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Summer 2011 | Issue 13 | University of Wolverhampton | WLV dialogue MOVING FORWARD Retiring Vice-Chancellor reflects SWEET HEALING Research into the healing power of sugar NO PLACE LIKE HOME The evolution of staycations
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Page 1: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

Summer 2011 | Issue 13 | University of Wolverhampton |


Moving forwardRetiring Vice-Chancellor reflects

Sweet healing Research into the healing power of sugar

no place like hoMe The evolution of staycations

Page 2: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

Welcome to the latest edition of WLV Dialogue.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Caroline Gipps retired from the University this summer after six years of successful leadership. Our cover picture is a piece of student artwork which featured prominently in Caroline’s office.

The student experience is an important part of Wolverhampton’s

mission, and the University was delighted to win a prestigious CASE

Europe 2011 award for a fundraising project to transform its Students’

Union Centre. Ken Harris has recently become only the fifth person

since 1931 to win a second term as Students’ Union President and on

pages 22-23 he explains what the University and its SU means to him.

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of WLV Dialogue. If you have any

feedback for us, please get in touch at: [email protected]

Our next magazine will be out in the autumn.

Best wishes

vickie warren

WLV Dialogue Editor

In this edition, Caroline reflects on the University’s achievements and the

changing face of the higher education sector.

During Caroline’s time at the helm, the University’s research performance

has improved and there are many interesting and pioneering studies

under way. Moses Murandu from the School of Health and Wellbeing is

researching the healing powers of sugar, and on pages 8-9 we take a

look at this innovative study.

China recently opened its first glass museum and among the exhibits

are creations by University of Wolverhampton staff and graduates. Read

more about our links with the Shanghai Museum of Glass on pages

4-5. Elsewhere internationally, the University is continuing to develop the

provision of courses delivered overseas at partner institutions, known as

transnational education. Find out more on pages 18-19.

Budding entrepreneurs are able to launch a business alongside their

studies through the SPEED WM programme. On pages 16-17 some

of the students and graduates explain how the scheme has benefitted




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12 224

coNTeNTS 1

newS no place like home – The evolution of ‘staycations’ 2

clear vision – Opening of China’s first glass museum 4

good to talk – Lecturer receives national policing award 6

reSearchSweet healing – Study into healing powers of sugar 8

taking the hot desk – Research looks at new 10office environments

profileMoving forward – VC Professor Caroline Gipps reflects on 12her six years at Wolverhampton

featUreSpeed stars – Budding entrepreneurs launch businesses 16

international global view – Expansion of transnational education provision 18

BUSineSSpebble power – Partner business clinches top award 20


putting students first – Q&A with SU President Ken Harris 22

graduate success story – Three students launch business 24

what’s on guide – University events 25

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2 NeWS

a sunny, dry Spring can do wonders for

the Uk tourism industry. people who have

not yet booked a foreign getaway for

their summer break start to consider the

possibility of a heatwave, and use it as

an opportunity to explore the gems right

on their doorstep and maybe save a few


Known as a ‘staycation’, more and more

people are opting to stay in Britain and either

enjoy day trips near home or travel to another

part of the country. A recent study by the hotel

chain Travelodge estimated that staycations

could give the UK economy a £7.2 billion

boost this year, with over a third of people who

responded to the survey saying they planned to

holiday in the UK.

Peter Robinson is Principal Lecturer and Head

of the Department for Leisure. He explains

the notion of staycations emerged in the USA

in 2008 as a way of describing a change in

people’s holiday patterns away from long haul


“Essentially it has evolved as a reaction to the

increased cost of travel and the perceived risks

of travel, for example delays and cancellations

to flights due to volcanic ash clouds. If you stay

in the UK, you can go by train or in your own

car – although it has to be said that these forms

of travel are not always cheap.”

While unpredictable weather means the UK

cannot appeal to the holidaymaker solely in

search of sun, sea and sand, the country has

a lot to offer the ‘wanderlust traveller’. This is

someone interested in learning more about

heritage and culture, which is closely linked to

slow tourism; this describes tourists who want

to get to know an area by exploring it in depth.

These travellers often select alternative forms of

transport such as walking, cycling, or heritage

transport. They make a real contribution to the

economy because they stay within a single

destination for a longer period of time.

Peter explains: “Staycations are at their most

beneficial when people spend money in local

shops. If people are buying food and souvenirs

locally that can, in turn, benefit the destination

through increased employment, business

opportunities and taxes.

“When people are on holiday, they are inclined

to spend more money. If people stay in their

like homeNo place

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NeWS 3

own homes and do day trips they can also

choose to enjoy higher priced activities, such

as theme parks. Some places, such as Alton

Towers and Warwick Castle, promote numerous

special offers and discounts, and what might

once have been considered an expensive day

out then becomes affordable.”

Advertising has also assisted the tourism

industry in the UK, with Visit England, Visit

Scotland and Visit Wales all investing in

television adverts that raise awareness of what

is on offer at home.

“UK attractions have changed their image,

and staying at home and going to certain

destinations is more accepted. There is not

that sense of peer pressure that you have

to go abroad at least once a year, as we are

increasingly surrounded by publicity promoting

UK destinations.”

The popular paid and free destinations remain

largely unchanged, with places such as Alton

Towers, the Eden Project, Chatsworth House,

Kew Gardens and the national museums in

London featuring highly.

“What is interesting is that a number of those

attractions have increased what they offer.

Longleat, known best for its a stately home and

safari park, now offers a variety of additional

attractions for the family market, including

mazes, a train and even a Postman Pat Village,

whilst Alton Towers has developed into a US

style resort with hotels, a waterpark and an

adventure golf course sharing the site with the

theme park. Some places have realigned their

pricing strategy to appeal to the staycation


The one thing you can never guarantee in

Britain is the weather. In 2004, flash floods

caused extensive damage to the historic

Cornish village of Boscastle while the Severn

Valley Railway in the Midlands suffered

£2.5million worth of damage due to a landslide

in 2007. People may be put off by two or

three seasons of bad weather, but Peter says

these attractions have received overwhelming

support from the public and increased visitor

numbers when they re-opened.

“There is also an increased acceptance of the

unreliability of the British weather. The tourism

industry has helped by promoting indoor

activities and all-weather attractions,” he says.

But there are downsides to staycations. Peter

explains the UK is seen as quite an expensive

destination and people may still be able to find

a last-minute cheap week away in Majorca for

less than the cost of a week in the UK.

“If there is an increase in day trips then there

may be a decrease in overnight stays in

bed and breakfasts and hotels, resulting in

a negative affect on the hospitality industry.

However the accommodation industry is very

good at offering discounts and developing

new markets.”

It is also important to recognise, as Peter says,

that we still need inbound tourism, as that

tends to be the higher spending market, and

the US and Japanese markets remain relatively

stable, with many new travellers visiting the UK

from China and India.

The School of Sport, Performing Arts and

Leisure offers courses which allow students to

consider contemporary issues in the tourism

and hospitality industry. Students explore

how people travel and what influences their

decision-making processes on the tourism,

hospitality and event and venue management

courses. They also explore how the hospitality

industry relies on different markets and

therefore promotes itself to key audiences.

The growth of staycations could even be of

relevance to sports management, as the 2012

Olympics will undoubtedly have a positive

impact on tourism with people flooding to the


It is clear that the tourism and hospitality

industries have risen to the challenge of

tempting Brits to consider staying close to


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glass has a long and illustrious history in

the Black country. Stourbridge and dudley

have been home to world renowned glass

companies such as royal Brierley and

Stuart crystal, and the industry can trace

its roots in the area back to the early


The University of Wolverhampton was a pioneer

in the education of glass art, and its glass

design course was the first in the country.

Established in 1854, the course has been

in continuous operation ever since and over

the last 40 years distinguished alumni have

successfully launched educational glass and

professional practice all over the world.

Among the celebrated graduates is Professor

Zhuang Xiaowei, who studied for a Masters in

Glass at the University. He attributes his own

artistic and professional success to his time at

the School of Art & Design (SAD).

When he was appointed as the Director of the

new Shanghai Museum of Glass, he decided to

return to his artistic origins and include striking

artworks by staff and graduates from the

University of Wolverhampton in the collection.

Stunning glasswork by current staff members,

Professor Keith Cummings and Stuart Garfoot,

along with former Dean of the School of Art

& Design Professor Andrew Brewerton, were

acquired as part of the permanent collection,

alongside works by successful graduates,

David Reekie and Colin Reid.

The official opening was attended by the

Dean of the School of Art & Design, Dr Bryony

Conway, who facilitated the acquisition

and shipping of the precious works. At the

grand opening, Dr Conway spoke about the

University’s delight at being associated with this

new venture.

“I think the museum highlights the very

significant contribution of Wolverhampton to

the development of glass art in China. It also

raises the profile of glass at the University.

Our students graduate from a highly regarded

course. In addition, there is the international

link which we learn from – it is never a one-way


Andrew Brewerton was instrumental in setting

up this link with China. He visited China in

1996 and put on an exhibition, the New Glass

Economy, in Shanghai. This was followed by

the commissioning of a glass sculpture for the

new Shanghai Public Library, made by alumnus

Colin Reid.

iconic landmark

The Shanghai Museum of Glass is an iconic

building in itself, created within a former glass

factory. The space integrates the building’s

original structure and unique characteristics

whilst also benefiting from modern functionality.

Its mission is to share the countless possibilities

of glass, and the museum is designed to

juxtapose the past and present. The ground

floor focuses on the history of glass in

China, while the first floor is an exhibition of

international glass art. The beautiful displays

are a mixture of contemporary Chinese and

international artists, over half of whom are from


So what is the secret of the success and

longevity of the glass design course? Bryony

Conway attributes this to the broad appeal of

the course and staff expertise.

“We have wonderful facilities and a fabulous

academic and technical team. It is a course

that allows for a variety of different pathways.

clear vision

china recently opened its first glass museum showcasing both the country’s heritage and contemporary international designs. among the exhibits are creations by the University of wolverhampton’s staff and graduates, which form part of the permanent collection.

4 NeWS

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Students can focus on glass art or follow the

architecture or design pathway, and that is

represented in the expertise of the staff team.

“Professor Keith Cummings started his life as a

fine artist, and is particularly strong in glass art,

with his original and complex art forms. He is a

hugely influential scholar of glass art.

“Stuart Garfoot spent 20 years working for

German companies Rosenthal and Thomas as

a designer, and his design work is absolutely

beautiful – pure, modern classic design. David

Green is a specialist in architectural glass and

we recently recruited a research fellow, Dr Max

Stewart, who has developed his own work in

highly expressive glass sculpture.

“Art, and particularly glass, is not only about the

creation of beautiful objects – it also requires a

scientific understanding of the material.”

him with the material and the resources to get

a glass programme off the ground at Shanghai


Dr Conway continues: “It is the glass industry

that is financing the Shanghai Museum of

Glass. That is a really powerful lesson for us.

They are working closely with industry to make

a success of the development of academic


So what makes the Wolverhampton glasswork

on display in Shanghai special?

“Personally, I love the magical quality of glass,

the way light interacts with glass,” Bryony

explains. “A piece by Stuart Garfoot, Ice Chi

Family, uses bits of crushed glass – like ice

chips – on the graceful forms, and the depth

of the purple is gorgeous. The deep red of

Colin Reid’s column of glass has an amazing

vibrancy about it. There are some wonderful


For more information about glass at

Wolverhampton, visit

industry links

Also key are links with industry, and the School

of Art & Design is continuing to build upon

these. Representatives of the glass industry

have created the British Glass Foundation, and

they are working with the University to organise

an international glass symposium in 2012. Dr

Conway also explains that a glass stakeholders

group has been established to ensure the

region makes the most of its glass heritage and

works positively together.

As well as being located in a transformed

glass factory, the Shanghai Museum of Glass

can trace its own roots to strong partnerships

with industry. After completing his Masters at

Wolverhampton, Zhuang Xiaowei returned to

Shanghai University but found there was no

glass workshop and no money to develop this

area. He went out and worked with small and

medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in China,

encouraging them and helping them to develop

successful glass businesses. They provided

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Photographer: Simon Bruntnell

Photograph:, Berlin/Germany

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Jenni joined the University seven years ago as

a Senior Lecturer in the HR Department at the

University of Wolverhampton Business School,

specialising in Learning and Development,

Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring

programmes. Prior to that, she worked in the

private sector, initially for the Prudential as

a Human Resources Manager and Training

Manager and then for drinks company Britvic

as Performance and Development Manager.

She later worked for a consultancy in

Shrewsbury offering training, development and


how do you feel about winning the

British association for women in

policing (Bawp) award?

I feel very honoured and surprised! It is nice

to see the Police are valuing mentoring within

the force. It is great that they have invested

the time of the mentors and mentees and

allowed me to go in and work with them, on an

ongoing basis. Speaking to both the mentors

and the mentees, there is a surprising amount

of learning coming out of it for both parties, in

terms of increased awareness and personal

development, particularly in the area of coping

strategies during times of change.

the project you won the award for

was with west Midlands police –

could you tell us a bit more about

what this involved?

One of my Masters students in Coaching and

Mentoring worked for West Midlands Police

and asked me to come in and share a bit of

knowledge. They felt there was a need for a

programme targeted at supporting women

in the Police, and as this was an area I was

studying for my PhD, it seemed sensible that I

could advise them and so I ended up doing the


The project gave women in the force the

opportunity to be trained as mentors and

they were then matched with women who

identified themselves as requiring someone to

support their personal development and career

progression. I delivered two days of training for

the mentors and a half day session with the

mentees. I also created a handbook, and I met

up with the mentors and mentees every couple

of months for over a year to see if they needed

any extra support.

The mentees mainly talked about the positive

impact it had made on their motivation. Often

the mentors were surprised at the learning

they had gained, above and beyond what

they expected. Mentoring is often seen as

an altruistic activity by mentors but there are

hidden benefits: they learn new things about

how to support each other and also reflect on

their own career. It makes a difference for both

parties in their role with the general public and

also the teams they work with.

It is encouraging that the Police are rewarding

learning and development activities and that

goes to show the changing culture. It is still

a male dominated profession but there are a

growing number of senior women now and the

purpose of the mentoring was for women to

see the opportunities that exist.

what interests you about coaching

and Mentoring?

I have worked in various HR, training,

development and consultancy roles and it

is amazing how having a conversation with

someone can make such a difference. A

chat about where someone is up to, how

they are feeling and showing an interest in

someone can have a massive impact on their

confidence levels. All the different roles I have

taken have been about helping people realise

their potential, and often the simplest things

reap the biggest rewards. Mentoring is about

encouraging someone to see what the future

might hold for them.

You teach modules focused on

coaching and Mentoring, what is

involved in these?

All our coaching and mentoring teaching is a

mixture of theory and practice. We discuss

the theoretical underpinning, such as what

works and what doesn’t work, but also teach

the practical aspects too. These are popular

optional modules at the Business School.

Some Coaching and Mentoring practitioners

may be sceptical about university courses

because they feel it might be too theoretical but

we recognise the importance of the two things


what characteristics make a good

coach or mentor?

If you asked West Midlands Police about

what makes a good mentor, they would say

someone who listens, cares, shows empathy

and empowers the mentee to do it for

themselves. Most of those would be good skills

for a coach too. In West Midlands Police, it was

important to have mentors that understood

the workplace and would listen, encourage

and support the mentees to make changes

for themselves. I would say a poor coach or

mentor would be someone who told people

what to do or did it for them.

Good to talk






6 NeWS

Senior lecturer Jenni Jones is celebrating after receiving a top national award in recognition of her work on a mentoring scheme for west Midlands police. She was presented with the prestigious British association for women in policing (Bawp) Special recognition award 2011 at a ceremony in June.

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what sorts of benefits are there for

people taking part in a mentoring


The benefits are for the individual, their teams

and the organisation. On an individual level, it

is beneficial in terms of personal development,

skills and attitudes. There is always surprise

from both mentors and mentees about how

much they have learnt about themselves,

their job, their views and aspirations. For the

mentee, it is more obvious as it is focused

on them, but the mentor can gain a lot of self

awareness and satisfaction too.

There are also benefits for the team or

department in terms of the skills and new

knowledge they can share. An example would

be ‘active listening’, which can become

a normal part of your working day rather

than just something you do in a mentoring

scenario. The impact is beyond the individual

and that is often a positive surprise to people

at senior levels. People understand not only

about themselves but also how they work and

behave and what impact this has on others,

and that has got to be a good thing.

what is the most rewarding aspect of

your work?

Seeing people learning and growing. I

have worked here for seven years on both

undergraduate and postgraduate programmes

and it is so satisfying to see people in their

first year and again in their final year and the

difference being here has made for them.

Mentoring is a bit like that too. You start

building a relationship and a rapport and often

the person is not sure what they want. You

work together and over time the student or

mentee becomes more able to recognise what

they want, plan towards it and then do things

for themselves. They become independent



NeWS 7

Sponsor Michael Cullen from Cooneen, Watts and Stone, Jenni Jones from the University of Wolverhampton and BAWP President and Assistant Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police Service Cressida Dick.

of you and that is very satisfying. It is about

giving people the tools to do it themselves

– you do not have all the answers but are

helping people to find their own way.

mentoring is about encouraging someone to see what the future might hold for them.

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that is precisely what Moses Murandu is

researching currently. it is one of the more

unusual research projects being carried

out by University staff, but it is also one

of the most interesting. his work could

have major implications not only for the

health service in the Uk but for developing

countries all over the world.

Senior Lecturer Moses grew up in Zimbabwe,

and whenever he or his brothers suffered

injuries, his father Majazi Aron would use

granulated sugar to heal the wound and reduce

pain. It was only when Moses moved to the

UK that he realised this simple but effective

treatment was not used everywhere.

8 ReSeaRch

Sweet healingif you were asked what the best use for sugar is, what would you say? Sweetening your tea perhaps, or maybe baking a tasty cake. But would healing wounds cross your mind?

The sugar works because bacteria need

water to grow, and applying sugar to a wound

draws the water away. Because there is less

water the body responds by getting the heart

to beat faster and increase blood flow to the

area. This brings white cells that fight infection

and oxygen and nutrients that enhance cell


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ReSeaRch 9

However, Moses faced an uphill struggle to get

his research into the healing effects of sugar

under way, visiting three different health trusts

without success. His fortunes changed when

he was introduced to consultant vascular

surgeon at Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham,

Mr Malcolm Simms, who had worked in

Uganda himself and encountered the use of

sugar there.

Moses carried out six months of research into

the effects of sugar on wounds such as bed

sores, leg ulcers and even amputations on

patients on the vascular ward at Selly Oak. In

2009, he submitted an abstract detailing the

project to the prestigious Fondation Le Lous

and was awarded the Scientific Research

Innovation Award, worth £25,000.

This has enabled the project to develop further,

and a randomised control trial is currently

under way at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in

Birmingham. For this, Moses is using two types

of sugar – white granulated sugar from sugar

beet and white granulated from sugar cane.

There was slight activity with brown sugar, and

for this reason only the two white granulated

sugars are being used.

Moses, a Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing at

the School of Health and Wellbeing, explains:

“The cleaning of the wound was good and the

reduction of odour was very good. We found

the pain was reduced for the patients that had

the sugar treatment. The cost of our dressings

was quite manageable and the nursing and

medical staff were happy from the survey

we did.

“The most important survey is the patients, and

they loved it. Many of them were very surprised

that it worked and others wondered why it had

not been used before. Some of them actually

said, ‘do you mean the sugar you use in tea?’

and we said ‘yes!’”

An important consideration is the effect on

diabetic patients. Moses explains diabetic

patients were tested and monitored closely

as the sugar was applied. The results were

encouraging, as the sugar worked and there

was no blood sugar level increase.

The next stage of the research will involve

evaluating all the results and looking at the

economic impact.

“With wound management, we need a dressing

that can reduce pain, be effective and also be

affordable,” Moses says. “We are not only trying

to do this for the UK, we are trying to do it

globally and there are countries that don’t have

the money that developing countries have. It will

benefit other countries like Zimbabwe where I

came from.”

Moses emphasises that at every stage, his

motivation has been the patients he wants

to help heal and get better. He is extremely

grateful for all the support he has received

along the way.

“I am so grateful to the University of

Wolverhampton and School of Health and

Wellbeing for allowing me to enter academia

because without them, I could not have

reached the stage I am at now.

“I was in a clinical setting before and could

see the suffering, but could do nothing

because I had no background to influence the

policy makers. I owe a lot to my father for his

encouragement. He was a very poor man but

he always said we had to help people whenever

we can. That was embedded in me, and

what I wanted to do was to see patients

getting better.”

Moses describes Mr Simms as an ‘angel

sent by God’, and is also grateful to Dr Carol

Dealey, Research Fellow at the University

Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

and University of Birmingham, who bridged

the gap between them. Moses also pays

tribute to Professor Colette Clifford, who was

his supervisor while he was completing his

Masters at Birmingham, and gave him so much

encouragement to pursue his research.

The pioneering sugar research continues to

attract a lot of interest and discussion, and was

featured on the BBC’s The One Show recently.

And seeing sugar being used on hospital wards

could happen sooner than you might think.

The project is expected to take two years, and

Moses estimates it could be in use by the NHS

within three years.

One thing is certain, Moses Murandu is

extremely committed to his sugar research

and however long it takes, will persevere and

overcome whatever challenges may face him

along the way for the sake of the many patients

he believes will benefit from his work.

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10 ReSeaRch

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with companies seeking to make

savings wherever possible, all aspects

of the working day are being placed

under the spotlight. whether it is hours,

staff numbers or workload, businesses

across the board are looking for ways to

economise. one interesting way being

investigated is the work environment

itself, and how different infrastructures

can impact on productivity and team


The evolution of the non-territorial work space,

often referred to as ‘hot desking’, is an area

that is receiving attention from academics in

various fields. In this type of workplace, staff do

not have a pre-assigned desk and can work

in a different position every day. Depending on

the size of the organisation, this could be four

desks in a room or 100 desks spread over two

or three floors.

Office space is expensive to hire or build, and

there are also environmental costs of heating

and maintaining a building that is not fully

occupied. Therefore businesses are seeking to

save money by using the space as effectively

as possible. In a non-territorial office, there are

often fewer workspaces than employees, as it

is highly unlikely everyone will be in at one time.

Occupational Psychologist at the University of

Wolverhampton, Dr Jane Carstairs, explains

this kind of working environment has become

possible due to advances in technology.

Wireless technology means staff can set up

a laptop anywhere and even work on mobile


There are, of course, advantages and

disadvantages to this set-up, particularly in

relation to staff members’ sense of identity.

“Having your own space allows people to

gain control within that small environment and

personalise it with pictures and little things

that define their identity. The threats to that of

the non-territorial office can result in a lack of

motivation and even stress,” Dr Carstairs, from

the School of Applied Sciences, explains.

“There have been some studies that suggest

people find working without the ability to

personalise their space quite a stressful event.

This emphasises how important perceived

control is in being able to cope with stress.

The worst case scenario is that it could lead

to people having time off work. If there is a

reduction in people’s satisfaction with the

environment and job then that can impact on

people’s commitment to the organisation. In

extreme cases they might find a job elsewhere.”

In environments where people do not have

assigned desks, research has found there are

instances of people getting into work early just

so they can occupy a favoured desk. People

may also attempt to personalise the space

by leaving something on a chair or table so

they can return to it the next day. Older staff

in particular report difficulty carrying around

heavy books and laptops and are more

likely to favour a return to conventional office


Another disadvantage is a lack of team

cohesion. Staff members may not be seated in

close proximity to the people they are working

with on particular projects. However, as Jane

explains, there is also conflicting research

indicating that the non-territorial environment

can benefit performance as well.

“If a team is dynamic and different people

work together at different times, you can

choose to sit with them and that could improve

performance for that piece of work. There is

also a suggestion that non-territorial offices

enable the generation of ideas.”

A further advantage is that it is more egalitarian,

and if you get in early enough to grab a

window seat then you are entitled to it. But

Jane says there have been suggestions that

people of higher status will sometimes make it

clear a particular desk ‘belongs’ to them.

Dr Carstairs explains an important factor which

has been widely recognised by researchers

investigating the impact of moving into a new

office environment is consultation with staff.

“It is important to get employees to have buy-

in concerning the design of their space and

their environment, giving them ownership and

control over some aspects,” she adds.

“It is also important to bear in mind the type

of work being done. If people have a highly

cognitive type of job they will often have

more difficulty coping with the physical and

psychological character of an open plan office

than people involved in administrative or routine

work. Staff members will benefit from having

quiet areas where they can hold meetings or do

more demanding work tasks. Many open plan

and non-territorial offices have meeting rooms

specifically for this purpose.”

Jane, who has worked at Wolverhampton for

six years, has been researching workplace

design, and a paper based on her work with

Interior Design Consultant George Mylonas

was presented at the 9th Australian Industrial

Organisational Psychology conference. The

report included recommendations for further

research, and Jane explains teasing out what

it is about the non-territorial office space that

relates to reported improvements or reductions

in performance would be beneficial, as existing

research has produced ambiguous findings.

It would also be useful to assess whether

it is actually the effect of entering a new

environment that is being reported rather than

the office arrangement itself.

She adds: “There is a need for longitudinal

studies to see how employees adapt over time.

There may be savings in terms of space but this

may be coming out in terms of performance

and turnover.

“The key thing is for architects, designers and

managers to be flexible in their approach and to

allow change if it is necessary.”

ReSeaRch 11

Taking the hot desk

Page 14: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

Situated in the centre of Wolverhampton, the

University is at the heart of the city. The view

from Professor Caroline Gipps’ office window

looks out over the landmark St Peter’s Church

and across to the council Civic Centre. But

Caroline admits that before she joined the

University, she knew little about the city, and

was pleasantly surprised.

“I first looked at Wolverhampton the night

before the informal visiting day. My husband

and I walked around and I thought ‘this looks

like a nice place’. When I first started at the

University I was surprised at how big it was

and how good the facilities were. I also felt that

it was very well managed.”

Now, six years on, Caroline holds a pivotal role

in the city and has built strong partnerships

with other leading organisations, such as

Wolverhampton City Council, Wolverhampton

Wanderers FC, City of Wolverhampton College

and the Primary Care Trust.

“I think the University is a key player in the

city. In fact, after the City Council, we are the

biggest institution. Our fortunes are inextricably

linked with the fortunes of the city. I work

closely with the Chief Executives or Chairmen

of the other organisations to ensure we are

pulling in the same direction,” she says.

“There is no doubt that the University brings

a lot to the city. For many years we were the

only organisation doing any building and our

students bring a significant amount of income

into the region. The West Midlands has a low

percentage of people with higher skills and that

is where we play the most important role. That

said, there needs to be the right sort of job

available for our graduates to be able to stay in

the region.”

innovation and opportunity

Caroline believes the great strengths of the

University have remained consistent for the last

50 years. The University’s crest features the

words ‘innovation and opportunity’ and she

feels this is absolutely relevant.

“We provide opportunities for young people

and adults to get a higher education

qualification where otherwise they might not

have thought of coming to university. We give

them a good practical degree that changes

their lives. Another strength is the way we work

with business to innovate and support their

aims,” she explains.

The needs of the University’s graduates and

students are at the very core of its mission,

and they remain the best ambassadors for

what the institution seeks to achieve. Caroline

is extremely positive about the thousands

of students who have collected their degree

scrolls during her time.

“Every experience I have had of

Wolverhampton students shows me they are

confident and able to speak for themselves.

Whether it is the Students’ Union sabbatical

officers or other students giving a presentation,

I am always impressed. Our students never let

us down. Recently the Students’ Union gave a

presentation of the Quality Assurance Agency

(QAA) audit, and it was so professional that the

auditors wished they had videoed it to use in


“I have really enjoyed getting to know the

Students’ Union Presidents every year. I

have always had a monthly meeting with

the President and watching them grow in

confidence and voice throughout their year in

office has been a delight.”


Looking back over the last six years,

there have been many successes and

achievements. The University itself looks

different, with a number of new buildings

opening their doors. The Administration and

Teaching building opened at City Campus

North in 2007, providing excellent space for

learning and teaching as well as offices for

administration staff. Within the last year, the

University of Wolverhampton Business School

relocated to refurbished accommodation at the

City Campus. Over at Walsall, a new Education

and Teaching building opened in 2008 and The

Performance Hub, a new multi-million pound

performing arts centre, will be completed this

summer, ready for the next academic year.

“We have very good teaching facilities. We are

very lucky to have finished them as universities

that need to do building work in future will find

the money hard to find. The one building we

still need to do is a new science facility. The

plans are quite well advanced and we will find

a way of doing that.”

Professor Gipps lists another highlight as the

University’s improved research performance.

The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)

2008 rated elements of research as world


“As a lifelong researcher, I was very pleased

about that, and it put to bed the myth that

we are a teaching only institution. It feeds our

knowledge transfer activity, at which we have

always been good, and now I think we are


moving forward

12 PRoFIle

this summer, professor caroline gipps retires from her role as vice-chancellor of the University of wolverhampton after six years of successful leadership. the University has enjoyed many successes, as well as faced challenges, during this period and the higher education landscape looks very different from her early years at the helm. here professor gipps reflects on the various achievements and looks ahead to a new era.

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moving forward

PRoFIle 13

There is no doubt the University brings a lot to the city

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14 PRoFIle

Turning to the student experience, under

Caroline the University has reviewed the

undergraduate portfolio and is in the process

of reworking postgraduate courses. The aim

was to prepare students for the world of

work. A new position of Dean of Students

was created and a range of services brought

together under this unit. The University has

increased social learning spaces, which are

extremely popular with the student body. The

Students’ Union was transformed into the

Ambika Paul Student Union Centre, which

opened last year offering a coffee bar area

with comfortable seats and plasma screens,

a study zone with computers, meeting rooms

and offices.

Strategic thinking

On a personal note, Caroline says she has

enjoyed the people the most, and setting

up and managing teams in particular. She

highlights working with the Executive team

and the Board of Governors, who have always

been supportive. She also mentions her PAs

Beryl Feely and Louise Tonks, and the Senior

Management Group including the Deans and


“I will miss the people the most, and thinking

about strategy. Over the last six to nine

months, the changes we have had to think

about are bigger, more significant and less

thought through than in any other era of

education I can think of. I have really enjoyed

the challenge of thinking through how we

should respond and react to them.”

This is, of course, a reference to the

changes to tuition fees and the withdrawal

of Government funding. Professor Gipps

states this is the biggest challenge facing the

University and the sector as a whole.

“We really have no idea what is going to

happen in applications for September 2012

and the years following. There could be a

downturn nationally, but then I think it will pick

up again as people realise the importance of

getting a degree.”

This is a theme Caroline picked up on in a

public lecture in June, titled Who Goes to

University? And Why it Matters. She explained

that being educated to degree level offers

benefits to the individual in terms of career,

interesting work, increased income and a

range of other non-financial benefits.

“But it also benefits society, in having people

educated to a higher skills level. I am not trying

to say that everybody should go to university

– far from it. I am pleased the Government

is encouraging more apprentices and more

vocational routes into the professions but I do

believe that people who have the ability and

motivation to go to university should be able


looking ahead

Caroline retires from her position as Vice-

Chancellor this summer. Professor Geoff Layer,

who was previously Deputy Vice-Chancellor

(Academic) at the University of Bradford, has

been appointed to the role. Looking ahead,

Page 17: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

PRoFIle 15

Caroline feels she is leaving the University in a

strong position.

“I think our reputation locally and regionally

is strong and we have excellent courses. We

are in a great financial position and have good

reserves and cash flow. Given the future costs

of higher education, we are in a good position

having a large travel-to-study population. The

next few years will be choppy, but we are in as

good a position as we can be.”

And what is Professor Gipps looking forward

to most about her retirement?

“Not getting up early!” she says. “I am also

looking forward to travelling slowly. I have

travelled a lot with work, but I have never really

seen places because of being busy.”

Caroline cites Hong Kong as being her

favourite place she has visited during her time

at Wolverhampton, and her last overseas trip

for the University was for the conferment of

honorary degrees to three significant figures in

India, which included her first visit to Chennai.

As well as travelling, Caroline says she will

still be doing a few things related to higher

education. She will continue to Chair the

Higher Education Academy national fellowship

scheme and she will be assisting the Frank

Buttle Trust. She would also like to write a

book, which would be a biography, and she

and her husband are renovating a house in


Until recently, Caroline would have listed being

President of the British Educational Research

Association as her greatest achievement.

But she has received the good news that her

book, Beyond Testing, will be republished as a

special edition because it is considered to be a

classic in its field.

“I would have to say that is my highlight now,

and I’m tickled pink,” she adds.

And she still has an ambition to fulfil. Caroline

will become a grandparent for the first time this

summer, and she says she would like to teach

her grandchildren to sail, as she taught both

her sons.

When asked if she has a favourite memory

from her time as Vice-Chancellor, Caroline

recalls a striking incident involving a group of


I will miss the people the most, and thinking about strategy.

“About four years ago, I was walking through

the Harrison Learning Centre entrance to

the campus, probably to get a coffee, and I

walked past a rather rowdy group of students.

I slowed down to listen to what was going on.

“One young woman was telling the others

about a fantastic lecture she had been to. She

said, ‘I have just been to the most fantastic

lecture – it was on the Enlightenment. It

was mind blowing.’ I just thought that was

wonderful. It encapsulated what we do – we

get people to think.

“What I like about that is the motto of that

period of history, the Enlightenment, was ‘Dare

to Think’ and that is exactly what this lecture

had got this young woman to do.”

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16 FeaTURe

as lord alan Sugar would no doubt tell you, launching

a business is no mean feat. But a programme at the

University of wolverhampton is enabling budding

entrepreneurs to launch a business idea alongside

their studies.

SPEED WM offers students and graduates from any course

the opportunity to develop their business ideas while

receiving specialist advice and support.

Partially funded by the European Regional Development

Fund, SPEED WM provides students with experienced

mentoring support, tailored training, networking

opportunities and a limited amount of financial support.

Here we meet some of the students and graduates

benefitting from the programme.

SPEED stars

Lynsey Harris

Launching a quirky jewellery business through SPEED WM has

helped Lynsey Harris to increase her self confidence while doing

something she loves.

Her business Lynsey Luu includes items such as bracelets and

necklaces with comical elements inspired by things she enjoys

like Monty Python and Terry Pratchett. The Textiles graduate is

now hoping to expand into prints for stationery and clothing.

She says: “You can get jewellery from anywhere on the high

street but I wanted to offer something quirky and a bit different.

I wanted to offer people things that I like.

“I had produced the brand myself but SPEED WM helped

me to get business cards and other materials. It also paid for

the moulds so I can produce my items in mass quantities.

My mentor really helped as she is always there but does not

sugarcoat things – she tells me the truth.

“The benefits of doing this alongside your studies are that you

can use things like the School of Art & Design studio space. I

also used my modules towards my business, for example my

final major project is about using print for stationery and shoes.

“My self-confidence was very low before I did SPEED WM.

We had a talk from business mentor Ian James and it was so

inspiring. The programme has changed my life.”

Page 19: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

FeaTURe 17

For more information, visit

Gavin Phillips

Freelance animator and illustrator Gavin Phillips found

SPEED WM enabled him to think big with his business


Producing bespoke content for the educational,

commercial and cultural sectors, Gavin completed a

year out before starting on the SPEED WM programme

in 2010.

SPEED WM has helped Gavin’s business Cyberdonk

Developments to work in partnership with other

companies, enabling him to take on bigger projects. One partnership has been with a

company called Igloo working on using 360 projector screens with the Xbox Connect. He

hopes to produce a full animated film in 360 in the future.

Gavin, who graduated with a BA (Hons) Animation in 2009, says: “The mentoring has

been excellent. You have the framework around you, so when you get into an area you

don’t understand there is someone there to help you through it. The main support has

been the advice and guidance.

“It has helped me to have the confidence to branch out into other areas and begin to

turn those potentials into reality. As an artist you only have two hands so you can reach

capacity really quickly. SPEED WM has enabled me to create strong partnerships with

other companies that can help me take on bigger projects and ideas.”

Duduzile Moyo

Whilst growing up in southern Africa,

Duduzile Moyo always enjoyed looking

at beautiful objects and finding out

how they were made. Now she is

able to put that passion to good use

through her business, Chic Exotik

Interiors Limited, which sells home

accessories with a contemporary

African twist.

Duduzile, who is about to start her

third year of an Interior Design course,

says: “My vision is to have a design

studio. I want to source as many

creative things as possible from Africa

– it has so much to give and I want to

be the person that will be the link.

“SPEED WM helped me in terms of

the knowledge, the expertise, the

contacts and the funding. The best

thing is that it has developed me

as a person. I am able to deal with

situations and challenges which is

what you need in a business but also

as an individual.

“I think it helps to link what we are

studying with our business, as we

need to look at the bigger picture. It

has helped me focus on what I want

to be doing – designing beautiful


Luke Mills

After working for other people for ten years,

Luke Mills felt it was time to give running his own

business a go.

Set to graduate from the School of Technology in

2012 with a Masters in Computer Science, Luke

launched Computer and Information Systems, a

business focused on software development and

background software for e-commerce websites.

Luke says the help from mentors has been really beneficial. “I’m a software developer, not

a businessman, so SPEED WM has helped me to build up the business side. It encourages

you to manage your expectations of what you are going to get out of your business and

the work you need to put in. The last three months I have been working seven-day weeks

but it is for a good cause.

“My mentor Phil Oakley really helped me to focus, and it is good being able to ask

questions. I wanted to submit a proposal for a tender so I emailed SPEED WM and

the mentors for advice. They came back to me with the information to put together a


And Luke hopes to expand his business in the future by employing someone from a

college part-time, to enable him to focus on research and development to build and

advance his products.

Page 20: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

the benefits for international students

of coming to the Uk to study are well

documented. degrees from this country

remain highly regarded, and students

experience a different culture and way

of life. But it is not always possible for

students to travel overseas to study,

and the development of transnational

education (tne) is enabling them to

reap the rewards of a university degree

developed in the Uk.

TNE refers to education provision from one

country delivered in another, and the University

of Wolverhampton has been a key exponent

of this mode of study for some years. The

University delivers programmes in a range of

subjects at partner institutions all over the world,

from China to Cyprus and from Russia to Sri

Lanka. In most cases, the students are working

to the same programme as their counterparts

in the UK. And at the end of it all, the students

have the choice of collecting their degree scrolls

close to home or travelling to the UK to attend

graduation ceremonies in Wolverhampton.

Long-standing partners include the School

of Computing and Professional Education

(SCOPE) in Hong Kong, which offers courses

in law, business and construction and Asia

Pacific School of Sports and Business

(APSSB) in Singapore, which has a partnership

with the School of Sport, Performing Arts

and Leisure and provides courses in sports

management and sports coaching. A more

recent addition includes Sri Lankan-based

Columbo International Nautical and Engineering

College (CINEC), where students can enrol

on engineering courses, with a suite of other

courses starting in September 2011.




Sri Lanka

Qatar Hong Kong



Wolverhampton RussiaGlobal view

“Some of the work we are doing currently is

looking at ways of supporting students more

directly at the TNE institution so students here

and over there can learn from one another.”

There have already been examples of students

working together on projects with international

partners. A small group of School of Technology

students on the BSc (Hons) Construction

Management course worked with students in

Hong Kong and both reported that it broadened

their understanding. With technology such

as Skype, there are further opportunities for

interaction between students in Wolverhampton

and those studying the same courses overseas.

Rishma adds: “Wider internationalisation is about

more than recruitment strategies. It is something

that makes a difference in terms of the curriculum

and the mindset of the student, so when they

graduate they are going to be more employable.”

18 INTeRNaTIoNal

Traditionally popular courses have been those

focused on business, engineering, computing,

leisure and tourism, but new markets are being

developed. A BA (Hons) in Broadcasting and

Journalism will be available at Han Chiang in

Malaysia and work is under way to deliver one

focused on Applied (Occupational) Psychology

in Singapore.

Rishma Dattani, Deputy Director, International

Centre, says the courses are ones that serve

that particular market or region, and the

University is striving to build up its portfolio to

include some form of partnership with each of

its eight Academic Schools.

There are two modes of delivery in TNE.

The ‘flying faculty’ refers to academic staff

travelling to the partner institution to deliver

the particular course and modules, usually on

a block basis. This has been the core method

of teaching until recently, with a move towards

‘supported delivery’. This shifts focus onto the

partner institution providing the teaching and

assessment, and the University supporting in a

quality assurance and monitoring role.

internationalisation agenda

Rishma explains one of the reasons for the

University’s commitment to TNE is that it

supports the internationalisation agenda.

“Our strategy is not simply about students

coming here or us having partnerships

overseas. There is such a lot of value in terms of

the benefits for staff. They learn from staff at our

partner institutions about the different learning

and teaching pedagogies, cultural aspects and

building international case studies that can be

used with students studying at home.

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Sri Lanka

Qatar Hong Kong



Wolverhampton Russia

INTeRNaTIoNal 19

global context

The academic staff ensure that teaching

material is contextualised, so it is not UK centric

and is relevant to the international students’

experiences and knowledge. They use local

examples to support concepts, theories and

processes and in turn the lecturers bring

that information back and weave it into their

teaching in the UK.

Aside from the wealth of knowledge brought

by the University’s academic experts, there

are further benefits for students at the partner


“We have found that although we have over

2,500 international students studying here in

Wolverhampton, there are still a proportion

that are not able to come. This could be due

to costs or other commitments. By delivering

courses more locally to them, the fees are going

to be slightly lower, as are the living expenses

and travel costs, and they may have the option

to combine work or other responsibilities with

studying part-time. As an institution, we support

the widening participation agenda, and this is

similar, but in a global context.”

Rishma explains the University is investigating

ways to support partner institutions further, for

example with recruitment.

“We are looking at delivering transnational

education in a more strategic and multi-

dimensional way. The next stage in our thinking

and development is a Global Hub. Students

would spend a semester or year at one place

and then travel to another for the following

semester. For example, students could enrol in

Cyprus and complete their first year there, their

second in Wolverhampton and return home for

their third.”

pivotal role

The International Centre at the University has a

pivotal role in the plans to develop transnational

education. The team strives to provide central

support to the Academic Schools offering

the courses, and continues to investigate

opportunities for further collaboration with

current and potential partners. There are

also plans to expand provision beyond

undergraduate and postgraduate programmes

to include short courses, staff development and

continuous professional development (CPD).

With a strong vision and an excellent track-

record in the delivery of transnational education,

the University of Wolverhampton is well placed

to take on the challenges posed by a new era

in higher education. The international market is

broad and diverse, and exciting opportunities

for collaboration are never far away.

For more information, visit

Page 22: WLV dialogue - Issue 13


of service.

He adds: “We have a great product and good

relationships with our customers. We also have

a sound strategy for moving forward with the

company and a good financial track record

despite the recession. PebblePad is principally

used in education but can be used in business

and professional organisations. We still have lots

of potential for the future and I think the judges

liked that. I also think they were impressed with

our range of marketing activities and the way

we have worked with our customers to develop

our product. Internationally we have already

expanded into Australia as a market, picking up

15 customers and we now have an employee

there, so they saw the global potential.”

PebblePad is an online personal system that

allows people to record and plan their activities,

put them together on a structured website and

create presentations. For example, if a student

has a 3,000 word essay, the tutor could ask

for an action plan about what they are planning

to write and then record how they have

reacted to feedback. The lecturer may then

see a first draft of the essay and give feedback

before the student submits the final version.

As well as universities, PebblePad is used by

professional bodies for continuous professional

development (CPD) which requires participants

to record aspects such as the time spent

on CPD.

The benefits for students are clear, as Colin

explains: “By recording and reflecting on

activities, individuals develop a deeper level of

understanding. Learners often say that only by

stepping back can they fully understand the

bigger picture of what they are learning. With

PebblePad being an internet-based system,

students can access it from anywhere and on

a range of devices such as mobile phones.

It also lasts the whole time the student is at

the institution and beyond so individuals can

develop a rich picture of their learning and see

the journey they have made. We often hear of

students creating a portfolio of themselves to

send to potential employers to support their job


Pebble Learning has had a long relationship

with the University. Colin and co-founder

and Development Director Shane Sutherland

both worked at the University previously, and

the first version of PebblePad was piloted

at Wolverhampton during 2005/06. This

pilot allowed the company to gain valuable

feedback to help develop it into a commercial

product. Pebble Learning also has strong

recruitment links with the University. Of the 17

people currently working at the firm, 13 are

Wolverhampton graduates, and Colin stresses

this is because of the high calibre of students

at the University. They also work closely with

the Blended Learning Unit and IT Services

to continue to develop PebblePad so it can

meet the educational needs of students at

Wolverhampton and beyond.

In addition, the company is based at the Telford

Campus, located in a grow on space at the

e-Innovation Centre. The Centre provides

start-up and growing businesses with state-of-

the-art accommodation in a modern building

with hi-tech support. As Pebble Learning has

grown, the company has taken on more and

more space within the landmark building.

“We are a technology company so a

fundamental requirement is for a computer

infrastructure that works, as is having a modern,

comfortable working environment. Having a

University address was particularly helpful when

we were starting as it gave us credibility with

potential customers.”

The relationship has developed further

through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership

(KTP) with the University. KTPs are a three-

way partnership between a company, a

in the last ten years, the way students

learn has transformed. while books and

written exams still have their place in the

lecture theatres of a modern university or

college, online learning has a central role

in the teaching and assessment process.

Pebble Learning, based in the University’s

e-Innovation Centre, has been at the forefront

of developments in this field. In 2004, the

company identified a gap in the market for

an e-portfolio tool and developed the online

personal system PebblePad that allows

individuals to record and plan activities and

create presentations. Principally used by the

education sector, the business has the capacity

to expand into other markets, and is already

making significant in-roads internationally.

This success story was recognised recently

when Pebble Learning won the Shropshire

Company of the Year Award. The company

was also a finalist in the Technology,

Enterprise and Innovation category of the

awards, organised by Shropshire Chamber

of Commerce. This achievement follows on

from a highly prestigious platinum award at

the Instructional Management Systems (IMS)

Learning Impact Awards in California last

year, as a result of a joint submission with the

University’s Blended Learning Unit.

“We were excited and elated to win the

Shropshire Company of the Year Award. It

was a surprise as we were up against stiff

competition from big organisations so we were

genuinely delighted to pick up the top prize,”

says Colin Dalziel, co-founder and Operations

Director of Pebble Learning.

The Company of the Year award recognised

all-round performance, and Colin believes that

contributing factors to its success are a quality

product that meets the needs of customers

combined with a focus on providing a high level

Pebble powerpebble learning, an innovative business based at the University’s telford campus, was recently named Shropshire company of the Year. the business has a long and successful relationship with the University, which is continuing to develop through the employment of talented graduates and a knowledge transfer partnership.

Page 23: WLV dialogue - Issue 13


highly qualified graduate (or ‘Associate’) and

University academics to work on a strategic

project for the business. For Pebble Learning,

the two-year project involves Associate

Konstantinos Kourmpoglou investigating cloud

technology and how this could support the

company’s development, alongside academic

Steve Garner from the School of Technology.

Colin explains: “One of the services we offer

is for Pebblepad to be supplied as a fully

hosted and managed service. The role of

the KTP Associate is to reseach how we

provide this service better by researching

server technologies. The aim is to make

recommendations for improving our current

provision as well as investigating options for

the future.

“Traditionally our model is to own and manage

our own servers, but now cloud computing

is increasingly popular, where the server is

provided by a collection of servers usually made

available by a large specialist organisation.

“Part of the role of the KTP is to look at how

PebblePad could take advantage of this

technology. There may be a cost benefit, but

what is more likely is that we can capitalise

on higher capacity and improve resilience.

For example if a server we are using reaches

capacity because of heavy load, rather than

the system slowing down, it switches over to

the cloud and uses capacity outside the normal

Pebblepad. This would be particularly useful at

peak times, for example when 10,000 students

are all trying to submit assignments on the

same day.”

Although it is early days for the KTP, Colin

says the benefits include accessing the rich

resources of skills and facilities at the University.

It also enables them to dedicate someone to a

potential area of growth for the business.

Looking ahead, the company is working on

redesigning the system to enable organisations

to create bespoke forms for their learners in

any learning situation and expanding into other

sectors. The international market offers areas

for growth, and the new version of PebblePad

will provide multi-language support to enable

local versions anywhere in the world. With the

support of the University of Wolverhampton,

Pebble Learning is looking forward to

continued growth.

For more information about Pebble Learning,

please visit

Page 24: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

22 PeoPle

Putting students first

ken harris is the University of

wolverhampton Students’ Union

president. in april, ken won a second term

as president, only the fifth person since

1931 to do so at the University. ken is a

mature student, having spent 14 years

working in sales before deciding to take

his interest in British Sign language to the

next level by applying to the University.

During his first year as President, the Students’

Union was completely refurbished thanks to

a donation from the Ambika Paul Foundation

and HEFCE’s Matched Funding scheme. The

success of the fundraising project resulted in

the University receiving an award at the recent

CASE Europe 2011 Leadership, Matched

Funding and Volunteer awards.

what is the role of the Students’

Union president?

I am the direct link between students and the

University. One of the things I do is update

the Vice-Chancellor about student matters

such as any needs or problems the students

have. Representation is the main thing we do,

and that can be at a local or national level. It

can also be for students that need advocacy

or support at a University hearing, general

advice on their studies or the social side of

the University. I also lead the Union Executive

team, which includes the Vice-Presidents and

the part-time officers.

why did you decide to run for a

second year?

It has been an amazing year and I have been

able to achieve so many positive things with

the rest of the team. Some of the projects

couldn’t be realised in a year, for example the

re-opening of the Students’ Union at Walsall,

which will happen in September. I want to

cement what we have done in the first year and

carry it through to the second year.

what are your plans for the

year ahead?

We have been discussing how the Learning

Centres’ opening hours could be adapted

to further meet student needs. I also want to

focus on helping students to get better access

to grants and other funding that is available.

There is money set aside to help students so

we want to make them aware of alternative

sources of funding.

I also hope to spend more time at Walsall and

increase the Students’ Union presence.

the Students’ Union has been

transformed in the last year thanks to

the ambika paul foundation and the

Matched funding scheme – how has

this made a difference to students?

It has made us more visible and accessible to

students. We went out and spoke to students

and asked them what they wanted from their

Students’ Union. One of the main things was

social space where they can relax and study.

We took that on board and that has helped us

to create the new SU.

Before we were hidden away from students,

but they are the reason we are here. It is

really important that we are right at the heart

of where students are. People know who we

are and where we are now, so we have seen

an increase in the numbers of students using

our services, coming to us for representation

and getting involved in our activities and

volunteering. People come to the union now

and use us, even just to have a coffee between


what sort of feedback have you

received from students about the

new-look Students’ Union?

They have said it is relaxing, vibrant and a

place they want to spend time in. I have people

come over to get advice about all sorts of

things, from their course or graduation or even

where the prayer room is.

You have studied an undergraduate

and a postgraduate course at

wolverhampton – what do you think

are the strengths of the University?

The cultural diversity. There are lots of people

from different cultures and backgrounds and

everyone just gets along. I studied a BA (Hons)

in Deaf Studies with History and that course

has a great reputation, especially among the

Deaf community. I am doing a Masters in

Conflict Studies and the lecturers are experts

in their field.

what are your plans and ambitions

after this year?

I’d like to either continue with research

in Deaf Studies or working for a Deaf

organisation. At the moment I do a lot of

work related to international students and

student employability and I am finding that

really interesting so maybe something in that

area. But I would definitely like to put my sign

language to use.

if you were going to sum up the

University of wolverhampton

Students’ Union in three words, what

would they be?

Putting students first.

what do you enjoy most about your


Every day is different. I get to work with a team

of officers and staff to make positive changes

for current and future students. It is never a

dull day! I am never bored – there is always

something new.










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PeoPle 23

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video gaming has been a lucrative

industry worldwide since the 1980s and

Matt clark, Sam cobley and John tearle

are not alone in having spent a large part

of their childhood engrossed in games

consoles. however, few people can

claim to have made a career out of their

favourite pastime, let alone a successful

business with financial backing from a

major firm and interest from nearly a

quarter of a million consumers – without

actually having a product on the shelves.

Raw Games is a computer games company

which was formed in June 2010 by John,

Matt and Sam. The three friends met at the

University of Wolverhampton whilst studying

the same course and had all wanted to get into

the industry for some time, as Sam explains:

“Computer Games Design is one of those

dream jobs I always wanted to do but hadn’t

seriously considered as a career. After I left

school I got involved in the computer modifying

community and realised that I wanted to make

games for the rest of my life. I didn’t have any

formal qualifications in the area and saw the

University offered a degree to give me the best

chance of breaking into the industry.”

Less than a year after it was founded Raw

Games received the backing of AIM-listed

Legendary Investments, which acquired

an initial 42.5 per cent equity stake for an

undisclosed sum. The company’s first game,

which is currently under development, is called

‘The Spire’ and has already generated a rush

of excitement in the market. A teaser trailer for

the game received more than 230,000 views

within the first week of release.

Raw Games also works closely with

universities in the region, including

Wolverhampton and Birmingham, to help

games development students and recent

graduates get the right skills they need to

break into the industry. John emphasises the

trio is keen to acknowledge the skills and

experiences they gained from undertaking

their degree.

“Our time at University gave us some great

experience with project and resource

management. As we did lots of group work

we soon became an efficient team who met

deadlines and produced results. Obviously this

has proved invaluable when running our own

company and managing a team of developers.”

The team is also aware their success in the

current financial climate is something of a

rarity, especially in the notoriously competitive

games industry and with very little business

experience between them, as John adds:

“Starting our own business seemed to be a

Name: Matt clark, Sam cobley, John tearle

Course: Ba (hons) computer games design

Year of Graduation: 2010

24 SUcceSS SToRy

Raw GamesGraduate success story

great way to break into the industry whilst

maintaining creative control over the project we

had worked so hard on during our final year.”

Matt highlights that a big part of the group’s

success is their working relationship and their

shared history as students.

“The immediate difference is that they aren’t

just my work colleagues, they are my best

friends. We get along like any close group of

University mates would do, which makes the

working atmosphere less tense and more

productive. I’m a strong believer in a relaxed

working environment when it comes to the

creative industries. It’s very exciting to be

working with people who are as passionate as

you about making games.”

Although the team is currently working on their

eagerly anticipated release ‘The Spire’, their

plans for the future reflect their enthusiasm for

the constant advancements within the industry

they are now a part of, as Matt says:

“We want to continue to make top quality

content for our games. Our team is highly

skilled already, but there is always room for

improvement. Having that positive attitude will

hopefully attract more people with equally as

much talent and commitment to developing

content for current and future projects here at

Raw Games.”

Teamwork is ultimately what the three

entrepreneurs credit the most for their

success, and forms a major part of the advice

they give to students wishing to follow in their

footsteps, as Sam says:

“Get involved with a group project as soon as

possible, either with fellow students or one of

the many computer modifying teams out there.

It will provide you with great team working skills

whilst teaching you the development process

and make you attractive to employers. Finally,

always strive to be the best and don’t give up!”

Page 27: WLV dialogue - Issue 13

WhaT’S oN GUIDe 25

August October


What’s onGuideUniversity of wolverhampton open day – find out about a range of courses, meet the lecturers and current students and tour the excellent facilities.

Date: Saturday, 20 august 2011

Time: 10am to 3pm

Location: wolverhampton city and walsall campuses

Contact: enquiries team


Call: 0800 953 3222*

University of wolverhampton open day – find out about a range of courses, meet the lecturers and current students and tour the excellent facilities.

Date: Saturday, 8 october 2011

Time: 10am to 3pm

Location: wolverhampton city and walsall campuses

Contact: enquiries team


Call: 0800 953 3222*

the crystal lecture – an annual event for business people hosted jointly by the University of Wolverhampton Business School and Chartered Management Institute. This year’s speaker is Terry Last, CEO of Tarmac.

Date: tuesday, 18 october 2011

Time: 6pm to 8.30pm

Location: Mc001

Contact: Marie porello

Call: 01902 323874

2011 University of wolverhampton graduations – students from all Academic schools receive their awards.

Date: thursday, 1 September to friday, 9 September 2011

Location: the grand theatre, wolverhampton

Ma degree Show – students from the School of Art & Design exhibit their work.

Date: friday, 24 September to Sunday, 9 october 2011

Location: the public, new Street, west Bromwich

Email: [email protected]

Call: 01902 322058


*If you are calling from a mobile you may incur a charge. The charge may vary depending on your network provider.

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