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Jan 19, 2018



Book   Name of Book: Hide-and-Seek-Elmer, by David McKee Brief synopsis of story: Elmer is an elephant composed of many colors. He often speaks in rhyme and children can easily identify colors. It’s also a lift the flap book, which children can search for him, essentially playing hide and seek. Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: Looking behind the flaps helps the child with their motor skills and memory. In relation to Gardner’s theory, it falls into the category of Logical-Mathematical because there are many different patterns with colors. It also has many images and pictures, making it partly Spatial, also. A one-year-old is in the Sensorimotor stage. Within this stage the child develop the capability to recognize that a hidden object still exists, and will continue looking for it. This is incorporated greatly, as the book is a game of hide-and-seek. They life the flap up in order to really experience this.
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Page 1: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.


By: Courtney

Page 2: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.


Page 3: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Book Name of Book:

Hide-and-Seek-Elmer, by David McKeeBrief synopsis of story: Elmer is an elephant composed of many colors. He often speaks in rhyme and children can easily identify colors. It’s also a lift the flap book, which children can search for him, essentially playing hide and seek.Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: Looking behind the flaps helps the child with their motor skills and memory. In relation to Gardner’s theory, it falls into the category of Logical-Mathematical because there are many different patterns with colors. It also has many images and pictures, making it partly Spatial, also. A one-year-old is in the Sensorimotor stage. Within this stage the child develop the capability to recognize that a hidden object still exists, and will continue looking for it. This is incorporated greatly, as the book is a game of hide-and-seek. They life the flap up in order to really experience this.

Page 4: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Activity Describe the activity:

Getting empty boxes or containers and allowing the child to empty and fill them with various objects, weather it be balls or goldfish, allows the child to complete simple tasks on their own.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: Intrapersonal is a type of intelligence Gardner used to describe one who can work alone. In a way it promotes independence and gives children the self-satisfaction of completing simple things. Piaget said that during the Sensorimotor stage infants gain physical knowledge, which by touching and seeing how long it may take to fill an object before having to dump it out and start over, shows exactly that.

Page 5: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Toy Describe the toy and what it does:

Fisher Price Baby Gymnastics Bounce and Spin Zebra. The child can sit on the zebra-like toy and as the name states, bounce around as well as spin. It also includes lights, sounds, and animal noises.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: Gardener’s theory is supported by this toy in the sense that the child is able to move around freely and be active, while having fun. Children who develop this type of intelligence usually learn better by getting up and moving around. Piaget’s theory says that the children think only by doing at this age. The child learns certain ways to maneuver objects by acting it out.

Page 6: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Television Show Name of show or movie:

The Wiggles

brief synopsis of show or movie: The Wiggles are a children’s musical group who sing song’s about the situations they perform. They learn different thing’s about the world while involving the children in numerous dances. Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: A child learns to be musical while watching this show, part of Gardner’s theory. They learn rhythms of songs and engage in many situations that involve singing along and dancing. In relation to Piaget’s theory, they learn how to be musical by performing the dances and songs along with The Wiggles.

Page 7: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.


Page 8: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Book Name of Book:

Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman

Brief synopsis of story: This book introduces colors and provides the child with repetition, which is the best way they can learn. It also throws in relative position with simple language. The child is able to make connections between the colors and the dogs.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: At age five, the child is in the pre-operational stage, according to

Piaget. The child is able to identify colors to objects and can easily group together certain dogs that are related to other’s by color. It meets Gardener’s theory under the Logical-mathematical intelligence portion. The child is able to recognize patterns with the dogs and cars in the book.

Page 9: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Activity Describe the activity:

Playing pretend, such as house or school where the child acts as if they were the teacher or the parent in a way that they interpret those roles.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: During the preoperational stage, the child applies there new knowledge of language and there thinking is influenced by fantasy and how they would like things to be. By playing a role of another character, they can do exactly this, which is how it relates to Piaget’s theory. Gardner would say this type of activity could be bodily-kinesthetic, which has to do with bodily movement and performing roles. It could also be verbal-linguistic, as they are saying things that they remember the people in the role’s that they are performing saying.

Page 10: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Toy Describe the toy and what it does:

Tabletop puppet theater. Children can perform puppet shows for friends and family and it could also be used on the parent’s end to demonstrate appropriate behaviors in certain situations but as a visual.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: Piaget would say that by using the puppet’s as visuals, the child is more apt to learn the information being introduced. This toy also encourages language skills and turn taking skills. They can also perform roles of other characters. Gardner’s theory is shown in the sense that the shows would be interpersonal, because it is involving others. They are working with other’s to put on a show together, or even taking turns in performing shows.

Page 11: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Movie Name of show or movie:

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

brief synopsis of show or movie: Charlie, a poor boy who lives with his grandparents, finds a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, as well as some other children who eventually get kicked out because of there bad behaviors of not listening and cooperating with Mr. Wonka’s rules. Many songs are performed as each child leaves, giving little lessons within the songs.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: The child is learning valuable lessons through songs, which would be considered musical intelligence by Garner. It is a fantasy type world, so the child is shown situations in which they can interpret it however they like. Symbols are also used to represent objects, which is a big part of Piaget’s theory.

Page 12: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.


Page 13: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Book Name of Book:

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli

Brief synopsis of story: Captures the hardships of life in the ghettos of Warsaw during the Nazi occupation of World War II, through the eyes of a Jewish orphan who must use all his knowledge and courage to survive in tough events.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: At age eleven, Piaget says that children are able to take in the view point of other’s, and this story is told through the eyes of someone else. The child can understand the concrete problem but cannot predict all of the possible outcomes, and this book will present the problem as well as the result. It meets Gardner’s theory from the logical-mathematical intelligence because it takes an event in time that already has happened and involves a lot of logic and reasoning to peoples motives.

Page 14: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Activity Describe the activity:

Gardening, or planting a flower and observing how it grows.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: During the concrete stage, the child is able to represent transformations, and as the flower grows, they are witnessing the growing of it day by day and realize that it’s the same object. Gardner’s theory comes into play in two cases. Naturalistic is the nature and nurture part, and by caring for a flower they observe weather patterns as well and realize that there are some circumstances where problems could occur. Also it’s bodily-kinesthetic because the child is physically caring for the object, rather than just observing someone else do it for them.

Page 15: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Toy Describe the toy and what it does:

Electro Wizard Inventions Electricity Science Kit allows the child to build inventions with instructions and provides you with all the necessary parts while learning about electricity.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: The child is able to logically think about what they are doing as they are performing the skill, which was part of the concrete stage in Piaget’s theory. They can perform the task and then think about why it works and how they made it happen, since they are the ones who built it. You could say this is verbal-linguistic because the child has to read and interpret the instructions given to complete the inventions.

Page 16: WORLDS BEST BABYSITTER PROJECT By: Courtney. One-Year-Old.

Movie Name of show or movie:

Another Cinderella Story

brief synopsis of show or movie: Musical about a high school girl who lives with her step-mother and two step-sisters. A pop star enrolls in her school and they meet at a school dance. While rushing to get back home, just like in the regular Cinderella, she leaves her mp3 player, rather than a shoe. Pretty much a modern day Cinderella story.

Explanation of how it meets Piaget's and Gardner's theories: Since it is partly a musical, the child can learn lessons about life through songs that relate to their lives. During the concrete stage, the child is able to understand logical events, which is presented throughout the whole movie. Since there is not much abstract concepts, the child can easily understand the situations within the movie.