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WILLIAM by William T. Taylor

May 30, 2018



Molly Carlson
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  • 8/14/2019 WILLIAM by William T. Taylor




    William T. Taylor

    Writers First Draft1995

    copyright #PAu 1-980-194

    INT. / EXT. Bus Depot - Morning

    William - William does not plan to have an influence onanyone, he just naturally does, very handsome. Age19, freshman in college, one parent, only child,attends church, helps the less fortunate, quick tohelp and listen, reflects on his childhood for guidance, considerate and respectful. Determined,confident and aspires to be an elementary schoolteacher.

    Williams Mom - Age 48, single parent, loveable, lacking ineducation, and financially struggling.

    Pastor - Age 60, and conservative.

    Bus depot, small town in West Virginia. William, Williams mom and their pastor arestanding inside the bus depot.


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    WILLIAM(with great excitement speaking to Mom)

    Mom, you have taught me many important things and we have beenthrough so much together, but I am thrilled to be starting the first chapter of my adult life.

    (looking at Pastor and back to Mom)

    William (Contd)I am confident, even with anticipated mistakes, I am going to have awonderful life.

    (Mom looking sad and lonely)

    (walks to Mom and while giving her a hug and with acomforting voice)

    William (Contd)Im going to miss you to.

    Williams MOM(in deep thought then nervously states)

    The bus is due any minute.

    (pausing and slowly)

    Williams Mom (Contd)I know youll be fine but, I will worry about you anyway.

    (realizes she is over reacting)I know, everyone goes to college.

    William(puts arm around Moms shoulder and very seriously)

    Mom I love you very much, Ill remember everything you taught me.

    (Pastor nods approval)

    William (Contd)(upbeat and reassures)


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    I have everything in order, I have already secured a full time job inHouston as an assistant groundskeeper, I am going to college part time

    (eyes gleaming with excitement)and in the very near future I will be a school teacher.

    (a short pause, devilish smile, jokingly states)

    William (Contd)Maybe Ill fall in love?

    (quickly Moms eyes show fear)

    (slight pause, steps in front of Mom, places his hands onher shoulders, looks directly in her eyes)

    Ill be fine.

    Williams Mom(strong affection)

    I know you will, I just wish I could have

    William(lovingly interrupts with assurance)

    Mom I will be just fine. Ill be working full time and even though Ill begoing to college part time, Ill still get to become a school teacher. Thanksto you.

    Williams MomWell at least I feel better knowing that you have traveled to Houston, andgot yourself a job.

    PASTOR (decides to lighten the air)

    I remember the first day I met William. It was on a Sunday, before theearly service, at the church. He was nine years old and straight to the

    point and he said to me, my name is William and I want to know moreabout this church. At that very moment I knew it would never be unclear what is on his mind, and he was determined to get his answer.


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    (William and Williams Mom reminiscently laughtogether.)

    Williams Mom(looking directly at Pastor)

    William has always found a lot of answers through you.

    William(looking back and forth at Mom and Pastor jokingly states.)

    Yea, but they were always easy questions.

    (SOUND of bus pulling up. William could see a mild panic in his Moms eyes. William walks toward her.)

    William(hugging Mom)

    I love you and Ill be alright.

    (short pause, and with a big smile)

    But I wont fall in love too quickly.

    (Mom lovingly smiles.)

    (William turns and faces pastor.)

    Pastor(seriously and looking at William)

    Youre a natural, so just be yourself.

    (William and Pastor share a brief hug)

    (all walk outside to the bus, William quickly gets on the bus, waves out the window and the bus slowly drivesaway.)


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    Ill take you to your apartment so you can drop off your things and freshenup.

    (Jonathan and William walk toward an apartment over astorage barn.)

    William(as they are walking)

    It is great to be here, and as you said in our interview you need someoneyou can count on, and Im your man! Thanks again for this opportunity.

    (Jonathan smiles and continues walking toward Williamsapartment and when they arrive just outside the door.)

    JonathanWhen you get settled in meet me at the stables and Ill show you around.

    (turns and walks toward the stables)

    (William hurriedly throws his luggage on the floor andheads toward the stables and walks up to Jonathan.)

    Jonathan(a little surprised)

    Well that didnt take long, lets walk around and Ill show you the place.

    (William and Jonathan walk throughout the HollinsworthEstate, identifying tractors, mowers, fencing, horses andJonathan explains their care and maintenance.)

    (Jonathan and William standing near a fence line and a girlon horse from a slight distance away rides by, hair flowingin the wind and she is beautiful and William tries to bediscreet in noticing, but he is not blind.)


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    Jonathan(noticing William looking at Pamela ride by explains)

    That was Pamela, the Hollinsworths middle child, she is a Freshman to.

    (William disciplines himself back to a business focus, andJonathan and William keep walking.)

    Jonathan(polite small talk)

    So you are working to earn money for college and you chose Houston.How long do you think it will take to save enough money?


    Well its more like when will I finish. I go to school part time in theevenings

    (with excitement)I start in two weeks.


    William (Contd)Its part time, but its a start.

    (Jonathan is very impressed with Williams positiveattitude.)

    Jonathan(knowing William is tired)

    Lets call it a day and give you a chance to settle into your new place.


    Jonathan (Contd)


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    Ill see you in the morning, Im an early riser, and we start @ 6:00 AM(encouraging smile)

    that allows you your needed eight hours before your evening classes.

    WilliamIll be on time and again thanks for this opportunity.

    (turns and walks away)

    (William goes back to his apartment, gives it a closer look.William walks through the small living room, the kitchen,and checks out the bathroom and then into the bedroom.William lies on the bed, looking up.)

    William(talking aloud to himself)

    I finally have my own place.


    William (Contd)What shall I do first?

    (thinks for a moment, snuggles into the pillow)My first course of action in my own place is no action.

    (rolls over, adjusts his pillow for his head and falls asleep.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    William gets to the stables early. Then Jonathan arrives. Jonathan looks at a clock on thewall; its 5:45 AM.

    Jonathan(straight to the point)

    So, you dont have a problem getting up early.


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    WilliamUsually I dont but I didnt want to take the chance of being late.

    (slight pause and serious)Jonathan you may have to tell me something once but you wont have totell me twice.

    (Jonathan shakes his head in approval.)


    Mr. Hollinsworth is very protective of his family. You must limit yourself to the areas we discussed.

    WilliamI understand and Ill ask you before I do anything new.

    Jonathan( nod of approval then semi-seriously)

    Well I know you know how to take care of stables,(points)

    Show me what you can do with this one.

    (Montage of William over the next couple of weeks, mowing, mulching, watering grassand flowers, moving hay, caring for the horses and cleaning the stables. William isfeeling right at home.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Rif-Raf (Dog)- Rebecca Hollinsworths dog which no one elsereally cares about except Jonathan and nowWilliam.

    Rebecca Hollinsworth Age 11, prim and proper because of familyenvironment and aspires to play softball, prefers to

    be called Becky but mom and dad prefers Rebecca,


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    mom and dads expectations are different than hers but she tries to honor them.

    Jonathan and William are cleaning the stables when Rif-Raf strays in. Rif-Raf goesstraight to William as if he knows him. William stops to meet a new friend.

    William(kneels to pat Rif-Raf, states aloud)

    Whose dog is this?(continues patting)

    He is a friendly fellow.

    Jonathan(turns to look)

    Thats Rif-Raf, Rebecca Hollinsworths dog. Rebecca wont be far behind.

    (Rebecca stands in the doorway of the stables and shequietly observes William playing, being gentle and lovingwith Rif-Raf.)

    REBECCA(happily and quickly walks with a swagger over toWilliam.)

    Hi Im Becky,(thinks briefly, looses the swagger and stands more ladylike)

    I mean Rebecca.

    William(softly and jokingly)

    Which is it Rebecca or Becky?



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    (slowly states)My parents prefer Rebecca.

    William(immediately understands, and respectfully states)

    Hi Rebecca Im William.

    (William and Rebecca played with Rif-Raf for a fewmoments.)

    RebeccaMost everyone thinks Rif-Raf is a nuisance, except for Jonathan.

    (after a few more pats)

    Rebecca (Contd)He sure has taken up with you.

    (In the background Martha (Rebeccas Mother) calls for Rebecca.)

    Jonathan(making sure Rebecca wasnt lost in excitement)

    Rebecca, Martha is calling.

    Rebecca(looking at William)

    I have to go.(turns and slowly walks away with Rif-Raf)

    William(as Rebecca and Rif-Raf are leaving William yells)

    I enjoyed meeting you Becky.


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    (Rebecca pauses, looks back at William not knowing whatto say.)

    William(understanding her dilemma.)

    Ill call you Rebecca if anyone else is listening.

    (Rebecca with a big smile, turns and walks away.)

    EXT. / INT. College Campus, Bicycle Shop, Soup Kitchen - Day




    William walks to campus and registers for class. William enters a large room followingthe detailed directions at each station to register. He collects all the necessary forms andsits at a table to fill them out. He finishes, submits them, writes a check and everything isapproved. As William is walking out.

    William(very satisfied says aloud)

    That was easy enough.(rubs his hands together)

    Now, to secure transportation.(William looks in both directions, not knowing which wayto go, decides right, and off he goes heading up one of thetown streets. He stops and asks a postman.)

    Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a bicycle shop in town?



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    (kindly turns and points)Go to the first stop sign and turn right. Its about half a block down on theright.

    WilliamThank you. Have a good day.

    (William enters the bicycle shop and walks up to thecounter.)

    William(says to salesperson)

    I need a bicycle to travel back and forth to school, nothing fancy.

    (William and the salesperson walk towards a row of bicycles. After a little searching and considering the price,William decides on one. Writes a check and off he goes,riding his new bicycle.)

    (As William is riding back to the Hollinsworth Estate, hecuts through a side street and passes by a soup kitchen. Herides just a little further, stops and turns to go back.William goes inside.)

    William(asks the volunteer)

    Could you use some help?

    VOLUNTEER (thankfully)

    Saturday evenings are our busiest time. We can always use help then.

    WilliamWell thats perfect, Saturday is better for me too.


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    Volunteer(hands William a form)

    Fill out this information form and we can schedule you to work at your earliest convenience.

    (As William is writing.)

    VolunteerAre you starting to college this fall?

    William(continues writing, proudly states)

    Yes I am.(completes form and hands it back to the volunteer.)

    VolunteerWell, when can you start?

    WilliamYou said Saturday is your busiest day, so how about this Saturday?


    Saturday it is. The rush starts at 5:00 PM.


    Ill be here, and it is nice meeting you.(walks out, gets on his bicycle and off he goes.)

    (Montage of William attending evening classes on campus,studying in the library, volunteer work at the soup kitchen


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    on Saturdays and church on Sundays. William is busy andhappy.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Pamela Hollinsworth Age 19, very pretty, freshman in college,lives at home, prim and proper, desires

    parents approval.

    Jonathan and William are working on a tractor hooking-up the mower and Pamela rides by on her horse towards the stables and stops.

    PAMELA(yells toward Jonathan)

    Jonathan, has the ferrier been here?

    (Jonathan works his head out from underneath the tractor.William keeps working and glances from underneath thetractor and notices Pamela. He conveniently had to getanother wrench, which requires him to extend further fromunderneath the tractor to get a better look. Jonathannoticed William getting the wrench and he knew that

    particular wrench was not needed for his work.)

    Jonathan No.

    Pamela(says to herself)

    Oh good Im not late.(quickly rides off toward the stables.)


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    (Jonathan could tell Pamela caught Williams eye, soJonathan decided to test his insight)

    Jonathan(as Jonathan and William continue working)

    That was Pamela Hollinsworth.

    William(very composed)

    How many children do the Hollinsworths have?

    JonathanTwo girls and a son, Robert, he is the oldest.

    (William continues to work.)

    Jonathan(reaches for the wrench that wasnt needed.)

    You must have picked up the wrong wrench?

    William(slow to respond)

    Yea----I guess I did.

    (William continues to work. Jonathan smiles unnoticedand nods another approval.)

    (Jonathan and William finish hooking-up the mower to thetractor. Both are standing next to the tractor.)

    Jonathan(looking at the mower.)


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    With this mower you will cut more in a shorter time. Start out front andwork your way to the back.

    (Jonathan walks away with the tools and William jumpsonto the tractor seat and fires it up. Off to the front hegoes. As he mows, William sees Rebecca with Martha, ona couple of occasions, and waves. Rebecca, each time,quickly returned Williams wave smiling from ear to ear.Martha, very attentive, notices but pretends she doesnt.)

    (William finishes the mowing and heads back to the stablesand Jonathan is there.)

    Jonathan(knowing William has a tight schedule.)

    Dont worry about the final cleanup; Ill take care of it. I know you have atight schedule and you already worked fifteen minutes over. You run onso you wont be too late.


    Thanks Jonathan, I wont forget this.

    (while walking away, he yells back)

    William (Contd)I owe you one my friend.

    Jonathan(says aloud to himself)

    Yes, it is a friendship.

    William(begins a slight jog and says to himself.)

    Jonathan is so in tune with life. He doesnt miss a beat.


  • 8/14/2019 WILLIAM by William T. Taylor


    EXT. / INT Hollinsworth Estate Night

    William in bed before going to sleep.

    William(writing a letter to Mom)

    Dear Mom,I love you and miss you and my letters to you keep me connected withhome, but I have to say I am excited with all my opportunities. Thank You. School is great and I am enjoying the soup kitchen and I attendchurch regularly. But I have to tell you more about Jonathan. Jonathan isthe groundskeeper, my boss, for the Hollinsworths Estate, I have greatrespect for him and I believe we are going to be good friends. I cancertainly count on him as long as I dont cross the employer/employeerelationship. Jonathan takes his long time position with theHollinsworths seriously. He just seems so wise. You can certainly feelmore comfortable about me being away from home with Jonathan in the

    picture. I love you Mom! Until Next Time, William(William lays the letter on the nightstand, cuts out the light,lays his head on the pillow, closes his eyes and falls tosleep.)

    INT. / EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Martha Hollinsworth Age 52, selective, subservient to husband but has everyones respect, great influence on dad,true friend and partner to husband, addresses her husband as Richard never Dick. The family rock.

    Martha is in the kitchen this morning looking out the window, sees Jonathan walkingacross the backyard and she knew this would be a good opportunity to inquire withJonathan about William.


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    MARTHA(steps out of the kitchen door.)

    Jonathan, may I speak with you a moment?

    JonathanYes, Mrs. Hollinsworth.

    (walks over to Martha)

    Martha(to the point)

    Rebecca seems fond of William, what is your opinion of him?

    Jonathan(with great enthusiasm)

    William is a gentleman and a honest young man.

    MarthaRebecca seems to be developing a long distance friendship with William.She shows great enthusiasm when William waves at her, as if she knowshim.

    JonathanRebecca met William, briefly, one day when Rif-Raf strayed into thestables.

    (confidently)I have seen nothing but good intentions in William.

    MarthaThank you Jonathan, I know I can trust your judgment.

    (turns and walks back inside)

    (Jonathan continues walking across the backyard.)


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    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Martha and Rebecca are getting into their car; Martha is taking Rebecca to school. Asthey are driving down their driveway, Martha sees Jonathan.

    Martha(says aloud)

    Jonathan thinks highly of William and you seem fond of him as well.

    Rebecca(very composed)

    I met William briefly in the stables when Rif-Raf strayed away. He wasvery kind to Rif-Raf and he seems like a nice man.

    (shifts herself around in the seat trying to find acomfortable spot.)


    You know father is very cautious about introductions with a stranger.

    Rebecca(too quickly)

    But mom William is nice


    Rebecca (Contd)I know youre right.

    (concedes and looks out the window.)


    If you wish, you may converse with William as long as you do notinterfere with his duties.


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    (Rebecca is about to burst with enthusiasm; her eyes arewide open, breathing a little faster, but pauses and reachesdown deep inside for control.)

    Rebecca(very soft moment)

    I would enjoy that mother, thank you.

    (Rebecca is beaming and she could not hide that fromMartha. Martha is very composed and lightly smiling tosee such happiness within Rebecca. The car continues ontoward school.)

    INT. / EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Morning


    Rebecca and Martha are in the kitchen.

    Rebecca(enthusiastically to Martha)

    Rif-Raf and I are going outside and enjoy the day.


    Dont go beyond the stables.

    Rebecca(thinks to herself)

    Mom never allows me to go to the stables without someone. This is her indirect green light of approval to see William.


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    (Rebecca heads out the door, stops, turns and looks atMartha, a very tender moment. Martha quietly shoosRebecca with her hand to go on. Rebecca turns and sheand Rif-Raf run non-stop to the stables.)

    (Jonathan and William are mucking stalls, and whenJonathan sees Rebecca and Rif-Raf.)

    Jonathan(smiling says to himself)

    This is Mrs. Hollinsworths stamp of approval to allow William andRebecca time together.

    (Rif-Raf runs straight to William.)

    William(stops work, looks at Rif-Raf)

    What a pleasant surprise.(stoops down to pet Rif-Raf and Rebecca quickly follows.)

    Hi Becky

    (realizing a correction may be required, looks at Jonathanand says clearly)

    William (Contd)Rebecca.

    RebeccaYou can call me Becky in front of Jonathan.

    (Jonathan gleams with his acceptance by Rebecca.)

    Rebecca (Contd)(smiling)


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    I must not interfere with your duties.

    (Jonathan over hears and wants to encourage their timetogether.)


    How about if Rebecca and Rif-Raf be our assistants. They can get thedifferent tools as we need them and save us time.

    William(sensing Jonathans approval)

    I couldnt think of two better assistants.(looks at Becky, points towards a wall)

    How about getting me that pitchfork.

    (Jonathan slows down to make the work in the stables lastlonger so Rebecca and William could spend more timetogether so Rebecca will legitimately feel needed.)



    (walks over to the pitchfork, lifts it off the wall and takes itto William and hands it to him.)

    Rebecca (Contd)(assuringly)

    You just let me know if you need something else.

    (William smiles and starts fluffing and distributing thestraw bed in the stall.)



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    (explaining)You spread the straw evenly in the center and bank it a little higher on thewalls.

    (Rebecca is anxious to dive in.)


    May I work with you for a while and Im sure I will get the hang of it.

    WilliamSure Becky, go get another pitchfork.

    (Rebecca hurriedly gets another pitchfork off the wall andreturns to the stall William is working in.)


    You do that side and Ill do this side. Just do what I do and well get thisdown to a science.

    (Rebecca smiles, watches William closely, struggles atfirst, but determined to do it herself, and shortly she getsthe hang of it.)

    (Jonathan watches, but keeps his distance. He is smilingwatching Rebecca and William working together. He nodsanother sign of approval.)

    (A few minutes pass.)



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    So, Becky, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?


    I practice piano, enjoy shopping with mother

    (searching for something else to say)

    Rebecca (Contd)and playing with Rif-Raf.

    William( sensing there is more inside Becky.)

    If you could do anything you wanted to do, right at this very moment,what would you do?

    Rebecca(without any hesitancy)

    I would be on the girls softball team.

    William(says aloud and indirectly)

    Now we are getting somewhere.(pause)

    Have you ever played on a softball team?



    But boy do I really want to.



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    Dreams do come true. If you want it bad enough and you go about it theright way, it will happen.

    (positively states)Someday.

    (stirring the pitchfork around in a circle in serious thought.)

    (Montage of William, Rebecca and Rif-Raf continuouslyworking and playing, and lunchtime is slipping up on them.Jonathan enjoys watching William and Rebecca throughsmiles and showing facial expressions of approval.)

    (Back at the kitchen Martha looks at the clock, it is 11:30AM.)

    Martha(says to herself)

    I know Rebecca is having the day of her life but I dont want her to over do it. I want her to know today meets with my approval.

    (idea)Ill have lunch prepared and taken to her.

    (shortly after Housemaid walks into the stables witha huge picnic basket.)

    HOUSE MAID(says to Jonathan)

    Mrs. Hollinsworth suggested I bring lunch for everyone.

    JonathanThank you that is very considerate.

    (Housemaid hands Jonathan the basket and turns to walk back to the house.)


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    Housemaid(as she walks past Rebecca)

    Rebecca, Mrs. Hollinsworth wanted me to remind you to not stay to long.(turns and walks away.)

    ( Jonathan starts setting out the lunch on a table. Each person has a sandwich, apple and soft drink with napkins.All gather around.)

    Rebecca(looks at William & Jonathan)

    After lunch I must go.

    William(grabs his sandwich and takes a bite)

    This taste great, I love ham and cheese.(jokingly)

    If lunch is provided, Ill have to work for free.

    (Rebecca laughs and Jonathan smiles.)

    William(looks down at Rif-Raf, tears off a piece of his sandwich.)

    Hey Rif-Raf you got to eat, you helped too.(pitches the piece of sandwich in Rif-Rafs direction.)

    RebeccaThis has been the best Saturday. Working in the stables with you guys isfun.

    (jokingly)Sure beats piano lessons.


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    (Everybody laughs and continues eating. After everyonefinishes eating Rebecca gathers the picnic basket and thereis a sad look on her face. Jonathan notices.)

    Jonathan(says to Rebecca)

    Now we know your talents, maybe in the near future you can assist usagain?

    William(quickly responds)

    I have never enjoyed my work more. I do hope you will Becky.

    (walks over to Rif-Raf and pats him.)

    William (Contd)Goodbye buddy, take care of Becky.

    (walks toward Becky, very comfortably, and gives her ahug.)

    William (Contd)(with emphasis)

    Today has been great.

    Rebecca(remains quiet, pauses and replies)


    Rebecca (Contd)(looks toward Rif-Raf, pats her leg)

    Come on boy.(turns and she and Rif-Raf walk away with a happy bouncein her stride.)

    (William looks at Jonathan, in silence, Jonathan nodsapproval and William continues his work.)


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    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Marthas Guests All women.

    Martha had a small informal gathering of friends over for a visit this Saturday afternoon.She and Rebecca are showing the guests around on the property and as they walk throughthe stables, Jonathan and William are there working.

    Rebecca, in the background, walks over to William. William is tacking up a horse.

    RebeccaHi. Do you need some help?


    Sure, Becky.

    (they both smile)

    William(horse is on cross ties and points.)

    Hand me that white saddle pad.

    (Rebecca walks over and gets it and brings it to William.Rebecca is standing holding it. William looks at Rebecca.)


    What are you waiting for?

    (Rebecca is confused)


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    William (Contd)Put it on the horses back.


    I cant reach that high.

    WilliamBoy, I hope you dont allow small obstacles like this hold you back inother areas.

    (encouragingly)Use your noodle, figure out a way. Ill hold the horse.

    (Rebecca realizes this is a fun way for William to allow her to do it. And Rebecca loves to do things herself. Rebeccalooks around, sees a square stool, brings it over to thehorses side, climbs upon the stool and throws the saddle

    pad over onto the horses back. Adjusts it lightly and looksat William.)


    Is there anything else you wish me to do?


    Im not surprised---Im impressed.

    (Some of Marthas guests noticed William and Rebeccahaving fun and strolled over for a closer look. The restfollowed. One of the guests, as if she was speaking for everyone.)


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    FIRST GUEST(asks aloud, very prim and proper)

    Some of us have never observed this process before; may we focus onyour efforts?

    (William and Rebecca look at each other with a surprisedlook. William quickly looks toward Jonathan and he giveshis nod of approval.)

    WilliamOf course-----would you like to help?

    First Guest(quickly replies)

    Oh yes, may I.

    WilliamWell, the saddle is next. All you have to do is place it on top of the saddle


    (William hands her a saddle, guides her to the stool, shesteps upon it with the saddle and throws it on the horses

    back. She is elated and smiles from ear to ear and lookingat the other guests for acknowledgement.)

    William(looks toward the guests)

    Would someone like to help with the girth?

    ANOTHER GUEST(quickly and childlike)

    How about me, I would like to.


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    (William guides her through the process. All are observingvery attentively.)

    William(enjoying the interest)

    Would someone else like to help with the bridle?

    (All of the guests are raising their hands, properly bouncingwith excitement, and hoping they will be selected. Williamand Rebecca look at each other and are laughing at theguests showing such enthusiasm.)


    How about you?

    ANOTHER GUEST(excitedly jumps up, regains her composure)

    Yes, I would like to try as well.

    (All the guests are having fun and laughing. Martha is inthe background observing and not involved.)

    Martha(thinking to herself and fighting off temptation)

    I normally dont mingle with employees-----but they are having fun----- but I dont want to crowd Rebecca. William is special to her.

    (Rebecca notices Marthas distance and realizesopportunity is at hand.)



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    (calls to Martha)Mother I would like to introduce you to William.

    (Martha very prim and proper walks over.)

    Rebecca(looks at William)

    William this is my mother.

    (William being open, polite and comfortable with himself,softly extends his hand to Martha and she awkwardlyextends hers.)

    William(extremely polite)

    It is a pleasure, and now I have a better understanding why Rebecca lovesyou so much.

    (leans toward Martha and lightly gives her a kiss on thecheek. Martha is surprised but is warmed by Williamsaffection.)

    Martha(comfortably taken back)

    I also have a better understanding why Rebecca thinks so highly of you.

    (Rebecca takes another opportunity, as if the thought just popped into her mind.)

    Rebecca(says aloud to everyone)

    I know everyone is invited to my piano recital next week, is everyonecoming?


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    ALL THE GUESTS(excitedly and politely respond, you hear several)

    Oh yess.

    (Due to Marthas politeness and not feeling hesitant.)

    Martha(says to William)

    I know it would make Rebecca happy if you would attend.

    (suspiciously thinking)

    Martha (Contd)(says to herself)

    Rebecca may have set this up; Im just not sure.

    William(with hesitancy, looks over at Jonathan for help and hegives his nod of approval again.)

    I would be honored and nothing could make me happier.

    (Everyone begins to leave and Rebecca purposely lags behind. This is Williams first opportunity to speak withRebecca privately.)

    William(semi-excited says to Rebecca)

    Come back when you have a free moment. I have something to show you.

    (Rebecca not knowing what to think but excited.)



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    (mysteriously)Okay. Ill be back later.

    (turns to leave, stops looks at William, jokingly)Remember to call me Rebecca at the recital.

    (smiles, walks away and just before she goes out of sight,she turns and gives William a thumbs up.)

    (William and Jonathan discuss the invitation briefly.)

    WilliamWell I never expected that!

    JonathanI havent seen Rebecca happier.

    WilliamRebecca and I do have a budding friendship.


    William (Contd)Will a jacket and tie be appropriate?

    Jonathan(laughing as he talks)

    Yea, that will be fine. What really matters is your attendance.

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate Day

    Later that afternoon, Rebecca returns anxiously wanting to see what William wants toshow her. She quickly goes to William; he is working in a stall.



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    (excitedly)What is it that you want to show me?

    (William, stops work, stands the pitchfork against the stallwall and motions for Rebecca to follow him to the tack room. Jonathan inconspicuously observes. William andRebecca walk towards a footlocker and William opens it,

    picks-up something wrapped in cloth. Hands it toRebecca.)


    Open it, its yours.

    (Rebecca, very surprised, slowly opens it, looking atWilliam almost with every motion. Then a softball glove isrevealed with BECKY engraved on it with a softball inside.Becky didnt know what to say.)

    (Jonathan is inconspicuously trying to observe but hedoesnt have a clear view.)

    William(quickly responds)

    Someday, you will play on a softball team and this glove is going toremind you to keep that dream alive until then.

    (Rebecca doesnt know what to do with herself. She givesWilliam a hug and protectively wraps the glove again and

    places it very softly back in the locker and slowly closesthe locker.)

    WilliamWhen we can well go outback and Ill pitch you a few fastballs.


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    Yeah, that will be cool, just you and me. WOW I cant believe it.(disappointing pause)

    Gee I have to go, but soon you will be throwing me that fastball.(gives William another hug, runs excitedly to the stabledoor, stops to look back at William, reaches her hand highas if grabbing air, quickly pulls her elbow to her sidemaking a fist and states with great enthusiasm but softly)

    Yes!(then runs off.)

    (William returns to work and Jonathan pretends to be too busy to notice much. Jonathan, when William isntwatching, discreetly heads for the tack room and opens thefootlocker and finds Beckys glove. Its all in perspectivenow why Rebecca was so excited.)

    Jonathan(reminiscently to himself)

    When I was a kid----- my uncle would have done the same thing. Oh, thesecrets we shared.

    INT. Hollinsworth House - Day

    Richard Hollinsworth Age 55, senior partner in well establishedlaw firm, politically known, loyal to family

    but he is always busy, uncomfortable withaffection, expects family to abide by

    predetermined rules.

    Hollinsworth Guests Husbands, wives, friends, kids and etc.


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    Rebecca is looking out the front window anticipating Williams arrival. William arrivesat the Hollingsworths front door and rings the doorbell. Rebecca quickly answers thedoor and William is standing there. After William notices how pretty Rebecca is.

    WilliamIt will be easy to call you Rebecca today, because you are so elegant.

    Rebecca(with a little formal acting.)

    Why thank you William.

    William(hands Rebecca a yellow rose.)

    This is for good luck, but I can assure you even before I hear you play, Iwill be proud.

    (Martha not intending to eavesdrop over hears theconversation.)

    (Rebecca smiles, takes Williams arm and escorts him tohis seat, which is up front with the family, next to Robert.Robert formally ignores William. There wasnt time for introductions, Rebecca seats herself at the piano, places therose beside her music, a moment of silence, and she beginsto play. The recital is formal and Rebecca is great.)

    (When the recital is finished Rebecca formallyacknowledges everyones applause. Martha stands andaddresses their guests.)

    Martha(tells everyone)

    Refreshments will be served in the gathering room.(softly extends her hand in the direction of the room)


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    Please join us.

    (All guests politely proceed towards the gathering room.Rebecca hurriedly walks over to William. Rebecca noticedRobert would not strike up a conversation and she fearedthis would appear rude to William.)


    William, will you be my escort?


    I would be honored, Rebecca.(winks, extends his arm, Rebecca accepts and Rebeccatakes William to meet the family.)

    (Rebecca takes William to Martha, and Richard is standingnext to her.)

    RebeccaMother you remember William.


    Yes,(looks at William)

    and its nice of you to attend.


    Thank you for inviting me.(leans over and gives Martha a light kiss on the cheek.)


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    (Richard is surprised but Martha gives him that look itsokay.)

    (Pamela is walking past as the kiss occurs, notices butkeeps walking.)

    (Rebecca introduces William to her father.)

    RebeccaFather I would like for you to meet William,

    (looks at William)William this is my father.

    (Richard, always in charge, replies first.)

    RICHARD(to the point)

    Rebecca thinks a lot of you.

    WilliamAnd I do her also.

    (One of Richards guests pulls him away. Robert issocializing far across the room. Pamela is standing nearbyand Rebecca introduces William to her.)

    RebeccaPamela this is William,

    (looks at William)William this is my sister Pamela.



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    (thinks to herself and keeps a little distance and iswondering)

    Is he going to kiss me too?

    William(realizing Pamelas distance.)

    It is nice to meet you.

    Pamela(feeling rejected thinks to herself)

    He didnt even extend his hand to me.(she just blows off the thought)

    (awkward silence)

    William(recognizing the silence, politely states)

    May I get you something to drink?

    Pamela No thank you, Im going to wait awhile.

    (teasingly partially turns away)

    William(turns to Rebecca)

    May I get you something to drink?

    Rebecca(takes Williams arm.)


    (Rebecca and William walk toward the refreshments.)


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    William(looks back at Pamela)

    Nice meeting you.

    (Pamela, discreetly, gives William a mild second look).

    William(As William and Rebecca drink their refreshment, heseriously states.)

    Your recital, you played beautifully.

    RebeccaThank you.


    You must have been born playing a piano.

    RebeccaMy mother taught piano. Im sure you get the picture now.

    (pause)But she did spare me and agreed to one of her former students as myteacher.

    (Several guests are working their way past William andRebecca and they politely had to step back and interrupttheir conversation.)

    William(looks at his watch)

    Regretfully I have to leave.


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    Do you have to leave so soon?

    WilliamTheres some volunteer work I promised to do.

    (Rebecca understands)

    William (Contd)Becky will you tell everyone I had to go and thank them for the invitation?

    RebeccaYes, and I am glad you could come.

    WilliamYou were great and I am honored to attend.

    (Rebecca escorts William to the door.)

    William(just before walking out)

    I am not surprised, but impressed.(winks at her and walks out the door)

    (Rebecca closes the door and returns to the gatheringroom.)

    Martha(walks over to Rebecca.)

    Wheres William?



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    He had to leave early.

    (Martha with a surprised look)

    Rebecca (Contd)He had promised to do some volunteer work.

    (walks off and mingles into the crowd. Richard, standingnearby, overhears Rebeccas comments.)

    Richard(says to Martha)

    I am impressed he honors his commitments.

    Martha(thinks to herself)

    An unsolicited comment, Richard noticed too.

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Rebecca runs to the stables and finds William sweeping the center isle. She quicklylooks around and sees no one else is there.


    (William looks around)

    Rebecca (Contd)how about throwing me a few fastballs?

    William(thinks for a moment)

    Becky, its the bottom of the seventh inning, two outs, the bases areloaded, your team is leading by one point, you are in center field, a deepfly ball is hit to center field and you start running for the ball.


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    (stops talking)


    Well, do I catch it?

    William(pauses for a moment, starts running for the tack room andas he runs he yells with great excitement.)

    Lets get your glove and find out.

    (Rebecca immediately races William to the footlocker for her glove. William unnoticeably insures that Becky getsthere first. Becky quickly gets the glove, slowly slides her hand inside, and beams with delight.)


    Okay mister fastball; give me your best shot.

    (William and Rebecca run out behind the stables where noone would see them, they thought, and pitched ball andwere having fun. Jonathan, at a distance, is heading for thestables. When he saw William and Rebecca, he smiles andquickly does an about-face and heads in the oppositedirection.)

    INT. Hollinsworth House - Night

    Rebecca is in her bedroom preparing for bed. She has on her sleeping gown and is sittingin front of her dresser brushing her hair. Seemingly in serious thought. She finishes andgets into bed and is looking towards the ceiling. She clasps her hands together, lookstoward the ceiling.


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    Rebecca(says aloud)

    God thank you for my partial dream come true. Pitching softball withWilliam was wonderful. I have my own glove too.

    (with reluctance)I dont want to sound selfish, but if I go about it the right way would youallow my dream to come true completely?


    Rebecca (Contd)Also, would you help me go about it the right way?

    (very content, rolls over, snuggles her pillow and fallsasleep.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Martha walks from the house to the stables to speak with Jonathan. Martha walks intothe stables and Jonathan is there alone.

    Martha(concerned and to the point)

    Jonathan would you inform me more about William? He is such aninfluence on Rebecca and I do like what I see but I want to be careful.

    JonathanWilliam is from a small town in West Virginia, he goes to college parttime, works full time to pay for his tuition, does volunteer work onSaturdays, attends church on Sundays and he is very reliable.

    MarthaI know William does volunteer work because he left shortly after therecital because of it. Do you know what that involves?


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    JonathanWilliam works at a soup kitchen once a week to help care for the lessfortunate.

    MarthaDo you think he was embarrassed to tell us that?

    Jonathan(without hesitation)

    Oh no, William feels giving shouldnt be acknowledged or you will bedoing it for the wrong reasons.


    Thank you Jonathan, this has helped me better know the type of personWilliam really is.

    (turns and walks away. She even has a little bounce in her step.)

    INT. Hollinsworth House Friday - Day

    Martha and Richard are getting dressed, in their bedroom, for an evening out. Richard istying his tie and Martha is sitting at her dresser doing some finishing touches. She islooking at Richard through the mirror.

    MarthaDo you know William comes from a small town, goes to college part timeand works full time to pay his tuition.

    (Richard starts to speak but Martha continues.)

    Martha (Contd)


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    He feels it is important to not receive acknowledgement for his volunteer work because he believes you would then be doing it for the wrongreasons.

    (Richard waits to insure Martha has finished.)

    Richard(nodding his head in approval)

    I have a good feeling about William.

    (finishes dressing and turns to leave the room, stops, andsemi-seriously looks at Martha.)

    Richard (Contd)Maybe we better open our eyes to Rebeccas judgment, she sure seems tohave picked a nice one in William.

    Martha(turns toward Richard. Richard leaves the room, as Marthaturns back to the mirror, she says to herself.)

    Williams beginning to reach Richards heart also.

    Ext. Hollinsworth Estate Saturday - Day

    William is mucking stalls and Pamela brings her horse in after her ride. Pamela is in a big hurry and she hurriedly untacked her horse and washed it down. But she didnt havetime to clean her boots, which were very muddy.

    Pamela(says aloud to herself)

    I dont have time to clean my boots.(Frustratingly she takes her boots off and sets them on thefloor, as she walks away says to herself)

    Ill just have to do them later.


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    (William overhears Pamelas comments and, after sheleaves, he cleans and polishes them for her. He leaves anote with her boots stating, I Wasnt Eavesdropping But IOverheard Your Conflict With Time And I Thought ICould Help. William.)

    (Pamela returns later and finds her boots and the note. Shesaw William and went over to him carrying her boots).


    I want to thank you for cleaning and polishing my boots. That was a nicegesture.

    William(very casually)

    No problem, Im glad I could help.(continues working)

    Pamela(slowly walks away and thinks to herself)

    What a nice guy.

    (Jonathan is in the same area and could overhear their conversation. Nods approval again.)

    Jonathan(thinks to himself)

    William sure keeps focused on his work-----I think Pamela wanted to talk more.

    (smiles and goes back to work.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day


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    Jonathan and William are doing light work in the stables.

    JonathanLets call it a day, tomorrow is Christmas.

    WilliamThat sounds like a wonderful idea.

    JonathanDid you call your mother?

    WilliamThanks for reminding me, but I plan to call her Christmas morning.

    JonathanWhat are you doing for Christmas dinner?

    William(didnt want to sound down.)

    I dont know just yet. I kind of enjoy allowing the day to develop on itsown.


    I would be honored if you would join me for Christmas dinner.

    William(very touched and excited)

    Thank you. I would like that. What time is dinner and what can I bring?


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    4:00 PM and bring an empty stomach. It will be nice to cook for someone.

    (proudly)I am a good cook!

    (Jonathan and William part, both looking forward toChristmas dinner.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Later that day Jonathan sees Martha and walks over to her.

    JonathanMrs. Hollinsworth, may I speak with you for a moment.

    MarthaOf course Jonathan.

    JonathanI wish to reconsider your invitation for Christmas dinner this year.

    (Martha looks puzzled and Jonathan explains.)

    Jonathan (Contd)I have decided to prepare dinner myself and invite William. I know thefeeling of being alone.

    Martha(softly and understanding)


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    Your change of heart is well understood and Ill enjoy the day even moreknowing that the two of you are together. I hope you and William have awonderful Christmas.

    JonathanYou too Mrs. Hollinsworth and be sure to tell the whole family the samefor me.

    MarthaI will.

    (turns to walk away and stops.)

    Martha (Contd)You know youre like a member of the family.

    (Jonathan smiles and they both walk away.)

    INT. Jonathans House Christmas Day

    William knocks on Jonathans door and Jonathan answers it.

    JonathanMerry Christmas William and come in.


    Merry Christmas Jonathan and thanks for having me.(looks at the table, it is beautifully prepared)

    Wow Jonathan, its the most beautiful table I have ever seen.



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    You didnt have to make that comment to get seconds. Please sit downand lets enjoy it.

    (Jonathan and William seat themselves at the table. Itsvery organized.)

    JonathanEverything should be within easy arm reach. If you leave hungry, itsyour own fault.

    William(looks at all the delicious food)

    Believe me I wont let this opportunity pass me by.

    (pauses silently for a brief moment)

    William (Contd)Immediately starts reaching for all the dishes and fills his plate.

    (Jonathan does the same and as they eat.)


    Did you call your mom?

    WilliamThank you for asking and yes I did and she is well. I gave her an updateon everything. She told me to tell you she feels much better knowing I amhaving Christmas dinner with a close friend.

    (Jonathan smiles for Williams acknowledgement as a closefriend.)


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    Jonathan(fatherly posture)

    How are your grades coming along?

    WilliamTwo Bs.

    Jonathan(quickly replies)

    Considering how busy you are thats very good.

    (William softly laughs.)

    (Jonathan a little surprised)


    My mom said exactly the same thing.

    (Now, William and Jonathan both laugh.)

    (Jonathan and William finish eating, with some small talk.Afterwards.)

    William(leans back very thankfully)

    Let me help you clean the dishes.


    No, you go and enjoy the rest of your day.



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    (walks to the door and turns toward Jonathan, veryheartwarmingly states.)

    Thanks again. What a special day.(opens the door and leaves)

    INT. Hollinsworth House Christmas Day

    Jessica Waverly Age 19, freshman in college, Pamelas closestfriend, materialistic and plans to marry success.

    Pamela and Jessica at the Hollinsworths house, Pamela is looking out the window andnotices William walking towards his apartment from Jonathans house.

    Pamela(subtlely but softly)

    William is a nice guy, so polite and considerate.

    JESSICA(follows Pamelas eyes and looks out the window too,surprisingly.)

    Have you had a chance to get to know him?

    PamelaHe and Rebecca are good friends and I have met him briefly a couple of times.

    Jessica(thinks to herself)

    I cant believe it Pamela has finally shown some interest in someone.(acting like Sherlock Holmes)

    Im going to find out more about this guy-----Pamela certainly wont.(Jessica looks at Pamela then back out the window toWilliam, and stares.)


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    EXT. College Campus Day

    Jessica is on campus, one evening, and notices William rushing to class. She looks at her watch.

    Jessica(says to herself)

    4:45 PM, that means Williams class starts at 5:00 PM and lets out at 6:00PM.

    (satisfied with herself)Pamela and I will be here next week at 6:00 PM.

    (sarcastically)What a coincidence that will be!

    (The following week, Jessica and Pamela are sitting on a bench outside the building Williams class is in. Jessicasaw William coming and stands to leave, walking inWilliams direction, and Pamela follows.)

    William(sees Pamela and walks toward her)

    Hi Pamela.(leans over and gives her a kiss on the cheek, and jokingly)

    I almost didnt recognize you without your riding attire.

    Pamela(introduces Jessica)

    William, this is my close friend Jessica.

    WilliamIt is nice to meet you.

    (pauses and hurriedly says to both)I dont mean to rush but I have to go.


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    Sure, dont let us hold you up.

    William(looks at Jessica)

    It was nice meeting you.(walks to his bicycle and rides off)


    What was that kiss all about?

    Pamela(quickly replies)

    That is his way of greeting.

    (Jessica has that oh sure look)

    Pamela (Contd)Its like a handshake.


    I hope some handsome guy comes up to me and gives me, Its Like AHand Shake Kind Of Kiss.

    (Pamela, for a moment, had a serious look on her face andthen blows it off. Pamela and Jessica walk away.)


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    (Montage the next three weeks of Rebecca, William andRif-Raf spending time together. Rebecca even works withWilliam to spend time with him.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Pamela is in the stables tacking up her own horse and taking longer to do it as Williamand Rebecca are working. While she slowly tacks up her horse Jonathan walks over toher.

    JonathanPamela, I can arrange to have your horse tacked up in advance.

    Pamela(very awkwardly)

    Well-----I dont mind, I really dont mind doing it myself.

    Jonathan(thinks to himself)

    That sure is a change of pace.(aloud)

    Okay, if you need anything just let me know.

    (Jonathan walks out of the stables and waves at Mrs.Hollinsworth on the lawn. Martha returns the wave andfrom a distance notices Rebecca and William workingaround the stables.)

    Martha(says to herself)

    I would have never guessed Rebecca would enjoy working in a stable-----Pamela never would have-----But, William and Rebeccas friendship is agood one.


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    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Jonathan and William are working in the stables and Pamela is there tacking up her horse.Pamela gradually works her way over near William and strikes up a conversation.

    PamelaWhat are you majoring in?

    WilliamEducation, I want to be an elementary school teacher. How about you?

    (Jonathan overhears Pamela starting a conversation withWilliam, smiles and inconspicuously exits.)

    PamelaFather wants me to go to law school.

    William(straight to the point)

    Is that what you want?

    (before Pamela could answer William noticed that Jonathanwas gone, pausing thought)

    William (Contd)I must go.

    (walking away he looks back over his shoulder)Enjoy your ride and If you ever get pressed for time again, just leave your

    boots and Ill do them.

    Pamela(lost for words and awkwardly)

    Maybe I will.


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    William(continues to walk away)

    Good, because I really am glad to help.

    Pamela(resumes tacking up her horse, talks to herself)

    Is this guy for real, I have never met a guy who gives and expects nothingin return.

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    William is working along the driveway as Richard and Rebecca are driving in. Rebeccasaw William.

    RebeccaFather lets stop and say Hi to William


    (brief thought)Would you like to invite William as our guest to the company picnicSunday?


    Yes, but the picnic starts at 12:00 noon and William goes to church onSundays and he doesnt get home until 12:30.

    (The car slows down and stops where William is working.)



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    (rolls down window)Hello William.

    Richard(right to the point.)

    William I would like to invite you to our company picnic next Sunday.

    William(not wanting Mr. Hollinsworth to think he didnt want togo)

    Jonathan informed me of the picnic but-


    Meet us at the house at 1:00 PM and you can ride with us.

    William(happily responds)

    Thank you Mr. Hollinsworth, and Ill be there.

    (As the car drives off and the window is rolling up,Rebecca looks out the back window and waves at William.)

    Rebecca(looks at Richard, concerned)

    Father you always start the picnic with a speech.

    Richard(adjusts himself while driving, clears his throat andstruggling for words.

    This year I feel like doing it different.



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    Richard (Contd)I shouldnt be so predictable.

    (pauses)Dont you think?

    Rebecca(smiling from ear to ear and with composure and withemphasis)

    I do agree father.

    (car continues up the driveway towards their house.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate, Park Picnic Sunday - Day

    Robert Hollinsworth - The oldest child, 28 years old, self-centered,Ivy League graduate, aspires to take Mr.Hollinsworths position in the Law Firmsomeday, superficial to say the least.

    Employees - Approximately 40

    Roberts So Called Friends - 4 or 5

    William is walking across the lawn to the Hollinsworths estate heading for their frontdoor. He looks at his watch, 1:00 PM; he walks up to their door and rings the doorbell.Mr. Hollinsworth answers the door.

    Richard(pleasantly firm)

    I like a person who is on time. Punctuality is important.

    (Martha quickly grabs Richards arm and nudges himoutside toward the car. Rebecca smiles at William and theyall pile into the car.)


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    (When they arrive at the picnic, Richard prepares to givehis short pep speech, with only his employees attending.Everyone else just gets involved in something.)

    Rebecca(says to William)

    Lets get something to eat.

    WilliamSounds good to me.

    (Rebecca and William head for the buffet table. Williamand Rebecca take their food and sit in the grass to eat.Several people say hello to Rebecca as they walk by. After this occurred often.)

    Rebecca(looks at William)

    You know the bosses daughter thing.

    William(jokingly formal)

    I am honored to be in your presence.

    (Rebecca looks at William and sticks her finger in her mouth in protest. William is very observant of allactivities.)

    (Martha walks over to Rebecca and William.)



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    (says to Rebecca)Rebecca, you and William look like youre having a good time.

    RebeccaThis picnic, I am sure, will be the best.


    Well I guess its time to attend the meetings.(turns and walks away.)

    (William looks a little puzzled.)


    Father sometimes turns this into business.

    (William acknowledges with a laugh.)

    Rebecca (Contd)(excitingly suggests)

    Lets enter the sack race.


    How bad should we beat them.

    (William and Rebecca head for the race. When they getthere they have to wait for the race to start. While waitingPamela and Jessica walk by.)



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    (semi-seriously says to Pamela & Jessica)Ladies what a beautiful surprise. If I had to choose the prettiest, the task would be too hard to bear.

    Jessica(reads more into it but Pamela does not and equally replies)

    Why William you are a devil after all.

    Pamela(quickly asks Rebecca)

    Are you and William going to enter the race?

    RebeccaTo quote William, How Bad Should We Beat Them?

    (Pamela laughs and hurriedly walks away with Jessica.)

    Pamela(While walking away looking over her shoulder.)

    Good luck.

    Jessica(giving Pamela her facial approval.)

    I like him.

    (Pamela just ignores Jessicas comment.)

    (Rebecca and William enter the race. They hurriedly get a bag, each put a leg in it, get on the starting line, shortly allthe contestants are ready and someone yells).



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    (William and Rebecca took off but lost because they felldown. Rebecca has a sign of sadness on her face. As theyare lying on the ground.)

    William(very upbeat)

    We didnt win but without a doubt we had the most fun.

    (Rebeccas facial expression immediately turns to joy.Rebecca and William stand up.)

    Rebecca(dusting off her clothes.)

    Excuse me; Ill be right back.

    (William returns the bag and walks around waiting for Rebeccas return.

    William(sees Pamela at the refreshment table and walks over.)

    Hello again.

    (William proceeds to get something to drink. Pamela isholding a drink and a volleyball hits her hand and Pameladrops her cup spilling her drink. It doesnt get on her clothes.)

    William(picks up Pamelas cup)

    May I pour you another?


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    (They both sensed a special moment.)


    If you would, please.

    (Just as William hands Pamela her drink, they both look into each others eyes very softly for just a few seconds.Rebecca comes back simultaneously and Rebecca picks upon that look, just like Sherlock Holmes, and she is pleased.William finally lost for words turns toward Rebecca.)


    Rebecca lets try that sack race again.

    (Rebecca nods her head yes and off they go.)

    William(while walking away, says to Pamela)

    If you need another drink, just yell.

    Pamela(thinks to herself)

    Maybe I should drink a lot today.

    Rebecca(encouragingly says to William)

    Pamela broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago.

    (As they are walking William looks behind and aroundRebecca as if she were hiding something.)


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    Where are you hiding your bow?




    Cupid must carry a bow.

    (Rebecca laughs and they continue walking. Williamnotices Martha sitting at what resembles a conference tablewith Richard.)


    Im going to see if I can bail your mother out of boredom.

    (Rebecca stands back and watches William in action.)

    William(walks over to Martha and politely states)

    Mrs. Hollinsworth may I enjoy a walk with you?

    (Martha is pleasantly surprised, pauses, William extendshis arm and Martha accepts. They walk off and Rebecca isimpressed. As they walk.)



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    I thought you may enjoy a walk, and I know I will enjoy your company.


    You are perceptive William.

    (As they walk many say hello to Martha.)

    Martha(looks at William)

    You know, the bosses wife thing.


    Ive heard that before.

    (Martha has a puzzled look)

    William (Contd)Rebecca said the same thing earlier.

    (Martha laughs, they continue walking.)

    William(reluctant but serious)

    I hope I am not out of bounds, but you and Mr. Hollinsworth seem to havea great relationship, filled with understanding and friendship.

    (Martha feeling comfortable with the conversation.)


    You left out love.


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    William(pauses briefly and smoothly answers)

    Love is understanding and friendship.

    (Martha nods her head to show she was impressed with hisresponse. As they worked their way back to Marthastable, William extends his hand to assist Marthas chair.)


    Thank you for a pleasant walk Mrs. Hollinsworth.

    Martha(happily, leans over and kisses William on the cheek))

    The pleasure was mine also.

    (Martha sits down and William walks away. Richard looksat Martha after she is seated, very surprised for the kiss.Martha looks back at Richard with one of those reassuringlooks, that its okay. Richard returns to business.)

    (William strolls around looking for Rebecca and heoverhears a conversation with Roberts so called friends.They are standing in a group drinking and talking, anddont realize William is part of Mr. Hollinsworths group.)

    LEADER OF THE GROUP(says to the group)

    This picnic would be tolerable if we didnt have to deal with Robert.

    MEMBER OF THE GROUP(responds to leader)


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    We all know he wouldnt be where he is if it wasnt for his dad.

    (William is not intentionally eavesdropping, but they arerudely loud and inconsiderate. Their personal flasks of alcohol contributed.)

    Leader of The Group(says to the group)

    He wouldnt even have us as friends if it werent for job security.

    (William isnt aware that Robert is nearby overhearing thisconversation too. William just couldnt hold back hiscomments and barges in.)

    William(strongly says to the group)

    Some friends.

    Leader of The Group(not knowing William, responds to Williams intrusion)

    Are you crashing our conversation?


    If you call the sounds I heard conversation, who would want to crash that.I know Robert and he is Okay.

    (Robert out of sight and listening, overheard Williamssupport. Then the group realized they may have divulgedinformation upon the wrong ears and quieted. William isabout to speak again when Robert walks briskly in their midst as if he hadnt heard a thing.)


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    ROBERT(says to everyone)

    Hi guys.

    (almost all say in unison)

    Hello Robert

    Robert (Contd)(looks at William)

    Hey William how are you?(looks at the group)

    I see you have met William.


    William(trying to hide frustration)

    Good to see you Robert.(pause)

    I hate to rush but I am trying to track down Rebecca.

    RobertI just saw her at the buffet table.

    WilliamThanks Robert, Ill see you later.

    (walks away.)


    I hope so.


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    (A little more socializing and the picnic is over. Everyoneloads into their cars and goes home.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Montage of the next week, when William is at the stables, Rebecca, Rif-Raf and Pamelaare there more often. Pamela keeps her distance.

    Jonathan is at the stables and he watches William, Rebecca and Rif-Raf interact playfully.

    Jonathan(happily says to himself)

    The Hollinsworths has certainly been an involved familyunit this week.

    (looks at William)I cannot believe the influence William has on everybody, includingmyself.

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Jonathan and William are working in the stables. Robert, unannounced, walks in.


    Hey guys, good morning.

    (Jonathan and William look at each other with surprise.)

    Robert (Contd)I thought I would come down and see whats going on.

    (Jonathan and William look at each other again, lost for words)


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    Robert (Contd)Its been so long since I got involved in anything down here, I thought itwas about time.

    (Jonathan and William look at each other again, still lostfor words)

    Robert (Contd)Maybe I could help with something?

    (A few moments of silence and then William takes hold.)


    Hey, that would be wonderful.(not wanting to sound like they wanted to take advantage of his labor.)

    Would you prefer to dabble in something particular?

    Robert(happily clarifies)

    I dont want to dabble, I want to help.

    Jonathan(says to himself)

    I have never heard considerate words come out of Roberts mouth.(jokingly thinks)

    What did he eat for breakfast?

    (Jonathan, feeling William is the focus, encouragedWilliam by eye contact and a nod to proceed.)



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    How about mucking a stall?

    Robert(slaps his hands together and rubs them enthusiastically)


    (starts to walk and stops, looks at William)

    Robert (Contd)Is there a particular way to do it?

    William(impressed that, for whatever reason, Robert comes downto help and he obviously doesnt know much, but he reallywants to help.)

    Grab a pitchfork and do as I do.

    (Robert walks over and lifts a pitchfork off the wall. Hewalks into the stall with William.)

    William(works his pitchfork)

    This is how you do it.

    (Jonathan is watching and just shakes his head, insurprising approval. After a short while.)

    William(says to Robert)

    Youve got the hang of it now. Pick out a stall and go to it.

    (Robert does as he is told and works non-stop, almostrelentlessly. Jonathan and William, on a couple of occasions, look at each other wondering what sparked


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    Robert. Each time they shrugged their shoulders andcontinued working. After a couple hours and nearinglunchtime.)

    RobertHey William, lets go down to a nearby deli for a sandwich.

    (brief pause)Hey Jonathan, you too.

    Jonathan(It is clear to Jonathan that William is the spark again.)

    No, you guys go ahead, I brought my lunch.

    (By eye contact Jonathan encourages William to go.)



    Jonathan(says to William & Robert)

    Take your time, with Roberts help this morning we are way ahead of schedule.

    (Robert smiled, feeling proud Jonathan acknowledged hisefforts were helpful.)

    Robert(says to William)

    Ill get my car.

    William(thinks to himself)

    Were going in his convertible sports car.


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    (William looks at Jonathan with excitement. Jonathantotally lost for words, awkwardly gives William a thumbsup. William walks toward the driveway, gets in Robertscar, the top is up, and off they go. They arrive at the deli,its quite informal. They go in and sit down.)

    Robert(looks at William)

    Its my treat, what do you want?

    William(not wanting to impose)

    Dutch will be fine; its already a treat as it is.

    RobertOkay, but the pleasure is all mine.

    (They order their lunch and sit at a table, and as they areeating.)

    Robert(friendly but seriously)

    I want to thank you for something.


    Okay, but I dont know what I did.



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    I overheard my colleagues at the picnic. I want to thank you for your defending response in support of me. I cant tell you how much thatmeant to me.

    William(thinks for a moment, extends his hand to Robert, Roberteasily accepts, and as they shake hands, jokingly butserious)

    Today a friendship,(pause searching for words)

    tomorrow more will come.

    (Robert very proudly continues shaking Williams hand,with enthusiastic acceptance. They finish eating and headfor Roberts car. As they near the car.)


    Lets make the trip back more exciting. Lets take down the top and havesome fun.

    (William shows facial excitement and Robert proceeds withtaking the top down. They jump into the car and Roberttakes off with just a little more speed than when they came.Both are laughing and yelling.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Pamela heads for the stables. When she arrives Jonathan and William are working andRebecca and Rif-Raf are assisting. Pamela starts puttsing around with her tack, then her

    boots, and then cleaning the tack room. Pamela regularly kept looking at William andRebecca. Jonathan smiles, Pamela is telegraphing her interest in body language.



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    (thinks to himself)I think Pamela is getting frustrated because William doesnt notice her?

    (A few more minutes and Pamela softly but sternly turnsand walks out.)

    Jonathan(discreetly says aloud)

    Yep, I was right.

    (Later William and Becky go out behind the stables to pitchsoftball. Becky is improving and learning some of thelingo.)


    Hey throw me a knuckle ball.(squats like a catcher. William winds up and letser fly.)


    That wasnt a strike, it was low and outside.


    Throw me the ball, the next one is right down the middle with some heat.


    Give me your best shot.

    (William and Rebecca continue to pitch.)


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    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Pamela walks in the stables and she is looking around as if searching for something, allshe saw is Jonathan working. Jonathan keeps working and observes. Pamela casuallywalks around and is wandering throughout. She hears a tractor start-up.

    Pamela(says aloud)

    William is outside and Jonathan inside, PERFECT.(walks toward the sound and finds William and Robert highfiving because they got the tractor started.)

    Robert(suggests to William)

    Hey lets take it for a test drive.

    WilliamYea, lets do it.

    (Off William and Robert go on a sputtering tractor. Pamelavery frustrated walks through the stables and Jonathan is inthe center isle. As Pamela walks past Jonathan.)

    Pamela(harshly says to Jonathan)

    Good morning.

    (slight pause)

    Pamela (Contd)Beautiful morning isnt it.



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    (cautiously replies)Well-----Yes.

    (Pamela continues walking away.)

    Jonathan(says aloud)

    She wants to talk to William and is frustrated because her timing is alwaysoff.

    (smiles and continues to work.)

    (As William and Robert are riding along on the tractor.)

    RobertDo you have any brothers or sisters?

    William No. I am the only child. It was just me and my mother, most of my life.My dad sought greener pastures when I was nine.

    Robert(not knowing what to say, carefully responds)

    Your mom must be a great woman. She sure knew how to add the rightingredients in you.


    Yea, my mom is great. She gives so much love and understanding. Weworked together making ends meet and she always reminded me there is alight at the end of the tunnel, and it is just for me.

    RobertWhat was it like growing up?


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    (pause)Just an easy summary of course.

    William(comfortably reminiscing)

    I lived in a small coal-mining town. My mother worked as a clerk in aBen Franklin store. I did odd jobs, I even worked at the Ben Franklinstore at Christmas, assembling toys and working behind the candy case. Itwas great. I helped out at the local grocery store. Harriet Mullins, thestore manager, liked me and used me whenever she could. I playedfootball; some track and I enjoyed dancing.

    (smiles)That allowed me to have a lot of Girl friends. I really never datedanyone seriously. I guess I was always focused on helping my mom.


    William (Contd)Church was very important. My pastor taught me a lot. One of the bigthings was, helping the less fortunate and feeling the great gift of peace indoing so.

    (Robert is clinging on every word, which comes out of Williams mouth as if he is living the experience as hespoke. Then William stops.)

    RobertIts amazing to listen to you. One of the first things I quickly noticed inyou, is your integrity. Now I better know why and how integrity is just

    part of your nature. It really is who you are and we need more of it.

    (William and Robert continue riding the old sputteringtractor.)

    RobertI understand you help out at the soup kitchen.


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    Every Saturday.

    RobertMaybe I could do the soup kitchen scene with you sometime?


    My pastor said I would be a good influence, maybe this is the start.

    (They continue riding away.)

    INT. Hollinsworth House - Day

    Martha is watering flowers in the Hollinsworths kitchen and Pamela walks in.

    PamelaGood morning mother.

    MarthaGood morning Pamela.

    (Pamela gets something to drink and sits down at thekitchen table. Martha continues watering flowers.)

    PamelaMother have you ever had something you wanted to do and somethingalways gets in the way? And you are frustrated because you know youcan do it.


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    Martha(trying to read between the lines, ponders for a moment,cautiously responds.)

    If in your heart what you want is honest, and is a fair test of your abilities,then be creative and make it happen.

    Pamela(allows a little time for the advice to sink in. Stands toleave and confidently responds)

    Thanks mother.(walks out of the kitchen.)

    (Martha thinks seriously for a moment and then continueswatering the flowers.)

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Pamela takes dirty riding boots to the stables and leaves them where they can easily beseen. She leaves a note on her boots. William may I please take you up on your offer to

    polish my boots? I seem to have a time management problem. Ill be back thisafternoon. Ill thank you then. Pamela

    Jonathan walks by later, reads Pamelas note and smiles nodding his head in approval.

    Jonathan(says aloud)

    Now theres a clever tactic.

    (Pamela comes back to thank William, she finds her boots polished and William and Robert are pruning a tree.Jonathan notices Pamelas frustration again and wants to


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    help. As Pamela is frustratingly looking in Williams andRoberts direction.)

    Jonathan(reassuringly tells Pamela)

    Theyll be finished within the hour.

    Pamela(frustratingly says under her breath)

    He is always busy.(walks away and repeats the same comment to herself.)

    He is always busy.

    (Jonathan shakes his head in sadness and goes back towork.)

    (At the tree where William and Robert are pruning.)

    RobertTonight is when you help at the soup kitchen, isnt it?

    WilliamYea. I usually get there at 5:00 PM to assist with dinner.

    RobertHow about if I be your shadow and Ill help out a little too?


    That is the best idea I have heard all day. I know you will be glad you did.Do you have a bicycle?


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    Robert(thinks for a moment.)

    I know there is a bicycle in the garage.

    WilliamGood, lets meet here at 4:30 PM and well get some exercise at the sametime.


    Ill be here with bells on.

    (William and Robert finish, gather the tools, take them tothe stables.)

    Robert(walking away, he tells William)

    Ill see ya at 4:30 sharp.

    (William acknowledges with a thumbs up. Jonathanoverhears and has that curious look.)

    William(explains to Jonathan)

    Robert is going with me and help at the soup`kitchen this evening. Andour transportation is bicycles.

    Jonathan(quickly, with surprised facial expression)

    Get out of here!

    (William shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head yes.William and Jonathan go back to work.)


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    Jonathan(thinks to himself, shaking his head)

    I have heard it all now.

    INT. Soup Kitchen - Evening

    Less Fortunate Boy - African American, Age 7.

    Soup Kitchen Coordinator

    William arrives, on his bicycle, at the stables at 4:15 PM and Robert is waiting with his bicycle.

    Robert(says to William)

    By the time we get there(pats his bicycle)

    Ill be hungry.

    (Off William and Robert go. They arrive at the soupkitchen and they are standing, side-by-side, in the servingline. Most of the less fortunate are older and Robert isimpressed how appreciative they all are. William watchedRobert soften inwardly. Then a young African American

    boy, about 7 years old, comes through the line.

    LESS FORTUNATE BOY(very thankful and humble says to Robert)

    I havent seen you before. Thank you for coming, my name is Robert.

    (Robert connected with this boy immediately.)


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    William(observing Robert, thinks to himself)

    What a moment to remember. For the first time he looks like a chip off the ole block, struggling for words just like his dad.


    My name is Robert too.

    Less Fortunate Boy(excitedly)

    We are a lot alike then, as my dad used to say, We Are Two Peas In APod.

    Robert(with a very sad look as the boy moves on, says to William)

    I want you to help me find out more about him.


    Robert (Contd)Im going to personally help that kid.


    Ill inquire with the soup kitchen coordinator.

    (The following week, at the soup kitchen.)


    Robert, the young boy you inquired about, received money, anonymously,for his support. We would like to send a thank you note; do you knowwho it is?


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    William(with a happy face and a big smile.

    Yes, Im pretty sure I do. But I wont tell you his name, I am confident heis not finished. Hell tell you himself.

    EXT. Hollinsworth Estate - Day

    Late morning Pamela notices from her bedroom window William and Jonathan areworking in the storage barn. She noticed Roberts car is gone.

    Pamela(talking to herself)

    No one goes to that dirty repulsive place-----Opportunity knocks-----Pamela be creative-----No be assertive!

    (At lunchtime, Pamela prepares a hearty lunch for Williamand Jonathan, and starts towards the storage barn. As she iswalking, very positive and upbeat.)

    Pamela(walking to the storage barn talking to herself)

    Now its my turn. No one will interrupt my chance to talk with Williamtoday. Im counting on Jonathan to give William and I some privacy.

    (walks into the storage barn where William and Jonathanare working.)

    Hey guys I know this work is the pits and I thought lunch may lift your spirits.

    (Before they could respond, Rif-Raf runs in and Rebeccaright behind. Pamela is disappointed, but cool.)

    (Shortly after, Martha comes in searching for Rebecca.)


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    Pamela(thinks to herself)

    Good, now they both will leave because mother hates disgusting places.

    Richard(walks in barn, upbeat)

    Gee, I come home and find no one. I had to set out on a family hunt.

    (enjoys the setting, pulls up a bale of hay, takes a sandwich,something to drink, sits down and says aloud)

    Richard (Contd)This is a perfect idea. Getting away from the typical settings and having a

    picnic lunch. Who prepared all this?

    Pamela(panicking, thinks to herself)

    Oh great now my father is going to make a production out of this.(disappointingly responds aloud)

    I did.

    (This is one time Martha missed the boat. She and Rebeccausually do not miss reading between the lines, but they letthis one go right over their heads. Pamela was grateful theydid.)

    (Pamela cannot believe this is happening. Everyone is soinvolved in the moment; no one picked up on Pamelasintentions. Except Jonathan. Pamelas body language of frustration is obvious to Jonathan. Jonathan moves closer toward Pamela but before he could get there Pamelafrustratingly looks out the door and towards the house.)



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    (softly asks Pamela)What are you looking for?

    (Pamela is so upset she doesnt know what to do or say.)


    I am just looking to see if Robert is coming, I would hate for any member of this family to be left out!

    (Jonathan keeps silent, but is sad for Pamela. William justsat, in the seat of an old tractor, and listened to this familywhirlwind, which just blew in. William thought Pamelawas just being nice.)

    (Pamela lost her upbeat attitude and shortly after everyonehad finished, Pamela looking for an opportunity to leave,takes the EMPTY picnic basket back to the house. Just asshe is leaving.)

    Richard(asks William)

    How is school coming along?

    (Before William could answer, Pamela turns out of sight,heading for the house.)

    Pamela(sarcastically says to herself)

    Just great, now I have to plan around my father too.(walks strongly towards the house swinging the picnic

    basket.) (Jonathan is the only one that read Pamela loud and clear.)


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    INT. Mr. Hollinsworths Office - Day

    Brenda - Mr. Hollinsworths Secretary, Age 45.

    At work, Robert formally requests and appointment with his father.

    Robert(politely asks Brenda)

    Please schedule an appointment with my father, this afternoon if possible.

    (That afternoon, Robert enters dads office. Richard issitting at his desk. Robert grabs a chair. Robert is a chipoff the ole block, right to the point.)

    RobertFather I want to start from the bottom and work up.

    Richard(cannot believe what he just heard and seriously responds)

    Would you run that by me again.

    RobertIf I am going to have a chance of replacing you some day, I must firstknow the business from ground up and most importantly I need to earneveryones respect.

    Richard(very grateful but still in disbelief, very cautiouslyresponds)

    I must ask what prompted this?


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    Robert(stands and