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Consulting/Training Jeremy Likness Principal Consultant [email protected] @JeremyLikness WinRT and the Web: Keeping Windows Store Apps Alive and Connected

WinRT and the Web: Keeping Windows Store Apps Alive and Connected

Jan 27, 2015



Jeremy Likness

The Windows Runtime is the runtime that drives Windows 8 and the new Windows Store apps. The runtime enables developers to build rich client apps that run natively on Window 8 devices. In this session, Jeremy Likness explores the various built-in components and APIs that enable Windows Store apps to connect to SOAP, REST, and OData endpoints and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds. Learn how these tools make it easy to build Windows Store apps that are alive and connected to the internet.
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Jeremy Likness

Principal Consultant

[email protected]


WinRT and the Web: Keeping Windows Store Apps Alive and Connected

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Building Windows 8 Apps

“Getting Started Guide”For the more in depth “experts guide” wait for WinRT by Example in early 2014

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WinRT and .NET (and a note about Windows 8.1)

WebViewSimple: HTTP (REST) OData (WCF Data Services) Syndication SOAP WAMS


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Most .NET network classes are available to WinRT

Some are being moved into WinRT (i.e. the HttpClient)

Others are proxies and generate pure .NET code as a function of the IDE

We’ll focus on C# but the WinRT components are valid for C++ and JavaScript too

WinRT and .NET

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Internet Explorer 10 (11 in 8.1) control

In 8.1 it uses a Direct Composition surface so it can be translated/transformed and overlaid, in 8.0 – er, ouch, wait for 8.1

Capable of rendering SVG and in 8.1 WebGL

Interoperability with the Windows Store app (can call to scripts on the page and vice versa)

Navigation methods (history, journal) built-in

WebView Control

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this.WebViewControl.Navigate(new Uri(JeremyBlog));



// can also navigate to streams with a special URI handler in 8.1


var parameters = new[] { "p/biography.html" };




WebView Control

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The Embedded Browser: Using WebView

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.NET for 8.0, WinRT for 8.1

Pure control over HTTP

Viable for REST i.e. serialize/deserialize directly from JSON and/or XML

Control headers and manage response as text, stream, etc.


Using HttpRequestMessage for custom verbs, etc.

Base class for more specialized clients


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private static readonly MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue Json = new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json");

string jsonResponse;

using (var client = new HttpClient())



jsonResponse = await client.GetStringAsync(productsUri);


var json = JsonObject.Parse(jsonResponse);

HttpClient (and a little JSON help)

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Parsing a REST service with HttpClient and JSON

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Add-on for Visual Studio 2012

Allows right-click and add reference for service

Generates the proxy and structures using a data context (similar to Entity Framework / WCF RIA)

OData (WCF Services)

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OData (WCF Data Services)

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ServiceBase = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute);

var client = new ODataService.DemoService(ServiceBase);

var categoryQuery = client.Categories.AddQueryOption("$expand", "Products");

var categories = await Task<IEnumerable<ODataService.Category>>


categoryQuery.BeginExecute(result => { }, client),


OData Client Proxy

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Connecting to OData using WCF Data Services

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WinRT (mirrors the .NET equivalent very closely)

Parses Atom and RSS

Suitable for both consuming and publishing

Also capable of converting between formats (i.e. read an Atom and serve an RSS)

Syndication (Atom/RSS)

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private static readonly Uri CSharperImageUri = new Uri(

"", UriKind.Absolute);

var client = new SyndicationClient();

var feed = await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(CSharperImageUri);

var group = new DataFeed(feed.Id, feed.Title.Text, AuthorSignature, feed.ImageUri.ToString(), feed.Subtitle.Text);

from item in feed.Items

let content = Windows.Data.Html.HtmlUtilities.ConvertToText(item.Content.Text)

let summary = string.Format("{0} ...", content.Length > 255 ? content.Substring(0, 255) : content)

Feed Syndication

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Syndicating a Feed

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IDE provides similar interface to OData

Uses WSDL to understand the shape of the service

Considered a more complicated protocol but is very widely used and has built-in security, encryption, and other features that are beneficial to the enterprise

Generates a proxy (client) that is used to handle the communications (RPC-based)

Can also use channel factories to create clients


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var proxy = new WeatherSoapClient();

var result = await proxy.GetWeatherInformationAsync();

foreach (var item in result.GetWeatherInformationResult)



SOAP Proxy (Generated Client)

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using (

var factory = new ChannelFactory<WeatherSoapChannel>(

new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress("")))


var channel = factory.CreateChannel();

var forecast = await channel.GetCityForecastByZIPAsync(zipCode);

var result = forecast.AsWeatherForecast();

foreach (var day in result.Forecast)


day.ForecastUri = await this.GetImageUriForType(day.TypeId);


return result;


SOAP Proxy (Channel Factory)

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Connecting to SOAP-based Web Services

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Affectionately referred to as WAMS

Sample project generated by site; in Windows 8.1 it is literally right-click and “add Windows Push Notification Service”

Create simple CRUD and other types of services using hosted SQL

Create push notifications for live updates and notifications within your app

Windows Azure Mobile Services

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Windows Azure Mobile Services

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Windows Azure Mobile Services

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public static MobileServiceClient MobileService =

new MobileServiceClient(




private IMobileServiceTable<TodoItem> todoTable

= App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>();

var results = await todoTable

.Where(todoItem => todoItem.Complete == false)


items = new ObservableCollection<TodoItem>(results);

ListItems.ItemsSource = items;

Windows Azure Mobile Services

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Tiles and Notifications

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WebViewSimple: HTTP (REST) OData (WCF Data Services) Syndication SOAP WAMSTiles and NotificationsAll source code:


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Jeremy Likness

Principal Consultant

[email protected]
