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    The Science of Mudras

    22 Aug 2013 22 Comments




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    Sadhguru looks at the science of

    mudras and the capability of human

    hands to function as a control panel to


    Sadhguru: The word mudra literally means a seal.

    It is a certain position of the hand. Mudras are a subtle

    science of arranging your body in a certain way. The

    way your systems functions can be altered just by

    changing the positions of your palm. This is a whole

    science by itself which essentially involves the

    geometry and circuitry of the body. By holding a

    certain mudra, the energies tend to move in a

    particular way. In yoga, there are systems where you

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    In Indianculture, foreverything

    theyidentified aparticular



    can regulate your breath in a certain way, with certain

    counts and proportions. By doing this, you can

    pinpoint your energy to any cell in the body if you


    Mudras: Opening up thecosmosHands are capable of

    many things apart from

    eating and doing

    physical work. You can

    make these hands in

    such a way that if you

    move it here, you can

    make something

    happen somewhere else

    and pinpoint it

    wherever you want it,

    because these hands are

    the instrument to

    everything. This is like

    the control panel to


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    Either you can keep this human system as a small

    little human being or you can enlarge this into a

    tremendous possibility. Whichever way it is, the

    control panel is still here. If you do the right things

    with this system, you can do miraculous things with

    life. That will take a lot of exploration, and a lot of

    sadhana is involved.

    The many kinds of mudrasThere are hundreds of mudras, some for health, some

    for wellbeing, some for creating certain other kinds of

    processes. For different aspects of life there are

    different mudras. In Indian culture, for everything

    they identified a particular asana, a mudra, and a

    particular kind of breathing, so that a human being

    brings out the best within himself. This still lives

    everywhere across the culture, but it is being practiced

    without the necessary understanding and awareness.

    Editors Note: Mystics Musings includes more of

    Sadhgurus insights on the human energy system.

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    Image courtesy: Hand by GLady

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    TAGS: Culture, Energy

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    subhash 2 years ago

    Sorry, if you get stuck in practicing mudras, asanas and pranayam techniques, you won't reach anywhere, achieveanything even if you practice it a lifetime. The real purpose behind these is to invoke your consciousness. Therefore it

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    is not this or that mudra which is important but it is the inner awareness which you reach through it. Once you settlein your consciousness, deeply, the external body postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and mudra (bending andor touching of fingers or finger tips) become insignificant.



    Gokul 2 years ago> subhashAs sadhguru has told many times, you are talking about some ''consciousness'' which is not in yourexperience yet. There will be scope for assumptions and beliefs only. Let us start to move from what is in ourexperience- body, mind, emotions. Certain mudras with certain breathing pattern will make you feel theenergy flow in a certain way. Start from that, no point in dreaming about something which you hav not yetexperienced.



    Ramji 2 years ago> subhashSubharsh sir, I understand that you are Gauthama of 21st century, we all totally agree, okay.I have found yourcomments in many Sadhguru blogs, why are you reading such blogs and just with a prejudice mentalitycomment in vain..either you are not fully conceiving the context or just commenting on the outer layer.



    veeranagouda yaligar 2 years ago> subhashenlightened beings like you should not wast time in reading and commenting these blogs.


    Makesh 2 years ago> subhashPlease click Mr subash name and see his comments on Sadhguru's previous articles before replying to it. Heis just responding to blogs post with some agenda. He reads the article then try to find out how to criticize andleaves his comments. He is delbratly misunderstanding things to mislead people. So best way is just ignorehim. Its not worth responding to him. Good luck Mr Subhash and keep fooling yourself





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    Reply 7


    Michael Gazonda a year ago> subhashSure, just like learning to walk has no practical purpose...



    shasi 2 years ago> subhashi think your comment is insignificant for people to read.



    Ghajabiram 2 years ago> subhashDear Subhash - In Guru stotram there is a line "Guruve sarva lokanam" - whatever you look (lokam - worldthat which we perceive) or experience is your Guru. Grab any experience and practise which shall take you toa better state than what we were the previous moment. We don't know when a tool will be helpful. "Mrigi"mudra - not to be done more than 5 minutes shall ignite your Agna Chakra and if you perform dhyanaintensely you become what you have been performing dhyana on. At least without intensity this mudraincreases your focus/attention. Learn few mudras to speed up the inner awareness



    renith 2 years ago> subhashWould not even blogs/comments like these bcm insignificant..............??

    Ghajabiram 2 years ago

    I'm fortunate to know and practise a few (4-5) mudras. Everything works. My Guru taught me these Mudras. But onlywhen I was hearing Sadhguru Jaggi say this body has the possibility to correct itself just by watching itself, I startedusing these Mudras in combination with dhyana for cleansing the body and healing I started to reap the benefits from






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    them. It is too great. To sit and watch is an achievement by reducing your mental activity even for a few minutes inthis age. I try to teach 1 or 2 simple mudras to my friends whenever I hear there health problems.



    alex 2 years ago

    Subhash; This is a gift for you! ( eat less, Sleep less, talk less! and practice meditation more and more) bless yourlife Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti!



    mudraranga rangaraj 2 years ago

    I being a sadhaka and an author of a book THE SCIENCE OF YOGA MUDRAS";this article is very informative.K R. Iyengar.



    Gayathri Kumar 2 years ago

    Mudras and asanas, what a straightforward and safe way of bringing out the best in human beings.Wow!!. Imshocked when I think of when and how exactly we lost knowledge of these powerful yet subtle techniques. I mean,they have been there right? so at what point did we just loose the awareness? (im beginning to think what I don'tknow is practically everything!!!)


    Sullivan 2 years ago> Gayathri KumarI hope you must have heard about the Yugas. All these knowledge were at the peak during the Satya yuga.But as we approached the Kali yuga people could not understand the intricacies lost their power to understand it. People started involving themselves more on to bakthi and the blind ritualsrather than the scientific aspect of it. Slowly we lost all the knowledge. According to Sadhguru in thisascending Dwapara and Tretayuga we again started reviving this science. Hopefully we will keep it alive for





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    the future.



    gururaja 2 years ago

    Pranams. I am grateful for the clarity on Mudras. The reading of this article will redouble my conviction to dopractices with more commitment. Pranams Sadhguru



    Jaya an hour ago



    kalpana kabra a year ago

    where can i learn mudras


    enlightable 2 years ago

    I'm here to find the real science of Mudra (if any to realise) but in comment section there is war going on between thecommenters. Everybody has rights to think differently. If somebody finds that it has nothing to do with it then its ok...let it go. Let it go whatever people says about you or your followers. It does not changes your belief until youexperience it. Blind faith never makes us liberated because we are already chained with it.

    Chary 10 months ago> enlightablePranamams to all.There is no way you can comment on anyone. Everybody trying to explore in their own way when you at notclear on what sadguru said. If you have conflict of understanding what he said , that shows you are not clearon what sadguru said. You need to do proper Sadhana. Guru is like ocean of knowledge. Don't try to get






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    siddhi on 'easy button'. It doesn't work that way. Understanding bits and pieces Will get you nowhere. want to know proper sadhana follow procedures not easy-to-use button.



    Yathindradas 10 months ago> enlightableIf one understands the intention of someone like Subash, which is not real comment( from his knowledge andexperience) don't we have to comment? don't we have to stop him, probably little politely; not like ,how hestarted with 'sorry'. If I am wrong please correct me.


    Harikumar Moorthattil 10 months ago

    Yes subhash you are right

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