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WW111 Clock Started Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock!

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Friday, 14 June 2013

From the Desk

Lloyd T Vance

Susan Bell

News Today 4 U

Darwin NT


Greeting Fellow Australians

And to our American friends

and friends all about the World who are part of the

human race.

WW111 Clock has started well and truly, I say bring it on

US President Barrack Obama and made man Israeli

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Here is a few stories which I hope you all may like and

help you to make sense and get to the truth of why the

whole World is looking down a barrel of a Nuclear WarWorld 111 breaking out.

Bibi’s Crazy UN Speech

Israeli threat to attack Iran over ALLEGED

nuclear weapons 

Israel’s secret “Doomsday” Nuke base

revealed by US

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“Wiping Countries Off the Map” - Who’sFailing the “Failed States”

The Reason for War with Iran Follow the

Funny Money

Israeli threat to attack Iran over 

ALLEGED nuclear weapons 

Israel "will attack" Iran if it continues to develop nuclear

power, one of prime minister Ehud Olmert's deputieswarned yesterday.

Shaul Mofaz, a former defence minister and a contenderto replace the scandal-battered Olmert, said militaryaction would be "unavoidable" if Tehran proved able to

acquire the technology to manufacture nuclear power.

This is NOT about nuclear weapons. -Israel wantsHEGEMONY & OIL.

Israeli threat to attack Iran over 

nuclear weapons

Israel "will attack" Iran if it continues to develop nuclear

weapons, one of prime minister Ehud Olmert's deputies

warned yesterday.

Shaul Mofaz, a former defence minister and a contenderto replace the scandal-battered Olmert, said militaryaction would be "unavoidable" if Tehran proved able to

acquire the technology to manufacture atomic bombs.

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Mofaz is Israel's transport minister, but he is also a

former chief of staff, privy to secret defence planning asa member of the security cabinet, and leads regularstrategic talks with the US.

He implied that any attack on Iran would be coordinated

with Washington.

"If Iran continues with its programme for developing

nuclear weapons, we will attack it," he told the Hebrewdaily Yediot Aharonot.

"The UN sanctions are ineffective."

Mofaz was born in Iran, giving his remarks extra edge

after repeated threats against Israel from PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has also denied the NaziHolocaust.

Ahmadinejad "would disappear before Israel does", Mofazsaid.

Mofaz's remarks came at the end of a week of intenseUS-Israeli talks on Iran.

They were also the most explicit threat yet against the

Islamic Republic from a member of the Israeligovernment, which, like the Bush administration, has

preferred to hint at force as a last resort should UNsanctions be deemed to have failed.

Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate,told pro-Israeli lobbyists this week that the military

option against Iran remained on the table, though he alsooffered "meaningful concessions" if it bowed tointernational demands.

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Ehud Barak, the defence minister and Labour party

leader, said Israel needed to do everything possible toensure that the Iranians did not obtain nuclear power.

Javier Solana, the EU foreign policy chief, is shortly tolead a team of high-ranking diplomats from Britain,

France, Russia, China and Germany, who will present apackage of incentives to persuade Tehran to suspenduranium enrichment.

Iran has rejected it in advance.

Experts doubt whether Israel could destroy Iran'sextensive and heavily defended nuclear facilities withoutAmerican help.

In 1981 Israel bombed and destroyed Iraq's nuclearreactor.

Last September its planes bombed a site in Syria that the

US said was a nuclear reactor built with North Koreanhelp.

Syria denied having any such facility.

Israel is believed to have an arsenal of 150-400 nuclear warheads.

Unlike Iran, it has never signed thenuclear non-proliferation treaty.

Iran denied seeking to develop nuclear weapons and

insisted it would not abandon enrichment.

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But the International Atomic EnergyAgency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, hasdemanded "full disclosure" from Tehranover allegations that it covertly studied

how to design a nuclear weapon.

Iran has dismissed intelligence on this asbaseless, forged or irrelevant.

Bibi’s Crazy UN Speech

It’s no wonder the Israeli Foreign Ministry initially held back fromreleasing a transcript of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’sspeech to the UN General Assembly Bibi’s wackiness doesn’t bearclose scrutiny.

Perhaps “wacky” isn’t quite the right word for his 40-minuteperoration, during which he pulled out a bomb “diagram” anda red marker to illustrate where he would draw a “red line” defining the outer limits of Iran’s nuclear program.

Cartoonish is more like it.

 The cartoonish quality of the bomb drawing underscored thecontent and tone of the speech, which was the jeremiad of aradical ideologue rather than anything one would expect from astatesman “Today a great battle is being waged between themodern and the medieval.

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Israel stands proudly with the forces of modernity.

We protect the right of all our citizens, men and women, Jewsand Arabs, Muslims and Christians, all are equal before the law.” 

Israel, which privileges its priestly caste, has a state religion,

and bases its national mythology on a “promise” from G-d, is asmedieval as any of its neighbors.

 Aside from being a lie, however, this statement is interestingbecause it evokes the very same supremacist spirit that animatesthe controversial pro-Israel public relations campaign launched by

the Jewish state’s extremist American supporters. Posters in thepublic transport system, from New York to San Francisco,proclaim 

 “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, supportthe civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad.”  No wonder the Israeli consulates in New York and San Francisco

won’t disavow those vile subway posters.

Pamela Geller is the new public face of Israel.

 Yes, Israel protects the rights of all citizens – unless they’rePalestinians who happen to own property coveted by the “settlers,” in which case it doesn’t. 

 And the key word here is citizens of course, the Palestinians inthe occupied territories are not citizens, but helots, with norights, and no protection from fanatical Jewish fundamentalistswho have launched hundreds of attacks on their homes, andsought to displace them at every opportunity, with the active

complicity of the Israeli government.

 This idea that Israel represents “modernity” is rich, consideringthat every day Israeli society is sinking lower into the morass of religious and cultural fundamentalism, a regression that has not

gone unnoticed in the West.

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Bibi opened his speech with biblical references, describingJersusalem as the “eternal capital” of Israel and declaring that “the Jewish state will live forever.” 

 Yet as we secularists know, nothing lives “forever,” and the ideaof a city being the “eternal” capital of anything is a metaphor, at

best, at worst a dangerous delusion. If this is the “modern” thenone wonders how much it differs from the “medieval.” 

But let’s not linger too long over the obvious.

Bibi rants on

Militant Islam has many branches, from the rulers of Iran withtheir revolutionary guards to al-Qaeda… but they’re all rooted in

the same soil.

It’s not whether this fanaticism will be defeated, but how manylives will be lost before it’s defeated. Nothing could emperil mycountry more than arming Iran with nuclear weapons.

 To imagine what the world would be like with a nuclear Iran,imagine what the world would be like with a nuclear al-Qaeda.

 There’s no difference. 

 The Israeli Prime Minister may have been addressing the UNGeneral Assembly, but he was really talking to the Americans,whose fear and loathing of the perpetrators of the 9/11 attackscan always be counted on to raise them to new levels of hysteria.

Outside that context, however, equating the Iranians with Al

Qaeda makes about as much sense as likening the lateunlamented Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden – and, heywait, didn’t we hear that equation made endlessly in the run-upto the invasion of Iraq?

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 Yet this was not a time for subtlety from the Israeli Prime Minister– the cartoon “bomb” ended all hope of that – but for the crudestsort of propaganda, which is, of course, war propaganda.

Imagine if Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who addressed the UN that day minutes before Netanyahu took the stage, had

said “Militant Judaism has many branches, from the Washingtonoffices of AIPAC to the center of Jewish power in Tel Aviv – butthey’re all rooted in the same soil” of intolerance?

Picture him conjuring images of violent Jewish “fanaticism” – not

a hard task, given what is happening in Israel today.

If he had done so, Abbas would have been denounced in everyWestern capital as the 21st century incarnation of Hitler.

Netanyahu went on to cite the nonexistent “record of Iranianaggression without nuclear weapons” – an odd claim, since Iranhasn’t attacked a single one of its neighbors since the Battle of Thermopylae.

 The country did fight one war in modern times, when it wasattacked by Iraq, which was being backed by the UnitedStates.

However, it’s necessary to remember that war propaganda has noneed of facts only emotionally-charged evocations of rage – andfear

Given this record of Iranian aggression without nuclear weapons, just imagine an Iran with nuclear weapons.

Who among you would feel safe in the Middle East?

Who’d be safe in Europe?

Who’d be safe in America?

Who’d be safe anywhere?

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 That this alleged champion of “modernity” should base his caseon fearmongering should come as no surprise hasn’t fear beenthe leitmotif of all the “modern” ideologies of aggressivenationalism?

Fear of the Other, of the barbarian at the gates – the “savage” 

who, at the first opportunity, will tear your throat out with hisbare teeth – is what keeps ideologues like Netanyahu and his American co-thinkers in business.

 Those Eye-ranians, says Bibi, aren’t like the rest of us, which is

why deterrence won’t work. “Iran’s apocalyptic leaders” areawaiting the return of the Mahdi, a holy man, whosereappearance is supposed to occur after a devastating war:

Militant jihadists are not secular Marxists. Militant jihadists behavevery differently.

 There were no Soviet suicide bombers.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the Israelis also awaiting thereturn of Someone Special, a Messiah who will lead them out of the wilderness and establish the Kingdom of Jerusalem as Hisearthly domain?

Militant jihadists may not be secular Marxists – but then again,militant Zionists aren’t, either.

I would no more trust nuclear bombs in Bibi’s hands than I wouldin Ahmahdinejad’s – the difference being that the former isactually in possession of such weapons.

Which brings us to the absurdity of this lecture by the leader of 

the only nuclear-armed country in the region here is a nationwhich refuses to even admit it acquired nukes long ago, andwhich disdains the Non proliferation Treaty, making the case forwar against a neighbor that has indeed signed the NPT and isabiding by its requirements.

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 That treaty gives Tehran the right to develop nuclear power.

Furthermore, there is zero evidence Iran is embarked on anuclear weapons program our own intelligence community tellsus they gave that up in 2003 and show no signs of resuming it.

 Their own religious and political leaders have denounced thepossession of nuclear weapons as sinful the Israelis, on the otherhand, haven’t bothered reassuring us they would never use thenuke they won’t admit they have.

In a rational world, Israel would be in the dock, answering for its

unwillingness to come out of the nuclear closet and admit whatthe whole world knows by now.

Indeed, Bibi could give us some insight into exactly how Israelacquired the materials to build its formidable nuclear arsenal –since, according to recently declassified documents, he wasdirectly involved.

In the world in which we are living, however, in which theinnocent are put on trial and the guilty sit in judgement, thesituation is quite different.

In that world, the leader of a tiny nation entirely dependent onUS largesse takes to the UN podium to issue his marching ordersto Washington.

Here is my “red line,” says Bibi – daring not only the Iraniansbut also the Americans to cross it.

 Think of Netanyahu’s UN oration as just another Romneycampaign speech, in which the GOP presidential candidate says

 Tehran must not be allowed to get “one turn of thescrewdriver away” from joining the nuclear club.

 According to Netanyahu, Iran is nearly at that point today, andwill have a nuclear weapon in less than a year if the US fails to


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 This is technical nonsense, but then again the truth hasnothing to do with war propaganda to the average American, themere possession of weapons-grade uranium means all theIranians have to do is plug it in and hurl it, slingshot style, in thegeneral direction of Israel.

 This is an impression Israeli propagandists would dearly love toinculcate in the American public, and they have the greatadvantage of relying on general ignorance of the technical details.

Good luck explaining to Mr. Average American why it would take

a good four years after they’ve weaponized their nuclearmaterial for the Iranians to create a useable nuke.

 The ticking-bomb theme, which has been used to justify

everything from torture to the invasion of Iraq, permeates Israelipropaganda in the US and was a cental theme of Bibi’s speech.

His message was clear “the hour is getting late.” 

We must act without giving too much thought to the possibleconsequences.

Don’t delay, don’t think, act now – before the fraud is exposed,

and we discover that – as in the case of the Iraqis – those “weapons of mass destruction” were just a figment of our easilymanipulated collective imagination.

Israel’s secret “Doomsday” Nuke

base revealed by US

A location and details of a top secret Israeli base which

could be used to launch nuclear attacks on China or

North America was published last week.

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Immediate moves were made to “spin” the story away.

The base, intended to house Intercontinental ballistic

missiles (ICBMs) built in cooperation with India is also to

include, not just a doomsday “Fuhrer-bunker” for

Netanyahu and the Zionist elites but storage fornuclear, biological and chemical warheads as well.

According to intelligence sources in Pakistan, India is

supplying Israel with missiles capable of carrying 10

MIRV (Multiple Independent-targetable Re-entry Vehicle)

warheads each with a range of up to 11,000 miles.

A single missile from this US financed complex couldknock out all major population centers on America’s

eastern seaboard.

The thermonuclear warheads and guidance systems for

these advanced weapons were made possible through

espionage activities tied to AIPAC, the American Israeli

Public Affairs Committee.

Newspapers claim the underground base, one of a

series being built across Israel, is part of an air defense

system. This is, of course, utterly absurd.

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Air defense systems are designed for stealth and

mobility and never require huge underground facilities.

Air defenses are meant to protect, not to “be” the

primary target.

Scamming America to death

An Israeli program to use American funds earmarked

for missiles defense on a nuclear command bunker and

ICBM silos was “accidentally” exposed by the

Department of Defense last week.

America needs more “accidents” of this kind.

Detailed plans on the massive underground facility atTel Shahar, intended to be Israel’s answer to NORAD’s

Cheyenne Mountain fortress in Colorado, were made

public when the US published over 1000 pages of

documents, including key information on location,

design and vulnerabilities to attack.

In an attempt to “put the genie back in the bottle,”

Israel and key media assets in the west published

deceptive and inaccurate accounts.

From SheeraFrenkel at McClatchy News, “The Obama

administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-

the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense

system, the Arrow 3.

As with all Defense Department projects, detailed

specifications were made public so that contractorscould bid on the $25 million project.

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The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of

details on the facility, ranging from the heating and

cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.”

Why Israel has gone “M.A.D.” (Mutually Assured


Until a week ago, Israel, in combination with Turkey and

Arab “friends” was unassailable in the region due to its

American equipped air force.

Russian President Vladimir Putin changed all that when

Syria’s own S 300 air defense system came on line.

Israel’s air forces are now useless against Syria, a nation

scheduled to be “erased from the sands of time” byIsrael, part of a multi-stage global strategy against Iran,

a strategy to be coordinated with India against all of

South Asia and the Caspian Basin.

Putin’s “red line” left Israel only one card to play, a

“nuclear wild card” devoid of credibility without

deliverable long range nukes stored in hardened silos

with command and control deep underground.

America, either duped or fully complicit, has given

Israel that capability, a “Samson option” first strike

against any nation, even America.

One might want to ask why nuclear bunker facilities for

up to 80,000 elites from among the “chosen people”are

being financed by the United States, a project

reminiscent of Dr. Strangelove.

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The “Arrow 3” fraud

The Arrow 3 missile system, designed to be a mobile

launched high altitude missile interception much like

the Russian designed S 300 system now active over

Syria, was funded based on the unsubstantiated

hypothesis that Iran’s nuclear program was, not only

advanced, but that Iran would have small “missile

deliverable” warheads soon.

Israel demanded the system as protection from Iranian

nuclear missiles, which, according to a new IAEA report,

may well never exist.

However, advance copies of the IAEA report due to bereleased on Monday, June 10, 2013, show that America’s

intelligence assessments indicating Iran has no military

nuclear program have been right all along.

The report cites that every “gram” of nuclear material

has been accounted for and none has been transferred

to weapons related programs.

“Nuke pundit,” David Albright is typically the source for

all information used to substantiate claims of nuclear

weapon development by Iran.

To check on Albright’s credentials, we went to Clinton

Bastin, an editor at Veterans Today and former chief

nuclear weapons designer for the US Department of


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In a 2011 interview with Jim W. Dean, Bastin said the

following about his friend and longtime associate,

David Albright, “David Albright, a physicist, former

colleague, president of the non-government Institute

for Science and International Security in Washington

and a former consultant for IAEA inspectors, isrecognized by the US news media as an expert on

nuclear weapons but is not.

I called David several months ago to correct inaccurate

information attributed to him by New York Times

reporter William J. Broad.

I also mentioned that Pakistan probably did not havemany nuclear weapons because gun-type weapons

require about 100 pounds of highly enriched uranium.

David said that he had seen drawings of Pakistan’s

weapons and they had solid cores but were implosion,

not gun-type.

With that statement, I realized that David did notunderstand basic concepts of nuclear weapons.”

Bastin went on further and pointed out that controls

long in place in Iran made it impossible for any nuclear

material to have been “redirected” and that Iran’s

program to enrich uranium gas to 20% could never

realistically result in weapons grade material.

Both the US and Israel have known all of this all along,

know this and have lied about it.

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Press complicity

The Arrow III missile system was debuted on February

13, 2013 on the front page of the Jerusalem Post.

This system, designed, at least as the American people

are told, is depicted in a full color graphic showing the

following components:

- “The Elta Electronic Industries subsidiary of IAI

Electronic Group developed the Green Pine early

warning and fire control radar for the Arrow 2

system. The radar carries the designation EL/M-2090

and includes the trailer mounted radar and

antenna array.”

- Two other vehicles provide generator power and

targeting control.

- The third vehicle tows the launching system.

Note that every component includes a “vehicle.” What,

exactly, goes into the “Fuhrer-bunker” that we are told

houses the Arrow III system?

When the press films or photographs a launch of an

“Arrow” missile, they carefully include only the top

portion of the mobile launching tube.

Do they wish us to believe that, somehow, these tubes

are hundreds of feet below the earth?

Can they keep “cropping” photos forever?

Thus far, the controlled press seems to miss story after


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Recently, the same press when photographing Senator

John McCain on his secret trip into Syria forgot to “crop

out” the Al Qaeda commanders McCain met with.

The underground “Temple of Doom”

Back in 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeldappeared on television with media pundit Tim Russert.

Rumsfeld told a worldwide audience of the secret

bunker complexes that spread across Afghanistan, able

to house thousands, interconnected with secret

monorails, undetectable by air.

Thirteen years later, the US forces have yet to find oneof these bunkers.

They never existed.

The ones in Israel, however, do exist.

Anyone capable of downloading an “online” bid

specification can see the scope of these massiveprojects, conclusive proof that preparations for

“doomsday” are underway in Israel.

A careful read of the “material handing” specifications is

rather curious. Israel denies having nuclear weapons.

No American president has ever admitted knowing of

such things, a question former White Housecorrespondent Helen Thomas has asked of every

American president prior to the untimely end of her

outstanding career.

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Now even school children with their iPhones can read

about Israel’s underground nuclear weapons storage,

about equipment for storing, protecting and deploying

nuclear weapons.

What they may not know is that the money that mighthave helped finance their college education paid for

this highly secret and equally highly illegal equipment.

“Wiping Countries Off the Map” - Who’sFailing the “Failed States”

“Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that

could have catastrophic implications. According to legend,Iran’s President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, toquote the misquote, “Israel must be wiped off the map”.

Contrary to popular belief, this statement was nevermade, …” 

(Arash Norouzi, Wiped off The Map: The Rumor of theCentury January 2007)

“ The United States has attacked, directly or indirectly,some 44 countries throughout the world since August1945, a number of them many times.

 The avowed objective of these military interventions hasbeen to effect “regime change”.

 The cloaks of “human rights” and of “democracy” were

invariably evoked to justify what were unilateral and illegalacts.

(Professor Eric Waddell, The United States’ Global MilitaryCrusade (1945- ), Global Research, February 2007

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“This is a [Pentagon] memo that describes how we’regoing to take out seven countries in five years, startingwith Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” 

I said, “Is it classified?”

He said, “Yes, sir.”

I said, “Well, don’t show it to me.”

(General Wesley Clark, Democracy Now, March 2, 2007)

Washington is in the “business of destroying” a very long

list of countries.

Who is “Wiping Countries off the Map”?

Iran or the United States?

During a period which is euphemistically called the “post-war era” –extending from 1945 to the present–, the US hasdirectly or indirectly attacked more than 40 countries.

While the tenets of US foreign policy are predicated on the“spread of democracy”, US interventionism –throughmilitary means and covert operations– has resulted in theoutright destabilization and partition of sovereign nations.Destroying countries is part of a US Imperial project, aprocess of global domination.

Moreover, according to official sources, the US has a total

of 737 military bases in foreign countries. (2005 data)

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The Notion of “Failed States”

 The Washington based National Intelligence Council (NIC)in its Global Trends report (December 2012) “predicts” that15 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East willbecome “failed states” by 2030, due to their “potential forconflict and environmental ills”.

 The list of countries in the 2012 NIC report includes

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad, Niger, Nigeria,Mali, Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia, DRCongo, Malawi, Haiti, Yemen. (see p 39)

In its previous 2005 report, published at the outset of Bush’s second term, the National Intelligence Council hadpredicted that Pakistan would become a “failed’ state” by2015 “as it will be affected by civil war, complete

 Talibanisation and struggle for control of its nuclearweapons”.

Pakistan was compared to Yugoslavia which was carved upinto seven proxy states after a decade of US-NATOsponsored “civil wars”.

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 The NIC forecast for Pakistan was a “Yugoslav-like fate” ina “country riven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries” (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005).

While the failed states are said to “serve as safehavens forpolitical and religious extremists” (p. 143), the report does

not acknowledge the fact that the US and its allies have,since the 1970s, provided covert support to religiousextremist organizations as a means to destabilize sovereignsecular nation states.

Both Pakistan and Afghanistan were secular states in the1970s.

A Yugoslav or Somalia-style “failed state status” is not theresult of internal social divisions, it is a strategic objectiveimplemented through covert operations and military action.

 The Washington based Fund for Peace, whose mandate isto promote “sustainable security through research”,publishes (annually) a “Failed States Index” based on a riskassessment (see map below).

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 Thirty three countries (included in the Alert and Warmcategories) are identified as “failed states”.

According to the Fund for Peace, the “failed states” are also“targets for Al Qaeda linked terrorists”“The annual ranking of nations by the Fund for

Peace/Foreign Policy for failing/fragile-state trouble-signscomes as international alarm grows about al-Qaeda-linkedextremists setting up a state-based sanctuary in northernMali for jihadi expansion.”

Needless to say, the history of Al Qaeda as a US intelligenceasset, its role in creating factional divisions and instabilityin the Middle East, Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

are not mentioned.

 The activities of the jihadist Al Qaeda units in most of thesecountries are part of a diabolical covert intelligence agenda.

“Weaker” and “Failed States” A Threat to


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In a twist logic, “weaker failed states”, according to the USCongress, are said to constitute a threat to the security of the US.

 The latter includes “several threats emanating from statesthat are variously described as weak, fragile, vulnerable,

failing, precarious, failed, in crisis, or collapsed“. 

As the Cold War concluded in the early 1990s, analystsbecame aware of an emerging international securityenvironment, in which weak and failing states becamevehicles for transnational organized crime, nuclearproliferation pathways, and hot spots for civil conflictand humanitarian emergencies.

 The potential U.S. national security threats weak andfailing states pose became further apparent with Al Qaeda’sSeptember 11, 2001, attack on the United States, whichOsama bin Laden masterminded from the safe haventhat Afghanistan provided. 

 The events of 9/11 prompted President George W. Bush toclaim in the 2002 U.S. National Security Strategy that

“weak states, like Afghanistan, can pose as great a dangerto our national interests as strong states.”

(Weak and Failing States: Evolving Security, Threats andU.S. Policy, CRS Report for the US Congress, Washington,2008)

What is not mentioned in this Congressional CRS report isthat the “hot spots of organized crime and civilian conflict”

are the result of US covert intelligence operations.

Amply documented, the Afghan drug economy whichgenerates over 90 percent of the World’s supply of heroin istied into a multibillion dollar money laundering operationinvolving major financial institutions.

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 The drug trade out of Afghanistan is protected by the CIAand US-NATO occupation forces.

Syria: Categorized as a “Failed State”

 The atrocities committed against the Syrian population bythe US-NATO sponsored Free Syrian Army (FSA) createconditions which favor sectarian warfare.

Sectarian extremism favors the breakup of Syria as aNation State as well as the demise of the centralgovernment in Damascus.

Washington’s foreign policy objective is to transform Syriainto what the National Intelligence Council (NIC) calls a“failed state”.

Regime change implies maintaining a central government.As the Syrian crisis unfolds, the endgame is no longer“regime change” but the partition and destruction of Syriaas a Nation State.

 The US-NATO-Israel strategy is to divide the country upinto three weak states.

Recent media reports intimate that if Bashar Al Assad“refuses to step down”, “the alternative is a failed state likeSomalia.”

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One possible ”break-up scenario” reported by the Israelipress would be the formation of separate and

“independent” Sunni, Alawite-Shiite, Kurdish and Druzestates.

According to Major-General Yair Golan of Israel’s IDF “Syriais in civil war, which will lead to a failed state, andterrorism will blossom in it.”

 The Israel Defence Forces are currently analyzing “howSyria would break up”, according to Major General Golan

(Reuters, May31, 2012)

In November, United Nations peace envoy LakhdarIbrahimi intimated that Syria could become “A NewSomalia” ,… “warning of a scenario in which warlords andmilitia fill a void left by a collapsed state.” (Reuters,November 22, 2012)

”What I am afraid of is worse … the collapse of the stateand that Syria turns into a new Somalia.”

“I believe that if this issue is not dealt with correctly, thedanger is ‘Somalisation’ and not partition: the collapse of the state and the emergence of warlords, militias andfighting groups.” (Ibid)

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What the UN envoy failed to mention is that the breakup of Somalia, was deliberate. It was part of a covert US militaryand intelligence agenda, which is now being applied toseveral targeted countries in the Middle East, Africa andAsia, which are categorized as “failed states”.

 The central question is: who is failing the failed states?

Who is “Taking them Out”?

 The planned break-up of Syria as a sovereign state is partof an integrated regional military and intelligence agendawhich includes Lebanon, Iran and Pakistan.

According to the “predictions” of the National IntelligenceCouncil, the breakup of Pakistan is slated to occur in thecourse of the next three years.

“The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a longwar”, which threatens the future of humanity.

US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed asinstruments of peace.

Mini-nukes are said to be “harmless to the surroundingcivilian population”.

Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a “humanitarianundertaking”.

“While one can conceptualize the loss of life anddestruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq

and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend thedevastation which might result from a Third World War,using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until itoccurs and becomes a reality.

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 The international community has endorsed nuclear war inthe name of world peace.

“Making the world safer” is the justification for launching amilitary operation which could potentially result in anuclear holocaust.

Nuclear war has become a multibillion dollar undertaking,which fills the pockets of US defense contractors.

What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclearwar”.

 The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world


 The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring inseveral regions of the world simultaneously.

Central to an understanding of war, is the media campaignwhich grants it legitimacy in the eyes of public opinion.

A good versus evil dichotomy prevails.

 The perpetrators of war are presented as the victims.

Public opinion is misled.

Breaking the “big lie”, which upholds war as ahumanitarian undertaking, means breaking a criminalproject of global destruction, in which the quest for profit isthe overriding force.

 This profit-driven military agenda destroys human valuesand transforms people into unconscious zombies.

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 The object of this book is to forcefully reverse the tide of war, challenge the war criminals in high office and thepowerful corporate lobby groups which support them.”

The Reason for War with Iran Follow the

Funny MoneyThe reason why we have an unstable world

and a goverment out of control is because we have the

International Bankers in control.

If laws were not selectivity enforced, John D

Rockefeller, Lord Rothschild and J.P. Morgan would be

hanging from the gallows.

These are the people who cause famines wars and

misery. These are the people who impoverish nations

and kill leaders who do not play ball with the


The war they are trying to start with Iran has

nothing to do with Nuclear weapons.

Just have one nuclear tipped missile would not make ahill of beans if Israel has 300 of them and hundreds of

anti missile batteries to knock them out of the sky

before they reach Israel.

It has to do with distracting the population from the

coming economic implosion and putting in a corporate

dictatorship to rule over the people through FIAT


This reason to go to war with Iran is insane to

do in the first place.

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Iran has not attacked any country ever.

Israel and the United States needs a fabled enemy to

 justify its police state at home while attacking nations

into submission to set up a private central bank under

the control of the European bankers.

We have become a rogue state antagonizing the world

as the bullies for the bankers. I thank God Russia is

flexing their muscles telling the aggressors.

This war will not be a cakewalk toppling sovereign

nations when Russian and China ready to defend Syria

and Iran's sovereignty.

The saber rattling beating the war drum to

bomb Iran is nothing more than the European bankers

using the American Military as a hired gun to bomb

nations into submission to accepting a private central

bank to put the people into debt slavery and for the

Military industrial complex so they can keep making


When there is no wars, that is not good for business forthe defense contractors.

This impending war is about the bankers gaining

control of the issuance of the currency.

The rest of the propaganda is just a cover story to sell

the public to justify a war.

I would suggest Russia, Iran and all the othernations not under the central banking system hold

thier ground.

They have the moral high ground. America lost its

moral compass and no longer has anymore credibility.

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We have become a rogue nation wreaking havoc for

the bankers.

It is my hope the people will force to act on something

the goverment is not willing to do.

That is shut down the central bankers and place themall under arrest to be tried in a court of law.

If we do not act to shut down the bankers politically or

take matters into our own hands to bring the 1090 year

reign of the Federal reserve system.

They will destroy the world and us.

Follow the money and you will see that thebankers are pushing this war.

Weapons of mass destruction or not.

The enemies of humanity must be taken down or we all

be working for funny money as debt slaves.

Benjamin Netanyahu

Uncomfortable Truth Nazi


Friday, 20 April 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected

criticism of his likening of a nuclear-armed Iran to the

Nazi Holocaust as improper, saying in an address to the

country on Wednesday that "Uncomfortable Truths" 

must be aired.

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Here is the Uncomfortable



Invades othercountries




Targets a religious



World leader in weapons


The Nazis attacked and invaded other nations.

So does the United States.

So does Israel.

Iran has not initiated a war in over 200 years.

The Nazis lied to start wars (Gliewitz).

So does the United States (Saddam's nukes).

So does Israel (Iran's nukes).

Not having invaded anyone, Iran did not need to lie

about it.

The NAZIS had slave-labour camps.

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The United States has a huge and growing prison-labour


Israel has Ansar III.

Iran has no equivalent.

The Nazis targeted a religious minority, Jews.

The United States currently targets Muslims.

Israel is an apartheid state.

All religions live under equal protection in Iran to

the point where Jews living in Iran refused a

financial offer by the Israelis to relocate to Israel.

The Nazis broke many treaties including the treaty of

Versailles and the Munich agreement.

The United States has violated numerous treaties

including the START treaty and the NNPT.

Israel violated the 1979 treaty with Egypt, and avoided

violating the NNPT by refusing to sign it, even thoughIsrael is building nuclear weapons and was exposed for

selling two, to South Africa.

The Nazis were renowned for their cutting edge

weapons technology including the V-1 and V-2.

The US makes no bones about making the most lethal

(and costly) weapons on Earth.

Israel has a major defence industry that develops new

weapons such as Iron Dome with US subsidies, and then

markets them around the world.

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And there is your Uncomfortable Truth.

The Path To War

One year ago, Barack Obama convened his National

Security Council in the Situation Room in the basement

of the West Wing to talk about war with Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was publicly

threatening to attack Iranian nuclear sites.

If Netanyahu went ahead, the U.S. could be dragged

into a war on Israel’s terms, long before options to

avoid conflict had been exhausted.

Under fire from Republicans for being a fair-weather

friend to Israel, Obama had scheduled a speech to the

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and aninterview with an American reporter widely read in


The question in the Situation Room that day.

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What would happen if Obama publicly committed to a

war to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon?

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Obama had never made such a promise in public, and

he thought it would help persuade Netanyahu to step

back from the brink.

But by speaking out, he would be putting the U.S.’s

credibility on the line in the global effort to preventTehran from getting a weapon.

If he promised to go to war and didn’t follow through,

other nations in the region, distrusting American

assurances of protection, would start their own nuclear


Obama said that he was aware of the risk but that hewanted to draw the line in public anyway.

On March 4, 2012, Obama told the AIPAC crowd, “I will

not hesitate to use force when it is necessary to defend

the United States and its interests.”

In his interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic,

he said, “As President of the United States, I don’tbluff.”

One year later, Iran has yet to call it.

Even as Obama has committed to using military force

to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, he has

worked hard to avoid war.

Attacking Iran’s nuclear sites could cost American

military and civilian lives, set off a wave of terrorist

attacks, spike oil prices and sour the U.S.’s relations with

Muslims worldwide.

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So Obama has tried to slow or derail the Iranian

program through a combination of diplomacy,

sanctions and covert action.

He has succeeded in pushing the timeline for war back

at least 12 months.

But eventually time will run out.

As talks among Iran, the U.S. and other international

powers ended inconclusively on Feb. 27, even optimists

said Obama’s promise will be put to the test in his

second term.

The Pentagon has launched the largest buildup of

forces in the Gulf since the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war,

and Iran has boosted security around its nuclear sites

and is reportedly handing out shoulder-launched

missiles capable of downing civilian airliners to loosely

allied terrorist groups in the region.

Senior congressional Republicans say they are expectingto be briefed soon on the options and consequences of

a U.S. strike.

In the mythology of the American presidency, a

Commander in Chief makes tough decisions once,

unreservedly, and then acts.

Just as often, though, a President acts to avoid toughdecisions and then works behind the scenes to steer

events, persuade friends and enemies and avoid no-win


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Shortly thereafter, Israel’s Defense Minister, Ehud Barak,

threatened to attack Iran.

In private to the Pentagon and the White House, Barak

argued even more “aggressively that Israel had to

strike,” says a former senior Administration official.

Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had threatened

Israel; allowing him to get the means to destroy it was

unacceptable, Barak and other Israeli leaders argued.

Late in the year, the Obama Administration began

increasing threats of military force and economic


At the same time, mysterious cyberattacks began

damaging the Iranian nuclear facilities.

But Gates, who had worked for every President since

Jimmy Carter, was nearly as alarmed by Washington’s

lack of readiness as by the bluster coming from

Jerusalem and Tehran.

He thought the Obama Administration had notsufficiently planned for a war against Iran and worried

that Israel was drawing the U.S. into one unprepared.

In his secret memo to Jones, the detailed contents of

which have not previously been reported, Gates asked

hard questions: Was the U.S. goal to keep Iran from

getting a weapon or to prevent it from having the

capability to get a weapon?

What would an Israeli strike mean for the U.S., and how

could the Administration keep Israel from acting?

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Was the U.S. ready not just to attack but also to defend

itself and its allies in case of a war?

Most controversial, Gates asked whether the U.S. might

be willing to deter and contain Iran if it got a nuke,

rather than launch a war to damage its program.

No one at the White House had ready answers to Gates’


But the memo quickly became the table of contents for

the Administration’s Iran strategy.

Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon set up

working groups to plan for diplomacy, covert action,

sanctions and military preparedness.

Immediately, Obama’s team split over whether a

nuclear Iran could be contained or should be attacked.

“There was a debate within the Administration overprevention vs. containment,” says Dennis Ross, Obama’s

top Middle East adviser at the time.

Those in favor of planning for containment, led by

Gates, argued that another conflict in the region would

hurt the U.S., according to senior officials who

participated in the discussions.

The U.S. had lived with nuclear adversaries before, this

side argued, and its vastly superior nuclear force could

deter Iran from using its nuclear weapons.

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Most of all, an attack would set Iran back only a few

years, strengthen support for the mullahs’ regime at

home and fracture international opposition to it


On the other side, several top Obama aides, includingRoss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA chief

Leon Panetta, argued that containment wouldn’t work.

Iran’s regional enemies, particularly Saudi Arabia and

Egypt, would not accept American assurances of

protection against a nuclear-armed Iran and would

pursue their own nukes; Saudi Arabia could get them

directly from Pakistan, a close ally.

The dynamics of Cold War containment, wherein a

“balance of terror” kept the peace between the U.S. and

Russia, wouldn’t apply in the Middle East, the

interventionists argued.

“You’re in a region where conflict is the norm, not the

exception, where everybody’s going to feel they haveto have a finger on the trigger and where no one feels

they can afford to strike second,” says Ross.

The most compelling argument for Obama, the former

law professor, was that a nuclear Iran would spell the

end of the international regime limiting the spread of

nuclear weapons.

Obama had written about the regime in college and

had made denuclearization his primary focus in the


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He made bolstering the Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Treaty a top priority in his first two years as President,

and in his second term, Obama is planning to dispatch

top aides to negotiate a large nuclear-warhead

reduction with Russia.

The debates continued in the Oval Office, with only the

President, Donilon, Gates and Clinton present. Clinton

argued against containment; Gates advised the

President to keep containment as an option, a senior

official familiar with the discussions says.

“Gates did not want Iran to have the Bomb and was in

favor of exerting far greater pressure on the Iranians,”Ross says.

“But he was against the use of force if all other means

failed.” Clinton and Gates declined to be interviewed

for this story.

A former Gates adviser who remains close to him says,

“In the 4* years he was Secretary of Defense, Gatesnever advocated containment, nor did he ever

advocate taking the military option off the table.

Indeed, at his urging and with the President’s approval,

the Pentagon took a number of steps to be better

prepared to implement the military option if required.”

Aides now say Obama was always against containment.

But Ross says it took much longer for him to decide.

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“The President took his time making a decision on this,

as he should,” Ross recalls. Even as Gates continued to

press his case, the Administration quietly accelerated

its planning for war.

The Covert Campaign

Then Obama caught some breaks. in June 2010, Iran

admitted that a cleverly designed computer virus,

which came to be known as Stuxnet, had infected the

computers controlling its uranium-refining centrifuges.

During his presidency, George W. Bush had authorized

Operation Olympic Games, a cyberattack designed tocripple Iran’s nuclear program.

The Stuxnet virus was not only destructive but


As it commanded the Iranian centrifuges to spin

themselves into pieces at high speed, it sent messages

to the systems and engineers controlling the machinesindicating that they were working properly.

The U.S. has not claimed credit, but independent

analysts who obtained copies of the virus after it

accidentally spread from the Iranian computers to the

outside world in 2010 say the virus appears to be the

work of an American-Israeli collaboration.

Many of the details of Operation Olympic Games were

first reported by New York Times reporter David


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The cyberwar continued. In May 2012, Iran

acknowledged that a virus called Flame had infected its

computers, turning them into surveillance devices that

control microphones and cameras and relay data to the


Another program, called Wiper, erased hard drives at

Iran’s Oil Ministry last spring. Computer analysts and

media reports suggest that the U.S. and Israel are

behind the cyberwar.

Iran suffered other setbacks.

At least four Iranian nuclear scientists have been killedin a string of targeted bombings and shootings since


The U.S. has denied involvement. Israel has not


The other big blow to Iran came from an old-fashioned

source: diplomacy.

After his failed outreach to Tehran in 2009, Obama

managed to rally China and Russia behind tough

sanctions at the U.N. in June 2010.

Past efforts to apply economic pressure had failed in

Iraq, North Korea and elsewhere.

This time they really took a bite.

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From 2010 to 2011, Congress approved measures

cutting off much of Iran’s banking network from the

rest of the world.

The bills threatened a boycott of any company or bank

that did business with the Islamic Republic’s nuclearprogram or those responsible for it.

Most countries, faced with the stark choice of

cooperating with either Iran or the U.S., chose the U.S.

The business of Iran’s blacklisted banks “almost

completely dried up,” says Treasury Under Secretary for

Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen.

Last year sanctions passed by Congress and the

European Union helped cut Iran’s oil-export market

from 20 countries to six and its sales by volume in half.

The value of the Iranian currency dropped in half

relative to the dollar in 2012. Inflation is at 27.4%.

The Road to War

For all the setbacks, though, Iran has continued to

expand its nuclear program.

In February it announced it was installing new, high-

efficiency centrifuges at one nuclear facility.

Ahead of recent talks in Kazakhstan, Iran’s SupremeLeader, Ayatullah Ali Khamenei, gave a rallying speech

to the Iranian Air Force, which would be hard hit in any

U.S. attack.

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“Negotiations with America will not solve any

problems,” Khamenei declared.

At this point, few in the West would disagree with that.

Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitageonce defined diplomacy as “saying ‘Nice doggy, nice

doggy’ until you can find a stick.”

Through luck and hard work, Obama has bought time

for a massive buildup of forces in the Persian Gulf.

General James Mattis, chief of U.S. Central Command,

began accelerating the U.S. military increase in the Gulfa year ago.

In April, the Air Force deployed a squadron of F-22

stealth fighters to a base in the United Arab Emirates.

The U.S. Navy has doubled the number of its

minesweeping ships from four to eight and of its patrol

boats from five to 10 in the past two years.

It has deployed combat search-and-rescue helicopters,

unmanned minesweeping submarines and high-tech

surveillance systems.

Most threatening, it dispatched to the Persian Gulf a

second aircraft-carrier battle group that had been

destined for the Pacific.

The U.S. is also building up other forces in the region.

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In early 2012, it expanded a military base in Kuwait,

stationing two Army infantry brigades, or 15,000

troops, there.

That is still a token force, but the U.S. is pre-positioning

covert and special-operations capabilities and beefingup facility defenses.

It has been operating a drone base out of Saudi Arabia.

In July 2012, it deployed the U.S.S. Ponce, a converted

transport ship that can serve as a floating special-

operations base, complete with helicopter pads and

several hundred bunk beds.

It has delivered long-range X-band missile-defense

radars to Israel and Turkey and has reached an

agreement with Qatar to deploy a system there too.

The U.S. has reportedly asked the U.K. for access to

bases on Cyprus, Diego Garcia and Ascension Island for

use in an attack on Iran.

Iran, too, has taken preparatory actions, erecting new

perimeter fences around its underground enrichment

plant at Qum.

It recently launched its own cyberattack against the

Saudi national oil company, Aramco, and has

collaborated with Hizballah in Syria during its unrest.

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Yemeni officials recently claimed that Iran has been

providing non–state actors in Yemen with shoulder-

launched missiles capable of taking down commercial


In total, the Gulf has seen in two years the largestmilitary buildup since March 2003.

Netanyahu, who faces new political challenges at home,

has rolled Israel’s deadline back to late spring or early

summer, and recent reports say Israeli intelligence

thinks Tehran may be on an even longer fuse.

The well-regarded U.S. think tank the Institute forScience and International Security says the earliest Iran

could get the Bomb is mid-2014.

Experts credit the cyberattacks with significantly

setting back Iran’s nuclear program.

And Iran itself has slowed down its efforts, converting

some enriched uranium to a form that can be used onlyin research, not in weapons, thereby keeping its total

enriched uranium under the amount needed to make a

nuclear weapon.

To make up for the drop in Iranian oil exports and a

possible rise in crude prices, Saudi Arabia has stepped

up production.

If both sides seem to be wishing for peace even as they

threaten war, it’s because the costs of conflict would

be so high.

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An overt U.S. attack to set back Iran’s nuclear program

would likely mean the deaths of American service

members–and civilians too, if Iranian-backed terrorist

groups downed commercial airliners or launched other

attacks against soft targets.

The Federation of American Scientists estimates that

the cost of open war to the world economy could be $1

trillion to $1.7 trillion, when spiking energy prices and

trade disruptions are factored in.

And war could wipe out the years of post-Iraq

diplomatic repair work to the U.S.’s reputation.

For Iran, a full-fledged American attack could mean the

devastation of its nuclear program and much of its

armed forces, plus unimaginable costs to its economy.

And still it might not give up its nuclear ambition. Little

in the latest round of talks changed that assessment.

Secretary of State John Kerry, on his first trip abroad,

warned that the failure of diplomacy could have“terrible consequences.”

He, like every current and former official interviewed

for this story, believes Obama will resort to war if

necessary to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear


But only Obama knows for sure. In his AIPAC speech lastyear, after ruling out containment, Obama said, “I have

sent men and women into harm’s way.

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I’ve seen the consequences of those decisions in the

eyes of those I meet who’ve come back gravely

wounded, and the absence of those who don’t make it


Long after I leave this office, I will remember thosemoments as the most searing of my presidency.”

One way or the other, as a former senior official says of

the coming year, “we are entering the final stages of

this drama.”