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World Proof Your Kids Main resource: World Proofing Your Kids by Lael Arrington

World Proof Your Kids

Feb 23, 2016




World Proof Your Kids. Main resource: World Proofing Your Kids by Lael Arrington World Proof Your Kids. “Daddy, why are we here?” Video: Ally’s Question to Daddy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: World Proof Your Kids

World Proof Your KidsMain resource: World Proofing Your Kids

by Lael Arrington

Page 2: World Proof Your Kids

World Proof Your Kids

• “Daddy, why are we here?”

• Video: Ally’s Question to Daddy.


Page 3: World Proof Your Kids

How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

2. What is the origin of the universe?

3. What is the origin of man?

4. What is the purpose of man?

5. What is morality?

Page 4: World Proof Your Kids

How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

2. What is the origin of the universe?

3. What is the origin of man?

4. What is the purpose of man?

5. What is morality?

Page 5: World Proof Your Kids

How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

We teach them:“I am the way, the truth and the life…”

Jesus Christ

But the world believes:“That’s true for you, but not for me!”

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The dance...where do I start. I uh danced with Dustin which was fun and then he kissed me, which was fun but I regret it. You see he has been telling me he doesnt want a girlfriend cause he is gonna move

well...I get to school today and guess who has a girlfriend!!! That would be Dustin.

To my suprise there are many boys who would love my attention and right now Im giving it to all of them. Not in a bad way...I mean Im not dating any of them I just flirt a lot and show them that I can have fun

when I wanna and Im not the nice girl all the time.

The Relativistic View

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My summer has been ok but let me tell you Im still struggling with a lot of things. I got kissed this weekend by this cute guy but Im not

sure my mom would approve of me dating- once again I have chosen a "low life". I enjoyed it though...I havent been kissed in a while and it

reminded me of how much I miss it. Ok so that probably makes me sound really bad but Corrie I have really changed. I like the new me but I dont think my family will...Im just more adventurous and out

going but then again I have my dull and a lone moments too.

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Be honest about your own lack of understanding.

Avoid metaphors and symbolic language with young


Be intentional about distinguishing reality from


Ask questions.

Repeat lessons - repetition breeds familiarity.

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The Bible is our spiritual compass.

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Daily devotions for kids.

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Richard Dawkins believes in absolute truth?

Video: Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion (start at 4:09)

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Resources Nancy Pearcey,

Total Truth

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How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

2. What is the origin of the universe?

3. What is the origin of man?

4. What is the purpose of man?

5. What is morality?

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How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

We teach them:“In the beginning, God…”

But the world believes:“Aliens did it!”

2. What is the origin of the universe?

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The oldest dinosaur types are known from rocks in Argentina and Brazil and are about 230 million years old. The most primitive of

these types, Eoraptor, was a small meat-eating dinosaur. Because Eoraptor's skeleton shows some advanced skeletal features, older

dinosaurs may yet be found.

The U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey

How Old Are Dinosaurs?

The Evolutionist View

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Top Home-School Texts Dismiss Darwin, Evolution

"I feel fairly strongly about this. These books are promulgating lies to kids," said Jerry Coyne, an ecology and evolution professor at the

University of Chicago.

Virginia Tech biology professor Duncan Porter reviewed excerpts from the Apologia and Bob Jones biology textbooks, which are equivalent to ninth- and 10th-grade biology lessons. Porter said he would give

the books an F.

"If this is the way kids are home-schooled then they're being shortchanged, both rationally and in terms of biology," Coyne said. He argued that the books may steer students away from careers in

biology or the study of the history of the earth.

Fox News Online

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Encourage critical thinking

Teach both sides of the argument

Expose kids to evidence

Teach kids to allow others to disagree with them

Educate yourself


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The Privileged Planet

Clip 11 –The Anthropic Principle


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Intelligent Design vs. EvolutionBoard Game


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Yeah, so, maybe there is a designer…but it’s not God.

Video: Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design.


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Ken Ham

Center for Science and Culture -

The Discovery Institute - - Lee

Strobel, The Case for a Creator


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How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

2. What is the origin of the universe?

3. What is the origin of man?

4. What is the purpose of man?

5. What is morality?

Page 23: World Proof Your Kids

How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

We teach them:“So God created man in His own


But the world believes:“From the goo, to the zoo, to you!”

3. What is the origin of man?

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The Materialist View

. . . if I could be sure of the future I wanted, sure that I would get to spend forever with Edward. . . .Any future that made me like him—that made me immortal. (New Moon, 10)

Carlisle: “Edward’s with me up to a point. God and heaven exist . . . and so does hell. But he doesn’t believe there is an afterlife for our kind.” Carlisle’s voice was very soft; he stared out the big window over the sink, into the darkness. “You see, he thinks we’ve lost our souls.” (New Moon, 37)

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“But you said thirty,” I whispered. The tears leaked over the edge. “What? You’re going to stay, but let me get all old anyway? Right.”

His eyes softened, while his mouth went hard. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do. What choice do I have? I cannot be without you, but I will not destroy your soul.”

. . . Was this fixation with keeping me human really about my soul, or was it because he wasn’t sure he wanted me around that long? (New Moon, 518)

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Do not stop at refuting false teachings, replace them with the truth.

The Bible is sufficient as the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and practice, so do not diminish it to a textbook. Rom. 15:4

So as not to violate a student’s conscience, when taking tests at school, pre-empt the questions with “Evolution teaches…”

Explain why materialism is so popular. Rom. 1:18-32 vs.25 “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator…”

Prepare a list of arguments/proofs supporting intelligent cause.


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Ask good questions.

Clarify – Ask her to define terms or re-state her objection.

Identify –Reveal a flaw in reasoning by examining her position.

Rectify – Does “Y” seem more reasonable to you?


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Interview with a witch.jbnb31691: Why do you think to live, love, hurt, give birth, etc. are important? Are you here just to experience life? Do you have any eternal value?dragon_cooky: That, I am not sure of..  That is the big question isn’t it?  What will happen when I die?  I can believe with all my heart that what I have studied and learned is correct, but when I die, I may just find out that I was completly wrong..  I may learn that there is only one god, or no god..  I may even learn that there is nothing after death..  So I guess it all comes down to the F-word..  Faith..dragon_cooky: I suppose it’s all a matter of choice..  What do I choose to believe?  I guess that is what we all do..dragon_cooky: I think it’s the same for any belief system..  Athiests believe there is nothing, Christians believe there is heaven or hell, pagans believe in reincarnation..  No one forces us to believe any of this..  We choose to believe it..jbnb31691: What do you have faith in?dragon_cooky: Honestly?  This will sound incredibly smug..  I have faith in myself..  I have faith that I know what is right for myself..  I have faith in karma..

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Lee Strobel’s interview with Antony Flew (stop at 1:40)


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Probe Ministries -

Bill Craig -

How to ask good questions.


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How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

2. What is the origin of the universe?

3. What is the origin of man?

4. What is the purpose of man?

5. What is morality?

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How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

We teach them:“Fear God and keep His

commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

But the world believes:“Welcome to whatever world.”

4. What is the purpose of man?

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The Naturalist View

Sexuality and Fun

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Remind kids frequently of warnings against worshipping the

creation rather than the creator.

Get your own financial house in order.

Check your criticism of your own body, house, clothes, etc.

Distinguish between the excellence that God requires from

us and the success that the world expects from us.

Avoid becoming a stumbling block to your own children. If

you value character more than temporal pleasure, your

speech and actions will reflect it.


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Practice identifying competing worldviews with your

children daily.

Examine advertisements and commercials.

What is the target audience?

What are they selling?

What do the advertisers want you to do?

If someone believes that all that exists is material, how

does that effect what they value?


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Video: Everything is amazing and nobody’s happy!

end at 1:25


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Christian Apologetics Resource Ministry

Norman Geisler, et. al. videos

Affluenza: The Disease of Greed


Page 39: World Proof Your Kids

How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

1. What is truth?

2. What is the origin of the universe?

3. What is the origin of man?

4. What is the purpose of man?

5. What is morality?

Page 40: World Proof Your Kids

How do I reinforce a biblical worldview for my children?

We teach them:“Indeed, when Gentiles, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are

written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.”

But the world believes:“There was no king in the land. Everyone did what was right in

his own eyes.”

5. What is morality?

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The Moral Relativist View


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Discuss social issues with your children, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Courageous believers have blazed a trail before you; don’t hesitate to get help if you need it.

If you don’t tell your kids what you believe and why it is true, someone else will. And that someone else probably won’t share your beliefs. Get to them first.

We do not live by arbitrary standards, share with your children the scriptural basis for your beliefs.

In the public square do not use the Bible to make your case.


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“Mom, do you think gays should have rights?” Will age 11


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Isn’t it compassionate to let people live the way they want?

Video: Nothing Gay About It - Part 1 of 6 featuring Frank Turek (start at 8:00)


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“Our morality evolved. Really?”

Video: Richard Dawkins on Morality(stop clip at 2:25 or 5.0)


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Understand, defend and communicate the Christian

faith -

Ravi Zacharias -

Greg Koukl, Stand to Reason -


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How can I stand strong?

Protect yourself and family within a community of


Establish relationships of accountability for you and

your children.

Continue to educate yourself and stay current.

Practice defending your views with your children.

Influence your community.