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Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Dec 28, 2015



David Pearson
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Page 1: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.
Page 2: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

1. droop [] hang or bend downward 低垂,下垂

The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Page 3: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

2. assignment [] n. [C][U](a) work that a student is told to do or that one is sent to do as part of his/her job 作業;指派的工作

Before I could attend the summer camp, I had to finish my assignment.

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Page 4: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

assign [] vt. 指派

I was assigned to give a report on van Gogh, so I searched the Internet for information.

Page 5: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

3. introductory [] adj.which is written at the beginning of an essay or a book in order to explain what it is about 序論的

The report should include an introductory chapter that explains the objectives of your research.

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Page 6: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

introduce [] vt. 開始 ( 寫文章、談話等 )

The author introduces the book with a long historical explanation.

Page 7: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

introduction [] n. [C] 導言,序論

Useful background information about the book is given in the introduction.

Page 8: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

4. essay [] n. [C]a short piece of writing on a particular subject 論說文,小品文

I read two essays on the customs of Eskimos. After reading them, I had a general picture about how those people lead their daily lives.

Page 9: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

5. wander [] stop concentrating on something and start thinking about other things; to move about without a clear direction ( 思想 ) 游離;遊蕩

PS. The example sentence are on the next page.

Page 10: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

5. wander

After Thomas heard the bad news, his mind began to wander. He lost track of what he was doing.

When the boy realized that he was lost, he wandered around crying loudly.

Page 11: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

6. classic [] adj.typical; belonging to an established set of standards 典型的

Tom made the classic mistake of taking drugs when his friends laughed at him and called him “chicken.”

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Page 12: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

classic [] n. [C] 經典作品,名著

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the classics of English literature. The play has been read and studied worldwide for centuries.

Page 13: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

classical [] adj. 古典的

I like the works of several classical composers, including Bach and Mozart.

Page 14: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

7. desperation [] n. [U]the feeling that one has when in such a bad situation that he or she will do anything to change it 窘迫感,鋌而走險,不顧一切

In desperation, the man jumped out of the window to escape the fire.

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Page 15: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

desperate [] adj. 窘迫的,鋌而走險的,不顧一切的

With time running out, families of the plane crash victims are becoming increasingly desperate.

Page 16: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

8. procrastination [] n. [U]an act of delaying something that one should do, often because one doesn’t want to do it 拖延,延宕

Procrastination makes people do yesterday’s work today, and today’s work tomorrow.

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Page 17: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

procrastinate [] vi. 拖延,延宕

Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do, such as going to a dentist.

Page 18: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

procrastinator [] n. [C] ( 做事 ) 拖延的人

Henry, a typical procrastinator, always puts off his assignments.

Page 19: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

9. belong [] be of a certain type or group 屬於

(某一類 )

Sarah broke up with her boyfriend after she realized that she and he belonged to different worlds.

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Page 20: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

belongings [] n. pl. 所有物,財產

When walking in a large crowd, you should watch your belongings.

Page 21: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

10. task [] n. [C]a piece of especially hard work to be done 工作,任務

The task assigned to these soldiers was to destroy the bridge before the sunrise.

Page 22: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

11. irrational [] adj.not using reason 不理性的

My grandmother had never traveled abroad because she had an irrational fear of flying.

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Page 23: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

rational [] adj. 理性的

A rational mother always knows how and when to help her children

when they meet with failure, instead of just blaming them.

Page 24: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

12. tick [] make a regularly repeated short sound (鐘錶等 ) 滴答作響

A rescue team was searching for Mrs. White’s son in the mountains. However, as the clock ticked on, the worried mother felt more and more desperate.

Page 25: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

13. furthermore [] adv.besides 而且,此外

The house is too small, and furthermore, it is too far from the town.

Page 26: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

14. diligently [] adv.not negligently; with industry 勤勉地,勤奮地

Instead of complaining, Mr. Smith worked diligently to support his big family.

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Page 27: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

diligent [] adj. 勤勉的,勤奮的

Helen has become a diligent student ever since she decided to study abroad.

Page 28: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

diligence [] n. [U] 勤勉,勤奮

Ms. Lin was soon promoted to manager because of her diligence in the job.

Page 29: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

15. rather [] adv.more truly 更恰當地說、更正確地說

He came home very late last night, or rather, very early this morning.

Page 30: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

16. bottom [] n. [C]the lowest part of something 底部

After the cat gave birth to four kittens, Jill put some cloth in the bottom of a box for them to sleep on.

Page 31: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

17. pit [] n. [C]a very large hole 坑洞

The little girl fell into a pit, and her little friends were trying to get her out with a rope.

Page 32: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

18. thus [] this way 如此

Mother Teresa was enthusiastic about helping those who were in need and thus won worldwide respect.

Page 33: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

19. interrupt [] cause to stop 中斷,打斷

I was interrupted by a call when watching the soccer game on TV, so I missed a critical part.

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Page 34: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

interruption [] n. [U][C]中斷,打斷

Due to lack of rainfall, the interruption of water service caused great inconvenience last summer.

Page 35: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

20. grasp [] completely understand something; to take or keep a firm hold of something, especially with hands 領會;抓住

PS. The example sentence are on the next page.

Page 36: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

20. grasp

When I was new to the US, I could not grasp what people were saying to me.

The policeman grasped the thief by the wrist and would not let go of him.

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Page 37: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

grasp [] n. [C] (sing. only)領會;緊握

After the teacher’s explanation, I had a good grasp of what causes an earthquake.

Climbing down a ladder, Leo kept a tight grasp on the rail for fear that he might fall down to the ground.

Page 38: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

21. concept [] n. [C]a general idea, thought, or understanding of something 概念,觀念

Reading these essays on the rise and fall of a company, you can get the concept of management.

Page 39: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

22. organization [] n. [U][C]the act of arranging things effectively; a group of people with a special purpose, such as a club or business 組織;團體

PS. The example sentence are on the next page.

Page 40: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

22. organization

Several plans have been delayed because of poor organization. This has caused tremendous losses to the company.Susan works for a volunteer organization helping homeless people.

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Page 41: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

organize [] vt.組織

The mothers living in the community have organized themselves to protect the safety of

their children.

Page 42: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

23. promptness [] n. [U]quickness 迅速,即時,不拖延

Modern communication is characterized by promptness.

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Page 43: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

prompt [] adj.迅速的,即時的,不拖延的

The paramedics in the emergency room have to take prompt care of the patients.

Page 44: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

24. otherwise [] adv.if not 要不然,否則

Fasten your windows before a typhoon. Otherwise, they may be damaged by the strong wind.

Page 45: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

Words for Production

25. doom [] cause, experience, or suffer something unavoidable and unpleasant, such as death or destruction 注定…的命運,命定

Humans are doomed to death even if medical science has made remarkable advances.

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Page 46: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

doom [] n. [C]毀滅,死亡

According to the predictions of some scientists, the earth may meet its doom because of the rise in temperature.

Page 47: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

1. eyelid[] n. [C]one of the two pieces of skin that cover one’s eye when it is closed 眼皮

Words for Recognition

Page 48: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

2. Henry David Thoreau[] n. an American writer and thinker (1817-1862) 亨利‧大衛‧梭羅

Words for Recognition

Page 49: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

3. Edward Young[] n. an English poet (1683-1765) 愛德華‧楊

Words for Recognition

Page 50: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

4. spurt[] n. [C] a sudden, brief period of (intense emotion) ( 強烈感情的 ) 爆發

Words for Recognition

Page 51: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

1. a matter ofa short period of time or a small amount of something 些許

This time the trip was short, a matter of four or five miles up into the hills.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 52: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

2. put offto delay 拖延

If it does not stop raining, we’ll have no choice but to put off the baseball game until next weekend.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 53: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

3. run out (of)to use up; to have nothing left 用光,沒了

We had better hurry up; we’re running out of time.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 54: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

4. be in troubleto be in an unpleasant or difficult situation 陷入麻煩、困境

William was in trouble because he was caught drinking and driving.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 55: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

5. a great amount ofa lot of 許多

The gardener spent a great amount of time cultivating new types of roses.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 56: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

6. sum upto give a short statement about the main point(s) of something 概括,總結

To sum up the protest of the people living near the factory: They want the factory closed.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 57: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

7. think up(colloq.) to produce a new idea, etc., by thinking hard about something 想出

We’ll have to think up a pretty good excuse for being late again.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 58: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

8. (be) meant for(to be) intended for someone or some purpose …為了 (做 ) 的

Those flowers are meant for you. I want you to have them.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 59: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

9. get down toto finally begin to do something 開


It was almost midnight before Dick got down to his term paper, and he found himself panicking.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 60: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

10. take onto develop a new quality or appearance …帶有 性質,呈現

When the girl received her first month’s pay, her face took on a happy expression.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 61: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

11. catch up onto spend time doing something that one has not much time to do 事後


Last week, I took four days off; now, I have lots of work to catch up on.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 62: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

12. (be) on top of(to be) in complete control of a matter or a situation 完全掌握

The manager worked diligently to be on top of everything.

Idioms and Phrases

Page 63: Words for Production 1. droop [ drup ] vi. to hang or bend downward 低垂,下 垂 The girl’s head drooped when the teacher scolded her for being late.

13. in the presentin the period of time that is happening now 目前,當下

You should live in the present, not in the past, so stop thinking about what you have lost.

Idioms and Phrases