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User’s manual XLSTAT-3DPlot Copyright © 2003, Addinsoft
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  • Users manual


    Copyright 2003, Addinsoft

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    Table of Contents General ................................................................................................... 5

    Visual Data Mining ............................................................................. 5 Trends, Clusters and Outliers .............................................................. 5

    Getting Started......................................................................................... 7 Quick Card ........................................................................................ 7 Loading Data ..................................................................................... 7 Supported Data Formats..................................................................... 8 Direct Excel Connection...................................................................... 8 Jump to Row in Excel ......................................................................... 9 Details on Demand ............................................................................10 Model Open......................................................................................11 Data Copy and Paste ........................................................................11 Image Copy and Save .......................................................................12 Exporting Report ...............................................................................12

    Data Models ...........................................................................................14 Initial Data Model ..............................................................................14 Default Models ..................................................................................14 Modifying Data Model ........................................................................15 Data Mapping ...................................................................................16 Data Scaling .....................................................................................16 Rotate Field ......................................................................................17 Model Apply......................................................................................17 Model Save.......................................................................................18 Last Files Used .................................................................................18

    Model Properties .....................................................................................19 Color ................................................................................................19 Size..................................................................................................21 Height ..............................................................................................22 Base Size.........................................................................................23 Dimensions XY .................................................................................24 Axes XYZ .........................................................................................25 Rotations XY .....................................................................................26 Shapes .............................................................................................27 Jitter .................................................................................................28 Opacity.............................................................................................29 Text Labels .......................................................................................30 Texture .............................................................................................31

    Sound and Speech..................................................................................32 Sound Frequency..............................................................................32 Sound Volume ..................................................................................32 Speech.............................................................................................32 How to add Speech Synthesis............................................................33 How to install SAPI 5.1 ......................................................................33 How to install SAPI 4.0 ......................................................................34

    Tools ......................................................................................................37 Advisor .............................................................................................37 Data Picking .....................................................................................37 Waterlevel ........................................................................................37 Grid ..................................................................................................38 Options .............................................................................................41

    Miscellaneous .........................................................................................43 Command Line..................................................................................43

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    Mouse Functions ...............................................................................43 System Requirements .......................................................................44

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    Visual Data Mining

    Today's world produces extremely high amount of valuable data. The ability to get your hands on relevant, timely information is more important now than ever. Unfortunately traditional approaches of data analysis are not able to explore all that "gold" in a reasonable amount of time.

    Searching for key information, exploring and analyzing of information sets, and finally presenting, understanding and getting of a solution is complex process. Data mining and data visualization break barrier and give people chance to see their data from different points of view. Since our senses develop thousands years in physical world, we explore and understand reality in physical terms. Size, shape, position, color, dimension, motion and other attributes are the signs of reality, which carry its information most efficiently. Our ability to perceive information in numerical or textual form is not as strong and that's why people find ways to analyze data visually.

    Strong data visualizations are always corner stones of every datamining process. Well-presented information is accepted in a second and may be easily and quickly turned into knowledge.

    Trends, Clusters and Outliers

    Whether user realizes it or not, he usually tries to identify trends in data, possible occurrence of patterns, clusters and outliers in data. Analyst's hypothesis about data sets can be easily evaluated by simple look at the data model. Any of aspects of a data model may also generate indices useful for creating of next hypotheses.

    If the hypothesis is not confirmed, interactive data mining systems allow user to quickly remake data model and evaluate his next hypothesis.

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    Getting Started

    Quick Card

    How to CONNECT data to a model property:

    1. Hold mouse over a property label (left top corner, or axis)

    2. Click the green "Rotate Field" button to connect a data column, OR

    3. Right -click and choose a desired data column.

    How to SCALE mapped data:

    1. Pick a property label (left top, or axis)

    2. Drag its slider or MIN/MAX controls to a desired position

    How to EDIT data mapping:

    1. Pick a property label (left top, or axis)

    2. Click repeatedly or hold "Rotate Field" button (or press TAB key), OR

    3. Right -click and select menu item of your choice

    How to DELETE data mapping:

    1. Pick a property label

    2. Click the red Reset button (See also "Rotate Field"), OR

    3. Press DEL key

    Loading Data

    XLSTAT-3DPlot connects directly to active spreadsheet in running MS Excel. User can use also copy and paste operation to load data, but the native MS Excel connectivity is faster and much more convenient for user.

    1. Launch MS Excel and open a spreadsheet.

    2. Launch XLSTAT-3DPlot and it will automatically find the running MS Excel, create a live connection and load the active spreadsheet data.

    As an example, a database of orders is used. The file of the sample database (Orders.xls) is located in "Samples Excel" subdirectory in the default XLSTAT-3DPlot installation. The file contains 100 records,

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    each with 6 data columns: OrderID, Product, Price, Units, Discount and Sale. The first rows of the spreadsheet looks like this:

    Supported Data Formats

    XLSTAT-3DPlot supports almost every of used data formats. More, it also automatically recognizes data and that is why only a simple header with column names is required. User does not provide column types indications.

    Direct Excel Connection

    XLSTAT-3DPlot uses live data connection to Microsoft Excel. This unique feature allows user to avoid all the routine work: constant extracting, formatting, copying, saving and loading. Instead of this, only single copy of data has to be maintained and user can fully concentrate on the work itself. It's not necessary to manually copy and paste data, or to help the system to guess columns data types. All this work is fully automatic and user only selects the desired cell region within Excel and starts XLSTAT-3DPlot.

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    XLSTAT-3DPlot has the power to automatically find, start and connect to Excel. You should select cells containing your data and press XLSTAT-3DPlot button. Make sure that the first row of the selection contains column names - a header of the data region. Note the selection may not necessary continual, but can be formed of more partial regions.

    If there is an active data sheet, which does not contain too much formatting and starts at the first row with column names, it is not necessary to indicate a selection at all! XLSTAT-3DPlot will automatically find its start and end and will load the whole data.

    If your Excel file contains more than one data sheets, XLSTAT-3DPlot connects to the active sheet. To download data from another of available data sheets, activate it for the first.

    Jump to Row in Excel

    Double-click on a data object to jump to its row in Excel. The system scrolls the spreadsheet and highlights the row which exactly corresponds to the clicked data object.

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    Going directly to the source data may user help understand the data. The feature allows looking easily also at objects embedded in the spreadsheet - pictures, photos, document links, chemical structures, Internet links etc.

    Details on Demand

    Even visual data models communicate huge amounts of information, it is always helpful to may get also the exact and detailed information on a particular data object.

    To see all details, click on a data object and its complete data is superimposed directly at the cursor. This feature helps user understand data better and faster while holding a context. In any way, user may not running eyes for exact data over the whole screen.

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    Model Open

    To open a saved data model, simply click Open button on the toolbar. Then select the desired model file within the provided Open File dialog.

    XLSTAT-3DPlot checks if the data model is valid for the available data. If the system is able to find data fields of the same name as mappings previously saved in the model, it automatically opens the data model.

    If there is no match between the model and the available data, user is prompted to choose either to continue or cancel the action.

    Data Copy and Paste

    Pasting Data

    XLSTAT-3DPlot is compatible with Microsoft Excel environment, but it also allows user to work with data from other applications and other data sources.

    1. Within your source application, select data of your interest. Make sure data is organized in a tabular form described in Loading Data section.

    2. Copy data into System's Clipboard (CTRL+C, or CTRL+INSERT, or menu item Edit->Copy). Switch back to XLSTAT-3DPlot.

    3. Paste data to XLSTAT-3DPlot (CTRL+V, or SHIFT+INSERT, or menu item Data->Paste Data).

    Copying Data

    XLSTAT-3DPlot can export data to System's Clipboard and then paste to any other Windows-compatible application. Selector and Pick status of data can be copied too, so you can export also this information. This is very helpful in automated environments, where data processed by XLSTAT-3DPlot can be instantly used to feed successor application in your production system.

    1. Copy data to System's Clipboard (CTRL+C, or CTRL+INSERT, or context menu). You can select which data you need:

    All data (Copy->All Data) - data includes 2 columns more (Selector and Pick status)

    Selected data (Copy->Selected) - data includes 1 column more (Pick status)

    Picked data (Copy->Picked) .

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    2. Switch yourself to your target application and paste (CTRL+V, or SHIFT+INSERT, or menu item Data->Paste Data).

    Image Copy and Save

    Copying Image

    Selecting of Image->Copy menu option will copy the current data model image to system Clipboard. The copied image can be pasted into almost any target application, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, HTML Editor, Photoshop, PaintShop or any other compatible application.

    Saving Image

    To save the image of the current data model, select menu option Image->Save. This will open a dialog window where user will be prompted to select target directory and name of the image file. The images can be saved in several graphics formats (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PCX, TARGA...).

    Printing Image

    To print an image, select menu option Image->Print. User will allowed to select printing options in standard Printer dialog.

    Exporting Report

    XLSTAT-3DPlot allows user to create also reports in HTML format.

    Select menu File->Generate Report to see a dialog window, where to select components of the report. Options for including all data, or just selected or picked only are included.

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    The reports always contain title, which is the same as name of the current data model, a short summary on data source file, total number of data records and number of selected data. Depends on user's choice the report contains also image file and table containing selected data objects.

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    Data Models

    Initial Data Model

    When data is loaded up, the system will generate a default data model.

    Option 1 Click any of 3 default model builders: Scatter, Bars, Tiles. If you want to modify the default data model, continue at Option 2.

    Option 2 Left-, Right-click and Drag property labels on left top corner of the space to modify model.

    Option 3 Open previously saved data model.

    Default Models

    To let the system create one of three basic model types, click on Default Model toolbar buttons. This will trigger automatic build of a data model on available data.

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    Available models:

    Scatter Plot

    Bars Graph

    Tiles Graph

    Note: Build of the model is animated by default and steps of connecting data to model properties are visible. If you prefer immediate build without the animation, please disable Animate Model Builders in the Setup window.

    Modifying Data Model

    To achieve the most appropriate data model and to make it as clear and meaningful as possible, user can anytime adjust its setting. Scaling of data connections increases and decreases model's differentiality. The following picture illustrates scaling of "Size" attribute.

    Clicking on the "Rotate Field" (the first small button with the green plus sign) connects the next available data column to selected property. You can do the same by pressing of TAB key on your keyboard.

    Clicking on the Reset (the second button with the red minus sign) disconnects all data and resets the selected property. You can do the same also by pressing of DEL or ESC key on your keyboard.

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    Data Mapping

    User maps data by selecting a data field and connecting it to a desired model property. The shortcut menu lists available data series and mapping options.

    User can select also data mapping function and control how data points are mapped to model properties. The LINEAR mapping (default) can be switched off with for LOG or EXP mapping. This feature is helpful if upper or lower end of the data region should be emphasized or suppressed.

    Data Scaling

    User can modify also the mapping range of a data field. Sliding of the MIN/MAX value of the boundaries scales the displayed data range.

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    A user scales the original data range of field "Assay 1" from 0-70 to 0-25. Visually this looks like falling all the rest data to the most right position of the graph. Effectively the region 0-25 is zoomed in, while the 25-70 range is kept on the same rightmost position.

    Rotate Field

    Rotate Field button allows mapping data columns to a model property. Repeated clicks chooses the next available data column.

    To use Rotate Fields:

    click on the Rotate Field button, or

    keep Rotate Field clicked, or

    press TAB key and hold.

    If the last available data column is mapped yet and user keeps Rotate Field clicked, the first available data column is selected again.

    The feature helps user to find valuable models faster and easier and simplifies the user interface.

    Model Apply

    If user wants just to apply the settings from a model previously created on different data, the system does not open the original data, but only applies the settings on the current data.

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    Model Save

    Developed data model settings can be saved for later use.

    The model record keeps information on:

    Data Reference (does not store data directly, just a reference to source file) Names and data types of Columns used in visualization Used data mapping, model properties, scaling, options Color Ramp Color Space, Grid, Axes, Lattice setup Current model and camera position

    It is possible to use the same data model also for other Access data sheets. Even if the model was not originated on current Access data, the system will be able to create data model if there is a match in column names and column types.

    To save XLSTAT-3DPlot Model, press button Save on toolbar. A dialog "Save Model As" is provided to give the model name.

    Last Files Used

    XLSTAT-3DPlot has a memory for up to 10 last used files.

    The memory works for both 3DPlot (*.M3D), MS Access files (*.MDB) as well as MS Excel files (*.XLS). Using of this feature makes its use easier and more comfortable.

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    Model Properties There is plenty of graphical properties available for mapping data. Virtually every visual characteristic can be used to show data effectively. XLSTAT-3DPlot has also the option to use sound channel of your computer to communicate information. Synthesized voice can also speak out data of selected points.


    Powerful coloring allows user to create fully customizable color ramps, which are mapped to color of data objects. Color property can be combined well with Size, Position or Shape attributes.

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    There is an option to choose Contiguous or Categorical ramps. Entries of Color Ramp may be interpolated, providing continuous color space, or may be considered as discrete color categories.

    A set of templates with predefined color ramps is available for instant use. User can further customize templates by changing of border colors, inserting or moving color entries and changing their colors. Every change in the color ramp is immediately transferred also to data model.

    Right -clicking on the Color menu label or the content of the Color Ramp on left top corner of the screen raises shortcut floating menu with all available options.

    Right -clicking on the Entries of the Color Ramp user gets options to set exact entry value and entry color.

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    The sizes of data objects are affected by data mapped on.

    This attribute communicates well data fields as "Sale", "Investment", "Molecular Weight", or "Project Phase".

    It might be successfully combined with Color property.

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    It's similar to Size attribute, but only Z-dimension of objects is affected.

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    Base Size

    Both X- and Y-dimensions of data objects are affected by mapped data.

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    Dimensions XY

    X- or Y-dimension of data objects is affected by mapped data.

    This dimension is widely used with smaller data sets, where data can be successfully mapped directly to objects' dimensions. This might be less clear with large data sets.

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    Axes XYZ

    X-, Y- and Z-axis mapping is suitable for larger data sets. It allows user to distinguish data by distance of the space origin.

    These attributes may be well combined with size and color.

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    Rotations XY

    Rotation attributes allow distinguishing data by rotation around object's local axes.

    To achieve best possible model, try to increase related object's dimensions and to reduce the opposite dimensions.

    Try to carefully combine rotation attributes with others. Extensive use of rotation mapping in single model might result into unclear data model, especially if there is a large data set.

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    The system can display data objects as points, lines, triangles, squares, circles, balls, cubes, rings, cylinders, cones, octahedrons, tetrahedrons, icosahedrons and dodecahedrons. The shape of data object can visualize well data fields as "Category", "Product Type" or "Age Group".

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    Jitter property adds random values to X-, Y-, and Z-position of data objects. This is useful in situations when many objects are located on the same position and user needs to get better information on how many objects is there.

    If a data field is mapped to jitter and user scales the slider up/down, the objects are randomly shaking. The intensity depends on the mapped value.

    This feature can be successfully used also to simulate effects similar to uncertainty.

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    The system can display data objects with various transparencies and opacities, not only flat painted. Also this graphic attribute you can use for data mapping. The opacity can communicate data fields as "Discount", or "Durability".

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    Text Labels

    It is possible to annotate data objects by text labels. This feature improves orientation and touch of the model.

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    The system also allows user to paint the original data to a texture label and stick it to the object's sides. This unique feature helps to cerate better-looking data models that facilitate faster and better orientation. It is possible to create texture labels for every supported data type - numeric, text and data and time data.

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    Sound and Speech

    Sound Frequency

    XLSTAT-3DPlot provides also acoustic way of communicating information. Data are mapped to sound characteristics of data objects, from deep to high tones. User can listen to the tones by mouse clicking on data objects.

    Sound attributes provides additional, temporary channel for communicating information.

    You can select of 6 different basic sound effects:

    Sound Volume

    Data are mapped to sound characteristics of data objects, from low to high sound volumes. User can listen to the sounds by mouse clicking on data objects.

    It is possible to combine sound frequency and volume.

    Sound attributes provides additional, temporary channel for communicating information.

    You can select of 6 different basic sound effects:


    The Speech Synthesizer enables you to hear detailed information in the most natural form - by listening to computer voice speaking data for you upon mouse click.

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    You can select your favorite voice in the Control Panel, or by installing text-to-speech engine of your choice. The speech system supports 12 different world languages: American English, British English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

    This property excludes sound effects and vice versa.

    How to add Speech Synthesis

    If you intend to use also Speech Synthesizing capabilities of XLSTAT-3DPlot software, please make sure your operating system is properly configured.

    If you are using the newest Microsoft operating systems (Windows XP or higher), then your system is already configured for speech synthesis. If not, it is necessary to download and install Microsoft SAPI. It is possible to use either SAPI 5.1 or the older 4.0, and these two versions can be installed simultaneously on single computer.

    How to install SAPI 5.1 (recommended)

    How to install SAPI 4.0

    How to install SAPI 5.1

    Skip this if you are using Windows XP or higher. Otherwise please go through the following steps: 1. Microsoft SAPI 5

    Download and install Microsoft SAPI 5.1 (68 MB).

    2. DONE!

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    To make the changes active, please do not forget to Reboot your operating system.

    How to install SAPI 4.0

    Please, go through the following steps: 1. Microsoft SAPI 4.0 Runtime

    Download and install the Microsoft SAPI 4.0a runtime binaries.

    Download the Microsoft SAPI 4.0a runtime binaries (824 KB exe) :

    2. Microsoft Agent 2.0

    Skip this if you are using one of the Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows Me operating systems, since the Microsoft Agent core components are already installed on your computer. Users of Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 and Windows 95 need to download and install Microsoft Agent core components.

    Download the Microsoft Agent core components (395 KB exe)

    3. MS Agent-compatible Text-to-Speech Engine In the list below, select one of the supported Text-To-Speech Engines, then click to download and install.

    American English (1 MB exe):

    British English (2.5 MB exe):

    Dutch (2.6 MB exe):

    French (2.2 MB exe):

    German (2.2 MB exe):

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    Spanish (2.4 MB exe):

    Italian (2 MB exe):

    Japanese (3 MB exe):

    Korean (3 MB exe):

    Portuguese (2.4 MB exe):

    Russian (2.9 MB exe):

    4. MS Agent Language Component Skip this, if you want to work with American or British English only. To use another language, you must also install the Language Component for the specified language.

    Dutch (128 KB exe)

    French (128 KB exe)

    German (128 KB exe)

    Italian (128 KB exe)

    Japanese (127 KB exe)

    Korean (128 KB exe)

    Portuguese (128 KB exe)

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    Russian (128 KB exe)

    Spanish (128 KB exe)

    5. DONE!

    To make the changes active, please do not forget to Reboot your operating system.

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    Advisor provides additional tips on functionality available at a specific place on visualization screen.

    Depends on when mouse cursor points it informs user on what features are accessible from current point.

    The real look of how Advisor tips may be different from the displayed picture right from here. On older systems (Windows 98 and NT) will be the tips looking probably more simple.

    Advisor's availability is controlled by a switch in Options window.

    Data Picking

    At certain points in your work it might be helpful to manually pick data points of your choice. Using data picking you insert a new data status information to the original data set.

    To pick a data point simply press CTRL key and click on an object with mouse.

    To pick whole series of data points, keep CTRL key pressed and drag your mouse to draw a rectangle. Pick status of data point that lie within the rectangle will be changed. That means you can also unpick previously picked data by repeated pick operations.

    Waterlevel tool is involved in rectangle picks by preventing data points that lie under the waterlevel of being picked.

    Pck and Selector status can be exported to another applications through Data Copy and used for further processing. This information is also available in generated HTML Reports.


    Waterlevel is an additional semi-transparent horizontal layer.

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    Click the Waterlevel by mouse and simply drag up or down.

    This level helps user to easier differentiate data objects visualized through graphic attributes affecting Z position in space. The attributes are Axis Z, Height (Dimension Z), Size (Dimension XYZ). Data objects that lies over this waterlevel are visible well, while data objects that lies under waterlevel are visible less clear.


    Analysts often need to present the results in a fashionable way and the possibilities to set colors, axes lines, lattices, planes, data labels, images or pictures is then helpful. Grid controls give user a high level of control over the visualization.

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    Select Menu->View->Grid to open its dialog, or press the Grid button on toolbar.

    The Axes section holds controls for enabling or disabling of axes (On/Off), setting its color, density, thickness, transparency, type and size of arrows at its ends. Cube control toggles grid lines closing the complete cube over the information space. Density sliders are used to set the density of the grid lines and of the data labels along the X, Y, and Z-axes.

    Label controls set font family, size and type (2D/3D), color or set the option of using the color of related object (lattice color in the case of grid labels and color of data objects in the case of data labels). Controls for placing labels next to axes or next to lattice borders are provided.

    Connect Orig-Point and Point-Point allows enabling lines connecting either data points with the origin, or with each other. Options to set an exact color or allow using of color of data points is provided. It is also possible to set width of the connecting lines.

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    Lattice settings toggles the visibility of lattices, control color, line thickness, transparency, data labels, planes, plane color, and also textures (image and picture files mapped on planes) and texturing parameters: horizontal or vertical shift and scaling, plus rotation of image.

    Background, light and menu color controls are located at lower end of the Grid window. Click on the color rectangles to open a color chooser where user can pick the desired color. Click OK button to use the newly selected color or choose CANCEL to close color chooser without applying the color. Water level parameters allow to control its color and transparency. Picked intensity slider enables setting of shining intensity of picked data points.

    Center of Mass control allows choosing either the universe's origin, or the center of mass. Perspective controls the level of perspective distortion of the internal camera used in the software. Various effects can be achieved, from a very distorted image, or a "Fish Eye" effect to nearly axonometric projection with a very low perspective.

    3D Stereo (Professional Edition, available on selected hardware only) control switches stereo image generation and sets also the eye offset. It is possible to set even negative eye offset.


    Options window allows user to control several setting options.

    Enables warning on unsaved models

    Enables Advisor tips

    Controls look of a toolbar

    Enables animation of rotation and default model build up

    Enables Speech synthesizer

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    Controls use of Speech in Calculator

    Selects Speech synthesizing technology

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    Command Line

    Now you can launch XLSTAT-3DPlot also from command line of your operating system.

    You can add an argument to the command line where you specify the file to open:

    M3D model file: XLSTAT-3DPlot model1.m3D

    Excel XLS file: XLSTAT-3DPlot data.xls

    Comma-separated CSV data file: XLSTAT-3DPlot db_results.csv (Professional Edition only)

    Text data file: XLSTAT-3DPlot db_results2.txt (Professional Edition only)

    By using a switch parameter you can manually install and uninstall the software:

    Installation: XLSTAT-3DPlot -i

    Uninstallation: XLSTAT-3DPlot r

    Mouse Functions

    XLSTAT-3DPlot allows user moving the model from left to right, from up to down, zoom in or out (or move closer and more far from you) as well as rotate the model in order to get the best possible visualization.

    All important operations are accessible through both mouse and keyboard. Using a mouse is, however, more natural and intuitive and is also faster. We recommend to use either a 3-button or a scroll-mouse instead of simple 2-button mouse.

    3-button mouse:

    Move: Left mouse button

    Rotate: Right mouse button

    Zoom: Middle mouse button (also SHIFT+left mouse button)

    Pick: CTRL+click (drag mouse for rectangle picking)

    Jump: Double-click

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    Menu: Right-click

    Scroll mouse (wheel mouse):

    Move: Left mouse button (left, right, up, down)

    Rotate: Right mouse button

    Zoom: Scroller (also middle mouse button, or SHIFT+left mouse button)

    Pick: CTRL+click (drag mouse for rectangle picking)

    Jump: Double-click

    Menu: Right-click

    2-button mouse:

    Move: Left mouse button (left, right, up, down)

    Rotate: Right mouse button

    Zoom: SHIFT+left button, or HOLD BOTH left and right mouse button

    Pick: CTRL+click (drag mouse for rectangle picking)

    Jump: Double-click

    Menu: Right-click

    Keyboard :

    Move: Use cursor keys to move model left, right, up and down.

    Rotate: CTRL+cursor keys

    Zoom: 1 and 9 keys on numeric pad, END and PGUP

    System Requirements


    Windows XP, Me, 2000, NT, 98

    Microsoft Excel XP, 2000, 97 (Office XP, 2000, 97)


    1 GHz or better

    128-256MB RAM

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    Display resolution 1024x768 or higher

    OpenGL accelerated video card for smooth 3D graphics

    17" monitor or better

    3-button mouse or a wheel mouse

    Optional hardware:

    3D STEREO glasses, or

    Head Mounted Display (VR-helmet)