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Wind, Solar and Market Related Matters LOLE Best Practices Working Group July 25-26, 2013 Vancouver , Canada Alex Papalexopoulos, Ph.D. CEO & Founder, ECCO International, Inc. San Francisco, CA

Wind, Solar and Market Related Matters - LOLE… · Wind, Solar and Market Related Matters LOLE Best Practices Working

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Page 1: Wind, Solar and Market Related Matters - LOLE… · Wind, Solar and Market Related Matters LOLE Best Practices Working

Wind, Solar and Market

Related Matters

LOLE Best Practices Working Group

July 25-26, 2013

Vancouver , Canada

Alex Papalexopoulos, Ph.D.

CEO & Founder, ECCO International, Inc.

San Francisco, CA

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Problem Definition & Current Needs

Anatomy of a “Duck”

Power Market Changes

Software Flexibility Capability Requirements

Expected Flexibility Deficiency Definition

Flexibility Mitigation Strategies

Modeling Simulation Results & Metrics

Demand Response

Transmission Modeling


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The Problem

Load is stochastic, variable and uncertain

Wind & solar output is also stochastic, variable and


Supplies can also be stochastic

Need to know size, probability and duration of any

shortfalls in both capacity and ramping capability

System needs flexible capacity to deal with the increased

uncertainty and variability

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The Problem - Continued

The penetration of renewables will continue to increase as more states adopt Renewable

Portfolio Standards (RPS) and continue to enforce more stringent targets

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Potential flexibility challenges:

Anatomy of a ‘Duck’

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Key Tools Available to the

Power Market

Change the Power Market design rules to

accommodate Wind and Solar

Implement demand response (Compensate

DRR resources the LMP price; Order 745)

Improve transmission planning and expansion

Invest in flexible generation (gas fired power


Develop storage facilities

Curtailment of Wind and Solar generation

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Power Market Design Rule


Develop Ancillary Services products for better balancing,

better price signals, better incentives (Performance based

Frequency Regulation service, Ramping products, Load

Following, etc.) (Order 755)

Allow very large negative bids to clear the market

Develop better forecasting tools for load, wind, solar PV,

ramping requirements, etc. (Order 764)

Develop Intra-Hour Scheduling financially binding Markets

(every 15 minutes) (Order 764)

Develop centralized Capacity Markets that reward flexible

generation to ensure security of supply (i.e., we cannot rely

on scarcity pricing)

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ECCO’s Software Capability to

Address Flexibility Issues

Developed ProMaxLT™ to incorporate flexibility requirements

Full MILP/LP optimizer of energy, ancillary services and

transmission; exactly mimics how ISOs clear the market

MIP solution and full network model utilizes multi-cored parallel

architecture and is orders of magnitude faster than competitive

products (3 min for 365 day optimization with full network model with

6000 buses)

Configured to execute DA, HA and RT for simulations

Implemented a modified Monte Carlo simulation engine by deploying

min by min load, wind and solar data

Implemented Expected Flexibility Deficiency (EFD) function in MIP

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Software Capability


Determine the optimal “mix” of resources to meet flexible response over various time horizons

Ensure reliable system operation Capacity Requirements – according to traditional metrics for capacity


Flexibility Requirements – accounting for the limitations of the fleet in time sequential operations

Solution should result in: The least-cost array of portfolio and/or operational changes that satisfy all

the above objectives

The relative value of resource types over multiple time scales, e.g. energy storage can provide fast ramping response over a short-time period, while CCGTs provide load-following capacity and ramping capabilities

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Expected Flexibility

Deficiency Definition

Incorporating Flexibility Requirements

Introduction of an Expected Flexibility Deficiency (EFD) function

To determine the anticipated amount of un-served energy caused by a lack of

flexibility in the generating fleet

The EFD is a function of the ramp and reserve policies in any given region

The EFD is computed before executing the MIP-Based Unit


It is derived from historical system load/renewable data, as well as the

forecasts associated with a given unit commitment window

Ramp and reserve policies must be defined, in order to determine

the EFD

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Expected Flexibility

Deficiency Definition

Sample EFD calculation

The EFD surface is built as a function of x and y. Note that the x and y

variables are optimized within the MIP-based Unit Commitment problem

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Flexible Deficiencies

Computing Flexible Deficiencies using Historical Net Load


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Day-Ahead Market Formulation:

Standard Constraint Equations

Equations are used to enforce numerous equality and

inequality constraints, such as: Energy Balance (generation = load)

Unit output limits

Spinning Reserve Requirements

Regulation Reserve Requirements

Ramp rate limits (units, hydro, imports)

Unit temporal constraints (min up, min down, min run, …)

Hydro, Imports, and Pumped Hydro Energy Limits

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Network Constraint Modelling

Optionally, the network constraints may be included in the


Monte-Carlo dispatch model iterates with full power flow

model (AC or DC) to enforce network constraints, including

contingency constraints

Zonal model may also be used to enforce flow constraints

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Flexibility Mitigation Strategies


Relative cost penalties impose flexibility mitigation strategy “loading order”

Costs will depend on specific system and applicable policies

Assuming that all renewables must be delivered is equivalent to placing an infinite penalty on curtailment and over-generation

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Solution Method

Separate power flows for each time interval

Iterate with optimization engine that has a single power

balance constraint and the active inequality constraints for

each time interval

Power Flow Power Flow Optimization

Engine Power Flow Power Flow Power Flow Power Flows



Loss marginal rates

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MIP-Based Flexible UC Results

Flexibility Constraint Results

Flexibility violations that may occur, because the penalty

cost of these violations is less than the commitment of

additional resources

Optimal levels of reserves and ramp-rate capability based

on ramp/reserve policy

Economic “pre-curtailment” of renewables that avoid

flexibility violations and/or commitment of excessive fast-

ramping generation

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Three Market Simulations

Day ahead, hour ahead and real-time markets are

simulated sequentially

Load forecast inaccuracy of the day ahead market vs hour

ahead is also simulated via Monte-Carlo draws

In hour ahead simulation only short start units may be


In real-time simulation, only units that were on-line in the

HA market may be re-dispatched

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RES Curtailment

The load forecast is plotted as the heavy black line, and

the curtailment of renewables is shown above that in green

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Curtailment of RES Output Could

Play a Significant Role

Scheduled curtailment of renewables can help position conventional resources to meet ramping requirements

How does the cost of curtailment compare to the cost of procuring new flexible resources?

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Proposed Metrics and


Resource Adequacy (RA) metrics


Flexibility deficiency metrics

Separated from RA metrics by

isolating the impact of generator

ramp constraints

Expected Ramp Not Served


Flexibility Shortage Induced


Production cost metrics

Proxy system cost

Curtailment cost

EENS cost


Example of potential flexibility issues caused by

hourly net load ramps

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Demand Response: Energy

Demand Cloud

Energy Demand Cloud

Individual Wireless Controllers

Home/Facility Management


Smart Buildings, Commercial & Industrial

DR client is ~10kb—virtually any embedded device can run it

Special Programs

Reliability Signaled

Price Sensitive

Renewable Choice

Distributed Generation

Energy Storage

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicle Chargers

Smart Appliances

Distributed Energy & Storage

Demand Monitoring & Feedback over Internet Broadband/Cellular

Affinity Programs


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Demand Response Software in


Today - Retrofit Future - Embed External Load Controller OEM Products to Seed Market

Internal Load Controller

WiFi Router


80% of US households have broadband (as of 2011*)

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Transmission Based

Reliability Assessment

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Model Load Model A/S Model



• Thermal, and

• Other






• Load,

• Import Limits,

• Solar Profile,

• Wind Profile

• Spin,

• Non Spin, and

• Reg Up/Down

• Full DC Model

• Constraints, and

• Contingencies

• Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) of wind generation and solar generation at different

locations (reported based on LOLEV),

• Loss of Load Events (LOLEV)

• Loss of Load Hours (LOLH)

• Expected Un-served Energy (EUE)

• Expected Unserved Energy as a percentage of Net Energy for Load (normalized EUE)

• Loss of Load Probability (LOLP)

• Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE)

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Load Shed Modeling

At all buses with load add a set of state variables to formulation

to allow load shed

Piecewise linear cost function, higher than all generation costs

but lower than the penalty costs on transmission infeasibility

When constraint is infeasible and cannot be satisfied by moving

generation then load shedding on a bus basis is automatically


Base case AND contingency constraints are respected

(contingency constraints are not pre-determined; they are

calculated on the fly)

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High performance parallel hardware and software architecture

Linux or Windows on latest multi-cored high performance CPUs Intel Core i7 2700K processor with 16GB memory

More recent hardware Intel core i7-4770k is even faster

Break-through performance suitable for high iteration reliability studies with Monte-Carlo simulations

180-second calculation time for 365 day optimization (full DC model) Based upon a 6,000-bus network model,

180 X 400/3600 = 20 hours elapsed time for 400 iterations

Studies may be performed in parallel for different load levels

Up to 5 studies per machine

Total elapsed time for study on 5 machines is about 1 hour

Capable to do BOTH Monte Carlo AND Full Unreduced Network 26 © Copyright 2013 ECCO International, Inc.

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Due to rapid RES penetration, many loss of load events will be

precipitated from lack of ramping flexibility rather than capacity

shortage or transmission constraints

Power systems will become ramping constrained in a substantial

way as we move forward

Special modeling of stochastic events based on renewable

schedules and load forecast error is required

A robust MIP-based UC approach is proposed based on the

Expected Flexibility Deficiency Function

The proposed methodology determines the optimal levels of

reserves and ramp-rate capability based on ramp/reserve policy

The proposed methodology also is used for optimal procurement


Demand Response will play a key role in the future

Transmission needs to be fully modeled in the reliability studies

from now on 27 © Copyright 2013 ECCO International, Inc.

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Thank You!

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