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Dagnabbit Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Eight
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Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC

Chapter Eight

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Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! Look, it’s a man!

Last time around, only one new kid was born—Maximilian, who I promised I would never call by his full name again.

He was promptly forgotten in Wynn’s storm of needing to get married before giving birth to Baby N, as per the rules.

She got pregnant by the Unsavory Charlatan, and then found Landon Deiryme wandering around town. They got

hitched in a lovely ceremony attended by happenstance by some of my most important legacy characters, and then the

chapter ended. Now we can have Baby N, right?





Landon and Wynn (holding Max)

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Wynn: “Landon, dear, what are you doing?”

Landon: “Leaving flowers on your doorstep.”

Wynn: “Why?”

Landon: “Because we had such a great date, I wanted to leave you a romantic present. Will these do?”

Wynn: “I am standing right here, you know…”

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Wynn: “Oof! Good thing the little one waited until after the wedding to pop!”

By the way, I mentioned last chapter that I reinstalled spookymuffin’s lighting mod. I also reinstalled triplets and quads

at the same time. Now, I set it to have only a small chance of triplets and no quads, but the reason I’m mentioning this is

because up until now, there has been no chance of twins because of house size limitations. Now that the mod is in,

Wynn can have twins or triplets past the eight-person limit, because of the way the mod works. So don’t be surprised if

it happens.

Also don’t be surprised if it doesn’t. I think Wynn and I have proved pretty well that we have rotten luck when it comes

to netting a multiple birth.

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Landon: “You mean I’m gonna be a daddy already? Wow! It’s only been a few hours since we got married, and we

haven’t even shared any cereal yet!”

Wynn: “You’re not upset? Even a little bit?”

Landon: “What!? Why would I be upset!? I’m gonna be a DADDY!!”

Wynn: “Landon, have I ever told you how much I love you? You and your IQ?”

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Birthday time! …again!

Wynn: “Hm.”

What’s up?

Wynn: “I don’t remember there being a big, ugly radio on the counter. Wasn’t there a vase there before?”

There was. Then you came home exhausted and starving, and I wanted to make sure you were awake to eat and not die.

Wynn: “Ah. I see.”

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How cute. Max, if you don’t remember, is the son of Alan Whitley, an NPC head witch roaming around here. Maybe

that’s why his eyes are gold, I don’t know. The magic or something.

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Jace: “Ivan. Seriously, man. Get out of my way.”

Ivan: “Smustling is the only pleasure I have remaining in this cruel life. Don’t take that last refuge away from me.”

Jace: “SIGH.”

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Jace Kinsey, doing his masterful impression of Brock from Pokémon.

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Levi: “Hey Jace? I might be able to hear you better if you stepped out from behind the door. Just an idea.”

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Pop number two?

Wynn: “Pop number two.”

Wow, you’re huge.

Wynn: “Thanks a lot.”

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Wynn: “…Author.”


Wynn: “I’m, uh, starting to feel a little guilty.”

Oh? What for?

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Landon: “Ooh! Wynn! You’re in the kitchen! Do you need anything? Are you hungry? I’ll make you some food! Ooh, I

love you so much! What do you want to eat? What do you think the baby wants to eat? Hehehe, I’m so excited to be a

daddy! This’ll be my first time, you know! How about pork chops? Does that sound good? What do you think, Wynn,

darling of my life?”

Ah. I see.

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Wynn: “The radiation isn’t working, Author.”

Max: “Wat dat!?”

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Oh, hey. Who went and made omelettes and fed everyone while I wasn’t looking?

Jace: “Not it.”

Ivan: “Probably the only responsible one in the room.”

Thanks, Landon.

Ivan: “Psh, no. Landon? I meant Hazel.”

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Aw, is it time to say goodbye to Hazel already?

Hazel: *sniff* “I don’t want to go…”

Wynn: “Ugh. Why do I keep doing this to my back? Seriously.”

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Wynn: “Ugh! Baby N is comiiiiing!”

Just blow the candles out, Hazel. Don’t bother turning around. We need the space for the new baby.

Hazel: “Wait. Is Mom really—”

Blow the candles out already!

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Happy birthday dear Hazel…

Wynn: “WAAAaaaaAAAAaaaaAAA!!”

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Wynn: “Oof. Here it comes, here it comes!”

Hazel: “Yay! I finally get to be an adult! Here come the sparkles, here they come!”

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Hazel: “Oh hey, Mom. Is that a new dance?”

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Wynn: “I can’t believe it! It’s a girl! Aw, aren’t you the sweetest!”

Hazel: “Okay, here I go!”

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You know, we might just stick with that outfit, except in pink instead of yellow. It suits you, Hazel.

Hazel: “Thanks, Author!”

Wynn: “How are you, Baby Nina? Aren’t you so cute? Yes you are! Yes you are!”

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Hazel: “Hooray! I have a new baby sister! Who I don’t have to babysit!”

Landon: “I… I’m a father. Woo… I’m feeling a little dizzy…”

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Nina is actually a reference to two different games. There is of course the famous Nina Caliente of this very game, and

then there is another recurring Nina for another of my favorite series of games. I was really hoping I would get to use

this name!

I keep not giving out the titles of these games, books, and movies I’m drawing names from, because I keep hoping

someone will guess. I might quit doing that eventually. Not today. Anybody know of a Nina from a game that is not the

Sims? Wink wink?

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Also, check it out! She is legitimately the daughter of the Unsavory Charlatan, and she’s not corrupting my game!

I figured she wouldn’t, since the Grim Reaper, like the Charlatan, doesn’t have character data and his kids turn out fine,

but I was worried all the same. Everything’s okay, though.


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So, Hazel? What do you think of the pink tank top instead of the yellow one?

Hazel: “I think I’m a Vetinari! Bloo skavani, Author! Have a finger gun!”

To be honest, I liked the yellow one better, but Hazel has always worn pink. So pink it is.

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Alright, Hazel Kinsey. Off to Townieland with you.

Hazel: “Wheee! I’m going to have so much fun as an independent adult!”

Right. Goodbye, Hazel.

In retrospect… I’m starting to regret the shorts. Ah, well. Too late now.

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With Hazel gone, we’re back down to eight sims in the house. Which means Baby O will have to wait until Ivan has

grown up and moved out, which will be in about four days. Landon will have to wait just a little bit longer to have his

biological child.

Landon: “I’m a daddy! Yay!”

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Landon? I love you. Just so you know.

Landon: “Zoom! Superbaby!”

Max: “Wheee!!”

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Wynn: “Thanks for taking Nina for me, Jace. Boy, am I hungry. I think I’ll go get something to eat. Be a dear and

change her diaper for me, will you?”

Jace: *twitch*

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Okay, Kale, time to—

Kale: “Au-thor, this computer isn’t working!”

Have you tried turning it on?

Kale: “…oh yeah.”

Transition first, okay? Then use the computer.

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Kale: “Hey, look at me! I’m awesome!”

Wynn: “Mm. I give it a seven.”

Popularity it is, then. Sweet; he’s not Pleasure or Family.

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And he got a good transition outfit, too. Nicely done, Kale.

Kale: “But I don’t even play guitar…”

It looks good. Don’t complain.

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Cake time now?

Levi: “Smustling! Busy!”

Landon: “Oogie oogie oo!”

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Oh… um… hahaha… no.

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There. Much better.

Max: “Wha—what did you do to my hair!?”

I cut it.

Max: “YOU CUT IT.”

But you look so cute this way…

Max: “My… my hair…” *sniff* “Whyyyyy…”

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Max: “Hey… Levi… psst… Levi!”

Levi: “Max. Go to sleep.”

Max: “But Levi, I want to be evil, like the super cool bad guys on TV! And take over the neighborhood! And stuff! And

you’re devious enough that you can get away with it! We should be partners!”

Where did this come from, exactly? Seems just a bit out of nowhere…

Max: “Levi…”

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Kale: “Hey, Max? It might help your diabolical plans if you waited till we left the room.”

Max: “Oh. Oops. Do you mind leaving, then?”

Jace: “Not on your life. I’ve got the computer next.”

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So Landon… there’s this small matter of an alien baby requirement…

Landon: “Ooh, look at all the stars! I could stare at them for all the rest of my life!”

That’s the spirit.

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Max: “Look, I can do a headstand! I invented a way where it doesn’t hurt!”

Ivan: “BOO!! You suck! And your suckiness helps to build my own self esteem! BOO!!”

Levi: “Careful. That’s my partner in crime you’re booing. Keep at it, and things might get… messy.”

Max: “Thanks, Levi!”

Ivan: “When did you two become partners in crime? Seems a bit out of nowhere…”

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Kale: “So… I just call the university, and they give me money? Is that how this works?”

Hey look! I remembered to have him call less than twenty-four hours after his birthday! I’m awesome!

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Jace: “Hi. Yeah. Me, too.”

…never mind.

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Bella: “GASP! Water is, like, falling from the sky! This must totally be, like, the apocalypse! Fer sure!”

Headmaster Robertson: “…she’s not related to the family, is she? I wouldn’t want her showing up at the school…”

Don’t worry. Just a random walkby.

Bella: “Like, gasp! What if I, like, melted in this water, like the wicked witch of the west? GASP!!”

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Headmaster Robertson: “Well, well, if it isn’t Mrs. Kinsey! You’re usually pregnant and asleep when I visit!”

Wynn: “Not today… It’s a shame, really.”

Headmaster Robertson: “So… I guess this means I won’t be witnessing a birth today? That’s unfortunate…”

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Wynn: “So, this is our bathroom! I know how much you love bathrooms!”

Headmaster Robertson: “Eh, I’ve seen better. Ten points.”

Alright, let’s skip the overture. Max and Levi are now in private school. La-di-da, Nina’s growing up.

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And of course, we know that the daughter of the Unsavory Charlatan isn’t going to corrupt the game when she grows

up, right? Right. Of course.

I’m not scared. Or even worried. At all.

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See, what’d I tell you? Everything’s fine.

Wynn: “Except her hair.”

Except her hair. Let’s get that fixed.

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Considering her name, it’s kind of tempting to go with something like this…

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But I won’t. That would be tacky. Right? Right.

Nina: “Goo?”

See? She agrees with me. Tacky, tacky, tacky.

*still tempted*

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Wynn: “Come on, Nina, stay on your feet. You can walk, I know you can! You just have to stay standing up!”

Nina: “Wan’ fwy…”

Wynn: “Author?”

No. I’m not doing it. No wings.

Wynn: “Sorry, Nina.”

Nina: “Wan’ FWY!!”

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Wynn: “Max? Where’d your homework go?”

Max: “Um… the dog ate it?”

Wynn: “That’s unfortunate. You’ll just have to do Levi’s, then.”

Max: “No, wait! Actually, um…”

Wynn: “I’m listening.”

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Couldn’t come up with anymore brilliant excuses, huh?

Max: “No…”

I’ll give you a hint. Next time, say you forgot it at school. Far more convincing than making up a dog.

Max: “Oh. Okay. I’ll remember that.”

Wynn: “I will, too. Author, really.”

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Levi: “That hobby master guy has really cool hair.”

Say no more. We’ll get you one on your birthday.

Levi: “Cooool.”

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Speaking of which…

Nina: “I command AWW youw attenshon!!”

Levi: “Nina, it is my birthday. You just go off in a corner somewhere and be a toddler. I’m about to be a teenager, you


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Levi: “Alright, so I’m Pleasure, I need a new outfit, and I have that nose you were so excited about. Where’s that faux


Right this way, your lordship.

Ivan: “My fondest dreams are about to be realized. I will be an adult, and I will leave this house in which I have

suffered such a difficult childhood. I will be FREE, in a house of my own! What is this feeling? I believe it is… joy!”

Ignore him.

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Ivan: “I am… ignored. Self esteem… dropping. Faith in existence… dwindling.”

Careful, Wynn. Your daughter’s escaping.

Wynn: *toot?*

By the way, watch your back. Levi’s not terribly pleased.

Jace: “Why not?”

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Levi: “I can’t believe the faux hawk isn’t enabled for teenagers! This is tyranny! TYRANNY!!”

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Ivan: “I do get a new outfit now that I’m an adult… right?”

But you match the kitchen so well!

Ivan: “…there is no point in living…”

Oh, don’t be dramatic. Yes, you and Levi can make a trip down to the store together. Sheesh.

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Ivan: “Levi doesn’t like my sweater!!”

Levi: “Hehehe…”

Alright Ivan. Get out of here while you still can. I’ll cover your back while you go buy a house.

Ivan: “A house? You mean it?”

Really. You’re loved, you fool. Both by me and our lovely readers. Go find yourself a lot.

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Well, there goes Ivan Kinsey, son of Thai the Simself. Which means…

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Cereal time? Cereal time.

Landon: “So… does this mean I get to be a daddy again?”

Wynn: “I’d say yes.”

Landon: “Hooray!”

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Wynn: “Ooh, I hate this part…”

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Alright. When did you pick up the slap dance?

Kale: “Um… from Mom?”

So I surmised. But when?

Kale: “When she… was… dancing it?”

…fair enough.

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Suh-WEET! This means we won’t have any babies or toddlers in the house until Wynn has Baby O!

Oh, wait. That’s bad. We’re not making any progress on the challenge until Wynn has Baby O.

Oh, whatever. Happy birthday, Nina!

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Nina. I really wish you would stop turning to look at me like that.

Nina: “Are you going to stop pointing cameras at me?”


Nina: “Then I’m not going to stop looking at you.”

Sims with inherent psychic powers, and therefore know where I am at all times… they’re creepy.

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In other news, how’s it going, Landon? Find any of those aliens that must be up there somewhere?

Landon: “Ooh, pretty stars!”

Well, keep trying. I’m sure that not bringing you in until Baby M in no way impaired your chances of being abducted.

Landon: “Hey, hey!! I think I see the Big Dipper!! I FOUND IT!!”

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Wynn: “Look, ugly bathroom stall! I’m pregnant!”

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Max: “Wow, Nina! You grew up! Now you’re a kid, like me!! We’re gonna have so much fun together, since we’re the

only two kids in the house and all! Wait till you hear me and Levi’s plan to take over the neighborhood!! It came out of


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Nina: *unimpressed*

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Wynn: “Oof! One day closer!”

Nina: “Books are super overrated, don’t you think, Mom? Movies tell stories a whole lot better than stupid long books,

know what I mean?”

I’m sure your teachers love that attitude, Nina.

Nina: “Thanks for your opinion, Author, but I was talking to Mom.”

La di da.

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…er, sorry. I just love those ears.

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Wynn: “You should be proud, Nina. I think this might be the first time I’ve taught someone to study using their own

homework. At least since Abby was in the house.”

Nina: “Actually, you know, this isn’t so bad. I don’t know what my wuss brothers are complaining about.”

Wynn: “That’s what I like to hear, Nina. School’s important, you know. Even for mega-rich legacy heirs.”

Nina: “Am I a mega-rich legacy heir?”

Wynn: “Nope. Sorry.”

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Guess who’s maxed his interest in science now?

Landon: “Ooh, ooh, let me guess. Um… is it… Kale?”

This guy.

Landon: “There’s a guy here? Where!?”

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Wynn: *having baby in the yellow room*

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Jace: *panicking in the hall*

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Levi, Max: *panicking in the green room*

Kale: *hungry*

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Looks like another baby boy for the Kinsey family! This one has been dubbed Owen, in the hopes that one day one of

his siblings will have kids. At which point in time, I will be able to call him Uncle Owen. Ahaha. I should have him

marry a woman named Beru. Ehehehe… I amuse myself.

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Levi: “AUTHOR!! Feed me!”

Congratulations, Levi! You have been selected to be the first Kinsey teenager to take part on a new training program!

Now that we have two responsible adults in the house, we can spare our teenagers to start working on accruing gold

badges! Because POINTS!

Levi: “FEED ME!!”

Jace: “Ahaha, sucker.”

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…I probably should’ve factored in the gold badge points when I was designing the house… meh, I’ll come up with a

solution for this later. The hobby benches won’t always hang out on the balcony. Promise.

Jace is a little old to be able to earn a gold badge before he’s an adult. Kale’s pushing it, but we might be able to get him

in. Levi? Definitely. This would be easier if I could use snapdragons without losing a point bonus, too, but oh well.

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Landon: “How are you this morning, buddy? Comfy? Cozy? Not sunburned?”

Owen: *hiccup*

Landon: “Because Daddy got a really bad sunburn. Let me tell you, always wear sunscreen when you stargaze all night

in the summer. It gets really, really hot sometimes.”

Owen: *burp*

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Levi: “Kale gets to make toy robots while I have to make daisies?”

Don’t complain.

Kale: “Aw, this is easy. Just some actuators and a processor hooked up to a battery pack. I could make this in my


Levi: “Would that actually work, or did he just go and look up random robot words online?”

Kale: “What if I added some basic AI? A toy robot that learns? Cool!”

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Kale: “Hello there, my little prototype. How’re you feeling? Good?”

Prototype: *bzzt*

Kale: “Alright, so you could use some fine-tuning. Don’t worry, we’ll get that spark fixed up in no time.”

Prototype: *fizzle*

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Have I mentioned that the Kinseys have decorated for Christmas?

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Wynn: “Hi there, reindeer buddy! My name is Wynter! My last name used to be White! I LOVE Christmas! It’s

practically in my name! How ‘bout you!?”

Plus, Christmas is my favorite time of the year, so of COURSE Wynn is going to love Christmas! It’s CHRISTMAS!!

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Ah. Petting the reindeer? Maybe not such a good idea…

…uh… oh look, a distraction!!

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There, you see? You’re just fine. And nobody saw that, because they were listening to my rendition of “Jingle Bells.”


Wynn: “Ow…”

Or, at least your necklace is fine. How is it your clothes fried right off, but your necklace is still bright and shiny new?

Wynn: “I need a doctor…”

Don’t be dramatic. A shower will sort you right out.

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Max: “Christmas?”

You’re one slide too late, Max. Just blow out the candles, okay?

Max: “Hey, cool! I get candles! Look at them, they’re so pretty!!”

You have the only birthday today. Lucky duck.

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The sweater I like. The shorts? Not so much. Clothing store, Max.

Max: “I want a big family, okay? Lots of kids! Like Mom!”

Fine, fine. Clothing store. Now.

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Uh… what?

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When… wha… how!? He DIED!? The Grim Reaper was here, and I MISSED HIM!? GAH!! Grimmy is on my

scavenger list, and I MISSED HIM!?

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Sorry, Jace. You’re gonna have to die now.

Jace: “Uh… what?”

I missed Grimmy. I need him back. You need to die.

Jace: “What about Kale? Aren’t we going to grieve him?”


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I have a pretty good idea of how Kale died, by the way. He’d been working on the robot station… I kind of forgot about

him up there. It was also a hot summer, and judging by the sunburn on his picture, I’d say he was already near

starvation, got heat stroke, and the sudden needs plummet killed him. It’s really a shame… he was such a handsome kid.

Sorry, Jessie. I know he was the son of your sim, Bruges. It wasn’t on purpose. I would totally bring him back if I had a

bone phone. Or a genie. But I don’t. Sorry.

Also, I double-checked the rules. It’s only a point deduction if a child or younger dies. Teens and up are supposed to be

able to take care of themselves. So, I don’t lose points over this one. Phew.

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Okay, the game is just teasing me now. If you haven’t read my legacy, that’s Seraphine there. Daughter of the Grim

Reaper. *sigh*

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Max has new clothes.

I would ask his opinion, but… I’m kind of depressed now, actually. I think I’ll just… stay behind my camera for now.

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Well, if we can’t have Kale… we can have Baby P, right? Right.

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Well, I was hoping to end this chapter on a highlight with Baby P being conceived, but Perseus here is being shy and not

accepting a lot of Wynn’s advances. So, I guess we’ll end it here for now.

Wow… I can’t believe I lost Kale. And missed the Grim Reaper, dagnabbit.

Perseus Reed, by the way, is on loan from Ani-Mei’s completed legacy, “The Quest for Peace”.

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New Fathers:

14: Unsavory Charlatan (logged as, well, Unsavory Charlatan)

15: Landon Deiryme Kinsey (logged as Founder’s Husband)

P.S. According to my math, I officially reached the halfway point of the challenge when

Max became a teenager. Yay!

New Points

Each child with a different father +2

NPCs used as fathers +2

Children in private school +2

Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a



Total Points: 105.5