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POPULAR WITS. KEAI, ESTATE FOR SALE. l.< trn;:*.Hii d: Haas, Real Instate Brokers 136 East Fourth St.. Opposite Pioneer Press and Eudieott Blocks, Offer Special Bargains forThis Week. PYKKYTHIX; that we offer for sale we X-i have exclusive. LOOK over our list, and if you don't find J what yon want, then call and see us, and we can certainly suit you in our office. Q1 1 (\CI FOR 8 choice piece of prop- -01,1 eny in Macalester Park, size 44x203 to 20- foot ley. on graded street: lies perfect; terms Jloo' cash, balance $20 per month. ' Q-'J (\(\(\ li» V*. •;:. feet front rm Kast i?.%UUU Seventh st.. corner of. Earl; graded, sewer, pared and all assessments paid: this is on the cable line, and half a block from depot; the biggest bargain in SL Paul; look this up a; once. C1 Ul \C\ FOR anew eight-room house OI^UUVJ on Grotto st. ; street graded and sewer: nice lot; terms, $600 cash, balance S2O per month, or at terms to suit yourself: this is abnrgain: or can make even better terms if desired to right party. DON'T WAIT if you want to secure a bargain, as every day prices advance on the notch. ' Q/l iljlfl BKIS ore of the choice resi- O-i-^Uv/L/ ilem c lots in the city; acorner on Fairmount and Avon sts. : size, 00x190 to alley: one-fourth cash. Cl r\C\(\ EACH for choice lots corner t3>l,t>UU of Dale and SL Albans its. ; size. 4 r <xl2O to alley: graded and sidewalk: onlyblock from etectnc cars: terms 32oo easn, balance to suit: best vnlue in the city for the money: splendid neighborhood: go and look at these lots ana yon willsurely buy one. POX BAUGAIXS-1X KEAL ESTATE X call :;.VL£G.\ISS »t Haas. East Fourth : i Haas, IU6 East Fourth Mreet. •)/ \i\ ACKK> of choice land on Lake )'."* ' Elmo." Vfj nmier cultivation, at a bargain, or will tra>ie for city property. This l:usd is ail clear. ' \5 7 E HAVE JCS I I.XT ('OMItACT » V fur ci-_ r lit houses to be built on corner of Macktibin and Van Buren \u25a0-.. which will be six and seven rooms each, with bath, city \u25a0«;\ier and hardwood finish. Price will range from $2,200 to $..4C(>: terms S2DO cash, balance $~Z per vr.ontl:. If you want a home, call and see us at once. TO 7 A choice piece of vacant property, corner of Cradiey aud North Ets., for unincumbercd city property. <£«•> f)\< \ FOR TWO perfect-lying O*v«ut/L/ lots on F.llcn st.. next to cor- r.or of Avon, only one block from University ave^ electric cars: will sell on easy terms, or build to tnit for right pr.rty. J~-OOK AT Till*— 51,1 ;.7> buys a «cm of -^ a coitasc. rooms and good barn, line lot.on Cnarlcs st.. one block from electric cars. Terms, oue-fourth cash, balance to iuu>i be sn!d at once: party leaving town. This place is well worth 52.500. Q1 TSll IJl ;y> * A 1IVI: roT - Wxl2s Ol« / *J\J to alley, on Beech street, be- i tween seventh and" Mendota; terms, 50.-0 ; ca>h. bjiianca <.i:ie and two years. . looking for an investment 0 can find a good deal in the 300 acres we offer: all dear, tive miles from town: on railroa<l.eighteen trains a day; will trade for good city property, call for particulars. Q^'7^ BUYS A CORNER on Margaret •J'fl-i street worth 5850; terms, $100 i ash, balance easy. S') l. I/i lir\> one of the choice resi- ,/v.UUU deuce lots of the city; size 40 x:."'!<); on Osceola ay.. near Victoria: terms, one-third cash. DON T PAY KENT when you can buy one of those ehoic-e bouses corner of MackuDin and Van Buren sts., that we are building, and will jell for S'-,200; terms. §201) CKSb', 1 balance S2O per month. Call and see p'.jt:)^. Vis\V. inn >• t rooms, on Charles st., 1* nc-;ir oxford, only one block from elec- tric car.-. 3-.200; ?2')o cash, balance §22.50 per month, including interest. A PEKFECT-LYINti LOT on Igiehart -rY st.. between Oxford and Chatsworth, 40x12j; price, Sl.2f>.<; willmake terms to suit you. CA7A FOX LOT 41 x!:;i) on Geranium •J'J i eJ st.. near Earl; graded and side- walk; one fourth ca>h, balance easy. v^ ". r Tr\(\ Birrs A FINE HOLSIS of V^i / 'J\J nine rooms on Ashland a y., between Avon and Victoria; iot4oxi:i7; large barn; terms, one-third cash, balance to suit. DON'T l',L\ until you have called onus, l.effm.-inn & Haas. 136 East Fourth st. D. 11. .llicliaucTs I.lst. 101 East Fourth St., National German-Amer- ican Bank. 1 ILL SELL at a bargain, ifsold within •»; thirty days, fifty or eighty-two feet eait-facing on Central park, corner Summit avenue, with paved street; stone sidewalks on both sides; sewer, gas and water; being the only choice unimproved corner on the park. D. 11. Midland. S"7 \l\ EACH tor beautiful south-facing / •J\l lots on Miuuehaba St., near Ham- line ay. ; one-fourth cash; balance, one, two :iud three years. I). 11. Michaud. vi: ~\~7 ~\ WILL DCV a beautitui south- '-}*J /') facing lot on Hewitt ;:\u25a0, near Ilamline ay. ; easy terms. D. 11. Michaud. 101 I. •!-• Fourth st. L^ok SALE at a great bargain, a fine lot on -L Ashland ay. between St. Albans and firouo sts.; will make terms ro suit pur- chaser; it must be sold at once. D. IT. Mi- chaud. C-1 '){)( \ WILL ISU V a tine corner lot, '?l f '~\J\J ,«(-xll9 feet: south front on Vesley iv.; only three blocks from the elec- tric line running on Snelling ay. ; easy terms. 1). 11. Mi.'haud. 101 East Fourth st. J^OK SALE at great bargain, a fine lot on 1 - University ay.. near Hamline ay.; come .iud make me an offer; it must be sold. D. H. baud. JPOK SALE CHEAP— A tine three-story J- brick building of six tenements: good location and all well rented for a good Invest- ment: will take a house and lot in exchange; on St. Anthony hill. For full particulars in- quire of 1). H. Michaud. L'OK kalis at a great bargain, a gocd JL house and lot on Armstrong ay.. No. 720, near Seventh st; easy terms to suit pur- chaser. D. H. Michand. C 1 l}~{() WICiTIiVY three beautiful '- M( JVJ lots on the corner of Thomas aad Albert sis., near University ay. electric line: th!- is a bargain; it must be sold this week. I). H. Michand. SHidh liACH will buy beautiful east- •i>UwV_/ facing lots on South Robert st., near the ekctric line, with street graded and sidewalks well made; terms to suit. D. H. Midland. For Sale by J. J. Ward. 11") East Fourth St. SEVEN' LOTS, or less, best quarry in the city; quarry open; good terms and bnap price. EVERAL i im: HOUSES on St. An- thouy mil. lots, blocks, acres and farms much undervalue; must be sold. C*-?f )() C\l \( ) TO s OAN :!l \u25a0"'• 51,2 6 per kJ'J\J\Ji\J\J\J cent; small loans prompt- lymade at (i and 7 per cent. BOAK3) WAITED. BOA Hi) WANTED— In a very small fara- ilyby gentleman and wife, where there are no other boarders, on \\ est side, near ball grounds. Address C. J. Baldwin, Clarendon Hotel. BOARD wanted in part payment for tine _ upright piano. Address E 187, Globe. BOAKIJ— Wanted, first-class room and board; single gent: within ten minutes' walk of Third and Hubert sta. ; references. Address D 185. Globe. BOARD Young gentleman from the East, here for few a weeks, desires bo ad, or room with some pleasant sociable party, where, no other boarders are taken: am will- ing to pay for accommodations; give particu- lars in confidence. Address X is I. Globe. BOARD— Arespectable widow lady wants unfurnished room and board in a private Catholic family. Address V188, Globe. roR PROPERTY in Stihson's Boulevard 1. addition. Summit Park- and all Midway additions, see Fallihee &Snow, 38 E. Fourth! MUSICAI*. . . Piano TUNING SLlW— First-class work guaranteed. Samuel E. Crutchett, 523 Wabasha st. Room 2; city references. QIO^ BUYS a (iabler Upright Piano; 'J±.''J cost 5450 when new; one upright Sir:> and one at fl50; one Gabler square piano only 5100. These are bargains, and must be sola at once; call immediately. Raudenbush «'i East Third St., up stairs. "1( \ I*l ANOS—Used from three months to X\J one year— willbe closed out this week, at almost any price to make room for new goods. Call early Monday. Whitney's Music Store, 07 East Third st. f»OR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard 1 addition, Summit Park and all Midway additions, see Faliihee &Snow, 36 E. Fourth, JMLH REAL ESTATE TOR SALE. Suburban. ORSALK- All or half interest in brick JL store building in country town (county seat) twill sell or take lots or farm land in exchange for equity. Address J. c. 372 South Wabasha, corner Colorado, St. Paul. DOB SALE—Finest lake front cottage an«l JL- grounds nt Bald Eagle lake. A. E. Hooker, White Bear. F OR SALE OK EXCHANGE for vacant *• lot in St. Paul, a fine corner property in Minneapolis. Inquire 404 Banfil st. f'OK SALE— lot 48x157 to alley, on Twenty-eighth ay. south, near Twenty- fifth st : also $400 for lot 24x125 to alley, on Thirty-first a y. south, near Twenty-fifthSt.. t-y owner, 1405 Washington ay. south. Minne- apolis. ECKIVER SAI.E-2,CHO-ncre farm for grain or stock.; best soil and water; four miles from Morris. Minn.; <?reat Northern touches the land; able to yield 40,000 bushels of wheat: farm and improvements fairly worth §59.000; bids will be received for any sum over 830.000. A. It. Kiefer, Receiver, 10) East Seventh. St. Paul. Minn. STOCK FA KMof 230 acres, well watered by livingsprings, also the Swan river; half-mile from depot, on Little Falls & Da- kota railroad. Inquire at -'.'is Nash st. CO (){\f\-MIXXKAI'OMS Washing- 'VVDi\J\JU ton avenue improved business property; call and see the owner, 1405 Wash- ington ay. Sooth. tlis<-<-llaii«MMi*. A KICKHOME— For sale, on St. Autaouy hill, a beautiful home; twelve roomss water, gas. steam heat; large lot; two block from cable, near Western ay. : good reason for selling; terms easy. Address I' 166, Globe. ASEVKX-ROOM HOUSE, modern <-on- venienres, and barn, on lot 44x135. with nice shade trees and in good neighborhood, : for sale cheap; am leaving the city; just the place for parties wishing a nice home: will make terms to suit; near Lafayette electric line. UK Whitall St. TWEN TY-lIVR .HUNDRED-DOX- lar-house and lot in LytOn addition, near Bice st. : willexchange tor some good property on Arlington II::;. N. P. Wold, 237 East seventh st. CHEAPEST IN ST. PAUL— S4SO each \u25a0> for two lots on Thomas, near Oxford. J. I.Farley, 30 East Fourth. DESIRABLE BUILDING TOTS—For sale, in Edmund Rice's addition to St, Paul, elegant buildingiota on the line of the Mississippi street electric railway, within five to seven minutes" ride from center of city. lam offering a few choice lots at very low prices. Hans P. Jensen, 770 Mississippi. XCHAXGEBof all kinds made; houses and lots, wild lands and farms, Minne- sota and Dakotas; list your properly; do only a commission business: only equitable trades made. Frank Mf. Youngman, 38 Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul. C<OK SALE If yon are thinkingof getting -L a home look at 29 and 238 Victoria st., near Dayton ay. ; also :;li Grotto ay.: price and terms to suit. Inquire at 236 Victoria. f*OR SALE—Six good lots on Capitol and Ireland sis . near Lexington ay. Address Bay, Pioneer Fuel Compan v, Broadway and Fourth sts. ' OK SALE CHEAP— Lot and house of ten rooms, with barn. 417 University, near Western. OK SALE —On Dayton's Bluff, by owner, new eight-room house; modern improvements: one-half block from electric liae: 650 Ravine st. W. J. Jameson. OK SALE OK TRADE—Lot and house of flre rooms, stable, barn and buggy shed, all in good order (small incumbrance), situate on Eas.t Sixth st. near Bates nv.. two blocks east of new bridge; ten minutes' walk- to wholesale district; will trade lot and house in good neighborhood; must have modern conveniences. Address U 163, Globe. OK SALE—Lot in Summit Park addi- tion, near new cathedral; no cash ifyou build. Owner. 310 Smith ay. f' OR SALE Seven-room modern residence J- on Igiehart st. ; best location on the hill ; $900 below vnlue: willsell or take lot In ex- change for equity. Address X., Globe. W. KOHIVSON, : \u25a0\u25a0•; estate and loans, St. Paul. Minn. HAY 81,000 cash to buy a lot; send list of bargains to NJi*<s. Globe. HOUSE— Near new ovc works; SI. 100; 5300 cash; all impiovements made. X 187, Globe. OUSE AM) LOT for sale cheap, In- qtiire at XV) Lisbon st. KADOUAKTKRS for best bargains in improved and unimproved business property is the office of S. Lee Davis. Globe Building. EKE IS A BARGAIN IF YOU Want a Home— 56,0C0 for a ten- room new house, with all "modern improve- ments, in the best location in the city,corner Ashland and Grotto; terms to suit. Call 224 Grotto st. Owner. 'OK Large lot. nine-room house, near Seventh st. power house. 52.100; worth $3,000; $500 cash required; owner leaving city. Address G is. Globe. II YOU WANT a safe aud profitable iu- vestment in St. Paul improved business property, call on S. Lee Davis. Globe Build- ing. INCOLN ANDMILTON; corner. 6!>X 150: four feet above grade : sewer both streets ; s \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0'»'"). SI.OOO cash. > 0 Pioneer Pre sa MLST BE S<»LD AT ONCE—Lot 17, block 12, Stinson. Brown &. Ramsey's addition, and lot 22, block 7, < lurk's addition; make an offer for one or both ; your own term*. A. ( . Stevens, I)e> Monies. "10. XLV IKK FOOT for a 25-foot lot In the heart of the business district: ' owner must sell. For - ;•• by S. Lee Davis, Globe Building. DESIDENCE— Anthony hill, twelve t-X. rooms: will exchange for vacant hill property and some cash. Address X 186, Globe. LEE DAVIS—ReaI Estate, Loans, and O. Fire Insurance. Room 10. Globe Build- in?. ST. PAUL la all right: so re those good bargains in improved business property on Seventh, Third. Wabasha. Robert! Fourth and Sibley -:?.. which are offered for sale by 8. Lee Davis, Globe Building. rj>O KXCfI IAXGB for equity in house and X lot, equity in two acres near Randolph st. and Cleveland ay. Address Ray, Pioneer Fuel Company. Broadway and Fourth st. WANTED— Some one to sell me lot and build me 5 or 6-room house to be paid for monthly: I can't make any first pay- ment. Address W 183, Globe.- ANTED TO BfY-Cheap for Cash— A new house on St. Anthony Hill; with all convenience?. Address J 177" Globe. <J?1 *T'"\/ \ Bf Ys my house and lot, worth tiPl, / O\J 13,500; 1730 iash, balance in 4 years, or $500 cash, and balance within 4 years: within15 minutes' walk of Third st. ; this offer good for 10 days oulv. Address H 184. Globe. CO /_;/ \{ \ BUYS two-story brick house, %p/s^Uv/vy larce barn, carriage house, large lot with shade trees; buildings cost over 53.000. Inquire on premises, 123 Merrell St., near Rice. CM nf|M— SO-FEET corner on Arcade «JP'± I }VJUV/ st.. cloj-e to Seventh st., with buildings on; this is a bargain. A. Stolpe- slad, 316 Pioneer Press building. Ol(\ Kn|)BlYSii beautiful home, tif- V ±\J i*J\J\J teen minutes' walk from the court house; investigate this, it's a great bar- gain; terms very easy, G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. ©I tjK(\-HOi:SE AND LOT No. 924 «JpX^VJtyV7 Fremont St.; water and sewer connections; this is a snap. A. Stolpestad, 316 Pioneer Press building. Cnn aHf >KW 10 ROOM. house %>±\J^fJ\JKJ on Goodrich ay.. just west of Avon: hardwood finish and all modern conveniences r will take clear lot in part pay- ment. William Cathy. 516 Pioneer Press Building. ... : -j . :; <Si 7 Onn- |INE COMHKH LOTT *p/ ?UUU 172x22."), on Burns ay. ; $1,000 cash, balance on terms suit. Address W 179 Globe. CO F\l\(\ FOR the corner of Marshall '~P^^*J\J\J -ay. and Fisk st., Xiningerand Donnelly's addition. J. C. Walker, 104 East Third. Q!'J SIXK(IOM "in modern <p»Ji<>\J\J house. _>•.):; Chats-worth street near Iglehart. James O'Meara. 303 Jacitson FOR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard addition. Summit Park and all Midway additions, see Failihee &Snow, 36 E. Fourth", i^vtkictio:*. C^ LOBK BUSINESS COLLEGE—Teleg- J" raphy. shorthaml and bookkeeping a specialty; night school all summer; lowest \u25a0 terms. Apply F. A. Maroii. Davidson Block. T.AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC and Art, 2(5 East Exchange Lessons to ladies and children given on piano, organ, \u25a0violin and guitar; also a thorough " course in drawing and painting, including crayon,pas- tel, water colors and "decorative work. For terms, call or address the Superioress." popular wits: MTVATIOAS OFFEBEI). Walo. AGEXTS— Wanted^ agents to represent us in several towns in the state of Minne- sota: only first-class parties need apply: ref ereace required. Minnesota II and iiCom- pany, state agency for II and H, 271 West Fifth st. FIRST-CLASS MANin each of the fol- lowing places to represent the accident department of the JEtam Life Insurance com- pany, of Hartford, Conn., as general agent in \u25a0 •St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Wlnona. and Mankato, Minn.: -Fargo, Grand Forks "and i Bismarck, X. D. : Aberdeen, Pierre and Sioux Palls. S. D.: Council Bluffs. Sioux City. Fort Dodge. Marshalltown and Dcs Moines, 10. None but first class parties and meaning business need apply; good contracts to good men. B. F. Stahl, Manager, st. Paul, Minn. AGENTS— A tew good agents wanted. Apply to L. Fahey, room 5, Chamber of Commerce. AGENTS— Wanted, two good men to handle the quickest-selling novelty pro- duced: entirely new and an absolute neces- sity: a business involving no humiliation; S3 to 515 easily earned per day. Call between 0 ana 5 o'clock. Rooms 50 and 51, Court Block, Standard Manufacturing Company. St Paul. AGENTS— Wanted, solicitors; first-rate terms and territory to experienced men. Address E 50. Globe. Minneapolis. A GENTS—Wanted, three men 01 sterling xl. business ability to co out of city; ca- pable of handling an office business; $20 a week salary: §50 and authenticated refer- ences absolutely necessary; no letters an- swered. Call between <> and .'> o'clock, 50 and 51 Court Block. St Paul, Standard Manu- facturing Company. A KMATIKfc WlNDEß— Wanted, good \u25a0t\ armature winder and a machinist I). and D. Elec. Motor Com pany,327 St Peter st. BARBER— Wanted, a good white barber; steady job; $12 per week. C. A. Smith, Morris, Minn. AKllEß—Wanted, it first-clu.-s barber at once, at the spalding House Barber Shop, Duluth, Minn. BAKER— a tine location for a good baker; a good business waiting for somebody. For particulars, call on Curtic <& Edwards In- vestnient Co., 328 Robert st. BLACKSMITH wanted to go to work Monday morning at Tacke &Reimer's, corner Reaney and Meudota st?. OY—Wanted, office boy. Ur. Darling, Third and Robert, Monday. 10 a. m. BOY wanted at Hotel Ryan Drug store, 3UB Robert; call Monday morning. BOY Wanted, boy about sixteen years old; reference required. 445 summit. ARRIAGE TRIMMKR— im v_^ mediately, a first-class carriage trimmer. 370 Eighthst CANVASSERS— Wanted, canvassers for the King mop and wringer; entirely new idea; self-wringing; quick seller. State agency, 271 West Third. CANVASSERS Salary and commission. >— ' Wheeler &Wilson Manufacturing Com- pany. 32 West Third st. CLERK— Wanted, young man in real es- tate and insurance office; must be a worker and solicit insurance if wanted: mod- erate salary oniv; state salary expected. Ad- dress O ISO, Globe. CLERK— A grocery order and delivery ' clerk wanted, corner Dayton and West- ern ays. HORK HOY— Good boy wanted to work V^ round house and horses; must give ref- erences. .Apply F. Allen, Veterinarian, Fort st. even Corners. C^OOK— Wanted, good plain cook and ' laundress in small family. Mrs. Carson, 4*2 Holly ay. ' \u25a0 pOAT3IAKI-;K Wanted, a good coat- v> maker, alro a pantsmakerat J. \u25a0T. Pro- van's, No. 50 South Fourth St.. Minneapolis. pOATMAKER- at once, a good Vx coatmaker. Apply Win. Hesse, Le Sueur. Minn. " \u25a0 '' pOATJIAREK- Wanted, a good coat- ' maker; work the year round. Bl 4 Payne ay. r^OACHMAN with references wanted. V-^ Apply at .",97 East Tenth st. - ELIVERY MAX— Man for delivery: must know the hill streets. liainaley's Bakery. ::.*« Selby ay. DXT CTIVKS wanted to act in the Secret xJ Service under instructions of Capt Grannan, ex-chief of detectives of "Cincin- nati; experience not necessary; particulars free. Ura!iii!iu Detective Bureau Company, 44 Arcade, Cincinnati, O. : > DOCTOR— To locate in one of the oest points in the city. For particaiars, call ai Drug Ssore, 235 Rondo st . \~\O YOD WANT a situation as clerk, sten- XJ ographer, cashier, or are you capable of holdingany responsible position? If so, it costs you nothing to file an application with the Mercantile Bond and Referenca As- sociation, 154 East Third st. ' RUG CLERK—Young man. German, with about two years' experience in drug business. Address X 132, Globe. RUG CLERK—Wanted, drug clerk; Scandinavian or German. Call at 849 Rice st ERRAND BOY wanted (one who is quick XLi and knows the city) at Northwestern Stamp Works, 43 East Third st. ' FINISHERS— Wanted, first-class wood finishers. Apply at St. Paul Furniture Company. IG4 West Fifth. f^IN"ISUEK— Wanted, a boy to finish fur- -- ni£ure. 213 Washington ay. north, Min- neapolis^ GOOD BOY OK MAX wanted to take 1 care of horses and do delivery and gen- eral work for plumber. Call Sunday, be- tween 1and 2 p. m., 861 Selby. AKNESS.HAKERS Wanted. 25 har- nessmakers on machine buggy harness at once. Dodson, Fisher, Brockniann &Co., Minneapolis. Minn. TF YOU WANT BARGAINS in nue A household furniture, carpets, refrigera- tors and gasoline stoves that have been used but a short time call on us. Kavauagh & Johnson. IS6, 188 and 190 East Sixth st. IFE IXSUKAXCE AGENT—Wanted, life insurance agent": good man to take charge ofbusiness in St Paul of one of the best old line companies. Address M 100, Globe, Minneapolis. }UXCH BOY wanted, 16 to IS years old" \u25a0J Call 346 Cedar st !\] ACHINIST—Wanted, man to runmor- -!-"-» tising machine. Apply aTarlor-Craig Company, 201 West Fifth st 11 AKBLE CUTTER—Wanted, a marble i'l cutter; 52.50 per day. Call at John Smith's, 270 West Seventh st MAN* wanted to work on farm; must be good milker. Ed Knowlan. out Rice st. PAINTER— Wanted, one good painter, corner Bates ay. ana Ravine st., Day- ton's bluff. AIXTEKs wanted. Olive st, between Sixth and Seventh sts. PLUMBERS, steam and gaa titters keep away from Dulnth ; strike on here. By order of L. V. No. 11, U. A. PRESSMAN— at once, platen pressman. Call Sunday morning9 o'clock. Frank Shoop, 185 East Third St.. third floor. REPAIRER— Wanted, a young unmarried man to work at repairing in furniture store: a Scandinavian or German preferred ; a permanent position. rite at once to U. P. Hanson, Spencer, 10. ALES3IENT—Wanted, salesmen, four first-class, energetic nustlers, to canvass city tiade. Room 65, Court Block, 24 East Fourth st ALESMEX—Wanted, men to sell line of cigars; §100 per month and expenses paid. Address, with stamp, Sumatra Cigar i Company, Chicago, 111. BIGN PAINTER— a young man O with some experience in sign painting; apply to G. Keeling, 41 East Seventh st. SOLICITOR— Wanted, first-class solicitor O on salary; will pay commission ifpre- i ferred. Address L 178, Globe. TRIPERS— Wanted, a few eood stripers for paint shop. Minnesota Thresher Company, Stillwater, Minn. STRONG BOY wanted on dairy farm, to herd and around house. : "Call three miles out Oakdale ay.. West side. npiNNER wanted at White Bear. M. J. -L Macbenhausen. »T<O XOUXG MEX—A chance to earn a X good salary. A gentlemen's garment cutter of experience and reputation wishes to form a class of six students for a thorough course of instruction in cutting- gentlemen's ; clothing. ApplyP 190, Globe office. PHOLSTEKEBS wanted." Louis W. ' Schroeder, 16 East Sixth st \\7"AlTEß— Waauted, colored man for in- VV door work; .must be a good waiter. 151 Summit ay. ~ ANTED at once for a first-class St. Paul firm, four good solicitor* who are capable of earning a $1,200 a year salary ; permanent positions to satisfactory Darties. Applyto Mercantile Bond and Reference As- ! sociation, 154 East Third st. ANTED— Everybody to \u25a0 use Clason's Sure Cure for Catarrh. Office, 106 West Seventh. Ask your druggist for it ANTED— Gentlemen of business ex- perience to represent a wealthy East- ern corporation. Address, •.•with references^ 1 Eoom 14, Schutte Block, St. Paul, Miua. POPULAR WANTS SITUATION•OFFERED. Males; Uf ANTED-Two young men to^leam teleg- raphy shorthand: can make Ex- penses. ApplyGlobe Business College, Da.-* vidsou Block. . , s "I V"" ANTED—Saletiineii on salary or com- »V : mission to hai.dle trie New Patent Chemical Ink-Erasing Pencil; the greatest telling novelty ever produced; erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion of paper: 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to 2C20 in six days;' anotaer ' 232 in two hours;- we want one energetic general agent for each state and territory. For terms and full particulars address Trie Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, La Cro-se. Wis. . !isu>: \7"OUNG MAN with 5-i<io capital wauted as A local manager: $7."> per month. Address V 185, Globe. iz:> F\(\ MEN wanted, corner University and' 'jyj Snelling.avs.a H. C. Huebuer, Con- tractor. -- . .3^ OR PROPERTY in Stiuson's Boulevard' addition. Summit Park and all Midway: additions, see Fallihee & Snow. ?A E. Fourth. BOARD OFFERED. BOARD— Wanted, a few table boarders at ti)7 Jackson at.; also meal tickets at reasonable rates. BOA RD—Gentlemen can get room and board $4 per week; ladles S3 per week. 697 Jackson st. L>OA RD— aX) East Sixth Fine.comfort- AJ able! rooms and board, 54.50 and $3 per week; day board 53.50.. Mrs. A. Bell. BOARD— front rooms with board; use of bath; cables pass door. 85 East Eighth st. - . .\u25a0.;'\u25a0"\u25a0- BOARD— 40 Tilton; elegantly furnished rooms with board, it desired; all mod- ern conveniences; rates low. BOARD furnished rooms, with board and use of bath. 232 West Sev- enth st. BOARD— For rent, two nicely furnished rooms with board; terms reasonable. 200 East Tenth st. . BOARD— pleasant home with board for two young men or man and wife. 701 East Fourth st. OARD—Nicely furnished large front al- cove room, with all of the modern con- veniences; board, with 6 o'clock dinners. 231 Selby ay. r PABLE BOARDERS— I would like to A have six more private table boarders. 770 St. Peter st Board— West Fifth— furnished rooms, with board; olso table board for a limited number; references required. BOA i; D—Nicely furnished rooms and tirst- class table table board at •\u25a0The Union," 513 Jackson. - BOARD— Large airy room, also excellent \u25a0 table board, at 227 East Tenth;apply immediately. BOARD— Pleasant furnished rooms with board at S4 per week ; use of parlor and piano and bath. 64 Iglehart st. BOARD— Pleasant furnished rooms, with board. 579 Selby, first brick house west of Kent. BOARD— A private family going to White Benr for the summer would like two gentlemen boarders. Address J 189. Globe. BOARD— A handsome front room on first Moor; desirable location; board ifde- sired. 249 East Tentn. BOARD— For rent, furnished room, improvement, with board; suitable for two gentlemen, or man and wife; S<>o per month. Mrs. C. L. Hurt, 613 Marshall. )\u25a0-:.'. BOARD Furnished and unfurnished : rooms, withboard. 514 Seloy ay. - '\u25a0>* OARD—Room suitable for two with board, at The Miner. 21 East Tenth. | ' | BOARD Persons living near corner;- of . Nelson and Western ays. can get lirat- class board at 3C6 Nelson ay. ~ ~/.- a BOARD— have a large front room with bay window; wouldliKe two gentlemen, to fill it; would room and board for 94.50 week, with tJ o'clock dinner. Inquire 300- Martin st. •\u25a0 - \u25a0 c ".5 OARD— like a few young lady' boarders; terms, 52.75, with 6 o'clock dinner. Inquire 300 Martin st. :'e '\u25a0".' BOARD rent, pleasant rooms \u25a0 \ritn board ; also a good barn . 633Waba9na'Bt. OARD—27S East£ightU St.— Furnished!; ."rooms with board; first-class board bj week or day; all modern conveniences. \u25a0•\u25a0 ' . ; BOARD furnished rooms with board and all conveniences. 0 East Tenth st. '.-'-".' BOARD— Room and board; nice location; terras reasonable. Mrs. C. L. Burt. '-.'', OO.H AND BOARD— front room, suitable for two persons; pleasant location. 77 Summit ay. OR WOOD HOUSE— East Ninth and li Wabasha— Best equipped boarding house in city; quick service; excellent table; warm rooms: 54, $4.50, S5 per week. THE MlNEß—Pleasaut room witnboard. JL 19-21 East Tenth st. . HE MINER is centrally located for day boarders; opposite the capliol. 21 East Tenth. . OR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard addition. Summit Park and all Midway additions, see Fallihee Ac Snow. 36 E. Fourth. CEBUJWOLUU M. NEWPORT & SON. INVEST- ment Bankers, loan money on im- proved property in St. Paul and Minneap- olis at 6 per cent "on or before." Offices, New Pioneer Press Building, bt. Paul, and Bank of Minneapolis Building. Minneapolis. DO YOU WANT TO BORROW money at a lower rate than you can borrow through any other agency? The American Mortgage Loan company, ' Room 7, First National bank building,corner Fourth and Jackson sts., will let you have any amount. $10, 320, $25. $40, 575, $100 or 8200 in fact, any mm you wish— vonr cold watch, diamonds, Household furniture,- horse. buggy, piano, carriage, etc., at a lower rate than you can possibly get it elsewhere. Goods can remain in your possession, and you can Day a part any time you want and stop interest. Business private and confi- dential. You can have your own time in paying up principal. -A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- -LOANS of «ny amount on furniture, pi- anos, diamonds, watches, or goods in stor- age; goods remain in your possession; small monthly return payments taken; all business strictly' confidential, and lowest possible charges consistent with sound business methods guaranteed; private room for la- dies; take elevator to room 10, Germania Bank building,opposite postoflice. A" A money: money —j. L~ . IX m stranch. Room 1. 34 East Third st. •oars any desired amount on furniture, pianos, watches, diamonds, horses, etc., on easier terms and lower rates than ever: can be paid back by installments or otherwise; property. re In borrower's possession; no charge for examining it or making out papers; all business honorable and privately transacted. Remember the place. Call and be convinced. •'\u25a0.• \u0084 \u25a0 JARGE AMOUNTS of money to loan on : -A Improved property at b per cent \u25a0 Oilman &lCo., New York Life Building. ..: | LOANS MADE on furniture, pianos, Lj horses, diamonds, gold watches, eta. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, Rooms 13, 11. First National Bank building, corner Fourth and Jackson sts. ONEY TO LOAN without delay, irom $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- elry, etc; time checks, notes and second real estate mortgages bought Minnesota Loan Co.. 117 East Fourth st. \u25a0 '- -* ONKI LOANED on life insurance pal- ' iciea; or bought. L. P. Van Norman,' 015 Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis. j ANTED— A loan of 53,000 on acres at the New Brighton stockyards: first- class security. Address H500, Globe, Minne- ! apolis. - ,\u25a0-;\u25a0 'J .F.MORITZ, PIONEER PRESS Building Mortgage loans made* promptly; 6, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgages bought ANTED—Building and loan association stock. Have you stock in any of the national building and loan associations of Minneapolis that you wish to sell: If so, call upon or write to L.Mowry, 521 Guaranty Loan building. Minneapolis. ANT to borrow 5500: will give $2,000 worth of first-class personal property as security; will pay high rate of interest. Address &. ISO, Globe. PER CENT INTEKkhT SKMlAN- annually—lf you are looking for such an investment and where you can get the principal any time, examine certificates of paid-up stock now being issued Dy the St Paul Mutual Building Association No. 1, Forepangh Block. 99 East Fonrth st. C •_)/ \( ) $600, 3750 FIRST 3IORTGAOES i2J*J\J\J^ for sale; will discount »6 pur- chaser will receive 10 per cent Interest. L~ 190, Globe. ..--.\u25a0 G?A OIU'jANU SMALLER BUiU> to *pU)\J\J\J loan on lots or improved. H. Caldwell. 64 Germania L!feBuilding. COR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard .A. addition. Summit Park and all Midway additions, see Fallihea it Snow, 86 £. Fourth, POPULAR WANTS. SITUATION OFFEBEP. , .females. r A A A- A A MADAMELOT! A Xi.xi .XX» r\.» -has established new hairdressing . and manicure parlors at 18 East Third st, where she will be pleased to see all friends and patrons, and the public generally; a fine line of hair goods are ear- ned : her parlors in the Mannheimer block are . still retained; the -best class of people are patrons of Madame Lotta, and all join in praising her superior work. _T3_P _ ATTENTION, LADIES , ,-*-» LJ— week we will cure .the face of chap, tan, frecKles and pimples free of charge. Bon Ton Hair Parlors, 424 | w abasha, corner Seventh. —GERMANIA LADIES' KMPLOY- mem— Wanted, gitls for house and hotel work for the lake, housekeeper on the farm; pastry-cooks, waitresses for Montana. 14 East Seventh st A. Bertram. :' A— WANTED, live or six -girls for gen- ' eral housework at 391 W,a!nut st. A STOUT GIRL or middle-aged lady \u25a0£*\u25a0 wanted to take care of crippled lady. Call 404 Dale. . : APPRENTICE— Wanted, a young, in- telligent girl to learn dressmaking. Apply 739 Rondo st PFRENTICE-Wanted, an apprentice girl. 22Mannheimer blocg. ' TICKS—Good, bright, intelli gent girls. Bon Ton Hair Parlors, 424 w abasha, corner Seventh. I'PRENTICK GIRLS wanted to learn the French dressmaking. -443 Wabasha st. A.M.Gillette. APPRENTICE GIRL Wanted, appren- tice girl for dressmaking at 69 West Col- lege aye. PPRENTICE GIRL wanted by dress- maKer; room and board to right party, 39 Summit ay. . BARGAIN UNPRECEDENTED— Monday. 'May 11. I will sell fivedozen guaranteed solid gold rings, set with moon- stones, garnets, rosalines. turquoise, emerald and sapphire doublets, for 51; ladies' sizes. J. E. Ingham, 327 Jackson st. ANGS I BANGS !cut and cuned, 15 cents. Bon Ton Hair Parlors, 424 Waba- sha, corner Seventh. ASQUE TRIMMERS Two basque trimmers wanted at 556 St Peter st .- / CHAMBERMAIDS. Stillwater. $14; taia- }~J ilyplaces on fifty streets, includingAda, Burr, College, Exchange, Fifth, Hoffman. Isabel, Lafayette. Mcßoal and Nelson. Doug- lass' Intelligence, 35 Seventh. P«AJi BBKMAID wanted immediately at Belmont House, corner of Eighth and Minnesota sts. Coor-a good cook with nrst-class refer- ' ence wanted at 503 Hollyay. Apply be- weeu 12 and 2 o'clock Monday. \u25a0 CIOOK— Wanted, good cook; three in fam- i ly: no washing. Apply to Mrs. J. li. Stuart, 349 North Washington, opposite Rico park. -Wanted, a good cook; apply at ' once. C3l Fairmount ay., corner Dale. lOOK GirI for plain cooking: no wash- v^ ing; good wages. <\u25a0, East Eighth st. CIOOK— Wanted, a competent cook at 312 ' Summit ay. : references required. COOK— A competent cook; English or French preferred. Call mornings or evenings at 251 Summit ay. /""lOOK— First-class cook; no washing or ironing; first-class wages. Mrs. Mc- Gr'egor, 1920 Second ay. south. Minneapolis. RKss MAKERS— For dressmaking, first- -Ay class waistband finisher and apprentice girls wanted. Room 35. Mannheimer Block. DRESSMAKER-Wanted, a plain skirt hand at Mrs. Kelly's, IS East Third st DRESSMAKER— Wanted, skirt and waist hand at Mrs. Williams' dressmaking parlors, 382 Dayton ay.' DRESSMAKKR— Wanted at. once, an ex- perienced dressmaker. Call Tilton st. TURsjT AND SECOND GIRL wanted at A. once. Applywith reference, 53 Tilton st. GJ.EN ERAL SERVANT wanted in private « family; good wages. 100 West Ninth. GOOD t GIRLS wanting places, call at » - Kirkland's Office, 222 Bast Seventh st. Gl KX.B wanted for Lake Minnetonka; one f meat cook, one pastry* cook, three . kitchen girls, six dining room girls, to go Junel: all first-class. Call between 7 and 8 p. m., 249 Spruce st. \u25a0 ...-. .. Q.IRL WANTED— East Eighth st. f -.. \u25a0\u25a0•. '•:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0>: -qi; .; \u0084-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' , -, -\; OUSECLKANKR—Wanted, a woman for heusecleaning and weekly washing. Call Room 4. over Seven Corners basic. OUSEWORK— Young girl for light housework; good pay. 501 Ada st. West Side. ..;.-.• :t» TJ OUSEWORK— Wanted, girlfor general II housework at white Bear lake. H. at Ogden, corner Sixth and Sibley, St Paul. HOUSEWORK— competent col- ored or German girl in American fam- ily on Goodrich ay. Inquire at 67 Hotel Bartean. OUSEWORK— GirI for general house- work at Mrs. Dapron's, corner Selby and Snelling ays. i OUSEWORK— girlto learn to do housework; not younger than six- teen years old. 260 Kent st OUSEWORK— Wanted, a good, compe- tent girl for general housework. 429 Marshall ay. T1OUSEWORK— GirI wanted at once for A J general housework. Call 348 East Elev- enth st., near Olive st OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen- eral housework; must understand cook- ing; good wages. Inquire 20 Kent st. OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework; must be able to wash, iron and assist in cooking; wages, £3.50 per week. Call 539 Wacouta st OUSEWORK— Wanted, good,sirong girl who understands cooking, washing and ironing. Call at 257 Rice st |_| OUSEWORK-Glrl for general house- J-i. work; small family. Mrs. Atiler, 606 Dayton ay. OUSEWORK— girl wanted AA for general housework. Apply imme- diately. 37 Victoria st, corner Ashland ay. LI OUSEWORK— girl for general A A housework. 263 Pleasant ay. OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for light housework. 520 Beaumont st. WORK—Wanted, a neat girl for general housework. 432 Carroll st OU>EWORK— Wanted Immediately, a girl for general housework. 2TI Loais st, corner Iglehart 11 OUSfcWOßK— Wanted, girl for general AA housework. Apply Monday forenoon. 613 Olive st. ' * HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl' for general housework; good wages. 137 Kent st., near Selby avenue cable. OUSKWORK— Wanted, a capable Nor wegfan girl for general housework. 254 Summit Place. OUSEWORK— a good girl for general housework at 96 Prospect Ter- race, West Side ; no cooking. rj OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for ueueral Ll housework; small family. 281 Olmsted St.. near Pine. LI OUSEWORK— Wanted, girlfoi general AA house wont; small family. Inquire 742 Dayton ay. 11 OUSEWORK— Good girl for general XI housework. Apply at 565 Hollyay. Mon- day. - OUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl for general housework. Apply at S3 Vir- ginia ay. TJ OUSEWORK-Wanted. girl for light AA housework. Call at 613 Gorman ay. M OUSEWORK— girl for gen- AA . eral housework; small family: wages. $15. 89 Victoria st, one block from Grand ay. electric line. OUSEWOKK— Wanted, young girl to assist at housework. Inquire 74 East Seventh. - HOUSEWORK— Want a good girl for housework: apply No. 282 Sherbnrne ay. HO WORK—Wanted, a Protentant girlfor general housework: must be a good cook; no washing; good wages. 209 Farrington ay. O OUSEWORK— Good, strong girl for AA plain Housework. Call 51 East Fonrth st. HOUSEWORK— a girl for gen- \u25a0 eral housework. 29 Iglehart st. LJ OUSEWORK— Competent girl forgen- AA eral housework, in family of three. Ap- ply at 487 Broadway, Sunday afternoon and evening. -. \u25a0 : ... LJ WORK— A girlto do plain house- iJ work, . 719 St Peter st. \u25a0- - OCSEWORK— GixI for general house- work. 10 Surrmit ay. Q OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general AA housework at 474 Collins st : . .-_:,^ LJ OUSEWORK— young .girl ' to XX help with general housework at 64 Iglc- hart at. - - .. -. r \u25a0&*\u25a0•\u25a0- : -M. " \u25a0- . H<sualiW<Sßk— Wanted, girlfor general housework, Inquire 644 Bnrr^t \u25a0•:-- H'O'USis W6RK 4 Wanted, girl at once fur XI :general housework; mFuller »{. ' POPULAR WANTS. SITUATION OFFEBED. .' females, OUSKWORK— Good girl wanted for I-I general housework in small family. 13? Smith ay. -. fl OUSEWORK- Wanted, competent girl AX for house in a small family; good wages. 676 Dayton ay. II OIsEWORK- Wanted, thoroughly com- AA petent girlfor general housework ; good home and wages, 233 West Fifth st HOUSE WO XX—Wanted, girlfor general AA \u25a0 housework. Call at 89 North Victoria st. HOISEWOKK- a good girl for AA general housework; small family. 533 Carroll st. HOUSEWORK— girlat. 410 Lau- rel ar. ; three in family. O OUSEWORK— GirI, general housework; 11 good cook; no washing. Call at 417 East Tenth at once. fIOUSEWORK-Girl for general work; t A good wages for a good girL Ramaley's Bakery, 386 Selby ay. OUSEWORK— general servant for small family; must be able to cook. 661 Hollyay. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. HOCSEWOBK- Wanted, good girl for general housework; good wages paid to willing and competent girl. Call at 787 Cedar st. TJOUSEWORK-W anted, girlfor general AX \u25a0 housework to go to White Bear lake for the summer: permanent place; wages no ob- ject to right party. 280 Mackubin until Mon- ! day morning. OUSEWOUK- Wanted, girl for general housework. 343 Ease Ninth st. LI OOa KWOKK-Agirl wanted for general 11 housework. 200 East Tenth st. HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general housework. 100 East Tenth st. LIOUSEWORK— a good girl to IX do general housework, cook, wash and iron. 456 Collins st. OUSEWORK- Wanted, a girl for gen- AA eral housework; small family. 337 Ed- mund st. ~ OUSKWORK— GirI for general house- work. ' 354 Fuller st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, experienced girlfor general housework. Apply at 548 Olive St., corner of Grove.. 11 OUsK\VORK-(,ood, strong girl wanted AA to do housework, at 566 St. Peter; good wages given. OUSEWOUK— Wanted, girlfor general housework: small bouse: all conven- iences: familyof three. Inquire at Room 6, Odd Fellows' Block, corner Fifth and Wa- basha. OUSEKEEPIING— Wanted, girl to as- sist with light housekeeping and care of infant; German preferred. 65 Central ay. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS in fine -i- household furniture, carpets, refrigera- tors and gasoline stoves that have been used but a short time call on us. Kavanagh & Johnson, 186, 1:$ and 190 East Sixth st. KITCHEN WORK— Wanted, girl to do kitchen work. 403 Dayton ay. ITCH EX WORK—Girl wanted to do kitchen work; one that can room out preferred, 332 Robert st. LADY OR GENTLEMAN with about SSO wanted as local agent. Address P ISS, Globe. A UNDRESS— Wanted, a competent l auu dress; references required. Apply151 Summit ay. \u25a0 I" AUNDRKSS—Wanted, a first-class laun- JL/ dress for family of.two. Address V181, Globe. ACHINK OPERATOR— girl to run sewing machine; call Monday a. m. 22 Mnimbeinier block. Jl/IARKER— lady marker; must- -1 I*l. be experienced. National Steam Laundry Co., 56. 53, 60 West Fourth st. MILLINER— Wanted, a first-class mil- liner. Address P 10L Globe. MILLINKK— Xeat irimrner. with refer- ence, at q.nce. A pplyat 233 Rondo st [YTURSE— Wanted, a nurse at once; ref- I* erence required. ltUNtaaav. UKSE GlßL—Wanted, nurse girl for ±i care of children. Cull 626 Pine st. jV URsfc: GlßL—Wanted, young girl to care 1^ for baby a few hours daily. 588 Sel bya y. JVTLRSr; GlßL—Wanted, nurse girl four- 1' teen or fifteen ' years of age. 69 West College aye. jVTURSE GIRL, about fourteen years old, 1" wauted at 6.39 Grand nv. .. IV" URSE GIKL- Wanted, experienced J-" nurse girl;must have references. Apply Monday at 227 East Tenth st. . •_ . NU USE— Wanted, nurse girl,from twelve 1~ to fourteen years old. Apply 545 Ash- land aye. NURSE at once, a good girl for nurse and housework. Cottage rear 235 Grove st. OK i ICE WORK— young lady for office work: state salary desired. Ad- dress N IS7, Globe. POLISHER— First-class polisher wanted at once at Central Laundry, 689 Waba- sha. OALESLADY— At $!) weekly salary.bright, O energetic saleslady (not younger than twenty): quick promotion to capable and painstaking one: references. Apply Mon- day after 9:30. J. Brentano, 272 East Seventh st., up stairs. OCRUBWOMAN— Wanted, a woman to O wash windows and scrub halls. 233 East Seventh St., room 9. GRUBBING— wanted for scrub- bing Monday morning at the State Steam Laundry, 222 West Seventh st. EWING GIRL wanted immediately. lyO O East Tenth st. ECOND GlßL—Wanted, second girl, first-class waitress. Call Monday morn- Ing220 Nelson ay. OECOND GIRLwanted at 368 Nelson ay. " ECOND WORK— Wanted, a girl to do second work and wait on table; also girl to work in kitchen. 607 Jackson st. ECOND WORK—Wanted, a girl for sec- ond work. 572 Iglebart st. SHIRT POLISHER— Wanted, first-class shirt polishers at Oriental Laundry, 24 West Third at. ST ARC HER wanted j steady employment O for a good starcher at State Steam Laun- dry, 222 Wgst Seventh st. ANTED IMMEDIATELY— 2OO girli for general housework, 20 cooks, 12 nurse girls; highest wages and the best places in the city. 3*o Selby. WANTED— good, strong g:ri to work in VV bakery. Call 554 Rice st. ANTED— Everybody to use Clason's Sure Cure for Catarrh. Office. 108 East Seventh. Ask your druggist for it. ASH INC.— Wanted, woman to do wash- ing, Monday each week. 445 Summit ay. ANTED Three girls to learn teleg- raphy or shorthand; can make ex- penses by assisting inlight houseworkr Ap- ply Globe Business College, Davidson Block. V\ WAITRESS wanted at 764 Wabasha st. A IST FINISHERS Wanted, some first-class waist finishers; only those having experience need apply. Madame Boyd, 608 Nicollet ay., Minneapolis. AIST HAND— Wanted, experienced waist hand; also apprentice girl; will pay wages to begin with. Ml Rice st. VI J AIST HANDS—Wanted, two good VV waist hands, also one apprentice; apply Newton & McDonough, corner Wa- baahit and Seventh. ASHWOM AX Wanted, woman to wash and iron every week, at 583 Selby ay. ; apply at once. OD.NGLADY wanted, to travel with a ! magician; a nice, pleasant engagement; can leave this week. Address P 192, Globe. OR PROPERTY in Stinson'a Boulevard addition. Summit Park and all Midway addirionß. see Fallihee A Snow. 36 E. Fourth. to kxciiAx\c;k. OR ALL KINDS of exchanges of prop- erty, call on or write to A. Stolpe3tad, 316 Pioneer Press building. O EXCHANGE— Good gold watch for good pony or light horse. Address G 178, Globe. rpo EXCHANGE— House aud J- lot for vacant lots. Address G Globe. rpo EXCHANGE— a good, useful JL horse in exchange for painting, paper- hanging or kalsotnining. Apply 384 Rice st. T>O EXCHANGE—Good real estate. nn- X incumbered for piano: also want hon3e- hold furniture. Address V182, Glooe. <£?/*/ JO \u25a0 EQUITY in Midway lot lo ex- V>-*WU change. Address T192, Globe. T?OR PROPERTY in SUnson's Boulevard J~ addition. Summit Park and all I Midway additions. see Fallihee &Snow. 36 5. Fourth. TITEWRITEHS A3TD SIT- r-."-"- y- .- PLIES. \u25a0-\u25a0 . rr»HE REMINGTON" TYPEWRITER— J. v \u25a0 Constantly improved: desks for nil ma- chines; paper, ribbons, carbon; send for cat- alogue. Wvekoff, Seamans A Benedict. 94 EastPouiti st. ' POPULAR WANTS. SITUATIONS WAITED. ; Moles* ARTEXDEK of experience wishes posi- JJ tion; good references; resides out of i town. X 133. Globe. - BLACKSMITH— Situation wanted bygen- -U eral blacksmith and horseshoer: experi- enced in repairing cars and wheel scrapers ; would like job with contractor. Address H 100, Globe, Minneapolis. DOSS BAKERS please call oraddressFred JJ Bnshmann, 25 East Third St.. St Paul, for competent men for all grades of labor. DOOKKEEPING—Books opened, closed, \u25a0L» posted, expert work, etc. F. Sprague, Room Js.', Drake block, St. Paul. \u25a0 3OOKKEKPER, experienced, wants set Li ofbooks to keep evenings. Address A. F.. Globe. [ BOYS FOR PLACES, places for boys; employment bureau for poor boys, free. Newsboys' Club Boom. Chamber of Com- merce building: open from 11 to 12 a. m. and from to 9:30 p. m. ARPKT FITTERS-Wanted-Three first- class carpet fitters and layers want work after 6in the evening. Address Z 186, Globe. pLKKK- Employment— man dc- v/ sires position with St. Paul firm; ex- perienced general store clerk and practical double-entry bookkeeper; good references. Raymond, 312 University ay. pOACBMAN wants work; first-class man Vv to drive; best of references. Frank H. Carroll, 425 V; South Robert. '. UTTER— A first-class cutter and practi- cal tailor. Address H 200, Globe, Min- neapolis. CHEF— By first-class man, an engagement for season or longer. Address C IT9, Globe. . DRIVER— wants position of some J-J kind of driving, or anything; well ac- quainted in city, and can give good reference. Call at 514 Hopkins st., city. DRUG CLERK wanted by a young man as drug clerk; two years' experience and good references furnished. Address D182, Globe. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS in tine household furniture, carpets, refrigera- tors and gasoline stoves that have been used but a short time call on us. Kavanagh & Johnson. 186, ISB and 100 East Sixth st. FFICE WORK— by young man, position in an office or wholesale house; references furnished. Address G., 433 Fuller st., city. OFFICE WORK— wanted by a smart young man as assistant boo keep- er, bill clerk, or any kind of office work; wholesale house or railroad office preferred. Address P 139, Globe. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING— If you want a clerk, stenographer, cashier or persons for any position, either with or without bond, call on or address Mercantile' Bond and Ref- erence Association, 154 East Third st. II ADEMAKE X—Situation as shade- -0 maker wanted: two years' experience. Address F. n., 464 Lflfond St.. city. T Ail. ok tailor, Norwegian, expe- rienced and faithful, would like to work with a custom tailor. Address *'S. F.," 857 Woodbrldge st., city. YOU.NU MAN,twenty-one years of age recently from the country* wants posi- tion at any honorable work where integrity and attention to business will secure ad- vancement; excellent references ifrequired. Address it 189, Globe. "P<OR PROPERTY in Minion's Boulevard J- addition, iSummit Park and all Midway additions, see Fallihee &Snow, 36 E. Fourth. IV in ale*. TtTESTIO\, LADIES: -Four girls J.V want places for the hotels at the bikes; girls on hand. Ladies' Employment Office, 11 East Seventh st. BARGAIN UNPUECKUE XTED Monday, May 11, I will sell five dozen guaranteed solid gold rings, set with moon- stones, garnets, dines, turquoise, emerald and sapphire doublets, for SI; ladies 1 sizes. J. E. Inghnm. 327 Jackson fit. COOK— Situation as cook In private fam- ily, and willing to help with other work; can give good references. Apply IDS Univer- sity ay. . COOK— A good cook with first-class refor- ence wanted at 506 Holly ay. Apply be- tween 12 and 2 o'clock Monday. /"COPYIST—Wanted, position as copyist or v-> saleslady ;position more of au object than salary. Address M.E.. Globe. /COMPANlON— Situation wanted by ex- vy perienced lady as companion and house- keeper to invalid or elderly laiiy.orgoverness to youug children. Address S ISO, Globe. OMPETENT SEATISTRKaS wants sewing in families; also children's clothes; first-class city reference, 500 Lau- rel ay. DRESSMAKER wants sewing m families. ±J 302 Goodrich ay. DKESS.HAKER Experienced dress- maker wants work in families; good fit guaranteed. Address Dressmaker, 580 .Rob- ert st. KKSSMAKKIt wants sewing in fami- yj lies. Call or address 311East Seventh St., third floor. RESSMAKKR— Wanted, a few engage- \J menu by good dressmaker; best refer- ences furnished. Address .1 201. Globe. AMILY WASHING done by piece or dozen, 50 to 7."> cents; shirts 8 cents, col- lars 2 cents. Pioneer Laondry.,3ss Arundel st. OUBEWOKK— Wanted, by Swede girL f 1 place to do general housework. Inquire 864 Sims st. fJOUSEKEEPEK-German lady wants a 11 place to keep boose, (J 186, Globe. OUSEKEEPER— Yonng woman of ex- perience desires position as. house- keeper in first-class hotel or club house; highest references from former employers. Address M186, Globe. LJ OUSEKEEP.EK-Wanted. a position as lx housekeeper. Call or address 222 East Seventh si., third floor, room 30, I" F YOU WANT BARGAINS in fine household furniture, carpets, retripera- tors and gasoline stoves that have been used but a short time call on us. Kavanagh A Johnson, 188, 188 and 190 East Sixth st. f r A UNDRESS Competent laundress JLi wants washing and ironing four first days of the week. Call or address Laundress. 500 Laurel ay., city. MANICURE A young lady desires situ- ation as assistant manicure. 455 Rondo. JYJUKSE Sick nursing wanted by a nurse 1* with several years' practical experience. 454 Rondo st. NURSE— lady would like a place as ii nurse. Call at 369 Carroll St., up stairs, on Monday. FFICE WORK— King lady of good ad- dress would like work in office or store part of week, or half of each day. Address M. 147 Summit ay. ARTIES wanting reliable help, call at Kirkland's Office, 222 East Seventh st. ALESW OKA \—Wanted, a steady posi- tion ina dry goods or general merchan- dise store, by an experienced saleswoman: speaks German. Address Postotlice Box 243, Wheaton, Minn. TENOORAPIIER-A young indy stea- O ographer and typewriter desires wori to do either at home or In an office. rr\PE\VKITEB Position wanted by X young lady as typewriter and copyist: very rapid; can. givo references. V 135, Globe. . ASHING AND IRONING wanted at 458 East Sixth St.; rous:h dried clothes. 25 cents per dozen ; called for and delivered. 11/ ASHING ANDIRONINGwanted by VV a woman; also house and office clean- ing. Call or address Mrs. M. 8., 200 Grove 6t-, near Temperance. ASHlNG— Washerwoman wants work to go oat washing, ironing and house- keeping. Address 200 West Sixth st., second door in yard. WASHING— A"^German woman would like to have a few good places to wash. Please call at 64t> Pleasant ay. WASHING and ironing wanted by .Mrs. Berg, 244 East Fourteenth st. WASHING Parties desiring washing and leaning done can be ac- commodated at 582 Thomas st. ASHING—WouId like to go out wash- ing three first days of each week. Call on Sunday at 7 p. m. only, 65 West seventh, room 0. ASH I N«— Plain clothes washed and - Ironed, 36 cents a dozen; starched, from 40 to so cents a dozen: skirts, from 10 to 15 cents each ; rough dried. 20 cents a dozen ; family washings done by the week, month or piece ; if not done to suit, you need not pay. Address or call, to 602 Wabasha St., back of paint shop. ASHING— AGerman girl wants to go oat washing and honsecleaning. Ad- dress St. Peter si. Call after 6 o'clock in the evening. \\T ASHlNG—Wanted, family washing by \\ piece or dozen, by a lint-class laun- dress. 503 St. Anthony a?. W ASHING—A woman wants to do washing a".d houSecleaning. Inquire for Mrs. Mary Wilander, 107 Sycamore st. rOtt PROPERT-iiin Stinson's Boulevard x addition, Summit Park and all Midway . auditions, see x'allihew &- Snow. 30 E. Fourth. POPULAR WANTS * \u25a0 RECORD OF THE WEEK. Monday. MARItIACK LICENCES ISSTTKD. Edward Dippo Emma Sharping Carl Hwlstoedt Karen Paulino Jensen Gust Hoberland Sophie Johnson Gnstof C. Schultz Amelia R. Peters Charles W. White Lao»e E. Abbey Hug. Murnane Kate Green Frank Koalska Lena Pochea William C. Andrews Fredrikka Searla William T. Plachte Martha Leistikow Alex Hlrshfleld Nellie McCarthy August Olson Bertha Nelson Robert Volkomann Annie Sansen Nic11. Welter. Una Stenger Joseph Hermann Caroline Kaiser >ela P. Lundquist Johanna C. Lar^ou BIRTHS REPORTED. Name or Parents. Sex. Mr. and Mrs. George H. ArMlson. Bo« Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Johnson Girl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bidon Girl Mr. and Mrs. S. V Palm Girl DEATHS REPORTED. Edith Hickman 11 yean Baby McCurre 10 month! Catherine Shaw 2rt year* Katie Larkin year* Paul Kettler _ l!> yeart Charles Pike..: 36 yean George Schreiuer. 8 yean Fred Otto lyeaj Hazel Isabel Reere 16 month? Tuesday-. „„ MARRIAGE LICENSES I.ISrBO. M.D. Shelp Mary tollman - August II Mecklenburg.... Bertha Kassmillei James Prentice Catherine Embry K. Hagberg Ida O.Carlson Hanstreng Torine Tollepsea BIRTHS REPORTED. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Montgomery Bo* Mr. and Mrs. Nels Waldal Girl Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Kenlsh ..Girl Mr. and Mrs. James Page Girl Mr.and Mrs. M. Botenatefn Boy Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergesen . Girl Mr. and Mrs. Weucel Janda C.irl Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charlson Boy Mr. and .Mrs. John Olson Girl Mr. and Mrs. Sam Magnuson . Girl Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Brovt Boy DEATHS REPORTED. Rathcrlne Cox, St. Joseph's hospital, 23 years Stephen Bleu 599C0m0 74 years Philip A. Hasenzabel, Minneapolis'. .2 months Sister Agatha, Visitation hospital... Ti> years Israel Goslev, Comoav BO year* George a. Watson, 887 Olive st ...42 years Annie Iluaa, C33 Randolph 5t.. 3 years i mo* ItV«lii«»s«lajr. map.riai.k LICENSED. Joseph 11. Holdeman Julia B. Sorammcl Francis A. Nolan. Olive Armstrong BIRTnS REPORTED. Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler Girt Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.Walsh Hoy Mr. and Mrs. Chariest Stanley Girl Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Forbes Boy Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Peterson Girl Mr. and Mrs. WenzMoyha Girl Mr. and Mrs. August Watke Hoy Mr. and Mrs. Frans Ettl Girt Mr. and Mrs. James Btrrtield Girl Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allman Boy Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Weidner Boy Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Daigneaa... \u0084. Boy Mr. and Mm. J. D.Srezel Boy DBATH3 REPORTED. Mrs. Kate Lentsch SB years George W. orris to months John Byrne- - 30 months Katie K.Jargens 71 year* Julia Hand 10 mouths Gottlieb Boehm 61 year« Thursday. BtßTns REPORTED. Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Lawcs . . Boy Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Magell Boy Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson Girl Mr. and Mrs. Dystnger Bog Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moore Girl Mr. and Mr*. F. J. Johnson Twiiißirli Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Warm Girl Mr. and Mrs. Ed O. Lovell .. Boy Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howard Boy Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hi. mo Girl Mr. and Mrs.Nils Peterson Boy Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas ... Boy Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Manning Girl Mr. and Mrs. James Morten Girl Mr.and Mrs. R. P. Apgar Girl Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Allen Boy DRATUS REPORTED. Bridget McNamara, city hospital 85 yean Baby Walsh. Martin street 10 months Mary Therea Keller, . \u25a0: Lnfond St.. 17 mouths MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUKD. Axel A. Ahlroth Ollvo ilalodson John Bisell Uetsv Bensrtson C. C. Thorpe Mathilda Peltei Ferdinand Johnson Isabella Peterson OttoHohn Annie Johnson William Llmdin Kinma Liiuli|ulst Edward Treacey Sophie Holsten Friday. BIRTUS REPORTED. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muller Girl Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Dean Girl Mr. and Mrs. J. McHogta Girl Mr. and Mrs. J. Rafferty Boy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimbell . Boy Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph meter Girl Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Sehelbe Boy Mr.and Mrs. Robert Howard Girl DEATHS REPORTED Will A. Robinson, 512 East seventh.. 2V> years Bertha Wielaud, 510 Bay street 32 yeari Martin Leonard Gould. ill E. Isabel. .7!) years Christopher Derber, Thompson ay.. .32 yean MARRIAGE LICENSES MOID. F. W. Yolker Phebie Tongue James McDuff Emma Breugmaa Saturday. DEATHS REPORTED. Christina Sleber. city hospital r>» years Relnard Olson, 411 East Fifth st ... l.'i months Jonn W. Mayer. 484 Charles st 28 years Joseph Burhinger. 464 Lafond st 32 yean Sophia Sberburne, —Virginia aye....75 yearn Anna Williams, Portland rvo 73 ye«r« BIRTH!* REPORTED. Mr. and Mrs. August Ganka Girt Mr.and Mrs. Charles Wagner Boy Mr. and Mrs. Henry Melaneow Bo» Mr. and Mrs. Albert Girard Girl Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Aschen Boy Mr.and Mrs. Hans Risberg . Girl Mr. and Mrs. Frits Bidon Boy Mr. and Mrs. William (.'aimer Girl Mr. and Mrs. M. Keoberg Boy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur llortsen Girt Mr. and Mrs. John Derrick Girl 31ARRIAOE Lie .\u25a0)!!•« ISSUED. «• Anderson Petlers Angellne Bolt W. R. Stliiler. Margnreth Jmiscrc 15 i :r, i g io us axixouse: em ts. A KATES AVENUE M. E. CHt'KCH the pastor. .i. 11. Dewart willspeak on "The fauna of the False and the True ia Religion." and In the evening on "Israel's First King;" Sunday school at noon. CinKIST EPISCOPAL. CHUKCH ' West Fourth St., Corner Franklin St.— Rev. Charles D. Andrews, rector. May 10, Sunday after Ascension; the Holy Com- munion, Ba. in. ;morning service. IIa. m. t Sunday school and men's Bible elasa, 12:30 p. m., Immediately after morning service-; at 3 p. m., service under the auspices of tho Brotherhoodof St. Andrew; addresses by two business men of Chicago— Messrs. James i. HoushtaHngof Peabody, Hoorhtaling ACo., and W. R. Stirling, vice president of the Il- linois Hotel company; week day services, Wednesdays. Bp. in., and Fridays, 4 p. m. a cordial Invitation is extended to attend all ie services. CHKIsIIW SCIENCK-SKItVICK At \-J I":.;'.' a. m. ; subject, "Fear; Bible clasi after service; inquiry meeting Thursday at I p. m. ; reading room open daily;No. Iti 'Hotel Bartean. AST I'KK-*KYTKKI,4.V CHURCH-* Corner East Seventh and Robs Sts.— Services at 10:30 a. m. and Bp. m. ; in tha morning the pastor, John A. Stamen, will preach on "Thirsting for God:" in the even- ing the fifth of the Happy Homes peries-« "The Mother at Home:" Sunday school at noon: Endeavor meeting at 7 p.m. Corns and worship with us. IR.ST M. K. OHUKC'II, CORNER OS West Third and Summit Ay.— Class meeting, 9:45; Rev. C. B. Wilcox, the pastor, will preach at I0;.'i0: subject, "The Grass of the Field ;" Sabbath school 12 m. ; V. P. 9. C. £. 7p. m. : preaching at Bp. m.: theme, The Quest of El Dorado;" seats free; everybody welcome. GIRACE M. K. CHURCH, CORNER r Burr and Minnehaha Sis.— The pastor, R. H. Craig, will preach at 10:30 a. m., 8 p. m.: morning subject, "flow to Hear t^e Word: 1 ' evening subject, '-The Effect nflJue Preach* ing.: Sunday school, 12 m.; Y. T. S. C X., 7 p.m. ISO STI (XKAK OHIO) M. R. Church— Rev. D. Morgan willcommence a course of sermons this evening on Chris* tianity and Social Life. His first discourse \u25a0will be '-On the Relation of the Church ta the Labor Problem.' DARK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCII X- Corner Hollyay. and Mackubin at.— Rev. Wallace -Nutting, pastor: preaching a| 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school meets at the close of the morning .-.erv- ice: meeting of the Y. P. 3. C. E. at 6:}5 p.m. all seats free ; strangers cordially invited all services. pLViIOITH (MIKCH,CORNER WA^ IT ba»ha and Summit aye. Rev. A. H. Heath, D. D., pastor; sermon by Key. W. BL Gleason, of Mi polls; praise service is the evening at 8 o'clock, conducted by Mx, Gleaaon. ' TTXITi: CHURCH, -NT. FAI I— sEISV? vJ ices at 11 a. m. and 3p. m.; in the morn* ingRev. S. W. Sample, or Minneapolis, will preach; in the evening Rev. a. M. Crothert will give his fifth lecture on "TWe Reform*, tion of the Nineteenth Century;'* subject^ •\u25a0The New Orthodoxy.' POPULAR WANTS. THE SAIXT FxlL'L DAILY GLOBE: SUXI3AY MORNING, 10, 1891.— TWENTY PAGES. T*


Mar 28, 2018



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l.< trn;:*.Hii d: Haas, Real InstateBrokers

136 East Fourth St.. Opposite Pioneer Pressand Eudieott Blocks, Offer Special

Bargains forThis Week.PYKKYTHIX;that we offer forsale weX-i have exclusive.

LOOK over our list, and if you don't findJ what yon want, then call and see us,

and we can certainly suit you inour office.

Q1 1(\CI FOR 8 choice piece of prop--01,1 eny in Macalester Park, size44x203 to 20-foot ley. on graded street: liesperfect; terms Jloo' cash, balance $20 permonth.


Q-'J (\(\(\ li» V*. •;:. feet front rm Kasti?.%UUU Seventh st.. corner of.Earl;graded, sewer, pared and all assessmentspaid: this is on the cable line, and half ablock fromdepot; the biggest bargain in SLPaul; look this up a; once.C1Ul\C\ FOR anew eight-room houseOI^UUVJ on Grotto st.;street graded andsewer: nice lot; terms, $600 cash, balance S2Oper month, or at terms to suit yourself: thisis abnrgain: or can make even better terms ifdesired to right party.

DON'T WAIT if you want to secure abargain, as every day prices advance on

the notch.'

Q/l iljlflBKIS ore of the choice resi-O-i-^Uv/L/ ilem c lots in the city;acorneron Fairmount and Avonsts. :size, 00x190 toalley: one-fourth cash.Cl r\C\(\ EACH for choice lots cornert3>l,t>UU of Dale and SL Albans its. ;size. 4r<xl2O to alley: graded and sidewalk:onlyblock frometectnc cars: terms 32oo easn,balance to suit: best vnlue in the city for themoney: splendid neighborhood: go and lookat these lots ana yon willsurely buy one.POX BAUGAIXS-1X KEAL ESTATEX call

:;.VL£G.\ISS»t Haas. East Fourth: iHaas, IU6 East Fourth


•)/ \i\ ACKK> of choice land on Lake•)'."*'

Elmo." Vfj nmier cultivation, at abargain, or will tra>ie for city property.This l:usd is ail clear.


\57 E HAVE JCS I I.XT ('OMItACT»V fur ci-_rlithouses to be built on corner

of Macktibin and Van Buren \u25a0-.. which willbe six and seven rooms each, with bath, city\u25a0«;\ier and hardwood finish. Price willrange from $2,200 to $..4C(>: terms S2DO cash,balance $~Z per vr.ontl:. Ifyou want a home,call and see us at once.

TO 7A choice piece of vacantproperty, corner of Cradiey aud North

Ets., for unincumbercd city property.

<£«•> f)\< \ FOR TWO perfect-lyingO*v«ut/L/ lots on F.llcn st.. next to cor-r.or ofAvon, only one block from Universityave^ electric cars: will sell on easy terms, orbuild to tnit forright pr.rty.

J~-OOK AT Till*—51,1;.7> buys a «cm of-^ a coitasc. rooms and good barn, linelot.on Cnarlcs st.. one block from electriccars. Terms, oue-fourth cash, balance iuu>i be sn!d at once: party leavingtown. This place is well worth 52.500.Q1 TSll IJl;y>* A 1IVI:roT- Wxl2sOl« / *J\J to alley, on Beech street, be- itween seventh and" Mendota; terms, 50.-0 ;ca>h. bjiianca <.i:ieand two years.. looking for an investment0 can find a good deal in the 300 acres weoffer: all dear, tive miles from town: onrailroa<l.eighteen trains a day; will trade forgood city property, call forparticulars.

Q^'7^ BUYS A CORNER on Margaret•J'fl-i street worth 5850; terms, $100iash, balance easy.

S') l.I/ilir\>one of the choice resi-,/v.UUU deuce lots of the city; size 40x:."'!<); on Osceola ay.. near Victoria: terms,one-third cash.

DON T PAY KENT when you can buyone of those ehoic-e bouses corner of

MackuDin and Van Buren sts., that we arebuilding,and will jellforS'-,200; terms. §201)CKSb',1balance S2O per month. Call and seep'.jt:)^.

Vis\V. inn >• t rooms, on Charles st.,1* nc-;ir oxford, only one block from elec-tric car.-. 3-.200; ?2')o cash, balance §22.50 permonth, includinginterest.

A PEKFECT-LYINti LOT on Igiehart-rY st.. between Oxford and Chatsworth,40x12j; price, Sl.2f>.<; willmake terms to suityou.

CA7A FOX LOT 41 x!:;i) on Geranium•J'J ieJ st.. near Earl; graded and side-walk;one fourthca>h, balance easy.

v^ ". rTr\(\ Birrs A FINE HOLSIS ofV^i/ 'J\J nine rooms on Ashland ay.,between Avon and Victoria;iot4oxi:i7; largebarn; terms, one-third cash, balance to suit.

DON'T l',L\until you have called onus,l.effm.-inn &Haas. 136 East Fourth st.

D. 11. .llicliaucTs I.lst.101 East Fourth St., National German-Amer-

ican Bank.1 ILLSELL at a bargain, ifsold within•»; thirty days, fifty or eighty-two feet

eait-facing on Central park, corner Summitavenue, with paved street; stone sidewalkson both sides; sewer, gas and water; beingthe only choice unimproved corner on thepark. D. 11. Midland.

S"7 \l\ EACH tor beautiful south-facing/ •J\l lots on Miuuehaba St., near Ham-

line ay.;one-fourth cash; balance, one, two:iud three years. I). 11. Michaud.

vi:~\~7 ~\ WILL DCV a beautitui south-'-}*J/') facing lot on Hewitt ;:\u25a0, nearIlamline ay.;easy terms. D.11. Michaud. 101I.•!-• Fourth st.

L^ok SALE at a great bargain, a fine lot on-L Ashland ay. between St. Albans andfirouo sts.; will make terms ro suit pur-chaser; it must be sold at once. D. IT.Mi-chaud.

C-1 '){)( \WILLISUV a tine corner lot,'?l f '~\J\J ,«(-xll9 feet: south front onVesley iv.; onlythree blocks from the elec-tric line running on Snelling ay.;easy terms.1). 11. Mi.'haud. 101 East Fourth st.

J^OK SALE at great bargain, a fine lot on1- University ay.. near Hamline ay.; come.iud make me an offer; itmust be sold. D.H. baud.

JPOK SALE CHEAP— A tine three-storyJ- brick building of six tenements: goodlocation and allwell rented for a good Invest-ment: willtake ahouse and lot in exchange;on St. Anthony hill. For full particulars in-quire of 1). H. Michaud.

L'OK kalis at a great bargain, a gocdJL house and loton Armstrong ay.. No.720,near Seventh st; easy terms to suit pur-chaser. D. H.Michand.C1l}~{() WICiTIiVY three beautiful'- M(JVJ lots on the corner of Thomasaad Albert sis., near University ay. electricline: th!- is a bargain; itmust be sold thisweek. I). H.Michand.SHidh liACH will buy beautiful east-•i>UwV_/ facing lots on South Robert st.,near the ekctric line, with street graded andsidewalks well made; terms to suit. D. H.Midland.

For Sale by J. J. Ward.11")East Fourth St.

SEVEN' LOTS, orless, best quarry in thecity; quarry open; good terms andbnap price.

EVERAL iim: HOUSES on St. An-thouy mil. lots, blocks, acres and farms

much undervalue; must be sold.

C*-?f )() C\l \( )TO s OAN :!l\u25a0"'• 51,2 6 perkJ'J\J\Ji\J\J\J cent; small loans prompt-lymade at (iand 7 per cent.


BOAHi)WANTED—Ina very small fara-ilybygentleman and wife, where there

are no other boarders, on \\ est side, near ballgrounds. Address C. J. Baldwin, ClarendonHotel.

BOARD wanted in part payment for tine_ upright piano. Address E 187, Globe.

BOAKIJ—Wanted, first-class room andboard; single gent: within ten minutes'walk of Third and Hubert sta. ;references.Address D185. Globe.


Younggentleman from the East,here for few a weeks, desires bo ad, or

room with some pleasant sociable party,where, no other boarders are taken: am will-ing to pay foraccommodations; give particu-lars in confidence. Address X isI.Globe.

BOARD— Arespectable widow lady wantsunfurnished room and board ina private

Catholic family. Address V188, Globe.roR PROPERTY in Stihson's Boulevard1. addition. Summit Park- and all Midwayadditions, see Fallihee &Snow, 38 E.Fourth!

MUSICAI*. . .Piano TUNING SLlW— First-class workguaranteed. Samuel E. Crutchett, 523Wabasha st. Room 2;city references.QIO^ BUYS a (iabler Upright Piano;'J±.''J cost 5450 when new; one uprightSir:> and one at fl50;oneGabler square pianoonly5100. These are bargains, and must besola at once; call immediately. Raudenbush«'i East Third St., up stairs.

"1(\ I*lANOS—Used from three months toX\J one year— willbe closed out this week,at almost any price to make room for newgoods. Call early Monday. Whitney's MusicStore, 07 East Third st.

f»OR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard1 addition, Summit Park and all Midwayadditions, see Faliihee &Snow, 36 E. Fourth,


Suburban.ORSALK-Allorhalf interest in brick

JL store buildingin country town (countyseat) twill sell or take lots or farm land inexchange forequity. Address J. c. 372 SouthWabasha, corner Colorado, St. Paul.DOB SALE—Finest lake front cottage an«lJL- grounds nt Bald Eagle lake. A. E.Hooker, White Bear.

FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE for vacant*• lotinSt. Paul, a fine corner property inMinneapolis. Inquire404 Banfil st.

f'OK SALE— lot 48x157 to alley, onTwenty-eighth ay. south, near Twenty-

fifthst :also $400 for lot 24x125 toalley, onThirty-first ay. south, near Twenty-fifthSt..t-y owner, 1405 Washington ay. south. Minne-apolis.

ECKIVER SAI.E-2,CHO-ncre farm forgrain or stock.; best soil and water; four

miles from Morris. Minn.; <?reat Northerntouches the land; able to yield 40,000 bushelsof wheat: farm and improvements fairlyworth §59.000; bids willbe received for anysum over 830.000. A. It.Kiefer,Receiver, 10)East Seventh. St. Paul. Minn.

STOCK FAKMof 230 acres, well wateredby livingsprings, also the Swan river;

half-mile from depot, on Little Falls & Da-kota railroad. Inquire at -'.'is Nash st.

CO (){\f\-MIXXKAI'OMSWashing-'VVDi\J\JU ton avenue improved businessproperty; call and see the owner, 1405 Wash-ington ay. Sooth.


AKICKHOME—For sale, on St. Autaouyhill,a beautiful home; twelve roomsswater, gas. steam heat; large lot; two blockfrom cable, near Western ay.:good reasonforselling; terms easy. Address I'166, Globe.

ASEVKX-ROOM HOUSE, modern <-on-venienres, and barn, on lot 44x135. with

nice shade trees and in good neighborhood,:forsale cheap; am leaving the city; just the

place for parties wishing a nice home: willmake terms to suit; near Lafayette electricline. UK Whitall St.

TWEN TY-lIVR.HUNDRED-DOX-lar-house and lot in LytOn addition,

near Bice st. : willexchange tor some goodproperty on Arlington II::;. N. P. Wold, 237East seventh st.

CHEAPEST IN ST. PAUL—S4SO each\u25a0> for two lots on Thomas, near Oxford.

J. I.Farley, 30 East Fourth.

DESIRABLE BUILDING TOTS—Forsale, inEdmund Rice's addition to St,

Paul, elegant buildingiota on the line of theMississippi street electric railway, withinfive to seven minutes" ride from center ofcity. lam offering a few choice lots at verylow prices. Hans P. Jensen, 770 Mississippi.

XCHAXGEBof all kinds made; housesand lots, wild lands and farms, Minne-

sota and Dakotas; list your properly;do onlya commission business: only equitable tradesmade. Frank Mf. Youngman, 38 Chamber ofCommerce, St. Paul.

C<OK SALE Ifyon are thinkingof getting-L ahome look at 29 and 238 Victoria st.,near Dayton ay.;also :;li Grotto ay.: priceand terms to suit. Inquire at 236 Victoria.

f*OR SALE—Six good lots on Capitol andIreland sis . near Lexington ay. Address

Bay, Pioneer Fuel Compan v, Broadway andFourth sts.


OK SALE CHEAP— Lot and house often rooms, with barn. 417 University,

near Western.OK SALE —On Dayton's Bluff, by

owner, new eight-room house; modernimprovements: one-half block from electricliae:650 Ravine st. W. J. Jameson.

OK SALE OK TRADE—Lot and houseof flre rooms, stable, barn and buggy

shed, allin good order (small incumbrance),situate on Eas.t Sixth st. near Bates nv.. twoblocks east of new bridge; ten minutes' walk-to wholesale district; will trade lot andhouse in good neighborhood; must havemodern conveniences. Address U 163,Globe.

OK SALE—Lot in Summit Park addi-tion, near new cathedral; no cash ifyou

build. Owner. 310 Smith ay.


Seven-room modern residenceJ- on Igiehart st. ;best location on the hill;$900 below vnlue: willsell or take lot In ex-change for equity. Address X., Globe.

W. KOHIVSON,:\u25a0\u25a0•; estate and loans,• St. Paul. Minn.

HAY 81,000 cash to buy a lot; send list ofbargains to NJi*<s. Globe.

HOUSE— Near new ovc works; SI.100;5300 cash; all impiovements made. X187, Globe.

OUSE AM) LOT for sale cheap, In-qtiire at XV)Lisbon st.

KADOUAKTKRS for best bargains inimproved and unimproved business

property is the office of S. Lee Davis. GlobeBuilding.

EKE IS A BARGAIN IF YOUWant a Home— 56,0C0 fora ten-room new house, with all "modern improve-

ments, in the best location in the city,cornerAshland and Grotto; terms to suit. Call 224Grotto st. Owner.


Large lot. nine-room house,near Seventh st. power house. 52.100;

worth $3,000; $500 cash required; ownerleaving city. Address Gis. Globe.

IIYOU WANT a safe aud profitable iu-vestment in St. Paul improved business

property, call on S. Lee Davis. Globe Build-ing.

INCOLN ANDMILTON; corner. 6!>X150: four feet above grade :sewer both

streets ;s \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0'»'"). SI.OOO cash. >0 Pioneer Pre sa

MLST BE S<»LD AT ONCE—Lot 17,block 12, Stinson. Brown &. Ramsey's

addition, and lot 22, block 7, < lurk's addition;make an offer for one or both ;your ownterm*. A. (. Stevens, I)e> Monies. "10.

XLV IKKFOOT for a 25-foot lotInthe heart of the business district:

'owner must sell. For - ;•• by S. Lee Davis,Globe Building.

DESIDENCE— Anthony hill, twelvet-X. rooms: will exchange for vacant hillproperty and some cash. Address X 186,Globe.

LEE DAVIS—ReaI Estate, Loans, andO. Fire Insurance. Room 10. Globe Build-in?.

ST. PAUL la all right: so re those goodbargains in improved business property

on Seventh, Third. Wabasha. Robert! Fourthand Sibley -:?.. which are offered forsale by8. Lee Davis, Globe Building.

rj>O KXCfIIAXGB forequity inhouse andX lot, equity in two acres near Randolph

st. and Cleveland ay. Address Ray, PioneerFuel Company. Broadway and Fourth st.

WANTED—Some one to sell me lot andbuild me 5 or 6-room house tobe paid

for monthly: Ican't make any first pay-ment. Address W 183, Globe.-

ANTED TOBfY-Cheap forCash— Anew house on St. Anthony Hill;with

allconvenience?. Address J 177" Globe.

<J?1 *T'"\/ \ BfYs my house and lot, worthtiPl, / O\J 13,500; 1730 iash, balance in 4years, or $500 cash, and balance within 4years: within15 minutes' walkof Third st. ;this offer good for 10 days oulv. Address H

184. Globe.

CO /_;/ \{\ BUYS two-story brick house,%p/s^Uv/vy larce barn, carriage house,large lot with shade trees; buildings costover 53.000. Inquire on premises, 123 MerrellSt., near Rice.

CM nf|M—SO-FEET corner on Arcade«JP'±I}VJUV/ st.. cloj-e to Seventh st., withbuildings on; this is a bargain. A. Stolpe-slad, 316 Pioneer Press building.

Ol(\ Kn|)BlYSii beautiful home, tif-V±\Ji*J\J\J teen minutes' walk from thecourt house; investigate this, it's a great bar-gain; terms very easy, G. W. Gray, RogersBlock,corner Fifthand Cedar.©I tjK(\-HOi:SE AND LOT No. 924«JpX^VJtyV7 Fremont St.; water and sewerconnections; this is a snap. A. Stolpestad,316 Pioneer Press building.

Cnn aHf >KW 10 ROOM. house%>±\J^fJ\JKJ on Goodrich ay.. just westofAvon: hardwood finish and all modernconveniences r willtake clear lotin part pay-ment. William Cathy. 516 Pioneer PressBuilding. ... :-j.:;<Si7Onn- |INE COMHKH LOTT*p/ ?UUU 172x22."), on Burns ay.;$1,000cash, balance on terms suit. Address W 179Globe.CO F\l\(\ FOR the corner of Marshall'~P^^*J\J\J -ay. and Fisk st., XiningerandDonnelly's addition. J. C. Walker, 104 EastThird.

Q!'J SIXK(IOM "in modern<p»Ji<>\J\J house. _>•.):; Chats-worth streetnear Iglehart. James O'Meara. 303Jacitson

FOR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevardaddition. Summit Park and all Midway

additions, see Failihee &Snow, 36 E. Fourth",


C^ LOBKBUSINESS COLLEGE—Teleg-J" •raphy. shorthaml and bookkeeping a

specialty; night school all summer; lowest \u25a0

terms. ApplyF. A. Maroii. Davidson Block.T.AGATHA'S ACADEMYOF MUSIC

and Art,2(5 East Exchange Lessonsto ladies and children given on piano, organ,\u25a0violin and guitar; also a thorough

"course indrawing and painting, includingcrayon,pas-

tel, water colors and "decorative work. Forterms, call or address the Superioress."

popular wits:MTVATIOAS OFFEBEI).


AGEXTS— Wanted^ agents to represent usin several towns in the state of Minne-

sota: only first-class parties need apply: refereace required. Minnesota IIand iiCom-pany, state agency forIIand H, 271 WestFifth st.

FIRST-CLASS MANin each of the fol-lowingplaces to represent the accidentdepartment of the JEtam LifeInsurance com-pany, of Hartford, Conn., as general agent in \u25a0

•St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, Wlnona. andMankato, Minn.: -Fargo, Grand Forks "and iBismarck, X. D.:Aberdeen, Pierre and SiouxPalls. S. D.: Council Bluffs. Sioux City. FortDodge. Marshalltown and Dcs Moines, 10.None but first class parties and meaningbusiness need apply; good contracts to goodmen. B. F. Stahl, Manager, st. Paul, Minn.

AGENTS—A tew good agents wanted.Apply to L.Fahey, room 5, Chamber ofCommerce.

AGENTS— Wanted, two good men tohandle the quickest-selling novelty pro-

duced: entirely new and an absolute neces-sity: a business involvingno humiliation; S3to 515 easily earned per day. Call between 0ana 5 o'clock. Rooms 50 and 51, Court Block,Standard Manufacturing Company. St Paul.

AGENTS— Wanted, solicitors; first-rateterms and territory to experienced men.

Address E 50. Globe. Minneapolis.A GENTS—Wanted, three men 01 sterlingxl. business abilityto co out of city; ca-pable of handling an office business; $20 aweek salary: §50 and authenticated refer-ences absolutely necessary; no letters an-swered. Call between <> and .'> o'clock, 50 and51 Court Block. St Paul, Standard Manu-facturing Company.

A KMATIKfc WlNDEß— Wanted, good\u25a0t\ armature winder and a machinist I).and D.Elec. Motor Com pany,327 St Peter st.

BARBER— Wanted, a good white barber;steady job;$12 per week. C. A. Smith,

Morris,Minn.AKllEß—Wanted, it first-clu.-s barber atonce, at the spalding House Barber Shop,

Duluth, Minn.

BAKER—a tine location fora good baker;a good business waiting for somebody.

For particulars, call on Curtic <& Edwards In-vestnient Co., 328 Robert st.

BLACKSMITH wanted to go to workMonday morning at Tacke &Reimer's,

corner Reaney and Meudota st?.OY—Wanted, office boy. Ur. Darling,

Third and Robert, Monday. 10 a. m.

BOY wanted at Hotel Ryan Drug store, 3UBRobert; call Monday morning.

BOY— Wanted, boy about sixteen years

old; reference required. 445 summit.ARRIAGE TRIMMKR— im

v_^ mediately, a first-class carriage trimmer.370 Eighthst

CANVASSERS— Wanted, canvassers forthe Kingmop and wringer; entirely new

idea; self-wringing; quick seller. Stateagency, 271 West Third.


Salary and commission.>—' Wheeler &Wilson Manufacturing Com-pany. 32 West Thirdst.

CLERK—Wanted, young man in real es-tate and insurance office;must be a

worker and solicit insurance ifwanted: mod-erate salary oniv;state salary expected. Ad-dress O ISO, Globe.

CLERK— A grocery order and delivery'clerk wanted, corner Dayton and West-

ern ays.

HORK HOY—Good boy wanted to workV^ round house and horses; must give ref-erences. .Apply F. Allen, Veterinarian, Fortst. even Corners.

C^OOK— Wanted, good plain cook and' laundress in small family. Mrs. Carson,4*2Hollyay.



Wanted, a good coat-v> maker, alro a pantsmakerat J. \u25a0T. Pro-van's, No. 50 South Fourth St.. Minneapolis.

pOATMAKER- at once, a goodVx coatmaker. Apply Win. Hesse, LeSueur. Minn.

"\u25a0' '

pOATJIAREK-Wanted, a good coat-'maker; work the year round. Bl 4 Payne ay.

r^OACHMAN with references wanted.V-^ Applyat .",97 East Tenth st. -

ELIVERY MAX—Man for delivery:must know the hill streets. liainaley's

Bakery. ::.*« Selby ay.

DXT CTIVKS wanted to act in the SecretxJ Service under instructions of CaptGrannan, ex-chief of detectives of"Cincin-nati; experience not necessary; particularsfree. Ura!iii!iu Detective Bureau Company,44 Arcade, Cincinnati, O. • : >

DOCTOR— To locate in one of the oestpoints in the city. For particaiars, call

ai Drug Ssore, 235 Rondo st .\~\O YOD WANT a situation as clerk, sten-XJ ographer, cashier, or are you capableof holdingany responsible position? If so,itcosts you nothing to file an applicationwith the Mercantile Bond and Referenca As-sociation, 154 East Third st.


RUG CLERK—Young man. German,with about two years' experience in

drug business. Address X132, Globe.RUG CLERK—Wanted, drug clerk;

Scandinavian or German. Call at 849Rice st

ERRAND BOY wanted (one who is quickXLi and knows the city) at NorthwesternStamp Works, 43 East Third st.


FINISHERS— Wanted, first-class woodfinishers. Apply at St. Paul Furniture

Company. IG4 West Fifth.

f^IN"ISUEK—Wanted, a boy to finish fur---

ni£ure. 213 Washington ay. north, Min-neapolis^

GOOD BOY OK MAX wanted to take1 care of horses and do delivery and gen-

eral work for plumber. Call Sunday, be-tween 1and 2 p. m., 861 Selby.


Wanted. 25 har-nessmakers on machine buggy harness

at once. Dodson, Fisher, Brockniann &Co.,Minneapolis. Minn.TF YOU WANT BARGAINS in nueA household furniture, carpets, refrigera-tors and gasoline stoves that have been usedbut a short time call on us. Kavauagh &Johnson. IS6, 188 and 190 East Sixthst.

IFE IXSUKAXCE AGENT—Wanted,lifeinsurance agent": good man to take

charge ofbusiness in St Paul of one of thebest old line companies. Address M 100,Globe, Minneapolis.

}UXCHBOY wanted, 16 to IS years old"\u25a0J Call 346 Cedar st

!\]ACHINIST—Wanted, man to runmor--!-"-» tising machine. Apply aTarlor-CraigCompany, 201 West Fifth st

11AKBLECUTTER—Wanted, a marblei'l cutter; 52.50 per day. Call at JohnSmith's, 270 West Seventh st

MAN*wanted to work on farm; must begood milker. Ed Knowlan. out Rice st.

PAINTER— Wanted, one good painter,corner Bates ay. ana Ravine st., Day-

ton's bluff.AIXTEKs wanted. Olive st, between

Sixth and Seventh sts.

PLUMBERS, steam and gaa titters keepaway from Dulnth; strike on here. By

order of L. V. No.11, U. A.

PRESSMAN— at once, platenpressman. Call Sunday morning9o'clock.

Frank Shoop, 185 East Third St.. third floor.

REPAIRER— Wanted, a young unmarriedman to work at repairing in furniture

store: a Scandinavian or German preferred ;a permanent position. riteat once to U.P.Hanson, Spencer, 10.

ALES3IENT—Wanted, salesmen, fourfirst-class, energetic nustlers, to canvass

city tiade. Room 65, Court Block, 24 EastFourth st

ALESMEX—Wanted, men to sell line ofcigars; §100 per month and expenses

paid. Address, with stamp, Sumatra Cigar iCompany, Chicago, 111.

BIGN PAINTER— a young manO with some experience in sign painting;apply to G. Keeling, 41 East Seventh st.

SOLICITOR— Wanted, first-class solicitorO on salary; will pay commission ifpre- iferred. Address L 178, Globe.

TRIPERS— Wanted, a few eood stripersfor paint shop. Minnesota Thresher

Company, Stillwater, Minn.

STRONG BOY wanted on dairy farm, toherd and around house. :"Call three

miles out Oakdale ay.. West side.

npiNNER wanted at White Bear. M.J.-L Macbenhausen.»T<O XOUXG MEX—A chance to earn aX good salary. A gentlemen's garmentcutter of experience and reputation wishesto form a class of six students fora thoroughcourse of instruction in cutting-gentlemen's

;clothing. ApplyP 190, Globe office.PHOLSTEKEBS wanted." Louis W.'

Schroeder, 16 East Sixth st

\\7"AlTEß—Waauted, colored man forin-V V door work;.must be a good waiter. 151

Summit ay. • ~

ANTED at once for a first-class St.Paul firm, four good solicitor* who

are capable ofearning a $1,200 a year salary ;permanent positions to satisfactory Darties.Applyto Mercantile Bond and Reference As-

! sociation, 154 East Third st.ANTED—Everybody to \u25a0 use Clason's

Sure Cure for Catarrh. Office, 106West Seventh. Ask your druggist for it

ANTED—Gentlemen of business ex-perience to represent a wealthyEast-ern corporation. Address, •.•with references^

1 Eoom 14, Schutte Block, St. Paul, Miua.



UfANTED-Two young men to^leam teleg-raphy shorthand: can make Ex-

penses. ApplyGlobe Business College, Da.-*vidsou Block. .,s"IV""ANTED—Saletiineii on salary or com-»V:mission to hai.dle trie New Patent

Chemical Ink-Erasing Pencil; the greatesttelling novelty ever produced; erases inkthoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ofpaper: 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent'ssales amounted to 2C20 in six days;' anotaer'232 in two hours;- we want one energeticgeneral agent for each state and territory.For terms and full particulars address TrieMonroe Eraser Manufacturing Company, LaCro-se. Wis. .!isu>:

\7"OUNG MAN with 5-i<io capital wauted asA local manager: $7."> per month. Address

V 185, Globe. iz:>F\(\ MEN wanted, corner University and''jyjSnelling.avs.a H. C. Huebuer, Con-tractor.

-- . .3^OR PROPERTY in Stiuson's Boulevard'

addition. Summit Park and all Midway:additions, see Fallihee &Snow. ?A E. Fourth.


BOARD—Wanted, a few table boarders atti)7 Jackson at.; also meal tickets at

reasonable rates.

BOARD—Gentlemen can get room andboard $4 per week; ladles S3 per week.

697 Jackson st.L>OARD—aX) East Sixth Fine.comfort-AJ able! rooms and board, 54.50 and $3 perweek; day board 53.50.. Mrs. A. Bell.

BOARD— front rooms withboard; use of bath; cables pass door.

85 East Eighth st.- . .\u25a0.;'\u25a0"\u25a0-

BOARD—40 Tilton; elegantly furnishedrooms withboard, it desired; all mod-

ern conveniences; rates low.


furnished rooms, withboard and use of bath. 232 West Sev-

enth st.

BOARD— For rent, two nicely furnishedrooms with board; terms reasonable.

200 East Tenth st. .BOARD— pleasant home with board for

two young men or man and wife. 701East Fourth st.

OARD—Nicely furnished large front al-cove room, with all of the modern con-

veniences; board, with 6 o'clock dinners. 231Selby ay.

rPABLE BOARDERS—Iwould like toA have six more private table boarders.770 St. Peter st

Board— West Fifth— furnishedrooms, withboard; olso table board for

a limited number; references required.

BOAi;D—Nicely furnished rooms and tirst-class table table board at •\u25a0The Union,"

513 Jackson.-

BOARD—Large airy room, also excellent\u25a0 table board, at 227 East Tenth;apply


BOARD— Pleasant furnished rooms withboard at S4 per week ; use of parlor and

piano and bath. 64 Iglehart st.

BOARD—Pleasant furnished rooms, withboard. 579 Selby, first brick house west

of Kent.

BOARD—A private familygoing to WhiteBenr for the summer would like two

gentlemen boarders. Address J 189. Globe.

BOARD— A handsome front room on firstMoor; desirable location; board ifde-

sired. 249 East Tentn.

BOARD—For rent, furnished room, late.itimprovement, with board; suitable fortwo gentlemen, or man and wife; S<>o permonth. Mrs. C. L.Hurt, 613 Marshall. )\u25a0-:.'.


Furnished and unfurnished :rooms, withboard. 514 Seloy ay.


OARD—Room suitable for two withboard, at The Miner. 21 East Tenth. |



Persons livingnear corner;- of.Nelson and Western ays. can get lirat-

class board at 3C6 Nelson ay.~


BOARD— have a large front room withbay window; wouldliKe two gentlemen,

to fillit; would room and board for 94.50week, with tJ o'clock dinner. Inquire 300-Martin st. •\u25a0

-\u25a0 c ".5

OARD— like a few young lady'boarders; terms, 52.75, with 6 o'clock

dinner. Inquire 300 Martin st. :'e '\u25a0".'


rent, pleasant rooms \u25a0 \ritnboard ;also a good barn . 633Waba9na'Bt.

OARD—27S East£ightU St.—Furnished!;."rooms with board; first-class board bj

week or day; all modern conveniences. \u25a0•\u25a0 ' .;BOARD

—furnished rooms with

board and all conveniences. 0 EastTenth st. '.-'-".'BOARD—Room and board; nice location;

terras reasonable. Mrs. C.L.Burt. '-.'',OO.H AND BOARD— frontroom, suitable for two persons; pleasant

location. 77 Summit ay.

ORWOOD HOUSE— East Ninth andliWabasha— Best equipped boarding housein city; quick service; excellent table; warmrooms: 54, $4.50, S5 per week.

THE MlNEß—Pleasaut room witnboard.JL 19-21 East Tenth st. .

HE MINER iscentrally located for dayboarders; opposite the capliol. 21 East

Tenth. .OR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard

addition. Summit Park and all Midwayadditions, see Fallihee Ac Snow. 36E. Fourth.


M. NEWPORT & SON. INVEST-• ment Bankers, loan money on im-proved property in St. Paul and Minneap-olis at 6 per cent "on or before." Offices,New Pioneer Press Building, bt. Paul, andBank of Minneapolis Building.Minneapolis.—

DO YOU WANT TO BORROWmoney at a lower rate than you can

borrow through any other agency? TheAmerican Mortgage Loan company,

'Room 7,

First National bank building,corner Fourthand Jackson sts., will let you have anyamount. $10, 320, $25. $40, 575, $100 or8200

—in fact, any mm you wish— vonr

cold watch, diamonds, Household furniture,-horse. buggy, piano, carriage, etc., at a lowerrate than you can possibly get it elsewhere.Goods can remain in your possession, andyou can Day a part any time you want andstop interest. Business private and confi-dential. You can have your own time inpayingup principal.

-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A--LOANS of «ny amount on furniture, pi-anos, diamonds, watches, or goods in stor-age; goods remain inyour possession; smallmonthlyreturn payments taken; all businessstrictly' confidential, and lowest possiblecharges consistent with sound businessmethods guaranteed; private room for la-dies; take elevator to room 10, GermaniaBank building,opposite postoflice.

A" A— money: money —j. L~.IXm stranch. Room 1. 34 East Thirdst.•oars any desired amount on furniture,

pianos, watches, diamonds, horses, etc., oneasier terms and lower rates than ever: canbe paid back by installments or otherwise; In borrower's possession;no charge for examining it or makingoutpapers; all business honorable and privatelytransacted. Remember the place. Call andbe convinced. •'\u25a0.• \u0084


JARGE AMOUNTS of money to loan on:-A Improved property at b per cent \u25a0

Oilman &lCo., New YorkLife Building. ..: |

LOANS MADE on furniture, pianos,Lj horses, diamonds, gold watches, eta.Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, Rooms13, 11. First National Bank building, cornerFourth and Jackson sts.

ONEY TOLOANwithout delay, irom$10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-elry, etc; time checks, notes and secondreal estate mortgages bought MinnesotaLoan Co.. 117 East Fourth st. \u25a0

• '- -*

ONKI LOANED on lifeinsurance pal-'

iciea; or bought. L. P. Van Norman,'015 Guaranty Loan Building.Minneapolis. j

ANTED—A loan of53,000 on acres atthe New Brighton stockyards: first-

class security. Address H500, Globe, Minne- !apolis. -

,\u25a0-;\u25a0 'J.F.MORITZ, PIONEER PRESS• Building—

Mortgage loans made*promptly; 6, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgagesbought

ANTED—Buildingand loan associationstock. Have you stock in any of the

national building and loan associations ofMinneapolis that you wish to sell: If so,call upon or write to L.Mowry, 521 GuarantyLoan building.Minneapolis.

ANT to borrow 5500: will give $2,000worth of first-class personal property

as security; willpay high rate of interest.Address &.ISO, Globe.

PER CENT INTEKkhT SKMlAN-annually—lfyou are looking for such

an investment and where you can get theprincipalany time, examine certificates ofpaid-up stock now being issued Dy the StPaul Mutual Building Association No. 1,Forepangh Block. 99 East Fonrth st.

C•_)/ \( ) $600, 3750 FIRST 3IORTGAOESi2J*J\J\J^ for sale; will discount »6 pur-chaser will receive 10 per cent Interest.L~ 190, Globe. ..--.\u25a0G?A OIU'jANU SMALLER BUiU> to*pU)\J\J\J loan on lots or improved. H.Caldwell. 64 Germania L!feBuilding.COR PROPERTY in Stinson's Boulevard.A. addition. Summit Park and all Midway

additions, see Fallihea itSnow, 86 £. Fourth,


• , .females.r A A A- A A

—MADAMELOT!A•Xi.xi.XX»r\.» -has established newhairdressing . and manicure parlors at 18

East Third st, where she will be pleased tosee all friends and patrons, and the publicgenerally; a fine line of hair goods are ear-ned :her parlors in the Mannheimer block are.still retained; the -best class of people arepatrons of Madame Lotta, and all join inpraising her superior work.


ATTENTION,LADIES, ,-*-» LJ— week we will cure

.the face of chap, tan, frecKles and pimplesfree ofcharge. Bon Ton Hair Parlors, 424

| w abasha, corner Seventh.—GERMANIA LADIES' KMPLOY-• mem— Wanted, gitls for house and

hotel work for the lake, housekeeper on thefarm; pastry-cooks, waitresses for Montana.14 East Seventh st A.Bertram. • :'

A—WANTED, live or six -girls for gen-• 'eral housework at 391 W,a!nut st.A STOUT GIRL or middle-aged lady

\u25a0£*\u25a0 wanted to take care of crippled lady.Call 404 Dale. . :

APPRENTICE— Wanted, a young, in-telligent girl to learn dressmaking.

Apply739 Rondo stPFRENTICE-Wanted, an apprentice

girl. 22Mannheimer blocg.'

TICKS—Good, bright, intelligent girls. Bon Ton Hair Parlors, 424w abasha, corner Seventh.

I'PRENTICK GIRLS wanted to learnthe French dressmaking. -443 Wabasha

st. A.M.Gillette.


Wanted, appren-tice girlfordressmaking at 69 West Col-lege aye.

PPRENTICE GIRL wanted by dress-maKer; room and board to right party,

39 Summit ay. .BARGAIN UNPRECEDENTED—Monday. 'May 11. Iwill sell fivedozen

guaranteed solid gold rings, set with moon-stones, garnets, rosalines. turquoise, emeraldand sapphire doublets, for 51; ladies' sizes.J. E. Ingham, 327 Jackson st.

ANGSIBANGS!cut and cuned, 15cents. Bon Ton Hair Parlors, 424 Waba-sha, corner Seventh.


Two basquetrimmers wanted at 556 St Peter st .-

/CHAMBERMAIDS. Stillwater. $14; taia-}~J ilyplaces on fifty streets, includingAda,Burr, College, Exchange, Fifth, Hoffman.Isabel, Lafayette. Mcßoal and Nelson. Doug-lass' Intelligence, 35 Seventh.P«AJi BBKMAID wanted immediately

at Belmont House, corner of Eighthand Minnesota sts.

Coor-a good cook with nrst-class refer-'ence wanted at 503 Hollyay. Applybe-weeu 12 and 2o'clock Monday. \u25a0

CIOOK—Wanted, good cook; three in fam-i ly:no washing. Apply to Mrs. J. li.

Stuart, 349 North Washington, opposite Ricopark.

-Wanted, a good cook; apply at'once. C3l Fairmount ay., corner Dale.

lOOK GirI for plain cooking: no wash-v^ ing;good wages. <\u25a0, East Eighth st.

CIOOK—Wanted, a competent cook at 312'Summit ay. :references required.

COOK— A competent cook; English orFrench preferred. Call mornings orevenings at 251 Summit ay.

/""lOOK—First-class cook; no washing orironing; first-class wages. Mrs. Mc-Gr'egor, 1920 Second ay. south. Minneapolis.

RKss MAKERS— Fordressmaking, first--Ay class waistband finisher and apprenticegirls wanted. Room 35. Mannheimer Block.

DRESSMAKER-Wanted, a plain skirthand at Mrs. Kelly's, ISEast Third st

DRESSMAKER— Wanted, skirt and waisthand at Mrs. Williams' dressmaking

parlors, 382 Dayton ay.'

DRESSMAKKR— Wanted at. once, an ex-perienced dressmaker. Call Tiltonst.

TURsjT AND SECOND GIRL wanted atA. once. Applywith reference, 53 Tiltonst.

GJ.ENERAL SERVANT wanted inprivate« family; good wages. 100 West Ninth.

GOOD tGIRLS wanting places, call at»

-Kirkland's Office,222 Bast Seventh st.

GlKX.B wanted for Lake Minnetonka; onef meat cook, one pastry* cook, girls, six dining room girls, to go

Junel: all first-class. Call between 7 and 8p.m., 249 Spruce st. \u25a0 ...-...Q.IRL WANTED— East Eighth st.f-.. \u25a0\u25a0•. '•:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0>: -qi; .; \u0084-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' , -, -\;

OUSECLKANKR—Wanted, a womanforheusecleaning and weekly washing.

Call Room 4. over Seven Corners basic.OUSEWORK— Young girl for light

housework; good pay. 501 Ada st.West Side. ..;.-.• :t»

TJ OUSEWORK— Wanted, girlfor generalIIhousework at white Bear lake. H. atOgden, corner Sixth and Sibley, St Paul.

HOUSEWORK— competent col-ored or German girlin American fam-

ily on Goodrich ay. Inquire at 67 HotelBartean.

OUSEWORK— GirI for general house-work at Mrs. Dapron's, corner Selby

and Snelling ays. i

OUSEWORK— girlto learn todo housework; not younger than six-

teen years old. 260 Kent stOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good, compe-

tent girl for general housework. 429Marshall ay.

T1OUSEWORK— GirIwanted at once forAJ general housework. Call 348 East Elev-enth st., near Olive st

OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen-eral housework; must understand cook-ing;good wages. Inquire 20 Kent st.

OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework; must be able to wash, iron

and assist in cooking; wages, £3.50 per week.Call 539 Wacouta st

OUSEWORK— Wanted, good,sirong girlwho understands cooking, washing andironing. Callat 257 Rice st

|_| OUSEWORK-Glrl for general house-J-i. work; small family. Mrs. Atiler, 606Dayton ay.

OUSEWORK— girl wantedAA forgeneral housework. Apply imme-diately. 37 Victoria st, corner Ashland ay.

LIOUSEWORK— girlfor generalA A housework. 263 Pleasant ay.

OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for lighthousework. 520 Beaumont st.

WORK—Wanted, a neat girl forgeneral housework. 432 Carroll st

OU>EWORK— Wanted Immediately, agirlforgeneral housework. 2TI Loais

st, corner Iglehart

11OUSfcWOßK— Wanted, girl for generalAA housework. Apply Monday forenoon.613 Olive st.

' • *

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl'forgeneral housework; good wages. 137

Kent st., near Selby avenue cable.OUSKWORK— Wanted, a capable Nor

wegfan girlfor general housework. 254Summit Place.

OUSEWORK— a good girl forgeneral housework at 96 Prospect Ter-race, West Side;no cooking.

rjOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for ueueralLl housework; small family. 281 OlmstedSt.. near Pine.

LIOUSEWORK— Wanted, girlfoi generalAA house wont; small family. Inquire 742Dayton ay.

11OUSEWORK— Good girl for generalXIhousework. Applyat 565 Hollyay. Mon-day.-

OUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girlfor general housework. Applyat S3 Vir-

ginia ay.

TJ OUSEWORK-Wanted. girl for lightAA housework. Call at 613 Gorman ay.

MOUSEWORK— girl forgen-AA. eral housework; small family: wages.$15. 89 Victoria st, one block from Granday. electric line.

OUSEWOKK— Wanted, young girl toassist at housework. Inquire 74 East


HOUSEWORK— Want a good girl forhousework: apply No.282 Sherbnrne ay.

HO WORK—Wanted, a Protentantgirlforgeneral housework: must be agood cook; no washing; good wages. 209

Farrington ay.

O OUSEWORK— Good, strong girl forAA plain Housework. Call51 East Fonrth st.

HOUSEWORK— a girl forgen-\u25a0 eral housework. 29 Iglehart st.

LJ OUSEWORK— Competent girl forgen-AA eral housework, in familyof three. Ap-plyat 487 Broadway, Sunday afternoon andevening. -. \u25a0 : ...LJ WORK—A girltodo plain house-iJ work,. 719 St Peter st. \u25a0-

-OCSEWORK— GixI for general house-

work. 10 Surrmit ay.

Q OUSEWORK— GirIwanted for generalAA housework at 474 Collins st :. .-_:,^

LJ OUSEWORK— young.girl'to

XX help with general housework at 64 Iglc-hart at.

- - . . -.r \u25a0&*\u25a0•\u25a0- : -M.

"\u25a0- .

H<sualiW<Sßk— Wanted, girlfor generalhousework, Inquire 644 Bnrr^t \u25a0•:--

H'O'USis W6RK4— Wanted, girlat once furXI:general housework; mFuller »{.•



.' females,

OUSKWORK— Good girl wanted forI-Igeneral housework in small family. 13?Smith ay. -.flOUSEWORK- Wanted, competent girlAX for house ina small family; goodwages. 676 Dayton ay.

IIOIsEWORK- Wanted, thoroughly com-AA petent girlforgeneral housework ;goodhome and wages, 233 West Fifth st

HOUSE WO XX—Wanted, girlforgeneralAA \u25a0 housework. Call at 89 North Victoria st.

HOISEWOKK- a good girl forAA general housework; small family. 533Carroll st.

HOUSEWORK— girlat. 410 Lau-rel ar.;three infamily.

OOUSEWORK— GirI,general housework;11 good cook; no washing. Call at 417East Tenth at once.fIOUSEWORK-Girl for general work;tA good wages for a good girL Ramaley's

Bakery, 386 Selby ay.

OUSEWORK— general servantforsmall family; must be able to cook.

661 Hollyay. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.

HOCSEWOBK- Wanted, good girl forgeneral housework; good wages paid

to willingand competent girl. Call at 787Cedar st.TJOUSEWORK-W anted, girlfor generalAX \u25a0 housework to go to White Bear lake forthe summer: permanent place; wages no ob-ject to rightparty. 280 Mackubin until Mon-

!day morning.

OUSEWOUK- Wanted, girl forgeneralhousework. 343 Ease Ninth st.

LIOOaKWOKK-Agirlwanted forgeneral11 housework. 200 East Tenth st.

HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for generalhousework. 100 East Tenth st.

LIOUSEWORK— a good girl toIX do general housework, cook, wash andiron. 456 Collins st.

OUSEWORK- Wanted, a girl for gen-AA eral housework; small family. 337 Ed-mund st.

~OUSKWORK— GirI for general house-


354 Fuller st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, experiencedgirlfor general housework. Apply at

548 Olive St., corner of Grove..11OUsK\VORK-(,ood, strong girlwantedAA todo housework, at 566 St. Peter; goodwages given.

OUSEWOUK— Wanted, girlfor generalhousework: small bouse: all conven-

iences: familyof three. Inquire at Room 6,Odd Fellows' Block, corner Fifth and Wa-basha.

OUSEKEEPIING— Wanted, girl to as-sist with light housekeeping and care

of infant; German preferred. 65 Central ay.

IF YOU WANT BARGAINS in fine-i- household furniture, carpets, refrigera-tors and gasoline stoves that have been usedbut a short time call on us. Kavanagh &Johnson, 186, 1:$ and 190 East Sixth st.

KITCHEN WORK— Wanted, girl to dokitchen work. 403 Dayton ay.

ITCHEX WORK—Girl wanted to dokitchen work; one that can room outpreferred, 332 Robert st.

LADY OR GENTLEMANwith about SSOwanted as local agent. Address P ISS,

Globe.AUNDRESS— Wanted, a competent lauu

dress; references required. Apply151Summit ay. \u25a0

I" AUNDRKSS—Wanted, a first-class laun-JL/ dress for familyof.two. Address V181,Globe.

ACHINK OPERATOR— girlto run sewing machine; callMonday a.

m. 22 Mnimbeinier block.

Jl/IARKER— lady marker; must--1 I*l. be experienced. National SteamLaundry Co., 56. 53, 60 West Fourth st.

MILLINER—Wanted, a first-class mil-liner. Address P 10L Globe.

MILLINKK—Xeat irimrner. with refer-ence, at q.nce. Applyat 233 Rondo st

[YTURSE—Wanted, a nurse at once; ref-I* erence required. ltUNtaaav.

UKSE GlßL—Wanted, nurse girl for±i care ofchildren. Cull 626 Pine st.jVURsfc: GlßL—Wanted, young girlto care1^ forbaby a few hours daily. 588 Sel byay.

JVTLRSr; GlßL—Wanted, nurse girl four-1' teen or fifteen 'years of age. 69 WestCollege aye.

jVTURSE GIRL, about fourteen years old,1" wauted at 6.39 Grand nv. ..IV"URSE GIKL-Wanted, experiencedJ-" nurse girl;must have references. ApplyMonday at 227 East Tenth st. . •_ .NUUSE— Wanted, nurse girl,from twelve1~ to fourteen years old. Apply 545 Ash-land aye.


at once, a good girl fornurse and housework. Cottage rear 235

Grove st.

OKiICEWORK— young lady foroffice work: state salary desired. Ad-

dress N IS7, Globe.

POLISHER— First-class polisher wantedat once at Central Laundry, 689 Waba-

sha.OALESLADY—At $!)weekly salary.bright,O energetic saleslady (not younger thantwenty): quick promotion to capable andpainstaking one: references. Apply Mon-day after 9:30. J. Brentano, 272 East Seventhst., up stairs.OCRUBWOMAN— Wanted, a woman toO wash windows and scrub halls. 233 EastSeventh St., room 9.

GRUBBING— wanted for scrub-bing Monday morning at the State Steam

Laundry, 222 West Seventh st.

EWING GIRL wanted immediately. lyOO East Tenth st.

ECOND GlßL—Wanted, second girl,first-class waitress. Call Monday morn-

Ing220 Nelson ay.

OECOND GIRLwanted at 368 Nelson ay."

ECOND WORK— Wanted, a girl to dosecond work and wait on table; also girl

to work inkitchen. 607 Jackson st.

ECOND WORK—Wanted, a girl forsec-ond work. 572 Iglebart st.

SHIRT POLISHER— Wanted, first-classshirt polishers at Oriental Laundry, 24

West Third at.

ST ARCHER wanted jsteady employmentO for a good starcher at State Steam Laun-dry, 222 Wgst Seventh st.

ANTED IMMEDIATELY—2OO girlifor general housework, 20 cooks, 12

nurse girls; highest wages and the bestplaces in the city. 3*o Selby.

WANTED— good, strong g:ri to work inVV bakery. Call 554 Rice st.

ANTED— Everybody to use Clason'sSure Cure for Catarrh. Office. 108

East Seventh. Ask your druggist for it.ASH INC.—Wanted, woman todo wash-ing,Monday each week. 445 Summit ay.


Three girls to learn teleg-raphy or shorthand; can make ex-

penses by assisting inlight houseworkr Ap-plyGlobe Business College, Davidson Block.V\WAITRESS wanted at 764 Wabasha st.


Wanted, somefirst-class waist finishers; only those

having experience need apply. MadameBoyd, 608 Nicollet ay., Minneapolis.

AIST HAND—Wanted, experiencedwaist hand; also apprentice girl; will

pay wages to begin with. MlRice st.

VIJ AIST HANDS—Wanted, two goodVV waist hands, also one apprentice;

apply Newton & McDonough, corner Wa-baahit and Seventh.


Wanted, woman towash and iron every week, at 583 Selby

ay. ;apply at once.OD.NGLADY wanted, to travel with a !magician; a nice, pleasant engagement;

can leave this week. Address P 192, Globe.OR PROPERTY in Stinson'a Boulevard

addition. Summit Park and all Midwayaddirionß. see Fallihee ASnow. 36E. Fourth.

•to kxciiAx\c;k.

OR ALLKINDS of exchanges of prop-erty, call on or write to A.Stolpe3tad,

316 Pioneer Press building.

O EXCHANGE— Good gold watch forgood pony or lighthorse. Address G178, Globe.rpo EXCHANGE— House audJ- lot for vacant lots. Address G Globe.rpo EXCHANGE— a good, usefulJL horse inexchange for painting, paper-hanging or kalsotnining. Apply384 Rice st.

T>O EXCHANGE—Good real estate. nn-X • incumbered forpiano: also want hon3e-

hold furniture. Address V182, Glooe.<£?/*/ JO \u25a0 EQUITY in Midway lot lo ex-V>-*WU change. Address T192, Globe.T?OR PROPERTY in SUnson's BoulevardJ~ addition. Summit Park and allIMidwayadditions. see Fallihee &Snow. 36 5. Fourth.

TITEWRITEHS A3TD SIT-r-."-"- y- .- PLIES. \u25a0-\u25a0 .

rr»HE REMINGTON" TYPEWRITER—J. v \u25a0 Constantly improved: desks for nilma-chines; paper, ribbons, carbon; send for cat-alogue. Wvekoff, Seamans A Benedict. 94EastPouiti st.



; Moles*ARTEXDEK of experience wishes posi-

JJ tion; good references; resides out ofi town. X133. Globe.


BLACKSMITH—Situation wanted bygen--U eral blacksmith and horseshoer: experi-enced in repairing cars and wheel scrapers ;would like job with contractor. Address H100, Globe, Minneapolis.DOSS BAKERS please call oraddressFredJJ Bnshmann, 25 East Third St.. St Paul,forcompetent men for all grades of labor.DOOKKEEPING—Books opened, closed,

\u25a0L» posted, expert work,etc. F. Sprague,Room Js.', Drake block, St. Paul. \u25a0

3OOKKEKPER, experienced, wants setLi ofbooks to keep evenings. Address A.F.. Globe. [BOYS FOR PLACES, places for boys;

employment bureau for poor boys, free.Newsboys' Club Boom. Chamber of Com-merce building: open from 11 to 12 a. m. andfrom to 9:30 p.m.

ARPKT FITTERS-Wanted-Three first-class carpet fitters and layers want work

after 6in the evening. Address Z 186, Globe.pLKKK-Employment— man dc-v/ sires position with St. Paul firm;ex-perienced general store clerk and practicaldouble-entry bookkeeper; good references.Raymond, 312 University ay.

pOACBMAN wants work; first-class manVv to drive; best ofreferences. Frank H.Carroll, 425V; South Robert. '.

UTTER—A first-class cutter and practi-cal tailor. Address H 200, Globe, Min-


CHEF—By first-class man, an engagementfor season or longer. Address C IT9,

Globe. .DRIVER— wants position of someJ-J kind of driving,or anything; well ac-quainted incity, and can givegood reference.Callat 514 Hopkins st., city.


wanted by ayoung man as drug clerk; two years'

experience and good references furnished.Address D182, Globe.

IF YOU WANT BARGAINS in tinehousehold furniture, carpets, refrigera-

tors and gasoline stoves that have been usedbut a short time call on us. Kavanagh &Johnson. 186, ISB and 100 East Sixth st.

FFICE WORK— by young man,position in an office or wholesale house;

references furnished. Address G., 433 Fullerst., city.

OFFICE WORK— wanted byasmart young man as assistant boo keep-

er, bill clerk, or any kind of office work;wholesale house orrailroad office preferred.Address P139, Globe.

ITCOSTS YOU NOTHING—If you wanta clerk, stenographer, cashier or persons

for any position, either with or without bond,call on or address Mercantile' Bond and Ref-erence Association, 154 East Third st.IIADEMAKE X—Situation as shade-

-0 maker wanted: two years' experience.Address F. n., 464 LflfondSt.. city.


tailor, Norwegian, expe-rienced and faithful, would like to work

with a custom tailor. Address *'S. F.," 857Woodbrldge st., city.

YOU.NU MAN,twenty-one years of agerecently from the country* wants posi-

tionat any honorable work where integrityand attention to business will secure ad-vancement; excellent references ifrequired.Address it 189, Globe."P<OR PROPERTY inMinion's BoulevardJ- addition, iSummit Park and all Midwayadditions, see Fallihee &Snow, 36 E. Fourth.

IVinale*.TtTESTIO\, LADIES:-Four girlsJ.V want places for the hotels at the bikes;girlson hand. Ladies' Employment Office,11 East Seventh st.


Monday, May 11, Iwill sell five dozenguaranteed solid gold rings, set with moon-stones, garnets, dines, turquoise, emeraldand sapphire doublets, for SI; ladies 1 sizes.J. E. Inghnm. 327 Jackson fit.

COOK— Situation as cook In private fam-ily,and willingto help with other work;

can givegood references. ApplyIDS Univer-sityay. .COOK— Agood cook with first-class refor-

ence wanted at506 Hollyay. Applybe-tween 12 and 2 o'clock Monday./"COPYIST—Wanted, position as copyist orv-> saleslady ;position more of au objectthan salary. Address M.E.. Globe./COMPANlON—Situation wanted by ex-vy perienced ladyas companion and house-keeper to invalid or elderly laiiy.orgovernessto youug children. Address S ISO, Globe.

OMPETENT SEATISTRKaS wantssewing in families; also children's

clothes; first-class city reference, 500 Lau-relay.

DRESSMAKER wants sewing mfamilies.±J 302 Goodrich ay.


Experienced dress-maker wants work in families; good fit

guaranteed. Address Dressmaker, 580 .Rob-ert st.

KKSSMAKKIt wants sewing in fami-yj lies. Call or address 311East SeventhSt., third floor.

RESSMAKKR— Wanted, a few engage-\J menu by good dressmaker; best refer-ences furnished. Address .1 201. Globe.

AMILYWASHING done by piece ordozen, 50 to 7."> cents; shirts 8 cents, col-

lars 2cents. Pioneer Laondry.,3ss Arundel st.OUBEWOKK— Wanted, by Swede girL

f1 place to do general housework. Inquire864 Sims st.

fJOUSEKEEPEK-German lady wants a11 place to keep boose, (J 186, Globe.

OUSEKEEPER— Yonng woman of ex-perience desires position as. house-

keeper in first-class hotel or club house;highest references from former employers.Address M186, Globe.

LJ OUSEKEEP.EK-Wanted. a position aslx housekeeper. Call or address 222 EastSeventh si., third floor, room 30,

I" F YOU WANT BARGAINS in finehousehold furniture, carpets, retripera-

tors and gasoline stoves that have been usedbut a short time call on us. Kavanagh AJohnson, 188, 188 and 190 East Sixth st. fr AUNDRESS

—Competent laundress

JLi wants washing and ironing four firstdays of the week. Call or address Laundress.500 Laurel ay., city.


Ayoung lady desires situ-ation as assistant manicure. 455 Rondo.


Sick nursing wanted by a nurse1* with several years' practical experience.454 Rondo st.

NURSE— lady would like a place asii nurse. Call at369 Carroll St., up stairs,on Monday.

FFICE WORK— Kingladyof good ad-dress would like work in office or store

part of week, orhalf of each day. AddressM. 147 Summit ay.

ARTIES wanting reliable help, call atKirkland's Office,222 East Seventh st.

ALESW OKA \— Wanted, a steady posi-tion ina dry goods or general merchan-

dise store, byan experienced saleswoman:speaks German. Address Postotlice Box 243,Wheaton, Minn.

TENOORAPIIER-A young indy stea-O ographer and typewriter desires wori todo either at home orIn an office.rr\PE\VKITEB

—Position wanted by

X young lady as typewriter and copyist:very rapid; can. givo references. V 135,Globe. .

ASHING AND IRONINGwanted at458 East Sixth St.; rous:h dried clothes.

25 cents per dozen ;called for and delivered.

11/ ASHING ANDIRONINGwanted byVV a woman;also house and office clean-

ing. Call or address Mrs. M.8.,200 Grove 6t-,near Temperance.

ASHlNG—Washerwoman wants workto go oat washing, ironingand house-

keeping. Address 200 West Sixth st., seconddoor in yard.

WASHING—A"^German woman wouldlike to have a few good places to wash.

Please call at 64t> Pleasant ay.

WASHING and ironing wanted by .Mrs.Berg, 244 East Fourteenth st.


Parties desiring washingand leaning done can be ac-

commodated at 582 Thomas st.ASHING—WouId like to go out wash-

ing three first days of each week. Callon Sunday at 7 p.m. only, 65 West seventh,room 0.

ASHIN«—Plain clothes washed and- Ironed, 36 cents a dozen; starched,from 40 to so cents a dozen: skirts, from 10 to

15 cents each ; rough dried. 20 cents a dozen ;family washings done by the week, month orpiece ;ifnot done to suit, you need not pay.Address or call,to 602 Wabasha St., back ofpaint shop. •

ASHING—AGerman girlwants to gooat washing and honsecleaning. Ad-

dress St. Peter si. Callafter 6 o'clock intheevening.

\\TASHlNG—Wanted, family washing by\\ piece or dozen, by a lint-class laun-

dress. 503 St. Anthony a?.

WASHING—A woman wants to dowashing a".d houSecleaning. Inquire

forMrs. Mary Wilander, 107 Sycamore st.rOttPROPERT-iiin Stinson's Boulevardx addition, Summit Park and all Midway

.auditions, see x'allihew &- Snow. 30 E. Fourth.



MARItIACK LICENCES ISSTTKD.Edward Dippo Emma SharpingCarl Hwlstoedt Karen Paulino JensenGust Hoberland Sophie JohnsonGnstof C. Schultz Amelia R. PetersCharles W. White Lao»e E. AbbeyHug. Murnane Kate GreenFrank Koalska Lena PocheaWilliam C. Andrews Fredrikka SearlaWilliam T. Plachte Martha LeistikowAlex Hlrshfleld Nellie McCarthyAugust Olson Bertha NelsonRobert Volkomann Annie SansenNic11. Welter. Una StengerJoseph Hermann Caroline Kaiser>ela P. Lundquist Johanna C. Lar^ou

BIRTHS REPORTED.Name orParents. Sex.

Mr.and Mrs. George H.ArMlson. Bo«Mr.ana Mrs. Charles Johnson GirlMr.and Mrs. Frank Bidon GirlMr. and Mrs. S. V Palm Girl

DEATHS REPORTED.Edith Hickman 11 yeanBaby McCurre 10 month!Catherine Shaw 2rt year*Katie Larkin year*Paul Kettler _

l!> yeartCharles Pike..: 36 yeanGeorge Schreiuer. 8 yeanFred Otto lyeajHazel Isabel Reere 16 month?

Tuesday-.„„ MARRIAGE LICENSES I.ISrBO.M.D.Shelp Mary tollman-August IIMecklenburg.... Bertha KassmilleiJames Prentice Catherine EmbryK. Hagberg IdaO.CarlsonHanstreng Torine Tollepsea

BIRTHS REPORTED.Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Montgomery Bo*Mr.and Mrs. Nels Waldal GirlMr.and Mrs. 11. D. Kenlsh ..GirlMr.and Mrs. James Page GirlMr.and Mrs. M. Botenatefn BoyMr.and Mrs. Fred Bergesen . GirlMr.and Mrs. Weucel Janda C.irlMr.and Mrs. Charles Charlson BoyMr.and .Mrs. John Olson GirlMr.and Mrs. Sam Magnuson .GirlMr.and Mrs. Mathias Brovt Boy

DEATHS REPORTED.Rathcrlne Cox, St. Joseph's hospital, 23 yearsStephen Bleu 599C0m0 74 yearsPhilip A. Hasenzabel, Minneapolis'. .2 monthsSister Agatha, Visitation hospital... Ti> yearsIsrael Goslev, Comoav BO year*George a. Watson, 887 Olive st ...42 yearsAnnie Iluaa, C33 Randolph 5t..3 years imo*

ItV«lii«»s« LICENSED.

Joseph 11. Holdeman Julia B. SorammclFrancis A. Nolan. Olive ArmstrongBIRTnS REPORTED.

Mr.and Mrs. John Fowler GirtMr. and Mrs. Richard A.Walsh HoyMr.and Mrs. Chariest Stanley GirlMr.and Mrs. S. F.Forbes BoyMr.and Mrs. P.O. Peterson GirlMr. and Mrs. WenzMoyha GirlMr. and Mrs. August Watke HoyMr.and Mrs. Frans Ettl GirtMr.and Mrs. James Btrrtield GirlMr.and Mrs.J. E. Allman BoyMr.ami Mrs. Joseph Weidner BoyMr.and Mrs. F. E. Daigneaa... \u0084. BoyMr.and Mm. J. D.Srezel Boy

DBATH3 REPORTED.Mrs. Kate Lentsch SB yearsGeorge W. orris to monthsJohn Byrne- -

30 monthsKatie K.Jargens 71 year*Julia Hand 10 mouthsGottlieb Boehm 61 year«

Thursday.BtßTns REPORTED.

Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Lawcs . . BoyMr.and Mrs. Francis J. Magell BoyMr.and Mrs. J. D.Thompson GirlMr.and Mrs.

—Dystnger Bog

Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Moore GirlMr. and Mr*.F. J. Johnson TwiiißirliMr.and Mrs. T. L. Warm GirlMr. and Mrs. Ed O. Lovell.. BoyMr.and Mrs. W. E. Howard BoyMr. and Mrs. Peter C. GirlMr.and Mrs.Nils Peterson BoyMr.and Mrs. James Thomas ... BoyMr.and Mrs.D.W. Manning GirlMr. and Mrs. James Morten GirlMr.and Mrs. R. P. Apgar GirlMr. and Mrs. R. W. Allen Boy

DRATUS REPORTED.Bridget McNamara, city hospital 85 yeanBaby Walsh. Martin street 10 monthsMary Therea Keller,. \u25a0: Lnfond St.. 17 mouths

MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUKD.AxelA. Ahlroth Ollvo ilalodsonJohn Bisell Uetsv BensrtsonC. C. Thorpe Mathilda PelteiFerdinand Johnson Isabella PetersonOttoHohn Annie JohnsonWilliam Llmdin Kinma Liiuli|ulstEdward Treacey Sophie Holsten


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muller GirlMr.and Mrs. O. D. Dean GirlMr.and Mrs.J. McHogta GirlMr.and Mrs. J. Rafferty BoyMr.and Mrs. AlbertKimbell . BoyMr. and .Mrs. Joseph meter GirlMr.and Mrs. Godfrey Sehelbe BoyMr.and Mrs. Robert Howard Girl

DEATHS REPORTEDWill A. Robinson, 512 East seventh.. 2V> yearsBertha Wielaud, 510 Bay street 32 yeariMartin Leonard Gould. illE. Isabel. .7!) yearsChristopher Derber, Thompson ay.. .32 yean

MARRIAGE LICENSES MOID.F. W. Yolker Phebie TongueJames McDuff Emma Breugmaa


Christina Sleber. city hospital r>» yearsRelnard Olson, 411 East Fifth st ... l.'imonthsJonn W. Mayer. 484 Charles st 28 yearsJoseph Burhinger. 464 Lafond st 32 yeanSophia Sberburne, —Virginiaaye....75 yearnAnna Williams, —

Portland rvo 73 ye«r«BIRTH!* REPORTED.

Mr.and Mrs. August Ganka GirtMr.and Mrs. Charles Wagner BoyMr.and Mrs. Henry Melaneow Bo»Mr.and Mrs. Albert Girard GirlMr. and Mrs. F. A.Aschen BoyMr.and Mrs. Hans Risberg . GirlMr. and Mrs. Frits Bidon BoyMr. and Mrs. William (.'aimer GirlMr. and Mrs. M. Keoberg BoyMr. and Mrs. Arthur llortsen GirtMr.and Mrs. John Derrick Girl

31ARRIAOE Lie .\u25a0)!!•« ISSUED. «•

Anderson Petlers Angellne BoltW. R. Stliiler. Margnreth Jmiscrc

15i:r,igious axixouse: em ts.

A KATES AVENUE M. E. CHt'KCHthe pastor. .i.11. Dewart willspeak on

"The fauna of the False and the True iaReligion." and In the evening on "Israel'sFirst King;"Sunday school at noon.


West Fourth St., Corner Franklin St.—Rev. Charles D. Andrews, rector. May 10,Sunday after Ascension; the Holy Com-munion, Ba. in.;morning service. IIa. m. tSunday school and men's Bible elasa, 12:30p.m., Immediately after morning service-;at 3 p. m., service under the auspices of thoBrotherhoodof St. Andrew; addresses by twobusiness men of Chicago— Messrs. James i.HoushtaHngof Peabody, Hoorhtaling ACo.,and W. R. Stirling, vice president of the Il-linois Hotel company; week day services,Wednesdays. Bp. in., and Fridays, 4 p. m.a cordial Invitation is extended to attendall ie services.

CHKIsIIW SCIENCK-SKItVICK At\-J I":.;'.'a. m.;subject, "Fear; Bible clasiafter service; inquiry meeting Thursday at Ip. m.;reading room open daily;No. Iti'HotelBartean.

AST I'KK-*KYTKKI,4.V CHURCH-*Corner East Seventh and Robs Sts.—

Services at 10:30 a. m. and Bp. m.;inthamorning the pastor, John A. Stamen, willpreach on "Thirsting forGod:" in the even-ing the fifth of the Happy Homes peries-«"The Mother at Home:" Sunday school atnoon: Endeavor meeting at 7 p.m. Cornsand worship with us.

IR.ST M. K. OHUKC'II, CORNER OSWest Third and Summit Ay.—Class

meeting, 9:45; Rev. C. B. Wilcox, the pastor,willpreach at I0;.'i0: subject, "The Grass ofthe Field ;" Sabbath school 12 m.;V. P. 9.C. £. 7p. m.:preaching at Bp.m.:theme,The Quest of El Dorado;" seats free;everybody welcome.

GIRACE M. K. CHURCH, CORNERr Burrand Minnehaha Sis.— The pastor, R.H. Craig, will preach at 10:30 a. m., 8 p.m.:morningsubject, "flowto Hear t^e Word:1

'evening subject, '-The EffectnflJue Preach*ing.: Sunday school, 12 m.; Y.T. S. C X.,7p.m.

ISO STI (XKAK OHIO) M. R.Church— Rev. D. Morgan willcommence

a course of sermons this evening on Chris*tianity and Social Life. His first discourse\u25a0will be '-On the Relation of the Church tathe Labor Problem.'


—Corner Hollyay. and Mackubin at.—

Rev. Wallace -Nutting, pastor: preaching a|10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath schoolmeets at the close of the morning .-.erv-ice: meeting of the Y.P. 3. C. E. at 6:}5 p.m.all seats free;strangers cordially invited t«all services.pLViIOITH(MIKCH,CORNER WA^IT ba»ha and Summit aye. Rev. A. H.Heath, D. D., pastor; sermon by Key. W.BLGleason, of Mi polls; praise service isthe evening at 8 o'clock, conducted by Mx,Gleaaon. '

TTXITi:CHURCH, -NT. FAI I—sEISV?vJ ices at 11 a. m. and 3p. m.;in the morn*ingRev. S. W. Sample, or Minneapolis, willpreach; in the evening Rev. a. M.Crothertwillgive his fifthlecture on "TWe Reform*,

tionof the Nineteenth Century;'* subject^•\u25a0The New Orthodoxy.'