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Winnie the Witch Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 1 Winnie the Witch EXERCICES EN BALADODIFFUSION Instructions pour le maître / fiches pour l’élève / pistes sons

Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Jul 25, 2018



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Page 1: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 1

Winnie the Witch



Instructions pour le maître / fiches pour l’élève

/ pistes sons

Page 2: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 2


1- Narration de l’histoire p. 3

2- Répétition du vocabulaire & des structures clés du récit p. 5

3- Exercices de compréhension orale p. 6

Exercice 1 p. 6

Exercice 2 p. 6

Exercice 3 p. 7

Exercice 4 p. 7

Exercice 5

4- Exercices de compréhension associés au lire/écrire p. 8

Exercice 6 p. 8

Exercice 7 p. 9

Exercice 8 p. 9

5- Exercice de phonologie p. 10

Exercice 9 p. 10

Exercice 10


Fiche exercice 1 p. 11

Fiche exercice 2 p. 12

Fiche exercice 3 p. 13

Fiche exercice 4 p. 14

Fiche exercice 5 p. 15

Fiche exercice 6 p. 16

Fiche exercice 7 p. 17

Fiche exercice 8 p. 18

Fiche exercice 9 p. 19

Fiche exercice 10 p. 20

Page 3: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 3

1- Narration de l’histoire, supports pour l’enseignant

Vous trouverez dans les pistes sons la version originale.

Ces documents sonores peuvent permettre aux élèves de suivre le récit narré par un locuteur

natif de la langue.

Winnie the Witch

♪ piste 1 Version originale

couverture Winnie the Witch by Korly Paul and Valerie Thomas, Adaptation par Jane


Page 1

1. Where is Wilbur ?

Winnie the Witch lives in a big house in the forest. The house is black with a black


The carpets are black.

The chairs are black.

The doors are black.

The bed is black.

Even the bath is black.

Page 3 Winnie lives in her black house with her cat, Wilbur. He is black, too.

Page 6

Wilbur has got green eyes.

When he sits on a chair with his eyes open,

Winnie can see him.

Well, she can see his eyes.

Page 7 But when Wilbur closes his eyes and goes to sleep,

Winnie can’t see him and sits on him.

Page 8

When Wilbur sits on the floor

With his eyes open, Winnie can see him.

Well, she can see his eyes !

Page 9 But when Wilbur closes his eyes and goes to sleep,

Winnie can’t see him and she trips over him.

Page 11

2. Winnie is angry

One day Winne trips over Wilbur

and falls down the stairs.

She is angry.

She waves her magic wand.


Now, Wilbur is green !

Page 12 Now, Winnie can see Wilbur when he sleeps on a chair.

Winnie can see Wilbur when he sleeps on the floor.

Page 13

She can see Wilbur when he sleeps on the bed.

Winnie says : “Wilbur ! Get off the bed !”

Winnie is angry.

Page 4: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 4

Page 14 Winnie puts Wilbur in the garden.

Oh dear ! Winnie trips over Wilbur, does three somersaults, and falls into a bush.

Page 15

Wilbur is green.

The grass is green.

Winnie can’t see Wilbur.

Page 16

Winnie is furious.

She picks up her magic wand,

Waves it five times, and…

Page 18

… ABRACADABRA ! Wilbur has got a red head,

a yellow body,

a pink tail,

blue whiskers,

and four purple legs.

But his eyes are still green.

Now, Winnie can see Wilbur when he sits on a chair,

when he sits on a chair,

when he sits on the carpet,

when he sits in the garden.

Page 19 And even when he climbs to the top of a tree.

Page 20

3. Wilbur is miserable

Wilbur sits at the top of the tree

because he is miserable.

He looks

Even the birds laugh at him.

Wilbur stays at the top of the tree all day and all night.

Page 21

Next morning Wilbur is

still at the top of the tree.

Wilbur is miserable.

Winnie is miserable too,

because she loves Wilbur.

Winnie says : “Poor Wilbur !”

Page 22

Winnie has an idea.

She waves her magic wand and


Wilbur is a black cat again.

He is very happy.

Page 23 Winnie waves her magic wand five times.


Page 24 Now, Winnie has got a yellow house with

a red roof and red doors.

The chairs are white.

The carpets are green.

Page 25 The bed is blue

and the bath is white.

And now, Winnie can always see Wilbur.

Page 5: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 5

2- Répétition du vocabulaire & des structures clés du récit, support pour


Les pistes sons proposées permettront de faire répéter le vocabulaire et les structures clés.

♪ piste 2 Listen and repeat (nouns)

Bath Bed Chair Carpet Door

Eyes Floor Forest Garden Grass

♪ piste 3 Listen and repeat (nouns)

House Stairs Tail Tree Wand


♪ piste 4 Listen and repeat (adjectives and verbs)

Angry Furious Miserable To Fall To Pick up

To sit To Sleep To Trip over To Wave

♪ piste 5 Listen and repeat

The carpets are black Wilbur has got green eyes.

The chairs are green The doors are blue

The bed is yellow The hat is purple

The bath is white

♪ piste 6 Listen and repeat

Winnie is angry Wilbur sleeps on the bed

Wilbur is miserable Winnie can see Wilbur

Winnie trips over the cat Winnie can’t see Wilbur

Wilbur sits on the floor

Page 6: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 6

3- Exercices de compréhension orale, support pour l’enseignant

Exercice 1

♪ piste 7 Entoure l’image que tu entends

A hat A frog

Shoes A house

A dress A bed

A cat

Entoure la bonne image

Exercice 2

♪ piste 8 Look and colour the numbers

Number 1 is green Number 5 is purple

Number 2 is pink

Number 3 is red

Number 4 is yellow

Listen and colours the numbers

Page 7: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 7

Exercice 3 where are the cats ?

♪ piste 9 Listen and colour

1.There’s a black cat under the chair

2.There’s a green cat in the bath

3.There’s a pink cat on the floor

4.There’s a yellow cat on the bed

Exercice 4 Where are the frogs ?

♪ piste 10 Listen and colour

1.There’s a green frog on the chair

2.There’s a blue frog under the bed

3.There’s a purple frog on the bath

4.There’s a red frog on the floor

Exercice 5

♪ piste 11 Listen and answer yes or no

1.Winnie’s dress is blue and green.

Yes or no ?

2. Winnie’s hat is purple, yellow, red and


Yes or no ?

3. Winnie’s shoes are yellow and blue

Yes or no ?

Page 8: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 8

4- Exercices de compréhension associés au lire/écrire, support pour


Exercice 6

♪ piste 12 Put the words in the right place

1.Hat 2.Bath 3.Eyes

4.Purple 5.Legs 6.Shoes

7.Pink 8.Blue 9.Roof

10.Dress 11.Bed

Page 9: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 9

Exercice 7

♪ piste 13 Listen and write

1.My tail is blue. 2. My head is purple.

3.My body is red. 4. My whiskers are green.

5.My legs are yellow. 6. My eyes are pink.


Exercice 8

♪ piste 14 Listen and write (aide toi des mots qui sont dans l’encadré)

1.floor 3.bed 4.carpet 6.tail 7.door 8.chair

9.grass 10.eyes

Bath – bed – chair – carpet – door – eyes – floor – forest – garden – grass – house – stairs – tail – tree - wand - whiskers

Page 10: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 10

5- Exercices de phonologie, support pour l’enseignant

Exercice 9

♪ piste 15 Ecoute et identifie le mot prononcé au pluriel, tu entoures 1 ou 2

A. Number one Witch. Number two


D. Number one beds. Number two bed

B. Number one cats. Number two cat E. Number one door. Number two doors

C. Number one carpets. Number two


F. Number one chair. Number two chairs

Exercice 10.

♪ piste 16 identifie la syllabe accentuée.

1. carpet 2. forest

3. ridiculous 4.purple

5. angry 6. miserable

7.magic 8.whiskers

Correction :

carpet [ˈkɑ:pɪt] forest [ˈfɒrɪst] ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkj purple [ˈpɜ:pl] angry [ˈæŋgrɪ] miserable [ˈmɪzrəbl] magic [ˈmædʒɪk] whisker [ˈwɪskəɼz] garden [ˈgɑ:dn] house [haʊs] (PIEGE ! une seule syllabe est

forcément la seule accentuée !)

Les élèves dessineront un rond pour chaque syllabe prononcée en agrandissant

celle qui est accentuée

Exemple : telephone [ˈtelɪfəʊn] (3 syllabes)

Page 11: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 11

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 1 / piste 7 ♪

Comprendre à l’oral (lexique) :………

Page 12: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 12

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 2 / piste 8 ♪

Comprendre à l’oral (lexique & formulations) :………

Listen, look and colour the numbers

Page 13: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 13

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 3/ piste 9 ♪

Where are the cats ?

Page 14: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 14

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 4 / piste 10 ♪

Where are the frogs ?

Page 15: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 15

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 5 / pistes11 ♪ Listen and cirle YES or NO




Page 16: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 16

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 6 / piste 12 ♪

Put the words in the right place

Tool box (aide)

Bath – bed – chair – carpet – door – eyes – floor – forest – garden – grass – house – stairs –

tail – tree - wand - whiskers

Page 17: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 17

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 7 / piste 13 ♪

Look, listen and write

Page 18: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 18

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 8 / piste 14 ♪

Listen and write

(aide toi des mots qui sont dans l’encadré)

Tool box (aide)

Bath – bed – chair – carpet – door – eyes – floor – forest – garden – grass – house – stairs –

tail – tree - wand - whiskers




















Page 19: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 19

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 9 / piste 15 ♪

Ecoute et identifie le mot prononcé au pluriel, tu entours 1 ou 2.


Page 20: Winnie the Witch - Académie de · Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion Farid ZAIDI –

Winnie the Witch – Exercices en baladodiffusion

Farid ZAIDI – CPC LV Montpellier Sud page 20

Nom :………………………………..

Prénom :……………………………..

Winnie the Witch / exercice en baladodiffusion

Exercice 10 / piste 16 ♪

Ecoute et identifie la syllabe « appuyée ».

Pour cela tu dessineras pour chaque syllabe entendue un rond en agrandissant celle qui est

« appuyée »

Ex : eleven (e- le-ven ) donc 3 syllabes soit

Le deuxième rond est le plus grand donc c’est la 2ème

syllabe qui est « appuyée » soit


Le numéro 1 est déjà fait…









