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<1 z r an FBI at "�?"�

_ t She ladmitted membership on the National Cqnm1tt§§_&#39;5; 7 _&#39; of the GP and admitted her status as an alien." -&#39; � _;_

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for the subjct by the American Committee for the-

Protection of the Foreign B0111.� Subject activein �speaking _at_ra1J.1pa protesting deportation ct , 1",, QCoumruniste held in NY, Newark, Bostm, Newand Detroit". �She appeared in the picket line 18&#39; �*5�!-frontoi� INS Headquarters on 2/2/48; A "Claudia ,;�i;"-;

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forth in_ chronological order-from the time ofher arreetjan Jam1a1&#39;_7&#39;e19,;;19!¢8&#39;-.I�-it;Y to ll�I"Fh 15: 1943: 7>&#39;�.L;&#39;-�.~ -- t;-�~ *&#39; " e ~ k &#39; » 1- AV

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&#39; gs set forth in reference te1&#39;e&#39;type.-t6&#39;the&#39; .B.1re&#39;a92i dated January. 20, ;194-B, CIAUDIA JONES was apprehended at .8240 P.lI. on January 19, 1948 at her &#39;home, 504 �lest 143rd Street, New Iorlc City,� Apartment 65. � The warrant of "

o arrest was served by Immigration 5; Na tion nspectors JAMES P, 01113!� .;,�_,___.and HAROLD I. RAMSEY. ,Specia1 Agent �ccompanied the Immigra-ition & Naturalization S-e.r1.&#39;i-.e efficie...e ene e... .r. the egmrehemion. -

. -- - .- -

_ _.,.. _ .. , r�,, , P; ._,,� ._-., _ -4; 1,.-_�-_e�e-~. .k -~ , "&#39;. �..~. F , . &#39; - 1." Q-. &#39;__&#39; &#39;j- 1&#39; 7,-"�-_� �*1-1: �»"&#39; -L - -&#39;3 1-" 5 - �,1.� &#39; F-11" .7 &#39;5&#39;" t.--£14�. _&#39; 1�.-&#39;,"�~:-11"�-&#39;..-.". .1". "r 1,. __ -.. 92.... __. _.,_..,_. _ _- 4, .- -. ,__ V.__ 4 -, . -I» -_-.1-.>,_» ._.-

|&#39;Hh� 1 lib. I92lI � Q In V-vgwnnqnliitr AP +�-|� on +1 1:4 �F-1&#39; f92� 1&#39;7? lTY&#39;T92Tl Tf&#39;9292T"l"Q Q�! H� 5-"L-ll� l92JJnL¬"LlI L§

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&#39; e warrant for the irreet to1"CLAUD1&#39;.l H SCHOLHEKQ with aliases,-&#39;2�-&#39;&#39;192l1�s.A_§II___C_$I-1 J_1g~1§§, cmn_Jn4&#39;I�1oNm&#39; rruunn VEP.�GJ}!BERBLQCH ohargedthat -subject �entered this oountry at Féw York on the nintlf�y of February 1924"and_has been found in the United States "Ln violetionof the immigration laws�:-thereof and is subject to be taken in custody� and deported pursuantto the uprovisions of the Act of October 16, 1918 as amended, m that she is found tohave been, after entry, e membenof the following class, set forth in sectionone of said eot; An alien eh-e believes in, edvccetee and teaches the over- _throw, by force or violence, of the Government of the United States, and theAct of October 16, 1918, as admitted in that she is found to have been, afterIntryfa member of the fo11o=w&#39;ing"c1ase, set forth in section one of said acti-Ln alien who writes and publishes and pauses to"be written and published anywritten or published matter advising, edvQ¢&#39;;t5_ng&#39; or teaching the overthrow. .by fQI�Q0_ or, violence, of the Government of the Unit d St t I L� - d




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4&#39;? e &#39; &#39; The warrant was datedt �ctober! 1947 end �signed by�j,&#39;,7 »_1.-LACKEY, Chief, Exclusion end EII-�ieien seetiene Y In accord eith _: stig,-*.1¥f&#39;;&#39;»-&#39;l�. .1.leti ~$1 O33 gnghewarrantl, euthority was granted to release the subject under .

. &#39; - , 2 ~ &#39;-_: ~ e --,~ 2 &#39; . , .� � _,.-e --.- V . . - _ , . �.- . �- _ _ _ .. ,- ,.. .

._ A log "of activiti�eswas made by Augeni-.nd signed by In�pgétale. aid 92&#39;5i1"EY °i&#39; immigration & Naturalization §erHce.. This log is being �maintained in the files of this office� The contents of the log is set fort};below; .- -. 3 _._ - . .. _ .~ ~ - - ~-. . "3 . W ., . _ .- �_{:<. �-1, A ., _.,-.- ._ ._ - . . A-- - &#39; ..-~ -=- >- &#39;.-1 "~-,, - .-"_� , - , .;. � -1" - - &#39;~ - -&#39; - _&#39; � &#39; &#39; " - £&#39; -&#39; f -. &#39; 1 -H in,--�-=I r ,4 r� ."&#39;f-&#39;-.4 I-:� � .�~" -&#39;-&#39; -&#39;~ -4� H" » ~. &#39;J-__ . � _ . ~- e -I g -_.; , . -- __*-- 92.;- ._ =- - 4 # ~ ,� ,-__ . -- - _ _ .-_._..-, 1 ~ - . . -.-_- =-i = -- 1 j :_-_ 5.&#39; - � a 92--2; - - &#39;- P2» - �- &#39; &#39; &#39;4 &#39; -- -�.

.__..". 3&#39; = __ a_-v _ _. n _ o _ . ,-Log of activities, Jsnleery 19111., _. _. ,1�

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&#39; a POI.

Q3; Pele Arrtvawtiaarg. 6221�, Imigretion and Naturalization s.:.é-¥*» -

__�_ __ �_ _ , rd ._ &#39;:. . . .� I-.- � .-_. _ :_&#39; . -&#39; � .»&#39; T &#39; 5" �.;- s-I

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cmun accompanied by&#39;Insp-ectore cam and nmsn andS Azentlwepartea by car for 2111.. Island. -, a -- &#39; &#39; I.� � "".-�.1&#39; vice» to await I111! Island boeiie = -- � #~f -I .

_ 10300 Pele cum; JONES turned over to mam van uosrwm, Security &#39; � " "�a Officer and SLDIE HAIJIF, llatron Of the Detention Station, I�irl

4 _ 2.--.�

.. . -9-,

was served the" &#39; &#39; state her fut].

* that as eoald

was then asked

stated that she would permit no__searehfwithout_ a earoh war-rant.!,.__ " &#39;1-" �-- ,. .

.&#39; _&#39; a &#39; J.P. CLREI

gration and Naturalization Service, Ellis Island. She was placed:- in the private cabin aboard the boat in the custody of V�l - � "

- o nosmum and Hmm. Y "&#39; Y I "&#39; &#39; &#39;

10:45 PJ. Boat departed for Ellie Island." : , - . - t-.- 1.,� ..= t _ __ &#39; .- ,., . .- M _ .- _ . ,- . . . � - .

--5---=1�. ~.T&#39; 7 " - &#39; 1.. . "a ,&#39;.- -&#39; -~-*�" "-Kr . . .-,- -_* -- .. .�V _ ., _ .� . - 1- ,3� A; . .. 1- -- ;_¢.; - - ; - - -1 &#39;.e-&#39; I

,._- -. .- _ - .- -i - I I .. - ,~ 92_w. _ , - &#39;-- - _- -.;-2; � 4,.-&#39;_---3 - » --i&#39;... . . &#39; ., . ._, ~ .-_-- .- � _-1 .. w� - _ _; _ -_ &#39;A�; �_ - .� 5 -51*� cf. 7 H�

I " � .H.Ii&#39;. RAMSEY, Immigration Inspector

Immigration Inspector .- &#39;.. . Special Agent, F B.I., �

HGI Ibrke "

is outlined in the above 15¢ of Activities, CLAUDIA JOLIE "warrant of arrest by Inspector RMSEI. She was asked to -_ Mname and citizenship. She refused to do this and adviseduses! no question": i.eit.&#39;".c=.:t- first having an attcrr.&#39;ey.&#39;. Q�if she would sign s waiver of search of the premises. She

F � V _ , -. .- 1.-1- 92_V 92� - __.-�_ M_>�_:___ I� _&#39; :1 �l _.

cmnnxa mum then asked to �mm. . telephone call and wasgranted mission to call HENRI WINSTON and New Iork City Councilman -"DBENJAT1II%AVI$, J R. , both nembers of the Rational Committee O1� the Con-n &#39;""�." � �aunist arty. IIHS&#39;I&#39;0N_wae not at hone. She told DAVIS that the Ill!!!-"&#39;> n 4�gration authorities were present and were going to take her to EllieIsland. _ She was overheard stating, "I an getting the B.I_&#39;!&#39;l&#39;T~"_�-I.-il..L_lI t-reata.ent"e

spoke to DAVIS and when asked by hie to withhold taking CLAUDIA JONES into: � -DAVIS asked to talk to one of the agents. Inspector BMISII -

or» &#39;. -&#39; .- .1 &#39;-

custody until such time as he might talk to her,� he was advised that lliee zJOKE would be given sufficient tine to prepare to be taken into custody �Z5--�li-L ~and then would be inmediately taken to Ellis Island. 4.� ,. &#39;H H Before leaving the prelieee, m�a� &#39;adult sisters of the subject were advised that she was being teken"&#39;di&#39;1"i&#39;ct1!!&#39;

:I92. -in- .&#39;<<�J&#39;, �:92

..-� »

. to tn. Detention Station at EILl:I.e Island. lies roam Iou1d�not talk while� ~ ain her home but enroute to the Barge Office in thecourse of conversationwith Agentmshe admitted the following concerning her background andher actiei o the Oomunist Pertycpg ;_ _ g _ I,


.1�-_.� ,

iZ�I�i§:i:�"- &#39;* " - &#39;,.92" l I _ .- .+,_-E



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-&#39; ,* It -&#39; * 92 -&#39; �-- -- - "955, K &#39;14 �J &#39; 1 �u »=.. � v-. , - . wt;-_ ?_<�_§¢§;�-&#39;1--_.-._,. gi .» , , ~ � -- *- + &#39; -:|g.=¢.&#39; "1 1.» �§- -I ~L�-&#39;. . .

~. > - -- -&#39;~ - w ;i&#39;*:~__&#39; so-~»-~*.~ -. » at .1

_ o -1&#39; l She said she was bone in Trinidad, British Iest moles,-;i&#39;1-�-�f*&#39;.�»i 2,February 25, 1916. She cane to this country in 1924 iith her aunt and "three sisters. She admitted that she took preliminary steps to_ become _&#39; �s citizen or this country, but to this date has never been naturalised."She advised that she was still an alien. She admitted that she joinedthe Communist Party approximately ten years ago. She was first active C�with the youth groups of the Communist Party and later, because or her 5

, work in the Party, was elected to the National Committee of the Con|sua- .- -�Int Patti- _» . &#39;1 - =- - " - " " &#39; M &#39; V, .&#39; " 1 - . "i*"&#39;:-&#39;2&#39;" I�...-- -.--. -3&#39; _ _ .. ._ � . .� . -

._ .. - -NT ,;.&#39; -. _ .�-- _. - &#39;4 t _&#39; &#39;_. _

w She said that the elections to the liational Committee were &#39; w4 made st a nesting attended by delegates representing the Party tree all - _

parts or the United States. &#39; She attributed her election to the tact that

she worked diligently for the Party, writing numerous articles under her -n own name and by preparing Counist Party literature, distributed in the&#39; name of the Party. She inforled that she has been on several speaking .,

tours for the Party.� She did not elaborate on any 01&#39; the above informs-tion, but stated that the "FBI knew of all or her activities and Q-at-1 0everything she had revealed was already known to this Bu:-eau"._ &#39;_ &#39;

_ . .- -2� - - &#39;. _ . - - < ~ a She mentioned that she was the Secretarynof the nstlonslji.

&#39; Womens Commission of the Comunist Party and as such was active in the &#39; &#39; � "&#39;- � &#39;§!92II!QI92 - �Iwuuswues

-re" &#39;-= .

cork in the Party and on several occasions CLaUD".li JUNE.�-5 referred. _, to the Party with pl-la. and stated that she wholeheartedly believed in S o_ the principles and doctrines ct the Colmmnist Partys She charged that � �

on being arrested because she was a Communist was preposterous because the _&#39;- Communist Party was s legally constituted Party in the United States.

- -V . &#39; *- .&#39; � . . - � - . -; Z I

� .-

_ _! _ t V , . - _

During the course of the conversation CLAUDIA JONES on. several occasions acknowledged tint she was active in the Communist Party

and expressed her complete confidence in the Communist Party. She stated -M &#39;that it the leaders in this country would only listen to the wisdoa S S &#39;given out by the Party there would be an end to the class struggle and-, _discrimination practiced in this country. "j f" &#39; _ � &#39; � L


_ _ I .- _92 . _ ~ � -_. ,. &#39; 2 &#39;_� � __, _ re. s -.,- &#39; = _ .�.-- , . &#39; �,5 J &#39; 1�. _-1.? 1;. -Hf" &#39;_ &#39; . &#39; _- __; "r"&#39;- _ __�!_,1� � "I?" &#39; A.-F " �, -

� .&#39; . _ In referring to her education, CLAUDIA JONES revealed one-; -

or the reasons shy she �sesame a Céiillllii�iiie She stated that she was grad-71,}:92 _ uated tron high school in New Iork and at first had IIbit1OI.!I�&#39;|iO becolse~.1"=*.§=.~,&#39;.i&#39;-�- V

s. doctor and than a social worker. She changed her mind about this, how-A __ ever, when she was confronted with the tact that "certain quotes were set "- up in New York City on the number of negroee that night enter the medical -

profession and social field�. w _ �. _ . &#39;�__&#39; _".� -&#39;-�_,-,�..�».;_ y. v_. ___ &#39;.L 1V ~.._ -H ; - �92__� �._ _; . � 3 _,.._ _ .- .»l &#39; t j .V C �.92e92~92T92Pl


. cw &#39;1".&#39; ~�i92-3:? ._92-."�» If_. .,_.

- P�l&#39;-."r"_nu. r< _,&#39;.&#39;.-1_-_&#39;» :1...-� r -v- .�v_:.--.,&#39;. -. � r:- 92- &#39;92.1=-92 . H.

.,-.141 *1 Q�.1"; .--1�-rs";-_ �_?:&#39;-&#39;.&#39;V . ...__._ _92» _ ¢,-

r¥&#39;:*l-&#39;.13§="�*-&#39;3&#39;-=:i-~=.=&#39;§.--.1�.-==» A..,.�_ ,,_.

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, , . the _militant_ANegro Iro1ue_n_ of America, against the �lest Indian population . ., ~Y

, 92 &#39;: .- _ _-= �: -. &#39;.&#39; &#39;3&#39;.-�-&#39; �I5 -I &#39;1-.;~-&#39;.-» fr-I-� 1"&#39;.;�¢,-�-.-I-"--&#39;-"3 7- -"-~&#39;-_ - - .- --f-__...--_ ,_l___I -_.I_ _>_.�.,;..;.__,,-1 ._..�-._.,-- ., --.�.92- - _ 92

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She admitted ettendancefat New rm�-1: University nightfor approximately two years-_~31e said that the depression end _une1,r_en._1&#39;;_-_b&#39;,;;_.,_distribution of;in this country had caused her to search for an �es-5&#39;3,�cape from the existing struggle that she was going through, She*&#39;--~-thgi; it wee gt time thgtehe gt firet becgme in gnnuninin",

" V i The following is ereview oftlae statements mademembers of the National committee of the Communist Party and members of - _ -_ -1 _the Editorial Staff of the �Daily Io:-keri concerning the arrest of l

_ _ I � .a &#39;_ _ _ - . �_.. &#39;_ .:_ 1 ..&#39; = :__ - _ M "ED. _ .-"1 &#39; _;--&#39; :;__&#39; >@_"-."".-- "-&#39;._&#39;-;�~,_&#39;,-,r&#39; &#39;. ,- . - _. �1__ &#39; &#39; .__&#39;-&#39;_ �:.92.&#39;. ..&#39;. .f_&#39;- " A:..&#39;.::/g�-_&#39;.&#39;_ &#39;,_-__-Q.� ;�""&#39;_&#39;;.&#39;: �,-

- � In the &#39;Ib&#39;1J.y I01-her�, January , 1948," _Pag_e_ 2-,&#39;. _Qol1nnn_the following statement was made; i if Y 1 &#39; " Y: ;.*--~

m" - 1 e Communist Party Nations ard in a_ signed statement-l &#39; &#39; .iby mum gkrosrsn, Chairman, EU A _ , General Secretary and HJEINRI _;WINSTON, Or izational Director, cal e for the reinovialof Attorney. Gen�-_ ."

_ era]. TOM CLARK." The article continued by stating that the arrest Ins ;;-I_»_a- Ipert of a drive by the C-overnnent against ell progressives in the UnitedStates. The article continued by quoting Councilman ENJAMJEH DAVIS, asstating: �The arrest of the Negro vromsns leader is a. foul attack against e

._-". ._*=-.-1 .

�nd �gainst.-31° °.1"*4 *."i8h.�_°&#39;,."�?i.°P .¥=i!*+?&#39;1.&#39;.~!=.<>&#39;=�¥"-�-&#39;�&#39;=.=4=.°l*i1*l*1~.�-=1_ #5 92i:>h<.>1=1-&#39;.--�.f.-

_. __ &#39; other statements _1rere_92ma.;de by nossn�ourson, te Chair-ll it * ~man o._f- the Nel Iork Communist Party, and HGKLHD �STRETCH 03-H3011, EducationelDirect_or, York County Qommnnist Party_.. - . - ~ -_={_P 92 _.r

&#39; ,, __ -&#39; - .- ;_t - >. - . .. ."&#39;--1:.» � n-1--:4 &#39; . &#39;3-3 -&#39;

- - .¢;-;&#39;;-e;=1; 1;;-an-ml �am.-.�r-�; agate 2:, *1-ta�Page ll, Column 3, ELIZABETH GURI - INN, member of the National Committee .01� 15110 Cvmrllunist Party, stated, �Justice Ikparhnent hits all time -low on the attack on CLAUDIA JONES�. In reviewing the work of CLAUDIA stat�� �hbl r!�l11f92�I"�I;IlTO -1:hn11+.-l�P1921 Q1l92I92I92Q92I92&#39;|&#39; as Q Q---1.14-Q� ��w ii " * W t�� � -¬ ,1 ¥#&#39;1¬"i.�°. I-§£��Li H, OJ-92J�~�92AGlA&#39;iJ �

-|92. - - . .- -_;92~-_-,-_-_ �. . �..,*,&#39;_- i &#39;- -.92.», 1&#39; 1&#39;; _. ""-&#39;:-".~-} &#39;_&#39;;�»_ &#39;!�_ 1 1.-*�_92&#39;.�;".,F.-_"&#39;-, _&#39;_&#39;§-,"-"._-1�.--"--,_&#39;;&#39;.-." &#39; - _�92._~-&#39;. � �_- , ll _- Jr 9 |=",_.»; ~,_1. ~&#39;-&#39;-. --.<�*.- ~ r 2 .�~;| &#39;-" �-&#39;~ &#39; � � &#39; &#39; &#39; &#39;,;- " - -"� JL_.92_~ . _�?___,.�. .____, K _ _ � �_."9"f$ A .~..-_.- > .1a



gifted as e_ writer, she became a leader of the Young Communist League before Ishe was twenty, and its Educational Director in 1940. She wrote under theP9" T181116 Of C1-AUD11 J9N$ .1�-he �Daily Worker� and other publications, . _

. She ably aided "S_potlight",_ an excellent A721! mggg¢,1m,e____;_ __�_._.- M. ~_.T __¬_ &#39; � &#39; -:�,7.92.k.:A. -. &#39;5. -.-.7. �;3. !"f.j-�§=?&#39;.&#39;;;&--�;.&#39;- &#39;%�&#39;»..f&#39;=_;-&#39;-*.}.&#39;-- ;.--,~7;;"-�,_"V�

l ~ - I1? the. 1"-&#39;Forker*, January 25» -1948, B=<=1.=i.°n-1?, IP82!� 9, -- &#39; ¢°111===1 1,&#39;C1tY&#39; Cm-1n¢i1man" 1-1-:.1muIn mus -in-Eomem-.1ng en� the arrest"foi&#39;"�"-rzvfq d�p�rtation.-of ILAUDI_.L JONES, stated� the £olloIing|.._» It ~ " " -,..&#39;921/.&#39; � --1&#39; ..,-. " &#39; _&#39;- " I

� i� � ,__ ___ ,~,e. __ , .. ___ .e-. .. :!__. _~

__ !. i. J-. -"- y .. _�V*&#39; _ � - . ;- � -_ ;.._ . ~ r_.: » -3 . - - -_.__ -___,- .-�.__ .i - &#39; &#39; _ -.&#39; 1 - 1-* &#39;=�~-.3-F <»�- 1* "-&#39;-=~� 1&#39; &#39;1 �"{:...§-*~.~:&#39;7&#39;1.?_ *1. 92.-*.v~=&#39;-1 s»"&#39;..--:-.=.%7_~ ;.-:v_.~&#39;- - : -. 1 -� - ---_ __ -< . _ _. - -__»r s ~ ,

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l R! 100-1eer76~&#39;---i*.;r_~= ; r - - 5 _» _. . � . ._ . 4.... n 7 ., _ _~ _ .;__ .|r�v4_&#39;_ ._.i >�|_

. . , _"CLAUDIl. JONES 1| 8 IDI&#39;1&#39;-PU daughter Of the Ililitant and -enterprising Negro West Indian Citizen League or the country; The atte_mpt_s_&#39;or the subversive, poll ts: &#39;10! CLARK to deport thi outstanding Negro 1 &#39;

. &#39; leader, one or the nost beloved Connnnist Iignne in Anerice, will be de-feated and sill backfire with the detonation oi� an atom bomb.� He con-- _ _tinned by stating: "Comrades BITIEIIAII and JONES were both framed in e

. J technical innigration che e.!__ -. -;C�<.___":....T,,»__&#39;._-X"-,_. ,- . . . &#39; . &#39;- _�-&#39;,c&#39; I &#39;.

In the 1; Yorker", February 6, 1948, Page L, Column 1,." __J in the column by AR , entitled "Foster Recalls Past Fran-ups", it � "

was mentioned thet All Z. FOSTER, Iational Chairmen oi� the Communist .--, Party had recently cemented on the "mating-support that labor defense -0&#39; committees had given persecuted workers end political leaders in America";. _ ,1 _ . I _ 7- .7 _ _. . - _ . v . 4 -

. A On Jamar; 20, 194-B Inspector HAROLD W. BJMSEI, oi� the Inni-gration and Naturalization Service, advised that CLAUEIIA JONES was released

on that date with the posting of $1,000.00 bail st the Immigration Service _Qffice by Attorney IRA GOLLOBII of the American Committee for the Pmteewtion or the Foreign Borne - ~ &#39; e &#39; o

.. �. _._V. ;_ _. -- - On Jenner! 22, cmrnn JONES headed 1 inane mobilised-" and defense rally for ALEIAND TTEIILAH, held st Iebster Ell, lies Iork J"

City, under the sponsorship oi� e llorning Freiheit Association I co or-" ve hundred peoplmettended this rel

d Special, Agent n _ &#39;. _ &#39;__,__-;. _-�.1� � �__;_ ._ _ 1 "�

bl -- .:

dressed the group a re a e in story torn the incidents of her an-est.She admitted that she was a member or the National Cc ttee of the Cor &#39;0munist Party. Other speakers at this rally were Ekecntive - &#39;Secretary oi the American Committee tor the Protectio oi the Foreign "Born, ELIZLBETH GURLEI ELYNN, WILLIAM Z. FOSTER, BEIUBIIB J. DAVIS, ell -embers or the National Comittee of the Communist Party, and JOSEPH . _

*§Ln/ _, l , Assistant Manager of the For and Leather wer1ere,;TEi&#39;*on,PAM?/92�§JVlCK, Editor and Chief of the "Homing Freiheitl, use .; --Hea or the Harlem Section or Civil Rights Congress and _ AHDLE, 49;�Executive Secretary oi� the Jewish People&#39;s Fraternal Ordere&#39;- o I

On January 23, 1948/"Emergency Conference" to protest the &#39;

-- . . &#39; - ----&#39;. > ~-tag. 1-. -i-".-~21- 1-<1. =. --1�r..-=?,�;:"-;-,.:f,._;:_,*_=..A r�?-.:.;;t ."&#39;.~�.".i&#39;*&#39;J�,�-�Z ,- 3&#39;-&#39; �Q -� =-� .-�-="-.,.=n"":"�-,-&#39;.�§-F-=-5""�. &#39; -&#39; �= &#39;-&#39; h� 3 "&#39;"f-- . .-I =- -= &#39;1 Q-.1� .-.-- I "&#39; �*�.~ --I � � in I-&#39;~.�*=u5;&#39;-I" �

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" A � - - __-- �-=-_ +_-.J.._ _- . L,--¢_._~ �- .,~ �-, -.,.c ~> ..¢»=* " �*¢ &#39;"�- T�,/92 _._~-_� *;&#39; V-&#39;~.�&#39;_-.&#39; _- .4 - ~. �J 92» - W» _- H? cw .1. .1 . , H -�LI&#39; &#39;3" _ "� &#39; i - &#39; 1%�-I 5&#39;,-.&#39; " _

� -V �i..-&#39; Q� 7"� �m - � &#39; . - V _ H u p_ 1- tthan gpggéaé an g�clgii-giagzgf. 23! 1948, Page 4, Column 1,:JONES. In t is article it was atazsd t in COM-emu� for CLAUDI� � -

h 1&#39;. V.DR. G E&#39;I�IORI&#39;, Chairman of th: �lea: Intgtago ¬§°h::sEsc;1E111.d,3 bx &#39;1 &#39; "-&#39;1 3lg-§§ #1"""*"""°t tn� R�-t&#39;i°�&#39;.l,,c°m°n °1&#39; Ne�rv Human. ~ &#39; I?


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V 7 On January 27,1948, the neighbors in the vicinity ¢:j5@4�w;ei,l434St.reet, the residence or CLAUDIA JONES, held e meeting at tl1e�epa_rtq&#39;*�- *" * �ment of I-D&#39;NA_R.&#39;D _"$IRE1�CH".JO}lN$ONéwho-__e1so resides at this address. _=?»..,»¢1 ,

.0 � , .:g-- &#39;- -&#39; -� _ L __ __ - .�_ P , , ,.»lhii �




if The "Daily w¢i51§er~ 2 Pageé:3|, -reported that approxinntely thirty neighbore attended this meeting: The �following was noted in this article: "Fi.fty_tickete to the big HENRI] _j ,- Q &#39;1&#39;WALLACE meeting at the Golden Gate Ai.1ditori1.m&#39;,�Lenou: "Avenue and 1AOth"&#39;_-&#39;5&#39; 3?-e �Street, on February 15, 1948, were-sold before the party was over." A

defenae committee for wae formed Ii



¢~ .92


- . On February �nd, 194.8, the New York State Camzitfee or the CommunietwParty sponsored a picket line in front of the headquarters at Iuunigration e 7and Naturalization Service, &#39;70 Columbus Avenue, new yer; city�. WI.1l_=Il.1l.; &#39; V o -e .5

-jx-HORMAN, New York State Organizational Secretary and 1 nember of the Natfonal &#39; f_&#39; C3E.ttee, hea.ded&#39;the_ activities of this affair» Lppromimately one

_ pickets were present end paraded back and forth in frmt of Immigration =- J -.-ma Natlrrelization Service Headq�arterl frcu 11:45 Lu. "to" 11:15 1>.1:.--r-.@&#39;;-;:&#39;-_- _The announced purpose. or this pic_1ce_t _lin_e nae to protest the deportation?�--:._.,--:_ .l

proceedings being carried out by the Department of Justice against CLAUDIA� &#39;"JONES �nd LLEIANDEB 1 &#39;-e_&#39; , _ ;

1 »>|-,»»r&#39;i&#39;%.?e;�tp-,,.te - 1- V l _lQQ.�.N ENT92AL~;

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1 M 7�? .1 __;¢�=i 4*: 1;, .? -� ;.&#39;-_"_&#39;_._"_..-_ .. 5&#39; .. » �F -1 --

" The picket line csn&#39;:I.ed�p]lace&#39;1§Ie csllingifor :}1;�§=1&"Z: -t"t}"�the de rtat isoriaination &#39; &#39;against the minority gmup�e Special";Agent observed theipicketing end noted that the inecripntiooe on eoee or um pleeerce eeres __ A L p

_ |&#39;YI} - - _-�_ I _ _ � &#39;3 k_- 1-� -v." &#39;=&#39; &#39; "&#39; .&#39; |� -|_ ---92- �

_ -�me Department or ;n_==_r_.1=&#39;e Attache 0;. i{m;~m;;-;�p"1�oeC1erk; now: Tread Dale� &#39;1 I in �Under this inscription no e large sketch or IFo£Liberty;__; p -- ; - --. . A- _ �: -_ . 1 ."-* .. �- .... . c _ c -._- h. ... , . 92-...� =-&#39;-, -- _~ &#39;:v - _ . _ &#39; _ .

�Belt U.S-L Department or Justice Deportation or Jones and .Bitbei�l C &#39; C &#39;

&#39; . _ __ &#39; - !=&#39;_ 4 . = &#39;_ __ _ . .� J _ , , , p h_s.__ _p _ �K .,

Stop Deportation or Jones, Negro Women Leader"; 5 . " *

�Stop Deportation or Alexander Bittelmn, Her 151&#39;-z .�1..-1.1.Leader�; &#39;

&#39; , &#39;7. �_"Re:_nov__e,Po11_ Tu ittorney Ton C111-&#39;!L:5_;~_.o_ __ H &#39; �I _,__ .-. �an;-. . »-__

. "Stop ilinorit; �Pereecntilon �}5:§&#39; Ti"�hw� 92.A__r .

-�.-C - - &#39; t&#39;.It&#39;we&#39;e thst at each or the phceeee In Vthe statement that picketing was sponsored by the New Iork State Committeeof the Communist Perty. . _ 2 .. p _ �- - ,- _ ~

L. �- _::&#39; &#39; - � - ;."--�;- �--&#39;".r~"_&#39;.&#39; --; - _&#39; &#39; . ~ I ... 92 __ _ 92 e 4. n, _ -

From time to time diing the period oi the pichet the menberechanted varioue slogans. Some or the slogans recalled were:

- �Let�: �at rid of cm-1_£ W; ao¢+;;�_r,-.. some c Bxmizum.~

Clerk, you can&#39;t deport Demcreql.__&#39;;_l_:¬_¢-&#39;- _ - ,, - e._ __�. .

_&#39;-no-., mum, nil _s¢r,.;»1¢¢1.¢-e-;i�e=+ » .* =&#39; � &#39; . . &#39;1-4 .-. ~ "_ .92 . . , .. .- - ~- ..."~¢&#39;.&#39;92-&#39;.�~.. &#39; -

. 92� &#39; . Lt each end or the blocic .&#39;lea�ets issued by the New Iork State Comittee of the Communist Party." .<&#39;5%_:Copies of he at theee leaflet: were obtained 0O pne called tor an immediateremog;il.totd"Po11"Texer lttorney Genera]. Ton Clerk from office� and the �

I isuieeel of the charges against CLAUDIA JONES and AIBMIDEBI&#39;I&#39;I&#39;EIllAH. In thie pamphlet charges were made that the government is ueingHITLEIP I P1-In &#39;60 K66? 1�-he people quiet. The description or the arrest orCLAUDIA ie brie�y set Iorth on this p8.@hlQ"lig - &#39; &#39; _"

-=1 ~ F-i 1. . . .»_- g =&#39;;~ . - -"C ¢ &#39;T�&#39;£"&#39;.&#39; -� &#39;7-4&#39;-*§�..�f""&#39;:n&#39;_ &#39;¬- -§"""i--"&#39;7&#39;"; -"L7 &#39; &#39; _ � �. &#39;1-CF11?"&#39; -- " "� _ -, , . ,_&#39;- . ~_ _.._ "

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V -.1� _..-1 - � A second pamphlet distributed to leebere of the press &#39;-who attended the picket was e statement or the New Iork Communist Party! 3In this etatenent a reriei of the arrests of H"J._1""I�HiiLh&#39;_and JCFEC wasgiven. The following is quoted tron this pamphlets >&#39;.;-:; ,-;

;_-r: &#39;

~ - &#39;1r" - .

- 1� * "This deportation drive is pm of the larger blits to *1 *set up e �police stete&#39;_ in the United States» the witch hunts, !�e£t- _&#39;Hartley Lew, the unconstitutional ectivitiee or the House Un-American &#39;Committee, �loyalty! taste, make up one big campaign which seeks to orer~ �--*_throw the traditional and Constitutional democratic rlghte or the people.&#39;_.;&#39; ..

_ _ i33:&#39;i"&#39;yu15ti e�beini retained.� &#39;" _�* � "�� II� w� - �I -Q-V _ .-=- &#39; -. "-:e.i,..": .,I&#39;v *-7.11".�-IV -:":V"� V 1� -&#39;-�~t"-�."..T&#39; 1 &#39;

&#39;.-, .. V �,. .-< ..-*-:.,:+ -V _ .| __ _. _ I _ _, . ,_ . _

I I A committee of our headed by IILLIAII B05118, Organisational; <Secretary of the New Iork Sta - Committee and including AUDLEI HOORE, �IRVINIFFREEIJ and GEDRGE B HLENEI, the latter being members of the New IIork Ctate Committee or the mnunist Party were elected as e delegation tosee the District Director or Immigration. it about 12:3! PJI. member-s_ot. ;i.~-of�this delegation attempted to enter the tmilding at 70 Columbus heme, but"�l§|_§_-&#39;2�were denied entrance by the police when it was madeknown that the IJistrio&#39;t"&#39;1 &#39; -.Director WATKINS was not in the building; At this time the members in thepicket line chanted that the delegation should be permitted to see someone *in the INS, and they called for democracy to be disp1ayed_.&#39;_ L, _={_ p _{* _ -

__ Aif

92 1.

- &#39; CLAUDIA JON was observed &#39;n&#39;arching�in the p&#39;iok&#39;eti1inei1&#39;roil�_¬ Yabout 12:45 PJI. to 1:00 P.ll. She was also seen leaving the picket linewith AUDI-E�! EOORE and ROSE &#39;.&U&#39;LDEIie " C� &#39; &#39;1 e &#39; 1 &#39; &#39; &#39; &#39;

� � _ _ __ . ..

V In the "Daily Worker", February 3, 1948, Page &#39;7, Column 5,-there appeared an announceaent that e. sass rally "to demand an end to &#39;the State Department embargo on ares to Palestine", sponsored by the i=1 �East Side Sections oi� the Comuniet Part; will be held on Wedneaday,&#39;;"� 5 _ .- LFebruary 4, 1948, at the Grand Centre]. Palace, 90 Clinton Street, New YorkCity; CLAUDIA JONES was listed as one otqthe principal speakers at this 1;_-=-;..*="-*1


, -&#39;2 �l.&#39;--.-92 &#39;.; .92&#39; _~ &#39; ~;.92. ;- " ;-

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On February 9, 1943, the Ccmmunist Party sponsored a "Rally - Ifor the Defense of Claudia Jones". Tne rally was held at the Hotel Diplomat,

ELIZABETH -same? Fmm end_CLAUDIA ""J;{§_.¢;; ;.-<j,*#;,-;f-=5.� ::;_.o1;�_;?._;;; �f�?&#39;T_;;&#39;:§�*?._I ?"£i_* -3-.1

�.- " In the&#39;-"Daily Worker" or "Feb:-uervy� ia+.ii;&#39;i94&#39;e,*&#39;1§Agé�_io,it Jae announced that_C1.aUD1&#39;.l JONES woold appear as the_principa1 8P9HkCr_�_~ �-H, �

Z at e Negro History Week meeting, sponsored by the New Haven Section of theCwmuniet Party mi Fvbnwrw 18, 1948 at the Ukmnian mu, 222 Lafayette -Street, New Havm, Comectiout.....l:t;.~__-;&#39;._, -e _ -Y .. . . - - -- .. »&#39; - &#39;


_ _108 West 43rd Street. _ The pri.n_o1pa1 epeakers were WILLIAM Z. FCB&#39;1m --.-~.:r



- . .92... �.&#39; . .&#39;~,-,-.~,._--.&#39;: .. .---. &#39;. 3-. :t~:".- t .- 1". . q . . ; ;-r-= -- -1- :_�,-.;=.;.&#39;-,m_;-_-.-�.�.� �-1. .13�?-i?>>3,-T&#39;.1:_:;:_~=?r;j.:r.e£~;1»;:&#39;.;1."rg.*;-¥:-=-_-*;- -,__Fe_._»-� "-5 I"

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e . _ t V , , , J .,coNga@�,I|At1.-_-.�}.-I; 1&#39;15. ;= 1" �.:-- &#39; I &#39; 1 _�:-.&#39;.&#39;14»_&#39; C 7: &#39;-�V I." " &#39; � l J_ . ,.. _._~-._..j=," " &#39;._92;-I-.&#39;_�."� �.12: .1~._ _j"5J_:7P/1_" _

e &#39; . -" . -.;mIn-etrter;"21s¥*5?�I§&#39;z.a- the"-E�uata �Jones-.nersm, &#39;-held a sestit-3§�s%.�¬�:�§*�**"""" K� * &#39; &#39; &#39; i � &#39;

1 1 M_,sg.*g_,,;tg<1ge 1.00 Hest_l29tb Street Milieu Ior_k~§§. 1l.�+&#39;1»~:*" rApproximately 150 pt;-é&#39;3n=t pt,-esent at this meeting.§tR.ICHLB,Q__�&#39;. JH, ~12;-" "as Omit-man of"the=~.. . A msst1ng,"_.g_jHe brie�y" .§lgain év �t -&#39; &#39; &#39;

eta . $ gt.� u _ -, e an-est ct GLAJIDIL JONEB_and_ attempted to point out that this srrostjllliis po_1itics1&#39;move on" the partpf the Gover_ment__to vccn�isa� a Thini Pertpi; _; 1:�move ilthis cO�lI1i,tI&#39;To, � -&#39; &#39;-: t -" "- c &#39;_&#39; _ __ _ _ � ,... _..,..».

consisting of a" statement of the "prcposedfplans of acti &#39; &#39;_ _ _ _ onby the.. __ _ __Jones Defense Qcmmittee"--;�iIn this statement," the follonng use noted; -_ A "_ �_ __ _ _ _ . __,,_.. . . .,£_:7�._.._:;;;�

&#39; "Sunday, February 22, 1948 is&#39;_&#39;Ec be designated as Claudia Jones. .-4Day and is to be celebrated by a tea&#39; sponsored by the Frauen�! Cclmittee for Q."-&#39;1Claudia Jones. Beginning the �week of February; 22,1948, end extending through- &#39;out the week, e drive will be conducted t 0 obtain t min:&#39;|.m1m_ at five thousendi-"&#39;1&#39;signatures on a petition to President pretestmg the arrest cf CLHHJIA -JONES for deportation." &#39; Z

- �ue, Ft-1¢ay.&#39;l~e15rtsrr&#39;i7&#39; .1943 " Q Z11 &#39; " &#39; H &#39; M A i i_ .. 4 . , ,_ e egetion will take the� sigrned�--.lj;.%t;.-;_. *petitions" to the Attorney General, 1-cu cuter, Ind Immigration-Authorities{i�.*§i�?&#39;j*3¬;in 92>&shington."&#39;. It _was also announced that s. mesa meetipg would be held : -on Sunday, Feb:-ulary 29", 1948. ,_. The s_eccnd_pie_ce _c£_l1.tereture carried-_a 3&#39; "- &#39;picture of CLAUDIA. JONES and&#39;1ms addre ed t �


_ _ _ es 0 all or&#39;ganizétione,&#39;��b1�bi, " &#39;lodges, churches, societies, sngl so Qcrtlh __Thi_e&#39;pamp1;1et_cal1ed for.tl3e.£t- s �i_mmed_iet-e diemis-.=al of the demrtstien charges against C&#39;:..é.U�Ii92 JOITE End &#39;listed the officers and members of the Executive Conmi

ense counnittess These officers are listed be

_�l<- .1, F &#39; � &#39;. . �_~. �v&#39;.,"�_ &#39; .&#39; . . . -. 1- _* » .. ;=&#39;**~&#39;.;&#39;-� � .r _T - -.:_ -,-

-"_;___ : . � Chairman .-I:-" It - RICH1A.R.D_�2. MOQRE -I *&#39; -&#39;=:&#39;;:&#39; - .-- --. "!..;__ . A� _. nu __&#39; n92__.n_____ _&#39;_;;92a;:_.*-__ _ ----.-.�- - -- �-�--� _ -�J _ &#39;_:- -_,-�,,._.,-;_�_---;.___-

1-11 ii: -to-.3 » -1. &#39; -. .3I7"&#39;,��c-.&#39;:�."�?.~"���.§ . �MP MILVF5 * » ??�"i �&#39; 1"" - »Z Z 1 ..._ = :-�.{�.=??;,_;»&#39;?; ~ c - ~ &#39;25,!, t -_ . �;__. I.

. _. .- - _ -Executive seetetii-if?:.&#39;: ROSE GAULDEN *1� =�. Financial Secretary�, 5 -9» ~ ¢,&#39;- --r V-92 A. ��* J.�-J " - - �- 1

. - ""�:,~"&#39;"i."&#39;._ -A _ReccrdinS seerbtarf DRAYTON ~**-&#39;�""-"""&#39;--�&#39; -If--L �"_Tressurer" ff. .. 5. CXRIBQRHILIP ~I- s .1 .

-- -- &#39; Director; -c . AUDI£Y&#39;lE.&#39;1ORE &#39;I~ - � -Go-Director Ianen&#39;s_ � ~ - Committee tr 1,000 92Publicity Committee mEz.E&#39;6aLAscqwB� A Freternal Committee . e &#39;.&#39; �,U92�92w£

~92 &#39;-U .

_ _ , . . .4-�-_ -V R. > &#39;


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d V � Fm Febrim-:r_23, 1943 1:5 Feb&#39;ma1-yes,� 1943 §e§&#39;k;-12»-rl .o.f¢m¢;~"JONES WEEK in Harlem. &#39; L 5 5,:-A _, - _- &#39;

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v ;; The "Dsi1y&#39;Worker" of&#39;15�ebrusry 231&#39;-=1, 1943, Pagg 4, c¢1m{g 73;" A &#39;reported that the �Fdays of picketing and street comer m66tin.gS" were

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_ . ,7. .~_ 1�,-&#39; _�_1;»�-,-,.§;{�,j.i.,____-..-:»_ _,;.1 3,-_;92, - _ _92 _ _ . ,_4 .&#39;. _ .2: &#39;;- - .--.-.-_ ,,_-_-. ~_"&#39;_" . " . �:... NI 100-18676 ~ e ~ -.. .¢~..-.-.- .-.» - .. s. TIA].-�-.,_ B: 92- -_ &#39;-&#39;..~ : <- 1�-;_. &#39;. -- <&#39;-.M~"�_.&#39;-&#39; &#39; <

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preceding the rally for CLAUDIA. JONES on February 29th, 1943. at the Golden ""-&#39; Gate Auditorium in Ha:-lane "<,&#39;{ =3 &#39;1 7 .. " -�. q . . _ .. &#39;__ . ._. = - YD - _,, . 1

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