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Written Communication 2014

Feb 23, 2018



Amit Verma
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  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Written Communication

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Written Communication Written communication has great signifcance in

    todays business world. It is an innovativeactivity o the mind.

    Eective written communication is essential orpreparing worthy promotional materials orbusiness development.

    Speech came beore writing. ut writing is moreuni!ue and ormal than speech.

    Eective writing involves careul choice owords" their organi#ation in correct order in

    sentences ormation as well as cohesivecomposition o sentences.

    $lso" writing is more valid and reliable thanspeech. ut while speech is spontaneous"writing causes delay and ta%es time as eedbac%

    is not immediate.

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014



  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014



    Most ormal typeof communication .

    (sed or )ocumentation :: It involve notices, memos,

    deeds, resolution, adavits, complaints, reports, nancialstatement, cost sheet, appointments, promotions etc.

    Conventional by *ature.

    Used for circulationoInormation.

    Written communication is essentially a creativeactivity. This is notaacetoacecommunicationsituation.

    Written communication timeactorinvolves.

    The process of written communication involvesending


    &here is more e+change o ideas in oralcommunication i.e. Written Communication hasewer cycles.

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    Written communication helps in laying down apparent

    principles, policies and rules for running of an organization. It is a permanent means of communication. Thus, it is useful

    where record maintenance is required.

    It assists in proper delegation of responsibilities. While incase of oral communication, it is impossible to fix anddelegate responsibilities on the grounds of speech as it canbe taken back by the speaker or he may refuse toacknowledge.

    Written communication is more precise and explicit.

    Effectie written communication deelops and enhances anorganization!s image.

    It proides ready records and references.

    "egal defences can depend upon written communication asit proides alid records.

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    Written communication does not sae upon the costs. It costs

    huge in terms of stationery and the manpower employed inwriting#typing and deliering letters.

    $lso, if the receiers of the written message are separated by

    distance and if they need to clear their doubts, the response is

    not spontaneous.

    Written communication is time%consuming as the feedback is not


    The encoding and sending of message takes time.

    Effectie written communication requires great skills andcompetencies in language and ocabulary use.

    &oor writing skills and quality hae a negatie impact on

    organization!s reputation.

    Too much paper work and e%mails burden is inoled.

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Main dierencesetween e!mailand hard copy correspondence:

    ,ormat- your signature bloc% address"etc./ goes below your name in e0mail"while it goes at the top o the page onhard copy.

    E0mail re!uires a sub1ect line logical to therecipient. E0mail sub1ect lines can ma%e orbrea% whether your e0mail is opened andread. 2ard copy can have a sub1ect linetoo" but it3s on the letter ater recipient3s

    address bloc% and beore 4)ear..."4 and it3sseen ater the letter is opened.

    Signature- ' course you won3t have ahandwritten signature on e0mail" but don3t

    orget this on hard copy.

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    &ypes o 5etters

    6rivate 5etters

    usiness or Commercial letters

    '7cial 5etters Covering 5etters

    & i

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    &ypes o usiness5etters

    5etters regarding 8uotations" 'ers and

    'rders 5etters regarding &rade 9eerences

    5etters regarding $gency

    Circular 5etters )unning or Collection 5etters

    5etters o Credits

    5etters regarding an% &ransactions

    5etters regarding Insurance

    5etters o Clearing and ,orwarding$gents

    5etters regarding Employment

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Essential Characteristics ' $:ood usiness 5etter

    Write naturally or ;aintain'riginality

    revity Clarity Coherence Simplicity Correctness

    Completeness Conciseness Convincing Courtesy $ppearance

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    What Is $ :ood 5etterohn Smith

    ?@A $bc Street

    $nother &own

    WB= DF


    ;r. ,irstname Surname




    6ost code

    )ear ;r Surname"

    'pening 6aragraph

    Second paragraph

    &hird paragraph

    ,ourth G fnal paragraph

    ours sincerely

    John Smith

    >ohn Smith

    Layout of Covering Letter Layout

    # l

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    #ampleRespected Sir

    I have read your employment advertisement, and I am convinced that I could perform effectively in this position for you.

    Conscientious, hardworking, and multi-talented are words that characterize the qualities that have made me an asset to my

    employers. ver the course of my career I have managed personnel and resources in organizations ranging in size from !

    to "# and know how to work independently while using my e$perience and %udgment to respond to various situations. &y

    attention to detail, analytical e$pertise, and proficiency in preparing written reports have resulted in my receipt of

    commendatory recognition from superiors and outside agencies. &y a'ility to complete pro%ects in a timely manner while

    eliciting needed information for critical decision making was demonstrated when I successfully performed, in a (-day

    timeframe, a detailed audit of )"# records, most of which were in formats with which I was unfamiliar, and created a report

    of discrepancies along with correct information. *dditionally, as an intelligence officer, I e$celled in conducting researchin 'oth +nglish and erman and trained personnel in utilizing the same methods. I am adapta'le to a variety of working

    conditions and situations and am an effective communicatortalents which would make me an immediate contri'utor to

    your team.

    *t your convenience, I hope to meet with you in person to discuss how my qualifications would meet your needs.

    hank you for your consideration.


    ?Dth >uly @HH

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    ?Dth >uly @HH

    ;rs. ; ,oster":raduate 9ecruitment ;anager"Elsewhere an% plc"A 2igh Street";anchester. ;@ ?9S

    )ear ;rs ,oster

    I was very interested to read your advertisement or a :raduate &rainee on the (niversity o Jentvacancy database as it precisely fts my career plans.

    I frst became interested in retail ban%ing during an 4Insight4 course which I attended during mysecond year at (niversity. Since then" discussion with my careers adviser and my own researchhave confrmed my belie that this is a career which will enable me to use not only my interest inbusiness and fnance but also my s%ills in wor%ing with people" both in an advisory and amanagerial capacity.

    I am particularly interested in a career with Elsewhere an%" because o the high reputation o

    your graduate training scheme" and your commitment to giving new recruits early responsibility.

    )uring my time as a student I have had a variety o part0time and vacation 1obs" all o which havere!uired me to wor% as part o a team and to deal directly with the public. I ound my wor% at the&ourist Inormation '7ce particularly valuable in teaching me the importance o ascertainingcustomers3 needs and providing clear and accurate inormation in response to those needs.

    $s part o my degree course" I chose to carry out a fnal0year pro1ect which involved a statisticalanalysis o ?=H !uestionnaires sent to local employers. &o process this inormation" I taughtmysel to set up and use a database and elt great satisaction in completing this pro1ect well

    ahead o the end0o0term deadline. $lthough my overall degree result was a @.@." this particularpiece o wor% was awarded a high @.?.

    I will be available or interview at any time apart rom the ?@ 0 @ $ugust when I have arranged aholiday in Italy. I loo% orward to hearing rom you shortly and enclose my CK or yourconsideration.

    ours sincerely

    John Andrews

    >ohn $ndrews

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    5$'(& ', (SI*ESS5E&&E9S

    ,ully0Indented Style

    Semi0Intended Style

    ,ully0loc%ed Style ;odifed0loc%ed Style

    &he 2anging 6aragraph Style

    &he *';$*ational '7ce o;anagement $ssociation o$merica/ Simplifed Style

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    ,ully0Indented Style5$'(& ', (SI*ESS 5E&&E9S

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Semi0Intended Style5$'(& ', (SI*ESS 5E&&E9S

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    ,ully0loc%ed Style5$'(& ', (SI*ESS 5E&&E9S

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    ;odifed0loc%ed Style5$'(& ', (SI*ESS 5E&&E9S

    &he 2anging 6aragraph

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    &he 2anging 6aragraphStyle

    5$'(& ', (SI*ESS 5E&&E9S

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    ;anagement $ssociation o $merica/

    Simplifed Style

    5$'(& ', (SI*ESS 5E&&E9S

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014



    6resentation can be defned as aormal event characteri#ed byteamwor% and use o audio0visual

    aids. The main purpose of presentationis to $ive information, to persuade theaudience to act and to create $oodwill. "$ood presentation should have a $ood

    su%ect matter, should match with theo%ective, should est t the audience,and should e well or$ani&ed.

    Ch t i ti : dLE ti

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Characteristics o a :oodLEective6resentation

    he presentation ideas should 'e well adapted to your audience.

    Relate your presentation message/idea to the interests of the audience.* detailed audience analysis must 'e made 'efore the presentation,

    i.e., an analysis of the needs, age, educational 'ackground, language,

    and culture of the target audience. heir 'ody language instantly

    gives the speaker the required feed'ack.

    * good presentation should 'e concise and should 'e focused on the

    topic. It should not move off-track.

    * good presentation should have the potential to convey the required


    he fear should 'e transformed into positive energy during thepresentation. 0e calm and rela$ed while giving a presentation. 0efore

    'eginning, wait and develop an eye contact with the audience. 1ocus

    on conveying your message well and use a positive 'ody language.

    Ch t i ti : dLE ti

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Characteristics o a :oodLEective6resentation

    o communicate the desired information, the speaker should use more

    of visual aids such as transparencies, diagrams, pictures, charts, etc.+ach transparency/slide should contain limited and essential

    information only. 2o slide should 'e kept on for a longer time. ry

    facing the audience, rather than the screen. he speaker should not

    'lock the view. urn on the room lights else the audience might fall

    asleep and loose interest. rganize all the visuals for making a logical

    and sound presentation.

    * good presentation must 'e planned. he speaker must plan how to

    'egin the presentation, what to speak in the middle of presentation

    and how to end the presentation without losing audience interests atany point of time.

    Rehearse and practice the presentation. his will help the speaker to

    'e more confident and self-assured. he more the speaker rehearses

    the 'etter the presentation turns to 'e.

    Ch t i ti : dLE ti

  • 7/24/2019 Written Communication 2014


    Characteristics o a :oodLEective6resentation

    he speaker should encourage more questions from the audience. 3e should

    'e honest enough to answer those questions. If any 'iased question is putforth 'y the audience, rearticulate it 'efore answering.

    Summarize the presentation at the end. ive final comments. 4eave a

    positive impact upon the audience.

    he speaker must have a presenta'le appearance while giving a presentation.

    he speaker should stand with feet far apart maintaining a good 'alance. 3e

    must use confident gestures. 3e must use short and simple words.

    ry to gain and maintain audience interest 'y using positive quotes, humour,

    or remarka'le fact.

    he speaker must 'e affirmative and optimistic 'efore giving presentation.3e should ensure all tools and equipments to 'e used in presentation are

    working well.

    he speaker must state the o'%ectives of the presentation at 'eginning of the
