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Woolmer Hill, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1QB. Tel: 01428 654055 Website: Email: [email protected] Transport: 03456 009009 Attendance: 01428 647062 or [email protected] 14 September 2012 NO.1 DIARY September Thurs 20 Awards Evening Tues 25 Year 11 Careers Day & Evening Thurs 27 Woolmer Hill Has Talent October Weds 3 Enrichment Day Thurs 4 Open Evening School finishes at 1.25 pm Tues 9 FOWH AGM 7.00 pm Thurs 11 Yr 11 PPP Evening Thurs 18 Yr 7 PPP Tutor Evening Mon 29 - November Fri 2 Half Term Mon 12 Progress Review Day Wed 21 Certificate Evening 6.00 pm Fri 23 Confederation Inset Day December 13/14/15 Christmas Concert Fri 21 End of Term 12.15pm January Mon 7 Beginning of Spring Term February 18 - 22 Half Term March Fri 22 Inset Day Mon 25 Progress Review Day Thurs 28 End of Term 12.15 pm April Mon 15 Beginning of Summer Term May Mon 6 Bank Holiday 27 - 31 Half Term June Fri 7 Inset Day Fri 28 Inset Day July Weds 24 End of Term 12.15 pm WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL a specialist in maths and computing an international school and academy COMMUNICATION DROP WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL FUND We are extremely grateful for all the support that our parents give to the school and we ask for a contribution of £20 from each parent. The school fund is used for purposes which directly benefit our pupils, such as library materials, computer accessories, display materials and funding for special events for pupils - things which are not catered for in the budget which we receive as an Academy. Please make your payment(s) online, go to and click on the link to make online payments. A letter was sent out last week to all Year 7‟s and new pupils with full internet access instructions. Cheques should be made payable to Woolmer Hill School with your child‟s name and tutor group written on the back. Thank you for your continued support. TIME TO BUILD ON OUR ALL TIME HIGH Woolmer Hill staff and pupils are celebrating an outstanding set of GCSE exam results. 85% of Year 11 pupils achieved 5 A* - C in Eng- lish and maths. We were delighted with our average points score which indicated that many of our pupils gained higher grades includ- ing over 20% who achieved 5A*/A. Our school‟s success is reflected in the fact that almost 95% of our pupils go on to further studies at Godalming, Alton and Guildford Colleges and on to prestigious universities. Outstanding results and well done to the Class of 2012. We look forward to even better for Class of 2013. WELCOME BACK TO A NEW YEAR We are delighted to welcome new members of staff for this year: Mr Nash (Head of Creative and Performing Arts), Mrs Rose (Head of Art), Mr Dance (DoL KS4/ Science ), Mr Attwood, (Head of DT), Miss Bourne (English), Miss On (English), Ms Swaisland (English), Miss Rudd (Maths), Mrs Taylor (Maths). Welcome to the Woolmer Hill family. Sue Bullen, Headteacher OPEN EVENING EARLY CLOSURE Please note the school will close at 1.25 pm on Thursday 4 October for the Woolmer Hill Open Evening. All pro- spective pupils and parents, please come along and see the school from 6.00pm - 8.30pm. We look forward to welcoming you.

WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL - Haslemere · Thurs 20 Awards Evening Tues 25 Year 11 Careers Day & Evening Thurs 27 Woolmer Hill Has Talent October Weds 3 Enrichment Day Thurs 4 Open Evening

Jul 15, 2020



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Page 1: WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL - Haslemere · Thurs 20 Awards Evening Tues 25 Year 11 Careers Day & Evening Thurs 27 Woolmer Hill Has Talent October Weds 3 Enrichment Day Thurs 4 Open Evening

Woolmer Hill, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1QB. Tel: 01428 654055

Website: Email: [email protected] Transport: 03456 009009

Attendance: 01428 647062 or [email protected]

14 September 2012 NO.1

DIARY September

Thurs 20 Awards Evening

Tues 25 Year 11 Careers Day & Evening

Thurs 27 Woolmer Hill Has Talent


Weds 3 Enrichment Day

Thurs 4 Open Evening

School finishes at 1.25 pm

Tues 9 FOWH AGM 7.00 pm

Thurs 11 Yr 11 PPP Evening

Thurs 18 Yr 7 PPP Tutor Evening

Mon 29 -


Fri 2 Half Term

Mon 12 Progress Review Day

Wed 21 Certificate Evening 6.00 pm

Fri 23 Confederation Inset Day


13/14/15 Christmas Concert

Fri 21 End of Term 12.15pm


Mon 7 Beginning of Spring Term


18 - 22 Half Term


Fri 22 Inset Day

Mon 25 Progress Review Day

Thurs 28 End of Term 12.15 pm


Mon 15 Beginning of Summer Term


Mon 6 Bank Holiday

27 - 31 Half Term


Fri 7 Inset Day

Fri 28 Inset Day


Weds 24 End of Term 12.15 pm


a specialist in maths and computing an international school and academy



We are extremely grateful for all the support that our

parents give to the school and we ask for a contribution

of £20 from each parent. The school fund is used for

purposes which directly benefit our pupils, such as

library materials, computer accessories, display materials

and funding for special events for pupils - things which

are not catered for in the budget which we receive as

an Academy.

Please make your payment(s) online, go to and click on the

link to make online payments. A letter was sent out last

week to all Year 7‟s and new pupils with full internet

access instructions. Cheques should be made payable to

Woolmer Hill School with your child‟s name and tutor

group written on the back.

Thank you for your continued support.



Woolmer Hill staff and pupils are

celebrating an outstanding set of

GCSE exam results. 85% of Year

11 pupils achieved 5 A* - C in Eng-

lish and maths. We were delighted

with our average points score

which indicated that many of our

pupils gained higher grades includ-

ing over 20% who achieved 5A*/A. Our school‟s success

is reflected in the fact that almost 95% of our pupils go

on to further studies at Godalming, Alton and Guildford

Colleges and on to prestigious universities.

Outstanding results and well done to the Class of 2012.

We look forward to even better for Class of 2013.


We are delighted to welcome new members of staff for

this year: Mr Nash (Head of Creative and Performing

Arts), Mrs Rose (Head of Art), Mr Dance (DoL KS4/

Science ), Mr Attwood, (Head of DT),

Miss Bourne (English), Miss On (English),

Ms Swaisland (English), Miss Rudd (Maths), Mrs

Taylor (Maths). Welcome to the Woolmer Hill family.

Sue Bullen, Headteacher



Please note the school will close at 1.25

pm on Thursday 4 October for the

Woolmer Hill Open Evening. All pro-

spective pupils and parents, please come

along and see the school from 6.00pm -

8.30pm. We look forward to welcoming


Page 2: WOOLMER HILL SCHOOL - Haslemere · Thurs 20 Awards Evening Tues 25 Year 11 Careers Day & Evening Thurs 27 Woolmer Hill Has Talent October Weds 3 Enrichment Day Thurs 4 Open Evening



A Homework

Club is run in the

Library after

school every day

from 3.10 pm -

4.30 pm and from 3.10 pm - 4.00 pm on a

Friday. We are also hoping to open from 8.15

am each morning. Everyone welcome.

Mrs Luck, Study Supervisor



Last week College Information letters were

sent home with Year 11 pupils with an invita-

tion for parents to attend the above meeting.

Please return the reply slip on the letter as

soon as possible and come along to this in-

formative evening with your child.


Mon 17 September

Yr 9 Boys’ Football, Glebelands, H

Tues 18 September

Yr 10/11 Girls’ Football, Robert Mays, ESFA Cup, A

Weds 19 September

Yr 10 Boys’ Football, Glebelands, A

Yr 9/11 Netball, Broadwater, H

Thurs 20 September

Yr 11 Girls’ Football, Glebelands, A

Yr 10 Boys’ Football, Brighton Hill, ESFA Cup, A

Mon 24 September

Yr 8 Boys’ Football, Rodborough, A

Yr 9/10 Netball, Rodborough, H

Tues 25 September

Yr 7 Boys’ Football, Tanbridge House, ESFA Cup, H

Weds 26 September

Yr 11 Boys’ Football, Rodborough, A

Thurs 27 September

Yr 9 Boys’ Football, Rodborough, A


The Talent Show will take place on Thursday 27 September at 7.00 pm. Anyone wishing to take part

please see Mr Spicer (PE) or Miss Crenan (PE) at The Edge as soon as possible.


Please please ensure that when using the school car park, you only park in a designated parking bay.

Obviously you should not stop inside the yellow hatching area but some drivers are parking just outside

of this area. This is causing a major problem for other drivers, particularly the bus

drivers who have to manoeuvre their vehicles in and out of the coach bays. Also, please do not park

alongside the kerb on the exit route as this not only causes congestion but makes it difficult for the

coaches trying to get out of the car park. Parking here also causes a problem for customers using The

Edge car park and could make it difficult for emergency vehicles trying to access or exit the

facility. Thank you, we would be very grateful for your co-operation with this as we are concerned first

and foremost for your child‟s safety.

Mrs F Crawley, [email protected], Business Manager


Year Group Homework Booklets are published termly by year group on our VLE called FROG and can

be found in student resources/homework/Autumn2012. The homework booklets contain detailed infor-

mation on a combination of independent learning projects and information on the themes that subjects

will be studying over the term. Smaller weekly tasks will set on a day to day basis using FROG and can

be accessed via your child's own individual FROG login. Pupils will be made aware when such tasks have

been set and will record this in their planners. If your son or daughter has any problems with the home-

work they should contact their teacher prior to the deadline. For this term only Year 7 have been pro-

vided with a hard copy of the booklet to give an idea of the format. Please see the attached homework

deadline dates.

Mr D Clayton, Assistant Head, [email protected]


These will come home with your child today. Please ensure you check the details and return together

with the attached Parental Consent Form to the tutor by Friday 21 September. Thank you.

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Wow, what a Summer it has been. I am still blown away

by the Olympics and Paralympics, rounded off brilliantly

by Andy Murray at Flushing Meadow this morning! Still,

it‟s great to be back, and there have been some exciting

movements in the world of ICT.

Our new i-Learn Ipad Lab has opened its doors for busi-

ness, boasting a new Wireless backbone (being installed

today), 30 Ipads, 15 desktop PCs, Green Screen and

lights for chromakey work and the school‟s very first

Apple Macs in a mini recording booth. As well has being

great for the GCSE Media course, this will enable some

really exciting and interactive learning experiences.

Alongside this we have upgraded our ICT Hub in Geography from 15 machines to 30 in a new book-

able hub, already being well used by departments.


All parents should have their usernames for FROG. The password has been reset to „changeme‟ for

all parent users, so please log in and update your password.

We have had a parent portal built by Concept 247 for 3 years, but this product will be replaced this

term by a new FROG based Parent Engagement Portal. Watch this space for more information.

Please be aware that the existing portal will cease to function during the course of this half term. I

am very excited to be moving to the more modern and more flexible FROG system, which also

means we can lose one username and password.


We will be using email to send messages to you this year. Please ensure we have your up to date

email address in our database so that you do not miss out on important information.

Sorry that our school calendar has been slow going online this year- a small change in provision has

slowed it down- it should be there by the time you read this!

Some bad news I am afraid. The OCR course which our Year 9 pupils followed last year has lost its

Ofqual creditation, which means that there is no external certification- i.e, it is no longer a GCSE

equivalent. This is a big shame for all those youngsters who worked so hard last year on it, but out

of our hands. Here‟s to a great year together.

Mr M Toombs, [email protected], Assistant Head, ICT



Please find attached a Parental Consent Form that urgently needs to be completed and returned to

your child‟s tutor. Your co-operation is much appreciated. HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENT

Please sign the Home School Pupil Agreement that is in your child‟s planner sent home last week.

This ensures that you agree and are able to support our policies and ways of working with your

child. Your child‟s tutor will be checking them, the deadline is Monday 17 September at the latest.


Every two weeks there will appear on our website the latest Comms Drop (school newsletter), it is

vital that you access these as important school information is included. Please tick the relevant box

on the parental consent form to indicate that you have acknowledged this important message. If you

have any queries please contact the school office 01428 654055 or [email protected]


Full details are attached.

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The school car park area does get busy in the mornings and afternoons, and queues of cars can

build up in the road as a result. When crossing the car park and the roads outside of school, pu-

pils and parents should use the crossings and walk quickly to avoid problems for our pupils and mo-


Mr K Doherty, Assistant Head, [email protected]


There are places available on this trip (Easter hols 2013) for Years 7

-10. If you would like details, please contact Mrs Bean as soon as


As there are a number of outstanding payments, pupils who are go-

ing on this trip will receive an account balance in the coming week.

Mrs H Bean, Director of Learning KS3,

[email protected]


I‟ve just set up our Scholastic Book Club school group order

online. This means you can now order all the books in your

Book Clubs leaflet and many more at http://clubs- and, what's more, you'll be

able to have your books delivered to school for FREE! Books

need to be ordered by Monday 24 September 2012. After that

date, I‟ll confirm that all orders are in and the books will be de-

livered to school for me to hand out in class. For every £1 you

spend 20p goes back to our school to spend on much-needed

books for our library!

Take a look at what‟s on offer here http://clubs- – there are some great bar-

gains with books costing as little as £1.99! Please consider buying

early for Christmas through our School Book Club as there are wonderful bargains! A copy of this information will be in the leaf-

let issued to all lower school pupils however in future the infor-

mation will only appear in the Comms Drop.


After nearly nine years our Chess Club's expert,

Mr. Sobey has moved to North London and is no

longer able to support the club. Is there anyone;

grandparent, parent, uncle, aunt who can help foster

the love of chess. We have an enthusiastic collection

of pupils who meet in the Library, Thursday


Mrs J Maclean, School Librarian,

[email protected]

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MESSAGE FROM MR KIERAN DOHERTY, ASSISTANT HEAD As we approach the end of the second week it is wonderful to observe the calm and positive atmosphere around

the school. The behaviour systems which were reviewed last year have been reiterated to both pupils and staff

and will soon appear on our website. Thanks to the support of Mr Wagner we have introduced a new and struc-

tured rewards system which is higher profile and will be a focus point in form time and at assemblies each month,

as well as being an agenda item at our main staff meetings. There are less uniform issues and it is both encourag-

ing and supportive that the few pupils with teething issues in this area have parental notes. Tutors will contact

home next week regarding any uniform issues which persist.

We welcome Mr Julian Dance to the pupil support team as Director of Learning for upper school, who will be

assisted by Mrs Maybury. Mrs Bean remains Director of Learning for the lower school assisted by Miss Chandler.

Attendance matters continue to be dealt with by Mrs Souster, Mrs Toovey and Mrs Fentiman. Together we are

all focused on the progress of pupils ensuring that each is able to reach their potential by offering pastoral sup-

port, interventions and dealing with any emotional and medical needs.

PUPIL ILLNESS OR ABSENCE The school must be notified by 10.00am on the first day of any absence by either phoning the school

on 01428 654055 and pressing 1 or emailing [email protected]. For pupil safety, illness

must be notified on each day of the pupil‟s absence and followed up with a letter to their tutor on return to


PUPIL ILLNESS AT SCHOOL If your child is feeling unwell, they must not simply walk home. As a matter of safety, they should report to the

medical room so that the school can contact you to come and pick them up. Failure to notify the school if your

child comes home feeling unwell will result in an unauthorised absence on their school record. It is Surrey policy

that we cannot give out painkillers to pupils. If your child suffers with headaches and needs medication or they

have been prescribed medication by their doctor, please send some of their preferred medication along with a

letter of consent to the school.

MEDICAL MATTERS Woolmer Hill‟s school nurse, Genny Hobbs, comes into school regularly to meet with selected pupils. She is also

available to any pupil or parent who may want to discuss health issues or concerns with her when she is next in

school. Just contact Pupil Support and they will arrange a convenient time for

Genny to have a chat with you.

Year 8 Girls - HPV vaccinations take place on Wednesday 24 October, Tuesday18 December and Friday 3 May

for further information go to

Year 10 - final school booster Wednesday 30 January 2013.

HOLIDAYS Woolmer Hill is part of the Waverley Federation of Secondary Schools which whilst, understanding that it is

tempting to take holidays out of the peak season, recognises that any time away from school has a detrimental

effect on pupil attainment. The Waverley Federation has agreed a consistent approach to requests for absence

for holidays in term time. Requests for holiday absence, unless there are exceptional circumstances, will not be

granted and if pupils are taken out of school regardless of our wishes, they will be marked as unauthorised ab-


IS YOUR CHILD ENTITLED TO FREE SCHOOL MEALS? Pupils whose parents are in receipt of the following support payments are entitled to receive free school meals:

Income Support (IS)

Income Based Job Seeker‟s Allowance (IBJSA)

Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Child Tax Credit, provided that their annual income is less than £16,190 (as assessed by Her

Majesty‟s Revenue and Customs) and they are not in receipt of Working Tax Credit.

The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

Income Related Employment Support Allowance

If you think you are eligible please complete the green application form available from either Pupil Support or

the School Office and return as soon as possible to [email protected]

Please could we urge you to do this as it also means that we gain extra money for the school.

All done in confidence.

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9 OCTOBER 2012 AT 7.00 PM The Friends of Woolmer Hill welcomes all parents to

our Annual General Meeting - wine and nibbles will be


Well Done Drew!

Last term Drew took the brave decision to shave his locks in aid of

„Help for Heroes‟. Drew raised over £150 for the charity.

Drew, a Year 9 pupil, is also a member of the Army Cadets and

said of his efforts “ The „Help for Heroes‟ charity help those sol-

diers who have been injured in service and the families of those

who have died, I wanted to help too.”

We applaud Drew‟s efforts and the example he has set. Congratulations on raising such a signifi-

cant amount for such a worth while charity Drew!

It’s A Gold!! With the Olympics over and the medals toted up, Woolmer Hill

scoop a much coveted GOLD!

Artsmark England inspected Woolmer Hill School recently and has

again awarded them with the highest accolade – the Artsmark Gold


Mr Nash, Head of the Creative Arts Faculty said of the award “I am

immensely proud of the staff and pupils alike at Woolmer Hill School.

This award recognises the incredible talent that is harnessed and de-

veloped within the Creative Arts Faculty. I must also thank our many community partners who

offer our performers and artists both experience and the opportunity to learn outside of the


This is the third consecutive Artsmark Gold awarded to Woolmer Hill School, testament to the

high standard of Creative Arts provision.


Every year the Governing Body has to review attendance at Main Governing Body meetings. As in

previous years, we agreed that parents could attend meetings, as observers, but would be asked to

leave when confidential items are discussed.

The Main Governing Body Meetings during this academic year will be held on November 15 2012,

March 21 2013 and July 4 2013. If you wish to attend, you must advise the Clerk of Governors,

via the School, at least one week before the meeting. Dates of these meetings will be published

again in the Communications Drop at the start of each term.

Susan Stathers,

Chair of Governors

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