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World War II 1939-1945

World War II 1939-1945

Feb 23, 2016




World War II 1939-1945. Objectives… Define Fascism Describe how the fascist governments rose to power in Italy & Germany. Fascism A system of government characterized by a dictator , nationalism and militarism . Fasces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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World War II1939-1945

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Objectives…Define FascismDescribe how the fascist

governments rose to power in Italy & Germany.

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Fascism A system of government characterized by a dictator, nationalism and militarism.

Fasces A Latin word referring to a bundle of sticks bound to the handle of an axe.

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The characteristics of Fascism…

Look back in history to their past greatness

No criticism of the government ...Censorship

Schools teach fascism

The individual exists to serve the state

Conflict…“War is the most noble goal of man”- Hitler

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Benito MussoliniMussolini’s rise to power…

Uses violence & murder Appeals to people fearing

Communism…“rabidly nationalistic”

Becomes “Il Duce”… Promises Italian greatness Suspends elections Builds a modern military

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Italy - Benito Mussolini - “Il Duce”

Mussolini Quotes…

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

“Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.”

“Fascism is a religion. The twentieth century will be known in history as the century of Fascism. ”

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Hitler’s background…

Austrian born High school drop out Frustrated by failure as a young adult. WWI corporal Organizes the National Socialists Workers Party

(1919)… 1923 jailed for attempted overthrow of the

German government

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Mein Kampf or “My Struggle”

Describes…The “Master”/“Aryan Race” theory…

The Final Solution… Lebensraum…

Denounces… Democracy & communism Religion (Christianity & Judaism) The Treaty of Versailles

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Hitler’s rise to power…

German government is weak… Economic problems…The Nazi Party is formed Fear of Communists… Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany… The Reichstag burns… Hitler declares himself “Fuhrer”…

The Reichstag Fire

Jan. 30, 1933

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“How fortunate for leaders that men do not

think.”- A. Hitler

The Third Reich

The term “Third Reich” is used to describe

Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany from 1933 to


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Hitler strengthens his power…• “Scape - goating”… • burning• Assassination of his enemies• Political meetings (Nuremberg Rallies)• Propaganda

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The Nuremberg Rally(s)

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German PropagandaPosters

What messages are being conveyed?

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Germany - Adolf Hitler - Der FuhrerThe most destructive leader in modern history.

Hitler Quotes…“War is the most noble goal of man”

“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the

comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”

“Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and


“Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.”

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3) Describe the policies & events exposing Hitler’s Germany as a racially & religiously intolerant


1933: Concentration camps1935: The Nuremberg Laws…1938: Kristallnacht– “The Night of Broken


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The Nuremberg Laws Nazi Racial Legislation

• Laws designed to… - Purify Germany - Define citizenship - Define the position of Jews in the Third


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1938: Kristallnacht - "Night of Broken Glass"

• Triggering event…Jewish teenager murders a German official in Paris

• 1,000 Synagogues burned, businesses, cemeteries, hospitals, schools & homes looted & destroyed… 30,000 arrested

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Objective… Identify and explain the

events that force America to move away from isolationism & into WW II.

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1) Roosevelt’s primary concern during the 1930s?…

2) What were the worldwide economic & political ramifications of the Great Depression?…

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Think…What have you previously learned that

supports US commitment to this policy?

What type of foreign policy did the US adopt after WW I? 

• Rejection of The Treaty of Versailles• The Kellogg-Briand Pact

• Washington Naval Conference

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Why did Americans favor isolationism prior to the start of WW II?...

8) How did each of the following influence the isolationist thinking prior to the outbreak of the war?–All Quiet on the Western Front–Nye Committee–College students–Norman Thomas–America First

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Examples of Isolationism prior to WW II…

Rejected the Treaty of Versailles… The Washington Conference (1921-22)… Kellog-Briand Pact (1928)…

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• The message?

• Can you identify the

year this cartoon was published?

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Pre- World War II Aggression

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1931-32 Japan invades Manchuria & Shanghai

American Response:Diplomatic protest

No Action

1935Italy invades Ethiopia

American Response:The Neutrality Acts are passed

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The Neutrality Acts• Designed to keep the US out of war…

–1935: Banned war supplies –1935: Forbid travel on foreign ships –1936: Prohibited loans –1937: Included the Spanish CW–1939: “cash-and-carry”…

–Replaced by “lend-lease” …

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1936Germany rearms & sends troops

into the RhinelandAmerican Response:

No action

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1936 The Rome-Berlin Axis…

Supporting “parallel interests”

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1937Japan begins full scale invasion of China

* WW II officially starts in Asia

American Response:Diplomatic protest

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1938 The Anschluss…Germany & Austria unite –

6M Austrians are under German control

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1938: Hitler invades the Sudetenland.

- Hitler charges that Czechs are “abusing Germans

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1938:The Munich Pact or Appeasement Policy…

Hitler meets with French & British Prime Ministers… Agrees not to

take more territory

British Prime MinisterNeville Chamberlain

announces “Peace in our time”

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1938American Response

FDR requests peaceful settlementU.S. funds a two ocean navy

Signing the Two Ocean Navy Expansion Act

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-Germany invades Czechoslovakia & the Non Aggression Pact is signed…

Agreement between Germany & Russia that they will not attack each other & will divide Poland

between them.

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1940 The Tripartite PactRome – Berlin –Tokyo Axis

Japanese & Italian emissaries with Hitler.

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1939: Germany Invades Poland

Luftwaffe…. German air force …Very modern & powerful

-The first casualty of the German-Soviet Non Aggression Pact

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1940 Germany invades Denmark, Norway,

Holland, Belgium & France

• WW II officially starts in Europe…- Blitzkrieg…- The Battle for Britain…

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1939 Blitzkrieg… “LIGHTNING WAR” The name implies the rapid deployment of air power, mechanized cavalry and


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1939 American Response:

The Neutrality Acts are amended to “cash & carry”

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1940 American Response:

• Selective Service Act…• Destroyers for Bases Deal…

• Lend-Lease Plan… “It is like lending your neighbor whose house is burning a garden hose.”

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1941The invasion of the USSR (or Operation Barbarosa)…

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1942 Map of the Axis Powers

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Freedom From Fear

Freedom of Speech

Freedom From Want

Freedom of Worship

FDR: The Four Freedoms Speech…

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1941World Event: The Atlantic Charter…

13) The “common principles” that President Roosevelt &

Prime Minister Churchill agreed to in the Atlantic


• Free trade among all nations• No territorial seizures after the war• Self determination• Disarmament• The four freedoms… Freedom from fear &

want, freedom of speech & worship

Most of the above are related to what previous topic?

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Describe the U.S. response to the attack

on Pearl Harbor.

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Pearl HarborIdentify the diplomatic & military events in 1940- 41 that foreshadow

war between Japan & the US…

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1941World Event:Dec. 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor is attackedAmerican Response:

Congress declares war Dec. 8, 1941

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Sunday morning,Dec. 7, 1941

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Pearl Harbor15) Japan’s overall objective for


16) Japan’s military objective for the attack on Pearl Harbor?

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Pearl HarborFrom You Tube…

Pearl Harbor Day Attack

Documentary video clip: 8:45

Documentary video clip: 1:50

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The Pearl Harbor attack…• The largest surprise attack in history

• 353 planes… Launched from 274 miles away

• Two waves: 1st : 7:53 AM -183 planes 2nd: 8:40 AM -170 planes

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Pearl Harbor The damages…

2,400 dead 1,200 wounded 8 battleships 3 destroyers 3 cruisers 188 planes

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“I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with

a terrible resolve." - General Yamato of the Imperial Japanese Army

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Japanese photo of the Pearl Harbor attack…

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“I could see the men on Arizona walking on deck and burning alive. They had their helmets on. Their clothes were all seared off. They were a ghostly crew

as they walked out of those flames. And then they just dropped dead”

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USS NEVADA beached

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Hickam Army Airfield

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Arial photo USS Arizona Memorial

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Pearl HarborFrom You Tube…

Pearl Harbor Day Attack Documentary video clip: 8:45

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FDR requests a declaration of war…

"Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and

deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." - Franklin Roosevelt, Dec. 8, 1941

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A Global War - Dec. 11, 1941

Germany & Italy declare war on the U.S. Hitler declares war against the “half Judaized and the

other half Negrified” America The U.S. acknowledges a state of war

"...Every single man, woman, and child is partner in the most tremendous

undertaking of our history."- FDR

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Map of the Axis Powers 1942