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  • 8/9/2019 WV APR10 singlepage


  • 8/9/2019 WV APR10 singlepage


  • 8/9/2019 WV APR10 singlepage


  • 8/9/2019 WV APR10 singlepage


    It has been a long time coming but the roads nally cleared, the

    weather got warmer and a large number of us hit the roads. Thank

    goodness, I was beginning to think we would never get out in the

    wind! Gary and I took a ride to Wardensville to meet up with one of

    our reps, Moe Vetter, and had the opportunity to welcome yet another

    TRWV biker friendly establishment into the fold. We are growing

    leaps and bounds and loving every minute of it. Never before has

    West Virginias motorcycle community had its own magazine. Wehear from people everywhere how much they enjoy reading about

    what is happening in their own state. Many are tired of reading about

    builders in California or events in Florida but are excited to know that

    they dont have to spend a fortune to enjoy events closer to home.

    We have been hearing from various industries that the recognition of

    regional magazines like Thunder Roads West Virginia are on the rise

    as more and more Americans can not afford to take trips across the

    country and are keeping local. Lets face it, even on a bike you have

    to pay to go anywhere. But knowing where you can go and still be

    within a days ride of home is priceless. That is where we come in.

    This country was founded on the belief that hard work and solid

    ethics would make us strong and self sufcient. And now where are

    we headed? Jobs being out sourced. A large majority of our food

    coming from foreign sources. Corporations asking for nancial

    assistance so they can pay bonuses to those that at least have a job.

    What does that do for any of us? How does that strengthen this


    The small businesses that created the economy of this country will

    once again bring it back. There are more and more individuals

    taking the chance to make it on their own and open businesses even

    now in a shaky economy. Why? Because they too believe that theycan make a difference. Thunder Roads West Virginia is a catalyst

    for any business, large and small, to make direct contact with the

    biking community. Bikers are people too. We live in houses, we

    shop at stores and we spend what little we have to support our local

    economy. How else is West Virginia going to get help if not from

    its own citizens? Like I said, thats where we come into the picture.

    Take a look through the magazine, read the great articles and stories

    within these pages and be sure to look at all the biker friendly

    establishments that believe in Thunder Roads West Virginia and the

    biking community. Spend some time checking out those places and

    remember that when you are looking for your current copy of the

    magazine, you can nd it at one of our advertisers.

    Ride safe and keep the shiny side up! Donna


    2 Thunder roads WesT Virginia aPriL 2010

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    Copyright 2010. Published by Thunder Roads West Virginia, LLC under license from ThunderPublishing. All rights reserved. No part of this magazines content may be reproduced withoutthe written permission of the Publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibili ty and is notto be held liable for errors beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error, slander of anygroup or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond ourcontrol, any and all suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and unauthorized useof a persons name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authorsare their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Roads West Virginia,Thunder Roads Magazine, or Thunder Publishing. The Publisher does not promote the abuseof alcohol or other drugs.

    From The Editor.................4


    Ice Riders Revisited..................6

    Keep Your Lid On........................................8

    Birth of a Legend.......................................10

    Bike of the Month.......................13

    Hidden Highway - State Route 34.........14

    First Ride of Spring............15

    Skin Art..............16

    Center Calendar...............18

    Spring Tune-Up................20


    The $1,000 Fill-Up..................24


    The Jokers Wild..............28

    Seats & Saddles...........29

    Meet the Crew...........................................32

    The High Road................33

    Biker Friendly Directory............34

    Upcoming Events............36

    THUNDER ROADS WEST VIRgINIAP.O. Box 606 / Charles Town, WV 25414


    Gar Wetphalen, [email protected] / 304-616-0102

    Donna K. Wetphalen, [email protected] / 304-261-1609


    Barbara Lazewk Garner / Thnder Pblhng


    Meredth Hancock / Hancock Graphc


    Jaen Hancock, Jm Jammer Marcm, Tom Methen, Ja Mrph



    Donna K. Wetphalen - 304-261-1609 / [email protected]


    Earl Nzm 304-816-2863 / [email protected]

    NORTHWEsT WVGreg Vernon 304-616-0249 / [email protected]


    Moe Vetter - 304-668-9563 / [email protected]


    Dave Lka - 304-268-1315 / [email protected]


    Crt Hmphre - 276-620-8965 / [email protected]


    Jeff Dav 304-673-7321 / [email protected]


    Howard Pop Evan - 540-327-6588 / [email protected]

    Dave Mchel - 703-517-2890 / [email protected]


    Yo dont have to go to a mem to ee a metclol retored Harle-Davdon from more than 8 decade ago. yo jt have to keep an eeot for Ja and Jacke Mrph a the tool arond Wet Vrgna on thclac motorccle that ha been n Ja faml nce t wa boght n1928. And what ther greatet adventre on th old bke? The rode toa mem fll of old bke. The ron nfold on page 10.

    NATIONAL FOUNDERSTon McCo shearon & Bran shearon

    PO Box 174 / Chapmanboro, TN 37035Ofce 615-792-0040 / Fax: 615-792-7580

    emal: [email protected]

    aPriL 2010 Thunder roads WesT

  • 8/9/2019 WV APR10 singlepage


    Are we having fun yet?Running a magazine like Thunder Roads West Virginia is quite

    a challenge. Our crew is literally at it day and night, seven days

    a week, to bring this magazine to you each month. Our staff

    of sales reps fan out across the state every day, collaborating

    with biker friendly establishments to help them get the word

    out and to distribute the magazines each month. Our design

    and layout artists regularly burn the midnight oil to bring you

    the most creative ads for those businesses and to present the

    entire magazine in an eye-pleasing and engaging fashion. Im

    very proud of the roll all of these brothers and sisters play, and

    this magazine YOUR magazine can sit proudly alongside

    any other mag, anywhere.

    Riding herd over all of the business side of this endeavor is

    Donna, my wife, co-owner, and the Chief Financial Ofcer

    for Thunder Roads West Virginia. You want to talk about

    paperwork? Just looking at her desk scares me to no end. And

    the phone? Shes got that earpiece in from the crack of dawn

    until well past sunset every day. New e-mails pop up on her

    computer every minute. She is a whirlwind of activity and does

    the tasks of half a dozen mere mortals.

    And then theres me. The stories, pictures, overall content and

    look of Thunder Roads West Virginia are splattered all over

    my desk, shelves and adjoining oor. Thousands of decisions

    go into each months edition. Every single word and image on

    these pages passes through my computer. Every call, every

    e-mail, every article contribution from you gets my attention

    and I respond to each one of them. And to capture those

    stories and pictures I ride (okay, drive when winter dictates)

    all over this state, as much as humanly possible. Rain, heat,

    cold, night, distances doesnt matter. It is a seven day a week

    effort. The deadlines come around every month like clockwork

    and I have to meet them without excuse. My to-do list is truly

    never-ending. And even before I think Im done with one issue,

    the next one is already staring me in the face.

    Building this magazine from nothing is a Herculean task. But

    none of us are complaining. We understand that the vision

    of uniting the motorcycle community in our state is worth the

    effort. Were the foot soldiers for your magazine. The more you

    read, the more you contribute stories and pictures, the more

    you support the businesses that support us, the stronger the

    family of bikers gets. Thats our goal. And every time one of

    you calls or writes to say you like what were doing, we couldn

    be happieror more humbled.

    Youll notice that nowhere in this column have I used the words

    work or job. When we started this magazine eight issues

    ago, we stopped working, but weve never been busier than

    we are now. So, back to that question that started this column:

    Are we having fun yet?

    HELL, YES!


    4 Thunder roads WesT Virginia aPriL 2010

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    West VirginiaOne year subscription to Thunder Roads is only $35 a year.

    The nations largest FREE biker publication

    can be delivered right to your door.




    State_________________ Zip_______________

    Make Check payable to:

    Thunder Roads West Virginia

    Mail check and this form to:

    Thunder Roads West Virginia

    P.O. Box 606

    Charles Town, WV 25414

    aPriL 2010 Thunder roads WesT

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    Helmet Law Reeal Effrt

    so, o want to rde Wet Vrgna wthot a helmet? Jon the clb. ive been n

    prt of th dream for 18 ear. Althogh we have come mch cloer n the

    pat than we dd th ear, the game, and the plaer are bacall the ame. The

    Confederaton of Clb, and ntl th ear ABATE of Wet Vrgna have beenntrmental n gettng the bll bmtted, moved threw commttee, and to the

    oor when poble. Bacall the ame leglator are ttng n the ame eat

    plang the ame old game. The brght de to th eqaton the thrd leg. The

    Governor. The rt ear he wa n ofce he aked to tand down, and let hm

    handle t. We dd, and he ddnt.

    Leon Learned. Now there no dobt n m mnd that uncle Joe wll gn the bll

    f paed. Bt he dont want t badl enogh to nvet an an poltcal captol n t

    other than gnng.

    so, what a Bker to do? Peronall i took a tep back, and ltened to m Brother

    acro the contr who have been ccefl n changng the law o the can Rde

    Free, and decded a dfferent path wa n order. After all, thoe that keep dong the

    ame old thng over and over agan expectng dfferent relt are iDiOTs! Preentcompan nclded.

    it been proven n tate after tate that there onl one re wa to beat th

    game. Get nvolved n the campagn DuH!. That how Texa, Arkana, and

    Kentck, managed t. All of them looel baed on the effort of m Bro. sptnk

    down n Texa. if o want to know how t done, take look at h Fve step to

    Freedom at and ee for orelf. some of what he a doent

    pertan to Wet Vrgna, bt o can get a reved veron wrtten for Wet Vrgna


    Qeton , jt how bad do o want t? Cold o pond a few electon poter n

    the grond? How abot tfng envelope? Or f o lke talkng on the phone ocold help man the phone bank of or choen leglator.

    Electon cot MONEy! Antme a canddate can get omethng done for free the

    can pend that mone omeplace ele. Poltcan that forget thoe that help them

    forget at ther own perl. The tend to lten to conttent that helped them get


    so, what are o read to do to regan a freedom lot n 1971? yo read to

    DANCE? Can o hear the mc? Contact the DuCK at [email protected]. We

    do have a plan.

    Don DuCK smth

    Bker Repblc WV


    Wll , Bt. gtt t bk cmmty vlv xctly

    wt wy i cmmtt f p f t mz t

    t Mc fw m t mt. alt i plly

    vct t f lmt, i bltly t tt t

    vl t t t mk tt cc. T Cttt

    f t ut stt t Bll f rt t ltmt lw f

    t l, my f t cmt i t l

    w tt t t vmt t t t lt lv

    w t t cc f w w w w mtcycl.

    Letters To

    The Editor

    In last months issue ofThunder Roads West Virginia

    we ran this circa 1930 picture of three brave bikers

    on the iced-over Monongahela River in Fairmont,

    in an attempt to see if you could help us learn any

    details about it. To date, no one has been able to

    offer anything about these brave brothers. But with

    the help of 20s era Harley-Davidson acionado Jay

    Murphy, we do have a little better lock on the bikes.

    Jay agrees with our assessment that the shape of the

    tank on the bike in the middle means it is a pre-1925

    J model, produced from 1921-24. The tank was

    made larger and rounded off beginning with the

    1925 models. Thats our rst indication that the bikeson either end of the picture are a few years newer

    than the center bike. They are also J series Harleys,

    probably built between 25 and 27. Harley added a

    front brake as standard equipment in 1928, and these

    bikes are not sporting that equipment.

    For more about the J bikes, see the feature on Jay

    Murphys very own beautifully restored example on

    page 10.

    Ice RidersR e v i s i t e d

    ufttly, Wt V st Bll 192 tt wl

    pl mc f t lmt lw w t tk ly by t

    st Tptt iftct Cmmtt. s t

    t mt mz f tl. T bll w t pfct, bt

    p v t b bt by t fll llt

    v b p. T pblc fty mt pt ft by t

    pp t t bll lbl ly v t lltt t

    t c b m by ppl w kw t b

    mtcycl. evy bk t tt t ctct / t

    llt t b t . Ty Clt

    pt , f ty wt lt t ty t lv p t tcmmtmt. T vmt t ctl, t t t w

    . gt vlv!


    6 Thunder roads WesT Virginia aPriL 2010

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    www.therraswv.cmThunder Roads West Virginia ha o mch gong on all over the nternet that t take two creen to ee t all. The thoand of reader who vt or webte ever

    week are treated to pdate and tore o jt wont ee anwhere ele. The Event Calendar pdated contantl, o o can plan or entre mmer worth

    of rdng n one ttng. Lnk to all of the Bker Frendl adverter who pport or FREE cop of th magazne are there a well. Back e of the magazne and

    other goode can be had throgh the Gear Bag on or webte. store and featre are alwa changng, o check back often at .

    yoll need that econd creen

    for or Facebook page. Nowo can follow the dal tral

    and trblaton of pblhng

    Thunder Roads West Virginia.

    Rde wth a we travel all

    over the Montan state. Get

    pdate on the prodcton of the

    next e, along wth a few hnt

    abot the tore were workng

    on. Chme n on the lvel banter

    wth hndred of other reader.

    Become a fan ofThunder Roads

    West Virginia on for there, or nd the

    drect lnk on or Home Page at

    aPriL 2010 Thunder roads WesT

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    10/408 Thunder Roads West Virginia

    KEEp YouR Lid onit never had a chance. For the econd ear n a row, a bll to recnd mch of WetVrgna helmet law ha ded n a state senate commttee wthot ever benggven the chance to be dced, mch le voted on, b the fll leglatre.

    No acton wa taken on senate Bll 192 b the Tranportaton and infratrctreCommttee before the deadlne for new leglaton. The decon to take no actonon the propoal wa made b state senator John unger ii, who repreentBerkele Cont, and Charman of the commttee.

    senate Bll 192 wold have elmnated mandator helmet e for rder over 21who have a motorccle endorement on ther lcene for at leat two ear, andcarr $10,000 or more n medcal nrance for motorccle-related njre.

    Weve got the ame commttee member a lat ear and the fate of t woldprobabl be the ame a t wa lat ear. it wold have been voted down, asenator unger abot h decon to keep the bll off the Tranportaton Commtteeagenda. We had other e we had to dc th ear, partclarl fndng forthe road.

    The decon to keep the propoal from even beng debated an affront to

    senator Jack yot of Brooke Cont who ntrodced the bll both tme. i heardcomment the other da from one of the senator that he jt oppoe the bll andhe work hard to even keep that bll from comng p for dcon, a senatoryot.

    Th e ha been arond for a long tme n the leglatreit beenthere longer than i have, a senator unger of the propoed helmet lawchange. There doent eem to be the poltcal pport for t. A Char of theTranportaton Commttee, unger dd not cat a vote on the bll lat ear anda he tll nt re how he wold vote on a propoal to eae helmet age. ipport the freedom apect. A long a ore not harmng anone ele or taknganbod ele rght awa, knd of the Lbertaran approach, then o oght to beable to do what o feel proper and approprate for orelf.

    Bt unger a he not re that fcent reaon n the cae of helmet,becae he fear that a helmet free bker poe a danger to other on the road.

    When ore rdng down the road and o dont have proper protecton, and fa rock or whatever jmp pf im drvng behnd a bker and the get ht n thehead wth a tone or omethng, and there not wearng protectve gear, and t

    knock them off and i end p httng them that not a good thng ether. Whenore on pblc road, n order to be able to fncton n ocet, o have tohave the afet precaton n order to make re that t doent mpact anothermotort.

    Mabe down the road there a chance that leaderhp of the commttee wllchange and we can get th to the oor, a senator yot. The senator a hwllng to keep p the ght. if the folk want, ill work wth them. i tll pport thebll and i thnk there are a lot of people that do. Bt there are ome here [n thestate Leglatre] who jt make t known that the dont want th.

    it normal or rep, f that what o want to call them, have ther own lttleperonal agenda, a ABATE of Wet Vrgna state Predent Harr MetheThe bker rght grop ha been trng to gan paage of the helmet repealfor ear. The onl wa that we wll ee an thng n or favor for the rderof WV to tart votng them ot of ofce, to let them know we do have a voce.

    Methen lve arond Werton n the northern panhandle, and a he ha gottegncant help from the Delegate and senator from Brooke and Hancockconte. senator yot, who ntrodced the bll, repreent the three conte nthe panhandle.

    The memberhp of the senate Tranportaton and infratrctre Commtteecont of 9 senator and Chared b John unger, ii. The other senatoron the Commttee are: Vce-Char Evan Jenkn (Cabell); Dogla Facemre(Braxton); John Pat Fannng (McDowell); Robert Plmale (Wane); Ron stollng(Boone); Rand Whte (Webter); Clark Barne (Randolph); and Karen Facem(Jackon).

    Jt remember the next electon, a Harr Methen of ABATE. Check to ehow or rep voted on the helmet bll or who ted t p n commttee, then voteaccordngl. it tme to let thee people know the work for .

    State Seatr Jack Yst(dstrct 1 - Brke)

    State Seatr Jh uge(dstrct 16 - Berkele

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    11/40aPriL 2010 Thunder roads WesT

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    Mot of the ndtralzed world wa n a receon a the 1920 fell to the front page of the calendar. Ford hadlahed the prce of the Model T to 395 bck. Harle-Davdon bg twn cot abot the ame. Now to oand me, the choce a no-braner. Bt the poplo of the da felt the todg practcalt of Henr horelecarrage wa the wa to go. Motorccle ale fell b nearl two-thrd.

    On the rface that ond lke a gloom pctre, and t wa. Bt the lver lnng that th cenaro helpedmake Harle-Davdon what t toda. The brght pot for Mlwakee wa the ntrodcton of HD sperpow-ered Twn. Bg 74 nch V-Twn that chrned ot an overwhelmng 18 horepower. The J sere bke wereMlwakee anwer to indan V-Twn and to Henderon for clnder monter. The J ported an F-Head

    engne whoe degn for the bg twn wold endre for ear.

    sale were dappontng throgh the 20, bt the 74 wa rened n both form and fncton a lttle at a tme.Thank to thng lke t rac top-end of arond 75 mph, the machne became the tff of motorccle, THE legend.

    The J bke were old ntl 1929, bt let top that tmblng calendar one ear earler o we can get a cloelook at a reall great example of a retored 28 JD. The retoraton of th bke wa done b Ja Mrph, whoegreat ncle boght the bke new from a Harle-Davdon dealer n Grafton, WV. The Great Depreon clamedthat dealer, and motorcclng got nto the blood of Ja great ncle.

    He rode t man, man mle here n Wet Vrgna. it wa ther man tranportaton. That, and the decar, aJa. Oh, e, there a decar. More abot that, later. The great ncle on nherted the bke and, n 1977, gavethe poorl preerved machne to Ja. He meed arond wth t, got t rnnng, and jt plaed wth t for a whle.

    Then Ja got ero abot brngng th bke back to howroom glor. A total retora-

    ton. Ever bolt, nt, wre. Everthng on t wa totall retored. it, and the decar. Jaa even the pant a cloe to accrate a modern technolog can provde. Weeven ed an optcal canner and canned ome orgnal pant that i fond on one ofthe backde of the tank.

    Th bke carre the D n t name, whch mean t the electrcall eqpped ver-on. it ha a x-volt generator, batter, col, and electrc lght ntead of a magnetoand acetlene torche. Electrc tart? uh, no. Bt the 28 dd ee the ntrodcton of afront drm brake a tandard eqpment.

    That tll a Total Lo ol tem on that bke. it a for troke, natrall, bt tdoent crclate t ol. yo actall have a one gallon ol tank p there wth thegaolne, Ja explan. An atomatc pmp feed a reglated amont of ol fromthat reervor over the collecton of bearng nde the crankcae. it actall keepabot for once of ol n the crankcae, and then t doent have ol rng. it jt

    ha compreon rng. Th allow a certan amoof exhat gae to blow b the pton and nto crankcae, and then back p agan for the exhatroke. Th one ha two compreon rng, anactall brn t rght ot throgh the clnder a two-troke. That wh everbod a, Oh, Myor bke mokng! i a, yeah. Let me know wht not. Then i got troble! That gallon of ol wll between for and ve-hndred mle between llore gong on a long trp ove got to throw on the decar.

    speakng of long trp and decar, how abot Fmont to Magge Valle, North Carolna on the BRdge Parkwa, n a decar? Ja wfe Jacke lkthe dea, o off the went. it wa qte an adventthat even nclded a le-than-fn at tre epoBt ch lfe on the road. Ther detnaton wthe Wheel Throgh Tme Motorccle Mem. Tplace one of a ver few reaon to ever rde otof Wet Vrgna.

    Th want the rt tme Ja had tre troble. yethat crah. i brnt m leg n three place back2002. Had the rear tre blow ot on me. Pt me n gardral. it ddnt reall do mch damage to the b

    Ddnt help me ot mch, thogh.One thng that doe help Ja the nternet. Fng part to keep an 82-ear-old motorccle n roadworth condton a lot eaer than t wa n late 70 when he began the retoraton work. ycoldnt hardl nd anthng for twth the ntero can b a lot of aftermarket part for thee. amazng how mch o can b for them now. Thea compan n Texa that bld a lot of engne partover n Erope o can b tank. Thell make a new et of tank. yo can b new fender, lke that.

    After brnng more than a few hor of Ja tme lo

    ng at and jawng abot th perb JD that ha behanded down throgh the faml, there reall oone qeton left.

    Top peed? ive had t abot 70, 72. Rght n theBt that a lttle fater than o want to go on t, Jaa wth an edcated lagh. Thng are rattlngthat pont.

    yo ma not ee Ja gettng plled over for peedon th 1928 Harle-Davdon JD, bt o certanl ee hm ot on the hghwa of Wet Vrgna throot the mmer. Th bke one legend that redoe roll on.

    Birth of

    a LegendBy Gary Westphalen

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    the triP

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    Hidden Highways

    State Route 34

    The lttle ble break vble between laer of clod are hrnkng a the jc coldfront roar acro Kentck and Oho. it hovng thoe clod together, formnga dark, teel-gra k that gong let looe on me at an mnte. Bt there thqggl lne on m map that call ot to be explored. i mt go.

    At the othern end of Kenna n Jackon Cont, state Rote 34 take a hardrght. A i make the trn i enconter a road gn that conrm what m map ha

    ggeted. The Wndng Road gn meant to be a catonar warnng to thoewho take th obcre rbbon of hghwa. Bt to a bker, t read more lke annvtaton. Never mnd the mpendng downpor, the gn make me mle. Th gong to be good.

    Rdng 34 feel a lot lke beng on a roller coater. it goe p, down, arond andarond. Man of the crve are cret rdng, wde-open weeper whle other aretght blnd crve. There are tme when oll tap ntoor tranmon hgh gear, bt oll pend mot ofthe rde nappng between econd and thrd. yoll beb.

    There a tead tream of home and mall farm thatdrft throgh or perpheral von a o ta foced onthat next crve ahead. Bt there are alo plent of potwhere the road re to the cret of the next rdge and the

    vew of the rrondng hll compete for or attenton.The wet-central part of Wet Vrgna, lke mot all ofthe tate, beatfl contr. There no reaon to topanwhere along th tretch of Rote 34. it rral fromend to end. Bt f o want to pend half an hor laghngncontrollabl a o clmb p and down the gearbox, throad ll the bll.

    i have encontered ver lttle trafc on m 20 mle trekfrom Kenna, jt off i-77 down to the othwet end ofthe rde where Rote 34 bmp nto the Kanawha Rver nPtnam Cont. The hghwa nmber lve on pat th pont, bt for a bker, thefn over. Th the end of the Hdden Hghwa. For me, t ha come jt n tmeto be able to a i rode the entre length on dr tarmac. A i top to take one qcklook at the rver and trn m bke arond, that ever-darkenng k let looe wth the

    rt of man randrop. i am barel able to get m ran gon before the trckle of ran trn nto a delge.

    it a hame that i ddnt get to make the retrn trp on

    road. There were a lot of pctre i ddnt get a chancetake. There were a lot of challengng crve that i hadtp-toe m wa throgh. That not to a the road wafn n the porng ran. it wa. Bt t wa that perveknd of fn that come from knowng that o are doomethng mot people wold conder craz. snce tre were nearng the end of ther efl lfe, the dnpre a lot of condence, ether.

    The bottom lne that state Rote 34 from the KanawRver to the jncton wth i-77 a terrc lttle road. it

    challenge a rder to develop a mater of the gearbox a well a teach a l ttle ablookng all the wa throgh the corner. it offer ome wde-open vta and opot where the rrondng foret cloe n arond the road. it alo a nft lhortct f ore travelng from, a, Hrrcane to Rple. Forget the intertatedo t on two lane.

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    Now that wa a togh wnter. The bac mearement of nowfall n mch of Wet

    Vrgna th ear wa n feet of accmlaton. inche were barel notced. The

    now clod rolled n ometme arond lat November and ddnt leave ntl rght

    arond the end of Febrar.

    And then the rt weekend n March happened. The n came ot. The

    now bank receded from the edge of the road. The pavement wa dr. The

    temperatre clmbed all to wa to the lttle 50. Good enogh.

    Caton rle the da a we begn rollng ot of the drvewa and down or one

    lane road. The damage to the blacktop left behnd b t battle wth the force

    of wnter trkng. We arent ver hgh on the road mantenance lt o webegn memorzng or new dance a we pck the moothet rote throgh

    the pothole and plverzed tretche of broken pavement. Bt were


    it tll chll, o the rde wll onl be abot 120 mle arond wth a top

    to vt wth ome fellow rder. Were barel a few mle from the tart

    when we realze that thoe agonzng month of wnter have alread

    melted awa from the front of or

    thoght jt lke thoe hrnken

    now bank n the dtch.

    it workng. Beng ot on the bke alread dong t magc. Were feelng bette

    The wnd n or face. The THuNDER rge from or bke a the ROADs ro

    nder or wheel. Th what t all abot.

    Were not alone! Enjong that rt deep lean throgh a tght crve we are

    compelled to reach a hand ot and wave to that bker who applng h kll t

    makng that crve n the oppote drecton. The wave retrned. The faml

    together agan. On the road.

    Spring is fnally here.



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    The wnter of or dcontent nall over. it tme to top dadreamng abot rdng and ht the brck.

    Althogh man rder have alread been ot on the road, mot are jt now thnkng abot gong ot to the

    garage and clearng awa the wnter month worth of cltter that ha been plng p arond the bke. When

    o pll that tarp off, what are o gong to ee? A rt, dead hlk of a machne that gong to take hor to

    jt get rnnng, or a well-preerved, lvel road warror that jt a few mnte awa from pttng or face nthe wnd?

    Thunder Roads West Virginia eager to meet p wth o ot on the bwa of th great tate, o were

    here to help o wth a prng checklt of thng o need to pa attenton to before o trn the ke. There

    not all abot the mechanc of or bke, ether. i or npecton crrent? i or nrance coverage what

    t hold be? Take care of thee thng now, and oll be able to rde the road wth a carefree atttde all

    mmer long. Let look at thee mportant e one at a tme.

    1. Check or tre prere - Mot bke are 32 pfor the front and 36 p for the rear, dependng onthe tre ze and model. Check or owner manalfor the correct prere and t wll alo gve o achecklt for pre-rdng. After or tre are natedproperl check them for tread depth wear and drrot. Look for foregn object that ma have pnctredor tre. if o replacement recommended.

    Th MoTocycl

    For help wth what o need to do to make or machne road read, we trned to Jaen Hancock, a certed Harle-Davdon mechanc. Here h checklt of10 tem that an rder hold be able to do to take care of h/her coot before rollng ot of the drvewa on that rt rn. Th jt a bac check lt. if o ndomethng beond or ablt or ndertandng take t to a profeonal. Jaen lt tart from the grond p.

    Srig Tue-U

    2. Check or rm - Jack or bke p off the grond fo can, f not roll or tre n ncrement to check orpoke wth a poke wrench for an looe poke.

    3. Check or hock front and rear, nle o havea rgd, look for exceve eepage and check forlooe bolt on the rear.

    4. Check belt and chan for looene and debr.

    5. Carbreted or fel njected, o tll have an arcleaner. see f t drt or f an creatre have maa home over the wnter.

    6. Batter - nle o had a batter charger on allwnter, take or batter omewhere to be teted tmake re t fll charged.

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    7. Make re or all of or lght are workngproperl, a well a or horn.

    8. Tghten nt and bolt - if o notce an looe boltor nt, tghten them (to proper pec f o can).

    9. Check or d level before tartng the bke. ifthe eem low do not add an at that tme. The dmght have draned nto the engne cae. start orbke rt and let t rn for at leat 10 mnte or ntlthe engne at a normal operatng temperatre. Thencheck the d agan. Now the tme to change thed f o ddnt get to t before wnter torage.

    10. Fel can go bad, check b the mell. if the level low add freh ga. it wll help dlte an old ga nleof core o have a fll tank. if t mell bad, phonthe majort of t ot and replace wth freh ga.

    InSpcTIonAlthogh Wet Vrgna motorccle npecton can expre drng an month of the ear, takng care of thannal rtal at the tart of the eaon get t ot of the wa. Not all motorccle repar hop are npectontaton. in fact, man maller hop avod npecton ervce becae of the paperwork and lcenng reqrb the tate. However, mot hop that do atomotve npecton are alo lcened to npect motorccle.

    yo need to have three thng along when takng or bke n for npecton. yo need a crrent regtraton,a crrent certcate of nrance, and a few bck. state law allow npecton taton to charge p to $12,pl 66 cent tax. Forget an one of thee three tem and oll be makng a econd trp to the hop for thenpecton.

    Wet Vrgna tate code reqre a 12 tep npecton procedre. The npector, who traned and lcenedb the WV state Polce, mt rt verf or regtraton and nrance b npectng the certcate andloggng the approprate nformaton on a tate form. Removal of the old npecton tcker the next order ofbne. At th pont the npector wll take a look at the general condton of the bke, makng re the framand heet metal part appear to be n roadworth condton. The horn, hgh and low beam headlght, drvnglght, rnnng lght, brake lght and trn gnal wll all be teted. A val npecton wll be made of brakepad and hoe, front end teerng component, exhat tem, wheel and tre. When the npector ated that thee tem are n good repar, a new tcker afxed.

    What happen f the bke fal the npecton? yo walk home. Oka, not reall. Bt o are not allowed to jgo merrl on or wa, ether. When a rejecton tcker placed on or bke, o are allowed onl to rde thome or to a repar hop. yo have ve da from the date of rejecton to make the approprate xe and takt back to the ame npecton hop for approval. And, e, o ma be charged for a econd npecton. Thereglaton alo make t ver clear that the repar do not have to be made b the ame etablhment that

    rejected the npecton. yo can take the bke to or favorte hop, a long a the repar are made wthn thve da tme frame.

    InSUancMotorccle nrance omethng ever bker reqred to have, bt hope never needed. The momentwhen o do have to call on or nrance for help the wrong tme to nd ot that o dont have theproper coverage. Pll or polc ot of that dt le cabnet and look t over before the rdng eaon ht ftrde, and t another thng o wont have to worr abot a o rmble on down the bwa. if o dontndertand the detal, or thnk o ma want to make ome change, contact or agent rght awa.

    The tate reqrement are not ver hgh, accordng to Tom Matha of Matha inrance n Mooreeld.Tom a motorccle nrance mt carr dollar vale of at leat 20-thoand bodl njr per peron,40-thoand per accdent, and 10-thoand propert damage. so thoe are prett low tate lmt. And orreqred to carr at leat the ame lmt on n- and nder-nred motort. Matha a a better coveragelevel 250-thoand bodl njr, 500-thoand per accdent, and 100-thoand propert damage.

    There one other optonal coverage avalable for motorcclt that Tom Matha a need to be takenerol. it called Med Pa, and avalable for both rder and paenger. Medcal Pament are to pa omedcal bll f o get nvolved n an accdent, a Tom. Let a t a ngle motorccle accdent, no oneele nvolved bt o orelf. That the onl coverage o have nder or polc that gong to rembreo for or medcal bll. Hopefll a peron alo ha health nrance, and f the do, the med pa on ormotorccle polc prmar becae there no dedctble. it gong to pa rt, and then that wll appltoward or dedctble on or health polc. Med pa coverage on mot motorccle polce wrtten forbetween one and ve-thoand dollar worth of coverage.

    if o have loaded or bke wth gob of aftermarket blng, th alo need to be condered when nrngor bke. Each nrance compan handle th dfferentl, o check wth or agent abot the coverage opolc provde. Tom a f or bke ha more aftermarket goode than or tandard polc wll cover, an

    endorement for extra coverage can be added. Pctre of the bke and recept for aftermarket add-on caneae the wa f o ever need to le a clam.

    There are alo a nmber of thng o can do to help hold down the cot of thoe premm. Jon a recognzmotorccle clb lke HOG, AMA, GWRRA and other. yo get hge dcont on or motorccle polce,b beng a clb member accordng to Matha. And then f o have or home, or ato, and lfe nrancand motorccle all ted together o get another reall nce dcont. yo can alo get arond a $50 per e

    dcont b reglarl takng a rder afet core.

    chcklIST coMplTThat abot t. in jt a cople of hor tme, o have managed to get or rotne paperwork qared awa

    and the bke read to roll. There onl one thng left to do. Gear p and go make ome THuNDER on the

    ROADs of WEsT ViRGiNiA. see o ot there!

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    To ALL ouR BRAVE, pRoud TRoopS... YouRE in ouR THouGHTS & pRAYERS dAiLY. G See Y Hme.

    tWo-CheeSeS, haM, Banana &

    Potato ChiPS CaSSeroLe

    1 Pkg. softened Cream Cheee

    12 slce of Whte Bread w/ Crt Ct-Off

    1 Pond of Del Ham; slced Razor Thn4 Banana, slced n 1/2 nch Dc

    1/2 Bag (2 Cp) Crhed Reglar Potato Chp

    6 slce of Bacon; Cooked Crp

    4 Egg

    1 Cp of Whole Mlk

    1 Cp of Heav Cream

    1/2 tp. of Ntmeg

    salt & Cracked Pepper to Tate

    i know t ond whacked, bt m Mom ed to make th cae t wa

    cheap to x and went a long wa for a faml of even! Tr t.....t wll

    become one of or fave too......epecall for Pot-Lck socal.

    Btter pra a 9x13 gla bakng dh. spread Cream Cheee lberall

    over (6) pece of or whte bread qare (mn crt), la them down

    at n bakng dh. Take or razor-thn del ham and jt make an even

    laer of t all over bread lce and pat down. sprnkle or cheee all

    over top evenl. Then, ct or banana all over the top of or ham, then

    the remander (6) pece of de-crted whte bread, pread w/ the cream

    cheee, la that down on top of banana, pre down agan. Next, n a

    eparate bowl, mx p or whole mlk, heav cream, egg, alt & pepper

    to tate & ntmeg. Por th down all over and arond de of caerole.

    Now, pt or potato chp n a large platc bag and leave open jt a

    bt at top for ar and jt mooh them p n bag and then pread evenl

    all over top, and then crmble p bacon and dtrbte evenl all over

    top of chp. Bake n a 350 pre-heated oven for 45 mnte. Let cool and

    then ct & erve n qare. Th wll become one of or go-to comfortdhe that oll pa down thr tme.

    SUPer e-Z, BLUe CheeZY hoMe dreSSing

    1 (8 oz.) Tb sor Cream

    1 Cp (4 oz.) Crmbled Ble Cheee

    1/4 Cp Maonnae

    1 Tbp. Red Wne Vnegar

    2 Clove of Garlc, Mnced

    salt & Cracked Pepper to tate

    Combne all together n a mall bowl, cover & refrgerate for at leat 1

    hor. The bet!

    hUrtS So good.......

    ChoCoLate Bread PUdding

    1 Loaf of crt French or italan Bread

    * Ct nto medm-zed cbe

    3 Cp of Whole Mlk

    1/4 Cp Heav Cream

    1/2 Cp of Bale irh Cream Lqer

    1 Cp Granlated sgar or *splenda for Bakng

    1 Cp Packed Lght Brown sgar

    1/4 Cp Real Cocoa Powder

    1-1/2 Tbl. Qalt Vanlla Extract

    2 tp. Pre Almond Extract1-1/2 tp. Grond Cnnamon

    6 Egg; lghtl beaten

    8 Once sem-sweet Chocolate Chp

    Lghtl btter pra a 9x13 gla bakng dh and add the bread cbe.

    in a large bowl, whk together mlk, cream & Bale. in eparate bowl,

    combne the granlated gar (or splenda) and brown gar wth the

    cocoa powder and mx well. Add dr mx to the mlk mxtre and whk

    together well to blend. Add the vanlla & almond extract to beaten egg.

    Now, combne egg mxtre wth mlk mxtre and mx them p good. str

    n the chocolate chp and por the entre mxtre evenl all over the

    bread cbe. yoll need to let tand for abot 20 mnte to let bread

    cbe aborb & oak p, trrng occaonall. Bake the pddng for 1hor n 325 pre-heated oven. Now.....real qck, cae t onl take a

    mnte, mx p one box of Jell-O brand plan Vanlla pddng or French

    Vanlla Pddng (or call) and por t all down and over or Chocolate

    Bread Pddng. Let the pddng et-p jt a bt bt be re and erve

    warm & mm. yo cold alo drzzle Caramel ce-cream toppng over t

    f o dont lke the pddng dea. Or come p wth a toppng of or own.

    However o erve t, t wll rock the hoe, bab!

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    The $1,000 Fill-UpThe blendng of p to 10% ethanol wth gaolne n the naton fel ppl contn-

    e to damage more and more motorccle engne. in a two-part ere of tore

    lat fall (ee Pang Ga n the sep. & Oct. 09 e) Thnder Road Wet

    Vrgna reported on the damagng effect of rnnng ethanol blended fel throgh

    or bke. To bre recap, n addton to beng a fel generated from corn, ethanol

    alo a olvent. it capable of dolvng rbber, platc and even oft metal ch

    a bra and almnm. it alo combne wth water more readl than t doe wth

    gaolne. so when water molecle enter or fel tank the ethanol molecle wll

    eparate from the gaolne, attach to the water, and th new mxtre nk to the

    bottom of or tank wth the gaolne oatng on top. Hard tartng, rogh rnnng,

    redced power, lower ga mleage and all ort of detrctve thng can happen

    to or power plant.

    Ethanol ha one other charactertc that Dwan Mer, owner of Evel speed

    Ctom Machne & Motor sckl shop, beleve relted n th ctom-blt bke

    needng major engne work. it ha lower energ content a well a a lower ah

    pont than gaolne, meanng that an ethanol baed fel make an engne rn leanbecae ethanol brn fater. Even thogh th condton generate a hgher tem-

    peratre n the combton chamber, t releae le energ at the approprate tme

    for the engne to delver maxmm power. The hgher heat and earl detonaton

    (commonl referred to a knockng or pngng) of the ar-fel mxtre mean the

    motor wll bacall rn too hot and brn telf p.

    That wa the problem that Dwan dcovered when the bke came nto h hop for

    an nrelated tranmon leak. He xed the trann e and took the bke for a

    tet rn. That when he dcovered a major fel-related problem that the owner

    want even aware of.

    When i took t for a lttle pn p the road i notced i felt omethng mackng

    pant leg, a Dwan of that tet rde on th bke, whch powered b an s

    113 nch mll. When the bke warmed p t wold blow compreon ot the

    of the clnder n between the head and the jg. so i looked and t had two blo

    head gaket.

    Mer mmedatel redced h lt of poble cae to a hort lt. it cold ha

    been a tmng e, althogh that ddnt appear to be the cae. There cold ha

    been an ntake leak, meanng extra ar wa ndng t wa throgh a bad eal b

    tween the carb and the engne, bt he wa able to rle that ot a well. That lef

    lean ar-fel mxtre a the onl remanng cae, and Dwan a the bke rn

    now wthot changng the jettng. That mean there wa onl one remanng rea

    the bke wa rnnng o lean.

    Cheap grade ga, a Dwan. i thnk the ran probabl 87 octane ga n t

    wa park knockng, tartng to detonate. The engne temperatre got p beca

    of the cheap ga, and ntead of detonatng the pton t phcall brned the he

    gaket ot. it ddnt qeeze them ot, t tarted to brn the head gaket beca

    of the compreon rato the motor got. it got the top end of the engne hot a

    brned the gaket ot.

    When he plled the motor apart, the brned gaket were apparent. it a wond

    t ddnt melt a pton, a Dwan when talkng abot how cloe th came

    detrong the engne. it cold have melted a pton and then gotten down to

    bottom end of the motor and tearng the crank, wheel, block, gettng nto

    whole engne.

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    Fortnatel, that ddnt happen becae the problem wa caght n tme. Bt the brnt g

    ket meant that the ecapng gae dd eat awa at the precel mlled head. He wlong probabl 15, mabe 20, pond of compreon rght ot the de of the motor nte

    of ot the exhat, Dwan aement of the relt. He checked the bore of the clnd

    to make re the hadnt become egg-haped becae of the hgh heat. He checked

    pton for damage a well. The onl harm to hard part wa to the head and the jg, da

    age reqrng them to be haved down .007 nch. Althogh blown head gaket arent

    preferred reaonng to mprove an engne performance, the haved head have relted

    a hgher compreon rato than the tock motor.

    Mer a the onl olton to avodng problem lke th to rn the hghet octane g

    o can get. i have 94 n t now. i mean, o can adjt the tmng arond for ome of th

    tff, bt f ore trng to make power o cant take tmng ot of omethng over ptt

    good ga n t. it rn good now.Dwan agree that ethanol-blended fel probabl the clprt, and a that ng the h

    et octane ga avalable the bet defene. People thnk that, oh wow, ga cheap

    There pttng th ethanol n to make the ga cheaper, he a, it dentel harder

    the engne. Bt f the had pt 93 or 94 octane n the motor, i thnk t wold have been a

    Mer alo recommend the

    of a fel addtve degned to

    et the hazard of alcohol-mx


    Ever bke mechanc Thn

    Road Wet Vrgna ha tal

    to abot th e agree tethanol-blended gaolne

    mpl bad new for motorc

    engne. Bt t a federal m

    date not lkel to change ant

    oon. The bet we a bker

    do be aware of the e a

    rn the hghet grade of ga p

    ble to leen the damagng

    fect on or coot engne.

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    S. J. Angotti (1924-1987) David J. Straface John R. Angotti












    ...OR WELL


    April 3rd- Center AlleyApril 10th- Bar None

    April 17th- Giants of Tiny TownApril 24th- Dissent from Within

    Home Cooked Meals - Daily Lunch SpecialsFriday Night Karaoke

    aPriL 2010 Thunder roads WesT Virginia

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    A father walks t a restarat wth hs yg s..He gves the yg by 3 ckels t lay wth t kee hm cce.Sely, the by starts chkg, gg ble the face... The father realzesthe by has swallwe the ckels a starts slag hm the back.The by cghs 2 f the ckels, bt kees chkg.Lkg at hs s, the father s ackg, shtg fr hel.A well resse, attractve, a sers lkg wma, a ble bsessst s sttg at a cffee bar reag a ewsaer a sg a c fcffee. At the s f the cmmt, she lks , ts her cffee cw, eatly fls the ewsaer a laces t the cter, gets frmher seat a makes her way, hrre, acrss the restarat.Reachg the by, the wma careflly rs hs ats; takes hl f the

    bys testcles a starts t sqeeze a twst, getly at rst a the evers rmly.. After a few secs the by cvlses vletly a cghs the last ckel, whch the wma eftly catches her free ha. Releasgthe bys testcles, the wma has the ckel t the father a walks backt her seat at the cffee bar wtht sayg a wr.As s as he s sre that hs s has sffere ll effects, the fatherrshes ver t the wma a starts thakg her sayg, ive ever see

    ayby aythg lke that befre, t was fatastc. Are y a ctr?n, the wma rele. im wth the i.R.S.

    The iRS eces t at Graa, a smms hm t the iRS fce.The iRS atr was t srrse whe Graa shwe wth attrey.The atr sa, Well, sr, y have a extravagat lfestyle a fll-temlymet, Whch y exla by sayg that y w mey gamblim t sre the iRS s that a great gambler, a i ca rve t, says Graa. Hw abemstrat? The atr thks fr a mmet a sa, okay.

    ahea. Graa says, ill bet y a thsa llars that i ca bte w eye.The atr thks a mmet a says, its a bet.Graa remves hs glass eye a btes t. The atrs jaw rGraa says, nw, ill bet y tw thsa llars that i ca bte ther eye.nw the atr ca tell Graa st bl, s he takes the bet.Graa remves hs etres a btes hs g eye. The ste aw realzes he has wagere a lst three gra, wth Graas attras a wtess. He starts t get ervs.Wat t g ble r thg? Graa asks ill bet y sx thsallars that i ca sta e se f yr esk, a ee t thwastebasket the ther se, a ever get a r aywhere betweeThe atr, twce bre, s cats w, bt he lks careflly aeces theres way ths l gy cl ssbly maage that stt,he agrees aga.Graa stas bese the esk a zs hs ats, bt althgh stras mghtly, he cat make the stream reach the wastebasket ther se, s he retty mch rates all ver the atrs esk.The atr leas wth jy, realzg that he has jst tre a majr lss a hge w.Bt Graas w attrey mas a ts hs hea hs has.Are y kay? the atr asks.nt really, says the attrey. Ths mrg, whe Graa tl me hbee smme fr a at, he bet me twety-ve thsa llars the cl cme here a ss all ver yr esk a that y lterabe hay abt t!

    Tw yg bsessme Calfra were sttg w fr a breakther s-t-be ew stre the shg mall. As yet, the stre wasreay, wth ly a few shelves a slay racks set . oe sa t ther, ill bet that ay mte w sme lame-as ser s gg t wby, t hs face t the ww, a ask what were sellg. Sre e

    jst a mmet later, a crs ser getlema walke t the wlke ar tesely a rae the glass, the a l vaske, What are y sell here? oe f the gys rele sarcastcaWere sellg ass-hles.Wtht mssg a sgle beat, the l tmer sa, Sales are g. otw left.

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    Editors Note: Many of our readers have

    commented that they would like to know more

    about the crew that puts this magazine together

    each month. We thought that sounded like a good

    idea. So from time to time, and as space permits,

    well be highlighting one member of our crew with a brief


    Were quite a collection of characters here at Thunder Roads West Virginia

    and our background stories are as varied as they are interesting. But we have

    two things in common. First, were all bikers. Collectively we have hundreds

    of years of experience on bikes of all kinds and sizes. Secondly, we share a

    passionate commitment to making this magazine the best resource and most

    entertaining biked rag youll ever pick up.

    We couldnt think of a better way to introduce this feature than to start with

    our crew brother who rides with a mission from God.

    Jm Jammer Marcm

    im a Chrtanim a bker and e, o can be both! im one of man who erve

    n motorccle mntr, partclarl wth Hghwa and Hedge Motorccle Mntr

    baed n Charleton WV. Were a mall grop here n Charleton and have other

    throghot the tate, bt we have well over 500 member acro the naton and

    abroad who are dong what God ha commanded to do a tated n Lke 14:23.

    And the Mater ad nto the ervant; go e nto the hghwa and hedge and

    compel them to come n, that m hoe ma be lled. Althogh or Chrtan backpatche are hghl vble when were rollng down the hghwa a large porton of

    the general pblc are nfamlar wth the pecc of or mntr becae we are

    a behnd the cene tpe of evangeltc mntr.

    We, a member of Hghwa and Hedge, dont pt orelve p on a pedetal

    jt becae were Chrtan, nor do we eparate orelve from place that other

    Chrtan ma deem a napproprate. After all, when Je walked th earth

    He ddnt conne hmelf to fanc nagoge or temple, althogh He cold have.

    Even thogh He wa the son of man He ddnt lmt hmelf to aocate onl wth

    the rch and powerfl Pharee, althogh He cold have. intead, He went to

    where the people were who needed Hm the mot, ometme agant all odd and

    agant the advce of other who tred to perade Hm otherwe. He wa npred

    b God and went where God led Hm. He ventred nto

    area and terrtore where other ether feared to go or

    had no dere to go. Jt a Je dd, we go where

    God lead . Or fonder, Jerr Pnkn Melton, a

    t bet when aked f we have rle and reglaton a t

    pertan to how we operate a a mntr and where we

    go a mnter of the Word. He a, The Hol Bble

    or blaw and a far a where or member go to

    mnterWho am i to get n the wa of God tellng or

    member where or where not to go n reachng thoe

    who are lot and thoe who have prt


    We dont have ome bg mater plan or pec

    trateg n reachng the bker commnt. We m

    pread the Word of Je Chrt wth a non-jdgmen

    atttde and love them jt a Je love them. sometme

    a peron need to be the recpent of a warm, frendl mle and a m

    can peak a thoand word! Were not ot to change the world and realtc

    peakng, there are thoe who wll never tep foot n a chrch and that wh

    mt take the chrch to them. We ma be the onl Bble omeone ma ever r

    and that wh t mportant for to make orelve avalable, wllng, read a

    able to be there for them. Mot everone at leat omewhat famlar wth J

    3:16 whch begn wth, For God o loved the World, bt there are man who a

    nfamlar wth the vere that mmedatel follow n vere 17, For Je dd

    come to condemn the world, bt to save the world throgh Hm.

    Hghwa and Hedge Mntr a netral mntr and are not a pport c

    or aflate of an one partclar clb or mntr. We pport and repect all cl

    rdng grop and mntre. yo ma ee partcpatng n man rn

    motorccle related event throghot the rdng eaon and o ma ee or b

    parked otde of clbhoe a we drop b to vt or frend at varo motorc

    clb n and arond the Kanawha Valle. There are man motorccle mntre

    th area and we are ver veratle n or ndvdal callng. We do lot of home a

    hoptal vtaton for bker and ther famle, perform bke bleng, mnte

    jal and pron, gve prtal advce and lead grop n praer before departnga rn, jt to name a few. For thoe of n motorccle mntr who are ordan

    mnter, we perform the rte of marrage at bker weddng and condct fne

    ervce when called pon to do o. Motorccle mntr nt a non, bt a ve

    it not a peron, place or thng. it a mntr of acton and extence!

    in m fteen ear of ervng n motorccle mntr ive fond t to be the m

    demandng, bt et mot rewardng mntr ive ever been nvolved n. The rewa

    come when i ee bker saved, delvered and et free! sometme m phone r

    late at nght from omeone who jt need to talk. There other tme that

    been called ot n the wee hor of the mornng to go to a peron who n ne

    or n the mddle of a cr. some wll apologze afterward thnkng the h

    dtrbed or brdened me, bt i alwa let them know that i dont come ot for thbecae i feel lke i have to, bt becae i want to

    dont vew m role n motorccle mntr a a job. i v

    t a a bleng and im hmbled that God ha cho

    me to erve Hm n th area of mntr even thog

    feel there are man other mnter ot there who

    more qaled to flll th poton. However, G

    doent call the one who qaled, He qale the o

    who called! Mntr doent come wthot acr

    and we often pend man hor and ometme eve

    da awa from or famle, bt thank God i have a w

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    who ndertand and pport me n ever apect of th

    mntr. Even thogh he not phcall ot there wth

    me on the front lne of mntr, i tll conder her jt a

    mch a part of th mntr a i am. i call her m praer

    warror behnd the lne becae he alwa back home

    prang for me whle im ot n the hghwa and hedge.

    There are man motorccle mntre n WV and there a

    good chance that o have one or more of thee mntre

    n or local area. i encorage o to contact them and

    nvte them to or rn and event. im re oll be

    bleed b ther preence and that oll alo be a bleng

    to them. i wh i wa able to hare all the wondetore and great mntr opportnte God ha ble

    me wth over the ear of beng n motorccle mn

    and of how God ha moved and contne to move

    great and mght wa n the motorccle commnt,

    pace ndertandabl lmted o i mt brng th art

    to a cloe. Hopefll, ill have the pleare of mee

    o omewhere along the wa drng th rdng eao

    Rde to Lve, Lve for God!


    A hol man wa havng a converaton wth the Lord one da and ad, Lord, i wold lke to know what Heavenand Hell are lke. The Lord led the hol man to two door. He opened one of the door and the hol manlooked n.

    in the mddle of the room wa a large rond table and n the mddle of the table wa a large pot of tew, whchmelled delco and made the hol man moth water. The people ttng arond the table were thn andckl.

    The appeared to be famhed. The were holdng poon wth ver long handle that were trapped to therarm and each fond t poble to reach

    nto the pot of tew and take a poonfl, bt becae the handle wa longer than ther arm the cold not getthe poon back nto ther moth. The hol man hddered at the ght of ther mer and fferng. The Lordad, yo have een Hell.

    The went to the next room and opened the door. it wa exactl the ame a the rt one. There wa the largerond table wth the large pot of tew. The people were eqpped wth the ame long-handled poon, bt herethe people were well norhed and plmp, laghng and talkng. The hol man ad, i dont ndertand. it mple, ad the Lord. it reqre bt one kll. yo ee the have learned to feed each other, whle thegreed thnk onl of themelve.

    When Je ded on the cro, he wa thnkng of o and not hmelf!

    Remember, He wll alwa hare H poon wth o! Be Bleed!

    Jm Jammer Marcm rede n Charleton and ha been nvolved n motorccle mntr fornearl 15 ear and erve a Clerg wthn Hghwa and Hedge Motorccle Mntr.

    By Jim Jammer Marcum

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    Anthon specaltBker Apparel Leather H-D Boot & More

    112 Dav AveneGlen Ln, VA 24093

    (540) 726-3080

    DFM specal Tee Hoe The Bker shackHelmet shrt Chap - Jewelr

    162 Nanc Jack RoadGerrardtown, WV 25420

    (304) 229-7609 [email protected]

    Eat Vew Varet shopWe have everthng from A Z, Old and New

    715 Phlpp Pke- Eat Vew CommntClarkbrg, WV 26301

    (304) 622-6710

    Evel speedCtom Machne & Motor sckl shop

    7323 Wncheter Avene

    inwood, WV 25428(304) 229-0987

    Hawkn LeatherThe Larget Leather Dealer n the Tr-state Area

    800 Foxcroft Ave. - Martnbrg MallMartnbrg, WV 25401

    (304) 263-4193


    Art b WeezeCtom art on bke, leather, helmet,

    ato, canva & mralMartnbrg, WV (304) 264-4604


    Atomc ironRt. 1, Box 1

    New Mlton, WV 26411(304) 745-3062

    Wkbltit all abot the rde.

    Ctom crafted part made n WV(304) 329-1214


    Amol store

    Wholeale and RetalMont Clar, WV(304) 745-5522 or Cell (304) 709-1038

    Bet Prce n Town

    Bombhell CcleFrench Creek, WV


    servcng street Bke and ATV

    Evel speedCtom Machne & Motor sckl shop

    7323 Wncheter Aveneinwood, WV 25428

    (304) 229-0987

    JT Ccle & Hoodlm Motorccle GarageAftermarket & Ctom Part & Acceore

    486 Ragland Road, Beckle, WV 25801(304) 255-2468

    M&J Motor CompanLehman Trke Converon

    1000 s. Qeen streetMartnbrg, WV 25401

    (304) 262-6200

    O.B. Motorport1019 7th street

    Parkerbrg, WV 26101(304) 420-0910

    Motorccle shpped FREE

    Rff Road Ccle L.L.C.Athorzed Drag specalt DealerTre & servce Fat Trn Arond

    2050 Brke Rd. Maontown, WV 26542(304) 980-2005

    shenandoah Harle-Davdon213 Rollng Thnder Lanestanton, VA 24401


    skp Honda580 soth Mneral street

    Keer, WV 26726(304) 788-1615

    smtt szk, Kawaak, yamahaRt. 33 E. Corrdor H

    Bckhannon, WV 26201(304) 472-4824

    The Lttle shop of Harleservce & Acceore HD Certed Mechanc

    44 Ba Berr LaneBerkele sprng, WV 25411

    (304) 258-3909

    The Twted spokeCtom Bld, Motorccle & ATV Repar97 Mlford street Clarkbrg, WV 26301

    (304) 326-HOGG (4644)


    Matha & Aocate inranceFarm Home Ato Lfe - Health

    Motorccle Boat RV inranceand Retrement Plannng(800) 628-3064 [email protected]


    smoke Hole ReortOpen All year Rond

    HC 59, Box 39seneca Rock, WV 26884

    (800) 828-8478


    CcleMart - yor Motorccle Part storeAll Make All Model

    202 Elkn streetFarmont, WV 26554

    (304) 366-8119


    Vetter Photo1675 Cold sprng RoadMooreeld, WV 26836

    (304) 530-6855


    Dog sport shopNew and ued Gn, sportng Apparel,

    Agner Prodct and Reloadng spple220 North Man street; 743B Hawe Plaza

    Mooreeld, WV 26836 (304) 538-6496


    Modernda Prmatve Tattoo and Bod Percng1320 1/2 Loct Ave, Farmont, WV

    (304) 333-iNKD (4653)


    Bob Tre servce inc.812 Eat Moler AveneMartnbrg, WV 25401


    Hot Rod Roll Back and Towng

    specalzng n Motorccle Towng274 Bedngton RoadMartnbrg, WV 25401

    (304) 267-5586 Va & MC Accepted


    Merdan Webte55 Merdan Parkwa, ste 101

    Martnbrg, WV 25401(304) 263-1000

    BACA - Bkers Agast Chl Abse (iw, WV)Hot Lne (304) 839-7809bacaworld.orgEmal: [email protected]

    C.E.s Helg Has (ol Fels, WV)a non-prot organzaton enltng the help ofother good hearted people wantng to contrbteto the cae of helpng other n need. Theorganzaton hold monthl meetng and everalfndrang rde ever ear. Donaton arealwa apprecated. For more nformaton vtor webte at

    Clubs & Organizations


    continued on next page

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    B & B Applance ReparMot Brand servced - 25 year Experence(443) 605-6367 Bll / Frederck Cont MD

    (443) 605-6368 Bran / Jefferon Cont WV

    B.L BlderAll tpe of Home improvementspecalzng n water problem

    Rt 3 Box 8, Farmont, WV 26554(304) 685-2511

    GWRRA WV-A (Martsbrg, WV)(Gold Wng Road Rder Aoc.)Montaneer WngMeet the 1t snda of the month - 8am atRan Retarant, Martnbrg, WVChapter Drector: JJ & Beck JoneJJ: (301) 667-4040 [email protected]

    Beck: (301) 667-0121 [email protected] a Heges Mtrcycle Mstry(Sth Charlest, WV)For more nformaton emal Jm JammerMarcm at: [email protected]


    interor and Exteror Redental Pantng10+ year ervcng Maron, Mon & Harron Co

    Contact: Jeff Dav(304) 657-0087 [email protected]


    Aprl 3 Charle Town, WV1t Annal Montan Thnder9:00-11:00am Poker Rn kck off from FllHoe Ccle n Wncheter! Th wll be a greatrn throgh cenc WV, VA and MD endng atLonghot Bllard jt n tme to jon the fn andget n on the rafe. Bke show, Vendor, WngEatng Contet and more.For more nformaton check ot

    Aprl 10 shepherdtown, WVBleng of the Bke106 s. Dke st shepherdtown, WV 25443Regtraton for rde 9:00 - 10:00. Blengbegn at 10:00 followed b Two Rver rde 50mle (1 1/2 hor) $15 per rder $5 for 2nd rder.Cook ot after rde nclded.For more nformaton Emal [email protected].

    Aprl 24 Martnbrg, WVBACA 100 Mle RdeTh annal fndraer tart and end atMartnbrg Motorport. Ran or shne - $10per peron. Regtraton from 9:30 am to 11:30

    am wth kcktand p at Noon harp. For morenformaton call 304-262-3500 or emal [email protected].

    Aprl 24 Mooreeld, WVAnnal sprng Poker RnC.E. Helpng Hand havng ther annal sprngPoker Rn on Aprl 24th. Regtraton tart at 10:00am at the shop & save parkng lot n Mooreeld,WV wth kcktand p at 11:00 am. The rde endat the stra Cat Cafe n Mooreeld at 3:00 pm.Cot $10.00 per hand. Come on ot for a goodtme and fellowhp all for a good cae. Emal or

    grop for more nformaton and/or drecton: [email protected].


    Ma 2 Hntngton, WV10th Annal Bg Ed Brrto RdeTh annal rde begn and end at Charle H-D.Regtraton begn at 11:30 am, Rde leave at 1:00pm.$25 Fee wth all proceed benetng the MDA.Free t-hrt and Mexcan bffet. For more nformatoncontact 304-523-1340 or

    Ma 15 Elkn, WVRde for the TroopThe rt annal RiDE FOR THE TROOPs wllbe held at the Armor n Elkn, WV, wth a randate of Ma 22, 2010. Frt bke ot at 10:00 am.The rde benet the Faml Readne Grop.The proceed wll be ed for deploed mltarperonnel hold a faml cr occr whle ot ofthe contr.For more nformaton call Beck Ball 304-269-5180

    Ma 15 Martnbrg, WV

    Tr-state Fat Tracker Poker RnLeavng the new Hdeawa Clb n Martnbrg,WV at noon to pport Tr-state Fat TrackerRela for Lfe team, poker rn wth food at the lattop along wth 2 band and lot of door przecot $25 per cople and $15 ngle.

    Ma 23 Parkerbrg, WV2nd Annal Poker Rn for To for Tot$10 per peron, regtraton tart at 10:30amFrt bke ot at 11am lat ot at 1pm Latbke n 4:00 pm At the sxpence 1956 7th st.Parkerbrg, WV

    UpComing EvEnts


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