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Winter NatCo Mauritius 2015 | APPLICATION

Aug 06, 2015


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Dear Applicant, You have just taken the first step towards applying for the Organizing Commiee for the Naonal Conference of September 2015. It is with our great pleasure that we open the applicaon for the OCP and OC. This booklet contains all the necessary informaon about the applicaon procedure, general conference informaon and job descripon of the different OC funcons. In this booklet you will find

- Gene- General conference informaon - OCP and OC Job Descripon - OCP and OC applicaon form.

For any further quesons, do not hesitate to contact us:

Goomany Irfaan – MCP : [email protected] Stanislava– MCVP IGCDP: [email protected] Arvind– MCVP OGX: [email protected] TTaneni Abhishek– MCVP BD: [email protected] Mushiirah– MCVP TM: [email protected] Bholanauth – MCVP MaC: [email protected]

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All applicaons should be sent to [email protected] CC [email protected].

Your applicaon should contain your AIESEC CV which should consists of your full name, phone number, email, skype, current posion in AIESEC, year of joining AIESEC, three things you have learnt in AIESEC conferences and your applicaon form.

Deadline to submit your applicaon is on Sunday 12 July 2015 at 23.59. We wish you all the best of luck! Strive for excellence, candidate!!!


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OCP is a person finally responsible for the organizaon of the conference in means of logiscs and organizaonal goals of the project.


- Planning the conference preparaon (meline, acon plan) - Collect and lead OC team - Planning, tracking and execung the budget of the conference - Tracking raising and servicing of partners involved to the conference - - Tracking the promoon of the conference and registraon of delegates - Ensure the organizaonal and logiscal needs of the conference - Ensure and effecve run of the conference - Coordinate with the MC (mainly with the appointed Conference Manager) and the Chair - Coordinate with the venue. - Tracking the execuon of coffee-breaks and pares - - Post evaluaon of the conference

Measurements of success: - Number of partners engaged - Profit of the conference - % of Acon Plan Realizaon -% Aendance of oldies - Level of sasfacon of delegates

Benefits:- Creang Network among business and AIESEC in Maurius members - Development of selling & negoaon skills - Development of communicaon skills - Development of leadership skills - - Team management skills


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OC Finance - Overall responsible for budget of Winter NatCo- Collect Delegate Fees - Planning & Execuon of a ght finance strategy- On-going finance & budget management - On-site inventory management - Co-o- Co-ordinaon with OC ER for Sponsorship management. - Assistance to the OC Logiscs - Post-Conference audit

OC Communicaon - Implement a Brand and a logo for conference - Execute all communicaon acvies, both internal and external (online registraon, delegate booklet, press release)- Work closely with OC Recepon to prepare Delegate Booklet - Communicate to delegates all precious informaon - - Work closely with OC ER to raise T-shirt partner - Overall in charge for promoon both physical and virtual

OC External Relaons - Research on companies and partners- Research and work on selling the conference as a product to partners and sponsors and creang a concept note. - Contacng companies -- Raising Money for conference to ensure sustainability of conference and grow finance of AIESEC Maurius - Work closely with OC Finance to achieve budget - Raise in-kinds and work in collaboraon with OC Logiscs and Communicaon

OC Logiscs - Organizing all the details of conference site, transportaon, registraon of delegates etc. - Developing daily plans of logiscal details for each day of conference.- Registraon and room placements - Ensuring th- Ensuring that all audio/visual equipment operates properly. - Coordinate logisc requirement of each session. - Ensure that all delegates have clear data on how to behave in risk situaons. - Co-ordinaon with OC ER for In-kind fund raising require-ments


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OC Delegates - Communicaon with delegates - Develop recepon systems on first day of conference and work in close synergy with the OC Logiscs - Maintain delegate help desk during the congress, provide assistance to delegates, being aware of all relevant informaon -- Ensure all systems are in place for delegates’ needs during the con-gress- health, personal, safety etc. - In charge of pares and give away gis for delegates, working with OC Logiscs - Ensuring that each delegate goes back with an unforgeable experi-ence


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1. Which posion are you applying for? If you are interesng in more than one posion, rank it.

2. Why have you decided to run for the Organizing Commiee of Naonal Conference ?

3. Give 3 good and 3 bad points of the last Naonal Conference.

General Questions

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1. What is your movaon to become NatCo’s OCP?

2. As OCP, what do you hope to achieve for NatCO? (Please include your goals according MoS and results you have achieved)

3. How you will ensure that all members of AIESEC in Maurius will aend this conference?

4. Create an esmated budget and meline for a Naonal Conference which usually accomodate around 140 mem-bers. (Menon food, transport, accomodaon and delegate fee)

OCP Questions

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1. Menon 3 areas were costs could be cut without affecng the quality of the conference?

2. The inability to secure funds prior to the conference dates e.g. Assume it is we are less than 1 week before conference starts and you only have 20% of Conference budget fundraised(Finance from Delegate Fees), what would you do?

3. Develop a foreseen expences budget for 100 delegates.

OC Finance

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1. Develop a promoon campaign for Naonal conference.

2. Come up with a rough idea for the following (Graphic illustraon would be good)a. Tentave Naonal Conference 2015 Logo b. Conference One-line theme/slogan

3. What are the channels you will use to promote the conference?

OC Communication

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1. According to you, what are the biggest selling points of Naonal Conference 2015? Write about ONE most relevant product to sell based on each of these Unique Selling Points.

2. Describe briefly how would you approach the following companies and what will you propose them.i. A beverages/so drink company(eg Coca Cola) ii. A biscuit company(eg Subana, esko) iii. A Finance company

FFor each company menon the following: a. AIESEC Products offered to company b. Reason for choice of those products c. Expected Financial Raise for the AIESEC products sold d. Expected In-kinds to receive e. Any extra relevant informaon.

OC External Relations

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1. Imagine Day 1 of conference. The agenda of the Day is: a. Transportaon of Delegates from the pick-up point to the Conference Venueb. Physical registraon of all delegates c. Room allocaon d. Opening Plenary e. Coffee break ff. Lunch g. Dinner h. Party

Present an overall plan for the day ensuring that there is smooth movement with minimum waste of me, effecve ulizaon of me to ensure none of the conference objecves are being compromised upon ( you can include tentave me and acon plan).

2.2. What major challenges do you expect in terms of logiscs before, during and aer conference itself? How would you overcome each challenge?

OC Logistics

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1. What do you think is the role of the OC Recepon before the conference and how will you ensure that delegates are extremely well prepared coming in to the conference?

2. Outline the 5 most important crical success factors that would enhance the delegates’ experience (you can take feedback from the delegates and OC from past conferences).

OC Delegates

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