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GUEST BLOGGING How to find the best and avoid the pests.

WordCamp Fayetteville Guest Blogging Presentation

May 08, 2015




The slides from the presentation I gave at WordCamp Fayetteville on Guest Blogging.
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  • 1.GUEST BLOGGINGHow to nd the best and avoid the pests.

2. A LITTLE ABOUTANDY CROFFORD CONTACT INFO Email: [email protected] Twitter: @andycrofford - http://appta.coTechKing - Orchard - ThemeFuse - http://theme 3. WHAT IS GUEST BLOGGING? 4. Writing for other blogs with the goal of buildingrelationships with others in your niche andgaining exposure for yourself. 5. REASONS TO ALLOW GUESTBLOGGERS ON YOUR BLOG 6. WHY YOU WANT THEM Givesyou a break Provides fresh content Establishes credibility Builds relationships Brings in new readers Inates your ego in general 7. HOW TO FINDGUEST BLOGGERS 8. HOW TO FIND THEM Lookon your own blog Ask other bloggers in your niche Forums Twitter Sites that list guest blogging opportunities 9. LOOK ON YOUR BLOG Check out the comments being left Publish a post offering guest blogger opportunities 10. ASK OTHER BLOGGERS Find blogs big or small in your niche and ask them to guest post Dontbe afraid to step outside your niche and ask anyone you think can contribute that your readership would enjoy 11. CHECK OUT FORUMS Findforums related to your site topic and scope out people there to write a guest post 12. USE SOCIAL NETWORKS Ask on Twitter if anyone is interested in guest posting Someof your Facebook friends my be waiting for the opportunity to write a rebuttal on your site 13. CHECK OUT GUEST POST-CENTRIC SITES MyBlogGuest- Blogger Link Up - 14. HOW TO BE A GOODGUEST BLOGGER HOST 15. BE A GOOD HOST Respondin a timely manner Have clear instructions on submitting guest posts Provide feedback Be exible DONOT settle 16. PRO TIPBE PREPARED FOR A LET DOWN 17. BENEFITS OF BEING AGUEST BLOGGER 18. WHY YOU WANT TO BE THEGUEST BLOGGER Get targeted trafc MoreRSS subscribers Backlinks Reach a wider audience Help build your brand Gain credibility Improvesyour writing skills 19. HOW TO BE A GOOD GUESTBLOGGER Researchthe blog Follow the sites guest posting guidelines Actively participate with the people commenting on your post Makesure your subject is relevant Writeyour best post Be reliable Add value 20. TIPS FOR CONTACTING SITES ABOUT GUEST POSTINGOPPORTUNITIES 21. TIPS FOR CONTACTING SITES Research the site and get personal Keep your email short Keep it simple Keep track of your communication 22. THREE MISTAKES GUESTBLOGGERS MAKE 23. GUEST BLOGGER MISTAKES Fail to submit post on time Do not take the time to create a decent author bio Forgetto follow-up on guest posts 24. MOST IMPORTANTLY Do you best Havefun Learn from your experience Do not take yourself too seriously 25. WHO WANTS FREEHOSTING? 26. GET 6 MONTHS FREE SHARED HOSTING FROM SITE5 (WWW.SITE5.COM) WORDCAMP 27. QUESTIONS?