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Y t or M r jIJ I r G l r < 5a1 J 7 r- r > > i > < r v i > I c OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 1908 THREE j m u r The Marion Shoe Co r Will close out their t Entire Stock c of Mens Ladies and Chil ¬ drens Shoes Over Shoes Laces et- cAT COST Come in early and be fitted and get bargains Marion Shoe Company I 4m M + + H + H- r + E j Noti- f How Much but how good is 1ie question that every one iiuuM Uik m buying candy < The old Lying that a man is judged ly lle can iy he gives holds good today same as always Buy the bcsd at take the just as good kind Nothing quite equals 6 famous BonEons and Chocolates They are in a distinctively exclu- sive ¬ class to themselves Orders receive prompt and care ¬ attention Just Rive us tle name and address aJ Uicle Sam does the rest- S 4 T W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST Charles D Hulbert M D Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office Second Floor The Munroe and Chambliss Bunk Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 154 Residence 45 Office Hours 312 a in 24 p m 730830 p m s DAVID S WOODROW REAL STATE AND INVESTMENT- SRooms 27 and 23s Holder Block j 1 OCALA FLORIDA i rPL The man who waits tor a proven r producing proposition before invest- ing 1 will Always pay every cent the stock is worth Its the man who takes- a chance on the ground floor that real- ty ¬ gets the cream Always investigate- and act with due caution but you will lose out entirely and every time if you wait for a cinch Equal parts of nerve and common sense will be found a very palatable dose and a combina- tion ¬ hard to beat If you want to buy a nome in Ocala 1 can offer you one of the very few places on the market on Oklawaha avenue Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runs back 480 feet House is one story t containing five rooms kitchen and bathroom city water gas electric light and modern plumbing stable and servants house in yard Price 2300 half cash and balance spread- over three years Jf you want to build a store build ¬ ing to rent I have a lot on Fort King i avenue between the Pittman building- and the new building just erected by Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is 43 feet bfr 110 feet deep The building- now on it is old but rents for enough- to pay interest on the investment Price is 350- OAKRIDGE S lots on the Shady Grove hard road and within the city limits- can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feet front by 125 feet deep 1010 cash and 1 per week Free deed in case of death No taxes to pay until 1909 Map and prices on application WOODMAR This property is on the most beautiful lake in Florida on a bluff which rises from 25 feet to 75 feet above the level of the lake The- A C L railroad runs between the edge- of the lake and the bluff Four years r ago when I platted this property and offered to sell lots I was laughed at by many and the word fool more than once dropped in connection with this property Try and buy back for me the lots I have already sold and come and see me I have raised the prices once and will raise again until another Mr Flagler sees the beauties- of the place and then he can have it if he will pay the price The streets- are all planted to shade trees and wat- er ¬ works installed good water too Buy a lot now You can buy on terms but you cant buy them at a discount Map and prices on application f t AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROW- St Phillips Catholic Sunday is All Saints Day and som special music Is anticipated All an cordially invited to the services at 1030 a m and 430 p m D Bottolaccio Pastor Grace Episcopal- Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector 10 a m Sunday school 11 a tnHoly communion and ser ¬ mon 730 p m Evening prayer and ser ¬ monCome and worship with us Christian- W I H Coleman Minister Sunday school at 945 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 730 p m Forenoon subject Reaching the Goal- Evening subject A Refuge that Fails Everybody welcome Presbyterian- Rev W H Dodge D D Pastor Services 11 a m Anthem Jesus My Savior Look on MeScherecker Services 730 p m Anthem Savior Xow the Day is Ending Sledds Sabbath school 945 a m Y P M S3 p m A cordial invitation extended to all Methodist- R H Barnett Pastor The pastor has returned from Mont brook where he has been assisting- Rev E J Gates in special services and will be in his own pulpit as usual tomorrow morning The sacrament of the Lords Supper will be administer- ed ¬ at the close of the morning ser- vice ¬ The presiding elder Rev F R Bridges will fill the pulpit at 730 p- in ° This will be his last sermon In this church during his four years term- on this district Let all the congrega- tion ¬ come out and give him a full house at this his last service Sunday school 930 a in Preaching a m and 7SO p m Junior League 3 p m Senior League p m A cordjal invitation to all And let us all remember and not fail to talk up our mens meeting Sunday evening ovember Sth I Baptist I Sunday school 945 a in i Morning tlcesl1 a m Sermon Thou shalt hot bear false witness against thy neighbor This- is the ninth in a series of sermons on the ten commandments The Import- ance ¬ of this commandment is found In the responsibility of man toward God and his fellow man in the use of his tongue Speech is one of the most Godlike attributes in the possession- of humanity and carries with It the Idea of an Intelligent guidance In its use No animal possesses this power beyond the mere imitation of the par- rot ¬ and raven and possibly a tew oth ¬ er birds All kinds of false report false swearing gossip and lying come under this commandment That the commandment takes equal rank with the others such as thou shalt not kill steal commit adultery covet blas- pheme ¬ etc will be shown by the scriptures Sunbeam Band3 p m B y P U645 p in Evening services 30 p m Sermon Is the Idea of Local Soy ereignity of the Churches Conslst > l t with a Unity of the Faith A general invitation is extended to every one to attend this service as well as all others of the day We offer good music free seats a cordial welcome Why not attend re- ligious ¬ services If you are a stranger ir town if you are away from home- of you feel a little blue if you want to spend a little while worshipping- God go to church somewhere and if you dont go anywhere else come out and worship with us After several efforts we have been able to get the organ in good repair and the music will be especially good The church choirister Mr G A Nash has again organized a choir consisting- of Mrs Geo R McKean soprano Mrs W A Coin alto Mr II K Robinson assisted by Mr Frank Gates tenor Remember now Thy Creator will be the morning anthem and Miss Inez Tolmie will render Kennicks Rock of Ages at the evening service Mrs Izlar with Miss Mary Gates assistant will preside at the organ- C C Carroll Pastor THE PLACE- To Get Your Fresh Bread and Cakes- is at THE CITY BAKERY No 55 S Main St We bake every morning except Sun ¬ days Free delivery When in need of Bread Cakes Pies- or anything that belongs to my line of business telephone No 296 F o b estimates furnished on out of town orders No order too large to fill or too small to handle We use only first class goods and are here to please Give us a part of your orders- E L VAUGHN- Six nice photos for twentyfive- cents on Saturdays and Mondays at T H Mills 54 North Magnolia street 1Iik 4 r L ilft < I OCALA OCCURRENCES Mr Jack McCully of Berlin was in town today I Two secondhand wagons for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto I I Mr R L Keating has returned from a business trip tu Jacksonville Send us your prescription work The Corner Drugstore- Mr I I I J Fred DeBarry of Jacksonville- is a guest of the Ocala House New Florida syrup now on sale at Martin Cams I There were twentytwo arrivals at the Ocala House Sunday Guths candies fresh by express at the Corner Drugstore- Mr F W Ditto has returned from his trip to Jacksonville- Get your school supplies at this Ocala News Co- Ir W J Edwards of this city was in Jacksonville this week FOR RENTA splendidly furnish- ed ¬ room Inquire at 78 Watula street I I JUST ARRIVED Holland Herring Hilchners German Dill Pickles 412 lb Crocks Mince Meat and 3 and S Ib Jars Luncheon Cheese in 15 and 30c Jars 12 gall Jugs Pure Vinegar Shredded Codfish i Post Toasties and Ctrn Flakes Cranberries I Honey In Comb- at TEAPOT GROCERY I Mrs J E Chace is slightly better to ¬ day and her fever Is lower than yes- terday ¬ I I One pound of paper and two packs I ef envelopes very best grade for 50 I cents at Tydings Co I Mr W T Gary has been at Sarasota I taking treatment for his eyes at the sanitarium He will return Sunday I Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Posto ice Drug ¬ store- J F Reynolds of Jacksonville is at the Ocala House We carry the best line of toilet ar- ticles ¬ soaps perfumes etc in the I city Come in and be convinced Ty ¬ dings Co Mr W W Jackson of Moss Bluff I was in town today doing some shop- ping ¬ I We are displaying the largest and best selected line of perfumes toilet powders toilet waters soaps etc in Central Florida and will take pleas- ure in showing you the line The AntiMonopoly Drugstore Capt John I Inglis of Port Inglis was in town yesterday and today a guest of the Ocala House We are in business for your health Call and see us The Corner Drug ¬ storeFiskls I I Grocery Departmen- tThis I i week Fresh Iris- Potatoes 28cpcckPh- one your or- t ¬ ders- Prompt Delivery I Everything fresh and good- to eat Phone Double One 0 << MRS ANDERSONS TELEPHONE TEA Mrs Wm Anderson entertained a large number of her friends last aft ¬ ernoon with a Telephone Tea This novel and enjoyable social function- was given at the elegant home of Mrs Anderson in honor of two most charm ¬ ing ladies Mrs Lee K Brown and I Mrs Erastus Hopkins who will be with Mrs Anderson this winter I The color motif was yellow the lights were shaded with yellow and yellow flowers were much in evidence Large crystal vases filled with very handsome yellow and white chrysan ¬ themums added beauty to the lovely scene The hostess and two honorees very graciously received in the parlor Receiving with them was Mrs C H Lloyd These ladies wore elegant gowns and each looked particularly attractive- The punch bowl was quite attrac ¬ tive Large clusters of white and purple grapes were effectively used in its decorations This delicious bev- erage ¬ was served by Mrs M C Looney and Mrs D W Davis The other assisting ladies were Mrs C V Miller Mrs G T Maughs and Mrs Claude Nelson- In the dining room refreshments- were served by Miss Alice Bullock Miss Sara Davis and Miss Margaret Anderson As the guests left the din ¬ ing room Miss Minnie Gamsby and Miss Esther Weathers gave out little bonbon daintily tied with yellow I ribbon each bonbon containing the I fortune of the happy possessor The reading of these gave much merri- ment ¬ I This reception was the first I large one of the season and was one of the most delightful social affairs ever given in this city- McDAVIDMcCREDIE Mr Marshall MaeDavid and Miss Mary McCredie slipped away from I their friends yesterday evening secur ¬ ed a license and repaired to the Bap ¬ tist parsonage where Rev C C Car ¬ roll quickly made them man and wife Both the young people are well I known in Dcala Mr MaeDavid Is an employe of the Ocala Foundry and is I a steady hardworking young me ¬ chanic Marshall was the Daily Stars office boy ten years ago and was the most industrious anad reliable- the paper ever had His bride is the smart and charming young lady who has made so many friends waiting on the patrons of the Boston Store the I last year or two Both the young peo- ple ¬ very sensibly went to their respec- tive ¬ I places of employment this morn- ing ¬ For the present they will make their home with the grooms mother Mrs H G MaeDavid They have many friends who wish for them a long and I I happy life BE l NELECTRIGAL I THEATER North Magnolia Street Opposite I Mclver MacKays I II M WOOD Proprietor CHANGE OF PROGRAM DULY I Open Promptly at 330 p1 I Program for this Evening HUNGRY TRAMPS PUNISHMENT- HIS FIRST RIDE I WHY JENKINS WEARS THE BLUE RIBBON I LIVELY BARRELS I Songs by SUMMERTIME- THE the Big Four Quartet LOST CHORD I FAREWELL SMARTY KILLARNEY I KEEP ON SMILING- MY ROSY RAMBLER Quartet Will Appear Promptly at 5 OClock in the Afternoon and 8 and 9 in the Evening v Admission 20 cents Children 10 cents I Mr T W Troxler has certainly made great improvement in his always attractive store When you want stationery go to a stationery store The Ocala News Company has the best and most up todate line in Ocala Mr Thomas Sexton acting superin ¬ tendent of the Holder Phosphate Co came up this afternoon from the mines- to spend Sunday in town with his fam- ily ¬ Furnished rooms for rent Apply at No 34 Oklawaha avenue Mr Sam P Anthony formerly and for a number of years a citizen of Ocala with his family is again a resi- d nt of Ocala and expects to remain with us He has beeii residing in Muncie Ind for several years Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬ teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists- Mr Thos A Levines of Montbrook was in town last night and today on his way to Jacksonville where he will take a position is engineer of the I Vounteer one of the big seagoing tugboats of that port I BE YOUR OWN BOSS Make 4 to 7 a day at home silvering mirrors experience unnecessary Sample sent free Write G Redmond D200 Bos ¬ ton Mass Send us your prescription business We are thoroughly prepared to handle it Tydings Co The Woodmar Sand and Stone Corn has a large force of men at Camp Heights laying cement sidewalks copings and curbs around the Camp property When the work is finished it will present a very handsome ap ¬ pearance- We lead the city on stationery tab- lets ¬ and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- DeWitts L Little Early Risers are the famous little pills easy to take safe sure and gentle Get Early Risers They are the best pills made We sell them Sold by AntiMonopoly Drug- store ¬ r t FOR RENT Warehouse formerly occupied by Knight Martin locat- ed ¬ on Magnolia street Apply to M J Roes room 20 Holder building c r3 dlFs s 1f AOU know the importance of cor- rect ¬ 1 X fit in clothes no mattter how good the cloth or how w wellmade the garments if they r dont fit you dont want them k We understand this as well as you 4 M do and we offer you F1fi1rIL Hart Schaffner Marx JLW- N clothes because theres no trouble- in giving you a correct fit in these y goods Youll find these clothes stylish r perfectly made of allwool fabrics LI l i131 such clothes as any gentleman may be proud to have and wear- y Wed like to fit you in one of our fancy suits and in one J L of our dressy blue or black suits for changing off Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes to suit you here This store is the home of ve Hart Schaffner Marx clothes E- CO 41 4 Guarantee Clothing Shoe ONE PRICE DEALERS I- f Y M B 6 D OCALA FLA PLEASANT EVENING- AT THE BERLIN Harry came very near having to hang out the S R O sign at the Ber ¬ lin last night It seemed like every I theater goer in town was there some I time during the evening The pictures were tine and the songs of the Big Four Quartet brought waves of ap ¬ plause and after each performance- the audience would not bi quiet until the big ones had returned and ren- dered ¬ My Rosy Rambler There is a fine program on for this evening If you havent hoard the Big Four you mustnt fail to hear them and if you have heard them you should hear them again Their singing cant be excelled NEW REAL ESTATE COMPANY- A new real estate company has been formed in Ocala It is the Marion County Realty Company Messrs Ash- er Frank and F W Ditto The object- of the company is to buy and sell large tracts of land and to make sales of Marion county lands to Northern peo ¬ ple and induce them to settle here and improve their purchases It is a laud ¬ able enterprise and is worthy of sup ¬ port A BIG SALE- On November 14th a big special sale will be put on in the store room re ¬ cently vacated by the KnightMartin Hardware Co by a Jacksonville firm who have rented the store and will put in a big stock of dry goods and kin- dred ¬ lines- MERRY WIDOW PARTY RETURNS- The launch terry Widow returned last night from the trip to Jacksonville- via the Oklawaha river Those return- ing ¬ on the boat were Messrs T H Harris Ardis Waterman Tim TomMn son Nathan Peyser and Frank Math- ews Those who returned a few days since via rail were Messrs C II Lloyd and Stephen Jewett The gentlemen had a splendid trip and every one en- joyed ¬ it For most of hem it was their first trip through the picturesque Oklawaha and St Johns rivers NOTICE TO PISTOL TOTERS- I hereby give notive that license to carry pistols does not authorize par ¬ ties to carry the same concealed and they are as much liable to arrest as if a license had not been issued to them- so all persons are warned that they are liable to be arested if they violate this law This information is given to put all persons on notice and they must govern themselves accordingly The laws must be enforced John P Galloway Sheriff NOTICE TO VIOLATERS OF THE SUNDAY LAW- It has come to my attention that a number of parties are in the habit of hunting on Sunday This is a viola ¬ tion of the law and all parties so of ¬ fending are warned from so doing In the future for if apprehended they will be arrested and punished accordingly- John P Galloway Sheriff WEATHER FORECAST Washington Oct 31Falr tonight- and Sunday The original terry Widow Ethel Hart Jackson has married Benoni Lockwood Jr of New York the law ¬ yer who procured for her a divorce Let us now hope we will soon see the last of the disproportionate hat and hear the last of the still more dispro- portionate ¬ name Widows are not any- more merry than othr people at any- time I and a great deal of the time they are far less s- oOYSTERS Oysters are good and w are serving them in all styles We keep a first class cafe and short order house and serve all of the delicacies of the sea- son as well as all plain staple dishes- at moderate prices Good coffee and something good to eat at any hour up to 10 oclock at night Bar in con ¬ nection where you can get anything- to drink or smoke that you may wishHOGANS CAFE Short Order and Oyster House West- Side Public Square > y I ffi t F W Ditto y iiIt Real Estate and ti- I Insurance Agent i Houses for sale ana I 1y rent Rents collected and Taxes paid for nonresi- dents ¬ r ar Fire Life and Accident Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farms timber tracts vacant lots residence and business properties for sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not f F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92 COMMITTEES Appointed by President Geo K Robin- son ¬ for the Marion County Fair- Ways and Means Jake Brown chairman H B Clarkson D E Mc Iver S T Sistrunk Wm N Camp J C Boozer Louis R Chzal Arrangements Geo K Robinson clairman Z C Chambliss John M Meffert George L Clemens E P Guerrant D S William secretary Transportation KODert Taylor chairman Sydney Haile G TMaughs- PublicityFrank E Harris chair ¬ man C L Bittinger L J Brumby H E Robinson Agricultural ExhibitsWin Gist chairman S R Pyles E L Howell Horticultural Exhibits 15 L Wart mann chairman S H Gaitsklfl John Heintz Carl Schneider- Live Stock ExhibitsE P Guerrant chairman C G Fraser C Carmichael Poultry Exhibits George L Clem- ens ¬ chairman Win M Shockley E I P Guerrant Minerals and Woods F A Teague chairman Chas H Lloyd Stephen Jewett Domestic Exhibits Womans Work To be announced later Machinery and ImplementsHarry- B Clarkson chairman J H Spencer- W A Knight Negro Department D McDuffy chairman F P Gadson >V P Wil- son ¬ M D J W Alexander George Giles secretary George K Robinson President- T T Munroe Treasurer D S Williams Secretary- AGATHERIDAN SOCIETY The Agatheridan Society held its rtjrulnr meeting Friday Oct 3Q 1908 After the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved the following program was rendered Subj ct Tl I ir t Plays Inau UrJ sulu of the president Essay The educational Value of the tage Gn lrv r- Essay The Early Stage Actors Etc Mary Irvin- Recitation Collie Clark Essay The Earliest Plays and Their AuthorsCharles Gates Recitation Annie Laurie Perry Essay Stories of Noted Plays Whit Palmer Recitation Ethel Seymour Essay The Moral Character and Purpose of Early Stages Siebert Da- vis ¬ Oration Our Debt to Greek Drama Paul Gates Declamation Carrie fanipbcll Recitation Mary Landers Debut Resolved That nnUarli I should be aided by the potter c o main ¬ tain her independence Affirmative Elsi Liddon Robert Ferguson nega- tive ¬ Abbie Stokes Fred Turner I The judges Adele Bittin r Water Liddell and Gary Beck decided in favor of the affirmative Paper by the editor The secretary was reflue ted to read the constitution There being no fur- ther ¬ business to come before the house I the society adjourned to meet again- ov I 6th 190S Helen Brown Secretary 1 I ELECTRIC SMOOTHING IRONS I One of the greatest conveniences- about t the house is one of those Amer- ican ¬ Electric Smoothing Irons Heat- ed ¬ in a minute an even temperature never soiled or smoked Get your wife mother or sister one of them Two sizes and prizes Ask H W Tucker- to show them to you a i t TO fRUIT CO SUMfRS When you wish fruit and vegetables delivered at your door look out for the delivery wagon and stop It or phone our store No 277 If you wish small quantities of fruit same can be supplied from our store In the Montezuma block or the Magnolia street store If you wish large quan ¬ tities call at the Magnolia street t store near Baptist church S A MOSES BRO J The Ocala Plumbing and Electric Co now have a first class tinner and have opened a tin shop In their shops The new man new man has turned out sons splendid pieces of work in gaao line tanks for launches air tight com- partments ¬ for launches and otherjobs Mr P B Bowie of Arcadia o first class job printer will alive In town to- morrow ¬ to take a position with the Star and help us out of the congested condition in the job department- Mr Dell Moody came up this after- noon ¬ from Oklawaha to spend Sunday in town Mr A T Thomas came in this aft- ernoon ¬ to spend Sunday with his tam ily Mr and Mrs Edward Holder and Col 0 T Green went down to Mr Holders Island at the mouth of the WIthlacoochee river yesterday Mr and Mrs Holder remained for a few x days and Col Green returned In the automobile yesterday afternoon i Messrs J M Smith and G M Johnes of Reddick were guests of the Monte- zuma last night Mr F O Reagan of Brooksvllle stopped over In the city today on his way home from Jacksonville < a Call at the Marion Shoe Cos store Mr Jeffcoat has some shoe bargains to show you at theclosing out sale of the stock of shoes ON THfCORNER Visit our new store It is I modern and uptodate and some say as pretty as can be X Some of our new goods are in DRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS- Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and Mealwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c i O K Grocery Clark Bres Proprietors PHONE 175 y r J 4 i- y

Y I 7 I The Shoe Co I AOUY t or M r jIJ I r G l r >r > i >< r r- I c OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 1908 THREE j r m u The Marion Shoe Co r Will

Aug 09, 2020



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Page 1: Y I 7 I The Shoe Co I AOUY t or M r jIJ I r G l r >r > i >< r <v5a1i J 7 > r- I c OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 1908 THREE j r m u The Marion Shoe Co r Will


tor M rjIJ I

r G l r < 5a1 J 7 r-r> > i >< r v i >




r Will close out theirt Entire Stockc of Mens Ladies and Chil¬

drens Shoes Over ShoesLaces et-

cAT COSTCome in early and be fittedand get bargains

Marion Shoe CompanyI

4m M + + H + H-r



j Noti-f How Much

but how good is 1ie questionthat every one iiuuM Uik m buyingcandy <

The old Lying that a man isjudged ly lle can iy he givesholds good today same as alwaysBuy the bcsd at take the justas good kind

Nothing quite equals

6famous BonEons and ChocolatesThey are in a distinctively exclu-sive


class to themselvesOrders receive prompt and care ¬

attention Just Rive us tle nameand address aJ Uicle Sam doesthe rest-




Charles D Hulbert M D

Homeopathic Physicianand Surgeon

Office Second Floor The Munroe andChambliss Bunk Building Ocala

FloridaTelephones Office 154 Residence 45

Office Hours312 a in 24 p m 730830 p m





SRooms 27 and 23s Holder Block

j 1



rPL The man who waits tor a proven

r producing proposition before invest-

ing1 will Always pay every cent thestock is worth Its the man who takes-

a chance on the ground floor that real-


gets the cream Always investigate-and act with due caution but you will

lose out entirely and every time if youwait for a cinch Equal parts of

nerve and common sense will be found

a very palatable dose and a combina-


hard to beat

If you want to buy a nome in Ocala1 can offer you one of the very fewplaces on the market on Oklawahaavenue

Frontage is 96 feet and the lot runsback 480 feet House is one story

t containing five rooms kitchen andbathroom city water gas electriclight and modern plumbing stableand servants house in yard Price

2300 half cash and balance spread-

over three years

Jf you want to build a store build ¬

ing to rent I have a lot on Fort Kingi avenue between the Pittman building-

and the new building just erected by

Guerrant Carmichael Frontage is43 feet bfr 110 feet deep The building-

now on it is old but rents for enough-

to pay interest on the investmentPrice is 350-

OAKRIDGES lots on the Shady Grovehard road and within the city limits-

can be bought for 75 to 90 100 feetfront by 125 feet deep 1010 cash and

1 per week Free deed in case ofdeath No taxes to pay until 1909 Map

and prices on application

WOODMAR This property is on themost beautiful lake in Florida on a

bluff which rises from 25 feet to 75

feet above the level of the lake The-

A C L railroad runs between the edge-

of the lake and the bluff Four yearsr ago when I platted this property and

offered to sell lots I was laughed atby many and the word fool morethan once dropped in connection withthis property Try and buy back forme the lots I have already sold andcome and see me I have raised theprices once and will raise again untilanother Mr Flagler sees the beauties-of the place and then he can have itif he will pay the price The streets-are all planted to shade trees and wat-


works installed good water tooBuy a lot now You can buy on termsbut you cant buy them at a discountMap and prices on application

f t


St Phillips CatholicSunday is All Saints Day and som

special music Is anticipated All ancordially invited to the services at1030 a m and 430 p m

D Bottolaccio Pastor

Grace Episcopal-

Rev Geo Hendree Harrison Rector10 a m Sunday school11 a tnHoly communion and ser ¬

mon730 p m Evening prayer and ser ¬

monCome and worship with us




H Coleman MinisterSunday school at 945 a mPreaching at 11 a m and 730 p mForenoon subject Reaching the

Goal-Evening subject A Refuge that

FailsEverybody welcome


Rev W H Dodge D D PastorServices 11 a mAnthem Jesus My Savior Look on

MeSchereckerServices 730 p mAnthem Savior Xow the Day is

Ending SleddsSabbath school 945 a mY P M S3 p mA cordial invitation extended to all


R H Barnett PastorThe pastor has returned from Mont

brook where he has been assisting-Rev E J Gates in special servicesand will be in his own pulpit as usualtomorrow morning The sacrament ofthe Lords Supper will be administer-ed


at the close of the morning ser-vice


The presiding elder Rev F RBridges will fill the pulpit at 730 p-

in° This will be his last sermon In

this church during his four years term-on this district Let all the congrega-tion


come out and give him a fullhouse at this his last service

Sunday school 930 a inPreaching a m and 7SO p mJunior League 3 p mSenior League p mA cordjal invitation to all And let

us all remember and not fail to talkup our mens meeting Sunday eveningovember Sth


Baptist I

Sunday school 945 a in i

Morning tlcesl1 a mSermon Thou shalt hot bear false

witness against thy neighbor This-is the ninth in a series of sermons onthe ten commandments The Import-ance


of this commandment is found Inthe responsibility of man toward Godand his fellow man in the use of histongue Speech is one of the mostGodlike attributes in the possession-of humanity and carries with It theIdea of an Intelligent guidance In itsuse No animal possesses this powerbeyond the mere imitation of the par-


and raven and possibly a tew oth ¬

er birds All kinds of false reportfalse swearing gossip and lying comeunder this commandment That thecommandment takes equal rank withthe others such as thou shalt not killsteal commit adultery covet blas-pheme


etc will be shown by thescriptures

Sunbeam Band3 p mB y P U645 p inEvening services 30 p mSermon Is the Idea of Local Soy

ereignity of the Churches Conslst > l twith a Unity of the Faith

A general invitation is extended toevery one to attend this service aswell as all others of the day

We offer good music free seats acordial welcome Why not attend re-


services If you are a strangerir town if you are away from home-of you feel a little blue if you wantto spend a little while worshipping-God go to church somewhere and ifyou dont go anywhere else come outand worship with us

After several efforts we have beenable to get the organ in good repairand the music will be especially goodThe church choirister Mr G A Nash

has again organized a choir consisting-of Mrs Geo R McKean soprano MrsW A Coin alto Mr II K Robinsonassisted by Mr Frank Gates tenorRemember now Thy Creator will bethe morning anthem and Miss InezTolmie will render Kennicks Rockof Ages at the evening service MrsIzlar with Miss Mary Gates assistantwill preside at the organ-

C C Carroll Pastor

THE PLACE-To Get Your Fresh Bread and Cakes-


No 55 S Main StWe bake every morning except Sun ¬

days Free deliveryWhen in need of Bread Cakes Pies-

or anything that belongs to my lineof business telephone No 296 F o bestimates furnished on out of townorders

No order too large to fill or toosmall to handle We use only firstclass goods and are here to pleaseGive us a part of your orders-


Six nice photos for twentyfive-cents on Saturdays and Mondays atT H Mills 54 North Magnolia street

1Iik 4 r L ilft<



Mr Jack McCully of Berlin was intown today


Two secondhand wagons for salecheap Apply to F W Ditto I


Mr R L Keating has returned froma business trip tu Jacksonville

Send us your prescription work TheCorner Drugstore-





J Fred DeBarry of Jacksonville-is a guest of the Ocala House

New Florida syrup now on sale atMartin Cams


There were twentytwo arrivals atthe Ocala House Sunday

Guths candies fresh by express atthe Corner Drugstore-

Mr F W Ditto has returned fromhis trip to Jacksonville-

Get your school supplies at thisOcala News Co-

Ir W J Edwards of this city wasin Jacksonville this week

FOR RENTA splendidly furnish-ed


room Inquire at 78 Watula street




Holland Herring Hilchners

German Dill Pickles

412 lb Crocks Mince Meat and3 and S Ib Jars

Luncheon Cheese in 15 and30c Jars

12 gall Jugs Pure Vinegar

Shredded Codfish i

Post Toasties and Ctrn Flakes


Honey In Comb-



Mrs J E Chace is slightly better to ¬

day and her fever Is lower than yes-




One pound of paper and two packsI ef envelopes very best grade for 50 I

cents at Tydings CoI

Mr W T Gary has been at Sarasota I

taking treatment for his eyes at thesanitarium He will return Sunday

I Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25

cents the box at the Posto ice Drug ¬


J F Reynolds of Jacksonville is atthe Ocala House

We carry the best line of toilet ar-


soaps perfumes etc in the I

city Come in and be convinced Ty ¬

dings Co

Mr W W Jackson of Moss BluffI was in town today doing some shop-ping



We are displaying the largest andbest selected line of perfumes toiletpowders toilet waters soaps etc inCentral Florida and will take pleas-ure in showing you the line TheAntiMonopoly Drugstore

Capt John I Inglis of Port Ingliswas in town yesterday and today aguest of the Ocala House

We are in business for your healthCall and see us The Corner Drug ¬



Grocery Departmen-







one your or-




Prompt Delivery

I Everything fresh and good-

to eat

Phone Double One 0



Mrs Wm Anderson entertained alarge number of her friends last aft¬

ernoon with a Telephone Tea Thisnovel and enjoyable social function-was given at the elegant home of MrsAnderson in honor of two most charm ¬

ing ladies Mrs Lee K Brown andIMrs Erastus Hopkins who will be

with Mrs Anderson this winter I

The color motif was yellow thelights were shaded with yellow andyellow flowers were much in evidenceLarge crystal vases filled with veryhandsome yellow and white chrysan ¬

themums added beauty to the lovelyscene The hostess and two honoreesvery graciously received in the parlorReceiving with them was Mrs C HLloyd These ladies wore elegantgowns and each looked particularlyattractive-

The punch bowl was quite attrac ¬

tive Large clusters of white andpurple grapes were effectively used inits decorations This delicious bev-erage


was served by Mrs M CLooney and Mrs D W Davis Theother assisting ladies were Mrs C VMiller Mrs G T Maughs and MrsClaude Nelson-

In the dining room refreshments-were served by Miss Alice BullockMiss Sara Davis and Miss MargaretAnderson As the guests left the din ¬

ing room Miss Minnie Gamsby andMiss Esther Weathers gave out littlebonbon daintily tied with yellow I

ribbon each bonbon containing the I

fortune of the happy possessor Thereading of these gave much merri-ment

¬ I

This reception was the firstIlarge one of the season and was one

of the most delightful social affairsever given in this city-


Mr Marshall MaeDavid and MissMary McCredie slipped away from I

their friends yesterday evening secur ¬

ed a license and repaired to the Bap ¬

tist parsonage where Rev C C Car ¬

roll quickly made them man and wifeBoth the young people are well

Iknown in Dcala Mr MaeDavid Is anemploye of the Ocala Foundry and is I

a steady hardworking young me ¬

chanic Marshall was the DailyStars office boy ten years ago andwas the most industrious anad reliable-the paper ever had His bride is thesmart and charming young lady whohas made so many friends waiting onthe patrons of the Boston Store the

Ilast year or two Both the young peo-ple


very sensibly went to their respec-tive


I places of employment this morn-ing


For the present they will maketheir home with the grooms motherMrs H G MaeDavid They have manyfriends who wish for them a long and



happy life


THEATERNorth Magnolia Street Opposite I

Mclver MacKaysI

II M WOOD Proprietor


Open Promptly at 330 p1 I

Program for this Evening





ISongs by


the Big Four Quartet




Quartet Will Appear Promptly at 5OClock in the Afternoon and 8 and9 in the Evening v

Admission 20 cents Children 10 centsI

Mr T W Troxler has certainlymade great improvement in his alwaysattractive store

When you want stationery go to astationery store The Ocala NewsCompany has the best and most uptodate line in Ocala

Mr Thomas Sexton acting superin ¬

tendent of the Holder Phosphate Cocame up this afternoon from the mines-to spend Sunday in town with his fam-ily


Furnished rooms for rent Apply atNo 34 Oklawaha avenue

Mr Sam P Anthony formerly andfor a number of years a citizen ofOcala with his family is again a resi-d nt of Ocala and expects to remainwith us He has beeii residing inMuncie Ind for several years

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬

teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists-

Mr Thos A Levines of Montbrookwas in town last night and today onhis way to Jacksonville where he willtake a position is engineer of the

I Vounteer one of the big seagoingtugboats of that port


BE YOUR OWN BOSS Make 4 to7 a day at home silvering mirrors

experience unnecessary Sample sentfree Write G Redmond D200 Bos ¬

ton Mass

Send us your prescription businessWe are thoroughly prepared to handleit Tydings Co

The Woodmar Sand and Stone Cornhas a large force of men at CampHeights laying cement sidewalkscopings and curbs around the Campproperty When the work is finishedit will present a very handsome ap ¬


We lead the city on stationery tab-



and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore-


Little Early Risers are thefamous little pills easy to take safesure and gentle Get Early RisersThey are the best pills made We sellthem Sold by AntiMonopoly Drug-store


r t

FOR RENT Warehouse formerlyoccupied by Knight Martin locat-ed


on Magnolia street Apply to M JRoes room 20 Holder building

c r3 dlFs


1fAOU know the importance of cor-rect

¬ 1


fit in clothes no mattterhow good the cloth or how

w wellmade the garments if theyr dont fit you dont want them

k We understand this as well asyou4 M do and we offer you

F1fi1rIL Hart Schaffner MarxJLW-N clothes because theres no trouble-

in giving you a correct fit in thesey goods

Youll find these clothes stylishr perfectly made of allwool fabrics

LI l i131 such clothes as any gentleman maybe proud to have and wear-

y Wed like to fit you in one of our fancy suits and in oneJL of our dressy blue or black suits for changing off

Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes to suit you here

This store is the home of ve

Hart Schaffner Marx clothes E-



Guarantee Clothing ShoeONE PRICE DEALERS I-



Harry came very near having tohang out the S R O sign at the Ber¬

lin last night It seemed like every I

theater goer in town was there someI

time during the evening The pictureswere tine and the songs of the BigFour Quartet brought waves of ap ¬

plause and after each performance-the audience would not bi quiet untilthe big ones had returned and ren-dered


My Rosy RamblerThere is a fine program on for this

evening If you havent hoard the BigFour you mustnt fail to hear themand if you have heard them you shouldhear them again Their singing cantbe excelled


A new real estate company has beenformed in Ocala It is the MarionCounty Realty Company Messrs Ash-er Frank and F W Ditto The object-of the company is to buy and sell largetracts of land and to make sales ofMarion county lands to Northern peo ¬

ple and induce them to settle here andimprove their purchases It is a laud ¬

able enterprise and is worthy of sup ¬



On November 14th a big special salewill be put on in the store room re ¬

cently vacated by the KnightMartinHardware Co by a Jacksonville firmwho have rented the store and will putin a big stock of dry goods and kin-dred




The launch terry Widow returnedlast night from the trip to Jacksonville-via the Oklawaha river Those return-ing


on the boat were Messrs T HHarris Ardis Waterman Tim TomMnson Nathan Peyser and Frank Math-ews Those who returned a few dayssince via rail were Messrs C II Lloydand Stephen Jewett The gentlemenhad a splendid trip and every one en-


it For most of hem it wastheir first trip through the picturesqueOklawaha and St Johns rivers


I hereby give notive that license tocarry pistols does not authorize par ¬

ties to carry the same concealed andthey are as much liable to arrest as ifa license had not been issued to them-so all persons are warned that they areliable to be arested if they violate thislaw This information is given to putall persons on notice and they mustgovern themselves accordingly Thelaws must be enforced

John P Galloway Sheriff


It has come to my attention that anumber of parties are in the habit ofhunting on Sunday This is a viola ¬

tion of the law and all parties so of¬

fending are warned from so doing In

the future for if apprehended they willbe arrested and punished accordingly-

John P Galloway Sheriff


Washington Oct 31Falr tonight-and Sunday

The original terry Widow EthelHart Jackson has married BenoniLockwood Jr of New York the law ¬

yer who procured for her a divorceLet us now hope we will soon see thelast of the disproportionate hat andhear the last of the still more dispro-portionate


name Widows are not any-

more merry than othr people at any-


and a great deal of the time theyare far less s-

oOYSTERSOysters are good and w are serving

them in all styles We keep a firstclass cafe and short order house andserve all of the delicacies of the sea-

son as well as all plain staple dishes-at moderate prices Good coffee andsomething good to eat at any hour upto 10 oclock at night Bar in con ¬

nection where you can get anything-to drink or smoke that you may

wishHOGANS CAFEShort Order and Oyster House West-

Side Public Square

> y


ffi tF W Ditto

y iiIt Real Estate andti-


Insurance Agent iHouses for sale ana

I1y rent Rents collected and

Taxes paid for nonresi-dents


ar Fire Life and Accident

Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farmstimber tracts vacant lots residence and business propertiesfor sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not

fF W DITTO Phones 116 and 92


Appointed by President Geo K Robin-



for the Marion County Fair-

Ways and Means Jake Brownchairman H B Clarkson D E McIver S T Sistrunk Wm N Camp JC Boozer Louis R Chzal

Arrangements Geo K Robinsonclairman Z C Chambliss John MMeffert George L Clemens E PGuerrant D S William secretary

Transportation KODert Taylorchairman Sydney Haile G TMaughs-

PublicityFrank E Harris chair ¬

man C L Bittinger L J Brumby HE Robinson

Agricultural ExhibitsWin Gistchairman S R Pyles E L Howell

Horticultural Exhibits 15 L Wartmann chairman S H Gaitsklfl JohnHeintz Carl Schneider-

Live Stock ExhibitsE P Guerrantchairman C G Fraser C Carmichael

Poultry Exhibits George L Clem-ens


chairman Win M Shockley E I

P GuerrantMinerals and Woods F A Teague

chairman Chas H Lloyd StephenJewett

Domestic Exhibits Womans WorkTo be announced later

Machinery and ImplementsHarry-B Clarkson chairman J H Spencer-W A Knight

Negro Department D McDuffychairman F P Gadson >V P Wil-son


M D J W Alexander GeorgeGiles secretary

George K Robinson President-T T Munroe Treasurer

D S Williams Secretary-


The Agatheridan Society held itsrtjrulnr meeting Friday Oct 3Q 1908

After the minutes of the precedingmeeting were read and approved thefollowing program was rendered

Subj ct Tl I ir t PlaysInau UrJ sulu of the presidentEssay The educational Value of the

tage Gn lrv r-

Essay The Early Stage Actors EtcMary Irvin-Recitation Collie ClarkEssay The Earliest Plays and Their

AuthorsCharles GatesRecitation Annie Laurie PerryEssay Stories of Noted Plays Whit

PalmerRecitation Ethel SeymourEssay The Moral Character and

Purpose of Early Stages Siebert Da-


Oration Our Debt to Greek DramaPaul Gates

Declamation Carrie fanipbcllRecitation Mary LandersDebut Resolved That nnUarli


should be aided by the potter c o main ¬

tain her independence AffirmativeElsi Liddon Robert Ferguson nega-


Abbie Stokes Fred TurnerI

The judges Adele Bittin r WaterLiddell and Gary Beck decided infavor of the affirmative

Paper by the editorThe secretary was reflue ted to read

the constitution There being no fur-


business to come before the houseI

the society adjourned to meet again-ovI 6th 190S

Helen Brown Secretary1


One of the greatest conveniences-aboutt the house is one of those Amer-ican


Electric Smoothing Irons Heat-ed


in a minute an even temperaturenever soiled or smoked Get your wifemother or sister one of them Twosizes and prizes Ask H W Tucker-to show them to you

ai t


When you wish fruit and vegetablesdelivered at your door look out forthe delivery wagon and stop It orphone our store No 277 If youwish small quantities of fruit samecan be supplied from our store In theMontezuma block or the Magnoliastreet store If you wish large quan¬

tities call at the Magnolia street tstore near Baptist church


The Ocala Plumbing and Electric Conow have a first class tinner and haveopened a tin shop In their shops Thenew man new man has turned outsons splendid pieces of work in gaaoline tanks for launches air tight com-partments


for launches and otherjobs

Mr P B Bowie of Arcadia o firstclass job printer will alive In town to-


to take a position with theStar and help us out of the congestedcondition in the job department-

Mr Dell Moody came up this after-noon


from Oklawaha to spend Sundayin town

Mr A T Thomas came in this aft-ernoon


to spend Sunday with his tamily

Mr and Mrs Edward Holder andCol 0 T Green went down to MrHolders Island at the mouth of theWIthlacoochee river yesterday Mrand Mrs Holder remained for a few x

days and Col Green returned In theautomobile yesterday afternoon i

Messrs J M Smith and G M Johnesof Reddick were guests of the Monte-zuma last night

Mr F O Reagan of Brooksvlllestopped over In the city today on hisway home from Jacksonville < a

Call at the Marion Shoe Cos storeMr Jeffcoat has some shoe bargains toshow you at theclosing out sale of thestock of shoes


Visit our new store It isI modern and uptodate andsome say as pretty as can be


Some of our new goods are inDRIED APPLES 15DRIED APRICOTS 15DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25NEW MACKEREL 10


Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and Mealwhite as snow



O K GroceryClark Bres Proprietors

PHONE 175y r

J4 i-
