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Wildfire v1 point 1 small.pdf

Feb 14, 2018



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    V 1.1


    Greg Saunders

    Playtest Advice Phil Davies

    FireRuby Designs, 2008

    Art: Gary Dupuis

    Colourised by Greg Saunders

    Miniatures by Ground Zero

    Games and Old Crow, painted

    by Greg Saunders

    Thanks to Dan Parkington, Neil

    Egerton and everyone else from the

    Fire Ruby forums for their helpful


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    Introduction 7Quick Overview 7What do you Need to Play? 7Fire Teams 7Counters 8Dice 9Paper 9Playing Surface 10

    A Note on the Background 10Setting up the game 11Selecting Starting Forces 11Selecting and Deploying Scenery 11Deploying Forces 12Playing with More than Two 12Anatomy of a Fire Team 13Quality 14Points Cost 14

    Statistics 14Choosing and placing Actions 17Performing Actions 17Reacting 18Combining 18Phases and Actions 19Actions 19Nerve 19Deadly and Suppressive Fire 20

    Move (MV) 21Fire! (F!) 21Assault! (A!) 22Rally (RA) 23Dig In (DI) 23Mobilise (MB) 25Move and Fire (M/F) 26Opportunity Fire (OF) 26Reaction Fire (RF) 28

    Mobility and Vision 30Jump Troops 30Line of Sight 30

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    Full and Partial Cover 31Woods 32Buildings 32Ranged Combat 33Range 33Resolving Ranged Combat 34Multiple Weapons 37Area of Effect 37Indirect Fire 38Melee Combat 40 3Combined actions 44Combined Fire attacks 44Combined Ranged Attacks and Area 44and Indirect Fire WeaponsCombined Melee 46Combined Rallying 48Designing Infantry Fire Teams 49Concept 49Points 49Choosing Quality 49Nerve and Strength 50Move Allowance 50Selecting Firepower 50Selecting Range 51Selecting Ranged Damage 52Selecting Assault Strength 52Selecting Assault Damage 53Selecting Resilience 54

    Vehicles 56Vehicle Fire teams 56Vehicle Quality 56Vehicle Actions 56Vehicle Facing 58Vehicle Movement 59Vehicle Movement 59Speed 59Acceleration 59

    Manoeuvrability 60Crashing 61Movement Types 61Max Speed and Terrain 61

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    Walker Movement 63

    VTOL Movement 63Transporting Fire Teams 64Vehicles in Combat 65Infantry and Vehicle Weapons 65Firing Arcs 66Relative Movement 66VTOLs Versus Ground Forces 67Assault! Actions Against Vehicles 67Vehicle Strength 67

    Running Down Infantry 68Designing Vehicles 70Vehicle Concept 70Points Cost for Vehicles 70Choosing Vehicle Quality 70Selecting Movement Type 70Selecting Vehicle Max Speed 71Selecting Manoeuvrability 71Acceleration 71

    Nerve and Vehicles 72Selecting Vehicle Strength 72Selecting Vehicle Resilience 72Capacity 72Vehicle Weapons 73Selecting Anti-Vehicle Range 74Ranged Damage 74The Second Sphere 75The Golden Age 75The Separatists 76The First Separatist War 76The Instability Plot 77The Age of Isolation 79Recovery 79A New Dawn 79All at Any Cost 80The Second Separatist war 81 2Fire, Storm and Steel 82Fire 83Separatists 88

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    Vespers Separatist World in the 89

    334/221 Sector of the BoundaryEcosphere 90Populace 90Government 90Military 91Accord Activities on Vespers 95The Skalde 95 1Sheets to photocopy 102

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    Introduction around the actions of Fire Teams, small two or three man groups in as appropriate for small scale skirmish games

    Quick Overview start of each phase both players lay markers face-down next to Players then reveal their markers, carrying out the Actions as they are placed by surviving Fire Teams, and the game continues until

    What do you Need to Play? the Fire Teams that are the basic unit of the game, some counters,some ten-sided dice (usually referred to as D10), a playing surface

    Fire Teams in play by a circular base about an inch across, around the size of a

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    nicely on bases of this size and so 15mm is the scale used in the

    Counters can use any sort of counters, but the small plastic 15mm diameter

    There are ten different counters used in play, so a maximum ofone hundred counters per side would cover all eventualities for ten

    The Fire Team

    You can use any markersapproximately the size of atwo pence piece as a Fire Team- these 15mm figures are from

    Gound Zero Games

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    Dig In

    Move and Fire

    Opportunity Fire

    Reaction Fire

    Gone to Ground


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    Playing Surface make the game interesting - you can use sketches on paper to mark but there are plenty of manufacturers who make beautiful scenery will last as scenery acts to block line of sight between Fire Teams

    A Note on the Background

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    Setting up the game

    Selecting Starting ForcesBefore you can play a game you need to decide on the composition

    What you will need to do is sit down with your opponent and designthe Fire Teams you will be using bearing in mind the guidelines on of this book are some examples of different kinds of Fire Team to act

    Selecting and Deploying Scenery your opponent should agree on the amount of scenery you will be side of the board!

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    Deploying ForcesOnce the board is set up and the starting sides selected, the players

    Playing with More than Two around the table from player to player allowing each to perform following the rules outlined later, play passes to the next player in

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    Anatomy of a Fire TeamFire Teams are described by a number of statistics that indicate howcapable they are of performing different actions and by a term called and example of which is shown below (for a blank example take a

    Name: __________ Total points cost:_______


    Move allowance: _______

    Jump Move allowance:___ (Image of unit)





    Type (V/I): (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Fire Power: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Range: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Area?: (1)_____(2)______(3)______ Indirect?: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Other info:

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    Recruits no or very little real combat experience, troops straight

    Regulars your common soldier with some real experience of the

    Elites the best of the best, Special Forces with highly specialised

    perform the more advanced combat options are only available to

    Points CostEvery Fire Team has a cost that allows it to be compared to others

    Statistics These statistics each have a value, dependent on either the type of For some typical values for these statistics, see the examples at theback of the book

    Move allowance (M) a measure of the abilty of the Fire Team

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    are may peform jump movement, effectively hopping across the but Fire Teams that are capable of jump have two values listed fortheir their jump movement - a jump Move allowance followed bythe number of times the Fire Team may use the jump device in any

    Firepower (FP)

    ability to hit a target, but the Firepower of Fire Teams that carry

    Range (R) the medium range of the weapon carried by the Fire listed, short range is considered up to half of the listed range value

    Ranges are measured from the centre of the base of the attacking Ranges should only be measured after the appropriate ranged

    Ranged Damage (RD) do they cause?

    Assault Strength (AS)

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    Assault Damage (AD)

    Resilience (Res) a measure of the ability of the Fire Team to resistdamage, including the protection given by forms of armour and the

    Guts (G)

    Strength (Str) an indication of how long the Fire Team can

    words how much damage they can take before they are rendered Team is damaged in combat action - once it reaches zero, the Fire

    Nerve (N) an indication of the willingness of the Fire Team to

    during the game, representing the psychological effects of combat

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    All human Fire Teams start with a Nerve value of 4, regardless of

    Choosing and placing Actions

    At the beginning of each phase players gets to choose actions for placed upside down by the side of each Fire Team as previously

    Performing Actions If the forces are composed of different numbers of Fire Teams, theplayer controlling the least number of Fire Teams adds the difference Teams and resolving it until all the markers have been revealed and

    markers left on the game board than his opponent, he may skip histurn and force his opponent to reveal another of their unresolved

    After all the Action markers have been revealed and acted on, the markers face down next to their remaining Fire Teams and a new

    Fire Teams can always choose not to carry out all or part of their

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    only using part of their Move allowance when a Move Action marker one selected at the start of the phase unless it is a result of an Action


    Action may reveal and perform that Action as soon as an enemy FireTeam moves into their line of sight, even if it is in the middle of the

    other Actions to reveal in the phase or has chosen not to reveal In this case, the marker remains by the Fire Team until it is either

    Combining This is known as combining Actions and is covered in more detail

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    Phases and Actions These Actions are chosen in advance at the start of the phase byeach player, and counters describing the chosen Action are placed

    Actions three characters that follow the name of each Action are examples

    Nerve veteran is going to be more worried about his own skin than following


    Flip the marker,perform the Action

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    Generally, the more perceived danger an Action involves, the higher

    Deadly and Suppressive Fire represents an attempt to damage and eliminate members of a Fire Fire Teams to lose their Nerve, restricting their capabilities on the

    Nerve value of

    Fire TeamNerve value of


    To perform an Action normally:

    If Nerve value of Fire Team is less

    than the Nerve value of the Action,

    the Shaken equivalent of the Actionis performed


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    The Actions available to Fire Teams are Move, Fire!, Assault!, Rally,

    Move (MV)

    The Fire Team that uses this Action may spend their Move allowance allowance can be spent each phase to move one inch across clear,

    away from enemies, or this Action may be replaced with a Dig In

    Fire! (F!)

    Shooting things, the bread and butter of warfare! When this Actionis revealed, the Fire Team initiates ranged combat during the Phase



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    but instead may either perform a Dig In Action for free, or a MoveAction providing all movement is away from enemy Fire Teams in

    Assault! (A!)

    The Fire Team rushes to engage an enemy Fire Team in hand-to-hand in melee combat, the attacking Fire Team must end their move in

    either perform a Dig In Action for free, or a Move Action providing all


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    Rally (RA)

    Fire Team may spend up to half their Move allowance to move across

    Dig In (DI)

    The Fire Team tries to settle into a defensible position, making use Fire Team harder to hit while at the same time making their attacks

    marker which is placed face up next to them (this is only marker any Action with a movement element (such as the Move or Move and

    Dig In


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    All ranged combat Attack totals for the Fire Team are at +2 and allenemy Attack totals against the Fire Team are at 4 while the Gone

    Team must perform a Mobilise Action to remove the Gone to ground

    Gone to Ground

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    cover at their full movement allowance, losing any unactivated

    Mobilise (MB)

    can then immediately use up to half its Move allowance, rounded


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    Move and Fire (M/F)

    The Fire Team using this Action uses the phase to move across the Team may spend up to half (rounded up) of their Move allowance to

    instead either perform a Dig In Action for free, or a Move Actionproviding all movement is away from enemy Fire Teams in line of

    Opportunity Fire (OF)

    at a single enemy Fire Team that passes through their line of sight in

    Move and Fire

    Opportunity Fire

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    already in line of sight when the phase begins, even if that enemy

    an Action performed by an enemy Fire Team, such as Move or Move

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    the may either perform a Dig In Action for free, or a Move Actionproviding all movement is away from enemy Fire Teams in line of

    Reaction Fire (RF)

    Reaction Fire

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    one of the attacking Fire Teams as the attacks are considered to

    Instead they may either perform a Dig In Action for free, or a MoveAction providing all movement is away from enemy Fire Teams in

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    Mobility and Vision rough ground such as a steep hill, a swamp or the shattered remains

    for players to agree what constitutes rough ground on the playing

    Jump TroopsSome Fire Teams may have a jump capability and an associated

    Fire Teams have a jump device they will have a further two valueslisted on their Fire Team card, a Jump Move allowance followed bya backslash and a value that indicates how many times the jump is engaged, the Fire Team may move forward spending their jumpMove allowance as normal, but at the same time may use up to half

    their Jump Move allowance (rounded up) to move vertically upwards,

    Line of SightFor a Fire Team to target an enemy Fire Team, they must be in line of the base of the observing Fire Team to the centre of the base of the

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    If less than half of the target Fire Team is visible from the centre ofthe base of the observing Fire Team, the target is said to be in partial due to intervening terrain then the target is in full cover and may not of the enemy base, whereas line of sight is calculated to the centre

    Players must use their common sense when determining what

    Full and Partial Cover

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    Woods Fire Teams within a wood that have part of their base within an inchof the edge of the wooded area are considered in partial cover to Fire


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    Ranged Combat


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    Resolving Ranged CombatThe outcome of ranged combat attempts is determined as shown

    To perform fire combat use the Fire!, Move and fire,

    Opportunity fire or Reaction fire Actions

    Then compare the following:

    Attacker: 1D10 + Firepower + range modifier + other modifiers

    Range modifier: +3 for short, 0 for medium and -3 for long

    Other modifiers: +2 if Gone to ground, -4 if target Gone to

    ground, -3 if target is in partial cover, plusany modifiers from the chosen Action

    Defender: 1D10 + Resilience if deadly fire or Guts if

    suppressive fire

    If Attacker total is greater than Defender total, Defender is hit

    If Attacker total is greater than twice Defender total, Defender

    is hit twice

    Attacking total greater than three times Defender total,

    Defender hit three times, etc.

    If the target is hit, damage is resolved as shown on the opposite

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    For each hit, the target suffers damage dependent on the type

    of ranged attack.

    For deadly fire: target suffers loss of Strength equal to the

    Ranged damage of the attacking Fire Team

    For suppressive fire: target suffers loss of one point of Nerve

    If the Strength of the target Fire Team is reduced to zero at any

    time, the Fire Team is destroyed

    immediately must either use their full Move allowance to move away already performed in the phase, but replaces any Action yet to be

    A Fire Team with a Gone to ground marker immediately loses themarker and must use their Move full allowance to move away from

    - a Fire Team suffering a loss of Nerve from they may instead remove their Action marker and perform a Dig

    Actions, their Resilience is halved until their Nerve is raised above

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    Multiple WeaponsSome Fire Teams will be kitted out withmultiple weapons, for instance which allows multiple ranged combat attacks, only the primary

    Area of EffectSome weapons such as grenade launchers or rockets have an areaof effect, that is to say they potentially damage anything within a the distance from the point of impact over which the weapon can

    The attacker determines his attack total in the normal way and that if the weapon is aimed at a target Fire Team, just because they place, it just indicates that the members of the Fire Team managed

    Teams armed with grenades are considered to have a selection of

    Grenade 1Infantry support weapon 2Mortar 3

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    Indirect Fire possible to hit the opposing Fire Team from above and they mustalso be within line of sight of a friendly Fire Team that has a Gone to with a Fire! Action and can only ever be suppressive (a Fire Team

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    Melee CombatFire Teams may engage in melee combat at any time by performing with an enemy Fire team, either through a prior Move Action ona previous phase or through their movement during the Assault!

    Once melee combat is engaged both the Fire Team using the Asssault!Action and the defending Fire Team get to perform a melee attack Action marker the defending Fire Team possesses that has yet to be

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    To perform melee combat use the Assault! Action

    Then compare the following:

    Attacker: 1D10 + Assault strength + other modifiers

    Other modifiers: +2 if Gone to ground, -4 if target Gone to


    Defender: 1D10 + Resilience

    If Attacker total is greater than Defender total, Defender is hit

    If Attacker total is greater than twice Defender total, Defender

    is hit twice

    If Attacker total is greater than three times the Defender total,

    Defender is hit three times, etc.

    For each hit: target suffers loss of Strength equal to the

    Assault damage of the attacking Fire Team

    If the Strength of the target Fire Team is reduced to zero at any

    time, the Fire Team is destroyed

    The effects of damage is determined simultaneously for each Fire

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    If only one of the Fire Teams involved in the Assault! Action is

    damaged, they immediately lose one point of Nerve and must usetheir Move allowance to move directly away from the enemy Fire Team may then either follow up by spending their Move allowanceto pursue their enemy, or may immediately perform a free Dig In

    If both Fire teams take damage or both escape unharmed, a secondround of simultaneous melee combat takes place, performed in the

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    Rallying fire teams

    Fire teams may Rally to regain Nerve lost through either suppressive two points of lost Nerve as well as allowing the Fire Team to spend

    halved (rounded down) until their Nerve is increased through a Rally

    Any Fire team successfully Rallied may then act normally during the

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    Combined actionsThe Fire!, Assault! and Rally Actions may be combined, allowing a combined Action, the player reveals the markers of all of the Fire only allowed if the Fire Teams involved are performing the same kind combined Action is resolved, and the markers are removed when the

    Combined Actions are ideal for attacking tough units, but restrict the

    Combined Fire attacksA player may use a combined Fire! Action with two or more Fire Teams

    partial cover with respect to an attacking Fire Team involved in the This affects the Firepower of every Fire Team in the Combined Fire! Fire! Action, if the Firepower of a Fire Team would be reduced to zeroor below by cover effects then their effective Firepower is considered

    Other effects of ranged combat remain the same for combined

    Combined Ranged Attacks and Area andIndirect Fire Weapons Fire Teams in their line of sight may take part in Combined Fire!

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    To perform combined fire combat use the Fire! Action

    Then compare the following:

    Attackers: 1D10 + Total Firepower for each Fire Team involved

    + range modifier of the Fire Team at longest range

    + other modifiers

    Range modifier: +3 for short, 0 for medium and -3 for long

    Other modifiers: +2 if Gone to ground, -4 if target Gone to

    ground, -3 if target is in partial cover, plus

    any modifiers from the chosen Action

    Defender: 1D10 + Resilience if deadly fire or Guts ifsuppressive fire

    If Attackers total is greater than Defender total, Defender is hit

    If Attackers total is greater than twice Defender total, Defender

    is hit twice

    If Attackers total is greater than three times the Defender total,Defender is hit three times, etc.

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    All other effects of ranged combat are the same as for the normal

    Combined Melee

    Combined melee attacks are resolved as shown on the opposite

    As in the normal melee attack, both the attacker and defender get to on the receiving end of the Assault! Action), they get to choosewhich of the attacking Fire Teams they potentially damage with their

    For each hit, the target suffers damage dependent on the type

    of ranged attack.

    For deadly fire: target suffers loss of Strength equal to the

    Ranged damage of the attacking Fire Team

    that inflicts the greatest damage

    For suppressive fire: target suffers loss of one point of Nerve

    If the Strength of the target Fire Team is reduced to zero at any

    time, the Fire Team is destroyed

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    To perform melee combat use the Assault! Action

    Then compare the following:

    Attacker: 1D10 + total Assault strength total of the Fire Teams

    involved + other modifiers

    Other modifiers: +2 if Gone to ground, -4 if target Gone to


    Defender: 1D10 + Resilience

    If Attacker total is greater than Defender total, Defender is hit

    If Attacker total is greater than twice Defender total, Defenderis hit twice

    If Attacker total is greater than three times the Defender total,

    Defender is hit three times, etc.

    For each hit: target suffers loss of Strength equal to the

    Assault damage of the Fire Team that inflicts

    the most damage

    If the Strength of the target Fire Team is reduced to zero at any

    time, the Fire Team is destroyed

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    Combined RallyingIt is possible for Fire Teams to perform a combined Rally action to Only one of the Fire Teams involved will regain lost Nerve, the other

    During a Combined Rally Action, the Fire Team that is the target ofthe Action gains an extra point of Nerve on top of the normal two forevery Fire Team combining in the Action, so three points if one Fire

    Any Fire team successfully Rallied may then act normally on the next

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    Designing Infantry Fire TeamsSelecting the FireTeamsyou want touse inyourgames isan important

    Concept always work with the basic concept for your forces in mind when you

    Points Using points allows players to balance opposing forces making for a of your forces if you are designing them to recreate your favorite

    total points cost for a Fire Team, simply add the values from all the

    Choosing Quality soldiers? Of course any type of troop (apart from special forces) can

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    value of alien Fire Teams above 3, but it is not recommended to raise

    Nerve and Strength

    For alien Fire Teams you might want to consider raising or loweringthese values - are they mentally or physically tougher or weaker thanhumans? Reducing the values of Nerve and Strength reduces thetotal cost of the Fire Team by 2 points per point of reduction, raisingthese values increases the total points cost by 2 points per point of

    Move Allowance particularly fast or heavily armoured Fire Teams you might want to of a Fire Team reduces the total points cost by 2 points per pointof reduction, raising the value increases the total points cost by 2 point of Jump Move allowance, multiplied by the number of times

    Selecting FirepowerFirepower represents the ability of a Fire Team to strike a target, and consider the following as a good guideline for designing your own

    Untrained 1

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    Trained 2

    Highly Trained 3Expert 4

    to some extent you are unlikely to get elites who are untrained in

    actual description of the weaponry (laser, slug thrower, blaster etc) are guidelines, so feel free to alter these values up and down to

    Archaic (bows, javelins) +1Small arms +2

    Assault weapons +4 Infantry support +5

    Selecting Range for the sake of making a playable game consider the following Range

    Archaic or thrown (bows, javelins) 4Small arms 4

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    Assault weapons 6 Infantry support 7

    Again these values are only guidelines, feel free to alter them to suit

    Selecting Ranged Damage your concept when considering this value, and resist the temptationto make your Fire Teams as nasty as you can!

    Archaic (bows, javelins) 2Small arms 2 Assault weapons 4 Infantry support 5

    Selecting Assault StrengthLike Firepower, Assault strength represents just how nasty your

    Untrained 1

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    Trained 2

    Highly Trained 3Expert 4

    to some extend you are unlikely to get elites who are untrained in

    Similarly to ranged combat weapons, when thinking of melee combat

    description of the weaponry (knife, sword, power axe etc) depends

    Unarmed +0Small hand weapons +1Hand weapons +2Large hand weapons +3Powered hand weapons +5

    Selecting Assault Damage

    Unarmed 1Small hand weapons 2Hand weapons 3Large hand weapons 4Powered hand weapons 5

    These values can be adjusted up or down to represent different

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    Selecting ResilienceValues of Resilience represent how good the Fire Team is at keeping

    Recruits 1Regulars 2Elites 3

    to some extend you are unlikely to get elites who are unfamiliar

    Like Firepower and Assault strength, we can categorise armour into plastisteel, power-suit etc) depends on the background of the game

    Unarmoured +0Light armour +1Medium armour +2Heavy armour +3Powered armour +5

    The following section describes an example background for your

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    forces described has some example Fire Teams with total points

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    the addition of a few vehicles on either side can really make for an additions and amendments to the main rules system however, the

    Vehicle Fire teams and are considered inseparable - the crew cannot act outside of cannot be suppressed and do not lose Nerve as a result of Assault!

    Vehicle QualityVehicles, like other Fire Teams, are described as either recruit,

    Vehicle Actions

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    Name: __________ Total points cost:_______


    Movement type:__________

    Acceleration:____________ (Image of unit)


    Max Speed: _____________Rough ground:___________

    Capacity:______Fire Teams




    Type (V/I) ?: (1)_______(2)________

    Fire Power: (1)_______(2)________

    Range: (1)_______(2)________

    Ranged Damage: (1)_______(2)________

    Area?: (1)_______(2)________

    Indirect?: (1)_______(2)________

    Assault Strength: (1)_______(2)________

    Assault Damage: (1)_______(2)________

    Arcs (F, RS, LS, R): (1)_______(2)________

    Other info:

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    Vehicle Facing facing but can reverse through their rear facing at half their Max


    Side (RS)

    Front (F)

    Rear (R)


    Side (LS)

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    Vehicle Movement Describing vehicle movement is considerably more complex than themethod others e s a mayand iscussed

    Vehicle MovementOne of the major differences between infantry and vehicles is in the T on the other hand will move even when an Action marker with a move unless a vehicle plays a movement Action, it will continue to travel

    such as Fire!


    select any Speed up to the Max Speed value for their vehicles but the selected for a vehicle it will continue to move at that Speed each and Be sure to keep a note of the Speed of vehicles as they change

    AccelerationAs well as a Max Move allowance, all vehicles also have a Acceleration

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    The first value indicates how much Speed can be raised, the second

    For example, a vehicle has a current Speed of 10, a Max Speed of

    ManoeuvrabilityUnlike changing speed, a vehicle may change direction for free

    tank might have a Manoeuvrability of 1 allowing it to make onlya single turn in a phase, whereas a bike may have a value of 3, n the Manoeuvrability value may not be exceeded even if the vehicle


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    CrashingShould a vehicle crash into any solid obstruction, it immediately halts crashing from tree line altitude have their current Speed doubled for from blue sky altitude the Speed is trebled with a minimum value of

    Movement Types types of terrain as rough or impassable ground and can travel overrough ground safely at different Speeds, as shown in the table

    set in stone, but give a good indication of how various vehicle types

    Max Speed and Terrain move as normal over rough ground and do not need to spend two

    maximum safe Speed that the vehicle can use in a phase where it vehicle attempts to cross rough ground at a higher Speed than themaximum value for rough ground, it immediately slows to the rough

    with a rough ground value of 5 attempts to cross rough ground while 5 5

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    Impassable ground for any given movement type is just that -

    Movement type Rough ground Impassable

    Walker Hills, steep hills Woods, cliffs

    marsh, streams

    Light wheeled Off road, Hills Woods, steep hills

    (i.e. car) marsh, streams

    Heavy wheeled Hills Woods, steep hills

    (i.e. hummer) marsh, streams

    Hover craft -NA- Woods, steep hills

    Light tracked Steep hills Woods, streams,

    (i.e. APC) marsh

    Heavy tracked Steep hills, streams Woods, marsh

    (i.e. tank)

    Antigrav Steeps hills Woods

    VTOL -NA- -NA-

    Bikes: small vehicles such as bikes of any movement type count

    woods as rough ground

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    Walker MovementVehicles classed aswalkers are the exception to the vehicle movement Also, they do not suffer damage for crossing rough ground at speed

    VTOL Movement land safely a VTOL craft must have a Speed of zero, otherwise it will

    Movement type Max Speed Rough ground

    Walker 6 3

    Light wheeled 40 5

    Heavy wheeled 30 15

    Hover craft 25 10

    Light tracked 25 10

    Heavy tracked 20 10

    Antigrav 30 20

    VTOL 30 -NA-

    Note: all speeds are in inches

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    s, known as

    Increasing altitude level by one (ground to tree line, tree line to

    Transporting Fire Teams have the capacity

    Fire Teams may enter a vehicle as long as it has a Speed value of Teams may not act and do not need to have Action markers placed

    may exit vehicles with Speed values of three or less by using a Move

    If passengers are present in a vehicle that is destroyed, they suffer a placed in base to base contact with the destroyed vehicle by their

    the passengers are assumed to have escaped the vehicle to safety in

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    Vehicles in Combat

    Combat between vehicles and infantry and between two vehicles forced to retreat or otherwise move as a result of combat, and never

    Infantry and Vehicle Weapons weapons (by Firepower, Range and Ranged damage value) but are

    Infantry weapons can be used against vehicles and vehicle weapons

    Vehicle weapons against infantry: -5 to Firepower, +3 to

    Ranged damage

    Infantry weapons against Vehicles: +3 to Firepower or Assault

    strength, -3 to Ranged or Assault


    If the Ranged damage of an infantry weapon is reduced to zero

    or below by this modifier, then a value of 1 is used. However,

    higher multiples of damage do not apply in this case - the

    maximum damage that may be applied to the vehicle is 1

    regardless of the attackers Firepower roll.

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    Firing Arcs

    Relative MovementEngaging in ranged combat from a moving platform or targetting a The value of the penalty is dependent on the relative speeds of the

    To determine the relative speeds of the attacker and target:

    If the attacker and target are moving directly away from each

    other, add their Speeds together.

    If the attacker and target are moving directly toward each

    other, subtract the lower Speed from the largest Speed.

    If the attacker and target are moving parallel to each other, use

    the largest Speed.

    Note: infantry that are not using a Move and fire Action have

    a Speed of zero, otherwise Speed equals their expended Move


    Then adjust the Firepower of the attacker based on the relative


    Relative speed 0 - 6: no penalty to Firepower

    Relative speed 7 - 14: -3 to attackers Firepower

    Realtive speed 15 - 21: -6 to attackers Firepower

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    VTOLs Versus Ground Forces VTOL is at blue sky altitude both the ground forces and the VTOL

    Assault! Actions Against VehiclesAssault! Actions against vehicles can only be performed if the vehicle equal to In a single round of their attack using the normal Assault! rules and Speed of the vehicle increase above 4 all Assault! Actions must stop

    Vehicle StrengthVehicles have a Strength value just like infantry that indicates how vehicles also suffer critical hits that may restrict their capabilities on the value If the takes the it will

    the vehicle suffer a second critical, a second roll is made with a +5 (so +5 for the second critical hit, +10 for the third, +15 for the

    Should a roll produce a result that cannot be applied (either becausethe described component does not exist or has already been damaged

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    Running Down Infantry running down an enemy Fire Team is dependent on the state of the

    Roll one ten sided dice. Modify a 2nd roll by +5, 3rd by +10 etc.

    Roll Result Effect

    1-3 No effect The critical has no effect

    4-5 Engine Vehicle Max Move allowance is halved

    (round up), current movement slows tonew maximum if exceeded

    6-7 Weapon One weapon is rendered inoperative

    8-9 Steering Manoeuverability is reduced to 1

    10-11 Passengers One Fire Team on board is killed

    12-13 Steering The vehicle continues in a straight line

    and crashes unless movement is halted

    14-15 Crew The vehicle crew is killed, if moving over

    6 the vehicle crashes, otherwise halts

    16-17 Engine Engine destroyed, Speed drops to zeroand vehicle suffers damage equal to

    one third (round down) of Max Speed

    18+ Destroyed! The vehicle is destroyed

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    However they do not lose any unresolved Action markers they may m immediately lose that marker and therefore do not act in that phase, they are unable to get out of the way and are struck by the vehicle,


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    Designing Vehicles

    The design of vehicles follows a similar process to that of infantryFire T somekey you must mind that if you include vehicles on one side of your skirmish but award both forces a certain amount of points expenditure purely forpurchasing vehicles or at least ensure that infantry are carrying oneor two anti-vehicle weapons!

    infantry vehicle c

    Vehicle Concept machine from your imagination, consider not just how the vehicle Does it have a weakness? Is it fast and manoeuvrable or slow

    Points Cost for Vehicles

    Choosing Vehicle Quality

    Selecting Movement TypeThe movement type for a vehicle describes the manner in which

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    Light wheeled 5Heavy wheeled 15Hover craft 30Light tracked 20Heavy tracked 30Antigrav 50VTOL 75

    Walker 15

    Selecting Vehicle Max Speed the Max Speed may be altered above or below these values if desired,however the Max Speed of a vehicle cannot be increased above double the

    Selecting ManoeuvrabilityThe Manoeuvrability of a vehicle describes how easily it can move

    AccelerationThe Acceleration of a vehicle describes how fast the vehicle can

    may speed up in a phase) contributes 5 points to the total points

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    Nerve and Vehicles

    Selecting Vehicle StrengthThe Strength of the vehicle describes how sturdy the chassis is, withhigher values representing tougher machines that can take a lot of

    Bike 1Small civilian vehicle 3APC 5Light tank 8Heavy tank 12

    Selecting Vehicle ResilienceResilience indicates how resistant to damage a vehicle is, mainly following list may be used a guide for appropriate Resilience values

    Bike 3Small civilian vehicle 3

    APC 5Light tank 8Heavy tank 12

    CapacitySome vehicles are capable of transporting Fire Teams across the

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    Vehicle WeaponsVehicles can carry anti-personnel and anti-vehicle weapons; infantry

    Anti-personnel weapons mounted on vehicles are costed in exactlythe same way as infantry weapons as described in the section describe of anti-v

    Some anti-personnel and vehicle weapons mounted on vehicles are that selected arcs for a single weapon must be next to each other

    2 arcs - half cost3 arcs - two thirds cost4 arcs - full cost

    Selecting Anti-Vehicle FirepowerFirepower for an anti-vehicle weapons describes how likely theweapon is to hit and damage a vehicle, and has contributions from

    Low power (small solid projectile, grenade) 1

    High power (fusion round, focused energy beam) 4Very high power (antimatter round, grazer beam) 6

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    Poor +1Reasonable +2Quality +3Cutting edge +4

    A weapon with an Area of effect costs 10 additional points per point

    Selecting Anti-Vehicle Range most weapons will have a Range of around 15 (remembering that

    Ranged Damage assigning Ranged damage - think about just how effective it would

    Archaic 2Solid slug 3Explosive round 4Medium powered laser beam 5Fusion round 7

    Antimatter slug 8

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    The Second Sphere

    The Golden Age

    Opening the galaxy through the use of Faultliners, ships that couldtraverse faults in the membranes of hyperdimensional space and


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    The Faults threaded their precarious paths away from Sol in all

    directions, seeding new worlds and creating the Sphere, a vast Sphere grew to contain many thousands of worlds, a growing bubbleof human civilisation swelling in the galaxy and an amazing place of

    Over hundreds of years the Sphere grew so vast that the edge of such was the size of the Sphere and the distended nature of the

    The Separatists that they suffered a poorer standard of living than their Core-ward took on darker shades when some Separatist worlds tried to forcibly

    handed tactics with the Boundary worlds causing an escalation in

    The First Separatist WarThe war rumbled on for nearly one hundred years before reaching reach and the combatants more determined than their Core-ward

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    governments on the Core-ward worlds began to sympathise with theSeparatists, recognising the Boundary worlds desire for freedom asa mirror image of what they saw as their own suffering under the one of these Core worlds, Nexbakar, a plan was hatched that would

    The Instability PlotThe exact nature of the device is not known, but somehow theSeparatists managed to send an unstable construct through the local

    energy down the fault and destroying the terminal structure at the

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    instantaneously the entire system of faults collapsed, isolating every concentration of terminal structures girdled the Earth, the ensuing network destroyed the Separatists had achieved their aims and

    separated themselves from the Sphere, but they had brought down

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    The Age of IsolationAttempts to reopen the Sphere failed, the excess of energies at play each world was isolated in space, and without the Sphere every four hundred years, a dark age for humanity, a return to pre-Sphere

    worlds discovered that although they had lost all contact with the resources they had previously looked on with greedy eyes but dared

    RecoveryNear the end of the age of isolation, someworlds recovered portionsof

    were uncovered, remnants of the era immediately after the fall of remains of a damaged Faultliner that had escaped destruction when Using this discovery Milana began performing tentative experiments

    A New Dawn An early discovery was that what ever forces had sealed the faultshad relaxed presumably, the energies involved in the Instability

    following details recovered from the ancient vessel successfully Hydrans welcomed the appearance of their neighbours, and it

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    discovered that faults could only be travelled away from a terminal the fault to construct a terminal structure at Hydra, but those faultsthat linked Hydra to other neighbouring systems were one-way introduction of Milanan technology, it seemed that recreation of the

    Hydra and Milana reviewed their discoveries and made an historic mankind was destined rise from the ashes or disaster the Sphere they discovered and create new terminal structures, reconnecting

    All at Any CostThe Lords of Accord as the rulers of Hydra and Milana named were once members, as the short range of the faults meant that the doctrine was simple for the Second Sphere to grow, all the

    many worlds the chance to re-connect with the neighbours was wellreceived, and they aided the Accord technologists in constructing same light, preferring their isolation to what they saw as aggressive Accord, refusing to cooperate in allowing the Accord to build terminal

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    The Second Separatist war

    The Accord named those worlds that resisted joining them and thegrowing Second Sphere as Separatist, raising spectres of the past attempted to overthrow Separatist governments and instil their ownpuppets by direct force, paving the way for the construction of a forces sent through one-way faults had no way of communicating


    destroy strategic sites, resources and individualswithin the Separatist

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    be followed by a full-scale invasion, with dropships reigning down terminal structure would be built, and the process of growth would


    Fire, Storm and SteelThe military forces of the Accord across the Boundary are known as typically made far out from the target world at ninety-degrees to the As the Faultliner makes its silent entry into the system a searchis carried out for a rocky world near the target planet, to act as a Warriors are used to perform small, contained operations againstthe Separatist regime, striking at key resources or personnel and By weakening resolve and removing key military targets, especiallyspaceports and other defences that could pose a threat to Storm,

    Storm performs three main tasks neutralising Separatist space

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    forces, constructing and maintaining the terminal structure that will

    of Steel, the combined infantry and armoured ground force of the

    FireThe Accord military has at its command the technologies of the

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    grenades, Photonic weapons such as the long-range glow guns andclose assault acoustic weapons make up common Accord military

    Flame Warriors are fairly uniform across the massive expanse of the Flame Warriors are also predominantly human, as non-humans areconsidered non-native to the Sphere (despite where their homeworlds may be located), which is considered human space by

    power-armoured troops are also fairly common where hitting a target

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    There follows some examples of a variety of Flame Warriors employed

    Name: _Fire Warrior Total points cost:_152___


    Move allowance: _6_____Jump Move allowance:_6/2 (Image of unit)






    Type (V/I): (1)_I___(2)_V_____(3)_I____

    Fire Power: (1)_5___(2)_4____(3)______ Range: (1)_6___(2)_2____(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_3___(2)_4____(3)______

    Area?: (1)_NA__(2)_1____(3)______

    Indirect?: (1)_NA__(2)_Y____(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)______(3)_4____

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)______(3)_3____

    Other info: Weapons (in order) - Shardcarbine, Photonic grenades, blade, Ceramic


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    Name: _Fire Warrior Total points cost:_132__


    Move allowance: _6_____

    Jump Move allowance:_NA (Image of unit)





    Type (V/I): (1)_I___(2)_I_____(3)______

    Fire Power: (1)_5___(2)______(3)______

    Range: (1)_6___(2)______(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_3___(2)______(3)______ Area?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Indirect?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)_5____(3)______

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)_5____(3)______

    Other info: Weapons (in order) - Shard pistol,

    Power blade, Powered armour

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    of the action

    Name: _Accord Transport_ Total points cost:_329__


    Movement type:__VTOL___

    Acceleration:__3/6_______ (Image of unit)


    Max Speed: __30_________Rough ground:__-NA-_____

    Capacity:__2___Fire Teams




    Type (V/I) ?: (1)__V_____(2)__I_____

    Fire Power: (1)__2_____(2)__6_____ Range: (1)__10____(2)__6_____

    Ranged Damage: (1)__3_____(2)__4_____

    Area?: (1)__N_____(2)__N____

    Indirect?: (1)__N_____(2)__N____

    Assault Strength: (1)________(2)________

    Assault Damage: (1)________(2)________

    Arcs (F, RS, LS, R): (1)_F,RS.LS__(2)F,RS.LS, R

    Other info:

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    SeparatistsThe Boundary covers a vast area of space and the forces of theregimes labelled Separatists by the Accord are as many and varied in the First Sphere have been closed for hundreds of years, with the dominate the worlds that made up the First Sphere, but aliens are

    have completely fallen to other races, whereas in others humans and

    Examples of Separatist forces shall be presented when we look at

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    Vespers Separatist World in the334/221 Sector of the Boundary

    The world known as Vespers was once a powerful and technologically the original earth, Vespers is a beautiful planet with a rice ecospherethathassurvived biological and radioactive contamination remarkably after the collapse of the original fault lines, soon falling to barbarism

    decades Vespers has dragged itself out of the mire of degeneracyto regain some small token of its former glory, mainly through the

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    Vespers is a geologically complex world, with an active core and a Smaller than Earth, Vespers has a similar atmosphere and climate are many and varied, and have survived well despite the widespread areas on the largest continent are devoid of life, having never Most cities are positioned in the temperate and tropical zones well

    away from enduring bioagents, the arctic zones being considered too

    Populace manipulation from the early years of isolation have left their mark -many men are sterile, and shortened lifetimes and mental instability

    from the technological ages of Vespers survive in normal society, but are deeply religious, following the teachings of Zerce, a prophetesswho preached her ascetic mesasage just under one hundred years

    GovernmentVespers has had many forms of government since the collapse ofthe First Sphere, but the current system has proved to be the most maintain their position through religious authority and their access of the world through secretive Holy Councils, the Abbesses havesteered their people through the dark years and re-established does occur between the Sisterhoods, usually relating to schisms

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    in religious doctrine, but these actions are highly ritualised and

    legitimise their authority through their possession of relics relatingto the life of Zerce, to the masses the possession of these relics is an These areas have resisted the attention of the Abbesses due to thelarge caches of First Sphere technology that have been found hidden

    MilitaryEach of the Sisterhoods of Vespers has their own private army

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    Latherite communes have few soldiers, instead depending on their

    Name: _Martyr___ Total points cost:_90___


    Move allowance: _6_____

    Jump Move allowance:_NA (Image of unit)




    Nerve:_4______________ Weapons.........

    Type (V/I): (1)_I___(2)_I_____(3)______

    Fire Power: (1)_7___(2)______(3)______

    Range: (1)_5___(2)______(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_4___(2)______(3)______

    Area?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Indirect?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)_4____(3)______

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)_4____(3)______

    Other info: Weapons (in order) - Shard

    assault rifle, Relic blade, Heavy ceramic


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    Name: _Penitent__ Total points cost:_105___


    Move allowance: _6_____

    Jump Move allowance:_NA (Image of unit)





    Type (V/I): (1)_I___(2)_V_____(3)_I____

    Fire Power: (1)_4___(2)_5____(3)______

    Range: (1)_5___(2)_2____(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_3___(2)_3____(3)______

    Area?: (1)_NA__(2)_1____(3)______

    Indirect?: (1)_NA__(2)_Y____(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)______(3)_2____

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)______(3)_1____

    Other info: Weapons (in order) - Grazer rifle,

    Cluster grenades, small blade, Plate armour

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    Name: _Sisterhood tank_ Total points cost:_350__


    Movement type:__Hv. track_

    Acceleration:__3/10_______ (Image of unit)


    Max Speed: __20_________Rough ground:__10______

    Capacity:__1___Fire Teams




    Type (V/I) ?: (1)__V_____(2)__I_____

    Fire Power: (1)__8_____(2)__5_____ Range: (1)__15____(2)__8_____

    Ranged Damage: (1)__5_____(2)__3_____

    Area?: (1)__N_____(2)__N____

    Indirect?: (1)__N_____(2)__N____

    Assault Strength: (1)________(2)________

    Assault Damage: (1)________(2)________

    Arcs (F, RS, LS, R): (1)F,RS.LS, R_(2)F,RS.LS, R

    Other info:

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    Accord Activities on Vespers and lay blame at the feet of rival Sisterhoods, in the hope that these

    recognised this strategy and are aware of Accord forces, but areunwilling to release the knowledge for fear of causing widespread

    making clandestine attacks against major military and politicalinstallations, laying the preparations to eliminate these resources at

    The SkaldeConsiderably complicating activities on Vespers has been the

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    on Vespers some thirty years previous to the arrival of the Accord,

    The origin of the Skalde is unknown, although none of the worldsin the system appear capable of supporting their biology, leading in number, the Skalde use uplifted animals as their shock troops,genetically manipulating native species for their own purposes genetic work has been the primates originally introduced into the

    Skalde is the name that the uplifted soldiers use when referring genetic creations closely resemble the pre isolation-era upliftedspecies that were created at the height of the First Sphere, leading

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    appearance the Skalde have been making concentrated attacks in breeding uplifted soldiers on-site at prodigious rates to secure their strategic analyses have determined that the Skalde are attempting

    to control the sources of various rare elements on the planet for their

    advanced projectile weapons operating on obscure principles of power weapons and projectile weapons, favouring crude destructive transports caable of dropping of their Uplift slaves right at the front

    The following examples of Skalde and uplift troopers might be

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    Name: _Skalde____ Total points cost:_70___


    Move allowance: _8_____

    Jump Move allowance:_NA (Image of unit)





    Type (V/I): (1)_I___(2)_I_____(3)______

    Fire Power: (1)_7___(2)______(3)______

    Range: (1)_6___(2)______(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_4___(2)______(3)______ Area?: (1)_1___(2)______(3)______

    Indirect?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)_1____(3)______

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)_1____(3)______

    Other info: Weapons (in order) - Plasma

    caster, Heavy enviromental suit

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    Name: _Uplift_____ Total points cost:_85___


    Move allowance: _6_____

    Jump Move allowance:_NA (Image of unit)





    Type (V/I): (1)_I___(2)_I_____(3)______

    Fire Power: (1)_5___(2)______(3)______

    Range: (1)_5___(2)______(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_4___(2)______(3)______

    Area?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Indirect?: (1)_NA__(2)______(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)_7____(3)______

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)_5____(3)______

    Other info: Weapons (in order) - Sonic

    assault rifle, Powered blade, Metallic alloy


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    Name: _Skalde APC___ Total points cost:_314__


    Movement type:__Hover___

    Acceleration:__3/8________ (Image of unit)


    Max Speed: __25_________Rough ground:__10______

    Capacity:__3___Fire Teams




    Type (V/I) ?: (1)__V_____(2)__I_____ Fire Power: (1)__4_____(2)__3_____

    Range: (1)__10____(2)__6_____

    Ranged Damage: (1)__3_____(2)__2_____

    Area?: (1)__1_____(2)__N____

    Indirect?: (1)__N_____(2)__N____

    Assault Strength: (1)________(2)________

    Assault Damage: (1)________(2)________

    Arcs (F, RS, LS, R): (1)_F,RS.LS_(2)_F,RS.LS__

    Other info:

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    Wildfire on Vespers covert war of the Accord on Vespers, against Separatists and Skalde

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    Name: __________ Total points cost:_______


    Move allowance: _______

    Jump Move allowance:___ (Image of unit)





    Type (V/I): (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Fire Power: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Range: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Ranged Damage: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Area?: (1)_____(2)______(3)______ Indirect?: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Assault Strength: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Assault Damage: (1)_____(2)______(3)______

    Other info:

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    Name: __________ Total points cost:_______


    Movement type:__________

    Acceleration:____________ (Image of unit)


    Max Speed: _____________

    Rough ground:___________

    Capacity:______Fire Teams




    Type (V/I) ?: (1)_______(2)________

    Fire Power: (1)_______(2)________ Range: (1)_______(2)________

    Ranged Damage: (1)_______(2)________

    Area?: (1)_______(2)________

    Indirect?: (1)_______(2)________

    Assault Strength: (1)_______(2)________

    Assault Damage: (1)_______(2)________

    Arcs (F, RS, LS, R): (1)_______(2)________

    Other info:

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