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World Peace Service

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World Peace

Service *

Book I

A Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Publication

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The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, Inc. P.O. Box 333, Kings Park, NY 11754

Tel. 631-269-9139 / Fax 631-269-4812

Copyright ©2001 The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Historical Background of the Peace Service

In the outer world, on August 2, 1990, the Persian Gulf War had begun with Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. By November 29, 1990 the United Nations had issued a directive for the withdrawal of all invading troops by January 15, 1991. When this failed to bring compliance and the ordered withdrawal - Operation Desert Storm began with a massive air offensive by the US/allies on January 16-17, 1991. Still failing to achieve the desired withdrawal, on Sunday, February 24, 1991 the US/allies ground forces were deployed in the area.

As we live in a world of form it is important to reply to events or situations around us in a way that is in accordance with not only cosmic or spiritual law but with the laws of physical manifestation. A manner in which to accomplish this is by centering and dedicating our attention and energy not only mentally and emotionally, but physically through the investment of our time and energy as a group using a coordinated pattern of decrees, visualizations and affirmations.

The Peace Service was developed as a specialized group petition service in the configuration of a formatted pattern service adopted to coordinate and amplify our appeal for assistance from the Octaves of Light for the focus of universal world peace. This service was loosely based on the formatted Petition Services.* Beginning on the evening of Sunday, February 24 the Peace Service was given in the Angel Room and continued nightly for one week, by Thursday, February 28, 1991 a cease fire was declared!


Throughout most of 1999 Kosovo, the Balkan States, Albania and Yugoslavia were embroiled in a fierce civil and ethnic conflict, which resulted in the United Nations and NATO becoming involved and the formation of Operation Allied Forces. In response to this ongoing conflict in 1999, once again the Peace Services were launched and continued every Friday night at 8:00 PM in the Angel Room. Due to the initiation of additional conflicts throughout the world - in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, etc. the Peace Services were continued all during the year 2000 and into the early part of 2001. With the attack on the World Trade Center(9/11/01) and the subsequent conflict in Afganistan the Peace Services were begun once again in September 2001 on Friday evenings and every night during the week of October 7-13, 2001.

The energies of the decrees and meditations that are given on behalf of our petition for peace through our physical efforts are accepted by the octaves of light as a clear indication of our willingness to lend support in the ongoing manner required to accomplish and fully manifest universal peace for the planet Earth. This book is offered so that the matrix of light which surrounds and fills the Earth may be continually expanded and intensified for the cause of world peace!

* * The first formalized formatted Petition Classes (Services) in coordination with the meeting of the Karmic Board were held at The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom's Headquarters in New York, USA in the Angel Room at 8:00 PM (EST) every evening from December 25 through December 31, 1990. They have continued since then during the last week/seven days of June and De­ cember each year.

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World Peace Service


Each quality and virtue of the great Universal God Consciousness is embodied in Beings of Light, who radiate these virtues forth to all who call upon them. Thus we can see how, for instance, the quality of freedom or peace can be greatly expanded and radiated into all life by anyone who sees the need, makes the call, and is willing to take the time to expand and increase the universal disbursement of that quality.

It is Cosmic Law that any call for help must come from the octave that needs the assistance. It is also Cosmic Law that any request must receive a response. We, as chelas of the Ascended Masters, are well acquainted with the acceleration that takes place in our group and individual meditations and spiritual work that is based on these laws. We have also experienced this stepping up of energy personally, to one degree or another, as we work with group or individual energy.

From small groups and individuals, working diligently to expand the qualities of peace and spiritual freedom, a tremendous network of Light has been created, which is steadily and surely advancing across the face of this Earth. We are building a great repository of peace and freedom, from which all humankind may draw. We can invoke and expand this Light wherever it is needed, and we can call upon it for our own personal needs as well.

We recognize that it is effective in group work to use guided meditations or visualizations, as it keeps all minds and "visions"

tuned into the same wavelength. However, there are some additional practices that are beneficial in group activities for expanding energy on behalf of a specific purpose.

One method is group decreeing, in which we are able to verbally state our purpose, as we combine our energies. Doing this prior to a guided meditation is a very powerful device, which offers each member the opportunity to use their voice and physical energy to personally consecrate their energies to the common purpose of the group. In this way the power of "the spoken word" is able to greatly assist in initiating the process of physical manifestation.

Another technique is to play appropiate background music behind visualizations, meditations, readings and occasionally decrees. There are even times when a specific musical composition may actually be the foundation upon which we anchor some aspect of our work. Music serves as the universal language that transcends all communication restraints. Music works through our senses, touching our physical, etheric (memories), mental and emotional bodies, as it assists us in moving nearer to our desired manifes­ tation.

What transpires following all of our group work is the personal responsibility of each member of the group who is working together for a common purpose. It is important that all group participants keep a positive and joyously expectant attitude as individuals. Group work is a very powerful experience and a great deal of energy is channeled from the Higher Octaves of Light into and through the entire group. Following these experiences it is common

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to feel either a sense of "let-down" or "extreme energy". The fact is we are gradually "let-down" as the much higher energy we have been working with continues to move through our bodies to do its work. It is for this reason we may desire at this time to be alone to bask in the energy of God's Love and Light.

We honor the Cosmic Law here on Earth by assisting our Planet and all our sisters and brothers in the Human Family. We have embodied to learn and develop our own "mastery". This is a truth that is easy to forget at times, especially if the outer picture of our personal life is not always smooth! The same is true of the outer picture for this planet. We must remember that we have come to transmute all misqualified energy and purify the Earth, and that this must begin with each of us as an individual 'master of energy'. We have to take responsibility for our covenant with God, and learn to use our own spiritual legs to walk tall as the Beings of Light we truly are!

Remember part of the healing process is the surfacing of the symptom. So, when symptoms of dis-ease surface, thank the Universal Source of all Life that healing is imminent! Now, lets prepare to work!


All decrees and information for giving the Peace Service is included in this two part book. The number given for each decree refers to its place and number in ''The Book of Ceremony and Ordered Service, Revised Edition 1989". Underlined material is information for a group leader or director who is verbally giving the service with additional participants.

The Peace Service is laid out for the established ongoing use on any of the Seven Rays, covering each day of the week or a specific God quality or virtue. There are seven Service Sections -one for each of the Seven Rays. There is a Decree Section, which can be used with any of the Service Sections, with indica­ tions ( * ) where to switch back and forth between sections.

Part I contains an Introduction, History, Candle Lighting Ceremony, Invocation, Benediction, Decrees and Service Sections for the Sixth and Seventh Rays. Part II contains the Service Sections for the First through Fifth Rays.

-*- *Breathing Statement Each full breath taken is divided into four parts: the inbreath, the absorption, the expansion and the projection. On the inbreath, breathe in the qualities contained within the breathing statement. As you hold your breath in, absorb, these qualities deep within every part of your being. As you breathe out, expand and increase the power and momentum of the divine qualities you are calling forth through the power of the Holy Breath. Holding your breath out of your body, project these God Virtues and Qualities forth to all life.

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Decrees Decree 2-05

The number for each decree refers to its number in "The Book of Ceremony and Ordered Service,

Revised Edition 1989" *

Decree 11-12 Giving Your God Presence Dominion

Mighty I AM presence, take command of this outer self this day. Take command of my every thought, feeling, spoken word, action and reaction. Produce Your perfection, hold Your dominion. Put and keep me always in my right and perfect place. Show me the perfect thing to do and through me, do it perfectly.



Declaration of Faith (variation)

In the Name of the Prince of the Heavenly Host, Lord Michael, and the Magnificent Lady Faith, I affirm my faith that God's First Cause is perfection for all things!

By living, moving and breathing the Reality of that first cause, I create the opportunity for the cosmic faith of God to have its natural effect through my lifestream.

I AM consecrated to projecting my deep inner conviction of "God Reality'' onto the screen of Life around me, until It stands forth as a living example of God's Faith in humanity ... and until all humanity so choose to return their faith to God.

* I AM an open door for God's Limitless Faith in humanity and humanity's returning Faith in God. (*3x)



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Decree 2-04 Invincible Guard of Mighty Hercules


Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, beloved Mighty Hercules, Elohim of the First Ray


All governments and governmental leaders, all military person­ nel and military leaders and all innocent people who are caught in the middle of any current or potential conflicts ... in your Herculean love, energy and invincible protection from all hu­ man creation.


established, sustained, and maintained over them and their worlds and all that is of the Light throughout the world, now and forever.

As God's Most Holy Name ... I AM.

Thank you!

Let us now begin our work with the Violet Fire


Decree 3-01, ( The Law of Forgiveness) ... Together ... (variation)

With all the Power of the beloved Presence of God I AM, and the Ray of Eternal Love of beloved Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion,


every person, place, condition or thing that may have wronged me in any way, at any time, for any reason whatsoever, and I now love free all debts owed to me by life everywhere.

I do now invoke the Law of Forgiveness for myself and all humankind, for all the misuse of God's Holy Energy and the Elemental Kingdom since the beginning of time.


and as I am forgiven, I send forth a gift of Love to balance all debts to Life I have ever created which yet remain unpaid.

I AM grateful for the Law of Forgiveness, to love Life free from the Wheel of Karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained.

It is done ... as I AM God in action. As God's Most Holy Name I AM.


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Having activated the Mercy Flame within ( insert area/areas where the gift of peace is needed) let us now work with the mass karma of the races in this(these) area(s) of the world ...

Decree 3-14 (Mass Karma) ... with love ...

In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God I AM and of the Creative Fire pulsating in every human heart, Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, Beloved Holy Amethyst, all Your Angels and Legions of the Order of Zadkiel and all Who serve on the Seventh Ray -


* We invoke Your full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of purification and transmutation by the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, to SWEEP (3x) through all the mass karma of the races upon the Earth from the beginning of time and we COMMAND (3x) it's vibratory action to be raised into that of the Ascension Flame!

(*3x) We so decree it and accept it done, as God's Most Holy Name I AM.

As is inevitable during times such as these, people may lose their lives during conflict. So let us assist those leaving the earth today.


Decree 10-04 (Humankind Leaving the Earth Today) ... (variation)

As one voice ... Beloved Presence of God I AM in the hearts of all human­

kind! beloved Lord Michael, the Archangel of Deliverance, and your angelic host! In the name of the humanity of Earth ... par­ ticularly those who shall be called forth from their mortal forms this day... we make this call!

Let the angels of PEACE stand by the physical body of each soul and hold the atmosphere and feelings where such release is taking place at perfect peace! Let an aura of sanctity abide at the hour of transition, that the soul may be easily CUT FREE from its Earthly tabernacle, and no grief, nor fear, nor sorrow distress it at the threshold of new FREEDOM!

Let the angels of deliverance meet each soul! Let not a lifestream belonging to our EVOLUTION pass through the veil of so-called death "unattended"! Let each one be taken QUICKLY to the temples of mercy and forgiveness and be bathed in the purifying fires of Saint Germain's Violet Flame! Let them be prepared to enter the Halls of Karma in DIGNITY and in con­ scious awareness. May each one be assigned to a schoolroom of the ascended masters and joyously and happily enter into the study of the LAW of their own life!

We call to the lords of mercy and love to enfold all those whose loved ones are about to leave or have just left this Earth ... to melt away all grief and sorrow and to fill each heart and home with happiness and gratitude for the opportunity afforded their loved one to know TRUE FREEDOM and PROGRESS upon life's path!

SO BE IT, BELOVED I AM! (cont.=>)

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And finally, let us call to beloved Shri Magra to assist in clearing the astral plane so that all etheric memories of this or any potential ongoing conflicts are transmuted and dissolved.

Decree 3-13 ... (Decree to beloved Shri Magra) With energy please ...

In the Name of the Presence of God I AM, we call to You, Beloved Lord Shri Magra and your angelic legions of light serving in the astral plane ... we invoke your Rays of Violet Lightning in the fulfillment of this decree:



EXPAND THAT LIGHT! (3x) to dissolve the shadows of human creation in the astral realm. (*3x)

We ask that You keep our call sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding, until the emotional realms of this planet are only pure God qualities.

We so decree it as an active co-server with the Great White Brotherhood.

As God's Most Holy Name I AM! *


Decree 8-03, Decree for Earth and Her Nations (variation)

In the Full Power and Authority of the beloved Presence of God I AM! We humbly come in the name of beloved El Morya to represent the human race at the throne of the Mother-Father God, asking for the return of God's rulers to the people of Earth!

We invite, call, claim, and sincerely invoke all those mighty beings and solar lords from the Great Silence to come again into our Earth and establish themselves in radiation as the invincible guardians and directors of the currents of energy which set the patterns of all nations and re-establish their forces, their glory and their radiation again on Earth in the world of governmental affairs and in the destiny of nations!

We accept this call fulfilled, as God's Most Holy Name, I AM!

With the return of God's rulers to the people of Earth let us conclude this service by sweeping the Flame of Cosmic Peace through all humankind today



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Decree 4-06 ... (Flame of Cosmic Peace) When you have found it please stand ...

In the Full Power and Authority of the beloved Presence of God I AM ... We call to the beloved Elohim of Peace, Tranquility and Pacifica; beloved Surya and all the Brothers and Sisters of Peace, Lady JEoel, all the angels and legions of peace:



We accept this call fulfilled ... As God's Holy Name ... I AM!

In preparation for the Benediction I will give the Thoughtform for this year and afterwards I ask that you join me with the Theme.


Constantly invoking the sacred Violet Fire and consciously call­ ing forth the perfect balance of divine love, wisdom and power - the I AM Presence of God in Action, the scales of justice have now been balanced and Earth's divine plan quietly and gently unfolds.

Within the power of all who are willing to do God's Will, the path of the middle way quickly opens up before us, strengthening the bridge between heaven and earth as beloved Saint Germain's New Age of Spiritual Freedom becomes a reality.

With every breath and heartbeat, all our energies - every thought, feeling, word and deed, flows forth and assists in manifesting this beautiful and glorious God Design.

Theme for 2001 ... Together ... I AM the luminous Presence of God! I AM the creative fire pulsating in every human heart! As I AM part of the united chalice and channel through which God's Love and Blessings flow to all life:

*I have perfect faith in God's Will to direct me in everything I do! For this reason, I shall remain silent to perceive God's Will and shall not act until my direction is clear! (*3x)

So be it, beloved I AM!

To assist in bringing God's Perfect Peace to our planet and to sus­ tain the powerful momentum we have created and continue to in­ tensify, this seNice needs to be systematically and rhythmically given to focus our energies upon bringing peace to this world.


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In honor of this ongoing project let us give (or sing: melody­ Finlandia by Sibelius) Prayer for Peace ...

With joy and happiness ... Together ...

This is my prayer, 0 Lord of all the nations;

A prayer for peace For lands afar and mine.

Heaven is my home; All humankind's home eternal!

And loyal hearts calling to thee! Yes, loyal hearts in other lands are calling -

For peace on Earth ... Goodwiil to all humankind!

My country's skies Are blue; and so the oceans;

And sunlight bright From Helios here shines;

But other lands have sunlight, Rain and flower;

And skies may be as blue there as mine! Oh, hear my prayer, 0 God of all creation!

A prayer for peace For every land and mine!




All hail to Thee, thou mighty all-pervading light of the Universe, the Supreme Source of all life I AM! We kneel within our hearts in recognition of the light of the cosmos as we draw forth this flame, representing the Threefold Flame of God within our hearts!



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PEACE SERVICE INVOCATION Beloved Presence of God I AM! We come before the Throne

of the Most High Living God in the name of beloved Masters El Marya and Saint Germain. We invoke the most powerful out­ pouring of the Blue Flame of God's Divine Will and The Violet Transmuting Flame the Earth has ever known, to purify and protect all the governments of the world! We call upon the beloved Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa to BLAZE the planetary Three-fold Flame through all governmental Foci upon the planet, to BALANCE AND UNIFY the energies which are generated and released through them, into the perfect expression of God's Divine Government for all humankind.

To this end, we invite and invoke all cosmic beings, ascended masters, silent watchers, the angelic host, and all who are concerned with the evolution of life on this planet, to combine your momentums of protection, transmutation and peace to flow through all life, especially those lifestreams holding governmental or military positions of power, wherever they may be. Hold them in perfect balance, free from all influence except that of their God Presence and Holy Christ Selves, so that PEACE may be established forever between all governments and all peoples of this Earth. We so decree it and accept it done, forever established and sustained,

As God's Most Holy Name, I AM!

Friday Sixth Ray

Gold and Ruby Flames

of Peace Grace



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Please be seated. Thank you for your presence here today. As always, it is a joy and a privilege to serve together with you especially for the cause of bringing Peace to our World.

During this special service, we will be using a specific pattern of decrees and visualizations to establish a momentum of energy, which shall be directed specifically at the quality of PEACE for our wor1d. We will incorporate this energy, and the gifts of the seven Rays, by taking a specific Ray, which we will work with during this service similar to the format of the Petition Classes for the Karmic Board. In fact this service is loosely based on the Petition Classes/Services.

During this service we will work with the Sixth Ray of God's Peace, Grace and Ministration. We ask beloved Mother-Father God, that we be allowed to merge our beings, our consciousness and our energies with the very substance of the Sixth Ray, that we may become ONE with the Ruby-Gold Flame, uniting our consciousness with all Beings working upon the Sixth Ray of God's Peace, Ministration and Grace.

Let us first prepare ourselves by intensifying our mantle of light protection. Close your eyes for a moment and feel the activity of the electrons within your aura, not only projected by your Presence, but also intensified by the power of your holy breath.

As you become aware of your breathing ... Breath in and out in a gentle and rhythmic manner. As you do feel God's Light and Life expanding forth from your heart flame.

(Pause) Know that you can intensify the activity of your mantle of light any time, just by giving it your attention, your love, and recognizing it as the Presence of God active within your lifestream! Breathe in once again ... and as you breathe out...

Open your eyes and reach for your decree books.

We will now verbally give our God Presence full dominion over our outer selves ...

Decree 11-12 (I - p. 10) ... As one voice ... *

Thank you. As you close your eyes, feel how centered and protected you are at this moment. (Pause ... ) See yourself standing tall within your blazing mantle of light, with the Three-fold Flame within your heart blazing forth the perfect balance of Love, Wisdom and Power to fill your mystic mantle, which extends out for at least nine feet in every direction. See the Violet Fire blazing around you! Know that nothing can enter your aura without passing through this great protective wall of Flame, transmuting whatever enters into pure energy once again!

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An angel of the Blue Flame now stands before you, and quickly surrounds your entire forcefield and Mantle of Light with a wall of Blue Flame, cutting you free from any and all negativity within the atmosphere around you. Now, the angel offers you a sword and shield of Blue Flame. You take them, and immediately follow this blessed one into the atmosphere of this sanctuary, cutting all lines of force free that have been anchored here by anyone or anything with less than pure intent! As these lines are cut free, the Blue Flame enters them and travels along them to their source, to be transmuted there once and for all!

Now the atmosphere around our sanctuary is filled with angels of the Violet Fire. They direct their radiation into the cause and core of all mis-qualified energy, dissolving them with the Violet Fire until all within and all around us is blazing with pure light, filling this sanctuary and all of us with perfection's flame in action. We accept it done and sustained! As God's Most Holy Name, forever! Breathe in beloved ones ... and breathe out... Breath in again ... and as you breathe out... we will affirm our faith in God's first cause ...

Open your eyes, take up your books and turn to Decree 2-05 (p. 11 ). Let us give the statement: "I AM an open door for God's

Limitless Faith in humanity and humanity's returning Faith in God" 3x before completing this decree ... Together ...


Thank you! It is important for us to keep in mind one central fact, and that is: regardless of the outer appearance at any time, God's Will for all life is good! It is perfection, it is love, peace, supply and unity among the entire human family!

As we work together to build momentum for good to manifest upon the Earth, all of our efforts are placed within the cosmic storehouse of such perfection, to be called forth as human will comes into alignment with God's Will. Until that time we work, and we know that, as Master Jesus once said: "Before this, the Father worked, but now, the Father and I work!"

Let us now expand the gifts of God's Protection and Purification to our Planet by calling upon mighty Hercules ...

Decree 2-04. We will give the decree using as our insert, "All governments and governmental leaders, all military

personnel and military leaders and all innocent people who are caught in the middle of any current or potential conflicts" .

With energy .

(* Begin using the Decree Section on page 12-16 for Decrees 2-04, 3-01, 3-14, 10-04 and 3-13.

Then continue as follows ... )


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Thank you. You may put your books aside.

Let us now contemplate the effect of the calls we have made. Visualize the Planet Earth slowly revolving within the forcefield of Mighty Hercules, as all centers of government, especially those in ... (insert the area or areas that are specifically being worked with during this service.) ... receiving an intensified activity of the Flame of God's Will and Protection. See light­ ning bolts of Blue Flame and Violet Fire blazing into these centers, surrounding them with an impenetrable forcefield of Protection, and sealing them within God's Divine Will.

See the action intensified and expanded as Lord Shri Magra sends Legions of Light into the atmosphere of Earth, purifying the astral realm, releasing all life and all etheric memories which are bound there.

See legions of the Angels of the Sixth Ray, bringing comfort and peace to those who have left their physical forms, gently guiding them to places of rest. The Violet Fire Angels are present, too, taking those who are ready into the Violet Fire Temples.

See the Heart Flames of all humankind expanding as the Joy of Forgiveness is felt by all which, in tum expands forth in mighty

waves of Violet Flame, until all Life is enfolded within Its purifying essence. Feel the Presence of mighty Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, as they project mighty whirlwinds of Violet Fire into the troubled areas of the Earth, especially (insert name(s) of previous mentioned area(s)) and the atmosphere over this (these) region(s), transmuting and purifying all such vortices of discontent.

Please repeat after me three times



(Pause) Now begin to breath rhythmically, inbreathing and absorbing ... expanding and projecting. This evening, on behalf of all human­ kind, we apply especially to those Masters and Beings of Light who work on the Sixth Ray of God's Peace, Ministration, Grace and Service. We ask that every effort be made to find those willing to support the petitions and dispensations of the Masters with the substance of their lifestreams.

We invoke the full momentum of God's Peace from the Hearts of all Beings working upon the Sixth Ray, so all humankind

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may be united in service, guided by the Immaculate Concept and their own Divine Blueprint. May each of us see the purpose for which we incarnated at this time, and follow the promptings of our own Holy Christ Selves, leading us into even greater service to life.

We ask, beloved Mother-Father God, that we merge our beings, our consciousness, and our energies with the very substance of the Sacred Flame of God's Peace, becoming one with the Flame, uniting our consciousness with all Beings working upon the Sixth Ray of Peace and Service.

We now inbreathe the Flame, and the sacred essence of the Ruby-Gold Flame penetrates every electron of our beings and worlds! We exhale, expanding and projecting this substance out to all life upon the Planet Earth. Breathe in ... and breathe out... Breathe in again ... and breathe out... as we prepare to work with the holy breath.

(*see Notes, page 9 for explanation of Breathing Activity)

I AM inbreathing ... the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace & Service

I AM absorbing ... the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace & Service

I AM expanding ... the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace & Service

I AM projecting ... the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace & Service

(3x) Breathe in deeply ... and breathe out.

Filled with the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace & Service, as you breathe in and absorb, say within your mind: I AM the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace and Service!

As you breathe out - expand and project: I AM the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace and Service,

in action here and now!

Continue this rhythmic breathing pattern and visualize the intense activity of sacred fire taking place on our planet at this moment. See all shadows of human creation and the mass karma of the human race now blazing with the Ruby-Gold Flame, as every electron of energy is penetrated and saturated with Ruby-Gold Light. Breathe it in ... and breathe it out!

Know that this PURIFIED ENERGY is charged with the Sixth Ray of Peace, Ministration, Grace and Service so that all life will accept and express, sustain and maintain a peaceful and loving state of being wherever they may be upon the Earth. Know also that when called forth the Violet Flame of Freedom will

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help us rise above and transmute any conditions, which stand in the way of unity and brotherhood throughout our entire human family.

Let us now meditate upon the following: On the inbreath:

I AM the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace and Service! As you breath out:

I AM the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace and Service, in action here and now!


See yourself as the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace, Grace, Ministration and Service!

Expand this Flame until it blazes forth to enfold all life within the Ruby-Gold Light of God's Peace made manifest through every electron belonging to Earth and her evolutions in any way now, and forever sustained!

(*Wait three/five minutes, then repeat the following statements (*2x), wait three to five more minutes before continuing.)

I AM the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace and Service!

I AM the Ruby-Gold Flame of God's Peace and Service, in action here and now!

This purified energy is charged with the full momentum of God's Divine Peace and Unity in Service, and as its vibratory level is raised on the buoyant currents of the mighty Ascension Flame, it rises out of the sea of mass consciousness as Pure White Light, illuminating the entire Earth with its radiance! As these purified energies return to the Cosmic Source of All Life, feel the Divine Light, Love and Peace descending from that Sphere!

Every man, woman and child on the Earth is now bathed in the Light of God that is eternally victorious and the spark of Divinity within our hearts expands, as we accept a new and deepened level of Faith in God's Will as GOOD. This belief anchors firmly within our mental and emotional bodies, and begins to expand outward in waves of Illumined Faith and Hope, to cover our dear planet!

Our command for peace resounds throughout the Earth! We will accept nothing less, for our love for our brothers and sisters in the Human family has reached them, and surrounds them with the harmony and love that we desire for everyone.

Our Love demands that peace manifest now upon our Earth, made manifest, proclaimed, established and eternally sustained and maintained by the twelve-fold Aspect of the Cosmic Christ until the Earth is free in her ascension in victorious light!

So Be It! Beloved I AM!

i 1

11'11 1,,


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Knowing that you are the Ruby-Gold Light of God's Peace in action upon the Earth begin to bring you attention back to our sanctuary. When you are ready, please open your eyes as we now offer a Decree for the Earth and Her Nations.

take up your books and turn to Decree 8-03

(*Begin using the Decree Section on page 17-20 for Decrees 8-03, 4-06, Thoughtform/Theme 2001 and

Prayer for Peace. Then continue as below ... )

Thank you for your love and dedication and thank you for your participation in this service, beloved ones. Thank you for your support of light, love and peace, on behalf of all life on planet Earth.

Feel free to remain in silent meditation and sacred communion with our Mother-Father God, for as long as you would like.

I ask, that to maintain and sustain the aura of perfect peace we have created within and around ourselves and the entire planet Earth today, that we leave this Sacred Sanctury of Living, Loving Light and return to our homes in Silence ...

Thank you!

Saturday Seventh Ray

Violet Flames

of Transmutation

Freedom Mercy



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Please be seated. Thank you for your Presence here today. As always, it is a joy and a privilege to serve together with you especially for the cause of bringing Peace to our World.

During this special service, we will be using a specific pattern of decrees and visualizations to establish a momentum of energy, which shall be directed specifically at the quality of PEACE for our world. We will incorporate this energy, and the gifts of the seven Rays, by taking a specific Ray, which we will work with during this service similar to the format of the Petition Services for the Karmic Board. In fact this service is loosely based on the Petition Classes/Services.

During this service we will work with the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, Freedom, Mercy & Compassion. We ask beloved Mother-Father God, that we be allowed to merge our beings, our consciousness and our energies with the very substance of the Seventh Ray, that we may become ONE with the Violet Flame, uniting our consciousness with all Beings working upon the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, Freedom, Mercy and Compassion.

Let us first prepare ourselves by intensifying our mantle of light protection. Close your eyes for a moment and feel the activity of the electrons within your aura, not only projected by your Presence, but also intensified by the power of your holy breath.

As you become aware of your breathing ... Breath in and out in a gentle and rhythmic manner. As you do feel God's Light and Life expanding forth from your heart flame.

(Pause) Know that you can intensify the activity of your mantle of light any time, just by giving it your attention, your love, and recognizing it as the Presence of God active within your lifestream! Breathe in once again ... and as you breathe out...

Open your eyes and reach for your decree books.

We will now verbally give our God Presence full dominion over our outer selves ...

Decree 11-12 (I /p. 10) ... As one voice.

Thank you. As you close your eyes, feel how centered and protected you are at this moment. (Pause ... ) See yourself standing tall within your blazing mantle of light, with the Three-fold Flame within your heart blazing forth the perfect balance of Love, Wisdom and Power to fill your mystic mantle, which extends out for at least nine feet in every direction. See the Violet Fire blazing around you! Know that nothing can enter your aura without passing through this great protective wall of Flame, transmuting whatever enters into pure energy once again!

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An angel of the Blue Flame now stands before you, and quickly surrounds your entire forcefield and Mantle of Light with a wall of Blue Flame, cutting you free from any and all negativity within the atmosphere around you. Now, the angel offers you a sword and shield of Blue Flame. You take them, and immediately follow this blessed one into the atmosphere of this sanctuary, cutting all lines of force free that have been anchored here by anyone or anything with less than pure intent! As these lines are cut free, the Blue Flame enters them and travels along them to their source, to be transmuted there once and for all!

Now the atmosphere around our sanctuary is filled with angels of the Violet Fire. They direct their radiation into the cause and core of all such mis-qualified energy, dissolving them with the Violet Fire until all within and all around us is blazing with pure light, filling this sanctuary and all of us with perfection's flame in action. We accept it done and sustained! As God's Most Holy Name, forever! Breathe in beloved ones ... and breathe out... Breath in again ... and as you breathe out... we will affirm our faith in God's first cause ...

Open your eyes, take up your books and tum to Decree 2-05 (p. 11 ). Let us give the statement: "I AM an open door for God's Limitless Faith in humanity and humanity's returning Faith in

God" 3x before completing this decree ... Together ...

Thank you! It is important for us to keep in mind one central fact, and that is: regardless of the outer appearance at any time, God's Will for all life is good! It is is love, peace, supply and unity among the entire human family!

As we work together to build momentum for good to manifest upon the Earth, all of our efforts are placed within the cosmic storehouse of such perfection, to be called forth as human will comes into alignment with God's Will. Until that time we work, and we know that, as Master Jesus once said: "Before this, the Father worked, but now, the Father and I work!"

Let us now expand the gifts of God's Protection and Purification to our Planet by calling upon mighty Hercules ...

Decree 2-04. We will give the decree using as our insert, "All governments and governmental leaders, all military

personnel and military leaders and all innocent people who are caught in the middle of any current or potential conflicts."

With energy ...

{* Begin using the Decree Section on page 12-16 for Decrees 2-04, 3-01, 3-14, 10-04 and 3-13.

Then continue as follows ... )

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Thank you. You may put your decree books aside.

Let us now contemplate the effect of the calls we have made. Visualize the Planet Earth slowly revolving within the forcefield of Mighty Hercules, as all centers of government, especially those in ... (insert the area or areas that are specifically being worked with during this service.) ... receiving an intensified activity of the Flame of God's Will and Protection. See lightning bolts of Blue Flame and Violet Fire blazing into these centers, surrounding them with an impenetrable forcefield of Protection, and sealing them within God's Divine Will.

See the action intensified and expanded as Lord Shri Magra sends Legions of Light into the atmosphere of Earth, purifying the astral realm, releasing all life and all etheric memories which are bound there.

See legions of the Angels of the Sixth Ray, bringing comfort and peace to those who have left their physical forms, gently guid­ ing them to places of rest. The Violet Fire Angels are present, too, taking those who are ready into the Violet Fire Temples.

See the Heart Flames of all humankind expanding as the Joy of Forgiveness is felt by all which, in turn expands forth in mighty

waves of Violet Flame, until all Life is enfolded within its purifying essence. Feel the Presence of mighty Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, as they project mighty whirlwinds of Violet Fire into the troubled areas of the Earth, especially (insert name(s) of previous mentioned area(s)) and the atmosphere over this (these) region(s), transmuting and purifying all such vortices of discontent.

Please repeat after me three times



(Pause) Now begin to breath rhythmically, inbreathing and absorbing ... expanding and projecting. This evening, on behalf of all human­ kind, we apply especially to those Masters and Beings of Light who work on the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, Freedom, Mercy and Compassion. We ask that every effort be made to find those willing to support the petitions and dispensations of the Masters with the substance of their lifestreams.

We invoke the full momentum of God's Peace from the Hearts of all Beings working upon the Seventh Ray, that all humankind

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may be united in service, guided by the Immaculate Concept and their own Divine Blueprint. May each of us see the purpose for which we incarnated at this time, and follow the promptings of our own Holy Christ Selves, leading us into even greater service to life.

We ask, beloved Mother-Father God, that we merge our beings, our consciousness, and our energies with the very substance of the Sacred Flame of God's Peace, becoming one with the Flame, uniting our consciousness with all Beings working upon the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, Freedom & Compassion.

We now inbreathe the Flame, and the sacred essence of the Transmuting Violet Flame penetrates every electron of our beings and worlds! We exhale, expanding and projecting this substance out to all life upon the Planet Earth. Breathe in ... and breathe out... Breathe in again ... and breathe out... as we pre­ pare to work with the holy breath.

(*see Note, page 9 for explanation of Breathing Activity)

I AM inbreathing ... the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom

I AM absorbing ... the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom

I AM expanding ... the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom

I AM projecting ... the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom

(3x) Breathe in deeply ... and breathe out.

Filled with the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom, as you breathe in and absorb, say within your mind:

I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom!

As you breathe out - expand and project: I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom,

in action here and now!

Continue this rhythmic breathing pattern and visualize the intense activity of sacred fire taking place on our planet at this moment. See all shadows of human creation and the mass karma of the human race now blazing with the Transmuting Violet Flame, as every electron of energy is penetrated and saturated with Transmuting Violet Light. Breathe it in ... and breathe it out!

Know that the PURIFIED ENERGY is charged with the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, Freedom, Mercy & Compassion so that all life will accept and express, sustain and maintain a peaceful and loving state of being wherever they may be upon the Earth. Know that the Violet Flame of Freedom will help them

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rise above and transmute any conditions, which stand in the way of unity and brotherhood throughout our entire human family.

Let us now meditate upon the following: On the inbreath:

I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom! As you breath out:

I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom, in action here and now!

See yourself as the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Freedom, Mercy and Compassion!

Expand this Flame until it blazes forth to enfold all life within the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom made manifest through every electron belonging to Earth and her evolutions in any way now and forever sustained!

(Wait three/five minutes, then repeat the following statements (2x), wait three to five more minutes before continuing.)

I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom!

I AM the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom, in action here and now!

This purified energy is charged with the full momentum of God's Divine Peace and Unity in Service, and as its vibratory level is raised on the buoyant currents of the mighty Ascension Flame, it rises out of the sea of mass consciousness as Pure White Light, illuminating the entire Earth with its radiance! As these purified energies are returned to the Cosmic Source of All Life, feel the Divine Light, Love and Peace descending from that Sphere!

Every man, woman, and child on the Earth is now bathed in the Light of God that is eternally victorious, and the spark of Divinity within our hearts expands, as we accept a new and deepened level of Faith in God's Will as GOOD. This belief anchors firmly within our mental and emotional bodies, and begins to expand outward in waves of Illumined Faith and Hope, to cover our dear planet!

Our command for peace resounds throughout the Earth! We will accept nothing less, for our love for our brothers and sisters in the Human family has reached them, and surrounds them with the harmony and love that we desire for them.

Our Love demands that peace manifest now upon our Earth, made manifest, proclaimed, established and eternally sustained and maintained by the twelve-fold Aspect of the Cosmic Christ until the Earth is free in her ascension in victorious light!

So Be It! Beloved I AM!

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Knowing that you are the Violet Light of Transmutation and Freedom in action upon the Earth begin to bring you attention back to our sanctuary. When you are ready, please open your eyes as we now offer a Decree for the Earth and Her Nations.

take up your books and turn to Decree 8-03

(* Begin using the Decree Section on page 17-20 for Decrees 8-03, 4-06, ThoughtformfTheme 2001 and

Prayer for Peace. Then continue as below ... )

Thank you for your love and dedication and thank you for your participation in this service, beloved ones. Thank you for your support of light, love and peace, on behalf of all life on planet Earth.

Feel free to remain in silent meditation and sacred communion with our Mother-Father God, for as long as you would like.

I ask that to maintain and sustain the aura of perfect peace we have created within and around ourselves and the entire planet Earth today, that we leave this Sacred Sanctury of Living, Loving Light and return to our homes in Silence ...

Thank you.


Sealed in Lord Zadkiel's Shield of Protection, beloved Presence of God I AM in us and in all humankind, all of the Ascended Masters and great Cosmic Beings, the Angelic Host and Elemental Kingdom who have assisted us in this service; we thank you for your outpouring of Light and Love. We thank you for Healing, Supply, Wisdom, Protection and your blessings of every kind. Hold them sustained in, through and around us, and pour them through us for the blessing and raising of all life on our dear planet Earth.

With the combined love and powerful momentum of the Holy Christ Flames within our hearts, we now offer this service to you, beloved Mother-Father God, asking that it be used as an avenue for the expression of your Love, Light and Peace throughout our Earth and all her evolutions. We thank you!

So be it, beloved I AM!

* -*-

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Blessed flame, expression of the light essence of the Supreme Source I AM, we thank you for your obedient service to us. Clothed in the gratitude of our hearts, return now to the heartcenter of creation, to be again called forth at our invocation, as representative of the flame of divinity within our hearts!

As the Oneness of All Life, I AM!