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Wireless Generation Proposal Ocr

Apr 07, 2018



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__,._,i._,_ e_____,,,_..te_',,._c._-_r

to th is letter.

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ing anoraIpresentation, _Iease_n_ctok forward to s_aking with you

' '

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ess Generation, Inc. (''WGen'')hasevantprovisions (coIlectively, thecations andquotation (theE'RfP'')E''). WGen trusts thatitm1lhave an

ns oftheT&C with theDDOEinparties m_lenterinto mutualIynt''). Atthis stage, WGenm'shes toxceptas othennriseindicated,ng clauses in theGeneralContractmseindicated.

contain (a)mutuaIconfidentialitytion oftheDDOEand WGen,andidenti_iableinformation and theuseof 

logues. (/V.B. 1 1J

othepro prietay content,sofmaretion tothis ProposaIor an yagreed b ytheparties in the, incIudin g patentrights andubcontractors and/orits licensors.

censerights underWGen's standardV.8. 11,' /V.D.5._,/J

nt's pnorwritten consentforvidualindependentcontractors

ntities en eaavedbv _WGen forfse_ices hereunder. (/V.8. 11 J

eek to refinetheIndemnificationentresultin gfromDDOE's grossility setforth below wou Id ap ply.

any indirectorconsequential loss,ofprofit, orIoss ofdataorgoodwill,en pursuanttothede_nitive

o abreaches ofconfidentialityJ

hanas pecificwarranty on customay bedetailed in theDefinitive

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tion theimpIied warran tie s of ln addition, any warran ty w o u ldb e

D.5._ J

ghtto cance1 its contracts h o u 1d beh m_hin thi_ y(3 O)d ays aft eration forconven iences ho ul d req u ire

termination. U p on termin ati on fo rd hereinwould ap pIy. (/V. D. 5 -_, /)

abIeex penenceto all s y s tem u s ers ,stemto beaccessib leto ab ro ad ran geds reIatin gtoaccessib ilit y. S p eci aIlightofap pIicabIe lega ls tan dard ssay , setfo_h in theD efin itiv e

ld provid eits s ta nd ard Te nn s an dd UserLicenseA g reeme ntm_ hld beincorporated in toth e0 efi n itiv e

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ng te_chers 0d leaders by faciIit atin

urleadenh ip team. These sess ionsdeDataCoaches w ith ongo ing

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twillensurethey continueto provideth e

aly s is met h od o lo_ y. U s edin hu nd red scherpracticeand student outcomes ,en d at io n s f r o mI n s t tu t eo f E d u ca t io n aIm ent C o un ciI(' N S D C)s tand ard s fo rh e r o b s er v at io n an d d i f f er en t iated

6ramis its nexibiIityto be o ls , L E A s , an d s tate. Web eg in th e

I i s to cr ea tes el f - s u f f ici en ted u cato r sated in s t r u ct io n s h i I l s i n tu i t i v eI y an d

D elaw a r _ s l1 i_ h s ta n d ar d s o f acad e mic

_l,'..,l._,.,.,,...,.0. '''"_._._..........___..'_.....,0...,.,,......,.0......!.__,.._... a..._,._,_ m._.r._,. _._.. , __. ._''''''''_'.,.,....__. g..., .... ;r..._._ '_ r' __.. ._.. _ _.... ,_,_.,. ......t ____ .. ... .. c.. î.. .. , ., v e0

._,e___.._'d.___,,_'''_-'m in th eco u n t_ - y , D eI aw ar eh as al r ead y

mo s t r ecen to f w h ich w i I I I au n ch f o r th es t ate' s l o n g in ld jn ald ata s y s te m_ candad,mi_,, is t_,at , o rs ca,_, _ ,_, _n_ u_ stLvn mv, en_v, _ s í_ ü _, _ de__ s t6 _ _ _ u J _h e

's refoIJn strate6y, teache__s mustlea_naI decisions foralls_den ts.Th eyen ces , h o w to u s eth o s ein f e r en ces to

s ed o n r ea1 - t imed ata, an d h o w t o f aci l i tate s tu d en ts , a _ d f ami l ies ar o u n d th e s ch o o l s an d t each e r _ _ h av cv ar y i n g lev els o rild cap aci ty Mldmc ett h eG o v e_ o _ so o k in _ f o r an ex p er ien ced p al tn er t o

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prov idein tens _ ive p rofes s ion aIverth en ex ttw oan d ah alfy ear _.includes ap prox ima tel y 3 5 co ach esooIs acro s s th es tat e. Th es cop ei n thisout2 O O tea che rs ench fort w oy ears,

y, 20 1l.d atato in r o r m in s t r u ct io n , d ataco a ch esg sessions with _ro u p s o f6-8tea ch ers.t I ea s t9 O m in u t es , r o r ato ta lo f at I ea s t3t aco ach es w i l l s p en d an o th er l . 5 - 2

g teacherpracti ce, an dp rov id i ng co ach inmenttec h niq ues. D ata coa ch es w ilIrs to do the rea lw o rk, rather th anapproach promotes an effective_owled g e, s kills , and at tit ud es Ion g


h er ield o f d ata- d j v e_ _ i n s t r u ct i o n ,ervices th ath av eh elp edac ceI era tes s . v v ea r ein s p i r ed b y D elaw ar e' sication andinth is R _P. A s D D O Eequireap_n erw ith n p_-o ven

oIs tod ev eIo pa d ata-d _' iv encu Itu_' e.cIudin gtech no lo__ ys k jlls,p ed ag o

ofcoachin g an d men to_-i n grathe _' thaneh av e ex c_ _ l l ed in t _ i r in _ n n d t r a in in gn b o u t h i r in _ _ tal en ted p e r s o _ _ n el , th es ca I e illfa1 Is ho ltif _ eo r_s h ecann ot

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1uctionalIeaders need co difi ednueto build tl_ eirex pe _n ien cew ith d ata

on witl_ Datd' cu rricul u mhas b eenin man ys ta tes an d __ u n d reds of t4red meth od oIo_ yan d qu ali_tureth an en ab les the mtoc o ntinu o us lnt_buteto pro gramad J us tmen ts.O ur

nt(both pre-s erv icean d on _o ing), an dhrou gho4tth ep ro gra m.eto bearinbuildin g teach er_

cb es tp r act ice s to s n ld en _ an d p ar e n t

n agendaforw ard,o ur_ ro g ran1 pro v ideshemosttalented staffa n d en din g_a_ercomeself-surficientatusin6 datatocludes:l i ar w i th D elaw ar e' s d a ta,m_ in iti ati v e, s;on, an din-s erv ic ep rog ra ms;thg ro 4p s o fcig h ttea cher s

D ataC o ache s w iIIus etocap aci ty f o a' u s i n 6 _ d atato in f o _

r at io n a_ n o n g al1 _ s ta h eh o I d er , s

ith cons41tan ts w hoarc ah leto tr av elt oy in U _ eim p o l tan c eo r u t i I izin _ n I o caI t eam

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ieveits go aIs.mand thevis ion forth eD elaw arecriticaIforDataCoach es, as the s e

rmanceindicators. Therefore, w ew illg DeIawares ys tem s and s tatet es ts,an d

ms. In ourworkprovidin6 ov e t-5 Oew o r k ed w i t h co u n t les s t alen tedityofthe state's talentpool. vv h ilew eo n f id en t th at t h ef o n n er e d u cato r s in th estilljn theclassroo m.willassess throu ghth eri_ oro us

draw effectiveinferen ces fr o mg dataanaIysis shills with

sin gonboth criticaladu1tIe aln ingo6uidetheirpractice._d increased res pon siv en es s ,essary tosu p po_ a_roup ofte ach ers.ncyplan'';whilewe hopetha tal lD ata

weunderstand thatthrou _houtth ec o urs ebenecessary. With alocalc adre , w ew illmaintainin g aseamIess deliv ery of 

ealizethebe n efit s o rw ork in _w ith aucationalleade1'ship-at th eq u aIit y

awideran geofskilIs _ in cIud ingInorderto accompI is h this, aIlD atn

vehad exten siv eex pe_ie nceu _ _ in _d ata

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continueto enhancetheirshilI___toIogy, and to help themcustomi_ethe

_ramthatfocuses on bui.ldin_thcskillsDelawaredatasystems _nd/orbased work. Inaddition, weprovideding in_person mini-conferences,ntinueto huiId DataCoache_skillsnity within theteam orCoaches.

Teachersllgroups ofteachers and Ieaders to

y usiF__ d4t4 toin_ormin,_tructio__. Thelow, andwewilIsupportcoaches by

feasibly meetther_uirements ortheon research process. DataCoaches

horts as partoftI_ecolIabol-ativeCoaches facilitate regular

y trends ins_dentdata _ plan lessons andntimproved instTuc'tionalstrate6ies,_i_v__n__ss o?these__e_jnstT*_ct_i___3Istrate_ies.

upplemented with cIassroomoompractice. Sched4les shoutdhevidua1 teachers need. FinaIIy, Dataheach _roup, travelin_ betweenschools,group andteacher. TheRF_anticipates anders to each DataCoach.To 1nain_ain

6 activities, webeIievcthatDataCoaches(8)teachers. Speci Fically, th_ mon(_Iy

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r_roup;hs and individualobsenratio nand

each ers w eex pec tw illn eed;ting forcach _rou p;andhedulinhes toplan theirschedules too pti_nizeshootan yschedulin g conflicts th atma y

_s reformstrateg ymahes itneces s arytoto usin gdatato info1minstructio n.

gy, which has been implementedinrand e4s y tole a_, w hilep ro vid ineandfocus accordin gto thegrou p' s

kills needed tob u ild ada ta-d_ ve ncu lt4 recstrands ared es crib ed jn d etai lb elo w,

on_in gcommunities throu gh on _oin_onalleaders. Fortheseimpo__antch _n gestunderstand dataandsu p portthew ays indents. Throu gh collaborativcplan ni n _ches willhelp build an atmosphe1'c_of 

ons aboutstudentachievement._...J..... _'_'_'__,.._?t___e'__e__,YV__,__,___it_ ___,___ta_'a,,__.,__,__', ' _>__''''_____d_,______',__e,,,,,a'e__,e_'_',,____'o_._d'_0_____,.ee_',e_,,__e..9_'",__,e_,____,,__,''',_,_,e'_______8__'_,Fhnow theirtimeis Iimited. Wh il etI _ ci1'each classroom, theirs i_ h t_ _ w iIIh e o n

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h ats cl1 o o l s can co n t jn u eE h e_ o r k a_ ter th ey ar e_ _6 A ct i o n w i th D ala' ' me th o d o I o g y to D elaw a_ e _ ' s m_ js _ d en tan d cla s s n eed s , t each e r s w i1 1 acq u j r e_ . _ty an d p ed ag o g y n e cd ed to 4 s ed at ato in f o n J _ar n in 6 . _ _ >J _ _ ?_ _ _ _ , ?_ _ _ 0 J _ _ _ _ _ e 0 ' _ _ _ , ' _ ?_ _ 3 ?_ _ _ 0 _ J L , _ _ ?_ _ ' ' ' _ _ e_ _ _ 0 ?_ ?J e_ ?_ ???r0 _' _ ' ' __ _ J _ __ __,, ' 0 J1 m, _ _ _,

h jn o 4 r meth o d o loeab 4 n d a n ceo F d ataca n q 4 jck ly o v elw h elen _ at jc s b ack g r o u n d . v v ew j l1 h eI p ed u cato r ss cmu l t j p led atas o u r c es lo d r aw ap p r o p r ia te

ma n y teach e r s w i l l l ik el y f o c4 s o n s imp le_ , s I u d _ n tN s p eci r icin r e r g n ces ;h o w ev er , _ s t1 _ ep r o 6 r _ n _ mat 4 r es , jn v es _ j_ at in 6 _ an d an al y 2 i ni I lb eco mec r i t ica l , O v er t ime, th eD ata_ o ac h es p lcx d at_ s et s ac cu r ately an d co n _ J d en t ls w j l J f aci l i tat eteach er c o l_ o l t s in th c_ p r o ces s o _

- cl as s in s t_ u ct io n v s . s ma l l - _ r au po _ jcn e ed s to b er e- tau 6 _ h t r a_ h er f h an

I aI s o I ea_ _ to c f eatele s s o n p J an s f o r an

v v ar eD O E o n ly p a

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r ated in th ed ata, an d to ev alu at eas t I _ ei r o v v n ( an d th e i r p eer s '

t aC o ach a n d th e i r co l le ag u es , e achateg ies an d r en ect iv e p r a ct ices

d at ato id e n t i f y s tu d e n t s w i th s im i la_ -es, as s es s gro w th,an aI y zeth ep ro ce s s an ew. _. n add iti on tocess builds theLshills to makepro gres s mo nito ring da tap o ints. th eatm os p hereo f with d atas har ingan dect , m o v in g t each er s f r o m a'' m y

p pro achto in s truc tio n.aef f e ct iv el y , ed u _ _ ato r s n e ed to en g a _ eth s tu dents, pa ren ts,s tand res ul ts, en lis ts up po rt, an d

i cu la r I y cr i t i c_ f o r th ep r o m o t i o neliev ed atais bei n gus ed ina

u s e. O u rmet h od oIo g y p romo tesrs atio ns to dig d eep eri n to th ea.ea111ers tl_ro u_ hs ixl O-l4 w eek ph as e s:s _ s ttu cti o nrou pD iffere n tiati onio nd D ata

is ten ta p pt-o ach to u s in _d ata,e ach D _ta_ p e__ i_ icne ed s. vves 4 pp ly D ataC o ac h es

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leirwork withteac h ers. A lIfo urs killried lev els orem p h as is d epen din go nt h e

iraIth ro u_ ho utth emvo-ye arpr o_ ram,ertain hey s h ills atdi _ erent time s o nce

borativ eplann in gme eti n gw ill be_ ineamin g o f p r ev io u s k ey act iv i t ies , an d

f th eD ataC o ach is to co n t in u o u s ls, provid ing on g oin_ s up po ftfor ear lie r

ableo u t co mes f o r each t eacl1 er , s u ch asofstu d en ts s elf-ma n aging du rin gs er v a b leo u tco me s to u n d er s tan d eac h

n and feedb ack, and dete lmine ap 1anah o u t th es eu u tco mes i n th ei r r e _ 4 lar

efound in A p p en dix A.','R__',,__'__,;_!.!.Dv' ;__',',__,,''e'd__.__ _e_s _,_...'_00__,_,B,__v_ne_,o, ssy,pro_res sio no fs k ill s,an d mater iaI s, y et

v ariety _ o f teach er _ s h i1 1 s _ s ch o o lcu 1 tu r es _ ,sch oo Ian dtea ch er,ma hin _it

and Ins tluctio n aIlmp rov eme n tS y s _ temsjonship s w ith th eprin cip aI( s)o feac h

h ak _ es o f th e' ' T a k jn _ A ct io n _ i th D a ta'_ _ n d imp _ - o v e men tp lan s , an d th es ees takin __p Iacein ea chs ch oo I.hnrethei_-p_' og re,s s w itho th erco ach es.with teach ers , th eco ac l_ es w illan aI y _ , cth estthei_' w oI' h ac cu rd in g Iy.

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,=,_.=,'.__.',.. _...,_...,,__'_._,_,_'__,'__. _,_...,".,._--_'_a,_...,__an'__._ ___.._.._'"I_____'___,_,.......l.'''._.i.__,,_........._,.=..____...._'_..,.'_.......___.e_n_..,'..,._...t___.....


__e'____,,_ _D__ ,.e___D',,_mA_''. g. __!0'en__8._akeyeIements ofD el aw are' s bro ad er

cation. Forexamp1e:DDO Eha' s acc o mpIis he dth eha rdoreas yacc es s to dat a. O u rp lanenvironmenttoh avea dee p

ess andanaIysis sk iIls are no ten d san s to acco n _ p l i s h th ec r i t ica lg o aIudents. As ares u Ito fou ref fo rts,atedistributed lead ers h ipanden _eeach other.disc_'eteskilIs tra n d s an d pro vi d es a

DataC oach' s w ork w iths p ecitV icea_in _ pro gres s io n emb ed ded

v elo p ed ex p l ici t l y an d_ 3 n _ _ d i_ n _ . s t_ _ _ ct i_ _ n _ _ l le_ n d _ _ r _ v _ i . . l l _ _ _ 3 _ ! g t_ o , r n _ tg th _ _ ! _ o _ . _ r _ ,

o morated in th es tat e' s ed ucat orn theirprofes s io na IgI' o w th. B yh av ed ev e 1 o p ed n ew f o u n d c ap aci t y

mentofD e1 aw are' s _p p_-oachi sEA s. J u s tas w eex pectt enc h ers to

C o ach es to u s eth e'' Ta k inteth eira p proac h to n_ cet thex tufth es ch o ol' s ch os _n T_S an d the

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in _. Ourtwice-mo n thly remot emodeldifferen tia ted p rofes s ion aI

hateach D ataC oachn ee d s)an d toes pI_ to dirrercn tiat edt h eir

omeofthem os trefor _ n-min dedtakeholders inth epro _Te s s o f osely withthcTe ach eran d Leade 1's arereach ed.

8, _e__,,._faa_'m_e' '_,_ Agend.,_",a. Weu n d er s ta n d th er i s h th ated u cato r sd in ate. _ n o r d er to f i t s e amles s ly in totals ch o o lv i s i tp r io r to J an u a1 _ y 2 O I I to

s' approach, and tounderstandotherweeks orth epro _ ram, co ach es w ill

eth eap p r o ach f o r each s ch o o I ' s _ T S.hschool1 ead ers h ip and o th er

s havean integrat ede xp erienc e.rSuccess, ourmeas u _' ero _-s ucc es s w iII t s an d o b s elv a b lech a n _ es i n teac h er _

uation rubrics._ ;__. ___'D_B__a',__n _''____., e___a_,_. _.__,__,'___,_,______0___,

amin in _ t I _ r eek ey d atap o in t s , w h ich n r e

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measured by _e_'ub_ics t_at

red byperiodicsul-veys.rics withinthefirstyear,a nd indicationslbeon paceto meet the20 I4-lS

ovided to theDDOEre_ularIy. IneTeamLead wIl monitorthesemetricseedback aboutthemethodolo6_sIadJustthe_ro_ramas needed,both

impIementation ofspecifichoIewhen necessa_. TheNvice-

vera_ed for_eDataCoachesheirpractice, includin_ revisions to the

_,a,,_,._f_'_,' E__',,;,_1_.,._''e._..,._,.,,__='__ctv__''_,_,..,,,,e__0.,=,n, ess

Io_y is based on thebodyoFrcsearchstudies highli6httheneed t_or_ievementdata (an.nualhi_Il-slahes1n-based assessmentdata)_ demog_'4' phic

_ thesedisparatcdatasources fo1-trend,_inning and im_Ie_nentin_ solution

_ an_theInterstateSchoolLeaders Licensure_onso_ium' s

4). C_Ji_e(o UsiI1__ D4t4ir_Sc'/7orJJ IiM_J'ovcmenl___./uJ-l+T, Naperville__L:

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and designin _ andimplementin g new

ethodolo gy predated theSe ptemberetitled ''UsingStudentAchievemcntofIn quiry thatunderIies ourin this PracticeGuide.ain ordertobrin _evidenceto bearon

meetstudents' Iea_in g needs.Theeves, can beunderstood as cyclical.'' ltdentIearnin _ fromavarietyofreIevantmentdata. Afterpreparing datafolN

hypotheses aboutfact o rsns they cantake to meetstudents'Iementin gchanges to theirinstructionalng and intemretin gnew studentes.'"

hesocialcon stru ctiv is tl ea_ in _th eo rI934 ). This theoryis viewed by

ators as centralto in s tlu ctjo na_ociocult4raItheory, draWing onthe_urk 

OrteaC lng, SC OO In __an

I V lU aealn er m U S teS t4 led W1 t l 1 l l__' is necessa_forthe deveIopmen tot'uired and cultivated foIlowin _ social

e7ltAc_/Jievcme_ rJ tD n t_to S i__ _rJ rt J _ s tJ"2_ cti o rJ 4 J D e_ci. s' i_ __ Jl_ __ iJ J

OO;Coldfar_, _OOO;Kearsley,I{J96 ;Rjddle &D abb a _ h, l9 __ ; R 4 _d a,aro, 200l;Tha _4 G alli1 n ore, l9 88

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einto accountthevast differenceshS a_ 4CCOmmO atln_ te IrlmItatI.O_St

ys acentraIrolein imp1Novin_s_dentosophy and coachin_ seNices areC)standards. Theprofessionalhods by whichwetrain themtowas desi_ed accordin_ totheNSDCive, sustained, and intensiveapproachising studentachievement''. DuFour_

opment... is ongoin_ andsustainedrthan extemaI, occurs inthecontextofT-siteworkshops and courses,

dis systematically ali_ned with schooI

datatodete nnineadultleamin_mprovement'' and ''., .n_ultiple sourcesimpact'' bothprovidethebasis forour

Kesson and Henderson ''proposea

6h _emoteCoachin_ sessions,and

s bee_1 pa1_ ofeFfectivcinstructionalesees thcbenefitofthis impo_ant

992;Shambaugh &Mag_iar_, __O ltsuIa_ I_)_9;RiddIe_ Dabbag__l99_;5 ScherbadeVaIenzuela,____7___

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plannin g sessions, whichfocu s o n, buttheindividualcIa s s ro omaCoaches toprovid efeed ba ch on

al improvements in instructionand

ethemthrou gh teachereducatio n_n. Moreovcr, teachers increas eth ei r_reater job satisfaction, and re_ _ ain in

und thatteachers can positiv ely ch an_ en gfeedbach fromclas s ro on _jectiveto objectiv ew ithd eta ile dan d

cntand coachin _se1vices to s c ho o 1 s o f ban districts nationwide. Th es en studentachievement;increas ednd improved organizationaland

rfoTmin g elementary schools , th escIywithWireless Generationto_-garten and1 '' graders inthe2008-O 9grades K-5.)Thepro _ramin cIu d edt h e_J assessments and Burst:R ea din gu1'thedis tric t' s eleme n tary s cho ols toro_ram, and customized coac_ ing for

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________________________________________________________0__________________________________________________________________________________________o___________t________________________ __t__________________________0______p____________________________________________________________________________________ _t__tt______0_________t_________0_____o0_______________________________________________________t_____________________________________________________________________0_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________0______0_________________________________________g______________0______________________________________________________________________ ________t______________0__0__________________________________f___________p____________________________________________________________________________________p____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________p_________________________________________________________________________________________l__________________p0_________________________________________________________________________________________p_____________________t__________________________________________________________________________________ _ ____________________________ _

thesescho_ls__someofthelowest-aiIy)coachin6 on contentareas,ctionaIstrate_ies dependin6onteacher_efe_ed to as a''Boost'' ofprofessional

ents had gained significantly moreo_ram. Middle_dend ofye_gmentation FIuency (_SF)scores wereo evaluatetI_einteraction betweenntensive ''Boost'' proressional

dents tau_htby _eachers who receiv_esignificantIy largerphonics and

ers whodid notreceive''Boost'_dents areas follows:


werestatisticalIy si_ni_icant(p<.O landdents werenots_ tatistical1ysigniflcant,'Boost'' programs. ForPSF, meannsiveand strategics_dents, p<.01 ,

hmarh s_ud_>nts did notreceivepIied i_nportantstrate_ies.

eReadin6 Firslclcmentaryschools tobuild capacity fordata-drivenar_ wepruvided a___mprehcnsive

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ofth elow es t-p erfo lmi ng s ch o o ls. Ind en t i n ed ' ' o u t_ er f o n n e_ ' t eac h er s a n dio naI d ev elo p m en tan d co ach i n g s t r a teoIs helped to rep Iic ate th es u cce s s fu IhooIs saw an almost200/o increasein

y ear th ey p al l ic ip n te d in th i s p lanb ined . _ ey al s o c1 o s ed th eg ap b e_ een

_ scho ols by 350/o ino neyea r.

s tVi r g in iaco u n t y , w ep r o v id ed aIs to improvet heex is tin _ R es p on s etostudents. A _ ercond u ctin _anee dsed f id eI i ty in d e1 iv e1 - in _ tar g etedtion and stud ent s up p o rtlev els an des as ins tru ctio na1l ead ers.O u rco achtructionalIead er s an dteac h ers. R es u ltsdualstudentdatabein6 usedto designofteachers prov idin_ s mallhavebeenst1u ctu red toea chti erl eve l,

eWV Stn t eR T I R eq u i r e m en ts .d ata_ p _ al t icip _ at in _ in d at am eet i n g s w i th

_ cuIture, and ho lding te ach ersIns u mmary , th el2 s cho ols bec ame aness orin s tru ctio nand in terv en tion

y in_ prov e_ _e n t.,.,'__..,_..,..,__.._,...l_____.'''_g,..._..g..,,......_....__'_1_..D...__._.,._.,c.,......_e....._...... u,......_,,.,._..__... __..,__..__'._..'=_.;__._.. ._d..,_ _',.__, g._. _ .'.i_.....c&_ ,. i..... _'__..._.. ;.' __De.. ,..._

..;._ed_-''___._,_e__'_='_n€__'',,,_ __ _'_','_'S_i,._m_'_.__'_,___,'_,,I1______ Sc._'___' __'''_,__',,_'w idcin _ p le_ n en t at io n s o f f o lT n at iv e

pinent. M an yo fthe s eeng agemen t,_

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t_ ica l ly O to l O s ch o o ls p er s tate u s edates included Delaware,N o lth C arol ina,and Oklahoma. Wo rhing w i thu s,

thep r o g r am . I n tw o o f lh e, _ es ta tes ,it_s Readin _ F irs t p 1' og ram, w ehrou ghtheinstructio n alco ach es ate acl _very othermon tha nd on go in_ __emot e

thatresulted in bu i1 d in_ coac hh Reading Fir_stbu il d in _. S omeo f fessionaldevelo pn_entinsub s eq uentitiaIimpIementa tio n.

wide_-2 diagno s ticas s es s men tem. On atiered ro IIo utp lan , w es enred

20 O 9-2O lO,and h av eb e_u nt os erv ec lo s eorprovidin _ train in _, p ro res s io n al

Datd' methodolo _ y, w hic hw eat io n o f l j t er ac y an d _ n at h em at ic s

ew Y ork C ity D ep artm ent o fEd ucati o nn gand Innovation S ystem(A R IS), ncin g s ystemthatdi,s' pIa ys man ys o ur cesaan d m ah ejn s t r u ct io n ald eci s i o n s . We

professionaldeveIo pmentp ro _ramt orainin _ forap prox jmatel y7, 5 O Oed morecluselywith S __h oo lS up p ollnextstep in aIi_nin _data with their

reDO Eon Iy pa ge1 g

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chooIDistric_, Texashools

w Yorh

novators and problem-solven, whoseudentachievementhas infonn_ou_-rrently haveastaffor38 1employees.oprovideintensivecoachin_ services.oaches. In addition, theexperienceof acity to quichly hireand effectively

Delaware. Vehaveahistoryof tinc_me. 0u__yeâr_r___ De__m^uer31sed fVom$56 milIion in2008 to $62.2mproved Fromaprofitof$2.2miIIion in

equirethatcoaches areavailabletochools each month, in additiontomakin_eir200 teachers in tI__tsametimeframe.iveandIeadership te_ms providet_ ourTeamLead willa,_sis_ teacI_Data


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of timeperday traveling betweens. Ideally_ wewillsetup aIIecutivedays, so acoach can conductmizing trave1 timedurin_ theday.ThistheTstates anddistricts, _ehavebeen in coll_borativeplannin_ sessionsnning and doin_status repo_ing.eted si_nificanttraveltin1e, as wea Coach's job. Additionaltravelreportin_.

oJectManagerand Tea1nLead_ whocheduling challen6es thatcouId arisem thesetofschooIs assignedtoourecIoscstpossibIeproxi_nity, loh DataCoach with trainin_ andetimein each school. Fore_ample,we

oups' colIaborativepla__nin_ sessionsdividualteacherobse_ations andar-1on_ sched__le^_orir_ten1anI'irainir_g

ofthein-persan sessions aroundwhich

hip team, weexpectto minimize

____,_.. __,_!.__.;__._0_._..____,,.__!-,',,,_,.za,ti_._.._..a.._..'__'. E_.. 'x_.__.. e..... _.dt.i..s...e.....

ology, expe__ise, andexperience__illbey only seIectcandidates forcoachin_

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nert_owx_lsc_lahoNees_t_cnoulhNuteloteumtltysnlel_e_pseedgsottcsl_aetannutaNtohnanns2anoctdswl_tseeGtt/otuee1deo__sdeetlgnfavteTlt_nohdydlht_c_dnwaseleehhaoesolle_ns_u_stetenero4sacotettaard_sghwtnosopstct_umtoaldemctrwoaoscn_v_totoumtnnhpsnaple_ehpyplgtdareantleeolewtoapthodstsd_srfotrernmasysttaehre0aufrloatle_smbfleu_asdlnusqeafa6naeuolotcll_r_lntsodhmlnaennutleçdltnogv_at_tnsedv_1f_psdauae1mttadeatahrmlneottdlaennycharecdntetddstteehaeeeryuehnstosmestvepsncltto_mhcfpccureod_etooltootldpneepnaeohsmf_fareactrtapo_tlo__F_tmnshcwper2nlmNsyvulnletlt__arezseln_rltwln_dmettedncces_hetn__aoelccl_xteoatttwa_uycthcamtltsfpcrehtnnohlstcs_l_rut_srleerosasul_hlue__ott4oc4nnrhhecbcooohv6(_cldoc_emnelmfatalkeeaftedeeeltfvtsad_ssxolhNdtp_nosvetp_deleul_oa_aocfel_faeeuynen_srll___trccwmrlsth_delnythc_e_e_l_enm_teoahgnplt_unrongonylhg_lepyectlfegssedewnddtl_oarlpsnmtsttstafwseçlmahouv6eehrectep2alceNl_aTncasnototxotzr_hhkhlottnsoplmnbll__eeea/slsftlell___e_nhctlunnNrcaq_tl_ls_heml_lcgtltot_stu_eanaele_eannDepnttfahatnahltt_sgtcersdMocDtl_toewdnelhdsonl_cyovoscule_t_tsteantnea0rosl_ltE1_t(_antnmlsololuo_e_eesn_tnuadslrstsed_swyanggcenFtachhdwoaetotd_NrothtnotoJnlthe_w4fol_eoduomwltfMusdlntsflltcpehtrroarttas4htmryetrlhsFoa_ls___e_esrvonttntlteocol_tclnas l

tw J _at to d o n e_ t?We b el iev e th at th e teach e _ s

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0,, _,,,,,,., _..,.,,.'...',.__ ers _l__., i__'_ ._..,.u._ ... o .,. 0_..a_ r _ f_ ___ C 0 _ __ , , ,, ,_,D c h _'_ .'__.... e, , ,_ , , , ,,, sstrativeandleadership supportisntand coachin gefTolt, es peciallyin the

dministrativesu p portin pIanningorativeplannin g sessions andteacherdership sup portin troublesho ot in

uch an intenseen 6agement. Th is is inenttheyre quirefiomo4rleadershiumers ofdataand effect ive an d

tle, herseIfan educationaIIeader, whos eb etw een t h eD ataC o ach es an d th enitiaItrainin g session andwillprov id e

ointofcontactforourDat aC o ach es.ludin g theinitialtrainin g, on goin _ in-nferencecaIIs. TheTeamLe ad w itthis orhervisits, to ensureoptimaItime

eadershipwho _iIIbeinv o lvedce_residentofProfessionalS erv icesadditionaIIeaderships4 pportthrougho ut

_D._.._._...d___!_'_'..en,'',_'_c..e__.._.po_a.!!__ _. ..___"'_''__'.:=__ o_D_,.....___-...a,=,...__..._,__..._c,_.__,......;__'_'1____'_..,._'_,.__,!.,____e_______.e',._.0..__,...._._,__'___,_,.0.;.....____,,g_..?_,.? ...___.'_.,_d___,_..,..-...o.;.=__'_;,.__g-,_!__,__e_,;,,_,__.___,__,,,__e,_,__,,,,s. ,!___,.. ,... , ,e_, ,_, ,.=_,_, hirin g foImereducators and

oollevelexperjencein u_si__6 datatoprogran_s tosi_ n ifjc an t1y raj s es tud ent

vcrseconsultantb as e, _ eo _rap h ically an de. Ourconsultants h old ad van ced de __' ees in

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A p pendixD ro rs amp leb i_ g ra p hiessw h ich r ep r es en t_ h eex p er ien ce an ds thepro Jectrequires;wewiIIw o rhw ithoaches as requested.0D __ __ _ _, _,,, ce_ s _Is, weex pectaIIofourDataC o aches toith D elaw are' s dat as y s tems,ors in aII50states, w eha v eex ten s ive

done so in Detroit, Los A n g eIes, N ewnd states. Additionally,ou rex i s tin gith networkin gsu pporttoide n ti_

and mentorin g skills thatourD atati_ thesecom petencies d urin gth e

izationaldynamics.andidates w h o mee tthe fo lIow in u__owed b yin-per s on in tervi ew s by the


entproces_ ses

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ceacynoufeetll_mahfasdrollml_vrv6teultvteaot_aer_embhwecsvl_emklucttueecnwch__lt_resnlstlataoaocraellltt6tnbdltoandercflhastdoeadaocaoetsfhllbrctoNchfllednnseodl_hulorer4ag_s_tgle__srsn_brsmneatsymbe_eoo_rgcts_madh0flntrthnpavlecruaatartT_tldrbaeantnyl_otlthetntcedddvlp_ll_tgotvTcvvaell_obrmcloe4eveambuuccpnnnnlaeadey_uletly_nsl0nlh_rlsoclncsNattasnoshoweltbgtye_usrtaolsl_cstlswltt_etntufnosmlltotgfeen_hgnth_ doohssecesecessnelnouklnutystoatftlsdetennhalellNandosnssrdt_w_t t

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ourseofNvoweehs inNovemberandbe_in theirworh withschools in

TofessionaIdevelopI_entwiIloccuronillinclude:in which theWireIess Generation

avelto Delaw_eto1_eetwithn_ Action with Data'tems and/orassessments wilI be

Coach, in whichtheTean_ Leadpractice0d provides feedback 

o fivecoaches perca Il, faciIitatedubleshooting issues in sp_ificeschool-based sessions.

oach is studentachievement. However_atmi_-_'ear and en_ d-of-_earto e-_aIuate_ihes willbemonitored by ourTeamLead

ubmitmonthly reports, summa__in_allparation anddirectservicc),a_endas withdback _iven. Theserecords ofservicet_' oF thecontract. EachDataCoach wiIIrativepIanning sessions a_d doin_individualteacl_ers-two times ayear, byillprovide600/o ofthccoach's eft'ectiveness

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_mto s up p oTtmetw o-yea rpro _ra m. We

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ple_"',••. ..4' ,__.___r_....,.. icu_um/___I..',.. ''ro,...._. ._._..._g,.,........,....r_..,,.d,_._..... .. ___'___',. ' _a..,....n... _._.._...p

arprogram. Each phaselasts between

emodified byeachData Coachfor

ases includeworh on eachdatashill

ata'' Methodol__ inSec_on2.2ofthis R


ntitativeand qualitativedata

eo Re_ecting and


onngstionin_i-th a




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A_icuIatin6 a data-ionaIefor

reac h smallgroup


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nd small_roupinstructio1_uaIattentionnstruction

_ tofacil_tate:

ns formana_ement

Its and

1es acrosss


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escribeoutcomesources horizontalIy 0dve_ica_Iya_ tobe_erseNestudents .


Understanding theystemsg)us buildin5

,in0d among schoo,!snd ideas as needed

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ces across studentsubpop4Iations

rmed culture

tatingussions about_n of 


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another_ teachen and school-m' de)tof?eData Coach

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_____,_̂,0'__, p_ ___,___ __p,_o_;,___ ,__,__' s';_, ,,q!___.___,_,__q0_'__',__,?_, _,,_.__s_m__;,;_____."__',__?__,_ ,_._ ,__ ,' :___, _ _;_,,.,__' ,__ __ _,_,. _, , __ ,

__n __ ,_ _,_ _ ,__ :_ __ ___' _.?__ __ ,'_^'''''O , , ,, , , t

_^ c_^ _'_ _

__v ;: _?, 3n

__:__ _' ,_un__'__ ,_'___,_?_ _ __ ___,'_

_;;,_ _'"'______d'_'_?

_____;;_u3 ' '_€ _ _ c'_,_ _' _n'_ _'_,,, ' _?_ '' _ ' ' _n,_ ' _;;,_,'_ '_

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•__,__, ]_-____d_._,.d.._I"'_'__''î_''__,.,.=' _l'__.0''!_'._': __'',..."'__._,.'_,,,_0_.___r_'_..'_''___''_,.._ ____','_'_ted'd_'t_peda_o __ica/conteJzthnom/l ed_ eJ u J"i1_ _

No_hCaroIinaStateU ni v ers ity._diss. doc.gbestpractices in anag eo f 

aIIeamin gcomm4nities at w ork:N ew70.students Ieam. _Jucati o na/ 

etype="unknown"/><barcode type="unknown"/>tu d _ o _ _ J io n 7 a

esented attheE C ER C o nfere nce ,

Sem___F_ovi_-'nJ _7 __ol,s__ (í89 5-I9 j4J.N e wco_____' G_ _lER _' _' _' _,-__ of_ _ k_ '._ T_,_ _ _.8th ed. ). New York:Lo n _ man.e,s_t,___4J__O.

cuJt__ye. New H o rizo n s fo rLeam in g;___'_e__-_uiId-!!

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ce s . R es p o n s e s f o r each cas em a y b eu

K 7 31 o 5

a r i t i cs an d d i f f er en ces f r o m

r eles s G en er a t io n p al ln er cd t o im p l em en t tech n o I o _ y d r iv enO v er th eco u r s eo f th cs ev e n y ear p r o _ r am , O K R F s ch o o I sm at iv ed atath atw o u l d h elp s h ap ccl as s r o o m in s t r u ct io n .ccess toth ed ata n ecded at th cs tu dcn t,cIa ' s s ro o m, s ch oo l,atato as s i st in cr i t i caI tas k s s u ch as tar _ et i n g p r o f es s i o n a1enti_in g sites fora d d ition als up po lt.subsetofl5 s ch oo ls nccd ing add it io na1s u pp ort, an d

d , o n g oin g , jo b - cm b ed d c d p r o f es s io n a ld cv e lo p m cn t at th c s echin g practices an dtec I_ n iq ues in clas s roo ms aro un dtI_eas s ess m en ts c o r cs l h an co m p ar ab leclas s r o o _ _ s

dçntificd foradditio nals u_ p o _to c4 s to_ _ jze apro g Tam fo_ - Themes fortheo n s itecon s u1 tati o n s in cIu ded: Lea d ers h iCenters ;DataA naI y s is an d S __ aIIG _-ou p P lan n ing ;Lc s s on.ion ald ev eIo p m en tm ad es u b s ta n l iaI ac h icv c_ _ en tg ai n s a_ _ dk than inp revi o us y ears, b1_ in _i n __-cad i n_ s co rcs cIo s er to th os cd ofthe_rs_tyea ro fco ns 4lti n_ , thcs ch o o ls had ach ic v ed aprevious year. AdditionalIy, the_Tapbetwecnthi s s u b s cto rdb y3 50 /o. A s ar es uIt, t h eO K R F p I-o 6 ra1 n d ec id edt o pro v id eoss thestate.

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_,.__,,,.'_o..;..,, ;',J/_.....,,._, _;. _,.,__!''',....^-''_0d_0_;,___.0,,_.,.,_o_....g_,...,0.0_,_._.,=_0,._.__,..,.._.'_,__..,a_o'_;'___'_.'_.','''....,g0_'._=='._..,._da..._t'.?'_' _..0=.=."....___'-__._.._,__=._d...0'=;'uca0 ton

es. Responses foreach casemay beup

__0 Dc

ities and differences from

d teachercapacity in earIy literacy,Burst%_ :Readin6 wastheproJect, teachers wouIdbcableto organizesmalIgroupsday sequences ofIessons appropriatcforeach _roup ,whichcherwas abIeto match instr4ctionp1_ecisclyto student_cprofessionaIdeveIopmentprogramthatreco_nized tI1es meantafew days oflearnin__' boutliteracydevelopmcnt,rsations focused ontheirown schooland studentdata, Forltschools, wetrackcd thequality4' ndconsistencyof 

During thefirstyear, wesu_po1tcd DCPS withaprojectcco4ntmanagement, c__stomcrs4pport, productmanagcmcnt

+professionals atany 6iven timc. WewereabI_to adaptthcercoqs andstudents ovcrthecoursc oFsix months.developmentneededtobrin_the progr_mto tifeas dcsi_ncdI7elped theDistrictidenti_ po_c1_tialob_st_cles anddcvetop a

ghouttheinitiative, comtnunicationbasedo_reaI-timeticipants atevery lcvelrcinforccdtheim_ortanceofthc

nstruction, andstudentg_'owtt_. Artc1' )ustsix months, students inliteracy shills than s_dents nolin thepro__ram-buiIding o_Jacritical stcp toward imp_'ovin_ literacya1_on_ thc

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••!__'_'''___'d'___."''_^'''_''___'_'_____'''_,'_. _.,,,__0__"''_n._'''__'_'_0_____;_,__, , _'_0', _,,___'' _,0o.,_,____g'__,_'___0_,-_ '_..,'..0,,'_ __, ., ''._;,'_ ,_ _,.._,,. ---_'_'-.____-_;'_'...''_''_'__00 _;,. .. ._;,___ ._'',,__.. ;e__.,._ _=''_ __'__.'_.__.. , .. ;, _ ;____,'",0'__, _. ..,0___''_' '' __ _ ,-._' ' _, ,,a_a_'_,' ;.; ;0_'',_ ' ; g_.___ _,,_ _, ;, _, ,' _=._ __ _,, e'___'= a_,'_''_,... .a a_'.. _'' _'' _ =', =' .'__ __,' ."_'' __ _l_ ._ , _0 :_' :'' .=:' . :=''''''d___ _ 0=... =_' __ u_.... ,.. _,_,_.. =... __.,. _.. _;__ a''_ f_'"' i o.".0.. ' _' __. ,_. .,_, .;. _.,, _ ... ;.. ;, ;;._,. L_ _ _ , ;.;__. o. _. ._... _, ._.,. 0,;_,;;. .. _ , ., , ._ ...,,;,;'. o s_; _ ,. g,.. _;, ;; ;_;.dd p,;. ,,.. _.' ; _ _. .-,..._.,,_, _,.. .; o. .__._.?. , .v ;,. ._ ?. .. _,_. ._ .;,0.,. ..d_.__g _ __, , o , g, ... ,.,. o,.=.. ,. , .?.,, , ;;, , ._, ._, .,_ , _ g _ g_ ;. ,.. ._'__ ;,.. p_ ,_. ., ,,, ., ._ ,.._ ;. ,0, , _ ,. ._ _. , , _. ,. , ___ ._, _ _ ., ., _ ,__., .. __ , _ ,_;., __,' ._ _.._, ___, _ e __ _.,_a _.. _' _. g ., , , ,, _ __. _____o.. _,0.. ., , __. .. ___ ,?e_.? _ 0. _ _9 ?.__B_ .__ .._,. _ __. , ,__,., __d _ __ , _. ._ ; _.. ._. _,.. , ,,, __,. ...,.. ,, _. , ;. _,_, ._ ._ __9 ,;,. _o ._ ,. _ .,___ _,_, .,. , _ __ ,.. ? _. _ _ _ .0 _ _ ._ ,; ;.;. , ,,. , ,. ,.. _ ,.. ., ,_ , _. ,.. , , _ .,. , _.. _. ? , ; ,. _. L _. , _ ,0,..,. ; _, 0 _. _9_ , , , _;. , , _. ; ,' ,, , _. ;, ,, _ ; ;._ ;. o' n_, , , _.. _ _. ; ; ,.. , _. , ,,. , ._0. , , ,.. , p, .;. !_. : o , ,. ;..;. _, , ; ._,.... . ,, ,... _ , _..,, ; , , d... ;. , . , _ , ;_._. _. .,, ._ p ; ;. e;, ; o ,; ; _.;î.... ; ,_.. ,' _ ,?,. , 0 , ._. .n.. , ;. ; _ i., , ,_... ,.. ,.... ,.,. ,_ _ ; ; _ , 0 ? ,.. __ _ _. ._.. _ e,_ , , , _ _g ;_ _ , g , 0 ,.. _0 _ __. _ ,_.d ,_. ; ,_ , d _ ,..., g _ , ,_ __ ?.._ 0 p , _ ,a _._ , , ._ ,. ,,.e, , _. _ _v , _ ,.._ , ,., ; , _ _. _ __ ,.. ,. _.. _'_ ='___ , _. _ _ ,0,. ,._ ,.,.. ; ,. _ _... _ _ _ ,. __ n _.. _. _ ,, _.o., _ _ _ , _.,, ;... ,_,, _,.., , , ?, _ , g _. _ _ _ ? ,, ,. _ _ _ _ _. _ ,_. ,' , , _ _ _. , _ , _. _. _. g ?_ _ _ _ ,,. a a a_ p _ _ _ _ .'_.. , _ ,_ 0..o _. _. _- ,.. _ _ ._ , , _. _ _ _. , _ _ o ?._ _. _ , p __ __,. _ ?, _. ,._ _ ,._ __.. , _ __ _,._. _.. g?_ _ _ _ _ o. _ _ o a.o.


ces. Res p on s es fo rea ch cas ema yb eu

Iarities and differenc es from

tV i r g in ia co u n ty , w eth 12 s cho ols to imp ro v ed in s tru ctio na ls u p p ort s t r ict_ ea d er s

ete d in s tru cti o n,s tu d en t s u p p o r t_ ev els

ev elco a ch es a sd ev e1 op men tan dts inclu d ed incre as ed/ ab eing us edto

n td eg reeo ftea ch ersen tion pr og rams h av ed w i th f id el i ty , an dr s h ip im p r o v ed th r o u g het in g s w i th te ach e r sre, and ho ldi n gw ith da ta. _n s u mmarty focus ed o n theed tos tud e n ts. s tud en t

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.,..._.......,..._•,,.,,........._'__..._ ,.._,......,_._.,......_...__e,0..._.,=B_,'_....,t_.l=._'_.u....... ..,t.si_._..._,.g.,._,.s.........g _l._.l._.,c..i.........,.ce.....0.._..,,._.... _.,. g,........, e..,,....._.,_.....,,!...eDOEonly page 5 5

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M_OKA_YLICEYS_ __=_rint&____.. 8/26/2(}IO

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Co_STITuTEA CONTRACTBEmEEN THEISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORlZE_IFICATEHOLDER.llN5URED, thepolicy(ies)mustbee ndorsed.IfSUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subjecttorequ irg anendorsement,A statementonthis ce_ificate does nottonferrights to the

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chievementDatato Suppo_

LeamineTechnoIo_ Cooperation.

Mercit_ teac_eys o Jr__g ljs Iil_Mguagc?on Researchan dDeveIopmen tCentres

_dliteyacy. _aperpresentedat theIns t_ tute

ciates-n/i_einstr_uclionaldesi_n. Atha basca

uteof C h ild Healthan d HumanOp_ortu__ities lo IeaJ_ in A __e1"ica

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aldevelo_I1_eMttJ1eo_;sts/cons_uctivismJ_gotsky .htm.J1styuctioF14J conveysatioMs:Ay andSecond LanguageLe_ing_

etrieved 9Se ptember, 2005;tml.

orteac hing inst_ction_ design.

acmievemeMt.' _atdo goodteac_e_s do?ministrators AnnualConferenceand

oli_e:Teac_ing, le_rnir2_ aF__sc/1ooli_gersity _ress.

ons. Ii2,_truct__, I1_(2), 2 l-25.c4tioM_ILeade_s_ip, 6I(2), 6-_FFc_. Cambridge, MA:MTTPress.(OjginaIwork 

proach to mediate d acti-on.

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io n . P r i o r to co - f o 4 n d i n g Wir e les siaI i s t atT h eC h i ld r en ' s A id S o cies, '' communi_ computerlabs in

g u r aI F el I o w f o r th eE n t r ep r en e u r ialA s p en _s tit u te_d th eY ew S ch o o lsa n ced S tud y J oin tC o mmi s s io no n

f T n ls tees f o r th eC ameg ieF o l J n d at io nB o ar d o f O v er s e er s f o r th eA n n en b errg erw as agho d es S cho lara nd aWhi te

N A S A.o f S o cialJ u s _ cean d D i s t_ ct I n n o v at io n ,en tat io n s b _ n g ab o u t th ed e s i r ed s tu d en tap i ta I in th e s eI ar g es ch o o I s y s te ms .

ew as C EO ofC h icag oP u b Iicw S ch o o Is. Tn this rol e, s h eman a_edd 8 O+4n deme_ orm in gs ch oo ls andd des erved.P ro fes s io naIS e_i ces and i-ses s io n ald e v eI o p men t , _ d co n s u I t in g

t r u ct io n al d es ig n er s an d co n s 4 I tan t s too mm C LA S S as s es s ment s to

n in s Wir eI es s G en e r at io n , _ emer w as as in th eed u c at io n , c o n s u m er _ o o d s , an d ca t io n al tech n o I o _ y s ta r t - u p co mp an

U n iv er s j__ d an M. B. A fro mD uh e

v areD O Eo nly p age3 g

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is responsibleforoverseeinetheprofessionaIdevelopmentsessions

upportforover50 professionals,ourdistrictand schooIleaders,helpinmostappropri4tefortheirteachers andwas thecurTicuIumdirectorand

afterbe_inning hercareeras amiddIe

uppo_ to keydistrictpa_ners toes help themachievethegreatest_ainsonaldevelopmentofteachers, andhas. Shehas seNed as an adJ-_ctlconsultant, and DirectorofEarIenbur_ SchooIs.eTvices responsibleforIeadingct-wideimpIementations+A seasoned_etrining proeramforNew Yorhtawarehouse, reponin_, 0dener_tion, Stadtmauerse_edas theYork. Underhis teadership theschool

sformwTitin_ instruction, and hepmentas ameans to attracttalented,essorof Jevvi_sh Philosophy atYeshivaencefromYew York Universi_, and

holds rabbinicordination from

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____....._l_,a_a____,,'_' 'oach Bi_._..0,___,g00_!___a, p_•____I'...___._e____.,..,

elementq schoolin Texas.Herough profession_ developmentseofdata to makedecis ions forices consultantforWirelesslopmentin _e_eas of RT_,Dataand mentonn6 p nncipa Is _dneducator, _ra_on has workedattheehol_ aBachelorofScience ind-ManagementCertiFication inconferences and has worked m'th

s as amiddle/elementay schooI

viorbased uponthe successn 2004, his schoolreducedK-3(O/o I_tensivereduce d from3 O O /o to(O/oBenchm_k _rom500/oto820/o )-

dextensively m_h teachers _detementay literacy assessmentand

strecently workine_'thmClASS:3d,nto woarkm'th elementa_es, s hehassis_ng teachers and principaIs in

progress, having many ye_s o f ds and lesson design.

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desi_ned an d ta4 _h ta_ rad ua tio n bn schooIdistrictin theDalIas area, shecipals andthedistjctsu pejnt en d en t.dist_ctpriorto becomin _ theseconday

umand instruction for1 SO hiehors ofEducation fromSou thw es taterand EngIish ,and aMasteTs of rricuI4mandinstruction. Herpriorch, and theaterinmiddIea ndhigh

OEonlyp a g e4 1

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c I _ er

I2)n c1 4d ingn to f b cn cI _ 1 _ ar k  t io n a1 s k at e_ ies _p rog ran_ s,

r o I 1 _ t I _ i s al f - t i1 _ 1 eb as i s

k in _ l l_ r o 4 _ h th eD al l_ s o f _ ic c. J o b en taj1 srious rcadin g as s es s _n en ts lo elei_ _ cn t_'dd i t ion al ly , an aly z i_ g t I _ er es 4 l t s inac(oninst_ction.

is tric t

StateU _ _jv_ rs it_s U __ jv ers i t

o_nson andJol_ils o n)


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xiaand remediaIrea d in g

n inCFBIS D.veIopmentin CFBISD.

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_c __ds_ maJJ grou ps_ ofeducarors__sit_

r_ofc_ss_ iot1aldevelo_mentc_x_cfiences _

ordecs, J}ir_c'tor_/1d_JJocj_te_____rJo/n


c'JJoo/I_.>-_'c-JJo/y _ii(

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aldeveIopmentand coaching programs ise0d expeItise_is acriti-calsuccess

n_ and supportis essentialto ensuresay to affectchangein theschooIs theyn_oin_professionaldevelopment_dsenJices themselves andthe

atwo-yearmethodology andon to incIudecoaching senrices,rvices to span bothyears. However,ncurred inYearl.Ii-_ to i-nclude_eprovisionof3--5 Dataides per-coach pricing, assuminga

_ C€_s____,,_.impIementand maintain oneData

stforProposaI, assuming ateamofatetailed inthenextsection:

,350$ l 8,3 __0



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aD elaw ar e - b as ed D ata C o ach f 4 l l - t im eo nA f u l l - t i m er es o u r cei - s n ece s s ay b ec au s eo f  teac h er s f o r at leas t4 . 5 h o u r s p er m o n th ,

o n s _ d f eed b a ch , p r o v id in g r e_ u I a rp rofes s io naId e v eIo p men t. D uring th eco n t in 4 e th ej r p r o f es s io n ald ev elo p m e n t_ d

th ei r f eI I o w co a ch es an d Wir ele s sn ece s s a_.

n s iv e p r e- s er v ic et r ain i n g p r o g r am t oD atd' me_ od olo_ an dc_t ic_

fiIIin 6any knowled ee g ap sro gram e, an d in cI u d es t r a v eI f o r o u r P r o je cts s io n . A I I co s t s f o r th e s es s io n in clu d e:T eam L ea d

a t io n ( in c _ eC o ac h es I iv eo v er an h o u r

_ d T eam l eada td ' m eth o d o I o g _ y elem en t s in t o

o p ar t ici p atein s ev er aI o n g o in gs s G e n er at io n T eam L ead . T h es e

e_ O Eo n_ yp ag e4 g

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_ theon6oinesharing ofpracticessupport, andthecosts associatedm_th

heId centr_lIy inDelawarethro4_hout


schooIs multiptetimes permonth m'thprogr_mthatenables themto see

Ifeedback to each Coach.TeamLe_dsf20 sessions)wi_h eachCoach.Costs

mera)ssion, _dto prepare0dprovide

en0 in-person mini-conferenceisration _eamLeadm-Ilfacilitate_he_oa1 ofthese90-minutec alIs is toshootandprovideadvice forquestions or

w-up oneach caII

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sever_lDataCoaches doin__worhndor_anization fromthetop. Wh_ley teachercoho_s on _re_ularbasis,itisch aprojectsuccessful. We__lapproxim_tely ISO/o ofhis orhertimeataCoaches an_ortheDDOE_Cos_incl4de:

e_ wem' lldraw upon theexpe_enceof ration ProJectManager. In addition,lprovidethe networkin6 suppo_

b boards, etc.interviewserson inteNiews in DeIaware

rces w_oresidein Delaware,weexpectainin_ and onsitesupportmini-and meaIcosts), weexpecttheonIy_vin_between schools.n6,mostofwhichweexpect canbeon in thebud_et.

DOEonly Page5o