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Wriitng Business Messages

Feb 20, 2018



Brigette Varela
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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International

Chapter 5 -1

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Learning ObjectivesExplain the importance of adapting to your

audiences and list three ways of doing so

Explain why establishing credibility is vital

to the success of your communication


Discuss four ways of achieving a business-

like tone with a clear concise style

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Chapter 5 -2

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Learning Objectives!rie"y describe how to select words that

are not only correct but also eective

Explain how sentence style aects

emphasis within your message

List #ve ways to develop paragraphs that

are uni#ed and coherent

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Chapter 5 -3

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Chapter 5 -4

Writing CompletingPlanning

Analyze Situation

Gather Information

Select Medium

Get Organized


Produce Message

Proofread Message

Distribute Message

Adapt to

the Audience


the Message

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$dapting to the $udience

%hat&s in this for me' (audience&s


 +o successfully adapt your messageto your audience try to,

. !e sensitive to audience&s needs

/. !uild strong relationships

0. 1ontrol style and tone

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Chapter 5 -5

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$udience 2ensitivity

$dopt a 3you4 attitude5aintain good eti)uette throughpolite

  communication.Emphasi6e the positive7se bias-free languagee.

Chapter 5 -6

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 +he 38ou4 $ttitude

2peaking and writing for anaudience





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Chapter 5 -7

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 +o help us process this

order we must ask foranother copy of there)uisition.

2o that your order can be

#lled promptly pleasesend another copy of there)uisition.

%e are pleased to

announce our new "ightschedule from $tlanta to<ew 8ork which is anyhour on the hour.

<ow you can take a plane

from $tlanta to<ew 8ork any hour on thehour.

%e oer 5;0 players with=> ?= or >> gigabytes ofstorage capacity.

2elect your 5;0 playerfrom three models with =>?= or >> gigabytes ofstorage capacityWhen business messages use an “I” or “we” attitude, they

risk sounding selfish and uninterested in the audience.

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Chapter 5 -

 Avoid using you and yours when doing so

• Makes you sound dictatorial 

• Makes someone else feel guilty

• Goes against your organization’s styleINSTEAD OF THIS WRITE THIS

 8ou should never use thattype of paper in the copymachine.

 +hat type of paper doesn&twork very well in the copymachine.

 8ou must correct all #vecopies by noon.

$ll #ve copies must becorrected by noon.

As you practice using the “you” attitude, be sure to

consider the attitudes of other cultures and the policies

of your organization.

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5aintaining 2tandards of Eti)uette

2how respect

!e courteous

7se diplomacy

 Although you may be tempted now

and then to be brutally frank, try to

express the facts in a kind and

thoughtful manner.

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Chapter 5 -10

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Once again you&ve

managed to bring downthe entire website throughyour incompetentprogramming.

Let&s review the last

website update so that wecan #nd out how toimprove the process

 8ou&ve been sitting on ourorder for twoweeks and we need itnow@

Our production schedulesdepend on timely deliveryof parts and supplies butwe have not yet receivedthe order you promised todeliver two weeks ago.;lease respond today witha #rm deliverycommitment.

Use extra tact when communicating with people higher

up the organization chart or outside the company.

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O!2EAB9<C E-5$9L E+97E++E

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Chapter 5 -12

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O!2EAB9<C E-5$9L E+97E++E

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Chapter 5 -13

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O!2EAB9<C E-5$9L E+97E++E

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Chapter 5 -14

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O!2EAB9<C E-5$9L E+97E++E

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Chapter 5 -15

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Emphasi6e the ;ositive

$void negativity - communicate negative news

without being negative.2tress bene#ts

7se euphemisms - masks a rude or impoliteexpression but conveys the concept clearly and

politely. 8ou are becoming a little thin on top (bald*.

Our teacher is in the family way (pregnant*.

:e is always tired and emotional (drunk*.

%e do not hire mentally challenged (stupid* people.:e is a special child (disabled or retarded*.

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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International

Chapter 5 -17

E!" #las$a #irlines instituted surcharges %or hea&y

luggage in an atte'pt to reduce in(uries to )aggage

handlers* the co'pany presented the change to passengers +ith posters that said* ,Pac$ ight .


y presenting the situation as an opportunity to

sa&e 'oney rather than as an added cost o% tra&el*

#las$a +or$ed to 'aintain a positi&e relationship+ith its custo'ers"

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9t is impossible torepair your laptoptoday.

 8our computer can beready by +uesday.

%e wasted0>>>>>

advertising in thatmaga6ine.

Our 0>>>>> advertisinginvestment did not pay

oF let&s analy6e theexperience and apply theinsights to futurecampaigns.

%e apologi6e forinconveniencing youduring our


 +he renovations nowunder way will help usserve you better.

Eplain what you ha!e done, what you can do, and what you

will do"not what you ha!en#t done, can#t do, or won#t do.

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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International

Chapter 5 -1

When you are offering criticism or advice, focus on

what the person can do to improve.


 +he problem withthis department isa failure to controlcosts.

 +he performance of thisdepartment can beimproved by tighteningcost controls.

 8ou failed toprovide all the

necessaryinformation on theprevious screen.

;lease review the itemsmarked in red on the

previous screen so thatwe can process yourorder as )uickly aspossible.

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Chapter 5 -20


%e will notify allthree credit reportingagencies if you donot pay your overduebill within > days.

;aying your overduebill within > days willprevent a negativeentry on your creditrecord.

9 am tired of seeing

so many errors in thecustomer-serviceblog.

;roofreading your blog

postings will help youavoid embarrassingmistakes thatgenerate more


 Show your audience members how they will benefit

 from complying with your message.

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;lease buy this book sothat 9 canmake my sales )uota.

 +he plot of this novel willkeep you insuspense to the last page.

%e need yourcontribution to the !oysand Cirls 1lub.

 8ou can help a child makefriends and build self-con#dence through your

donation to the !oys andCirls 1lub.

I% youre trying to persuade audience 'e')ers to )uy a

 product* pay a )ill* or per%or' a ser&ice %or you* e'phasie+hats in it %or the'" ont %ocus on +hy you +ant the' to

do so'ething" #n indi&idual +ho sees the possi)ility %or

 personal )ene%it is 'ore li$ely to respond positi&ely to your


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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International

Chapter 5 -22




Gailing 7nderperforming

7sed cars Aesale cars

Elderly 2enior 1iti6ens:igh-calorie food :igh-energy food

Gake 9mitation

Try to avoid words with negative connotations; use

meaningful euphemisms instead 

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7se !ias-Gree Language




Aace or ethnicity

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Chapter 5 -23

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Example Unacceptable


Gender Bia7sing wordscontaining3man4





$rti#cial syntheticmanufactured constructed:umanity human beingshuman race people%orkers workforceExecutive managerbusinessperson2ales representativesalesperson clerk2upervisor

7sing female-gender words

7sing specialdesignations

7sing 3he4 to


%oman doctor

male nurse

$ctor "ight attendant

Doctor nurse

 +he average worker . . . he or

&erco'ing ias In anguage

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Example Unacceptable Preferable

Gender Bia9dentifying roleswith gender

9dentifying womenby marital status

the consumer . . . shethe nurseHteacher . . .2he

<orm Lindstrom and

5s. Drake

consumers . . . theynursesHteachers . . . +hey

5r. Lindstrom and

5s. Drake

Racial!Et"nic Bia$ssigningstereotypes

9dentifying people

by race or ethnicity

5y $frican-$mericanassistant speaks morearticulately than 9 do.

 Iim %ong is anunusually tall $sian.

5ario 5. 1uomo9talian $merican

politician and ex-governor of <ew 8ork

5y assistant speaksmore articulatelythan 9 do.

 Iim %ong is tall.

5ario 5. 1uomo

politician and ex-governor of <ew 8ork

&erco'ing ias In anguage

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Chapter 5 -26

Example Unacceptable Preferable

A#e Bia

9ncluding agewhen irrelevant

5ary Jira6y =Khas just joined ourtrust department.

5ary Jira6y has just joined ourtrustdepartment.

Diabilit$ Bia;utting thedisability beforethe person

1rippled workersface manybarriers on the


$n epileptic +racyhas no troubledoing

her job.

%orkers withphysicaldisabilities facemany barriers on

the job.

 +racy&s epilepsyhas no eect onher

 job performance.

B%ildin# Str&n# Relati&n"ip 'it"

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B%ildin# Str&n# Relati&n"ip 'it" (&%r A%dience

 +wo key eorts to help you addressyour own needs while building positiverelationships with your audience,

. Establish your credibility  /. ;roject the company&s image

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Chapter 5 -27

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lind e'ployees +ill recei&e co'pany 'e'orandu's )y

&oice 'ail"

he ne+ ele&ator is %or the e!clusi&e use o% handicappede'ployees and should not )e used )y nor'al e'ployees"

8hen co''unicating a)out people +ith disa)ilities* use the

9people %irst9 language" :e%er to the person %irst and the disa)ility

second" It should %ocus on the person;s a)ility rather than on the

disa)ility" #&oid +ords +ith negati&e or (udg'ental connotations

such as handicap* un%ortunate* a%%licted* and &icti'"

Consider these 'ore sensiti&e re&isionsE'ployees +ith &ision i'pair'ents +ill recei&e co'pany

'e'orandu's )y &oice 'ail"

he ne+ ele&ator is %or the e!clusi&e use o% e'ployees

+ho ha&e disa)ilities"

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Chapter 5 -2

!onesty+ill earn you the

respect o% your


Ob"ectivitydistance yoursel% %ro'

e'otional situations

and loo$ at all sides

o% an issue

A#arenessunderstand +hats

i'portant to your



 %no#ledge &


(ndorsementsget assistance %ro'

so'eone your audience

$no+ and trust

PerformancePeople need to $no+ they

can count on you to get

 the (o) done

onfidencestate your case

con%idently* +ithout

sounding )oast%ul

or arrogant


Stylesupport your points

+ith e&idence

Sincerity point out speci%ic

<ualities that +arrant


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 8ou risk losing your credibility if you Exaggerate claims

;ay insincere compliments Lack con#denceINSTEAD OF THIS WRITE THIS

5y deepest heartfelt

thanks for the excellent job you did. 9t&s hard thesedays to #nd workers likeyou. 8ou are just fantastic@9 can&t stress enough how

happy you have madeus with your outstandingperformance.

 +hanks for the great job

you did #lling in for Cladysat the convention with justan hour&s notice. Despitethe diMcultcircumstances you

managed to attractseveral new orders withyour demonstration of thenew line of coeemakers.

 8our dedication and salesabilit are trul

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Chapter 5 -31


%e hope this

recommendation will behelpful.

%e&re glad to make this


9f you&d like to order mail usthe reply card.

 +o order mail the replycard.

%e trust that you&ll want toextend your service contract.

!y extending yourservice contract youcan continue to enjoytop-notch performancefrom your e)uipment.

he $ey to )eing )elie&a)le is to )elie&e in yoursel%" I% you

are con&inced that your 'essage is sound* you can state

your case +ith authority so that your audience has no


Pr&)ectin# (&%r *&mpan$+

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Pr&)ectin# (&%r *&mpan$ Ima#e

!e a spokesperson - +he impression you makecan enhance or damage the reputation of theentire company.

Gollow guidelines - 5any organi6ations havespeci#c communication guidelines that showeverything from the correct use of the companyname to preferred abbreviations and othergrammatical details.

Observe colleagues - Observe moreexperienced colleagues to see how theycommunicate and never hesitate to ask foreditorial help to make sure you&re conveying theappropriate tone.

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*&ntr&l St$le and T&ne

0 ways of achieving a businessliketone with a style that is clear andconcise

. 7se a conversational tone/. 7se plain language

0. 2elect active or passive voice

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Chapter 5 -33

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1onversational +one

G%ideline t& ac"ie,e ac&n,eri&nal t&ne in $&%rmea#e-

Di.erentiate textin# ,/ 'ritin#A,&id &b&lete and p&mp&%lan#%a#e

A,&id preac"in# &r bra##in#Be caref%l 'it" intimac$ &r"%m&r

Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International

Chapter 5 -34

A id b l t d

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A,&id &b&lete and p&mp&%


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Chapter 5 -35

A,&id preac"in# and

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Chapter 5 -36

A,&id preac"in# andbra##in#

$. %eople who think that they know e!erything and

that others know nothing are irritating.

&. If you do need to remind your audience of

something ob!ious, try to work in the informationcasually, perhaps in the middle of a paragraph,

where it will sound like a secondary comment

rather than a ma'or re!elation.

(. A!oid bragging about your accomplishments orthose of your organization )unless your audience

is a part of your organization*.

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5ost business messages should avoidintimacy such as sharing personaldetails or adopting a casualunprofessional tone.

:umor can be an eective tool toinject interest into dry subjects or takethe sting out of negative news.

:owever use it with great care, :umorcan easily back#re and divert attentionfrom your message

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7sing ;lain Language

We continually eist to synergistically supply!alue+added deli!erables such that we may

continue to proacti!ely maintain enterprise+wide

data to stay competiti!e in tomorrow#s world.Plain English - presenting in%or'ation in a si'ple*

unadorned style %or audience to easily grasp the

'eaning* +ithout struggling through specialied*

technical* or con&oluted language"

Its close to the +ay people nor'ally spea$"

Is easily understood )y anyone +ith a )asic education"

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7sing ;lain Language

 Audiences can understand andact on plain English withoutreading it over and over.

;roject a 38ou4 attitude

Aespect the audience

!oost productivity

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Chapter 5 -3

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7sing the Aight Boice$ctive voice (subject-verb-object*

Direct concise vigorous

;assive voice (subject-verb-object*

9ndirect tactful reserved

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Chapter 5 -40

Use passive sentences to soften bad news, to put

 yourself in the background, or to create an impersonaltone

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Chapter 5 -41

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Chapter 5 -42

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1omposing the 5essage

1hoosing strong words

1reating eective sentences

1rafting 7ni#ed 1oherent


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Chapter 5 -43

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1omposing the 5essage

1hoose 2trong %ordsUin# F%ncti&nal and *&ntent

W&rd *&rrectl$

Findin# W&rd T"at

*&mm%nicate Well

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Chapter 5 -44

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Chapter 5 -45

sing -unctional and ontent Words orrectly

8ords can )e di&ided into t+o 'ain categories"

-unctional words + e!press relationships andha&e only one unchanging 'eaning in any gi&en


E!" con(unctions* prepositions* articles* and pronouns"

ontent words + are 'ultidi'ensional and* there%ore*

%re<uently su)(ect to &arious interpretations"

E!" nouns* &er)s* ad(ecti&es* and ad&er)s"

hese +ords carry the 'eaning o% a sentence" In yoursentences* content +ords are the )uilding )loc$s* and

%unctional +ords are the 'ortar that holds the'


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Chapter 5 -46

In the %ollo+ing sentence all content +ords are

underlinedCarlo =irene noted that custo' ringtones ha&e

generated se&eral )illion dollars in sales so %ar*

 )ut he isnt sure i% this 'o'entu' +ill trans%er

to other 'o)ile data ser&ices"

Content +ords ha&e )oth a denotati&e and a connotati&e


/enotati!e + meaning is the literal, or dictionary,meaning.

onnotati!e + meaning includes all the associations

and feelings e!oked by the word.

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 bstraction and !oncreteness

Abstract word + epresses a concept, 0uality, or


#)stractions are usually )road* enco'passing a categoryo% ideas* and they are o%ten intellectual* acade'ic* or


E!"  !ove, honor, progress, tradition, and beauty

 productivity, profits, "uality, and motivation

oncrete word + stands for something you can touch,

see, or

!isualize. #nchored in the tangi)le* 'aterial +orld" #$ %hair, table, horse, rose, kick, kiss, red, green, and

two &direct, clear, and e$act'

 software, database, signal, and code

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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International

Chapter 5 -4>

-inding Words 1hat ommunicate Well? hoose powerful words. hoose words that epress

your thoughts most clearly, specifically, anddynamically"

 @ouns and &er)s are the 'ost concrete and should do

'ost o% the co''unication +or$ in your 'essages"

Aer)s are especially po+er%ul )ecause they tell +hatshappening in the sentence* so 'a$e the' dyna'ic and


E!"  fall with plummet, drop, or decline to sugge

 plummeted is stronger and more efficient than saying sales dropped dramatically or sales e$perienced a

dramatic drop

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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International Chapter 5 -4

-inding Words 1hat ommunicate Well

? hoose familiar words. 2ou#ll communicate best

with words that are familiar to both you and yourreaders. 

E!" E%%orts to i'pro&e a situation can )e ameliorative

/aying they are helpful is a lot more effective

 Moreover, trying to use an unfamiliar word %or the %irstti'e in an i'portant docu'ent can lead to e')arrassing


? A!oid clich3s and buzzwords. Although familiar

words are generally the best choice,e+are o% ter's and phrases so co''on or so trendy

that they ha&e lost so'e o% their po+er to co''unicate"

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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International Chapter 5 -50

-inding Words 1hat ommunicate Well

? se 'argon carefully. 4andle technical or

professional terms with careE!" 8hen a recording engineer +ants to co''unicate

that a particular piece o% 'usic is de&oid o% re&er)eration

and other sound e%%ects* its a lot easier to si'ply descri)e

the trac$ as ,dry" % course* to people +ho arent %a'iliar+ith such insider ter's* (argon is 'eaningless and

inti'idatingBone 'ore reason

its so i'portant to understand your audience )e%ore you

start +riting"

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i h

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omposing the message

reating Effecti!e 5entences

hoosing from the -our 1ypes of 5entences/i'ple* Co'pound* Co'ple!* and Co'pound


$. 5imple sentence + has one main clause "a

single sub#ect and a single predicate$

E!" Pro%its increased in the past year "

i th

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omposing the message

reating Effecti!e 5entences

hoosing from the -our 1ypes of 5entences&. ompound sentence + has two main clauses

that epress two or more independent but

related thoughts of e0ual importance, usually

 'oined by and, but and or

E!" 8age rates ha&e declined )y 5 percent* and

e'ployee turno&er has )een high"

he independent clauses in a co'pound sentenceare al+ays separated )y a co''a or )y a se'icolon

in +hich case the con(unctionB and, but, or(is


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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International Chapter 5 -55

reating Effecti!e 5entences

hoosing from the -our 1ypes of 5entences

(. omple sentence epresses one main thought)the independent clause* and one or more

subordinate thoughts )dependent clausesD related

to it* o%ten separated )y a co''a" he su)ordinatethought* +hich co'es %irst in the %ollo+ing

sentence* could not stand alone as a &alid sentence"

E!" #lthough you 'ay <uestion eraldsconclusions* you 'ust ad'it that his research is


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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International Chapter 5 -56

reating Effecti!e 5entences

hoosing from the -our 1ypes of 5entences

6. ompound+comple sentence has two main

clauses, at least one of which contains a

subordinate clause.

E!" Pro%its ha&e increased in the past year* and

although you 'ay <uestion eralds conclusions*

you 'ust ad'it that his research is thorough"

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Copyright © 2010 PearsonEducation International Chapter 5 -57

sing 5entence 5tyle to Emphasize 7ey


In e&ery 'essage* so'e ideas are 'ore i'portantthan others" Fou can e'phasie these $ey ideas

through your sentence style"Consider this sentence

1he chairperson called for a !ote of the

shareholders.o e'phasie the i'portance o% the chairperson* you

'ight descri)e her 'ore %ully4a!ing considerable eperience in corporate

takeo!er battles, the chairperson called for a

!ote of the shareholders."

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Fou can increase the e'phasis e&en 'ore )y

adding a separate* short sentence to aug'ent the

%irst1he chairperson called for a !ote of the

shareholders. 5he has considerable

eperience in corporate takeo!er battles

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Fou can also call attention to a thought )y

'a$ing it the su)(ect o% the sentence"

E!" e'phasis is on the personI can write letters much more 0uickly using a


Go+e&er* )y changing the su)(ect* the co'puterta$es center stage

1he computer enables me to write letters

much more 0uickly.

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#nother +ay to e'phasie an idea is to

 place it either at the )eginning or at the end

o% a sentence

8ess emphatic. We are cutting the price

to stimulate demand.

9ore emphatic. 1o stimulate demand,

we are cutting the price.

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 %ependent clauses can determine emphasis

9ost emphatic. 1he electronic parts are

manufactured in 9eico, which haslo+er +age rates than the Hnited /tates"

Emphatic. :ecause wage rates are lower there,

the electronic parts are 'anu%actured in e!ico"8east emphatic. 9eico, which has lower wage

rates, was selected as the

 production site %or the electronic parts"

C i h

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Co'posing he essageCra%ting Hni%ied* Coherent Paragraphs

Paragraphs organie sentences related to the sa'egeneral topic* %ocus on a single unit o% thought

and to )e a logical lin$ in an organied se<uence

o% the thoughts that 'a$e up a co'plete 'essage"

Co'posing he essage

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Co'posing he essageCra%ting Hni%ied* Coherent Paragraphs

Elements of the %aragraph&.Topic Sentence ' n effective paragraph is

unified; it deals with a single topic. The sentence

that introduces that topic is called the topic

sentence. enerally e!plicit and is o%ten the %irst sentence

in the paragraph"

i&es a su''ary o% the general idea that +ill )e co&ered in the rest o% the paragraph"

Gelps re'ind the +riter o% the purpose o% each

 paragraph stay %ocusedD"

E! he 'edical products di&ision has )een

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E!" he 'edical products di&ision has )een

trou)led %or 'any years )y pu)lic relations

 pro)le's" JIn the rest o% the paragraph* readers+ill learn the details o% the pro)le's"K

:elocating the plant in @e+ For$ has t+o 'ain

disad&antages" Jhe disad&antages +ill )ee!plained in su)se<uent sentences"K

o get a re%und* please supply us +ith the

%ollo+ing in%or'ation" Jhe details o% thenecessary in%or'ation +ill )e descri)ed in the rest

o% the paragraph"K

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(. Support Sentences ' the topic sentence needs

to be explained, #ustified, or etended with one

or more support sentences. hese relatedsentences 'ust all ha&e a )earing on the general

su)(ect and 'ust pro&ide enough speci%ic details

to 'a$e the topic clear"ore speci%ic than the topic sentence"Pro&ides another piece o% e&idence to

de'onstrate the general truth o% the 'ain thought"

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). Transitional *lements ' being unified and

well supported, effective paragraphs are

coherent; that is, they are arranged in a logicalorder so that the audience can understand the

train of thought.

Coherence can )e achie&ed )y using transitions thatsho+ the relationship )et+een paragraphs and a'ong

sentences +ithin paragraphs"

E!" In addition to " " " helped 'o&e you %ro' the

 pre&ious discussion to a ne+ topic"

Transitions are words or phrases that tie ideas

together by showing how one thought is related to


1ransitions can be established in a !ariety of ways;

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1ransitions can be established in a !ariety of ways;

? se connecting words. se words such as and, but,

or, nevertheless, however, in addition, and so on.

? Echo a word or phrase from a pre!ious

paragraph or sentence. “A system should be

established for monitoring in!entory le!els. This

system will provide . . .+ ? se a pronoun that refers to a noun used

pre!iously. “9s. Arthur is the leading candidate for

the president#s position. She has excellent


? se words that are fre0uently paired. “1he

machine has a minimum output of . . . -ts maximum

output is. . . .+ 

i % i i % l d d

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ist o% transitions %re<uently used to 'o&e readers

s'oothly )et+een sentences and paragraphs

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1ransitions that lin$ 'a(or sections or chapters are

o%ten co'plete paragraphs that ser&e as 'ini-

introductions to the ne!t section or as su''aries o%the ideas presented in the section (ust ending"

E!" i&en the nature o% this product* our alternati&es

are li'ited" #s the pre&ious section indicates* +e canstop 'a$ing it altogether* i'pro&e it* or continue +ith

the current 'odel" Each o% these alternati&es has

ad&antages and disad&antages* +hich are discussed inthe %ollo+ing section"

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-i!e Ways to /e!elop a %aragraph

=i&e o% the 'ost co''on de&elop'enttechni<ues are

1" illustration

2" co'parison or contrast3" cause and e%%ect

4" Classi%ication

4" pro)le' and solution

Tec"ni0% Decripti&n Example

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Decripti&n Example




examples thatdemonstratethe generalidea

2ome of our most

popular products areavailable through localdistributors. Gorexample Everett N

Lemmings carries ourfro6en soups andentrees. +he I. !. Creen1ompany carries our

complete line of seasonings as well asthe fro6en soups.%ilmont Goods also a


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Tec"ni0%e Decripti&n



n orcontrast


similaritiesordierences to

developthe topic

%hen the company was

small the recruiting functioncould be handled informally.

 +he need for new employeeswas limited and each

manager could comfortablyscreen and hire her or hisown sta. :owever oursuccessful bid on the Owenscontract means that we will

be doubling our labor forceover the next six months. +ohire that many peoplewithout disrupting our

ongoing activities we will

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on thereasonsforsomething

 +he heavy-duty fabric of

your %anderer tentprobably broke down forone of two reasons, (* asharp object puncturedthe fabric and withoutreinforcement the holewas enlarged by the

stress of pitching the tentdaily for a week or (/* the#bers gradually rottedbecause the tent was

folded and stored while

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0 pn





how ageneralidea isbroken


2uccessful candidates for

our supervisor traineeprogram generally comefrom one of several groups.

 +he largest group by farconsists of recent graduates

of accredited businessmanagement programs. +henext largest group comesfrom within our own

company as we try topromote promising staworkers to positions ofgreater responsibility.Ginally we do occasionally

accept candidates with

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g aproblemand thendiscussing thesolution

2elling handmade toys online

is a challenge becauseconsumers are accustomed tobuying heavily advertised toysfrom major chain stores or

well-known websites such as$ :owever if wedevelop an appealing websitewe can compete on the basisof product novelty and )uality.

9n addition we can provideunusual crafts at acompetitive price, a rockinghorse of birch with a hand-

knit tail and maneF a music&

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