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WORKSHOPS LIST · Building relationships with team members virtually. ... focused and engaged. Building in interactive processes to keep participants involved and interacting. ...

Jul 20, 2020



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Page 2: WORKSHOPS LIST · Building relationships with team members virtually. ... focused and engaged. Building in interactive processes to keep participants involved and interacting. ...

Category 1 : Virtual Working

How to succeed as a remote worker

It is estimated that globally 52% of workers work from home once a week (Owl Labs). This workshop will

help to ensure participants can flourish and be at their best when working virtually.

This workshop includes:-

• How to stay connected and informed from a distance.

• Building relationships with team members virtually.

• Creating the right disciplines and ways of working to ensure productivity, wellbeing and work/life


• Remaining visible and memorable by raising their virtual profile.

Managing virtual teams

The principles of managing remote colleagues and teams are similar to managing those who are co-loca-

ted. However, it doesn’t happen as easily or naturally in virtual teams. Managers of virtual or hybrid

teams need to be more proactive in ensuring their team achieve togetherness, work together and

perform together well.

This workshop includes:

• Recognising the importance and challenge in being present and available to ensure remote workers

feel included.

• Identifying agreed ways of working that help virtual teams work well together.

• Knowing how to progress your virtual team through recognition, visibility, connectedness and


• Being able to motivate your team from afar.


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Delivering presentations virtually

In-person meetings are on the decline as flexible working increases and technology enables more

virtual meetings. Presenting in a virtual environment requires an additional set of skills to develop

audience attention and deliver key messages.

This workshop includes:

• How to design a presentation that is structured, focused and has impact virtually.

• Delivering your virtual presentation in a way that engages and involves your audience.

• Mastering and reading virtual body language.

• Creating discussion through virtual interaction.

Virtual networking

Keyboard networking is the new way of connecting for the modern worker. Social media now enables

us to reach out and connect both globally and instantly. It is more than getting ‘likes’ and followers.

This workshop shows participants how to leverage social media to network more strategically

and more quickly including:

• Creating a social media networking plan.

• Ten top tips for building your network on LinkedIn.

• Monitoring engagement to put the effort where it is worth it.

• Use your ‘social’ time to maximum effect.

Facilitating virtual and hybrid meetings

More and more joining a meeting now means hopping on a platform to interact virtually. Many teams

now run hybrid meetings where some are F2F and others join in virtually. Whatever the new approach

the way to facilitate these meetings is very different from purely in-person meetings.

This workshop includes:

• Planning and structuring a meeting to ensure the right people are present, focused and engaged.

• Building in interactive processes to keep participants involved and interacting.

• Agreeing guidelines for virtual meeting etiquette.

• Dealing with different scenarios of virtual - hybrid meeting situations.

Time management for remote workers

Various studies point to employees being more productive when working from home. Yet remote or

flexible workers need support to find the balance between the benefits of home working and the

challenge of not being in the office.

This workshop includes:

• Establishing disciplines and routine to help with focus, delivery and connectivity.

• Building in regular check-ins to ensure that appropriate productivity is achieved.

• Managing days and weeks to boost healthy working and wellbeing.

• Managing time to complement working with the wider team.


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Category 2: Personal Development

Getting stuff done

It often feels like the days and weeks are flying by and our time is not our own. This workshop is designed

to help participants gain more control and make better choices in using their time to be more productive.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding how positive intentions towards work can sometimes lead to an unnecessary greater


• Finding ways to minimise interruptions and distractions.

• Prioritise skilfully new work coming in.

• Boosting focus so that energy can be applied in the right ways.


The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a tool for helping individuals understand their preferences of how they

interact with the world. This workshop gives participants the opportunity to explore their own

preferences and how these play out at work. It also gives them an understanding of other colleagues’

preferences too.

This workshop includes:

• How where we get our energy from impacts our preference for thinking and interacting with other


• Exploring how we prefer to understand information along with recognising the information we are

more likely to trust.

• Understanding processes for how we make decisions.

• How a preference for managing time can help or hinder our progress.


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Being proactive

Managers regularly express that they would like some of their team members to ‘take more initiative’ and

‘be more proactive’. But what does this actually mean? This workshop helps team members understand

how they can appropriately ‘step up’ to add more value in their role, in meetings and with colleagues and


This workshop includes:-

• Being clear on what proactivity looks and feels like and accepting they have permission to take the

initiative more.

• Building confidence and developing levels of presence to create in role value.

• Presenting solutions, ideas and suggestions, rather than problems and concerns.

• Addressing scenarios to explore how they might be proactive and take the initiative in each.


Many people find networking challenging. Yet, networking events are great opportunities to connect

with others to create mutually beneficial relationships. This workshop gives participants the tools to

network strategically with confidence.

This workshop includes:-

• Creating a strategic networking plan with goals and outcomes.

• Planning how to connect with specific people or types of people.

• How to work the room confidently making introductions and moving on with grace.

• Knowing how to follow-up with contacts and keeping the network alive.

Managing upwards

Dealing with more senior colleagues or stakeholders often requires a shift in approach to account for

different power styles, priorities and responsibilities they may have. Managing upwards is a skill that can

help employees collaborate and navigate through the working relationships they have with their

managers and leaders.

This workshop includes:-

• Learning about how to identify different power styles based on research by psychologist, Sandi Mann.

• Understanding the driving forces behind manager and leader priorities and behaviours.

• Exploring techniques to help contributors flex their approach and communication styles to get the

most out of their interactions with more seniors.

• Identify ways to apply this learning to a specific working relationship they have with a more senior


My wellbeing

As more is demanded from employees it is important that they work in a way that incorporates wellbeing.

This workshop helps participants to understand and safeguard both their physical and psychological

wellbeing. Once we look after ourselves then we can begin to look after others.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding the science and biology of how stress affects us.

• Recognising the early warning signs of stress in ourselves and colleagues.

• Reframing situations and challenging our mindset to avoid feeling stress.

• Practical steps we can take to safeguard or return to a state of positive wellbeing.


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Building trusting relationships

Building trust is super important when it comes to having productive working relationships with others.

Trust can be built over time, but often we need to establish a higher level of trust quicker. Participants

explore how to create the appropriate level of trust with others.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding the component parts of high trust.

• The different types of trust required for different working relationships.

• How to build trust across the different areas of trust.

• Why trust can wobble sometimes and how to fix this before it breaks.

Outbound selling

Inside sales reps need resilience to keep picking up the phone with confidence and positivity. This helps

to remove the build-up of sales call reluctance. This programme provides participants a complete

approach to outbound selling.

This workshop includes:-

• How to begin the call in a way which engages the customer and gains permission to continue.

• Identifying pain points with customers that a sales person can help to overcome.

• Full qualification before presenting.

• Overcoming objections and closing.

Managing my change

If change is going on in your organisation right now then your colleagues may well benefit from help in

navigating that change. Different changes impact people in different ways. This workshop helps

participants learn how to thrive (or at least to survive) during times of change.

This workshop includes:-

• Navigating by understanding the theory of The Change House.

• Understanding the neuroscience of how changing circumstances can play out in our brain and


• How to build a change-fit mindset.

• Applying the tactics to a workplace change they are currently experiencing.

Project management

We know that if a project is off track just 20% into the project, the likelihood is that it will never get fully

back on track. This is a 2-part workshop that gives participants the fundamental project management

techniques to run medium to large tasks that deliver on plan.

This workshop includes:-

• Asking the right questions to scope out a project.

• Creating a plan and setting expectations.

• Executing against the plan and avoiding scope-creep.

• Delivering the project against stakeholder expectations.


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The science of influence

We are born as master influencers, it is essential to our survival. And yet, our influencing repertoire

declines as we mature and we fall into default approaches that limit our influencing success. This

workshop helps participants to explore more ways to influence and persuade the people they need to.

This workshop includes:-

• Being clear on what positive influencing is and how to do it better.

• Exploring the psychology behind 6 different influencing approaches to understand how they work and

why they can be so powerful.

• Learning how to be strategic and adaptive in using the different techniques.

• Creating an influencing plan for a current situation.

Building my network

A diverse and select network can provide individuals with support, information, opportunities and

interest. Building and sustaining a network provides opportunities for individuals to begin raising their

profile within the organisation, get noticed and be remembered for the right reasons.

This workshop includes:

• Exploring personal brand and how participants can begin to promote this in order to raise their profile.

• Beginning an analysis of their current network to identify gaps and opportunities to grow it.

• Understanding how external networks and social media can provide opportunities to learn, develop

and build useful connections.

• Creating a networking strategy to develop their network going forwards with purpose.


Idea generation is a core part of innovation, problem solving and continuous improvement. This

workshop gives participants specific techniques to help them to generate more ideas and different ideas.

Get practical with easy to use approaches including:-

• Understanding how to disrupt our thinking in order to find new and less obvious ideas.

• Experiencing using different ideation tools.

• Guidelines on how to have productive ideation sessions which are focused and unfocused at the same


• Explore ways to adapt the ideation tools for different situations.

Decision making

Each of your employees are making around 35,000 decisions every day. These are a mix of subconscious

routine decisions and more complex important decisions. This workshop helps participants make better

decisions via a number of key steps.

This workshop includes:-

• Helping them to understand their default decision making style.

• Knowing when and how to come out of autopilot to make more strategic decisions.

• Being aware of common traps to avoid falling into when making decisions.

• Applying the learning to a complex decision they are currently working on.


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Preparing for your appraisal

If your organisation has a yearly cycle of objective setting, reviews and appraisals then it is likely that you

want your employees to drive this process for themselves as much as possible. This workshop helps

participants be proactive in fully preparing for their own appraisal.

This workshop includes:-

• Gathering a range of feedback about their performance.

• Setting objectives that are aligned to their own and the business’s priorities.

• Being creative in finding ways to meet their development needs.

• Explore best practice in driving the appraisal conversation with their manager.


We are all assertive in some situations, but for most of us there are some scenarios where we find it more

difficult to be our best. This workshop helps participants to understand what prevents them from being

assertive on occasions with practical advice on how to overcome this.

This workshop includes:-

• Identifying the common barriers to assertion.

• Striking the balance between over and under-doing it.

• Practical approaches to being appropriately assertive in situations such as saying no, challenging

upwards and speaking out.

• Applying the learning in typical assertive-requiring scenarios.

Personal branding

Everyone has a personal brand but are they all aware of how it is perceived by others. Are they managing

this? This workshop helps participants understand and shape their personal brand so that they can raise

their profile and build their brand in a purposeful and beneficial way.

This workshop includes:-

• Identifying their personal brand values. What do they ‘stand’ for?

• Being clear on what they want to be known and recognised for.

• Managing their brand in a way that creates the best impact on others.

• Taking their brand to market by raising their profile and getting their brand seen.


When Microsoft decided to change their working culture into one of collaboration, both results and

engagement scores quickly improved. Everyone can play a pivotal role in fostering collaboration within

their team and the wider organisation. This workshop provides participants with the tools and

techniques to collaborate better.

This workshop includes:-

• Being clear on what ‘true collaboration’ is and when it is the right or wrong approach for a given


• Being able to look out for, and avoid the traps that can occur when attempting to collaborate.

• Facilitating collaborative meetings ensuring everyone involved is taking part in the spirit of


• Putting the learning into practice with a challenging collaborative decision-making case study.


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Confidence & presence

There is a direct link between confidence and presence. If we are feeling confident then we are in a

stronger position to manage our levels of presence. Different situations call for differently appropriate

types of presence and this workshop helps participants to take control of their presence by managing

their confidence.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding how confidence levels can help to control an appropriately higher or lower level of presence.

• Recognising what helps and what hinders confidence levels in different situations.

• Advice on how to build a more confident mindset.

• Practical tips on how to control and build presence.

Leveraging my strengths

The work of positive psychologists makes it clear that the quickest most efficient way of developing is to build

on strengths rather than focus on weaknesses. This workshop gives participants the opportunity to

understand their strengths and how to use them with purpose to be more successful and happy in their work.

This workshop includes:-

• Using a questionnaire to uncover strengths to build upon and weaknesses to avoid.

• Deep diving into understanding how they could use their strengths more.

• Being mindful of strengths overdone and how others might perceive them.

• Creating a strengths strategy to fully leverage the discoveries from the workshop.

Growth learning mindset

This workshop is for those who want to drive their own learning and development at work. Participants

will discover the benefits of having an ‘always learning’ attitude that encourages them to seek out

learning opportunities. Develop positive new habits and mindsets to deliver personal growth.

This workshop includes:-

• Recognising how they are currently driving their own learning and what the benefits are of being more

purposeful with this.

• Exploring Carol Deck’s work on growth and fixed mindsets and how this currently plays out with them.

• Practical tips on how to be a self-led learner including building curiosity, resourcefulness and


• Considering their own development plan and finding creative and efficient ways of meeting their

development needs.

Challenging conversations

Even the most confident and assertive employees find themselves having difficult conversations that

they would rather not have to have. This workshop provides participants with the know-how to prepare

for a challenging conversation that meets the outcome required for the discussion.

This workshop includes:

• Preparing for a conversation with clear outcomes for all parties.

• Structuring the conversation in a way that allows for a balanced discussion.

• Maintaining dialogue over debate in order to achieve ‘safe’ conversations and manage emotional


• Practice putting this learning into action with feedback included.


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Stakeholder management

This 2-part workshop aligns with our Project Management workshop collection to give participants the

tools to help make relationships with stakeholders productive and mutually beneficial. These workshops

can be run separately from the PM workshops as many employees still find themselves managing

stakeholders as part of their role.

The workshop includes:

• Stakeholder management fundamentals including key models which can be used to ensure

stakeholder satisfaction.

• Managing the different types of expectations stakeholders may have of us, developing implicit

expectations into explicit through dialogue.

• Building trusting relationships quickly and productively with stakeholders.

• Adapting to power styles to get the best out of the communication and working relationships with


Communication fundamentals

This workshop explores what is at the heart of great communication. Whether participants want to

communicate better with colleagues, stakeholders, clients or suppliers, this will improve the quality of

the communication they have. This is a practical workshop with lots of communication opportunity.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding that communication is made up of words, non-verbals and tone and the implications

of this when communicating via different media.

• Exploring the different levels of listening and overcoming barriers to appropriate listening.

• Being clear and practiced in various questioning techniques.

• Consolidating learning into a consultative funnel approach of communication.


Useful innovation isn’t always discovering the next big thing - it is often about everyday opportunities to

improve. This workshop follows the complete cycle of innovation that participants can use in solving

problems, deliver continuous improvement and generate new ideas.

This workshop includes:-

• An overview of the complete innovation cycle.

• A ‘chunking’ tool which challenges the macro or micro of a challenge to ensure they are solving a

problem on the best level.

• Ideation tools for creating varied and fresher ideas.

• An evaluation tool to test the viability of an idea before implementation.

Conflict resolution

Differences of opinion, big or small, can create conflict. Conflict in the workplace is often inevitable and

resolving it in the best way can lead to new opportunities and improved relationships. This workshop

helps participants to feel more comfortable in choosing how they approach a conflict situation.

This workshop includes:-

• An introduction to Thomas & Kilman’s 5 conflict handling modes.

• Exploring the 5 modes in action to establish the pros and cons of each approach.

• Participants identifying their own default approach to conflict with a view to learning how to flex this

depending on context.

• Applying the tactics to a working conflict that exists currently.


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Getting feedback

Just asking, “Can you give some feedback please?” doesn’t always result in the individual receiving useful

information that they can put into action. This workshop helps participants ask for feedback in a way that

makes it easier for the giver to provide more insightful feedback that is unpackable and useable.

The workshop includes:-

• Identifying a combination of sources for feedback to get a more holistic view.

• Helping the receiver to enable the provider to give better quality feedback.

• Being aware of the unhelpful ways in which we can react to feedback.

• Learning to unpack the feedback and deciding what to do with it.


This workshop enables participants to negotiate with colleagues or clients either formally or informally.

There is live practice and feedback built in to the workshop to give participants the opportunity to put

their learning into practice. We cover the key fundamentals of negotiation approaches and methodology

along with tips and ideas.

This workshop includes:-

• Preparing for a negotiation considering approach and required outcomes for both parties.

• Exploring the interests behind both parties’ positions to find a solution that creates win-win.

• Being creative in identifying variables over which to negotiate.

• Tips on getting past stonewallers and helping them move to a ‘yes’.

Goal setting

This workshop helps participants to set goals or objectives as part of their personal development and/or

the yearly performance cycle. We know that individuals are more invested in achieving their goals if they

have been involved in setting them, rather than the goals being given to them.

This workshop includes:-

• Identifying relevant goals that are aligned with the needs of the individual, the team priorities and

business requirements.

• Writing SMART goals and understanding how to shape goals that are more challenging to measure.

• Ensuring the right level of stretch so that the goals are motivating and stretching without being a


• Keeping goals alive through regular monitoring and updates and adjusting goals where necessary.


This workshop encourages participants to bolster mental and emotional resilience to better cope with

the tough situations they often have to deal with at work. Participants explore how to better understand

themselves and the brain so that they can apply the practical approaches covered.

This workshop includes:-

• How the brain works to protect and reward us in different challenging situations.

• Meeting our ‘chimp’ brain and discovering how we all have vulnerabilities at times.

• Using the ABC approach from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to tackle difficult situations.

• A toolkit of techniques and ideas to help build resilience.


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Category 3: Early Careers

Being proactive

We often hear managers express that they would like some of their team members to ‘take more initiative’

and ‘be more proactive’. But what does this actually mean? This workshop helps participants understand

how they can appropriately ‘step up’ to add more value in their role, in meetings and with colleagues and


This workshop includes:

• Being clear on what proactivity looks and feels like and accepting they have permission to take the

initiative more.

• Building confidence and managing levels of presence to be noticed and valued for the right reasons.

• Coming to the table with solutions, ideas and suggestions, rather than problems and concerns.

• Addressing scenarios to explore how they might be proactive and take the initiative in each.

Preparing for your appraisal

If your organisation has a yearly cycle of objective setting, reviews and appraisals then it is likely that you

want your employees to drive this process for themselves as much as possible. This workshop establishes

how participants can be proactive in fully preparing for their own appraisal.

This workshop includes:-

• Gathering a range of feedback about their performance.

• Setting objectives that are aligned to their own and business priorities.

• Being creative in finding ways to meet their development needs.

• Explore best practice in driving the appraisal conversation with their manager.


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Growth learning mindset

This workshop is for those who want to drive their own learning and development at work. Participants

will discover the benefits of having an ‘always learning’ attitude that encourages them to seek out

learning opportunities.They also develop positive new habits and mindsets to deliver personal growth.

This workshop includes:-

• Recognising how they are currently driving their own learning and the benefits of being more

purposeful with this.

• Exploring Carol Deck’s work on growth and fixed mindsets.

• Practical tips on how to be a self-led learner including building curiosity, resourcefulness and


• Considering their own development plan and finding creative and efficient ways of meeting their

development needs.

Getting feedback

According to a recent Gallup survey, only 15% of millennials reported that they routinely asked for

feedback, yet they also acknowledged the value in regular feedback. This workshop helps participants

ask for feedback in a way that makes it easier for the giver to provide more insightful feedback that is also


The workshop includes:-

• Identifying a combination of sources for feedback to get a more holistic view.

• Helping the giver to provide better feedback due to the way they request it.

• Being aware of the unhelpful ways in which we can react to feedback.

• Learning to unpack the feedback and deciding what to do with it.

Building my network

There is no time like the present for new employees to embrace the opportunities in building a support

network that boosts their success. Building and sustaining a network also provides opportunity for

individuals to begin to raise their profile within the organisation, get noticed and be remembered for the

right reasons.

This workshop includes:

• Exploring personal brand and how participants can begin to promote this in order to raise their profile.

• Beginning an analysis of their current network to identify gaps and opportunities to grow it.

• Understanding how external networks and social media can provide opportunities to learn, develop

and build useful connections.

• Creating a networking strategy to develop their network going forwards with purpose.

Confidence & presence

Positive psychologists makes it clear that the quickest most efficient way of developing in this area is to build

on strengths rather than focus on weaknesses. This workshop gives participants the opportunity to

understand their strengths and how to use them with purpose to be more successful and happy in their work.

This workshop includes:-

• Using a questionnaire to uncover strengths to build upon and weaknesses to avoid.

• Deep diving into understanding how they could use their strengths more.

• Being mindful of strengths overdone and how others might perceive them.

• Creating a strengths strategy to fully leverage the discoveries from the workshop.


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Communication fundamentals

This workshop explores what is at the heart of great communication. Whether participants want to

communicate better with colleagues, stakeholders, clients or suppliers, they can improve the quality of

their communication. This is a practical workshop with lots of communication opportunities.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding that communication is made up of words, non-verbals and tone and the implications

of this when communicating via different media.

• Exploring different levels of listening and overcoming barriers to appropriate listening.

• Being clear and practiced in various questioning techniques.

• Consolidating learning into a consultative, funnel approach of communication.

Personal branding

Everyone has a personal brand yet are we all aware of how it is perceived by others? Are we managing

this? This workshop helps participants understand and shape their personal brand so that they can raise

their profile and build personal brand in a purposeful and beneficial way.

This workshop includes:-

• Identifying their personal brand values. What do they ‘stand’ for?

• Being clear on what they want to be known and recognised for.

• Managing their brand in a way that creates the right impact on others.

• Taking their brand to market by raising their profile and getting their brand known.


We can all be assertive in some situations, yet for many of us there are certain scenarios where we find it

more challenging to be our best. This workshop helps participants to understand what prevents them

from being assertive on occasions with practical advice on how to overcome this.

This workshop includes:-

• Identifying the common barriers to assertion.

• Striking the balance between over and under-doing assertion.

• Practical approaches to being appropriately assertive in situations such as saying no, challenging

upwards and speaking out.

• Applying the learning in typically assertive-requiring scenarios.

Managing upwards

Dealing with more senior colleagues or stakeholders often requires a shift in approach to account for

different power styles, priorities and responsibilities they may have. Managing upwards is a skill that can

help employees collaborate and navigate through the working relationships they have with their

managers and leaders.

This workshop includes:-

• Learning about how to identify different power styles based on research by psychologist, Sandi Mann.

• Understanding the driving forces behind manager and leader priorities and behaviours.

• Exploring techniques to help individual flex their approach and communication styles to get the most

out of their interactions with more senior people.

• Identify ways to apply this learning to a specific working relationship they have with a more senior



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Category 4: Management Development

Performance conversations

This workshop helps managers to spot team members who are going off track in performance and help

them resolve the delivery issue. The premise is to get to the heart of what may be preventing

performance and through discussions and actions, work to improve performance successfully and


The workshop includes:

• Knowing how to spot the signs of a potential performance issue.

• Being able to start the conversation through empathy and dialogue, asking quality questions to get to

the heart of the issue.

• Being clear on the root causes that can then be explored.

• Further practical tips to help managers feel confident in positively dealing with underperformance.

Preparing for appraisals

If your organisation has a yearly cycle of objective setting, reviews and appraisals then it is likely that your

managers will be putting a lot of time and effort into preparation. This workshop helps managers to

efficiently and fully prepare for the appraisal conversations they will hold with their team members.

This workshop includes:-

• Setting stretching objectives that are aligned with the business priorities and the individual’s

development needs.

• Fairly rating team members avoiding common appraisal traps and building confidence in making your


• Tips for sharing feedback and dealing with the appraisal conversation itself.

• Ideas on how to get creative in building actions and goals into personal development plans.


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Goal setting

This workshop helps managers to set goals or objectives as part of the yearly performance cycle. We

encourage managers to collaborate with their team members in finalising goals as the result is more

likely to be individuals invested and connected with their own goals, rather than the goals being given to


This workshop includes:-

• Identifying relevant goals that are aligned with the needs of the individual, team priorities and

business requirements.

• Writing SMART goals and discovering how to shape goals that are more difficult to measure.

• Ensuring the right level of stretch so that goals are motivating and challenging without being a strain.

• Keeping goals alive through regular monitoring and updates and adjusting them if necessary.

Giving feedback

According to a recent Gallup survey 58% of managers thought they were giving enough feedback and

yet 65% of employees said they wanted more. This workshop helps managers prepare for a rich feedback

conversation that leaves the receiver of the feedback empowered to make a positive step forwards.

This workshop includes:-

• Research and best practice on how to give both meaningful praise and improvement feedback.

• A model for structuring initiating the feedback conversation.

• Recognising the challenging reactions you might get and how to overcome them.

• An opportunity to get input from colleagues on the best approach for a feedback conversation that

each manager needs to have.

The art of delegation

The benefits to both managers and indeed their team of delegating well are significant. Yet many

managers agree that they don’t delegate well enough. There are plenty of reasons not to delegate and

we work to overcome them in this workshop with practical approaches that result in positive delegation.

This workshop includes:-

• Identifying barriers and solutions to successful delegation.

• Consideration of the different types of delegation required for different tasks, people and contexts.

• Practical approaches to having the conversation, checking in and reviewing the delegated task.

• Application of this learning in deciding who and how to delegate particular tasks in a practice session

with feedback.

Creating team innovation

This workshop helps managers to build a culture of innovation in their team where innovation is

something that just happens as part of daily work. We draw on the research from Dyer, Christensen and

Gregersen to explore how managers can introduce innovative behaviours into their team to help them

make creative ideas.

This workshop includes:-

• Building and using a mutually beneficial diverse and select network.

• Finding ways to reach out beyond the team to explore different ways of working.

• Harnessing curiosity to disrupt the status quo.

• Encouraging team members to try new things, learning from both successes and failures.


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Conflict resolution

Differences of opinion, big or small, can create conflict. Conflict in the workplace is often inevitable and

resolving it in the best way can lead to new opportunities and improved relationships. This workshop

helps managers to feel more comfortable in managing their own and others’ conflict situations.

This workshop includes:-

• An introduction to Thomas & Kilman’s 5 conflict handling modes.

• Exploring the 5 modes in action to establish the pros and cons of each approach.

• Participants identifying their own default approach to conflict with a view to learning how to flex this

depending on context.

• Applying the tactics to a working conflict that exists currently.

Coaching conversations

Thankfully today, more organisations are making the move to rely less on formal performance

conversations in favour of more regular, informal coaching conversations. The research tells us that this

has the most positive impact on the performance of individuals and teams.

This workshop includes:-

• Consider the right setting and mindset for a coaching conversation that has psychological safety for all


• Exploring best practice around asking questions and listening through the most appropriate filter.

• A model for structuring the conversation in a way that still feels natural and focused.

• Practicing a coaching conversation gaining feedback and guidance throughout.

Leading change

According to research, ‘authenticity’ is the most important quality that individuals value in their leaders

during times of change. This workshop helps managers know how to announce and layout the direction

for the changes in your organisation. They will discover how to shape, drive and communicate the

change to keep their team engaged.

This workshop includes:-

• Knowing how to create a storyline to explain the change and reasons that underpin it.

• Be able to communicate change in a way that builds buy-in for their team.

• Being clear on the importance of ongoing communication and regular check-ins.

• Valuing the importance of learning through challenging times and recognising progress throughout.

Managing change

In this workshop managers will explore how change can impact the individuals on their team at both a

conscious and subconscious level. We look at how this influences their reactions to change, both positive

and negative, and how to manage this to keep the team on track to deliver the change.

The workshop includes:

• Seeing how the journey through change can vary for different people as they navigate their own

change curve.

• Understanding the neuroscience of how change can impact how we respond psychologically.

• Recognising how this psychological response plays out in behavioural reactions.

• Knowing how to manage these reactions to keep team members supported and moving forwards.


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Challenging conversations

Being a manager means having to instigate conversations that most people would probably prefer not to

have to have. This might be around performance, behaviours, difficult messages or change amongst

other topics. This workshop helps managers to find the balance between being assertive and having the

right level of empathy.

This workshop includes:-

• Preparing with a clear purpose in mind to ascertain what the other person needs to hear to create the

best outcome required for all parties.

• Practice using a model for preparing and structuring challenging conversations.

• Being clear on the difference between debate and dialogue and knowing how to keep the

conversation on track.

• Managing difficult reactions by bringing the conversation back into safe and productive dialogue.

Career conversations

There are significant benefits in managers having career conversations with their team members.

Individuals are more likely to feel engaged, focused and developing in their work. This workshop shows

managers how to structure the conversation and what to do with the information that comes out of the


This workshop includes:-

• Using our Compass model to structure the career conversation to identify what ideal looks like now

and in any future roles.

• Identifying what current journey the individual is on from trekking, deep-diving, adventuring or

mountain climbing.

• Considering short-term and longer-term actions that can be taken to help the individual along on their


• Using the EPIC model for creating a learning and development plan.

Change-fit teams

Change is inevitable and ongoing - ever more so in the fast moving world of today. We can allow change

to be something that just happens to us, or managers can help their teams to be fit in the face of change.

This means being proactive and thriving in changing environments. This workshop helps managers to

create change-fit teams.

This workshop includes:-

• Understanding the spectrum of how different people view, and therefore experience change.

• Being able to recognise, and so avoid, the thinking traps individuals can fall into during change.

• Agreeing expectations with the team around communication, support and transparency as a team


• Using the agile approach to stay on top and in control of what be influenced as a team.


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Creating empowerment

It is important for managers to create the right balance of empowerment in their teams. This means

individuals can be autonomous and accountable in a safe, supported environment. This workshop helps

managers to create the right level of empowerment along with practical tips in providing the right level

of support.

This workshop includes:

• Recognising how to tailor the level of autonomy that each team member requires to work at their


• Discussing and agreeing 7 different types of expectations to be explicit rather than implicit.

• Knowing how to adapt the types and levels of support managers provide for different team members

in different contexts.

• Enabling team members to make the right decisions by introducing the decision making matrix which

clarifies where their scope of responsibility starts and stops.

New manager toolkit

That first step up to being a manager is one of the most difficult career moves many of us will make. This

workshop is designed to equip new managers with the fundamental first steps to help them take control

of their team and feel confident in their new role. Managers leave this workshop with a host of resources

and ideas.

This workshop includes:

• Mate-to-manager: how to make the shift in mindset and relationship from being part of a team to

managing a team.

• Establishing a list of key conversations to have with their own manager and other stakeholders to be

clear on expectations in ways of working.

• Identifying what they know and what they don’t know about the new role and therefore what

questions they need to ask.

• Establishing a support network and development plan to ensure they get up to speed as quickly as


Building high-performance teams

Teams that perform well are self-motivated, accountable and driven. High-performing teams should also

have strong psychological safety and a collective purpose. This workshop helps managers recognise the

current strengths in how they are managing their team along with practical insights of what else they can

do to build a higher-performing team.

This workshop includes:-

• Recognising the opportunity to in regular team check-ins to discuss how they can work better together

as a team.

• Understanding the process that teams go through as they grow and change so that managers can

accelerate this.

• Creating a culture of high-performance through developing trust, accountability, feedback and


• Taking some time to sense-check their own team and opportunities to improve.


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Team wellbeing

As more is demanded from employees it is important that they work in a way that incorporates wellbeing.

This workshop helps managers to understand and safeguard both the physical and psychological

wellbeing of their team. Managers also consider their own wellbeing so they can begin to look after


This workshop includes:-

• Understanding the science and biology of how stress affects us.

• Recognising the early warning signs of stress in ourselves and team members.

• Helping team members to reframe situations and challenge mindsets to avoid feeling negative stress.

• Practical steps managers can take to safeguard wellbeing in themselves and their teams.

Managing virtual teams

The principles of managing remote colleagues and teams is the same as managing those who are

co-located. However, it doesn’t happen as easily or naturally in virtual teams. Managers of virtual or

hybrid teams need to be more proactive in ensuring their team feels togetherness, works together and

performs together well.

This workshop includes:

• Recognising the importance, and challenges, in being present and available to ensure remote workers

feel included.

• Identifying agreed ways of working that help virtual teams work better together.

• Knowing how to progress your virtual team through recognition, visibility, connectedness and


• Being able to motivate the team from afar.

MBTI for managers

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a tool for helping individuals understand their preferences of how they

interact with the world. This workshop gives managers the opportunity to explore their own preferences

and how these play out at work. It also gives them an understanding of team members’ preferences too.

This workshop includes:

• How where we get our energy from impacts our preference for thinking and interacting interacting

with other people.

• Exploring the information we are more likely to trust and how we make decisions.

• How a preference for managing time can help or hinder our progress.

• Considering the implications of different and similar preferences within their team and identifying

opportunities to take advantage of this.


The power of stories has been well known for centuries. Managers skilled in the craft of storytelling can

use stories to impact culture, influence behaviour change, share a vision, help team members learn and

much more. This workshop gives managers the fundamentals to begin collecting, creating and telling

stories that compel.

This workshop includes:-:

• Exploring the science of how and why stories can have such impact and ‘stick-ability’.

• Identifying situations where stories have been, and could be, used to deliver a particular outcome.

• Consider different types of stories that they can use for different reasons.

• Crafting and telling a story in a purposeful and compelling way.


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Team motivation

This workshop uses the work of Dan Pink, amongst others do explore how to create a working

environment for our team where they are more likely to be motivated and engaged. Managers consider

their team culture and how they manage the team to identify opportunities to make the way they work

more motivating.

The workshop includes:-

• Understanding the purpose of the team and the individuals within it to ensure clear connections

between what we do and how and why we do it.

• Recognising the different types of autonomy so that individuals can be given the appropriate level of

autonomy and support.

• Giving team members more opportunity to use and grow their strengths so they can work with

confidence and energy.

• Challenging and replacing some traditional views on reward and recognition to enhance their

motivational impact.

Running one-to-ones

Regular check-ins between managers and their team members are a great way to stay on top of

individual needs, development, engagement levels and aspirations. Rather than check-ins being about

updates on tasks, managers explore in this workshop how to make them a rich experience that drives

engagement and performance.

This workshop includes:-

• Sharing the research on how important regular, balanced one-to-ones are to the performance of the


• Knowing how to keep check-ins upbeat, focused, useful and energising for both the manager and the


• Finding ways to vary what is discussed based on the needs of the team priorities and the individual.

• Understanding how to ensure clear actions are agreed and documented.


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