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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a Neighborly Corner Grocery ENHANCE A SALES PROPOSAL GETTING STARTED Open the file SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download from the SAM website. Save the file as SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a “2”. o If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically. To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the following support files from the SAM website: o Support_SC_WD16_4a_Neighbors.jpg o Support_SC_WD16_4a_Bullet.png o Support_SC_WD16_4a_Deli.docx With the file SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer. o If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website. PROJECT STEPS 1. You are a volunteer completing a sales proposal for the Neighborly Corner Grocery store. To make the title page more attractive, format the “Neighborly” title paragraph (just the word Neighborly) on page 1 as follows: a. To add a Box paragraph border, click anywhere in the first line of the document (do NOT select the entire word), then click the arrow on the right side of the Borders button on the Home ribbon . Click Borders and Shading (at the bottom of the menu), then click Box on the left. b. Apply the Aqua, Accent 1 border color (5 th column, 1 st row of the Color palette in the Borders and Shading dialog box), and change the width to 3 pt. Then click OK.

Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a Neighborly Corner Grocery

Feb 17, 2022



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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

Neighborly Corner Grocery ENHANCE A SALES PROPOSAL


• Open the file SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download

from the SAM website.

• Save the file as SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1”

to a “2”.

o If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do

not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

• To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the following

support files from the SAM website:

o Support_SC_WD16_4a_Neighbors.jpg

o Support_SC_WD16_4a_Bullet.png

o Support_SC_WD16_4a_Deli.docx

• With the file SC_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that

your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

o If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a

new copy from the SAM website.


1. You are a volunteer completing a sales proposal for the Neighborly Corner

Grocery store. To make the title page more attractive, format the “Neighborly”

title paragraph (just the word Neighborly) on page 1 as follows:

a. To add a Box paragraph border, click anywhere in the first line of the

document (do NOT select the entire word), then click the arrow on the

right side of the Borders

button on the Home ribbon

. Click Borders and

Shading (at the bottom of

the menu), then click Box on

the left.

b. Apply the Aqua, Accent 1

border color (5th column, 1st

row of the Color palette in

the Borders and Shading

dialog box), and change the

width to 3 pt. Then click


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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

c. To apply shading to the paragraph, click the arrow on the right of the

Shading button on the Home ribbon , and select the Blue-Gray,

Accent 4, Lighter 80% shading color (8th column, 2nd row of the

Shading gallery).

2. Format the “Corner Grocery Store” subtitle paragraph as follows so it

coordinates with the title paragraph (click anywhere in the second line of the


a. Add a Box paragraph border.

b. Apply the Blue-Gray, Accent 4 border color (8th column, 1st row of the

Color palette in the Borders and Shading dialog box).

c. Use a 3 pt. border width.

3. To create a 1" Left indent and a 1" Right indent for the “Neighborly” paragraph

and the “Corner Grocery Store” paragraph to fit the borders more tightly

around the text, click on the “Neighborly” line, then select the Layout ribbon.

Click the Indent Left up arrow to adjust the paragraph left indent to 1”.

Follow the same instructions to create a 1” Right indent.

4. To add a custom picture watermark to the document, on the Design ribbon,

click the Watermark button, then click Custom Watermark.

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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

a. Select Picture Watermark, then click the Select Picture button, and

browse to the file Support_SC_WD16_4a_Neighbors.jpg, available for

download from the SAM website. Then click OK.

5. On page 1, complete and format the SmartArt graphic by modifying it as


a. Enter the text Fresh Produce into the first shape.

b. With the Smart Art selected, select the SmartArt Tools Design ribbon,

then click the Change Colors button, and change the colors of the

SmartArt graphic to Gradient Loop – Accent 1.

c. Apply the Intense Effect SmartArt style (in the section to the right of the

Change Colors button).

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Select the text “Where neighbors meet”, then click the Font dialog box launcher (on

the bottom of the Home ribbon, to the right of the word “Font”). Select the

Advanced tab, Click the arrow for Spacing, and choose Expanded. Set the By

property to the right of that to 1.5

6. Click to the left of the W in “Welcome to the Neighborly Corner

Grocery”, then click the Layout ribbon, and Click the Breaks

button. Select Next Page break to separate the title page from

the other two pages.

7. On page 2, select all the text in the paragraph beginning with

“The Neighborly Corner Grocery…” and ending “…take care of it.” With the text

selected, on the Home ribbon, click the Clear All Formatting button to clear

the formatting.

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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

8. Select the five bulleted list items in the “In Stock” section. On the Home

ribbon, click the Sort button, then click OK to sort the paragraphs so they

appear in alphabetical order.

9. With the same five bulleted items selected, select the drop-down arrow on the

right of the Bullets button on the Home ribbon, then select Define New

Bullet. Select Picture, From File, and browse to the file

Support_SC_WD16_4a_Bullet.png, available for download from the SAM


10. Click in the blank paragraph below the “Prepared Foods” heading (the blank line

below “Prepared Foods”). To insert a text file, select the Insert ribbon, then

click the arrow on the right of the Object button. Select Text from File, then

browse to find the file Support_SC_WD16_4a_Deli.docx, available for

download from the SAM website, to include a description of the store’s prepared

foods department.

11. On page 3, to format the “Sandwich Board” table as follows to make it easier to


a. In row 1, select the cells in columns 2, 3, and 4. With the cells selected,

select the Table Tools, Layout ribbon, and click the Merge Cells button.

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b. Use Align Center to center the “Select a size” heading in the merged cell

both horizontally and vertically.

c. To change the width of column 2 to fit to its contents, put your mouse

pointer on the line between Regular and Sub, then double-click.

d. Select all of row one, then click the Shading button on the Home ribbon.

Select the Blue-Gray, Accent 4, Lighter 80% shading color (8th

column, 2nd row of the Shading gallery).

e. Select rows 3–12, then use the Sort button so that the sandwiches

appear in alphabetical order. (Hint: When you click the Sort button,

make sure the Sort by is Column 1)

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Shelly Cashman Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

12. On page 3, format the “NCGG Membership” table as follows to balance the


a. To change the width of column 1 to 1.75", click anywhere in the first

column of the table. On the Table Tools, Layout ribbon, change the width

to 1.75”.

b. Select everything in columns 2, 3, and 4. With the columns selected,

click the Distribute Columns button so that they are of equal width.

13. Complete the table by adding formulas as follows:

a. Click in the “First-year total” row of the “Student” column (the empty cell

to the right of First-year total). Click the Formula button on the the

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TableTools Layout ribbon, then click OK to insert a formula that sums

the numeric values above the “First-year total” row.

b. Insert the same formula for the “Individual” and “Family” columns.

14. In the “Family” column, change the price of the “Refundable investment”

amount from $125.00 to $105.00. To update the formula in the “First-year

total” row for the “Family” column to display the correct total, right-click the

total, then click Update Field.

15. At the bottom of page 3, select the paragraph beginning “Neighborly Corner

Grocery…” and ending “…all week long”. With that text selected, click the

Format Painter on the Home ribbon, then drag across the last line of the

document to copy the formatting so the last two paragraphs have the same


Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Save your

changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM

website to submit your completed project.

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Final Figure

america365/; monticello/;

Chaloemphan/; primopiano/;

SpeedKingz/; TeddyandMia/

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