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World History Germany,Italy,Vietnam

Jun 01, 2018



Keshav Prasad
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  • 8/9/2019 World History Germany,Italy,Vietnam


      World and Modern History


     Nazism (Adolf Hitler)

    Fascism (Benito Mussolini)

     Reasons of WW-II

    Rise of a!an (Ne"er in t#e #istory of $orld #as suc# a e"ent ta%en !lace& 'o do read it)

    orea ( 'tory of * !arallel)

    +ietnam (War of t#e Will of t#e !eo!le)

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    Reasons for Nazism

    i) ,conomic crises

    ii) Political crises

    iii) 'ocial crises

    ,conomic rises 

    a) .ermany $as already facing t#e unafforda/le com!ensation from t#e treaty of

    +ersailles 0101 (It $as a treaty com!letely against .ermany on t#e !rinci!le of

    re"enge /ecause all t#e !ro"isions $ere against .ermany)& /) In t#is scenario France 2 Belgium attac%ed 3Ru#r4(Famous for iron 2 coal

    mines) $#ic# led to t#e indefinite stri%e /y t#e la/orers of t#ese mines5 t#is

    created su!!ly s#ortage of fuel 2 ra$ material to .erman industries creatingdeflation in 016&

    c) .ermans s#o$ed t#e signs of reco"ery from 0167 /ut /efore it could strengt#en

    itself 8#e great economic de!ression(0161) $as a /lo$ to t#e .erman economy

    Political rises

    a) From 0*90-010:5 .ermany #as seen a strong monarc#y5 /ut as William-II esca!ed

    to Holland in 010* 5so monarc#y came to an end 2 $as re!laced /y a !olitical

    institution called Weimer in 011; it $as an infant 2 immature organization $#ic#

    faced 6 cou!s from 016; to 016

    0) By He $as t#e mentor of Adolf Hitler5 in 016 =udendorff tried to

    re!eat t#e story so from t#e "ery /eginning 3Weimer Re!u/lic4 $as struggling

    to ac#ie"e strengt# 2 sta/ility

      'ocial rises

    a) I

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    8reaty of +ersailles

    Adolf Hitler

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    Rise of Adolf Hitler 

    a) In 0101 Hitler formed Nationalist socialist !arty5 in s#ort Nazi Party& In t#e initial

     !#ase Nazi Party 2 Adolf Hitler failed to im!ress t#e .erman !eo!le& In 016 #e

    $as im!risoned along $it# #is master (I #o!e u remem/er =udendorff)&

     /) But t#e economic de!ression in 0161 increased t#e trou/le in .ermany 2

    a!!eared to /e a great o!!ortunity for Adolf Hitler 2 #is am/itions& He $as a/le

    to attract t#e masses 2 in t#e election of 01 #e succeeded in getting good

    num/ers of seats in .ermany&c) As none of t#e !arty #ad got ma?ority (As #a!!ens in t#e case of Indian Politics

    too& But still t#ey manage $it# 09-0* coalition !arties @& And #o$ $ell do t#eymanage&&& Management .urus do ta%e a note @ lolz) so .ermany $as going

    t#roug# economic 2 !olitical insta/ility $#ic# frig#tened t#e ca!italist class(e.g

    of India tatas , ambanis , and Kumar managlam birla (In news recently do

     google it)) in .ermany

    d) Adolf Hitler too% anti-communist stand $#ic# !ro"ided #im t#e su!!ort of

    ca!italist class 2 $it# t#is increased strengt# #e com!elled President Hinden/urg

    to acce!t #im as t#e c#ancellor in 01 (Note !resident Hinden/urg !resident of

    .ermany from (016>:))


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    Internal Policies of Adolf Hitler

    0) Political reforms

    6) ,conomic reforms

    ) 'ocial reforms

    0) Political reforms > In 01: Adolf Hitler a/olis#ed !ro"incial legislature in

    .ermany 2 t#at ended t#e status of states in .ermany $#ic# com!leted .erman

    unification& Hitler 2 Mussolini (Follo$ing soon) $ere of t#e o!inion t#at a ne$

     /orn 2 struggling nation s#ould al$ays /e under strict su!er"ision 5 $#ic#

    reuires a /an on ci"il rig#ts& Cnder t#is im!ortant ste!s ta%en $ere

    • ,nd of ?udicial rig#ts

    • Ban on freedom of eD!ression 2 s!eec# (Art 01E0Ea (Indian onstitution > 

     ?ust a !assing reference to refres# your and my mind)

    a) A/olition of o!!osition 2 Purge (Purification of critics of #is o$n !arty) > Wit#t#e coming to !o$er #e a/olis#ed #is o!!osition in .ermany (No o!!osition5 no

    tension free to do all atrocities) 2 /y t#e conce!t of !urge in 01: #e eliminated

    2 %illed all #is critics $it#in #is o$n !arty5 so from 01: Nazi $as t#e only !arty

    in .ermany 2 Adolf Hitler t#e only .erman leader&

    6) ,conomic reforms - : year !lans $it# t#e o/?ecti"e to im!ro"e 2 increase

     !roduction in .ermany

    a) ,"olution of synt#etic > 'ynt#etic $as e"ol"ed as a su/stitute for $ool fi/er and

    motor fuel 2 t#is /roug#t do$n t#e im!orts of .ermany /) ,limination of e$s > 1; of .erman /usiness $as in t#e #and of e$s 2 $it#

    t#e elimination of t#is community it $as transferred to .ermans 2 t#is /ecame

    t#e im!ortant reason for .ermans gi"ing t#e initial su!!ort to Adolf Hitler&

    ) 'ocial Reforms > ,ducation /ecame a "ictim of Nazi Pro!aganda& Interference in

    t#e !ersonal life of !eo!le (e&g& a .erman $omen $as not allo$ed to marry a

     Non-.erman @& Reference same as Vedic period 2 types of marriage (Anuloma

    -ig!er class male can marry female of lower class " #ratiloma $%ales of

    lower class cannot marry female of !ig!er class ))

    External Policies of Adolf Hitler

    0) =eft disarmament conference (01) > according to Hitler disarmament $as

    t#e !ro"ision of Paris !eace conference of 011;& And if ,uro!ean !o$ers

    $ould #a"e /een loyal its disarmament $ould #a"e started from 011;

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    6) =eft league of nations in 01: on t#e grounds t#at it $as a !o$erless /ody

    acting as !u!!et of im!ortant ,uro!ean countries(great Britain 2 France)

    ) Refused to acce!t 8reaty of +ersailles > As according to Hitler it $as a

    dictated !eace /ased on t#e !#iloso!#y of re"enge&

    :) ,m!#asized on t#e conce!t 8#ird Reic# also called as Heart =and Policy G

    According to #is conce!t Hitler declared formation of a greater .ermanem!ire /y uniting all t#e areas dominated /y .ermans li%e Poland 5 Austria

    2 zec#oslo"a%ia5 t!is is also called as t!e !eart-land policy of itler w!ic!

    became t!e important cause for &orld war $ II 

    Heartland Policy Ma!

    Heartland Policy (Third Reich Policy)

    a) Cnder t#is !olicy R#ineland (Ri"er R#ine in Ma!) /ecame t#e 0st target of Hitler

    after $#ic# #e mo"ed to$ards 'udetenland $#ic# led to t#e Munic# conference

    of 01*5 in $#ic# Hitler !romised Britain 2 France to lea"e t#e !olicy of

    aggression5 if #e $as allo$ed to #old 'udetenland&

     /) 8#is $as acce!ted /y Britain 2 France /ut later on Hitler "iolator #is !romise 2

    attac%ed zec#oslo"a%ia& 8#is $as an alarming /ell for Britain 2 France& =astly

    in 011 #e attac%ed Poland 2 t#is $as t#e end of !atience of Britain5 so Britain

    declared $ar on .ermany 2 t#is $as t#e /eginning of WW-II in $#ic# Hitler

    $as assisted /y Italy 2 a!an

    Benitto Mussolini

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    ascism(Benito Mussolini)

    0) Reasons > For Fascism

    a) ,conomic rises - Italy $as at t#e centre of renaissance(t!e acti'ity, spirit, or time of t!e

     great re'i'al of art  , literature, and learning in urope beginning in t!e *t! century ande+tending to t!e t! century, maring t!e transition from t!e medie'al to t!e modern

    world & )5 /ut it $as a /ac%$ard country as it lac%ed industrialization5 agricultural reforms

    etc& Initially it refrained from t#e $ar /ecause of its /ac%$ardness 2 socialist !ressure in

    t#e country&

    • But circumstances c#anged in 0105 2 Italy $it# t#e #o!e of #a"ing Big gains

    sided $it# allied !o$ers (Britain 2 France)& 8#e reason for t#is $as5 some of t#e

    s!ecific areas of Italy $ere still under command of Austria 2 Neig#/oring

    countries 2 t#ey assumed t#at if t#ey #el!ed allied !o$ers in t#e $ar5 t#ey $ould

    get t#eir areas /ac%&

    • Alt#oug# allied !o$ers $ere "ictorious in WW-I Italy failed to full-fill itsas!irations 2 t#is increased economic crises in Italy&

    • And in t#is economic crises5 Italy $as not a/le to digest t#e !#iloso!#y of

    democracy 2 none of t#e !arties in Italy $ere a/le to gain ma?ority5 so t#ere $as

    al$ays a trou/le of sta/le go"ernment in Italy&

    • Cnem!loyment5 !o$er 2 anarc#y $ere #ig#ly !re"alent in Italy 2 in t#is $ay t#e

    o"erall crises in t#e country !re!ared t#e ground for t#e emergence of Benito


    Rise of Benito Mussolini

    0) Benito Mussolini $as a teac#er 2 a strong follo$er of t#e !#iloso!#y of socialism

    $#ic# #e !ro!agated t#roug# #is ne$s!a!er A"anti&6) In 016; #e formed fascist !arty 2 started a ne$s!a!er 3Peo!le of Italy4& In 0166

    elections #e got good num/er of seats5 /ut t#ere $as no ma?ority to any single !arty

    in Italy& 'o Italy $as facing a scene of !olitical insta/ility $#ic# $as a for t#e

    ca!italist story( 'ame story as t#at of Adolf Hitler)

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    ) Benito Mussolini too% anti-communist stand 2 #e $as a/le to get t#e su!!ort of t#e

    ca!italist class5 $it# t#is ne$ strengt# and su!!ort of Bro$n '#irts (out#

    organization of #is !arty) #e mo"ed to$ards Rome 2 #orrified ruler ,mmanuel $#o

    acce!ted #im as Prime Minister of Italy in 0166

    :) From 0166-016: #e c#anged t#e entire structure in Italy a!!earing as a dictator of


    0) Internal Reforms

    a) 8reaty of =ateran (0161)

     /) A/olition of !!ositionc) ,nd of i"il 2 Human Rig#ts

     Note (A/olition of o!!osition 2 end of ci"il and #uman rig#ts > same as t#at of

    Hitler so I $ill not co"er it o"er #ere&)

    a) Treaty of !ateran ("#$#) > By t#is treaty #e ga"e autonomous c#arge of +atican to t#e

     !o!e $it# com!ensation 2 also acce!ted cat#olic religion as t#e official religion of t#e

    state& In t#is $ay t#e long dis!ute /et$een Italian go"ernment 2 !o!e $as o"er& And

    Po!e acce!ted Benito Mussolini as t#e ruler of Italy&

    $) External Policies

    • Benito Mussolini $as a/le to satisfy #is !eo!le in early !#ase of #is

    carrier5 /ut t#en #is su!erficial reforms5 $ere $as#ed a$ay /y economic

    de!ression of 0161

    • Italy 2 Italians once again came into trou/le 2 Mussolini #ad t#e only$ay of $ar to satisfy t#e sentiment of !eo!le so #e raised t#e ne$ slogan

    3old glory of Rome4 $#ic# $as /ased on t#e !olicy of aggression in

    $#ic# #is im!ortant targets $ere Al/ania5 ,t#io!ia etc&

    • In t#is $as Benito Mussolini 2 Adolf Hitler /ecame friends #a"ing

    common interest $#ic# lead to t#e 3Berlin- Rome Access4 $#ic# $as

    later ?oined /y a!an 2 t#is 3Berlin-Rome- 8o%yo4 $as t#e ri"al !arty of

    allied !o$ers in WW-II

    %orld %ar & II ("#'# "#*)

    Main reasons for World War >II

    a) Red t#reat > communist (Became a !anic for t#e entire ,uro!ean !o$ers)


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    c) Failure of World rganization

    d) 8#e .reat ,conomic As a!an understood t#e reason of its failure5 so it immediately too% t#e

    ste!s for it 2 in t#e most uniue e"ent in t#e $orld #istory is collecti"e surrender of

     !o$er 2 !ri"ilege /y

  • 8/9/2019 World History Germany,Italy,Vietnam


    • 8#is not only strengt#ens t#e a!anese em!eror /ut esta/lis#ed social euality in

    a!an& 8#is is called 'elf =i/eration6) 'elf ,m!o$erment > After #a"ing a strong !olicy from 0*79 > 0*1: a!an too% some

    $onderful ste!sa) om!ulsory !rimary education for /oys 2 girls (0*79)

     /) om!ulsory Modern ,ducation to /oys 2 girls (t#at too medium in ,nglis#)c) Framed t#e constitution of a!an on Prussian line #a"ing a string em!eror5 under t#e

    guidance of Prince Ito

     Note > om!are t#is $it# t#e !olicy of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini (Ban on

    education etc)

    ) Formation of national Army > $#ic# $as !ossi/le /ecause of social euality in a!an&

    :) ,m!#asis on economic de"elo!ment5 s!ecially infrastructure 2 industrialization /ecame

    t#e /ac%-ground for self em!o$erment 2 in 0*1: a!an $as a modern 2 ad"anced

    Po$er in Asia

    Rise of a!an as a !o$er in Asia

    0) After a!an com!leted its !#ase of transformation5 t#e t$o immediate "ictims $ere c#ina

    2 Russia5 on t#e grounds of territorial dis!ute /et$een /ot# t#e !arties&

    6) Port Art#ur t#e only ice-free !ort in nort#ern zone $as ta%en a$ay /y a!an from Russia

    2 orea also came under t#e dominance of a!an from 010;&) As a!an defeated t#e 6 giants of Asia5 so it immediately ele"ated its !osition 2 !ro"ided

    a!an t#e status in $orld Aristocracy $it# C'A 2 C& 

    Im!erialism of a!an

    0) In t#e /eginning of 6;t# entury5 a!an #ad reac#ed to t#e !ea% of de"elo!ment 2 no$ it

    $as #ungry for t#e sources of ra$ material 2 mar%et5 /ut t#e trou/le $as a!an $as t#at

    t#e core areas in Asia (=i%e c#ina 2 India) $ere under t#e control of its friends li%e C&'

    2 C&&6) In t#is scenario a!an ado!ted a "ery smart !#iloso!#y to fulfill its aim of im!erialism

    ) Cnder a!anese Monroe

  • 8/9/2019 World History Germany,Italy,Vietnam


    9) Alt#oug# a!an $as defeated in WW-II5 /ut it #as c#anged t#e !olitical status of east

    Asia5 $#ic# $as still a as!iration for $orld !o$ers due to its economic 2 strategical

    im!ortance*) In t#is scenario orea 2 +ietnam /ecame t#e "ictim of WW-II


    0) orea is t#e story of * !arallel (8#e 78t! parallel  $as first suggested as a di"iding line for 

     Korea in 0*17&) Cnder t#is it $as di"ided into Nort# 2 'out#&

    6) Nort# under command of C&'&'&R 2 'out# under t#e control of C'A) It $as decided /y /ot# t#e !o$ers t#at a!anese forces $ill /e e"acuated5 sta/ility $as to

     /e maintained 2 t#en after elections orea $as to /e left #ome&:) As 6Erd !o!ulation of orea $as in 'out# orea5 so it $as clear to C&' t#at t#ey $ill /e

     !resent in orea after t#e elections t#is $as t#e fear of C''R 2 HINA5 in 01 Nort#

    orea attac%ed 'out# orea $#ic# $as declared as internal !ro/lem of /ot# t#e country&

    ) In suc# circumstances 3PANMCNAN4 agreement of 0175 declared t#at orea $ill /e

    united only after t#e agreement of !olitical setu! 2 !eo!le of /ot# t#e grou!& 8#is seems to

     /e a c#allenge as Nort# orea is suffering from !o"erty 2 is under t#e control of


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    orea > * !arallel

    1ietnam (2tory of the 3ill of the -eo-le)

    0) +ietnam $as a !oor 2 /ac%$ard country /asically dominated /y Budd#ist farmers& It #as

    faced a colonial era of 6;; years under Frenc# 2 $#en a!an eliminated foreign !o$ers

    from east Asia5 it !ro"ided relief for a small !eriod to +ietnamese

    6) But +ietnam /ecame a "ictim of 09 !arallel $#ic# $as a similar agreement /et$een C&'

    2 C''R li%e orea&

    ) Initially France $as #anded o"er 'out# +ietnam5 /ut in 01: France #anded o"er t#e

    com!lete c#arge to C'A&

    :) C'A failed to analyze t#e situation in +ietnam 2 t#e resistance of t#e most /ac%$ard 2

     !oor !eo!le /ecame a matter of ego for C'A&

    ) +ietnam $as a great story of t#e $ill of t#e !eo!le 2 !residents of C'A li%e o#n F&

    ennedy5 =yndon B& o#nson and Nic%son failed to su/due t#e !eo!le of +ietnam 2 in

    019 C'A a!!ealed for !eace agreement $it# +ietnam5 leading to t#e inde!endence of

    +ietnam in 019:

  • 8/9/2019 World History Germany,Italy,Vietnam


    +ietnam $ar 



     N,R8 =A'' 068H > By Ar?un