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Wilmington Wilmington College College Cooperating Teachers Cooperating Teachers Virtual Orientation Virtual Orientation Workshop Workshop

Wilmington College Cooperating Teachers

Jan 10, 2016




Wilmington College Cooperating Teachers. Virtual Orientation Workshop. Virtual Orientation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Cooperating TeachersCooperating Teachers

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Cooperating TeachersCooperating Teachers

Virtual Orientation Virtual Orientation WorkshopWorkshop

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Virtual Orientation We at WC are dedicated to providing our Student Teachers with a learning experience that is based on developing a truly collegial relationship among all parties. To achieve this relationship, we provide guidelines for mentoring your teacher candidate. We hope this Virtual Orientation Workshop will assist you in providing valuable learning experiences for you’re your student teacher. Along with the Cooperating Teacher Handbook, this orientation will share some important ideas and information about teacher preparation.

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Student Teaching - Overview

The student teaching experience can be an exciting time of personal and professional growth. It can also be a time when student teachers may face a number of conflicts and tensions.

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Guidance• Show care, concern, and commitment to student teachers.

• Share the thinking underlying your instructional and supervisory decisions.

• Help student teachers reflect on the reasons and purposes for their instructional decisions.

• Encourage student teachers to reflect on their performance, identifying both strengths and areas of needed improvement.

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Correction• Use positive phrasing that helps student teachers understand what they need to work towards rather than what they have done wrong.

• For example, if the student teacher says to the class, tell me about your summer. Inform the student that by rephrasing this statement you cue the students for large group individual responses rather than “calling out” behaviors.

• You would say, raise your hand and tell me what you accomplished over the summer.

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Understanding• Build on the strengths of student teachers.

• Share openly with student teachers regarding positive reactions you have to their performance or your level of concern.

• Build and maintain professional, confidential relationships with student teachers.

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• Help student teachers feel they are a part of the school staff.

• Work with student teachers step-by-step toward independent performance.

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Remember! - The learning needs of the students in your class are the first and foremost priority of a

teacher. • To that end, you must assess the teaching abilities of

your student teacher from the beginning. Some student teachers are quite advanced, while others will have many needs.

• Advanced student teachers who are ready to assume total teaching and planning responsibility of the “average learners” in your class (whether that is 60% of your class or 75% of your class or 80% of your class), need to be given that responsibility.

• You, then, have the opportunity to differentiate the

instruction and teach those learners who require more advanced strategies and techniques (those strategies known by master teachers), which a pre-service teacher would not know.

• Take advantage of this valuable resource to achieve the real meaning of “No Child Left Behind”.

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Focus on the objectives of the curriculum

• Allow the student teacher the necessary latitude to employ his/her own ideas, strategies, and/or materials to achieve the curriculum objectives of the school and/or district.

• As your student teacher becomes more adept at teaching and planning provide opportunities for and/or require elementary student teachers to teach in all of the curriculum areas required of the school district or included in the Wilmington College required program (math, science, social studies, reading, language arts, etc.

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Remember! Keep the student teacher

focused on the learning of the students in your

classroom!• Provide an opportunity for the student teacher to demonstrate the ability to assess the pupils' level of functioning, and plan and implement learning experiences based on the assessment.

• Help the student know that they need to show how they know that their pupil’s have learned what they have taught.

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Documenting what the student teacher knows• Obviously, the student teacher is under your continuous supervision; however, you are asked to conduct periodic observations utilizing one of the following Wilmington College reports in consultation with the college supervisor:

• Weekly Clinical Report• Mid-Term Evaluation Report• Final Report with Competencies and the Summary Report.

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Resources for Cooperating Teacher

• The Handbook For Cooperating Teachers is brought to you in the first or second week of school by the college supervisor.

• The handbook houses all of the forms and reports.

• Your handbook “mirrors” the Student Teacher Handbook, which students use in their seminar sessions.

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Sharing Reports with Teacher Candidate

• All clinical reports are shared with the teacher candidate.

• In sharing the results with student teachers use a positive tone, a caring manner, frequent eye contact and a sincere desire to improve or celebrate our profession.

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Professional Responsibilities

• Whenever possible, provide an opportunity for the student teacher to demonstrate the ability to plan and carry out an experience for positive parent-teacher relationships.

• Provide an opportunity for the student teacher to participate in professional activities, e.g., attending faculty meetings, PTA meetings, meetings of professional organizations, inservice meetings, etc.

• Encourage and let the student teacher see you continuing to grow professionally by reading professional journals, taking courses and participating in professional activities.

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A Few Guidelines• If you have developed a “special” rapport with your

students, tell the student teacher how, why, and what you did, so he/she can implement ways of having the class “warm-up” to him/her.

• If your class is very attached to you, make your student teacher a partner. Team teach to achieve the “best” learning for all involved. This will help foster a positive experience for both the class and the student teacher.

• Discuss your teaching and management style with your student teacher. Listen to the ideas of your student teacher in those areas.

• If you hear that your style (particularly in behavior management) is vastly different from your student teacher’s, warn the student teacher that the pupils in your class may react negatively to change and decide if that change should even be attempted.

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Base your decisions on the learning needs of your

pupils• Remember! If any change is going to adversely

impact the learning of the pupils in your classroom, then require the student teacher to follow the standards and routines already established.

• Remind them that when they have their own classroom - they will have an opportunity to try their methods; besides, it is always good to know different strategies to use with different students.

• Tell the student teacher what has been working well for you and the routines that you have already established in a class - particularly with difficult classes. Let the student teacher decide with you the “best” way to handle this class.

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Being a student teacher• The student teacher is very nervous, anxious,

excited, terrified, thrilled, and probably highly critical of himself/herself.

• If they do things that you want repeated be sure to compliment them on those items, as soon after you have witnessed them as possible.

• Emphasize the positives of their teaching methodology and give gentle suggestions on how they can improve (don't tell them they're doing something wrong without having suggestions for improvement).

• Allocate a few minutes in the morning or afternoon each day for the student teacher to discuss lessons, content and any other concerns.

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WC uses the Pathwise Lesson design based on Charlotte Danielson’s Enhancing Professional Practice-Frameworks for Teaching.

The frameworks are based on four domains.

Students have had extensive training in Pathwise in all of their Practica experiences.

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PathwiseBased on Charlotte Danielson’s Framework

Four Domains1. Planning and Preparation2. The Classroom Environment3. Instruction4. Professional


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Domain 1 – Planning and Preparation

• Knowledge of content • Knowledge of students• Appropriateness of instructional goals

• Knowledge and use of resources

• Structure of Lesson• Assessment strategies

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Domain 2- Learning Environment

• Interaction with students• Student interactions• Managing student behavior • Responses to student misbehavior• Expectations for student conduct and learning

• Managing classroom procedures and resources

• Organizing physical space

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Domain 3- Instruction

• Clarity and accuracy of communication• Questioning and discussion techniques

• Engaging students in learning• Visual, oral and kinesthetic approaches

• Feedback to students • Flexibility and responsiveness • Use of technology

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Domain 4 – Professional Responsibilities• Dress, appearance and conduct

• Relationship with colleagues• Service to school• Decision making• Reflecting on teaching• Enthusiasm, vigor, senses of humor, fairness, concern for students

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Wilmington College Program Competencies and Delaware

Professional Teaching Standards• #1 Content - Create learning experiences that

make content meaningful to students and reflect an understanding of the core concepts and structure of education.

• #2 Human Development and Learning – Provide learning opportunities that support intellectual, social, emotional, physical development and learning.

• #3 Diverse Learners – Adapt instruction for diverse learners based on an understanding of how students differ.

• #4 Communication – Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication.

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Wilmington College Program Competencies and Delaware Professional Teaching

Standards, cont.

• #5 Learning Environment- Create a learning environment that fosters active engagement, self-motivation, and positive social interaction by understanding individual and group behavior.

• #6 Planning – Design instruction based upon knowledge of the disciplines, students, the community, and Delaware’s student content standards to demonstrate knowledge of instructional planning.

• #7 Instructional Strategies- Apply a variety of instructional approaches that promote student thinking, understanding, and application of knowledge.

• #8 Assessment- Use multiple assessment strategies for the continuous development of students.

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Wilmington College Program Competencies and Delaware Professional Teaching

Standards, cont.

• #9 Professional Growth- Pursue opportunities to improve teaching and thereby enhance professional growth.

• #10 Professional Relationships- Collaborate with colleagues, parents/guardians, and other members of the community to support student learning and well-being and demonstrate knowledge of the role of the school in the community.

• #11 Educational Technology – Use educational technology as an instructional and management tool.

• #12 Professional Conduct- Understand and maintain standards of professional conduct guided by legal and ethical principles.

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Wilmington College Program Competencies

• #13 Dispositions – Exhibit enthusiasm, vigor, strength of inner self, humor, fairness, and concern for students.

• # 14 Professional Employment – Obtain and retain successful employment in the profession of education.

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It is difficult to imagine that a cooperating teacher and a student teacher can spend many hours each week in the same classroom without communicating, but the fact is that this is without question the most serious problem that can occur in student teaching. 

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Effective Communication

• Effective communication is so important that it cannot be left to chance.

• It is also clear that the obstacles are so great that good communication will only occur when both parties, the cooperating teacher and student teacher, work hard to overcome these obstacles. 

• This leads directly to the use of conferences as a device for effective communication. Planned regularly scheduled conferences provide the essential basis for good communication. 

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Effective Communication, cont.

• It is in the conference that the student teacher may become consciously aware of his/her instructional behavior as observed by the cooperating teacher.

• It is in the conference that he/she may begin an analysis of that behavior in terms of pupil response and learning.

• And, it is in the conference that the foundations of professional self-evaluation/reflection are laid.

• Thus, it is imperative that both the immediate and long-term goals of conferences be kept in mind. 

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Building Rapport with your Student

Teacher• Daily conferences of comparatively short duration

will give attention to matters of immediate consequence--adjustment of plans, coordinating work schedules, identifying and solving daily problems, providing that needed "boost in morale," and in general, keeping things functioning smoothly. The timing of such conferences may vary from day to day, but this should not be left to chance. 

• Weekly conferences should also be scheduled, and it is probably best to reserve about one hour for this purpose. These conferences may be used for long-term planning, cooperative evaluation of the student teacher's competence, analysis of the cooperating teacher’s teaching procedures, and for developing in-depth understanding of pupil behavior and community relations. 

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Rapport Builders • The time and place of the conference should be planned in


• It should be canceled or postponed only when essential, and it is not unreasonable for the student teacher to remain after school for the weekly conferences.

• The setting should be informal and at a place where few interruptions are likely to occur.

• Regularly scheduled conferences will prevent the student from thinking that conferences are called only when there are criticisms to be offered. 

• The conference should be characterized by a free interchange and exchange of ideas. It is helpful if many of the topics are problem-centered in terms of seeking answers to methodological or curriculum problems.

• Alternative solutions to such concerns should be analyzed with both the student teacher and cooperating teacher offering ideas. 

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Balanced and Specific

• Analysis of the student teacher's performance or personal qualities should achieve an appropriate balance between strengths and weaknesses. Criticism should be constructive and falsely optimistic praise should be eliminated.

• It is interesting that some student teachers complain, "My cooperating teacher never tells me how I can improve," while others state, "My cooperating teacher only mentions the things I do wrong." 

• Cooperating teachers should not hesitate to offer suggestions and teaching ideas. Student teachers are eager for "tricks of the trade," and sources of useful teaching materials.

• Be as specific as possible, to the extent of showing materials, sketching bulletin board ideas, writing sample test questions, and so forth. 

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Growth & Formal Evaluation

• The conference should contribute to the student teacher becoming increasingly self-directive and self-evaluative. Ultimately, most teachers will be essentially on their own in self-contained classroom situations where professional growth must continue. 

• Two or three conferences each quarter may be centered around the overall evaluation of the student teacher. For example some cooperating teachers use three such conferences:  – An initial conference to set expectations and look over

the evaluation instrument. (Clinical Report – Pathwise Lesson Analysis)

– A mid-term conference to assess progress to date. – A conference near the termination of the student

teaching experience (60 days for BS, MEE, MAT or 40 days MSE) to explain the final evaluation and to discuss the prognosis for future professional success. 

• Three-way conferences involving the College Supervisor are useful in many instances. These may be initiated by any of the parties involved.

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Roadblocks to Effective Communication

• No time before school or after school due to demands of preparation, student teaching seminar, and lunch or bus supervision.

• No time during the school day since one or both

of the parties must be working with students.

• Feelings of inadequacy or insecurity on the part of the cooperating teacher or student teacher.

• Over-concern for "hurting the feelings" of the student teacher

• No place to talk in private. 

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Goal of Conferences• The goal of the conference is better development in

some specific aspect of the student teacher's performance such as teaching procedures, development of plans and ideas or the acquisition of information about school, teaching or pupils.

• A conference will help the student teacher view his/her role more clearly, and it should provide the needed direction for better action. If the student teacher goes into his/her tasks with new insight and assurance, the cooperating teacher has been successful in his/her conference objectives.

• A conference can provide a real challenge in the area of human relations. An attitude of mutual trust and respect has to prevail. A poor choice of words or an ill-chosen expression can create unnecessary tension.

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Your Stance for Conferences

• The cooperating teacher is an advocate by listening. – Listen intently – Try not to get so busy formulating responses that you fail to listen as to what is being said.

– Use open body language and facial expressions• Try to meet the needs expressed by the student

teacher – Information – Reassurance – Evaluative comments

• Understand how the student teacher feels in the situation – At best he/she is insecure – At worst he/she is actually frightened

• Maintain objectivity during conferences • Emphasis should be placed on what actually was

said and done rather than on opinions of what occurred.

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Timing of the Conference

• Timing of the conference is essential to success in achieving the desired objectives.

• The closer to the "significant moment" that two people can confer, the better the results. Emphasis on a particular problem at the time it reaches its peak will be more effective following the teaching act, than it will be if it is delayed.

• Delay in conferring may result in significant information being discussed too late for the student teacher to take any remedial action. In other instances, it may result in the actual impact being lost, due to the passing of time. The cooperating teacher must be alert for the "conferrable moment" with the student teacher just as he/she is for the "teachable moment" in working with a group of pupils.

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Emphasis is Upbeat & Often

• The conference is designed to help student teachers know what to keep doing, as well as, what to change. An effective conference maintains a student's confidence so a learning rapport can foster. Frequent looks at helpful teaching ideas, as well as, problems will help the student teacher view the cooperating teacher as a resource who is seriously interested in improving teaching.

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CONFERENCES • Analysis of teaching skills

Verbal interactionNonverbal interactionManipulation of subject matterEmotional rapport with pupils

• Evaluation of the student teacher's progressWhat teaching and learning is taking placeParticular skills of the student teacherHelping the student teacher formulate a concept of good teaching and how he/she compares with that conceptSpecific suggestions for overcoming weaknesses

• Information about the schoolSchool policies for teachers Rules and regulations for studentsCurriculum organizationsAvailability of and procedures for securing resourcesRole of specialized personnel Reports and recordsGeneral questions about the school

• Information about studentsTest recordsPersonal informationUnique circumstances which might affect learning

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Topics Discussed• Sharing teacher's ideas and knowledge

Philosophy of teachingProcedures of grading and evaluationIdeas concerning disciplineTechniques of keeping recordsSuggestions concerning planning and organizationGathering resource materialHow to improviseDealing with emergenciesProfessional organizationsArranging for field trips and resource personnelWhy a situation or problem was handled in a certain manner

• Discussions of plans for teachingPre-teaching analysisPost-teaching appraisalLong range plans and ideasDiscussion of possible activities and techniques

• Defining goalsClassroom goalsTeaching process

• Personal adjustment of the student teacherPersonal problems as they relate to the school settingPersonal valuesPersonal mannerismsAttitude toward people

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Payment and Credit

• Cooperating Teacher Stipend Form & W-9 Form are to be completed and submitted to the college supervisor on or before the final evaluation.

• The college supervisor will provide a WC Certificate (DE Lead Teachers) for 30 clock hours towards your 90 clock hour requirement.

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Any Questions ?• The college supervisor is committed to answering your questions in a timely manner and is your first contact.

• Clinical Coordinators email address:

New Castle County – [email protected]

Kent & Sussex Counties – [email protected]

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Take the Survey

• Please go to the following web address and take the survey:

• After taking the survey just press the “submit” button.