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XIA: Efficient Support for Evolvable Internetworking Dongsu Han Ashok Anand Fahad Dogar Boyan Li Hyeontaek Lim Michel Machado * Arvind Mukundan Wenfei Wu Aditya Akella David G. Andersen John W. Byers * Srinivasan Seshan Peter Steenkiste Abstract Motivated by limitations in today’s host-centric IP net- work, recent studies have proposed clean-slate network architectures centered around alternate first-class princi- pals, such as content, services, or users. However, much like the host-centric IP design, elevating one principal type above others hinders communication between other principals and inhibits the network’s capability to evolve. This paper presents the eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA), an architecture with native support for multiple principals and the ability to evolve its functionality to ac- commodate new, as yet unforeseen, principals over time. We describe key design requirements, and demonstrate how XIA’s rich addressing and forwarding semantics fa- cilitate flexibility and evolvability, while keeping core network functions simple and efficient. We describe case studies that demonstrate key functionality XIA enables. 1 Introduction The “narrow waist” design of the Internet has been tremen- dously successful, helping to create a flourishing ecosys- tem of applications and protocols above the waist, and diverse media, physical layers, and access technologies below. However, the Internet, almost by design, does not facilitate a clean, incremental path for the adoption of new capabilities at the waist. This shortcoming is clearly illustrated by the 15+ year deployment history of IPv6 and the difficulty of deploying primitives needed to secure the Internet. Serious barriers to evolvability arise when: Protocols, formats, and information must be agreed upon by a large number of independent actors in the architecture; and There is no built-in mechanism that supports (and embraces) incremental deployment of new function- ality with minimal friction. IP today faces both of these barriers. First, senders, receivers, and every router in between must agree on the format and meaning of the IP header. It is not possible, therefore, for a destination to switch to IPv6-based ad- Carnegie Mellon University * Department of Computer Science, Boston University University of Wisconsin-Madison dressing and still remain reachable by unmodified senders who use IPv4. Second, today’s paths to incremental de- ployment typically involve tunnels or overlays, which have the drawback that they hide the new functionality from the existing network. For example, enabling a sin- gle router in a legacy network to support some form of content-centric networking is fruitless if that traffic ends up being tunneled through the network using IPv4 1 . This paper presents a new Internet architecture, called the eXpressive Internet Architecture or XIA, that ad- dresses these problems from the ground up. XIA main- tains some features of the current Internet, such as a nar- row waist that networks must support, and packet switch- ing, but it differs from today’s Internet in several areas. The philosophy underlying the design of XIA is, sim- ply, that we do not believe we can predict the usage mod- els for the Internet of 50 years hence. The research com- munity has presented compelling arguments for support- ing many types of communication—content-centric net- working [26, 44], service-based communication [20, 38], multicast [19], enhanced support for mobility [4, 40, 48], and so on. We believe that a new network architecture should facilitate any or all of these capabilities, and it must be possible to enable or disable “native” support for them as makes sense in that time and place. The key architectural element that XIA adds to improve evolvability is one we call expressing intent. XIA’s ad- dresses can simultaneously express both a “new” type of address (or addresses), and one or more backwards com- patible pathways to reach that address. This notion is best explained by example: Consider the process of retrieving a particular piece of content (CID) using a network that provides only host-to-host communication, much like to- day’s Internet. The source would send a packet destined to a destination network (Dom); the destination network would deliver it to a host; the host would deliver it to a process providing a service (Srv) such as HTTP; and the process would reply with the desired content, as such: Dom Hst Srv CID 1 Without resorting to deep packet inspection of various sorts, which itself is typically fragile.

XIA: Efficient Support for Evolvable Internetworking · XIA: Efficient Support for Evolvable Internetworking Dongsu Han Ashok Anand† Fahad Dogar Boyan Li Hyeontaek Lim Michel Machado

Sep 23, 2018



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Page 1: XIA: Efficient Support for Evolvable Internetworking · XIA: Efficient Support for Evolvable Internetworking Dongsu Han Ashok Anand† Fahad Dogar Boyan Li Hyeontaek Lim Michel Machado

XIA: Efficient Support for Evolvable Internetworking

Dongsu Han Ashok Anand† Fahad Dogar Boyan Li Hyeontaek Lim

Michel Machado∗ Arvind Mukundan Wenfei Wu† Aditya Akella†

David G. Andersen John W. Byers∗ Srinivasan Seshan Peter Steenkiste†

AbstractMotivated by limitations in today’s host-centric IP net-work, recent studies have proposed clean-slate networkarchitectures centered around alternate first-class princi-pals, such as content, services, or users. However, muchlike the host-centric IP design, elevating one principaltype above others hinders communication between otherprincipals and inhibits the network’s capability to evolve.This paper presents the eXpressive Internet Architecture(XIA), an architecture with native support for multipleprincipals and the ability to evolve its functionality to ac-commodate new, as yet unforeseen, principals over time.We describe key design requirements, and demonstratehow XIA’s rich addressing and forwarding semantics fa-cilitate flexibility and evolvability, while keeping corenetwork functions simple and efficient. We describe casestudies that demonstrate key functionality XIA enables.

1 IntroductionThe “narrow waist” design of the Internet has been tremen-dously successful, helping to create a flourishing ecosys-tem of applications and protocols above the waist, anddiverse media, physical layers, and access technologiesbelow. However, the Internet, almost by design, does notfacilitate a clean, incremental path for the adoption ofnew capabilities at the waist. This shortcoming is clearlyillustrated by the 15+ year deployment history of IPv6and the difficulty of deploying primitives needed to securethe Internet. Serious barriers to evolvability arise when:• Protocols, formats, and information must be agreed

upon by a large number of independent actors in thearchitecture; and• There is no built-in mechanism that supports (and

embraces) incremental deployment of new function-ality with minimal friction.

IP today faces both of these barriers. First, senders,receivers, and every router in between must agree on theformat and meaning of the IP header. It is not possible,therefore, for a destination to switch to IPv6-based ad-

Carnegie Mellon University∗Department of Computer Science, Boston University†University of Wisconsin-Madison

dressing and still remain reachable by unmodified senderswho use IPv4. Second, today’s paths to incremental de-ployment typically involve tunnels or overlays, whichhave the drawback that they hide the new functionalityfrom the existing network. For example, enabling a sin-gle router in a legacy network to support some form ofcontent-centric networking is fruitless if that traffic endsup being tunneled through the network using IPv41.

This paper presents a new Internet architecture, calledthe eXpressive Internet Architecture or XIA, that ad-dresses these problems from the ground up. XIA main-tains some features of the current Internet, such as a nar-row waist that networks must support, and packet switch-ing, but it differs from today’s Internet in several areas.

The philosophy underlying the design of XIA is, sim-ply, that we do not believe we can predict the usage mod-els for the Internet of 50 years hence. The research com-munity has presented compelling arguments for support-ing many types of communication—content-centric net-working [26, 44], service-based communication [20, 38],multicast [19], enhanced support for mobility [4, 40, 48],and so on. We believe that a new network architectureshould facilitate any or all of these capabilities, and itmust be possible to enable or disable “native” support forthem as makes sense in that time and place.

The key architectural element that XIA adds to improveevolvability is one we call expressing intent. XIA’s ad-dresses can simultaneously express both a “new” type ofaddress (or addresses), and one or more backwards com-patible pathways to reach that address. This notion is bestexplained by example: Consider the process of retrievinga particular piece of content (CID) using a network thatprovides only host-to-host communication, much like to-day’s Internet. The source would send a packet destinedto a destination network (Dom); the destination networkwould deliver it to a host; the host would deliver it to aprocess providing a service (Srv) such as HTTP; and theprocess would reply with the desired content, as such:

Dom Hst Srv CID

1Without resorting to deep packet inspection of various sorts, whichitself is typically fragile.

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XIA makes this path explicit in addressing, and allowsflexibility in expressing it, e.g., “The source really justwants to retrieve this content, and it does not care whetherit goes through Dom to get it.” As a result, this process ofcontent retrieval might be expressed in XIA by specifyingthe destination address as a directed acyclic graph, not asingle address, like this:

Dom Hst Srv CID

By expressing the destination in this way, senders giveflexibility to the network to satisfy their intent. Imagine afuture network in which the destination domain supportedrouting directly to services [20] (instead of needing toroute to a particular host). Using the address as expressedabove, this hypothetical network would already have boththe information it needs (the service ID) and permission todo so (the link from the source directly to the service ID).A router or other network element that does not know howto operate on, e.g., the service ID, would simply routethe packet to the furthest-along node that it does know(the domain or the host in this example). Note that thesender can use the same address before and after supportfor service routing is introduced.

XIA terms the types of nodes in the address princi-pals; examples of principals include hosts, autonomousdomains (analogous to today’s autonomous systems), ser-vices, content IDs, and so on. The set of principals in XIAis not fixed: hosts or applications can define new typesof principals and begin using them at any time, withoutwaiting for support from the network. Of course, if theywant to get anything done, they must also express a wayto get their work done in the current network. We believethat the ability to express not just “how to do it today”,but also your underlying intent, is key to enabling futureevolvability.

The second difference between XIA and today’s In-ternet comes from a design philosophy that encouragescreating principals that have intrinsic security: the abilityfor an entity to validate that it is communicating with thecorrect counterpart without needing access to externaldatabases, information, or configuration. An example ofan intrinsically secure address is using the hash of a publickey for a host address [10]. With this mechanism, the hostcan prove that it sent a particular packet to any receiverwho knows its host address. Intrinsic security is central toreliable sharing of information between principals and thenetwork and to ensuring correct fulfillment of the contractbetween them. It can furthermore be used to bootstraphigher level security mechanisms.

We make the following contributions in this paper: Weoutline novel design ideas for evolution (§2), and sys-

tematically incorporate them into the eXpressive Inter-net Protocol (XIP) (§3). We describe optimizations forhigh-speed per-hop packet processing, which can achievemulti-10Gbps forwarding speed. Then, through concreteexamples, we show how networks, hosts, and applicationsinteract with each other and benefit from XIA’s flexibilityand evolvability (§4). Through prototype implementationand deployment, we show how applications can benefit,and demonstrate the practicality of XIP and the architec-ture under current and (expected) future Internet scalesand technology (§5). We discuss related work (§6) andclose with a conclusion and a list of new research questionthat XIA raises (§7).

2 Foundational Ideas of XIAXIA is based upon three core ideas for designing an evolv-able and secure Internet architecture:1. Principal types. Applications can use one or moreprincipal types to directly express their intent to accessspecific functionality. Each principal type defines its own“narrow waist”, with an interface for applications andways in which routers should process packets destined toa particular type of principal.

XIA supports an open-ended set of principal types,from the familiar (hosts), to those popular in current re-search (content, or services), to those that we have yet toformalize. As new principal types are introduced, appli-cations or protocols may start to use these new principaltypes at any time, even before the network has been mod-ified to natively support the new function. This allowsincremental deployment of native network support with-out further change to the network endpoints, as we willexplore through examples in §4.2 and §4.3.2. Flexible addressing. XIA aims to avoid the “boot-strapping problem”: why develop applications or proto-cols that depend on network functionality that does notyet exist, and why develop network functionality when noapplications can use it? XIA provides a built-in mecha-nism for enabling new functions to be deployed piecewise,e.g., starting from the applications and hosts, then, if pop-ular enough, providing gradual network support. The keychallenge is: how should a legacy router in the middleof the network handle a new principal type that it doesnot recognize? To address this, we introduce the notionof a fallback. Fallbacks allow communicating parties tospecify alternative action(s) if routers cannot operate uponthe primary intent. We provide details in §3.2.3. Intrinsically secure identifiers. IP is notoriouslyhard to secure, as network security was not a first-orderconsideration in its design. XIA aims to build securityinto the core architecture as much as possible, withoutimpairing expressiveness. In particular, principals usedin XIA source and destination addresses must be intrin-sically secure, i.e., cryptographically derived from the


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associated communicating entities in a principal type-specific fashion. This allows communicating entities tomore accurately ascertain the security and integrity oftheir transfers; for example, a publisher can attest that itdelivered specific bytes to the intended recipients. Whilethe implementation of intrinsic security is not a focus ofthis paper, we briefly describe the intrinsic security of ourcurrent principal types in §3.1, as well as the specificationrequirements for intrinsic security for new principal types.

3 XIPXIA facilitates communication between a richer set ofprincipals than many other architectures. We thereforesplit both the design and our discussion of communicationwithin XIA into two components. First, the basic buildingblock of per-hop communication is the core eXpressive In-ternet Protocol, or XIP. XIP is principal-independent, anddefines an address format, packet header, and associatedpacket processing logic. A key element of XIP is a flexibleformat for specifying multiple paths to a destination prin-cipal, allowing for “fallback” or “backwards-compatible”paths that use, e.g., more traditional autonomous systemand host-based communication.

The second component is the per-hop processing foreach principal type. Principals are named with typed,unique eXpressive identifiers which we refer to as XIDs.In this paper, we focus on host, service, content, andadministrative domain principals to provide an exampleof how XIA supports multiple principals. We refer to theabove types as HIDs, SIDs, CIDs, and ADs, respectively.The list of principal types is extensible and more examplescan be found in our prior work [8].

Our goal is for the set of mandatory and optional prin-cipals to evolve over time. We envision that an initialdeployment of XIA would mandate support for ADs andHIDs, which provide global reachability for host-to-hostcommunication—a core building block today. Supportfor other principal types would be optional and over time,future network architects could mandate or remove themandate for these or other principals as the needs of thenetwork change. Or, put more colloquially, we do not seethe need for ADs and HIDs disappearing any time soon,but our own myopia should not tie the hands of futuredesigners!

3.1 PrincipalsThe specification of a principal type must define:

1. The semantics of communicating with a principal ofthat type.

2. A unique XID type, a method for allocating XIDsand a definition of the intrinsic security properties ofany communication involving the type. These intrin-sically secure XIDs should be globally unique, evenif, for scalability, they are reached using hierarchical

means, and they should be generated in a distributedand collision-resistant way.

3. Any principal-specific per-hop processing and rout-ing of packets that must either be coordinated or keptconsistent in a distributed fashion.

These three features together define the principal-specificsupport for a new principal type. The following para-graphs describe the administrative domain, host, service,and content principals in terms of these features.

Network and host principals represent autonomous rout-ing domains and hosts that attach to the network. ADsprovide hierarchy or scoping for other principals, that is,they primarily provide control over routing. Hosts have asingle identifier that is constant regardless of the interfaceused or network that a host is attached to. ADs and HIDsare self-certifying: they are generated by hashing the pub-lic key of an autonomous domain or a host, unforgeablybinding the key to the address. The format of ADs andHIDs and their intrinsic security properties are similar tothose of the network and host identifiers used in AIP [10].

Services represent an application service running onone or more hosts within the network. Examples rangefrom an SSH daemon running on a host, to a Webserver, to Akamai’s global content distribution service, toGoogle’s search service. Each service will use its own ap-plication protocol, such as HTTP, for its interactions. AnSID is the hash of the public key of a service. To interactwith a service, an application transmits packets with theSID of the service as the destination address. Any entitycommunicating with an SID can verify that the servicehas the private key associated with the SID. This allowsthe communicating entity to verify the destination andbootstrap further encryption or authentication.

In today’s Internet, the true endpoints of communica-tion are typically application processes—other than, e.g.,ICMP messages, very few packets are sent to an IP desti-nation without specifying application port numbers at ahigher layer. In XIA, this notion of processes as the truedestination can be made explicit by specifying an SIDassociated with the application process (e.g., a socket) asthe intent. An AD, HID pair can be used as the “legacypath” to ensure global reachability, in which case the ADforwards the packet to the host, and the host “forwards”it to the appropriate process (SID). In §4, we show thatmaking the true process-level destination explicit facili-tates transparent process migration, which is difficult intoday’s IP networks because the true destination is hiddenas state in the receiving end-host.

Lastly, the content principal allows applications to ex-press their intent to retrieve content without regard to itslocation. Sending a request packet to a CID initiates re-trieval of the content from either a host, an in-networkcontent cache, or other future source. CIDs are the cryp-tographic hash (e.g., SHA-1, RIPEMD-160) of the associ-


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ated content. The self-certifying nature of this identifierallows any network element to verify that the contentretrieved matches its content identifier.

3.2 XIP AddressingNext, we introduce key concepts for XIP addresses thatsupport the long-term evolution of principal types, theencoding mechanism for these addresses, and a represen-tative set of addressing “styles” supported in XIP.

3.2.1 Core concepts in addressing

XIA provides native support for multiple principal types,allowing senders to express their intent by specifying atyped XID as part of the XIP destination address. How-ever, XIA’s design goal of evolvability implies that aprincipal type used as the intent of an XIP address maynot be supported by all routers. Evolvability thus leadsus to the architectural notion of fallback: intent that maynot be globally understood must be expressed with analternative backwards compatible route, such as a glob-ally routable service or a host, that can satisfy the requestcorresponding to the intent. This fallback is expressedwithin an XIP address since it may be needed to reach theintended destination.

XIP addressing must also deal with the fact that notall XID types will be globally routable, for example, dueto scalability issues. This problem is typically addressedthrough scoping based on network identifiers [10]. SinceXIA supports multiple principal types, we generalize scop-ing by allowing the use of XID types other than ADs forscoping. For example, scaling global flat routing for CIDsmay be prohibitively expensive [12, 42], and, thus, re-quests containing only a CID may not be routable. Allow-ing the application to refine its intent using hierarchicalscoping using ADs, HIDs, or SIDs to help specify theCID’s location can improve scalability and eliminate theneed for XID-level global routing. We explore the effec-tiveness of using this more scalable approach in §5.3.

The drawback of scoping intent is that a narrow inter-pretation could limit the network’s flexibility to satisfythe intent in the most efficient manner, e.g., by deliveringcontent from the nearest cache holding a copy of the CID,rather than routing to a specific publisher. We can avoidthis limitation by combining fallback and scoping, a con-cept we call (iterative) refinement of intent. When usingrefinement of intent, we give the XID at each scopingstep the opportunity to satisfy the intent directly withouthaving to traverse the remainder of the scoping hierarchy.

3.2.2 Addressing mechanisms

XIA’s addressing scheme is a direct realization of thesehigh-level concepts. To implement fallback, scoping, anditerative refinement, XIA uses a restricted directed acyclicgraph (DAG) representation of XIDs to specify XIP ad-dresses. A packet contains both the destination DAG and

the source DAG to which a reply can be sent. Because ofsymmetry, we describe only the destination address.

Three basic building blocks are: intent, fallback, andscoping. XIP addresses must have a single intent, whichcan be of any XID type. The simplest XIP address hasonly a “dummy” source and the intent (I) as a sink:


The dummy source (•) appears in all visualizations ofXIP addresses to represent the conceptual source of thepacket.

A fallback is represented using an additional XID (F)and a “fallback” edge (dotted line):



The fallback edge can be taken if a direct route to theintent is unavailable; we allow up to four fallbacks.

Scoping of intent is represented as:


This structure means that the packet must be first routedto a scoping XID S, even if the intent is directly routable.

These building blocks are combined to form moregeneric DAG addresses that deliver rich semantics, imple-menting the high-level concepts in §3.2.1. To forward apacket, routers traverse edges in the address in order andforward using the next routable XID. Detailed behaviorof packet processing is specified in §3.3.2.

3.2.3 Addressing style examples

XIP’s DAG addressing provides considerable flexibil-ity. In this subsection, we present three (non-exhaustive)“styles” of how it might be used to achieve importantarchitectural goals.Supporting evolution: The destination address encodesa service XID as the intent, and an autonomous domainand a host are provided as a fallback path, in case routersdo not understand the new principal type.



This scheme provides both fallback and scalable routing.A router outside of AD1 that does not know how to routebased on intent SID1 directly will instead route to AD1.Iterative refinement: In this example, every node in-cludes a direct edge to the intent, with fallback to domainand host-based routing. This allows iterative incrementalrefinement of the intent. If the CID1 is unknown, thepacket is then forwarded to AD1. If AD1 cannot route tothe CID, it forwards the packet to HID1.




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An example of the flexibility afforded by this addressingis that an on-path content-caching router could directlyreply to a CID query without forwarding the query to thecontent source. We term this on-path interception. More-over, if technology advances to the point that content IDsbecame globally routable, the network and applicationscould benefit directly, without changes to applications.Service binding and more: DAGs also enable appli-cation control in various contexts. In the case of legacyHTTP, while the initial packet may go to any host han-dling the web service, subsequent packets of the same“session” (e.g., HTTP keep-alive) must go to the samehost. In XIA, we do so by having the initial packetdestined for: • → AD1 → SID1. A router inside AD1routes the request to a host that provides SID1. Theservice replies with a source address bound to the host,•→ AD1→ HID1→ SID1, to which subsequent packetscan be sent.

Other uses of DAGs are described in [9]. Some poten-tial uses of DAG-based addresses, such as source routing,raise questions of policy and authorization that we donot explore in this paper. Here, we focus on supportingevolvability, refinement, and closely related uses such asbinding and rebinding (§4).

3.3 XIP Header and Per-Hop ProcessingThis section describes the XIP packet format and per-hopprocessing that routers perform on packets. Later, in §5,we show that this design satisfies both the requirementsfor flexibility and efficient router processing.

3.3.1 Header format

Figure 1 shows the header format. Our header encodes asource and a destination DAG, and as a result our addressis variable-length—NumDst and NumSrc indicate thesize of the destination and source address. The headercontains fields for version, next header, payload length,and hop limit. More details are described in [9].

Our header stores a pointer, LastNode, to the previ-ously visited node in the destination address, for routersto know where to begin forwarding lookups. This makesper-hop processing more efficient by enabling routers toprocess a partial DAG instead of a full DAG in general.

DAGs are stored as adjacency lists. Each node in theadjacency list contains three fields: an XID Type; a 160-bit XID; and an array of the node indices that representthe node’s outgoing edges in the DAG. The adjacencylist format allows at most four outgoing edges per node(Edge0. . .Edge3). This choice balances: (a) the per-hop processing cost, overall header size, and simple routerimplementation; with (b) the desire to flexibly expressmany styles of addressing. However, we do not limitthe degree of expressibility; one can express more out-going edges by using a special node with a predefined

XIDType to represent indirection.Note that our choice of 160-bit XID adds large over-

head, which could be unacceptable for bandwidth orpower-limited devices. We believe, however, that com-mon header compression techniques [30] can effectivelyreduce the header size substantially without much compu-tational overhead.

3.3.2 Per-hop processing

Figure 2 depicts a simplified flow diagram for packet pro-cessing in an XIP router. The edges represent the flow ofpackets among processing components. Shaded elementsare principal-type specific, whereas other elements arecommon to all principals. Our design isolates principal-type specific logic to make it easier to add support fornew principals.

When a packet arrives, a router first performs sourceXID-specific processing based upon the XID type of thesink node of the source DAG. For example, a source DAG•→ AD1→ HID1→CID1 would be passed to the CIDprocessing module. By default, source-specific process-ing modules are defined as a no-op since source-specificprocessing is often unnecessary. In our prototype, weoverride this default only to define a processing modulefor the content principal type. A CID sink node in thesource DAG represents content that is being forwarded tosome destination. The prototype CID processing elementopportunistically caches content to service future requestsfor the same CID.

The following stages of processing iteratively examinethe outbound edges of the last-visited node of the DAGin priority order. We refer the node pointed by the edgein consideration as the next destination. To attempt toforward along an adjacency, the router examines the XIDtype of the next destination. If the router supports thatprincipal type, it invokes a principal-specific componentbased on the type, and if it can forward the packet usingthe adjacency, it does so. If the router does not support theprincipal type or does not have an appropriate forwardingrule, it moves on to the next edge. This enables principal-specific customized forwarding ranging from simple routelookups to packet replication or diversion. If no outgoingedge of the last-visited node can be used for forwarding,the destination is considered unreachable and an error isgenerated.

3.3.3 Optimizations for high performance

The per-hop processing of XIA is more complex thanthat of IP, which raises obvious concerns about the perfor-mance of routers, especially in scenarios using more com-plex DAGs for addressing. In this section, we show that,despite those concerns, an XIP router can achieve com-parable performance to IP routers by taking advantageof well-known optimizations, such as parallel processing


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Version NextHdr PayloadLenHopLimit NumDst NumSrc LastNode

XIDType160-Bit ID

Edge0 Edge1 Edge2 Edge3Destination Nodes



Source Nodes(NumSrc×28B)

32 bits

XIDType160-Bit ID

Edge0 Edge1 Edge2 Edge3...

Figure 1: XIP packet header.







Fall Back no


Principal-Specific Processing







Figure 2: Simplified diagram of an XIP router.

and fast-path evaluation.Packet-level parallelism: By processing multiple pack-ets concurrently, parallel packet processing can speed upXIP forwarding. Fortunately, in XIP, AD and HID packetprocessing resembles IP processing in terms of data de-pendencies; the forwarding path contains no per-packetstate changes at all. In addition, the AD and HID lookuptables are the only shared, global data structure, and likeIP forwarding tables, their update rate is relatively in-frequent (once a second or so). This makes it relativelystraightforward to process packets destined for ADs andHIDs in parallel. While SID and CID packet processingmay have common data structures shared by pipelines,any data update can be deferred for less synchronizationoverhead as the processing can be opportunistic and canalways fall back into AD and HID packet processing. Thismakes CID and SID packet processing parallelizable.

Packet-parallel processing may result in out-of-orderpacket delivery, which disrupts existing congestion con-trol mechanisms in TCP/IP networks [31]. One solutionis to preserve intra-flow packet ordering by serializingpackets from the same flow and executing them in thesame pipeline processor, or alternatively by using a re-ordering buffer [22, 46]. An alternative solution is todesign to ensure that congestion control and reliabilitytechniques deployed in XIP networks are more tolerantof reordering [13].Intra-packet parallelism: As discussed earlier, a DAGmay encode multiple next-hop candidates as a forwardingdestination. Since the evaluation of each candidate canbe done in parallel, this address structure also enablesintra-packet parallel processing. While the different next-hops can be evaluated in parallel, the results of theselookups must be combined and only the highest prioritynext-hop candidate with a successful lookup should beused. Note that this synchronization stage is likely tobe expensive in software implementations and this typeof parallelism may be most appropriate in specializedhardware implementations.Fast-path evaluation: Finally, the XIP design canuse fast-path processing to speed commonly observedaddresses—either as an optimization to reduce averagepower consumption, or to construct low cost routers thatdo not require the robust, worst-case performance of back-bone routers. For example, our prototype leverages a

look-aside cache that keeps a collision-resistant finger-print of the destination DAG address2 and the forward-ing result (the output port and the new last-node value).When a packet’s destination address matches an entry inthe cache, the router simply takes the cached result andskips all other destination lookup processing. Otherwise,the router pushes the packet into the original slow-pathprocessing path. Since the processing cost of this fast pathdoes not depend on the address used, this performanceoptimization may also help conceal the impact of packetprocessing time variability caused by differences in DAGcomplexity.

In §5.1, we show that the combination of these opti-mizations enables XIP routers to perform almost as wellas IP routers. In addition, we show that hardware imple-mentations would be able to further close the gap betweenXIP and IP performance.

4 XIA Addresses in ActionWe elaborate how the abstractions introduced in previoussections can be put to work to create an XIP network. Thefollowing subsections explain how addresses are createdand obtained, and show how XIA’s architectural compo-nents can work together to support rich applications.

4.1 Bootstrapping AddressesWe assume the existence of autonomous domains and aglobal inter-domain routing protocol for ADs, e.g., asdiscussed in [10]. We walk through how HIDs, SIDs, andCIDs join a network, and how communication occurs.Attaching hosts to a network: Each host has a pub-lic/private key pair. As a first step, each host listens for aperiodic advertisement that its AD sends out. This mes-sage contains the public key of the AD, plus possibly“well-known” services that the AD provides such as aname resolution service. Using this information, the hostthen sends an association packet to the AD, which will beforwarded by the AD routers to a service that can proceed

2The use of collision-resistant hash eliminates the need to memcmppotentially lengthy DAGs. The fingerprint is a collision-resistant hash ona portion of the XIP address, which consists of the last-visited node anda few next-hop nodes, effectively representing forwarding possibilitiesof the flow of the packets. Such an operation is shown to scale up to 222Gb/s [41] in hardware. We assume this is implemented in the NIC. Mod-ern network interfaces already implement hash-based flow distributionfor IPv4 and IPv6 for receiver-side scaling and virtualization.


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with authentication based on the respective public keys.Advertising services and content: We have designedan XIA socket API which is described in detail in ourtechnical report [9]. We describe here how hosts canadvertise services or content using this API.

To advertise a service, a process running on a host firstcalls bind() to bind itself to a public key of the service.This binding inserts the SID (the hash of the service’s pub-lic key) into the host’s routing table so that the service isreachable through the host. Likewise, putContent()stores the CID (the hash of the content) in the host’s rout-ing table. Since at this point services and content are onlylocally routable, request packets will have to be scopedusing the host’s HID, e.g., • → AD→ HID→ CID, toreach the intent.

For a service or a content to be reachable more broadly,the routing information must be propagated. For example,an AD can support direct routing to services and contentwithin its domain using an intra-domain routing protocolthat propagates the SIDs and CIDs supported by each hostor in-network cache to the routers. Global route propaga-tion can be handled by an inter-domain routing protocol,subject to the AD’s policies and business relationships.We leave the exact mechanism, protocol, and policy forprincipal-specific routing (e.g., content or service routing)as future research.Obtaining XIP addresses: Now we look into how twoparties (hosts, services or content) can obtain source anddestination XIP addresses to communicate. As in today’sInternet, obtaining addresses is the application’s responsi-bility. Here, we provide a few example scenarios of howXIP addresses can be created.

Source address specifies the return address to the spe-cific instance of the principal (i.e., a bound address).Therefore, when a principal generates a packet, the sourceaddress is generally of the form •→ AD→ HID→ XID.The AD-prefix is given by the AD when a host attachesto the network; the HID is known by the host; and theXID is provided by the application, allowing the socketlayer to create the source address. XIDs will often beephemeral SIDs. In this case, the socket layer can auto-matically create an SID when connect() is issued toan SID socket without calling bind(). This is similar tothe use of ephemeral ports in TCP/IP.

Destination address can be obtained in many alterna-tive ways. One way is to use a name resolution serviceto resolve XIP addresses from human readable names.For example, a lookup of “Google search” in the nameresolution service can return a DAG that includes the in-tent SID along with one or more fallback ADs that host(advertised) instances of the service (similar to today’sDNS SRV records). Alternatively, a Web service canembed URLs in its pages that include an intent CID foran image or document, along with the original source



AD SIDResolv


Name resolution serviceClient

Figure 3: Bank of the Future example scenario.(• → AD→ HID) or content-distribution SIDs as fall-backs. This information can be in the form of a “ready-to-use” DAG, or as separate fields that can be assembledinto a destination address (e.g., iterative refinement style)by the client based on local preferences. For example, theclient could choose to receive content via a specific CDNbased on the network interface it is using.

Note that we intentionally placed the burden of speci-fying fallbacks to the application layer. This is because afallback is an authoritative location of an intent that theunderlying network may not know about. Name resolu-tion systems and other application-layer systems are moresuitable to provide such information in a globally consis-tent manner. On the other hand, network optimizationscan be applied locally in a much more dynamic fashion.Networks may choose to locally optimize for intent bylocally replicating the object of intent and dynamicallyrouting the intent.

A final point is that client ADs may have policies forwhat addresses are allowed. For example, it may wantto specify that all packets entering or leaving the AD gothrough a firewall. This can be achieved by inserting anSIDFirewall in the address, e.g., •→ AD→ SIDFirewall →HID→ SID for a source address.

4.2 Simple Application ScenariosIn this section and the next, we use the example of onlinebanking to walk through the lifecycle of an XIA appli-cation and its interaction with a client. Our goal is toillustrate how XIA’s support for multiple principals andits addressing format give significant flexibility and con-trol to the application.

In Figure 3, Bank of the Future (BoF) provides a secureon-line banking service hosted at a large data center onthe XIA Internet. The service runs on many BoF serversand it has a public key that hashes to SIDBoF . We assumethat all components in BoF’s network natively supportservice and content principals. We focus on a bankinginteraction between a particular client host HIDC, and aparticular BoF process PS running on server HIDS.Publishing the service: When process PS starts on theserver, it binds an SID socket to SIDBoF by callingbind() with its public/private key pair. This SID bind-ing adds SIDBoF to the server’s (HIDS) routing table, andthe route to SIDBoF is advertised in the BoF networkADBoF . The service also publishes the association be-tween a human readable service name (e.g., “Bank of


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the Future Online”) and • → ADBoF → SIDBoF througha global name resolution service (SIDResolv).Connection initiation and binding: When a clientwants to connect to the service, it first contacts the nameresolution service SIDResolv to obtain the service address.It then initiates a connection by sending a packet des-tined to • → ADBoF → SIDBoF using the socket API.The source address is •→ ADC→HIDC→ SIDC, whereADC is the AD of the client, and SIDC is the ephemeralSID. This packet is routed to ADBoF and then to an in-stance of SIDBoF . After the initial exchange, both pro-cesses will establish a session, which includes, for ex-ample, establishing a symmetric key derived from theirpublic/private key pairs. Because of this session state,the client needs to continue to communicate with thesame server, not just any server that supports SIDBoF . Toensure this, the client changes the destination addressto • → ADBoF → HIDS → SIDBoF , where HIDS is theserver that it is currently talking to.Content transfer: The client can now download contentfrom the on-line banking service. For convenience, weassume that the content being transferred is a Web page.Let us consider both static (faq.html) and dynamic content(statement.html), both of which may contain static images.For static (cacheable) content, the SIDBoF service willprovide the client with the CID f aq of the static Web pagefaq.html along with the CIDs of the images contained init. The client can then issue parallel requests for thosecontent identifiers, e.g., using • → ADBoF →CID f aq asthe destination address for the Web page. The request fordynamic (non-cachable) content, e.g., a list of recent banktransactions, is directly sent to SIDBoF .

4.3 Support for Richer ScenariosUsing the example above, we now show how XIA’s ad-dressing format can support more challenging scenariossuch as evolution towards content networking, process mi-gration, and client mobility. §5.2 provides an evaluationof these example scenarios.Network evolution for content support: The previoussection described how the client can specify static contentusing scoped intent. Switching to the iterative refinementstyle (§3):



means that routing through the specified AD or HID isoptional, and opens the door for any set of XIA routers tosatisfy the client’s request for static content.

The DAG address format supports incremental deploy-ment of content support in an XIA Internet. As a firststep, BoF can deploy support for CIDs internally in itsnetwork. Even if no ISPs support CIDs, the above addresswill allow the delivery of the above request (using the AD)

to the BoF network, where the intent CID can be served.As the next step, some ISPs may incrementally deploy

on-path caches. The above address allows them to op-portunistically serve content, which may allow them tocut costs by reducing their payments to upstream serviceproviders [6]. Over time, as support for content-centricnetworking expands, ISPs may make bilateral agreementsto enable access to each other’s (cached) content. XIA canhelp leverage such off-path caches as well; of course, itwould require ISPs to exchange information about cachedcontent and update router forwarding tables appropriately.Process migration: XIA’s addressing can also supportseamless process (service) migration through re-binding.Suppose that the server process PS migrates to anothermachine, namely HIDT , as part of load balancing ordue to a failure; we assume that appropriate OS sup-port for process migration is available. At the start ofmigration, the route to SIDBoF is removed from the oldserver and added to the new server’s routing table. Be-fore migration, the service communication was bound to•→ ADBoF →HIDS→ SIDBoF . After migration, the OSnotifies the ongoing connections of the new HID, and thebinding is changed to • → ADBoF → HIDT → SIDBoFat the socket layer. Notification of the binding changepropagates to the client via a packet containing the mes-sage authentication code (MAC) signed by SIDBoF thatcertifies the binding change. When the client accepts thebinding change message, the client updates the socket’sdestination address. To minimize packet drops, in-flightpackets from the client can be forwarded to the new serverby putting a redirection entry to SIDBoF in the routingtable entry of the old server.Client mobility: The same re-binding mechanism can beused to support client mobility in a way that generalizesapproaches such as TCP Migrate [40]. When a clientmoves and attaches to another AD, ADnew, the new sourceaddress of the client becomes: • → ADnew → HIDC →SIDC. When a rebind message arrives at the server, theserver updates the binding of the client’s address.

Although the locations of both the server and the clienthave changed in the previous two examples, the two SIDend-points did not change. The intrinsic security propertyremains the same because it relies on the SID. Both theserver and the client can verify that they are talking to theservices whose public keys hash to SIDBoF and SIDC.

5 EvaluationWe evaluate the following three important aspects of XIA:(i) Router processing: Can we scale XIA’s packet forward-ing performance? In §5.1, we show that using techniquesborrowed from fast IP forwarding, the speed of an XIArouter can be made comparable to that of an IPv4 router.(ii) Application design: How does XIA benefit applicationdesign and performance? In §5.2, we show that use of


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CPU 2x Intel Xeon L5640 2.26 GHz (12MB Cache, QPI 5.86 GT/s)NIC 2x Intel Ethernet Server Adapter X520-T2Motherboard Intel Server Board S5520UR

Table 1: Router Hardware Specificationmultiple principal types can simplify application design,and that applications can benefit from the type-specificin-network optimizations allowed by the architecture.(iii) Scalable routing on XIA: How does forwarding androuting scale with the number of XIA identifiers in use?In §5.3, we show that XIA routing can scale well beyondsupport for today’s network requirements to more extremehypothetical scenarios.

5.1 Router Design and PerformanceWe first demonstrate that XIA’s forwarding is fast enoughfor a practical deployment. We show that the packetprocessing speed of an XIA router is comparable to thatof an IP router, and various techniques can be leveragedto further close the performance gap.Implementation: To measure the packet processingspeed, we set up a software router and a packet gener-ator to exploit packet-level parallelism by leveraging theirNIC’s receiver-side-scaling (RSS) function to distributeIP and XIP packets to multiple CPU cores3. The imple-mentation uses the Click modular router framework [28]for processing IP and XIP packets, and PacketShader’sI/O Engine (NIC driver and library) [24] for sending andreceiving packets to and from the NICs. Table 1 providesthe specification of the machines.Forwarding performance: We used a forwarding tableof 351K entries based on the Route Views [35] RIB snap-shot on Jan 1, 2011. IP uses this table directly; XIApessimistically uses 351K entries for the AD forwardingtable, associating each CIDR block with a distinct AD.

To measure XIA packet processing performance, wegenerate packets using five different DAGs for the desti-nation address: FB0, FB1, FB2, FB3, and VIA. FB0 isthe baseline case where no fallback is used. FBi refers toa DAG which causes the XIA router to evaluate exactly ifallbacks and to then forward based on the (i+1)-th routelookup. To force this, we employ a DAG with i fallbacks:the intent identifier and the first i−1 fallback identifiersare not in the routing table, but the final fallback is. Thelast DAG, VIA, represents the case where an intermediatenode in the DAG has been reached (e.g., arrived at thespecified AD). In this case, the router must additionallyupdate the last-visited node field in the packet header topoint to the next node in the DAG before forwarding, un-like the other scenarios. Identifiers are generated basedon a Pareto distribution over the set of possible desti-nation ADs (shape parameter: 1.2) to mimic a realisticheavy-tailed distribution.

3To enable RSS on XIP, we prepend an IP header when generatingthe packet, but immediately strip the IP header after packet reception.

Figure 4 (a) and (b) respectively show the impact ofvarying packet size4 on packet forwarding performancein packets and bits per second. Figure 4 (c) shows theactual goodput achieved excluding the header in each ofthe above experiments. The results are averaged over tenruns each lasting two minutes. Large packet forwarding islimited by I/O bandwidth, and therefore XIA and IP showlittle performance difference. For small packets of 192bytes, XIA’s FB0 performance (in pps) is only 9% lowerthan IP. As more fallbacks are evaluated, performancedegrades further but is still comparable to that of IPv4(e.g., FB3 is 26% slower than IP). However, the goodputis much lower due to XIA’s large header size. We be-lieve that in cases where the goodput is important, headercompression techniques will be an effective solution.Fast-path processing: We can further reduce the gap be-tween IP forwarding and XIP forwarding using fast-pathprocessing techniques outlined in §3.3.3. Our fast-path im-plementation uses a small per-thread table, which cachesroute lookup results. The key used for table lookups isa collision-resistant hash of the partial DAG consistingof the last visited node and all its outbound edges. Ourchoice of hash domain aligns with the fact that a givenrouter operates only on a partial DAG. We assume that theNIC hardware performs this task upon packet receptionand the driver reads the hash value along with the packet(§3.3.3). We emulated this behavior in our evaluation.We generate 351K unique partial DAGs, and each threadholds 1024 entries in the lookup table. In total, the ta-ble holds 14% of these partial DAGs. Figure 5 showsthe result with and without this fast-path processing forpacket size of 192 bytes. Without the fast-path, the per-formance degrades by 19% from FB0 to FB3. However,with fast-path this difference is only 7%. With a marginalperformance gain of IP fast-path, the gap between FB3and IP fast-path is reduced to 10%.Intra-packet parallelism: Note that the fast-path opti-mizations do not improve worst-case performance, whichis often critical for high-speed routers that must forwardat line speed. High-speed IP routers often rely on spe-cialized hardware to improve worst-case performance.Although we do not have such specialized hardware forXIP, we use micro-benchmarks to estimate the perfor-mance that might be possible. The micro-benchmarkresults in Figure 6 show that the route lookup time isdominant and increases as more fallbacks are looked up.Fallbacks within a packet can be processed in parallel

4We include a 14 byte MAC header in calculations of packet size andthroughput. We only report the performance of packet sizes in multiplesof 64 bytes because of limitations of our underlying hardware. Whenpacket sizes do not align with the 64 byte boundary, DMA performancedegrades significantly; we suspect this is triggering a known defect withour Intel hardware. This along with the additional IP and MAC header(34 bytes) and XIP’s larger header size (minimum 64 bytes) resulted ina minimum packet size of 128 bytes for XIA.


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0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600




Packet size (bytes)


(a) Throughput in Mpps








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600




Packet size (bytes)


(b) Throughput in Gbps








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600



Packet size (bytes)


(c) Goodput in Gbps

Figure 4: Packet forwarding performance of a software router. The forwarding table has 351 K entries.















IP Fast-pathIP w/o Fast-path

XIA Fast-pathXIA w/o Fast-path

Figure 5: Fast-path processingsmooths out total cost.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700Processing time (ns)









ClassificationFast-pathLookup (Slow)Other OverheadQueueing

Figure 6: In-memory packet pro-cessing benchmark (no I/O).









ed P



g T


Intra-packet parallelismSerial processing

Figure 7: Parallel and serialroute lookup cost.

using special-purpose hardware to further close the gap.Figure 7 shows a comparison between serial and four-way parallel lookup costs without the fast-path processingin our software router prototype, where we deliberatelyexclude the I/O and synchronization cost in the parallellookup. The reason we exclude these costs is that whilethe overhead of intra-packet parallelism is high in oursoftware implementation, we believe that such parallelprocessing overhead will be minimal in hardware routerimplementations or highly-parallel SIMD systems suchas GPU-based software routers [24]. The figure showsthat the performance gap between FB0 and FB3 can beeliminated with specialized parallel hardware processing.

In summary, our evaluation shows that DAG-based for-warding can be implemented efficiently enough to supporthigh speed forwarding operations.

5.2 Application Design and PerformanceWe now evaluate XIP’s support for applications by im-plementing and evaluating several application scenar-ios. While it is hard to quantitatively measure an ar-chitecture’s support for applications, we demonstrate thatXIA is able to retain many desirable features of the cur-rent Internet and subsume the benefits of other architec-tures [20, 26, 29]. Through this exercise, we show thatXIP’s flexible addressing and support for multiple princi-pals simplifies application design, accommodates networkevolution, and accelerates application performance.Implementation: Using our XIA socket API [9], and ourClick implementation of the XIP network stack, we imple-ment in-network content support, service migration, and

client mobility. To closely model realistic application be-havior, we built a native XIA Web server that uses serviceand content principals, and a client-side HTTP-to-XIAproxy that translates HTTP requests and replies into com-munications based on XIP service and content principals.This proxy allows us to run an unmodified Web browserin an IP network. Implementing the proxy and serverusing our socket API required only 305 SLOC of Pythoncode, and in-network content support took 742 SLOC ofC++, suggesting that the principal-specific socket APIand router design facilitates software design.

We now evaluate scenarios described in §4.2 and §4.3.Content transfer and support for evolution: We cre-ated a wide-area testbed spanning two universities. Theservice side (CMU) operates the XIA Web server, and theclient side (UWisc) performs Web browsing. The serverserves dynamic and static Web pages, each of which con-sists of either a dynamic or static HTML file and a staticimage file (15 KB in each Web page). We use the address-ing style described in §4.3.

Baseline content transfer: To highlight the applica-tion’s use of multiple principals, we first show the base-line case where the content request takes the fallback pathand the content is fetched from the origin server. Figure 8(a) and (b) respectively show the steps and time takento retrieve the dynamic and static Web page. When thedocument is dynamic (a), the server uses service-basedcommunication to directly send the document; it alsotransmits a CID for the client to access the static image.In the static case (b), the service sends CIDs for boththe document and the image, and the client fetches them


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(b)Static only






Client (UWisc)Server (CMU)

Content communicationService communication

Figure 8: Content transfer.






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700


# (


Elapsed time (milliseconds)

Service frozen(341 ms)

Service rebindClient rebind

0.5 RTT

1 RTT 0.5 RTT

Req sent

Resp recv

Figure 9: Service migration.





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


# (


Elapsed time (milliseconds)

(1) 3G->3G

(2) 3G->3G (lost)

(3) 3G->WiFi

(4) WiFi->WiFiClient rebind(3G->WiFi)

Service rebind

1 RTT (3G)

Req sent

Resp recv

1 RTT (WiFi)

Figure 10: Client mobility.

using content communication. In both cases, it takes tworound-trip times (45 ms) to retrieve the content.

Evolution: To highlight XIA’s support for evolution,we consider two scenarios: 1) An in-network cache isadded within the client’s network without any changes tothe endpoints, and 2) endpoints do not use XIA’s fallback;clients first send the request to the primary intent, thenredirect the intent to the original server after a timeout.

Figure 8(c) shows that content retrieval becomes faster(22.7 ms) just by adding an in-network cache without anychanges (i.e., request packets in (b) and (c) are identical).This is enabled by iterative refinement-style addressing,which permits the intent to be satisfied at any step, whileallowing it to fallback to the original server when it’s not.

In the second scenario, the source does not use a fall-back address and only uses a CID in its DAG address. Thecompletion time becomes much worse (87 ms, not shownin the figure). The initial content request is dropped bythe network because an intermediate router does not knowhow to route to the content. After a timeout, the appli-cation redirects the content request to the original serverusing the address: •→ ADBoF → HIDS→CID.Service migration: As shown in §4.3, XIA supportsseamless service migration with rebinding. To evaluateour service migration support, we run service SIDBoF ona virtual machine, which initially resides in a host ma-chine (HIDS), and later migrates to another host (HIDT ).We use KVM’s live migration [3] to implement statefulmigration of a running process; we move the VM alongwith the process running the service.

Figure 9 shows the timeline of service migration. Theclient makes continual requests to the service, who re-sponds to these requests. Initially this session is boundto: • → ADBoF → HIDS→ SIDC. When live migrationis initiated (not shown in the figure), the service continuesto run on HIDS, but the underlying VM starts copying itsstate to the new host in the background. When most ofthe state is transfered to HIDT , SIDBoF (and the VM) isfrozen to perform the final state transfer.

After the final state transfer, the VM and the serviceresume at HIDT . At this time, the service rebinds toHIDT (Service rebind). However, the client is stilldirecting queries to HIDS, because it is not aware of the

rebinding. The service then notifies the client of the newbinding: •→ ADBoF → HIDT → SIDC. When the clientreceives this message, it rebinds to the new DAG after ver-ification (Client rebind). The rebound client thenstarts sending subsequent requests to the new address. Af-ter one round-trip time, the client receives responses fromthe service. The communication is interrupted in betweenthe rebinds. The duration of this interruption due to XIAaddress rebinding is minimal (the shaded region; about1.5 RTT). The downtime due to VM migration (freezing)is much longer (341 ms) in our experiment. In a moresophisticated migration implementation, packet drops canbe eliminated by buffering all packets received during theentire service interruption period at HIDS and redirectingthem to the service at HIDT when it completes rebinding.

Client mobility: In this scenario, a client movesfrom a 3G network (RTT=150ms) to a WiFi network(RTT=25ms). The client is using a simple ping-like echoservice on a server during the move. After connectingto the WiFi network, the client sends a cryptographicallysigned rebind message, notifying the server of the newbinding: •→ ADnew→ HIDC→ SIDC.

Figure 10 shows the timeline of events and the sequencenumbers of packets from the echo service; blue dots in-dicate the time and the sequence number of the requestssent by the client, and purple dots those of the responsesreceived by the client. Different regions (regions 1 to 4)indicate the network from which the request is sent fromthe client and to which the response is sent by the service.Only the packets in flight at Client rebind are lost(shaded area, region (2)) since they are sent to the 3Gnetwork, to which the client is no longer connected. How-ever, after Service rebind, responses are sent to theWiFi network. Note that packet loss can be eliminated ifthe 3G network forwards these packets to the new loca-tion; this can be done by updating the routing entry for theclient’s HID on the 3G network. One round-trip time afterClient rebind, the client begins receiving responsesfrom the service. However, due to the difference in theround-trip times of the 3G and the WiFi network, packetreordering happens at the server-side, and the service re-sponds to requests made from the 3G network prior toclient rebind as well as from the WiFi network after client


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Forwarding Table Public Key Store Content Store

HIDs (100M) 6.25 GB 50 GB -SIDs (2 Billion) 125 GB 1 TB -

CIDs (YouTube 2009 [16]) 21 TB - 168 PBCIDs (WWW 2010 [18]) At least 227 TB - -

Table 2: Forwarding table size and public key storesize of an AD with 100 million hosts.

rebind for a short period of time (regions (3) and (4)).In summary, XIP’s flexible addressing supports seam-

less network evolution and provides adequate applicationcontrol, while keeping the application design simple.

5.3 ScalabilityWe now turn to a discussion of scalability. First, wedemonstrate that XIA works as a “drop-in” replacementfor IP, using AD and HID routing much as today’s net-work uses CIDR blocks and ARP within subnets. Wethen examine scaling to plausible near-term scenarios,such as deploying on-path or near-path content caching,in which routers maintain large lists of content chunksstored in a nearby cache. We conclude by looking at long-term deployment ideas that would stretch the capabilitiesof near-term routers, such as flat routing within a largeprovider such as Comcast; and those requiring furtheradvances to become plausible, such as global flat routing.XIA at today’s Internet scale. IP relies on hierarchy toscale: The “default-free” zone of BGP operates on only afew hundred thousand prefixes, not the 4 billion possible32-bit IP addresses. XIA’s AD principals can provide thesame function, and we expect that at first, core routerswould provide only inter-AD routing. Similar to AIP, thenumber of ADs should be roughly close to that of today’score BGP routing tables. §5.1 demonstrated that handlingXIP forwarding with a routing table of this size is easyfor a high-speed software router.

HID routing within a domain is likely to have a largerrange, from a few thousand hosts, to several million.Many datacenters, for example, contain 100K or morehosts [33]. We expect that extremely large domains mightsplit into a few smaller domains based upon geographicscope. XIP routing handles these sizes well: A 100K-entry forwarding table requires only 6.2MB in our (notmemory optimized) implementation. Boosting the num-ber of table entries from 10 K to 10 M decreases forward-ing performance by only 8.3% (for Pareto-distributed flowsizes with shape=1.2) to 30.9% (for uniformly distributedflows); this slowdown is easily addressed by adding asmall amount of additional lookup hardware.

While we believe naive flat forwarding will workin many networks, highly scalable systems, such asTRILL [5] and SEATTLE [27] can also be used.Supporting tomorrow’s scale. XIP provides consider-able flexibility in achieving better scalability. First, XIPis not limited to a single level of hierarchy; a domaincould add a second subdomain XID type beneath AD to

improve its internal scalability. Second, other identifiertypes can be used to express hierarchy. For example, re-lated content IDs can be grouped using a new principal(e.g., into an object ID). Doing so requires no coopera-tion from end-hosts: they must merely change the DAGaddress returned by naming to reflect the new hierarchy.

PortLand [33] suggests that a new layer-2 routing andforwarding protocol is needed to support millions of vir-tual machines (VMs) in data centers. In XIA, we cancreate a HIDHost → HIDV M hierarchy5 that reduces thenumber of independently routable host identifiers andthe forwarding table size by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude(we can also omit HIDV M by exposing all services inguest VMs to the host if the host’s forwarding table is notoverloaded, as in the service migration example of §5.2).

Hierarchy reduces forwarding table size at the cost ofmore bandwidth for headers; in XIA, this cost is modest:adding an extra XID requires 28 bytes/packet, but this ad-dition might greatly simplify network components. Also,adding hierarchy in XIA does not hinder evolution. Us-ing iterative refinement addressing, later networks couldchoose to ignore the hierarchy and route directly to the in-tended destination. This is the case even for hosts—werememory ever to become so cheap that global host-basedrouting was practical. More likely, however, this allowsoptimizations: A network might be willing to store a“redirect pointer” for a recently departed mobile host, sim-ilar to some optimizations proposed for Mobile IP. Thesepointers would operate on the host ID independent ofhierarchy, but would be limited in number and duration.

On-path content caching and interception is a con-crete example of opportunistic in-network optimization.A router forwards content (chunk) responses to a cache-engine, which caches the chunk. The router then inter-cepts the requests for chunks that are in the cache, andforwards these requests to the cache-engine, which servesthe content. The forwarding table size can be small in thiscase, since it only contains information about the localcache (a 4 GB cache with an average object size of 7.8KB [15] requires a forwarding table of size <32 MB.).Hypothetical extremes. We now look at some extremescenarios to better understand what kind of advances thatare needed to make them feasible in XIA.

Some of the largest organizations have tens of millionsof hosts. The largest cable operator has about 23 millioncustomers [1], and Google is preparing to manage 10million servers in the future [2]. YouTube (2009) has 1.8billion videos [16] (large objects), and the World WideWeb (2010) has at least 60 billion pages (small objects).Table 2 shows the space needed to route on HIDs and SIDs

5For readers concerned about the performance penalty for having togo through a host, a simple filter can be inserted in modern NICs fordirect access to VMs. Similar functionality for IPv4 matching is alreadyimplemented in many server-class NICs.


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in an AD with 100 million hosts, and CIDs for YouTubeand the Web6. Even though for large organizations, theHID and SID tables can fit in DRAM, its cost might beprohibitive if all devices had such a large table.

XIA does not make these extreme designs possible to-day; they may require non-flat identifiers or inexact rout-ing [47], or techniques that have not yet been developed.Instead, XIP’s flexible addressing makes it possible totake advantage of them if they are successfully developedin the future.

6 Related WorkSubstantial prior work has examined the benefits of net-work architectures tailored for specific principal types.We view this work as largely complementary to ours, andwe have drawn upon it in the design of individual prin-cipal types. The set of relevant architectural work is toolarge to cite fully, but includes proposals for content andservice-centric networks, such as CCN [26], DONA [29],TRIAD [23], Serval [20], and many others.Extensibility through indirection: One approach usedin prior work to support multiple principal types devisessolutions that leverage indirection, such as through nameresolution or via overlays. For example, the Layered Nam-ing Architecture [12] resolves service and data identifiersto end-point identifiers (hosts) and end-point identifiersto IP addresses. i3 [42] uses an overlay infrastructure thatmediates sender-receiver communication to provide en-hanced flexibility. Like XIA, these architectures improvesupport for mobility, anycast, and multicast, but at the costof additional indirection. Of course, an advantage of theseapproaches that leverage indirection over XIA is their easeof deployment atop today’s Internet. DONA eliminatesthe cost of indirection by forwarding a packet in the pro-cess of name resolution. Like DONA, XIA separates thename (intent) from its locations. However, XIA differsin two key aspects: 1) XIA makes translation from nameto location as part of packet forwarding and combines itwith principal-specific processing. 2) DONA relies on thenetwork for correct translation from a name to its loca-tion, but XIA relies on the backwards-compatible pathsprovided by the application.Extensibility through programmability has been pur-sued through many efforts such as active networks [43],aiming to ease the difficulty of enhancing already-deployed networks. The biggest drawback to such ap-proaches is resource isolation and security. In contrast,XIA does not make it easier to program new function-

6 We estimate the number of SIDs by assuming that each host usesup to 20 ephemeral SIDs at a time on average. For large objects, theforwarding table is 0.0125% of the content size assuming a chunksize similar to BitTorrent. For the Web, the average object size is(7.8KB) [15]. We then double the size assuming a 50% load factor hashtable for storage.

ality into existing routers—although an active networksapproach could potentially be applied in tandem.

Architectures that evolve well have been a more recentfocus. OPAE [21] shares our goals of supporting evolu-tion and diversity, but their design focuses primarily onimproved interfaces for inter-domain routing and appli-cations, whereas XIA targets innovation and evolution ofdata plane functionality within or across domains. OPAEallows a domain to adopt any architecture, but does notspecify how to do so incrementally, while XIA’s fallbackmechanisms allows incremental adoption of new principaltypes by design. Role-based architecture [14] promotes anon-layered design where a role provides a modularizedfunctionality—similar to XIA’s principal-specific process-ing. However, it is unclear how it allows incrementaldeployment of new functionality like XIA does.

Ratnasamy et al. propose deployable modifications toIP to enhance its evolvability [37]; but does not admit theexpressiveness afforded by XIA. Others have argued thatwe should concede that IP (and HTTP) are here to stay,and simply evolve networks atop them [36]. However,this is not a solution in the long run; EvoArch [7] pointsout that merely pushing the narrow waist from layer 3 tolayer 5 would result in yet another “ossified” layer.

Finally, virtualizable networks admit evolution by al-lowing many competing Internet instances to run con-currently on shared hardware [11, 39, 45]. Clark et al.present a compelling argument for the need to enablecompetition at an architectural level [17], which we inter-nalized in our support for multiple principals. We believethat there are substantial benefits to ensuring that all appli-cations can communicate with all other applications usinga single Internet instance, but virtualizable networks offerthe potential for stronger isolation properties and to sup-port farther-reaching architectural changes than XIA (e.g.,such as moving to a fully circuit-switched network). Sub-stantial research remains in moving these architecturescloser to fruition and in comparing their strengths.

Borrowed foundations: Self-certifying identifiers wereused in many systems [25, 32]. AIP [10] used self-certifying identifiers for both network and host addresses,as XIP does, to simplify network-level security mecha-nisms. Several content-based networking proposals, suchas DONA [29], use them to ensure the authenticity ofcontent. Serval [20] similarly names services based uponthe hash of a public key. These works demonstrate thesubstantial power of these intrinsically secure identifiers,which XIA generalizes to an architectural requirement.

Addressing schemes: The flexibility of DAG-style ad-dressing has been used elsewhere, notably Slick Pack-ets [34]. Our addressing scheme uses this concept in anew way, to provide support for network evolution.


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7 ConclusionXIA builds upon the TCP/IP stack’s proven ability toaccommodate technology evolution at higher and lowernetwork layers by incorporating evolvability directly intothe narrow waist of the network. XIA supports expressive-ness, evolution and trustworthy operation through the useof an open-ended set of principal types, each imbued withintrinsic security. The centerpiece of our design, XIP, is anetwork-layer substrate that enables network innovation,and has the potential to support and amalgamate diversesets of ideas from other clean-slate designs.

Substantial research remains to address issues such ascrafting transport protocols that take advantage of con-tent caching; devising a congestion-control mechanismthat accommodates all principals; adapting or engineer-ing suitable intra- and inter-domain routing protocols forHIDs and ADs; and incorporating trustworthy protocolsthat leverage intrinsic security. We view the large scopeof future work as an architectural strength, showing thatXIA enables a wealth of future innovations in routing, se-curity, transport, and application design, without undulysacrificing performance in the pursuit of flexibility.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Sangjin Han for sharing his experience on routerperformance evaluation. We are also grateful to our shep-herd Jon Crowcroft and anonymous reviewers for theirfeedback. This research was supported in part by the Na-tional Science Foundation under awards CNS-1040757,CNS-1040800, and CNS-1040801.

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