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1 WP2 – Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych obszarach zawodowych Raport zawiera: 1) słownik z definicjami roboczymi używanymi w projekcie; 2) uzgodnione zbiory kompetencji zawodowych i jednostek efektów uczenia się dla wybranych zawodów (ścieżka formalna). Partner: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Radomiu Autorzy: Ireneusz Woźniak, Michał Nowakowski Radom 2013 Publikacja powstała w wyniku projektu zrealizowanego przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej w ramach programu „Uczenie się przez całe życie”. Publikacja odzwierciedla jedynie stanowisko autora. Komisja Europejska ani Narodowa Agencja nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną w niej zawartość merytoryczną ani za sposób wykorzystania zawartych w niej informacji.

WP2 – Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych … · 2015-03-20 · Każda organizacja lub indywidualny dostawca ... kompetencji zawodowych” opracowane na podstawie analizy

Feb 28, 2019



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Page 1: WP2 – Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych … · 2015-03-20 · Każda organizacja lub indywidualny dostawca ... kompetencji zawodowych” opracowane na podstawie analizy


WP2 – Analizy i badania przygotowawcze

w wybranych obszarach zawodowych

Raport zawiera: 1) słownik z definicjami roboczymi używanymi w projekcie; 2) uzgodnione zbiory kompetencji zawodowych i jednostek

efektów uczenia się dla wybranych zawodów (ścieżka formalna).

Partner: Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – Państwowy

Instytut Badawczy w Radomiu

Autorzy: Ireneusz Woźniak, Michał Nowakowski

Radom 2013

Publikacja powstała w wyniku projektu zrealizowanego przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej w ramach programu „Uczenie się przez całe życie”.

Publikacja odzwierciedla jedynie stanowisko autora. Komisja Europejska ani Narodowa Agencja nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną w niej zawartość merytoryczną ani za sposób

wykorzystania zawartych w niej informacji.

Page 2: WP2 – Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych … · 2015-03-20 · Każda organizacja lub indywidualny dostawca ... kompetencji zawodowych” opracowane na podstawie analizy


Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Spis treści

Wprowadzenie 3 Słownik 3 1. Cel i przedmiot badań, problem badawcze, struktura i procedura


7 2. Metody i techniki badawcze 8 3. Narzędzia badawcze 9 4. Teren badań i próba badawcza 11 5. Wyniki badań 12

5.1. Uzgodnione zbiory kompetencji zawodowych 12 5.2. Uzgodnione zbiory jednostek efektów uczenia się 27

6. Wnioski 36 ANNEX 1. Analiza porównawcza kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach


ANNEX 2. Analiza porównawcza podstaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach


ANNEX 3. Narzędzia badawcze do analizy porównawczej kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach


ANNEX 4. Narzędzia badawcze do analizy porównawczej podstaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach


ANNEX 5. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez ECAP Foundation Switzerland 142 ANNEX 6. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez EnAIP FVG Italy 186 ANNEX 7. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez TRAINING 2000 Italy 236

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Wprowadzenie Sektor budowlany jest jednym z kluczowych sektorów gospodarki europejskiej zatrudniających znaczną część zasobów ludzkich w Europie. Otwarcie granic spowodowało zwiększenie mobilności pracowników budowlanych i wzrost problemów z porównywaniem i uznawaniem kwalifikacji i kompetencji zawodowych pracowników z poszczególnych krajów członkowskich UE. Jednym z głównych narzędzi które pomagają uporać się z tym problemem jest Europejski System Transferu Osiągnięć w Kształceniu i Szkoleniu Zawodowym − European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). Projekt „Mobilność w sektorze budownictwa wspierana systemem ECVET” (Mobility in Building Sector through ECVET − ECVET-BUD) ma pomóc w promowaniu możliwości przenoszenia, walidacji i uznawania efektów uczenia się uzyskanych przez osoby fizyczne podczas edukacji pozaformalnej i nieformalnej – w szczególności w sektorze budownictwa w Polsce, Szwajcarii i we Włoszech.

Raport przedstawia rezultaty zadania WP2 "Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych obszarach zawodowych".


NO. Entry Definition

1. Akumulowanie osiągnięć

Gromadzenie potwierdzonych efektów uczenia się/kształcenia się stanowiących składniki wymagań dla danej kwalifikacji.



Proces, w którego wyniku uczący się otrzymuje od upoważnionej instytucji formalny dokument stwierdzający, że osiągnął określoną kwalifikację. Certyfikacja następuje po walidacji.

3. Edukacja formalna

Uczenie się przez udział w programach kształcenia i szkolenia prowadzących do uzyskania kwalifikacji zarejestrowanej.

4. Edukacja pozaformalna

Uczenie się zorganizowane instytucjonalnie, jednak poza programami kształcenia i szkolenia prowadzącymi do uzyskania kwalifikacji zarejestrowanej.

5. Efekty uczenia się/kształcenia się

Zasób wiedzy, umiejętności oraz kompetencji społecznych – nabytych w procesie uczenia się.

6. Europejska Rama Kwalifikacji dla uczenia się przez całe życie (ERK)

Przyjęta w UE struktura poziomów kwalifikacji stanowiąca układ odniesienia krajowych ram kwalifikacji umożliwiający porównywanie kwalifikacji uzyskiwanych w różnych krajach.


Kompetencje społeczne

Zdolność kształtowania własnego rozwoju oraz autonomicznego i odpowiedzialnego uczestniczenia w życiu zawodowym i społecznym, z uwzględnieniem etycznego kontekstu własnego postępowania.

Page 4: WP2 – Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych … · 2015-03-20 · Każda organizacja lub indywidualny dostawca ... kompetencji zawodowych” opracowane na podstawie analizy


Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

8. Krajowy system kwalifikacji (KSK)

Ogół rozwiązań służących ustanawianiu i nadawaniu kwalifikacji oraz zapewnianiu ich jakości.


Kwalifikacja zarejestrowana

Opisany w zintegrowanym rejestrze kwalifikacji zestaw efektów uczenia się/kształcenia się, którego osiągnięcie zostało formalnie potwierdzone przez uprawnioną instytucję. Kwalifikacja opisana w rejestrze może być pełna lub cząstkowa.

10. Polska Rama Kwalifikacji (PRK)

Opis hierarchii poziomów kwalifikacji wpisywanych do zintegrowanego rejestru kwalifikacji w Polsce.


Przenoszenie osiągnięć

Uznawanie – przez podmiot nadający kwalifikację – efektów uczenia się/kształcenia się stanowiących składniki wymagań dla tej kwalifikacji, które zostały potwierdzone przez inne podmioty.

12. Składnik opisu poziomu kwalifikacji (deskryptor)

Ogólne określenie wymagań dotyczących wiedzy, umiejętności lub kompetencji społecznych, które odpowiadają danemu poziomowi kwalifikacji.

13. Uczenie się nieformalne

Nabywanie wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych w toku różnorodnych aktywności poza zorganizowanymi formami kształcenia się.

14. Umiejętności

Zdolność wykonywania zadań i rozwiązywania problemów właściwych dla dziedziny uczenia się lub działalności zawodowej.

15. Uznawanie kwalifikacji

Formalne uznanie przez uprawnioną do tego instytucję ważności świadectwa/dyplomu zdobytego za granicą.



Wieloetapowy proces sprawdzania, czy – niezależnie od sposobu uczenia się – kompetencje wymagane dla danej kwalifikacji zostały osiągnięte. Walidacja prowadzi do certyfikacji.



Zbiór opisów faktów, zasad, teorii i praktyk, przyswojonych w procesie uczenia się, odnoszących się do dziedziny uczenia się lub działalności zawodowej.

18. Jednostka efektów uczenia się

oznacza składnik kwalifikacji, będący spójnym zbiorem wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji, który może podlegać ocenie i walidacji.

19. Osiągnięcia odpowiadające efektom uczenia się

oznaczają zbiór indywidualnych efektów uczenia się danej osoby, które zostały ocenione i mogą być akumulowane do celów uzyskania kwalifikacji lub transferowane do innych programów kształcenia/uczenia się lub do innych kwalifikacji.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

20. Ocena efektów uczenia się

oznacza metody i procesy prowadzące do określenia zakresu, w jakim uczący się faktycznie przyswoił określoną wiedzę, opanował określone umiejętności i zdobył określone kompetencje.

21. Walidacja efektów uczenia się

oznacza proces potwierdzania, że określone, poddane ocenie efekty uczenia się uzyskane przez uczącego się odpowiadają konkretnym efektom wymaganym w ramach jednostki lub kwalifikacji.

22. Uznawanie efektów uczenia się

oznacza proces oficjalnego poświadczania uzyskanych efektów uczenia się poprzez przyznanie pełnych kwalifikacji lub ich elementów składowych - jednostek uczenia się.


Punkty ECVET

oznaczają liczbowe określenie ogólnej wartości efektów uczenia się w ramach kwalifikacji oraz względnej wartości jednostek w stosunku do pełnej kwalifikacji.



Udowodniona zdolność stosowania wiedzy, umiejętności i zdolności osobistych, społecznych lub metodologicznych okazywana w pracy lub nauce oraz w karierze zawodowej i osobistej. W Europejskich Ramach Kwalifikacji kompetencje określono w kategoriach odpowiedzialności i autonomiii.


Właściwa instytucja

instytucja odpowiedzialna za opracowywanie i przyznawanie kwalifikacji lub uznawanie jednostek lub pełniącą inne funkcje związane z systemem ECVET, takie jak przyporządkowywanie punktów ECVET kwalifikacjom i jednostkom oraz ocena, walidacja i uznawanie efektów uczenia się zgodnie z zasadami i praktykami państw uczestniczących.


Instytucja macierzysta

instytucja wysyłająca, walidująca i uznająca uzyskane efekty uczenia się, przypisująca punkty ECVET (w stosownych przypadkach) oraz umiejscawiająca uzyskane efekty uczenia się w istniejących kwalifikacjach.

27. Instytucja goszcząca

zapewnia szkolenie prowadzące do uzyskania efektów uczenia się oraz ocenia osiągnięte efekty uczenia się.


Porozumienie o programie zajęć

zindywidualizowany dokument, który określa warunki określonej mobilności. Określa również efekty uczenia się, jakie dana osoba ucząca się powinna osiągnąć oraz metodę ich oceny, walidacji i uznawania.

29. Program uczenia się (kształcenia i szkolenia)

Zbiór podejmowanych działań, treści i/lub metod w celu osiągnięcia celów kształcenia lub szkolenia (zdobycia wiedzy, umiejętności i/lub kompetencji), realizowanych w formie logicznej

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

sekwencji przez określony okres czasu.


Porozumienie o partnerstwie (Memorandum of understanding)

Umowa pomiędzy właściwymi instytucjami, która określa sposób przenoszenia i akumulacji osiągnięć. Formalnie określa zakres współpracy partnerskiej w zakresie systemu ECVET poprzez wzajemne potwierdzenie akceptacji statusu i procedur zaangażowanych właściwych instytucji. Umowa określa również procedury współpracy partnerskiej.

31. Indywidualny wykaz osiągnięć

Dokument zawierający informacje o osiągnięciach (pozytywnie ocenionych efektach uczenia się) osoby uczącej się. Wykaz stanowi zapis osiągnięć osoby uczącej się.



Formalny wynik procesu oceny i walidacji uzyskany w efekcie stwierdzenia przez właściwą instytucję, że osiągnięte przez daną osobę efekty uczenia się są zgodne z określonymi standardami.


Wyjazdy kwalifikacyjne

wyjazdy są traktowane jako kwalifikacyjne, jeśli czas spędzony za granicą, jak również umiejętności techniczne nabyte w okresie szkolenia będą akredytowane w kraju macierzystym. Nabycie umiejętności technicznych wymaga zazwyczaj dłuższego pobytu.


Dostawca usług kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego

Każda organizacja lub indywidualny dostawca usług kształcenia lub szkolenia zawodowego. Dostawcy usług kształcenia i szkolenia mogą być organizacjami utworzonymi w tym celu lub mogą mieć inny charakter, np. mogą być pracodawcami zapewniającymi szkolenie w ramach działalności biznesowej. Dostawcy usług szkoleniowych również uwzględniają osoby indywidualne, które świadczą usługi szkoleniowe.

Source 1-17: Raport referencyjny. Odniesienie Polskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji na rzecz uczenia się przez całe życie do Europejskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji. Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa, czerwiec 2013.

Source 18-23: Zalecenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 18 czerwca 2009 r. w sprawie ustanowienia europejskiego systemu transferu osiągnięć w kształceniu i szkoleniu zawodowym (ECVET) (2009/C 155/02).

Source 24-34:

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1. Cel i przedmiot badań, problem badawcze, struktura i procedura badań

Celem zadania WP2 ”Analizy i badania przygotowawcze w wybranych obszarach zawodowych” było:

1. Wybranie 5 kwalifikacji spośród zawodów sektora budownictwa.

2. Uzgodnienie wspólnych zbiorów kompetencji zawodowych dla każdego zawodu i kwalifikacji.

3. Uzgodnienie wspólnych zbiorów jednostek efektów uczenia się opartych na podstawach programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach (ścieżka formalna kształcenia).

4. Opracowanie słownika z definicjami roboczymi używanymi w projekcie.

Uzgodnione zbiory kompetencji zawodowych oraz jednostek efektów uczenia się będą transferowane między partnerami projektu: polskimi, włoskimi i szwajcarskimi. Dla tego celu partnerzy wybrali trzy zawody z branży budowlanej, składające się w sumie z pięciu kwalifikacji.

Przedmiotem badań były kompetencje i kwalifikacje w zawodach i kwalifikacjach (oznaczenia pochodzą z polskiej podstawy programowej kształcenia w zawodach):1

1. Dekarz 712101 B.12.: Wykonywanie robót dekarskich

2. Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie 712905 B.5. Montaż systemów suchej zabudowy B.6. Wykonywanie robót malarsko-tapeciarskich B.7. Wykonywanie robót posadzkarsko-okładzinowych

3. Murarz-tynkarz 711204 B.18. Wykonywanie robót murarskich i tynkarskich.

Do identyfikacji kompetencji wymaganych przez pracodawców wykorzystano rezultaty realizowanego w latach 2008-2010 projektu Leonardo da Vinci nr 2008-1-PL1-LEO05-02057„Mapowanie kompetencji zawodowych jako nowoczesne narzędzie zarządzania wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwie” (Mapping of competencies as a modern tool of knowledge management in a company − MapCom), w którym brali udział partnerzy niniejszego projektu. Powstały wtedy tzw. „mapy kompetencji zawodowych” opracowane na podstawie analizy procesów pracy, między innymi w branży budowlanej. Natomiast identyfikacja kwalifikacji uzyskiwanych w systemie kształcenia przebiegała w oparciu o polskie podstawy programowe kształcenia w wymienionych wyżej zawodach, w stosunku do których respondenci z krajów partnerskich określali swoje preferencje.

Problemy badawcze, na które poszukiwano odpowiedzi, można sformułować w postaci pytań:

− Które kompetencje zawodowe właściwe dla trzech wybranych zawodów i pięciu kwalifikacji sektora budowlanego są ważne dla pracodawców jednocześnie w Szwajcarii, Włoszech i w Polsce?

1 Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 7 lutego 2012 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej kształcenia w zawodach (Dz.U. 2012 nr 0 poz. 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

− Które jednostki efektów uczenia się obecne w podstawach programowych kształcenia trzech wybranych zawodów i pięciu kwalifikacji sektora budowlanego są ważne w kształceniu i szkoleniu zawodowym jednocześnie w Szwajcarii, Włoszech i Polsce?

Organizacja badań przebiegała w dwóch etapach. W pierwszym etapie badano wspólne obszary kompetencji wymaganych na rynku pracy w wybranych zawodach (respondentami byli pracownicy sektora budowlanego). W drugim etapie badano podobieństwa standardów kształcenia zawodowego we Włoszech i Szwajcarii do polskiej podstawy programowej (respondentami byli specjaliści z dziedziny edukacji zawodowej).

2. Metody i techniki badawcze Do badania wspólnych obszarów kompetencji zawodowych i jednostek efektów uczenia się zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, a w jej ramach trzy techniki badawcze:

− analiza dokumentów,

− wywiad kwestionariuszowy.

Analiza dokumentów

Analizie poddano rezultaty projektu Leonardo da Vinci nr 2008-1-PL1-LEO05-02057 „Mapowanie kompetencji jako nowoczesne narzędzie zarządzania wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwie” (Mapping of competencies as a modern tool of knowledge management in a company − MapCom) w postaci tzw. „map kompetencji zawodowych”.2 Mapy wykonane zostały dla branży budowlanej i obejmowały profile zawodowe stanowisk pracy występujące podczas budowy domu i prac wykończeniowych. Drugim dokumentem poddanym analizie były polskie podstawy programowe kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach. Mapy kompetencji zawodowych porównano z zawartością podstaw programowych i w rezultacie uzyskano treści wspólne dla kompetencji zawodowych wymaganych przez pracodawców i efektów uczenia się zawodu w formalnym systemie edukacji. Wyodrębnione treści posłużyły do zbudowania kwestionariuszy wywiadów.

Wywiad kwestionariuszowy

Wywiady kwestionariuszowe miały na celu zebranie opinii respondentów z trzech krajów partnerskich projektu o przydatności kompetencji zawodowych wymaganych przez pracodawców oraz efektów uczenia się zawodu w systemie formalnym do celów mobilności i systemu ECVET. Respondentom zapewniono także możliwość proponowania własnych zapisów, nie wynikających z analizowanych dokumentów.

Dla każdego zawodu zbudowano dwa rodzaje kwestionariuszy wywiadów:

1. Analiza porównawcza wykazu kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach.

2 L. Kunc, I. Woźniak (red.): Kształcenie I szkolenie zawodowe w oparciu o analizę procesu pracy w przedsiębiorstwie. TNOiK o/Gdańsk, ITeE-PIB, Gdańsk − Radom, 2012.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2. Analiza porównawcza postaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach.

Wywiady prowadzone były indywidualnie i grupowo przez partnerów projektu we Włoszech i Szwajcarii.

3. Narzędzia badawcze Głównym zadaniem kwestionariuszy wywiadów było określenie wspólnych obszarów kompetencji zawodowych w trzech zawodach branży budowlanej, przydatnych na rynkach pracy trzech krajów partnerskich, a następnie wybranie odpowiadających im wspólnych efektów uczenia się, które staną się przedmiotem transferu osiągnięć edukacyjnych w systemie ECVET. Kwestionariusze wywiadów składały się z pytań o charakterze zamkniętym z możliwością uzupełnienia treści przez respondentów. Odpowiedzi respondenci udzielali w skali pięciostopniowej: Bardzo ważne (5) – Ważne (4) – Istotne (3) − Mało ważne (2) − Nieważne (1).

Kwestionariusz 1: Analiza porównawcza wykazu kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach

Celem wywiadu było porównanie profili stanowisk pracy w wybranych zawodach budowlanych w trzech krajach partnerskich (Polska, Włochy, Szwajcaria). Podstawą porównania były profile stanowisk pracy opracowane w postaci map kompetencji zawodowych w projekcie LdV MapCom. Celem lepszego zrozumienia pojęć stosowanych w kwestionariuszu respondenci mogli zaznajomić się z krótkim słownikiem:

Obszar kompetencji − obejmuje kompetencje zawodowe konieczne do prawidłowego wykonywania pracy w ramach działania głównego (zgodnie z modelem MapCom).

Kompetencje zawodowe − identyfikowane na podstawie działań składowych (model MapCom) procesu pracy. Dla każdego obszaru kompetencji wyszczególnia się określoną liczbę kompetencji zawodowych. Każda kompetencja zawodowa warunkuje poprawne wykonanie skojarzonego z nią zadania zawodowego.

Umiejętności - zdolność do poprawnego wykonywania czynności prowadzących do zrealizowania zadania zawodowego. Zbiór skojarzonych z danym zadaniem umiejętności określa jednocześnie zawartość kompetencji zawodowej przypisanej do tego zadania. W modelu MapCom umiejętności są reprezentowane przez działania elementarne i skojarzone z nimi kompetencje elementarne.

Metakompetencje - zbiór kompetencji społecznych związanych z odpowiedzialnością i autonomią pracownika, a także kompetencji kluczowych niezbędnych do prawidłowego wykonywania zadań zawodowych.

Wzory narzędzi zawiera ANEKS 3.

Wyniki analizy kompetencji zawodowych zawiera ANEKS 1.

Kwestionariusz 2: Analiza porównawcza postaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach

Celem kwestionariusza wywiadu było porównanie polskich podstaw programowych kształcenia dla wybranych zawodów w sektorze budownictwa z analogicznymi podstawami programowymi kształcenia lub wzorcowymi programami nauczania w krajach partnerskich (Włochy, Szwajcaria). Na tej

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

podstawie określone zostały wspólne obszary efektów uczenia się, co jest warunkiem funkcjonowania systemu ECVET.

Budowa podstawy programowej kształcenia w zawodach w Polsce3

We wstępie do kwestionariusza wyjaśniono zagranicznemu respondentowi jego konstrukcję zawierającą elementy polskiej podstawy programowej kształcenia w zawodach. Chodziło zwłaszcza o podkreślenie, że wiedza i umiejętności oraz kompetencje personalne i społeczne, których uczący się nabywa w procesie kształcenia zawodowego, są opisane, zgodnie z ideą europejskich ram kwalifikacji, w języku efektów kształcenia, które obejmują:

− efekty kształcenia wspólne dla wszystkich zawodów, w tym kompetencje personalne i społeczne;

− efekty kształcenia wspólne dla zawodów w ramach obszaru kształcenia, stanowiące podbudowę do kształcenia w zawodzie lub grupie zawodów;

− efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionych w zawodach.

Zbiór efektów kształcenia właściwych dla kwalifikacji został podzielony na części. Każda część może być przedmiotem nauczania na kursach umiejętności zawodowych, o których mowa w przepisach w sprawie kształcenia ustawicznego w formach pozaszkolnych.

Dla celów kształcenia zgodnego z klasyfikacją zawodów szkolnictwa zawodowego pogrupowano zawody w 8 obszarów kształcenia. Obszary kształcenia obejmują zawody pokrewne pod względem wspólnych efektów kształcenia wymaganych do realizacji zadań zawodowych. Wybrane w projekcie zawody: Dekarz 712101, Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie 712905, Murarz-tynkarz 711204 należą do obszaru budowlanego (B).

Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla wszystkich zawodów, w tym kompetencje personalne i społeczne, oznaczono kodem składającym się z trzech wielkich liter:

− BHP – bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy,

− PDG – podejmowanie i prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej,

− JOZ – język obcy ukierunkowany zawodowo,

− KPS – kompetencje personalne i społeczne,

− OMZ – organizacja pracy małych zespołów (wyłącznie dla zawodów nauczanych na poziomie technika).

Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla zawodów w ramach obszaru kształcenia, stanowiące podbudowę do kształcenia w zawodzie lub grupie zawodów, oznaczono kodem składającym się z:

a) trzyliterowego skrótu PKZ,

b) ujętych w nawiasie:

− wielkiej litery alfabetu, wskazującej na przyporządkowanie do obszaru kształcenia,

− małej litery alfabetu, o charakterze porządkowym, odróżniającym poszczególne PKZ w ramach obszaru kształcenia.

3 Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 7 lutego 2012 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej kształcenia w zawodach (Dz.U. 2012 nr 0 poz. 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionych w zawodach oznaczono wielką literą alfabetu, wskazującą na przyporządkowanie do obszaru kształcenia oraz kolejną liczbą o charakterze porządkowym.

Wzory narzędzi badawczych zawiera ANEKS 4.

Wyniki analizy jednostek efektów uczenia się zawiera ANEKS 2.

Obliczanie wskaźnika ważności

Respondenci udzielali odpowiedzi w pięciostopniowej skali: „Bardzo ważne (5) – Ważne (4) – Istotne (3) – Mało ważne (2) − Nieważne (1)”. Wskaźnik ważności poszczególnych zapisów kompetencji zawodowych (wiedza, umiejętności, kompetencje personalne i społeczne) obliczono według wzoru dla średniej arytmetycznej:

gdzie: W – wskaźnik ważności Li – liczba respondentów wystawiających daną ocenę i – wartość stopnia skali (i=1,2,3,4,5) Przyjęto, że do dalszych prac powinny wejść te zapisy kompetencji zawodowych, które uzyskały wskaźnik ważności większy bądź równy 3,0 − przy czym dopuszcza się odstępstwa od tej zasady po wnikliwym przedyskutowaniu problematycznych zapisów w gronie ekspertów projektu.

4. Teren badań i próba badawcza W okresie od maja do czerwca 2013 r. przeprowadzono w dwóch regionach włoskich oraz w Szwajcarii 27 wywiadów.


Przeprowadzono 11 wywiadów:

• 4 właścicieli małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw,

• 3 kierowników średniego szczebla w średnich przedsiębiorstwach,

• 2 pracowników małych przedsiębiorstw.

• 2 przedstawicieli instytucji szkoleniowych odpowiedzialnych za jakość i certyfikację personelu w sektorze budowlanym.

Włochy (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region)

Przeprowadzono 7 wywiadów:

• 1 właściciel małego przedsiębiorstwa,

• 1 kierownik średniego szczebla w małym przedsiębiorstwie,

• 2 pracowników małych przedsiębiorstw,

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

• 3 przedstawicieli instytucji szkoleniowych.

Włochy (Marche Region)

Przeprowadzono 9 wywiadów:

• 1 właściciel mikroprzedsiębiorstwa,

• 4 pracowników małych przedsiębiorstw,

• 1 pracownik średniego przedsiębiorstwa,

• 3 przedstawicieli instytucji szkoleniowych.

Partnerzy projektu z Włoch i Szwajcarii opracowali wstępne wyniki badań w postaci kwestionariuszy zbiorczych z opiniami respondentów, dlatego liczby odpowiedzi w kwestionariuszach zbiorczych (ANNEX 1, ANNEX 2) nie sumują się do 27 osób udzielających wywiadów.

Kwestionariusze zbiorcze z przeprowadzonych wywiadów, które zostały przekazane przez partnerów, poddane zostały analizie ilościowej przez wyliczenie wskaźnika ważności, który pomógł w wyborze wspólnie uzgodnionych efektów uczenia się.

5. Wyniki badań Do dalszej analizy, która jest przedmiotem zadania WP3, wybrano te kompetencje zawodowe oraz te jednostki efektów uczenia się, które uzyskały wysoką wartość wskaźnika ważności – co najmniej 3,0. Poniżej przedstawiono uzgodnione zbiory kompetencji zawodowych (p. 5.1) oraz uzgodnione zbiory efektów uczenia się (p. 5.2).

5.1. Uzgodnione zbiory kompetencji zawodowych


Kwalifikacja: Wykonywanie robót dekarskich Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


Obszar 1: Rozbiórka dachu budynku lub jego części 4,8 1.1. Prowadzenie prac związanych z remontem i rozbiórką pokryć dachowych 4,8 1.1.1. Identyfikować konstrukcyjne i niekonstrukcyjne elementy dachowe budynków

przeznaczonych do rozbiórki 5

1.1.2. Przeprowadzać rozbiórkę dachu z wykorzystaniem ręcznych narzędzi i urządzeń 5 1.1.3. Wykonywać roboty związane z rozbiórką lub wymianą obróbek dekarskich

i odwodnień połaci dachowych 3,8

1.1.4. Agregować części nadającej się do ponownego wykorzystania, części bezużytecznej konstrukcji dachu i odpady porozbiórkowe


1.1.5. Stosować sposoby redukcji pyłów i odłamków oraz usuwania gruzu podczas rozbiórki dachu


1.1.6. Stosować bezpieczne procedury usuwania pokryć dachowych z materiałów 5

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

zawierających azbest Obszar 2: Wykonywanie pokrycia dachu 3,9 2.1. Wykonywanie izolacji pokryć dachowych 4,4 2.1.1. Wykonywać podkłady pod różne pokrycia dachowe 4,4 2.1.2. Wykonywać izolacje dachów i stropodachów (papa, folia) 4,6 2.1.3. Rozmieszczać i przybija łaty drewniane 4,4 2.1.4. Wykonywać deskowanie pod pokrycie dachowe 3,8 2.1.5. Kontrolować prawidłowość wykonania podkładu pod pokrycie dachowe 4,6 2.2. Wykonywanie pokryć dachów o różnych konstrukcjach i kształtach 3,7 2.2.1. Posługiwać się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi dotyczącymi

wykonania i odbioru robót dekarskich, normami oraz instrukcjami wykonywania pokryć dachowych


2.2.2. Sporządzać rysunki połaci dachowych i elementów pokryć dachowych 3,6 2.2.3. Sporządzać przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem pokryć dachowych oraz

kalkuluje koszty wykonania pokryć dachowych 4

2.2.4. Dobierać i przygotowywać materiały, narzędzia oraz sprzęt do wykonania pokryć dachowych


2.2.5. Układać różne rodzaje pokrycia (dachówka, blacha gładka, blacho dachówka, gont i inne)


2.2.6. Przygotowywać blachy o nieregularnych kształtach do wykonywania pokryć połaci dachowych o nieregularnych kształtach


2.2.7. Wykonywać pokrycia połaci dachowych o nieregularnych kształtach 3 2.2.8. Wykonywać pokrycia dachowych z łupka naturalnego oraz innych nietypowych

materiałów 1,8

2.2.9. Wykonywać montaż okien dachowych, świetlików i wyłazów 3,6 2.2.10 Ocenia jakość wykonania pokryć dachowych 4 Obszar 3: Wykonywanie obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych 3,3 3.1. Sporządzanie rysunków obróbek dekarskich i elementów odwodnień połaci

dachowych 3,1

3.1.1. Posługiwać się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami oraz instrukcjami wykonywania obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych


3.1.2. Sporządzać rysunki i szkice robocze obróbek dekarskich i elementów odwodnień połaci dachowych

3,2 3.1.3. Sporządzać przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem i rozbiórką obróbek

dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych i kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 3

3.1.4. Stosować programy komputerowe wspomagające wykonywanie zadań dekarskich 3 3.1.5. Wykonywać prace związane z przygotowaniem blachy do obróbek 3 3.1.6. Wykonywać i montować obróbki blacharskie 3 3.1.7. Mocować obróbki blacharskie do określonych elementów budowlanych 3 3.2. Dobieranie i przygotowanie materiałów, narzędzi i sprzętu do wykonywania

obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych 3,9

3.2.1. Rozróżniać i dobierać elementy systemów odwodnień połaci dachowych 3,6 3.2.2. Dobierać materiały do wykonywania obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci

dachowych 3,6

3.2.3. Przygotowywać materiały do wykonywania podkładów pod pokrycia dachowe 4 3.2.4. Dobierać okna dachowe, świetliki i wyłazy 4 3.2.5. Użytkować sprzęt i narzędzia do robót dekarskich zgodnie z zasadami ich

eksploatacji 4,2

3.3. Montowanie elementów odwodnień połaci dachowych 3 3.3.1. Wykonywać obmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem i rozbiórką obróbek dekarskich

oraz odwodnień połaci dachowych oraz sporządza rozliczenie tych robót 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.3.2. Montować elementy odwodnień połaci dachowych 2,8 3.3.3. Wykonywać montażu rynien i rur spustowych oraz wpustów dachowych 2,8 3.3.4. Oceniać jakość wykonania obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych 2,8 KOMPETENCJE PERSONALNE I SPOŁECZNE (metakompetencje) Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


Obszar 1: Cechy kluczowe 4 1.1. Aktualizuje wiedzę i doskonali umiejętności zawodowe 4 1.1.1. Wykazuje stałą motywację do uczenia się i doskonalenia własnych umiejętności 4 1.1.2. Wykazuje aktywność w obliczu możliwości wprowadzenia zmiany 4 Obszar 2: Podejmowanie decyzji 4,4 2.1. Przewiduje skutki podejmowanych działań 4,4 2.1.1. Dobrze znosi pewien stopień poczucia niepewności 4,2 2.1.2. Identyfikuje przesłanki, na których powinna być oparta decyzja 4,4 2.1.3. Reaguje na pojawiające się problemy 4,6 2.1.4. Nie odkłada w czasie podejmowania decyzji 4,2 2.2. Potrafi ponosić odpowiedzialność za podejmowania działania 4,6 2.2.1. akceptuje ponoszenie odpowiedzialności i ryzyka 4,6 Obszar 3: Relacje 4,4 3.1. Współpraca w zespole 4,4 3.1.1. Wykazuje otwartość i uczynność w stosunku do innych 4,4 3.1.2. Dostarcza ludziom informacji i udziela wsparcia 4,4 3.1.3. Chętnie dostosowuje własne plany do potrzeb innych, aby grupa osiągnęła

zamierzone cele 4,4

3.1.4. Dostrzega i analizuje punkty widzenia i potrzeby innych 4,4 3.1.5. Bierze pod uwagę pomysły innych podczas rozwijania własnych 4,6 Obszar 4: Zmiana 4,3 4.1. Elastyczność 4,3 4.1.1. Szybko zmienia strategię i programy, stosownie do zmian zachodzących w otoczeniu 4,6 4.1.2. Wykazuje zainteresowanie, uczynność, przystosowalność w czasie wprowadzania

nowych procedur/metod/technik 4,4

4.1.3. Modyfikuje swoje podejście do rozwiązywania problemu, jeśli warunki tego wymagają


4.1.4. Jest otwarty na rewizję własnych pomysłów 4 4.1.5. Integruje własne pomysły z pomysłami innych 4,2 4.1.6. Jest zdeterminowany przy proponowaniu zmiany i nie zniechęcają go wahania innych 4 Obszar 5: Zrównoważenie 4,1 5.1. Równowaga emocjonalna 4,1 5.1.1. Dobrze znosi sytuacje stresowe i napięcie wykazując się samokontrolą i pewnością

siebie 4,6

5.1.2. Reaguje adekwatnie i konstruktywnie nawet w napiętej sytuacji 4,2 5.1.3. Nie wykazuje znaczących wahań nastroju 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.1.4. Przyjmuje krytykę w sposób konstruktywny 4 5.1.5. Nie traci łatwo nadziei 4 5.1.6. Nie neguje swoich uzdolnień w obliczu problemu 4,2 5.1.7. Nie atakuje innych w sposób impulsywny i agresywny 4,2 5.1.8. Radzi sobie w sposób zrównoważony z krytyką i ironią (skierowaną przeciwko sobie

lub innym) 3,8

Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie


− Montaż systemów suchej zabudowy − Wykonywanie robót malarsko-tapeciarskich

− Wykonywanie robót murarskich i tynkarskich Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


Obszar 1: Wykonywanie podkładu podłogowego 3,5 1.1. Przygotowanie miejsca pod pokład 3,4 1.1.1. Wykonywać podsypkę z piasku lub przygotować powierzchnię stropu 3,6 1.1.2. W razie konieczności wykonywać prace izolacyjne 3,4 1.1.3. Wyznaczać poziom powierzchni podkładu 3,4 1.1.4. Uszczelniać warstwy izolacji oraz otworów i szczelin 3,6 1.1.5. Umieszczać zastawki w otworach drzwiowych 3,2 1.1.6. Przygotować zaprawę oraz beton metodą mechaniczną 3,2 1.2. Układanie mieszanki betonowej 3,3 1.2.1. Rozprowadzać oraz wyrównywać beton za pomocą łopaty, łaty lub innych narzędzi

specjalistycznych 3,8

1.2.2. Wygładzać powierzchnię podkładu 3,2 1.2.3. Pielęgnować podkład 2,8 1.3. Wykonywanie podkładu prefabrykowanego z płyt betonowych i gipsowych 3,8 1.3.1. Wyznaczyć poziom podkładu 3,6 1.3.2. Układać gotowe płyty prefabrykowane rzędami równolegle do ściany z zachowaniem

mijankowego układu spoin w sąsiednich rzędach 4

1.3.3. Pozostawiać szczelinę dylatacyjną między podkładem a pionowymi elementami budynku


1.3.4. Wypełniać spoiny między płytami zaprawą zależną od rodzaju płyty 3,4 1.3.5. Wyrównać powierzchnię styków 4,2 1.4. Wykonywanie podkładu za zapraw samopoziomujących 3,7 1.4.1. Przygotować zaprawę anhydrytową ściśle według wytycznych producenta 3,6 1.4.2. Wylewać masę samopoziomującą na przygotowane podłoże aż poziom zaprawy

osiągnie wyznaczoną wysokość 3,6

1.4.3. Chronić wykonany podkład przez 48 godzin przed przeciągami i wysoką (powyżej 25°C) i niską (poniżej 5°) temperaturą aż do całkowitego wyschnięcia


Obszar 2: Montowanie płyt gipsowo – kartonowych 3,7 2.1. Rozpoznawanie materiałów stosowanych w systemach suchej zabudowy 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

wnętrz 2.1.1. Rozpoznać płyty gipsowo-kartonowe do montażu na sucho 4,2 2.1.2. Rozpoznać płyty gipsowo-celulozowe do montażu na sucho 3,8 2.1.3. Rozpoznać profile stalowe do wykonywania suchej zabudowy 3,6 2.1.4. Rozpoznać elementy montażowe stosowane w systemach suchej zabudowy 4 2.1.5. Rozpoznać materiały uszczelniające i izolacyjne 3,8 2.1.6. Określić fizyczne, chemiczne i mechaniczne właściwości płyt do montażu na sucho 3,2 2.1.7. Określić parametry płyt do montażu na sucho 3,2 2.1.8. Określić parametry profili stalowych stosowanych do montażu suchej zabudowy 3,2 2.1.9. Przygotować zaprawy gipsowe stosowane do montażu suchej zabudowy 3 2.1.10 Rozpoznać symbole i charakterystyki materiałów stosowanych do montażu suchej

zabudowy oraz zastosować metody sprawdzania ich jakości 3,8

2.1.11 Określić zastosowanie poszczególnych materiałów do montażu suchej zabudowy 3,4 2.1.12 Zastosować zasady bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz ochrony środowiska podczas

prac z materiałami budowlanymi i oszczędnego ich wykorzystywania 4

2.2. Montowanie systemów ścian działowych 3,9 2.2.1. Przygotować stanowisko do montażu ścian działowych, 4 2.2.2. Przygotować miejsce składowania i magazynowania materiałów do montażu ścian 3,6 2.2.3. Transportować materiały do montażu ścian 3,6 2.2.4. Wytyczyć położenie ścian działowych 4,4 2.2.5. Przygotować i przyciąć płyty do montażu ścian płaskich 3,8 2.2.6. Przygotować i przyciąć płyty do montażu ścian łukowych 3,6 2.2.7. Dobrać i zamontować profile do montażu ścian działowych 4 2.2.8. Zamontować płyty do profili, 4 2.2.9. Ułożyć izolację między płytami 4 2.2.10 Zamontować ościeżnice drzwiowe 4 2.2.11 Zamontować ściany do wyposażenia sanitarnego 3,8 2.2.12 Zamontować półki, ściany i obrazy do płyt 3,4 2.2.13 Wykonać prace wykończeniowe jak szpachlowanie, obróbka naroży zewnętrznych,

czyszczenie płyt 3,8

2.2.14 Sporządzić zapotrzebowanie na materiały do wykonania montażu ścian 3,8 2.2.15 Ocenić jakość wykonanych robót 4 2.2.16 Zastosować przepisy bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej oraz

ochrony środowiska 4,8

2.3. Montowanie systemów sufitów podwieszanych 3,6 2.3.1. Przygotować stanowisko do montażu okładzin sufitowych, 3,4 2.3.2. Przygotować miejsce składowania i magazynowania materiałów do montażu okładzin

sufitowych, 3,2

2.3.3. Transportować materiały sufitów podwieszanych, 3,4 2.3.4. Wytyczyć położenie sufitów podwieszanych, 3,8 2.3.5. Przygotować i przyciąć płyty do montażu sufitów podwieszanych, 3,4 2.3.6. Dobrać i zamontować profile do montażu sufitów podwieszanych, 3,8 2.3.7. Zamontować płyty do profili, 3,8 2.3.8. Ułożyć izolację między płytami, 3,4 2.3.9. Wykonać prace wykończeniowe jak szpachlowanie, obróbka naroży zewnętrznych,

czyszczenie płyt, 3,6

2.3.10 Zastosować przepisy bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej oraz ochrony środowiska.


2.4. Montowanie systemów okładzin ściennych 3,7 2.4.1. Przygotować stanowisko do montażu okładzin ściennych, 3,6 2.4.2. Przygotować miejsce składowania i magazynowania materiałów do montażu okładzin

ściennych, 3,4

2.4.3. Przygotować podłoże pod suchy tynk, 3,8 2.4.4. Dobrać odpowiednie płyty do suchego tynku, 4 2.4.5. Przygotować i przyciąć płyty do montażu suchego tynku, 3,4 2.4.6. Wykonać suchy tynk na murach (bezpośredni), 3,6 2.4.7. Wyznaczyć płaszczyznę zabudowy suchego tynku, 3,6 2.4.8. Wyznaczyć miejsca mocowania uchwytów dla okładzin na profilach ściennych, 3,4 2.4.9. Dobrać i zamontować profile do montażu suchego tynku, 3,4 2.4.10 Ułożyć warstwy izolacyjne, 3,8

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2.4.11 Ułożyć okładziny na profilach ściennych, 3,6 2.4.12 Wykonać montaż okładzin do zakrycia instalacji, 3,4 2.4.13 Wykonać prace wykończeniowe jak szpachlowanie, obróbka naroży zewnętrznych,

czyszczenie płyt, 3,6

2.4.14 Zastosować przepisy bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej oraz ochrony środowiska


Obszar 3: Malowanie drewnianych i metalowych elementów i powierzchni 3,1 3.1. Pokrywanie powierzchni i innych przedmiotów 3,3 3.1.1. Montować rusztowania, pomosty i drabiny 3,6 3.1.2. Rozkładać materiały zabezpieczające miejsce pracy przed kapaniem farby 3,2 3.1.3. Przyklejać taśmy maskujące na części powierzchni, które nie wymagają malowania

(krawędzie, obramowanie drzwi, okna itp.) 3,2

3.2. Przygotowanie pierwszej warstwy farby do malowania wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych nowych niemalowanych powierzchni drewnianych


3.2.1. Sprawdzić czy na malowanej powierzchni nie ma tłustych plam lub resztek żywicy 3,4 3.2.2. Nałożyć na powierzchnię warstwę farby matowej 3,4 3.2.3. Wyszlifować powierzchnię papierem ściernym o średnim uziarnieniu 3,2 3.2.4. Nałożyć i wygładzić mieszankę podkładową 3,2 3.2.5. Nałożyć warstwę matowej farby 3,2 3.3. Przygotowanie pierwszej warstwy farby do malowania wewnętrznych i

zewnętrznych malowanych powierzchni drewnianych 3

3.3.1. Sprawdzić, czy powierzchnia nie łuszczy się, nie odchodzi farba lub nie pojawiły się defekty innego typu


3.3.2. Zdrapać łuszczącą się lub popękaną farbę za pomocą skrobaka do farb lub elektrycznej szlifierki


3.3.3. Nałożyć warstwę matowej farby na oszlifowaną powierzchnię 3 3.3.4. Nałożyć mieszankę podkładową na oszlifowaną powierzchnię 3,2 3.3.5. Nałożyć warstwę matowej farby na powierzchnię zaimpregnowaną mieszanką

podkładową 3

3.4. Przygotowanie pierwszej warstwy farby na niemalowaną dotychczas powierzchnię metalową


3.4.1. Oszlifować powierzchnię w celu usunięcia rdzy 3 3.4.2. Dokładne wytrzeć powierzchnię w celu usunięcia z niej resztek tłuszczu 3 3.4.3. Nałożyć warstwę antykorozyjnej farby gruntującej 3,2 3.4.4. Nałożyć warstwę farby gruntującej do metalu 3,2 3.5. Przygotowanie pierwszej warstwy starej malowanej powierzchni metalowej 3 3.5.1. Sprawdzić, czy powierzchnia nie łuszczy się, nie odchodzi farba, nie ma rdzy lub nie

pojawiły się defekty innego typu 3,2

3.5.2. Oszlifować powierzchnię za pomocą maszyn szczotkujących lub szlifierek 3 3.5.3. Nałożyć farbę gruntującą do metalu na oszlifowane powierzchnie 2,8 3.5.4. Nałożyć mieszankę spoinową na oszlifowane powierzchnie 3,2 3.5.5. Oszlifować powierzchnię mieszanki podkładowej papierem ściernym o średnim

uziarnieniu 2,8

3.5.6. Nałożyć farbę gruntującą po wyschnięciu mieszanki podkładowej 3 3.6. Malowanie powierzchni metalowych i drewnianych 3 3.6.1. Nałożyć pierwszą warstwę farby matowej 3,2 3.6.2. Oszlifować powierzchnię za pomocą drobnoziarnistego papieru ściernego 2,8 3.6.3. Nałożyć drugą warstwę matowej lub jasnej farby 3 Obszar 4: Wykonywanie okładzin 3,6 4.1. Przygotowanie podłoża 3,7 4.1.1. Ocenić stan podłoża (cechy geometryczne i właściwości powierzchni, cechy

wytrzymałościowe, zawartość wilgoci, stopień alkaliczności, stan czystości podłoża) 3,8

4.1.2. Przygotować podłoże przez nadanie określonych powyżej odpowiednich cech (wyrównanie, wzmocnienie, wysuszenie, oczyszczenie)


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4.1.3. Bezpośrednio przed okładaniem oczyścić podłoże, zwilżyć go lub zmyć 3,8 4.2. Wykonywanie okładzin kamiennych 3,6 4.2.1. Przygotować elementy kamienne przez wykonanie w nich gniazd, kotwi i łączników 3,6 4.2.2. Oczyścić i zwilżyć powierzchnię bocznych i tylnych płyt okładzinowych 3,4 4.2.3. Ułożyć pierwszy rząd najniżej położonych elementów, opartych na stałej podstawie,

ustawianych pod naciągnięty i wypoziomowany sznur lub ich przykleić 3,8

4.2.4. Osadzić trzpienie lub inne elementy kotwiące 3,6 4.2.5. Przytwierdzić elementy po uprzednim sprawdzeniu prawidłowości ustawienia 4 4.2.6. Wypełnić przestrzeń między tylną powierzchnią okładziny i podłożem 3,6 4.2.7. Ułożyć wkładki w celu zapewnienia równej grubości spoin 3,6 4.2.8. Spoinować okładziny 3,4 4.2.9. Kontrolować na bieżąco pion i poziom elementów 3,8 4.3. Wykonywanie okładzin drewnianych 3,6 4.3.1. Przygotować podkład listwowy lub ruszt z kołków, klocków, listew lub łat osadzonych

w podłożu z zapewnieniem niewielkiej odległości od ściany w celu umożliwienia cyrkulacji powietrza między okładziną a ścianą


4.3.2. Mocować listwy, deski lub płyty do podkładu za pomocą gwoździ lub wkrętów 3,6 4.3.3. Kontrolować na bieżąco poziom i pion mocowanych elementów 3,6 4.4. Wykonywanie okładzin z płyt, listew i elementów przestrzennych z tworzyw

sztucznych 3,3

4.4.1. Przymocować mechanicznie listwy montażowe do podłoża 3,2 4.4.2. Kontrolować na bieżąco pion i poziom zamocowanego podłoża 3,4 4.4.3. Mocować za pomocą wkrętów listwy i płyty, które powinny mieć otwory odpowiednio

większe od średnicy wkręta celem zapewnienia swobodnego ruchu elementów na skutek rozszerzalności cieplnej


4.4.4. Mocować listwy wykończeniowe 3,2 Obszar 5: Wykonywanie posadzek drewnianych 3,4 5.1. Układanie posadzek z płyt mozaikowych 3,3 5.1.1. Kontrolować stan podkładu 3,6 5.1.2. Przygotować podkład (osuszyć, zeszlifować nierówności, zaszpachlować wgłębienia,

oczyścić, zagruntować rozcieńczonym klejem w stosunku 1:5) 3,8

5.1.3. Wyznaczyć linię prostą, wzdłuż której ma być przyklejony pierwszy rząd płyt 3,2 5.1.4. Nanieść pas kleju dyspersyjnego za pomocą ząbkowanej szpachli 3,2 5.1.5. Przykleić rząd płyt przy ścianie przeciwległej do drzwi wejściowych 3,2 5.1.6. Kontrolować prawidłowość ułożenia pierwszego rzędu, od którego zależy łatwość

układania następnych rzędów 3,4

5.1.7. Przyklejać następne rzędy z jednoczesnym dokładnym dociskaniem płyt i kontrolować czy narożniki poszczególnych płyt trafiają dokładnie w to samo miejsce


5.1.8. Wykończyć posadzkę listwami przypodłogowymi lub cokołami 3 5.1.9. Wygładzić posadzkę przez szlifowanie 3,4 5.1.10 Pokryć powierzchnię posadzki bezbarwnym lakierem 3 5.2. Wykonywanie posadzek z deszczułek 3,6 5.2.1. Kontrolować stan podkładu 3,8 5.2.2. Przygotować podkład (osuszyć, zeszlifować nierówności, zaszpachlować wgłębienia,

oczyścić, zagruntować rozcieńczonym klejem w stosunku 1:5) 3,8

5.2.3. Nakładać klej szpachlą ząbkowaną 3,2 5.2.4. Przyklejać deszczułki z jednoczesnym dobijaniem ich do poprzednich i dociskaniem

do podkładu 3,4

5.2.5. Wykończyć posadzkę przez przybicie listew przypodłogowych, oszlifować i polakierować


5.3. Wykonywanie posadzek z desek iglastych i klejonych warstwowo 3,5 5.3.1. Przygotować podłoże jak przy posadzkach deszczułkowych 4 5.3.2. Ułożyć warstwę przekładkową z tworzywa sztucznego 3,8 5.3.3. Ułożyć wzdłuż ściany pierwszy rząd desek z odstępem 1-1.5 cm wyznaczonym

tymczasowymi klinami 3,6

5.3.4. Kontrolować prostoliniowość pierwszego rzędu 3,8 5.3.5. Układać kolejne rzędy z jednoczesnym dociskaniem do poprzednich 3,6 5.3.6. Wykończyć posadzkę przez przybicie listew przypodłogowych 3

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5.3.7. Szlifować i lakierować posadzki z desek iglastych 3 Obszar 6: Wykonywanie posadzek z tworzyw sztucznych 3,1 6.1. Wykonywanie posadzek z wykładzin z tworzyw sztucznych 3,2 6.1.1. Sezonować materiały przez co najmniej 24 godziny w temperaturze pomieszczeń, w

których będą układane 2,6

6.1.2. Pociąć wykładziny na odcinki równe długości pomieszczenia z uwzględnieniem zasady prostopadłego przebiegu spoin do ściany zewnętrznej z oknami


6.1.3. Stosować do każdego materiału podłogowego tylko tych klejów, które zalecają obowiązujące normy, świadectwa lub instrukcje oraz wskazówki producenta


6.1.4. Nanieść na powierzchnię podkładu warstwę kleju za pomocą szpachli lub packi ząbkowanej


6.1.5. Zespawać styki arkuszy przyklejanie listew podłogowych 3,2 6.2. Wykonywanie posadzek z wykładzin dywanowych 3 6.2.1. Rozplanować układ arkuszy w pomieszczeniu 2,8 6.2.2. Przeciąć arkuszy ostrym nożem wzdłuż stalowego liniału przez zakład sąsiadujących

arkuszy 3

6.2.3. Układać arkuszy luzem, przyklejać za pomocą samoprzylepnej przekładki lub kleju 3 6.2.4. Wykonywać cokolik lub przymocować listwy podłogowe 3,2 6.3. Wykonywanie posadzek z kompozycji żywiczno – mineralnych 3,2 6.3.1. Współpracować z wyspecjalizowanymi firmami, które działają na podstawie licencji

udzielonej przez producenta materiału 3,2

6.3.2. Wymieszać składniki według przepisu podanego przez producenta 3,4 6.3.3. Rozprowadzić masę za pomocą specjalnej szpachli zaopatrzonej w wysuwane kołki

dystansowe grubości równej grubości posadzki lub rozprowadzić masę między ułożonymi listwami prowadzącymi i ją wyrównać


6.3.4. Posypać piaskiem w celu schropowacenia powierzchni 3 Obszar 7: Układanie płytek na ściany i podłogi 3,7 7.1. Usunięcie z podłóg i ścian istniejących płytek 3,8 7.1.1. Przygotować materiały i urządzenia (narzędzia, okulary ochronne, wypełniacz,

papier ścierny, młotek itp.) 3,8

7.1.2. Założyć rękawice i okulary ochronne 4,6 7.1.3. Zabezpieczyć podłogę przed spadającym gruzem 4 7.1.4. Usuwać płytki za pomocą młotka i dłuta 3,8 7.1.5. Wymiatać pozostały pył i gruz 3,4 7.1.6. Naprawiać pęknięcia i odpryski za pomocą wypełniacza 3,6 7.1.7. Wyszlifować pozostałość zaprawy klejowej, aż do uzyskania gładkiej powierzchni, z

użyciem maski, przy jednoczesnym wietrzeniu pomieszczenia 3,4

7.2. Planowanie i przygotowanie do układania płytek 3,7 7.2.1. Przygotować i sprawdzić płytki (rodzaj, wymiary, jakość), materiały (zaprawa

murarska/ beton lub zaprawa klejowa) oraz sprzęt (krzyżyki dystansowe, kreda, przecinak do płytek, packa do zaprawy, wilgotna gąbka, czysta ściereczka itp.)


7.2.2. Sprawdzić powierzchnie pod płytki 3,8 7.2.3. Sprawdzić czy ściany trzymają pion 4 7.2.4. Sprawdzić grubość i poziom powierzchni 4 7.2.5. Dokonać odpowiednich pomiarów, użyć sprzętu oraz wyrównać, aby upewnić się, że

płytki będą odpowiednio położone 3,6

7.2.6. Rozplanować ułożenie płytek, rozrysować linie i punkty na powierzchniach 3,4 7.2.7. Wstępne ustalić rozkład płytek na suchej podłodze, zgodnie z projektem 3,4 7.2.8. Sprawdzić wzór oraz zweryfikować konieczność docięcia płytek tak, aby pasowały do

projektu w danej przestrzeni 3,4

7.2.9. Dociąć płytki przy pomocy odpowiednich urządzeń tnących 3,6 7.3. Układanie płytek na zaprawie 3,5 7.3.1. Przygotować powierzchnię czyste i mokre 3,3 7.3.2. Rozprowadzić i wyrównać warstwę zaprawy 3,4 7.3.3. Położyć płytki zgodnie z przebiegiem linii 4

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7.3.4. Zastosować krzyżyki dystansow do utrzymania jednakowych odstępów pomiędzy płytkami


7.3.5. Ostukać powierzchnię łopatką, gumowym młotkiem lub małymi bloczkami z drewna, w celu mocnego przytwierdzenia płytki


7.4. Układanie płytek podłogowych za pomocą kleju 3,9 7.4.1. Oczyścić powierzchnię 4,4 7.4.2. Rozprowadzić warstwę kleju za pomocą pacy ząbkowanej 4 7.4.3. Położyć płytki zgodnie z przebiegiem linii 3,8 7.4.4. Zastosować krzyżyki dystansowe do utrzymania jednakowych odstępów pomiędzy

płytkami 3,8

7.4.5. Ostukać powierzchnię łopatką, gumowym młotkiem lub małymi bloczkami z drewna w celu mocnego przytwierdzenia płytki


7.4.6. Wycierać nadmiar kleju natychmiast po przyklejeniu płytki 3,6 7.5. Układanie płytek naściennych przy użyciu zaprawy murarskiej 3,8 7.5.1. W razie konieczności rozłożyć warstwę izolacji na ścianie 4,4 7.5.2. Rozprowadzić i wyrównać warstwę zaprawy na ścianie a w razie konieczności

również na płytce 4

7.5.3. Przyklejać płytki, lekko ostukując powierzchnię za pomocą łopatki, gumowego młotka lub małych bloczków drewnianych


7.5.4. Wycierać nadmiar zaprawy murarskiej 3,2 7.6. Układanie płytek naściennych przy użyciu kleju 3,6 7.6.1. Oczyścić powierzchnię 4 7.6.2. W razie konieczności rozłożyć warstwę izolującą na ścianie 4 7.6.3. Rozprowadzić warstwę kleju za pomocą ząbkowanej pacy 3,4 7.6.4. Przyklejać płytki lekko ostukując powierzchnię za pomocą łopatki, gumowego młotka

lub małych bloczków drewnianych 3,2

7.6.5. Wycierać nadmiar kleju natychmiast po przyklejeniu płytki 3,2 7.7. Izolacja łączeń 3,5 7.7.1. Przygotować materiały do fugowania 3,8 7.7.2. Rozprowadzać zaprawę fugową po powierzchni płytek za pomocą gumowej

szpachelki , upewniając się, że wypełnione zostały wszystkie połączenia między płytkami


7.7.3. Usuwać nadmiar zaprawy fugowej za pomocą gąbki przed jej wyschnięciem 3,8 7.7.4. Pozostawić fugi do wyschnięcia 3,2 7.7.5. Przetrzeć szmatką 3 Obszar 8: Malowanie ścian wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych 3,1 8.1. Okrycie powierzchni i zabezpieczenie przedmiotów przed kapaniem farby 3 8.1.1. Montować rusztowania, platformy i drabiny 3 8.1.2. Rozkładać materiały zabezpieczające przed kapaniem farby 3 8.1.3. Przyklejać taśmy maskujące na elementy nie wymagające malowania 3 8.2. Przygotowanie pierwszej warstwy farby na powierzchnie wcześniej nie

malowane 3

8.2.1. Upewnić się, że powierzchnia jest czysta i sucha 3,4 8.2.2. Wybrać farbę gruntującą (rozpuszczalnikową lub akrylową) dobraną zgodnie z

zamierzeniami malarskimi 2,8

8.2.3. Rozcieńczać farbę gruntującą wg instrukcji producenta 3 8.2.4. Rozprowadzać farbę gruntującą i pozostawiać ją do wyschnięcia 2,7 8.3. Przygotowanie pierwszej warstwy farby wodnej na powierzchnie wcześniej

malowane 3,2

8.3.1. Sprawdzać, czy na powierzchni nie łuszczy się, nie odchodzi farba i nie ma innych defektów


8.3.2. Zdrapać popękaną i łuszczącą się farbę za pomocą drapaka do farb 3 8.3.3. Odkurzyć i oczyścić ściany w celu zapewnienia dobrej przyczepności 3 8.3.4. Uzupełniać ubytki lub połączenia w ścianie oraz izolować pęknięcia 3 8.4. Malowanie powierzchni przy użyciu farby wodnej 3,1 8.4.1. Rozcieńczać farbę wodą, zgodnie z instrukcją producenta i z uwzględnieniem

chłonności powierzchni 3

8.4.2. Nanosić pierwszą warstwę farby 3,5

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8.4.3. Nanosić farbę krótkimi pociągnięciami pędzla w kierunku powierzchni niemalowanej 3 8.4.4. Ponowne nanosić farbę w kierunku powierzchni już pomalowanej w celu wygładzenia

powierzchni 3

8.5. Malowanie przy użyciu rolki z gąbką 3,1 8.5.1. Wychodzić od warstwy bazowej wybierając odcień ciemniejszy lub kontrastowy 3,2 8.5.2. Nalewać farbę do pojemnika i malować powierzchnię za pomocą rolki z gąbki 3 8.6. Malowanie techniką koloru zmywalnego 3 8.6.1. Wychodzić od warstwy bazowej wybierając odcień ciemniejszy lub kontrastowy 3 8.6.2. Nanosić kolor zmywalny w różnych kierunkach przy pomocy pędzla, gąbki na rolce

itp. 3

8.7. Malowanie techniką wzorów z szablonu 3 8.7.1. Określić umiejscowienie wzoru 3,2 8.7.2. Zaplanować rozmieszczenie wzoru 2,6 8.7.3. Przygotować szablon, przenieść wzór na szablon oraz wyciąć wzór 3,4 8.7.4. Umieszczać szablon na ścianie 3 8.7.5. Przy pomocy okrągłego pędzla wypełniać farbą luk we wzorze 3 8.8. Malowanie techniką farby natryskowej 3 8.8.1. Określić, na jakiej powierzchni umieścić produkt 3,4 8.8.2. Pokryć i zabezpieczyć powierzchnię przeznaczoną do malowania 3 8.8.3. Nałożyć warstwę farby na powierzchnię 3 8.8.4. Określić ilość farby natryskowej koniecznej do pokrycia ściany 3 8.8.5. Rozcieńczyć farbę wodą, przestrzegając instrukcji producenta 2,8 8.8.6. Nanieść malowidło natryskowe z wykorzystaniem rozpylacza utrzymując stałą

odległość od ściany ok. 25-30 cm 3

KOMPETENCJE PERSONALNE I SPOŁECZNE (metakompetencje) Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


Obszar 1: Cechy kluczowe 3,9 1.1. Aktualizuje wiedzę i doskonali umiejętności zawodowe 3,9 1.1.1. Wykazuje stałą motywację do uczenia się i doskonalenia własnych umiejętności 4 1.1.2. Wykazuje aktywność w obliczu możliwości wprowadzenia zmiany 3,8 Obszar 2: Podejmowanie decyzji 4,1 2.1. Przewiduje skutki podejmowanych działań 4,1 2.1.1. Dobrze znosi pewien stopień poczucia niepewności 3,6 2.1.2. Identyfikuje przesłanki, na których powinna być oparta decyzja 4 2.1.3. Reaguje na pojawiające się problemy 4,4 2.1.4. Nie odkłada w czasie podejmowania decyzji 4,2 2.2. Potrafi ponosić odpowiedzialność za podejmowania działania 4 2.2.1. Akceptuje ponoszenie odpowiedzialności i ryzyka 4 Obszar 3: Relacje 4,1 3.1. Współpraca w zespole 4,1 3.1.1. Wykazuje otwartość i uczynność w stosunku do innych 4,4 3.1.2. Dostarcza ludziom informacji i udziela wsparcia 4,2 3.1.3. Chętnie dostosowuje własne plany do potrzeb innych, aby grupa osiągnęła

zamierzone cele 3,8

3.1.4. Dostrzega i analizuje punkty widzenia i potrzeby innych 4,2 3.1.5. Bierze pod uwagę pomysły innych podczas rozwijania własnych 3,8 Obszar 4: Zmiana 3,9

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.1. Elastyczność 3,9 4.1.1. Szybko zmienia strategię i programy, stosownie do zmian zachodzących w otoczeniu 4,2 4.1.2. Wykazuje zainteresowanie, uczynność, przystosowalność w czasie wprowadzania

nowych procedur/metod/technik 4

4.1.3. Modyfikuje swoje podejście do rozwiązywania problemu, jeśli warunki tego wymagają


4.1.4. Jest otwarty na rewizję własnych pomysłów 4 4.1.5. Integruje własne pomysły z pomysłami innych 3,8 4.1.6. Jest zdeterminowany przy proponowaniu zmiany i nie zniechęcają go wahania

innych 3,6

Obszar 5: Zrównoważenie 4 5.1. Równowaga emocjonalna 4 5.1.1. Dobrze znosi sytuacje stresowe i napięcie wykazując się samokontrolą i pewnością

siebie 4,2

5.1.2. Reaguje adekwatnie i konstruktywnie nawet w napiętej sytuacji 4,2 5.1.3. Nie wykazuje znaczących wahań nastroju 3,8 5.1.4. Przyjmuje krytykę w sposób konstruktywny 4 5.1.5. Nie traci łatwo nadziei 4 5.1.6. Nie neguje swoich uzdolnień w obliczu problemu 3,6 5.1.7. Nie atakuje innych w sposób impulsywny i agresywny 4 5.1.8. Radzi sobie w sposób zrównoważony z krytyką i ironią (skierowaną przeciwko sobie

lub innym) 3,8


Kwalifikacja: Wykonywanie robót murarskich i tynkarskich Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


Obszar 1: Planowanie, organizacja i koordynowanie prac na placu budowy 3,8 1.1. Organizacja i przygotowanie placu budowy 3,3 1.1.1. Sprawdzić miejsca budowy i zweryfikować przebieg instalacji podziemnych 3,2 1.1.2. Określić granice placu budowy 3 1.1.3. Ogrodzić i oznakować plac budowy 3,6 1.1.4. Wykonywać drogi wewnętrzne na placu budowy 3,6 1.1.5. Organizować zaplecze administracyjno - socjalne 2,8 1.1.6. Zaopatrywać budowę w wodę i energię elektryczną 3,6 1.1.7. Organizować stanowiska produkcyjne i magazyny 3,2 1.2. Zabezpieczenie miejsca pracy 4,7 1.2.1. Zidentyfikować niebezpieczeństwa, oceniać oraz kontrolować ryzyka tj. Hałas,

bezpieczeństwo elektryczne, ruch uliczny, praca na wysokościach, spadające przedmioty, korzystanie z prądu i urządzeń oraz używanie substancji niebezpiecznych (w tym azbestu)


1.2.2. Zorganizować miejsca pracy zgodnie z zasadami bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, zapobiegać i stosować zasady ochrony przeciwpożarowej, ochrony środowiska oraz udzielać pierwszej pomocy przedmedycznej


1.2.3. Ustalać procedury postępowania w razie wypadku 4,8 1.3. Montaż i demontaż rusztowania do prac budowlanych 3,9 1.3.1. Sprawdzać wymagania techniczne 4,4

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.3.2. Wybierać rusztowania odpowiedniego typu dla prowadzonych prac 3,8 1.3.3. Ustalać, czy zostały dobrane odpowiednie materiały do budowy rusztowania 3,8 1.3.4. Montować pierwszy poziom rusztowań 3,8 1.3.5. Podwyższać i mocować elementy rusztowania 3,8 1.3.6. Kłaść deski na okratowaniach horyzontalnych tworzących platformę 4 1.3.7. Montować metalowe rusztowania z elementów systemowych 3,6 1.3.8. Sprawdzać prawidłowość montażu rusztowań 4 1.3.9. Zabezpieczać rusztowania zgodnie z zasadami bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy 4,4 1.3.10 Rozbierać rusztowania po wykonaniu robót 3,6 Obszar 2: Rozbiórka budynku lub jego części 3,7 2.1. Prowadzenie prac rozbiórkowych z wykorzystaniem urządzeń ręcznych 3,7 2.1.1. Identyfikować konstrukcyjne i niekonstrukcyjne elementy budynków przeznaczonych

do rozbiórki 3,6

2.1.2. Przeprowadzać rozbiórkę z wykorzystaniem ręcznych młotów pneumatycznych, palników acetylenowo-tlenowych i innych narzędzi ręcznych


2.1.3. Odłączać budynek od sieci wodno- kanalizacyjnej, gazowej i elektrycznej 4,2 2.1.4. Demontować instalacje 4 2.1.5. Rozpoczynać rozbiórkę od dachu, następnie kolejnych pięter, kończąc na parterze 3,6 2.1.6. Stopniować rozbiórkę betonowych elementów strukturalnych 3,6 2.1.7. Prowadzić rozbiórkę płyt i belek stropowych, ścian nośnych i nienośnych 3,6 Obszar 3: Wykonywanie fundamentów budynku 3,9 3.1. Przygotowanie miejsca budowy pod fundamenty 4,1 3.1.1. Sprawdzać zgodność rzeczywistego rodzaju i stanu gruntu z przyjętym w projekcie 4,6 3.1.2. Sprawdzać poziom posadowienia 4,4 3.1.3. Wyznaczać przebieg fundamentów 3,6 3.1.4. Umiejscawiać słupki oraz punkty niwelacyjne 4 3.2. Wykonywanie fundamentów 4 3.2.1. Wykonywać warstwy wyrównawcze 4,4 3.2.2. Ustawiać i kontrolować deskowania 4,2 3.2.3. Układać zbrojenia w fundamentach żelbetowych 3,8 3.2.4. Układać mieszankę betonową w deskowaniu 3,8 3.2.5. Pielęgnować świeży beton 3,6 3.3. Prowadzenie prac izolacyjnych 3,4 3.3.1. Układać izolację na betonowych lub murowanych powierzchniach zewnętrznych 3,4 3.3.2. Układać izolację wewnętrzną 3,4 Obszar 4: Budowanie ścian i struktur żelbetowych 3,8 4.1. Wyznaczenie i przygotowanie podłoża pod budowę ścian i struktur

żelbetowych 4,1

4.1.1. Rozładować, nosić i układać materiały budowlane oraz przygotować narzędzia oraz urządzenia do pracy


4.1.2. Określić usytuowanie podstawowych elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku zgodnie z projektem architektonicznym


4.1.3. Dokładnie oczyszczać powierzchnię 4 4.1.4. Zabezpieczać miejsce budowy 5 4.2. Budowanie ścian i innych elementów (słupów, belek, płyt, schodów) z

wykorzystaniem deskowania 3,9

4.2.1. Przygotować deskowanie (drewno szalunkowe lub deskowanie systemowe) 4,2 4.2.2. Ułożyć zbrojenie 4,2 4.2.3. Układać mieszankę betonową w deskowaniu za pomocą pompy do betonu 4 4.2.4. Zagęszczać mieszankę betonową za pomocą wibratorów 3,6 4.2.5. Pielęgnować świeży beton 3,4 4.2.6. Demontować deskowanie 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.7. Sprawdzać czy zachowane są piony i poziomy na różnym etapie prac budowlanych 4,4 4.3. Budowanie ścian i struktur z żelbetowych elementów prefabrykowanych 3,8 4.3.1. Ustalać etapy montażu 3,8 4.3.2. Określać obszar w którym odbywa się podnoszenie elementów prefabrykowanych 4 4.3.3. Zainstalować i usuniąć wzmocnienia tymczasowe oraz systemy podporowe 4 4.3.4. Umieszczać elementy betonowe w miejscu ich wbudowania 3,6 4.3.5. Sprawdzać skutki oddziaływania ciężaru na istniejącą strukturę w czasie

instalowania elementów betonowych w miejscu docelowym 3,8

4.4. Wznoszenie zbrojonych stropów, schodów i nadproży 3,8 4.4.1. Budować deskowania pod stropy, nadproża i schody 3,8 4.4.2. Montować deskowania systemowe 3,6 4.4.3. Wykonywać płaskie nadproża 3,8 4.4.4. Budować sklepienia 3,6 4.4.5. Instalować gotowe nadproża typu L i U 4 4.4.6. Wykonywać wylewki 3,6 4.4.7. Przygotować zbrojenia zgodnie z projektem 4 4.4.8. Układać zbrojenia w deskowaniu 3,8 4.4.9. Budować ściany ze zbrojeniem 3,8 Obszar 5: Wykonywanie ścian z elementów drobnowymiarowych 4 5.1. Wyznaczenie oraz przygotowanie miejsca pod budowę murów z cegieł 3,8 5.1.1. Rozładować, nosić i układać materiały budowlane oraz przygotować narzędzia oraz

urządzenia do pracy 3,4

5.1.2. Określać usytuowanie podstawowych elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku zgodnie z projektem architektonicznym


5.1.3. Dokładnie oczyszczać powierzchnię 3,8 5.1.4. Zabezpieczać obszar budowy 4,6 5.2. Przygotowanie zaprawy murarskiej metodą ręczną i zmechanizowaną 4 5.2.1. Wybierać materiały potrzebne do przygotowania zaprawy murarskiej 4 5.2.2. Dozować składniki zaprawy wagowe, objętościowe lub objętościowo – wagowe 4,2 5.2.3. Mieszać zaprawę wg bieżącej receptury 3,8 5.2.4. Sprawdzać konsystencję zaprawy murarskiej 4 5.2.5. Zastosować zaprawę murarską zgodnie z jej docelowym przeznaczeniem 3,8 5.3. Budowa ścian nośnych i działowych 4 5.3.1. Rozprowadzać pierwszą i kolejne warstwy zaprawy 4 5.3.2. Budować ściany z cegieł, bloczków i pustaków 4,2 5.3.3. Budować łączenia zwykłe i poprzeczne 4,2 5.3.4. Budować łączenia z cegieł w ścianie krzyżujących się pod kątem prostym 4 5.3.5. Kłaść cegły w ścianach wielowarstwowych zgodnie z zasadami łączenia 4 5.3.6. Łączyć cegły przy budowie słupów i kolumn 4 5.3.7. Łączyć ściany działowe ze ścianami nośnymi 4 5.3.8. Ciąć i nadawać kształty cegle przy pomocy różnorodnych narzędzi i maszyn 3,6 5.3.9. Konstruować łuki i ozdobne elementy z cegieł 3,6 5.3.10 Usuwać nadmiar zaprawy murarskiej oraz kontrolować pion i poziom 3,8 5.3.11 Montować ościeżnice okienne i drzwiowe 4,2 5.3.12 Oceniać poprawność łączeń cegieł w ścianie 4,2 Obszar 6: Izolowanie ścian i innych powierzchni 3,6 6.1. Stosowanie materiałów izolacyjnych (przeciwwilgociowych, cieplnych,

akustycznych) 3,6

6.1.1. Stosować izolacyjne materiały powłokowe i rolowe 3,8 6.1.2. Stosować styropian i izolację z materiałów ziarnistych do izolacji ścian 3,6 6.1.3. Stosować systemy bloków betonowych z wkładką pianki izolującej 3,2 6.1.4. Przytwierdzać izolację do ścian stropów 3,6 Obszar 7: Tynkowanie ścian zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych 4,1

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7.1. Przygotowanie podłoża 3,9 7.1.1. Oczyszczać mury i stropy z wystających grudek zaprawy 4,2 7.1.2. Wysuszać powierzchnię podłoży gipsowych i gipsobetonowych 3,8 7.1.3. Przygotować równe ale szorstkie podłoże betonowe przez porysowanie dłutami 3,8 7.1.4. Przymocować do podłoży podkładu zwiększającego przyczepność (maty trzcinowe,

siatki, dranice) 3,8 7.1.5. Przymocować do podłoży metalowych siatki stalowej i zabezpieczyć ją

antykorozyjnie jeżeli będą wykonywane tynki gipsowe 3,6 7.1.6. Oczyszczać bezpośrednio przed tynkowaniem podłoże z kurzu, sadzy, rdzy,

substancji tłustych oraz zwilżyć podłoże 4,2 7.1.7. Przymocować listwy kierunkowe wyznaczające powierzchnię lica tynku 3,6 7.2. Wykonywanie tynków tradycyjnych 4,3 7.2.1. Nakładać pierwszą warstwę (obrzutka) z bardzo rzadkiej zaprawy grubości 4-5 mm

w celu zwiększenia przyczepności tynku 4,4

7.2.2. Nanosić drugą warstwę zaprawy (narzut) po lekkim stwardnieniu obrzutki i skropieniu jej wodą


7.2.3. Wyrównać i wygładzić zaprawę 4,4 7.2.4. Sprawdzać czy wszystkie kąty trzymają pion i poziom 4,6 7.2.5. Nakładać trzecią cienką i rzadką warstwę zaprawy (gładź) o grubości 1-3 mm 4,2 7.2.6. Starannie zatrzeć gładź packą 4,2 7.3. Wykonywanie tynków gipsowych 4 7.3.1. Zwilżać powierzchnię podłoża 4 7.3.2. Nakładać gładź szpachlową przy pomocy pacy 4,2 7.3.3. Wyrównać powierzchnię przy pomocy pacy lub szlifierki 3,8 7.3.4. Nakładać kolejne warstwy 4 7.3.5. Wyrównać powierzchnię przy pomocy packi lub szlifierki 4 7.4. Wykonywanie tynków zewnętrznych z mas tynkarskich na podłożach z

wełny mineralnej i styropianu 4,2

7.4.1. Mocować płyty za pomocą placków kleju nakładanych na płyty 4,4 7.4.2. Wiercić w ścianie otwory na kołki rozporowe 4,4 7.4.3. Mocować płyty kołkami rozporowymi ze specjalnym płaskim łbem 4,2 7.4.4. Wyrównywać powierzchnię styropianu specjalnymi narzędziami (tarkami) 4,4 7.4.5. Nakładać warstwy kleju 4,4 7.4.6. Wtapiać w warstwę kleju siatki z tworzywa sztucznego 4 7.4.7. Wzmacniać narożniki kątownikami z siatką 4 7.4.8. Nakładać kolejne warstwy kleju 3,8 7.4.9. Gruntować powierzchnię 3,8 7.4.10 Nakładać tynk za pomocą pacy 3,8 7.4.11 Docierać tynk za pomocą pacy 4 Obszar 8: Budowanie ogrodzeń 3,5 8.1. Przygotowanie miejsca pod budowę ogrodzenia 3,3 8.1.1 Określić lokalizację ogrodzenia 3,4 8.1.2 Zebrać informację czy w pobliżu nie przebiegają kable elektryczne i rury wodno-

kanalizacyjne 3,6

8.1.3 Dokonać pomiaru i wytyczyć linię ogrodzenia oraz oznakować umiejscowienie słupków


8.1.4 Prowadzić wykopy 3,4 8.1.5 Przechowywać lub wywozić urobek w odpowiednie miejsce 3 8.2. Budowa ogrodzeń betonowych/murowanych 3,6 8.2.1 Ustalać kolejność prac 3,4 8.2.2 Określać głębokość fundamentów (podmurówki) z uwzględnieniem warunków

gruntowych 3,6

8.2.3 Wykonywać podmurówkę 3,8 8.2.4 Wyrównać, osadzić słupki w betonowym podłożu 3,6 8.2.5 Budować ściany betonowe i murowane 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

KOMPETENCJE PERSONALNE I SPOŁECZNE (metakompetencje) Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


Obszar 1: Cechy kluczowe 3,6 1.1. Aktualizuje wiedzę i doskonali umiejętności zawodowe 3,6 1.1.1. Wykazuje stałą motywację do uczenia się i doskonalenia własnych umiejętności 3,4 1.1.2. Wykazuje aktywność w obliczu możliwości wprowadzenia zmiany 3,8 Obszar 2: Podejmowanie decyzji 4,3 2.1. Przewiduje skutki podejmowanych działań 4,3 2.1.1. Dobrze znosi pewien stopień poczucia niepewności 4 2.1.2. Identyfikuje przesłanki, na których powinna być oparta decyzja 4,2 2.1.3. Reaguje na pojawiające się problemy 4,4 2.1.4. Nie odkłada w czasie podejmowania decyzji 4,4 2.2. Potrafi ponosić odpowiedzialność za podejmowania działania 4,4 2.2.1. Akceptuje ponoszenie odpowiedzialności i ryzyka 4,4 Obszar 3: Relacje 4,3 3.1. Współpraca w zespole 4,3 3.1.1. Wykazuje otwartość i uczynność w stosunku do innych 4,4 3.1.2. Dostarcza ludziom informacji i udziela wsparcia 4,6 3.1.3. Chętnie dostosowuje własne plany do potrzeb innych, aby grupa osiągnęła

zamierzone cele 4,2

3.1.4. Dostrzega i analizuje punkty widzenia i potrzeby innych 4,2 3.1.5. Bierze pod uwagę pomysły innych podczas rozwijania własnych 4,2 Obszar 4: Zmiana 4,2 4.1. Elastyczność 4,2 4.1.1. Szybko zmienia strategię i programy, stosownie do zmian zachodzących w otoczeniu 4,4 4.1.2. Wykazuje zainteresowanie, uczynność, przystosowalność w czasie wprowadzania

nowych procedur/metod/technik 4,4

4.1.3. Modyfikuje swoje podejście do rozwiązywania problemu, jeśli warunki tego wymagają


4.1.4. Jest otwarty na rewizję własnych pomysłów 4 4.1.5. Integruje własne pomysły z pomysłami innych 4,2 4.1.6. Jest zdeterminowany przy proponowaniu zmiany i nie zniechęcają go wahania

innych 4

Obszar 5: Zrównoważenie 4 5.1. Równowaga emocjonalna 4 5.1.1. Dobrze znosi sytuacje stresowe i napięcie wykazując się samokontrolą i pewnością

siebie 4,2

5.1.2. Reaguje adekwatnie i konstruktywnie nawet w napiętej sytuacji 4,4 5.1.3. Nie wykazuje znaczących wahań nastroju 3,2 5.1.4. Przyjmuje krytykę w sposób konstruktywny 4 5.1.5. Nie traci łatwo nadziei 4,2 5.1.6. Nie neguje swoich uzdolnień w obliczu problemu 4,2 5.1.7. Nie atakuje innych w sposób impulsywny i agresywny 3,8 5.1.8. Radzi sobie w sposób zrównoważony z krytyką i ironią (skierowaną przeciwko sobie

lub innym) 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.2. Uzgodnione zbiory jednostek efektów uczenia się


Kwalifikacja: Wykonywanie robót dekarskich Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


1. Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla wszystkich zawodów 3,2 1.1. (BHP) Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy 3,8 1.1.1. Rozróżnia pojęcia związane z bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, ochroną

przeciwpożarową, ochroną środowiska i ergonomią 4

1.1.2. Rozróżnia zadania i uprawnienia instytucji oraz służb działających w zakresie ochrony pracy i ochrony środowiska


1.1.3. Określa prawa i obowiązki pracownika oraz pracodawcy w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy


1.1.4. Przewiduje zagrożenia dla zdrowia i życia człowieka oraz mienia i środowiska związane z wykonywaniem zadań zawodowych


1.1.5. Określa zagrożenia związane z występowaniem szkodliwych czynników w środowisku pracy


1.1.6. Określa skutki oddziaływania czynników szkodliwych na organizm człowieka 3,6 1.1.7. Organizuje stanowisko pracy zgodnie z obowiązującymi wymaganiami ergonomii,

przepisami bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska


1.1.8. Stosuje środki ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej podczas wykonywania zadań zawodowych


1.1.9. Przestrzega zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz stosuje przepisy prawa dotyczące ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska


1.1.10 Udziela pierwszej pomocy poszkodowanym w wypadkach przy pracy oraz w stanach zagrożenia zdrowia i życia


1.4. (KPS) Kompetencje personalne i społeczne 3,7 1.4.1. Przestrzega zasad kultury i etyki 3,6 1.4.2. Jest kreatywny i konsekwentny w realizacji zadań 3,6 1.4.3. Przewiduje skutki podejmowanych działań 3,5 1.4.4. Jest otwarty na zmiany 3,6 1.4.5. Potrafi radzić sobie ze stresem 3,4 1.4.6. Aktualizuje wiedzę i doskonali umiejętności zawodowe 3,9 1.4.7. Przestrzega tajemnicy zawodowej 3,6 1.4.8. Potrafi ponosić odpowiedzialność za podejmowane działania 3,9 1.4.9. Potrafi negocjować warunki porozumień 3,9 1.4.10 Współpracuje w zespole 4 2: Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla zawodów w ramach obszaru budowlanego, stanowiące podbudowę do kształcenia w zawodzie lub grupie zawodów PKZ(B.c) 4 2.1. Rozpoznaje rodzaje i elementy obiektów budowlanych 3,9 2.2. Rozróżnia konstrukcje obiektów budowlanych i technologie ich wykonania 4,3 2.3. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy instalacji budowlanych 4,3 2.4. Rozpoznaje materiały budowlane i określa ich zastosowanie 4,5 2.5. Przestrzega zasad sporządzania rysunków budowlanych 4 2.6. Wykonuje szkice robocze 3,6 2.7. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy dokumentacji stosowanej w budownictwie 3,9

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.8. Rozróżnia przyrządy pomiarowe stosowane w robotach budowlanych 4,1 2.9. Przestrzega zasad wykonywania pomiarów związanych z robotami budowlanymi 4,1 2.10. Rozpoznaje elementy zagospodarowania terenu budowy 4,4 2.11. Rozróżnia środki transportu stosowane w budownictwie 3,6 2.12. Przestrzega zasad transportu i składowania materiałów budowlanych 3,8 2.13. Rozróżnia rodzaje rusztowań oraz przestrzega zasad ich montażu, użytkowania

i demontażu 4

2.14. Stosuje programy komputerowe wspomagające wykonywanie zadań 2,8 3: Efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionej w zawodzie Dekarz – kwalifikacja B.12. Wykonywanie robót dekarskich 3,9 3.1. Wykonywanie i rozbiórka pokryć dachowych 4 3.1.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy konstrukcji dachów 4,3 3.1.2. Rozróżnia rodzaje pokryć dachowych 4,1 3.1.3. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi dotyczącymi

wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami oraz instrukcjami wykonywania pokryć dachowych


3.1.4. Sporządza rysunki połaci dachowych i elementów pokryć dachowych 3,6 3.1.5. Sporządza przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem pokryć dachowych oraz

kalkuluje koszty wykonania i rozbiórki pokryć dachowych 3,9

3.1.6. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały, narzędzia oraz sprzęt do wykonania i rozbiórki pokryć dachowych


3.1.7. Wykonuje izolacje pokryć dachowych 4,3 3.1.8. Wykonuje podkłady pod pokrycia dachowe 4,3 3.1.9. Wykonuje pokrycia dachów o różnych konstrukcjach i kształtach 4,3 3.1.10 Montuje okna dachowe, wyłazy, świetliki i urządzenia do pozyskiwania energii

odnawialnej 3,9

3.1.11 Wykonuje roboty związane z remontem i rozbiórką pokryć dachowych 4,3 3.1.12 Ocenia jakość wykonania pokryć dachowych 3,8 3.1.13 Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem pokryć dachowych oraz

sporządza ich rozliczenie 2,9

3.2. Wykonywanie obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych 3,8 3.2.1. Rozróżnia elementy systemów odwodnień połaci dachowych 4,3 3.2.2. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi

wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami oraz instrukcjami wykonywania obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych


3.2.3. Sporządza rysunki obróbek dekarskich i elementów odwodnień połaci dachowych


3.2.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem i rozbiórką obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych i kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania


3.2.5. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały, narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonywania i rozbiórki obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych


3.2.6. Wykonuje i montuje elementy obróbek dekarskich 4,3 3.2.7. Montuje elementy odwodnień połaci dachowych 4,3 3.2.8. Wykonuje roboty związane z rozbiórką lub wymianą obróbek dekarskich

i odwodnień połaci dachowych 5

3.2.9. Ocenia jakość wykonania obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych 3,4 3.2.10 Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem i rozbiórką obróbek

dekarskich oraz odwodnień połaci dachowych oraz sporządza rozliczenie tych robót


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie


− Montaż systemów suchej zabudowy − Wykonywanie robót malarsko-tapeciarskich

− Wykonywanie robót posadzkarsko-okładzinowych Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


1. Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla wszystkich zawodów 3,3 1.1. (BHP) Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy 3,8 1.1.1. Rozróżnia pojęcia związane z bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, ochroną

przeciwpożarową, ochroną środowiska i ergonomią 3,9

1.1.2. Rozróżnia zadania i uprawnienia instytucji oraz służb działających w zakresie ochrony pracy i ochrony środowiska


1.1.3. Określa prawa i obowiązki pracownika oraz pracodawcy w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy


1.1.4. Przewiduje zagrożenia dla zdrowia i życia człowieka oraz mienia i środowiska związane z wykonywaniem zadań zawodowych


1.1.5. Określa zagrożenia związane z występowaniem szkodliwych czynników w środowisku pracy


1.1.6. Określa skutki oddziaływania czynników szkodliwych na organizm człowieka 3,5 1.1.7. Organizuje stanowisko pracy zgodnie z obowiązującymi wymaganiami ergonomii,

przepisami bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska


1.1.8. Stosuje środki ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej podczas wykonywania zadań zawodowych


1.1.9. Przestrzega zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz stosuje przepisy prawa dotyczące ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska


1.1.10 Udziela pierwszej pomocy poszkodowanym w wypadkach przy pracy oraz w stanach zagrożenia zdrowia i życia


1.4. (KPS) Kompetencje personalne i społeczne 3,7 1.4.1. Przestrzega zasad kultury i etyki 3,6 1.4.2. Jest kreatywny i konsekwentny w realizacji zadań 3,6 1.4.3. Przewiduje skutki podejmowanych działań 3,5 1.4.4. Jest otwarty na zmiany 3,6 1.4.5. Potrafi radzić sobie ze stresem 3,5 1.4.6. Aktualizuje wiedzę i doskonali umiejętności zawodowe 3,6 1.4.7. Przestrzega tajemnicy zawodowej 3,6 1.4.8. Potrafi ponosić odpowiedzialność za podejmowane działania 3,9 1.4.9. Potrafi negocjować warunki porozumień 3,9 1.4.10 Współpracuje w zespole 4 2: Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla zawodów w ramach obszaru budowlanego, stanowiące podbudowę do kształcenia w zawodzie lub grupie zawodów PKZ(B.c) 4 2.1. Rozpoznaje rodzaje i elementy obiektów budowlanych 4 2.2. Rozróżnia konstrukcje obiektów budowlanych i technologie ich wykonania 4,3 2.3. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy instalacji budowlanych 4,3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.4. Rozpoznaje materiały budowlane i określa ich zastosowanie 4,6 2.5. Przestrzega zasad sporządzania rysunków budowlanych 4,1 2.6. Wykonuje szkice robocze 3,8 2.7. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy dokumentacji stosowanej w budownictwie 3,8 2.8. Rozróżnia przyrządy pomiarowe stosowane w robotach budowlanych 4,1 2.9. Przestrzega zasad wykonywania pomiarów związanych z robotami budowlanymi 4,1 2.10. Rozpoznaje elementy zagospodarowania terenu budowy 4,4 2.11. Rozróżnia środki transportu stosowane w budownictwie 3,6 2.12. Przestrzega zasad transportu i składowania materiałów budowlanych 3,8 2.13. Rozróżnia rodzaje rusztowań oraz przestrzega zasad ich montażu, użytkowania

i demontażu 3,9

2.14. Stosuje programy komputerowe wspomagające wykonywanie zadań 2,8 3: Efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionej w zawodzie Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie – kwalifikacja B.5. Montaż systemów suchej zabudowy 4 3.1. Montaż ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji

dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy 4,1

3.1.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje systemów suchej zabudowy wnętrz 4,3 3.1.2. Rozróżnia rodzaje izolacji ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy

konstrukcji dachowych i przestrzega zasad ich wykonania 4,3

3.1.3. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi montażu ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót montażu ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy oraz kalkuluje ich koszty


3.1.5. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały do montażu ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.6. Dobiera narzędzia oraz sprzęt do montażu ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.7. Wyznacza miejsca montażu elementów suchej zabudowy 4,1 3.1.8. Dobiera techniki montażu elementów suchej zabudowy 3,6 3.1.9. Wykonuje roboty pomocnicze związane z montażem ścian działowych, sufitów

podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy 4,1

3.1.10 Wykonuje ściany działowe, sufity podwieszane oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.11 Wykonuje izolacje ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.12 Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych i obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy oraz dobiera sposoby ich naprawy


3.1.13 Wykonuje roboty związane z naprawą uszkodzonych elementów ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.14 Ocenia jakość wykonania robót montażu ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.1.15 Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z montażem ścian działowych, sufitów podwieszanych oraz obudowy konstrukcji dachowych w systemie suchej zabudowy oraz sporządza rozliczenie tych robót


3.2. Montaż okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy 3,9 3.2.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej

zabudowy 4,4

3.2.2. Rozróżnia rodzaje izolacji okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych stosowanych w systemie suchej zabudowy oraz określa sposoby ich wykonania


3.2.3. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi montażu okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót montażu okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy oraz kalkuluje ich koszty


3.2.5. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały do montażu okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.6. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do montażu okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.7. Wykonuje roboty pomocnicze związane z montażem okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.8. Wyznacza miejsca montażu elementów okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.9. Przygotowuje podłoże do montażu okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.10 Dobiera techniki montażu elementów okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.11 Montuje elementy okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy


3.2.12 Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń elementów okładzin ściennych i dobiera sposoby ich naprawy


3.2.13 Wykonuje naprawy uszkodzonych elementów okładzin ściennych 3,9 3.2.14 Ocenia jakość robót związanych z montażem okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych

w systemie suchej zabudowy 4

3.2.15 Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z montażem okładzin ściennych i płyt podłogowych w systemie suchej zabudowy i sporządza rozliczenie tych robót


4: Efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionej w zawodzie Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie – kwalifikacja B.6. Wykonywanie robót malarsko-tapeciarskich 3,8 4.1. Wykonywanie robót malarskich 3,9 4.1.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje materiałów malarskich, określa ich właściwości i zastosowanie 4,3 4.1.2. Rozróżnia rodzaje podłoży oraz określa sposoby ich przygotowywania pod różnego

rodzaju powłoki malarskie 4,1

4.1.3. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi wykonania robót malarskich


4.1.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót malarskich oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 3,8 4.1.5. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały do wykonania powłok malarskich w określonej

technologii 3,8

4.1.6. Dobiera techniki wykonania robót malarskich 3,8 4.1.7. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonania robót malarskich 3,9 4.1.8. Przygotowuje podłoża wykonane z różnych materiałów do nakładania powłok

malarskich 4,1

4.1.9. Wykonuje powłoki malarskie 4,3 4.1.10 Wykonuje zdobienia powłok malarskich różnymi technikami 4,1 4.1.11 Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń powłok malarskich i dobiera sposoby ich naprawy 3,6 4.1.12 Wykonuje prace związane z naprawą i renowacją powłok malarskich 4,1 4.1.13 Ocenia jakość wykonania robót malarskich; 3,6 4.1.14 Wykonuje obmiar robót malarskich i sporządza ich rozliczenie 3,5 4.2. Wykonywanie robót tapeciarskich 3,7 4.2.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje tapet, określa ich właściwości i zastosowanie 3,8 4.2.2. Rozróżnia rodzaje podłoży i określa sposoby ich przygotowania pod różnego rodzaju

tapety 3,8

4.2.3. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi wykonywania robót tapeciarskich


4.2.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót tapeciarskich oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 3,6 4.2.5. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały do wykonania robót tapeciarskich 3,9 4.2.6. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonania robót tapeciarskich 3,8 4.2.7. Przygotowuje podłoże do wykonania robót tapeciarskich 3,9 4.2.8. Wykonuje roboty tapeciarskie 3,9

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.9. Wykonuje zdobienia tapet różnymi technikami 3,6 4.2.10 Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń tapet i określa sposoby ich naprawy 3,9 4.2.11 Wykonuje prace związane z naprawą i renowacją tapet 3,9 4.2.12 Ocenia jakość robót tapeciarskich 3,8 4.2.13 Wykonuje obmiar robót tapeciarskich i sporządza ich rozliczenie 3,1 5: Efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionej w zawodzie Monter zabudowy i robót wykończeniowych w budownictwie – kwalifikacja B.7. Wykonywanie robót posadzkarsko-okładzinowych 4 5.1. Wykonywanie robót posadzkarskich 4 5.1.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje materiałów posadzkarskich i określa ich właściwości 4,1 5.1.2. Określa sposoby przygotowania podłoży pod różnego rodzaju posadzki 4,1 5.1.3. Rozróżnia rodzaje izolacji podłogowych i określa sposoby ich wykonania 4,3 5.1.4. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania

i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi wykonywania robót posadzkarskich


5.1.5. Sporządza przedmiar robót posadzkarskich oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 3,5 5.1.6. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały do wykonania robót posadzkarskich 3,9 5.1.7. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonania robót posadzkarskich 3,9 5.1.8. Przygotowuje podłoża do wykonania posadzek z różnych materiałów 4,3 5.1.9. Wykonuje warstwy izolacyjne podłóg 4,1 5.1.10 Wykonuje podkłady podłogowe 4,1 5.1.11 Wykonuje posadzki z różnych materiałów 4,1 5.1.12 Wykonuje zabezpieczenia powierzchni posadzek 4,3 5.1.13 Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń posadzek i dobiera sposoby ich naprawy 4,1 5.1.14 Wykonuje prace związane z konserwacją i naprawą posadzek 4,3 5.1.15 Ocenia jakość robót posadzkarskich 4 5.1.16 Wykonuje obmiar robót posadzkarskich i sporządza ich rozliczenie 3,5 5.2. Wykonywanie robót okładzinowych 4 5.2.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje okładzin oraz określa ich właściwości i zastosowanie; 4,3 5.2.2. Rozróżnia rodzaje podłoży oraz określa sposoby ich przygotowywania pod okładziny; 4,1 5.2.3. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania

i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi wykonywania robót okładzinowych;


5.2.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót okładzinowych oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania; 3,9 5.2.5. Dobiera i przygotowuje materiały do wykonania robót okładzinowych; 3,8 5.2.6. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonania robót okładzinowych; 3,8 5.2.7. Przygotowuje podłoże do wykonania okładzin; 4,3 5.2.8. Wykonuje okładziny z różnych materiałów; 4,3 5.2.9. Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń okładzin i określa sposoby ich naprawy; 4,1 5.2.10 Wykonuje prace związane z konserwacją i naprawą okładzin wykonanych z różnych

materiałów; 4,3

5.2.11 Ocenia jakość robót okładzinowych; 4 5.2.12 Wykonuje obmiar robót okładzinowych i sporządza ich rozliczenie. 3,2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Kwalifikacja: Wykonywanie robót murarskich i tynkarskich Nr Nazwa Wskaźnik


1. Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla wszystkich zawodów 3,2 1.1. (BHP) Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy 3,8 1.1.1. Rozróżnia pojęcia związane z bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy, ochroną

przeciwpożarową, ochroną środowiska i ergonomią 4

1.1.2. Rozróżnia zadania i uprawnienia instytucji oraz służb działających w zakresie ochrony pracy i ochrony środowiska


1.1.3. Określa prawa i obowiązki pracownika oraz pracodawcy w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy


1.1.4. Przewiduje zagrożenia dla zdrowia i życia człowieka oraz mienia i środowiska związane z wykonywaniem zadań zawodowych


1.1.5. Określa zagrożenia związane z występowaniem szkodliwych czynników w środowisku pracy


1.1.6. Określa skutki oddziaływania czynników szkodliwych na organizm człowieka 3,6 1.1.7. Organizuje stanowisko pracy zgodnie z obowiązującymi wymaganiami ergonomii,

przepisami bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska


1.1.8. Stosuje środki ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej podczas wykonywania zadań zawodowych


1.1.9. Przestrzega zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz stosuje przepisy prawa dotyczące ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska


1.1.10 Udziela pierwszej pomocy poszkodowanym w wypadkach przy pracy oraz w stanach zagrożenia zdrowia i życia


1.4. (KPS) Kompetencje personalne i społeczne 3,7 1.4.1. Przestrzega zasad kultury i etyki 3,5 1.4.2. Jest kreatywny i konsekwentny w realizacji zadań 3,5 1.4.3. Przewiduje skutki podejmowanych działań 3,5 1.4.4. Jest otwarty na zmiany 3,5 1.4.5. Potrafi radzić sobie ze stresem 3,4 1.4.6. Aktualizuje wiedzę i doskonali umiejętności zawodowe 3,9 1.4.7. Przestrzega tajemnicy zawodowej 3,5 1.4.8. Potrafi ponosić odpowiedzialność za podejmowane działania 3,9 1.4.9. Potrafi negocjować warunki porozumień 3,8 1.4.10 Współpracuje w zespole 4 2: Efekty kształcenia wspólne dla zawodów w ramach obszaru budowlanego, stanowiące podbudowę do kształcenia w zawodzie lub grupie zawodów PKZ(B.c) 3,9 2.1. Rozpoznaje rodzaje i elementy obiektów budowlanych 3,9 2.2. Rozróżnia konstrukcje obiektów budowlanych i technologie ich wykonania 4,3 2.3. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy instalacji budowlanych 4,1 2.4. Rozpoznaje materiały budowlane i określa ich zastosowanie 4,5 2.5. Przestrzega zasad sporządzania rysunków budowlanych 4,1 2.6. Wykonuje szkice robocze 3,9 2.7. Rozróżnia rodzaje i elementy dokumentacji stosowanej w budownictwie 3,8 2.8. Rozróżnia przyrządy pomiarowe stosowane w robotach budowlanych 4,1 2.9. Przestrzega zasad wykonywania pomiarów związanych z robotami budowlanymi 3,9

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.10. Rozpoznaje elementy zagospodarowania terenu budowy 4,4 2.11. Rozróżnia środki transportu stosowane w budownictwie 3,6 2.12. Przestrzega zasad transportu i składowania materiałów budowlanych 3,9 2.13. Rozróżnia rodzaje rusztowań oraz przestrzega zasad ich montażu, użytkowania

i demontażu 3,8

2.14. Stosuje programy komputerowe wspomagające wykonywanie zadań 2,9 3: Efekty kształcenia właściwe dla kwalifikacji wyodrębnionej w zawodzie Murarz-tynkarz − kwalifikacja B.18. Wykonywanie robót murarskich i tynkarskich 4,2 3.1. Wykonywanie zapraw murarskich i tynkarskich oraz mieszanek

betonowych 4,4

3.1.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje zapraw murarskich i tynkarskich, określa ich właściwości i zastosowanie


3.1.2. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami dotyczącymi wykonywania zapraw murarskich, tynkarskich i mieszanek betonowych


3.1.3. Dobiera składniki zapraw murarskich, tynkarskich i mieszanek betonowych 4,6 3.1.4. Sporządza przedmiar robót związanych z wykonywaniem zapraw murarskich,

tynkarskich i mieszanek betonowych oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 4,3

3.1.5. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonywania zapraw murarskich, tynkarskich i mieszanek betonowych


3.1.6. Przygotowuje składniki zapraw murarskich, tynkarskich i mieszanek betonowych 4,6 3.1.7. Wykonuje zaprawy murarskie, tynkarskie i mieszanki betonowe zgodnie z recepturą 4,6 3.1.8. Ocenia jakość wykonania zapraw murarskich i tynkarskich oraz mieszanek

betonowych 4,1

3.1.9. Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z wykonywaniem zapraw murarskich, tynkarskich i mieszanek betonowych i sporządza rozliczenie tych robót


3.2. Wykonywanie murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych 4,1 3.2.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych 4,3 3.2.2. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania

i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami wykonania murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych


3.2.3. Rozpoznaje sposoby wiązania cegieł w murach 4,6 3.2.4. Rozróżnia rodzaje izolacji budowlanych oraz określa sposoby ich wykonania 4 3.2.5. Dobiera oraz przygotowuje materiały do wykonania murowanych konstrukcji

budowlanych 3,9

3.2.6. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonywania murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych 3,9 3.2.7. Sporządza przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem murowanych konstrukcji

budowlanych oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 3,6

3.2.8. Wyznacza położenie murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych 4,6 3.2.9. Wykonuje murowane ściany, stropy, nadproża, sklepienia, słupy, filary oraz kominy 4,3 3.2.10 Wykonuje spoinowanie i licowanie ścian 5 3.2.11 Wykonuje roboty ziemne i izolacyjne oraz pomocnicze roboty betoniarskie

i zbrojarskie związane z wykonywaniem murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych 3,9

3.2.12 Ocenia jakość wykonania robót murarskich 3,8 3.2.13 Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem murowanych konstrukcji

budowlanych i sporządza rozliczenie tych robót 3,5

3.3. Wykonywanie tynków 4,1 3.3.1. Rozróżnia rodzaje tynków; 4,3 3.3.2. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania

i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami wykonania tynków


3.3.3. Dobiera oraz przygotowuje materiały do wykonywania tynków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych


3.3.4. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonania tynków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych 4,3 3.3.5. Sporządza przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem tynków wewnętrznych

i zewnętrznych oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania 3,8

3.3.6. Przygotowuje podłoże do wykonania tynków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych 4,3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.3.7. Wykonuje tynki wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne 4,3 3.3.8. Wykonuje czynności związane z wykańczaniem powierzchni tynkowanych oraz

osadzaniem kratek wentylacyjnych i innych elementów 4,1

3.3.9. Rozpoznaje rodzaje uszkodzeń tynków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych oraz dobiera sposoby ich naprawy


3.3.10 Wykonuje naprawę tynków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych 4,3 3.3.11 Ocenia jakość wykonania robót tynkarskich 3,8 3.3.12 Wykonuje obmiar związanych z wykonaniem tynków wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych

i sporządza rozliczenie tych robót 3,4

3.4. Wykonywanie remontów oraz rozbiórki murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych


3.4.1. Posługuje się dokumentacją projektową, specyfikacjami technicznymi wykonania i odbioru robót budowlanych, normami, katalogami oraz instrukcjami wykonania robót remontowych i rozbiórkowych murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych


3.4.2. Dobiera oraz przygotowuje materiały budowlane do wykonywania remontu murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych


3.4.3. Sporządza przedmiar robót związanych z wykonaniem remontu i rozbiórki murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych oraz kalkuluje koszty ich wykonania


3.4.4. Dobiera narzędzia i sprzęt do wykonywania robót związanych z remontem oraz rozbiórką murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych


3.4.5. Wykonuje roboty murarskie związane z remontami murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych


3.4.6. Wykonuje roboty rozbiórkowe murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych 4,6 3.4.7. Ocenia jakość wykonania robót remontowych i rozbiórkowych murowanych

konstrukcji budowlanych 4,8

3.4.8. Wykonuje obmiar robót związanych z wykonywaniem remontu i rozbiórki murowanych konstrukcji budowlanych i sporządza rozliczenie tych robót


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

6. Wnioski

− Osiągnięto cel badań jakim było zidentyfikowanie i uzgodnienie zbiorów kompetencji zawodowych oraz jednostek efektów uczenia się opartych na podstawach programowych kształcenia w wbranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach. Zbiory te będą przedmiotem transferu osiągnięć edukacyjnych między krajami partnerskimi: Polską, Włochami i Szwajcarią, w trzech wybranych zawodach i pięciu kwalifikacjach.

− Odpowiedziano na oba problemy badawcze przez określenie: 1) ważnych dla rynków pracy trzech krajów partnerskich kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach; 2) jednostek efektów uczenia się odpowiadających wspomnianym wcześniej ważnym kompetencjom zawodowym.

− Sprawdziła się zastosowana w badaniu metodologia składająca się z dwóch technik: 1) analiza dokumentów, 2) wywiad kwestionariuszowy.

− Sprawdziły się narzędzia badawcze w postaci dwóch rodzajów kwestionariuszy wywiadów: 1) do analizy porównawczej kompetencji zawodowych istotnych dla rynku pracy; 2) do analizy porównawczej podstaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach.

− Procedurę i metodologię określania wspólnych dla poszczególnych krajów efektów uczenia się (common learning outcomes) można zastosować do innych zawodów i kwalifikacji, w zależności od potrzeb, pod warunkiem, że istnieją sprecyzowane w postaci wykazu kompetencji zawodowych wymagania pracodawców (np. mapy kompetencji zawodowych lub opisy profili stanowisk pracy) oraz programy kształcenia odpowiadające tym wymaganiom.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Analiza porównawcza kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach:

− Roofer Qualification:

• Carrying out roof work − Fitter and Finisher in the Construction

Industry Qualifications:

• Drywall system installation • Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works • Carrying out floor-covering works

− Bricklayer-Plasterer

Qualification: • Carrying out masonry and plastering works

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


This survey’s purpose is comparison of the areas of competences and professional competences for selected competence profiles (occupations, specialisations or job) in the construction industry, with analogous areas of competences and professional competences in partner countries (Poland, Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of competences and professional competences will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

GLOSSARY Area of competence – includes professional competences essential to correct work performance within main action (according to the MapCom model). Professional competences – identified based on component actions (MapCom model) of the work process. Specific number of professional competences is distinguished for each area of competence. Each professional competence determines correct performance of occupational task associated with it. Skills – ability to correct use of actions leading to complete an occupational task. A set of skills associated with a given task defines at the same time the content of professional competence assigned to this task. In the MapCom model, elementary actions and elementary competences associated with them represent skills. Attributes (metacompetences) – a set of social competences related to responsibility and autonomy of an employee, as well as of key competences essential for correct performance of occupational tasks.

Calculation of the importance indicator Research participants responded according to a five-level scale: „Very important (5) – Important (4) – Significant (3) – Not so important (2) − Not important (1)”. The importance indicator of particular descriptions of professional competences (knowledge, skills, personal and social competences) was calculated according to the arithmetic mean formula:

Where: W – Importance indicator Li – Number of respondents assigning a given mark i – Value of a scale level (i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Qualification: Carrying out roof work SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part Very important 4 Important 0 Significant 3 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 4,1 Area 2: Roofing construction Very important 6 Important 0 Significant 0 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 5 Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage Very important 2 Important 0 Significant 2 Not so important 2 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,3 Area 4: Installation of devices to collect renewable energy Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 0 Not so important 2 Not important 2 Importance Indicator: 2,3 SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES


No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-


Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part 4,8 1.1. Conducting works related to renovation

and demolition of roofing 4,8

1.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction roof elements of buildings to be demolished

5 5

1.1.2. Conducting roof demolition with use of manual tools and devices

5 5

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.1.3. Carrying out works related to demolition or replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage

1 2 2 3,8

1.1.4. Aggregation of a part that can be used again, part of useless roof construction and demolition waste

5 5

1.1.5. Application of the ways of removing dust and fragments, as well as of rubble disposal during roof demolition

3 1 1 4,4

1.1.6. Application of safe procedures concerning removal of roofing made of materials containing asbestos

5 5

Area 2: Roofing construction 3,9 2.1. Roofing insulation construction 4,4 2.1.1. Carrying out undercoats for various roofing 3 1 1 4,4 2.1.2. Roof and flat roof insulation construction (roof

felt, roofing membrane) 3 2 4,6

2.1.3. Distribution and fastening of battens 3 1 1 4,4 2.1.4. Roofing forms construction 2 3 3,8 2.1.5. Inspection of the correctness of carrying out

roofing undercoat 3 2 4,6

2.2. Construction of roofing in various structures and shapes


2.2.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting roof works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction

4 1 4,8

2.2.2. Preparation of drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

2 1 1 1 3,6

2.2.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction

2 1 2 4

2.2.4. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and equipment for roofing construction

2 3 4,4

2.2.5. Setting various roofing types (tile, plain sheet metal, steel roofing tile, shingle and others)

2 2 1 4,2

2.2.6. Preparation of irregular sheet metal to construct irregular roof slope roofing

2 1 1 1 3,6

2.2.7. Construction of irregular roof slope roofing 2 2 1 3 2.2.8. Construction of roofing from slate and other

untypical materials 2 3 1,8

2.2.9. Fitting roof windows, skylights and exits 1 1 3 3,6 2.2.10 Quality assessment of roofing’s workmanship 5 4 Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage 3,3 3.1. Preparation of drawings concerning roof

work and elements of roof slope drainage


3.1.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting works, standards and instructions concerning roof work and roof slope drainage

2 1 1 1 3,6

3.1.2. Preparation of drawings and drafts concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage

1 1 2 1 3,2

3.1.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculation of costs of their carrying out

1 3 1 3

3.1.4. Application of software supporting roof tasks performance

1 2 2 3 3.1.5. Carrying out works related to preparation of a 2 1 2 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

sheet metal to process it 3.1.6. Carrying out and installing roof works 2 1 2 3 3.1.7. Mounting roof works to specific building

components 2 1 2 3

3.2. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and devices to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.1. Differentiation and selection of elements of roof slope drainage systems

1 1 3 3,6 3.2.2. Selection of materials to carry out roof work

and roof slope drainage 1 1 3 3,6

3.2.3. Preparation of materials to construct roofing undercoats

2 1 2 4 3.2.4. Selection of roof windows, skylights and exits 2 1 2 4 3.2.5. Use of roof work devices and tools according

to operating rules 3 2 4,2

3.3. Installation of roof slope drainage elements


3.3.1. Performance of a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, preparation of works clearance

1 2 1 1 3,6

3.3.2. Fitting elements of roof slope drainage 1 1 1 2 2,8 3.3.3. Fitting gutters, rainwater pipes and roof

drains 1 1 1 2 2,8

3.3.4. Quality assessment of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1 1 2 2,8

Area 4: Assembly and installation of devices to collect renewable energy 2,8 4.1. Assembly of devices to collect solar

energy 2,9

4.1.1. Reading assembly instructions concerning devices to collect solar energy

3 2 2,8 4.1.2. Assembly of flat plate collectors according to

the assembly instruction 1 2 2 3

4.1.3. Assembly of solar vacuum collectors according to the assembly instruction

3 2 2,8 4.2. Installation of devices to collect solar

energy 2,8

4.2.1. Preparation of the structure for devices to collect solar energy

3 2 2,8 4.2.2. Installation of solar collectors with the ”over

the tile” method – on supports

1 2 2 3

4.2.3. Installation of solar collectors with the "in the roof” method – integrated installation in furniture

3 2 2,8

4.2.4. Installation of solar collectors under various angles in relation to roof pitch

3 2 2,8 4.2.5. Carrying out thermal insulation of solar

collectors 3 2 2,8

4.2.6. Carrying out roof work of installed solar collectors

2 1 2 2,6 4.2.7. Provision of the maintenance access to

devices collecting solar energy 3 2 2,8

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom



No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-


Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Key attributes 4 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills 4

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1 3 1 4

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change

1 3 1 4

Area 2: Decision making 4,4 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 4,4 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 2 2 1 4,2 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should

be based 3 1 1

4,4 2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 3 2 4,6 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 2 2 1 4,2 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken

actions 4,6

2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 3 2 4,6 Area 3: Relations 4,4 3.1. Cooperation in a team 4,4 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to

the others 2 3 4,4

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 3 1 1 4,4 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the

others, so that a group accomplishes intended aims

2 3 4,4

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

3 1 1 4,4

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

3 2 4,6

Area 4: Change 4,3 4.1. Flexibility 4,3 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment 3 2 4,6

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

2 3 4,4

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

2 3 4,4

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 1 3 1 4 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the

others 2 2 1 4,2

4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not discouraged by doubts of the others

5 4

Area 5: Balance 4,1 5.1. Emotional balance 4,1 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and

tension showing self-control and confidence 3 2 4,6

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

2 2 1 4,2

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 3 2 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 3 1 4 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 2 1 2 4 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of

problem 2 2 1 4,2

5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively

2 2 1 4,2

5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way

1 2 2 3,8

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry


− Drywall system installation − Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works

− Carrying out floor-covering works SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Area 1: Installation of floor screed Very important 2 Important 2 Significant 0 Not so important 2 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,7 Area 2: Installation of plasterboards Very important 0 Important 4 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,7 Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 2 Importance Indicator: 2,7 Area 4: Installation of coverings Very important 2 Important 2 Significant 0 Not so important 2 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,7 Area 5: Installation of wooden floors Very important 0 Important 4 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,7 Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 2 Not important 0

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Importance Indicator: 3 Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 2 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3 Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 2 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3 Area 9: Paper-hanging Very important 2 Important 0 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 2 Importance Indicator: 3 SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES


No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-cant

Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Installation of floor screed 3,5 1.1. Preparation of a floor screed site 3,4 1.1.1. Installation of a sand bedding layer or

preparation of a ceiling’s surface 1 2 1 1 3,6

1.1.2. Carrying out insulation works as needed 3 1 1 3,4 1.1.3. Designation of a screed’s surface level 1 1 2 1 3,4 1.1.4. Seal of insulation layers, openings and cracks 4 1 3,6 1.1.5. Location of wards in doorways 2 2 1 3,2 1.1.6. Mechanical preparation of a mortar and

concrete 2 2 1 3,2

1.2. Distribution of a concrete mix 3,3 1.2.1. Concrete distribution and alignment with use

of a spade, screed or other specialist tools 2 1 1 1 3,8

1.2.2. Smoothening out screed’s surface 2 2 1 3,2 1.2.3. Screed maintenance 1 2 2 2,8 1.3. Installation of prefabricated screed from

concrete slabs and plasterboards 3,8

1.3.1. Designation of a screed’s level 3 2 3,6 1.3.2. Arrangement of ready prefabricated slabs in

rows in parallel to a wall with maintenance of staggered joints in neighbouring rows

2 1 2 4

1.3.3. Leaving a settlement joint between a screed and vertical elements of a building

3 2 3,6

1.3.4. Fill of welds between slabs with a mortar dependent on a slab’s type

2 3 3,4

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.3.5. Alignment of contacts’ surface 1 4 4,2 1.4. Installation of a screed from self-

levelling mortar 3,7

1.4.1. Preparation of the anhydrite mortar strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions

3 2 3,6

1.4.2. Pouring a self-levelling compound on prepared base till mortar's level reaches determined height

3 2 3,6

1.4.3. Protection of a prepared screed for 48 hours against draughts, high (above 25°C) and low (below 5°C) temperature till complete dry

1 2 2 3,8

Area 2: Installation of plasterboards 3,7 2.1. Recognition of materials applied in

drywall partition systems 3,6

2.1.1. Recognition of plasterboards for a drywall system

1 4 4,2

2.1.2. Recognition of gypsum fibre boards for a drywall system

1 2 2 3,8

2.1.3. Recognition of steel sections for a drywall system

1 1 3 3,6

2.1.4. Recognition of fitting elements applied in drywall partition systems

1 3 1 4

2.1.5. Recognition of sealing and insulating materials

4 1 3,8

2.1.6. Determination of drywall’s physical, chemical and mechanical properties

1 3 1 3,2

2.1.7. Determination of drywall parameters 1 3 1 3,2 2.1.8. Determination of parameters of steel sections

applied in a drywall system 1 3 1 3,2

2.1.9. Preparation of a gypsum mortar applied in a drywall system

1 3 1 3

2.1.10 Recognition of symbols and characteristics of materials applied in a drywall system and application of methods to ensure their quality

4 1 3,8

2.1.11 Determination of applications of particular drywall system materials

2 3 3,4

2.1.12 Application of principles of occupational health and safety and environmental protection during works with building materials and their efficient use

2 1 2 4

2.2. Installation of partition wall systems 3,9 2.2.1. Preparation of a partition wall assembly stand 2 1 2 4 2.2.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials

to install walls 3 2 3,6

2.2.3. Transport of materials to install walls 3 2 3,6 2.2.4. Determination of a partition walls' location 3 1 1 4,4 2.2.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install flat

walls 1 2 2 3,8

2.2.6. Preparation and cut of boards to install arch walls

3 2 3,6

2.2.7. Selection and assembly of sections to install partition walls

1 3 1 4

2.2.8. Mounting boards to sections 1 3 1 4 2.2.9. Arrangement of insulation between boards 1 3 1 4 2.2.10 Installation of doorframes 1 3 1 4 2.2.11 Installation of sanitary equipment walls 1 2 2 3,8 2.2.12 Mounting shelves, walls and pictures to

boards 2 3 3,4

2.2.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling, external corners treatment, cleaning boards

1 2 2 3,8

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.2.14 Preparation of a demand for materials to install walls

1 2 2 3,8

2.2.15 Quality assessment of conducted works 5 4 2.2.16 Application of principles of occupational

health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

4 1 4,8

2.3. Installation of suspended ceiling systems


2.3.1. Preparation of a ceiling covering assembly stand

1 1 2 1 3,4

2.3.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to install ceiling coverings

2 2 1 3,2

2.3.3. Transport of suspended ceiling materials 3 1 1 3,4 2.3.4. Designation of a suspended ceilings‘ location 2 1 1 1 3,8 2.3.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install

suspended ceilings 1 1 2 1 3,4

2.3.6. Selection and assembly of sections to install suspended ceilings

2 1 1 1 3,8

2.3.7. Mounting boards to sections 2 1 1 1 3,8 2.3.8. Arrangement of insulation between boards 3 1 1 3,4 2.3.9. Carrying out finishing works such as

spackling, external corners treatment, cleaning boards

1 2 1 1 3,6

2.3.10 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

4 1 4,4

2.4. Installation of wall covering systems 3,7 2.4.1. Preparation of a wall covering assembly stand 3 2 3,6 2.4.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials

to install wall coverings 2 3 3,4

2.4.3. Preparation of a drywall base 1 2 2 3,8 2.4.4. Selection of proper drywall 1 3 1 4 2.4.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install

drywall 2 3 3,4

2.4.6. Installation of drywall on masonries (direct) 3 2 3,6 2.4.7. Designation of a drywall plane 1 2 1 1 3,6 2.4.8. Designation of a place to mount covering

holders on wall sections 2 3 3,4

2.4.9. Selection and assembly of sections to install drywall

2 3 3,4

2.4.10 Arrangement of insulation layers 1 2 2 3,8 2.4.11 Arrangement of coverings on wall sections 1 1 3 3,6 2.4.12 Installation of coverings to hide installations 2 3 3,4 2.4.13 Carrying out finishing works such as

spackling, external corners treatment, cleaning boards

3 2 3,6

2.4.14 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

4 1 4,8

Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces 3,1 3.1. Covering surfaces and other objects 3,3 3.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 1 3 1 3,6 3.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting

workstation against paint dropping 3 1 1 3,2

3.1.3. Pasting of blending tapes on surface parts that do not require painting (edges, doorframes, windows, etc.)

3 1 1 3,2

3.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint interior and exterior new not painted wooden surfaces


3.2.1. Verification if no oily spots or resin rests are 1 2 1 1 3,4

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

present on a painted surface 3.2.2. Application of a layer of flat colour on the

surface 1 2 1 1 3,4

3.2.3. Grinding of the surface with a sanding sheet of medium category of granulation

1 2 1 1 3,2

3.2.4. Application and smoothening of an undercoat mix

1 2 1 1 3,2

3.2.5. Application of a layer of flat colour 1 2 1 1 3,2 3.3. Preparation of the first layer of paint to

paint interior and exterior painted wooden surfaces


3.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off or other defects do not appear

1 1 2 1 3,2

3.3.2. Scraping of shivering or cracked paint with use of paint scraper or electric grinder

2 1 1 1 2,8

3.3.3. Application of a layer of flat colour on the sanded surface

1 1 1 1 1 3

3.3.4. Application of an undercoat mix on the sanded surface

1 2 1 1 3,2

3.3.5. Application of a flat colour’s layer on the surface impregnated with an undercoat mix

1 1 1 1 1 3

3.4. Preparation of the first layer of paint on previously not painted metal surface


3.4.1. Grinding of the surface to remove rust 1 1 1 1 1 3 3.4.2. Thorough cleaning of the surface to remove

oily rests 1 1 1 1 1 3

3.4.3. Application of the antirust priming paint’s layer

1 2 1 1 3,2

3.4.4. Application of the metal priming paint’s layer 1 2 1 1 3,2 3.5. Preparation of the first layer of old

painted metal surface 3

3.5.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off, there is no rust or other defects

1 1 2 1 3,2

3.5.2. Grinding of the surface with brushing machines or grinders

3 1 1 3

3.5.3. Application of metal priming paint on ground surfaces

2 1 1 1 2,8

3.5.4. Application of the joint mix on ground surfaces

3 1 1 3,2

3.5.5. Grinding of the undercoat mix surface with a sanding sheet of medium category of granulation

2 1 1 1 2,8

3.5.6. Application of a priming paint after undercoat mix dries

1 1 1 1 1 3

3.6. Painting metal and wooden surfaces 3 3.6.1. Application of the first layer of flat colour 1 1 2 1 3,2 3.6.2. Grinding of the surface with fine sanding

sheet 2 1 1 1 2,8

3.6.3. Application of the second layer of flat colour or light paint

1 1 1 1 1 3

Area 4: Installation of coverings 3,6 4.1. Base preparation 3,7 4.1.1. Assessment of base’s condition (geometrical

features and surface properties, strength features, humidity content, alkalinity level, condition of base’s cleanness)

2 1 1 1 3,8

4.1.2. Base preparation by providing the above-mentioned appropriate features (smoothening, strengthening, drying off,

4 1 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

cleaning) 4.1.3. Cleaning the base, damping it or washing

directly before application of a covering 1 3 1 3,8

4.2. Installation of stone coverings 3,6 4.2.1. Preparation of stone elements by carrying out

nests, anchors and connectors 1 1 3 3,6

4.2.2. Cleaning and damping of the surface of side and back covering boards

1 1 2 1 3,4

4.2.3. Arrangement of the first row of elements located at the lowest level on fixed base, set according to stretched and levelled rope, or pasting them

1 2 2 3,8

4.2.4. Set-back of arbores or other anchoring elements

3 2 3,6

4.2.5. Mounting elements after previous verification of the correctness of their setting

5 4

4.2.6. Fill of space between back surface of a covering and the base

1 1 3 3,6

4.2.7. Arrangement of inserts to provide equal thickness of joints

1 1 3 3,6

4.2.8. Grouting coverings 2 3 3,4 4.2.9. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal

level of elements 1 2 2 3,8

4.3. Installation of wood coverings 3,6 4.3.1. Preparation of a slatted undercoat or a grate

made of pegs, blocks, slats or battens embedded in the base in a small distance from a wall to enable air circulation between a covering and a wall

3 2 3,6

4.3.2. Mounting slats, planks or boards to the undercoat with nails or screws

3 2 3,6

4.3.3. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of mounted elements

3 2 3,6

4.4. Installation of coverings from boards, slats and polymer spatial elements


4.4.1. Mechanical fixing of mounting battens to the base

3 1 1 3,2

4.4.2. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of mounted base

1 2 1 1 3,4

4.4.3. Installation with screws of the slats and boards that should have openings relatively bigger than screw's diameter in order to provide easy movement of elements resulting from thermal expansion

3 1 1 3,2

4.4.4. Installation of edge bandings 3 1 1 3,2 Area 5: Installation of wooden floors 3,4 5.1. Arrangement of floors from mosaic

boards 3,3

5.1.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 2 1 1 1 3,6 5.1.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding

irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)

2 2 1 3,8

5.1.3. Designation of a ruled line along which the first row of boards is to be pasted

3 1 1 3,2

5.1.4. Application of a strip of dispersion adhesive by a putty knife with tooth

3 1 1 3,2

5.1.5. Adhesion of a row of boards at the wall opposite to main door

1 1 2 1 3,2

5.1.6. Verification of the correctness of arranging the first row, on which the easiness of

4 1 3,4

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

arranging subsequent rows depends 5.1.7. Adhesion of subsequent rows with

simultaneous thorough clamp of boards. Verification if corners of particular boards reach exactly the same place

3 1 1 3,2

5.1.8. Finishing of a floor with mopboards or baseboards

2 2 1 3

5.1.9. Smoothening of a floor by grinding 4 1 3,4 5.1.10 Application of a colourless lacquer on floor

surface 2 2 1 3

5.2. Installation of floors from boards 3,6 5.2.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 4 1 3,8 5.2.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding

irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)

4 1 3,8

5.2.3. Application of an adhesive with a putty knife with tooth

2 2 1 3,2

5.2.4. Adhesion of boards with simultaneous mounting them to previous boards and pushing them to the undercoat

3 1 1 3,4

5.2.5. Finishing a floor by nailing up mopboards, grinding and lacquering

1 3 1 3,8

5.3. Installation of floors from coniferous wood boards and glued laminated boards


5.3.1. Base preparation as at board floors 5 4 5.3.2. Arrangement of a polymer sandwich layer 4 1 3,8 5.3.3. Arrangement of the first row of boards with

distance of 1-1.5 cm indicated by temporary wedges along the wall

3 2 3,6

5.3.4. Verification of the first row’s line 4 1 3,8 5.3.5. Arrangement of subsequent rows with

simultaneous pushing them to the previous ones

3 2 3,6

5.3.6. Finishing of a floor by nailing up mopboards 1 3 1 3 5.3.7. Grinding and lacquering floors made of

coniferous wood boards 1 3 1 3

Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings 3,1 6.1. Installation of floors from plastic carpets 3,2 6.1.1. Seasoning of materials for at least 24 hours

in temperature of rooms in which they will be applied

3 2 2,6

6.1.2. Cut of carpets into sections as long as a room with consideration of the rule of perpendicular course of joints to exterior wall with windows

1 3 1 3

6.1.3. Application of adhesives that valid standards, certificates or instructions and manufacturer’s guidelines recommend to each floor material

3 2 3,6

6.1.4. Application of the adhesive’s layer on the undercoat surface with use of a putty knife or swat with tooth

2 3 3,4

6.1.5. Welding of sheet joints, adhesion of mopboards

2 2 1 3,2

6.2. Installation of floors from fitted carpets 3 6.2.1. Lay-out of a sheet system in a room 2 1 1 1 2,8 6.2.2. Cut of sheets with a sharp knife along steel

ruler through a pleat of neighbouring sheets 1 1 1 1 1 3

6.2.3. Loose arrangement of sheets, cut of them with use of self-adhesive distance piece or

1 1 1 1 1 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

adhesive 6.2.4. Installation of a baseboard or fixing of

mopboards 1 2 1 1 3,2

6.3. Installation of floors from resin and mineral compositions


6.3.1. Cooperation with specialised companies acting based on the licence granted by material’s manufacturer

3 1 1 3,2

6.3.2. Mixing components according to the manufacturer’s instruction

1 2 1 1 3,4

6.3.3. Distribution of a putty with use of special putty knife supplied with pull-out distance pins, which thickness is equal to floor’s thickness, or distribution of a putty between arranged guide strips and their alignment

1 1 2 1 3,2

6.3.4. Sprinkling with sand to make surface abrasive

1 1 1 1 1 3

Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying 3,7 7.1. Removal of existing tiles from floors and

walls 3,8

7.1.1. Preparation of materials and devices (tools, goggles, filler, sanding sheet, hammer, etc.)

4 1 3,8

7.1.2. Putting on protective gloves and goggles 4 1 4,6 7.1.3. Protection of a floor against rubble falling

down 1 3 1 4

7.1.4. Removal of tiles with use of a hammer and a chisel

4 1 3,8

7.1.5. Sweeping left dust and rubble 2 3 3,4 7.1.6. Repair of cracks and spalls with use of a filler 3 2 3,6 7.1.7. Grinding of the rest of adhesive mortar till

obtaining smooth surface, with use of a mask and at simultaneous room airing

2 3 3,4

7.2. Planning and preparation to lay tiles 3,7 7.2.1. Preparation and verification of tiles (type,

dimensions, quality), materials (mortar/concrete or adhesive mortar) and equipment (cross distancers, chalk, tile cutter, mortar swap, wet sponge, clean cloth, etc.)

1 2 2 3,8

7.2.2. Inspection of tile base 1 2 2 3,8 7.2.3. Verification if walls are perpendicular 1 3 1 4 7.2.4. Verification of surface’s thickness and level 1 3 1 4 7.2.5. Installation of relevant measurements,

application of equipment and smoothening to ensure that tiles are laid properly

3 2 3,6

7.2.6. Planning tile layout, drawing lines and points on surfaces

3 1 1 3,4

7.2.7. Initial establishment of tile layout on dry floor according to the design

1 4 3,4

7.2.8. Verification of a pattern and the necessity of cutting tiles so that they match the design in a given area

1 1 2 1 3,4

7.2.9. Cut of tiles with use of relevant cutting devices

1 1 3 3,6

7.3. Laying tiles on a mortar 3,5 7.3.1. Preparation of clean and wet surface 2 2 1 2 3,3 7.3.2. Distribution and smoothening of a mortar

layer 1 2 1 1 3,4

7.3.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 5 4 7.3.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the

same distances between tiles 1 2 1 1 3,4

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7.3.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

3 1 1 3,4

7.4. Laying floor tiles with use of an adhesive 3,9 7.4.1. Cleaning of the surface 3 1 1 4,4 7.4.2. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of

a putty knife with tooth 1 3 1 4

7.4.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 4 1 3,8 7.4.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the

same distances between tiles 1 2 2 3,8

7.4.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

3 2 3,6

7.4.6. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile

3 2 3,6

7.5. Laying wall tiles with use of a mortar 3,8 7.5.1. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the

wall as needed 2 3 4,4

7.5.2. Distribution and smoothening of the insulation layer on the wall, also on a tile if necessary

1 3 1 4

7.5.3. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

3 2 3,6

7.5.4. Wiping of excessive mortar 1 4 3,2 7.6. Laying wall tiles with use of an adhesive 3,6 7.6.1. Cleaning of the surface 1 3 1 4 7.6.2. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the

wall as needed 1 3 1 4

7.6.3. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty knife with tooth

2 3 3,4

7.6.4. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

2 2 1 3,2

7.6.5. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile

2 2 1 3,2

7.7. Joint insulation 3,5 7.7.1. Preparation of jointing materials 4 1 3,8 7.7.2. Distribution of a joint mortar on tiles’ surface

with use of a rubber putty knife, checking if all joints between tiles are filled out

4 1 3,8

7.7.3. Removal of excessive joint mortar with a sponge before it runs dry

4 1 3,8

7.7.4. Leaving joints to dry 2 2 1 3,2 7.7.5. Wiping with a cloth 2 1 2 3 Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls 3,1 8.1. Coverage of surfaces and protection of

objects against paint dropping 3

8.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 2 2 1 3 8.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting against

paint drips 2 2 1 3

8.1.3. Pasting blending tapes on elements not requiring painting

2 2 1 3

8.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint for surfaces not painted before


8.2.1. Verification if surface is clean and dry 1 2 1 1 3,4 8.2.2. Selection of a priming paint (solvent or

acrylic) according to painting plans 2 1 1 1 2,8

8.2.3. Dilution of a priming paint according to the manufacturer’s instruction

2 2 1 3

8.2.4. Distribution of a priming paint and leaving it 1 1 1 2,7

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to dry 8.3. Preparation of the first layer of

distemper for surfaces painted before 3,2

8.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off and no other defects are present

1 3 1 3,6

8.3.2. Scraping of cracked and shivering paint with use of paint scraper

2 2 1 3

8.3.3. Dusting and cleaning of walls to provide good adherence

2 2 1 3

8.3.4. Fill of defects or joints in the wall and insulation of cracks

2 2 1 3

8.4. Painting surfaces with use of distemper 3,1 8.4.1. Thinning a distemper with water, according to

the manufacturer’s instruction and with consideration of surface absorptiveness

2 2 1 3

8.4.2. Application of the first layer of distemper 1 3 1 1 3,5 8.4.3. Application of a distemper with short brush

strokes towards a not painted surface 2 2 1 3

8.4.4. Repeated application of a distemper towards the already painted surface to smooth the surface

2 2 1 3

8.5. Painting with use of a sponge roll 3,1 8.5.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker

or contrast colour 1 1 2 1 3,2

8.5.2. Pouring of paint to a container and painting of the surface with use of a sponge roll

2 2 1 3

8.6. Painting with the semi-permanent colour method


8.6.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or contrast colour

2 2 1 3

8.6.2. Application of a semi-permanent colour in various directions with use of a brush, sponge roll, etc.

2 2 1 3

8.7. Painting with the template pattern method


8.7.1. Determination of a pattern’s location 3 1 1 3,2 8.7.2. Planning of a pattern’s distribution 2 1 2 2,6 8.7.3. Preparation of a template, transfer of a

pattern to a template and cut-out of a pattern

1 2 1 1 3,4

8.7.4. Application of a template on the wall 2 2 1 3 8.7.5. Fill of pattern gaps with use of a round brush 2 2 1 3 8.8. Painting with the spray paint method 3 8.8.1. Determination of a surface to apply the

product 1 2 1 1 3,4

8.8.2. Coverage and protection of the surface to be painted

2 2 1 3

8.8.3. Application of paint’s layer on the surface 2 2 1 3 8.8.4. Determination of the amount of spray paint

necessary to cover the wall 1 3 1 3

8.8.5. Thinning of paint with water observing the manufacturer’s instruction

2 1 1 1 2,8

8.8.6. Application of a spray painting with use of a sprayer keeping fixed distance from the wall of approx. 25-30 cm

2 2 1 3

Area 9: Paper-hanging 2,8 9.1. Protection of the works’ site 2,5 9.1.1. Protection of the floor with use of a foil and

self-adhesive tape 1 2 1 1 2,6

9.1.2. Measurement and indication on the wall of a 1 1 2 1 2,4

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

paper-hanging surface line 9.1.3. Separation of painted surface and surface to

hang wallpapers 1 1 2 1 2,4

9.2. Base preparation 2,9 9.2.1. Assessment of base’s technical condition

through observation and wiping it with hand 3 1 1 3

9.2.2. Cleaning of dirt from surface to hang wallpapers with a brush or cotton cloth

2 1 1 1 2,8

9.3. Base grounding 3 9.3.1. Preparation of a grounding solution by dosing

water and adhesive according to the manufacturer’s instruction

2 2 1 3

9.3.2. Wall grounding 2 2 1 3 9.4. Pasting wallpaper strips 2,8 9.4.1. Preparation of an adhesive according to the

manufacturer's instruction 3 1 1 3

9.4.2. Measurement and cut-out of wallpaper strips with an allowance

2 2 1 2,6

9.4.3. Paste of strips by equal distribution of a thin layer of adhesive with use of a brush and leaving it to absorb adhesive

2 1 1 1 2,8

9.4.4. Indication of a vertical line on the wall to apply the first strip of wallpaper

3 1 1 3

9.4.5. Paste of the first wallpaper strip 2 1 1 1 2,8 9.4.6. Inspection of pasted first strip 1 2 1 1 2,6 9.4.7. Paste of another strips, while simultaneously

inspecting and removing defects and irregularities on a current basis

2 1 1 1 2,8

9.5. Finishing of a decorated surface 3,1 9.5.1. Removal of a masking tape 1 2 1 1 3,4 9.5.2. Paste of a horizontal decorative strip 2 2 1 3 9.5.3. Verification if a strip is straight 1 3 1 2,8



No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-cant

Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Key attributes 3,9 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills 3,9

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1 3 1 4

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change

4 1 3,8

Area 2: Decision making 4,1 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 4,1 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 1 3 3,6 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should

be based 1 3 1 4

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 3 1 1 4,4 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 2 2 1 4,2 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken

actions 4

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 1 3 1 4 Area 3: Relations 4,1 3.1. Cooperation in a team 4,1 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to

the others 2 3 4,4

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 2 2 1 4,2 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the

others, so that a group accomplishes intended aims

1 3 1 3,8

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

2 2 1 4,2

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

2 3 3,8

Area 4: Change 3,9 4.1. Flexibility 3,9 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment 2 2 1 4,2

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

1 3 1 4

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

3 2 3,6

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 1 3 1 4 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the

others 4 1 3,8

4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not discouraged by doubts of the others

3 2 3,6

Area 5: Balance 4 5.1. Emotional balance 4 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and

tension showing self-control and confidence 1 4 4,2

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

1 4 4,2

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 4 1 3,8 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 3 1 4 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 1 1 1 4 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of

problem 4 1 3,6

5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively

1 3 1 4

5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way

4 1 3,8

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Qualification: Carrying out masonry and plastering works SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,5 Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,5 Area 3: Laying building foundations Very important 2 Important 2 Significant 0 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 4,5 Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures Very important 0 Important 4 Significant 0 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 4 Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,5 Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces Very important 2 Important 2 Significant 0 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 4,5 Area 7: Installation of a roof load-bearing structure Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Importance Indicator: 3,5 Area 8: Roofing construction Very important 0 Important 2 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 3,5 Area 9: Plastering interior and exterior walls Very important 0 Important 4 Significant 0 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 4 Area 10: Fence construction Very important 2 Important 0 Significant 2 Not so important 0 Not important 0 Importance Indicator: 4 SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES


No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-cant

Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site 3,8 1.1. Organisation and preparation of the

construction site 3,3

1.1.1. Inspection of the construction site and verification of the course of underground installations

3 1 1 3,2

1.1.2. Determination of the construction site bounds 1 3 1 3 1.1.3. Fencing and signage of the construction site 3 2 3,6 1.1.4. Construction of internal roads on the

construction site 3 2 3,6

1.1.5. Organisation of the administrative and social facility

1 3 1 2,8

1.1.6. Supplying the construction site with water and electricity

1 1 3 3,6

1.1.7. Organisation of production stations and warehouses

1 1 2 1 3,2

1.2. Workplace protection 4,7 1.2.1. Identification of dangers, assessment and

control of risk, i.e. Noise, electric safety, road traffic, working at heights, objects falling down, use of electricity and devices, application of hazardous substances (including asbestos)

3 2 4,6

1.2.2. Workplace organisation in accordance with 4 1 4,8

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

occupational health and safety principles, prevention and application of principles of fire protection, environmental protection and giving first aid

1.2.3. Establishment of procedures in case of accident

4 1 4,8

1.3. Installation and de-installation of scaffolds for construction works


1.3.1. Verification of technical requirements 2 3 4,4 1.3.2. Selection of a scaffold which type

corresponds with conducted works 1 2 2 3,8

1.3.3. Establishment if proper materials to construct a scaffold have been selected

1 2 2 3,8

1.3.4. Installation of the first level of scaffolds 2 3 3,8 1.3.5. Elevation and mounting of scaffold elements 1 2 2 3,8 1.3.6. Arrangement of boards on horizontal trusses

creating a platform 5 4

1.3.7. Installation of metal scaffold from systemic elements

3 2 3,6

1.3.8. Verification of the correctness of scaffolds’ installation

1 3 1 4

1.3.9. Protection of scaffolds according to principles of occupational health and safety

3 1 1 4,4

1.3.10 De-installation of scaffolds after completion of works

3 2 3,6

Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part 3,7 2.1. Carrying out demolition works with use

of manual devices 3,7

2.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction elements of buildings to be demolished

1 1 3 3,6

2.1.2. Implementation of demolition with use of manual pneumatic hammers, oxy-acetylene blowpipe and other manual devices

1 1 2 1 3,4

2.1.3. Disconnection of the building from water and sewage system, gas system and electric system

2 2 1 4,2

2.1.4. Disassembly of systems 2 1 2 4 2.1.5. Commencement of a demolition from the

roof, then next stories, ending at the ground level

1 1 3 3,6

2.1.6. Grading a demolition of concrete structural elements

3 2 3,6

2.1.7. Demolition of floor slabs and ceiling joists, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls

2 3 3,6

Area 3: Laying building foundations 3,9 3.1. Preparation of the construction site for

foundations 4,1

3.1.1. Verification of the conformity of actual type and condition of the ground with the one adopted in the design

3 2 4,6

3.1.2. Verification of the foundation level 2 3 4,4 3.1.3. Determination of the foundation course 1 1 3 3,6 3.1.4. Location of pillars and bench marks 1 3 1 4 3.2. Laying foundations 4 3.2.1. Laying levelling courses 3 1 1 4,4 3.2.2. Setting and control of forms 2 2 1 4,2 3.2.3. Arrangement of reinforcement in

ferroconcrete foundations 1 2 2 3,8

3.2.4. Arrangement of concrete mix in forms 1 2 2 3,8 3.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 1 1 3 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.3. Carrying out insulation works 3,4 3.3.1. Arrangement of insulation on concrete or

brick external surfaces 2 3 3,4

3.3.2. Arrangement of internal insulation 2 3 3,4 Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures 3,8 4.1. Determination and preparation of a base

to construct walls and ferroconcrete structures


4.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

2 2 1 4,2

4.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

1 2 1 1 3,4

4.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 2 1 2 4 4.1.4. Protection of the construction site 5 5 4.2. Construction of walls and other elements

(pillars, joists, slabs, stairs) with use of forms


4.2.1. Preparation of forms (casing boards or formwork system)

1 4 4,2

4.2.2. Arrangement of reinforcement 1 4 4,2 4.2.3. Arrangement of a concrete mix in forms with

use of concrete pump 1 3 1 4

4.2.4. Condensation of a concrete mix with use of vibrators

3 2 3,6

4.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 1 1 2 1 3,4 4.2.6. De-installation of forms 3 2 3,6 4.2.7. Verification of keeping vertical and horizontal

lines at various stages of works 2 3 4,4

4.3. Construction of walls and structures from prefabricated ferroconcrete elements


4.3.1. Establishment of installation stages 1 2 2 3,8 4.3.2. Determination of the area where

prefabricated elements are elevated 1 3 1 4

4.3.3. Installation and removal of temporary reinforcement and support systems

1 3 1 4

4.3.4. Location of concrete elements in a place of their integration

3 2 3,6

4.3.5. Verification of results of load effect on the existing structure during installation of concrete elements in a destination

4 1 3,8

4.4. Construction of reinforced ceilings, stairs and lintels


4.4.1. Construction of forms for ceilings, stairs and lintels

1 2 2 3,8

4.4.2. Installation of a formwork system 3 2 3,6 4.4.3. Construction of flat lintels 1 2 2 3,8 4.4.4. Roof construction 3 2 3,6 4.4.5. Installation of ready lintels in type of L and U 1 3 1 4 4.4.6. Laying screeds 1 1 3 3,6 4.4.7. Preparation of reinforcements according to

the design 1 3 1 4

4.4.8. Arrangement of reinforcements in forms 1 2 2 3,8 4.4.9. Construction of walls with reinforcement 1 2 2 3,8 4.5. Construction of chimneys, walls with

flues and air-conditioning systems 2,9

4.5.1. Construction of a free-standing chimney from bricks, hollow bricks and concrete blocks

2 2 1 3

4.5.2. Construction of walls of flue drafts and ducts 2 2 1 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.5.3. Construction of ducts from ready elements 1 2 1 1 2,6 Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements 4 5.1. Determination and preparation of a site

to construct brick walls 3,8

5.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

2 3 3,4

5.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

5 1 3,5

5.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 1 2 2 3,8 5.1.4. Protection of the construction site 4 1 4,6 5.2. Manual and mechanical preparation of a

mortar 4

5.2.1. Selection of materials needed to prepare a mortar

1 3 1 4

5.2.2. Batching weight, volumetric or volumetric-weight components of a mortar

1 4 4,2

5.2.3. Mixing a mortar according to current recipe 4 1 3,8 5.2.4. Verification of a mortar’s consistency 1 3 1 4 5.2.5. Application of a mortar according to its

purpose 1 2 2 3,8

5.3. Construction of load-bearing and partition walls


5.3.1. Distribution of the first layer of mortar and its next layers

2 1 2 4

5.3.2. Construction of walls from bricks, hollow bricks and blocks

2 2 1 4,2

5.3.3. Construction of standard and cross connections

1 4 4,2

5.3.4. Construction of brick connections in walls that cross at a right angle

1 3 1 4

5.3.5. Laying bricks in multi-layered walls according to principles of connection

1 3 1 4

5.3.6. Connection of bricks at construction of pillars and columns

1 3 1 4

5.3.7. Connection of partition walls with load-bearing walls

1 3 1 4

5.3.8. Cut and formation of a brick with use of various tools and machinery

3 2 3,6

5.3.9. Construction of arches and decorative elements from bricks

3 2 3,6

5.3.10 Removal of excessive mortar, control of vertical and horizontal lines

1 2 2 3,8

5.3.11 Installation of doorframes and window frames 1 4 4,2 5.3.12 Assessment of the correctness of bricks’

connections in the wall 1 4 4,2

Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces 3,6 6.1. Application of insulation materials

(damp-proof, thermal, acoustic) 3,6

6.1.1. Application of insulation coating and roll materials

1 2 2 3,8

6.1.2. Application of a polystyrene and insulation from granulated materials to insulate walls

1 1 3 3,6

6.1.3. Application of concrete block systems with an insert of insulating foam

1 1 1 2 3,2

6.1.4. Mounting insulation to ceiling walls 1 1 3 3,6 Area 7: Plastering interior and exterior walls 4,1 7.1. Base preparation 3,9 7.1.1. Cleaning walls and ceilings of salient mortar

lumps 2 2 1


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

7.1.2. Drying the surface of gypsum and gypsum concrete bases

2 1 1 1 3,8

7.1.3. Preparation of equal but rough concrete base through scratching with a chisel

2 1 1 1 3,8

7.1.4. Mounting a screed increasing the adhesion to bases (beet batt, nets, Finnish shingle)

2 1 1 1 3,8

7.1.5. Mounting a steel net to metal base and protecting it against rust if plasters are installed

1 2 1 1

3,6 7.1.6. Directly before plastering – cleaning the base

of dust, soot, rust, oily substance and damping the base

2 2 1

4,2 7.1.7. Mounting screeds designating the surface of a

face of plaster 1 1 3

3,6 7.2. Installation of traditional plasters 4,3 7.2.1. Application of the first layer (rendering) of a

very runny mortar 4-5 mm thick to increase plaster’s adhesion

3 1 1 4,4

7.2.2. Application of the second layer of mortar (coating) after slight hardening of rendering and damping it with water

2 2 1 4,2

7.2.3. Alignment and smoothening of a mortar 3 1 1 4,4 7.2.4. Verification of the vertical and horizontal line

of all angles 3 2 4,6

7.2.5. Application of the third thin and runny layer of a mortar (sliding surface) 1-3 mm thick

1 4 4,2

7.2.6. Thorough swabbing of a sliding surface with a swat

2 2 1 4,2

7.3. Installation of plasters 4 7.3.1. Damping base’s surface 2 1 2 4 7.3.2. Application of a plaster with use of a swat 2 2 1 4,2 7.3.3. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or

grinder 1 2 2 3,8

7.3.4. Application of subsequent layers 1 3 1 4 7.3.5. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or

grinder 1 3 1 4

7.4. Installation of external plasters from a plastering mix on bases made of rock wool and styrofoam


7.4.1. Mounting boards with use of adhesive spots applied on boards

2 3 4,4

7.4.2. Drilling in a wall of anchor openings 2 3 4,4 7.4.3. Mounting boards with anchors with specially

flat heads 2 2 1 4,2

7.4.4. Alignment of a styrofoam’s surface with special tools (grates)

2 3 4,4

7.4.5. Application of adhesive layers 2 3 4,4 7.4.6. Blending a polymer net in adhesive's layer 1 3 1 4 7.4.7. Strengthening corners with angles with a net 1 3 1 4 7.4.8. Application of subsequent layers of adhesive 1 2 2 3,8 7.4.9. Surface grounding 1 2 2 3,8 7.4.10 Application of a plaster with use of a swat 1 2 2 3,8 7.4.11 Finishing of a plaster with use of a swat 1 3 1 4 Area 8: Fence construction 3,5 8.1. Preparation of a site to construct a fence 3,3 8.1.1 Determination of a fence’s location 2 3 3,4 8.1.2 Collection of information if electric cables,

water and sewage pipes do not run close 3 2 3,6

8.1.3 Performance of a measurement and indication of a fence’s line, as well as signage of pillar’s location

2 2 1 3,2

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8.1.4 Conducting excavations 2 3 3,4 8.1.5 Storage or transport of output to a proper

place 5 3

8.2. Construction of concrete/brick fences 3,6 8.2.1 Establishment of a sequence of works 2 3 3,4 8.2.2 Determination of the depth of foundations

(base) with consideration of ground conditions

3 2 3,6

8.2.3 Base construction 4 1 3,8 8.2.4 Alignment, set-back of pillars in concrete

base 3 2 3,6

8.2.5 Construction of concrete and brick walls 3 2 3,6


No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-cant

Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Key attributes 3,6 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills 3,6

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

2 3 3,4

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change

4 1 3,8

Area 2: Decision making 4,3 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 4,3 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 3 1 4 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should

be based 2 2 1 4,2

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 2 3 4,4 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 2 3 4,4 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken

actions 4,4

2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 2 3 4,4 Area 3: Relations 4,3 3.1. Cooperation in a team 4,3 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to

the others 3 1 1 4,4

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 4 1 4,6 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the

others, so that a group accomplishes intended aims

2 2 1 4,2

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

3 2 4,2

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

3 2 4,2

Area 4: Change 4,2 4.1. Flexibility 4,2 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment 2 3 4,4

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

2 3 4,4

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if 2 3 4,4

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circumstances require this 4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 2 1 2 4 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the

others 2 2 1 4,2

4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not discouraged by doubts of the others

1 3 1 4

Area 5: Balance 4 5.1. Emotional balance 4 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and

tension showing self-control and confidence 1 4 4,2

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

2 3 4,4

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 2 2 1 3,2 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 3 1 4 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 1 4 4,2 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of

problem 2 2 1 4,2

5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively

1 3 1 3,8

5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way

1 2 1 1 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Analiza porównawcza podstaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i kwalifikacjach

− Roofer Qualification:

• Carrying out roof work − Fitter and Finisher in the Construction

Industry Qualifications:

• Drywall system installation • Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works • Carrying out floor-covering works

− Bricklayer-Plasterer

Qualification: • Carrying out masonry and plastering works

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum4

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according with the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

4 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – OHS – occupational health and safety, – BA – starting up and conducting business activity, – FL – professionally-oriented foreign language, – PSC – personal and social competences, – WO – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation LOC, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular LOC within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.

Calculation of the importance indicator

Research participants responded according to a five-level scale: „Very important (5) – Important (4) – Significant (3) – Not so important (2) − Not important (1)”. The importance indicator of particular descriptions of professional competences (knowledge, skills, personal and social competences) was calculated according to the arithmetic mean formula:

Where: W – Importance indicator Li – Number of respondents assigning a given mark

i – Value of a scale level (i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Qualification: Carrying out roof work



No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-


Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 3,2 1.1. (OHS) Occupational health and safety 3,8 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

3 2 3 4

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

1 3 4 3,6

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

2 3 3 3,9

1.1.4. Foresees risks for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

2 2 1 3 3,4

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks

5 3 4,3

1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

4 1 3 4,1

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened

4 1 3 4,1

1.2. (BA) Starting up and conducting business activity


1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

1 4 3 2,4

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

2 6 3,3

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity

2 3 3 2,5

1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

2 3 3 2,5

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1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

4 4 2,5

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector

1 4 3 2,8

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

2 2 4 2,8

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

2 1 5 2,6

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting business activity

2 6 2,5

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

1 2 5 2,5

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity

1 2 2 3 2,5

1.3. (FL) Professionally-oriented foreign language


1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

2 3 3 2,5

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

2 3 3 2,5

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

1 3 1 3 2,3

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

2 3 3 2,5

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language

2 2 1 3 2,4

1.4. (PSC) Personal and social competences 3,7 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 2 1 5 3,6 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task

performance 2 1 5 3,6

1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1 2 5 3,5 1.4.4. Is open to changes 2 1 5 3,6 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 3 5 3,4 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills 3 1 4 3,9

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 2 1 5 3,6 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken

actions 3 1 4 3,9

1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 3 1 4 3,9 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 4 4 4 2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations LOC (B.C) 4 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 2 3 3 3,9

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction

2 6 4,3

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

2 6 4,3

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application

4 4 4,5

2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

2 4 2 4

2.6. Conducts drafts 2 1 5 3,6 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction 2 3 3 3,9

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industry 2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied

in works 4 1 3 4,1

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

4 1 3 4,1

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development

3 5 4,4

2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

1 3 4 3,6

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

1 4 3 3,8

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

3 2 3 4

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 1 3 4 2,8 3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Roofer occupation – qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work 3,9 3.1. Installation and demolition of roofing 4 3.1.1. Distinguishes types and elements of roof

structure 5 3 4,3

3.1.2. Distinguishes roofing types 4 1 3 4,1 3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical

specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction

2 3 3 3,9

3.1.4. Prepares drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

2 1 5 3,6

3.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction and demolition

3 1 4 3,9

3.1.6. Selects and prepares materials, tools and equipment to roofing construction and demolition

5 3 4,3

3.1.7. Installs roofing insulations 5 3 4,3 3.1.8. Installs roofing screeds 5 3 4,3 3.1.9. Installs roofing in various structures and

shapes 5 3 4,3

3.1.10 Installs roof windows, exits, skylights and devices to collect renewable energy

3 1 4 3,9

3.1.11 Carries out works related to repair and demolition of roofing

5 3 4,3

3.1.12 Assesses quality of roofing’s workmanship 4 1 3 3,8 3.1.13 Conducts quantity survey of works related to

installation of roofing and prepares their clearance

1 3 1 3 2,9

3.2. Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.1. Distinguishes elements of roof slope drainage systems

5 3 4,3

3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage

3 2 3 4

3.2.3. Prepares drawings concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage

2 3 3 2,8

3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculates costs

2 2 1 3 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

of their performance 3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials, tools

and devices to carry out and demolish roof work and roof slope drainage

4 1 3 3,8

3.2.6. Carries out and installs roof work elements

5 3 4,3

3.2.7. Installs elements of roof slope drainage 5 3 4,3 3.2.8. Carries out works related to demolition

or replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage*

5 5

3.2.9. Assesses quality of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage

4 1 3 3,4

3.2.10 Performs a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, prepares clearance of these works

2 2 1 3 3

*Not applicable due to different regulations about demolition (ENAIP)

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry


− Drywall system installation − Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works

− Carrying out floor-covering works



No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-cant

Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 3,3 1.1. (OHS) Occupational health and safety 3,8 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

2 3 3 3,9

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

1 4 3 3,8

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

2 3 3 3,9

1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

2 3 3 3,5

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

2 2 1 3 3,4

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks

5 3 4,3

1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

4 4 4

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened

5 3 4,3

1.2. (BA) Starting up and conducting 2,7

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

business activity 1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market

economy operation 1 4 3 2,4

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

3 5 3,4

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity

3 2 3 2,6

1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

2 3 3 2,5

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

1 4 3 2,8

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector

4 4 2,5

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

2 3 3 2,9

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

1 1 6 2,4

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity

2 2 4 2,8

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

1 2 5 2,5

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity

1 2 2 3 2,5

1.3. (FL) Professionally-oriented foreign language


1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

3 2 3 2,6

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

4 1 3 2,8

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

1 4 3 2,4

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

1 4 3 2,4

1.3.5. Uses information sources in foreign language 2 2 1 3 2,4 1.4. (PSC) Personal and social competences 3,7 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 2 1 5 3,6 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task

performance 2 1 5 3,6

1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1 2 5 3,5 1.4.4. Is open to changes 2 1 5 3,6 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 1 2 5 3,5 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills 3 4 1 3,6

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 2 1 5 3,6 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 3 1 4 3,9 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 3 1 4 3,9 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 4 4 4

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations LOC (B.C) 4 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 3 2 3 4

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction

2 6 4,3

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building 2 6 4,3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

systems 2.4. Recognises building materials and defines

their application 5 3 4,6

2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

2 5 1 4,1

2.6. Conducts drafts 3 5 3,8 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry

1 4 3 3,8

2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works

4 1 3 4,1

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

4 1 3 4,1

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development

3 5 4,4

2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

1 3 4 3,6

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

1 4 3 3,8

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

2 3 3 3,9

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 1 3 4 2,8 3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.5. Drywall system installation 4 3.1. Installation of partition walls, suspended

ceilings and housing of roof structures in drywall systems


3.1.1. Distinguishes types of interior drywall systems

5 3 4,3

3.1.2. Distinguishes insulation types of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as observes rules of their performance

5 3 4,3

3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications of performance and acceptance of works, standards, catalogues and instructions concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3 1 4 3,9

3.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as calculates its cost

3 1 4 3,9

3.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

5 3 4,3

3.1.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipment to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

5 3 4,3

3.1.7. Indicates the assembly station of drywall elements

4 1 3 4,1

3.1.8. Chooses technologies of drywall element assembly

3 2 3 3,6

3.1.9. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

4 3 4,1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.10 Carries out partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

4 1 3 4,1

3.1.11 Carries out insulation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3 2 3 4

3.1.12 Recognises types of damages concerning partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and chooses a way to repair them

4 1 3 4,1

3.1.13 Carries out works related to repair of damaged elements of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

5 3 4,3

3.1.14 Assesses quality concerning the workmanship of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3 2 3 4

3.1.15 Carries out a quantity survey of works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works

2 2 4 3,8

3.2. Installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.1. Distinguishes types of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3 5 4,4

3.2.2. Distinguishes insulation types of wall coverings and solid flooring applied in a drywall system and defines a way of their installation

4 4 4,5

3.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring

3 2 3 4

3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity of works concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and calculates their costs

3 1 1 3 3,5

3.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

5 3 3,9

3.2.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipments to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

5 3 3,9

3.2.7. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

4 1 3 4,1

3.2.8. Indicates the assembly station of elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

4 1 3 3,8

3.2.9. Prepares the base for installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

5 3 3,9

3.2.10 Chooses technologies of assembling elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

4 1 3 3,8

3.2.11 Assemblies elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

5 3 3,9

3.2.12 Recognises types of damages of elements of wall coverings and chooses a way to repair them

5 3 3,9

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.13 Repairs damaged elements of wall coverings 5 3 3,9 3.2.14 Assesses quality of works related to

installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3 2 3 4

3.2.15 Carries out a quantity survey related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works

1 1 3 3 3

4: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works 3,8 4.1. Carrying out painting work 3,9 4.1.1. Distinguishes types of painting materials,

defines their properties and application 5 3 4,3

4.1.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of paint coating

4 1 3 4,1

4.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out painting work

2 3 3 3,9

4.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning painting work and calculates costs of carrying it out

4 1 3 3,8

4.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paint coatings in a specific technology

4 1 3 3,8

4.1.6. Chooses technologies of carrying out painting work

4 1 3 3,8

4.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out painting work

5 3 3,9

4.1.8. Prepares the base from different materials to apply paint coatings

4 1 3 4,1

4.1.9. Carries out paint coatings 5 3 4,3 4.1.10 Decorates paint coatings with various

methods 4 1 3 4,1

4.1.11 Recognises types of damages of coatings and chooses a way to repair them

3 2 3 3,6

4.1.12 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of paint coatings

4 1 3 4,1

4.1.13 Assesses quality of carrying out painting work 3 2 3 3,6 4.1.14 Carries out a quantity survey of painting work

and prepares their clearance 3 1 1 3 3,5

4.2. Carrying out paper-hanging work 3,7 4.2.1. Distinguishes types of wallpapers, defines

their properties and application 2 2 4 3,8

4.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of wallpapers

2 2 4 3,8

4.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out paper-hanging work

2 6 3,5

4.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning paper-hanging work and calculates costs of its performance

3 4 1 3,6

4.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paper-hanging work

3 1 4 3,9

4.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out paper-hanging work

3 5 3,8

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out paper-hanging work

3 1 4 3,9

4.2.8. Carries out paper-hanging work 3 1 4 3,9 4.2.9. Decorates wallpapers with various methods 2 1 5 3,6 4.2.10 Recognises types of damages of wallpapers

and defines a way to repair them 3 1 4 3,9

4.2.11 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of wallpapers

3 1 4 3,9

4.2.12 Assesses quality of paper-hanging work 3 5 3,8 4.2.13 Carries out a quantity survey of paper-

hanging work and prepares their clearance 1 2 2 3 3,1

5: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works 4 5.1. Carrying out floor work 4 5.1.1. Distinguishes types of floor materials and

defines their properties 4 1 3 4,1

5.1.2. Defines ways to prepare bases for various types of floor

4 1 3 4,1

5.1.3. Distinguishes types of floor insulations and defines ways of their performance

5 3 4,3

5.1.4. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out floor work

4 4 4

5.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning floor work and calculates costs of its performance

2 3 3 3,5

5.1.6. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out floor work

5 3 3,9

5.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out floor work

5 3 3,9

5.1.8. Prepares bases to carry out floor from various materials

5 3 4,3

5.1.9. Carries out insulating layers of floors 4 1 3 4,1 5.1.10 Carries out floor screeds 4 1 3 4,1 5.1.11 Installs floors from various materials 4 1 3 4,1 5.1.12 Carries out protections for floor surface 5 3 4,3 5.1.13 Recognises types of damages of floors and

defines a way to repair them 4 1 3 4,1

5.1.14 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of floors

5 3 4,3

5.1.15 Assesses quality of flooring work 3 2 3 4 5.1.16 Carries out a quantity survey of floor work

and prepares its clearance 3 1 1 3 3,5

5.2. Carrying out covering work 4 5.2.1. Distinguishes types of coverings, defines their

properties and application 5 3 4,3

5.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways of their preparation for coverings

4 1 3 4,1

5.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out covering work

2 2 4 3,8

5.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning covering work and calculates costs of its performance

2 3 3 3,9

5.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out covering work

4 1 3 3,8

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out covering work

4 1 3 3,8

5.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out coverings 5 3 4,3 5.2.8. Installs coverings from various materials 5 3 4,3 5.2.9. Recognises types of damages of coverings

and defines a way to repair them 4 1 3 4,1

5.2.10 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of coverings made from various materials

5 3 4,3

5.2.11 Assesses quality of covering work 3 2 3 4 5.2.12 Carries out a quantity survey of covering

work and prepares its clearance 1 2 3 3,2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Qualification: Carrying out masonry and plastering works



No Name Very import

ant Impor-

tant Signifi-cant

Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant



5 4 3 2 1

1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 3,2 1.1. (OHS) Occupational health and safety 3,8 1.1.1. Distinguished ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

3 2 3 4

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

1 3 4 3,6

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

2 3 3 3,9

1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

3 2 3 3,6

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

3 1 1 3 3,5

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks

5 3 4,3

1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

3 2 3 4

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened

5 3 4,3

1.2. (BA) Starting up and conducting business activity


1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

1 4 3 2,4

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

2 6 3,3

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity

3 2 3 2,6

1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

3 2 3 2,6

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies 4 4 2,5

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in the sector 1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakins with various

companies from the sector 1 4 3 2,8

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

2 2 4 2,8

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

2 1 5 2,6

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity

2 1 5 2,6

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

3 5 2,4

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity

1 2 2 3 2,5

1.3. (FL) Professionally-oriented foreign language


1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

3 2 3 2,6

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

3 2 3 2,6

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

1 3 1 3 2,3

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

2 3 3 2,5

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language

1 3 1 3 2,3

1.4. (PSC) Personal and social competences 3,7 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 1 2 5 3,5 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task

performance 1 2 5 3,5

1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1 2 5 3,5 1.4.4. Is open to changes 1 2 5 3,5 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 3 5 3,4 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills 3 1 4 3,9

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 2 6 3,5 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken

actions 3 1 4 3,9

1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 2 2 4 3,8 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 4 4 4

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations LOC (B.C) 3,9 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 2 3 3 3,9

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction

2 6 4,3

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

2 5 1 4,1

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application

4 4 4,5

2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

2 5 1 4,1

2.6. Conducts drafts 3 1 4 3,9 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry

2 2 4 3,8

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2.8. Distinguished measuring instruments applied in works

4 1 3 4,1

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

3 1 4 3,9

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development

3 5 4,4

2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

1 3 4 3,6

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

2 3 3 3,9

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

2 2 4 3,8

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 1 1 2 4 2,9

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation – qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works 4,2 3.1. Carrying out grouts, mortars and

concrete mixes 4,4

3.1.1. Distinguishes types of grouts and mortars, defines their properties and application

5 3 4,6

3.1.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

3 5 4,4

3.1.3. Chooses contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

5 3 4,6

3.1.4. Conducts a bill of quantity of works related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and calculates costs of their performance

3 4 1 4,3

3.1.5. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

5 3 4,6

3.1.6. Prepares contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

5 3 4,6

3.1.7. Carries out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes in accordance with a recipe

5 3 4,6

3.1.8. Assesses quality of the workmanship of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

4 1 3 4,1

3.1.9. Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and prepares clearance of these works

3 2 3 4

3.2. Carrying out brick building structures 4,1 3.2.1. Distinguishes types of brick building

structures 5 3 4,3

3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out brick building structures

3 2 3 4

3.2.3. Recognises types of brick bonds in walls 5 3 4,6 3.2.4. Distinguishes types of building insulations

and defines ways of their performance 3 2 3 4

3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials to carry out brick building structures

5 3 3,9

3.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out brick building structure

5 3 3,9

3.2.7. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out brick building structures and calculates costs of their

4 1 3 3,6

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

performance 3.2.8. Indicates location of brick building structure* 3 2 4,6 3.2.9. Carries out brick walls, ceilings, lintels, roof,

pillars, piers and chimneys 5 3 4,3

3.2.10 Carries out wall pointing and facing* 5 5 3.2.11 Carries out earthwork, insulation works,

ancillary concrete and reinforcement works related to carrying out brick building structures

2 3 3 3,9

3.2.12 Assesses quality of carrying out masonry work

4 1 3 3,8

3.2.13 Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out brick building structures and prepares their clearance

3 1 1 3 3,5

3.3. Carrying out plasters 4,1 3.3.1. Distinguishes types of plasters 5 3 4,3 3.3.2. Uses project documentation, technical

specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out plasters

3 2 3 4

3.3.3. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out internal and external plasters

5 3 4,3

3.3.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out internal and external plasters

5 3 4,3

3.3.5. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out internal and external plasters and calculates costs of their clearance

4 1 3 3,8

3.3.6. Prepares the base to carry out internal and external plasters

5 3 4,3

3.3.7. Carries out internal and external plasters 5 3 4,3 3.3.8. Takes actions related to finishing plastered

surfaces and mounting ventilation grilles and other elements

4 1 3 4,1

3.3.9. Recognises damage types of internal and external plasters and chooses ways of their repair

5 3 3,9

3.3.10 Repairs internal and external plasters 5 3 4,3 3.3.11 Assesses quality of carrying out plastering

work 4 1 3 3,8

3.3.12 Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out internal and external works and prepares clearance of these works

4 1 3 3,4

3.4. Carrying out repairs and demolition of brick building structures**


3.4.1. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out repair and demolition works of brick building structures

3 2 4,6

3.4.2. Selects and prepares materials to carry out repair of brick building structures

3 2 4,6

3.4.3. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance

2 1 4,3

3.4.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out works related to repair and demolition of brick building structures

2 1 1 4,3

3.4.5. Carries out masonry works related to repair of brick building structures

3 2 4,6

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3.4.6. Carries out demolition works of brick building structures

3 2 4,6

3.4.7. Assesses quality of repair and demolition works of brick building structures

4 1 4,8

3.4.8. Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and prepares their clearance

2 3 3,8

*ambiguous (ENAIP) **Not applicable due to different regulations about demolition (ENAIP)

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Narzędzia badawcze do analizy porównawczej kompetencji zawodowych w wybranych zawodach i


− Roofer

− Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry

− Bricklayer-Plasterer

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey

Occupation: Roofer

Country ………………………….. Partner …………………………… Contact data …………………………… Date, time, place, duration of a survey

……………………………. Respondent’s name and surname ………………………………………………………… Institution …………………………………………….. Position …………………………………………….. Contact data …………………………………………………………………………………

SURVEY’S PURPOSE This survey’s purpose is comparison of the areas of competences and professional competences for selected competence profiles (occupations, specialisations or job) in the construction industry, with analogous areas of competences and professional competences in partner countries (Poland, Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of competences and professional competences will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

GLOSSARY Area of competence – includes professional competences essential to correct work performance within main action (according to the MapCom model). Professional competences – identified based on component actions (MapCom model) of the work process. Specific number of professional competences is distinguished for each area of competence. Each professional competence determines correct performance of occupational task associated with it. Skills – ability to correct use of actions leading to complete an occupational task. A set of skills associated with a given task defines at the same time the content of professional competence assigned to this task. In the MapCom model, elementary actions and elementary competences associated with them represent skills. Attributes (metacompetences) – a set of social competences related to responsibility and autonomy of an employee, as well as of key competences essential for correct performance of occupational tasks.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Roofer occupation. Can you indicate areas that are important for your company? If some areas of competences are missing, write them in the „other areas” part. Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Roofing construction Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Installation of devices to collect renewable energy Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Comments/notes: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Roofer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very important



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part 1.1. Conducting works related to renovation and

demolition of roofing

1.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction roof elements of buildings to be demolished

1.1.2. Conducting roof demolition with use of manual tools and devices

1.1.3. Carrying out works related to demolition or replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage

1.1.4. Aggregation of a part that can be used again, part of useless roof construction and demolition waste

1.1.5. Application of the ways of removing dust and fragments, as well as of rubble disposal during roof demolition

1.1.6. Application of safe procedures concerning removal of roofing made of materials containing asbestos


Area 2: Roofing construction 2.1. Roofing insulation construction 2.1.1. Carrying out undercoats for various roofing 2.1.2. Roof and flat roof insulation construction (roof felt,

roofing membrane)

2.1.3. Distribution and fastening of battens 2.1.4. Roofing forms construction 2.1.5. Inspection of the correctness of carrying out roofing


2.2. Construction of roofing in various structures and shapes

2.2.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting roof works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction

2.2.2. Preparation of drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

2.2.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction

2.2.4. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and equipment for roofing construction

2.2.5. Setting various roofing types (tile, plain sheet metal,

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

steel roofing tile, shingle and others) 2.2.6. Preparation of irregular sheet metal to construct

irregular roof slope roofing

2.2.7. Construction of irregular roof slope roofing 2.2.8. Construction of roofing from slate and other untypical


2.2.9. Fitting roof windows, skylights and exits 2.2.10 Quality assessment of roofing’s workmanship Other:

Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage 3.1. Preparation of drawings concerning roof work

and elements of roof slope drainage

3.1.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting works, standards and instructions concerning roof work and roof slope drainage

3.1.2. Preparation of drawings and drafts concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage

3.1.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculation of costs of their carrying out

3.1.4. Application of software supporting roof tasks performance

3.1.5. Carrying out works related to preparation of a sheet metal to process it

3.1.6. Carrying out and installing roof works 3.1.7. Mounting roof works to specific building components Other:

3.2. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and devices to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.1. Differentiation and selection of elements of roof slope drainage systems

3.2.2. Selection of materials to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.3. Preparation of materials to construct roofing undercoats

3.2.4. Selection of roof windows, skylights and exits 3.2.5. Use of roof work devices and tools according to

operating rules


3.3. Installation of roof slope drainage elements 3.3.1. Performance of a quantity survey related to

construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, preparation of works clearance

3.3.2. Fitting elements of roof slope drainage 3.3.3. Fitting gutters, rainwater pipes and roof drains 3.3.4. Quality assessment of the workmanship of roof work

and roof slope drainage


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Area 4: Assembly and installation of devices to collect renewable energy 4.1. Assembly of devices to collect solar energy 4.1.1. Reading assembly instructions concerning devices to

collect solar energy

4.1.2. Assembly of flat plate collectors according to the assembly instruction

4.1.3. Assembly of solar vacuum collectors according to the assembly instruction


4.2. Installation of devices to collect solar energy 4.2.1. Preparation of the structure for devices to collect solar


4.2.2. Installation of solar collectors with the ”over the tile” method – on supports

4.2.3. Installation of solar collectors with the "in the roof” method – integrated installation in furniture

4.2.4. Installation of solar collectors under various angles in relation to roof pitch

4.2.5. Carrying out thermal insulation of solar collectors 4.2.6. Carrying out roof work of installed solar collectors 4.2.7. Provision of the maintenance access to devices

collecting solar energy


Other competences, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes (metacompetences) regarding the Roofer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very important



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change


Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be


2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk Other:

Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the


3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others,

so that a group accomplishes intended aims

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts


Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

circumstances require this 4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not

discouraged by doubts of the others


Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension

showing self-control and confidence

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and


5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way


Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey

Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the

Construction Industry Country ………………………….. Partner …………………………… Contact data …………………………… Date, time, place, duration of a survey

……………………………. Respondent’s name and surname ………………………………………………………… Institution …………………………………………….. Position …………………………………………….. Contact data …………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation. Can you indicate areas that are important for your company? If some areas of competences are missing, write them in the „other areas” part. Area 1: Installation of floor screed Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Installation of plasterboards Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Installation of coverings Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 5: Installation of wooden floors Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 9: Paper-hanging Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Comments/notes: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SURVEY’S PURPOSE This survey’s purpose is comparison of the areas of competences and professional competences for selected competence profiles (occupations, specialisations or job) in the construction industry, with analogous areas of competences and professional competences in partner countries (Poland, Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of competences and professional competences will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

GLOSSARY Area of competence – includes professional competences essential to correct work performance within main action (according to the MapCom model). Professional competences – identified based on component actions (MapCom model) of the work process. Specific number of professional competences is distinguished for each area of competence. Each professional competence determines correct performance of occupational task associated with it. Skills – ability to correct use of actions leading to complete an occupational task. A set of skills associated with a given task defines at the same time the content of professional competence assigned to this task. In the MapCom model, elementary actions and elementary competences associated with them represent skills. Attributes (metacompetences) – a set of social competences related to responsibility and autonomy of an employee, as well as of key competences essential for correct performance of occupational tasks.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Installation of floor screed 1.1. Preparation of a floor screed site 1.1.1. Installation of a sand bedding layer or preparation of

a ceiling’s surface

1.1.2. Carrying out insulation works as needed 1.1.3. Designation of a screed’s surface level 1.1.4. Seal of insulation layers, openings and cracks 1.1.5. Location of wards in doorways 1.1.6. Mechanical preparation of a mortar and concrete Other:

1.2. Distribution of a concrete mix 1.2.1. Concrete distribution and alignment with use of a

spade, screed or other specialist tools

1.2.2. Smoothening out screed’s surface 1.2.3. Screed maintenance Other:

1.3. Installation of prefabricated screed from concrete slabs and plasterboards

1.3.1. Designation of a screed’s level 1.3.2. Arrangement of ready prefabricated slabs in rows in

parallel to a wall with maintenance of staggered joints in neighbouring rows

1.3.3. Leaving a settlement joint between a screed and vertical elements of a building

1.3.4. Fill of welds between slabs with a mortar dependent on a slab’s type

1.3.5. Alignment of contacts’ surface Other:

1.4. Installation of a screed from self-levelling mortar

1.4.1. Preparation of the anhydrite mortar strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions

1.4.2. Pouring a self-levelling compound on prepared base

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

till mortar's level reaches determined height 1.4.3. Protection of a prepared screed for 48 hours against

draughts, high (above 25°C) and low (below 5°C) temperature till complete dry


Area 2: Installation of plasterboards 2.1. Recognition of materials applied in drywall

partition systems

2.1.1. Recognition of plasterboards for a drywall system 2.1.2. Recognition of gypsum fibre boards for a drywall


2.1.3. Recognition of steel sections for a drywall system 2.1.4. Recognition of fitting elements applied in drywall

partition systems

2.1.5. Recognition of sealing and insulating materials 2.1.6. Determination of drywall’s physical, chemical and

mechanical properties

2.1.7. Determination of drywall parameters 2.1.8. Determination of parameters of steel sections applied

in a drywall system

2.1.9. Preparation of a gypsum mortar applied in a drywall system

2.1.10 Recognition of symbols and characteristics of materials applied in a drywall system and application of methods to ensure their quality

2.1.11 Determination of applications of particular drywall system materials

2.1.12 Application of principles of occupational health and safety and environmental protection during works with building materials and their efficient use


2.2. Installation of partition wall systems 2.2.1. Preparation of a partition wall assembly stand 2.2.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to

install walls

2.2.3. Transport of materials to install walls 2.2.4. Determination of a partition walls' location 2.2.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install flat walls 2.2.6. Preparation and cut of boards to install arch walls 2.2.7. Selection and assembly of sections to install partition


2.2.8. Mounting boards to sections 2.2.9. Arrangement of insulation between boards 2.2.10 Installation of doorframes 2.2.11 Installation of sanitary equipment walls 2.2.12 Mounting shelves, walls and pictures to boards 2.2.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling,

external corners treatment, cleaning boards

2.2.14 Preparation of a demand for materials to install walls 2.2.15 Quality assessment of conducted works 2.2.16 Application of principles of occupational health and

safety, fire protection and environmental protection


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.3. Installation of suspended ceiling systems 2.3.1. Preparation of a ceiling covering assembly stand 2.3.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to

install ceiling coverings

2.3.3. Transport of suspended ceiling materials 2.3.4. Designation of a suspended ceilings‘ location 2.3.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install suspended


2.3.6. Selection and assembly of sections to install suspended ceilings

2.3.7. Mounting boards to sections 2.3.8. Arrangement of insulation between boards 2.3.9. Carrying out finishing works such as spackling,

external corners treatment, cleaning boards

2.3.10 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


2.4. Installation of wall covering systems 2.4.1. Preparation of a wall covering assembly stand 2.4.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to

install wall coverings

2.4.3. Preparation of a drywall base 2.4.4. Selection of proper drywall 2.4.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install drywall 2.4.6. Installation of drywall on masonries (direct) 2.4.7. Designation of a drywall plane 2.4.8. Designation of a place to mount covering holders on

wall sections

2.4.9. Selection and assembly of sections to install drywall 2.4.10 Arrangement of insulation layers 2.4.11 Arrangement of coverings on wall sections 2.4.12 Installation of coverings to hide installations 2.4.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling,

external corners treatment, cleaning boards

2.4.14 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces 3.1. Covering surfaces and other objects 3.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 3.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting workstation

against paint dropping

3.1.3. Pasting of blending tapes on surface parts that do not require painting (edges, doorframes, windows, etc.)


3.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint interior and exterior new not painted wooden surfaces

3.2.1. Verification if no oily spots or resin rests are present on a painted surface

3.2.2. Application of a layer of flat colour on the surface

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.3. Grinding of the surface with a sanding sheet of medium category of granulation

3.2.4. Application and smoothening of an undercoat mix 3.2.5. Application of a layer of flat colour Other:

3.3. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint interior and exterior painted wooden surfaces

3.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off or other defects do not appear

3.3.2. Scraping of shivering or cracked paint with use of paint scraper or electric grinder

3.3.3. Application of a layer of flat colour on the sanded surface

3.3.4. Application of an undercoat mix on the sanded surface

3.3.5. Application of a flat colour’s layer on the surface impregnated with an undercoat mix


3.4. Preparation of the first layer of paint on previously not painted metal surface

3.4.1. Grinding of the surface to remove rust 3.4.2. Thorough cleaning of the surface to remove oily rests 3.4.3. Application of the antirust priming paint’s layer 3.4.4. Application of the metal priming paint’s layer Other:

3.5. Preparation of the first layer of old painted metal surface

3.5.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off, there is no rust or other defects

3.5.2. Grinding of the surface with brushing machines or grinders

3.5.3. Application of metal priming paint on ground surfaces 3.5.4. Application of the joint mix on ground surfaces 3.5.5. Grinding of the undercoat mix surface with a sanding

sheet of medium category of granulation

3.5.6. Application of a priming paint after undercoat mix dries


3.6. Painting metal and wooden surfaces 3.6.1. Application of the first layer of flat colour 3.6.2. Grinding of the surface with fine sanding sheet 3.6.3. Application of the second layer of flat colour or light



Area 4: Installation of coverings 4.1. Base preparation

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.1.1. Assessment of base’s condition (geometrical features and surface properties, strength features, humidity content, alkalinity level, condition of base’s cleanness)

4.1.2. Base preparation by providing the above-mentioned appropriate features (smoothening, strengthening, drying off, cleaning)

4.1.3. Cleaning the base, damping it or washing directly before application of a covering


4.2. Installation of stone coverings 4.2.1. Preparation of stone elements by carrying out nests,

anchors and connectors

4.2.2. Cleaning and damping of the surface of side and back covering boards

4.2.3. Arrangement of the first row of elements located at the lowest level on fixed base, set according to stretched and levelled rope, or pasting them

4.2.4. Set-back of arbores or other anchoring elements 4.2.5. Mounting elements after previous verification of the

correctness of their setting

4.2.6. Fill of space between back surface of a covering and the base

4.2.7. Arrangement of inserts to provide equal thickness of joints

4.2.8. Grouting coverings 4.2.9. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of



4.3. Installation of wood coverings 4.3.1. Preparation of a slatted undercoat or a grate made of

pegs, blocks, slats or battens embedded in the base in a small distance from a wall to enable air circulation between a covering and a wall

4.3.2. Mounting slats, planks or boards to the undercoat with nails or screws

4.3.3. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of mounted elements


4.4. Installation of coverings from boards, slats and polymer spatial elements

4.4.1. Mechanical fixing of mounting battens to the base 4.4.2. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of

mounted base

4.4.3. Installation with screws of the slats and boards that should have openings relatively bigger than screw's diameter in order to provide easy movement of elements resulting from thermal expansion

4.4.4. Installation of edge bandings Other:

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Area 5: Installation of wooden floors 5.1. Arrangement of floors from mosaic boards 5.1.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 5.1.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding

irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)

5.1.3. Designation of a ruled line along which the first row of boards is to be pasted

5.1.4. Application of a strip of dispersion adhesive by a putty knife with tooth

5.1.5. Adhesion of a row of boards at the wall opposite to main door

5.1.6. Verification of the correctness of arranging the first row, on which the easiness of arranging subsequent rows depends

5.1.7. Adhesion of subsequent rows with simultaneous thorough clamp of boards. Verification if corners of particular boards reach exactly the same place

5.1.8. Finishing of a floor with mopboards or baseboards 5.1.9. Smoothening of a floor by grinding 5.1.10 Application of a colourless lacquer on floor surface Other:

5.2. Installation of floors from boards 5.2.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 5.2.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding

irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)

5.2.3. Application of an adhesive with a putty knife with tooth

5.2.4. Adhesion of boards with simultaneous mounting them to previous boards and pushing them to the undercoat

5.2.5. Finishing a floor by nailing up mopboards, grinding and lacquering


5.3. Installation of floors from coniferous wood boards and glued laminated boards

5.3.1. Base preparation as at board floors 5.3.2. Arrangement of a polymer sandwich layer 5.3.3. Arrangement of the first row of boards with distance

of 1-1.5 cm indicated by temporary wedges along the wall

5.3.4. Verification of the first row’s line 5.3.5. Arrangement of subsequent rows with simultaneous

pushing them to the previous ones

5.3.6. Finishing of a floor by nailing up mopboards 5.3.7. Grinding and lacquering floors made of coniferous

wood boards


Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings 6.1. Installation of floors from plastic carpets 6.1.1. Seasoning of materials for at least 24 hours in

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

temperature of rooms in which they will be applied 6.1.2. Cut of carpets into sections as long as a room with

consideration of the rule of perpendicular course of joints to exterior wall with windows

6.1.3. Application of adhesives that valid standards, certificates or instructions and manufacturer’s guidelines recommend to each floor material

6.1.4. Application of the adhesive’s layer on the undercoat surface with use of a putty knife or swat with tooth

6.1.5. Welding of sheet joints, adhesion of mopboards Other:

6.2. Installation of floors from fitted carpets 6.2.1. Lay-out of a sheet system in a room 6.2.2. Cut of sheets with a sharp knife along steel ruler

through a pleat of neighbouring sheets

6.2.3. Loose arrangement of sheets, cut of them with use of self-adhesive distance piece or adhesive

6.2.4. Installation of a baseboard or fixing of mopboards Other:

6.3. Installation of floors from resin and mineral compositions

6.3.1. Cooperation with specialised companies acting based on the licence granted by material’s manufacturer

6.3.2. Mixing components according to the manufacturer’s instruction

6.3.3. Distribution of a putty with use of special putty knife supplied with pull-out distance pins, which thickness is equal to floor’s thickness, or distribution of a putty between arranged guide strips and their alignment

6.3.4. Sprinkling with sand to make surface abrasive Other:

Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying 7.1. Removal of existing tiles from floors and walls 7.1.1. Preparation of materials and devices (tools, goggles,

filler, sanding sheet, hammer, etc.)

7.1.2. Putting on protective gloves and goggles 7.1.3. Protection of a floor against rubble falling down 7.1.4. Removal of tiles with use of a hammer and a chisel 7.1.5. Sweeping left dust and rubble 7.1.6. Repair of cracks and spalls with use of a filler 7.1.7. Grinding of the rest of adhesive mortar till obtaining

smooth surface, with use of a mask and at simultaneous room airing


7.2. Planning and preparation to lay tiles 7.2.1. Preparation and verification of tiles (type,

dimensions, quality), materials (mortar/concrete or adhesive mortar) and equipment (cross distancers, chalk, tile cutter, mortar swap, wet sponge, clean cloth, etc.)

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

7.2.2. Inspection of tile base 7.2.3. Verification if walls are perpendicular 7.2.4. Verification of surface’s thickness and level 7.2.5. Installation of relevant measurements, application of

equipment and smoothening to ensure that tiles are laid properly

7.2.6. Planning tile layout, drawing lines and points on surfaces

7.2.7. Initial establishment of tile layout on dry floor according to the design

7.2.8. Verification of a pattern and the necessity of cutting tiles so that they match the design in a given area

7.2.9. Cut of tiles with use of relevant cutting devices Other:

7.3. Laying tiles on a mortar 7.3.1. Preparation of clean and wet surface 7.3.2. Distribution and smoothening of a mortar layer 7.3.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 7.3.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the same

distances between tiles

7.3.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly


7.4. Laying floor tiles with use of an adhesive 7.4.1. Cleaning of the surface 7.4.2. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty

knife with tooth

7.4.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 7.4.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the same

distances between tiles

7.4.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

7.4.6. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile


7.5. Laying wall tiles with use of a mortar 7.5.1. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the wall as


7.5.2. Distribution and smoothening of the insulation layer on the wall, also on a tile if necessary

7.5.3. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

7.5.4. Wiping of excessive mortar Other:

7.6. Laying wall tiles with use of an adhesive 7.6.1. Cleaning of the surface 7.6.2. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the wall as


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

7.6.3. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty knife with tooth

7.6.4. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

7.6.5. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile


7.7. Joint insulation 7.7.1. Preparation of jointing materials 7.7.2. Distribution of a joint mortar on tiles’ surface with

use of a rubber putty knife, checking if all joints between tiles are filled out

7.7.3. Removal of excessive joint mortar with a sponge before it runs dry

7.7.4. Leaving joints to dry 7.7.5. Wiping with a cloth Other:

Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls 8.1. Coverage of surfaces and protection of objects

against paint dropping

8.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 8.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting against paint


8.1.3. Pasting blending tapes on elements not requiring painting


8.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint for surfaces not painted before

8.2.1. Verification if surface is clean and dry 8.2.2. Selection of a priming paint (solvent or acrylic)

according to painting plans

8.2.3. Dilution of a priming paint according to the manufacturer’s instruction

8.2.4. Distribution of a priming paint and leaving it to dry Other:

8.3. Preparation of the first layer of distemper for surfaces painted before

8.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off and no other defects are present

8.3.2. Scraping of cracked and shivering paint with use of paint scraper

8.3.3. Dusting and cleaning of walls to provide good adherence

8.3.4. Fill of defects or joints in the wall and insulation of cracks


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

8.4. Painting surfaces with use of distemper 8.4.1. Thinning a distemper with water, according to the

manufacturer’s instruction and with consideration of surface absorptiveness

8.4.2. Application of the first layer of distemper 8.4.3. Application of a distemper with short brush strokes

towards a not painted surface

8.4.4. Repeated application of a distemper towards the already painted surface to smooth the surface


8.5. Painting with use of a sponge roll 8.5.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or

contrast colour

8.5.2. Pouring of paint to a container and painting of the surface with use of a sponge roll


8.6. Painting with the semi-permanent colour method

8.6.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or contrast colour

8.6.2. Application of a semi-permanent colour in various directions with use of a brush, sponge roll, etc.


8.7. Painting with the template pattern method 8.7.1. Determination of a pattern’s location 8.7.2. Planning of a pattern’s distribution 8.7.3. Preparation of a template, transfer of a pattern to a

template and cut-out of a pattern

8.7.4. Application of a template on the wall 8.7.5. Fill of pattern gaps with use of a round brush Other:

8.8. Painting with the spray paint method 8.8.1. Determination of a surface to apply the product 8.8.2. Coverage and protection of the surface to be painted 8.8.3. Application of paint’s layer on the surface 8.8.4. Determination of the amount of spray paint

necessary to cover the wall

8.8.5. Thinning of paint with water observing the manufacturer’s instruction

8.8.6. Application of a spray painting with use of a sprayer keeping fixed distance from the wall of approx. 25-30 cm


Area 9: Paper-hanging 9.1. Protection of the works’ site 9.1.1. Protection of the floor with use of a foil and self-

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

adhesive tape 9.1.2. Measurement and indication on the wall of a paper-

hanging surface line

9.1.3. Separation of painted surface and surface to hang wallpapers


9.2. Base preparation 9.2.1. Assessment of base’s technical condition through

observation and wiping it with hand

9.2.2. Cleaning of dirt from surface to hang wallpapers with a brush or cotton cloth


9.3. Base grounding 9.3.1. Preparation of a grounding solution by dosing water

and adhesive according to the manufacturer’s instruction

9.3.2. Wall grounding Other:

9.4. Pasting wallpaper strips 9.4.1. Preparation of an adhesive according to the

manufacturer's instruction

9.4.2. Measurement and cut-out of wallpaper strips with an allowance

9.4.3. Paste of strips by equal distribution of a thin layer of adhesive with use of a brush and leaving it to absorb adhesive

9.4.4. Indication of a vertical line on the wall to apply the first strip of wallpaper

9.4.5. Paste of the first wallpaper strip 9.4.6. Inspection of pasted first strip 9.4.7. Paste of another strips, while simultaneously

inspecting and removing defects and irregularities on a current basis


9.5. Finishing of a decorated surface 9.5.1. Removal of a masking tape 9.5.2. Paste of a horizontal decorative strip 9.5.3. Verification if a strip is straight Other:

Other competences, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change


Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be


2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk Other:

Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the


3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so

that a group accomplishes intended aims

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts


Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not

discouraged by doubts of the others


Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension

showing self-control and confidence

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and


5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way


Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey

Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer Country ………………………….. Partner …………………………… Contact data …………………………… Date, time, place, duration of a survey

……………………………. Respondent’s name and surname ………………………………………………………… Institution …………………………………………….. Position …………………………………………….. Contact data …………………………………………………………………………………

SURVEY’S PURPOSE This survey’s purpose is comparison of the areas of competences and professional competences for selected competence profiles (occupations, specialisations or job) in the construction industry, with analogous areas of competences and professional competences in partner countries (Poland, Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of competences and professional competences will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

GLOSSARY Area of competence – includes professional competences essential to correct work performance within main action (according to the MapCom model).

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Professional competences – identified based on component actions (MapCom model) of the work process. Specific number of professional competences is distinguished for each area of competence. Each professional competence determines correct performance of occupational task associated with it. Skills – ability to correct use of actions leading to complete an occupational task. A set of skills associated with a given task defines at the same time the content of professional competence assigned to this task. In the MapCom model, elementary actions and elementary competences associated with them represent skills. Attributes (metacompetences) – a set of social competences related to responsibility and autonomy of an employee, as well as of key competences essential for correct performance of occupational tasks. SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation. Can you indicate areas that are important for your company? If some areas of competences are missing, write them in the „other areas” part. Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Laying building foundations Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 7: Installation of a roof load-bearing structure Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 8: Roofing construction Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 9: Plastering interior and exterior walls Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 10: Fence construction Very important r Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Comments/notes: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site 1.1. Organisation and preparation of the construction


1.1.1. Inspection of the construction site and verification of the course of underground installations

1.1.2. Determination of the construction site bounds 1.1.3. Fencing and signage of the construction site 1.1.4. Construction of internal roads on the construction site 1.1.5. Organisation of the administrative and social facility 1.1.6. Supplying the construction site with water and


1.1.7. Organisation of production stations and warehouses Other:

1.2. Workplace protection 1.2.1. Identification of dangers, assessment and control of

risk, i.e. Noise, electric safety, road traffic, working at heights, objects falling down, use of electricity and devices, application of hazardous substances (including asbestos)

1.2.2. Workplace organisation in accordance with occupational health and safety principles, prevention and application of principles of fire protection, environmental protection and giving first aid

1.2.3. Establishment of procedures in case of accident Other:

1.3. Installation and de-installation of scaffolds for construction works

1.3.1. Verification of technical requirements 1.3.2. Selection of a scaffold which type corresponds with

conducted works

1.3.3. Establishment if proper materials to construct a scaffold have been selected

1.3.4. Installation of the first level of scaffolds 1.3.5. Elevation and mounting of scaffold elements 1.3.6. Arrangement of boards on horizontal trusses creating

a platform

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1.3.7. Installation of metal scaffold from systemic elements 1.3.8. Verification of the correctness of scaffolds’ installation 1.3.9. Protection of scaffolds according to principles of

occupational health and safety

1.3.10 De-installation of scaffolds after completion of works Other:

Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part 2.1. Carrying out demolition works with use of

manual devices

2.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction elements of buildings to be demolished

2.1.2. Implementation of demolition with use of manual pneumatic hammers, oxy-acetylene blowpipe and other manual devices

2.1.3. Disconnection of the building from water and sewage system, gas system and electric system

2.1.4. Disassembly of systems 2.1.5. Commencement of a demolition from the roof, then

next stories, ending at the ground level

2.1.6. Grading a demolition of concrete structural elements 2.1.7. Demolition of floor slabs and ceiling joists, load-

bearing and non-load-bearing walls


Area 3: Laying building foundations 3.1. Preparation of the construction site for


3.1.1. Verification of the conformity of actual type and condition of the ground with the one adopted in the design

3.1.2. Verification of the foundation level 3.1.3. Determination of the foundation course 3.1.4. Location of pillars and bench marks Other:

3.2. Laying foundations 3.2.1. Laying levelling courses 3.2.2. Setting and control of forms 3.2.3. Arrangement of reinforcement in ferroconcrete


3.2.4. Arrangement of concrete mix in forms 3.2.5. Care about fresh concrete Other:

3.3. Carrying out insulation works 3.3.1. Arrangement of insulation on concrete or brick

external surfaces

3.3.2. Arrangement of internal insulation Other:

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Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures 4.1. Determination and preparation of a base to

construct walls and ferroconcrete structures

4.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

4.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

4.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 4.1.4. Protection of the construction site Other:

4.2. Construction of walls and other elements (pillars, joists, slabs, stairs) with use of forms

4.2.1. Preparation of forms (casing boards or formwork system)

4.2.2. Arrangement of reinforcement 4.2.3. Arrangement of a concrete mix in forms with use of

concrete pump

4.2.4. Condensation of a concrete mix with use of vibrators 4.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 4.2.6. De-installation of forms 4.2.7. Verification of keeping vertical and horizontal lines at

various stages of works


4.3. Construction of walls and structures from prefabricated ferroconcrete elements

4.3.1. Establishment of installation stages 4.3.2. Determination of the area where prefabricated

elements are elevated

4.3.3. Installation and removal of temporary reinforcement and support systems

4.3.4. Location of concrete elements in a place of their integration

4.3.5. Verification of results of load effect on the existing structure during installation of concrete elements in a destination


4.4. Construction of reinforced ceilings, stairs and lintels

4.4.1. Construction of forms for ceilings, stairs and lintels 4.4.2. Installation of a formwork system 4.4.3. Construction of flat lintels 4.4.4. Roof construction 4.4.5. Installation of ready lintels in type of L and U 4.4.6. Laying screeds 4.4.7. Preparation of reinforcements according to the design 4.4.8. Arrangement of reinforcements in forms 4.4.9. Construction of walls with reinforcement Other:

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4.5. Construction of chimneys, walls with flues and air-conditioning systems

4.5.1. Construction of a free-standing chimney from bricks, hollow bricks and concrete blocks

4.5.2. Construction of walls of flue drafts and ducts 4.5.3. Construction of ducts from ready elements Other:

Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements 5.1. Determination and preparation of a site to

construct brick walls

5.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

5.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

5.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 5.1.4. Protection of the construction site Other:

5.2. Manual and mechanical preparation of a mortar 5.2.1. Selection of materials needed to prepare a mortar 5.2.2. Batching weight, volumetric or volumetric-weight

components of a mortar

5.2.3. Mixing a mortar according to current recipe 5.2.4. Verification of a mortar’s consistency 5.2.5. Application of a mortar according to its purpose Other:

5.3. Construction of load-bearing and partition walls 5.3.1. Distribution of the first layer of mortar and its next


5.3.2. Construction of walls from bricks, hollow bricks and blocks

5.3.3. Construction of standard and cross connections 5.3.4. Construction of brick connections in walls that cross at

a right angle

5.3.5. Laying bricks in multi-layered walls according to principles of connection

5.3.6. Connection of bricks at construction of pillars and columns

5.3.7. Connection of partition walls with load-bearing walls 5.3.8. Cut and formation of a brick with use of various tools

and machinery

5.3.9. Construction of arches and decorative elements from bricks

5.3.10 Removal of excessive mortar, control of vertical and horizontal lines

5.3.11 Installation of doorframes and window frames 5.3.12 Assessment of the correctness of bricks’ connections in

the wall


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Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces 6.1. Application of insulation materials (damp-proof,

thermal, acoustic)

6.1.1. Application of insulation coating and roll materials 6.1.2. Application of a polystyrene and insulation from

granulated materials to insulate walls

6.1.3. Application of concrete block systems with an insert of insulating foam

6.1.4. Mounting insulation to ceiling walls Other:

Area 7: Plastering interior and exterior walls 7.1. Base preparation 7.1.1. Cleaning walls and ceilings of salient mortar lumps 7.1.2. Drying the surface of gypsum and gypsum concrete


7.1.3. Preparation of equal but rough concrete base through scratching with a chisel

7.1.4. Mounting a screed increasing the adhesion to bases (beet batt, nets, Finnish shingle)

7.1.5. Mounting a steel net to metal base and protecting it against rust if plasters are installed

7.1.6. Directly before plastering – cleaning the base of dust, soot, rust, oily substance and damping the base

7.1.7. Mounting screeds designating the surface of a face of plaster


7.2. Installation of traditional plasters 7.2.1. Application of the first layer (rendering) of a very

runny mortar 4-5 mm thick to increase plaster’s adhesion

7.2.2. Application of the second layer of mortar (coating) after slight hardening of rendering and damping it with water

7.2.3. Alignment and smoothening of a mortar 7.2.4. Verification of the vertical and horizontal line of all


7.2.5. Application of the third thin and runny layer of a mortar (sliding surface) 1-3 mm thick

7.2.6. Thorough swabbing of a sliding surface with a swat Other:

7.3. Installation of plasters 7.3.1. Damping base’s surface 7.3.2. Application of a plaster with use of a swat 7.3.3. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or grinder 7.3.4. Application of subsequent layers 7.3.5. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or grinder Other:

7.4. Installation of external plasters from a plastering mix on bases made of rock wool and

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styrofoam 7.4.1. Mounting boards with use of adhesive spots applied on


7.4.2. Drilling in a wall of anchor openings 7.4.3. Mounting boards with anchors with specially flat heads 7.4.4. Alignment of a styrofoam’s surface with special tools


7.4.5. Application of adhesive layers 7.4.6. Blending a polymer net in adhesive's layer 7.4.7. Strengthening corners with angles with a net 7.4.8. Application of subsequent layers of adhesive 7.4.9. Surface grounding 7.4.10 Application of a plaster with use of a swat 7.4.11 Finishing of a plaster with use of a swat Other:

Area 8: Fence construction 8.1. Preparation of a site to construct a fence 8.1.1 Determination of a fence’s location 8.1.2 Collection of information if electric cables, water and

sewage pipes do not run close

8.1.3 Performance of a measurement and indication of a fence’s line, as well as signage of pillar’s location

8.1.4 Conducting excavations 8.1.5 Storage or transport of output to a proper place Other:

8.2. Construction of concrete/brick fences 8.2.1 Establishment of a sequence of works 8.2.2 Determination of the depth of foundations (base) with

consideration of ground conditions

8.2.3 Base construction 8.2.4 Alignment, set-back of pillars in concrete base 8.2.5 Construction of concrete and brick walls Other:

Other competences, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not import-

ant 5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change


Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be


2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk Other:

Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the


3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so

that a group accomplishes intended aims

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts


Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not

discouraged by doubts of the others


Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension

showing self-control and confidence

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and


5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way


Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Narzędzia badawcze do analizy porównawczej podstaw programowych kształcenia w wybranych zawodach i


− Roofer

− Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry

− Bricklayer-Plasterer

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey

Occupation: Roofer 712101

Qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work Country ………………………….. Partner …………………………… Contact data …………………………… Date, time, place, duration of a survey

……………………………. Respondent’s name and surname ………………………………………………………… Institution …………………………………………….. Position …………………………………………….. Contact data …………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum5

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according to the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – OHS – occupational health and safety, – BA – starting up and conducting business activity, – FL – professionally-oriented foreign language, – PSC – personal and social competences, – WO – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation LOC, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular LOC within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.

5 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Read the list of learning outcomes for the Roofer 712101 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (OHS) Occupational health and safety 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

1.1.4. Foresees risks for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks

1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened


1.2. (BA) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

business activity 1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the

sector and connections among them

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting business activity

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity


1.3. (FL) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language Other:

1.4. (PSC) Personal and social competences 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1.4.4. Is open to changes 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team Other:

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations LOC (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building


2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

technologies of their construction 2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building


2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application

2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

2.6. Conducts drafts 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry

2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development

2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance Other

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Roofer occupation – qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work 3.1. Installation and demolition of roofing 3.1.1. Distinguishes types and elements of roof


3.1.2. Distinguishes roofing types 3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical

specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction

3.1.4. Prepares drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

3.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction and demolition

3.1.6. Selects and prepares materials, tools and equipment to roofing construction and demolition

3.1.7. Installs roofing insulations 3.1.8. Installs roofing screeds 3.1.9. Installs roofing in various structures and shapes 3.1.10 Installs roof windows, exits, skylights and

devices to collect renewable energy

3.1.11 Carries out works related to repair and demolition of roofing

3.1.12 Assesses quality of roofing’s workmanship 3.1.13 Conducts quantity survey of works related to

installation of roofing and prepares their clearance


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2. Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.1. Distinguishes elements of roof slope drainage systems

3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.3. Prepares drawings concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage

3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculates costs of their performance

3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials, tools and devices to carry out and demolish roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.6. Carries out and installs roof work elements 3.2.7. Installs elements of roof slope drainage 3.2.8. Carries out works related to demolition or

replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.9. Assesses quality of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.10 Performs a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, prepares clearance of these works


Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey

Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the Construction

Industry 712905

Qualification B.5. Drywall system installation Qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works

Qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works6 Country ………………………….. Partner …………………………… Contact data …………………………… Date, time, place, duration of a survey …………………………… Respondent’s name and surname ………………………………………………………… Institution …………………………………………….. Position …………………………………………….. Contact data …………………………………………………………………………………

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum7

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according to the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

6 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”. 7 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – OHS – occupational health and safety, – BA – starting up and conducting business activity, – FL – professionally oriented foreign language, – PSC – personal and social competences, – WO – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation LOC, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular LOC within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (OHS) Occupational health and safety 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks

1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened


1.2. (BA) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity

1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity


1.3. (FL) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

1.3.5. Uses information sources in foreign language Other

1.4. (PSC) Personal and social competences 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1.4.4. Is open to changes 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team Other

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations LOC (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building


2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application

2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

2.6. Conducts drafts 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry

2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development

2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance Other

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.5. Drywall system installation 3.1. Installation of partition walls, suspended

ceilings and housing of roof structures in drywall systems

3.1.1. Distinguishes types of interior drywall systems 3.1.2. Distinguishes insulation types of partition walls,

suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as observes rules of their performance

3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications of performance and acceptance of works, standards, catalogues and instructions concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as calculates its cost

3.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipment to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.7. Indicates the assembly station of drywall elements

3.1.8. Chooses technologies of drywall element assembly

3.1.9. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.10 Carries out partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.11 Carries out insulation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.12 Recognises types of damages concerning partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and chooses a way to repair them

3.1.13 Carries out works related to repair of damaged elements of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.14 Assesses quality concerning the workmanship of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.15 Carries out a quantity survey of works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works


3.2. Installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.1. Distinguishes types of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.2. Distinguishes insulation types of wall coverings and solid flooring applied in a drywall system and defines a way of their installation

3.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring

3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity of works concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and calculates their costs

3.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipments to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.7. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.8. Indicates the assembly station of elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.9. Prepares the base for installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.10 Chooses technologies of assembling elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.11 Assemblies elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.12 Recognises types of damages of elements of wall coverings and chooses a way to repair them

3.2.13 Repairs damaged elements of wall coverings 3.2.14 Assesses quality of works related to installation

of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.15 Carries out a quantity survey related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works


4: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works 4.1. Carrying out painting work

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.1.1. Distinguishes types of painting materials, defines their properties and application

4.1.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of paint coating

4.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out painting work

4.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning painting work and calculates costs of carrying it out

4.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paint coatings in a specific technology

4.1.6. Chooses technologies of carrying out painting work

4.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out painting work

4.1.8. Prepares the base from different materials to apply paint coatings

4.1.9. Carries out paint coatings 4.1.10 Decorates paint coatings with various methods 4.1.11 Recognises types of damages of coatings and

chooses a way to repair them

4.1.12 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of paint coatings

4.1.13 Assesses quality of carrying out painting work 4.1.14 Carries out a quantity survey of painting work

and prepares their clearance


4.2. Carrying out paper-hanging work 4.2.1. Distinguishes types of wallpapers, defines their

properties and application

4.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of wallpapers

4.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out paper-hanging work

4.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning paper-hanging work and calculates costs of its performance

4.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paper-hanging work

4.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out paper-hanging work

4.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out paper-hanging work

4.2.8. Carries out paper-hanging work 4.2.9. Decorates wallpapers with various methods 4.2.10 Recognises types of damages of wallpapers and

defines a way to repair them

4.2.11 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of wallpapers

4.2.12 Assesses quality of paper-hanging work 4.2.13 Carries out a quantity survey of paper-hanging

work and prepares their clearance


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works 5.1. Carrying out floor work 5.1.1. Distinguishes types of floor materials and

defines their properties

5.1.2. Defines ways to prepare bases for various types of floor

5.1.3. Distinguishes types of floor insulations and defines ways of their performance

5.1.4. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out floor work

5.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning floor work and calculates costs of its performance

5.1.6. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out floor work

5.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out floor work

5.1.8. Prepares bases to carry out floor from various materials

5.1.9. Carries out insulating layers of floors 5.1.10 Carries out floor screeds 5.1.11 Installs floors from various materials 5.1.12 Carries out protections for floor surface 5.1.13 Recognises types of damages of floors and

defines a way to repair them

5.1.14 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of floors

5.1.15 Assesses quality of flooring work 5.1.16 Carries out a quantity survey of floor work and

prepares its clearance


5.2. Carrying out covering work 5.2.1. Distinguishes types of coverings, defines their

properties and application

5.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways of their preparation for coverings

5.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out covering work

5.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning covering work and calculates costs of its performance

5.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out covering work

5.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out covering work

5.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out coverings 5.2.8. Installs coverings from various materials 5.2.9. Recognises types of damages of coverings and

defines a way to repair them

5.2.10 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of coverings made from various materials

5.2.11 Assesses quality of covering work 5.2.12 Carries out a quantity survey of covering work

and prepares its clearance

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey

Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204

Qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works8

Country ………………………….. Partner …………………………… Contact data…………………………… Date, time, place, duration of a survey ……………………………. Respondent’s name and surname ………………………………………………………… Institution …………………………………………….. Position …………………………………………….. Contact data …………………………………………………………………………………

8 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum9

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according with the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – OHS – occupational health and safety, – BA – starting up and conducting business activity, – FL – professionally-oriented foreign language, – PSC – personal and social competences, – WO – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation LOC, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular LOC within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.

9 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Read the list of learning outcomes for the Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table. Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (OHS) Occupational health and safety 1.1.1. Distinguished ideas related to occupational health

and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks

1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection


Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened


1.2. (BA) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

business activity 1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the

sector and connections among them

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakins with various companies from the sector

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity


Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity


1.3. (FL) Professionally-oriented foreign language 1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical,

grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language Other:

1.4. (PSC) Personal and social competences 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1.4.4. Is open to changes 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional skills 1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 1.4.10

Cooperates in a team


2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations LOC (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building objects 2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and

technologies of their construction

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

systems 2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings 2.6. Conducts drafts 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of documentation

applied in the construction industry

2.8. Distinguished measuring instruments applied in works

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development

2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance Other:

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation – qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works 3.1. Carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete


3.1.1. Distinguishes types of grouts and mortars, defines their properties and application

3.1.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

3.1.3. Chooses contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

3.1.4. Conducts a bill of quantity of works related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and calculates costs of their performance

3.1.5. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

3.1.6. Prepares contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

3.1.7. Carries out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes in accordance with a recipe

3.1.8. Assesses quality of the workmanship of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

3.1.9. Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and prepares clearance of these works


3.2. Carrying out brick building structures 3.2.1. Distinguishes types of brick building structures 3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications

concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out brick building structures

3.2.3. Recognises types of brick bonds in walls 3.2.4. Distinguishes types of building insulations and

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

defines ways of their performance 3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials to carry out brick

building structures

3.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out brick building structure

3.2.7. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance

3.2.8. Indicates location of brick building structure 3.2.9. Carries out brick walls, ceilings, lintels, roof, pillars,

piers and chimneys


Carries out wall pointing and facing


Carries out earthwork, insulation works, ancillary concrete and reinforcement works related to carrying out brick building structures


Assesses quality of carrying out masonry work


Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out brick building structures and prepares their clearance


3.3. Carrying out plasters 3.3.1. Distinguishes types of plasters 3.3.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications

concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out plasters

3.3.3. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out internal and external plasters

3.3.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out internal and external plasters

3.3.5. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out internal and external plasters and calculates costs of their clearance

3.3.6. Prepares the base to carry out internal and external plasters

3.3.7. Carries out internal and external plasters 3.3.8. Takes actions related to finishing plastered surfaces

and mounting ventilation grilles and other elements

3.3.9. Recognises damage types of internal and external plasters and chooses ways of their repair


Repairs internal and external plasters


Assesses quality of carrying out plastering work


Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out internal and external works and prepares clearance of these works


3.4. Carrying out repairs and demolition of brick building structures

3.4.1. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out repair and demolition works of brick building

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

structures 3.4.2. Selects and prepares materials to carry out repair of

brick building structures

3.4.3. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance

3.4.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out works related to repair and demolition of brick building structures

3.4.5. Carries out masonry works related to repair of brick building structures

3.4.6. Carries out demolition works of brick building structures

3.4.7. Assesses quality of repair and demolition works of brick building structures

3.4.8. Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and prepares their clearance


Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ANEKS 5. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez

ECAP Foundation Switzerland

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected


WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in

selected occupations

Preliminary research

Data country: Switzerland

Partner: ECAP Foundation Switzerland

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SURVEY’S PURPOSE This survey’s purpose is comparison of the areas of competences and professional competences and core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations for selected competence profiles (occupations, specialisations or job) in the construction industry, with analogous areas of competences and professional competences in partner countries (Poland, Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of competences and professional competences will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

GLOSSARY Area of competence – includes professional competences essential to correct work performance within main action (according to the MapCom model). Professional competences – identified based on component actions (MapCom model) of the work process. Specific number of professional competences is distinguished for each area of competence. Each professional competence determines correct performance of occupational task associated with it. Skills – ability to correct use of actions leading to complete an occupational task. A set of skills associated with a given task defines at the same time the content of professional competence assigned to this task. In the MapCom model, elementary actions and elementary competences associated with them represent skills. Attributes (metacompetences) – a set of social competences related to responsibility and autonomy of an employee, as well as of key competences essential for correct performance of occupational tasks.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

FEATURES OF THE SWISS SAMPLE During May and first days of June 2013 in Switzerland have been interviewed 9 key persons with primary roles in building companies, in particular:

• 4 entrepreneurs owners of medium and small building companies; • 3 head technicians in medium building companies; • 2 building handicrafters with their own small company

In the same period, 2 key persons representing training providers have been interviewed, namely Ms. Barbara Favoni, ECAP accounting person in charge for quality process assurance for training activities in building topics and other sectors and Arch. Beniamino Sartorio, responsible of building sector certifications in ECAP.


WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected occupations

Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry Qualifications:

1) Painter-Paperhanger

2) Floor Layer

3) Drywall Installer

SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation. Area 1: Installation of floor screed Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Installation of plasterboards Very important r Important 2 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important 1 Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Installation of coverings Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important 1 Not important r

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 5: Installation of wooden floors Very important r Important 2 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 9: Paper-hanging Very important 1 Important r Significant 1 Not so important r Not important 1 Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: Front walls; external walls finishing; thermical insulations (wallcoat) SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Installation of floor screed 1.1. Preparation of a floor screed site 1 2 1.1.1. Installation of a sand bedding layer or preparation of

a ceiling’s surface 1 2

1.1.2. Carrying out insulation works as needed 2 1 1.1.3. Designation of a screed’s surface level 1 1 1 1.1.4. Seal of insulation layers, openings and cracks 3 1.1.5. Location of wards in doorways 2 1 1.1.6. Mechanical preparation of a mortar and concrete 2 1 Other: 1.2. Distribution of a concrete mix 2 1 1.2.1. Concrete distribution and alignment with use of a

spade, screed or other specialist tools 2 1

1.2.2. Smoothening out screed’s surface 2 1 1.2.3. Screed maintenance 1 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Other: 1.3. Installation of prefabricated screed from

concrete slabs and plasterboards 2 1

1.3.1. Designation of a screed’s level 2 1 1.3.2. Arrangement of ready prefabricated slabs in rows in

parallel to a wall with maintenance of staggered joints in neighbouring rows

2 1

1.3.3. Leaving a settlement joint between a screed and vertical elements of a building

2 1

1.3.4. Fill of welds between slabs with a mortar dependent on a slab’s type

1 2

1.3.5. Alignment of contacts’ surface 1 2 Other: 1.4. Installation of a screed from self-levelling

mortar 2 1

1.4.1. Preparation of the anhydrite mortar strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions

2 1

1.4.2. Pouring a self-levelling compound on prepared base till mortar's level reaches determined height

2 1

1.4.3. Protection of a prepared screed for 48 hours against draughts, high (above 25°C) and low (below 5°C) temperature till complete dry

1 2

Other: Area 2: Installation of plasterboards 2.1. Recognition of materials applied in drywall

partition systems 1 2

2.1.1. Recognition of plasterboards for a drywall system 1 2 2.1.2. Recognition of gypsum fibre boards for a drywall

system 1 1 1

2.1.3. Recognition of steel sections for a drywall system 1 1 1 2.1.4. Recognition of fitting elements applied in drywall

partition systems 1 2

2.1.5. Recognition of sealing and insulating materials 3 2.1.6. Determination of drywall’s physical, chemical and

mechanical properties 1 1 1

2.1.7. Determination of drywall parameters 1 1 1 2.1.8. Determination of parameters of steel sections applied

in a drywall system 1 1 1

2.1.9. Preparation of a gypsum mortar applied in a drywall system

1 1 1

2.1.10 Recognition of symbols and characteristics of materials applied in a drywall system and application of methods to ensure their quality

2 1

2.1.11 Determination of applications of particular drywall system materials

1 2

2.1.12 Application of principles of occupational health and safety and environmental protection during works with building materials and their efficient use

1 2

Other: 2.2. Installation of partition wall systems 1 2 2.2.1. Preparation of a partition wall assembly stand 2 1 2.2.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to

install walls 3

2.2.3. Transport of materials to install walls 3 2.2.4. Determination of a partition walls' location 3 2.2.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install flat walls 1 1 1 2.2.6. Preparation and cut of boards to install arch walls 2 1 2.2.7. Selection and assembly of sections to install partition

walls 1 2

2.2.8. Mounting boards to sections 1 2 2.2.9. Arrangement of insulation between boards 1 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.2.10 Installation of doorframes 1 2 2.2.11 Installation of sanitary equipment walls 1 1 1 2.2.12 Mounting shelves, walls and pictures to boards 2 1 2.2.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling,

external corners treatment, cleaning boards 1 2

2.2.14 Preparation of a demand for materials to install walls 1 2 2.2.15 Quality assessment of conducted works 3 2.2.16 Application of principles of occupational health and

safety, fire protection and environmental protection 2 1

Other: 2.3. Installation of suspended ceiling systems 1 1 1 2.3.1. Preparation of a ceiling covering assembly stand 1 1 1 2.3.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to

install ceiling coverings 2 1

2.3.3. Transport of suspended ceiling materials 2 1 2.3.4. Designation of a suspended ceilings‘ location 2 1 2.3.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install suspended

ceilings 1 1 1

2.3.6. Selection and assembly of sections to install suspended ceilings

2 1

2.3.7. Mounting boards to sections 2 1 2.3.8. Arrangement of insulation between boards 2 1 2.3.9. Carrying out finishing works such as spackling,

external corners treatment, cleaning boards 1 1 1

2.3.10 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

2 1

Other: 2.4. Installation of wall covering systems 2 1 2.4.1. Preparation of a wall covering assembly stand 2 1 2.4.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to

install wall coverings 2 1

2.4.3. Preparation of a drywall base 1 2 2.4.4. Selection of proper drywall 1 1 1 2.4.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install drywall 1 2 2.4.6. Installation of drywall on masonries (direct) 2 1 2.4.7. Designation of a drywall plane 1 1 1 2.4.8. Designation of a place to mount covering holders on

wall sections 2 1

2.4.9. Selection and assembly of sections to install drywall 2 1 2.4.10 Arrangement of insulation layers 1 1 1 2.4.11 Arrangement of coverings on wall sections 1 1 1 2.4.12 Installation of coverings to hide installations 2 1 2.4.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling,

external corners treatment, cleaning boards 2 1

2.4.14 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

2 1

Other: Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces 3.1. Covering surfaces and other objects 1 1 1 3.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 1 1 1 3.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting workstation

against paint dropping 1 1 1

3.1.3. Pasting of blending tapes on surface parts that do not require painting (edges, doorframes, windows, etc.)

1 1 1

Other: 3.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint

interior and exterior new not painted wooden surfaces

1 1 1

3.2.1. Verification if no oily spots or resin rests are present on a painted surface

1 1 1

3.2.2. Application of a layer of flat colour on the surface 1 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.3. Grinding of the surface with a sanding sheet of medium category of granulation

1 1 1

3.2.4. Application and smoothening of an undercoat mix 1 1 1 3.2.5. Application of a layer of flat colour 1 1 1 Other: 1 3.3. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint

interior and exterior painted wooden surfaces 1 1 1

3.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off or other defects do not appear

1 1 1

3.3.2. Scraping of shivering or cracked paint with use of paint scraper or electric grinder

1 1 1

3.3.3. Application of a layer of flat colour on the sanded surface

1 1 1

3.3.4. Application of an undercoat mix on the sanded surface

1 1 1

3.3.5. Application of a flat colour’s layer on the surface impregnated with an undercoat mix

1 1 1

Other: 3.4. Preparation of the first layer of paint on

previously not painted metal surface 1 1 1

3.4.1. Grinding of the surface to remove rust 1 1 1 3.4.2. Thorough cleaning of the surface to remove oily rests 1 1 1 3.4.3. Application of the antirust priming paint’s layer 1 1 1 3.4.4. Application of the metal priming paint’s layer 1 1 1 Other: 3.5. Preparation of the first layer of old painted

metal surface 1 1 1

3.5.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off, there is no rust or other defects

1 1 1

3.5.2. Grinding of the surface with brushing machines or grinders

1 1 1

3.5.3. Application of metal priming paint on ground surfaces 1 1 1 3.5.4. Application of the joint mix on ground surfaces 1 1 1 3.5.5. Grinding of the undercoat mix surface with a sanding

sheet of medium category of granulation 1 1 1

3.5.6. Application of a priming paint after undercoat mix dries

1 1 1

Other: 3.6. Painting metal and wooden surfaces 1 1 1 3.6.1. Application of the first layer of flat colour 1 1 1 3.6.2. Grinding of the surface with fine sanding sheet 1 1 1 3.6.3. Application of the second layer of flat colour or light

paint 1 1 1

Other: Area 4: Installation of coverings 4.1. Base preparation 1 1 1 4.1.1. Assessment of base’s condition (geometrical features

and surface properties, strength features, humidity content, alkalinity level, condition of base’s cleanness)

2 1

4.1.2. Base preparation by providing the above-mentioned appropriate features (smoothening, strengthening, drying off, cleaning)

2 1

4.1.3. Cleaning the base, damping it or washing directly before application of a covering

1 1 1

Other: 4.2. Installation of stone coverings 1 2 4.2.1. Preparation of stone elements by carrying out nests,

anchors and connectors 1 1 1

4.2.2. Cleaning and damping of the surface of side and back covering boards

1 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.3. Arrangement of the first row of elements located at the lowest level on fixed base, set according to stretched and levelled rope, or pasting them

1 1 1

4.2.4. Set-back of arbores or other anchoring elements 1 2 4.2.5. Mounting elements after previous verification of the

correctness of their setting 3

4.2.6. Fill of space between back surface of a covering and the base

1 2

4.2.7. Arrangement of inserts to provide equal thickness of joints

1 2

4.2.8. Grouting coverings 1 2 4.2.9. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of

elements 1 1 1

Other: 4.3. Installation of wood coverings 2 1 4.3.1. Preparation of a slatted undercoat or a grate made of

pegs, blocks, slats or battens embedded in the base in a small distance from a wall to enable air circulation between a covering and a wall

2 1

4.3.2. Mounting slats, planks or boards to the undercoat with nails or screws

2 1

4.3.3. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of mounted elements

2 1

Other: 4.4. Installation of coverings from boards, slats and

polymer spatial elements 2 1

4.4.1. Mechanical fixing of mounting battens to the base 2 1 4.4.2. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of

mounted base 1 1 1

4.4.3. Installation with screws of the slats and boards that should have openings relatively bigger than screw's diameter in order to provide easy movement of elements resulting from thermal expansion

2 1

4.4.4. Installation of edge bandings 2 1 Other: Area 5: Installation of wooden floors 5.1. Arrangement of floors from mosaic boards 2 1 5.1.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 2 1 5.1.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding

irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)

2 1

5.1.3. Designation of a ruled line along which the first row of boards is to be pasted

2 1

5.1.4. Application of a strip of dispersion adhesive by a putty knife with tooth

2 1

5.1.5. Adhesion of a row of boards at the wall opposite to main door

1 1 1

5.1.6. Verification of the correctness of arranging the first row, on which the easiness of arranging subsequent rows depends

2 1

5.1.7. Adhesion of subsequent rows with simultaneous thorough clamp of boards. Verification if corners of particular boards reach exactly the same place

2 1

5.1.8. Finishing of a floor with mopboards or baseboards 1 1 1 5.1.9. Smoothening of a floor by grinding 2 1 5.1.10 Application of a colourless lacquer on floor surface 1 1 1 Other: 5.2. Installation of floors from boards 2 1 5.2.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 2 1 5.2.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding

irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding 2 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion) 5.2.3. Application of an adhesive with a putty knife with

tooth 1 1 1

5.2.4. Adhesion of boards with simultaneous mounting them to previous boards and pushing them to the undercoat

2 1

5.2.5. Finishing a floor by nailing up mopboards, grinding and lacquering

2 1

Other: 5.3. Installation of floors from coniferous wood

boards and glued laminated boards 3

5.3.1. Base preparation as at board floors 3 5.3.2. Arrangement of a polymer sandwich layer 2 1 5.3.3. Arrangement of the first row of boards with distance

of 1-1.5 cm indicated by temporary wedges along the wall

2 1

5.3.4. Verification of the first row’s line 2 1 5.3.5. Arrangement of subsequent rows with simultaneous

pushing them to the previous ones 2 1

5.3.6. Finishing of a floor by nailing up mopboards 2 1 5.3.7. Grinding and lacquering floors made of coniferous

wood boards 2 1

Other: Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings 6.1. Installation of floors from plastic carpets 1 1 1 6.1.1. Seasoning of materials for at least 24 hours in

temperature of rooms in which they will be applied 1 2

6.1.2. Cut of carpets into sections as long as a room with consideration of the rule of perpendicular course of joints to exterior wall with windows

1 1 1

6.1.3. Application of adhesives that valid standards, certificates or instructions and manufacturer’s guidelines recommend to each floor material

1 2

6.1.4. Application of the adhesive’s layer on the undercoat surface with use of a putty knife or swat with tooth

1 2

6.1.5. Welding of sheet joints, adhesion of mopboards 1 1 1 Other: 6.2. Installation of floors from fitted carpets 1 1 1 6.2.1. Lay-out of a sheet system in a room 2 1 6.2.2. Cut of sheets with a sharp knife along steel ruler

through a pleat of neighbouring sheets 1 1 1

6.2.3. Loose arrangement of sheets, cut of them with use of self-adhesive distance piece or adhesive

1 1 1

6.2.4. Installation of a baseboard or fixing of mopboards 1 1 1 Other: 6.3. Installation of floors from resin and mineral

compositions 1 1 1

6.3.1. Cooperation with specialised companies acting based on the licence granted by material’s manufacturer

2 1

6.3.2. Mixing components according to the manufacturer’s instruction

1 1 1

6.3.3. Distribution of a putty with use of special putty knife supplied with pull-out distance pins, which thickness is equal to floor’s thickness, or distribution of a putty between arranged guide strips and their alignment

1 1 1

6.3.4. Sprinkling with sand to make surface abrasive 1 1 1 Other: Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying 7.1. Removal of existing tiles from floors and walls 2 1 7.1.1. Preparation of materials and devices (tools, goggles,

filler, sanding sheet, hammer, etc.) 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

7.1.2. Putting on protective gloves and goggles 2 1 7.1.3. Protection of a floor against rubble falling down 1 2 7.1.4. Removal of tiles with use of a hammer and a chisel 3 7.1.5. Sweeping left dust and rubble 1 2 7.1.6. Repair of cracks and spalls with use of a filler 2 1 7.1.7. Grinding of the rest of adhesive mortar till obtaining

smooth surface, with use of a mask and at simultaneous room airing

1 2

Other: 7.2. Planning and preparation to lay tiles 1 2 7.2.1. Preparation and verification of tiles (type,

dimensions, quality), materials (mortar/concrete or adhesive mortar) and equipment (cross distancers, chalk, tile cutter, mortar swap, wet sponge, clean cloth, etc.)

1 1 1

7.2.2. Inspection of tile base 1 1 1 7.2.3. Verification if walls are perpendicular 1 1 1 7.2.4. Verification of surface’s thickness and level 1 1 1 7.2.5. Installation of relevant measurements, application of

equipment and smoothening to ensure that tiles are laid properly

1 2

7.2.6. Planning tile layout, drawing lines and points on surfaces

1 1 1

7.2.7. Initial establishment of tile layout on dry floor according to the design

1 2

7.2.8. Verification of a pattern and the necessity of cutting tiles so that they match the design in a given area

1 1 1

7.2.9. Cut of tiles with use of relevant cutting devices 1 2 Other: 7.3. Laying tiles on a mortar 2 1 7.3.1. Preparation of clean and wet surface 2 1 7.3.2. Distribution and smoothening of a mortar layer 1 1 1 7.3.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 3 7.3.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the same

distances between tiles 1 1 1

7.3.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

2 1

Other: 7.4. Laying floor tiles with use of an adhesive 3 7.4.1. Cleaning of the surface 3 7.4.2. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty

knife with tooth 1 2

7.4.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 3 7.4.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the same

distances between tiles 1 1 1

7.4.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

2 1

7.4.6. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile

2 1

Other: 7.5. Laying wall tiles with use of a mortar 2 1 7.5.1. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the wall as

needed 2 1

7.5.2. Distribution and smoothening of the insulation layer on the wall, also on a tile if necessary

1 1 1

7.5.3. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

2 1

7.5.4. Wiping of excessive mortar 3 Other: 7.6. Laying wall tiles with use of an adhesive 1 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

7.6.1. Cleaning of the surface 1 2 7.6.2. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the wall as

needed 1 1 1

7.6.3. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty knife with tooth

1 2

7.6.4. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

1 1 1

7.6.5. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile

1 1 1

Other: 7.7. Joint insulation 2 1 7.7.1. Preparation of jointing materials 3 7.7.2. Distribution of a joint mortar on tiles’ surface with

use of a rubber putty knife, checking if all joints between tiles are filled out


7.7.3. Removal of excessive joint mortar with a sponge before it runs dry


7.7.4. Leaving joints to dry 1 1 1 7.7.5. Wiping with a cloth 1 2 Other: Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls 8.1. Coverage of surfaces and protection of objects

against paint dropping 1 1 1

8.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 1 1 1 8.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting against paint

drips 1 1 1

8.1.3. Pasting blending tapes on elements not requiring painting

1 1 1

Other: 8.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint for

surfaces not painted before 1 1 1

8.2.1. Verification if surface is clean and dry 1 1 1 8.2.2. Selection of a priming paint (solvent or acrylic)

according to painting plans 1 1 1

8.2.3. Dilution of a priming paint according to the manufacturer’s instruction

1 1 1

8.2.4. Distribution of a priming paint and leaving it to dry 1 1 1 Other: 8.3. Preparation of the first layer of distemper for

surfaces painted before 1 1 1

8.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off and no other defects are present

1 1 1

8.3.2. Scraping of cracked and shivering paint with use of paint scraper

1 1 1

8.3.3. Dusting and cleaning of walls to provide good adherence

1 1 1

8.3.4. Fill of defects or joints in the wall and insulation of cracks

1 1 1

Other: 8.4. Painting surfaces with use of distemper 1 1 1 8.4.1. Thinning a distemper with water, according to the

manufacturer’s instruction and with consideration of surface absorptiveness

1 1 1

8.4.2. Application of the first layer of distemper 1 1 1 8.4.3. Application of a distemper with short brush strokes

towards a not painted surface 1 1 1

8.4.4. Repeated application of a distemper towards the already painted surface to smooth the surface

1 1 1

Other: 8.5. Painting with use of a sponge roll 1 1 1

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8.5.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or contrast colour

1 1 1

8.5.2. Pouring of paint to a container and painting of the surface with use of a sponge roll

1 1 1

Other: 8.6. Painting with the semi-permanent colour

method 1 1 1

8.6.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or contrast colour

1 1 1

8.6.2. Application of a semi-permanent colour in various directions with use of a brush, sponge roll, etc.

1 1 1

Other: 8.7. Painting with the template pattern method 1 1 1 8.7.1. Determination of a pattern’s location 2 1 8.7.2. Planning of a pattern’s distribution 1 2 8.7.3. Preparation of a template, transfer of a pattern to a

template and cut-out of a pattern 1 1 1

8.7.4. Application of a template on the wall 1 1 1 8.7.5. Fill of pattern gaps with use of a round brush 1 1 1 Other: 8.8. Painting with the spray paint method 1 1 1 8.8.1. Determination of a surface to apply the product 1 1 1 8.8.2. Coverage and protection of the surface to be painted 1 1 1 8.8.3. Application of paint’s layer on the surface 1 1 1 8.8.4. Determination of the amount of spray paint

necessary to cover the wall 1 1 1

8.8.5. Thinning of paint with water observing the manufacturer’s instruction

1 1 1

8.8.6. Application of a spray painting with use of a sprayer keeping fixed distance from the wall of approx. 25-30 cm

1 1 1

Other: Area 9: Paper-hanging 9.1. Protection of the works’ site 2 1 9.1.1. Protection of the floor with use of a foil and self-

adhesive tape 1 1 1

9.1.2. Measurement and indication on the wall of a paper-hanging surface line

1 1 1

9.1.3. Separation of painted surface and surface to hang wallpapers

1 1 1

Other: 9.2. Base preparation 1 1 1 9.2.1. Assessment of base’s technical condition through

observation and wiping it with hand 2 1

9.2.2. Cleaning of dirt from surface to hang wallpapers with a brush or cotton cloth

1 1 1

Other: 9.3. Base grounding 1 1 1 9.3.1. Preparation of a grounding solution by dosing water

and adhesive according to the manufacturer’s instruction

1 1 1

9.3.2. Wall grounding 1 1 1 Other: 9.4. Pasting wallpaper strips 2 1 9.4.1. Preparation of an adhesive according to the

manufacturer's instruction 2 1

9.4.2. Measurement and cut-out of wallpaper strips with an allowance

2 1

9.4.3. Paste of strips by equal distribution of a thin layer of adhesive with use of a brush and leaving it to absorb adhesive

1 1 1

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9.4.4. Indication of a vertical line on the wall to apply the first strip of wallpaper

2 1

9.4.5. Paste of the first wallpaper strip 1 1 1 9.4.6. Inspection of pasted first strip 2 1 9.4.7. Paste of another strips, while simultaneously

inspecting and removing defects and irregularities on a current basis

1 1 1

Other: 9.5. Finishing of a decorated surface 2 1 9.5.1. Removal of a masking tape 1 1 1 9.5.2. Paste of a horizontal decorative strip 1 1 1 9.5.3. Verification if a strip is straight 2 1 Other: Other competences, please define: Preparation and perception of risks (4 – Important) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills 2 1

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1 2

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change

2 1

Other: Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 1 1 1 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 2 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be

based 2 1

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 2 1 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 1 1 1 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2 1 2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 2 1 Other: Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team 1 1 1 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the

others 2 1

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 1 2 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so 1 1 1

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that a group accomplishes intended aims 3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the

others 1 1 1

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

1 2

Other: Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility 2 1 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment 1 1 1

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

1 1 1

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

2 1

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 1 1 1 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 2 1 4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not

discouraged by doubts of the others 1 2

Other: Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance 1 1 1 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension

showing self-control and confidence 1 2

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

1 2

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 3 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 2 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 1 1 1 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 2 1 5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and

aggressively 1 1 1

5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way

2 1


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Occupation: Roofer SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Roofer occupation. Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part Very important 2 Important r Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: For amiantus drainage Area 2: Roofing construction Very important 3 Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage Very important 1 Important r Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Installation of devices to collect renewable energy Very important r Important 1 Significant r Not so important 1 Not important 1 Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: Fire protection; supply and laying of fireproof doors; freezing rooms …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Roofer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very important



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part 1.1. Conducting works related to renovation and

demolition of roofing 3

1.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction roof elements of buildings to be demolished


1.1.2. Conducting roof demolition with use of manual tools and devices


1.1.3. Carrying out works related to demolition or replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1 1

1.1.4. Aggregation of a part that can be used again, part of useless roof construction and demolition waste


1.1.5. Application of the ways of removing dust and fragments, as well as of rubble disposal during roof


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demolition 1.1.6. Application of safe procedures concerning removal of

roofing made of materials containing asbestos 3

Other: Area 2: Roofing construction 2.1. Roofing insulation construction 2 1 2.1.1. Carrying out undercoats for various roofing 3 2.1.2. Roof and flat roof insulation construction (roof felt,

roofing membrane) 3

2.1.3. Distribution and fastening of battens 3 2.1.4. Roofing forms construction 2 1 2.1.5. Inspection of the correctness of carrying out roofing

undercoat 3

2.2. Construction of roofing in various structures and shapes

2 1

2.2.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting roof works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction


2.2.2. Preparation of drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

2 1

2.2.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction

2 1

2.2.4. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and equipment for roofing construction

2 1

2.2.5. Setting various roofing types (tile, plain sheet metal, steel roofing tile, shingle and others)

2 1

2.2.6. Preparation of irregular sheet metal to construct irregular roof slope roofing

2 1

2.2.7. Construction of irregular roof slope roofing 1 1 1 2.2.8. Construction of roofing from slate and other untypical

materials 1 2

2.2.9. Fitting roof windows, skylights and exits 1 2 2.2.10 Quality assessment of roofing’s workmanship 3 Other: Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage 3.1. Preparation of drawings concerning roof work

and elements of roof slope drainage 1 1 1

3.1.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting works, standards and instructions concerning roof work and roof slope drainage

2 1

3.1.2. Preparation of drawings and drafts concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage

1 1 1

3.1.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculation of costs of their carrying out

1 1 1

3.1.4. Application of software supporting roof tasks performance

1 1 1

3.1.5. Carrying out works related to preparation of a sheet metal to process it

2 1

3.1.6. Carrying out and installing roof works 2 1 3.1.7. Mounting roof works to specific building components 2 1 Other: 3.2. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and

devices to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage

2 1

3.2.1. Differentiation and selection of elements of roof slope drainage systems

1 1 1

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3.2.2. Selection of materials to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1 1

3.2.3. Preparation of materials to construct roofing undercoats

2 1

3.2.4. Selection of roof windows, skylights and exits 2 1 3.2.5. Use of roof work devices and tools according to

operating rules 3

Other: 3.3. Installation of roof slope drainage elements 1 1 1 3.3.1. Performance of a quantity survey related to

construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, preparation of works clearance

1 1 1

3.3.2. Fitting elements of roof slope drainage 1 1 1 3.3.3. Fitting gutters, rainwater pipes and roof drains 1 1 1 3.3.4. Quality assessment of the workmanship of roof work

and roof slope drainage 1 1 1

Other: Area 4: Assembly and installation of devices to collect renewable energy 4.1. Assembly of devices to collect solar energy 2 1 4.1.1. Reading assembly instructions concerning devices to

collect solar energy 2 1

4.1.2. Assembly of flat plate collectors according to the assembly instruction

1 1 1

4.1.3. Assembly of solar vacuum collectors according to the assembly instruction

2 1

Other: 4.2. Installation of devices to collect solar energy 2 1 4.2.1. Preparation of the structure for devices to collect solar

energy 2 1

4.2.2. Installation of solar collectors with the ”over the tile” method – on supports

1 1 1

4.2.3. Installation of solar collectors with the "in the roof” method – integrated installation in furniture

2 1

4.2.4. Installation of solar collectors under various angles in relation to roof pitch

2 1

4.2.5. Carrying out thermal insulation of solar collectors 2 1 4.2.6. Carrying out roof work of installed solar collectors 1 1 1 4.2.7. Provision of the maintenance access to devices

collecting solar energy 2 1

Other: Other competences, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Roofer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important”

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If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very important



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills 3

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1 2

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change

1 1 1

Other: Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 2 1 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 2 1 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be

based 2 1

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 2 1 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 1 2 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2 1 2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 2 1 Other: Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team 2 1 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the

others 2 1

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 2 1 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others,

so that a group accomplishes intended aims 2 1

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

2 1

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

2 1

Other: Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility 2 1 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment 2 1

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

2 1

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

2 1

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 1 2 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 2 1 4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not

discouraged by doubts of the others 3

Other: Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance 1 1 1 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension

showing self-control and confidence 3

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

2 1

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 2 1 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 1 1 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 2 1 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 2 1

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5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively

2 1

5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way

1 2

Other: Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation. Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Laying building foundations Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures Very important r Important 2 Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 7: Installation of a roof load-bearing structure Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 8: Roofing construction Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 9: Plastering interior and exterior walls Very important r Important 2 Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 10: Fence construction Very important 1 Important r Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation and determine their significance for your company in

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very




Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site 1.1. Organisation and preparation of the construction

site 1 1 1

1.1.1. Inspection of the construction site and verification of the course of underground installations

1 1 1

1.1.2. Determination of the construction site bounds 1 1 1 1.1.3. Fencing and signage of the construction site 2 1 1.1.4. Construction of internal roads on the construction site 2 1 1.1.5. Organisation of the administrative and social facility 1 1 1 1.1.6. Supplying the construction site with water and

electricity 1 2

1.1.7. Organisation of production stations and warehouses 1 1 1 Other: 1.2. Workplace protection 2 1 1.2.1. Identification of dangers, assessment and control of

risk, i.e. Noise, electric safety, road traffic, working at heights, objects falling down, use of electricity and devices, application of hazardous substances (including asbestos)

2 1

1.2.2. Workplace organisation in accordance with occupational health and safety principles, prevention and application of principles of fire protection, environmental protection and giving first aid

2 1

1.2.3. Establishment of procedures in case of accident 2 1 Other: 1.3. Installation and de-installation of scaffolds for

construction works 1 2

1.3.1. Verification of technical requirements 2 1 1.3.2. Selection of a scaffold which type corresponds with

conducted works 1 1 1

1.3.3. Establishment if proper materials to construct a scaffold have been selected

1 1 1

1.3.4. Installation of the first level of scaffolds 2 1 1.3.5. Elevation and mounting of scaffold elements 1 1 1 1.3.6. Arrangement of boards on horizontal trusses creating

a platform 3

1.3.7. Installation of metal scaffold from systemic elements 2 1 1.3.8. Verification of the correctness of scaffolds’ installation 2 1 1.3.9. Protection of scaffolds according to principles of

occupational health and safety 1 1 1

1.3.10 De-installation of scaffolds after completion of works 2 1 Other: Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part 2.1. Carrying out demolition works with use of

manual devices 2 1

2.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction elements of buildings to be demolished

1 2

2.1.2. Implementation of demolition with use of manual pneumatic hammers, oxy-acetylene blowpipe and

1 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

other manual devices 2.1.3. Disconnection of the building from water and sewage

system, gas system and electric system 1 1 1

2.1.4. Disassembly of systems 2 1 2.1.5. Commencement of a demolition from the roof, then

next stories, ending at the ground level 1 2

2.1.6. Grading a demolition of concrete structural elements 2 1 2.1.7. Demolition of floor slabs and ceiling joists, load-

bearing and non-load-bearing walls 1 2

Other: Area 3: Laying building foundations 3.1. Preparation of the construction site for

foundations 1 2

3.1.1. Verification of the conformity of actual type and condition of the ground with the one adopted in the design

2 1

3.1.2. Verification of the foundation level 2 1 3.1.3. Determination of the foundation course 1 1 1 3.1.4. Location of pillars and bench marks 1 1 1 Other: 3.2. Laying foundations 2 1 3.2.1. Laying levelling courses 3 3.2.2. Setting and control of forms 2 1 3.2.3. Arrangement of reinforcement in ferroconcrete

foundations 1 2

3.2.4. Arrangement of concrete mix in forms 1 2 3.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 1 1 1 Other: 3.3. Carrying out insulation works 2 1 3.3.1. Arrangement of insulation on concrete or brick

external surfaces 1 2

3.3.2. Arrangement of internal insulation 1 2 Other: Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures 4.1. Determination and preparation of a base to

construct walls and ferroconcrete structures 1 2

4.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

2 1

4.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

1 1 1

4.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 2 1 4.1.4. Protection of the construction site 3 Other: 4.2. Construction of walls and other elements

(pillars, joists, slabs, stairs) with use of forms 1 1 1

4.2.1. Preparation of forms (casing boards or formwork system)

1 2

4.2.2. Arrangement of reinforcement 1 2 4.2.3. Arrangement of a concrete mix in forms with use of

concrete pump 1 2

4.2.4. Condensation of a concrete mix with use of vibrators 2 1 4.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 1 1 1 4.2.6. De-installation of forms 2 1 4.2.7. Verification of keeping vertical and horizontal lines at

various stages of works 1 2

Other: 4.3. Construction of walls and structures from

prefabricated ferroconcrete elements 2 1

4.3.1. Establishment of installation stages 1 1 1 4.3.2. Determination of the area where prefabricated 1 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

elements are elevated 4.3.3. Installation and removal of temporary reinforcement

and support systems 1 2

4.3.4. Location of concrete elements in a place of their integration

2 1

4.3.5. Verification of results of load effect on the existing structure during installation of concrete elements in a destination


Other: 4.4. Construction of reinforced ceilings, stairs and

lintels 1 1 1

4.4.1. Construction of forms for ceilings, stairs and lintels 1 1 1 4.4.2. Installation of a formwork system 2 1 4.4.3. Construction of flat lintels 1 1 1 4.4.4. Roof construction 2 1 4.4.5. Installation of ready lintels in type of L and U 1 1 1 4.4.6. Laying screeds 1 1 1 4.4.7. Preparation of reinforcements according to the design 1 1 1 4.4.8. Arrangement of reinforcements in forms 1 1 1 4.4.9. Construction of walls with reinforcement 1 1 1 Other: 4.5. Construction of chimneys, walls with flues and

air-conditioning systems 1 1 1

4.5.1. Construction of a free-standing chimney from bricks, hollow bricks and concrete blocks

1 1 1

4.5.2. Construction of walls of flue drafts and ducts 2 1 4.5.3. Construction of ducts from ready elements 1 1 1 Other: Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements 5.1. Determination and preparation of a site to

construct brick walls 3

5.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

2 1

5.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

2 1

5.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 1 1 1 5.1.4. Protection of the construction site 2 1 Other: 5.2. Manual and mechanical preparation of a mortar 1 2 5.2.1. Selection of materials needed to prepare a mortar 1 2 5.2.2. Batching weight, volumetric or volumetric-weight

components of a mortar 1 2

5.2.3. Mixing a mortar according to current recipe 3 5.2.4. Verification of a mortar’s consistency 1 2 5.2.5. Application of a mortar according to its purpose 1 2 Other: 5.3. Construction of load-bearing and partition walls 1 1 1 5.3.1. Distribution of the first layer of mortar and its next

layers 2 1

5.3.2. Construction of walls from bricks, hollow bricks and blocks

2 1

5.3.3. Construction of standard and cross connections 1 2 5.3.4. Construction of brick connections in walls that cross at

a right angle 1 2

5.3.5. Laying bricks in multi-layered walls according to principles of connection

1 2

5.3.6. Connection of bricks at construction of pillars and columns

1 2

5.3.7. Connection of partition walls with load-bearing walls 1 2 5.3.8. Cut and formation of a brick with use of various tools 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

and machinery 5.3.9. Construction of arches and decorative elements from

bricks 2 1

5.3.10 Removal of excessive mortar, control of vertical and horizontal lines

1 1 1

5.3.11 Installation of doorframes and window frames 1 2 5.3.12 Assessment of the correctness of bricks’ connections in

the wall 1 2

Other: Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces 6.1. Application of insulation materials (damp-proof,

thermal, acoustic) 2 1

6.1.1. Application of insulation coating and roll materials 1 1 1 6.1.2. Application of a polystyrene and insulation from

granulated materials to insulate walls 1 2

6.1.3. Application of concrete block systems with an insert of insulating foam

1 1 1

6.1.4. Mounting insulation to ceiling walls 1 2 Other: Area 7: Installation of a roof load-bearing structure 7.1. Installation of a roof load-bearing structure 2 1 7.1.1. Application of insulation layers in the place of

supporting the roof structure 1 2

7.1.2. Establishment of installation stages 1 1 1 7.1.3. Determination of the area where elements are

elevated 2 1

7.1.4. Installation and removal of temporary reinforcement and support systems

2 1

7.1.5. Control of installation's correctness 1 2 Other: Area 8: Roofing construction 8.1. Roof insulation 1 1 1 8.1.1. Application of insulation layers at the roof level (roof

felt, foil) 1 1 1

8.1.2. Distribution and fastening of battens 2 1 8.1.3. Roofing forms construction 2 1 8.1.4. Inspection of the correctness of carrying out roofing

undercoat 1 1 1

Other: 8.2. Arrangement of various roofing types 1 1 1 8.2.1. Arrangement of various roofing types (tiles, plain

sheet metal, steel roofing tile) 1 1 1

8.2.2. Roof works 1 1 1 8.2.3. Installation of roof windows 2 1 8.2.4. Installation of gutters and rainwater pipes 1 2 Other: Area 9: Plastering interior and exterior walls 9.1. Base preparation 1 2 9.1.1. Cleaning walls and ceilings of salient mortar lumps 2 1 9.1.2. Drying the surface of gypsum and gypsum concrete

bases 2 1

9.1.3. Preparation of equal but rough concrete base through scratching with a chisel

2 1

9.1.4. Mounting a screed increasing the adhesion to bases (beet batt, nets, Finnish shingle)

2 1

9.1.5. Mounting a steel net to metal base and protecting it against rust if plasters are installed

1 1 1

9.1.6. Directly before plastering – cleaning the base of dust, soot, rust, oily substance and damping the base

2 1

9.1.7. Mounting screeds designating the surface of a face of plaster

1 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Other: 9.2. Installation of traditional plasters 2 1 9.2.1. Application of the first layer (rendering) of a very

runny mortar 4-5 mm thick to increase plaster’s adhesion


9.2.2. Application of the second layer of mortar (coating) after slight hardening of rendering and damping it with water

2 1

9.2.3. Alignment and smoothening of a mortar 3 9.2.4. Verification of the vertical and horizontal line of all

angles 3

9.2.5. Application of the third thin and runny layer of a mortar (sliding surface) 1-3 mm thick

1 2

9.2.6. Thorough swabbing of a sliding surface with a swat 2 1 Other: 9.3. Installation of plasters 1 2 9.3.1. Damping base’s surface 2 1 9.3.2. Application of a plaster with use of a swat 2 1 9.3.3. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or grinder 1 2 9.3.4. Application of subsequent layers 1 2 9.3.5. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or grinder 1 2 Other: 9.4. Installation of external plasters from a

plastering mix on bases made of rock wool and styrofoam

1 1 1

9.4.1. Mounting boards with use of adhesive spots applied on boards

2 1

9.4.2. Drilling in a wall of anchor openings 2 1 9.4.3. Mounting boards with anchors with specially flat heads 2 1 9.4.4. Alignment of a styrofoam’s surface with special tools

(grates) 2 1

9.4.5. Application of adhesive layers 2 1 9.4.6. Blending a polymer net in adhesive's layer 1 1 1 9.4.7. Strengthening corners with angles with a net 1 1 1 9.4.8. Application of subsequent layers of adhesive 1 1 1 9.4.9. Surface grounding 1 1 1 9.4.10 Application of a plaster with use of a swat 1 1 1 9.4.11 Finishing of a plaster with use of a swat 1 2 Other: Area 10: Fence construction 10.1. Preparation of a site to construct a fence 1 2 10.1.1 Determination of a fence’s location 2 1 10.1.2 Collection of information if electric cables, water and

sewage pipes do not run close 2 1

10.1.3 Performance of a measurement and indication of a fence’s line, as well as signage of pillar’s location

2 1

10.1.4 Conducting excavations 1 2 10.1.5 Storage or transport of output to a proper place 3 Other: 10.2. Construction of concrete/brick fences 2 1 10.2.1 Establishment of a sequence of works 2 1 10.2.2 Determination of the depth of foundations (base) with

consideration of ground conditions 2 1

10.2.3 Base construction 2 1 10.2.4 Alignment, set-back of pillars in concrete base 2 1 10.2.5 Construction of concrete and brick walls 2 1 Other: Other competences, please define: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very




Not so impor-tant

Not import-

ant 5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills 2 1

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

2 1

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change

2 1

Other: Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions 2 1 2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 2 2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be

based 1 2

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 1 2 2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 1 2 2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 1 2 2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 1 2 Other: Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team 2 1 3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the

others 3

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 3 3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so

that a group accomplishes intended aims 2 1

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

2 1

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

2 1

Other: Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility 2 1 4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in

accordance with changes in the environment 1 2

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques

2 1

4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

2 1

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 2 1 4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 2 1 4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not

discouraged by doubts of the others 1 1 1

Other: Area 5: Balance

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.1. Emotional balance 2 1 5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension

showing self-control and confidence 1 2

5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation

2 1

5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 2 1 5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 2 5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 1 2 5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 2 1 5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and

aggressively 1 1 1

5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way

1 1 1

Other: Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Occupation: Roofer 712101 Qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum10 Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according to the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include: − learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social


− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms. Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area. Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – BHP – occupational health and safety, – PDG – starting up and conducting business activity, – JOZ – professionally-oriented foreign language, – KPS – personal and social competences, – OMZ – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician). Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation PKZ, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education,

10 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

− lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular PKZ within the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number. DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Read the list of learning outcomes for the Roofer 712101 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety 1 1 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

1 1

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection


1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety


1.1.4. Foresees risks for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

1 1

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

1 1

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

1 1

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection


1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened

1 1

Other 1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business

activity 2

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

economy operation 1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions

concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights


1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them


1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector


1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector

1 1

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity


1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity


Other 1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign

language 2

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks


1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation


1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions


1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

1 1

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language 2 Other 1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences 2 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 2 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 2 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1 1 1.4.4. Is open to changes 2 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 2 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills 2

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 1 1 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 2 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 2 Other 2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 2

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction


2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems


2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

application 2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical

drawings 2

2.6. Conducts drafts 2 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry


2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works

1 1

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works


2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

1 1

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials


2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly


2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 2 Other 3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Roofer occupation – qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work 3.1. Installation and demolition of roofing 2 3.1.1. Distinguishes types and elements of roof

structure 2

3.1.2. Distinguishes roofing types 1 1 3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical

specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction


3.1.4. Prepares drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements


3.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction and demolition

1 1

3.1.6. Selects and prepares materials, tools and equipment to roofing construction and demolition


3.1.7. Installs roofing insulations 2 3.1.8. Installs roofing screeds 2 3.1.9. Installs roofing in various structures and shapes 2 3.1.10 Installs roof windows, exits, skylights and

devices to collect renewable energy 1 1

3.1.11 Carries out works related to repair and demolition of roofing


3.1.12 Assesses quality of roofing’s workmanship 1 1 3.1.13 Conducts quantity survey of works related to

installation of roofing and prepares their clearance


Other: 3.2. Carrying out roof work and roof slope

drainage 1 1

3.2.1. Distinguishes elements of roof slope drainage systems


3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.3. Prepares drawings concerning roof work 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

and elements of roof slope drainage 3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity related to

construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculates costs of their performance

1 1

3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials, tools and devices to carry out and demolish roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1

3.2.6. Carries out and installs roof work elements 2 3.2.7. Installs elements of roof slope drainage 2 3.2.8. Carries out works related to demolition or

replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.9. Assesses quality of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1

3.2.10 Performs a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, prepares clearance of these works


Other: Other, please define: Often roofer is a little (or rarely medium) authonomous enterprise……

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 Qualification B.5. Drywall system installation Qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works Qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works11


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety 1 1 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics


1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection


1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety


1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

1 1

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

1 1

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body


1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection


1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened


11 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Other 1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business

activity 1 1

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation


1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights


1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

1 1

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector


1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector


1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

1 1

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity


Other 1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign

language 2

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks


1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

1 1

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions


1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment


1.3.5. Uses information sources in foreign language 2 Other 1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences 2 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 2 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 2 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1 1 1.4.4. Is open to changes 2 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 1 1 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills 2

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 1 1 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 2 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 2 Other 2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 1 1

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

technologies of their construction 2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building

systems 2

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

1 1

2.6. Conducts drafts 2 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry


2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works

1 1

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works


2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

1 1

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials


2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly


2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 2 Other 3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.5. Drywall system installation 3.1. Installation of partition walls, suspended

ceilings and housing of roof structures in drywall systems


3.1.1. Distinguishes types of interior drywall systems 2 3.1.2. Distinguishes insulation types of partition walls,

suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as observes rules of their performance


3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications of performance and acceptance of works, standards, catalogues and instructions concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

1 1

3.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as calculates its cost

1 1

3.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipment to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.7. Indicates the assembly station of drywall elements


3.1.8. Chooses technologies of drywall element assembly

1 1

3.1.9. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.10 Carries out partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

1 1

3.1.11 Carries out insulation of partition walls, 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system

3.1.12 Recognises types of damages concerning partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and chooses a way to repair them

1 1

3.1.13 Carries out works related to repair of damaged elements of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.14 Assesses quality concerning the workmanship of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.15 Carries out a quantity survey of works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works


Other: 3.2. Installation of wall coverings and solid

flooring in a drywall system 2

3.2.1. Distinguishes types of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

1 1

3.2.2. Distinguishes insulation types of wall coverings and solid flooring applied in a drywall system and defines a way of their installation


3.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring


3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity of works concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and calculates their costs

1 1

3.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipments to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.7. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

1 1

3.2.8. Indicates the assembly station of elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.9. Prepares the base for installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.10 Chooses technologies of assembling elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

1 1

3.2.11 Assemblies elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.12 Recognises types of damages of elements of wall coverings and chooses a way to repair them


3.2.13 Repairs damaged elements of wall coverings 2 3.2.14 Assesses quality of works related to installation

of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.15 Carries out a quantity survey related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works

1 1


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works 4.1. Carrying out painting work 1 1 4.1.1. Distinguishes types of painting materials,

defines their properties and application 2

4.1.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of paint coating


4.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out painting work


4.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning painting work and calculates costs of carrying it out

1 1

4.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paint coatings in a specific technology


4.1.6. Chooses technologies of carrying out painting work


4.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out painting work


4.1.8. Prepares the base from different materials to apply paint coatings


4.1.9. Carries out paint coatings 2 4.1.10 Decorates paint coatings with various methods 1 1 4.1.11 Recognises types of damages of coatings and

chooses a way to repair them 2

4.1.12 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of paint coatings

1 1

4.1.13 Assesses quality of carrying out painting work 2 4.1.14 Carries out a quantity survey of painting work

and prepares their clearance 1 1

Other: 4.2. Carrying out paper-hanging work 1 1 4.2.1. Distinguishes types of wallpapers, defines their

properties and application 1 1

4.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of wallpapers

1 1

4.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out paper-hanging work


4.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning paper-hanging work and calculates costs of its performance

1 1

4.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paper-hanging work

1 1

4.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out paper-hanging work


4.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out paper-hanging work

1 1

4.2.8. Carries out paper-hanging work 1 1 4.2.9. Decorates wallpapers with various methods 2 4.2.10 Recognises types of damages of wallpapers and

defines a way to repair them 1 1

4.2.11 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of wallpapers

1 1

4.2.12 Assesses quality of paper-hanging work 2 4.2.13 Carries out a quantity survey of paper-hanging

work and prepares their clearance 2

Other: 5: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works 5.1. Carrying out floor work 1 1 5.1.1. Distinguishes types of floor materials and

defines their properties 1 1

5.1.2. Defines ways to prepare bases for various types of floor

1 1

5.1.3. Distinguishes types of floor insulations and defines ways of their performance


5.1.4. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out floor work

1 1

5.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning floor work and calculates costs of its performance


5.1.6. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out floor work


5.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out floor work


5.1.8. Prepares bases to carry out floor from various materials


5.1.9. Carries out insulating layers of floors 1 1 5.1.10 Carries out floor screeds 1 1 5.1.11 Installs floors from various materials 1 1 5.1.12 Carries out protections for floor surface 2 5.1.13 Recognises types of damages of floors and

defines a way to repair them 1 1

5.1.14 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of floors


5.1.15 Assesses quality of flooring work 2 5.1.16 Carries out a quantity survey of floor work and

prepares its clearance 1 1

Other: 5.2. Carrying out covering work 2 5.2.1. Distinguishes types of coverings, defines their

properties and application 2

5.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways of their preparation for coverings


5.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out covering work

1 1

5.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning covering work and calculates costs of its performance


5.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out covering work


5.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out covering work


5.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out coverings 2 5.2.8. Installs coverings from various materials 2 5.2.9. Recognises types of damages of coverings and

defines a way to repair them 1 1

5.2.10 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of coverings made from various materials


5.2.11 Assesses quality of covering work 2 5.2.12 Carries out a quantity survey of covering work

and prepares its clearance 2

Other: Other, please define:

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Often fitter/finisher is an authonomous craftsman or little enterprise ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 Qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works12


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety 1 1 1.1.1. Distinguished ideas related to occupational health

and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

1 1

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection


1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety


1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

1 1

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

1 1

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

1 1

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

1 1

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

1 1

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened


Other: 1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business 2

12 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

activity 1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy

operation 2

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

1 1

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them


1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector


1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakins with various companies from the sector

1 1

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity


1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity


Other: 1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign

language 1 1

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

1 1

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

1 1

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions


1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

1 1

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language 1 1 Other: 1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences 1 1 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 1 1 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 1 1 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 1 1 1.4.4. Is open to changes 1 1 1.4.5. Can deal with stress 2 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional skills 2 1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 1 1 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 2 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 1 1 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 2 Other: 2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building objects 2 2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and

technologies of their construction 2

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

1 1

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings 1 1 2.6. Conducts drafts 1 1 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of documentation

applied in the construction industry 1 1

2.8. Distinguished measuring instruments applied in works

1 1

2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

1 1

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

1 1

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

1 1

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

1 1

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 1 1 Other: 3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation – qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works 3.1. Carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete

mixes 2

3.1.1. Distinguishes types of grouts and mortars, defines their properties and application


3.1.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.3. Chooses contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.4. Conducts a bill of quantity of works related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and calculates costs of their performance

1 1

3.1.5. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.6. Prepares contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.7. Carries out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes in accordance with a recipe


3.1.8. Assesses quality of the workmanship of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes

1 1

3.1.9. Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and prepares clearance of these works


Other: 3.2. Carrying out brick building structures 1 1 3.2.1. Distinguishes types of brick building structures 2 3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications

concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out brick building structures


3.2.3. Recognises types of brick bonds in walls 2 3.2.4. Distinguishes types of building insulations and

defines ways of their performance 2

3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials to carry out brick building structures


3.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out brick building structure


3.2.7. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.8. Indicates location of brick building structure 1 1 3.2.9. Carries out brick walls, ceilings, lintels, roof, pillars,

piers and chimneys 2

3.2.10 Carries out wall pointing and facing 2 3.2.11 Carries out earthwork, insulation works, ancillary

concrete and reinforcement works related to carrying out brick building structures


3.2.12 Assesses quality of carrying out masonry work 1 1 3.2.13 Conducts a quantity survey of works related to

carrying out brick building structures and prepares their clearance

1 1

Other: 3.3. Carrying out plasters 2 3.3.1. Distinguishes types of plasters 2 3.3.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications

concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out plasters


3.3.3. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.5. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out internal and external plasters and calculates costs of their clearance

1 1

3.3.6. Prepares the base to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.7. Carries out internal and external plasters 2 3.3.8. Takes actions related to finishing plastered surfaces

and mounting ventilation grilles and other elements 1 1

3.3.9. Recognises damage types of internal and external plasters and chooses ways of their repair


3.3.10 Repairs internal and external plasters 2 3.3.11 Assesses quality of carrying out plastering work 1 1 3.3.12 Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out

internal and external works and prepares clearance of these works

1 1

Other: 3.4. Carrying out repairs and demolition of brick

building structures 2

3.4.1. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out repair and demolition works of brick building structures


3.4.2. Selects and prepares materials to carry out repair of brick building structures


3.4.3. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance


3.4.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out works related to repair and demolition of brick building structures

1 1

3.4.5. Carries out masonry works related to repair of brick building structures


3.4.6. Carries out demolition works of brick building structures


3.4.7. Assesses quality of repair and demolition works of brick building structures

1 1

3.4.8. Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

structures and prepares their clearance Other: Other, please define: Additional lerning outcome: can trace a simple masonry handmade plan. Actually in Switzerland bricklayer can have different working conditions (as entrepreneur, in a large, medium or small company and also as a single handycrafter) and has to own a minimal federal certificate (AFC)……………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ANEKS 6. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected


WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in

selected occupations

Preliminary research

Data country: Italy − Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region

Partner: EnAIP FVG

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

SURVEY’S PURPOSE This survey’s purpose is comparison of the areas of competences and professional competences and core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations for selected competence profiles (occupations, specialisations or job) in the construction industry, with analogous areas of competences and professional competences in partner countries (Poland, Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of competences and professional competences will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

GLOSSARY Area of competence – includes professional competences essential to correct work performance within main action (according to the MapCom model). Professional competences – identified based on component actions (MapCom model) of the work process. Specific number of professional competences is distinguished for each area of competence. Each professional competence determines correct performance of occupational task associated with it. Skills – ability to correct use of actions leading to complete an occupational task. A set of skills associated with a given task defines at the same time the content of professional competence assigned to this task. In the MapCom model, elementary actions and elementary competences associated with them represent skills. Attributes (metacompetences) – a set of social competences related to responsibility and autonomy of an employee, as well as of key competences essential for correct performance of occupational tasks.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

FEATURES OF THE SWISS SAMPLE During May and first days of June 2013 in Italy have been interviewed 9 key persons with primary roles in building companies, in particular:

• 1 entrepreneur owner of a small building companiy; • 1 head technician in small building companies; • 2 building handicrafters with their own small company

In the same period, 3 key persons have been interviewed, representing the following training providers:

• CEFS – Centro Edile per la Formazione e la Sicurezza • SEB - Scuola Edile Bresciana • Scuola Edile Reggio Emilia


WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected occupations

Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry Qualifications:

4) Painter-Paperhanger

5) Floor Layer

6) Drywall Installer

SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation. Area 1: Installation of floor screed Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Installation of plasterboards Very important r Important 2 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important 1 Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Installation of coverings Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important 1 Not important r

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 5: Installation of wooden floors Very important r Important 2 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 9: Paper-hanging Very important 1 Important r Significant 1 Not so important r Not important 1 Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: Front walls; external walls finishing; thermical insulations (wallcoat) SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Installation of floor screed 1.1. Preparation of a floor screed site 1.1.1. Installation of a sand bedding layer or preparation of

a ceiling’s surface 1 1

1.1.2. Carrying out insulation works as needed 1 1

1.1.3. Designation of a screed’s surface level 1 1

1.1.4. Seal of insulation layers, openings and cracks 1 1

1.1.5. Location of wards in doorways 1 1

1.1.6. Mechanical preparation of a mortar and concrete 1 1


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.2. Distribution of a concrete mix 1.2.1. Concrete distribution and alignment with use of a

spade, screed or other specialist tools 1 1

1.2.2. Smoothening out screed’s surface 1 1

1.2.3. Screed maintenance 1 1


1.3. Installation of prefabricated screed from concrete slabs and plasterboards

1.3.1. Designation of a screed’s level 1 1

1.3.2. Arrangement of ready prefabricated slabs in rows in parallel to a wall with maintenance of staggered joints in neighbouring rows


1.3.3. Leaving a settlement joint between a screed and vertical elements of a building

1 1

1.3.4. Fill of welds between slabs with a mortar dependent on a slab’s type

1 1

1.3.5. Alignment of contacts’ surface 2


1.4. Installation of a screed from self-levelling mortar

1.4.1. Preparation of the anhydrite mortar strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions

1 1

1.4.2. Pouring a self-levelling compound on prepared base till mortar's level reaches determined height

1 1

1.4.3. Protection of a prepared screed for 48 hours against draughts, high (above 25°C) and low (below 5°C) temperature till complete dry


Other: Area 2: Installation of plasterboards 2.1. Recognition of materials applied in drywall

partition systems

2.1.1. Recognition of plasterboards for a drywall system 2

2.1.2. Recognition of gypsum fibre boards for a drywall system

1 1

2.1.3. Recognition of steel sections for a drywall system 2

2.1.4. Recognition of fitting elements applied in drywall partition systems

1 1

2.1.5. Recognition of sealing and insulating materials 1 1

2.1.6. Determination of drywall’s physical, chemical and mechanical properties


2.1.7. Determination of drywall parameters 2

2.1.8. Determination of parameters of steel sections applied in a drywall system


2.1.9. Preparation of a gypsum mortar applied in a drywall system


2.1.10 Recognition of symbols and characteristics of materials applied in a drywall system and application of methods to ensure their quality


2.1.11 Determination of applications of particular drywall system materials

2 1

2.1.12 Application of principles of occupational health and safety and environmental protection during works

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

with building materials and their efficient use Other: 2.2. Installation of partition wall systems 2.2.1. Preparation of a partition wall assembly stand 2

2.2.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to install walls


2.2.3. Transport of materials to install walls 2

2.2.4. Determination of a partition walls' location 1 1

2.2.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install flat walls 1 1

2.2.6. Preparation and cut of boards to install arch walls 1 1

2.2.7. Selection and assembly of sections to install partition walls

1 1

2.2.8. Mounting boards to sections 1 1

2.2.9. Arrangement of insulation between boards 1 1

2.2.10 Installation of doorframes 1 1

2.2.11 Installation of sanitary equipment walls 1 1

2.2.12 Mounting shelves, walls and pictures to boards 2

2.2.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling, external corners treatment, cleaning boards


2.2.14 Preparation of a demand for materials to install walls 2

2.2.15 Quality assessment of conducted works 2

2.2.16 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


Other: 2.3. Installation of suspended ceiling systems 2.3.1. Preparation of a ceiling covering assembly stand 1 1

2.3.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to install ceiling coverings


2.3.3. Transport of suspended ceiling materials 2

2.3.4. Designation of a suspended ceilings‘ location 1 1

2.3.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install suspended ceilings

1 1

2.3.6. Selection and assembly of sections to install suspended ceilings

1 1

2.3.7. Mounting boards to sections 1 1

2.3.8. Arrangement of insulation between boards 1 1

2.3.9. Carrying out finishing works such as spackling, external corners treatment, cleaning boards

1 1

2.3.10 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


Other: 2.4. Installation of wall covering systems 2.4.1. Preparation of a wall covering assembly stand 1 1

2.4.2. Preparation of a storage location for materials to install wall coverings


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.4.3. Preparation of a drywall base 2

2.4.4. Selection of proper drywall 2

2.4.5. Preparation and cut of boards to install drywall 1 1

2.4.6. Installation of drywall on masonries (direct) 1 1

2.4.7. Designation of a drywall plane 1 1

2.4.8. Designation of a place to mount covering holders on wall sections


2.4.9. Selection and assembly of sections to install drywall 2

2.4.10 Arrangement of insulation layers 1 1

2.4.11 Arrangement of coverings on wall sections 2

2.4.12 Installation of coverings to hide installations 2

2.4.13 Carrying out finishing works such as spackling, external corners treatment, cleaning boards

1 1

2.4.14 Application of principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


Other: Area 3: Painting wooden and metal elements and surfaces 3.1. Covering surfaces and other objects 3.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 2

3.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting workstation against paint dropping


3.1.3. Pasting of blending tapes on surface parts that do not require painting (edges, doorframes, windows, etc.)


Other: 3.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint

interior and exterior new not painted wooden surfaces

3.2.1. Verification if no oily spots or resin rests are present on a painted surface


3.2.2. Application of a layer of flat colour on the surface 2

3.2.3. Grinding of the surface with a sanding sheet of medium category of granulation


3.2.4. Application and smoothening of an undercoat mix 2

3.2.5. Application of a layer of flat colour 2


3.3. Preparation of the first layer of paint to paint interior and exterior painted wooden surfaces

3.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off or other defects do not appear



3.3.2. Scraping of shivering or cracked paint with use of paint scraper or electric grinder

1 1

3.3.3. Application of a layer of flat colour on the sanded surface

1 1

3.3.4. Application of an undercoat mix on the sanded surface


3.3.5. Application of a flat colour’s layer on the surface impregnated with an undercoat mix

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


3.4. Preparation of the first layer of paint on previously not painted metal surface

3.4.1. Grinding of the surface to remove rust 1 1

3.4.2. Thorough cleaning of the surface to remove oily rests 1 1

3.4.3. Application of the antirust priming paint’s layer 2

3.4.4. Application of the metal priming paint’s layer 2


3.5. Preparation of the first layer of old painted metal surface

3.5.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off, there is no rust or other defects

1 1

3.5.2. Grinding of the surface with brushing machines or grinders


3.5.3. Application of metal priming paint on ground surfaces 2

3.5.4. Application of the joint mix on ground surfaces 2

3.5.5. Grinding of the undercoat mix surface with a sanding sheet of medium category of granulation

1 1

3.5.6. Application of a priming paint after undercoat mix dries

1 1


3.6. Painting metal and wooden surfaces

3.6.1. Application of the first layer of flat colour 1 1

3.6.2. Grinding of the surface with fine sanding sheet 1 1

3.6.3. Application of the second layer of flat colour or light paint

1 1


Area 4: Installation of coverings 4.1. Base preparation

4.1.1. Assessment of base’s condition (geometrical features and surface properties, strength features, humidity content, alkalinity level, condition of base’s cleanness)

1 1

4.1.2. Base preparation by providing the above-mentioned appropriate features (smoothening, strengthening, drying off, cleaning)


4.1.3. Cleaning the base, damping it or washing directly before application of a covering



4.2. Installation of stone coverings

4.2.1. Preparation of stone elements by carrying out nests, anchors and connectors


4.2.2. Cleaning and damping of the surface of side and back covering boards


4.2.3. Arrangement of the first row of elements located at the lowest level on fixed base, set according to stretched and levelled rope, or pasting them

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.4. Set-back of arbores or other anchoring elements 2

4.2.5. Mounting elements after previous verification of the correctness of their setting


4.2.6. Fill of space between back surface of a covering and the base

1 1

4.2.7. Arrangement of inserts to provide equal thickness of joints

1 1

4.2.8. Grouting coverings 1 1

4.2.9. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of elements

1 1


4.3. Installation of wood coverings

4.3.1. Preparation of a slatted undercoat or a grate made of pegs, blocks, slats or battens embedded in the base in a small distance from a wall to enable air circulation between a covering and a wall

1 1

4.3.2. Mounting slats, planks or boards to the undercoat with nails or screws

1 1

4.3.3. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of mounted elements

1 1


4.4. Installation of coverings from boards, slats and polymer spatial elements

4.4.1. Mechanical fixing of mounting battens to the base 1 1

4.4.2. Current inspection of a vertical and horizontal level of mounted base


4.4.3. Installation with screws of the slats and boards that should have openings relatively bigger than screw's diameter in order to provide easy movement of elements resulting from thermal expansion

1 1

4.4.4. Installation of edge bandings 1 1


Area 5: Installation of wooden floors 5.1. Arrangement of floors from mosaic boards

5.1.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 1 1

5.1.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)


5.1.3. Designation of a ruled line along which the first row of boards is to be pasted

1 1

5.1.4. Application of a strip of dispersion adhesive by a putty knife with tooth

1 1

5.1.5. Adhesion of a row of boards at the wall opposite to main door

1 1

5.1.6. Verification of the correctness of arranging the first row, on which the easiness of arranging subsequent rows depends


5.1.7. Adhesion of subsequent rows with simultaneous thorough clamp of boards. Verification if corners of particular boards reach exactly the same place

1 1

5.1.8. Finishing of a floor with mopboards or baseboards 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.1.9. Smoothening of a floor by grinding 2

5.1.10 Application of a colourless lacquer on floor surface 1 1


5.2. Installation of floors from boards

5.2.1. Inspection of undercoat’s condition 2

5.2.2. Undercoat preparation (drying off, grinding irregularities, spackling hollows, cleaning, grounding with a diluted glue in 1:5 proportion)


5.2.3. Application of an adhesive with a putty knife with tooth

1 1

5.2.4. Adhesion of boards with simultaneous mounting them to previous boards and pushing them to the undercoat

1 1

5.2.5. Finishing a floor by nailing up mopboards, grinding and lacquering

1 1


5.3. Installation of floors from coniferous wood boards and glued laminated boards

5.3.1. Base preparation as at board floors 2

5.3.2. Arrangement of a polymer sandwich layer 2

5.3.3. Arrangement of the first row of boards with distance of 1-1.5 cm indicated by temporary wedges along the wall

1 1

5.3.4. Verification of the first row’s line 2

5.3.5. Arrangement of subsequent rows with simultaneous pushing them to the previous ones

1 1

5.3.6. Finishing of a floor by nailing up mopboards 1 1

5.3.7. Grinding and lacquering floors made of coniferous wood boards

1 1


Area 6: Installation of polymer floorings 6.1. Installation of floors from plastic carpets

6.1.1. Seasoning of materials for at least 24 hours in temperature of rooms in which they will be applied


6.1.2. Cut of carpets into sections as long as a room with consideration of the rule of perpendicular course of joints to exterior wall with windows


6.1.3. Application of adhesives that valid standards, certificates or instructions and manufacturer’s guidelines recommend to each floor material


6.1.4. Application of the adhesive’s layer on the undercoat surface with use of a putty knife or swat with tooth

1 1

6.1.5. Welding of sheet joints, adhesion of mopboards 1 1


6.2. Installation of floors from fitted carpets

6.2.1. Lay-out of a sheet system in a room 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

6.2.2. Cut of sheets with a sharp knife along steel ruler through a pleat of neighbouring sheets

1 1

6.2.3. Loose arrangement of sheets, cut of them with use of self-adhesive distance piece or adhesive

1 1

6.2.4. Installation of a baseboard or fixing of mopboards 1 1


6.3. Installation of floors from resin and mineral compositions

6.3.1. Cooperation with specialised companies acting based on the licence granted by material’s manufacturer

1 1

6.3.2. Mixing components according to the manufacturer’s instruction


6.3.3. Distribution of a putty with use of special putty knife supplied with pull-out distance pins, which thickness is equal to floor’s thickness, or distribution of a putty between arranged guide strips and their alignment

1 1

6.3.4. Sprinkling with sand to make surface abrasive 1 1


Area 7: Wall and floor tile laying 7.1. Removal of existing tiles from floors and walls

7.1.1. Preparation of materials and devices (tools, goggles, filler, sanding sheet, hammer, etc.)

1 1

7.1.2. Putting on protective gloves and goggles 2

7.1.3. Protection of a floor against rubble falling down 1 1

7.1.4. Removal of tiles with use of a hammer and a chisel 1 1

7.1.5. Sweeping left dust and rubble 1 1

7.1.6. Repair of cracks and spalls with use of a filler 1 1

7.1.7. Grinding of the rest of adhesive mortar till obtaining smooth surface, with use of a mask and at simultaneous room airing

1 1


7.2. Planning and preparation to lay tiles

7.2.1. Preparation and verification of tiles (type, dimensions, quality), materials (mortar/concrete or adhesive mortar) and equipment (cross distancers, chalk, tile cutter, mortar swap, wet sponge, clean cloth, etc.)

1 1

7.2.2. Inspection of tile base 1 1

7.2.3. Verification if walls are perpendicular 2

7.2.4. Verification of surface’s thickness and level 2

7.2.5. Installation of relevant measurements, application of equipment and smoothening to ensure that tiles are laid properly


7.2.6. Planning tile layout, drawing lines and points on surfaces


7.2.7. Initial establishment of tile layout on dry floor according to the design


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

7.2.8. Verification of a pattern and the necessity of cutting tiles so that they match the design in a given area

1 1

7.2.9. Cut of tiles with use of relevant cutting devices 1 1


7.3. Laying tiles on a mortar

7.3.1. Preparation of clean and wet surface 2

7.3.2. Distribution and smoothening of a mortar layer 2

7.3.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 2

7.3.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the same distances between tiles

1 1

7.3.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

1 1


7.4. Laying floor tiles with use of an adhesive

7.4.1. Cleaning of the surface 1 1

7.4.2. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty knife with tooth

1 1

7.4.3. Laying tiles according to the course of lines 1 1

7.4.4. Application of cross distancers to keep the same distances between tiles

1 1

7.4.5. Tapping of the surface with a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks to fix tiles strongly

1 1

7.4.6. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile

1 1


7.5. Laying wall tiles with use of a mortar

7.5.1. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the wall as needed


7.5.2. Distribution and smoothening of the insulation layer on the wall, also on a tile if necessary


7.5.3. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

1 1

7.5.4. Wiping of excessive mortar 1 1


7.6. Laying wall tiles with use of an adhesive

7.6.1. Cleaning of the surface 1 1

7.6.2. Arrangement of the insulation layer on the wall as needed


7.6.3. Distribution of an adhesive’s layer with use of a putty knife with tooth

1 1

7.6.4. Adhesion of tiles while slightly tapping the surface with use of a spade, rubber hammer or small wooden blocks

1 1

7.6.5. Wiping of excessive adhesive immediately after pasting a tile

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


7.7. Joint insulation

7.7.1. Preparation of jointing materials 1 1

7.7.2. Distribution of a joint mortar on tiles’ surface with use of a rubber putty knife, checking if all joints between tiles are filled out

1 1

7.7.3. Removal of excessive joint mortar with a sponge before it runs dry

1 1

7.7.4. Leaving joints to dry 1 1

7.7.5. Wiping with a cloth 1 1


Area 8: Painting interior and exterior walls 8.1. Coverage of surfaces and protection of objects

against paint dropping

8.1.1. Installation of scaffolds, decks and ladders 1 1

8.1.2. Arrangement of materials protecting against paint drips

1 1

8.1.3. Pasting blending tapes on elements not requiring painting

1 1


8.2. Preparation of the first layer of paint for surfaces not painted before

8.2.1. Verification if surface is clean and dry 1

8.2.2. Selection of a priming paint (solvent or acrylic) according to painting plans


8.2.3. Dilution of a priming paint according to the manufacturer’s instruction


8.2.4. Distribution of a priming paint and leaving it to dry 1


8.3. Preparation of the first layer of distemper for surfaces painted before

8.3.1. Verification if the surface does not shiver, paint does not go off and no other defects are present


8.3.2. Scraping of cracked and shivering paint with use of paint scraper

1 1

8.3.3. Dusting and cleaning of walls to provide good adherence

1 1

8.3.4. Fill of defects or joints in the wall and insulation of cracks

1 1


8.4. Painting surfaces with use of distemper

8.4.1. Thinning a distemper with water, according to the manufacturer’s instruction and with consideration of surface absorptiveness

1 1

8.4.2. Application of the first layer of distemper 1 1

8.4.3. Application of a distemper with short brush strokes towards a not painted surface

1 1

8.4.4. Repeated application of a distemper towards the already painted surface to smooth the surface

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


8.5. Painting with use of a sponge roll

8.5.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or contrast colour

1 1

8.5.2. Pouring of paint to a container and painting of the surface with use of a sponge roll

1 1


8.6. Painting with the semi-permanent colour method

8.6.1. Starting from the base layer, choosing darker or contrast colour

1 1

8.6.2. Application of a semi-permanent colour in various directions with use of a brush, sponge roll, etc.

1 1


8.7. Painting with the template pattern method

8.7.1. Determination of a pattern’s location 1 1

8.7.2. Planning of a pattern’s distribution 1 1

8.7.3. Preparation of a template, transfer of a pattern to a template and cut-out of a pattern

1 1

8.7.4. Application of a template on the wall 1 1

8.7.5. Fill of pattern gaps with use of a round brush 1 1


8.8. Painting with the spray paint method

8.8.1. Determination of a surface to apply the product 1 1

8.8.2. Coverage and protection of the surface to be painted 1 1

8.8.3. Application of paint’s layer on the surface 1 1

8.8.4. Determination of the amount of spray paint necessary to cover the wall


8.8.5. Thinning of paint with water observing the manufacturer’s instruction

1 1

8.8.6. Application of a spray painting with use of a sprayer keeping fixed distance from the wall of approx. 25-30 cm

1 1


Area 9: Paper-hanging 9.1. Protection of the works’ site

9.1.1. Protection of the floor with use of a foil and self-adhesive tape

1 1

9.1.2. Measurement and indication on the wall of a paper-hanging surface line

1 1

9.1.3. Separation of painted surface and surface to hang wallpapers

1 1


9.2. Base preparation

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

9.2.1. Assessment of base’s technical condition through observation and wiping it with hand

1 1

9.2.2. Cleaning of dirt from surface to hang wallpapers with a brush or cotton cloth

1 1


9.3. Base grounding

9.3.1. Preparation of a grounding solution by dosing water and adhesive according to the manufacturer’s instruction

1 1

9.3.2. Wall grounding 1 1


9.4. Pasting wallpaper strips

9.4.1. Preparation of an adhesive according to the manufacturer's instruction

1 1

9.4.2. Measurement and cut-out of wallpaper strips with an allowance


9.4.3. Paste of strips by equal distribution of a thin layer of adhesive with use of a brush and leaving it to absorb adhesive

1 1

9.4.4. Indication of a vertical line on the wall to apply the first strip of wallpaper

1 1

9.4.5. Paste of the first wallpaper strip 1 1

9.4.6. Inspection of pasted first strip 1 1

9.4.7. Paste of another strips, while simultaneously inspecting and removing defects and irregularities on a current basis



9.5. Finishing of a decorated surface

9.5.1. Removal of a masking tape 1 1

9.5.2. Paste of a horizontal decorative strip 1 1

9.5.3. Verification if a strip is straight 1 1


Other competences, please define: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1 1

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change



Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions

2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 1

2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be based

1 1

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 1 1

2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 1 1

2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions

2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 1 1


Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team

3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the others


3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 1 1

3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so that a group accomplishes intended aims


3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

1 1

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

1 1


Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility

4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in accordance with changes in the environment

1 1

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques


4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this

1 1

4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 2

4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 2

4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not discouraged by doubts of the others


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance

5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension showing self-control and confidence


5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation


5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 1 1

5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 1

5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 2

5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 2

5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively


5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way



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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Occupation: Roofer SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Roofer occupation. Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part Very important 2 Important r Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: For amiantus drainage Area 2: Roofing construction Very important 3 Important r Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage Very important 1 Important r Significant 1 Not so important 1 Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Installation of devices to collect renewable energy Very important r Important 1 Significant r Not so important 1 Not important 1 Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: Fire protection; supply and laying of fireproof doors; freezing rooms …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Roofer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very important



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Demolition of a building or its part 1.1. Conducting works related to renovation and

demolition of roofing

1.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction roof elements of buildings to be demolished


1.1.2. Conducting roof demolition with use of manual tools and devices


1.1.3. Carrying out works related to demolition or replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1

1.1.4. Aggregation of a part that can be used again, part of useless roof construction and demolition waste


1.1.5. Application of the ways of removing dust and fragments, as well as of rubble disposal during roof

1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

demolition 1.1.6. Application of safe procedures concerning removal of

roofing made of materials containing asbestos 2

Other: Area 2: Roofing construction 2.1. Roofing insulation construction

2.1.1. Carrying out undercoats for various roofing 1 1

2.1.2. Roof and flat roof insulation construction (roof felt, roofing membrane)


2.1.3. Distribution and fastening of battens 1 1

2.1.4. Roofing forms construction 2

2.1.5. Inspection of the correctness of carrying out roofing undercoat


2.2. Construction of roofing in various structures and shapes


2.2.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting roof works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction

1 1

2.2.2. Preparation of drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

1 1

2.2.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction

1 1

2.2.4. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and equipment for roofing construction


2.2.5. Setting various roofing types (tile, plain sheet metal, steel roofing tile, shingle and others)

1 1

2.2.6. Preparation of irregular sheet metal to construct irregular roof slope roofing

1 1

2.2.7. Construction of irregular roof slope roofing 1 1

2.2.8. Construction of roofing from slate and other untypical materials

1 1

2.2.9. Fitting roof windows, skylights and exits 1 1

2.2.10 Quality assessment of roofing’s workmanship 2

Other: Area 3: Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage 3.1. Preparation of drawings concerning roof work

and elements of roof slope drainage

3.1.1. Use of project documentation, technical specifications concerning carrying out and accepting works, standards and instructions concerning roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1

3.1.2. Preparation of drawings and drafts concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage


3.1.3. Preparation of a bill of quantities related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculation of costs of their carrying out


3.1.4. Application of software supporting roof tasks performance

1 1

3.1.5. Carrying out works related to preparation of a sheet metal to process it

1 1

3.1.6. Carrying out and installing roof works 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.7. Mounting roof works to specific building components 1 1


3.2. Selection and preparation of materials, tools and devices to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.1. Differentiation and selection of elements of roof slope drainage systems


3.2.2. Selection of materials to carry out roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.3. Preparation of materials to construct roofing undercoats


3.2.4. Selection of roof windows, skylights and exits 2

3.2.5. Use of roof work devices and tools according to operating rules



3.3. Installation of roof slope drainage elements

3.3.1. Performance of a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, preparation of works clearance

1 1

3.3.2. Fitting elements of roof slope drainage 1 1

3.3.3. Fitting gutters, rainwater pipes and roof drains 1 1

3.3.4. Quality assessment of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage

1 1


Area 4: Assembly and installation of devices to collect renewable energy 4.1. Assembly of devices to collect solar energy

4.1.1. Reading assembly instructions concerning devices to collect solar energy

1 1

4.1.2. Assembly of flat plate collectors according to the assembly instruction

1 1

4.1.3. Assembly of solar vacuum collectors according to the assembly instruction

1 1


4.2. Installation of devices to collect solar energy

4.2.1. Preparation of the structure for devices to collect solar energy

1 1

4.2.2. Installation of solar collectors with the ”over the tile” method – on supports

1 1

4.2.3. Installation of solar collectors with the "in the roof” method – integrated installation in furniture

1 1

4.2.4. Installation of solar collectors under various angles in relation to roof pitch

1 1

4.2.5. Carrying out thermal insulation of solar collectors 1 1

4.2.6. Carrying out roof work of installed solar collectors 1 1

4.2.7. Provision of the maintenance access to devices collecting solar energy

1 1


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Other competences, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Roofer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name of a meta-competence Very important



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves professional


1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills

1 1

1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change



Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions

2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 1

2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be based

1 1

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 1 1

2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 1 1

2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions

2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 1 1


Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team

3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the others


3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 1 1

3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so that a group accomplishes intended aims


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

1 1

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

1 1


Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility

4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in accordance with changes in the environment

1 1

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques


4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this


4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 1 1

4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others 1 1

4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not discouraged by doubts of the others



Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance

5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension showing self-control and confidence


5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation


5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 1 1

5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 2

5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 1 1

5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem 2

5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively


5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way


Other: Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer SUBJECT I: DETERMINATION OF COMMON AREAS OF COMPETENCES Read the list of areas of competences for the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation. Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 3: Laying building foundations Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures Very important r Important 2 Significant r Not so important r Not important r Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces Very important 1 Important 1 Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 7: Installation of a roof load-bearing structure Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 8: Roofing construction Very important r Important 1 Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 9: Plastering interior and exterior walls Very important r Important 2 Significant r Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Area 10: Fence construction Very important 1 Important r Significant 1 Not so important r Not important Comment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Other areas, please define: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT II: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Read the list of professional competences and skills regarding the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation and determine their significance for your company in

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some professional competences and/or skills are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column Assessment

No Name Very




Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 Area 1: Planning, organisation and coordination of works on the construction site 1.1. Organisation and preparation of the construction


1.1.1. Inspection of the construction site and verification of the course of underground installations


1.1.2. Determination of the construction site bounds 2

1.1.3. Fencing and signage of the construction site 1 1

1.1.4. Construction of internal roads on the construction site 1 1

1.1.5. Organisation of the administrative and social facility 2

1.1.6. Supplying the construction site with water and electricity

1 1

1.1.7. Organisation of production stations and warehouses 1 1


1.2. Workplace protection

1.2.1. Identification of dangers, assessment and control of risk, i.e. Noise, electric safety, road traffic, working at heights, objects falling down, use of electricity and devices, application of hazardous substances (including asbestos)

1 1

1.2.2. Workplace organisation in accordance with occupational health and safety principles, prevention and application of principles of fire protection, environmental protection and giving first aid


1.2.3. Establishment of procedures in case of accident 2


1.3. Installation and de-installation of scaffolds for construction works

1.3.1. Verification of technical requirements 2

1.3.2. Selection of a scaffold which type corresponds with conducted works

1 1

1.3.3. Establishment if proper materials to construct a scaffold have been selected

1 1

1.3.4. Installation of the first level of scaffolds 2

1.3.5. Elevation and mounting of scaffold elements 1 1

1.3.6. Arrangement of boards on horizontal trusses creating a platform


1.3.7. Installation of metal scaffold from systemic elements 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.3.8. Verification of the correctness of scaffolds’ installation 1 1

1.3.9. Protection of scaffolds according to principles of occupational health and safety


1.3.10 De-installation of scaffolds after completion of works 1 1


Area 2: Demolition of a building or its part 2.1. Carrying out demolition works with use of

manual devices

2.1.1. Identification of construction and non-construction elements of buildings to be demolished

1 1

2.1.2. Implementation of demolition with use of manual pneumatic hammers, oxy-acetylene blowpipe and other manual devices

1 1

2.1.3. Disconnection of the building from water and sewage system, gas system and electric system

1 1

2.1.4. Disassembly of systems 1 1

2.1.5. Commencement of a demolition from the roof, then next stories, ending at the ground level

1 1

2.1.6. Grading a demolition of concrete structural elements 1 1

2.1.7. Demolition of floor slabs and ceiling joists, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls

1 1


Area 3: Laying building foundations 3.1. Preparation of the construction site for


3.1.1. Verification of the conformity of actual type and condition of the ground with the one adopted in the design

1 1

3.1.2. Verification of the foundation level 2

3.1.3. Determination of the foundation course 2

3.1.4. Location of pillars and bench marks 2


3.2. Laying foundations

3.2.1. Laying levelling courses 1 1

3.2.2. Setting and control of forms 1 1

3.2.3. Arrangement of reinforcement in ferroconcrete foundations


3.2.4. Arrangement of concrete mix in forms 2

3.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 2


3.3. Carrying out insulation works

3.3.1. Arrangement of insulation on concrete or brick external surfaces

1 1

3.3.2. Arrangement of internal insulation 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Area 4: Construction of walls and ferroconcrete structures 4.1. Determination and preparation of a base to

construct walls and ferroconcrete structures

4.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work

1 1

4.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design

1 1

4.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 2

4.1.4. Protection of the construction site 2


4.2. Construction of walls and other elements (pillars, joists, slabs, stairs) with use of forms

4.2.1. Preparation of forms (casing boards or formwork system)


4.2.2. Arrangement of reinforcement 2

4.2.3. Arrangement of a concrete mix in forms with use of concrete pump

1 1

4.2.4. Condensation of a concrete mix with use of vibrators 1 1

4.2.5. Care about fresh concrete 2

4.2.6. De-installation of forms 1 1

4.2.7. Verification of keeping vertical and horizontal lines at various stages of works

1 1


4.3. Construction of walls and structures from prefabricated ferroconcrete elements

4.3.1. Establishment of installation stages 1 1

4.3.2. Determination of the area where prefabricated elements are elevated

1 1

4.3.3. Installation and removal of temporary reinforcement and support systems

1 1

4.3.4. Location of concrete elements in a place of their integration

1 1

4.3.5. Verification of results of load effect on the existing structure during installation of concrete elements in a destination

1 1


4.4. Construction of reinforced ceilings, stairs and lintels

4.4.1. Construction of forms for ceilings, stairs and lintels 1 1

4.4.2. Installation of a formwork system 1 1

4.4.3. Construction of flat lintels 1 1

4.4.4. Roof construction 1 1

4.4.5. Installation of ready lintels in type of L and U 2

4.4.6. Laying screeds 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.4.7. Preparation of reinforcements according to the design 2

4.4.8. Arrangement of reinforcements in forms 1 1

4.4.9. Construction of walls with reinforcement 1 1


4.5. Construction of chimneys, walls with flues and air-conditioning systems

4.5.1. Construction of a free-standing chimney from bricks, hollow bricks and concrete blocks

1 1

4.5.2. Construction of walls of flue drafts and ducts 2

4.5.3. Construction of ducts from ready elements 1 1


Area 5: Construction of walls from small-sized elements 5.1. Determination and preparation of a site to

construct brick walls

5.1.1. Unloading, carrying and arranging building materials. Preparation of tools and devices to work


5.1.2. Determination of a location of basic construction elements of a building according to the architectural design


5.1.3. Thorough cleaning of the surface 1 1

5.1.4. Protection of the construction site 2


5.2. Manual and mechanical preparation of a mortar

5.2.1. Selection of materials needed to prepare a mortar 1 1

5.2.2. Batching weight, volumetric or volumetric-weight components of a mortar


5.2.3. Mixing a mortar according to current recipe 1 1

5.2.4. Verification of a mortar’s consistency 1 1

5.2.5. Application of a mortar according to its purpose 2


5.3. Construction of load-bearing and partition walls

5.3.1. Distribution of the first layer of mortar and its next layers


5.3.2. Construction of walls from bricks, hollow bricks and blocks

1 1

5.3.3. Construction of standard and cross connections 2

5.3.4. Construction of brick connections in walls that cross at a right angle

1 1

5.3.5. Laying bricks in multi-layered walls according to principles of connection

1 1

5.3.6. Connection of bricks at construction of pillars and columns

1 1

5.3.7. Connection of partition walls with load-bearing walls 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.3.8. Cut and formation of a brick with use of various tools and machinery


5.3.9. Construction of arches and decorative elements from bricks

1 1

5.3.10 Removal of excessive mortar, control of vertical and horizontal lines

1 1

5.3.11 Installation of doorframes and window frames 2

5.3.12 Assessment of the correctness of bricks’ connections in the wall



Area 6: Insulation of walls and other surfaces 6.1. Application of insulation materials (damp-proof,

thermal, acoustic)

6.1.1. Application of insulation coating and roll materials 1 1

6.1.2. Application of a polystyrene and insulation from granulated materials to insulate walls

1 1

6.1.3. Application of concrete block systems with an insert of insulating foam

1 1

6.1.4. Mounting insulation to ceiling walls 1 1


Area 7: Installation of a roof load-bearing structure 7.1. Installation of a roof load-bearing structure

7.1.1. Application of insulation layers in the place of supporting the roof structure

1 1

7.1.2. Establishment of installation stages 1 1

7.1.3. Determination of the area where elements are elevated

1 1

7.1.4. Installation and removal of temporary reinforcement and support systems


7.1.5. Control of installation's correctness 2


Area 8: Roofing construction 8.1. Roof insulation

8.1.1. Application of insulation layers at the roof level (roof felt, foil)


8.1.2. Distribution and fastening of battens 1 1

8.1.3. Roofing forms construction 1 1

8.1.4. Inspection of the correctness of carrying out roofing undercoat



8.2. Arrangement of various roofing types

8.2.1. Arrangement of various roofing types (tiles, plain sheet metal, steel roofing tile)

1 1

8.2.2. Roof works 1 1

8.2.3. Installation of roof windows 2

8.2.4. Installation of gutters and rainwater pipes 1 1

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Area 9: Plastering interior and exterior walls 9.1. Base preparation

9.1.1. Cleaning walls and ceilings of salient mortar lumps 1 1

9.1.2. Drying the surface of gypsum and gypsum concrete bases

1 1

9.1.3. Preparation of equal but rough concrete base through scratching with a chisel

1 1

9.1.4. Mounting a screed increasing the adhesion to bases (beet batt, nets, Finnish shingle)

1 1

9.1.5. Mounting a steel net to metal base and protecting it against rust if plasters are installed

1 1

9.1.6. Directly before plastering – cleaning the base of dust, soot, rust, oily substance and damping the base

1 1

9.1.7. Mounting screeds designating the surface of a face of plaster



9.2. Installation of traditional plasters

9.2.1. Application of the first layer (rendering) of a very runny mortar 4-5 mm thick to increase plaster’s adhesion

1 1

9.2.2. Application of the second layer of mortar (coating) after slight hardening of rendering and damping it with water

1 1

9.2.3. Alignment and smoothening of a mortar 1 1

9.2.4. Verification of the vertical and horizontal line of all angles


9.2.5. Application of the third thin and runny layer of a mortar (sliding surface) 1-3 mm thick


9.2.6. Thorough swabbing of a sliding surface with a swat 1 1


9.3. Installation of plasters

9.3.1. Damping base’s surface 2

9.3.2. Application of a plaster with use of a swat 1 1

9.3.3. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or grinder 2

9.3.4. Application of subsequent layers 1 1

9.3.5. Alignment of a surface with use of a swat or grinder 1 1


9.4. Installation of external plasters from a plastering mix on bases made of rock wool and styrofoam

9.4.1. Mounting boards with use of adhesive spots applied on boards


9.4.2. Drilling in a wall of anchor openings 2

9.4.3. Mounting boards with anchors with specially flat heads 2

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

9.4.4. Alignment of a styrofoam’s surface with special tools (grates)

2 1

9.4.5. Application of adhesive layers 2

9.4.6. Blending a polymer net in adhesive's layer 2

9.4.7. Strengthening corners with angles with a net 2

9.4.8. Application of subsequent layers of adhesive 1 1

9.4.9. Surface grounding 1 1

9.4.10 Application of a plaster with use of a swat 1 1

9.4.11 Finishing of a plaster with use of a swat 1 1


Area 10: Fence construction 10.1. Preparation of a site to construct a fence

10.1.1 Determination of a fence’s location 2

10.1.2 Collection of information if electric cables, water and sewage pipes do not run close

1 1

10.1.3 Performance of a measurement and indication of a fence’s line, as well as signage of pillar’s location


10.1.4 Conducting excavations 1 1

10.1.5 Storage or transport of output to a proper place 2


10.2. Construction of concrete/brick fences

10.2.1 Establishment of a sequence of works 2

10.2.2 Determination of the depth of foundations (base) with consideration of ground conditions

1 1

10.2.3 Base construction 2

10.2.4 Alignment, set-back of pillars in concrete base 1 1

10.2.5 Construction of concrete and brick walls 1 1

Other: Other competences, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SUBJECT III: DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF ATTRIBUTES (metacompetences) Read the list of attributes regarding the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation and determine their significance for your company in accordance with the scale „very important – important – significant – not so important – not important” If some attributes are missing, add them in empty cells of the „other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


No Name of a meta-competence Very




Not so impor-tant

Not import-

ant 5 4 3 2 1

Area 1: Key attributes 1.1. Updates knowledge and improves

professional skills

1.1.1. Presents constant motivation to learn and improve own skills


1.1.2. Presents activity in the case of possible introduction of a change



Area 2: Decision making 2.1. Foresees results of taken actions

2.1.1. Deals well with some level of uncertainty 1 1

2.1.2. Identifies premises on which decision should be based

1 1

2.1.3. Responds to appearing problems 1 1

2.1.4. Does not postpone making a decision 1 1

2.2. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions

2.2.1. Accepts bearing responsibility and risk 1 1


Area 3: Relations 3.1. Cooperation in a team

3.1.1. Presents openness and kindness in relation to the others

1 1

3.1.2. Provides people with information and support 1 1

3.1.3. Eagerly adjusts own plans to needs of the others, so that a group accomplishes intended aims


3.1.4. Notices and analyses points of view and needs of the others

1 1

3.1.5. Considers ideas of the others while developing own concepts

1 1


Area 4: Change 4.1. Flexibility

4.1.1. Quickly changes a strategy and programs in accordance with changes in the environment

1 1

4.1.2. Presents interest, kindness, adaptability during introduction of new procedures/methods/techniques


4.1.3. Modifies the approach to solving problems, if circumstances require this


4.1.4. Is open for revision of own ideas 1 1

4.1.5. Integrates own ideas with concepts of the others

1 1

4.1.6. Is determined at change’s proposal and not discouraged by doubts of the others


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Area 5: Balance 5.1. Emotional balance

5.1.1. Deals well with stressful situations and tension showing self-control and confidence


5.1.2. Reacts adequately and constructively even in a stressful situation


5.1.3. Does not show significant mood swings 2

5.1.4. Accepts criticism constructively 1 1

5.1.5. Does not lose hope easily 2

5.1.6. Does not deny own skills in the case of problem

1 1

5.1.7. Does not attack the others impulsively and aggressively


5.1.8. Deals with criticism and irony (towards him/her or the others) in the balanced way



Other attributes, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Occupation: Roofer 712101 Qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum13 Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according to the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include: − learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social


− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms. Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area. Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – BHP – occupational health and safety, – PDG – starting up and conducting business activity, – JOZ – professionally-oriented foreign language, – KPS – personal and social competences, – OMZ – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician). Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation PKZ, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education,

13 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

− lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular PKZ within the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number. DETERMINATION OF A COMMON SET OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Read the list of learning outcomes for the Roofer 712101 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety

1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics


1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection


1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety


1.1.4. Foresees risks for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks


1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment


1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body


1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection


1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened



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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation


1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights


1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them


1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector


1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector


1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity


1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity



1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks


1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation


1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions


1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment


1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language 3


1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences

1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 3

1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 3

1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 3

1.4.4. Is open to changes 3

1.4.5. Can deal with stress 3

1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional skills


1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 3

1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 3

1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 3


2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 3

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction


2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems


2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings


2.6. Conducts drafts 3

2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of documentation applied in the construction industry


2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works


2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works


2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry


2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials


2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly


2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 3


3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Roofer occupation – qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work 3.1. Installation and demolition of roofing

3.1.1. Distinguishes types and elements of roof structure


3.1.2. Distinguishes roofing types 3

3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction


3.1.4. Prepares drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements


3.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction and demolition


3.1.6. Selects and prepares materials, tools and equipment to roofing construction and demolition


3.1.7. Installs roofing insulations 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.8. Installs roofing screeds 3

3.1.9. Installs roofing in various structures and shapes 3

3.1.10 Installs roof windows, exits, skylights and devices to collect renewable energy


3.1.11 Carries out works related to repair and demolition of roofing


3.1.12 Assesses quality of roofing’s workmanship 3

3.1.13 Conducts quantity survey of works related to installation of roofing and prepares their clearance



3.2. Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.1. Distinguishes elements of roof slope drainage systems


3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.3. Prepares drawings concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage


3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculates costs of their performance


3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials, tools and devices to carry out and demolish roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.6. Carries out and installs roof work elements 3

3.2.7. Installs elements of roof slope drainage 3

3.2.8. Carries out works related to demolition or replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage

*Not applicable due to different regulations about demolition

3.2.9. Assesses quality of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.10 Performs a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, prepares clearance of these works



Other, please define:

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 Qualification B.5. Drywall system installation Qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works Qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works14


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety

1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics


1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection


1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety


1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks


1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment


1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body


1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection


1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is


14 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

threatened Other

1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation


1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights


1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them


1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector


1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector


1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity


1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity



1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks


1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation


1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions


1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment


1.3.5. Uses information sources in foreign language 3


1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences

1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 3

1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 3

1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 3

1.4.4. Is open to changes 3

1.4.5. Can deal with stress 3

1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional skills


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 3

1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 3

1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 3

1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 3


2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects 3

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction


2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems


2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings


2.6. Conducts drafts 3

2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of documentation applied in the construction industry


2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works


2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works


2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry


2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials


2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly


2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 3


3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.5. Drywall system installation 3.1. Installation of partition walls, suspended

ceilings and housing of roof structures in drywall systems

3.1.1. Distinguishes types of interior drywall systems 3

3.1.2. Distinguishes insulation types of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as observes rules of their performance


3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications of performance and acceptance of works, standards, catalogues and instructions concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning installation 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as calculates its cost

3.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipment to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.7. Indicates the assembly station of drywall elements


3.1.8. Chooses technologies of drywall element assembly


3.1.9. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.10 Carries out partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.11 Carries out insulation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.12 Recognises types of damages concerning partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and chooses a way to repair them


3.1.13 Carries out works related to repair of damaged elements of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.14 Assesses quality concerning the workmanship of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.15 Carries out a quantity survey of works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works



3.2. Installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.1. Distinguishes types of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.2. Distinguishes insulation types of wall coverings and solid flooring applied in a drywall system and defines a way of their installation


3.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring


3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity of works concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and calculates their costs


3.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipments to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.7. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.8. Indicates the assembly station of elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.9. Prepares the base for installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.10 Chooses technologies of assembling elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.11 Assemblies elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.12 Recognises types of damages of elements of wall coverings and chooses a way to repair them


3.2.13 Repairs damaged elements of wall coverings 3

3.2.14 Assesses quality of works related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.15 Carries out a quantity survey related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works



4: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works 4.1. Carrying out painting work

4.1.1. Distinguishes types of painting materials, defines their properties and application


4.1.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of paint coating


4.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out painting work


4.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning painting work and calculates costs of carrying it out


4.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paint coatings in a specific technology


4.1.6. Chooses technologies of carrying out painting work


4.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out painting work


4.1.8. Prepares the base from different materials to apply paint coatings


4.1.9. Carries out paint coatings 3

4.1.10 Decorates paint coatings with various methods 3

4.1.11 Recognises types of damages of coatings and chooses a way to repair them


4.1.12 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of paint coatings


4.1.13 Assesses quality of carrying out painting work 3

4.1.14 Carries out a quantity survey of painting work and prepares their clearance



4.2. Carrying out paper-hanging work

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.1. Distinguishes types of wallpapers, defines their properties and application


4.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of wallpapers


4.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out paper-hanging work


4.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning paper-hanging work and calculates costs of its performance


4.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paper-hanging work


4.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out paper-hanging work


4.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out paper-hanging work


4.2.8. Carries out paper-hanging work 3

4.2.9. Decorates wallpapers with various methods 3

4.2.10 Recognises types of damages of wallpapers and defines a way to repair them


4.2.11 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of wallpapers


4.2.12 Assesses quality of paper-hanging work 3

4.2.13 Carries out a quantity survey of paper-hanging work and prepares their clearance



5: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works 5.1. Carrying out floor work

5.1.1. Distinguishes types of floor materials and defines their properties


5.1.2. Defines ways to prepare bases for various types of floor


5.1.3. Distinguishes types of floor insulations and defines ways of their performance


5.1.4. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out floor work


5.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning floor work and calculates costs of its performance


5.1.6. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out floor work


5.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out floor work


5.1.8. Prepares bases to carry out floor from various materials


5.1.9. Carries out insulating layers of floors 3

5.1.10 Carries out floor screeds 3

5.1.11 Installs floors from various materials 3

5.1.12 Carries out protections for floor surface 3

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

5.1.13 Recognises types of damages of floors and defines a way to repair them


5.1.14 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of floors


5.1.15 Assesses quality of flooring work 3

5.1.16 Carries out a quantity survey of floor work and prepares its clearance



5.2. Carrying out covering work

5.2.1. Distinguishes types of coverings, defines their properties and application


5.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways of their preparation for coverings


5.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out covering work


5.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning covering work and calculates costs of its performance


5.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out covering work


5.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out covering work


5.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out coverings 3

5.2.8. Installs coverings from various materials 3

5.2.9. Recognises types of damages of coverings and defines a way to repair them


5.2.10 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of coverings made from various materials


5.2.11 Assesses quality of covering work 3

5.2.12 Carries out a quantity survey of covering work and prepares its clearance



Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 Qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works15


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety

1.1.1. Distinguished ideas related to occupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics


1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection


1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety


1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks


1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment


1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body


1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection


1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection


1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened



1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation


15 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights


1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them


1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector


1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakins with various companies from the sector


1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity


1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them


1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity



1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks


1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation


1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions


1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment


1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language 3


1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences

1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics 3

1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance 3

1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions 3

1.4.4. Is open to changes 3

1.4.5. Can deal with stress 3

1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional skills 3

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy 3

1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions 3

1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements 3

1.4.10 Cooperates in a team 3


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building objects 3

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction


2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems


2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings 3

2.6. Conducts drafts 3

2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of documentation applied in the construction industry


2.8. Distinguished measuring instruments applied in works


2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works


2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry


2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials


2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly


2.14. Applies software supporting task performance 3


3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation – qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works 3.1. Carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete


3.1.1. Distinguishes types of grouts and mortars, defines their properties and application


3.1.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.3. Chooses contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.4. Conducts a bill of quantity of works related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and calculates costs of their performance


3.1.5. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.6. Prepares contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.7. Carries out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes in accordance with a recipe


3.1.8. Assesses quality of the workmanship of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.9. Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and prepares clearance of these works



3.2. Carrying out brick building structures

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.1. Distinguishes types of brick building structures 3

3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out brick building structures


3.2.3. Recognises types of brick bonds in walls 3

3.2.4. Distinguishes types of building insulations and defines ways of their performance


3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials to carry out brick building structures


3.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out brick building structure


3.2.7. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance


3.2.8. Indicates location of brick building structure Ambiguous 3.2.9. Carries out brick walls, ceilings, lintels, roof, pillars,

piers and chimneys 3

3.2.10 Carries out wall pointing and facing Ambiguous 3.2.11 Carries out earthwork, insulation works, ancillary

concrete and reinforcement works related to carrying out brick building structures


3.2.12 Assesses quality of carrying out masonry work 3

3.2.13 Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out brick building structures and prepares their clearance



3.3. Carrying out plasters

3.3.1. Distinguishes types of plasters 3

3.3.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out plasters


3.3.3. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.5. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out internal and external plasters and calculates costs of their clearance


3.3.6. Prepares the base to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.7. Carries out internal and external plasters 3

3.3.8. Takes actions related to finishing plastered surfaces and mounting ventilation grilles and other elements


3.3.9. Recognises damage types of internal and external plasters and chooses ways of their repair


3.3.10 Repairs internal and external plasters 3

3.3.11 Assesses quality of carrying out plastering work 3

3.3.12 Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out internal and external works and prepares clearance of these works


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


3.4. Carrying out repairs and demolition of brick building structures

*Not applicable due to different regulations about demolition

3.4.1. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out repair and demolition works of brick building structures

3.4.2. Selects and prepares materials to carry out repair of brick building structures

3.4.3. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance

3.4.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out works related to repair and demolition of brick building structures

3.4.5. Carries out masonry works related to repair of brick building structures

3.4.6. Carries out demolition works of brick building structures

3.4.7. Assesses quality of repair and demolition works of brick building structures

3.4.8. Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and prepares their clearance


Other, please define: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ANEKS 7. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez

TRAINING 2000 Italy

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

WP2: Comparative analysis of the list of professional competences in selected


WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected


Preliminary research

Data country: Italy - Marche Region

Partner: TRAINING 2000

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey Occupation: Roofer 712101 Qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work Country ITALY – Marche Region Partner TRAINING 2000

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum16

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according to the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – BHP – occupational health and safety, – PDG – starting up and conducting business activity, – JOZ – professionally-oriented foreign language, – KPS – personal and social competences, – OMZ – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation PKZ, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular PKZ within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.

16 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Roofer 712101 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

xx x

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

x x x

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

xx x

1.1.4. Foresees risks for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

xx x

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

xx x

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

xx x

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

xx x

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

xx x

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened



1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

x xx

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions xxx

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity


1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them


1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

xx x

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector


1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

xx x

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

x xx

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting business activity


1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

x xx

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity

x xx


1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

xx x

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

xx x

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

x x x

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

x xx

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language xx x Other:

1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics x xx 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance x xx 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions x xx 1.4.4. Is open to changes x xx 1.4.5. Can deal with stress x xx 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills x x x

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy x xx 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions x x x 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements x x X 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team xx x Other:

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C)

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.1. Recognises types and elements of building objects

xx x

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction

xx x

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

xx x

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

xx x

2.6. Conducts drafts 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry

xx x

2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works


2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

xx x

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

x xx

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

x xx

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly


2.14. Applies software supporting task performance x x x Other

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Roofer occupation – qualification B.12. Carrying out roof work 3.1. Installation and demolition of roofing 3.1.1. Distinguishes types and elements of roof

structure xxx

3.1.2. Distinguishes roofing types xxx 3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical

specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning roofing construction

xx x

3.1.4. Prepares drawings of roof slopes and roofing elements

xx x

3.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity related to roofing construction and calculation of costs concerning roofing construction and demolition


3.1.6. Selects and prepares materials, tools and equipment to roofing construction and demolition


3.1.7. Installs roofing insulations xxx 3.1.8. Installs roofing screeds xxx 3.1.9. Installs roofing in various structures and shapes xxx 3.1.10 Installs roof windows, exits, skylights and

devices to collect renewable energy xxx

3.1.11 Carries out works related to repair and demolition of roofing


3.1.12 Assesses quality of roofing’s workmanship xxx 3.1.13 Conducts quantity survey of works related to

installation of roofing and prepares their clearance

x x x


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2. Carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage

3.2.1. Distinguishes elements of roof slope drainage systems


3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out roof work and roof slope drainage


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.3. Prepares drawings concerning roof work and elements of roof slope drainage

xx x

3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, calculates costs of their performance

xx x

3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials, tools and devices to carry out and demolish roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.6. Carries out and installs roof work elements xxx 3.2.7. Installs elements of roof slope drainage xxx 3.2.8. Carries out works related to demolition or

replacement of roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.9. Assesses quality of the workmanship of roof work and roof slope drainage


3.2.10 Performs a quantity survey related to construction and demolition of roof work and roof slope drainage, prepares clearance of these works

xx x


Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey Occupation: Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 Qualification B.5. Drywall system installation Qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works Qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works17 Country: Italy – Marche Region Partner: Training 2000

17 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum18

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according to the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – BHP – occupational health and safety, – PDG – starting up and conducting business activity, – JOZ – professionally oriented foreign language, – KPS – personal and social competences, – OMZ – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation PKZ, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular PKZ within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.

18 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry 712905 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety 1.1.1. Distinguishes ideas related to occupational

health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

xx x

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

x xx

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

xx x

1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

xx x

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

xx x

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

xx x

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

xx x

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

xx x

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened



1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

x xx

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of tax law and intellectual property rights

x xx

1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting business activity

x xx

1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

x xx

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

x xx

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakings with various companies from the sector

xx x

1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity


1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity


1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity

xx x

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

x xx

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity

x xx


1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks


1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation


1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

x xx

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

x xx

1.3.5. Uses information sources in foreign language xx x Other

1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics x xx 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance x xx 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions x xx 1.4.4. Is open to changes x xx 1.4.5. Can deal with stress x xx 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional

skills x x x

1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy x xx 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions x x x 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements x x x 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team xx x Other

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

(B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building

objects xx x

2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and technologies of their construction

xx x

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

xx x

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings

xx x

2.6. Conducts drafts xxx 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of

documentation applied in the construction industry

x xx

2.8. Distinguishes measuring instruments applied in works


2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

xx x

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

x xx

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

x xx

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

xx x

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance x x x Other

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.5. Drywall system installation 3.1. Installation of partition walls, suspended

ceilings and housing of roof structures in drywall systems


3.1.1. Distinguishes types of interior drywall systems xxx 3.1.2. Distinguishes insulation types of partition walls,

suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as observes rules of their performance


3.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications of performance and acceptance of works, standards, catalogues and instructions concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures, as well as calculates its cost


3.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipment to install partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.7. Indicates the assembly station of drywall elements

xx x

3.1.8. Chooses technologies of drywall element assembly

xx x

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.1.9. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.10 Carries out partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.11 Carries out insulation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.12 Recognises types of damages concerning partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and chooses a way to repair them


3.1.13 Carries out works related to repair of damaged elements of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.14 Assesses quality concerning the workmanship of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system


3.1.15 Carries out a quantity survey of works related to installation of partition walls, suspended ceilings and housing of roof structures in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works

xx x


3.2. Installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

3.2.1. Distinguishes types of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

xx x

3.2.2. Distinguishes insulation types of wall coverings and solid flooring applied in a drywall system and defines a way of their installation

xx x

3.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring


3.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity of works concerning installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and calculates their costs


3.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.6. Chooses and prepares tools and equipments to install wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.7. Carries out ancillary works related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.8. Indicates the assembly station of elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system

xx x

3.2.9. Prepares the base for installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.10 Chooses technologies of assembling elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.11 Assemblies elements of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.12 Recognises types of damages of elements of wall xxx

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

coverings and chooses a way to repair them 3.2.13 Repairs damaged elements of wall coverings xxx 3.2.14 Assesses quality of works related to installation

of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system


3.2.15 Carries out a quantity survey related to installation of wall coverings and solid flooring in a drywall system and prepares clearance of these works

x xx


4: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.6. Carrying out painting and paper-hanging works 4.1. Carrying out painting work 4.1.1. Distinguishes types of painting materials,

defines their properties and application xxx

4.1.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of paint coating

xx x

4.1.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out painting work

xx x

4.1.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning painting work and calculates costs of carrying it out


4.1.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paint coatings in a specific technology

xx x

4.1.6. Chooses technologies of carrying out painting work

xx x

4.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out painting work


4.1.8. Prepares the base from different materials to apply paint coatings

xx x

4.1.9. Carries out paint coatings xxx 4.1.10 Decorates paint coatings with various methods xxx 4.1.11 Recognises types of damages of coatings and

chooses a way to repair them xxx

4.1.12 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of paint coatings


4.1.13 Assesses quality of carrying out painting work xxx 4.1.14 Carries out a quantity survey of painting work

and prepares their clearance xxx


4.2. Carrying out paper-hanging work 4.2.1. Distinguishes types of wallpapers, defines their

properties and application xx x

4.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways to prepare them for various kinds of wallpapers

xx x

4.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out paper-hanging work

xx x

4.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning paper-hanging work and calculates costs of its performance


4.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out paper-hanging work


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

4.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out paper-hanging work


4.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out paper-hanging work


4.2.8. Carries out paper-hanging work xxx 4.2.9. Decorates wallpapers with various methods xx x 4.2.10 Recognises types of damages of wallpapers and

defines a way to repair them xxx

4.2.11 Carries out works related to repair and renovation of wallpapers


4.2.12 Assesses quality of paper-hanging work xxx 4.2.13 Carries out a quantity survey of paper-hanging

work and prepares their clearance x xx


5: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the occupation Fitter and Finisher in the Construction Industry – qualification B.7. Carrying out floor-covering works 5.1. Carrying out floor work 5.1.1. Distinguishes types of floor materials and

defines their properties xxx

5.1.2. Defines ways to prepare bases for various types of floor


5.1.3. Distinguishes types of floor insulations and defines ways of their performance


5.1.4. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out floor work


5.1.5. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning floor work and calculates costs of its performance

xx x

5.1.6. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out floor work


5.1.7. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out floor work


5.1.8. Prepares bases to carry out floor from various materials


5.1.9. Carries out insulating layers of floors xxx 5.1.10 Carries out floor screeds xxx 5.1.11 Installs floors from various materials xxx 5.1.12 Carries out protections for floor surface xxx 5.1.13 Recognises types of damages of floors and

defines a way to repair them xxx

5.1.14 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of floors


5.1.15 Assesses quality of flooring work xxx 5.1.16 Carries out a quantity survey of floor work and

prepares its clearance xxx


5.2. Carrying out covering work 5.2.1. Distinguishes types of coverings, defines their

properties and application xxx

5.2.2. Distinguishes base types and defines ways of their preparation for coverings

xx x

5.2.3. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions

xx x

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

concerning carrying out covering work 5.2.4. Prepares a bill of quantity concerning covering

work and calculates costs of its performance xx x

5.2.5. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out covering work

xx x

5.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out covering work

xx x

5.2.7. Prepares the base to carry out coverings xxx 5.2.8. Installs coverings from various materials xxx 5.2.9. Recognises types of damages of coverings and

defines a way to repair them xxx

5.2.10 Carries out works related to maintenance and repair of coverings made from various materials


5.2.11 Assesses quality of covering work xxx 5.2.12 Carries out a quantity survey of covering work

and prepares its clearance x xx


Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

ECVET-BUD Project: WP2: Comparative analysis of the core curriculum concerning education in selected occupations Expert’s guide to the survey Occupation: Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 Qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works19 Country: Italy – Marche Region Partner: Training 2000

19 The letter “B” means the area of education: “construction (B)”.

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

Questionnaire’s purpose and basic terms

This survey aims at comparison of Polish core curriculum concerning education for selected occupations in the construction industry with analogous core curriculum or model curriculum in partner countries (Italy, Switzerland). Based on this, common areas of learning outcomes will be defined, what constitutes the condition of ECVET system operation.

Construction of the core curriculum20

Knowledge, skills, personal and social competences acquired during vocational education by a learner are described according with the idea of European Qualifications Framework, in a language of learning outcomes, which include:

− learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences;

− learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations;

− learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations.

A set of expected learning outcomes relevant to qualifications has been divided into parts. Each part can be taught during professional training mentioned in provisions on the continuing education in non-scholar forms.

Training areas include occupations grouped with regard to common learning outcomes required to perform occupational tasks. Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation is assigned to the “construction (B)” training area.

Learning outcomes common for all occupations, including personal and social competences, have been marked with a three-capital-letter code: – BHP – occupational health and safety, – PDG – starting up and conducting business activity, – JOZ – professionally-oriented foreign language, – KPS – personal and social competences, – OMZ – work organisation of small teams (only for occupations taught at the level of technician).

Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations have been marked with a code consisting of: a) three-letter abbreviation PKZ, b) bracketed:

− capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education, − lower-case letter of ordinal character, differentiating particular PKZ within

the area of education.

Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in occupations have been marked with a capital letter indicating the assignment to the area of education and subsequent ordinal number.

20 Ordinance of the Minister of National Education dated 7 February 2012 on the core curriculum of vocational education (Dz. U. 2012 no. 0 item 184).

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom


Read the list of learning outcomes for the Bricklayer-Plasterer 711204 occupation and determine their significance from the point of view of your country (Italy or Switzerland), in accordance with five-grade scale: “very important (5) – important (4) – significant (3) – not so important (2) – not important (1)”. If some learning outcomes are missing, add them in empty cells of the “other” table.

Insert „X” in relevant column

No Name Assessment

Very impor-tant



Not so impor-tant

Not impor-tant

5 4 3 2 1 1. Learning outcomes common for all occupations 1.1. (BHP) Occupational health and safety 1.1.1. Distinguished ideas related to occupational health

and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

xx x

1.1.2. Distinguishes tasks and authorisations of institutions and authorities operating within the scope of labour and environmental protection

x x x

1.1.3. Determines rights and obligations of an employee and an employer within occupational health and safety

xx x

1.1.4. Foresees threats for human health and life, as well as property and environment related to performance of occupational tasks

xx x

1.1.5. Determines risks related to harmful factors in the work environment

xx x

1.1.6. Determines results of influence of harmful factors on a human body

xx x

1.1.7. Organises a workplace according to valid ergonomics requirements, principles of occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

xx x

1.1.8. Applies means of individual and collective protection during performance of occupational tasks


1.1.9. Observes principles of occupational health and safety and applies legal regulations concerning fire and environmental protection

xx x

1.1.10 Gives first aid to persons injured in industrial accidents or when their life or heath is threatened



1.2. (PDG) Starting up and conducting business activity

1.2.1. Applies notions from the area of market economy operation

x xx

1.2.2. Applies labour law regulations, provisions concerning personal data protection, provisions of

x xx

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

tax law and intellectual property rights 1.2.3. Applies legal regulations concerning conducting

business activity x xx

1.2.4. Distinguishes enterprises and institutions in the sector and connections among them

x xx

1.2.5. Analyses operations conducted by companies in the sector

xx x

1.2.6. Initiates joint undertakins with various companies from the sector


1.2.7. Prepares documentation essential to start up and conduct business activity

xx x

1.2.8. Conducts correspondence related to conducting business activity

x xx

1.2.9. Uses office appliances, applies software supporting conducting business activity

x xx

1.2.10 Plans marketing actions of conducted business activity and takes them

x xx

1.2.11 Optimises costs and revenues of conducted business activity

x xx


1.3. (JOZ) Professionally-oriented foreign language

1.3.1. Uses the resource of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical, orthographic and phonetic) enabling to perform occupational tasks

xx x

1.3.2. Interprets statements concerning taking typical occupational actions articulated slowly and clearly in a standard language’s variation

xx x

1.3.3. Analyses and interprets short written articles concerning taking typical occupational actions

x x x

1.3.4. Formulates short and clear statements and written texts enabling communication in the work environment

x xx

1.3.5. Uses information sources in a foreign language xx x Other:

1.4. (KPS) Personal and social competences 1.4.1. Observes principles of propriety and ethics x xx 1.4.2. Is creative and consistent in task performance x xx 1.4.3. Foresees results of taken actions x xx 1.4.4. Is open to changes x xx 1.4.5. Can deal with stress x xx 1.4.6. Updates knowledge and improves professional skills x x x 1.4.7. Observes professional secrecy x xx 1.4.8. Is able to bear responsibility for taken actions x x x 1.4.9. Is able to negotiate terms of agreements x x x 1.4.10 Cooperates in a team xx x Other:

2: Learning outcomes common for occupations within the area of education, constituting professional prerequisites for training in an occupation or a group of occupations PKZ (B.C) 2.1. Recognises types and elements of building objects xx x 2.2. Distinguishes structures of building objects and

technologies of their construction xx x

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

2.3. Distinguishes types and elements of building systems

xx x

2.4. Recognises building materials and defines their application


2.5. Observes the rules of preparing technical drawings xx x 2.6. Conducts drafts xxx 2.7. Distinguishes types and elements of documentation

applied in the construction industry xx x

2.8. Distinguished measuring instruments applied in works


2.9. Observes the rules of carrying out measurements related to works

xx x

2.10. Recognises elements of a construction site development


2.11. Distinguishes means of transport applied in the construction industry

x xx

2.12. Observes the rules of transport and storage of building materials

x xx

2.13. Distinguishes types of scaffolds and observes the rules of their assembly, use and disassembly

xx x

2.14. Applies software supporting task performance x x x Other:

3: Learning outcomes relevant to qualifications separated in the Bricklayer-Plasterer occupation – qualification B.18. Carrying out masonry and plastering works 3.1. Carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete


3.1.1. Distinguishes types of grouts and mortars, defines their properties and application


3.1.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.3. Chooses contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.4. Conducts a bill of quantity of works related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and calculates costs of their performance


3.1.5. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.6. Prepares contents of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.7. Carries out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes in accordance with a recipe


3.1.8. Assesses quality of the workmanship of grouts, mortars and concrete mixes


3.1.9. Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out grouts, mortars and concrete mixes and prepares clearance of these works



3.2. Carrying out brick building structures 3.2.1. Distinguishes types of brick building structures xxx 3.2.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications

concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out brick building structures


3.2.3. Recognises types of brick bonds in walls xxx

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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.2.4. Distinguishes types of building insulations and defines ways of their performance


3.2.5. Selects and prepares materials to carry out brick building structures


3.2.6. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out brick building structure


3.2.7. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance


3.2.8. Indicates location of brick building structure xx x 3.2.9. Carries out brick walls, ceilings, lintels, roof, pillars,

piers and chimneys xxx

3.2.10 Carries out wall pointing and facing xxx 3.2.11 Carries out earthwork, insulation works, ancillary

concrete and reinforcement works related to carrying out brick building structures

xx x

3.2.12 Assesses quality of carrying out masonry work xxx 3.2.13 Conducts a quantity survey of works related to

carrying out brick building structures and prepares their clearance

xx x


3.3. Carrying out plasters 3.3.1. Distinguishes types of plasters xxx 3.3.2. Uses project documentation, technical specifications

concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out plasters


3.3.3. Chooses and prepares materials to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.5. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out internal and external plasters and calculates costs of their clearance


3.3.6. Prepares the base to carry out internal and external plasters


3.3.7. Carries out internal and external plasters xxx 3.3.8. Takes actions related to finishing plastered surfaces

and mounting ventilation grilles and other elements xxx

3.3.9. Recognises damage types of internal and external plasters and chooses ways of their repair


3.3.10 Repairs internal and external plasters xxx 3.3.11 Assesses quality of carrying out plastering work xxx 3.3.12 Conducts a quantity survey related to carrying out

internal and external works and prepares clearance of these works



3.4. Carrying out repairs and demolition of brick building structures

3.4.1. Uses project documentation, technical specifications concerning performance and acceptance of works, standards and instructions concerning carrying out repair and demolition works of brick building structures


3.4.2. Selects and prepares materials to carry out repair of brick building structures


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Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom

3.4.3. Conducts a bill of quantity concerning works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and calculates costs of their performance

xx x

3.4.4. Chooses tools and equipment to carry out works related to repair and demolition of brick building structures


3.4.5. Carries out masonry works related to repair of brick building structures


3.4.6. Carries out demolition works of brick building structures


3.4.7. Assesses quality of repair and demolition works of brick building structures


3.4.8. Conducts a quantity survey of works related to carrying out repair and demolition of brick building structures and prepares their clearance

xx x


Other, please define: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Notes: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………