iB.tthe ^iubit pr bbable ^suoh- as; ^ miaohief was ' noVle ' ft to ' B^d' aionK -anVi au PPj fr$^feM !fe^ ; ^-^M : W™ ^ : ^ ¦¦ - 5-. KAEU« you^nd eyerythiftg: Vhich ^ran8 , : M^ryea^ frbm -either Bidsi about;the waiu ^Vbje ;rt onceama feain ^d ^iL ^^ ai^^; ^mx ^^yri ^ promUe^fa^edeeineVfronVit ^ai * .^?^^ ?4:^^Wf-^^S^S ¦5- TT.wo^d^Sibh obliked to tho« ofburW«iai Plrea-MerywhereV ^mpng.;;.flnr - ? ;-jp ' ec*i* - - .i^^jri^ig - ^(ii^- '^&/k' l&( w'Uil e^^ ^P^^ ^^ to the ' :<*$^&.Pm ^^ '^0^^^ ^^^ ^ dia lel y^ellveredi ^ThWfift rtJ tKel^ ^^ ^^^im0 ^&^^- i ^S^e?SS4^ 5.w^^ You meei in; ; it ^bur f riend ^f^ .^ S back ground bearin g a tri -colored **^^? >™W :^e^w» ¦ -&&¦ ¦ V^%^f e^W&*&$!$ m$i^ i^^ ^Mtm&*m .^Hg^^^ ^W^? : itamj ^oT deilie chronicled to tho rca pecHvoad- ¦ " . * ""' ¦ ' " ^ *"" ,; """ *^;.^' tern pacKgrou M I ..Deari ng. a in-coioreo aU iand s and of :the most variegated riar was of anature hkel y ' to make them an -^iia^^ fe lnofr : : 1 &«>iiil ^rff •;^Bv ? (kn ¦ooroph gftitb^ nio« t4 eBwbJe ; rMuli , - .thafcf- ?r^^, «" , ««??f«!iSV;>. . ' Y;^- ^ a,ntances . ^er everth ey may^ chance monogriim of , th« ^ H,;U. C; .The baae pf tionaiitiei ^find ^ very ^uicfc ^bminon *difyi n g^ ;ittractive:examp le WW aVflm^aaSe It SwS dSS -mi*^^ mW^I ^^^^^^ 4. ^ ':^M^S!^l^^^ ^^y- ^ *? b« : U ^ a Jewish newspape r for alt' the : pa) pit and its edge bore a^.p leasing {Eroiind and ^isqon : becbme ^welded ^. nations of #JB ^eartfc ^Human vapecula i i^iefjtho idea of^ b' ffeM ^w^naci ' Y^^l'^^^^* '^^'^ 1 !^^ ; ;; :' l*flade ^liB.-^ foM i io iidv : noon ' to : ^BeBides the ; ever ; ready advocate . and- ornamento tibn'- bf. ; froi pic ' al " paim a ;;:ah d bne ^mbge'ieous-body. S .^i^^^?:^ 0 ^ 1 ^ *^: 8?*^ ; I? ?^"* ^«#^^ 5^^?^^ V^ :.. .. ¦ Herman HninB r rickj 851 M. BttiBt , ,; ->¦ ¦ . ' ;:> ' tii ' i^M ' ' ^-J.u ^A '- i, i™ ' i,.««^ , 'V' j * .i,w^ i, « ' ¦ /^, v ' ; . V ;' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ - "¦, ; . ';;¦ , i ¦¦ ¦v^ ; ¦ ¦;i¦v: ¦?^^ ;;¦ ' i'^^i^t^¦ :vi¦ ¦ v i'¦ ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ii;•-¦ pate, th at: one " or , both ' of" th ese aims ii£«i'K< . 'ii : i ;;*£^ ^^^ . ^«I »ore. -Bef^Moridd 7,nooa t b: ''DrD ; the w ? ll Btocked . newspaper , , it : always ferns. -:; The; candelabra;: and : minister !s m^Ta .fe^^ ar ejb nAtfi , about vthi s -^^'^^^^ iS&il ^V j km: iff i^t^^^J ^^Sv *- ^^^ mm ^^^mk- " ., ; ;. : , ; . a n^M .^tion. ^. - ( ^; ; -' "as a public teacher , sp that the most B U„d-were ' taBtemUy -deco^ated ^wiit tom^m, °™™ fe ^:^^. Bb SS na SSaSSSflS ^^ fe^^??^>^M ^^ ?- ai ten fe^ ^n^lth e Sben ^ ^ ^^l^oW4^^ 8 ^^^^ ^ popular ' ideas amon ^ our ^ people ; are ; .ftiW ^^ ^^^ t ^^^^ e i^* nlfl^ 0 ^B^ict ^^^ SwSKS ^d^ ^«a^i^n g '^b^^ # ¦ ^#^^m^mm *^;m^^»m:;m^ um^wmmm fy 'fiSs^ifiSbSSBSSffi^- -MSg^^^^^ l^ KslSSfiJS®^: ¦^Sg^^s^sf^ ¦: t6Xiike. -Bifo«i -^JiWiir ' - v ; noo« ; . ^ Am EM can ^ Ifl^ELiT ^ ltVshaped to;a Jewish: year of tb ^giadu ^on; ^^ : ;^ S; ! SSSS^^^ ^^'^ : ^^ ah p On ^^ ¦: y:^^mzm^^^ ^^mmm^^ mm m^mmm^ ' *m^ %WW^ ^s^mmmmm i^iiiini^ii Snt^^fei^g^^dS^ : . ¦ ; J ^»M^^ b^^ Rop 47k 7if views o^^ large , numbers . ^ o^r people, fc sol emn pwesBi& thVvi ^ »^ o^ theolo ^as^wbS d ^bnfrbn ^ ^a^'^ S:« ^^ ::p« »^a >*ia| ' ' ¦ .Sew^^mo^y, ^ !^&^&:f ^.% * w^^mmiv^^m s^^^^sss&S ^m^mwmm*^ ^X^ 1 *^^^* - ' ^!^ ¦ °& the '«^^ « als^ the phr aseol ogy, byi& venerable ' President and foUowed : n^^<^* fS&?6r ^iB% :; iSi- °% m ^^^ l ^V^°^* h ^ a . .^^tfC ^^ wdi ih^aiiJ^Bi'- *£^ ; ^^ S^ P S i^^ feM^- ¦ \ ^Bi2aSE^fflg2^&i*. :¦»¦ ^ the, P rpjec^ but;alBO the:^ ^^^3^^^ ;d^^#tlKl^^^^» J?iSSSg2JS4fiagSgSg . «»^^fe«i^fe^ „^^^^P^#^^ ^ :¥: ;:::;:::• ' :::; ¦ ::::;:: . :, :•/-:. ¦ - .^ splits substan ce by; to ;vbry pr ^^ ^ M^ww^^ S^^S u^^SS S*&**^&^^ : ; C:THE ; THIRTY -SEVENTH W 0LBI & opposition , wiich-i^ 0 : OFTHE AMERICAS ISMEMTE. : «»:^^^l #^, «i^- : i^^i^^^ ^^«®l^^»^ IB^^^fSSgaSS- a P p ^SoS^ttwi^ SsS^gemSy^lfe : ¦^ ?^-:^:v^;^^^7^;v - i^r -: ;. on which: doctors disagree ' . One party ;;\£^^^ SSS«3 ^^ Si^^ ^AM? . ;^; ; !^ ^^^^'S^f : S ^^/ TeVth em^b^the ^nBt i^ ^ ; :^ Wia v this . n Umber the; thirl ^ven ^••S ^^ &^^^^ M; %^^?^^^ ^rS ^ r '?^^°^^^ ^? ft ^^ 'SSS^' inS^r^%^^' «¥^^^i#P^^*^# ' - volume of the .AMEWCiN IsnwUTE be-: promul gatedthbgehuinephUos ophy and ^ . K ..^..^..: ^.l!^;;.;.,^^ l ^enae i ^hii c "^;^»W^;#^4? ^^ »fl^ th6>main <ltems of man's dut y-to: ; hifl a ^ P h ^Sriw^inct in S 'ft t ?oom^%'a^hor ^*^iP*tWB;=- not : ' - ' - t i : -a ' Vosi ¦ ¦ iv, - - ¦¦ « ' V- ¦¦ ; - f ^:t "' "> /j v : ^.i -"- ilT^it ¦ 4. ^entagpM r er . i.,:;.^, T>rBe v: ,^,PhW M!Dn : whioh ia now d ead and pbaole te in . . the no3fehbor ;aiid , both thefe ' and elsewhere; ^ e , :> ^^ f^S^U T^i- - ^S" depeadehtB of the^asyUimjA Our 1 sirik- ^ i ¦ ¦ . •gins. -: , Jul y 4, 1854,.th e first number of ethics . .of Judaism , wbich' - the ^ .v other 6. Psalma...;;...,..:,;...;.... ;; ::..7...^.i:.^ ; ;.8utaeT avniffhrn ii^' TTA 1in«ia thflm ' out of i^^^ - "^^^^ -^- ° -^^ ^^ ^ I ^ as8ociaUonvbe twe^^ ¦ . f ;. , , ; ' x - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - , ¦ ¦« ¦ ¦ -¦' ' " . " ¦ ' ¦ '. ¦ ¦ ¦; ; , ; . ¦ ^.. ^- o. Louieat e oration...;.; Rev. Dr: ^: Sonnesciieln synagogue. ^ ;. ne . pu nes y inem oui.oi the ^doctrine s of rewa r ds ? and punish- ^¦ifaU^- : ' iii!«v. ' - « - -ifc^' rt *u "^' -p ' iiifc f :ii^t mg tund .is yearl y increasing beyond our ; ; :. lh» 3°u™al made ,its-appearanc ev then b^^ ; rather an humblB; unpretending ,;and ,p OT ^ ^^ ^^StS ^^^ i^^^ rotteh >re i^ nts;to; poiBbn:the; air pf tb. ^ ratifb ofwbati s terme ^ihChristian ^^ S^^ ^^^ ^Sn^S "^Ww «:Wa£]^)a^ltfr ^5*&ii- :; ; ^brai n g,tb;;its; nume^^^ ^Mm^*^^ ^^S^or^^^^^m^ -^&^&^S^SS- 0l T^?P^^P^^ S^WSSSS^^S W^iM^W^<M " ;¦¦ also unpromising sheet; although ^ was and : fre ^uentl y ^ did we renect; on^this ; ; l£££&S?&& ^-&i$ff i&^ S-^&^ t^i^SB^fflS - ^ ^i ith , : - ^^ ^^, 1^4 di dl ' es&ntia^and infinite > servibe S,m ^te ^&^^^ ^W^S^l^- ' ; .. . .. -^. . - . - - j ¦ ¦- . , » . ' 1,. : ^ ' ¦ ' 4 . ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ ' : ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ' ¦ '-; ' . . ' ¦¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ -I'll - ^Mentor theHj brew ffnlon &ilegB. v tnem .down to their , isst resting- place, though implied in the. Mosaic - system ; ^^^^^ ; ^^^ ^-^^^ '^ means , sufficient to leave 'bis or her. own ; F$^ ffiP* ' £*$& fK 1 *?- P^omenon^or perhaps^a^^ ^i3SBS&^!SWSSSSS3S& m^mm^li^^^^^ ^&d^^m^&^ ' ft^tSffi^i^sSSflSS 1^^^^^^^^^^ ^. ;i .:^ . :; . frlend8 ^ ¦ o^l . lght ¦:^and . ¦:^progIeBB i ¦^ ,wh<Be : for we are not apt ; to v consider . our a3; i ;, 'V^ei^a b;^wdd ^.^;.: : ^. ,.;...<5olr ashes to aifoest ^hese tender obsequi es; ; ^vBut these reward ^ an ^'puni ahmentB i™^?' *"#^^ -?f^^^^ i tf : memberB: ihe:8ay lum"in !;thek 'flMt:wai ^ ¦ v. - " . ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' •¦.;, - " ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ii ' ri - ¦¦ . ¦' j - ¦ * 4-- sv ' - ' . ' » ¦ «». : . ' i ' *' ¦ ' , ¦• ¦ ' ¦ ¦ .. ¦' ¦:¦ ' . ¦» ' ¦¦ ¦• - ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' . 14. ' Official declaration . djt. 'B; Bettma rin ,; £sq.y ¦^.' '^. . 'i ' ' . ".> - ^ x>;- ' < ,i! "^ i i.i,irLi»L »w*;: . .:- : - .-; ¦ -!•• . ;.> ; . . ' ., ¦ ' .. . ¦ . ¦:• . ; ¦ . ¦ '. ; ' . ¦* ¦ . i vi-— »>' ¦ ¦ " Out 1 it was not lavora oie to tuat Inean- .. ' iii^ifii' ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ., ±;.ii ' : Zj ' ' ' vL;3 '! \l '>' V!ti ,; '" number was rather small.; :.. It appeared friends infalh ble and : our . opponents ; the PreBldent oi theBoard blpovemors .an d too; are due to, our ri3lfl;^l0vn , ¦; ;^; - :¦: , are of< a temporal nature , and' .the ; Mo- , tKjbnv or " unibti bf "th ^ u Bivine i;' and hu ' W' we P.M »;pwt ¦ . o^ tnlB ; ^ntp: ^.fl^re llfe ) ¦ ¦ - . ; Y ;wite ;th 6 iUtto ^on ite >rehea d v #i;et rogues , knaves:oV ; i gnoramusei ;tV;Trutb: i^S^S^^ r^^^ rto Be- :^; r And ^c^^^e^grbwtih ^ " a^ew: vmm ^^m< ^^^ m ^j t '^r&£h f f if f if f if c u m t ? }f t &ui. W^^ ^0^^ 0^ ^m i : V There Be-li gh^/' whibh sounded hos tile appbi ^ sImost ihvirUbly tmctu Ted w^ . : iA^^ O»Wf «^*:^^^J^^ -ii^^-mi^S^^ ^W^m. ^^!^^ ^^ nd OT ^^ &>tiSn# ;jfiretf ^^ S^^^ ^S^ S^SS ; ¦ ' ^^ i^afeto^^ ^^ erSr; ; ;l,b»febe^idini^rmW i*^f^^^^ ^S^eSllSgbf^ e^h^^e^ai^'^ Wm^^MWM^S ^^MM^m^f - ora bewlera to ' the few^o un ^^ ;: the BHuation ^nd . felt ponvinced v that truth: iii his ' neighbor 'B •'errors ^ It is Buffioe . it; to; say ::-that ¦: an : earne stnessj wllicb;^ibludeB ^ nbne ^KinoludeB aiL ff lu ^r) &-X&- mp !& * ,^ Z *$& £b v widen rf b^^nce ' at ^wh^i min ^^ P 0 ? bn . 8 : 'S^W?;: b^^ a>^: u I i K ! -;iaraei Yunder ' the banher ;bf liberty , and char acteri s ti b of ierbb fanaticism to seW Zeal and reli g ion spirit ;.were;;manifes ,#, li iViup iratibn ^ bf <;ffi i sbul : which ;:com- : ^n. * ,^ ^och , ;^the vend ^ ^^365; ^^^^ T^ ^^^^ hlSffi ' iiiB^Mali w; ' W^^ f.5!^B^^W t. :^^ rj ^ :^.^^ m m^ mtmt imm ~ >^mmm:mm$ m M^MM^M &s^s^sMsssi& W^^^M^^Si ^mm^sm^m i > ; .^the ^ anti quated and oppre ssive ;bur- .^&< iM.^$^^ m ^MHM ^m^M -^S^&^S^&& 4^^^^ ^^^; tri M^^S^^hSg^ fp^piff § : - . den of observances , forms and cone ep- temp lation /> however , we have been' but / in ?:.. : 10 ^P W*»B » . ft B y^?P«f. 0 v ^ =>¦ wtich ;iB ratheKei«l ^nt 'than tha tidola tr y ' c^ed with-it in tiiu^ ' tibns produced " in other days; in other confirmed ' in our 'bonvictibn " th it ' the ¦?- ' -^ ! ?^^ '^«^^?^^ . -i :i? ? ;. ' j Tictfless ib^ words iihaairi:deeds.: - Thi B : ,$Wto$bto ^l^te ,^#& Thj B - L^^ ^i^ ieligibus incOm ^etenes s : ^^ ?P°? ^^^ ^v n««^^ Z : countries r nnder circumstances whicb ^ e^t nO 'W ger , o^peris h under thp and , always: were thV : genuin ^ ^ #M«^f£^ M^^^i^f^ ?^ aS ^S^^S^ S j ^#:^^^ ^ f .^^^^^ mm^ ^ms^^imsm m^^^^mm yi^Mmhm. ^ssssss^ss^s ¦^m^^m^m s tion, superstition , and clashing contra- call orthodo x,.bn t ihat which is sb . in gebus/temples i and tL^agnificen vfe fcB~k M^^^. <^!r^: mbf n l; iuperiority ^ith i^narr fen^ ? . diction with , th e . progressive age and fcotfn strict accordance with: the-whole ^^ ¦ : Am«^to;ii>B^gi^jBj» . »ka - lniw^- w^* M-imaiBt« VSow, S^^S^SS ^^ 1 ^ - country where our lot was . casv * Grad- lit ^^ ^ totaHt y of th ^histbri cal. W*^«^i' cb^ict ihg^^ e^ren i o^Sbn ^cbdceplofrf ^^ a^ ?™^^*i^T^-^i^>ffl^ Sbr aSS ^^l^^ ^ :; uall y these few outgrew the «ta $ttd development of Israe ^and the just >ea= .^S^ A^^ffiSiSitfS ^^ ^ B <^ W -^--^ W^SaS-sSSS®®^ ^^ ^ ¦ iii » - . ¦¦ . ¦ . ¦ _, . -. - .,j. : ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . - . ¦ . - ' ¦;¦ * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . .. ¦¦ ¦ - . ¦ ,. ¦ *!¦ ¦ . Keligion. . - . ,A.nd> ^^ to- - , demonstrat e ;tni s of the American ^heaven and upon- the ¦ ... ¦ ¦i^;i, * ^^ ™ T ii : v i.*- ~ ¦t ^ , J ^t "" ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦w or the terrible and lontn some iniquities w^ i, ^r3 U : < ^^ i&£>\ : y : ^~V&.j ^ ' -i* ' ¦ " ¦ : the American Israelite , became a guid ; ,BOning thereon according : to vlsraeVs fact % e "Union American: Btebr ^ Vast ^d ^rtilelm erloan sbU^und tb M%. J ^^^ en ^had :they not . bf >iU mhaoit ^ts: ^Tne ^natibns ^hbni - B ^^ ^^5^lMgS % ing Btar. _ Its motto , - " Let : There . Be prin6es of mind and ithe world' s most Congregations " ; Was organi sed Beventeen ' ^- lii^^^ ^m^i^e^rii ^>I ^B - ^ Wm$W^?^: ^:^% m> n&m "^an *hitim * mtiti ^ W^M^k^' ^^^ $ Li ght , " aoon was . supplemented with its ' renowned and impartial logicians. Ju- years ' ago, - which resulted: ,two ¦¦¦ years: Messed h^r^lv^U^^Ui^. t^; fSS ^SS ifl lateBt ^Bt a^xbfiienBuaBihiqui ^^ ^ Tp^ aMr^Sn^ ' BohM^Ae " second part - And there was. Li g ht s daism is un ^ Alas l many of tbosey earl y ch,mpiona Batibn. We maintain fbreve, ^ . are : npvmore;:st.II there are , many of former , and therefore ; it is reveale d to solemnize th is - nfteenth gala ' day of trine ^f ^oiobd and ^ :Mahkind. l^ 3?; f -^M« ^^ ^B^^^aa ^in ^ ,5 ; them left to testify-to the iaith H con- wl|gion. Whatev er is .to satis fy the 9- ^gc thab : b y^in/ tH ^ Bujtent >nd . untirin g work dbne by this reason , conscience and ^ feelib gs bf all feM * clo?e t ^ . logical rdaUon &. Lcfetn is energyanu rsp iritof the ; Jew . SfeaS ^SSSt^S & »^teW i^i« Sb; thV ^dtstructibr ^fSIpp IS i ;;jburna fin the thirty .six ;yeaM Of i^ ^ c^^^ ^ ;: career. It has penetrated every n00W V6rs al to the indi vidual spirit: tlniver- JB^jSSS^TBS- ^'St^SkS ^hvl om ' ¦?' ^^«# e W^^ « ^S^^ SSS ^^ ^^Sm^m^^& " ' . and co ner of thi s . ountryW carrie d sal xeligion can p^sed.into any other. b^ ^^ ^ ^W says ' the ©; .S^SS^S^S^ f^^ 1 ?^ ^^^^^ ! ^S^ 1^ i-^fe^ ^^^^ p^^^ i^^^^ SS3S^^ ISr^ % light, ruth .progress .vea ndhumane.en . universal forms. Forms . be they lawa , Union, and HlK apan: proclaims the Col- College ' bV th^^ i timenis intp the home s of tens ot thou- ous toms, observances , modes of worshi p legeV The one emphasizes -thVoultiva- "f^^th and ^America ' s^iber ^;^ lbvneed ^bt ; i cbntain ;: every ^hin : g ^ I sands -khose knowled ge of the Hebrew 0r of. government , are temporary medk tion , of the Thprah , which is equivalent ^.^e cwo^ virj ues^;the; apcient :^ned, j^ bufc^r^&na&ra iri [t" r eA^W^ ' P^-^^^^^ ^^ ' ^^ P ^ " j lore, >ligibn and people was rather Btion s between the eternals nlritand e±- and para mpuht to all trul y Jewish vir- ™ *^ )* J$*^\&^ t WW. *™ :i^ PWWB^of4men^erv , ation , ; ;;refl v limited .^? ? . V '^ * - ; tu T?^ B „^^ m »ltf^ Mwi ^- n. S ^u^nces , emergencies , mo- mor^in ^iU h/ hi ^d bri ghter , ^^wU .owe^e xeal ize,tha V. the ^ ^ fl ^^ ^ It his acq ua inted multitudes with the mentary conditions or states of society, Tor , - m truth rwhenever the science of Beal of-Divmit y is. Truth, and that ; the triar bhaUr eu^ body of Jewish doctrine , and thus re- ^d all of them ar e tranwtory ; henca Jewish reli gion is zealously planted and Dwnity of Truth js . her zeal, JiK jpan. ceded arid ^ury ivedithb law^ butd W iup t '^a^SJ sai r^^ >^P^^^ ^?^^ ^^ < * moved scores of prejudices prevailing in all forms are transitory and not uni- spread , the gloom an d/doom ; of Jsrsel is- J rh e_Jtfb tnJ b righ iens ! ^e Day is. at 4bd ^^m;it.: : ^ccord rn g iyi^Smb^g^ y^ ;; unenlightened minds. In many in- vemi. The spirit and essence of Juda- bound *o Vanish. < hand , the OJ ivirie 0)ay . of lasting peace , the J ew* of the. Advent ^ th elichob l -m *iti^m&wmf a ^!$& ^^ MM^&^^^^ I stances . where Judaism was looked upon i8m are eternal; the forms are not , they . Not % «" of us stiU remember -the nAT ^ TEXAS tot^SerS^l aaa S r ;; as n. himd l n of drv hnnna n»tri 'ft«4 c t- * i j i ¦* ,. , terrors of the night through which Is- DALLAS , TEXAS. e . . f "^ vP R W^yi:-*|l « . - paaau6e« ,if ; ,,p* , _j aiBea v , : as a bundle of dry bone s , _ petrified ftre of . h.stoncal development , hence TOel has paSHedi B The ^ f tlouda ^ : y . .- ¦/-v - , . : . nied ; :the fut ure . stato , a ? d; ;iie . ld ^-that; |beb ^of; BomW^Sre ? th ^:Ph ^nuVia ^^ ^f ^^ l^ ^m ^M ^ ^ : } fetiches, mumm ies of old , it . is known perishable. AU questions of reform re- theae horrors still linger : in the Extern - ; alt . b omb: > ¦ thereis .nb : . xes|irrecton , neittier : angel ^^^ : : now as the most enlightened and most voi ve on the 8ame aiis , viz:which formB horizon , queer a^tn ^may appear , .while. Sboial circles . are .beginning to be r^irii/ ' j; ^ : ^: ^STi ^Wrf find ^b? g bddess -^phibditb r :wnb s^ ' r^^^^ ^-^^ ¥^V V 1?8 ^ rational relig ion , standing abreast with are yet useful and which are not what > the ueff a °d brig ht day ^ ;was bor ^ in 5P^ ^^ 0??eq^ f the most liberal and most humane mll ha Jii-^i v. ™„!l - this TFwiern continent . Not a few ambng warm weather f ?.and -activity. wiU : not ^ael was^ithwt^e W^a f^e ^ - SldTo th S Wh™^T! i ¦ ^ ? y ° "P^ve U8 Btill r8membeP the horrors ^bf the Ukel ybb resume d^ntil the opening; of life, ^hich ^ i; oreeds of the land. Wherever an ene- fl nd impressive forms , and who ahall wilderness from which Israel escaped «W Texas- Stiite ;FacvuidDalla B Eippsi,: -tecost;:himBei r:demonBtfated' fw bflawle^ ius^T This ' w '^Bhto W ^F ^^W?*^&W™£ ° t my of our . peop le or of our religion lawfully accomplish this renovation/ within thia century, of th ^ raised his head . there was the Akericak Ever since we began to think correctl y ua iionl wh^ oh ou r propnet >o aj gyflcanW *d^ Sa^aideymi^^ pbpol d ^th P ; ^ a aio;.legisla ^n^^ -tb^^S-^^^ - ^'^ ^M^^i^^ S^^ ^ Israelite ,with its telling defense, we looked noon Judaism frnm ^1 ^ dep icted when he said:. "T he pelican WeU; a nati ve ' pfl'Berlih ,^^ ¦ " ¦ ¦ '¦^^^^ M^^ ^fefc e* A Wieneveri «norance bieotrv malice or ? a ¦ . T ^T IT. ^ a nd &e ostrich shall possess iti the owl tbree years ^i^.waa^buried : Sunday Bettin g: apart a -nati on^from ^^ burd j rkQf^m^^ - When gver ignorance , bigotry, malice or stand point , and bo we thought , taught and ; the raven shaU dweUmit" : Have afternoon by " the Hebrew ^ Benevbl^t ^kind , ;and * providing ' i t; with fpecu- ¦; :^ ; ,, ^,.:,.,,-, A,?.,:, ,;,,:-,. ,: , -, " .& . »«B ? d%* ? ah l*;* ^*o^^ #f*^ % mischief, within or without our camp, and act ed. ThiB appears to ,ub ;gemi we forgotton the ter rible si gnificance of Association. ^e^Dr ^vM^Chapm ^ ^ threw firebra nds into our ^enta, the jne orth odoxy, while the worship of this prop hbti e heraldry ? Have we for- ^«feHned the'fuiiexa^^ ^ is AMEHicAK lsRAELr rE was certainl y there f 0Tmh appears to us heres y and aberra- 8otton **»> »irtyrdom bf generation MUBBanm^iKii us^tW^waB the Jj epted a wa^pr«mot;withm ^hjo h:; ^^rb^Tusk ^ e^ iB^iBiiini ^ P^^ nto ^S ^' : '^-^^ * to ohaati ae the eva^oers , and in mest t i **» ?. ^erat &.^ hen ^ J^^ I •x j.j •, ,i A feedino and flustainin K his vbviri fe onea ; The sooM everitb ^-the week WBB ,the to ; ; nnd -Bhelter « and i .v eaaeait didprevad over all opponents. Thifl remBm8 th e Btand point of the solel y by^ bwnS SSdT ^ Have Chanu katb ^ab ayiih^houBew arming ) ^iw^^wbfuUy^per is ning ^ $ There are plenty of witnesses living yet American Israelite. Beli gion is the we forgotte n the steriUty and pimic K^n ^ ^ffi^ l^M^W^'Mmm % to testif y to the efficien t piece of work <fegitation ancf poaBible cognition of the ot those tim es wh en the Jew lived: Mrs. .Mi Sueflat their newly^epUAel^ $ -done by this journal during its career of bn e only and fr ue God as defined bv UP011 atones instead of bread and -j W * res iderice ^ w hich waB^arti pipated; ^P^Onal ^Ml^ « thirt y-Bix vearV dura tion. mL!_^„ 1™M v 1 " ¦ "T'^ was best known for his runr ..^ capaci - in,and found:deli g h^ul:b y a Belfet nuitf al reb giop, ^en ^ b y-itadf , isBad y ^ weak: ^^ti ^j ^:^^^ ^ greatoBV j ^to ^en^Wh pWd ^ r; thjny six years duration . Moses^o mor t al knows more about * tioa ? Have we forgotten the Ira ^hen ber pf ftiendB. ;:'^ - - ^#? ^ s 9^^^ v Therefore , at the opening of its thirty- ^-and the r \xn for man ' s conduct , indi- the Jew , owl-like , was safest at home Bprn ^-To Mr. and Mrs. &us ^iart , to agew^The/jbhs pfsElt iWer ^^ « . ?, seyenth volume, we need to make no vidual s and nations , man and mankind , amongst ruin a and closed his eye to the Jone^Sd, a boy. . .„. - , . . ; V perB ^B yvM d^:the ^yiI/; ManasBel i H^. . ^SiM€v^iii^^i^S^^)ud ^S?^"^*^ ^^^ P^dmnnj ^ ne^pr pmiaeBi lay out no new plan or basing upon the purest cognition of the d** 47 » f we' not even now yet . Mr, and Mrs ; A. I^Rpsenthal „e o^^piouB v WiMwAw ! ^ISi ^ ¦ m^ - r . *i ¦ -l /. - ¦ •; .«! ¦ i w ¦ .,. -' ¦ ™. . . . once in a while hear the ominouB " n«r . viBifcins their 1 uncle. Sol Loeb. Esa.. at ^ ^ ^ ' Program ; The ptoof la beforeyou ^ m its Ete rnal Opt , This is a universal re- ^more ! *S^ S'S en rfVO peipu ULa ^ v " . long past that thu. journal will always ligiori , this is Judaism , this ia ortho- bri ghter day, receive as an answer fro nt ¦¦ ' . ¦ - " : ' .. ' ' ¦ -•^ ".. ., - ¦ ^ W^W^^ II ^ eWoVS^ ooSwSSeS ^ d ^ a *^R ^^too V^ fc remain wha t, it continually ,was ; the doxy, this > the invariable /oundation of those Jews who, raven-like , perch , and What Does it Mean? W; ^Mnoe^*^M ?B|i; TO;rMofl^ :.v - fearle sB banner-bearer Of enlightened , all teachings appearing in th e editorials *m£ ivL *no corner ^rttjeir. self-isola- " 100 DbBes: One l^oUar ^ meaM iim. I?MW^ ? ; ! W?^ «llfe ^iilu l«^iB ; ^S ^Wi vP^ - iumane and liberal reli gion on the of tbi s jo uiaL Whoever can follow up 'Mt +K v ^#^fl. ¦ ¦ ^^ ^d^a^^^ ^ "^ i^ t b^«t ; principles of A-tiBm^ d to th ^ LpIe princ iple is welcom S 5 ^to i* r fte:advoc ^^ we Uiink decidedly bene fited. Hewho . #, wh e/ SbSSSn ^o^S K-^S^BS^SfSS. ^ ^ -fb rinUna improvement ' ; in all depart ; can not follow need not read the Veditc> a P d ^lOducatibniv bf Americ ^|^b u ta ^ i!" ^^;. ';- ' ' j " ,: . \'VV v ' :£' ¦ r ^: > : ^:m^ g^^SPj^^^ ^^g^i?^]^^ j - ' i Vmente. ;pf: iun»n ^tteo ^y •nd practice ; rial' teachings , -and may be kind enough }i !^^ :S0^^ ^ ^^ . A^O^i^i^.^ f $Z$ ^ ^Q< *i . : -- ' ; - ' ^ ' ^Mf i^i^W^^^^^ W^&^M^^^^ Sk # ^ thb ch ampion of aU^hoVare wronged , not " to condemn those who can and do f^ ^e u nio ^f Amer ^ Bebre yr according to ^d^ion ^ :;^m^m^^f i ^^ W ?^?SSli SSSS ^ a«rfVfi« Jl •>,« ««.»«.,*« i^ fWl«» ' Congreg ations date *^e ^ew.Era pf we^., : Ther >f^^ :. .; : ^iiWr ^3WHii^ and ,a lwho _ ? erBeouto i m ^ W*^ Judftiim whioh vi deettned to Sarkapar n^^ ¦ , : VOer ^Bj ^il^ ¦% ' * ' ¦ . ' ' ' " r " ' ¦ ' " ¦ . ¦;¦ '' / . " ¦¦ ' ¦ . ' . . ' . ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ '¦ ' . ' v. . ' ¦ ' : ' ' ¦ ' -^ ¦^ ;^ ¦^ ; , ¦:. : ¦ ' ' :^. . . . '' 1 ;: . ' ¦ ¦ ' : ' : " ¦ ' .;; . " :, , ¦ . ¦ .. ^^ : ': > ^' ' : - ' : ^ ' ¦ " ¦ :

y:^^ mz ^^^ ^^m mm^^ m^mmm^ '* m^ %WW^ ^s^ · ¦¦¦ ¦£¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦. , ' ¦' mmw$$®^^ Tko Amriri Wan lorofllita cwt

Apr 18, 2020



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Page 1: y:^^ mz ^^^ ^^m mm^^ m^mmm^ '* m^ %WW^ ^s^ · ¦¦¦ ¦£¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦. , ' ¦' mmw$$®^^ Tko Amriri Wan lorofllita cwt

,. ¦¦¦ ¦£¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦. , ' ¦'mmw$$®^^Tko Amriri Wan lor ofllita cwt m?* *^

nd an!


, : „ ^bl»h«m Ayp r?g«ucro»».,, ;• , : and liberally circulate is;kindl y invited mth^hoi;Baia6 ^rbwuioe;;.Bnd ': iaaul- ' tefe;<^-ana;dwtri^:in^ur .n^iB' <hm* f - 'lK '&^ r; *%&''&% <$$?¦ GodJ%n^he^tiiuing! ^r^aca; ^£MXW :>%r& Vp 0t ^K;

Office: N. Wl'Cor ;"' Fifth and VinVSti. to' subsorib e 'for .^i»/thifty4eTenth:: Vol- ^h^;,'a^:hOTC»toibr ^;and\wi^ttie!Seliv *o^yBlen#i#; al{ \^K^-^l^t^ii^i^^ ^ ft&al^ich^se^' ¦— . . - , . ¦• ¦¦ - ¦ ' ¦ , . : - —--. ume, arid 'circulate it freely' among hb oraod we hope-fc^ fP^^?«^v?ur -;rtil ^iouB -

totjr hsv ^i^ M^, ^jt ,m;::. :- .. f™daandneighbo rs. . ,: * ¦ ¦ / ' tioh , any S^ SSn SS ^S^^#^^^^ of^S^su ^; V . -Cincirih ^

¦ fflmSSSS? * ¦¦¦'¦¦ : i* M " Je ? n?W? er for -our I.eople.dar l3th-(Sunday X aV^; >^iti^e^lty>f tiie past ifhl*^ h^r^ihto ^K BSSSSSShKti avSS? ^ . e

^^^^ ^t<r^i;ly1I^bms |S^fe |

¦BP 1HIW, M W .. . . . tran spireaamon gcongre gation B.BOciet uta^<&&<iiti^&&l& S^^^tS* ^ ^«S^°^#:^« i^^S&iS0SS^&M 18 | ^P^»^rates OP ADVEKTftlRO. fcd gea, fainilieB; indiv duals , all that li of Kabbihical-Union a aucoess be Present $«# ^^ V^^ 1 ^^^«^^^>f^ii^ «T, ana v^bpe^ th ^PialS^The' T^ife ^fe ^^'^CompllmenUry RcioluUoinuud Olj tunre a a& oo . .- ' .. . ' , , ' ¦ „ ¦ , , iwnmnwai ynion a BucoeaB ; oe pre ^eni -j^'-t^ i-mi" ftfoSiiefc»-y *v^* ular ly , ;tlie, patroii 8 Of the Institu tion s;, r

t^u&H i^W^mA *. " ™ > tbeb ^of the dayiBrf

deep ot the^nferen ce,;to ^WU« ^^S SS ot .fe ^^^eS^^pS ®l?o ^ntSS d^idS W^^^^»™^Wei

AdM rt l..^u:SrS=iim.U!e»oth»- «^tnot oy.tothe opoBity h^ter , tioa for thiB ,; neyr ; Btnioture ^ieh^e tb>^A*e^n;.J iB ¦ **#o>/^- S&'dr two f^ wWwS «SCU


but alao to ,thB "tident TTho feelB the hope wm in course of .time , become a knbwn ^That pbnoili pbra-tibn m puko WS&&S Kt&^S SXS>Vdw. necessity of knowing what is done and rpck of salvation to^ftrican JudaiBm : Mt Bpirit ^hioh heJilrnbBt without :- .«*; to bra ^m


ayd^Sa^nB^Sr¥S^h: ^^ SP^ ^fe^ ^ fit ^ ;

itf M' 'S&SM .aid in this living present/ how we tSSS^S ' f^' S^ ¦**«&$** whp^ mMLMIfl^^i^ SmSS S^^&m

^^^Snd^nSfe^^P^oBem oJ coogrSaUOT. (hi nq^iA to bear ««,„„«. „. '«^„«Z '-iJ 'A- ' -;.-i« ¦«.' u . n ¦ »nat none of = «Ao ninety cally differ , with -huri iininattew of doa- JnarkB . in ^theAteam ^fi.Bttbaequent

hiB-; and* interiof tr riMure fc ^M^ ^ TPR ^ -^arfo nnv^

toi^ U^g^nAh^rfe rt, if they progress or retrograde , -how wisely or membera of thia youn g body, the most -itf &ttf r&ff iMia - 'til^^TbU toryV ;C;^eie;mBr ^:d«nbnBtrate ^aiit S^S^^SStS Siikr ^e^^^n*°^ePe»d^ e^IJ K^^fflS^W^S^^^ fooliBh^ we act and Bpeak, h6W earnest ^m^^ ^ i^i . ^^^^^&m&^^^ ^m^m t^m^g^ a^a^td^^u^n^n^^^^^^»^^^ ^e^ft^-W.-J to PubU ^ca giTinK their or

playful we,are( ^w much ^uth or ¦{&' cWen> n.tiiutionai;c pn^ehce., > i^ jfe fi^ ^|M8tf ^ flffiSSi^SB^W' *~^™ :^,v;r-r-r--r ; , . . - > hypc«riBy;there iB afloat in Boclety. <All .;; ^;;:- :l_^__^ ^iL.' ¦/¦ :/ v ^HetW'ifl^a eaMrMBB^^: «S . ^ ^^^^i j i*- -^^SSFS^Saff i eS£:p?S&g ot^; 0SiS^h^;# ^^

: V l » Bering ^oftaV^^^^^:pipir ^wr«Jir.wii ri«ifer »ttT^ Dpon;botbih» book 5f4ife.;i ThiB:departnient is wor th. The. event^was crowned by-the icoinV ^S^^ f ^^ ' ^^^ i. ohemiered %rtunes;- ^hd in order 'td do ^'^ ¥>#^ mi!mM^&&^^1i^mii ^^m: : •dTirtltt r. irt thV pBMUkeri br it*tlBB.ttit rtey , ilysuppU ^¦ ^a^M^^fS WB and ^orreB pondent Bf in alipa Str ^etl^le^^Uip^BeautK . ^S^^B?^


e^ i ^^iSeM l»?^f«l«W£fe. ::#»S« SsffilSi * *®^ '^^

*^^^*y*^ 6fl^la?^MSi '

£ffi®?SS^^^^. '- '.aSSOTth S ¦ W^^ V" any^pur nalof , tlm :. kjnd at ^c^ii. : 'At^he : top; of the; ^rk and . tf &af t-f ^ ^


ent8 in ithfemak migh^at firs^Bight ^aveibee^oght Sfe nSnSd^ Cr2Soti pw^flt'&keS^OiO^ p^a^^

:;:¦,. ¦ ; ¦ .- .• ;. . , , : " ¦ - ¦¦ ¦ - : - ' - ¦ ¦- ¦¦. . ,.¦ '. ' ¦ ¦• ' ¦ • , home or abroad ,. , In the Amerioa v Is-; with :Bmaa ^'gar tond^ itrailirig in.

graceV up; bE:Mia^^oung'"hati onV-iB.tthe ^iubit prbbable ^suoh-

as; miaohief was' noVle'ft to' B^d'aionK -anVi auPPj fr$^feM!fe^

; -^M :W™ ^: ¦¦ -5-. KAEU« you^nd eyerythiftg: Vhich ^ran8 , :M^ryea^frbm -either Bidsi about;the waiu ^Vbje ;rt onceama feain ^d ^iL^ ai^ ;^mx^ yri promUe^fa^edeeineVfronVit ^ai *. ?^ ?4:^^Wf-^^S^S

¦5- TT.wo^d^Sibhobliked to tho« ofburW«iai Plrea-Meryw here V^mpng.;;.flnr -?;-jp'ec*i*- - .i^^jri^ig- ^(ii^- '^&/k' l&(w'Uile^ ^P^ ^ to the':<*$^&.Pm ' 0^^ ^^ dialely^ellveredi ^ThWfift rtJ tKel^ ^ ^^^im0 ^&^^-i^S^e?SS4 5.w^ You meei in;; it^bur friend ^f^. S background bearin g a tri -colored ** ^?

>™W :^e^w» ¦-&&¦¦ V %fe^W&*&$!$ m$i i^^ ^Mtm&*m . Hg^^ ^W^?: itamj ^oT deilie chronicled to tho rcapecHvoad- ¦ " . * ""' ¦ '"

*"", ; """ *^;.^' tern

pacKgrou M I ..Deari ng. a in-coioreo aU iands and of :the most variegated riar was of anature hkely'to make them an -^iia^ fe lnofr ::1&«>iiil ^rff •;^Bv? (kn ¦ooroph gftitb^nio«t4eBwbJe ;rMuli ,-.thafcf-?r^^,«",««??f«!iSV;>..

'Y;^- ^a,ntances . ^ereverth ey may^ chance monogriimof,th«^ H,;U. C; .The baaepf tionaiitiei ^find ^very ^uicfc^bminon *difying^;ittractive:examp leWW aVflm^aaSeIt SwSdSS -mi* ^mW I^^ ^ ^ 4.

^ ':^M^S!^l^^ ^ y- *? b«: U a Jewish newspape r for alt' the : pa)pit and its edge bore a ^ .pleasing {Eroiind and ^isqon: becbme ^welded ^. nations of #JB ^eartfc ^Human vapeculai i^iefjtho idea of b'ffeM^w^naci 'Y l ' ^^*' ^' 1!^; ;;:'l*flade ^liB.-^

foMiioiidv: noon' to : ^BeBides the ; ever ; ready advocate . and- ornamento tibn'- bf.; froipic'al" paima;;:ahd bne^mbge'ieous-body. S . i ^^?: 0

^1^* :8?* ;I??^"* ^«#^ 5^^?^ V^:.. . . ¦ Herman HninB rrickj 851 M. BttiBt ,,; -> ¦ ¦. ' ; :> 'tii 'i^M '' -J.u ^A '- i, i™ 'i,.««^ ,'V' j * .i,w^ i, « ' ¦ /^, v ' ; . V ;' ¦ ¦¦¦ : ¦ ¦-"¦, ; .' ; ; ¦ , i¦¦¦v^ ; ¦¦;i¦v: ¦?^ ;;¦' i'^^ i^t^ ¦:v i ¦ ¦ vi' ¦; ' ¦' i¦¦' ' ii;•-¦ pate, that: one "or, both ' of" these aims ii£«i'K<j«.'ii:i;;*£^^^^. ^«I »ore. -Bef^Moridd 7,nooa tb: ''DrD; the w?ll Btocked . newspaper , , it : always ferns. -:; The; candelabra;: and : minister !s m^Ta.fe^ arejbnAtf i, about vthi s -^^' ^^ iS&il^Vj km: iff i^t^^^J ^^Sv*- ^^ mm ^^^mk- ".,; ;.: ,;. an^M .^tion. ^.- „ (^;; -' "as a public teacher , sp that the most BU„d-were ' taBtemUy-deco^ated ^wiit tom^m, °™™ fe^: ^.

BbSSna SSaSSSflS ^ fe^^??^> M ^ ?- aiten fe^^n^lth eSben ^

^ ^^l oW4^ 8^^^ popular ' ideas amon ^ our ^people ; are ; .ftiW ^ ^ ^ t ^ ei *nlfl 0 B^ict ^ SwSKS ^d ^«a^i^ng'^b^ #¦ #^^m^mm * ;m^ »m:;m um^wmmmfy 'fiSs ifiSbSSBSSffi - -MSg^^^^^ l

KslSSfiJS®^: ¦ Sg^^s sf¦ : t6Xiike.-Bifo«i -^J iWiir' - v ; noo« ; .

AmEM can ^Ifl^ELiT ^ ltVshaped

to ;a Jewish:

yearof tb^giadu ^on; ^ : ; S;!SSSS^^ ^^' : ^

ahpOn ^ ¦:y :^^mzm^^^ ^^mmm^^ mmm^mmm '*m %WW s^mmmmm i iiiini^ii Snt^^fei^g^^dS :.¦ ;J ^»M^ b^ Rop 47k 7if views o^ large, numbers .

o^r people, fc solemnpwesBi&thVvi »^o theolo ^as^wbSd^bnfrbn ^a^' S:« ^ ::p« »^a>*ia|' '¦.Sew^^mo y, ! &^&:f .% * w^^mmiv^^m

s^^^ sss&S m^mwmm*^X ^

1* ^*

- '^! ¦ °& the '«^ «

als^ the phr


byi& venerable 'President and foUowed :n^^<^*fS&?6r^iB% :;iSi- °%m^^

l V^°^*h

a. .^^tfC ^ wdi ih^aiiJ ^Bi'- *£

;^ S^PS i^ feM^- ¦ \

^Bi2aSE^fflg2^&i*. :¦»¦ the,Prpjec but;alBO the:

^^ 3^^ ;d^^#tlKl^^^^»

J?iSSSg2JS4fiagSgSg .«»^^fe«i^fe „^^^^P^#^

:¥: ;: :: ;:: :• ' :::; ¦::::;:: . :, : • / - : . ¦- . splits substan ce by; to ;vbry pr ^^^M^ww^ S^^Su^^SS S*&** &^ :;C:THE ; THIRTY -SEVENTH W0LBI& opposition, wiich-i^0: OFTHE AMERICAS ISMEMTE. : «»: ^^l#^,«i^- :i^^i^^^ ^^«®l^^» IB^^^fSSgaSS- aPp SoS ttwi SsS^gemSy^lfe :¦^ ?^-:^:v^;^^^7^;v - i^r - : ;. on which: doctors disagree ' . One party ;;\£^ ^ SSS«3^ Si^ ^AM?.; ;; ! ^^^^'S^f:S ^ / TeVthem^b^the ^nBti ^

; : Wiavthis .nUmber the; thirl ^ven ^••S ^ &^ ^ M; %^^?^^ ^rS ^r'?^^°^^^^?


^ 'SSS^'inS^r^%^^' «¥^^^i#P^^*^# '

- volume of the .AMEWCiN IsnwUTE be-: promul gatedthbgehuinephUos ophy and .K..^..^..:^.l! ;;.;.,^ l^enaei^hii c "^;^»W^;#^4? ^ »fl th6>main<ltems

of man's dut y-to: ;hifl a^Ph Sriw^inct 'ft t?oom^%'a^hor ^*^iP*tWB;=- not :

' -' - t i :- a ' Vosi ¦ ¦iv,- -¦¦«' V- ¦¦ ; -f ^:t "' "> /j v : ^.i -"-ilT^it ¦ 4. ^entagpM rer .i.,:;. ,T>rBev:,^,PhWM!Dn: whioh ia now dead and pbaolete in.. the no3fehbor ;aiid, both thefe'and elsewhere; ^e,:™ > ^ f S^UT^i- - ^S" depeadehtB of the^asyUimjAOur 1 sirik- ^ i¦- ¦ ¦. •gins.-:, July 4, 1854,.the first number of ethics . .of Judaism , wbich' - the ^ .v other 6. Psalma...;;...,..:,;...;....;; ::..7...^.i:.^ ;;.8utaeT avniffhrn ii^ 'TTA 1in«ia thflm ' out of i ^ -"^^^^-^-°-^ ^ ^I^ as8ociaUonvbe twe^^¦ . f;. , , ; ' x - ¦¦¦ '- ,¦¦«¦ ¦-¦' ' " ." ¦' ¦'. ¦¦¦; ; , ; . ¦ ^.. ^- o. Louieat e oration...;.; Rev. Dr: ^: Sonnesciieln synagogue. ^ ;. ne. punes y inem oui.oi the^doctrine s of rewa rds ? and punish- ^¦ifaU^-: ' iii!«v.' -«--ifc^' rt *u"^'-p 'iiifcf :ii^t mg tund .is yearly increasing beyond our ; ;

: . lh» 3°u™al made ,its-appearanc ev then b^^; rather an humblB; unpretending ,;and , p OT ^ ^^SttS ^^ i ^ rotteh >rei nts;to; poiBbn:the; air pf tb. ratifb ofwbati s terme ^ihChristian ^ S^ ^^ ^Sn^S "^Ww «:Wa£]^)a^ltfr^5*&ii- :;; ^braing,tb;;its;nume^^^ ^Mm^* ^ S^or^^^^ m -^&^& S SS-



W iM^W <M ":¦ ;¦¦ also unpromising sheet; although was and : fre^uentl y ^ did we renect; on^this ;; l£££&S?&& ^-&i$ff i& S-^& t^i^SB^fflS- ^iith ,:- ^ ^^,1^4 didl'es&ntia^and infinite >servibe S,m ^te^&^^ ^W^S^l - ';. . . .. -^ . .- .-- j ¦ ¦- . , » . ' 1,.:

'¦'4. ¦¦ ' ¦¦' ¦¦' • " ¦ ': ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ' ¦, ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '. ' ¦'- ; ' . . '¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦ , ¦¦¦• -I ' ll - ^Mentor theHjbrew ffnlon &ilegB. v tnem .down to their , isst resting- place, though implied in the. Mosaic - system; ^ ^ ; ^ -^ ^ '

means ,

sufficient to leave 'bis or her. own ;F$ ff iP* '£*$&fK1*?- P^omenon^or perhaps^a^^ ^i3SBS&^!SWSSSSS3S& m^mm^li^^^ ^ &d^^m^&^ 'ft tSffi^i sSSflSS 1^^^ ^^^ ^ . ;i.:^ .:;.frlend8 ^¦o^l.lght¦: and .¦:^progIeBB i¦ ,wh<Be : for we are not apt ; to v consider . our a3;i ;, 'V^ei^ab;^wdd^. ;.:: .,.;...<5olr ashes to aifoest hese tender obsequi es; ; ^vBut these reward ^ an^'puni ahmentB i™^?'*"#^ -?f ^^ itf : memberB: ihe:8ay lum"in !;thek 'flMt:wai ^ •¦ v . -" .'¦ . ¦ ¦ '• ¦. ; , - " ¦¦ ¦¦" '¦¦'¦ ii ' ri -¦¦.¦'j - ¦

* 4-- sv ' - ' . '»¦«» .:.'i ' *' ¦ ' , ¦•¦';¦¦• ¦ .. ¦'¦:¦'.¦»' ¦¦ ¦•- ' ¦¦. ¦ ' . 14.' Official declaration . djt.'B; Bettma rin,; £sq.y ¦ .•' '^. •. 'i ''. ".> - •x>;- '<,i!"^ ii.i,irLi»L »w*;: ..:- : - .- ; ¦ - ! • • . ;.> ;. .'.,¦'.. . ¦. ¦:• . ; ¦. ¦'.• • ; ' . ; ¦¦* ¦. i vi-— »>'¦¦" Out 1 it was not lavora oie to tuat Inean- . . 'iii^ifii' '¦¦¦¦., ±;.ii ':Zj '' 'vL;3 '! \l '>' V!ti,; v« '"number was rather small.; :.. It appeared friends infalh ble and : our . opponents ; the PreBldent oi theBoard blpovemors .and too; are due to, our r i3lfl;^l0vn, ¦; ; ; - :¦: , are of< a temporal nature , and' .the ; Mo-, tKj bnv or "unibti bf "th uBivinei;'and hu ' W 'we P.M»;pwt ¦.o^ tnlB ; ntp: ^.fl^re llfe)¦¦ - .;Y ;wite;th6iUtto ^on ite >rehea dv#i;et rogues, knaves:oV

;ignoramusei ;tV;Trutb: i S^S^ r^^ rto Be- : ;rAnd c^^^e^grbwtih "a^ew: vmm^^m<^^ m j t '^r&£hf f if f if f if c u m t ? }f t&ui. W^ ^0^ 0 ^m i

: V There Be-ligh^/'whibh sounded hostile appbi ^sImost ihvirUblytmctu Tedw^ .: iA^^ O»Wf«^*:^^^J^

-ii^^-mi^S^ ^W^m.

^^!^ ^ ndOT ^ &>tiSn#;jfiretf ^ S^ ^S^S^SS; ¦'

^^i^afeto^^ ^^ erSr;; ;l,b»febe^idini^rmW

i* f^^^^ ^S^eSllSgbf e^h^^e^ai^'

Wm^MWMS ^^MM^m f- ora bewlera to' the few^oun ^;: the BHuation ^nd . felt ponvincedv that truth: iii his 'neighbor 'B •'errors ^ It is Buffioe . it; to; say ::-that ¦: an: earne stnessj wllicb;^ibludeB nbne ^KinoludeB aiL ff lu ^r) &-X&-mp !&*, Z *$& £bvwiden rf b^^nce'at ^wh^imin ^ P0?bn.8:'S^W?;:b^ a>^:uIiK !

-;iaraei Yunder ' the banher ;bf liberty , and char acteri stib of ierbb fanaticism to seW Zeal and religion spirit ;.were;;manifes ,#, liiViup iratibn ^ bf<;ffi i sbul : which;:com-: ^n.*,^^och, ;^thevend ^^365; ^ ^ T ^^^ hlSffi 'iiiB^Maliw;' W^ f.5! B^^W t.: rj ^: . ^ m m^mtmtimm ~> mmm:mm$ mM^MM^M &s s sMsssi& W^M^Si ^mm sm^m i>; .^the^

anti quated and oppre ssive ;bur- .^&<iM.^$^ m MHM ^m^M -^S^&^S^&&

4^^^ ^^^; tri M^^S^^hSg fp^piff §:- . den of observances , forms and cone ep- templation /> however , we have been' but / in?:.. :10 PW*»B ». ft By^?P«f.0v

=>¦ wtich ;iB ratheKei«l ^nt 'than tha tidolatr y' c^ed with-it in tiiu^ 'tibns produced " in other days; in other confirmed' in our 'bonvictibn " thit'the ¦?-'-^!?^ '^«^^?^ .-i :i? ? ;. 'j Tictflessib^ words iihaairi:deeds.: -ThiB: ,$Wto$bto^l^te,^#&ThjB - L^^^i ieligibus incOm ^eteness: ^ ?P°? ^ ^ ^vn««^ Z

: countries r nnder circumstances whicb ^e^t nO 'W ger, o^peris h under thp and , always: were thV:genuin ^ ^ #M«^f£ M^^^i^f ? aS ^S^^S Sj ^#:^^^

f .^^^ ^

mm ms ^imsm m^^ ^mm yi^Mmhm. ssssss ss s ¦ m m m

stion, superstition , and clashing contra- call orthodo x,.bnt ihat which is sb. in gebus/templesi and tL^agnificen vfe fcB~kM^^^.<^!r^:

mbf nl; iuperiority ^ith i^narr fen ?

. diction with , the . progressive age and fcotfn strict accordance with: the-whole ^¦

^ ¦:Am«^to;ii>B^gi^jBj». »ka- lniw^-w^*M-imaiBt« VSow, S^^S^SS^ 1 -

country where our lot was .casv * Grad- lit ^ totaHt y of th^histbri cal. W*^«^i' cb^ictihg^ e^ren i o^Sbn ^cbdceplofrf^^a ?™^^*i^T^-^i^>ffl SbraSS ^^l ^:; ually these few outgrew the «ta $ttd development of Israe ^and the just >ea= . S A^^ffiSiSit fS ^

B<^W-^--^ W^SaS-sSSS®®^

^ ^¦ iii » - . ¦¦. ¦ . ¦_ , .-.- .,j. : ¦- ¦ • ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦¦ .- . ¦ .- ' ¦; ¦ *¦ ¦¦• ¦- . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ '. .. ¦¦¦- . ¦ ,. ¦*!¦ ¦ . Keligion. . -. ,A.nd> ^^ to--, demonstrat e ;tnis of the American ^heaven and upon- the ¦ . . .¦¦i^ ;i, *^^™ Tii: ™ v i.*- ~¦t ^ ,J ^t ""¦- ¦¦¦w or the terrible and lontn some iniquities w^i,^r3 U: < ^^i&£>\:y :^~V&.j ^ ' -i* '¦" ¦

: the American Israelite , became a guid; ,BOning thereon according : to vlsraeVs fact%e "Union American: Btebr Vast ^d^rtilelm erloan sbU^und tb M%. J ^ ^ en^had :they not . bf >iU mhaoit ^ts: Tne^natibns ^hbni -B^ ^^5^lMgS %ing Btar. _ Its motto , -" Let : There . Be prin6es of mind and ithe world' s most Congregations " ; Was organi sed Beventeen' - lii^^^ ^m^i^e^rii ^>I ^B- ^

Wm$W^?^: :^% m>n&m "^an *hitim*mtiti

^WM k^' ^ $Light ," aoon was. supplemented with its ' renowned and impartial logicians. Ju- years' ago, -which resulted: ,two¦¦¦ years: Messed h^r^lv^U^^Ui^.t^; fSS^SS ifl lateBt ^Bta^xbfiienBuaBihiqui ^

^Tp aMr^Sn 'BohM^Ae "second part - And there was. Lights daism is un ^Alas l many of tbosey early ch,mpiona Batibn. We maintain fbreve, ^.are : npvmore;:st.II there are , many of former , and therefore ; it is revealed to solemnize this- nfteenth gala ' day of trine ^f ^oiobd and ^ :Mahkind. l^ 3?;f-^M«

^ ^B^^^aa ^in ,5

; them left to testify-to the iaith H con- wl|gion. Whatev er is .to satis fy the 9- ^gc thab : by^in/tH ^Bujtent >nd. untirin g work dbne by this reason , conscience and ^ feelibgs bf all feM* clo?e t^.logical rdaUon &. ^¦ Lcfetn is energyanu rspiritof the ;Jew . SfeaS ^SSSt^S&»^teW i^i«

Sb;thV ^dtstructibr ^fSIpp IS i

; ;jburna fin the thirty .six ;yeaM Of i^ ^c ^ ^

;: career. It has penetrated every n00W V6rsal to the indi vidual spirit: tlniver- JB^jSSS^TBS- 'St^SkS^hvlom' ¦?'^^«#eW^ « S^ SSS ^ ^^Sm^m^^& "'

. and co ner of this. ountryW carrie d sal xeligion can p^sed.into any other. b^ ^ ^^W says ' the ©; .S^SS^S^S^ f^1? ^^^ ! S 1


^^ p^^

i ^^ SS3S^ ISr

%light, ruth .progress .veandhumane.en . universal forms. Forms . be they lawa , Union, and HlK apan: proclaims the Col- College' bV th^ itimenis intp the homes of tens ot thou- oustoms, observances , modes of worship legeV The one emphasizes -thVoultiva- "f^^th and ^America's^iber ^; lbvneed ^bt ;icbntain ;:every^hin:g ^ Isands -khose knowled ge of the Hebrew 0r of. government , are temporary medk tion, of the Thprah , which is equivalent ^. e

cwo virjues^;the;



j bufc^r^&na&rairi[ t "reA^W^'P -^^^^ ^ ' ^P " j

lore, >ligibn and people was rather Btions between the eternals nlritand e±- and parampuht to all trul y Jewish vir- ™ *^) *

J$*^\& t WW.*™ :i PWWB^of4men^erv,ation ,;;;refl vlimited .^? ? . V ' ^ *• - ; tu

T?^ B™„^ m»ltf ^

Mwi ^-n. S ^u^nces , emergencies , mo- mor^in ^iU h/ hi ^d brighter , ^^wU .owe^e


ize,tha V.the ^ ^ fl ^^It his acquainted multitudes with the mentary conditions or states of society, Tor , -m truth rwhenever the science of Bealof-Divmit y is. Truth, and that ; the triar bhaUr eu^body of Jewish doctrine , and thus re- ^d all of them ar e tranwtory ; henca Jewish religion is zealously planted and Dwnity of Truth js.her zeal, J iK jpan. ceded arid ^ury ivedithb law^butd Wiupt '^a^SJ sair^ >^P^^ ^?^ ^ < *moved scores of prejudices prevailing in all forms are transitory and not uni- spread , the gloom and/doom ; of Jsrsel is- J rhe_Jtfb tnJ brigh iens! e Day is. at 4bd^^m;it.: : ^ccord rn giyi^Smb^g y ;;unenlightened minds. In many in- vemi. The spirit and essence of Juda- bound *o Vanish. < hand , the OJ ivirie 0)ay . of lasting peace, the J ew* of the. Advent

^thelichobl -m *iti^m&wmf a ^!$& ^ MM^&^ ^ I •

stances . where Judaism was looked upon i8m are eternal; the forms are not , they . Not %«" of us stiU remember -the

nAT TEXAS tot^SerS l aaa Sr ;;as n. himdln of drv hnn na n»tri 'ft«4 c t- * • i j i ¦ * ,. , terrors of the night through which Is- DALLAS, TEXAS. ™e . .f"^ vP RW^yi:-*|l« . - paaau6e« ,if ;,,p*, _j aiBea v , :as a bundle of dry bones, _ petrified ftre of . h.stoncal development , hence TOel has paSHedi

B The ftlouda

: y . .- ¦/ -v - ,. : .nied;:the future. stato, a?d;;iie.ld ^-that; |beb^of;BomW^Sre?th^:Ph ^nuVia f ^^ l^^m^M^ :}fetiches, mummies of old, it .is known perishable. AU questions of reform re- theae horrors still linger :in the Extern - ; alt. bomb: > ¦thereis .nb :.xes|irrecton , neittier :angel

^^ ::now as the most enlightened and most voive on the 8ame aiis, viz:which formB horizon , queer a^tn^may appear , .while. Sboial circles.are .beginning to be r ^irii/ 'j ; : : ^STi ^Wrf find ^b? gbddess-^phibditb r :wnbs 'r^^ ^-^ ¥^VV1?8 ^rational religion, standing abreast with are yet useful and which are not what >the ueff a°d bright day^;was bor in 5P ^

0??eq fthe most liberal and most humane mll ha J ii-^i v. ™„!l - this TFwiern continent . Not a few ambng warm weather f?.and -activity. wiU : not ^ael was^ithwt^e W^a f^e

-SldTo th S Wh™^T! i ¦ ?

y ° "P^ve U8 Btill r8membeP the horrors ^bf the Ukelybb resume d^ntil the opening; of life, ^hich i;oreeds of the land. Wherever an ene- flnd impressive forms, and who ahall wilderness from which Israel escaped «W Texas- Stiite ;FacvuidDalla BEippsi,: -tecost;:himBei r:demonBtfated' fw bflawle^ius^TThis'w'^Bhto W ^F ^^W?*^&W™£° tmy of our . people or of our religion lawfully accomplish this renovation/ within thia century, of th > ¦raised his head . there was the Aker icak Ever since we began to think correctl y uaiionl wh oh our propnet >o ajgyflcanW *d Sa^aideymi^ pbpold ^th P ; aaio;.legisla ^n^ -tb^^S-^^ - ' ^M^^i^ S^ ^Israelite ,with its telling defense, we looked noon Judaism frnm ^1 depicted when he said:. "The pelican WeU; a native ' pfl'Berlih ,^ ¦" ¦¦'¦ ^^ M^ ^fefce* AWieneveri «norance bieotrv malice or ? a ¦ . T ^T IT.

and &e ostrich shall possess iti the owl tbree years ^i^.waa^buried : Sunday Bettin g: apart

a-nati on^from ^ burdjrkQf^m^ -When gver ignorance , bigotry, malice or stand point , and bo we thought , taught and ; the raven shaU dweUmit" : Have afternoon by" the Hebrew Benevbl^t ^kind , ;and * providing 'it; with fpecu- ¦; :^;,,

^,.:,.,,-, A,?.,:, ,;,,:-,. ,:, -, " ;¦.& .»«B?d%*?ahl*;* ^*o^ #f* %mischief, within or without our camp, and acted. ThiB appears to ,ub ;gemi we forgotton the ter rible significance of Association. ^e^Dr ^vM^Chapm ^threw firebra nds into our ^enta, the jne orth odoxy, while the worship of this prophbti e heraldry ? Have we for- ^«feHned the'fuiiexa^^ isAMEHicAK lsRAELr rE was certainl y there f 0Tmh appears to us heresy and aberra- 8otton **»> »irtyrdom bf generation MUBBanm^iKiius^tW^waB the Jjepted a wa^pr«mot;withm ^hjoh:; ^^rb^Tusk e^

iB^iBiiini P^

nto S ^':'^-^ *to ohaati ae the eva^oers , and in mest ti™ **»?. ^erat &.^hen ^J^ I•x j.j •, ,i A feedino and flustainin K his vbviri fe onea; The sooM everitb ^-theweek WBB ,the to; ; nnd -Bhelter« and i .veaaeait didprevad over all opponents. Thifl remBm8 the Btand point of the solely by^bwnS SSdT Have Chanu katb ^abayiih^houBewarming ) ^iw^^wbfuUy^per isning $There are plenty of witnesses living yet American Israelite. Beligion is the we forgotte n the steriUty and pimic K^n ^ffi l^M^W^'Mmm %

to testify to the efficien t piece of work <fegitation ancf poaBible cognition of the ot those times when the Jew lived: Mrs. .Mi Sueflat their newly^epUAel $-done by this journal during its career of bne only and frue God as defined bv UP011 atones instead of bread and -jW* residerice ^which waB^arti pipated; ^P^Onal ^Ml «thirt y-BixvearV dura tion. mL!_^„ 1™M v 1 " ¦ "T' was best known for his runr .. capaci - in,and found:deli gh^ul:byaBelfet nuitf al rebgiop, ^en

^by-itadf ,isBad y

^weak: ^ ti j ^:^^ greatoBV j^to^en^WhpWd

r;thjny six years duration . Moses^o mor t

al knows more about * tioa ? Have we forgotten the Ira ^hen ber pf ftiendB. ;:' ^ - - ^#?^

s 9^^ vTherefore , at the opening of its thirty- ^-and the r\xn for man's conduct, indi- the Jew , owl-like, was safest at home Bprn ^-To Mr. and Mrs. &us ^iart , to agew^The/j bhs pfsElt iWer ^^ «. ?,seyenth volume, we need to make no vidual s and nations , man and mankind , amongst ruin a and closed his eye to the Jone^Sd, a boy. . .„. - ,. . ; V perB ^ByvMd^:the ^yiI/;ManasBel i H^. .^SiM€v^iii^^ i^S ^^) ud ^S?^"^* ^ P^dmnnj ^ne^prpmiaeBi lay out no new plan or basing upon the purest cognition of the d**47 »f we' not even now yet . Mr, and Mrs ; A. I^Rpsenthal „e o^^piouB v WiMwAw f«! ^ISii § ^¦ m - r. *i ¦ -l /. - • ¦ • •; .«! ¦ i w ¦.,.-' ¦ ™. . . . once in a while hear the ominouB "n«r . viBifcins their 1 uncle. Sol Loeb. Esa.. at ^ ^ ' :¦Program

; The ptoof la beforeyou

^m its Eternal Opt , This is a universal re- ^more !*S S'Sen rfVOpeipu ULa v"

.long past that thu. journal will always ligiori , this is Judaism , this ia ortho- brighter day, receive as an answer front ¦ ¦' . •¦-" : ' ..' ' ¦-•^ ".. ., - ¦ ^W^W^ II eWoVS ooSwSSeS ^


a*^R^^too V fcremain wha t, it continually ,was; the doxy, this> the invariable /oundation of those Jews who, raven-like , perch , and What Does it Mean? W; Mnoe^*^M?B|i;TO;rMofl :.v

- fearle sB banner-bearer Of enlightened , all teachings appearing in the editorials *m£ ivL *no corner ^rttjeir. self-isola- " 100 DbBes: Onel^oUar ^ meaM iim. I?MW ?;! W? «llfe ^iilu l«^iB; ^S WivP -

iumane and liberal religion on the of tbisjouiaL Whoever can follow up'Mt +K v ^#^fl. • ¦¦ ^ ^d^a^ " i t

b^«t; principles of A-tiBm^d to th^LpIe princ iple is welcom S 5^to i*r fte:advoc ^ we

Uiink decidedly benefited. Hewho . #, whe/ SbSSSn^o^S K-^S^BS^SfSS. ^-fbrinUna improvement '; in all depart ; can not follow need not read the Veditc> aPd ^lOducatibniv bf Americ ^| bu ta i!" ^^;. ';- ' ' j " , : . \'VVv ':£ ' ¦ r^: > :^:m g^^SPj^^ ^^g^i?^]^ j- '

i Vmente. ;pf:iun»n ^tteo ^y•nd practice ; rial' teachings,-and may be kind enough }i!^^ :S0^^ ^ . A^O^i^i . f $Z$ ^^Q<*i

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^ thb champion of aU^hoVare wronged , not" to condemn those who can and do f^^e unio^f Amer ^Bebre yr according to^d^ion

:; m^m^^fi ^ W ?^?SSlii SSSS ^a« rfV fi« t« J l •>,« ««.»«.,*« i fWl«» ' Congregations date *^e ^ew.Era pf we^.,: Ther >f^ :. . ; : iiWr ^3WHii •and ,a lwho_ ?erBeouto im W* Judftiim whioh vi deettned to Sarkapar n^ ¦ , : VOer ^Bj^il ¦%

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