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Wrist Watch .....Priyanka

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    Presentation onwrist watch

    (mid - range)

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    Indian Watch Market The overall size of the Indian watch market is estimated to

    be around 40-45 million wristwatches with a double-digit

    annual growth of around 10%.

    It is estimated that 20-25 watches are sold for every 1,000citizens. More than 90% of the watches sold in the countrycost less than 1374.50 INR

    The annual market size of the Indian watch market isestimated to be around US$ 195 million

    There are several price points for watches in India - Low,

    Medium, High, Premium and Luxury

    starting from Rs434.50 right up to Rs.108706.50 onwards. Around 70% ofthe watches sold in India have a price point of less thanRs.1099.56

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    Indian Watch Industry Trends

    Rapid increase in target audience

    Rise of consumerism and purchasing power

    of the middle class

    Bulk of the demand exists in lower and

    middle segments Rise of demand of trendy watches

    The fashion statement on your wrist

    Rising Demand for Six-Figure Watches Luxury

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    STP Process Dividing the market by grouping the customer with

    similar tastes and preferences into one segment iscalled is called segmentation.

    Individual marketing segmentation

    where I will focus on individual customers

    that is my target audience will be from age group of15

    yrs -30 yrs

    segmentation ofconsumer market

    Here taste, preference fashion , style , status,need , demand will be kept in mind while


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    It is the second stage of the Segment Target Position(STP) process. After the most attractive segments areselected,

    The ability of company to enter the marketas company is launching wrist watches for age groupfrom 15 yrs to 30 yrs , it has variety of wrist watches for

    this segment that too which fits in their budgets ,companyhas kept in mind the strategy of competitors theirweakness & strength so ha to gain some stability inmarket as it I launching its new product in market amongthe well known competitors

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    . Analyzing competitorsSONATA :. This brand is well known for its affordable rangeof watches designed with the typical watch customer inmindstarting price 275 Rs

    TIMEX: Over half a century ago, Timex revolutionizedwatch making by using cutting-edge technology in products

    in outdoor, sports and style categories. Today, Timex is ahousehold name synonymous with design, durability andperformanceStarting price 535 Rs

    CITIZEN: Citizen, collection comprises 65% for men and35% for women,The specific approach taken by Citizen was to build auniversally trusted and recognized brand as well as a

    technological and physical infrastructure that can scale

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    Considering the companys abilities compared to thecompetitors

    launching wrist watches for age group of 15 yr to 30 yrs

    Available in wide ranges of Innovative designs, eye-catching colors, jewel-set version, style like funky decent,sporty, party wear, fashionable according to today market,waterproof, size like thin belts broad belts with differentsize of dials, changeable dials & affordable prices

    Deciding on the actual target markets.Age group 15yrs to 30 yrsTargeting middle class people

    Targeting those group who keep on changing their styleaccordinglyGroup who is found of continous changes

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    POSITIONINGA watch that builds your image

    Quality product with reliability, performance,

    elegance & sportsmanship with latest designWhich fulfill emotional & artistic needs with yourlifestyle statement

    A brand which represents style, status andtechnology

    A Good Looking WatchYou don't have to be rich to afford this watchesas it is

    midrange segmentsTrendy, Decent & stylishTechnologically superior multifunctional

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    Communication goals

    To communicate the product related companyobjectives to its target market through rightmedium

    to create awareness of the product.

    Imparting knowledge about the product andits availability in market Projecting a positive and user friendly image

    of the product with target market. Shaping the attitudes of the target market in

    the way to persuade them for the usage ofthe product.

    Stimulating a want or desire for the trial andfurther usage of the product.


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    The range of watches the brand is tolaunch are of mid range.

    Available in variety of color combinations,styles, designs.

    Easily available in market at the WRISTO

    watch stores. less competition due to its mid range and

    offering of variety with the same range.

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    Brand loyal people will find it difficult toswitch to another brand like WRISTOliving their brand even though

    WRISTO offering mid range watcheswith a lot of variety.

    Competition of brands with mid range


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    Launching expansion of the productcovering the other segments of themarket.

    Bringing up changes in currentproduct line.

    Sales increase expectations.

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    Competitors might try to overcome theproduct by launching similar line ofproduct in future.

    The recall for the product notsustained in the minds of the targetmarket.

    Increase in the purchasing power ofthe consumers letting them to switchto premium brands.

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    About my product

    Product : wrist watch Name : Wristo ( because you deserve

    the change ) Price: starting from Rs. 499 to Rs 5000 Features :Available in wide ranges of

    Innovative designs, eye-catching colors,jewel-set version, style like funky decent,sporty, party wear, fashionable according

    to today market, waterproof, size likethin belts broad belts with different sizeof dials, changeable dials & affordableprices

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    Pricing Policy & strategyWill apply the concept of providing quality product at

    optimum price

    Will provide Lucrative discounts, deals and schemes

    Will adopt sales oriented objective

    Will Have one price policy to maintain a goodwillamong customers (at least for 5 yrs)

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    single watch retail outlets

    departmental stores and showrooms displaying


    retailing concepts such as shop-in-shops, exclusive

    corners and attractive display counters, etc. & mall


    later go for exclusive showrooms

    Set up a chain of service centers, with close proximityto the marketplace

    Innovative planning of showrooms

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    MEDIA MIX:o Each media category has unique characteristics.o television will offers visual impact that interweaves

    sight and sound, often within a narrative storyline formy product

    oMagazines will offer high reproduction quality butmust grab the consumer with a single static image.


    Direct mail can carry free samples but can requirecompelling ad copy in the letter and back-end

    infrastructure for some form of consumer response by

    return mail, telephone or Internet.


    Rich media ads on the Internet can combine the bestof TV-style ads with interactive response via a clickthrough to the brand's own Web site.

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    Media strategy The crucial decisions: where to advertise (geography :

    10 metropolitan cities)

    when to advertise For TVC: channels like MTV , V Channel sports

    channel, scheduling will be on continuity bases

    and what media categories to use

    (media mix: magazines like femina, fashion magazines,sports magazines or youth based magazines

    Newspaper like Bombay times , Sunday specialeditions, Mumbai mirror n regional newspapers).

    Moreover the decision to be taken with the budgetconstraints The actual amount of money that anadvertiser spends on marketing communications canvary widely.

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    Promotional activitypre-launch activity, to secure distribution and ensurethat the sales channel (including resellers, retailers,

    etc.) have the skills, resources, and knowledge tomarket the product

    launch activity:Make target segment aware of the product(trailor ads

    of the brand in tvc, magzines, newspapers initially.)Build an image of brand ( once the target market hasbeen introduced to the brand and product.)internal communications (or "internal launch"), toguarantee high levels of awareness and commitmentto the new product;launch events at the malls, big multi watch stores,TVC ads, newspapers, radio, magazines, all atnational, regional, and/or local level;(at the launch

    period of the product)

    F TVC th ill b 3 t f h d li

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    For TVC there will b 3 types of schedulingThe flight scheduling approach alternates advertising

    across months, with heavy advertising in certain months and noadvertising at all in other months.

    . Continuity scheduling spreads media spending evenlyacross months. This method ensures steady brand exposureover each purchase cycle for individual consumers. It alsotakes advantage of volume discounts in media buying.Pulse scheduling combines the first two scheduling methods,

    so that the brand maintains a low level of advertising across allmonths but spends more in selected months

    Post launch periodCoupons

    DiscountsGiftsPackaging( will undergo changes)Will b offered during festivals, occasions n during sale period;considered as the post launch strategy to b followed.

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    hiring up a pr agency which can handle each segment of thetarget market selected in stp process and formulatepromotional activities accordingly.keeping a track throughout the pre-launch n post launchperiod of the product and then sustaining the brand imageconstant in the minds of the target market.

    bringing up exciting brand extensions in the market to expandthe target market.taking charge over the crisis the brand might face due tocompetition, changing attitudes of consumers, and manymore; and making strategies accordingly for the brand

    reinforcement and brand revitalization.making advertisement budget suitable and the secondarypriority once the product is a known one in its target market.ensuring maintenance of a cordial relationship of consumerswith the brand and company.

  • 8/3/2019 Wrist Watch .....Priyanka


    The future scope for mybrandThe scope for my Wristo watches are

    expected to have an positive increase inmarket

    As my watches are of mid range & they

    are available in varietiesAnd according to the consumers needs

    & requirement that will fit in their budgetA product which will compliment their

    personality & status in society. Its is available in market that means it is

    in reach of T.A