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1 Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning. C. S. Lewis

Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf

Aug 12, 2020



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Page 1: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon

October 2013

Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe.

If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as,

if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was

dark. Dark would be without meaning. C. S. Lewis

Page 2: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


NキIニげゲ NラデWゲ

Talking of planning there has also been

much going on behind the scenes with

establishing of a new Rotaract Club at

the University. A good core of

interested students was created

through the leadership programme at

the University in which a number of

Rotarians were originally involved.

Bruce helped them to build on this with

a stall at Freshers Fayre and they now

meet regularly once a week so that

hopefully it will be possible for them to

be chartered in the course of the next

few months. The prospective President

Luke will be joining us at District

Conference to learn a little more about

Rotary and looking even further ahead

he and a couple of others will be

assisting in presenting the Youth

Showcase at the end of October. I feel

particularly privileged to be President

during a year when it seems that a new

Rotaract Club will be formed bearing in

mind my original connections with

Rotaract which led to my eventually

coming in to Rotary!

On the sports side we had the Rhoda

Bernfeld Trophy ably organized by

Julian, with the winners Bruce and Jan

Royston-Smith being presented with

their prize at a very enjoyable supper at

the Chestnut Horse in Easton.

Last but not least still on sport and hot

off the Press we have what is now our

very own Marathon にthe Clarendon, in

the second year of our organization of

the event and with many lessons learnt

from last year it was even more smooth

running and profitable than last year.

Just about every member of the club

who was in the area today helped in

some way including a dozen members

of our new Rotaract Club and for the

first time three Rotarians were running

Simon Burge in a relay team, J-J in the

Half Marathon. I completed the Full and

raised £750 for Winchester Youth

Counseノノキミェぐ not sure if I will be doing

it again next year!!

Our next speaker David Leeks, a Trustee

of British Polio Fellowship, looked

forward にto World Polio Day when we

have a Street collection later in the

マラミデエ ;ミS デエキゲ デキWS キミ ┘キデエ ‘ラデ;ヴ┞げゲ own programme for the eradication of

Polio worldwide. It was useful to have

an insight into what having Polio

actually means in terms of its effect on

the survivors.

Finally, we had an Open Meeting which

was purely social although again Julian

helped us to look forward with his

presentation on Membership which he

will give at the District Conference, but

also reminded us exactly how far we

had come in the Club in broadening our

horizons and making our Rotary Club

not only appealing for others to join but

also more productive and active than

many others.

This last month we have been sorry

to see the departure of Miles Lemon

who has moved out of the area but

is not lost to Rotary as he plans to

join another Club. Miles will best be

remembered for his years as Trust

Fund Treasurer which he carried out

in a relevant and straightforward

way so we could all understand!

Although there have not been many

formal events September seems to

エ;┗W HWWミ ; H┌ゲ┞ マラミデエ さキミ デエW ヮノ;ミミキミェざ ;ミS デエWヴW エ;ゲ HWWミ マ┌Iエ

さノララニキミェ aラヴ┘;ヴSざぁ にas can be seen

elsewhere in the Bulletin.

We had three evening Meetings. At

the first we were privileged to have

our very own member John Eade,

enlighten us as to what it means to

be District Governor and give us a

little taste of the interesting things

that are in store for us at District

Conference later in the month.

We were also able to illustrate to

District and to the wider community

in Winchester the good work that

has been done in our area with the

presentation by John of the Rotary

Community Awards for the work

done with dementia sufferers by

Maria & Edwin Mundy and also the

late Sue Knight whose husband John

(whose father it transpires had been

President of Winchester Rotary 50

years ago!) collected the award on

her behalf.

This looked forward in that

Winchester Rotary has picked up on

the work of these very dedicated

people with the continuation of the

Reminiscence Coffee Mornings at

Sunrise every month.

We were also privileged to have Geri

Parby (REPoD) sum up at that

Meeting about the work Rotary was

doing nationally to tackle this very

real problem. Nick Bell

This last month we had the opportunity

to experience at first hand the Bandey

Hefler exchange when a group of

Rotarians came from the U.S. to the UK

and stayed for three or four nights with

local Rotarians in the District and were

shown the local places of interest,

history and introduced to the culture.

Jim and Janette Hull have been

involved for a number of years visiting

the U.S themselves and it was a

pleasure to welcome their guests John

and Pat Souza to one of our evening

Meetings. Thanks to Jim for

participating in the project and bringing

キデ デラ デエW Cノ┌Hげゲ ;デデWミデキラミが Hヴラ;SWミキミェ our exposure to different cultures and

introducing new opportunities for

world-wide co-operation.

President Nick In full running mode

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With the largest single event in the

Winchester Rotary calendar just

over yesterday, I wanted, on behalf

of the Clarendon Marathon

Committee, to thank everyone who

has been involved this year for their


JJ Heath-Caldwell, Fiona and their

enthusiastic team have worked

tirelessly to put everything together

over the last 12 months and with

the support of over 230 volunteers

on the day, the 900 or so runners

taking part on Sunday will be

cheered and encouraged along the


A great race programme was

designed and organised by Steve

Cross and David Farthing.

As well as those members who have

offered their time on Sunday, the

following charities and groups are

providing volunteers and will all

benefit directly from a donation

after the event:

Clarendon Marathon Sunday 6 October

As well as volunteers from the new

Rotaract Club, we also have 20 other

volunteers from the University

joining us for the day.

Thank you again for your support

and we look back on a safe and

successful event.

Congratulations to President Nick

who ran the full Marathon, JJ Heath-

Caldwell who ran the half marathon

and Simon Burge who ran the last

quarter of a team relay.

Thanks to Rob Carter who cycled the

course ahead of the field.

Much appreciation to the St John

Ambulance for their expertise and

care at all throughout the day.

A huge tribute to all the Marshalls

and helpers. A full report will

;ヮヮW;ヴ キミ ミW┝デ マラミデエげs Bulletin.

JJ Heath-Caldwell and Simon Burge


Charities and volunteer groups


Winchester Hospital Radio

Trussell Trust

Pitton and Farley Parish Council

Winterslow Parish Council

Winchester Youth Counselling

Joe Glover Trust

Age UK

Winchester Talking Newspaper


Hello Martha

Crab Wood Cattery

Winchester Scouts

Wells for India

Andover Explorer Scouts

Naomi House

Chandlers Ford Explorer Scouts

Winchester University Rotaract Club

Winchester & Salisbury Rotary

Fiona Whitehouse

Roger Walker

Roger Walker

Clarendon Marathon Team Leader

Page 4: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Breakfast Meeting Wednesday 18 September [email protected]

Keith Myers (The Myers Touch and

Jeneen Thomas (

John Sweeting addressing the meeting in

the regular venue, the Hampshire Room.

Fiona Whitehouse (PA Anywhere) and

Susan Watson (Smiths Gore)

Pam Fry (Motor Neurone Association)

and Rob Carter (Millgate Builders).

Steve Edwards (Culverlands) and

Anthony Arkwright (Goadsby).

John Sweeting, Colin Cook and Amanda

Davison-Young (Hampshire Chronicle).

Gill Russell (Chairman) & Simon Churchill

(Independent Disability Consultant)

David Perkin (Andover Rotary) and

Robert Parsons (Fellowship Director).

Communications Committee

The Winchester Rotary Website

explains the ideals, structure and

ideas of all its events.

It is always the aim of the

Communications Committee to

stay up to date with social

networking. Do say if you are

interested in this area.

Following the breakfast meeting

the Communications Com. (left)

met in the Hampshire Room to

look at the International Rotary

Club Runner software provider

Iゲゲ┌Wゲ ラa けBrandingげ ;ミS けIミデWヴミ;ノ Adminキゲデヴ;デキラミげ ;ヴW ┌ヮ aラヴ discussion and improvement.

For the non-Rotarian readership the

format of the Breakfast Meeting starts

with the meal at 7.30 am and at 8.00

guests introducing themselves for only

a couple of minutes.

Then a few Rotarians reflect on recent

events and advertise forthcoming


There is always time for networking

afterwards from 8.30 a.m.

Careers and Educational Guidance

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07879 013783 Home & Office Computer Help, Tuition, Repair Simon

Applebaum [email protected]

Evening Meeting Monday 23 September

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Monday 2 September Lunch Meeting

British Polio Fellowship

A prize for guessing who was behind the

けOミノ┞ Fララノゲ ;ミS HラヴゲWゲげ Granddad mask.

The Hospital of St. Cross, Winchester

was founded between 1133 and 1136.

Simon Theobalds (Immediate Past

President) & Gill Russell (President Elect)

Gillian Russell, Amanda and David Leeks

with President Nick Bell.

Efficient, affable Gareth Jones in charge

of Reception at the evening meeting.

Steve Cross, Mike Hill, Maggie Hastie,

Colin Cook and David Farthing.

On Monday 16 September the

Lunch Meeting was chaired by Gill

Russell, President Elect, (see left).

There was no speaker on that day,

which would be the usual pattern.

For forthcoming meetings visit the

website and page 15 of this edition

of the Bulletin.

President Nick Bell with Julia Abbott &

John Berrington (Mapperly & Arnold)

Richard Chisnell (Chairman of Friends

of St. Cross) and President Nick Bell.

David outlined poliomyelitis and

PSP. There was an extraordinary link

between David and Gill Russell,

when they were young, as they

shared the same consultant in

hospital, without realising it. On

Saturday 26 October, in Winchester,

on End Polio Day, the BPF will have

their awareness campaign.

At the Luncheon Meetings it is

hoped that a visiting speaker might

entertain for a brief moment or two.

Richard Chisnell did not disappoint

on this occasion as he spoke about

St. Cross and Almshouse of Noble

Poverty a medieval almshouse.

Amazingly, it is the oldest charitable

institution in the United Kingdom.

It was a very moving topic on Post

Polio Syndrome from David Leeks.

He is a Trustee and former National

Chairman of the British Polio

Fellowship. It is estimated that there

are as many as 120,000 people in the

UK who survived polio and now we

know that new polio-related

symptoms can occur later in life.

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Evening Meeting Monday 23 September

I wish to thank the following for

helping with our hosting of Pat

and John Souza from

Leominster, USA:

Winchester Mayor Ernie Jeffs

and Mayoress Barbara, Barry

and Christine Lipscomb, District

Governor John Eade and our

President Nick Bell.

This success was evident at

the Farewell Dinner where we

had excellent thank-you


The event finished with "A

Taste of Village Music"

performed by the Madding-

Crowd music group.

Jim Hull

Bandey Hefler Exchange

John Eade and Mike Knight

Farewell to Miles Lemon

Denis Welstead, Jim & Jeanette Hull, Pat & John Souza.

The Guardian added:

さShe was recognised not only by

affected families but by professionals

for her deep understanding of the

effects of brain diseases such as

Alzheimer's, and for her extraordinary

empathy with those involved.ざ

(13 September 2012)

Maria and Edwin Mundy, were very

much present and were duly


さMaria has also contributed greatly to

the work of the Reminiscence Group

and was deserving of praise and

recognition for extending the

memory cafe concept beyond Sunrise

and into the wider community.

Edwin has been constantly by her side

and has supported her despite

suffering from vascular dementia

himself. He has also, remarkably,

spoken publicly about what it was like

to suffer from the disease.

Simon Burge

The Sunrise Reminiscence group meets

monthly contact: Norman Murphy.

Sue Knight

Acknowledgements to The Guardian 13 Sept.

David Farthing, Maria & Edwin Mundy

Warm tributes were paid to Miles

Lemon (see left) who attended his last

meeting before he moves to Kent. He

was an active Member since he joined

in 2006 and a much valued Club

Treasurer for many years. His suave

power-point presentations at the

AGMs won many plaudits. We wish

him every good fortune in the future.

Roger Sales and Miles Lemon winning

the matching smart attire award.

At this meeting the Rotary

Community Service Award was

presented to three very special

people. Mike Knight who received the

award on behalf of his late wife Sue.

Simon Burge, Service Director

explained the particular

circumstances of the awards.

Sue Knight's personal connection with

the dementia sufferers and their

families had most impressed all who

met her.

She knew them individually and

understood their needs. She

encouraged them to come to

meetings and worked tirelessly to

support them.

To me she epitomised service above

self and continued to help even after

she became unwell, leading, sadly, to

her death from cancer last year.ざ

She initiated a monthly lunch club at

which people with dementia and their

carers could mingle with others

without the embarrassment.

Guests from Massachusetts

Also: Keith Woodward, Colin Cook,

John Wilkinson, Richard Chisnell and

James Larcombe.

John and Pat were hosted by the

Rotary Clubs of Winchester, Woking

District, Anton & Ewell.

The benefits of the exchange are the

sharing of Rotary ideas and

fellowship in our two countries.

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Interesting and well-researched

holidays at competitive prices

Wednesday 4 September Worthy Down

[email protected]

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Winchester Rotary was well

represented at Winchester

G;ヴヴキゲラミげゲ ;ミミ┌;ノ ‘WIWヮデキラミ and

Sunset Ceremony which took place

on 4th September on a beautiful

evening at Worthy Down out in the

open in a fine setting (see right).

The ceremony was brilliantly

performed by the RAF Central Band

on the lawn adjacent to the

Officers Mess, and featured RAF

デヴ;Sキデキラミ;ノ ミ┌マHWヴゲ ゲ┌Iエ ;ゲ さTエラゲW マ;ェミキaキIWミデ マWミくざ ;ミS さTエW D;マH┌ゲデWヴゲ M;ヴIエざが

as well as a first class & amusing

Post Horn Gallop solo. The

entertainment ended with the Last

Post and the lowering of the flag,

beautifully framed by the last rays

of the setting sun.

It was an excellent evening and the

attendance by so many Rotarians

reflects the close links that have

been established with the Garrison

and the place which Winchester

Rotary occupies at the centre of the


Colin Cook, who hosted a number

of Garrison visitors on City tours

over the course of the year, was

present with Polly, as were two of

ラ┌ヴ さCキ┗キIざ ‘ラデ;ヴキ;ミゲが - Deputy

Mayor, Eileen Berry, and County

Councillor Jackie Porter, who for

some reason that the rest of us

never worked out, was the chosen

partner of Deputy Lieutenant

Brigadier David Harrison and got to

sit in the exclusive seats for the

Sunset Ceremony!

President Nick & Graham,

accompanied by John and Mary

Sweeting, decided to arrive in style

in the Rolls, and caused quite a stir;

Nick has never had so many


An eclectic mix of about 70 of the

さGヴW;デ and GララSざ ラa WキミIエWゲデWヴ society were warmly welcomed by

the Garrison Commander, Brigadier

Allan McLeod. The wine flowed

and succulent canapés circulated.

Great photographs by Joe Bright.

John Sweeting

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Monday 9 September Evening Meeting District Governor John Eade

District Governor John Eade and President Nick Bell, centre, with an appreciative audience.

TエW PヴWゲキSWミデげゲ T;HノW in full swing

Spontaneous wit of John was

shown when put on the spot to tell

a caterpillar story. Immediately he

said, さTwo caterpillars are talking

on a leaf when they see a butterfly

flutter past. One caterpillar says to

the other: "You'll never get me up

in one of those things!"

It is a rare privilege to have a visit

from the District Governor who is

also a Member. John Eade has been

driven to many Rotary Clubs in the

District by Members and on this

occasion he tailored his speech to

mentioning Amsterdam and San

Diego, USA in considerable detail.

On the 9th September, whilst on holiday in

France, Steve Leach and his wife Helen

Robinson visited Le Havre de Grace Rotary

Cノ┌H aラヴ デエWキヴ W┗Wミキミェ さCラIニデ;キノゲざ マWWデキミェく Felicitations were passed from President

Nick and members to President Bernard

and Members who proved to be very

エラゲヮキデ;HノW ;ミS ニWヮデ HWノWミげゲ ェノ;ゲゲ デラヮヮWS ┌ヮ with Kir! We joined in with the meeting,

luckily Helen speaks very good French, and

they recommended a local restaurant and

one of the members drove us to ensure that

we did not get lost. A very pleasant start to

our stay in France.

Le Havre de Grace Clubs Visited

Stephen Leach


Wonderful news to hear that, on

Tuesday 1st October in Winchester

Registry Office Karen Smith and

Noel McCleery (see right) were


Of passing interest, Chris Nutt

shows how time flies to Ian White

(see left).

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Plymouth Pavilions District Conference

Evening Meeting Monday 30 September

Winchester Based Speakers

Rotary Showcase Various Visits

Membership Julian English

Julian English

Keith Woodward

Change is essential:

Name: さWinchester Rotaryざ Venue: Hotel to fit the need

Cost: Successfully controlled

Meals: Choice of three meetings

Showcases: Themed Evenings

Involvement: more than attendance

Minutes: Widest communication

Mindset: Forever aware of change

Mouth and Foot Painting Artists

Jos Garbett

Adam Knott

Cotehele House

Gala Evening

John Eade

Shelagh Bird with new invitation cards

to a Winchester Rotary meeting for free.

Fiona Whitehouse, President Nick Bell

and Graham Perrin.

Stephen Leach, Nina Kelly (Social

Entrepreneurs) and Anthony Arkwright

Seriously Social

The greatest service any

Member can give is to bring in

the next generation of


Page 10: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


9a Jewry Street , Winchester SO23 8RZ

Tel: 01962 842742

EMAIL : [email protected]

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Big Sleep Out

Friends of St Cross Hospital Windsor Castle

Friday 20 September

Sleep out under the stars in this

stunning setting whilst raising vital

funds and awareness for

Winchesters homelessness charities

- Trinity Winchester and Winchester

Churches Nightshelter. Almost two

hundred of Winchester residents

slept rough on 20 September to

raise awareness for homeless


“エW ゲ;キSぎ さE┗Wヴ┞ラミW Wミテラ┞WS themselves and it was a great

atmosphere. The big difference

here is that we are all going back to

They gathered on the green in

Cathedral Close, building shelters

out of cardboard or tucking up in

their sleeping bags, raising money

for both charities.

Peter Symonds College students -

Georgia Benton and Nina Jones,

both 16, from Southampton, were

voted as having the best shelter.

Richard Chisnell, Chairman of The Friends

of St. Cross Hospital, organised an amazing

visit to Windsor Castle. Some grand

galleries (left) have been restored quite

magnificently. Pictured right in the group

ready to attend evensong in the Chapel.

Thanks to Rotarians to put on such

historically grand tours.

Geoff Cox, Chairman of The Friends of

Winchester Hospital organised an auction

at Littleton Memorial Hall. Photo left, on

far right with visiting speaker Peter Raw.

Right picture is, as you will recognise a

large Staffordshire pottery cow with

milkmaid c1870. Value? £150? It was an

amusing evening which raised over £150!

a hot shower so we can get through

it but we need to raise awareness

for the people who do it every night

;ミS Sラミげデ エ;┗W デエ;デ ラヮデキラミくざ

Jessica Wheale, fundraising manager

at Trinity, said the event was very

successful with some participants

raising thousands of pounds.

Friends of Winchester Hospital Auctioneer Peter Raw

Anthony Arkwright (Right) of Goadsby

Jackie Porter, Street Reach Chairman

Fiona Whitehouse of PA - anywhere

Page 11: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


Residential Property 01962 6204444

Rotaract Winchester University

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Commercial Property 01962 869667

Wラヴデエ┞げゲ Gラデ T;ノWミデ

to set our own club up which we could do

through the University and promote it as a

Club to meet other students around the

University, to help the community and raise

money for some charities which interest us.

The first few meetings have taken off great,

and expect much, much more to follow from

the Rotaract Club. But above all, a HUGE thank

you for getting us started!ざ Luke Addison

さThe Winchester Rotaract started up this

month as a result of two members of Rotary

holding a talk at the University earlier in the

year. The talk was so inspiring that we literally

walked straight up to the two afterwards and

asked how and when we can get involved!

Then it went from there, from helping take

some children to thW けKキSゲ O┌デげ デラ マ;ヴゲエ;ノノキミェ the CycleFest we then decided we would like

A meeting with the new Winchester Rotaractors at the University on Monday 30 September

The Kings Worthy Festival received help

from local residents at the talent

evening on Saturday 21 September.

Denis Welstead and Graham Perrin,

(pictured right with David Woolford,

centre) ran the bar with Robert Parsons.

James Larcombe judged the show with

Laura Verrall and Will Kesterson.

Winchester Rotary Bar

Winchester Rotaract to

be chartered - based at

Winchester University.

Mila and Beth know that a beautiful

smile draws in the best results.

The core team of Beth Davis, Mila Del

Fabbro, Bianca Myers & Luke Addison.

Luke engages two enquiring undergrads

at the Freshers Fayre in Winchester Uni.

Rotaract, internationally, is for

adults, aged 18-30, that meets twice

a month to exchange ideas, plan

activities and projects, and socialise.

While Winchester Rotary will serve

as the sponsor, Winchester Rotaract

decides how to organise and run

their meetings and events.

Initially, Simon Theobalds & Marcus

Swalwell started things moving and

Bruce Royston-Smith is now liaising

with the Rotaract Committee.

Page 12: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Tristan and Amie Perrin, 19 Winchester Street

Overton, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 3HR

(01256) 771771 [email protected]

Rhoda Bernfeld Golf

Friday 25 October

Ben Hart Education Uganda

There was a great response to the

Shoebox Appeal last year and it is

hoped that the same generosity of

spirit will be seen once again this

year. Mike Hill is the contact for

information leaflets and a few DVDs.

Cラノキミ Cララニげゲ ェ;ヴ;ェW キゲ デエW IラノノWIデキラミ and sorting out venue.

The celebrated Ben Hart, of the

Magic Circle and Edinburgh Festival

fame, entertained at the Shawford

Parish Hall on Friday 13 September

on behalf of Education Uganda.

Organiser, John Wilkinson, was very

pleased with and grateful for the

£1,320 raised which will go towards

chalk and slates for many children.

John and Myra Wilkinson transfixed by

BWミげゲ Iエ;ヴマ ;ミS sleight of hand.

Excited Tanzanian children at play

Shoeboxes Deadline

Ugandan children using the slates in

school which help with their learning.

Mike Hill and Robert Parsons at work.

Winchester Hospital Radio Bengal Sage Dining

HUGE thank you to everyone who

supported charity, Winchester Hospital

‘;Sキラげゲ ヴWIWミデ F┌ミSヴ;キゲキミェ マW;ノ ;デ デエW Bengal Sage Restaurant. Through

attendance and donations, we raised

over £300 to help sustain our ward

visiting and broadcasting service to

patients at the Royal Hampshire

County Hospital in Winchester.

Special thanks to Winchester Rotarian,

Miff Kayum and his team, for the warm

welcome, great service and delicious

food. Thanks too to local businesses:

けAヴI;ミ; H;キヴ わ BW;┌デ┞げき けB;ミェニラニ Bヴ;ゲゲWヴキWげき ;ミS けTLC TエW L;SキWゲ Cノ┌Hげ aラヴ providing WHR with raffle prizes for the

event. Congratulations to Irene who

won the top prize! Aミミ; OげBヴキWミ

This mixed foursome competition

was won by Bruce and Jan Royston-

Smith. Second were Roger and Kate

Norrie. Thanks to Julian English for

organising the whole event and the

delicious meal at Easton afterwards.

Avington Park

Page 13: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


Nan McCreadie


Meetings in November

Meetings in October

Monday 7 October. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. Royal Hotel.

Buffet. Reception & Attendance: David Farthingく ヱヰ マキミ┌デW けT;ノニげく

Julian English に けMembershipげ

Monday 14 October. Evening Meeting. 7.00 for 7.30 に 10.00 p.m. Royal Hotel.

Attendance & Reception: Arun Swarup. Properties & Grace: Karen McCleery.

Menu: Battered haddock, Chunky Chips, Peas & Tartare Sauce

Apple, Sultana & Cinnamon Crumble, Custard

Featuring: Rebecca Woods に けHラヮW ;ミS HラマWゲげ.

Monday 21 October. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. Royal Hotel.

Buffet. Reception & Attendance: Julian Englishく ヱヰ マキミ┌デW けT;ノニげく

Simon Weatherall に げFキデミWゲゲげく

Wednesday 16 October. Breakfast Meeting. 7.15 for 7.30 に 8.30 a.m.

The Hampshire Room, Winchester Royal Hotel. Contact: Iain Steel/Website.

Monday 28 October. Evening Meeting. 7.00 for 7.30 に 10.00 p.m. Royal Hotel.

Attendance & Reception: Paul Russell. Properties & Grace: John Sweeting.

Menu: Wild Boar Sausages, Mashed Potatoes & Onion Gravy.

Chocolate & Apricot Bread & Butter Pudding served with cream.

Featuring: Showcase に さYラ┌デエ Oヮヮラヴデ┌ミキtiesざ.

Monday 4 November. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. Royal Hotel.

Buffet. Reception & Attendance: tbaく ヱヰ マキミ┌デW けT;ノニげく

Aミミ; OげBヴキWミ に けHistory of Hospital Radioげ

Monday 11 November. Evening Meeting. 7.00 for 7.30 に 10.00 p.m. Royal Hotel.

Attendance & Reception: Geraldine Martinsen. Properties & Grace: Graham Topping.

Menu: Steak & Kidney Pie, Boiled Potatoes & Season Vegetables

Profiteroles with Hot Chocolate Sauce

Featuring: Brig. David Harrison & Tony Dowland に

"The Morn Hill Camps, Winchester - Their Role in The Great War 1914-1918"

Wednesday 20 November. Breakfast Meeting. 7.15 for 7.30 に 8.30 a.m.

The Hampshire Room, Winchester Royal Hotel. Contact: Iain Steel/Website.

Monday 18 November. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. Royal Hotel.

Buffet. Reception & Attendance: Mike Hillく ヱヰ マキミ┌デW けT;ノニげく

A.N.Other に

Monday 25 November. Evening Meeting. 7.00 for 7.30 に 10.00 p.m. Winchester Hotel.

Attendance & Reception: Lesley Loughridge. Properties & Grace: James Hull.

Menu: Lamb Cobbler, Creamed Mashed Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables

Apple Pie & Custard

Featuring: Nan McCreadie (Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland President).

Hospital Radio

To Honour a Promise

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Winchester Inner Wheel Monthly Club News

Ronni Davis and Anne Welstead, right,

showing their skill at the knitting table.

President Pam and Mike Tilbury in

front of the Irish State Coach of 1853.

The East Front of Buckingham Palace

The Knitwits (Betty Wright, Barbara

Sharman, Sybil Thomas, Lucy Imrie-

Brown, Anna Cox and Beryl Jowitt)

put on a super display of their

Christmas characters which sold like

hot cakes! £276 was taken on the

day and including orders £530

overall. All recorded in the

Hampshire Chronicle! Carole Steel

An exhibition of Queen Eノキ┣;HWデエ IIげゲ

Coronation was fabulous. The Royal

Mews included the sparkling State

Coaches. It was all rounded off with

a royal sandwiches, scones and

cakes at the Terrace marquee Café.

The Royal Shop did rather well from

Winchester souvenir hunters!

Committee work has to be done on a

regular basis (even in the late

evening sunshine! - see right) and the

year was planned with regard to a

Christmas Bazaar, Christmas Dinner

;ミS P;マげゲ PヴWゲキSWミデげゲ Nキェエデく The Overseas Fundraising afternoon

tea and entertainment was set for

May 2014. Dates will be circulated.

A leisurely walk through the lavish,

stunning State Apartments was

quite breath-taking. Audio tapes

explained so much of the historical

detail of each glorious room.

On Thursday 19 September, Maureen

and Richard Chisnell arranged a very

special visit to Buckingham Palace for

30 lucky people. It started from Park

and Ride at 8.30 a.m. and coffee in

Buckingham Palace Road at 10.30 a.m.

TエW Q┌WWミげゲ G;ノノWヴ┞ was enjoyed

before luncheon in a local café.

Garden aspect of Buckingham Palace

Green Drawing Room to Throne Room.

Liz Cox with the Royal Shower Cap.

Committee Meeting on 23 September.

The colourful Knitwits stall at the Kings

Worthy Festival on Saturday 28 Sept.

Helen and Gordon Funnelle. Helen

gave a doll making demonstration.

The stunning, golden Coronation Coach

Page 15: Winchester Rotary Bulletin€¦ · Winchester Rotary Bulletin Devon, Glorious Devon October 2013 Smeaton's Tower is a most notable Eddystone Lighthouse on the Plymouth Hoe. さIf


Winchester Rotary give invaluable support

to Round Table at this huge event and are

rewarded for their help.

At 5.30 report for briefing and only up to

the end of the show as Stewards. Please

contact: Anthony Arkwright.

Fireworks Night 2 November in River Park

We are this close to ending polio

Key Events October onwards Details at:

Editorial: A sincere thank-you to all contributors to and advisers for this edition. Especially to our Hon. Sec. Gill Russell,

who sends relevant emails to us all and regularly updates the website; which we need to visit. Not forgetting Joe Bright

for his professional photography.

If you have been affected by reading this Bulletin you may wish to try the website or read the October edition. Ed.

14 October at Sunrise Senior Living. Reminiscence Coffee Morning

6 October Salisbury to Winchester Clarendon Marathon

13 October in Plymouth District Conference

Volunteers to help are most welcome.

See Roger Walker or JJ Heath-Caldwell.

This will be the 2nd

year that Winchester

Rotary organise this off-road marathon.

Please visit the website (designed by

Simon Applebaum) for all the details of

this amazing Conference. James

Larcombe and Irene Modzelan are in

charge of the Rotary Showcase

(Formerly called the House of

Friendship) and would welcome any

practical support.

Thanks to all those who have

registered on line and filled in all the

details regarding trips and events.

Richard Abbott is in charge of

Stewards at the plenary sessions.

Colin Cook is organiser extraordinaire

who can answer all your questions!

33 Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire

SO23 8RY Tel: 01962 869966

╅End Polio Now╆ Campaign Collection

26 October in Winchester City

Please offer your time to help in particular

with the street collection. Just an hour

would be great but please contact: Gill

Russell in good time and visit the website

for more details.

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

E-mail: [email protected]

Thanks to those who came last month to

the comfortable Sunrise Senior Living.

Website or Contact: Norman Murphy.

World Polio Day is 24 October and two days

later on the 26 October the Club is organising

a street collection in the High Street. The

British Polio Fellowship will be joining us

to launch their national awareness campaign.

Coffee and chat with dementia sufferers

and their carers. 10.45 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Come along and brighten up their day.

Winchester Operatic Society stage Gilbert

;ミS “┌ノノキ┗;ミげゲ マ┌ゲキI;ノ IラマWSy: けas Oscar

Wilde meets The Archersげく

15 November in Theatre Royal

7.30p.m. A group booking of 15 or more

reduces the ticket price to £12. Please

sign on web. Further details: Gill Russell.

Theatre Night

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Congratulations to Clarendon Marathon Man Nick Bell (Winchester Rotary President) above left. Full report next month.

The Lilacs, West Hill Road North

South Wonston Winchester SO21 3HJ

T/F: 01962 882445 Mob: 07800 617240

E: [email protected]

Star Lane House Staple Gardens

Winchester SO23 9AD 01962 844544

E-mail: [email protected]


Richard Steel & Partners に

Family Owned Funeral Directors

Alderman House, 12-14 City Road,

Winchester 862333 (24 hours)

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsors